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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Catholic Charities USA Matthew Price January 2014 VMN Newsletter - Networking Opportunities and New Leadership Tuesday, January 21, 2014 3:17:09 PM




January 2014 Volunteer Managers Network Newsletter

Resource Sharing Networking Professional Development VMN News Resource Sharing Section Satisfaction Survey The Catholic Charities USA Section satisfaction survey for the Volunteer Managers Network is now available. CCUSA uses the results of this survey to improve how sections are offered. Please complete the survey before January 31, 2014.All respondents are eligible for a $50 gift card.Survey. Online Resources Crafting Compelling Volunteer Opportunities Webinar- Join the Aging Network's Volunteer Collaborative on February 19th at 2:00 p.m. EST to learn about crafting compelling volunteer opportunities for your organization (including restructuring core AAA opportunities and creating capacity-building opportunities)! This webinar is being presented by Coming of Age. VISTA VOLUNTEERS & Health Coverage -The Obama administration has told Vista volunteers and other AmeriCorps workers that their government-provided health coverage does not measure up to the standards of the new health care law, and that they may be subject to financial penalties unless they obtain insurance elsewhere.

The 2014 Salute to Senior Service Contest will begin on January 15, 2014. To recognize seniors for the impact they make in their communities by volunteering their time and talents, Home Instead Inc., franchisor of the Home Instead Senior Care network, conducts an annual contest search for the most outstanding senior volunteer in the U.S. Submit a Senior! National Mentoring Summit Information Networking Coffee Break - February 14 - 2pm eastern - Refugees/Immigration Spend some time with volunteer managers across the country as we discuss volunteers in programs that work with refugees. Use the Coffee Break to ask questions of your colleagues and share your experiences with volunteers in refugee programs.Register. Future Coffee Break Topics

May Senior Services AugustDesigning a New Volunteer Program November - Volunteer/Employee Relationship Professional Development The steering committee is exploring a one day volunteer focused training prior to the 2014 Annual Gathering in Charlotte, NC. Consider increasing any professional development funding for next year's budget refugee For those who cannot attend the National Mentoring Summit in person, we are excited to announce that limited portions of the event will be available via live streaming and registration to access this feature is now open. View all of our exciting plenary sessions, including our opening session with headliner Cal Ripken, Jr. and an afternoon panel discussion with David Gregory of Meet the Press. Access to two additional plenary sessions as well as six workshop sessions is included. Register. On February 5th, Matthew Price will conduct a webinar about using LinkedIn to leverage networking opportunities. LinkedIn allows users to learn relevant professional history about individuals by reading their profiles, create sub-groups specific to volunteer topics or agency attributes (size, # of volunteers, etc.), reference archived discussion conversations and control what information is shared and how frequently emails are disseminated. By the end of this webinar you will be able to create a profile, join a group, post on a discussion board, control your settings and network with other Volunteer Managers across the country. Register The webinar about volunteers and parish partnerships has been postponed. More details to follow. VMN News Leadership Transition - The Volunteer Managers Network Steering Committee is proud to welcome, Briana Keating - Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa, Tony Guse - Catholic Charities Milwaukee, and Sandy Buck - Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte. We look forward to working with Briana, Tony and Sandy as they bring new ideas on how to serve VMN members. In gratitude, we acknowledge the service of Mary Bachman - Catholic Charities Minneapolis, Cindy Casey - Catholic Charities Fort Worth, Lyndon Drew - Catholic Charities of Wichita and Margaret Prickett - Catholic Charities of Atlanta as they transition off the committee. We are grateful for their contributions as they re-energized the Volunteer Managers Network and help us reach 210 members from across the CCUSA network. We are especially thankful that they will stay engaged as presenters of workshops and suppliers ofnewsletter information. LinkedIn -In response to the agency volunteer profile survey the Volunteer Managers Network is creating subgroups on LinkedIn to facilitate networking. These subgroups will be created around similarities such as size, programs that use volunteers and goals.Join today! If you are anxious about using LinkedIn, participate in theHow to Use LinkedIn to Network EffectivelyWebinar Register. Newsletter changes - Carol Spiker ("Spike"), a member of the steering committee, is the point person for the newsletter. The newsletter is disseminated on the 15th of each month. If you have articles/information that would benefit the Network, please send them to Spike. Volunteer Recognition - The Catholic Charities USA Volunteer of the Year award nomination process opens in February. Stay alert for the announcement. Catholic Charities USA created an award certificate template for agencies to honor volunteers. This award certificate expresses gratitude from CCUSA CEO/President Fr. Larry Snyder on behalf of the entire network. To access the award certificate template, emailMatthew Price. Resource Library -The resources from the old Catholic Charities USA website have been moved over to a third party website -Scribd. Browse forms, policies and training materials. This morning, attendees from the VMN will be browsing the website identifying deficits in the library. A call for resources will be announced at the end of the month.

Catholic Charities USA

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