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Green Rating





Achieve d

SSPrerequisi te1 SS Credit1 SS Credit2

Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Prerequisit Achieve e d 1 point 5 point 1 point 4 point

Site Selection Development Density and Community Connectivity Brownfield Redevelopment Alternative Transportation Public Transportation Access Alternative Transportation Bicycle storage and Changing Room Alternative Transportation- Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Alternative Transportation Parking Capacity Site Development- Protect or Restore Habitat Site Development- Maximize Open Space Storm water Design-Quantity Control Storm water Design-Quality Control Heat Island Effect- Non Roof Heat Island Effect- Roof Light pollution Reduction Achieved Point out of 26 Point

SS Credit3 SS Credit4.1

1 point 6 point

1 point 4 point

SS Credit4.2


1 point

SS Credit4.3


Not achived 2 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1point

SS Credit4.4 SS Credit5.1 SS Credit5.2 SS Credit6.1 SS Credit6.2 SS Credit7.1 SS Credit7.2 SS Credit8

2 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1point 1point

1point = 20Point






WE Prerequisite1 WECredit1 WECredit2

Water Use Reduction Water Efficient Landscaping Innovative Wastewater Technologies Water Use reduction Achieved Point out of 10 Point

Prerequisite 2-4 point 2 point

Prerequisite 3 point 1 point


2-4 point

3point = 7 Point

Calculation and Facts

SSPrerequisite1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

No calculation is need. During the construction stage should have to control soil erosion waterway sedimentation and air born dust generation to minimize the pollution. In our project we plan to adopt below criteria to our project, During construction stage prevent from soil erosion by air and storm. Wetting site area to control dust and have stock pile system to minimize soil erosion by storm. Stabilize site from erosion having stag system and turf areas Surrounding cannel bank stabilize from erosion with having stag system and cannel sediment trap with having silt fencing in the cannel. Having pond to collect storm water it will prevent suspended solid particle adding to the cannel. The pond will act like sediment basing Maintain site infiltration with having permeable asphalt pavement for road network and grid pavement system for parking areas and walk ways. Therefore site infiltration factor will more than 50%.

SS Credit1

Site Selection

No calculation is required for this credit. Under this part try to avoid the development of inappropriate site and reduce the environment impact from the location of a building. With below criteria we achieved allocate point.

Site area was already reclaimed land by one of government authority. That land is also has 1.5m below flood level for 50 year return period. This region(Battaramulla) reserved for have Government ministry building This area is already developed area with having basic needs bank, post office, Selection of building shape and orientation considering incorporating passive features into the building

SS Credit2 Development Density and Community Connectivity

Development Density = 60000 ft2/acres

Gross Building Area Site Area

= 8486 m2 (91295.8) = 5058m2(1.25) =

=73,036.64 ft2/acres 60,000 ft2/acres

Therefore this requirement is achieved

SS Credit3 Brownfield Redevelopment

Our site is not previously used or not contaminated environmental site. Therefore it would not need remediating process for developed site area.

SS Credit4.1 Alternative Transportation Public Transportation Access

Within 0.27km distance from site can access to the Densiz Kobbekaduwa mawath Mawath bus route and 0.4km distance can access to Kaduwela road bus rout of 177.

SS Credit4.2 Alternative Transportation Bicycle storage and Changing Room

Have to plan parking area for bicycles for park around 50 bicycles to promote bicycles at the operation stage of the building and also have to plan sufficient changing room at the basement

SS Credit4.4 Alternative Transportation Parking Capacity

Plan to provide 85 parking lots to satisfying building regulation criteria. But out of these 85 plane to reserve 15lots (more than 10%) of parking area for car/van pooling.

SS Credit6.1 Storm water Design-Quantity Control

Having artificial pond middle of the land scape area - capacity of 45m3 to capture the storm water. With that pond plane reduce surface run off by 30% by capturing 70% of surface runoff. Plan to reduce total suspended solid amount 80% in captured run off water by having vegetated filter system.

SS Credit7.2 Heat Island Effect- Roof

To minimize the heat effect on roof area plan to have turf area about 582 m2 out of total roof area of 915.5 m2. Therefore turf area nearly 63 % (more than 50%) of total roof area.

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