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Phase Lead Compensator Design Using Bode Plots

By Nuraddeen Magaji Electrical Engineering Department Bayero University, Kano Nigeria

s !ith phase lag compensation, the purpose o" phase lead compensator design in the "re#uency domain generally is to satis"y speci"ications on steady$state accuracy and phase margin% &here may also 'e a speci"ication on gain crossover "re#uency or closed$loop 'and!idth% phase margin speci"ication can represent a re#uirement on relative sta'ility due to pure time delay in the system, or it can represent desired transient response characteristics that have 'een translated "rom the time domain into the "re#uency domain% &he overall philosophy in the design procedure presented here is "or the compensator to adjust the system(s Bode phase curve to esta'lish the re#uired phase margin at the e)isting gain$crossover "re#uency, ideally !ithout distur'ing the system(s magnitude curve at that "re#uency and !ithout reducing the *ero "re#uency magnitude value% &he unavoida'le shi"t in the gain crossover "re#uency is a "unction o" the amount o" phase shi"t that must 'e added to satis"y the phase margin re#uirement% +n order "or phase lead compensation to !or, in this conte)t, the "ollo!ing t!o characteristics are needed the Bode magnitude curve .a"ter the steady$state accuracy speci"ication has 'een satis"ied/ must pass through 0 d' in some accepta'le "re#uency range1 the uncompensated phase shi"t at the gain crossover "re#uency must 'e more negative than the value needed to satis"y the phase margin speci"ication .other!ise, no compensation is needed/% +" the compensation is to 'e per"ormed 'y a single$stage compensator, then the amount that the phase curve needs to 'e moved up at the gain crossover "re#uency in order to satis"y the phase margin speci"ication must 'e less than 200 and is generally restricted to a ma)imum value in the range 33 04530Multiple stages o" compensation can 'e used, "ollo!ing the same procedure as sho!n 'elo!, and are needed !hen the amount that the Bode phase curve must 'e moved up e)ceeds the availa'le phase shi"t "or a single stage o" compensation% More is said a'out this later% &he gain crossover "re#uency and 'and!idth "or the lead$compensated system !ill 'e higher than "or the plant .even !hen the steady$state error speci"ication is satis"ied/, so the system !ill respond more rapidly in the time domain% &he "aster response may 'e an advantage in many applications, 'ut a disadvantage o" a !ider 'and!idth is that more noise and other high "re#uency signals .o"ten un!anted/ !ill 'e passed 'y the system% smaller 'and!idth also provides more sta'ility ro'ustness !hen the system has unmodeled high "re#uency dynamics, such as the 'ending modes in aircra"t and spacecra"t% &hus, there is a trade$o"" 'et!een having the a'ility to trac, rapidly varying re"erence signals and 'eing a'le to reject high$"re#uency distur'ances%

&he design procedure presented here is 'asically graphical in nature%

ll o" the measurements needed can

'e o'tained "rom accurate Bode plots o" the uncompensated system% +" data arrays representing the magnitudes and phases o" the system at various "re#uencies are availa'le, then the procedure can 'e done numerically, and in many cases automated% &he e)amples and plots presented in this paper are all done in M &L B, and the various measurements that are presented in the e)amples are o'tained "rom the relevant data arrays% &he primary re"erences "or the procedures descri'ed in this paper are 678 4 698% :ther re"erences that contain similar material include 6;8 4 65%

II. DESIGN PROCEDURE A. Compensator Structure

&he 'asic phase lead compensator consists o" a gain, one pole, and one *ero% Based on the usual electronic implementation o" the compensator 698, the speci"ic structure o" the compensator is-

(s + zc) G c_lead(s) = Kc 1 (s + pc)

( = Kc (
zc > 0; pc > 0; @

+1 ) = (s +1 ) s +1 ) (s +1 ) p s z
c C


z <1; = 1 = 1 p z p
C c

20 log10 Kc


<igure 7 sho!s the Bode plots o" magnitude and phase "or a typical lead compensator% &he values in this e)ample are Kc = 7, pc = >:3, and zc = 0:;, so = 0:;/>:3 = 0:75% Changing the gain merely moves the magnitude curve 'y 20 log10 Kc %&he major characteristic o" the lead compensator is the positive phase shi"t in the intermediate "re#uencies% &he ma)imum phase shi"t occurs at the "re#uency = max, !hich is the geometric mean o" zc and pc%

B. Outline of the Procedure

&he "ollo!ing steps outline the procedure that !ill 'e used to design the phase lead compensator to satis"y steady$state error and phase margin speci"ications% Each step !ill 'e descri'ed in detail in the su'se#uent sections% 7% Determine i" the ?ystem &ype N needs to 'e increased in order to satis"y the steady$state error speci"ication, and i" necessary, augment the plant !ith the re#uired num'er o" poles at s = 0% Calculate Kc to satis"y the steady$state error% >% Ma,e the Bode plots o" G(s) = KcGp(s)"s(Nreq Ns!s) 9% Design the lead portion o" the compensator-

.a/ Determine the amount o" phase shi"t in G.j/ at the gain crossover "re#uency and the uncompensated phase margin PM uncompensated; .'/ Calculate the values "or max and that are re#uired to raise the phase curve to the needed to satis"y the phase margin speci"ication1 .c/ Determine the value "or the "inal gain crossover "re#uency1

calculate value

.d/ Using the value o" and the "inal gain crossover "re#uency, compute the lead compensator(s *ero zc and pole pc# ;% +" necessary, choose appropriate resistor and capacitor values to implement the compensator design%

Lead Compensator Magnitude, pc = 2.5, zc = 0.4, Kc = 1 20 15 10 5 0 60

Phase (deg)

Magnitude (dB)


0 -2 10






Frequency (rad/sec)

$%g#1 &ag'%()de a'd p*ase plo(s +or a (!p%cal lead compe'sa(or#

C. Compensator Gain
&he "irst step in the design procedure is to determine the value o" the gain Kc% +n the procedure that + !ill present, the gain is used to satis"y the steady$state error speci"ication% &here"ore, the gain can 'e computed "rom

Kc =

e ss_plant e ss_specified

K x_required K x_plant


@here ess is the steady$state error "or a particular type o" input, such as step or ramp, and K) is the corresponding error constant o" the system% De"ining the num'er o" open$loop poles o" the system G.s/ that are located at s = 0 to 'e the ?ystem &ype N, and restricting the re"erence input signal to having Laplace

trans"orms o" the "orm

R(s) = A s q

the steady$state error and error constant are .assuming that the closed$

loop system is 'ounded$input, 'ounded$output sta'le/

ess = lim As s !K s #
N!q!" N x


K x = lim s N $( s ) s #


<or N = 0, the steady$state error "or a step input . q = 7/ is ess = A/ .7 A Kx/% <or N = 0 and q > 7, the steady$ state error is in"initely large% <or N > 0, the steady$state error is ess = A/Kx "or the input type that has q = N A7% +" q < N A7, the steady$state error is 0, and i" q > N A7, the steady$state error is in"inite% &he calculation o" the gain in .9/ assumes that the given system Gp.s/ is o" the correct &ype N to satis"y the steady$state error speci"ication% +" it is not, then the compensator must have one or more poles at s = 0 in order to increase the overall ?ystem &ype to the correct value% :nce this is recogni*ed, the compensator poles at s = 0 can 'e included !ith the plant Gp.s/ during the rest o" the design o" the lead compensator% &he values o" Kx in .3/ and o" Kc in .9/ !ould then 'e computed 'ased on Gp.s/ 'eing augmented !ith these additional poles at the origin%:nce the compensator design is completed, the total compensator !ill have the trans"er "unction

( s +1 ) z Kc G c_lead(s) = ( s (Nreq Ns!s) +1 ) s p

c C


@here Nreq is the total re#uired num'er o" poles at s = 0 to satis"y the steady$state error speci"ication, and Nsys is the num'er o" poles at s = 0 in Gp.s/

D. Uncompensated Phase Margin

?ince the purpose o" the lead compensator is to move the phase curve up!ards in order to satis"y the phase margin speci"ication, !e need to determine ho! much positive phase shi"t is re#uired% &he "irst step in this determination is to evaluate the phase margin o" the given system &he uncompensated phase margin is the vertical distance 'et!een -7B00 and the phase curve o" G(0) measured at the gain crossover "re#uency x !here $(% x ) = 1 in a'solute value or $(% x ) = 0 in d'% &he uncompensated phase margin is

PM uncompensated = "&## ! $(% x )

the phase curve is 'elo! -7B00 at x the phase margin is negative%


+" the phase curve is a'ove -7B00 at x .less negative than 7B0/, then the phase margin is positive, and i"

E. Determination of max and

Civen the value o" the uncompensated phase margin "rom the previous step, !e can no! determine the amount o" positive phase shi"t that the lead compensator must provide% &he compensator must move the phase curve o" G. % x / at = x up!ard "rom its current value to the value needed to satis"y the phase margin speci"ication% s !ith the lag compensator, a sa"ety "actor !ill 'e added to this re#uired phase shi"t%

&hus, the amount o" phase shi"t that the lead compensator needs to provide at = x is

max = PM specified ! "# o ' PM uncompensated

( 2)

&he notation max is used to signi"y that the phase shi"t provided at = x is the ma)imum phase shi"t produced 'y the lead compensator at any "re#uency% sa"ety "actor o" 70 0 is included in .B/%+n many applications, that !ill 'e enough% Do!ever, there are cases !here more phase shi"t is needed "rom the compensator in order to satis"y the phase margin speci"ication %

F. Compensated Gain Crosso er Fre!uenc"

t this stage in the design, !e ,no! ho! much phase shi"t the compensator must provide and the Eatio zc/pc% &hese computations !ere 'ased on the assumption that the gain crossover "re#uency does not change "rom the $( s ) =

Kc (s)$ p (s) % No! !e must account "or the non$ideal nature o" the s(Nreq'Ns(s)

lead compensator% &he ma)imum phase shi"t max occurs at the "re#uency = x in some cases the magnitude curve o" the compensator is greater than 0 d' at that "re#uency% &his compensator magnitude at = x !ill change the gain crossover "re#uency to a higher "re#uency, !ith the amount o" change depending on % @e !ould still li,e the phase shi"t max to occur at the gain crossover "re#uency to satis"y the phase margin speci"ication, 'ut no! !e have to "ind the ne! gain crossover "re#uency "or the total compensated system $c _lead ( s )$ p (s) ?ince the compensator !ill shi"t the magnitude up!ards 'y "# lo)"# ( " ) d* at = max , !e !ill choose the compensated gain crossover "re#uency to 'e that "re#uency !here $(% ) ='"# lo)"# ( " ) ="# lo)"# ( )d* %&he e""ect o" the compensator !ill 'e to produce a magnitude o" 0 d' at = x

G. Determination of #c and pc
&he last step in the design o" the trans"er "unction "or the lead compensator is to determine the values o" the pole and *ero% Daving already determined their ratio and the value o" x'compensated there are no decisions to 'e made at this point in the design% :nly simple calculations are needed to compute zc and pc%

, , c = x'compensate - pc =



Example 1: Consider the trans"er "unction 'elo! assume that the speci"ied phase margin is PMspecified = 300 and Kc s(Nreq'Ns(s) = 2.. s Determine the "ollo!ingi/ ii/ iii/ iv/ &he gain crossover "re#uency and the phase shi"t Falue o" compensated gain crossover "re#uency the values o" the pole and *ero


$(s) =

/ 0s (s ! ") (s ! 1) (s ! 2)3


?olution &he Bode plots "or this system are sho!n in <ig% >
Bode Diagram Gm = 6.02 dB (at 1 rad/sec) , Pm = 26.8 deg (at 0.65 rad/sec)

100 50 Magnitude (dB) Gain margin=6.02dB 0 -50 -100 -150 -90 System: L Frequency (rad/sec): 0.954 Magnitude (dB): -5.32

Phase (deg)

-180 Phase margin=26.8 at 0.65 rad/s -270

-360 -2 10






Frequency (rad/sec)

$%g#2 4ode plo(s +or (*e s!s(em %' 5xample 1


x = 0.65 , phase shi"t o" $(% )='"/2.1o

max = 300 A700 $>5:B0= 99:>0

.ii/ .iii/ .iv/

" ' sin ( max ) 1 sin 33.20 z = = #.141 c . " ! sin ( max ) 1 + sin 33.20 pc

&he compensated gain crossover "re#uency !ill 'e chosen to 'e the "re#uency !here

$(% ) ='/.2/d5 #.4/6 rad s

max = zc pc max = x compensated zc =max zc = #.4/6 #.141 = 0.517 and pc =#./"6 #.141=".66

7 89aluatin) t:e ;esi)n < A Potential Pro*lem t this point, the design o" the compensator should 'e complete% +" the procedure has 'een "ollo!ed correctly, then the steady$state error and phase margin speci"ications should 'e satis"ied% Do!ever, evaluation o" the results in E)ample a'ove illustrates a potential pro'lem that may 'e encountered !hen using the procedure%

@hen the "re#uency response o" the trans"er "unction

$c_lead (s)$ p (s) =

&./=(s!#./"6) / s(s!".66) 0s (s ! ") (s ! 1) (s ! 2)3


is evaluated, the gain crossover "re#uency is indeed ! = 0:23G rHs as designed% Do!ever, the phase shi"t at that "re#uency is -7;9:B0 so that compensated phase margin is only 95.>0 rather than the 300 that !as speci"ied% &he reason "or this is that the phase shi"t o" G.s/ changes 'y >9:B0in the "re#uency interval "rom 0:53 rHs to 0:23G rHs, and only 700 sa"ety "actor !as included in the calculation o" ma) % :ne thought !ould 'e to increase the sa"ety "actor 'y an additional 79 :B and recalculate the compensator(s parameters% Do!ever, the ne! value "or !ill change the compensated gain crossover "re#uency even more, and the ne! ma) may still not 'e large enough to satis"y the phase margin speci"ication% sort o" ICatch$ >>J situation can occur, !ith the phase o" G.s/ 'ecoming more negative I"asterJ than the compensator can overcome% +ncreasing the sa"ety "actor "urther !ill sometimes not give the re#uired speci"ication unless using t!o stages o" compensation%


Example ! A. Plant and >pecifications &he plant to 'e controlled is descri'ed 'y the trans"er "unction

1&# (s ! #./) s (s ! #.1) (s ! /) (s ! 6#)

&he speci"ications that must 'e satis"ied 'y the closed$loop system are steady$state error "or a ramp input ess spec%+%ed ? 0:0>1 phase margin PMspecified @-.0 solution &he error constant "or a ramp input is


1&# (s ! #./) K x_plant = lim s. =2 s # s (s ! #.1) (s ! /) (s ! 6#) " ess plant = = 0.5 K x_plant Kc = ess'plant e ss'specified = 0.5 = 25 0.02

Bode Plots for Gp(s) and KcGp(s), Kc = 25


Magnitude (dB)


-200 -90 -135

Phase (deg)

-180 -225 -270 -3 10










Frequency (rad/sec)

$%g#, 4ode plo(s +or (*e pla'( a+(er (*e s(ead! s(a(e error *as 6ee' sa(%s+%ed#


Kc$p (% x'uncompensated ) = '"=".2# PMuncompensated = "&# # ! ('"="A2# ) = "&.6 #

?ince the uncompensated phase margin is positive, the closed$loop system "ormed 'y placing unity "eed'ac, around KcGp .s/ is sta'le, 'ut the phase margin is smaller than the speci"ied value, so compensation is re#uired%

max = B/ # ! "# # '"&A6 # = 2=.2#

" 'sin (2=.2# ) = = #.1/= " ! sin (2=.2# )
&his value o" !ill shi"t the magnitude curve at the "re#uency K = Kma) 'y 70 log70 .7/0%>35/ = $3%2>dB% &here"ore, the compensated gain crossover "re#uency !ill 'e chosen to 'e that "re#uency !here% Kc$p (% ) = '/.41 d5

zc = "2./ #.1/= = =.&2 pc =

&he "inal compensator "or this e)ample is

=.&2 = 1=.6 #.1/=

$c lead (s) =

1/ ( s

! ") 1/ (#."B=s ! ") =.&2 = s (#.#2& ! ") !" 1=.6


Closed LoopBode plot for Gp(s), KcGp(s), and Gc(s)Gp(s)


Gc(s)Gp(s) KcGp(s) Gp(s)

Magnitude (dB) Phase (deg)




-200 0 -45 -90 -135 -180 -225 -270 10









Frequency (rad/sec)

$%g#- Closed loop +req)e'c! respo'se +or (*e example a6o7e

Closed Loop Step Responses











5 Time (sec)


$%g#. 8(ep respo'ses +or (*e closed loop s!s(ems#

I Conclusion

+n this e)ample, the phase lead compensator is a'le to satis"y 'oth o" the speci"ications o" the system given in .7>/%+n addition to satis"ying the phase margin and steady$state error speci"ications, the lead compensator also produced a step response !ith much shorter settling time% +n summary, phase lead compensation can provide steady$state accuracy and necessary phase margin !hen the Bode phase plot can 'e moved up the necessary amount at the uncompensated gain crossover "re#uency% &he philosophy o" the lead compensator is to add positive phase shi"t at the crossover "re#uency !ithout shi"ting the magnitude at that "re#uency% 9e+ere'ces Katsuhi,o :gata, I "#$er% &#%'r#l E%()%eer)%(, I Prentice Dall, Upper ?addle Eiver, NL, 9rd edition, 722G% C% <% <ran,lin, L%D% Po!ell, and % Emami$Naeini, I *ee$+ac, &#%'r#l #- .y%am)c /ys'ems,J ddison$@esley, Eeading, M , 9rd edition, 722;% C%L% &haler, IA0'#ma')c &#%'r#l /ys'ems1 I @est, ?t% Paul, MN, 72B2% @illiam % @olovich,JA0'#ma')c &#%'r#l /ys'ems,JDolt, Einehart, and @inston, <ort @orth, &M, 9rd edition, 722;% Lohn Fan de Fegte,J*ee$+ac, &#%'r#l /ys'ems,JPrentice Dall, Engle!ood Cli""s, NL, 9rd edition, 722;% Eichard C% Dor" and Eo'ert D% Bishop,N"#$er% &#%'r#l /ys'ems,J ddison$@esley, Eeading, M , Gth edition, 7223%

678 6>8 698 6;8 638 658

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