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3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

St. Monicas Parish

January 25/26, 2014


This year, the Church in Canada has been entrusted with the task of preparing the worship service that inspired countless ecumenical celebrations in Christian churches throughout the whole world. The theme chosen reflects Pauls heartfelt plea in our second reading today: Has Christ been divided? (I Cor. 1:13) Canadians live in a country that is marked by diversity in language, culture and even climate, and we also embody diversity in our expressions of Christian faith. Living with this diversity, but being faithful to Christs desire for the unity of his disciples, has led us to a reflection on Pauls provocative question in 1 Corinthians: Has Christ been Divided? In faith we respond, No! yet our church communities continue to embody scandalous divisions. How can we value and receive the gifts of others even now, in the midst of our divisions, and so be encouraged in our work for unity? As Canadian Christians, we have not always been ready to rejoice in the gifts of God present in other Christian communities. Reading Pauls text in an ecumenical spirit, we are invited to rejoice sincerely in how God has blessed other Christians, and all peoples. Those who first brought the Christian faith to Canada often dismissed the gifts and insights of the indigenous peoples, failing to see the blessings God bestowed through them. We have much to be grateful for in the diversity of peoples and expressions of faith in our country. Although historically, we have often failed to live in mutual respect and support, our country was built upon cooperation: seeking ways for peace at home and in the world. Our enjoyment of the blessings of the natural world as God-given gifts is too often taken for granted; we struggle to balance prosperity and the stewardship of these physical blessings. We also struggle to enact the values we claim to hold as Canadians. As Christians and as churches, we feel called to a receptive gratitude towards the gifts of the other, and to embody thankfulness and caring for the whole country and the world. As we consider Gods many blessings and gifts in our country and peoples, let us recognize that we must treat one another, and our land, with dignity and respect. This recognition calls us to confession and repentance: to seek new and sustainable ways of living on the earth. It raises our consciousness about how God has blessed us and reminds us that no one group can decide how to use the countrys resources without hearing and including the voices of our fellow Canadians. As we build up the spirit of unity, prayer, welcome and hospitality here at St. Monicas, as we welcome Pastor Brent Walker to the pulpit this weekend, let us continue reaching out to our sisters and brothers of all Christian denominations. May we be living signs of Jesus prayer: Father, may they all be one.


This year, our parish project for evangelization invites us to a life-giving encounter with Jesus in the Word of God. At the birth of our Church, the Apostle Paul became an outstanding witness to Christ, spreading the Good News about Jesus through his preaching, his letters, and his missionary journeys. From October 15-25, 2014, Fr. Raymond Lafontaine, Pastor of St. Monicas Parish, will be leading a pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey, following in the footsteps of St. Paul. This pilgrimage will include a 3-night cruise through the Greek Islands. If you want to learn more about this unique opportunity, please join us for a special travel presentation to be held at St. Monicas Parish Hall (6405 Terrebonne) on Thursday, January 30th at 7:00 p.m. For more information, or to register for the presentation, please contact Stephen Pickford from Aladdin Travel Agency at (514) 489-5723 or by e-mail at


Tax receipts for donations made during the year 2013 to St. Monicas Parish by regular Sunday Donation Box users will be available for pick up at the back of the church next weekend of February 1&2.



Conversion of St. Paul The Apostle In Loving Memory: Leona Clarke, Leonard & Terry Winslade, Fioravante Rotiroti, Mike Kilbertus, Deceased members of Charles McDonald Family, Giovanni & Palma Farinelli, Gerry McLaughlin, Gerry Maloney & Dorothy Moore. Sunday, Jan. 26 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Luigi Mammone Ida & Family

Saturday, Jan. 25

Adult Faith Enrichment January events Bible Study

Experiencing the Living Word through the Gospel of John, with Pastor Brent Walker. Join us on Wednesday evenings, January 29, February 5, 12, 19 & 26, and March 12 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the parish hall for a unique opportunity to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Scriptures. Pastor Walker will lead us in a six-week Bible Study of the Gospel of John, where we will take a closer look at specific scripture passages and how they invite us to experience the presence of Christ. Introduction to the Bible Study at all weekend masses of Jan. 25 and 26. Please register by January 27. Please refer to our brochure, website and the posters at the Church entrances for additional information. If registration is required, kindly use the appropriate sign-up sheets at the main church entrance or contact Anna at the office.

11:00 Tony Nico Frank Pinto & Family Monday, Jan. 27 St. Angela Merici 8:00 Isa Mazzella Her Daughter Lorraine Tuesday, Jan. 28 St. Thomas Aquinas 8:00 Marcel Gauthier By Sierra Alonso Family Wednesday, Jan. 29 Weekday 8:00 Special Intention of Dauna Lyn Bowlen Terri G. Matthews Thursday, Jan. 30 Weekday 8:00 Ermando Giuseppe By Wife Elvira Nudo Friday, Jan. 31 St. John Bosco 8:00 Lina Nardi By Son & Family Saturday, Feb. 1 Our Ladys Saturday 4:00 Franco Spurio Wife & Children Sunday, Feb. 2 Presentation of the Lord 8:30 In Loving Memory: Margaret Haberl, Mrs. Robinson, Charles Hindley, Jonathan Castilho, Ananias & Nilda Avellar 11:00 Antonio & Flavio Ricci The Family WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED LIFE FEBRUARY 2 Your Generosity
Thank you for your on-going support of our parish Collection for weekend of January 18/19, 2014 totalled $3,895.00

Contemplative Retreat with Fr. Krull

A contemplative program in everyday life for those who have a longing for a simpler and more direct union with God, having formerly meditated on scripture with satisfaction, but feel an increasing frustration and inability to go on doing so. The program involves following a detailed guidebook, giving an hour a day to contemplative meditation, and meeting with the group once a week. Suggested contribution: $100 for 20 sessions (no one will be turned away due to a lack of funds). Day and time to be determined by participants. Please contact the Ignatian Centre for more information or if you are interested at 481-1064 or

GOLD FEVER D & P PRESENTATION The faith and justice committee will be presenting the film GOLD FEVER, on Friday, February 7, at 7:00 p.m. in the basement of the rectory. This documentary produced by two American film-makers centers on the mining practices of a Canadian mining company in Guatemala. Father Ernest Schibli will be in attendance to shed more light on this topic.

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