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1. I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details. 2. Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. 3. My religion consists o a humble admiration o the illimitable su!erior s!irit who re"eals himsel in the slight details we are able to !ercei"e with our rail and eeble mind. #. $he urther the s!iritual e"olution o mankind ad"ances% the more certain it seems to me that the !ath to genuine religiosity does not lie through the ear o li e% and the ear o death% and blind aith% but through stri"ing a ter rational knowledge. &. '"ery one who is seriously in"ol"ed in the !ursuit o science becomes con"inced that a s!irit is mani est in the laws o the (ni"erse)a s!irit "astly su!erior to that o man% and one in the ace o which we with our modest !owers must eel humble. *. $he scientists' religious eeling takes the orm o a ra!turous ama+ement at the harmony o natural law% which re"eals an intelligence o such su!eriority that% com!ared with it% all the systematic thinking and acting o human beings is an utterly insigni icant re lection. ,. $here is no logical way to the disco"ery o elemental laws. $here is only the way o intuition% which is hel!ed by a eeling or the order lying behind the a!!earance. -. $he intuiti"e mind is a sacred gi t and the rational mind is a aith ul ser"ant. .e ha"e created a society that honors the ser"ant and has orgotten the gi t. /. $he most beauti ul thing we can e0!erience is the mysterious; It is the source o all true art and science. 11. .e should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has% o course% !ower ul muscles% but no !ersonality. 11. .hoe"er undertakes to set himsel u! as a 2udge o $ruth and 3nowledge is shi!wrecked by the laughter o the Gods. 12. .hen the solution is sim!le% God is answering. 13. God does not !lay dice with the uni"erse. 1#. God is subtle but he is not malicious. 1&. 4 human being is a !art o the whole% called by us (ni"erse% a !art limited in time and s!ace. 5e e0!eriences himsel % his thoughts and eelings as something se!arated rom the rest)a kind o o!tical delusion o his consciousness. $his delusion is a kind o !rison% restricting us to our !ersonal desires and to a ection or a ew !ersons nearest to us. 6ur task must be to ree rom this !rison by widening our circle o com!assion to embrace all li"ing creatures and the whole nature in its beauty. 1*. 7othing will bene it human health and increase the chances or sur"i"al o li e on 'arth as much as the e"olution to a "egetarian diet. 1,. $he man who regards his own li e and that o his ellow creatures as meaningless is not merely un ortunate but almost dis8uali ied or li e.

1-. 9eace cannot be ke!t by orce. It can only be achie"ed by understanding. 1/. 6nly a li e li"ed or others is a li e worth while. 21. $he human mind is not ca!able o gras!ing the (ni"erse. .e are like a little child entering a huge library. $he walls are co"ered to the ceilings with books in many di erent tongues. $he child knows that someone must ha"e written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. :ut the child notes a de inite !lan in the arrangement o the books)))a mysterious order which it does not com!rehend% but only dimly sus!ects.

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