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Fourth Research Seminar Series in Political Philosophy

Rethinking Politics: the Work of Wendy Brown

Venue: Pavilion Parade, Staff Common Room (i) (ii) Reading Course: Septem er and !cto er "#$%

Workshop and Conference with Professor Wendy Brown& 'rand Parade& th ( )o*em er "#$%+, )o*em er "#$%

This research seminar, hosted by CAPPE and the Faculty of Arts, is aimed at staff and research students interested in contemporary politics, philosophy and critical theory Every year !e focus on a different theorist or issue, en"a"in" in a close critical readin" of their !or# $n previous years !e have read %adiou, Adorno and most recently &aclau This year our readin" of 'endy %ro!n(s !or# finishes !ith a !ee#) lon" !or#shop and conference bet!een the *th and the +th of ,ovember Professor %ro!n !ill lead a t!o day !or#shop, and then deliver a #ey note address for the conference -n this course !e !ill systematically read throu"h Professor %ro!n(s !or#, focusin" on .amon" other topics/ her criti0ue of the "endered nature of politics and political philosophy, her conceptualisation of democracy and po!er, her en"a"ement !ith the politics of the present, in li"ht of our !anin" 1faith( in modernity, her sustained criti0ue of liberal tolerance, and her account of !alls, in li"ht of the decline of soverei"n po!er 'e end the course !ith consideration of neoliberalism, as this !ill be one of the primary issues e2plored by Professor %ro!n durin" her visit to %ri"hton All members of the 3niversities of Susse2 and %ri"hton are !elcome to participate $f you !ould li#e to attend please email 4ar# 5evenney on md678bri"hton ac u# All sessions, other than the introductory !or#shop, !ill be held bet!een * 9:pm and 7 ::pm on 4onday evenin"s The course !ill be"in !ith a one day !or#shop, on Friday the ;:th of September A readin" pac# !ill be distributed to all participants

R-./0)' C!1RS- !1230)-penin" 'or#shop Session 6 Feminism and Political 2hought Friday ;:th of September, Pavilion Parade 6: ::)69 :: %ro!n, ', 1'here is the Se2 in Political Theory<( published in 'omen and Politics, Vol 7.6/, Sprin" 6=+7 %ro!n, ', 1'omen(s Studies 3nbound: Revolution, 4ournin", Politics( published in paralla2, ;::9, volume =, no, ;, pp 9)6> and available in Ed"e!or#: Critical Essays on ?no!led"e and Politics, Princeton 3niversity Press These t!o essays, !ritten decades apart, introduce #ey elements of %ro!n(s thou"ht, includin" her interest in soverei"n po!er, the "endered nature of politics and her criti0ue and rethin#in" of a politics of mournin"

&3,C@: 69 ::)6* ::
-penin" 'or#shop Session ; Wounded .ttachments Friday ;:th of September, Pavilion Parade, 6* ::)6> :: %ro!n, ' .6==>/ 1'ounded Attachments( chapter 9 in States of $nAury: Po!er and Freedom in &ate 4odernityB Princeton 3niversity Press %ro!n, ' .6==>/ 1The 4irror of Porno"rpahy( chapter * in States of $nAury: Po!er and Freedom in &ate 4odernityB Princeton 3niversity Press %ro!n, ' .6==>/ 1&iberalism(s Family Values( chapter > in States of $nAury: Po!er and Freedom in &ate 4odernityB Princeton 3niversity Press Session 9 Politics out of 4istory: -ngaging the 2rou led Precepts of 5odernity 4onday ;9rd of September, Pavilion Parade, 6> 9: ) 6= :: 5urin" the ne2t t!o sessions !e !ill en"a"e critically !ith %ro!n(s Politics out of @istory 'e !ill both e2amine the development of her ar"uments, and the readin"s of amon" others Freud, 4ar2 and ,ietCsche %ro!n, ' .;::6/ chapters 6)* 1Politics out of @istory, Princeton 3niversity Press, ;::6

Session * Politics out of 4istory: -ngaging the 2rou led Precepts of 5odernity 4onday 9:th of September, Pavilion Parade, 6> 9:)6= :: %ro!n, ' .;::6/ chapters D)7 in 1Politics out of @istory, Princeton 3niversity Press, ;::6B Session D Politics and6as Critical 2heory 4onday 7th of -ctober, Pavilion Parade 6> 9:)6= ::, %ro!n, ' .;::D/ 1At the Ed"e: The Future of Political Theory( in Ed"e!or#: Critical Essays on ?no!led"e and Politics, Princeton 3niversity Press %ro!n, ' .;::D/ 13ntimeliness and Punctuality: Critical Theory in 5ar# Times( in Ed"e!or#: Critical Essays on ?no!led"e and Politics, Princeton 3niversity Press Session > 2olerance and the Politics of -mpire 4onday 6*th of -ctober, Pavilion Parade 6> 9: ) 6= :: %ro!n, ' .;::>/,(Tolerance as a 5iscourse of 5epoliticisation( in Re"ulatin" Aversion: Tolerance in the A"e of $dentity and Empire, Princeton 3niversity Press %ro!n, ' .;::>/(SubAect of Tolerance: 'hy 'e Are Civilised and They Are the %arbarians( in Re"ulatin" Aversion: Tolerance in the A"e of $dentity and Empire, Princeton 3niversity Press Session 7 Walled States and Waning So*ereignty Session $ 4onday ;6st of -ctober, Pavilion Parade 6> 9: ) 6= :: 5urin" this session !e read %ro!ns recent publication 'alled states and 'anin" Soverei"nty @ere %ro!n e2plores the apparent contradiction bet!een the increased assertion of soverei"n po!er in the buildin" of !alls across the "lobe, !hich she reads as simultaneously indicative of the decline, and conse0uent reformulation, of soverei"n political po!er %ro!n, ' .;:6:/ 'alled States, 'anin" Soverei"nty, ,e! Eor#, Fone %oo#s

Session + What is )eoli eralism7 4onday ;+th of -ctober, Pavilion Parade, 6> 9:)6= :: -ur last seminar !ill discuss %ro!n(s recent !or# on neoliberalism Professor %ro!n is currently completin" a publication about neoliberalism She has been actively involved in campai"ns a"ainst the outsourcin" of all aspects of academic life, and !hen in %ri"hton she !ill tal# about neoliberal politics, as !ell as its conse0uences for the future of the 3niversity %ro!n, ' 1,eoliberalism and the End of &iberal 5emocracy( in Theory and Event, volume 7, issue 6 .available online/ %ro!n, ' 1American ,i"htmare: ,eoliberalism, ,eo)conservatism, and 5e) 5emocratiCation( in Political Theory, ;::>, 9* 5!)/.8 (th of )!9-5B-R :FR0/.8 ,th of )!9-5B-R W!R;S4!P .)/ C!)F-R-)C- W024 PR!F-SS!R W-)/8 BR!W) 'R.)/ P.R./-& 1)09-RS028 !F BR0'42!)

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