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v=P9vVQuZFnXo SENTENCE (KALIMAT) Syarat kalimat : [Wajib terdiri dari Subject 'SUBJEK' dan 'VERB' Contoh : I work | She works | The car in the garage is mine The man with the black jacket is my Father The man who is standing before the door is my father

ATURAN ATURAN DALAM SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------1.) # Jika subjek tunggal maka kata kerja tunggal # Jika subjek jamak maka kata kerja jamak Contoh : a My brother is a nutritionist b My Sisters are mathematisians * Indefinite Pronoun / kata ganti tidak jelas (kata ganti orang) Kata ganti (tunggal) : ~ Everyone ~ Someone ~ Anyone ~ No body ~ No one Contoh : a Everyone has done his/her homework b Somebody has left her purse c Nobody is in the room * Pengecualian untuk kata All, Some, dan None Kata - kata tersebut bisa bersifat tunggal ataupun jamak tergantung pada ka ta benda yang mengikutinya, apakah dapat dihitung atau tidak atau apakah jamak atau tungg al * Jika subject tunggal maka kata kerja yang mengikutinya adalah (singular v erb) * Juka subject jamak maka kata kerja yang mengikutinya adalah (plural verb) Contoh : a Some of the books are missing b Some of the water is gone c None of the students are in the class d None of the food is fresh * Pengkhususan untuk kata Each Kata Each selalu menjadikan "subject tunggal" 'apapun kata benda yang mengi kutinya baik

bersifat tunggal maupun jamak' selalu diikuti dengan singular verb. Contoh : a Each of the students is responsible fo his/her home work b Each of the cars has different color 2.) Phrase Together with, As well as, Along with Kata Together with, As well as, dan Along with tidak memiliki arti yang sama dengan 'and'. phrase tersebut tidak menambahkan/menjumlahkan subject. Contoh : a The mayor, as well as his brothers, is going to prison b The mayor and his brothers are going to jail c My friends, together with Rani are at school d The Politician, along with the newsmen, is expected 3.) Subject yang terpisah dari kata kerja / Appositives Kadang subject tidak diikuti oleh kata kerja. diantara subject dan verb disisipi penjelas subject Contoh : The mayor, who has been convicted along with hisfour brothers on four co unts at various crime bur who alsoseems, like a cat to have saveral politician live, is finally going to jail 4.) Adjective Clause / kata yang mensifati kata ganti : ~ Who ~ Which ~ That kata tersebut bisa menjadi tunggal atau jamak tergantung pada subject Contoh : Salma is the scientist, who writes the report He is one of the men, who does the work 5.) Either + or dan Neither nor Kata tersebut tidak menambahkan atau menggabungkan subject. Untuk menentukan subject - verb agreement bergantung ada subject yang letaknya paling dekat dengan verb Contoh : Neither my brother nor my father is going to sell the home Are either My Brothers or my father responsible? * Either and Neither kata tersebut adalah singular dan mmerlukan singular verb Contoh Neither of the two traffic light is working Either of us is capable of doing the job

Which shirt do you want for chrismas? Either is fine with me 6.) Pseudo Subject (Subject yang tersembunyi) Kata Here dan There buknlan subject. 'subject' muncul setelah kata kerja [ve rb] Contoh : There is no reason for this Here are two apples There are two reasons for this Here is the key

7.) Third part is singular(orang ketiga tunggal){He, She, it, Nama orang} Orang 'ketiga' adalah orang yang kita bicarakan. Subject orang ketiga tungga l harus memiliki kata kerja tunggal, tetapi kata kerjanya ditambah s/es. ini berlaku untuk pr esent tense saja bukan untuk past tense atau past participal Contoh : She teaches english Rany teaches english The cat eats fish it eats fish He has good personality It has beautifull

8.) Kata - kata yang berakhiran s (word end in -s) * Singula, beberapa kata yang berakhiran 'S' tetapi kata itu adalah tunggal d an tidak bisa menjadi jamak Contoh : The News from the front is bad Measles is dangerous disease for pregnant woment * Plural, beberapa kata yang berakhiran s merupakan subject jamak yang membut uhkan plural verb contoh : My assets were wiped out in depression Our thanks go to the workers, who suported te union Daftar yang kata yang berakhiran 'S' yang singular ~ Diseases Measles, Rabies, dll ~ Occupations and fild study Economics, ethics, linguistics, politics, physics, dll

Games Dominoes, Cards, dll Contoh : Mathematic is my favorite lessons Daftar yang kata yang berakhiran 'S' yang plural ~ customs ~ quts ~ clotes ~ goods Contoh : The goods are in the ware house Kata benda yang selalu jamak : Pians, Clothes, binoculars, jeans, forceps, trousers, tongs, shorts, tweezer s, pajamas, police, shorts, glasses, scissors,googles, twezers Contoh : The scisors are on the table The pair of the jeans needs to be washed 9.) Fractionalexpressions Dengan kata - kata yang menyatakan bagian (porsi)Percent, fraction, part, ma jority, some, all, none, remainder, and so forth. object of the preposition) untuk membedakan P v dan Sv. Contoh : Fifty percent of the pie has disappeared one thirds of people are un employed 10.)Negative dan Positive subject Jika ada kalimat memuat lebih dari satu subject. ada subject yang positive d an negative. dalam kalimat ini vrb ditentukan oleh subject positive. Contoh : The department mmbers but not the chair have decided not to teach on val ntines day It is not the faculty members but the president who decided this issues It was the speaker, not his ideas, that has provoked the student to riot 11.)Jumlah Uang / waktu Selalu gunakan verb singular dengan jumlah uang/jumlah waktu Contoh Ten dollars is a high price to pay Five years is the maximum sentence for that offense

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