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Name _____________________ Solve the following problems 1. Which number comes next? 14, 15, 16, 17, ____ A. 19 2. B. 20 C. 18 D.



ne !ime is e"ua# to ho$ man% cents________ B. 10 cents C. 12 cents D. 25 cents

A. 15 cents

3.&oo' at the c#oc' be#o$( What time is it?___________________

4. &u'e ha! 12 )enci#s, but *a+e a$a% 5 to his best ,rien!s( -o$ man% )enci#s !oes &u'e ha+e no$? _________ 5. .i## in the missin* t$o numbers? /4, /6,____, 40, ____ 6. -o$ man% cents are there in one 0uarter( -o$ man% nic'e#s? A. 20 cents an! 5 nic'e#s cents an! 4 nic'e#s B. 25 cents an! 4 nic'e#s C. 25 cents an! 5 nic'e#s D. 20

7. 1ohn *a+e 4 s#ices o, )i22a to his ,rien! 3nna an! ate 5( -o$ man% s#ices !i! the )i22a ha+e? ________________ 8. &oo' at the ,i*ure be#o$( Which rectan*#e *oes on to) o, 40?





. 4er,orm the ,o##o$in* subtraction:

1!. 5e## i, the number on the #e,t is #ess or *reater than the number on the ri*ht( 6e)#ace the "uestion mar' 7 ? 8 $ith 9 or : 4 5 ? ? 2 7

11. ;o#or ha#, 71<28 o, the sha)es on the #e,t an! one "uarter or one ,ourth o, the sha)es on the ri*ht: ;o#or the trian*#e $ith re!, rectan*#es $ith %e##o$, the circ#e $ith oran*e, an! other ,i*ures $ith a co#or o, %our choice

=534 >ra!e 1 6e+ie$er 5est 1 718

Below is a reviewer and sample MTAP worded Math problems for Grade 1. Solve each item and write the answer. 1.) What is the value of in !"#

$.) Write five hundred nine in s%mbols. &.) Which is the lar'est # ($) $() 1) 1 ) 1*$) ( ) + ) ++ ,.) What number is - in ,") ,+) "&) " ) !1) .....) .....) -# ".) /ou have ($1 popsicle stic0s. 1ow man% bundles of 1** can %ou ma0e# !.) +"! 2 ..... 3 "* 3 !. What number can %ou write in the blan0# .) What is - in ," 3 $, 2 - 3 ," # (.) 4sin' all the di'its &) !) and () write the bi''est number %ou can ma0e. +.) Add + to the sum of $" and 1(. 1*.) There are ! Math boo0s and (+ Science boo0s in a shelf. 1ow man% boo0s are there in the shelf# 11.) 5n a test 6ose 'ot (!) 6oll% 'ot (+) Pepe 'ot ( and -ina 'ot +(. Who 'ot the hi'hest score# 1$.) 1ow man% numbers between $* and "* end in $ or "# 1&.) What is ! 7 ,$ # 1,.) "& 7 - 2 $,. What is -# 1".) Add ( to the difference of $! and +. 1!.) What number is missin' in $&) $() &&) .....) ,&) ,(# 1 .) What number comes between + and (1# 1(.) 5 want to bu% a pencil case that costs P1(."*. 5 have two P"8coins) , P18 coins and si9 $": coins. 1ow much more mone% do 5 need to bu% it# 1+.) ;ules need +$ popsicle stic0s for a pro<ect. 1e has " stic0s alread%. 1ow man% more stic0s does he need#

$*.) =ino 'athered $ e''s from one poultr% house and ,( from another. 1ow man% more e''s did he 'ather from the first house# $1.) Subtract 1" from the sum of $( and &+. $$.) What will %ou subtract from "& to 'et &1# $&.) What is - in () $) !!) !*) ... ) ,( $,.) 1ow man% numbers are 'reater than $$ but less than &$# $".) What number does not belon' in > $&) $+) &$) &") ,1 ? # $!.) 5n 6 @ S P A - S 5 B 5 B 5 T /) which letter is the th from the left# $ .) 5n 6 @ S P A - S 5 B 5 B 5 T /) which letter is the +th from the ri'ht# $(.) 1ow man% centavos are eCual to P$."*# $+.) 1ow man% P"8coins are eCual to P1**# &*.) 5 have & P1*8bills) " P"8coins and seven $": coins in m% wallet. 1ow much mone% have 5# &1.) Apples cost P(.** each. 1ow man% can 5 bu% if 5 have P"*# &$.) There are ! 'roups of pupils ta0in' P.@. @ach 'roup has " pupils. 1ow man% pupils are in the class# &&.) -ina bou'ht roses. She put them ! in each vase. She used , vases. 1ow man% roses did -ina bu%# &,.) 6ose has a stor% boo0 with 1$* pa'es. @ach da%) she read 1* pa'es. After ! da%s) how man% pa'es has she read# &".) What is the perimeter of the fi'ure#

&!.) Geor'e be'an to stud% at D&*. 1e finished at (D$*. 1ow man% minutes did

he stud%# & .) There are (, balls in a bo9. 1E& of the balls are white and F are red. 1ow man% are the white and red balls# &(.) Mother bou'ht $ 0ilos of por0 at P1*" a 0ilo and 1 0ilo of beef at P1&" a 0ilo. 1ow much chan'e did Mother 'et from a P"**8bill she 'ave the cashier# &+.) -ita has P"*. 6ose has twice as much mone% as -ita. 1ow much mone% do the two 'irls have to'ether# ,*.) 5 am a $8di'it number. M% ones is & more than m% tens and the sum of m% di'its is 11. What number am 5 #

12. .or the number 56, $hat !i*it is in the tens )#ace? ________ ones )#ace?___________ 13. 4er,orm the ,o##o$in* a!!itions an! subtractions

14. What time is it?

15. Write the ,o##o$in* numbers in $or!s 2 ___________ 7 ___________ 14 _________________ 24 ____________________ 16. What is the *eometric name ,or a ,i*ure that #oo's #i'e a ba##?______________ a so!a can?_______________ 3 ,amous ,i*ure that is ,oun! in ?*%)t?_________________ somethin* that %ou )ut %our ice cream on to)? _________________ 17. .i## in the b#an' ,or the missin* numbers 75, 70, ______________ 60, 55, ____________ 18. What is the measure o, the #en*th sho$n in re! be#o$?

1 . -o$ man% !imes are there in ,i,t% cents? ____________________ 2!. math 4u22#es: Who am @? 6 A 6 is #ess than @ am( 6 A 8 is *reater than @ am(

@ am an o!! number an! i, %ou subtract me ,rom 10, %ou *et a number *reater than 7

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