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INTRODUCTION Conflict is defined as a clash between individuals arising out of a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interests, requirements

and even sometimes perceptions. A conflict results in heated arguments, physical abuses and definitely loss of peace and harmony. A conflict can actually change relationships. An unwillingness to resolve conflict creates tension, frustration, worry, anxiety and usually, a lack of positive, constructive communication. But what is most important to managers to recognize is that unresolved conflict undermines your ability to effectively lead. When you fail to resolve a conflict on your team, the individuals involved in the conflict, as well as others who observe the conflict, lose respect for you. Its almost impossible to be recognized as the leader when you arent respected.

Adopt a positive attitude towards work and life on the whole. Be a little more flexible and adjusting. No one has ever gained anything out of conflicts, it has all the adverse consequences. Individuals tend to lose control on their emotions and overreact hurting the sentiments of the other person.

Conflict can also be negative and adversely affect the success of the group. The solution is for the group to deal with its conflict constructively, before it becomes embedded, spreads and erodes the foundation to the point where it cannot carry on any longer.

Negatively is a style of thinking, and when it flourishes, organizations do not. It can lead to behaviors that create conflict, reduce productivity, creativity, and effective problem-solving, and increase employee turnover. Because negatively can lead to conflict, it helps if we first define what we mean by conflict. Conflict is an expressed struggle between at least two parties, both of whom perceive interference from the other towards achieving their goals. A conflict can only exist when both parties are aware of a disagreement. Then conflict happens.

CONTENT Conflict is a natural part of life and cant always be avoided. Sometime conflict has positive outcomes, other times conflict has negative outcomes. When it comes to conflict, a lot depends on your attitude.

Attitude plays a very important role in conflict management. Nothing can be achieved unless and until you believe in yourself and have a positive attitude. An individual must avoid finding faults in others. Always remember, if you are pointing towards someone else, four fingers are towards you as well. Dont always assume that the other person is at fault.

There are 3 types of components of attitudes:




COGNITION Components of attitudes. i. Cognitive - our thoughts, beliefs, and ideas about something. When a human being is the object of an attitude, the cognitive component is frequently a stereotype, e.g. "welfare recipients are lazy" ii. Affective - feelings or emotions that something evokes. e.g. fear, sympathy, hate. May dislike welfare recipients. iii. Cognitive, or behavioral - tendency or disposition to act in certain ways toward something. Might want to keep welfare recipients out of our neighborhood. Emphasis is on the tendency to act, not the actual acting; what we intend and what we do may be quite different.

1. The Nature and Origin of Attitudes


An attitude is a person's enduring evaluation of people, objects, and ideas. Attitudes can be based on affective, cognitive, or behavioral components. A cognitively based attitude is based mostly on people's beliefs about the properties of the attitude object. An affectively based attitude is based more on people's emotions and values; it can be created through classical conditioning or operant conditioning. A behaviorally based attitude is based on people's actions toward the attitude object. Once an attitude develops, it can exist at two levels. Explicit attitudes are ones that people consciously endorse and can easily report, whereas implicit attitudes are involuntary, uncontrollable, and at times, unconscious.

1. Cognitively Based Attitudes Cognitively based attitudes are based primarily on a persons beliefs about the properties of the attitude object; their function is object appraisal, meaning that we classify objects according to the rewards or punishments they provide. 2. Affectively Based Attitudes Affectively based attitudes are based more on peoples feelings and values than on their beliefs. Their function may be value-expressive. Thus, attitudes towards political candidates are generally more affectively than cognitively based. Other affectively based attitudes can be the result of a sensory reaction or of conditioning. Affectively based attitudes have these features in common: they do not result from rational examination of the issues; they are not governed by logic; and they are often linked to peoples values. 3. Behaviorally Based Attitudes Behaviorally based attitudes are based on self-perception of ones own behavior when the initial attitude is weak or ambiguous.

Good attitudes involve considering all situations in a positive light and taking the best out of what occurs in life. Those with bad attitudes do the opposite, looking at situations and occurrences negatively. Potential

People with good attitudes are more likely to try to do something better and realize their full potential because they believe that they can achieve their goals. People with bad attitudes often assume they will fail. Health

Good attitudes lead to better overall health, both physically and mentally. Those with bad attitudes endure more stress and often suffer complications from it. Social

Those with good attitudes are more likely to be outgoing and social, and those with bad attitudes are often more withdrawn because they do not feel they will be socially accepted. Influence

Attitudes often influence others. People who surround themselves with good attitudes are more likely to think positively, but those who surround themselves with bad attitudes are more likely to think negatively.


People with bad attitudes can turn around their outlook by addressing the origin of their negativity. Locating the cause of a bad attitude can go a long way in helping turn it into a good attitude.

ACT According to the law of attraction, if we adopt a positive attitude, good things happen to us, whereas a negative attitude always attracts negative things. Conflicts, fights spoil the environment and we feel restless and anxious always. We will not lose anything if we take the initiative to resolve the fight. This way we will earn respect and people will look up to us. Be the first one to say sorry. It will not make us small, instead will prevent us from unnecessary tensions. A simple sorry can actually solve major arguments and conflicts.

CONCLUSION Conflict not only can arise between individuals but also among countries, political parties and states as well. A small conflict not controlled at the correct time may lead to a large war and rifts among countries leading to major unrest and disharmony. Conflict arises when individuals strongly oppose each others opinions and views and are not willing to compromise with each other. A conflict solves no problems; it just creates tensions, anxiety and earns you a bad name. Nobody appreciates you, if you are constantly engaged in fights. Conflicts must be controlled at the right time for a healthy and a peaceful environment. Understanding conflict is important before you can deal with it effectively. Research tells us that conflict evolves through stages, involves an observable process and has a number of common characteristics. Recognizing and understanding what may be happening is the first step in resolving the situation effectively. Some conflicts can be avoided entirely, or at least kept from escalating, if we understand what is happening, our style and attitudes about conflict and its causes.

RECOMMENDATION There are five main sources of conflict between two parties. Knowing these root causes may help to determine what's needed by either or both of the parties to resolve the situation. Techniques for Dealing with Challenging Personalities In many cases, conflict can arise between two people or parties because of the personalities involved. Here are several strategies for dealing with challenging personalities, followed by descriptions and specific strategies for a number of the more common difficult personalities found in groups and organizations. Assess the situation Is the person genuinely difficult or just cranky for a short time? Stop wishing the person were different. You can't change it. It's not even a good idea to try. Distance yourself from the difficult situation. Develop a detached view. By giving yourself some distance, you get a better perspective. "Keep your cool." Don't defend or retaliate. Formulate a plan to interrupt the situation and carry it through. You can't change the behaviour of the other person, but you can change yours. Be prepared to adjust your strategy as you go along. If your strategies for coping don't work, stop your efforts for the time being. Don't let the situation do you more harm. Keep it all in perspective. Consider the source, the importance of the issue and if others see it as a problem.



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