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Saving the Honey Bee A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point Mysterious ailment

t called colony collapse disorder has wiped out large numbers of the bees that pollinate a third of our crops. Colonies were boiling over with bees. 3,000 hives were completely devoid of bees. Beehives worldwide have emptied out as honeybees mysteriously disappear, putting at risk nearly 100 crops that require pollination. Combinations of factors, including farming practices, make bees vulnerable to viruses. Bees suffering from CCD tend to be infested with multiple pathogens. Newly discovered virus. NO easy remedy for CCD, it probably make Honeybee become extinct. The bees were all sick, but each colony seemed to suffer from a different combination of diseases. Mature varroa females feed on hemolymph, the bees blood. Without honeybees, many foods would become too rare to afford. B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs Researches have virtually search all aspects of honeybee life in search of the culprit behind colony collapsed. The bees were all sick, but each colony seemed to suffer from a different combination of diseases. The reason why for is still not specific, and can vary. Without honeybees, many foods would become too rare to afford. The mysterious ailment called colony collapse disorder has wiped out large numbers of the bees that pollinate a third of our crops. Naturally, most gene sequences in our samples were from the bees themselves. In an effort to settle the issue of IAPVs role, Cox-Foster experimented with healthy honeybees that had no previous exposure to the virus. A vaccine or cure for bee viruses and IAPV specifically would be desirable. C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views I was surprise, I discovered something knew. I thought bees could only be affected by us, that we can only kill them of course nature too, but I never thought that something else could kill them by sucking up their blood. Like the Mature varroa females feed on hemolymph, the bees blood. It was something knew that I leaned. My reaction to this was shocking, it didnt quite understood what was happening, how can there be something that can kill other organism by sucking their blood. This is quite a new discover for me, I liked it. Bees are dying, and we are not quite sure what for. Its important to help them, because without them will be left without the most delicious thing: fruits, honey. Also because it can affect us more than we thing.

What? Honeybees are dying for not specific reasons. Our corps and flowers depend of them, we cant find a cure if we are not quite sure about whats happening to them. Answer/solution may vary. What if? There was not more honeybees left. Our fruits and other stuff that are acquired from them will disappear too. This mean, no more NATURAL fruits. And many other things.

Says Who? Diana Cox-Foster, professor of entomology at Pennsylvania State University.

What does it reminds you of? My first thought was about the article about forest cutting down for palm trees. Because theres deforestation happening there, also many things fading away.

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