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- Stromfels, The Shark God - Dangers of the Seas Stromfels is the Shark God of the Dangers of the Seas,

sometimes portrayed as an enraged savaged Manann or as a great shark. Stromfels is the sworn enemy of Manann and his followers, whereas Manann is at times a capricious and uncaring God, Stromfels is a far more malevolent deity who takes great delight as a predator who takes the lives of those who sail on the sea. As a god of the hazards of the sea, such as reefs, sharks and currents. Worship of Stromfels is outlawed throughout the mpire and the Wasteland, and is punisha!le !y death. "heologians often de!ate the nature of Stromfels, some claiming him to !e a primeval #orscan God, whilst others see him as an aspect of the $lood God. %ther scholars muse & never within earshot of a follower of Manann, of course & that the two Gods are one and the same, that Stromfels is merely an ancient aspect of Manann. 'riests of Manann vociferously disagree. (ollowers of Stromfels see things differently, however viewing their God neither as an aspect nor sect, !ut as Manann viewed as he truly is & Manann the Destroyer, the furious and un!ridled wrath of the sea. "he Shark god is as much reviled !y Manann)s cult in "ilea as it is elsewhere. Stromfels is worshipped !y the raiders of the Sea of *laws, !y wreckers along the coastal and river regions of the mpire, and !y pirates throughout the %ld World, especially in Sartosa where he is worshipped openly. While most pirates follow their other gods many find their comfort as followers of Stromfels. +t reassures them while at sea that the God of 'irates is also the God of Storms and they feel that praying to the altar of Stromfels !efore every voyage will make it profita!le to the ship and himself. "here is usually no acrimony a!out religions !etween the pirates !ecause gold always takes priority for them. "he rich seas of the coast of "ilea contain the Great Sharks that are sacred to the worship of Stromfels. "he pirates and wreckers of Sartosa !elieve in regularly sacrificing to him, attracting sharks to their ships with !loody lures !efore forcing prisoners to walk the plank whilst the crew chants prayers to their god. "hey see Stromfels as Manann the Destroyer who can produce huge swamping waves from ,uiet seas. Many "ileans see Stromfels as the outcast son of Manna, the voracious shark ever hungry, ever hunting.

Cult: Stromfels) followers are generally pirates, plunderers or other seafarers along the great rivers and coasts of the
%ld World. "he cult of Stromfels is outlawed in the mpire due to its criminal nature. $ut is openly worshipped in Sartosa, this is also the only place you can find a temple for him. A !eliever of Stromfels is not !y any means a priest -do to the religion !eing outlawed., !ut follows the same rules and states as the priest career. "hey are referred to as wreckers, do to their nature of lure ships to their destruction upon reefs, shoals and rocky coastlines, in order to plunder them.

Holidays: /is holidays are Mitterfruhl -spring e,uino0. the start of hunting season. Autumn e,uino0 for the start of
the storm season.

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