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Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

Chapter 01

Passage 01_ Break Your Bad Habits Passage 02_ Careers Passage 03_ Are We Ready for the Next Asian Bird Flu? Passage 04_ Are You Happy?

Vocabulary Pre-check

infected , intent introverted job security -term) (`shortlong-term ~ major in medication () , movement mutate mysterious , nature negative optimistic n . pandemic , passive pay check , permanent perplexed , prestige professional proper , relieve reveal , secretion sense of guilt , v . separate , v . share side-effect strategy , strong-willed terrorism ~ the number of threat tricky ~ turn into unconscious , unsavory

aggressive , assume at times , n . attack ~ be subject to ; ~ benefit bird flu boost boring , career field , characteristic , chuckle () come up with compliment concrete action , confront , consult contact convinced countless , currently ~ deserve disaster ~ , ~ due to , estimate ~ even though evolve extroverted ~ feel like -ing , fleeting force , foundation giggle n . graduate , hold back immune system in the world


Life Sport Music

If one of your habits is driving others crazy, you need a strategy to break your unconscious bad habit. First, you need to be aware that you do have a bad habit. Simply being aware can lead the strongwilled to actually break bad habits, but for most of us it takes more than that. For instance, smokers are aware (a) that / which their habit is bad and is killing them, but they cannot give it up. (A) Why is it so hard for people to break bad habits even though they are consciously aware of the habits? (B) It lies in the fact that most people pick up a bad habit because it benefits them in some way. For instance, smokers can feel that his or her stress is being relieved. (C) Smokers are not easily convinced of any long-term damage (b) when / that in fact he or she is getting a short-term benefit from smoking. (D) In such cases (c) why / where bad habits are truly difficult to break, you can consult professionals. (E) They can help reprogram the unconscious part of the mind, linking unsavory feelings to the unwanted behavior and forming new habits to deal with stressful or boring situations.

strategy [strtd,i] for instance relieve [ril;v] , boring [b;ri\]

unconscious [>nkns] give up ~ convinced [knvnst]

strong-willed [str(;)\wild] , benefit [bnft] ; ~ long-term[l;\t;m] ( short-term) unsavory [>nsivri] , fleeting [fl;ti\] ,

even though ~

consult [kns=lt] ,

professional [prfnl]

permanent [p;mnnt] ,


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading



. . . . .





(a), (b), (c) ?

(a) which that that which that

(b) that when that when when

(c) why where where where why



(A)~(E) , ?

So these people must realize that the benefit is not permanent; it is only fleeting. (A) (D) (B) (E) (C)

Chapter 01



They can help reprogram the unconscious part of the mind, linking unsavory feelings to the unwanted behavior and forming new habits to deal with stressful or boring situations.

I met the teacher, walking along the street.

Tips <> , .
, . .


1. . Being poor , he cannot buy a house. = As he is poor, he cannot buy a house. , you will see the building.

2. , . Turning to the right



Why is it so hard for people to break bad habits?

it ?

to break bad habits

? ( )


Why is it

hard for people to break bad habits

R , .


Level 2-A

Passage 01



can lead the strong-willed to actually break

bad habits.
Simply being aware


for people to break bad habits even though they are

consciously aware of the habits?

Why is it so hard

3. It

~ most people pick up a bad habit because it

benefits them in some way.

lies in the fact that

4. So these people must realize that the benefit is not permanent;

it is only fleeting


~ bad habits are truly difficult to break, you can consult

In such cases where

Chapter 01



Life Sport Music

Many adults frequently ask children what they want to be when they grow up. People have been asking you this question ever since you were a little kid. As a child goes through the education system, the question changes but . People will ask you what you want to major in at college, where you want to go to school and what you want to do with the rest of your life. At times youll feel like saying: How in the world should I know? Im only 18! While making a career decision is tricky, dont get too stressed out. Try to decide on something you would like to do, not just something you think will offer you job security, a fat pay check, or prestige. All of those are subject to change. Do what you want to, and dont worry about the rest! Another thing to remember is that your decision will not be permanent. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average college graduates change their jobs once every three years and change career fields two or three times in their lifetime. Non college graduates change their careers even more often. So, dont assume that your first career decision will determine your job for the rest of your life.

major in ~ job security be subject to ~

at times

feel like -ing ~ pay check

in the world

tricky [trki]

fat [ft] ,

prestige [prest;d,] , intent [intnt] ,

permanent [p;mnnt] career field ,

graduate [grd,uit] assume [s;m] ,

once every three years 3


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading



Children should not make a career choice too early. Early career decision can cause frequent job changing. Adults should not ask children their future career. Make a career decision based on what you want to do. First career decision is not important as it is not permanent.



2 . 2~3 . . 3 . .



those .



the meaning behind it is different that is less frequent than it was it is something you can answer you wouldnt be bothered to hear it it has the same meaning and intent

Chapter 01



Many adults frequently ask children what they want to be when they grow up. People will ask you what you want to major in at college, where you want to go to school and what you want to do with the rest of your life.
Tips ()
. <>, <if whether +> . think, believe, guess, imagine, suppose, say .


1. ? Who knows what we can do for the country?

2. . He asked me if I could climb the mountain .



People will ask you what you want to major in at college, where you want to go to school and what you want to do with the rest of your life.

what you want to major in at college where you want to go to school what you want to do with the rest of your life

People will ask

what you want to major in at college

where you want to go to school what you want to do with the rest of your life



Level 2-A

Passage 02


1. Many adults frequently ask children

what they want to be

when they grow

2. People will ask you

what you want to do

with the rest of your life.

3. Try to decide on

, not just something you think will

offer you job security, a fat pay check, or prestige.

something you would like to do


is that your decision will not be permanent.

Another thing to remember

5. The average college graduates change their jobs

once every three years

3 .

Chapter 01



Social Culture Business

The global health community is perplexed because it is confronting a problem which may turn into a disaster. The disease seems simple, but they couldnt come up with a proper medication for (a) it. The disease is bird flu and (b) it is stressing the health community who fears (c) it will be the cause of countless deaths in the next few years. At present, people with the disease have only a fifty percent chance of surviving. Terrorism is not the greatest threat to your peaceful life. Everyone doctors, researchers, and scientists agrees that (d) it has the ability to kill more people than any threat currently confronting man. The number of deaths due to the attack of this disease has been relatively small so far, but that doesnt mean (e) it will remain the same. History tells us another pandemic is on the way. It is estimated one occurs every 30~40 years and we are due for the next one right now. We need to prepare and take concrete actions to protect ourselves and our families. The nature, movement and way of working of this virus are mysterious. So far, human beings have suffered from direct contact with infected animals and their secretions. But the virus evolves constantly and mutates into a new deadly form as it passes from animals to human beings.

perplexed [pplkst] currently [k;rntli] , nature [nit] ,

confront [knfr=nt] , bird flu the number of ~

come up with () terrorism [trrzm]

medication [mdkin] pandemic [pndmk] secretion [sikr;n] ,

countless [kuntlis] due to ~

attack [tk] , infected [infktid]

due [du;] ~ evolve [ivlv]

concrete action contact [kntkt]

movement [m;vmnt] () ,

mutate [mju;tit]z{


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


. . . . , 30~40 .



(a)~(e) ?








. . . . .



mutates ?

succeeds changes

is treated closes


Chapter 01



tell, say, speak, talk

History tells us (that) another pandemic is on the way.

+ +

I told him to be on time. I talk to him about it.

+ +

He said, Turn right. I can speak their language.

Tips tell, say, speak, talk . tell ,

. story, joke, secret, lie, truth, time . say , . , speak, talk .

English speak .


1. , . (one another) Students, dont talk to one another 2. . He was so overcome with emotion that he couldnt speak OtalkP 3. . Please tell me how to get 4. . He told Osaid toPus . to the station. during an examination.

that he was tired.



The number of deaths due to the attack of this disease has been relatively small so far.

due to the attack of this disease

relatively() ?





The number of deaths due to the attack of this disease has been


relatively small so far

R be has been, 2 .


Level 2-A

Passage 03


1. The disease seems simple, but they

medication for it.
couldnt come up with

a proper

2. At present, people with the disease have

only a fifty percent chance of

~ 50%

3. History tells us another pandemic

is on the way

4. We need to prepare and

and our families.
take concrete actions

to protect ourselves

5. But the virus evolves constantly and


it passes from animals to human beings.

mutates into a new deadly form

Chapter 01



Life Sport Music

Happiness does not result from being successful. In contrast you need to be happy to achieve success. If you enjoy your job, you will be successful, said Dr. Albert Schweitzer, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952. Happy people have certain characteristics that separate them from unhappy people. Happy people are passive and peaceful rather than aggressive and violent. They are always optimistic about their life and their chances of succeeding at a task. They are extroverted and gregarious rather than introverted and shy. These characteristics seem to have a healthy side-effect: they boost the immune system. Happy people neither hold back nor hide their joy. They chuckle and giggle to their pleasure with life. They reveal their true selves to others. When others compliment them, they accept it with pleasure and feel they deserve it. If they want to share their pleasure, they do (a) it / so . Happy people are also people who have a strong religious foundation. Although it is possible to argue that religious beliefs can force people (b) feel / to feel a greater sense of guilt and as a result have negative feelings, what has actually been proven is that a belief creates positive feelings toward oneself and others.

in contrast passive [psiv] , boost [bu;st] giggle [ggl] share [] ,

characteristic [kriktrstik] , aggressive [grsiv]

separate [sprit] side-effect [sidifkt] chuckle [t=kl] , deserve [diz;v] ~

optimistic [ptmstik] (`negative)

extroverted [kstrov;tid]

introverted [ntrv;tid]

immune system reveal [riv;l]

hold back ,

compliment [kmplmnt] sense of guilt

foundation [faundin] ,


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


, . . . , . , .



suggest realize show find defy



gregarious ?

social bright happy talkative outstanding



(a) (b) .

(a) so (b) to feel

Chapter 01



it / to

It is possible to argue that religious beliefs can force people to feel a greater sense of guilt.

It is possible for you to master English.

Tips , , it ,
. to, that , for you, for him .


in a week.

1. . It is impossible for him to finish the work 2. . It is also very important to know what is important in your life .



What has actually been proven is that a belief creates positive feelings toward oneself and others.
? ( that)

that a belief creates positive feelings toward ~

() ~

What has actually been proven is that a belief creates positive feelings toward oneself and others

(, ) . that R ~ .


Level 2-A

Passage 04


1. Happy people have certain characteristics that

separate them from unhappy people

2. They are extroverted and gregarious

rather than

~ introverted and shy.

3. Happy people neither hold back

nor hide their joy

4. When others compliment them, they accept it with pleasure and

feel they deserve it


~ that religious beliefs can force people to

feel a greater sense of guilt and as a result have negative feelings.

It is possible to argue

Chapter 01



01. aggressive 02. compliment 03. extroverted 04. immune system 05. infected 06. introverted

07. mutate 08. pandemic 09. passive 10. prestige 11. secretion 12. unsavory

, , , ,

A .

01. (cholera) 02. (resistance) 03. (: ) 04. 05. 06. (disorder)

be infected with cholera passive resistance national prestige aggressive behavior an unsavory past a disorder of the immune system

A .

01. Someone who is 02. A(n)



is very active, lively, and friendly.

is an occurrence of a disease that affects many people over a

very wide area. 03.


people are quiet and shy and find it difficult to talk to other people. is to display affection or respect by a gift or favor.

04. To 05.

compliment Secretion

is the process by which certain liquid substances are produced by

parts of plants or animals. 06. If an animal or plant


, it develops different characteristics as the

result of a change in its genes.


Level 2-A

Passages 01~04

01. He is brilliant. He is able to talk 02. Been 03. They asked him whether they should 04. Left 05. I found that it was too heavy of lifting 06. Would you please talk 07. He told us what do we have to 08. He didnt He say said 09. Is it possible to read for you 10. We are not allowed to talk to anyone tell to lift say

five different languages. speak

a blind, the man couldn't recognize his daughter. Be stay or leave. if can they whether should they Being

the house, she started to run to the bus station. Leaving Being left by myself. lifting us what happened in the previous meeting? speak

read for the next exam. what we have to what do we must

that he actually stole the money. he borrowed. tell told say spoke

three books by tomorrow? of you to read for you to read

during the presentation. tell anyone say anyone

Chapter 01


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

Chapter 02

Passage 05_ Resurgence in Violence Rates Passage 06_ Adolescent Sleep Disorder Passage 07_ The Curse of Spyware Passage 08_ Depression

Vocabulary Pre-check

, juvenile , lastly life-threatening medication , mental operation peep penal prevent ~ from -ing ~ , prevention psychiatrist psychologist psychotherapy , , rate , register remove restore , screening , seek , so-called stay up late ~ suffer from ~ susceptible to take up ~ tend to the elderly , therapy threaten , tragically trial , ultimately unprecedented unpredictably violence () viral , weaken widespread

access adequate , adolescent , adopt ( ) , affect aging process at ones best , bad-tempered () biological , break out ~ bring ~ under control ) catch up on ( , clinical combination consider correlation , creativity currently ~ , deal with () depression determine , , disorder emotion execute , expel , fight off () function get out of control have an effect identification immediate ; ~ in turn , infection initiate , intervene irregular , jail


Social Culture Business

Violence in schools has been increasing at unprecedented rates. Last year, there were many incidents of school violence in the news. The situation is starting to get out of control and we need to act to bring it under control. Most people believe the juvenile penal system can solve the problem of increasing violence. But it cannot! We are currently putting more and more juveniles in jail, but school violence is not decreasing. Why dont many children feel safe at school? Most schools do not have plans to prevent violence. They only have plans to expel those who are violent and threaten others. It is time to put money into preventing violence. We must learn to intervene before violence breaks out. One of the several ways to do this is to have immediate and easy access to mental health services for all troubled youth and their families. And we can also consider early screening of children with behavior problems to determine the services that are needed. While we can continue to spend money on trials and jails, we must also put more money into prevention through youth and their families. for troubled

violence [vilns] jail [d,eil] ,

unprecedented [>nprsdntid] juvenile [d,;vnl] , break out , prevent [privnt] , , consider [knsd] trial [tril]

rate [reit] penal [p;nl]

get out of control currently [k;rntli] threaten [^rtn] access [kses]

bring ~ under control ~

expel [ikspl] ,

intervene [ntv;n] , mental [mntl] , determine [dit;min]

immediate [im;diit] screening [skr;ni\] ,

prevention [privnn] ,


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


. . . . .





isolation and therapy monitoring and isolation discipline and punishment identification and therapy education and rewards



intervene .

Chapter 02




One of the several ways to do this is to have immediate and easy access.

+ +

To obey the rules is everyones duty. I decided to purchase the watch.

Tips to , to .
~ ,~ .


to .

1. . (feed) One way to save him is not to feed him.

2. . (foster, knowledgeable people) The function of school is to foster knowledgeable people .



One of the several ways to do this is to have immediate and easy access to mental health services for all troubled youth and their families.
(One of the several ways)?

to do this
(access) ?



immediate and easy health services

() mental ()


One of the several ways to do this is

mental health services

to have immediate and easy access to

() for all troubled youth and their families


Level 2-A

Passage 05


1. The situation is starting to

get out of control

2. They only have plans to expel those

who are violent and threaten others


~ put money into preventing violence.

It is time to

4. One of the several ways

to do this

is to have immediate and easy

5. And we can also consider early screening of children with behavior

problems to determine .
the services that are needed

Chapter 02



Food Health

More and more youths are being treated by doctors for sleeping problems which prevent them from getting adequate amounts of rest. An increasing number of teens are also adopting busy lifestyles and ignoring their biological need for sleep. Adolescents need nine hours of sleep, but those (a) suffered / suffering from the disorders often get much less. It has been shown by some researchers that the average youth gets about six and a half hours of sleep on a school night. A few high school students often get a lot less than six. Experts also agree that adolescent sleep disorders can be a result of irregular sleeping patterns. Biologically youths are programmed to stay up late and (b) get up / getting up late. Unfortunately, that is not the schedule of the schools in their life. And teens try to catch up on their sleep during the weekends, oftentimes sleeping into the afternoon. Adolescent sleep disorders can have negative effects on memory and creativity, which in turn could cause problems with learning abilities. Furthermore, it affects their emotions causing them to be unpredictably bad-tempered. Lastly, the lack of sleep affects their ability to fight off diseases because it weakens their immune systems, leaving them susceptible to colds and other viral infections.

adequate [dikwit]

adopt [dpt] ,

biological [bild,ikl] () stay up late creativity [kr;eitvti] ,

adolescent [dlsnt] , catch up on ( ) in turn ; ~ fight off ,

disorder [dis;d] , , oftentimes [(;)ftntimz]

unpredictably [npridktbli] weaken [w;kn] , viral [virl] ()

bad-tempered [bdtmpd] , immune system

susceptible to ~

infection [infkn] ,


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


6 . 9 . . . .








(a) (b) .

(a) suffering (b) get up

Chapter 02



Lastly, the lack of sleep affects their ability to fight off diseases because it weakens their immune systems, leaving them susceptible to colds and other viral infections.

He started in the morning, arriving in New York at eleven.

_ = He started in the morning, so he arrived in New York at eleven.

Tips (,) .


1. , . (foster) Schools may destroy creativity, fostering ordinary people . the door.

2. , . (strike ~ against) He fell, striking his head against


(Adolescents need nine hours of sleep, but) those suffering from the disorders often get much less.
those ?

suffering ?

who are
less ?



( + )

suffering from the disorders often get

those (adolescents) (who are)

much less (sleep)


Level 2-A

Passage 06


1. It has been shown by some researchers that the average youth gets
of sleep.
about six and a half hours

2. Biologically youths are programmed

to stay up late and get up late

3. Teens

~ their sleep during the weekends.

try to catch up on

4. Adolescent sleep disorders

and creativity.
can have negative effects on

~ memory

5. Lastly,

affects their ability to fight off diseases.

the lack of sleep

Chapter 02



Science Technology Nature

Spyware allows other people to view your computer system and see what you have been doing and what you have stored on your computer. It allows others (a) to spy / spy on you! Spyware is so dangerous because you wouldnt know even if it gathers information on you. (A) Ultimately spyware may prevent you from using your computer at all because it might take up so much space in your registry that other functions cannot be executed. In this case, the only thing you can do is to remove every thing from the hard drive and (b) initiate / initiating a proper restoring process. (B) But once things are removed from your hard drive without any backup of the files, there is no way you can recover them. This is the worst thing the spyware can actually do to your computer system by introducing itself to the registry. (C) The spyware will be watching you and then peeping in and finally it will get installed in your computer system. After the spyware registers itself on your system, it will start damaging the operation of programs and make your computer run slow, making it (c) not to perform / not perform at its best.

allow [lu]

store [st;]

ultimately [=ltmitli] , at all take up function [f=\n] () restore [rist;] initiate [iniit]

prevent ~ from -ing ~ execute [ksikj;t] peep [pi;p] operation [prin]

remove [rim;v] at ones best

register [rd,st] ,

damage [dmid,] ~


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading



(A), (B), (C) ?

(A) - (B) - (C) (B) - (A) - (C) (B) - (C) - (A) (C) - (A) - (B) (C) - (B) - (A)

Info Scan


spyware ?

. . . . .





(a), (b), (c) ?

(a) spy to spy to spy spy to spy

(b) initiating initiate initiate initiate initiating

(c) not to perform not perform not to perform not perform not perform

Chapter 02




Spyware allows other people to view your computer system and see what you have been doing and what you have stored on your computer.
Tips what . that, which what . ,
what the thing(s) which .


1. . This is not what she gave her son for Christmas.

2. . We should judge a person not by what he has but by what he is.



The only thing you can do is to remove every thing from the hard drive and initiate a proper restoring process.
to remove ?


1 2

The only thing you can do is to remove every thing from the hard drive (to) initiate a proper restoring process


Level 2-A

Passage 07


1. Spyware allows other people to see


what you have stored on your computer.

what you have been doing

2. Because you wouldnt know

even if it gathers information

on you.

3. It might

in your registry that other functions

cannot be executed.
take up so much space


is to remove every thing from the hard drive.

The only thing you can do

5. This is the worst thing

computer system.

to your

the spyware can actually do

Chapter 02



Food Health

Depression is widespread throughout society. It can affect teenagers and seniors, males and females, and people of any race. While depression is not a normal part of the aging process, there is a strong correlation between depression and people who are suffering from lifethreatening diseases. Tragically, the elderly (A) are suffering / suffering from depression are often ignored since people tend to think their feelings are natural and a normal part of aging. However, clinical depression is never a normal response; it is a serious medical illness that should be treated at any age. Though depression is a serious medical condition, only 3% of the elderly (B) are treated / treated for mental health problems get professional help for their condition. Many elderly dont think their depression is serious enough for them to seek professional help. Most elderly people feeling (C) depressing / depressed very often are merely treated by their general practitioner, not a psychologist or psychiatrist. But general practitioners are not trained to deal with this disease. But the good news is that this disease is psychotherapy or a combination of both. . More than 80% of all

people with depression can be successfully treated with medication,

depression [diprn] () aging process

widespread [widsprd] the elderly

affect [fkt] ( ) , clinical [klnikl] , psychiatrist [sikitrist]

correlation [k;rlin]

life-threatening [laif^rtni\]

tragically [trd,ikli] , general practitioner deal with ~ ,

psychologist [saikld,ist]

medication [mdkin]

psychotherapy [siko^rpi]


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading



. . . . .



(A), (B), (C) ?

(A) are suffering are suffering suffering suffering suffering

(B) treated are treated are treated treated treated

(C) dressed depressing depressed depressing depressed



( )



, .

Chapter 02



the + =

The elderly suffering from depression are often ignored.

~ . Tips the


<the + > .

1. . The organization is collecting money for the blind .

= The organization is collecting money for blind people. 2. . The unemployed are supported by the government.

= Unemployed people are supported by the government.


Most elderly people feeling depressed very often are merely treated by their general practitioner, not a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Most elderly people



Most elderly people feeling depressed very often are merely treated

() by their general practitioner, not a psychologist or psychiatrist

R are treated , treated . be .


Level 2-A

Passage 08



between depression and people who are suffering

from life-threatening diseases.

There is a strong correlation

2. It is a serious medical illness

that should be treated

at any age.

3. Only 3% of the elderly

help for their condition.

get professional

treated for mental health problems

4. Most elderly people feeling depressed very often

their general practitioner, not a psychologist or psychiatrist.

are merely treated by


80% with depression can be successfully treated

with medication, psychotherapy or a combination of both.

More than 80% of all people

Chapter 02



01. adolescent 02. adopt 03. break out 04. disorder 05. expel 06. initiate

, , , , ,

07. intervene 08. juvenile 09. stay up late 10. susceptible to 11. tend to 12. unprecedented

, , ~ ~

A .

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. .

a fire breaks out be expelled from a school juvenile literature susceptible to colds Oa coldP mental disorder I stayed up late last night.

A .

01. If you 02. If you

initiate intervene

something, you start it or cause it to happen. , you interrupt a conversation in order to add something to it.

03. Adolescent is used to describe young people who are no longer children but who have not yet become adults. 04. Western medicine
tends to

treat the symptoms, not the cause.

05. If something is unprecedented , it has never happened before. 06. If you


someone elses child, you take it into your own family and

make it legally your son or daughter.


Level 2-A

Passages 05~08

01. They rebuilt the house, to spend spend

their entire savings. spending

02. The new plan that they made was decrease decreased

the rate of crime. to decrease

03. It can increase the efficiency, to be saved saving

much money. save

04. The next thing we should consider is to recruit people that recruit people

. recruit people

05. The issue is not what it can cause

, it is what it could cause in the future. what it has caused what did it cause

06. They chased the criminal, to damage damaging

dozens of cars. damage

07. More seminars were planned for the educate the uneducated

. the no educated

08. What you have told us is what we know

already. what do we know what will you do


are one of the groups who are opposing the new policy. The handicap people The handicapped The handicap

10. Everyone took turns saying what each can bring

for the party. what can each bring what brings each

Chapter 02


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

Chapter 03

Passage 09_ Direct Personality Passage 10_ Emotional Intelligence Passage 11_ Extreme Gag Gifts Passage 12_ Famous Andy Warhol Prints

Vocabulary Pre-check
a roar of laughter adore

giggle glow grin


ambitious appeal to


incorporate infamous literal


be based on

~ be known for ~ be likely to

make a decision make fun of

be tied down

make ones day


mass produce

brilliant bumpy

no doubt

A B not only A, but also B



communication comprehend concerned convince countless critic


, personality


puzzlingly remind

remote control routine

disgusting dub dull

side by side stick out



embarrassment fart fuss

thoroughly throw off

v . trigger


Life Sport Music

Communication skills are the key to help you find the path toward a successful career and personal life. If you dont improve your communication skills sooner or later, the road toward happiness will be very bumpy and you may even be thrown off course by others who are upset by your lack of communication skills. Whatever your personality type is, you must find a way to communicate effectively with others who have different personalities. Lets think about potential communication problems and solutions by examining one personality type. People with a very direct personality make up 10% of the population. These people are usually our leaders and bosses. They have clear set goals and have a strategy to achieve them with as little fuss as possible. They do not question the reason for doing something. Sometimes they are (a) like / likely to make decisions so quickly without considering things thoroughly. Direct people are ambitious people who want to advance in their careers. They hate wasting time and they speak openly, honestly and (b) fastly / fast . Their meaning is clear and without nuance. Reflecting their professional life, their personal life is based on how certain people can help or hurt them. In dealing with other people, what do you think are the main problems you would have with a direct person? What solutions can you think of for these problems?

communication [kmj;nkin] throw off fuss [f<s] ,

career [kr] , ,

bumpy [b=mpi] , strategy [strtd,i] ambitious [mbs]

effectively [ifktivli] make a decision

potential [potnl] ,

thoroughly [^;roli] ,

advance [dvns] , be based on ~

nuance [n;;ns] ,

professional [prfnl] ,


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading



It is essential for you to understand people with a direct personality. People with different personalities are hard to communicate with. Success of life is dependent on communication skills with others. It is important to learn to deal with people with different personalities. People with a direct personality should learn to communicate with others.



. . . . .



They wouldnt care. They merely react. They would rather do nothing. They want to make sure. They are worried about the result.



(a) (b) .

(a) likely (b) fast

Chapter 03



If you dont improve your communication skills sooner or later, the road toward happiness will be very bumpy.

When we get to the department, it will be closed.

Tips . () () .


1. , . If it [ rains / will rain ] tomorrow, we will not go. 2. . You cant go out until you [ have done / will have done ] your work.


What do you think are the main problems you would have with a direct person?
the main problems , .

you would have with a direct person




() do you think

are the main problems you would have with a direct person


Level 2-A

Passage 09


1. You may even be thrown off course by others who are upset by
your lack of communication skills

2. They have clear set goals and have a strategy to achieve them

with as little fuss as possible

3. Sometimes they

so quickly without considering

things thoroughly.
are likely to make decisions

4. Their personal life is based on how certain people

can help or hurt them


~ other people, what do you think are the main

problems you would have with a direct person?

In dealing with

Chapter 03



Social Culture Business

Ones emotions are a form of information. Others can tell a lot about you by understanding your emotions. And others can also influence you greatly by how well they use their own emotions. Comprehending and using emotions is what emotional intelligence is all about. We need emotional intelligence for many things, among which making good decisions and reacting to others stick out the most. You are in a shop and you are just about to buy, but then you decide not to buy because you dont like the salesmans attitude. So you walk away. You have used your emotional intelligence, and the salesman has failed to use his. When trying to convince others its often better to use your emotions not your, often loud, voice. There are countless times when we try to reach others and make them understand something. At those times, nothing works better than appealing to the others emotions. To convince another person, show respect and show youre concerned and caring. Some professors lower their voices when they are about to deliver the most important information of their lectures. They dont shout it out. They show respect for their students and speak softly. There is no need to carry a big stick. Students will know the professors are respecting them and they will tune in. This is using the emotional intelligence.

comprehend [kmprihnd] , convince [knvns] concerned [kns;nd] ,

stick out ,

attitude [tit;d] appeal to ~

countless [kuntlis] , turn in


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


. . . . .



to show emotional intelligence can be used in various situations to give examples of both success and failure by using emotion to imply that an attitude represents a persons emotional state to indicate what matters the most when people make a decision to exemplify how emotional intelligence can affect decision making



, ,



making good decisions reacting to others (convincing others)

Chapter 03



At those times, nothing works better than appealing to the others emotions.

No city in Korea is larger than Seoul.

, most . , Tips ( ) ~ .



1. . (precious) Nothing is more precious than time 2. Arial . (intelligent) No other student in the class is more intelligent than Arial.


There are countless times when we try to reach others and make them understand something.
(times) ?

when we try to reach others (when we try to) make them understand something

There are countless times when we try to reach others and make them understand something

R There is/are There 1 .


Level 2-A

Passage 10


1. Others can tell a lot about you

by understanding your emotions

2. Others can also influence you greatly

their own emotions.
by how well they use


~ appealing to the others emotions.

Nothing works better than

4. Some professors lower their voices when they

the most important information of their lectures.

are about to deliver


~ carry a big stick.

There is no need to

Chapter 03



Life Sport Music

We are tied down by lifes routines and we often forget to value the many good things in life. Most importantly, it seems we have forgotten how to laugh. We only laugh at sitcoms or other comedy shows on TV these days. But if you really want to remind someone (A) on / of the good things in life, gag gifts are perfect to (special, someone, giggle, make). Gag gifts are neither stupid nor useless. Rather they are laugh medicine. They will make our day by reminding us that we need not be so serious about our life. They will shine on our dull day. For every person a gag gift is better than typical gifts such as flowers, candies, etc. Have you ever heard of the Farting Bear? It works by remote control. Put him on a table and people will smile and say, How cute he is! And as soon as the words are out of that persons mouth, you use the remote control to trigger a disgusting sounding fart. The person who has just remarked (B) to / on the bears will look at you puzzlingly. But as you grin from ear (C) for / to ear, the person will no doubt break out in a full force roar of laughter. And the laughter will continue as both of you see the bear glow red blushing in embarrassment. Gag gifts such as the Farting Bear are a good way to get people to put a smile on their face.

be tied down remind [rimind] fart [f;t]

routine [ru;t;n] giggle [ggl] grin [grin]

value [vlju;] trigger [trg]

gag [gg] , dull [d<l] , disgusting [disg=sti\]

make ones day ~

remote control ,

puzzlingly [p=zli\li] a roar of laughter

no doubt

break out ()

glow [glou] ,

blushing [bl=i\]

embarrassment [imbrsmnt] ,


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading



gag gift ?

a TV show that makes people laugh an animal that you can play with a gift that plays dirty jokes a present that makes people chuckle a person who makes fun of others



(A), (B), (C) ?

(A) of on of on of

(B) to to on on on

(C) to for for to to



make someone special giggle



remote control farting cuteness laugh words

Chapter 03



+ to vs. forget + -ing forget OrememberP OrememberP

We often forget to value the many good things in life.


I remember seeing him on the way home.

, < remember[forget]+ -ing> Tips < remember [forget]+ to> () () .


1. . < > He remembered meeting her at a party once.

2. . < > Remember to close the windows before you go out.


The person who has just remarked on the bears cuteness will look at you puzzlingly.
the person ?

who has just remarked on the bears cuteness




The person who has just remarked on the bears cuteness will look at you puzzlingly

R look at you .


Level 2-A

Passage 11


1. We often

the many good things in life.

forget to value

2. But if you really want to

~ the good things in

life, gag gifts are perfect to make someone special giggle.

remind someone of


~ the Farting Bear?

Have you ever heard of

4. The person will

in a full force roar of laughter.

no doubt break out

5. The laughter will continue as both of you

blushing in embarrassment.
see the bear glow red

Chapter 03



Person History

Andy Warhol was one of the founding members of the Pop Art Movement in the 1960s. Although he was involved in many creative areas such as writing, filmmaking, and producing music, he is best known (A) for / as his silk screens of and .

He worked in his infamous studio dubbed The Factory which was a literal reference to the ability (B) to / of mass produce art itself. His factory workers were labelled superstars. Together he and his superstars produced numerous silk screen of commercial objects which have become famous e.g., Campbells Soup, Coca Cola, etc. Many critics are still unsure whether these silk screens were meant to make fun of or support the highly commercial society. In his later years, he was one of the artists hired by Absolute Vodka to incorporate the alcohol bottle into his work. Not only did he seem to adore commercial society, but he also adored idolizing celebrities. His most famous portrait is of Marilyn Monroe. In that portrait he placed side by side numerous pictures of her face, but in each picture he changed the colors of parts of her face. The effect is (C) of / from a brilliant colorful collage. He also did portraits of Elvis Presley and Elizabeth Taylor.

found [faund] , dub [d<b] ~ critic [krtik] , celebrity [slbrti]

be known for ~

infamous [nfms] , numerous [n;mrs] idolize [idliz]

literal [ltrl] make fun of ~

mass produce

incorporate [ink;prit] , brilliant [brljnt] ,

not only A, but also B A B

adore [d;] , , (~)

side by side

collage [kl;,] ( , )


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


Andy Warhol ?

. . , . . .



Andy Warhol The Factory ?



(A), (B), (C) ?

(A) as for for for as

(B) of to of to to

(C) from of of from of



commercial objects



Chapter 03



Not only did he seem to adore commercial society, but he also adored idolizing celebrities.

Not a single mistake did the teacher find in her report.

. .


1. , . Not only was he a star of the music, but also of the musical.

2. . (Under no circumstances) Under no circumstances will your phone number be known to him.


He worked in his infamous studio dubbed The Factory which was a literal reference to the ability to mass produce art itself.
infamous studio (dubbed)?

The Factory
The Factory ?

which was a literal reference to the ability to ~

ability ?

to mass produce art itself


He worked

() in his infamous studio ~


Level 2-A

Passage 12


1. He

such as writing, filmmaking, and

producing music.
was involved in many creative areas

2. He

~ his silk screens.

is best known for

3. He worked in his infamous studio dubbed The Factory which was

a literal reference to .
the ability to mass produce art itself

4. Many critics are still unsure whether these silk screens

the highly commercial society.

were meant to make fun of or support


~ commercial society, but he also

adored idolizing celebrities.

Not only did he seem to adore

Chapter 03



01. ambitious 02. celebrity 03. comprehend 04. concerned 05. disgusting 06. found

, ,

07. infamous 08. literal 09. potential 10. remind 11. trigger 12. value

, ,

v. v.


A .

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. (rather, than)

disgusting smell ambitious politician literal meaning the most infamous criminal be concerned about the future rather value friendship than love

A .

01. To 02. A(n)

found celebrity

means to establish something. is someone who is famous, especially in areas of entertainment

such as films, music, writing, or sports. 03. She


me of my mother, so I miss my mother.

04. If you cannot comprehend something, you cannot understand it. 05. You use

to say that someone or something is capable of developing

into the particular kind of person or thing mentioned. 06. If something exist.

an event or situation, it causes it to begin to happen or


Level 2-A

Passages 09~12

01. They know the box is somewhere in the room because they remember it. to bring 02. None of the issues are important 03. Not only will be 04. When she will get 05. She stopped to grab 06. This one by the window is expensive 07. If he will get a job 08. Jenny stopped eating 09. Under no circumstances is 10. They forgot brought will bringing than this. more important the most important brought

he smart, but also diligent. did was

to the library, it will be open. got gets

some candies for her son. grabbing grabbed than any other car in the shop. the most expensive , he will move to Seoul. gets a job would have gotten a job more expensive

snacks after 9 in the evening for her diet. to eat eaten your identity be revealed. did

the box so they went back to pick it up. to bring bringing

Chapter 03


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

Chapter 04

Passage 13_ Greek Shipping Power Passage 14_ Hawaii and Non-Native Species Passage 15_ How to Burn Fat with Foods that Boost Metabolism Passage 16_ How to Make a Decision

Vocabulary Pre-check
accidentally aggressive alter

make A out of B metabolize


make up ones mind mountainous

alarming pace barley

navigating skill nesting ground non-native oat option

be made up of boundary crossroad devote empire exploit

, boost

, ,

carbohydrate destruction

parallel to pepper

~ ()





(negative) positive , v . power


extinction flavor

protein quality rarely rat

, faraway


, ,

furthermore habitat hardy

give attention to

~ ,


~ refer to ~ result in

~ head for

hold power over impact

self-confidence spice

in addition to ingredient

v . spread

, indigenous


the Mediterranean Sea tremendous victim wheat

, knowingly , a . lean

make a decision


Person History

Many scholars have this belief that advanced sailing techniques helped the ancient empire of Greece rise to power in the eighth century B.C. (a) Greece is located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. This means that Greece was right at the crossroads of many ancient shipping paths. (b) From Greece one can head for Africa, the Middle East and even to the western tip of Europe. In addition to its location, Greece is made up of hundreds of small islands. Traveling to and from these islands naturally requires a boat. (c) The fact that the Greek mainland is quite mountainous resulted in its people living on its coasts. As farming such a country is difficult, people must turn to the seas for their livelihood, and in order to exploit the seas it is natural to develop navigating skills. (d) There are other countries for whom necessity was the mother of invention, and there are some modern-day parallels to Greece. (e) Greece was amongst the first nations to build ships that could transport large quantities of goods, and established ports in faraway places such as Persia and India. As an important trading and shipping nation, Greece held tremendous power over other civilizations in its time.

empire [mpai]

rise to power , head for ~

the Mediterranean Sea tip [tip] ,

right [rait] , ,

crossroad [kr;srud] , be made up of ~ turn to ~ , ~ quantity [kwntti] , , tremendous [trimnds]

in addition to ~

mountainous [muntns] exploit [ksplit] , faraway [f;rwi] ,

result in ~ navigating skill parallel to ~ ()

hold power over ~


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


. . . . .





such a country ?

a country that is made up of many islands a country where people live on the coasts a country that has many mountains a country where people travel islands a country with advanced navigating skills



(a)~(e) ?

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Chapter 04




Many scholars have this belief that advanced sailing techniques helped the ancient empire of Greece rise to power.

The news that he died surprised us.

. Tips this belief advanced sailing ~ rise to power . ,~ that that .



1. . I heard the news that she is coming to the meeting ? 2. Do you know the theory that

the universe came into being as a result of the Big Bang?


The fact that the Greek mainland is quite mountainous resulted in its people living on its coasts.
The fact ?

the Greek mainland is quite mountainous

The fact (resulted in)?

its people living on its coasts

The fact that the Greek mainland is quite mountainous resulted in its people living on its coasts

R resulted in , living on its coasts . living

its people living ~ .


Level 2-A

Passage 13



helped the ancient empire of Greece rise to power in

the eighth century B.C.

Advanced sailing techniques

2. Greece

~ many ancient shipping paths.

was right at the crossroads of

3. The fact that the Greek mainland is quite mountainous

resulted in its people living on its coasts

4. People

~ the seas for their livelihood.

must turn to

5. Greece

~ other civilizations in its time.

held tremendous power over

Chapter 04



Science Technology Nature

Many parts of the earth are impacted by aggressive, hardy species spread either knowingly or accidentally by humans. Non-native species of plants or animals usually have on their new environment. Half of the area of the islands of Hawaii has fallen victim to this phenomenon. The Hawaiian environment has been tragically altered by foreign species. For instance, the Indian mongoose which was brought to Hawaii in the nineteenth century to kill rats has greatly affected the bird population in Hawaii. It (a) has been destroyed / has destroyed the nesting grounds of many indigenous birds, threatening their survival. Nonnative species are now considered the greatest threat to plants and animals after habitat destruction. Non-native species are increasing extinction rates at an (b) alarmed / alarming pace. Can we reduce the destruction caused by non-native species? How do humans usually help species move from one region to another? Is it possible that nonnative species could have a positive impact on a new environment?

impact [impkt] knowingly [nui\li] , victim [vktim] nesting ground

aggressive [grsiv] ,

hardy [h;di] rat [rt]

spread [spred]

accidentally [ksidntli] ,

non-native [nnnitiv]

phenomenon [finmnn] extinction [ikst\n]

alter [;lt] ,

indigenous [indd,ns] ,

habitat [hbtt] ,

destruction [distr=kn]


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading



Indian mongoose ?

to show how the ecosystem changes non-native species in the area to explain how non-native species survive in their new environment to explain that it is disadvantageous to import the Indian mongoose to explain the effects that non-native species have on the environment to point out the reason why the Indian mongoose was brought to Hawaii



Indian mongoose .
: to kill rats : has greatly affected indigenous bird population in Hawaii



desirable results positive effects negative impacts sudden fallout unknown circumstances



(a), (b) .

(a) has destroyed (b) alarming

Chapter 04



Many parts of the earth are impacted by aggressive, hardy species. The Hawaiian environment has been tragically altered by foreign species. The Indian mongoose was brought to Hawaii in the nineteenth century to kill rats. Non-native species are now considered the greatest threat.
Tips . ,


, .
. .

1. She wrote the two letters. The two letters were written by her

2. One should deal with the glasses very carefully. The glasses should be dealt with very carefully


The Indian mongoose which was brought to Hawaii in the nineteenth century to kill rats has greatly affected the bird population in Hawaii.

which was brought to Hawaii in the nineteenth century to kill rats

() 19

The Indian mongoose which was brought ~ to kill rats has greatly affected the bird population in Hawaii


Level 2-A

Passage 14


1. Many parts of the earth are impacted by aggressive, hardy species

spread by humans.
either knowingly or accidentally

2. The Indian mongoose

in the nineteenth century to

kill rats has greatly affected the bird population in Hawaii.

which was brought to Hawaii

3. It has destroyed the nesting grounds of many indigenous birds,

threatening their survival

4. Non-native species
and animals.
are now considered

the greatest threat to plants

5. Non-native species are increasing extinction rates

at an alarming pace

Chapter 04



Food Health

If you are dieting, you obviously want to eat foods which your body will burn off or metabolize the fastest. Metabolism refers to how ones body digests and makes energy out of food. People with a faster metabolism can eat more because they burn up food faster than other people. Certain foods can increase ones metabolism and also help (A) burn / burning up calories faster. What are the foods which will increase your metabolism helping you lose weight faster? The best metabolism (B) enhanced / enhancing foods are those which have a lot of protein in them. For instance, there are meats such as lean beef, chicken breast and fish. Milk, cheese and eggs also have a lot of protein in them. So foods with a lot of these ingredients will boost your metabolism. Not only will these high quality proteins help you boost your metabolism, but many natural carbohydrates will also do the same thing. Wheat, barley and oats are all good sources of natural carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits are also high in carbohydrates. Spices which flavor your food are also good for increasing your metabolic rate. Spices such as hot peppers raise your body temperature. (C) Raised / Raising your bodys temperature results in a higher metabolism, and therefore more calories are being burned. So now you have another reason for choosing those spicy dishes you like so much.

diet [dit] , refer to ~ lean [li;n] , quality [kwlti] , oat [out]

metabolize [mtbliz]

metabolism [mtblzm] protein [pruti;n] boost [bu;st] , barley [b;li]

make A out of B B A chicken breast

enhance [enhns] ingredient [ingr;dint]

carbohydrate [k;bouhidreit] flavor [fliv]

wheat [wi;t]

spice [spais]

pepper [pp] ,


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


. . . . .





(A), (B), (C) ?

(A) burning burn burn

(B) enhanced enhanced enhanced enhancing

(C) Raised Raising Raising Raising Raising

burning burning




Chapter 04



People with a faster metabolism can eat more because they burn up food faster than other people.

It is getting warmer and warmer.

Tips . more .


1. . The more you learn, the wiser you become .

2. . (sensitive, well-being issues, in the past) Nowadays, people are much more sensitive to well-being issues than in the past .


The best metabolism enhancing foods are those which have a lot of protein in them.
foods .

The best metabolism enhancing


those ?

which have a lot of protein in them


The best metabolism enhancing foods are those which have a lot of protein in them


Level 2-A

Passage 15


1. You obviously want to eat foods which our body

metabolize the fastest.
will burn off


2. Metabolism refers to
of food.

and makes energy out

how ones body digests

3. What are the foods which will increase your metabolism

helping you lose weight faster


~ these high quality proteins help you boost your

metabolism, but many natural carbohydrates will also do the same thing.
Not only will

5. Spices

are also good for increasing your metabolic

which flavor your food

Chapter 04



Life Sport Music

(A) Once you have made (a) of / up your mind about something that is the best, not the easiest, devote your excellence (b) to / for the path you have chosen. Do not take even the smallest act lightly. Mahatma Gandhi once said, We are judged by the little things we do. So do every little thing to the best of your ability. Give as much attention to the little things as you would to something you think is the most important. (B) Making the proper decision as well as acting to the best of your ability will result in great growth in pride and self-confidence. Feeling confident will lead you to have more energy and be more passionate about life. You cannot conquer all your problems by analyzing them. You must make decisions and act! (C) A decision always has an easy option, which is rarely the best option. The easy option is usually the option which is the most comfortable for you to take. You need, however, to move (c) to / out of your comfort zone since staying within its boundary can limit your experience and future.

furthermore [f;"m;] , give attention to ~

make up ones mind make a decision

devote [divut], option [pn] ,

pride [praid] limit [lmit]

self-confidence [selfknfidns] , rarely [rli] ~

passionate [pnit]

boundary [bundri] , ,


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


. . . , . .



(a), (b), (c) ?

(A) up of up of up

(B) to to for for to

(C) to out of out of to out of



(A), (B), (C) ?

(B) - (A) - (C) (C) - (B) - (A) (C) - (A) - (B) (B) - (C) - (A) (A) - (C) - (B)



When you make a decision is the best at everything.

, make sure that your choice

, not something that is the most comfortable

and, once the decision is made, try to give your best

Chapter 04



A decision always has an easy option, which is rarely the best option.

He has two sons, who are teachers.

Tips ( , ) ,
. . who which , that .


1. Peter , . (turn out, innocent) Every one suspected Peter, who turned out to be innocent 2. , . (make) The clock struck thirteen, which made everyone laugh . .



Making the proper decision as well as acting to the best of your ability will result in great growth in pride and self-confidence.

Making the proper decision as well as acting to the best of your ability

Making the proper decision as well as acting to the best of your ability will result in great growth in pride and self-confidence


Level 2-A

Passage 16


1. You

about something that is the best, not the easiest.

have made up your mind


~ the little things as you would to something

you think is the most important.

Give as much attention to

3. Making the proper decision as well as acting to the best of your

ability in pride and self-confidence.
will result in great growth

4. Feeling confident

~ have more energy and be

more passionate about life.

will lead you to

5. The easy option is usually the option which is the most comfortable
for you to take

Chapter 04



01. aggressive 02. alter 03. devote 04. enhance 05. exploit 06. extinction

, , , ,

07. habitat 08. ingredient 09. metabolism 10. positive 11. quality 12. tremendous

, , (`negative) , (cf. quantity , ) ,

A .

01. 02. (the genetic composition) 03. 04. (boost) 05. (support) 06. (threatened)

aggressive strategy altering the genetic composition exploit natural resources how to boost the metabolism the tremendous support of the government be threatened with extinction

A .



are the things that are used to make something, especially all the

different foods you use when you are cooking a particular dish. 02. The

of an animal or plant is the natural environment in which it

normally lives or grows. 03. To 04. If you

enhance devote

something means to improve its value, quality, or attractiveness. your time or your energy to something, you spend all or

most of your time or energy on it. 05. Australian producers now face the task of earning a reputation for rather than quantity. 06. The idea of distinguishing between a negative and a(n) the term liberty goes back at least to Kant.

sense of


Level 2-A

Passages 13~16

01. The best 02. The fact much potential. which

you read, the wiser you become. The most The more

your grade got better shows that you have


of got her mom angry. who in by anyone. bring

03. She took some money from her mom, which that

04. No one can bring in food. Food cant is brought 05. The news which 06. She sent me a card. A card was send 07. People are the best 08. I have a brother, which that was sending be brought

he won the lottery was found untrue. that for to me by her. was sent

interested in buying a PDA than before. the more works at a bank. who by them. was finishing he would more

09. They finished most of the juice. Most of the juice was finished finished

10. We didnt believe his announcement reduce the working hours. which that


Chapter 04


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

Chapter 05

Passage 17_ How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem Passage 18_ Human Motivation Passage 19_ Ideas for Gift Baskets Passage 20_ Magazines as a Source of Information

Vocabulary Pre-check

, appreciate



keep abreast of lack in media

~ ~ ,

as a form of

, assemble attitude

motivation mug


be bound to

be delivered to boredom



concentrate on

on the basis of personalize prove

v . concrete


deal with debate

v . range

(), ()


entertainment establish expand expert

~ , refer to , n . regard


run away from self-esteem stimulation stimulus

external framed

free time

z, {

from scratch gift basket in advance

, ()

subscription least

~ turn ones back on

in simple terms innumerable instead of

unlike utmost vicious

, ~


Life Sport Music

Without a high regard for yourself, life becomes difficult. When you believe you will fail, you tend to avoid certain situations. By turning your back on lifes challenges, you are never able to succeed. And then youre never able to build your self-esteem. Its a vicious cycle. The cycle must be stopped. Self-esteem is something you can develop. You have to stop (a) to believe / believing that you are born either with it or without it. In order to develop self-esteem, experts suggest you should concentrate on the positive things in your life. Of course, if you lack self-esteem, you might think that there are no positive things in your life. Thats just not true. Everyone has something positive happening in his or her life. You must find it, focus on it, and (b) go / going forward. Going forward means your confidence is building because youre focusing on a positive thing, which slowly multiplies into many positive things. Having self-esteem will change your life. (A) You will be able to face difficulties now instead of running away from them. (B) Others will sense your new attitude. (C) They will accept you for who you are. Telling others to accept you the way you are is not being arrogant. (D) It is a bigger problem that you go through life wanting to be liked or (c) to fear / fearing others opinions of you. (E)

regard [rig;d] , expert [ksp;t] run away from ~

turn ones back on ~ concentrate on ~ attitude [tit;d]

self-esteem [selfist;m]

vicious [vs] , instead of ~

multiply [m=ltpli] , arrogant [rgnt] ,


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading



A positive attitude can be learned by focusing on positive things in life. To be successful, you need to know how harsh your life can be. Self-esteem is something that can be built without being arrogant to others. Having confidence in yourself can bring positive effects to you. You should build self-esteem and face difficulties to be successful.


. . . . .


(a), (b), (c) ?

(a) believing to believe believing believing to believe


(b) go going going go go

(c) to fear to fear fearing fearing fearing


(A)~(E) , ?

This is simply you being yourself and not dancing to the beat of someone elses drum. (A) (D) (B) (E)
Chapter 05





In order to develop self-esteem, experts suggest you should concentrate on the positive things in your life.

I insisted that Mr. Kim (should) introduce himself first.

Tips , , , (suggest, demand, insist, order, command ) that

< should > , should .


1. . (put) The king ordered that the woman (should) be put 2. . The teacher requested that no one (should) use cell phones in class. in jail.


Telling others to accept you the way you are is not being arrogant.

to accept you the way you are


Telling others to accept you the way you are is not being arrogant

R being arrogant being be . arrogance .


Level 2-A

Passage 17



~ lifes challenges, you are never able to succeed.

By turning your back on

2. You

that you are born either with it or without

have to stop believing

3. In order to develop self-esteem, experts suggest you

the positive things in your life.
should concentrate on

4. You will be able to face difficulties now

instead of running away

from them.

5. They will accept you

for who you are

Chapter 05



Life Sport Music

Human motivation is a response that our body has to some form of either internal or external stimulation. (A) Stimuli are all those things going on inside and outside a person. (B) When we are hungry, a stimulus, we become motivated to eat. (C) The goal is to end hunger so we are motivated to eat something. (D) Every action in life needs a motivation. (E) It is of the utmost importance for everyone to establish aims and purposes for their life. We may not need to set a goal to eat, sleep or drink. Those are internal stimulations. But for external motivations, we certainly do. If a person is motivated to lose weight, he or she must set a goal of losing 2 kilograms. Without goals, we really cant begin to get motivated. As humans, we need to have a reason to do something. That is how our brain works. Establishing a target is only half the battle. We need a plan of how to get to the target. So, for the person who sets the goal of losing 2 kilos, he needs to plan to run every morning for an hour. We should concrete steps to get there without giving up when things dont happen quickly and easily.

motivation [mutvin] (), external [ikst;nl] utmost [=tmust] , concrete [knkr;t]

response [rispns]

either A or B A B

internal [int;nl]

stimulation [stmjlin] establish [istbli]

stimuli [stmjli] (pl.) ( stimulus) brain [brein] get to ~

in simple terms


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


motivation . motivation . motivation . motivation . motivation .



the battle .
to get to the target



, .

James is sending out 10 re sume s a day because he wants to get a job at bank. He decided to find a job because all of his friends have a job while he doesnt.
: : : 10 :



(A)~(E) ?

In simple terms, it means our body is reacting to stimuli. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Chapter 05



of + =

It is of the utmost importance for everyone to establish aims and purposes for their life.

It is of great use to me.

Tips < of +> .


1. . (avail: , ) All the efforts of the doctor were of no avail 2. . (superior) Belgiums woolen cloths are of superior quality . .


Human motivation is a response that our body has to some form of either internal or external stimulation.
(response) ?

that our body has

(response) ?

to some form of either internal or external stimulation


Human motivation is a response that ~


Level 2-A

Passage 18


1. Human motivation is a response that our body has to some form of

either internal or external stimulation

2. It is of the utmost importance

their life.


for everyone to establish aims and purposes

3. That is

how our brain works

4. We need a plan of

how to get to the target

5. We should concrete steps to get there

without giving up

Chapter 05



Life Sport Music

While gift baskets are good gifts, it is not easy to find a gift basket that you would like, since most gift baskets lack in quality. Instead of wasting your time (A) to look / looking for a perfect gift basket, why dont you assemble your own gift basket? Creating a gift basket from scratch allows you (B) personalize / to personalize the gift. You will be able to choose the size of the basket yourself and the items based on the recipients likes and interests. When people receive a basket that has a personal touch, they will appreciate the gift more as they realize that you put a lot of thought and effort into it. Prove to the recipient that you know him or her well by choosing something that refers to his or her hobbies and free-time activities. If the recipient is a fisherman in his free time, you can add a mug with the words Gone Fishing on it. If the recipient loves music, the gift basket can include a CD you made of his or her favorite songs. Or you may want to add a T-shirt with the recipients favorite singer on it. You can even throw in some tickets to the recipients favorite singers next concert. Also dont forget (C) adding / to add things that have special memories of times you and the receiver spent together. For example, you can add a framed picture of a trip you took together. Just remember that .

gift basket

lack in ~

assemble [smbl] ,

from scratch

, ()

personalize [p;snliz] interest [ntrist] free-time [fri;taim]

based on ~

recipient [rispint] , prove [pru;v] ,

like [laik] , refer to ~

appreciate [pr;iit] , mug [m<g]

framed [freimd]


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading

Info Scan


. . . . .






(A), (B), (C) ?

(A) looking to look looking to look looking

(B) to personalize personalize personalize to personalize to personalize

(C) adding adding to add to add to add



you will not fail no matter what you put in there you can save much money by doing it yourself you can benefit from making the basket by yourself you can show that you care by doing it yourself you wouldnt be blamed for what you have done
Chapter 05



waste OspendP ones time OmoneyP -ing

Instead of wasting your time looking for a perfect gift basket, why dont you assemble your own gift basket?

I spend my evenings watching television.

, ,~ Tips waste spend, -ing .


1. . ( advertise) Businessmen spend a lot of money advertising their products.

2. . (make excuses) He is a coward who wastes all his energy making excuses.


You will be able to choose the size of the basket yourself and the items based on the recipients likes and interests.
the items ?

based on the recipients likes and interests



You will be able to choose the size of the basket



2 the items based on the recipients

likes and interests


Level 2-A

Passage 19


1. It is not easy to find a gift basket

that you would like

2. You

the size of the basket yourself and the items

based on the recipients likes and interests.

will be able to choose

3. Choose something
that refers to

~ his or her hobbies and free-time

4. Or you may want to add a T-shirt

with the recipients favorite singer on it


~ add things that have special memories of times

you and the receiver spent together.

Dont forget to

Chapter 05



Social Culture Business

Magazines as a form of media were first introduced in the 1970s. At first they were used to debate the political, economic and social issues of the time. People bought magazines to keep abreast of important issues of the time, (a) to expand / expanding their knowledge and allowing them to form opinions. (A) As time passed people saw that magazines could be used for entertainment. Issues and topics did not need to be so serious. (B) Every age group and everyone with the least interest in any subject can find a magazine they would enjoy. (b) Unlikely / Unlike the uses of the early magazines, many people nowadays use them to ease either their curiosity or boredom. (C) All these magazines are usually available on the basis of a subscription, paying in advance for future monthly or weekly editions of the magazine which will be delivered to a persons house. (D) Since magazines serve many purposes and (c) deal / are dealt with so many topics they are bound to remain an important part of our lives. (E)

debate [dibit] , form [f;m] unlikely [>nlikli] boredom [b;dm] be bound to ~

keep abreast of ~ (abreast , )

expand [ikspnd] , curiosity [kjristi] deal with ~

entertainment [nttinmnt] , use [ju;s] , in advance , available [vilbl]

least [li;st] ,

ease [i;z] ,

on the basis of ~ be delivered to ~

subscription [s<bskrpn]

innumerable [in;mrbl] ,

range [reind,]


Level 2-A

Aim High Reading





(a), (b), (c) ?

(a) to expand expanding to expand expanding

(b) Unlike Unlike Unlikely Unlikely Unlike

(c) deal deal are dealt deal are dealt




(A)~(E) ?

These days magazines deal with innumerable topics ranging from movies and fashion to politics and business. (A) (D) (B) (E) (C)

Info Scan


. , , . . . .

Chapter 05




Many people nowadays use them to ease either their curiosity or boredom.

We do not live to eat, but eat to live.

Tips to , , . ',
, , ' .


to .

1. . They must be silly to believe his words 2. , . One morning I awoke to find myself famous .



Every age group and everyone with the least interest in any subject can find a magazine they would enjoy.
(everyone) ?

with the least interest in any subject


they would enjoy

Every age group and everyone with the least interest in any subject can find a magazine they would enjoy


Level 2-A

Passage 20


1. Magazines as a form of media

were first introduced

in the 1970s.

2. People bought magazines

the time.
to keep abreast of

~ important issues of

3. These days magazines

ranging from movies

and fashion to politics and business.

deal with innumerable topics

4. Every age group and everyone

in any

subject can find a magazine they would enjoy.

with the least interest

5. Since magazines serve many purposes and deal with so many

topics they an important part of our lives.
are bound to remain

Chapter 05



01. arrogant 02. assemble 03. be bound to 04. concentrate on 05. external 06. keep abreast of

, , ~ ~ ( internal) ~

07. lack in 08. recipient 09. stimulation 10. subscription 11. least 12. vicious

~ , , , ,

A .

01. (common sense) 02. (poverty) 03. 04. 05. 06. .

(This sort of thing)

lack in common sense a vicious circle of poverty concentrate on his or her study direct stimulation keep abreast of the times This sort of thing is bound to happen.

A .

01. 02. 03. The

External Least recipient

is the opposite of internal so it means outside. is often considered to be the superlative form of little. of something is the person who receives it.

04. All magazines are available on the basis of a(n) subscription , paying in advance for future monthly or weekly editions which will be delivered to your house. 05. To

something means to collect it together or to fit the different

parts of it together. 06. She is so


that she behaves in a proud, unpleasant way towards

other people.


Level 2-A

Passages 17~20

01. She was wise enough save to save

the file when she first received it. saved

02. The boss ordered that he stay to stay

another two hours. stays

03. They spent 100 dollars buy to buy

unnecessary things in the shop. buying

04. Those items are of no useful

to people. of no use with no use

05. The professor suggested that Matthew retake retakes

the course. to retake

06. She spent her entire life helping to help

the poor. helped

07. The presenter requested that no one looks looked

at the notes. look

08. I spent my whole weekend to do doing

research for my paper. done

09. Do not go there to be treated

, go there to treat others. to treat being treated

10. It is of great importances

for people to have one of those. important importance

Chapter 05




Answer Keys

Chapter 01
Vocabulary Pre-check
intent , aggressive assume , at times attack , be subject to ~ benefit ; ~ bird-flu boost boring career field , characteristic , chuckle , come up with () compliment concrete action confront , consult , contact convinced countless currently , deserve ~ disaster due to ~ , ~ estimate , even though ~ evolve extroverted feel like -ing ~ fleeting , force foundation , giggle graduate hold back , immune system in the world infected introverted job security long-term ( short-term) major in ~ medication movement () , mutate mysterious nature , negative optimistic pandemic passive , pay check permanent , perplexed prestige , professional proper relieve , reveal secretion , sense of guilt separate , share , side-effect strategy strong-willed , terrorism the number of ~ threat tricky turn into ~ unconscious unsavory ,

Aim High Reading | Level 2-A



| | 1. 2. 3. 4.

even though they are consciously aware of the habits? It lies in the fact that most people pick up a bad habit because it benefits them in some way. For instance, smokers can feel that his or her stress is being relieved. Smokers are not easily convinced of any long-term damage when in fact he or she is getting a short-term benefit from smoking. So these people must realize that the benefit is not permanent; it is only fleeting. In such cases where bad habits are truly difficult to break, you can consult professionals. They can help reprogram the unconscious part of the mind, linking unsavory feelings to the unwanted behavior and forming new habits to deal with stressful or boring situations. | |
, . , . , . , , . ? . . , . , . , . . , .

| | 1. Simply being aware can lead the strong`-`willed to

actually break bad habits .

2. . ,
(in fact he or she is getting a short-term benefit) . 3. (a) be aware thatthat . aware which . (b) , ~ when . (c) In such cases where .

, . . So , any long-term damage a short-term benefit (D) .

| | If one of your habits is driving others crazy, you need a strategy to break your unconscious bad habit. First, you need to be aware that you do have a bad habit. Simply being aware can lead the strong-willed to actually break bad habits, but for most of us it takes more than that. For instance, smokers are aware that their habit is bad and is killing them, but they cannot give it up. Why is it so hard for people to break bad habits

| |
First, you need to be aware that you do have a bad habit.
have do have do.

Answer Keys

Why is it so hard for people to break bad habits

it , to , for people to .

5. In such cases where bad habits are truly difficult to break, you can consult professionals.
(~ )

It lies in the fact that most people pick up a bad habit

that that.

1. .

Being poor, he cannot buy a house. = As he

is poor, he cannot buy a house.
2. , .



| | 1. 2. 3. 4.
/ /

Turning to the right, you will see the building. STRUCTURE

Why is it so hard for people to break bad habits?
it ?

to break bad habits

? ( )

| | 1.
, . , Make a career decision based on what you want to do.( .). . . . .

: < > Why

is it hard for people to break bad habits

1. Simply being aware can lead the strong-willed to actually break bad habits.
( )

2. the average college graduates change their jobs

once every three years 2~3 . 2~3 .

2. Why is it so hard for people to break bad habits even though they are consciously aware of the habits? ( ) 3. It lies in the fact that most people pick up a bad habit because it benefits them in some way.
(~ )

3. those job security, a fat pay

check, or prestige , , , .

4. ,
, it has the same meaning and intent( ) .

4. So these people must realize that the benefit is not permanent; it is only fleeting.
( )

Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

! . , . , . . , ! . , 3 2~3 . . , .

| | Many adults frequently ask children what they want to be when they grow up. People have been asking you this question ever since you were a little kid. As a child goes through the education system, the question changes but it has the same meaning and intent. People will ask you what you want to major in at college, where you want to go to school and what you want to do with the rest of your life. At times youll feel like saying: How in the world should I know? Im only 18! While making a career decision is tricky, dont get too stressed out. Try to decide on something you would like to do, not just something you think will offer you job security, a fat pay check, or prestige. All of those are subject to change. Do what you want to, and dont worry about the rest! Another thing to remember is that your decision will not be permanent. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average college graduates change their jobs once every three years and change career fields two or three times in their lifetime. Non college graduates change their careers even more often. So, dont assume that your first career decision will determine your job for the rest of your life. | |
. . , , ( ) . , , . ,

| |
Another thing to remember is that your decision will not be permanent.
to remember Another thing to .

1. ?

Who knows what we can do for the country?

2. .

He asked me if I could climb the mountain. STRUCTURE

People will ask you what you want to major in at college, where you want to go to school and what you want to do with the rest of your life.

what you want to major in at college where you want to go to school what you want to do with the rest of your life
< >

People will ask

you what you want to major in at college

where you want to go to school what you want to do with the rest of your life

Answer Keys

1. Many adults frequently ask children what they want to be when they grow up. ( ) 2. People will ask you what you want to do with the rest of your life. ( ) 3. Try to decide on something you would like to do, not just something you think will offer you job security, a fat pay check, or prestige.
( )

. 4. mutates;z{ , changes .

| | The global health community is perplexed because it is confronting a problem which may turn into a disaster. The disease seems simple, but they couldnt come up with a proper medication for it. The disease is bird flu and it is stressing the health community who fears it will be the cause of countless deaths in the next few years. At present, people with the disease have only a fifty percent chance of surviving. Terrorism is not the greatest threat to your peaceful life. Everyone doctors, researchers, and scientists agrees that it has the ability to kill more people than any threat currently confronting man. The number of deaths due to the attack of this disease has been relatively small so far, but that doesnt mean it will remain the same. History tells us another pandemic is on the way. It is estimated one occurs every 30~40 years and we are due for the next one right now. We need to prepare and take concrete actions to protect ourselves and our families. The nature, movement and way of working of this virus are mysterious. So far, human beings have suffered from direct contact with infected animals and their secretions. But the virus evolves constantly and mutates into a new deadly form as it passes from animals to human beings. | |
. , . , . , 50%.

4. Another thing to remember is that your decision will not be permanent. ( ) 5. The average college graduates change their jobs once every three years. (3 )



| | 1. 2. 3. 4.

| |
t 1. The disease seems simple, but they couldn come up with a proper medication for it. , , . .

2. (a)~(d) the disease , bird flu

, (e) The number of deaths due to the attack of this disease , .

3. But the virus evolves constantly and

mutates into a new deadly form as it passes from animals to human beings. , . .

Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

. , , . , . . 30~40 , . . , . . , .

: < >

The number of deaths due to the attack

of this disease has been relatively small () so far

1. The disease seems simple, but they couldnt come up with a proper medication for it.
( )

2. At present, people with the disease have only a fifty percent chance of surviving.
(~ 50%)

| |
it is stressing the health community who fears (that) it will be the cause of countless deaths
who the health community . fear it that .

3. History tells us another pandemic is on the way.

( )

4. We need to prepare and take concrete actions to protect ourselves and our families.
( )

5. But the virus evolves constantly and mutates

1. , .

into a new deadly form as it passes from animals to human beings.

( )

Students, dont talk to one another during an

2. .

He was so overcome with emotion that he

couldnt speak OtalkP .
3. .



Please tell me how to get to the station.

4. .

| | 1. 2. 3. 4. (a) so (b) to feel | | 1. They are always optimistic about their life and
their chances of succeeding at a task.

He told Osaid toP us that he was tired. STRUCTURE

The number of deaths due to the attack of this disease has been relatively small so far.

due to the attack of this disease

relatively() ?

Answer Keys

. . .

2. Happy people neither hold back nor

hide their joy. . show . , ,

strong religious foundation. Although it is possible to argue that religious beliefs can force people to feel a greater sense of guilt and as a result have negative feelings, what has actually been proven is that a belief creates positive feelings toward oneself and others. | |
. , . , . 1952 Albert Schweitzer . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . . , .

, 3. gregarious, social . shy .

4. (a) it , so
. , so . (b) <force++to > ~ . force to . to feel .

| | Happiness does not result from being successful. In contrast you need to be happy to achieve success. If you enjoy your job, you will be successful, said Dr. Albert Schweitzer, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952. Happy people have certain characteristics that separate them from unhappy people. Happy people are passive and peaceful rather than aggressive and violent. They are always optimistic about their life and their chances of succeeding at a task. They are extroverted and gregarious rather than introverted and shy. These characteristics seem to have a healthy side-effect: they boost the immune system. Happy people neither hold back nor hide their joy. They chuckle and giggle to show their pleasure with life. They reveal their true selves to others. When others compliment them, they accept it with pleasure and feel they deserve it. If they want to share their pleasure, they do so. Happy people are also people who have a

| |
Happy people are passive and peaceful rather than aggressive and violent. / They are extroverted and gregarious rather than introverted and shy.
rather than ~ .

1. .

It is impossible for him to finish the work in a


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

2. .

It is also very important to know what is

important in your life.

What has actually been proven is that a belief creates positive feelings toward oneself and others.
? ( that)

04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12.

, , , ,

that a belief creates positive feelings toward ~

: ~ < >

What has actually been proven is that a belief creates positive feelings

|B| 01. be infected with cholera 02. passive resistance 03. national prestige 04. aggressive behavior 05. an unsavory past 06. a disorder of the immune system |C| 01. extroverted 02. pandemic 03. Introverted 04. compliment 05. Secretion 06. mutates |D| 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

toward oneself and others

1. Happy people have certain characteristics that separate them from unhappy people.
( )

2. They are extroverted and gregarious rather than introverted and shy. (~) 3. Happy people neither hold back nor hide their joy. ( ) 4. When others compliment them, they accept it with pleasure and feel they deserve it.
( )

5. It is possible to argue that religious beliefs can force people to feel a greater sense of guilt and as a result have negative feelings.
(~ )

|A| 01. 02. 03.

Answer Keys

Chapter 02
Vocabulary Pre-check
lastly , access adequate adolescent , adopt , affect ( ) , aging process at ones best bad-tempered , biological () break out , bring ~ under control ~ catch up on ( ) clinical , combination consider correlation creativity , currently deal with ~ , depression () determine disorder , , emotion execute expel , fight off , function () get out of control have an effect identification immediate in turn ; ~ infection , initiate intervene , irregular jail , juvenile , life-threatening medication mental , operation peep penal prevent ~ from -ing ~ prevention , psychiatrist psychologist psychotherapy rate , , register , remove restore screening , seek , so-called , stay up late suffer from ~ susceptible to ~ take up tend to ~ the elderly therapy , threaten tragically , trial ultimately , unprecedented unpredictably violence viral () weaken , widespread


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A



| | 1. 2. / 3. 4. prevent | | 1. We are currently putting more and more juveniles

in jail, but school violence is not decreasing. . , , .

people believe the juvenile penal system can solve the problem of increasing violence. But it cannot! We are currently putting more and more juveniles in jail, but school violence is not decreasing. Why dont many children feel safe at school? Most schools do not have plans to prevent violence. They only have plans to expel those who are violent and threaten others. It is time to put money into preventing violence. We must learn to intervene before violence breaks out. One of the several ways to do this is to have immediate and easy access to mental health services for all troubled youth and their families. And we can also consider early screening of children with behavior problems to determine the services that are needed. While we can continue to spend money on trials and jails, we must also put more money into prevention through identification and therapy for troubled youth and their families. | |
. . , . . ! , . ? . . . . . . , .

And we can also consider early screening of children with behavior problems to determine the services that are needed. . , One of the several ways to do this is to have immediate and easy access to mental health services for all troubled youth and their families. . .

3. early screening of children with behavior problem

mental health service, (identification) (therapy) . , identification and therapy( ) .

, 4. intervene , , , prevent .

| | Violence in schools has been increasing at unprecedented rates. Last year, there were many incidents of school violence in the news. The situation is starting to get out of control and we need to act to bring it under control. Most

Answer Keys


| |
Violence in schools has been increasing at unprecedented rates.
, .

3. It is time to put money into preventing violence.

(~ )

4. One of the several ways to do this is to have immediate and easy access. ( ) 5. And we can also consider early screening of children with behavior problems to determine the services that are needed. ( )

1. . (feed)

One way to save him is not to feed him.

2. . (foster, knowledgeable people)



The function of school is to foster

knowledgeable people.

| | 1. 2.

One of the several ways to do this is to have immediate and easy access to mental health services for all troubled youth and their families.
(One of the several ways)?


to do this
: (access) ?

3. 4. (a) suffering (b) get up | | 1.

. , .

: immediate and easy : mental health services

: < > ()

One of the several ways to do this is to have immediate and easy access to mental health services for all troubled youth and their families

2. , () ,
, .

3. , ,
, . .

1. The situation is starting to get out of control.
( )

4. (a) those adolescent , those suffering

< + be> who are . suffering . (b) youths are programmed to stay up late get up late get up .

2. They only have plans to expel those who are violent and threaten others.
( )


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

| | More and more youths are being treated by doctors for sleeping problems which prevent them from getting adequate amounts of rest. An increasing number of teens are also adopting busy lifestyles and ignoring their biological need for sleep. Adolescents need nine hours of sleep, but those suffering from the disorders often get much less. It has been shown by some researchers that the average youth gets about six and a half hours of sleep on a school night. A few high school students often get a lot less than six. Experts also agree that adolescent sleep disorders can be a result of irregular sleeping patterns. Biologically youths are programmed to stay up late and get up late. Unfortunately, that is not the schedule of the schools in their life. And teens try to catch up on their sleep during the weekends, oftentimes sleeping into the afternoon. Adolescent sleep disorders can have negative effects on memory and creativity, which in turn could cause problems with learning abilities. Furthermore, it affects their emotions causing them to be unpredictably bad-tempered. Lastly, the lack of sleep affects their ability to fight off diseases because it weakens their immune systems, leaving them susceptible to colds and other viral infections. | |
. 10 . 9 , . . . .

. . 10 , . , . , . , .

| |
those suffering from the disorders often get much less / A few high school students often get a lot less than six.
much, a lot, still, far, even , .

1. , .

Schools may destroy creativity, fostering

ordinary people.
2. , .

He fell, striking his head against the door. STRUCTURE

(Adolescents need nine hours of sleep, but) those suffering from the disorders often get much less.
those ?

suffering ?

who are
: less ?

< >

those (adolescents) (who are) suffering

from the disorders often get much less (sleep)

Answer Keys


1. It has been shown by some researchers that the average youth gets about six and a half hours of sleep. ( ) 2. Biologically youths are programmed to stay up late and get up late.
( )

. . , .

3. (A) Ultimately spyware may prevent you from

using your computer at all because it might take up so much space in your registry that other functions cannot be executed. . , .

3. Teens try to catch up on their sleep during the weekends. (~ ) 4. Adolescent sleep disorders can have negative effects on memory and creativity.
(~ )

4. (a) allow to to
spy . (b) the only thing you can do, is, is to remove (to) initiate . (c) . not , not perform .

5. Lastly, the lack of sleep affects their ability to fight off diseases. ( )



| | Spyware allows other people to view your computer system and see what you have been doing and what you have stored on your computer. It allows others to spy on you! Spyware is so dangerous because you wouldnt know even if it gathers information on you. (C) The spyware will be watching you and then peeping in and finally it will get installed in your computer system. After the spyware registers itself on your system, it will start damaging the operation of programs and make your computer run slow, making it not perform at its best. (A) Ultimately spyware may prevent you from using your computer at all because it might take up so much space in your registry that other functions cannot be executed. In this case, the only thing you can do is to remove every thing from the hard drive and initiate a proper restoring process. (B) But once things are removed from your hard drive without any backup of the files, there is no way you can recover them. This is the worst thing the spyware can actually do to your

| | 1. 2. 3.

4. | | 1.
. (C) , (A) , (B) .

2. (C) After the spyware registers itself on your

computer system , . . .


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

computer system by introducing itself to the registry. | |

, . ! . (C) . , , , . (A) , . , . (B) , . .

1. .

This is not what she gave her son for

2. .

We should judge a person not by what he

has but by what he is.

The only thing you can do is to remove every thing from the hard drive and initiate a proper restoring process.
to remove ?

< >

The only thing you can do is 1 to remove every thing from the hard

2 (to) initiate a proper restoring process

1. Spyware allows other people to see what you have been doing and what you have stored on your computer. ( ) 2. Because you wouldnt know even if it gathers information on you. ( ) 3. It might take up so much space in your registry that other functions cannot be executed.
( )

| |
Spyware allows other people to view your computer system / It allows others to spy on you!
allow <allow++to> .

because you wouldnt know even if it gathers information on you

know . if whether ~ .

4. The only thing you can do is to remove every thing from the hard drive.
( )

because it might take up so much space in your registry that other functions cannot be executed
<so ~ that ...> ~ .

5. This is the worst thing the spyware can actually do to your computer system.
( )

Answer Keys




| | Depression is widespread throughout society. It can affect teenagers and seniors, males and females, and people of any race. While depression is not a normal part of the aging process, there is a strong correlation between depression and people who are suffering from life-threatening diseases. Tragically, the elderly suffering from depression are often ignored since people tend to think their feelings are natural and a normal part of aging. However, clinical depression is never a normal response; it is a serious medical illness that should be treated at any age. Though depression is a serious medical condition, only 3% of the elderly treated for mental health problems get professional help for their condition. Many elderly dont think their depression is serious enough for them to seek professional help. Most elderly people feeling depressed very often are merely treated by their general practitioner, not a psychologist or psychiatrist. But general practitioners are not trained to deal with this disease. But the good news is that this disease is treatable. More than 80% of all people with depression can be successfully treated with medication, psychotherapy or a combination of both. | |
. , . , . , , . . . , 3%

| | 1. / 2. 3. (

4. treatable | | 1. there is a strong correlation between

depression and people who are suffering from life`-threatening diseases . More than 80% ~ successfully treated . , , While depression is not a normal part of the aging process .

2. (A) the elderly suffering who are

. , suffering from depression the elderly , are. (B) (A) only 3% of the elderly treated who are , get. are treated . (C) . depressed, surprised, bored, interested . depressed .

3. Tragically, the elderly suffering from depression

are often ignored since people tend to think their feelings are natural and a normal part of aging. . , .

4. can be successfully treated

with treated treatable .


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

. . . . . 80% , , .

< >

Most elderly people feeling depressed

very often are merely treated

() by their general practitioner, not a

psychologist or psychiatrist

Tragically, the elderly (who are) suffering from depression are often ignored
the elderly suffering < +be > , (who are) .

1. There is a strong correlation between depression and people who are suffering from life-threatening diseases.
( )

2. It is a serious medical illness that should be treated at any age. ( ) 3. Only 3% of the elderly treated for mental health problems get professional help for their condition. ( ) 4. Most elderly people feeling depressed very often are merely treated by their general practitioner, not a psychologist or psychiatrist.
( ~ )

only 3% of the elderly ~ get professional help for their condition / More than 80% of all people with depression can be successfully treated
, of .

But the good news is that this disease is treatable.

the good news, is, is that .

5. More than 80% of all people with depression can be successfully treated with medication, psychotherapy or a combination of both.
( 80% )

1. .

The organization is collecting money for the

blind. = The organization is collecting money for blind people.
2. .

The unemployed are supported by the

government. = Unemployed people are supported by the government.

Most elderly people feeling depressed very often are merely treated by their general practitioner, not a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Most elderly people


Answer Keys


|A| 01. 02. , 03. , 04. , , 05. , 06. 07. , 08. , 09. 10. ~ 11. ~ 12. |B| 01. a fire breaks out 02. be expelled from a school 03. juvenile literature Oa coldP 04. susceptible to colds 05. mental disorder 06. I stayed up late last night. |C| 01. initiate 02. intervene 03. Adolescent 04. tends to 05. unprecedented 06. adopt |D| 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

Chapter 03
Vocabulary Pre-check
no doubt a roar of laughter adore , advance , ambitious appeal to ~ attitude be based on ~ be known for ~ be likely to ~ be tied down blushing brilliant , bumpy , celebrity communication comprehend , concerned , convince countless , critic , disgusting dub ~ dull , effectively embarrassment , fart fuss , giggle glow , grin idolize incorporate , infamous , literal make a decision make fun of ~ make ones day ~ mass produce not only A, but also B A B nuance , numerous personality , potential , puzzlingly remind remote control , routine side by side stick out strategy thoroughly , throw off trigger



| | 1. 2. 3. 4. (a) likely (b) fast | | 1. ,

. It is important to learn to deal with people with different personalities.( .) . , . .

Answer Keys


. . .

advance in their careers. They hate wasting time and they speak openly, honestly and fast. Their meaning is clear and without nuance. Reflecting their professional life, their personal life is based on how certain people can help or hurt them. In dealing with other people, what do you think are the main problems you would have with a direct person? What solutions can you think of for these problems? | |
. , , . , . , . 10% . . . . . , . . , . . , . , ? ?

2. Direct people are ambitious people who want to

advance in their careers. .

3. , ,
, They merely react.( .). . . . . 4. (a) <be likely to ~> ~ . (b) fast .

| | Communication skills are the key to help you find the path toward a successful career and personal life. If you dont improve your communication skills sooner or later, the road toward happiness will be very bumpy and you may even be thrown off course by others who are upset by your lack of communication skills. Whatever your personality type is, you must find a way to communicate effectively with others who have different personalities. Lets think about potential communication problems and solutions by examining one personality type. People with a very direct personality make up 10% of the population. These people are usually our leaders and bosses. They have clear set goals and have a strategy to achieve them with as little fuss as possible. They do not question the reason for doing something. They merely react. Sometimes they are likely to make decisions so quickly without considering things thoroughly. Direct people are ambitious people who want to

| |
Communication skills are the key to help you find the path
help , to .

their personal life is based on how certain people can help or hurt them


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

how , <how++> . ~ .



1. , .

| | 1. 2. 3. , , 4. making good decisions / reacting to others

(convincing others)

If it rains tomorrow, we will not go.

2. .

You cant go out until you have done your


What do you think are the main problems you would have with a direct person?
the main problems , .

| | 1.
. We need emotional intelligence for many things .

you would have with a direct person

: < >

2. to
exemplify how emotional intelligence can affect decision making( ) . . , , .

What () do you think are

the main problems you would have with a direct person

1. You may even be thrown off course by others who are upset by your lack of communication skills. ( ) 2. They have clear set goals and have a strategy to achieve them with as little fuss as possible.
( )

3. Sometimes they are likely to make decisions so quickly without considering things thoroughly.
( )

3. To convince another person, show respect and

show you re concerned and caring. . , , , .

4. Their personal life is based on how certain people can help or hurt them.
( )

5. In dealing with other people, what do you think are the main problems you would have with a direct person? (~ )

4. We need emotional intelligence for many things,

among which making good decisions and reacting to others stick out the most. , making good decisions reacting to others .

Answer Keys


| | Ones emotions are a form of information. Others can tell a lot about you by understanding your emotions. And others can also influence you greatly by how well they use their own emotions. Comprehending and using emotions is what emotional intelligence is all about. We need emotional intelligence for many things, among which making good decisions and reacting to others stick out the most. You are in a shop and you are just about to buy, but then you decide not to buy because you dont like the salesmans attitude. So you walk away. You have used your emotional intelligence, and the salesman has failed to use his. When trying to convince others its often better to use your emotions not your, often loud, voice. There are countless times we try to reach others and make them understand something. At those times, nothing works better than appealing to the others emotions. To convince another person, show respect and show youre concerned and caring. Some professors lower their voices when they are about to deliver the most important information of their lectures. They dont shout it out. They show respect for their students and speak softly. There is no need to carry a big stick. Students will know the professors are respecting them and they will tune in. This is using the emotional intelligence. | |
. . . . , . , .

. , . , . . , . , . . . . . , . .

| |
Comprehending and using emotions is what emotional intelligence is all about.
and . is . cf. making good decisions and reacting to others stick out the most

but then you decide not to buy

to to not .

1. .

Nothing is more precious than time.

2. Arial .

No other student in the class is more

intelligent than Arial.

There are countless times when we try to reach others and make them understand something.
(times) ?

when we try to reach others (when we try to) make them understand something


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

< >

2. (A) remind A of BA B . (B) remark on ~ . (C) from ear to ear , .

There are countless times when we try to reach others and make them understand something

1. Others can tell a lot about you by understanding your emotions. ( ) 2. Others can also influence you greatly by how well they use their own emotions.
( )

3. make
, . someone special , giggle . someone . make someone special giggle . , 4. How cute he is! cuteness() .

3. Nothing works better than appealing to the others emotions.

(~ )

| | We are tied down by lifes routines and we often forget to value the many good things in life. Most importantly, it seems we have forgotten how to laugh. We only laugh at sitcoms or other comedy shows on TV these days. But if you really want to remind someone of the good things in life, gag gifts are perfect to make someone special giggle. Gag gifts are neither stupid nor useless. Rather they are laugh medicine. They will make our day by reminding us that we need not be so serious about our life. They will shine on our dull day. For every person a gag gift is better than typical gifts such as flowers, candies, etc. Have you ever heard of the Farting Bear? It works by remote control. Put him on a table and people will smile and say, How cute he is! And as soon as the words are out of that persons mouth, you use the remote control to trigger a disgusting sounding fart. The person who has just remarked on the bears cuteness will look at you puzzlingly. But as you grin from ear to ear, the person will no doubt break out in a full force roar of laughter. And the laughter will continue as both of you see the bear glow red blushing in embarrassment.

4. Some professors lower their voices when they are about to deliver the most important information of their lectures.
( ~ )

5. There is no need to carry a big stick.

(~ )



| | 1. 2. 3. make someone special giggle 4. | | 1. , TV

. gag gift a present that makes people chuckle( ) . TV

Answer Keys


Gag gifts such as the Farting Bear are a good way to get people to put a smile on their face. | |
, . , . TV . , . . . . . , . ? . , ! . , . . , . . .

1. . < >

He remembered meeting her at a party once.

2. . < >

Remember to close the windows before you

go out.

The person who has just remarked on the bears cuteness will look at you puzzlingly.
the person ?

who has just remarked on the bears cuteness

: < >

The person who has just remarked on

the bears cuteness will look at you

() puzzlingly

1. We often forget to value the many good things in life. ( ) 2. But if you really want to remind someone of the good things in life, gag gifts are perfect to make someone special giggle.
( ~ )

| |
gag gifts are perfect to make someone special giggle
make someone special, giggle .

3. Have you ever heard of the Farting Bear?

(~ )

4. The person will no doubt break out in a full force roar of laughter. ( ) 5. The laughter will continue as both of you see the bear glow red blushing in embarrassment.
( )

Gag gifts are neither stupid nor useless.

<neither A nor B> A B .

Have you ever heard of the Farting Bear?


both of you see the bear glow red blushing in embarrassment

see the bear, glow .


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A



| | 1. 2. 3. 4. commercial objects / celebrities | | 1. He worked in his infamous studio dubbedThe

Factorywhich was a literal reference to ability to mass produce art itself. , . , .

workers were labelled superstars. Together he and his superstars produced numerous silk screen of commercial objects which have become famous e.g., Campbells Soup, Coca Cola, etc. Many critics are still unsure whether these silk screens were meant to make fun of or support the highly commercial society. In his later years, he was one of the artists hired by Absolute Vodka to incorporate the alcohol bottle into his work. Not only did he seem to adore commercial society, but he also adored idolizing celebrities. His most famous portrait is of Marilyn Monroe. In that portrait he placed side by side numerous pictures of her face, but in each picture he changed the colors of parts of her face. The effect is of a brilliant colorful collage. He also did portraits of Elvis Presley and Elizabeth Taylor. | |
Andy Warhol 1960 . , , , . . . Campbell s Soup, Coca Cola . . Absolute Vodka . , . Marilyn Monroe. , . . Elvis Presley Elizabeth Taylor .

2. He worked in his infamous studio dubbedThe

Factorywhich was a literal reference to ability to mass produce art itself. , Andy Warhol The Factory . 3. (A) be known for~ , be known as~ . his silk screens for . (B) to mass produce to ability . (C) <of+> be , of . s Soup, Coca Cola, etc. 4. Campbell commercial object, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor celebrities .

| | Andy Warhol was one of the founding members of the Pop Art Movement in the 1960s. Although he was involved in many creative areas such as writing, filmmaking, and producing music, he is best known for his silk screens of commercial objects and celebrities. He worked in his infamous studio dubbed The Factory which was a literal reference to the ability to mass produce art itself. His factory

Answer Keys


| |
Many critics are still unsure whether these silk screens were meant to make fun of or support the highly commercial society
be unsure whether ~ or , were meant to make support .

1. He was involved in many creative areas such as writing, filmmaking, and producing music.
( )

2. He is best known for his silk screens.

(~ )

3. He worked in his infamous studio dubbed The Factory which was a literal reference to the ability to mass produce art itself.
( )

1. , .

Not only was he a star of the music, but also

of the musical.
2. .

4. Many critics are still unsure whether these silk screens were meant to make fun of or support the highly commercial society.
(~ )

Under no circumstances will your phone

number be known to him.

5. Not only did he seem to adore commercial society, but he also adored idolizing celebrities.
( ~ )

He worked in his infamous studio dubbed The Factory which was a literal reference to the ability to mass produce art itself.
infamous studio (dubbed)?

The Factory
The Factory ?

which was a literal reference to the ability to ~

the ability ?

to mass produce art itself

< >

He worked

() in his infamous studio ~


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

|A| 01. 02. 03. , 04. , 05. 06. , 07. , 08. 09. , 10. 11. 12. |B| 01. disgusting smell 02. ambitious politician 03. literal meaning 04. the most infamous criminal 05. be concerned about the future 06. rather value friendship than love |C| 01. found 02. celebrity 03. reminds 04. comprehend 05. potential 06. triggers |D| 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

Answer Keys


Chapter 04
Vocabulary Pre-check
non-native accidentally , aggressive , alarming pace alter , barley be made up of ~ boost , boundary , , carbohydrate crossroad , destruction devote , digest empire enhance exploit , extinction faraway , flavor furthermore , give attention to ~ habitat , hardy head for ~ hold power over ~ impact in addition to ~ indigenous , ingredient knowingly , lean , make a decision make A out of B B A make up ones mind metabolize mountainous navigating skill nesting ground oat option , parallel to ~ () passionate pepper , phenomenon positive (negative) power , pride protein quality , quantity , , rarely ~ rat reduce refer to ~ result in ~ self-confidence , spice spread survival the Mediterranean Sea tremendous victim wheat



| | 1. 2.

3. 4.


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

| | 1.
, .

and there are some modern-day parallels to Greece.) Greece was amongst the first nations to build ships that could transport large quantities of goods, and established ports in faraway places such as Persia and India. As an important trading and shipping nation, Greece held tremendous power over other civilizations in its time. | |
8 . . . , . , . . . , , . ( , .) , . , .

, . , .

3. such a country The fact that the

Greek mainland is quite mountainous . , a country that has many mountains( ), .

. (d) , , .

| | Many scholars have this belief that advanced sailing techniques helped the ancient empire of Greece rise to power in the eighth century B.C. Greece is located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. This means that Greece was right at the crossroads of many ancient shipping paths. From Greece one can head for Africa, the Middle East and even to the western tip of Europe. In addition to its location, Greece is made up of hundreds of small islands. Traveling to and from these islands naturally requires a boat. The fact that the Greek mainland is quite mountainous resulted in its people living on its coasts. As farming such a country is difficult, people must turn to the seas for their livelihood, and in order to exploit the seas it is natural to develop navigating skills. (There are other countries for whom necessity was the mother of invention,

| |
advanced sailing techniques helped the ancient empire of Greece rise to power
<help++(to+)> , rise to .

1. .

I heard the news that she is coming to the

2. ?

Do you know the theory that the universe

came into being as a result of the Big Bang?

Answer Keys


The fact that the Greek mainland is quite mountainous resulted in its people living on its coasts.
The fact ?



| | 1. 2. : to kill rats
: has greatly affected indigenous bird

the Greek mainland is quite mountainous

The fact (resulted in)?

its people living on its coasts

< >

population in Hawaii

The fact that the Greek mainland is

3. 4. (a) has destroyed (b) alarming | | 1. Indian mongoose The Hawaiian

environment has been tragically altered by foreign species. . , to explain the effects that non`-`native species have on the environment( ).

quite mountainous resulted in its people living on its coasts

1. Advanced sailing techniques helped the ancient empire of Greece rise to power in the eighth century B.C. ( ) 2. Greece was right at the crossroads of many ancient shipping paths.
(~ )

3. The fact that the Greek mainland is quite mountainous resulted in its people living on its coasts.
( )

4. People must turn to the seas for their livelihood.

(~ )

2. For instance, the Indian mongoose which was

brought to Hawaii in the nineteenth century to kill rats has greatly affected the bird population in Hawaii. to kill rats( ), has greatly affected indigenous bird population in Hawaii( ) .

5. Greece held tremendous power over other civilizations in its time.

(~ )

3. victim negative
impacts( ) .

4. (a) It the Indian mongoose .

the nesting grounds . (b) at an alarming pace .


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

| | Many parts of the earth are impacted by aggressive, hardy species spread either knowingly or accidentally by humans. Nonnative species of plants or animals usually have negative impacts on their new environment. Half of the area of the islands of Hawaii has fallen victim to this phenomenon. The Hawaiian environment has been tragically altered by foreign species. For instance, the Indian mongoose which was brought to Hawaii in the nineteenth century to kill rats has greatly affected the bird population in Hawaii. It has destroyed the nesting grounds of many indigenous birds, threatening their survival. Non-native species are now considered the greatest threat to plants and animals after habitat destruction. Non-native species are increasing extinction rates at an alarming pace. Can we reduce the destruction caused by nonnative species? How do humans usually help species move from one region to another? Is it possible that non-native species could have a positive impact on a new environment? | |
() . . . . , 19 . . . . ? ? ?

| |
Half of the area of the islands of Hawaii has fallen victim to this phenomenon.
half of . the area has .

1. She wrote the two letters.

The two letters were written by her.

2. One should deal with the glasses very carefully.

The glasses should be dealt with very


The Indian mongoose which was brought to Hawaii in the nineteenth century to kill rats has greatly affected the bird population in Hawaii.

which was brought to Hawaii in the nineteenth century to kill rats

: 19 < >

The Indian mongoose which was

brought ~ to kill rats has greatly affected the bird population in Hawaii

1. Many parts of the earth are impacted by aggressive, hardy species spread either knowingly or accidentally by humans.
( )

2. The Indian mongoose which was brought to Hawaii in the 19 century to kill rats has greatly affected the bird population in Hawaii.
( )

3. It has destroyed the nesting grounds of many indigenous birds, threatening their survival.
( )

Answer Keys


4. Non-native species are now considered the greatest threat to plants and animals.
( )

| | If you are dieting, you obviously want to eat foods which your body will burn off or metabolize the fastest. Metabolism refers to how ones body digests and makes energy out of food. People with a faster metabolism can eat more because they burn up food faster than other people. Certain foods can increase ones metabolism and also help burn up calories faster. What are the foods which will increase your metabolism helping you lose weight faster? The best metabolism enhancing foods are those which have a lot of protein in them. For instance, there are meats such as lean beef, chicken breast and fish. Milk, cheese and eggs also have a lot of protein in them. So foods with a lot of these ingredients will boost your metabolism. Not only will these high quality proteins help you boost your metabolism, but many natural carbohydrates will also do the same thing. Wheat, barley and oats are all good sources of natural carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits are also high in carbohydrates. Spices which flavor your food are also good for increasing your metabolic rate. Spices such as hot peppers raise your body temperature. Raising your bodys temperature results in a higher metabolism, and therefore more calories are being burned. So now you have another reason for choosing those spicy dishes you like so much. | |
, . . . .

5. Non-native species are increasing extinction rates at an alarming pace. ( )



| | 1. 2. 3. 4.

| | 1.
. . People with a faster metabolism can eat more because they burn up food faster than other people. .

2. meats such as lean beef

, .

3. (A) help ,
to , burning burn . (B) enhancing . (C) Raising . Raising results in . s temperature results in a 4. Raising your body higher metabolism, and therefore more calories are being burned. . , .


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

? . , , . , . . , . , , . . . . , . .

those ?

which have a lot of protein in them

: < >

The best metabolism enhancing foods are those which have a lot of protein in


1. You obviously want to eat foods which our body will burn off or metabolize the fastest.
( )

2. Metabolism refers to how ones body digests and makes energy out of food.
( )

| |
Metabolism refers to how ones body digests and makes energy out of food.
how refers to . <(how)+(one s body)+ (digests and makes)> .

3. What are the foods which will increase your metabolism helping you lose weight faster?
( )

4. Not only will these high quality proteins help you boost your metabolism, but many natural carbohydrates will also do the same thing.
(~ )

Spices which flavor your food are also good for increasing your metabolic rate.
Spices which flavor your food which . which .

5. Spices which flavor your food are also good for increasing your metabolic rate. ( )

1. .

The more you learn, the wiser you become.

2. .



Nowadays, people are much more sensitive

to well-being issues than in the past.

| | 1. 2. 3. 4. a decision / the best / is the most comfortable

/ your best

The best metabolism enhancing foods are those which have a lot of protein in them.
foods .

| | 1. (C) since staying within its boundary

can limit your experience and future

The best metabolism enhancing


Answer Keys


. . . s mind . 2. (a) make up one (b) devote ~ to() ~ , ( ) to . (c) out of .

| |
(C) , . . , . (A) , . . Mahatma Gandhi . . . (B) . . . !

3. (C) ,
(A) , (B) .

4. .
When you make a decision, make sure that your choice is the best, not something that is the most comfortable and, once the decision is made, try to give your best at everything. ( , , , .)

| | (C) A decision always has an easy option, which is rarely the best option. The easy option is usually the option which is the most comfortable for you to take. You need, however, to move out of your comfort zone since staying within its boundary can limit your experience and future. (A) Once you have made up your mind about something that is the best, not the easiest, devote your excellence to the path you have chosen. Do not take even the smallest act lightly. Mahatma Gandhi once said, We are judged by the little things we do. So do every little thing to the best of your ability. Give as much attention to the little things as you would to something you think is the most important. (B) Making the proper decision as well as acting to the best of your ability will result in great growth in pride and self-confidence. Feeling confident will lead you to have more energy and be more passionate about life. You cannot conquer all your problems by analyzing them. You must make decisions and act!

| |
Feeling confident will lead you to have more energy and (to) be more passionate about life.
lead you, to have ~ (to) be ~ .

the option which is the most comfortable for you to take

which the option , for you to take .

1. Peter , .

Everyone suspected Peter, who turned out

to be innocent.
2. , .

The clock struck thirteen, which made

everyone laugh.

Making the proper decision as well as acting to the best of your ability will result in great growth in pride and self-confidence.


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

Making the proper decision as well as acting to the best of your ability
< > Making the proper decision as well as

11. , (cf. quantity , ) 12. , |B| 01. aggressive strategy 02. altering the genetic composition 03. exploit natural resources 04. how to boost the metabolism 05. the tremendous support of the government 06. be threatened with extinction |C| 01. Ingredients 02. habitat 03. enhance 04. devote 05. quality 06. positive |D| 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

acting to the best of your ability will result in great growth in pride and self-confidence

1. You have made up your mind about something that is the best, not the easiest. ( ) 2. Give as much attention to the little things as you would to something you think is the most important. (~ ) 3. Making the proper decision as well as acting to the best of your ability will result in great growth in pride and self-confidence.
( )

4. Feeling confident will lead you to have more energy and be more passionate about life.
( ~ )

5. The easy option is usually the option which is the most comfortable for you to take.
( )

|A| 01. , 02. , 03. , 04. 05. , 06. 07. , 08. , 09. 10. ( negative)

Answer Keys


Chapter 05
Vocabulary Pre-check
recipient , appreciate , arrogant , as a form of ~ assemble , attitude be bound to ~ be delivered to ~ boredom concentrate on ~ concrete curiosity deal with ~ debate (), () entertainment , establish expand , expert external framed free time from scratch , () gift basket in advance , in simple terms innumerable , instead of ~ internal keep abreast of ~ lack in ~ media , motivation (), mug multiply , nowadays on the basis of ~ personalize prove , range refer to ~ , regard , response run away from ~ self-esteem stimulation stimulus z, { subscription least turn ones back on ~ unlikely utmost , vicious ,



| | 1. 2. 3. 4. | | 1.
. You should build self-esteem and face difficulties to be successful.( .) . , . . , .


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

. .

2. In order to develop self-esteem, experts suggest

you should concentrate on the positive things in your life. . , .

are. Telling others to accept you the way you are is not being arrogant. This is simply you being yourself and not dancing to the beat of someone elses drum. It is a bigger problem that you go through life wanting to be liked or fearing others opinions of you. | |
, . , . , . . . . . . . , , . . . , , . , , . . . . . . . .

3. (a) ,
stop believing . (b) find, focus, go must , . (c) wanting fearing .

4. This Telling others to accept you

the way you are , (D) .

| | Without a high regard for yourself, life becomes difficult. When you believe you will fail, you tend to avoid certain situations. By turning your back on lifes challenges, you are never able to succeed. And then youre never able to build your self-esteem. Its a vicious cycle. The cycle must be stopped. Self-esteem is something you can develop. You have to stop believing that you are born either with it or without it. In order to develop self-esteem, experts suggest you should concentrate on the positive things in your life. Of course, if you lack self-esteem, you might think that there are no positive things in your life. Thats just not true. Everyone has something positive happening in his or her life. You must find it, focus on it, and go forward. Going forward means your confidence is building because youre focusing on a positive thing, which slowly multiplies into many positive things. Having self-esteem will change your life. You will be able to face difficulties now instead of running away from them. Others will sense your new attitude. They will accept you for who you

| |
You have to stop believing that you are born either with it or without it.
stop .~ . <stop+to> ~ .

Going forward means your confidence is building because youre focusing on a positive

Answer Keys


thing, which slowly multiplies into many positive things.

which , .



| | 1. 2. to get to the target 3. :

: : 10 :

1. .

The king ordered that the woman (should) be

put in jail.
2. .

The teacher requested that no one (should)

use cell phones in class.

4. | | 1. But for external motivations, we certainly do (need

to set a goal). , . .

Telling others to accept you the way you are is not being arrogant.

2. the battle to get

to the target .

to accept you the way you are

: < >

3. James 10
. , . , , . 10 , .

Telling others to accept you the way you are

is not being arrogant

1. By turning your back on lifes challenges, you are never able to succeed.
(~ )

4. In simple terms
. it means our body is reacting to stimuli Human motivation is a response that our body has to some form of either internal or external stimulation. , (A) .

2. You have to stop believing that you are born either with it or without it.
( )

3. In order to develop self-esteem, experts suggest you should concentrate on the positive things in your life. (~ ) 4. You will be able to face difficulties now instead of running away from them. ( ) 5. They will accept you for who you are.
( )

| | Human motivation is a response that our body has to some form of either internal or external stimulation. In simple terms, it means our body is reacting to stimuli. Stimuli are all those things going on inside and outside a person. When we are hungry, a stimulus, we become motivated to eat. The goal is to end hunger so we are


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

motivated to eat something. Every action in life needs a motivation. It is of the utmost importance for everyone to establish aims and purposes for their life. We may not need to set a goal to eat, sleep or drink. Those are internal stimulations. But for external motivations, we certainly do. If a person is motivated to lose weight, he or she must set a goal of losing 2 kilograms. Without goals, we really cant begin to get motivated. As humans, we need to have a reason to do something. That is how our brain works. Establishing a target is only half the battle. We need a plan of how to get to the target. So, for the person who sets the goal of losing 2 kilos, he needs to plan to run every morning for an hour. We should concrete steps to get there without giving up when things dont happen quickly and easily. | |
() . , . . , , . , . . . . . , . , 2 . . . . . . 2 , 1 . , .

| |
That is how our brain works.
That , is. how our brain works is , < how+ our brain+ works> .

1. .

All the efforts of the doctor were of no avail.

2. .

Belgiums woolen cloths are of superior


Human motivation is a response that our body has to some form of either internal or external stimulation.
(response) ?

that our body has

(response) ?

to some form of either internal or external stimulation

: < >

Human motivation is a response that ~

1. Human motivation is a response that our body has to some form of either internal or external stimulation. ( ) 2. It is of the utmost importance for everyone to establish aims and purposes for their life.
( )

3. That is how our brain works.

( )

4. We need a plan of how to get to the target.

( )

5. We should concrete steps to get there without giving up. ( )

Answer Keys




your time looking for a perfect gift basket, why dont you assemble your own gift basket? Creating a gift basket from scratch allows you to personalize the gift. You will be able to choose the size of the basket yourself and the items based on the recipients likes and interests. When people receive a basket that has a personal touch, they will appreciate the gift more as they realize that you put a lot of thought and effort into it. Prove to the recipient that you know him or her well by choosing something that refers to his or her hobbies and free-time activities. If the recipient is a fisherman in his free time, you can add a mug with the words Gone Fishing on it. If the recipient loves music, the gift basket can include a CD you made of his or her favorite songs. Or you may want to add a T-shirt with the recipients favorite singer on it. You can even throw in some tickets to the recipients favorite singers next concert. Also dont forget to add things that have special memories of times you and the receiver spent together. For example, you can add a framed picture of a trip you took together. Just remember that you can show that you care by doing it yourself. | |
, . , ? . . , . , . ,Gone

| | 1. / 2.
. / .

3. 4. | |
1. . . .

2. Prove to the recipient that you know him or her

well don t forget to add things that have special memories of times you and the receiver spent together .

3. (A) <waste++-ing> ~
. (B) <allow++to> to personalize . (C) , <forget+to <forget+-ing>~ >~ . to add .

. you can show that you care by doing it yourself( , ) .

| | While gift baskets are good gifts, it is not easy to find a gift basket that you would like, since most gift baskets lack in quality. Instead of wasting


Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

Fishing . , CD . . . . , . .

1 the size of the basket ()

yourself likes and interests

2 the items based on the recipients

1. It is not easy to find a gift basket that you would like. ( ) 2. You will be able to choose the size of the basket yourself and the items based on the recipients likes and interests. ( ) 3. Choose something that refers to his or her hobbies and free-time activities. (~ ) 4. Or you may want to add a T-shirt with the recipients favorite singer on it.
( )

| |
Creating a gift basket from scratch allows you to personalize the gift.
Creating a gift basket from scratch , 5 allow < allows+(you)+to(to personalize)> .

Also dont forget to add things

forget to ~ . , forget -ing ,~ .

5. Dont forget to add things that have special memories of times you and the receiver spent together. (~ )

1. .

Businessmen spend a lot of money

advertising their products.
2. .



| | 1. 2. 3. 4.

He is a coward who wastes all his energy

making excuses.

You will be able to choose the size of the basket yourself and the items based on the recipients likes and interests.
the items ?

| | 1. many people nowadays use them to ease either

their curiosity or boredom .

based on the recipients likes and interests

: < >

2. (a) and allowing

. expanding . (b) unlikely , , unlike~ .

You will be able to choose

Answer Keys


unlike . (c) magazines serve deal . deal with~ .

, . , . . . . , . , . , .

. , (B) .

4. These days magazines deal with innumerable

topics ranging from movies and fashion to politics and business. , . .

| | Magazines as a form of media were first introduced in the 1970s. At first they were used to debate the political, economic and social issues of the time. People bought magazines to keep abreast of important issues of the time, expanding their knowledge and allowing them to form opinions. As time passed people saw that magazines could be used for entertainment. Issues and topics did not need to be so serious. These days magazines deal with innumerable topics ranging from movies and fashion to politics and business. Every age group and everyone with the least interest in any subject can find a magazine they would enjoy. Unlike the uses of the early magazines, many people nowadays use them to ease either their curiosity or boredom. All these magazines are usually available on the basis of a subscription, paying in advance for future monthly or weekly editions of the magazine which will be delivered to a persons house. Since magazines serve many purposes and deal with so many topics they are bound to remain an important part of our lives. | |
1970 . , , .

| |
At first they were used to debate the political, economic and social issues of the time.
were used to <be used+to> ~ . <used to+> ~ , <be used to+ -ing> ~ .

expanding their knowledge and allowing them to form opinions

expanding allowing and .

1. .

They must be silly to believe his words.

2. , .

One morning I awoke to find myself famous. STRUCTURE

Every age group and everyone with the least interest in any subject can find a magazine they would enjoy.
(everyone) ?

with the least interest in any subject



Aim High Reading | Level 2-A

they would enjoy

< >

Every age group and everyone with the

least interest in any subject can find a magazine they would enjoy

|B| 01. lack in common sense 02. a vicious circle of poverty 03. concentrate on his or her study 04. direct stimulation 05. keep abreast of the times 06. This sort of thing is bound to happen. |C| 01. External 02. Least 03. recipient 04. subscription 05. assemble 06. arrogant |D| 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

1. Magazines as a form of media were first introduced in the 1970s. ( ) 2. People bought magazines to keep abreast of important issues of the time.
(~ )

3. These days magazines deal with innumerable topics ranging from movies and fashion to politics and business. ( ) 4. Every age group and everyone with the least interest in any subject can find a magazine they would enjoy. ( ) 5. Since magazines serve many purposes and deal with so many topics they are bound to remain an important part of our lives. ( )

|A| 01. , 02. , 03. ~ 04. ~ 05. ( internal) 06. ~ 07. ~ 08. , 09. 10. 11. , 12. , ,

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