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Will the Republicans or Democrats win the Presidential election?

– The
Moon Dispositor theory.

I recently discovered a simple method to predict which party will win the
American Presidential election in the year in question. The method is based on
the following theory:

Jupiter represents the Republican party

Saturn represents the Democratic party

If we follow the dispositor trail of the Moon on inauguration day, if it

ends with Jupiter, A Republican is inaugurated. If Saturn, a Democrat.

In the 20 inaugurations from January 20th 1933 (the first time the inauguration
was at noon on January 20th, Washington D.C) to January 20th 2009, the method
worked 16 times (4 out of 5 elections correct).

It did not work in 1973 (Nixon), 1981 and 1985 (Reagan) and 2005 (Bush) - Note
that where it did not work, a Democrat was predicted but a Republican won. Why
didn’t it work for those years? I would suggest for Nixon and Reagan, it didn’t
work because both men had Saturn ruling important planets /angles in their natal
chart making Saturn more a representative of them individually rather than the
Democratic party (Nixon had both luminaries ruled by Saturn, Reagan had his Asc
in Capricorn with Mercury and Mars present, Sun in Aquarius) - but that would
need more research to verify. For Bush's second inauguration the Moon in Gemini
went to Mercury in Capricorn to Saturn in Cancer, ending the trail. When Saturn
ends the trail, A Democrat is usually inaugurated. However, looking at Bush's own
natal chart we see the Sun and Saturn in Cancer, making him more "in tune" with
the inauguration chart than John Kerry.

1933: Moon in Scorpio goes to Mars in Virgo to Mercury in Capricorn to Saturn in

Aquarius. Saturn = Democrat. This was Roosevelt’s first inauguration.

1937: Moon in Taurus goes to Venus in Pisces to Jupiter in Capricorn to Saturn in

Pisces and back to Jupiter in Capricorn. Saturn = Democrat. This was Roosevelt’s
2nd inauguration. This would have been judgement call as both Saturn and Jupiter
are in mutual reception. My reasons for picking Saturn over Jupiter are:
1) Jupiter is in detriment in Capricorn and Saturn is not debilitated in Pisces.
2) Taurus always rises at noon on the 20th of January in Washington D.C,
placing Saturn in the 11th house (succedent) and Jupiter in the 9th (cadent)

1941: Moon in Scorpio goes to Mars in Sagittarius to Jupiter in Taurus to Venus

in Aquarius to Saturn in Taurus. Venus and Saturn are in mutual reception.
Saturn = Democrat. Roosevelt was inaugurated for a third term.

1945: Moon in Aries goes to Mars exalted in Capricorn to Saturn in Cancer and
back to the Moon. No Jupiter involvement. Saturn = Democrat. Roosevelt was
inaugurated for a fourth term.

1949: Moon in Libra goes to Venus in Capricorn to Saturn in Virgo to Mercury in

Aquarius. Saturn = Democrat. Truman defied widespread predictions of defeat
and was re-elected.

1953: Moon in Aries goes to Mars in Pisces to Jupiter in Taurus to Venus in

Pisces. Jupiter and Venus are in mutual reception. Jupiter = Republican.
1957: Moon in Virgo goes to Mercury in Capricorn to Saturn in Sagittarius to to
Jupiter in Libra to Venus in Capricorn back to Saturn in Sagittarius to Jupiter in
Libra. This would be difficult to judge as the dispositor trail goes to Saturn and
Jupiter twice. Both are in mixed reception – Jupiter receives Saturn into his
exaltation (Libra) and Saturn receives Jupiter into his domicile (Sagittarius).
Because Jupiter “wins” in reception, he is picked. Jupiter = Republican.
Eisenhower’s 2nd inauguration.

1961: Moon in Pisces goes to Jupiter in Capricorn to Saturn in Capricorn.

Saturn = Democrat. Kennedy was inaugurated.

1965: Moon in Virgo goes to Mercury in Capricorn to Saturn in Pisces to Jupiter in

Taurus to Venus in Capicorn and back to Saturn. Saturn is received into his
domicile by Venus, who is received into her exaltation. Saturn = Democrat. LBJ’s
second inauguration.

1969: Moon in Pisces goes to Jupiter in Libra to Venus in Pisces and back to
Jupiter. No Saturn involvement. Jupiter = Republican. Nixon’s first inauguration.

1973#: Moon in Leo goes to Sun in Aquarius. Sun and Saturn are in mutual
reception. Continuing the dispositor trail we still get Saturn. Saturn = Democrat.
First miss – Nixon (Republican) was re-elected.

1977: Moon in Aquarius goes to Saturn in Leo goes to the Sun in Aquarius. Sun
and Saturn are in mutual reception. Saturn = Democrat. Jimmy Carter’s first (and
last) inauguration.

1981#: Moon in Libra goes to Sun in Aquarius to a Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in

Libra to Venus in Capricorn. Saturn = Democrat. Second miss. Reagan
(Republican) was inaugurated. (interestingly Reagan is to date the oldest man to
become President and Saturn is associated with the elderly)

1985#: Moon in Capricorn goes Saturn in Scorpio to Mars in Pisces to Jupiter in

Capricorn back to Saturn. Jupiter is received into his domicile by Mars, and Mars
receives Jupiter into his exaltation. Although there are factors in favour of Jupiter,
Saturn ends the dispositor trail so I’m counting this as a miss. Reagan
inaugurated again.

1989: Jupiter in Taurus is received into his exaltation by the Moon in Cancer.
Jupiter = Republican. The elder Bush’s first and last inauguration.

1993: Moon in Capricorn goes to Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn = Democrat. Bill

Clinton’s first inauguration.

1997: Moon in Gemini goes to Mercury in Capricorn to Saturn in Aries to Mars in

Libra to Venus in Capricorn. No Jupiter involvement. Saturn = Democrat. Clinton’s
second inauguration.

2001: Moon in Sagittarius goes to Jupiter in Gemini to Mercury in Aquarius to

Saturn in Taurus to Venus in Pisces and back to Jupiter. Jupiter = Republican. The
second Bush’s first inauguration.

2005#: Moon in Gemini goes to Mercury in Capricorn to Saturn in Cancer and

back to the Moon. The 4th miss. Saturn = Democrat. Bush (Republican) was
inaugurated again.
2009: Moon in Scorpio goes to Mars exalted in Capricorn to Saturn in Virgo and
back to Mercury in Aquarius. Trail ended with Saturn and a Democrat was indeed

The upcoming five elections:

2013: Moon in Taurus goes to Venus in Sagittarius to Jupiter in Gemini to

Mercury in Aquarius to Saturn in Scorpio to Mars in Aquarius (Saturn/Mars mutual
reception). A Democrat would be predicted here.

2017: Moon in Scorpio goes to Mars in Pisces goes to Jupiter in Libra goes to
Venus in Pisces and back to Jupiter. A Republican would be predicted here.

2021: Moon in Aries goes to Mars in Taurus goes to Venus in Sagittarius to

Jupiter in Aquarius to Saturn in Aquarius. Reception brings some uncertainty here
(Jupiter received by Venus who is herself received into her exaltation by the
Moon). Difficult to call, but a Democrat seems more likely.

2025: Moon in Libra goes to Venus in Pisces goes to Jupiter in Gemini to Mercury
in Capricorn to Saturn in Pisces back to Jupiter. A Republican would be predicted

2029: Moon in Aries goes to Mars in Libra goes to Venus in Capricorn to Saturn in
Taurus (Venus/Saturn mutual reception). A Democrat would be predicted here.

After 2013, the prediction is that no President will serve two terms (up to 2029);
although possible I believe this to be unlikely. Statistically, at least 1 of the above
may be incorrect based on the past success rate of 80%. The examples of Nixon,
Reagan and Bush where the method did not work show that it is also important to
consider the candidates own natal chart so the above outlook from 2013 to 2029
is by no means a definitive prediction, but rather a preliminary outlook.
Interested readers may also see if this method works in other situations, for
example will a Democrat or Republican be inaugurated governor of a certain
state? Does it indicate which party will control congress and so on.

Mr Stellium, September 2009.

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