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How to: Configure Express to accept remote connections

Updated The information in this posting is superseded by the following KB Article: 914277 ow to configure !"# !er$er 2%%& to allow remote connections http:''support(microsoft(com'default(asp)*scid+,b-./01!-914277 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !ome people ha$e been ha$ing issues when trying to ma,e remote connections to !"# .)press( This document will hopefully clarify most of the issues around remote connections( 2irst3 networ,ing protocols are disabled by default in !"# !er$er .)press( Thus3 if someone simply installs .)press and chooses all the defaults3 !"# !er$er .)press will only be able to ha$e connections originating on the local machine where !"# !er$er is installed( To enable !"# !er$er .)press to accept remote connections we need to perform the following steps: STEP 1: Enabling TCP/IP 2irst we must tell !"# !er$er .)press to listen on T45'653 to do this perform the following steps: 1( #aunch the !"# !er$er 4onfiguration 7anager from the 87icrosoft !"# !er$er 2%%& 4T58 5rogram menu 2( 4lic, on the 85rotocols for !"#.95:.!!8 node3 ;( :ight clic, on 8T45'658 in the list of 5rotocols and choose3 8.nable8 STEP : To !rowse or not to !rowse /e)t3 we ha$e to determine if we want the !"# Browser ser$ice to be running or not( The benefit of ha$ing this ser$ice run is that users connecting remotely do not ha$e to specify the port in the connection string( /ote: 6t is a security best practice to not run the !"#Browser ser$ice as it reduces the attac, surface area by eliminating the need to listen on an udp port( <5T6</ A: 6f you want to always specify a T45 port when connecting =/ot using !"# Browser ser$ice> perform the following steps else s,ip these steps: 1( #aunch the !"# !er$er 4onfiguration 7anager from the 87icrosoft !"# !er$er 2%%& 4T58 5rogram menu

2( ;(

4lic, on the 85rotocols for !"#.95:.!!8 node 4lic, on the 8T45'658 child node

4( ?ou will notice an entry on the right panel for 865All83 right clic, on this and select3 85roperties8 &( 4lear out the $alue for 8T45 @ynamic 5orts8

A( Bi$e a Tcp5ort number to use when ma,ing remote connections3 for purposes of this e)ample lets choose3 82;%18 At this point you should restart the !"# !er$er .)press ser$ice( At this point you will be able to connect remotely to !"# .)press( A way 6 li,e to chec, the connection is my using !"#47@ from a remote machine and connecting li,e this: !"#47@ 0. 0! ?our!er$erC!"#.95:.!!32;%1 The 838 in the ser$er name tells !"47@ itDs a port( !o youD$e tried this and still get an error( Ta,e a loo, at !tep ;3 this should address the remaining issue( <5T6</ B: 6f you want to use !"# Browser ser$ice perform these steps: "ote: #ou will need to ma$e t%is registr& $e& c%ange if &ou are using t%e 'pril CTP or earlier (ersions: To enable s)lbrowser ser(ice to listen on t%e port 1*+*, t%e following registr& $e& must be set to 1 H-E#./0C'/.1'CHI"E2S03T4'5E21icrosoft21icrosoft S6/ Ser(er2782S6/ !rowser2Ssrplistener "ext, restart t%e s)lbrowser ser(ice9 1( !tart the !"# Browser !er$ice STEP +: 3irewall99: At this point you should be able to remotely connect( 6f you still canDt chances are you ha$e a firewall configured on the computer where !"# .)press is running( The instructions below are for Eindows 95 !52Ds firewall settings( To enable the firewall to allow !"# !er$er .)press traffic:

1( #aunch the Eindows 2irewall configuration tool from the control panel( 2( 4lic, the .)ceptions Tab

;( 4lic, the 8Add 5rograms(8 button and select 8sFlser$r(e)e8 from the location where you install !"# !er$er .)press ?ou should be able to remotely connect( /ote3 you can get more restricti$e by Gust specifying the port number that will be allowed =used best when configured with <ption A>( /ote: 6f you chose to use the !"# Browser ser$ice3 you must also add sFlbrowser ser$ice e)ecutable to the e)ception list as it listens on udp port 14;4(

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