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Results-focused and dynamic rofessional! "it# di$erse e% erience steering and directing all as ects of sales o erations! business de$elo ment! mar&eting! and re$enue gro"t# "it#in t#e #ealt#care industry. Recogni'ed for consistently ac#ie$ing com any goals! and e%ce tional ability to deli$er rofitable solutions! and ro el com any gro"t#. (roficient at analy'ing sales trends and identifying ne" sales! u -selling and cross-selling o ortunities. )&illed at enetrating cro"ded territories and increasing mar&et s#ares! and ade t at building ositi$e "or&ing relations#i s "it# a di$erse range of clientele. *ollaborati$e team layer "it# effecti$e inter ersonal and communications s&ills! ade t at interfacing "it# (#ysicians! +os ital *,-s and .dministrators! (#ysical /#era ists and ot#er +ealt#care (rofessionals! including atients. Core Competencies -rgani'ational 0eaders#i )ales 1anagement 2usiness 3e$elo ment *lient Relations#i 1anagement 1ar&eting 0ead 4eneration )trategic (lanning )taff /raining 5 3e$elo ment ,$ents *oordination *ustomer )er$ice *onsultati$e )elling Re$enue 4ro"t# PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 426 *onsulting )an 3iego! *. 0178013-(resent CEO *onsulting for +ome *are agencies in t#e 4reater )an 3iego .rea. 3iscuss mar&eting trends! assist in #iring t#e ro er staff. (erform consultati$e selling and determine t#e a ro riate ty e of #ome care needed for t#e atient. (ro$ide ad$ice to management regarding industry ractices and rate structures. *omfort 9ee ers ,l *a:on! *. 1078010 - 1078018 Client Service Manager 6egotiated and resented #ome care ser$ices and roducts to +os itals! (#ysicians! +ome +ealt# .gencies! .ssisted 0i$ing ;acilities! 6ursing +omes and )enior *enters. (romoted "it#in < mont#s to 9aiser *ommunity 0iaison co$ering all )an 3iego. +andled in-ser$ice and resentations for staff at 9aiser +os itals! +ome +ealt# *are! )ocial )er$ices and +os ice. *onducted #ome e$aluations to screen for a ro riate ser$ice! and erformed assessments in s ecial needs areas. (artici ated in all as ects of inter$ie"ing! #iring and training of ne" staff. 0ocurious )an 3iego! *. 037800< - 0=78010 Direct r ! Sale" 1ar&eted and sold mobile ad$ertising for a ne" start- u a lication a$ailable on smart #ones. +andled timely follo"-u and account maintenance. ,stablis#ed t#e sales force and facilitated training "it# management regarding s ecific territories and ricing. *oordinated sc#eduling of a ointments and resentations for negotiating t#e sales and ser$ices of t#e a lication. 4enerated leads and ne" accounts t#roug# mar&eting and referrals. *#iro ractors 2uying 4rou (*24) )an 3iego! *. 0878005 - 037800< #P ! Me$%er&#en' r Relati n" ,stablis#ed and maintained contacts "it# national roduct com anies to ro$ide roducts and ser$ices at reduced rates to *24. >ncreased $olume of $endors from 8 to 40 for a ne" start-u com any. 0iaised all as ects of t#e $endor contracts! and coordinated "it# com any di$ision #eads and *,-s.

,;> ) orts 1edicine )an 3iego! *. 037199= - 0878005 Seni r Sale" C n"(ltant ;unctioned as 0ead ;ield *oordinator and *onsultant at more t#an 50 trades#o"s nation"ide. 1anaged re#abilitation and fitness e?ui ment sales to (#ysicians! (#ysical /#era ists and +os itals in t#e @) and ,uro e. -$ersa" o$er 55 dealers t#roug#out t#e @) "#ile educating clients and demonstrating roduct lines. *ollaborated "it# a team of eig#t! and increased rofits to more t#an 50A "it#in an 8-year eriod. /rained and mentored sales associates in e?ui ment use and com re#ension of rele$ant medical terminology. Recogni'ed as )alesman of t#e 1ont# < times! and nominated t"ice as ,m loyee of t#e Bear. 6ec& and 2ac& (ain /reatment *enter )an 3iego! *. 0371989 - 0878005 C)ir *ract r +andled diagnosis and treatment of all musculos&eletal disorders at a *ommunity *#iro ractic *enter. 3e$elo ed and im lemented mar&eting strategies including ne"sletters and flyers! setting u boot#s at s orting e$ents! #ealt# screening at fairs! mar&ets and community organi'ations. EDUCATION AND CREDENTIALS D ct r ! C)ir *ractic +E,(ivalent t a Ma"ter-" Degree. (almer *ollege of *#iro ractic Cest - )unny$ale! *.

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