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Laporan Install FreeDOS

Nama : Rizki Adi P Kelas : XII TKJ 2

After the reboot we are ready to install FreeDOS to hard disk.

As we have already created a hard disk with FDISK, we proceed by choosing "1".

We select our language and keyboard.

And we format our hard disk.

The new VirtualBox virtual disk has never been used, so we can ignore the following warning and safely type: "YES"

We continue with the FreeDOS installation.

And start the installation process.

We are informed about the GNU GPL v2 License that the FreeDOS installer and most parts of this package use.

We do not need to use floppies to install FreeDOS in VirtualBox. So the next screen is pretty unimportant for us and we can proceed.

This screen shows, where the source and where the target files are located. We don't have to change anything here and proceed by confirming "Yes".

By default, only the "base" package and the applications from "util" are installed. The "boot", "gui" and "network" programs are optional. Please check the box for the network applications, as we need them for exchanging files between the VirtualBox host and the guest. In the following example we install all available packages.

Accept with "Yes".

The next screen lists all packages in the "base" and the "util" package. You may select, which one you like to install. By default, all of them are installed. You move with the arrow keys. After selecting "DONE" you are prompted to accept by choosing "Yes".

The installation may take some minutes. A progress bar gives information about the process.

After the "base" and the "until" packages are installed, you are prompted to press a key to continue.

The next screen shows all applications from the other chosen packages, "boot", "gui" and "net". You may deselect packages you do not want or need. Information about these programs can be foundhere.

Proceed by choosing "Yes".

Press a key to continue.

Wait until the installation is finished.

Choose "1" to write FreeDOS to the boot sector. As we use a standalone system in VirtualBox we don't have to care about difficult configurations with boot managers or disk managers.

After a reboot, please be sure to choose "Boot from system hard disk" from the CD menu. We don't want to do the installation all over again!

We can now safely remove the virtual install CD from VirtualBox by choosing "Devices" - "CD/DVD Devices" and uncheck our installation medium ("fd11src.iso").

Now we boot FreeDOS in our virtual machine.

Unfortunately the boot process may pause for up to 60 seconds while the UIDE driver is loaded. We take care of this in a chapter later on.

Welcome to FreeDOS.

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