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Department Of Computer Science & Engineering

Web Technology Lab Manual


Department of computer science & engineering

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WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering


Laknepally(V), Narsampet, Warangal DE!$&TME)T O* COM!+TE& SCIE)CE & E),I)EE&I),

Lab Manual for the Academic Year !""#" ($n accordance %ith &N'( syllabus)
)(*&+,' )'.+AM Web 'echnology LA* ,)+


Balaji Institute of Technology and Science

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering


S. No " ! % Lab #bjecti$e Introduction &bout Lab (uidelines to Students List of Lab E*ercises '


Page.No % ' )

'+" Syllabus ,rograms -./T01 '+! &dditional and &d$anced ,rograms

) 2 3 7

Solutions for ./T0 ,rograms Solutions for &dditional ,rograms 5i$a 6uestions 8eference Boo9s

3 24 "!! "'7

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

LAB OBJECTIVE #$er$ie: #bject Web Technologies Basic Concept of Web Technologies &d$ance ,rogramming

1) Introduction to object oriented programming concepts ja$a as an object oriented programming language+ Introduction to ja$a application and applets control structures methods arrays+ 2) #bject based and object oriented programming creating pac9ages using o$erloaded constructors static class $ariables data abstraction and information hiding relation bet:een super class objects and subclass objects composition $erses inheritance polymorphism dynamic method binding abstract super classes and concrete super classes ;inheriting interface use of inner classes and :rapper classes String to 9eni<er and String Suffer classes+ 3) 8ole of object oriented programming in designing (0I ;(raphs and .a$a!4o$er$ie: of s:ing e$ent handling= adapter classes and layout managers+ &d$ance (0I components .,opup Menus .Des9top,ane ad$ance layout managers+ 4) E*ception handling and multithreading in object oriented programming When e*ception handling should be used ja$a e*ception handling ; e*ceptions and inheritance multithreading in ja$a thread synchroni<ation daemon threads 8unnable interface >iles and streams in ja$a 5) /et:or9 and Database handling through object oriented programming ;using .#SC ;processing 6ueries o$er$ie: of ser$let ;introduction to net:or9ing ;establishing a simple ser$er and a client ; introduction to 8MI ; implementing the remote interface+

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

INTRODUCTION ABOUT LAB There are )) systems -Compa6 ,resario1 installed in this Lab+ Their configurations are as follo:s? ,rocessor 8&M Aard Dis9 Mouse /et:or9 Interface card Software &ll systems are configured in DUAL BOOT mode i+e+= Students can boot from Windo:s C, or Linu* as per their lab re6uirement+ This is $ery useful for students because they are familiar :ith different #perating Systems so that they can e*ecute their programs in different programming en$ironments+ Each student has a separate login for database access Oracle ! cl!ent $ersion is installed in all systems+ #n the ser$er= account for each student has been created+ This is $ery useful because students can sa$e their :or9 - scenariosD= plEs6l programs= data related projects =etc1 in their o:n accounts+ Each student :or9 is safe and secure from other students+ Latest Technologies li9e DOTNET and J"EE are installed in some systems+ Before submitting their final project= they can start doing mini project from !nd year on:ards+ #AS# $ #acro Asse%&ler ' is installed in all the systems Students can e*ecute their assembly language programs using M&SM+ M&SM is $ery useful students because :hen they e*ecute their programs they can see contents of ,rocessor Reg!sters and ho: eac( !nstr)ct!on is being e*ecuted in the CPU+ ? ? ? ? ? &MD &thelon @ "+)2 (A< !B) MB '4 (B #ptical Mouse ,resent

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

8ational 8ose Soft:are is installed in some systems+ 0sing this soft:are= students can depict 0ML diagrams of their projects+ Soft:ares installed? C= CFF= .DG"+B= M&SM= #>>ICE C,= .!EE and D#T/ET= 8ational 8ose+ Systems are pro$ided for students in the "?" ratio+ Systems are assigned numbers and same system is allotted for students :hen they do the lab+

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science

WT Lab Manual *)!+el!nes to St)+ents

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

E6uipment in the lab for the use of student community+ Students need to maintain a proper decorum in the computer lab+ Students must use the e6uipment :ith care+ &ny damage is caused is punishable+ Students are re6uired to carry their obser$ation E programs boo9 :ith completed e*ercises :hile entering the lab+ Students are supposed to occupy the machines allotted to them and are not supposed to tal9 or ma9e noise in the lab+ The allocation is put up on the lab notice board+ Lab can be used in free time E lunch hours by the students :ho need to use the systems should ta9e prior permission from the lab in charge+ Lab records need to be submitted on or before date of submission+ Students are not supposed to use floppy dis9s 0se of computer net:or9 is encouraged+

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

,e& Tec(nolog!es S-lla&)s Progra%s $JNTU' S.No " Progra%s De$elop static pages -using only ATML1 of an online Boo9 store+ The pages should resemble? :::+ama<on+com The :ebsite should consist the follo:ing pages+ Aome page= 8egistration and user Login= 0ser profile page= Boo9s catalog= Shopping cart= ,ayment By credit card= order confirmation+ 5alidate the registration= user login= user profile and payment by credit card pages using .a$aScript+ Create and sa$e an CML document at the ser$er= :hich contains "4 users information+ Write a program :hich ta9es 0ser Id as input and returns the user details by ta9ing the user information from the CML document+ Bean &ssignments a+ Create a .a$aBeans :hich gi$es the e*change $alue of I/8 -Indian 8upees1 into e6ui$alent &mericanECanadianE&ustralian Dollar $alue+ b+ Create a simple Bean :ith a label :hich is the count of number of clic9s+ Then create a Bean info class such that only the count properly is $isible in the property Windo:+ c+ Create t:o Beans ; a1 Geypad b1 Display pad+ &fter that integrate the t:o Beans to ma9e it :or9 as a calculator+ d+ Create t:o Beans Traffic Light-implemented as a label :ith only three bac9ground colors red= green= yello:1 and &utomobile-Implemented as a Te*t Bo* :hich states its stateEmo$ement1+ The state of the &utomobile should depend on the follo:ing Light Transition table+ Install T#MC&T :eb ser$er+ Con$ert the static :eb pages of assignments ! into dynamic :eb pages using ser$lets and coo9ies+ Aint? 0serDs information -user id= pass:ord= credit card number1 :ould be stored in :eb+ Cml+ Each user should ha$e a separate shopping cart+ 8edo the pre$ious tas9 using .S, by con$erting the static :eb pages of assignment ! into dynamic :eb pages+ Create a database :ith user information and boo9s information+ The boo9s catalogue should be dynamically loaded from the database+ >ollo: the M5C architecture :hile doing the :ebsite+ Implement the HAello WorldI program using .S, Struts >rame:or9+ 0sing .a$aScript sort gi$en array in ascending and descending order+

! %


2 3

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

,e& Tec(nolog!es Progra%s $JNTU' sol)t!ons .. De/elo0 stat!c 0ages $)s!ng onl- 1T#L' of an onl!ne Boo2 store. T(e 0ages s(o)l+ rese%&le3 T(e we&s!te s(o)l+ cons!st t(e follow!ng 0ages. 1o%e 0age5 Reg!strat!on an+ )ser Log!n5 User 0rof!le 0age5 Boo2s catalog5 S(o00!ng cart5 Pa-%ent B- cre+!t car+5 or+er conf!r%at!on. 1o%ePage.(t%l JATMLK JAE&DKJTITLEKAome,ageJETITLEKJEAE&DK JB#DLK This is Aome,age JA8K JM&8M0EEKWWW+B##GS+C#MJEM&8M0EEK JIM( S8CNO+Pboo9+gifO heightNO%4QO :idthNO'4QOK J,8EK J& A8E>NO+PAome,age"+htmlOKAome ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+P8egistration"+htmlOK8egistration 0ser LoginJE&K J& A8E>NO+P0ser,rofile"+htmlOK0ser ,rofile ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+PBoo9sCatalog"+htmlOKBoo9s CatalogJE&K J& A8E>NO+PShoppingCart"+htmlOKShopping CartJE&K J& A8E>NO+P,ayment"+htmlOK,ayment By CreditCardJE&K J& A8E>NO+P#rderConfirmation"+htmlOK#rder ConfirmationJE&K JE,8EK JEB#DLK JEATMLK

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

Reg!strat!on..(t%l JATMLKJAE&DKJTITLEK8egistrationJETITLEKJEAE&DK JB#DLKThis is 8egistration 0ser LoginJA8K JM&8M0EEKWWW+B##GS+C#MJEM&8M0EEK JIM( S8CNO+Pboo9+gifO heightNO%4QO :idthNO'4QOK J,8EKJ& A8E>NOPWEBSITEPAome,age+htmlOKAome ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+PAome,age"+htmlOKAome ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+P8egistration"+htmlOK8egistration 0ser LoginJE&K J& A8E>NO+P0ser,rofile"+htmlOK0ser ,rofile ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+PBoo9sCatalog"+htmlOKBoo9s CatalogJE&K J& A8E>NO+PShoppingCart"+htmlOKShopping CartJE&K J& A8E>NO+P,ayment"+htmlOK,ayment By CreditCardJE&K J& A8E>NO+P#rderConfirmation"+htmlOK#rder ConfirmationJE&K JE,8EKJ>#8MKJpreK Enter your /ame ?JI/,0T TL,ENOTECTOK Enter ,ass:ord ?JI/,0T TL,ENO,&SSW#8DOK Confirm ,ass:ord?JI/,0T TL,ENO,&SSW#8DOK (ender ?JInput typeNO8adioO nameNO8"O $alueNOMaleOKMale JInput typeNO8adioO nameNO8"O $alueNO>emaleOK>emale Country ?JselectKJoption selectedKSelect CountryJEoptionK Joption $alueNOindOKIndiaJEoptionK Joption $alueNOusaOK0nited States of &mericaJEoptionK Joption $alueNOengOKEnglandJEoptionK Joption $alueNOausOK&ustraliaJEoptionK Joption $alueNOgerOK(ermanyJEoptionK Joption $alueNOpolOK,olandJEoptionK JEselectKJcenterKJInput typeNOsubmitOKJinput typeNOresetOKJEcenterK JEpreKJEformKJEB#DLKJEATMLK

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

JhtmlKJheadKJtitleK0serLoginJEtitleKJEheadK JbodyK JIM( S8CNO+Pboo9+gifO heightNO%4QO :idthNO'4QOK J,8EKJ& A8E>NOPWEBSITEPAome,age+htmlOKAome ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+PAome,age"+htmlOKAome ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+P8egistration"+htmlOK8egistration 0ser LoginJE&K J& A8E>NO+P0ser,rofile"+htmlOK0ser ,rofile ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+PBoo9sCatalog"+htmlOKBoo9s CatalogJE&K J& A8E>NO+PShoppingCart"+htmlOKShopping CartJE&K J& A8E>NO+P,ayment"+htmlOK,ayment By CreditCardJE&K J& A8E>NO+P#rderConfirmation"+htmlOK#rder ConfirmationJE&K JE,8EK 0serId ? Jinput typeNOte*tO idNOuidOKJbrEK ,ass:ord? Jinput typeNOte*tO idNOp:dOKJbr EK JbrEKJinput type NObuttonO $alue NOLogInOK JEbodyKJEhtmlK

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

PA6#ENT..1t%l37 JATMLKJAE&DKJTITLEK,ayment By Credit CardJETITLEKJEAE&DK JB#DLK JM&8M0EEKWWW+B##GS+C#MJEM&8M0EEK JIM( S8CNO+Pboo9+gifO heightNO%4QO :idthNO'4QOK J,8EK J& A8E>NO+PAome,age"+htmlOKAome ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+P8egistration"+htmlOK8egistration 0ser LoginJE&K J& A8E>NO+P0ser,rofile"+htmlOK0ser ,rofile ,ageJE&K J& A8E>NO+PBoo9sCatalog"+htmlOKBoo9s CatalogJE&K J& A8E>NO+PShoppingCart"+htmlOKShopping CartJE&K J& A8E>NO+P,ayment"+htmlOK,ayment By CreditCardJE&K J& A8E>NO+P#rderConfirmation"+htmlOK#rder ConfirmationJE&K JE,8EK Jtable borderN4 cellpaddingN4 cellspacingN4 :idthN'44K JtrKJthKWhat :ill it ta9e to pay off my credit cardRJEthKJEtrK JtrKJtd alignNcenterK Jtable cellpaddingN! cellspacingN4K JtrKJtd alignNOrightOKEnter your credit card balance? SJEtdKJtdKJinput si<eN) typeNte*t idNOc:BalanceOKJEtdKJEtrK JtrKJtd alignNOrightOKEnter the credit cardTs interest rate? JEtdKJtdKJinput si<eN) typeNte*t idNOc:8ateOKQJEtdKJEtrK JtrKJtd alignNOrightOKEnter payment amount per month? SJEtdKJtdKJinput si<eN) typeNte*t idNOc:Monthly&mountOKJEtdKJEtrK JtrKJtd alignNOcenterOKJbKorJEbKJEtdKJtdK JEtdKJEtrK JtrKJtd alignNOrightOKEnter desired months until debt free? JEtdKJtdKJinput si<eN) typeNte*t idNOc:DesiredMonthsOKJEtdKJEtrK JtrKJtd colspanN! alignNOcenterOKJinput typeNbutton $alueNOCalculateO onclic9NOc:Calc-1UOKJEtdKJEtrK JtrKJtd colspanN! alignNOcenterO idNOc:8esultOKJEtdKJEtrK JEtableKJEtdKJEtrK JEtableK JEB#DLK JEATMLK

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

". Val!+ate t(e reg!strat!on5 )ser log!n5 )ser 0rof!le an+ 0a-%ent &- cre+!t car+ 0ages )s!ng Ja/aScr!0t. RE*ISTRATION 8OR# JAtmlK JAeadK JTitleK0ser 8egistration >ormJEtitleK Jmeta http e6ui$NOContent TypeO contentNOte*tEhtmlU charsetNiso 33B7 "OK Jscript languageNO.a$aScriptO fptypeNOdynamicanimationOK JEscriptK JEheadK JbodyK Jscript languageNOja$ascriptOK function $erify-form1 V if-document+formsW4X+elementsW4X+$alueNNOO1 V alert-O,lease Enter 0ser IDO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW4X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+$alueNNOO1 V alert-O,lease Enter your ,ass:ordO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW!X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+$alue+lengthJ'1 V alert-O,ass:ord must be greater than ' characterO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW!X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW!X+$alueNNOO1 V alert-O,lease Enter your Confirm ,ass:ordO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW!X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if--document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+length1ZN-document+formsW4X+elementsW!X+length11 V alert-OLour ,ass:ord does not match :ith Confirm ,ass:ordO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+$alueNOOU Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "%

WT Lab Manual document+formsW4X+elementsW!X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+focus-1U return-false1U Y

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

if--document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+length1NN-document+formsW4X+elementsW!X+length11 V if--document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+$alue1ZN-document+formsW4X+elementsW!X+$alue11 V alert-OLour ,ass:ord does not match :ith Confirm ,ass:ordO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW!X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"X+focus-1U return-false1U Y Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW%X+$alueNNOsec6O1 V alert-O,lease Select your Security MuestionO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW%X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW'X+$alueNNOO1 V alert-O,lease &ns:er the security 6uestionO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW'X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsWBX+$alueNNODDO1 V alert-O,lease select Day of D#BO1U document+formsW4X+elementsWBX+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW)X+$alueNNOMMO1 V alert-O,lease select Month of D#BO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW)X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW2X+$alueNNOLLLLO1 V alert-O,lease select Lear of D#BO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW2X+focus-1U return-false1U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "'

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW"4X+chec9edNNtrue1 V if-document+formsW4X+elementsW""X+$alueNNOO1 V alert-O,lease Enter your >irst /ameO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW""X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW"%X+$alueNNOO1 V alert-O,lease Enter your Last /ameO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"%X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW"'X+$alueNNOLearO1 V alert-O,lease specify your &cademic yearO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"'X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW"BX+$alueNNOadminyearO1 V alert-O,lease put your &dmission LearO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"BX+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+$alueNNOdeptO1 V alert-O,lease Select your DepartmentO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alueNNOO1 V alert-O,lease put your 8oll /umberO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alueZNOO1 V r4Ndocument+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alue+inde*#f-T!T1U r"Ndocument+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alue+inde*#f-T9T1U r!NparseInt-document+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alue+char&t-!11U r%Ndocument+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alue+inde*#f-T[T1U r'NparseInt-document+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alue+char&t-'11U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "B

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

rBNparseInt-document+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alue+char&t-B11U r)NparseInt-document+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alue+char&t-)11U lenNdocument+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alue+lengthU if--lenZN21\\-r4ZN41\\-r"ZN"1\\-r%ZN%1\\-r'K) \\ r'J"1\\-r!K7 \\ r!J"11 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umberO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+focus-1U return-false1 Y s:itch-document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+$alue1 V case TITT? if-r'ZN)\\-rBK'\\rBJ41\\-r)K7\\r)J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umber of Information TechnologyO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U case TCSET? if-r'ZNB\\-rBK'\\rBJ41\\-r)K7\\r)J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umber of Computer ScienceO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U case TECET? if-r'ZN'\\-rBK'\\rBJ41\\-r)K7\\r)J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umber of ElectronicsO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U case TEET? if-r'ZN!\\-rBK)\\rBJ41\\-r)K7\\r)J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umber of Electrical EngineeringO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U case TMET? if-r'ZN%\\-rBK)\\rBJ41\\-r)K7\\r)J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umber of Mechanical EngineeringO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science ")

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

case TCET? if-r'ZN"\\-rBK)\\rBJ41\\-r)K7\\r)J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umber of Ci$il EngineeringO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U Y s:itch-document+formsW4X+elementsW"'X+$alue1 V case T>ourthT? if-r!ZN"\\-r!K7\\r!J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umber of >orth LearO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"'X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U case TThirdT? if-r!ZN!\\-r!K7\\r!J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umber of Third LearO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"'X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U case TSecondT? if-r!ZN%\\-r!K7\\r!J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll Second LearO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"'X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U case T>irstT? if-r!ZN'\\-r!K7\\r!J411 V alert-O/ot a $alid 8oll /umber of >irst LearO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW"'X+focus-1U return-false1 Ybrea9U Y Y Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW!'X+chec9edNNtrue1 V if-document+formsW4X+elementsW!BX+$alueNNOO1 V Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "2

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

alert-O,lease Enter Lour >irst /ameO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW!BX+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW!2X+$alueNNOO1 V alert-O,lease Enter your Last /ameO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW!2X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW%4X+$alueNNOstateO1 V alert-O,lease Select Lour StateO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW%4X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if-document+formsW4X+elementsW%"X+$alueNNOcountryO1 V alert-O,lease Select Lour StateO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW%"X+focus-1U return-false1U Y if--document+formsW4X+elementsW%!X+$alueNNOpincodeO1\\ -document+formsW4X+elementsW%%X+$alueNOO11 V alert-O,lease Select Lour ,incode #8 if #ther specifyO1U document+formsW4X+elementsW%!X+focus-1U return-false1U Y Y Y function studentclear-form1 V document+formsW4X+elementsW""X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"!X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"%X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"'X+$alueNOLearOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"BX+$alueNOadminyearOU document+formsW4X+elementsW")X+$alueNOdeptOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"2X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"3X+$alueNOselecthostelOU document+formsW4X+elementsW"7X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW!4X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW!"X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW!!X+$alueNOOU document+formsW4X+elementsW!%X+$alueNOOU Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "3

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

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WT Lab Manual

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WT Lab Manual OUTPUT37

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WT Lab Manual

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USER LO*IN37 JhtmlKJheadKJscriptK function f-1 V if-document+getElementById-TuidT1+$alue+lengthNN41 alert-O0serId canTt e blan9O1U else if-document+getElementById-Tp:dT1+$alue+lengthNN41 alert-O,ass:ord canTt be blan9O1U else V alert-Osuccessfully logged inO1U :indo:+open-OWelcome+htmlO1UY Y JEscriptKJEheadK JbodyK 0serId ? Jinput typeNOte*tO idNOuidOKJbrEK ,asso:rd? Jinput typeNOte*tO idNOp:dOKJbr EK JbrEKJinput type NObuttonO onclic9NOf-1O $alue NOLogInOK JEbodyKJEhtmlK OUTPUT37

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WT Lab Manual USER PRO8ILE JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK0ser ,rofileJEtitleK JEheadK JbodyK JA"K0ser ,rofileJEA"K JArK JpreK JbK/ame ? JEbK JbKE Mail ID ? JEbK JbKDate of Birth ? JEbK JbK(ender ? JEbK JbKCity ? JEbK JbKState ? JEbK JbKCountry ? JEbK JbK_ip Code ? JEbK JEpreK JEBodyK JEAtmlK OUTPUT37

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WT Lab Manual Y JEscriptK JEAE&DK JB#DLK

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WT Lab Manual

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3.Create and save an XML document at the server. Which contains user information or Progra% To I%0le%ent Log!nfor% Us!ng Se/lets PRO*RA# f!lena%e3Use/al!+at!on.(t%l JhtmlK JheadK JtitleKLogin >ormJEtitleK JEheadK Jbody leftmarginN2B topmarginN2B bgcolorN:hiteK Jform methodN(et actionNOhttp?"!2+4+4+"?3434P$alidationOK 0ser/ame`nbspU`nbspUJinput typeNte*t nameNuserK JbrKJbrK ,ass:ord`nbspU`nbspUJinput typeNpass:ord nameNpassK JbrKJbrK Jinput typeNsubmit $alueNsubmitK`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU Jinput typeNreset nameNcancelK JEformK JEbodyK JEhtmlK f!lena%e3UserVal!+.9a/a import ja$a*+ser$let+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U import ja$a+io+^U public class 0ser5alid e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do(et-AttpSer$let8e6uest re6=AttpSer$let8esponse res1thro:s Ser$letE*ception=I#E*ception V res+setContentType-Ote*tEhtmlO1U ,rintWriter outNres+getWriter-1U String usrNres+get,arameter-OuserO1U String p:dNres+get,arameter-OpassO1U if-usr e6uals-Ona$eenO1``p:d e6uals-Ona$O1 out+println-OSuccessfully Logged inO1U else out+println-O0nsuccessfulO1U Y Y Balaji Institute of Technology and Science !7

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J:eb appK Jser$letK Jser$let nameK0ser5alidationJEser$let nameK Jser$let classK0ser5alidJEser$let classK JEser$letK Jser$let mappingK Jser$let nameK0ser5alidationJEser$let nameK Jurl patternKE$alidationE^JEurl patternK JEser$let mappingK JE:eb appK

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WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

'+De/elo0!ng a S!%0le Bean Us!ng t(e BD;3 This section presents an e*ample that sho:s ho: to de$elop a simple Bean and connect it to other components $ia the BDG+ #ur ne: component is called the Colors Bean+ It appears as either a rectangle or ellipse that is filled :ith a color+ & color is chosen at random :hen the Bean begins e*ecution+ & public method can be in$o9ed to change it+ Each time the mouse is clic9ed on the Bean= another random color is chosen+ There is one &oolean readE:rite property that determines the shape+ The BDG is used to lay out an application :ith one instance of the Colors Bean and one instance of the O)rB)tton Bean+ The button is labeled HChange+I Each time it is pressed= the color changes+ S#>TW&8E DE5EL#,ME/T 0SI/( .&5& Create a /e: Bean Aere are the steps that you must follo: to create a ne: Bean? "+ Create a directory for the ne: Bean+ !+ Create the .a$a source file-s1+ %+ Compile the source file-s1+ '+ Create a manifest file+ B+ (enerate a .&8 file+ )+ Start the BDG+ 2+ Test+ The follo:ing sections discuss each of these steps in detail+ Create a Directory for the /e: Bean Lou need to ma9e a directory for the Bean+ To follo: along :ith this e*ample= create c3<&+2<+e%o<s)nw<+e%o<colors+ Then change to that directory+ The Colors and #urButton Beans Create the Source >ile for the /e: Bean The source code for the Colors component is sho:n in the follo:ing listing+ It is located in the file Colors.9a/a+ The !%0ort statement at the beginning of the file places it in the pac9age named s)nw.+e%o.colors+ 8ecall from Chapter 7 that the directory hierarchy corresponds to the pac9age hierarchy+ Therefore= this file must be located in a subdirectory named s)nw<+e%o<colors relati$e to the CLASSPAT1 en$ironment $ariable+ The color of the component is determined by the pri$ate Color $ariable color= and its shape is determined by the pri$ate &oolean $ariable rectang)lar+ The constructor defines an anonymous inner class that e*tends #o)seA+a0ter and o$errides its %o)sePresse+$ ' method+ The c(ange$ ' method is in$o9ed in response to mouse presses+ The component is initiali<ed to a rectangular shape of !44 by "44 pi*els+ The c(ange$ ' method is in$o9ed to select a random color and repaint the component+ The getRectang)lar$ ' and setRectang)lar$ ' methods pro$ide access to the one property of this Bean+ The c(ange$ ' method calls ran+o%Color$ ' to choose a color and then calls re0a!nt$ ' to ma9e the change $isible+ /otice that the 0a!nt$ ' method uses the rectang)lar and color $ariables to determine ho: to present the Bean+ EE & simple Bean+ pac9age sun:+demo+colorsU Balaji Institute of Technology and Science %"

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import ja$a+a:t+^U import ja$a+a:t+e$ent+^U public class Colors e*tends Can$as V transient pri$ate Color colorU pri$ate boolean rectangularU public Colors-1 V addMouseListener-ne: Mouse&dapter-1 V public $oid mouse,ressed-MouseE$ent me1 V change-1U Y Y1U rectangular N falseU setSi<e-!44= "441U change-1U Y public boolean get8ectangular-1 V return rectangularU Y public $oid set8ectangular-boolean flag1 V this+rectangular N flagU repaint-1U Y public $oid change-1 V S#>TW&8E DE5EL#,ME/T 0SI/( .&5& color N randomColor-1U repaint-1U Y pri$ate Color randomColor-1 V int r N -int1-!BB^Math+random-11U int g N -int1-!BB^Math+random-11U int b N -int1-!BB^Math+random-11U return ne: Color-r= g= b1U Y public $oid paint-(raphics g1 V Dimension d N getSi<e-1U int h N d+heightU int : N d+:idthU g+setColor-color1U if-rectangular1 V g+fill8ect-4= 4= : "= h "1U Y else V g+fill#$al-4= 4= : "= h "1U Y Y Balaji Institute of Technology and Science %!

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Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

Y Compile the Source Code for the /e: Bean Compile the source code to create a class file+ Type the follo:ing? ja$ac Colors+ja$a+ Create a Manifest >ile Lou must no: create a manifest file+ >irst= s:itch to the c3<&+2<+e%o directory+ This is the directory in :hich the manifest files for the BDG demos are located+ ,ut the source code for your manifest file in the file colors.%ft+ It is sho:n here? /ame? sun:EdemoEcolorsEColors+class .a$a Bean? True This file indicates that there is one .class file in the .&8 file and that it is a .a$a Bean+ /otice that the Colors.class file is in the pac9age s)nw.+e%o.colors and in the subdirectory s)nw<+e%o<colors relati$e to the current directory+ (enerate a .&8 >ile Beans are included in the ToolBo* :indo: of the BDG only if they are in .&8 files in the directory c3<&+2<9ars+ These files are generated :ith the jar utility+ Enter the follo:ing? jar cfm ++PjarsPcolors+jar colors+mft sun:PdemoPcolorsP^+class This command creates the file colors.9ar and places it in the directory c3<&+2<9ars+ -Lou may :ish to put this in a batch file for future use+1 Start the BDG Change to the directory c3<&+2<&ean&o: and type r)n+ This causes the BDG to start+ Lou should see three :indo:s= titled ToolBo*= BeanBo*= and ,roperties+ The ToolBo* :indo: should include an entry labeled HColorsI for your ne: Bean+ Create an Instance of the Colors Bean &fter you complete the preceding steps= create an instance of the Colors Bean in the BeanBo* :indo:+ Test your ne: component by pressing the mouse any:here :ithin its borders+ Its color immediately changes+ 0se the ,roperties :indo: to change the rectang)lar property from false to tr)e+ Its shape immediately changes+ Create and Configure an Instance of the #urButton Bean Create an instance of the O)rB)tton Bean in the BeanBo* :indo:+ Then follo: these steps? "+ (o to the ,roperties :indo: and change the label of the Bean to HChangeI+ Lou should see that the button appearance changes immediately :hen this property is changed+ !+ (o to the menu bar of the BeanBo* and select Edit \ E$ents \ action \ action,erformed+ %+ Mo$e the cursor so that it is inside the Colors Bean display area= and clic9 the left mouse button+ Lou should see the E$ent Target Dialog dialog bo*+ '+ The dialog bo* allo:s you to choose a method that should be in$o9ed :hen this button is clic9ed+ Select the entry labeled HchangeI and clic9 the #G button+ Lou should see a message bo* appear $ery briefly= stating that the tool is H(enerating and compiling adaptor class+I B+ Clic9 on the button+ Lou should see the color change+ Lou might :ant to e*periment :ith the Colors Bean a bit before mo$ing on+ #utput? Balaji Institute of Technology and Science %%

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

Create t:o Beans Traffic Light-implemented as a label :ith only three bac9ground colors red= green= yello:1 and &utomobile-Implemented as a Te*t Bo* :hich states its stateEmo$ement1+ The state of the &utomobile should depend on the follo:ing Light Transition table+ E^Japplet codeNOSig+classO heightN%44 :idthN!44KJEappletK^E import ja$a+a:t+^U import ja$a+lang+StringU import ja$a+a:t+e$ent+^U import ja$a+applet+&ppletU import ja$a+applet+^U public class Sig e*tends &pplet implements ItemListenerV boolean c"=c!=c%U String s"U Chec9bo* r"=r!=r%U Chec9bo*(roup cbgU public $oid init-1V cbgNne: Chec9bo*(roup-1U ,anel pNne: ,anel-1U p+setLayout-ne: (ridLayout-11U add-r"Nne: Chec9bo*-OredO=cbg=false11U add-r!Nne: Chec9bo*-Oyello:O=cbg=false11U add-r%Nne: Chec9bo*-OgreenO=cbg=false11U r"+addItemListener-this1U r!+addItemListener-this1U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science %'

WT Lab Manual r%+addItemListener-this1U Y

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

public $oid paint-(raphics g1 V g+setColor-Color+red1U g+dra:#$al-"4= %4= !4= !41U EESystem+out+println-s"1U g+setColor-Color+yello:1U g+dra:#$al-"4= )4= !4= !41U g+setColor-Color+green1U g+dra:#$al-"4= 74= !4= !41U s"Ncbg+getSelectedChec9bo*-1+getLabel-1U if-s"NNOredO1 V g+setColor-Color+red1U g+fill#$al-"4= %4= !4= !41U Y else if-s"NNOyello:O1 V g+setColor-Color+yello:1U g+fill#$al-"4= )4= !4= !41U Y else if-s"NNOgreenO1 V g+setColor-Color+green1U g+fill#$al-"4= 74= !4= !41U Y Y public $oid itemStateChanged-ItemE$ent ie1 V repaint-1U Y Y

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Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

Rea+!ng Ser/let Para%eters The Ser/letRe?)est class includes methods that allo: you to read the names and $alues of parameters that are included in a client re6uest+ We :ill de$elop a ser$let that illustrates their use+ The e*ample contains t:o files? PostPara%eters.(t% defines a Web page= and PostPara%etersSer/let.9a/a defines a ser$let+ The ATML source code for PostPara%eters.(t% is sho:n in the follo:ing listing+ It defines a table that contains t:o labels and t:o te*t fields+ #ne of the labels is Employee and the other is ,hone+ The form also includes a submit button+ /otice that the action parameter of the form tag specifies a 08L+ The 08L identifies the ser$let to process the ATT, ,#ST re6uest+ JhtmlK JbodyK JcenterK Jform nameNO>orm"O methodNOpostO actionNOhttp?EElocalhost?3434Eser$letE,ost,arametersSer$letOK JtableK JtrK JtdKJBKEmployeeJEtdK JtdKJinput typeNte*tbo* nameNOeO si<eNO!BO $alueNOOKJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKJBK,honeJEtdK JtdKJinput typeNte*tbo* nameNOpO si<eNO!BO $alueNOOKJEtdK JEtrK JEtableK Jinput typeNsubmit $alueNOSubmitOK JEbodyK JEhtmlK The source code for PostPara%etersSer/let.9a/a is sho:n in the follo:ing listing+ The ser$ice- 1 method is o$erridden to process client re6uests+ The getPara%eterNa%es$ ' method returns an enumeration of the parameter names+ These are processed in a loop+ Lou can see that the parameter name and $alue are output to the client+ The parameter $alue is obtained $ia the getPara%eter$ ' method+ import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a+util+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U public class ,ost,arametersSer$let e*tends (enericSer$let V public $oid ser$ice-Ser$let8e6uest re6uest= Ser$let8esponse response1 thro:s Ser$letE*ception= I#E*ception V Balaji Institute of Technology and Science %)

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

EE (et print :riter ,rintWriter p: N response+getWriter-1U EE (et enumeration of parameter names Enumeration e N re6uest+get,arameter/ames-1U EE Display parameter names and $alues :hile-e+hasMoreElements-11 V String pname N -String1e+ne*tElement-1U p:+print-pname F O N O1U String p$alue N re6uest+get,arameter-pname1U p:+println-p$alue1U Y p:+close-1U Y Y

The e*ample contains t:o files? Color*et.(t% defines a Web page= and Color*etSer/let.9a/a defines a ser$let+ The ATML source code for Color*et.(t% is sho:n in the follo:ing listing+ It defines a form that contains a select element and a submit button+ /otice that the action parameter of the form tag specifies a 08L+ The 08L identifies a ser$let to process the ATT, (ET re6uest+ JbodyK JcenterK Jform nameNO>orm"O actionNOhttp?EElocalhost?3434Eser$letEColor(etSer$letOK JBKColor?JEBK Jselect nameNOcolorO si<eNO"OK Joption $alueNO8edOK8edJEoptionK Joption $alueNO(reenOK(reenJEoptionK Joption $alueNOBlueOKBlueJEoptionK JEselectK JbrKJbrK Jinput typeNsubmit $alueNOSubmitOK JEformK JEbodyK JEhtmlK method is o$erridden to process any ATT, (ET re6uests that are sent to this ser$let+ It uses the getPara%eter$ ' method of 1tt0Ser/letRe?)est to obtain the selection that :as made by the user+ & response is then formulated+ import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science %2

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U public class Color(etSer$let e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do(et-AttpSer$let8e6uest re6uest= AttpSer$let8esponse response1 thro:s Ser$letE*ception= I#E*ception V String color N re6uest+get,arameter-OcolorO1U response+setContentType-Ote*tEhtmlO1U ,rintWriter p: N response+getWriter-1U p:+println-OJBKThe selected color is? O1U p:+println-color1U p:+close-1U

The ATML source code for ColorPost.(t% is sho:n in the follo:ing listing+ It is identical to Color*et.(t% e*cept that the method parameter for the form tag e*plicitly specifies that the ,#ST method should be used= and the action parameter for the form tag specifies a different ser$let+ JhtmlK JbodyK JcenterK Jform nameNO>orm"O methodNOpostO actionNOhttp?EElocalhost?3434Eser$letEColor,ostSer$letOK JBKColor?JEBK Jselect nameNOcolorO si<eNO"OK Joption $alueNO8edOK8edJEoptionK Joption $alueNO(reenOK(reenJEoptionK Joption $alueNOBlueOKBlueJEoptionK JEselectK JbrKJbrK Jinput typeNsubmit $alueNOSubmitOK JEformK JEbodyK JEhtmlK The source code for ColorPostSer/let.9a/a is sho:n in the follo:ing listing+ The +oPost$ ' method is o$erridden to process any ATT, ,#ST re6uests that are sent to this ser$let+ It uses the getPara%eter$ ' method of 1tt0Ser/letRe?)est to obtain the selection that :as made by the user+ & response is then formulated+ import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U public class Color,ostSer$let e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do,ost-AttpSer$let8e6uest re6uest= AttpSer$let8esponse response1 Balaji Institute of Technology and Science %3

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

thro:s Ser$letE*ception= I#E*ception V String color N re6uest+get,arameter-OcolorO1U response+setContentType-Ote*tEhtmlO1U ,rintWriter p: N response+getWriter-1U p:+println-OJBKThe selected color is? O1U p:+println-color1U p:+close-1U Y Y

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

@. JSP So)rce Co+e for Bas!c Ar!t(%et!c E:a%0le JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK.S, !+4 E*pression Language Basic &rithmeticJEtitleK JEheadK JbodyK Jh"K.S, !+4 E*pression Language Basic &rithmeticJEh"K JhrK This e*ample illustrates basic E*pression Language arithmetic+ &ddition -F1= subtraction - 1= multiplication -^1= di$ision -E or di$1= and modulus -Q or mod1 are all supported+ Error conditions= li9e di$ision by <ero= are handled gracefully+ JbrK Jbloc96uoteK JcodeK Jtable borderNO"OK JtheadK JtdKJbKEL E*pressionJEbKJEtdK JtdKJbK8esultJEbKJEtdK JEtheadK JtrK JtdKPSV"YJEtdK JtdKSV"YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV" F !YJEtdK JtdKSV" F !YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV"+! F !+%YJEtdK JtdKSV"+! F !+%YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV"+!E' F "+'YJEtdK JtdKSV"+!E' F "+'YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV ' !YJEtdK JtdKSV ' !YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV!" ^ !YJEtdK JtdKSV!" ^ !YJEtdK JEtrK Balaji Institute of Technology and Science '4

WT Lab Manual JtrK JtdKPSV%E'YJEtdK JtdKSV%E'YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV% di$ 'YJEtdK JtdKSV% di$ 'YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV%E4YJEtdK JtdKSV%E4YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV"4Q'YJEtdK JtdKSV"4Q'YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV"4 mod 'YJEtdK JtdKSV"4 mod 'YJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSV-"NN!1 R % ? 'YJEtdK JtdKSV-"NN!1 R % ? 'YJEtdK JEtrK JEtableK JEcodeK JEbloc96uoteK JEbodyK JEhtmlK

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

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WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

OUTPUT3 JSP ".A E:0ress!on Lang)age 7 Bas!c Ar!t(%et!c EL E:0ress!on SV"Y SV" F !Y SV"+! F !+%Y SV"+!E' F "+'Y SV ' !Y SV!" ^ !Y SV%E'Y SV% di$ 'Y SV%E4Y SV"4Q'Y SV"4 mod 'Y Res)lt " % %+B "!44"+' ) '! 4+2B 4+2B Infinity ! !

SV-"NN!1 R % ? 'Y '

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

So)rce Co+e for f)nct!ons.9s0 JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK.S, !+4 E*pression Language >unctionsJEtitleK JEheadK JbodyK Jh"K.S, !+4 E*pression Language >unctionsJEh"K JhrK &n upgrade from the .STL e*pression language= the .S, !+4 EL also allo:s for simple function in$ocation+ >unctions are defined by tag libraries and are implemented by a .a$a programmer as static methods+ Jbloc96uoteK JuKJbKChange ,arameterJEbKJEuK Jform actionNOfunctions+jspO methodNO(ETOK foo N Jinput typeNOte*tO nameNOfooO $alueNOSVfn?escapeCml-paramWOfooOX1YOK Jinput typeNOsubmitOK JEformK JbrK JcodeK Jtable borderNO"OK JtheadK JtdKJbKEL E*pressionJEbKJEtdK JtdKJbK8esultJEbKJEtdK JEtheadK JtrK JtdKPSVparamWOfooOXYJEtdK JtdKSVfn?escapeCml-paramWOfooOX1Y`nbspUJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSVmy?re$erse-paramWOfooOX1YJEtdK JtdKSVmy?re$erse-fn?escapeCml-paramWOfooOX11Y`nbspUJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSVmy?re$erse-my?re$erse-paramWOfooOX11YJEtdK JtdKSVmy?re$erse-my?re$erse-fn?escapeCml-paramWOfooOX111Y`nbspUJEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKPSVmy?count5o:els-paramWOfooOX1YJEtdK JtdKSVmy?count5o:els-fn?escapeCml-paramWOfooOX11Y`nbspUJEtdK JEtrK JEtableK JEcodeK JEbloc96uoteK JEbodyK JEhtmlK Balaji Institute of Technology and Science '%

WT Lab Manual So)rce Co+e for Calen+ar E:a%0le JATMLK JAE&DKJTITLEK Calendar? & .S, &,,LIC&TI#/ JETITLEKJEAE&DK JB#DL B(C#L#8NO:hiteOK

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

JQa page languageNOja$aO importNOcal+^O QK Jjsp?useBean idNOtableO scopeNOsessionO classNOcal+TableBeanO EK JQ table+process8e6uest-re6uest1U if -table+get,rocessError-1 NN false1 V QK JZ html table goes here K JCE/TE8K JT&BLE WIDTAN)4Q B(C#L#8Nyello: CELL,&DDI/(N"BK JT8K JTD &LI(/NCE/TE8K J& A8E>Ncal"+jspRdateNpre$K pre$ JE&K JTD &LI(/NCE/TE8K Calendar?JQN table+getDate-1 QKJETDK JTD &LI(/NCE/TE8K J& A8E>Ncal"+jspRdateNne*tK ne*t JE&K JET8K JET&BLEK JZ the main table K JT&BLE WIDTAN)4Q B(C#L#8Nlightblue B#8DE8N" CELL,&DDI/(N"4K JT8K JTAK Time JETAK JTAK &ppointment JETAK JET8K J>#8M META#DN,#ST &CTI#/Ncal"+jspK JQ for-int iN4U iJtable+getEntries-1+get8o:s-1U iFF1 V cal+Entry entr N table+getEntries-1+getEntry-i1U QK JT8K JTDK J& A8E>Ncal!+jspRtimeNJQN entr+getAour-1 QKK JQN entr+getAour-1 QK JE&K JETDK JTD B(C#L#8NJQN entr+getColor-1 QKK Balaji Institute of Technology and Science ''

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

JQ out+print-util+ATML>ilter+filter-entr+getDescription-111U QK JETDK JET8K JQ Y QK JE>#8MK JET&BLEK JB8K JZ footer K JT&BLE WIDTAN)4Q B(C#L#8Nyello: CELL,&DDI/(N"BK JT8K JTD &LI(/NCE/TE8K JQ out+print-util+ATML>ilter+filter-table+get/ame-111U QK ? JQ out+print-util+ATML>ilter+filter-table+getEmail-111U QK JETDK JET8K JET&BLEK JECE/TE8K JQ Y else V QK Jfont si<eNBK Lou must enter your name and email address correctly+ JEfontK JQ Y QK JEB#DLK JEATMLK

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WT Lab Manual OUT PUT

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

,lease Enter the follo:ing information? /ame Email

ANANT ananth!r


pre$ T!%e 3am 7am "4am ""am "!pm "pm !pm %pm 'pm Bpm )pm 2pm

Calendar?BE!7E!443 A00o!nt%ent


/one /one /one /one /one /one /one /one /one /one /one /one

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

0/r 3 0/rBg%a!
Calender! JATMLK JAE&DKJTITLEK Calendar? & .S, &,,LIC&TI#/ JETITLEKJEAE&DK JB#DL B(C#L#8NO:hiteOK Jjsp?useBean idNOtableO scopeNOsessionO classNOcal+TableBeanO EK JQ String time N re6uest+get,arameter -OtimeO1U QK J>#/T SI_ENBK ,lease add the follo:ing e$ent? JB8K Jh%K Date JQN table+getDate-1 QK JB8K Time JQN util+ATML>ilter+filter-time1 QK JEh%K JE>#/TK J>#8M META#DN,#ST &CTI#/Ncal"+jspK JB8K JB8K JI/,0T /&MENOdateO TL,ENAIDDE/ 5&L0ENOcurrentOK JB8K JI/,0T /&MENOtimeO TL,ENAIDDE/ 5&L0ENJQN util+ATML>ilter+filter-time1 QK JB8K Jh!K Description of the e$ent JI/,0T /&MENOdescriptionO TL,ENTECT SI_EN!4K JEh!K JB8K JI/,0T TL,ENS0BMIT 5&L0ENOsubmitOK JE>#8MK JEB#DLK JEATMLK

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual PRO*RA# 8OR JSP7Ser/let7JSP Source Code for .S, calling ser$let JATMLK Jbody bgcolorNO:hiteOK JZ >or:ard to a ser$let K Jjsp?for:ard pageNOEser$letTo.spO EK JEhtmlK #8 So)rce Co+e for Ser/let call!ng JSP import ja$a*+ser$let+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

public class ser$letTo.sp e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do(et -AttpSer$let8e6uest re6uest= AttpSer$let8esponse response1 V try V EE Set the attribute and >or:ard to hello+jsp re6uest+set&ttribute -Oser$let/ameO= Oser$letTo.spO1U getSer$letConfig-1+getSer$letConte*t-1+get8e6uestDispatcher-OEjsptoser$Ehello+jspO1+for:ard-r e6uest= response1U Y catch -E*ception e*1 V e*+printStac9Trace -1U Y Y Y OUT PUT I ha$e been in$o9ed by ser$letTo.sp Ser$let+

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

C. So)rce Co+e for 1ello,orl+ E:a%0le import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U public class AelloWorld e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do(et-AttpSer$let8e6uest re6uest= AttpSer$let8esponse response1 thro:s I#E*ception= Ser$letE*ception V response+setContentType-Ote*tEhtmlO1U ,rintWriter out N response+getWriter-1U out+println-OJhtmlKO1U out+println-OJheadKO1U out+println-OJtitleKAello WorldZJEtitleKO1U out+println-OJEheadKO1U out+println-OJbodyKO1U out+println-OJh"KAello WorldZJEh"KO1U out+println-OJEbodyKO1U out+println-OJEhtmlKO1U Y Y OUTPUT3 1ello ,orl+D

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WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

So)rce Co+e for Sess!on E:a%0le import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a+util+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U public class SessionE*ample e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do(et-AttpSer$let8e6uest re6uest= AttpSer$let8esponse response1 thro:s I#E*ception= Ser$letE*ception V response+setContentType-Ote*tEhtmlO1U ,rintWriter out N response+getWriter-1U AttpSession session N re6uest+getSession-true1U EE print session info Date created N ne: Date-session+getCreationTime-11U Date accessed N ne: Date-session+getLast&ccessedTime-11U out+println-OID O F session+getId-11U out+println-OCreated? O F created1U out+println-OLast &ccessed? O F accessed1U EE set session info if needed String data/ame N re6uest+get,arameter-Odata/ameO1U if -data/ame ZN null `` data/ame+length-1 K 41 V String data5alue N re6uest+get,arameter-Odata5alueO1U session+set&ttribute-data/ame= data5alue1U Y EE print session contents Enumeration e N session+get&ttribute/ames-1U :hile -e+hasMoreElements-11 V String name N -String1e+ne*tElement-1U String $alue N session+get&ttribute-name1+toString-1U out+println-name F O N O F $alue1U Y Y Y

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Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

OUTPUT37 Sessions E*ample Session ID? EBBB2&E32EEC3BB)&43'BB>>'2E7)"BB Created? Thu May !7 "!?44?43 IST !443 Last &ccessed? Thu May !7 "!?44?'% IST !443 The follo:ing data is in your session? &/&/TA N "!%' 8&M N '%!" /ame of Session &ttribute? 5alue of Session &ttribute?
"u#mit $uer%

(ET based form? /ame of Session &ttribute? 5alue of Session &ttribute?

"u#mit $uer%

08L encoded

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

Us!ng Coo2!es /o:= letTs de$elop a ser$let that illustrates ho: to use coo9ies+ The ser$let is in$o9ed :hen a form on a Web page is submitted+ The e*ample contains three files= as summari<ed here? 8!le Descr!0t!on &ddCoo9ie+htm &llo:s a user to specify a $alue for the coo9ie named M yCoo9ie &ddCoo9ieSer$let+ja$a , rocesses the submission of &ddCoo9ie+htm (etCoo9iesSer$let+ja$a D isplays coo9ie $alues The ATML source code for A++Coo2!e.(t% is sho:n in the follo:ing listing+ This page contains a te*t field in :hich a $alue can be entered+ The page also includes a submit button+ When this button is pressed= the $alue in the te*t field is sent to A++Coo2!eSer/let $ia an ATT, ,#ST re6uest+ JhtmlK JbodyK JcenterK Jform nameNO>orm"O methodNOpostO actionNOhttp?EElocalhost?3434Eser$letE&ddCoo9ieSer$letOK JBKEnter a $alue for MyCoo9ie?JEBK Jinput typeNte*tbo* nameNOdataO si<eN!B $alueNOOK Jinput typeNsubmit $alueNOSubmitOK JEformK JEbodyK JEhtmlK The source code for A++Coo2!eSer/let.9a/a is sho:n in the follo:ing listing+ It gets the $alue of the parameter named OdataO+ It then creates a Coo2!e object that has the name OMyCoo9ieO and contains the $alue of the OdataO parameter+ The coo9ie is then added to the header of the ATT, response $ia the a++Coo2!e$ ' method+ & feedbac9 message is then :ritten to the bro:ser+ import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U public class &ddCoo9ieSer$let e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do,ost-AttpSer$let8e6uest re6uest= AttpSer$let8esponse response1 thro:s Ser$letE*ception= I#E*ception V EE (et parameter from ATT, re6uest String data N re6uest+get,arameter-OdataO1U Coo9ie coo9ie N ne: Coo9ie-OMyCoo9ieO= data1U EE &dd coo9ie to ATT, response response+addCoo9ie-coo9ie1U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science B!

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

EE Write output to bro:ser response+setContentType-Ote*tEhtmlO1U ,rintWriter p: N response+getWriter-1U p:+println-OJBKMyCoo9ie has been set toO1U p:+println-data1U p:+close-1U Y Y The source code for *etCoo2!esSer/let.9a/a is sho:n in the follo:ing listing+ It in$o9es the getCoo2!es$ ' method to read any coo9ies that are included in the ATT, (ET re6uest+ The names and $alues of these coo9ies are then :ritten to the ATT, response+ #bser$e that the getNa%e$ ' and getVal)e$ ' methods are called to obtain this information+ import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U public class (etCoo9iesSer$let e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do(et-AttpSer$let8e6uest re6uest= AttpSer$let8esponse response1 thro:s Ser$letE*ception= I#E*ception V EE (et coo9ies from header of ATT, re6uest Coo9ieWX coo9ies N re6uest+getCoo9ies-1U EE Display these coo9ies response+setContentType-Ote*tEhtmlO1U ,rintWriter p: N response+getWriter-1U p:+println-OJBKO1U for-int i N 4U i J coo9ies+lengthU iFF1 V String name N coo9iesWiX+get/ame-1U String $alue N coo9iesWiX+get5alue-1U p:+println-Oname N O F name F OU $alue N O F $alue1U Y p:+close-1U Y Y The follo:ing ser$let illustrates ho: to use session state+ The getSess!on$ ' method gets the current session+ & ne: session is created if one does not already e*ist+ The getVal)e$ ' method is called to obtain the object that is bound to the name OdateO+ That object is a Date object that encapsulates the date and time :hen this page :as last accessed+ -#f course= there is no such binding :hen the page is first accessed+1 & Date object encapsulating the current date and time is then created+ The 0)tVal)e$ ' method is called to bind the name OdateO to this object+ import ja$a+io+^U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science B%

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

import ja$a+util+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U public class DateSer$let e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do(et-AttpSer$let8e6uest re6uest= AttpSer$let8esponse response1 thro:s Ser$letE*ception= I#E*ception V EE (et the AttpSession object AttpSession hs N re6uest+getSession-true1U EE (et :riter response+setContentType-Ote*tEhtmlO1U ,rintWriter p: N response+getWriter-1U p:+print-OJBKO1U EE Display dateEtime of last access Date date N -Date1hs+get5alue-OdateO1U if-date ZN null1 V p:+print-OLast access? O F date F OJbrKO1U Y EE Display current dateEtime date N ne: Date-1U hs+put5alue-OdateO= date1U p:+println-OCurrent date? O F date1U YY

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WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

So)rce Co+e for Coo2!e E:a%0le import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+http+^U public class Coo9ieE*ample e*tends AttpSer$let V public $oid do(et-AttpSer$let8e6uest re6uest= AttpSer$let8esponse response1 thro:s I#E*ception= Ser$letE*ception V response+setContentType-Ote*tEhtmlO1U ,rintWriter out N response+getWriter-1U EE print out coo9ies Coo9ieWX coo9ies N re6uest+getCoo9ies-1U for -int i N 4U i J coo9ies+lengthU iFF1 V Coo9ie c N coo9iesWiXU String name N c+get/ame-1U String $alue N c+get5alue-1U out+println-name F O N O F $alue1U Y EE set a coo9ie String name N re6uest+get,arameter-Ocoo9ie/ameO1U if -name ZN null `` name+length-1 K 41 V String $alue N re6uest+get,arameter-Ocoo9ie5alueO1U Coo9ie c N ne: Coo9ie-name= $alue1U response+addCoo9ie-c1U Y Y Y

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WT Lab Manual

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OUTPUT3 Coo9ies E*ample Lour bro:ser is sending the follo:ing coo9ies? Coo9ie /ame? &/&/TA Coo9ie 5alue? 32)B'% Coo9ie /ame? 8&M Coo9ie 5alue? "!%'B)2 Lou just sent the follo:ing coo9ie to your bro:ser? /ame? (080/&/&G 5alue? B4444)4 Create a coo9ie to send to your bro:ser /ame? 5alue?
&'(A &M)ATN 5****2*

"u#mit $uer%

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,r!te we& 0rogra% to !%0le%ent 1ello wor+ JWeb appK Jser$letK Jser$let nameKsimple ser$let JEser$let nameK Jser$let classK Aello WordJEser$let classK JEser$letK Jser$let mappingK Jser$let nameKsimple ser$letJEser$let nameK Jun patternKser$letJun patternK JEWeb appK OUTPUT ? Aello Word Progra% for S!%0le Ser/let import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U public class simpleSer$let e*tends (enericSer$letV public $oid ser$ice-Ser$let8e6uest re6uest=Ser$let8esponse response1 thro:s Ser$letE*ception=I#E*ceptionV res+setcontenttype Type-OTECTEATMLO1U ,rintWriter outNres+get:riter-1U out+println-OJhtmlKO1U out+println-OJheadKO1U out+println-OJtitleKthis is simple ser$letJEtitleK1U out+println-OJEheadO1U out+println-OJEbodyKO1U out+println-JcenterJbKtesting ser$eletJEbKJEcenter1U out+println-JEbodyK1U out+println-JEhtmlK1U out+close-1U Y Y

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Progra% for Post0ar%eter Ser/let import ja$a+io+^U import ja$a+util+^U import ja$a*+ser$let+^U public class ,ost,arametersSer$let e*tends (enericSer$letV public $oid ser$ice-Ser$let8e6uest re6uest=Ser$let8esponse response1 thro:s Ser$letE*ception=I#E*ceptionV EE(et print:riter ,rintWriter p:Nresponse+getWriter-1U EE(et enumeration of parameternames Enumeration eNre6uest+get,arameter/ames-1U EEDisplay parameter names and $alues :hile-e+hasMoreElements-11 V String pnameN-String1e+ne*tElement-1U p:+print-pnameFONO1U String p$alueNre6uest+get,arameter-pname1U p:+println-p$alue1U Y p:+close-1U Y Y

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C I%0le%ent t(e E1ello ,orl+DF 0rogra% )s!ng JSP Str)ts 8ra%ewor2. So)rce Co+e for t(e 1ello ,orl+ Tag E:a%0le JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK.S, !+4 E*amples Aello World SimpleTag AandlerJEtitleK JEheadK JbodyK Jh"K.S, !+4 E*amples Aello World SimpleTag AandlerJEh"K JhrK JpKThis tag handler simply echos OAello= WorldZO ItTs an e*ample of a $ery basic SimpleTag handler :ith no body+JEpK JbrK JbKJuK8esult?JEuKJEbK Jmytag?helloWorldEK JEbodyK JEhtmlK OUT PUT This tag handler simply echos OAello= WorldZO ItTs an e*ample of a $ery basic SimpleTag handler :ith no body+ Res)lt3 Aello= :orldZ

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WT Lab Manual Progra% 3 De0os!t

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&CC#0/T /#+? &M#0/T?

"+'M&T (eset

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WT Lab Manual Progra% 3 Transact!ons

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WT Lab Manual Progra% 3 User Deta!ls

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0SE8/&ME? ,&SSW#8D?

I/5&LID 0SE8/&ME #8 ,&SSW#8D+ Clic9 here to Create ?/EW 0SE8


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&CC#0/T /#+? &M#0/T?

"+'M&T (eset

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&CC#0/T /#+?
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"+'M&T "A-&N. '+"&N,""



Progra% 3 User Deta!ls Balaji Institute of Technology and Science ))

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0SE8/&ME? ,&SSW#8D?


Clic9 here to Create/EW 0SE8

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&CC#0/T /0MBE8?


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WT Lab Manual

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3+ Enter into the follo:ing te*t bo* O%' !! !% '%B %% ! " '% B'O= for e*ample= and press the sort numerically button+ #r= try entering Othis is a testO= and press the sort alpha button+ Jscript typeNOte*tEja$ascriptOK function sortit-a=b1V return-a b1 Y function sort$alues-param1V $ar input$aluesNdocument+sorter+sorter!+$alue+split-O O1 if -paramNN41 EEif sort alphabetically input$alues+sort-1 else EEelse if sort numerically input$alues+sort-sortit1 document+sorter+sorter!+$alueNTT for -iN4UiJinput$alues+length "UiFF1 document+sorter+sorter!+$alueNdocument+sorter+sorter!+$alueFinput$aluesWiXFO O document+sorter+sorter!+$alueFNinput$aluesWinput$alues+length "X Y JEscriptK Jform nameNOsorterOK JpK Jte*tarea ro:sNO"4O nameNOsorter!O colsNOB4O :rapNO$irtualOKJEte*tareaKJbrK Jinput typeNObuttonO $alueNOSort alphabeticallyO onClic9NOsort$alues-41OK Jinput typeNObuttonO $alueNOSort numericallyO onClic9NOsort$alues-"1OK Jinput typeNOresetO $alueNO8esetOK JEformK

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WT Lab Manual A++!t!onal Progra%s " ! % ' B ) 2 3 7 "4 "" "! "% "' "B ") "2 "3 "7 !4 !" !!

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Progra%s ,rogram for implementation of >onts ,rogram for implementation of Table ,rogram for implementation of List ,rogram for addition of t:o noDs in ja$a script ,rogram for implementation of S:itch case ,rogram to find ma*imum of % noDs ,rogram for Entering a pass:ord ,rogram for implementation of Thambola ,rogram for >actorial ,rogram for &ddition of t:o Matrices ,rogram for #nline E*am ,rogram for Bubble Sort ,rogram for implementation of Linear Search ,rogram for displaying an image on mouse clic9 ,rogram for E*hibiting Blending Effect ,rogram Code To E*hibit C ray Effect ,rogram Code To E*hibit Shado: Effect ,rogram Code To E*hibit Wa$e Effect ,rogram for implementing &nimation ,rogram To display bac9ground Sound ,rogram To add $ideo file 0sing .a$aScript sort gi$en array in ascending and descending order+

Page no !% !' !2 !3 %4 %% %B %3 '4 '! '3 B% BB B7 )" )% )B )2 )7 2! 2)

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,r!te a scr!0t for select!on sort. PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK Sort JEtitleK Jscript languageNO.a$ascriptOK $ar b=i=j=tempU $ar aU aNWXU document+:rite-OEnter arrayO1U for-iN4UiJBUiFF1 V bNprompt-Oenter array elementNO=O4O1U aWiXNparseInt-b1U Y for-iN4UiJBUiFF1 V document+:rite-OJbrKOFaWiX1U Y document+:rite-OJbrKSorted array isO1U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science 2!

WT Lab Manual for-iN4UiJBUiFF1 V for-jN4UjJBUjFF1 V if-aWiXJaWjX1 V tempNaWiXU aWiXNaWjXU aWjXNtempU Y Y Y for-iN4UiJBUiFF1 V

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document+:rite-OJbrKOFaWiX1U Y JEscriptK JEheadKJEhtmlK

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WT Lab Manual OUTPUT

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Enter array ' ! B Sorted array is ! ' B

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WT Lab Manual

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AI# ,r!te Ja/a Scr!0t t(at !n0)ts t(ree !ntegers fro% t(e )ser an+ o)t0)ts t(e!r s)%5 a/erage5 largest. Use alert +!alog &o: to +!s0la- res)lts. PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK M&C JEtitleK

Jscript languageNOja$ascriptOK $ar a=b=c=n"=n!=n%=m"=m!=sum=a$gU aNprompt-Oenter "st noNO=O O1U bNprompt-Oenter !nd noNO=O O1U cNprompt-Oenter %rd noNO=O O1U n"NparseInt-a1U n!NparseInt-b1U n%NparseInt-c1U sumNn"Fn!Fn%U a$gNsumE%U m"NMath+ma*-n"=n!1U m!NMath+ma*-n%=m"1U alert-Othe sum isN OFsum1U alert-Othe a$g isN OFm!1U alert-Othe ma* no is OFm!1U JEscriptK JEheadKJEhtmlK

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WT Lab Manual OUTPUT

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WT Lab Manual AI#

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,r!te a scr!0t to wr!te wor+ e?)!/alent of a c(ec2 a%o)nt. PRO*RA# JhtmlK JAE&DK JSC8I,T L&/(0&(ENO.a$aScriptOK $ar chec9flag N OfalseOU

function chec9-field1 V if -chec9flag NN OfalseO1 V for -i N 4U i J field+lengthU iFF1 V fieldWiX+chec9ed N trueUY chec9flag N OtrueOU return O0nchec9 &llOU Y else V for -i N 4U i J field+lengthU iFF1 V fieldWiX+chec9ed N falseU Balaji Institute of Technology and Science 22

WT Lab Manual Y chec9flag N OfalseOU return OChec9 &llOU Y Y

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

JEscriptK JEAE&DK JB#DLK JcenterK Jform nameNmyform actionNOO methodNpostK JtableK JtrKJtdK JbKLour >a$orite Scripts ` LanguagesJEbKJbrK Jinput typeNchec9bo* nameNlist $alueNO"OK.a$aJbrK Jinput typeNchec9bo* nameNlist $alueNO!OK.a$aScriptJbrK Jinput typeNchec9bo* nameNlist $alueNO%OK&S,JbrK Jinput typeNchec9bo* nameNlist $alueNO'OKATMLJbrK Jinput typeNchec9bo* nameNlist $alueNOBOKSMLJbrK JbrK JinputtypeNbutton $alueNOChec9 &llO JEtdKJEtrK JEtableK Balaji Institute of Technology and Science 23 onClic9NOthis+$alueNchec9-this+form+list1OK

WT Lab Manual JEformK JEcenterK JEbodyK JEhtmlK

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AI# Pract!ce wr!t!ng css r)les PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleKstyle sheetsJEtitleK Jstyle typeNIte*tEcssIKJEheadK emVbac9groundcolor?]3444ffUcolorN:hiteY h"Vfont family?Lucida consoleUcolor?redY pVfont si<e?%4ptY spVcolor?redY JEstyleK JEheadK JbodyK Jh!classNIspIKtestingJEh!K JemKJh"KtestJEh"KJEemK JemKtest"JEemK JpKtest!JEpK JEbodyK JEhtmlK

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WT Lab Manual OUTPUT testing test test1 test!

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AI# ,r!te a we& 0age t(at +!s0la-s gra+es of a st)+ent. PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK ST0DE/T (8&DES JEtitleK Jscript languageNOja$a scriptOK $ar a=n=b=c=sumN4=a$gN4U bNprompt-Oenter student noNO=O4O1U nNparseInt-b1U :hile-nJN"41 V aNprompt-Oenter ur gradeNO=O4O1U cNparseInt-a1U sumNsumFcU nFFU Y a$gNsumEnU document+:rite-Oa$g isOFa$g1U JEscriptK JEheadKJEhtmlK

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AI# ,r!te a f)nct!on t(at res0on+s to a cl!c2 an-w(ere on t(e 0age. PRO*RA# JhtmlK JbodyK JcenterK WJa hrefNOEO onMouse#$erNOdocument+bgColorNT(reenTOK(8EE/JEaKX WJa hrefNOEO onMouse#$erNOdocument+bgColorNT8edTOK8EDJEaKX WJa hrefNOEO onMouse#$erNOdocument+bgColorNTorangeTOKorangeJEaKX WJa hrefNOEO onMouse#$erNOdocument+bgColorNTgreenTOKbrightgreenJEaKX WJa hrefNOEO onMouse#$erNOdocument+bgColorNTseagreenTOKseagreenJEaKX JEcenterK JEbodyK JEhtmlK

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AI# ,rogram for implementation of >onts PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK>ont TestJEtitleK JEheadK JbodyK JbrKJbKJfont faceNITimes /e: 8omanIK>ont Chec9JEfontKJEbK JbrKJiKJfont faceNITimes /e: 8omanIKJfont si<eN'KJfont colorNIblac9IK&ll #perationsJEfontKJEiK JbrKJiKJbKBold italic chec9JEbKJEiK JEbodyK JEhtmlK

OUTPUT 8ont C(ec2 All Operations Bold italic check

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AI# ,rogram for creating a table PRO*RA# JZ code to sho: the use of tablesK JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK 0sing TablesJEtitleK JEheadK JbodyKJcenterK Jtable borderNO"O :idthNOBO heightNOBO bordercolorNOredOK JcaptionK Student Mar9s JEcaptionK JtheadK JtrK JthK/ameJEthK JthKMar9sJEthK JEtrK JEtheadK JtbodyK JtrK JtdKalo9JEtdK JtdK74JEtdK JEtrK JtrK Balaji Institute of Technology and Science 3)

WT Lab Manual JtdKanujJEtdK JtdK74JEtdK JEtrK JtrK JtdKan9ushJEtdK JtdK74JEtdK JEtrK JEtbodyK JtfootK JtrK

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JthK&$g Mar9sJEthK JthK74JEthK JEtrK JEtfootK JEbodyK JEhtmlK

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WT Lab Manual

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AI# ,rogram for implementation of List PRO*RA# JhtmlK JbodyK JulK JliKlist"JEliK JEulKJulK JliK(necJEliK JolK JliKITJEliK JliKCSEJEliK JliKECEJEliK JEolKJEolKJEulKJEbodyKJEhtmlK OUTPUT b list" b (nec "+ IT !+ CSE %+ ECE

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AI# Write a ja$a script to compute addition of t:o numbers PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK .a$a Script &dd JEtitleK Jscript languageNOja$a scriptOK alert-O&ddition Pn of t:o numbersZO1U $ar num"= num!=n"=n!=sumU num"N:indo:+ prompt-OEnter the first numberO=O4O1U num!N:indo:+ prompt-OEnter the second numberO=O4O1U n"NparseInt-num"1U n!NparseInt-num!1U sumNn"Fn!U alert-Osum isOFsum1U JEscriptK JEheadK JbodyK

JEbodyK JEhtmlK Balaji Institute of Technology and Science 74

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A++!t!on of .A an+ "A 3 HA

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AI# ,rogram for implementation of S:itch case PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK 0SI/( TAE SWITCA ST&TEME/T JEtitleK Jscript language NO.a$ascriptOK $ar numNtrueU$ar choice=ch=ft=lt=headU choiceN:indo:+prompt-O 0/DE8LI/ED ++++++O=O"O1U ch NparseInt-choice1U s:itch-ch1 V case "? ftNOJbKOU ltNOJEbKOU headNOJh"K This is in B#LD JEh"KOU brea9U case !? ftNOJiKOU ltNOJEiKOU headNOJh"K This is in IT&LICS JEh"KOU brea9U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science 7! "+ B#LD !+ IT&LICS %+

WT Lab Manual case %? ftNOJuKOU ltNOJEuKOU

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headNOJh"K This is in 0/DE8LI/ED JEh"KOU brea9U default ? numNfalseU brea9U Y if-numNNtrue1 document+:rite-headFftFO Jh"KTe*t JEh"KOFlt1U else document+:rite-O Jh"KWrong Choice Z try again+O1U JEscriptK JEheadK JbodyK JEbodyK JEhtmlK OUTPUT

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WT Lab Manual T(!s !s !n UNDERLINED Te:t

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AI# Progra% to f!n+ %a:!%)% of H noIs PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK Ma*imum of /umber JEtitleK Jscript language NO.a$ascriptOK $ar a=b=c=a"=b"=c"=ma*"=ma*!U aN:indo:+prompt-OEnter first number KKO=O4O1U bN:indo:+prompt-OEnter second number KKO=O"O1U cN:indo:+prompt-OEnter third number KKO=O!O1U

a"NparseInt-a1U b"NparseInt-b1U c"NparseInt-c1U ma*"NMath+ma*-a=b1U ma*!NMath+ma*-ma*"=c1U document+:rite-OJbrKJbrKJbrKJcenterKJh"KMa*imum number of OFa"FO= OFb"FO and OFc"FO is OFma*!1U JEscriptK JbodyKJEbodyK JEhtmlK Balaji Institute of Technology and Science 7'

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#a:!%)% n)%&er of @5 . an+


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AI# ,rogram for Entering a pass:ord PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleKe$ent clic9ingJEtitleK Jscript languageNOja$ascriptOK function pass:ordChec9-1 V $ar p:Nole+p:+$alueU $ar cp:Nole+cp:+$alueU if-p:ZNcp:1 :indo:+alert-O8e enter your pass:ordO1U Y JEscriptKJEheadK

JcenterK Jbody font si<eNB bgcolorNOcyanO leftmarginN"!4 topmarginN"!4 K J>orm idNOoleO onSubmitNOpass:ordChec9-this1OK

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,&SSW#8D?`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`n bspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbs pU `nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU Jinput typeNpass:ord nameNOp:Osi<eN"4 ma* lengthN3 K JEinputK JbrKJbrKJbrK C#/>I8M ,&SSW#8D`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU`n bspU`nbspU`nbspU`nbspU Jinput typeNpass:ord nameNOcp:Osi<eN"4 ma* lengthN3 K JEinputK JbrKJbrKJbrK Jinput typeNOsubmitO nameNOsubO $alueNOsubmitOK `nbspU `nbspU Jinput typeNOresetO nameNOrtO $alueNOresetOKJEcenter JEbodyK JEhtmlK

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AI# ,rogram for implementation of Thambola PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK . Script JEtitleK Jscript languageNOja$ascriptOK $ar $alueU alert-OthambolaO1U document+:riteln-OJtable borderN" :idthNB4Q alignNcenterK O1U

document+:riteln-OJcaptionK Thambola JEcaptionKJtrKO1U

for-$ar iN"UiJN"BUiFF1 V

$alueNMath+floor-"FMath+random-1^"441U document+:riteln-OJtdKOF$alueFOJEtdKO1U if-iQBNN4 1 document+:riteln-OJEtrKJtrKO1U Y document+:riteln-OJEtrKJEtableKO1U

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WT Lab Manual JEscriptK JEheadK JEhtmlK

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AI# ,rogram for >actorial PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadKJuKJcenterKJbK8EC08SI5E >&CT#8I&LJEbKJbrKJEuK JtitleK factorial JEtitleK Jscript langNOja$ascriptOK $ar i=fact=a=nU aNprompt-Oenter any noO=O4O1U nNparseInt-a1U for -iN"UiJNnUiFF1 V resNfact-i1U document+:riteln-OJbrK TAE >&CT#8I&L #> OFiFO Y function fact-*1 V if-*NN4 \\ *NN"1 return-"1U else return-*^fact-* "11U Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "4! IS KK OFres1U

WT Lab Manual Y JEscriptK JEheadK JEhtmlK #0T,0T

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RECURSIVE 8ACTORIAL TAE >&CT#8I&L #> " IS KK " TAE >&CT#8I&L #> ! IS KK ! TAE >&CT#8I&L #> % IS KK ) TAE >&CT#8I&L #> ' IS KK !' TAE >&CT#8I&L #> B IS KK "!4

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AI# ,rogram for addition of t:o matrices PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK&rray &dditionJEtitleK Jscript languageNOja$ascriptOK $ar a=n=i=j=b=cU aNWWX=WXXU bNWWX=WXXU cNWWX=WXXU nNparseInt-:indo:+prompt-OEnter the array si<eO=O O11U :indo:+alert-OEnter the elements in the first arrayO1U for -iN4UiJnUiFF1 V for -jN4UjJnUjFF1 V aWiXWjXNparseInt-:indo:+prompt-OEnter the elementO=OO11U Y Y :indo:+alert-OEnter the elements in the second arrayO1U for -iN4UiJnUiFF1 V Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "4'

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Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering for -jN4UjJnUjFF1 V bWiXWjXNparseInt-:indo:+prompt-OEnter the elementO=OO11U Y Y document+:riteln-OJbrKThe elements of Ist Matri* are++O1U for -iN4UiJnUiFF1 V for -jN4UjJnUjFF1 V document+:riteln-aWiXWjX1U Y Y document+:riteln-OJbrKThe elements of IInd Matri* are++O1U for -iN4UiJnUiFF1 V for -jN4UjJnUjFF1 V document+:riteln-bWiXWjX1U Y Y for -iN4UiJnUiFF1 V

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Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering for -jN4UjJnUjFF1 V cWiXWjXNaWiXWjXFbWiXWjXU Y Y document+:riteln-OJbrKThe addition of matrices is?O1U for -iN4UiJnUiFF1 V for -jN4UjJnUjFF1 V

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WT Lab Manual

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WT Lab Manual

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The elements of Ist Matri* are++ " " " " The elements of IInd Matri* are++ " " " " The addition of matrices is? ! ! ! !

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WT Lab Manual

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AI# ,rogram for #nline E*am PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK E*am JEtitleK Jscript languageNO.a$ascriptOK function e*am-form1 V $ar iN4U if-form+oneW!X+chec9ed1 iNiF"U if-form+threeW4X+chec9ed1 iNiF"U if-form+fourW4X+chec9ed1 iNiF"U if-form+fi$eW"X+chec9ed1 iNiF"U :indo:+alert-Oscore isOFi1U Y JEscriptK JEheadK JbodyK Balaji Institute of Technology and Science ""4

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WT Lab Manual JE,K J,K

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H'8ra%e 0ac2age !s !n w(!c( 0ac2age &WT &pplet Lang S:ing

J'Ja/a +oes not s)00ort Inheritance Multiple inheritance ,olymorphism

su#mit reset


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WT Lab Manual AI# ,rogram for Bubble Sort PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleKBubble SortJEtitleK Jscript languageNO.a$aScriptOK $ar aNW%=B=!=7="=3X $ar t=nN)U for- $ar iN4UiJnUiFF1 V for-$ar jN4UjJn "UjFF1 V if-aWjXKaWjF"X1 V tNaWjXU aWjXNaWjF"XU aWjF"XNtU Y Y Y

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WT Lab Manual V document+:rite-aWiX1U

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WT Lab Manual

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AI# ,rogram for implementation of Linear Search PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK&rray &dditionJEtitleK Jscript languageNOja$ascriptOK $ar flagN4=a=n=9ey=i $ar aNne: &rray-"41U nNparseInt-:indo:+prompt-OEnter the si<e of the arrayO=OO11U :indo:+alert-OEnter the elements in the arrayO1U for -iN4UiJnUiFF1 V aWiXNparseInt-:indo:+prompt-OEnter the element O=OO11U Y 9eyNparseInt-:indo:+prompt-OEnter the searching elementO=OO11U for -iN4UiJnUiFF1 V if -aWiXNN9ey1 V flagN"U :indo:+alert-O element is found at location OF-iF"11U Y Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "")

WT Lab Manual Y if -flagNN41 :indo:+alert-O element is not

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WT Lab Manual

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WT Lab Manual

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AI# ,rogram for displaying an image on mouse clic9 PRO*RA#

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AI# ,rogram Code To E*hibit Blending Effect PRO*RA# JhtmlK JheadK JtitleK . Script JEtitleK Jscript languageNOja$ascriptOK function blend#ut-1 V EEte*tInput+filters-OblendTransO1+apply-1U EEte*tInput+style+$isibilityNOhiddenOU te*tInput+filters-OblendTransO1+play-1U Y JEscriptK JEheadK JbodyK Jdi$ idNOte*tInputO onmouseo$erNOblend#ut-1O styleNO:idth?"44U filter?blendTrans-durationNB1OK Jh"K JEdi$K JEbodyK JEhtmlK M0LTI MEDI& JEh"K

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WT Lab Manual

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WT Lab Manual

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VIVA ?)est!ons > Answers "+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween 0roce+)ral an+ o&9ect7or!ente+ 0rogra%sL a1 In procedural program= programming logic follo:s certain procedures and the instructions are e*ecuted one after another+ In ##, program= unit of program is object= :hich is nothing but combination of data and code+ b1 In procedural program= data is e*posed to the :hole program :hereas in ##,s program= it is accessible :ith in the object and :hich in turn assures the security of the code+ !+ ,(at are Enca0s)lat!on5 In(er!tance an+ Pol-%or0(!s%L Encapsulation is the mechanism that binds together code and data it manipulates and 9eeps both safe from outside interference and misuse+ Inheritance is the process by :hich one object ac6uires the properties of another object+ ,olymorphism is the feature that allo:s one interface to be used for general class actions+ %+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween Ass!gn%ent an+ In!t!al!4at!onL &ssignment can be done as many times as desired :hereas initiali<ation can be done only once+ '+ ,(at !s OOPsL #bject oriented programming organi<es a program around its data= i+ e+ = objects and a set of :ell defined interfaces to that data+ &n object oriented program can be characteri<ed as data controlling access to code+ B+ ,(at are Class5 Constr)ctor an+ Pr!%!t!/e +ata t-0esL Class is a template for multiple objects :ith similar features and it is a blue print for objects+ It defines a type of object according to the data the object can hold and the operations the object can perform+ Constructor is a special 9ind of method that determines ho: an object is initiali<ed :hen created+ ,rimiti$e data types are 3 types and they are? byte= short= int= long= float= double= boolean= char+ )+ ,(at !s an O&9ect an+ (ow +o -o) allocate %e%or- to !tL #bject is an instance of a class and it is a soft:are unit that combines a structured set of data :ith a set of operations for inspecting and manipulating that data+ When an object is created using ne: operator= memory is allocated to it+ 2+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween constr)ctor an+ %et(o+L Constructor :ill be automatically in$o9ed :hen an object is created :hereas method has to be called e*plicitly+ 3+ ,(at are %et(o+s an+ (ow are t(e- +ef!ne+L Methods are functions that operate on instances of classes in :hich they are defined+ #bjects can communicate :ith each other using methods and can call methods in other classes+ Method definition has four parts+ They are name of the method= type of object or primiti$e type the method returns= a list of parameters and the body of the method+ & methodDs signature is a combination of the first three parts mentioned abo$e+ 7+ ,(at !s t(e )se of &!n an+ l!& !n JD;L Bin contains all tools such as ja$ac= applet$ie:er= a:t tool= etc+= :hereas lib contains &,I and all pac9ages+ "4+ ,(at !s cast!ngL Casting is used to con$ert the $alue of one type to another+ ""+ 1ow %an- wa-s can an arg)%ent &e 0asse+ to a s)&ro)t!ne an+ e:0la!n t(e%L &n argument can be passed in t:o :ays+ They are passing by $alue and passing by reference+ ,assing by $alue? This method copies the $alue of an argument into the formal parameter of the subroutine+ ,assing by reference? In this method= a reference to an argument -not the $alue of the argument1 is passed to the parameter+ Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "!'

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"!+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween an arg)%ent an+ a 0ara%eterL While defining method= $ariables passed in the method are called parameters+ While using those methods= $alues passed to those $ariables are called arguments+ "%+ ,(at are +!fferent t-0es of access %o+!f!ersL public? &ny thing declared as public can be accessed from any:here+ pri$ate? &ny thing declared as pri$ate canDt be seen outside of its class+ protected? &ny thing declared as protected can be accessed by classes in the same pac9age and subclasses in the other pac9ages+ default modifier ? Can be accessed only to classes in the same pac9age+ "'+ ,(at !s f!nal5 f!nal!4e$' an+ f!nall-L final ? final 9ey:ord can be used for class= method and $ariables+ & final class cannot be subclassed and it pre$ents other programmers from subclassing a secure class to in$o9e insecure methods+ & final method canDt be o$erridden+ & final $ariable canDt change from its initiali<ed $alue+ finali<e-1 ? finali<e-1 method is used just before an object is destroyed and can be called just prior to garbage collection+ finally ? finally= a 9ey :ord used in e*ception handling= creates a bloc9 of code that :ill be e*ecuted after a tryEcatch bloc9 has completed and before the code follo:ing the tryEcatch bloc9+ The finally bloc9 :ill e*ecute :hether or not an e*ception is thro:n+ >or e*ample= if a method opens a file upon e*it= then you :ill not :ant the code that closes the file to be bypassed by the e*ception handling mechanism+ This finally 9ey:ord is designed to address this contingency+ "B+ ,(at !s UNICODEL 0nicode is used for internal representation of characters and strings and it uses ") bits to represent each other+ ")+ ,(at !s *ar&age Collect!on an+ (ow to call !t e:0l!c!tl-L When an object is no longer referred to by any $ariable= ja$a automatically reclaims memory used by that object+ This is 9no:n as garbage collection+ System+ gc-1 method may be used to call it e*plicitly+ "2+ ,(at !s f!nal!4e$' %et(o+L finali<e -1 method is used just before an object is destroyed and can be called just prior to garbage collection+ "3+ ,(at are Trans!ent an+ Volat!le #o+!f!ersL Transient? The transient modifier applies to $ariables only and it is not stored as part of its objectDs ,ersistent state+ Transient $ariables are not seriali<ed+ 5olatile? 5olatile modifier applies to $ariables only and it tells the compiler that the $ariable modified by $olatile can be changed une*pectedly by other parts of the program+ "7+ ,(at !s %et(o+ o/erloa+!ng an+ %et(o+ o/err!+!ngL Method o$erloading? When a method in a class ha$ing the same method name :ith different arguments is said to be method o$erloading+ Method o$erriding ? When a method in a class ha$ing the same method name :ith same arguments is said to be method o$erriding+ !4+ ,(at !s +!fference &etween o/erloa+!ng an+ o/err!+!ngL a1 In o$erloading= there is a relationship bet:een methods a$ailable in the same class :hereas in o$erriding= there is relationship bet:een a superclass method and subclass method+ b1 #$erloading does not bloc9 inheritance from the superclass :hereas o$erriding bloc9s inheritance from the superclass+ c1 In o$erloading= separate methods share the same name :hereas in o$erriding= subclass method replaces the superclass+ d1 #$erloading must ha$e different method signatures :hereas o$erriding must ha$e same signature+ !"+ ,(at !s %eant &- In(er!tance an+ w(at are !ts a+/antagesL Inheritance is the process of inheriting all the features from a class+ The ad$antages of inheritance are Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "!B

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reusability of code and accessibility of $ariables and methods of the super class by subclasses+ !!+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween t(!s$' an+ s)0er$'L this-1 can be used to in$o9e a constructor of the same class :hereas super-1 can be used to in$o9e a super class constructor+ !%+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween s)0erclass an+ s)&classL & super class is a class that is inherited :hereas sub class is a class that does the inheriting+ !'+ ,(at %o+!f!ers %a- &e )se+ w!t( to07le/el classL public= abstract and final can be used for top le$el class+ !B+ ,(at are !nner class an+ anon-%o)s classL Inner class ? classes defined in other classes= including those defined in methods are called inner classes+ &n inner class can ha$e any accessibility including pri$ate+ &nonymous class ? &nonymous class is a class defined inside a method :ithout a name and is instantiated and declared in the same place and cannot ha$e e*plicit constructors+ !)+ ,(at !s a 0ac2ageL & pac9age is a collection of classes and interfaces that pro$ides a high le$el layer of access protection and name space management+ !2+ ,(at !s a reflect!on 0ac2ageL ja$a+ lang+ reflect pac9age has the ability to analy<e itself in runtime+ !3+ ,(at !s !nterface an+ !ts )seL Interface is similar to a class :hich may contain methodDs signature only but not bodies and it is a formal set of method and constant declarations that must be defined by the class that implements it+ Interfaces are useful for? a1Declaring methods that one or more classes are e*pected to implement b1Capturing similarities bet:een unrelated classes :ithout forcing a class relationship+ c1Determining an objectDs programming interface :ithout re$ealing the actual body of the class+ !7+ ,(at !s an a&stract classL &n abstract class is a class designed :ith implementation gaps for subclasses to fill in and is deliberately incomplete+ %4+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween Integer an+ !ntL a1 Integer is a class defined in the ja$a+ lang pac9age= :hereas int is a primiti$e data type defined in the .a$a language itself+ .a$a does not automatically con$ert from one to the other+ b1 Integer can be used as an argument for a method that re6uires an object= :hereas int can be used for calculations+ %"+ ,(at !s a clonea&le !nterface an+ (ow %an- %et(o+s +oes !t conta!nL It is not ha$ing any method because it is a T&((ED or M&8GE8 interface+ %!+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween a&stract class an+ !nterfaceL a1 &ll the methods declared inside an interface are abstract :hereas abstract class must ha$e at least one abstract method and others may be concrete or abstract+ b1 In abstract class= 9ey :ord abstract must be used for the methods :hereas interface :e need not use that 9ey:ord for the methods+ c1 &bstract class must ha$e subclasses :hereas interface canDt ha$e subclasses+ %%+ Can -o) (a/e an !nner class !ns!+e a %et(o+ an+ w(at /ar!a&les can -o) accessL Les= :e can ha$e an inner class inside a method and final $ariables can be accessed+ %'+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween Str!ng an+ Str!ng B)fferL a1 String objects are constants and immutable :hereas StringBuffer objects are not+ b1 String class supports constant strings :hereas StringBuffer class supports gro:able and modifiable strings+ Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "!)

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%B+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween Arra- an+ /ectorL &rray is a set of related data type and static :hereas $ector is a gro:able array of objects and dynamic+ %)+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween e:ce0t!on an+ errorL The e*ception class defines mild error conditions that your program encounters+ E*ceptions can occur :hen trying to open the file= :hich does not e*ist= the net:or9 connection is disrupted= operands being manipulated are out of prescribed ranges= the class file you are interested in loading is missing+ The error class defines serious error conditions that you should not attempt to reco$er from+ In most cases it is ad$isable to let the program terminate :hen such an error is encountered+ %2+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween 0rocess an+ t(rea+L ,rocess is a program in e*ecution :hereas thread is a separate path of e*ecution in a program+ %3+ ,(at !s %)lt!t(rea+!ng an+ w(at are t(e %et(o+s for !nter7t(rea+ co%%)n!cat!on an+ w(at !s t(e class !n w(!c( t(ese %et(o+s are +ef!ne+L Multithreading is the mechanism in :hich more than one thread run independent of each other :ithin the process+ :ait -1= notify -1 and notify&ll-1 methods can be used for inter thread communication and these methods are in #bject class+ :ait-1 ? When a thread e*ecutes a call to :ait-1 method= it surrenders the object loc9 and enters into a :aiting state+ notify-1 or notify&ll-1 ? To remo$e a thread from the :aiting state= some other thread must ma9e a call to notify-1 or notify&ll-1 method on the same object+ %7+ ,(at !s t(e class an+ !nterface !n 9a/a to create t(rea+ an+ w(!c( !s t(e %ost a+/antageo)s %et(o+L Thread class and 8unnable interface can be used to create threads and using 8unnable interface is the most ad$antageous method to create threads because :e need not e*tend thread class here+ '4+ ,(at are t(e states assoc!ate+ !n t(e t(rea+L Thread contains ready= running= :aiting and dead states+ '"+ ,(at !s s-nc(ron!4at!onL Synchroni<ation is the mechanism that ensures that only one thread is accessed the resources at a time+ '!+ ,(en -o) w!ll s-nc(ron!4e a 0!ece of -o)r co+eL When you e*pect your code :ill be accessed by different threads and these threads may change a particular data causing data corruption+ '%+ ,(at !s +ea+loc2L When t:o threads are :aiting each other and canDt precede the program is said to be deadloc9+ ''+ ,(at !s +ae%on t(rea+ an+ w(!c( %et(o+ !s )se+ to create t(e +ae%on t(rea+L Daemon thread is a lo: priority thread :hich runs intermittently in the bac9 ground doing the garbage collection operation for the ja$a runtime system+ setDaemon method is used to create a daemon thread+ 'B+ Are t(ere an- glo&al /ar!a&les !n Ja/a5 w(!c( can &e accesse+ &- ot(er 0art of -o)r 0rogra%L /o= it is not the main method in :hich you define $ariables+ (lobal $ariables is not possible because concept of encapsulation is eliminated here+ ')+ ,(at !s an a00letL &pplet is a dynamic and interacti$e program that runs inside a :eb page displayed by a ja$a capable bro:ser+ '2+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween a00l!cat!ons an+ a00letsL a1&pplication must be run on local machine :hereas applet needs no e*plicit installation on local machine+ b1&pplication must be run e*plicitly :ithin a ja$a compatible $irtual machine :hereas applet loads and runs itself automatically in a ja$a enabled bro:ser+ d1&pplication starts e*ecution :ith its main method :hereas applet starts e*ecution :ith its init Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "!2

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method+ e1&pplication can run :ith or :ithout graphical user interface :hereas applet must run :ithin a graphical user interface+ '3+ 1ow +oes a00let recogn!4e t(e (e!g(t an+ w!+t(L 0sing get,arameters-1 method+ '7+ ,(en +o -o) )se co+e&ase !n a00letL When the applet class file is not in the same directory= codebase is used+ B4+ ,(at !s t(e l!fec-cle of an a00letL init-1 method Can be called :hen an applet is first loaded start-1 method Can be called each time an applet is started+ paint-1 method Can be called :hen the applet is minimi<ed or ma*imi<ed+ stop-1 method Can be used :hen the bro:ser mo$es off the appletDs page+ destroy-1 method Can be called :hen the bro:ser is finished :ith the applet+ B"+ 1ow +o -o) set sec)r!t- !n a00letsL using setSecurityManager-1 method B!+ ,(at !s an e/ent an+ w(at are t(e %o+els a/a!la&le for e/ent (an+l!ngL &n e$ent is an e$ent object that describes a state of change in a source+ In other :ords= e$ent occurs :hen an action is generated= li9e pressing button= clic9ing mouse= selecting a list= etc+ There are t:o types of models for handling e$ents and they are? a1 e$ent inheritance model and b1 e$ent delegation model B%+ ,(at are t(e a+/antages of t(e %o+el o/er t(e e/ent7!n(er!tance %o+elL The e$ent delegation model has t:o ad$antages o$er the e$ent inheritance model+ They are? a1It enables e$ent handling by objects other than the ones that generate the e$ents+ This allo:s a clean separation bet:een a componentDs design and its use+ b1It performs much better in applications :here many e$ents are generated+ This performance impro$ement is due to the fact that the e$ent delegation model does not ha$e to be repeatedly process unhandled e$ents as is the case of the e$ent inheritance+ B'+ ,(at !s so)rce an+ l!stenerL source ? & source is an object that generates an e$ent+ This occurs :hen the internal state of that object changes in some :ay+ listener ? & listener is an object that is notified :hen an e$ent occurs+ It has t:o major re6uirements+ >irst= it must ha$e been registered :ith one or more sources to recei$e notifications about specific types of e$ents+ Second= it must implement methods to recei$e and process these notifications+ BB+ ,(at !s a+a0ter classL &n adapter class pro$ides an empty implementation of all methods in an e$ent listener interface+ &dapter classes are useful :hen you :ant to recei$e and process only some of the e$ents that are handled by a particular e$ent listener interface+ Lou can define a ne: class to act listener by e*tending one of the adapter classes and implementing only those e$ents in :hich you are interested+ >or e*ample= the MouseMotion&dapter class has t:o methods= mouseDragged-1and mouseMo$ed-1+ The signatures of these empty are e*actly as defined in the MouseMotionListener interface+ If you are interested in only mouse drag e$ents= then you could simply e*tend MouseMotion&dapter and implement mouseDragged-1 + B)+ ,(at !s %eant &- controls an+ w(at are +!fferent t-0es of controls !n A,TL Controls are components that allo: a user to interact :ith your application and the &WT supports the follo:ing types of controls? Labels= ,ush Buttons= Chec9 Bo*es= Choice Lists= Lists= Scrollbars= Te*t Components+ These controls are subclasses of Component+ B2+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween c(o!ce an+ l!stL & Choice is displayed in a compact form that re6uires you to pull it do:n to see the list of a$ailable choices and only one Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "!3

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

item may be selected from a choice+ & List may be displayed in such a :ay that se$eral list items are $isible and it supports the selection of one or more list items+ B3+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween scroll&ar an+ scroll0aneL & Scrollbar is a Component= but not a Container :hereas Scrollpane is a Conatiner and handles its o:n e$ents and perform its o:n scrolling+ B7+ ,(at !s a la-o)t %anager an+ w(at are +!fferent t-0es of la-o)t %anagers a/a!la&le !n 9a/a A,TL & layout manager is an object that is used to organi<e components in a container+ The different layouts are a$ailable are >lo:Layout= BorderLayout= CardLayout= (ridLayout and (ridBagLayout+ )4+ 1ow are t(e ele%ents of +!fferent la-o)ts organ!4e+L >lo:Layout? The elements of a >lo:Layout are organi<ed in a top to bottom= left to right fashion+ BorderLayout? The elements of a BorderLayout are organi<ed at the borders -/orth= South= East and West1 and the center of a container+ CardLayout? The elements of a CardLayout are stac9ed= on top of the other= li9e a dec9 of cards+ (ridLayout? The elements of a (ridLayout are of e6ual si<e and are laid out using the s6uare of a grid+ (ridBagLayout? The elements of a (ridBagLayout are organi<ed according to a grid+ Ao:e$er= the elements are of different si<e and may occupy more than one ro: or column of the grid+ In addition= the ro:s and columns may ha$e different si<es+ )"+ ,(!c( conta!ners )se a Bor+er la-o)t as t(e!r +efa)lt la-o)tL Windo:= >rame and Dialog classes use a BorderLayout as their layout+ )!+ ,(!c( conta!ners )se a 8low la-o)t as t(e!r +efa)lt la-o)tL ,anel and &pplet classes use the >lo:Layout as their default layout+ )%+ ,(at are wra00er classesL Wrapper classes are classes that allo: primiti$e types to be accessed as objects+ )'+ ,(at are Vector5 1as(ta&le5 L!n2e+L!st an+ En)%erat!onL 5ector ? The 5ector class pro$ides the capability to implement a gro:able array of objects+ Aashtable ? The Aashtable class implements a Aashtable data structure+ & Aashtable inde*es and stores objects in a dictionary using hash codes as the objectDs 9eys+ Aash codes are integer $alues that identify objects+ Lin9edList? 8emo$ing or inserting elements in the middle of an array can be done using Lin9edList+ & Lin9edList stores each object in a separate lin9 :hereas an array stores object references in consecuti$e locations+ Enumeration? &n object that implements the Enumeration interface generates a series of elements= one at a time+ It has t:o methods= namely hasMoreElements-1 and ne*tElement-1+ AasMoreElemnts-1 tests if this enumeration has more elements and ne*tElement method returns successi$e elements of the series+ )B+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween set an+ l!stL Set stores elements in an unordered :ay but does not contain duplicate elements= :hereas list stores elements in an ordered :ay but may contain duplicate elements+ ))+ ,(at !s a strea% an+ w(at are t(e t-0es of Strea%s an+ classes of t(e Strea%sL & Stream is an abstraction that either produces or consumes information+ There are t:o types of Streams and they are? Byte Streams? ,ro$ide a con$enient means for handling input and output of bytes+ Character Streams? ,ro$ide a con$enient means for handling input ` output of characters+ Byte Streams classes? &re defined by using t:o abstract classes= namely InputStream and #utputStream+ Character Streams classes? &re defined by using t:o abstract classes= namely 8eader and Writer+ Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "!7

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

)2+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween Rea+erM,r!ter an+ In0)tStrea%MO)t0)t Strea%L The 8eaderEWriter class is character oriented and the InputStreamE#utputStream class is byte oriented+ )3+ ,(at !s an IMO f!lterL &n IE# filter is an object that reads from one stream and :rites to another= usually altering the data in some :ay as it is passed from one stream to another+ )7+ ,(at !s ser!al!4at!on an+ +eser!al!4at!onL Seriali<ation is the process of :riting the state of an object to a byte stream+ Deseriali<ation is the process of restoring these objects+ 24+ ,(at !s JDBCL .DBC is a set of .a$a &,I for e*ecuting SML statements+ This &,I consists of a set of classes and interfaces to enable programs to :rite pure .a$a Database applications+ 2"+ ,(at are +r!/ers a/a!la&leL a1 .DBC #DBC Bridge dri$er b1 /ati$e &,I ,artly .a$a dri$er c1 .DBC /et ,ure .a$a dri$er d1 /ati$e ,rotocol ,ure .a$a dri$er 2!+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween JDBC an+ ODBCL a1 #BDC is for Microsoft and .DBC is for .a$a applications+ b1 #DBC canDt be directly used :ith .a$a because it uses a C interface+ c1 #DBC ma9es use of pointers :hich ha$e been remo$ed totally from .a$a+ d1 #DBC mi*es simple and ad$anced features together and has comple* options for simple 6ueries+ But .DBC is designed to 9eep things simple :hile allo:ing ad$anced capabilities :hen re6uired+ e1 #DBC re6uires manual installation of the #DBC dri$er manager and dri$er on all client machines+ .DBC dri$ers are :ritten in .a$a and .DBC code is automatically installable= secure= and portable on all platforms+ f1 .DBC &,I is a natural .a$a interface and is built on #DBC+ .DBC retains some of the basic features of #DBC+ 2%+ ,(at are t(e t-0es of JDBC Dr!/er #o+els an+ e:0la!n t(e%L There are t:o types of .DBC Dri$er Models and they are? a1 T:o tier model and b1 Three tier model T:o tier model? In this model= .a$a applications interact directly :ith the database+ & .DBC dri$er is re6uired to communicate :ith the particular database management system that is being accessed+ SML statements are sent to the database and the results are gi$en to user+ This model is referred to as clientEser$er configuration :here user is the client and the machine that has the database is called as the ser$er+ Three tier model? & middle tier is introduced in this model+ The functions of this model are? a1 Collection of SML statements from the client and handing it o$er to the database= b1 8ecei$ing results from database to the client and c1 Maintaining control o$er accessing and updating of the abo$e+ 2'+ ,(at are t(e ste0s !n/ol/e+ for %a2!ng a connect!on w!t( a +ata&ase or (ow +o -o) connect to a +ata&aseLa1 Loading the dri$er ? To load the dri$er= Class+ for/ame-1 method is used+ Class+ for/ame-Isun+ jdbc+ odbc+ .dbc#dbcDri$erI1U When the dri$er is loaded= it registers itself :ith the ja$a+ s6l+ Dri$erManager class as an a$ailable database dri$er+ b1 Ma9ing a connection :ith database? To open a connection to a gi$en database= Dri$erManager+ getConnection-1 method is used+ Connection con N Dri$erManager+ getConnection -Ijdbc?odbc?somedbI= HuserI= Hpass:ordI1U c1 E*ecuting SML statements ? To e*ecute a SML 6uery= ja$a+ s6l+ statements class is used+ createStatement-1 method of Connection to obtain a ne: Statement object+ Statement stmt N con+ createStatement-1U & 6uery that returns data can be e*ecuted using the e*ecuteMuery-1 method of Statement+ This method e*ecutes the statement and returns a Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "%4

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

ja$a+ s6l+ 8esultSet that encapsulates the retrie$ed data? 8esultSet rs N stmt+ e*ecuteMuery-ISELECT ^ >8#M some tableI1U d1 ,rocess the results ? 8esultSet returns one ro: at a time+ /e*t-1 method of 8esultSet object can be called to mo$e to the ne*t ro:+ The getString-1 and get#bject-1 methods are used for retrie$ing column $alues? :hile-rs+ ne*t-11 V String e$ent N rs+ getString-Ie$entI1U #bject count N -Integer1 rs+ get#bject-IcountI1U 2B+ ,(at t-0e of +r!/er +!+ -o) )se !n 0ro9ectL .DBC #DBC Bridge dri$er -is a dri$er that uses nati$e-C language1 libraries and ma9es calls to an e*isting #DBC dri$er to access a database engine1+ 2)+ ,(at are t(e t-0es of state%ents !n JDBCL Statement? to be used createStatement-1 method for e*ecuting single SML statement ,reparedStatement c To be used preparedStatement-1 method for e*ecuting same SML statement o$er and o$er+ CallableStatement c To be used prepareCall-1 method for multiple SML statements o$er and o$er+ 22+ ,(at !s store+ 0roce+)reL Stored procedure is a group of SML statements that forms a logical unit and performs a particular tas9+ Stored ,rocedures are used to encapsulate a set of operations or 6ueries to e*ecute on database+ Stored procedures can be compiled and e*ecuted :ith different parameters and results and may ha$e any combination of inputEoutput parameters+ 23+ 1ow to create an+ call store+ 0roce+)resL To create stored procedures? Create procedure procedurename -specify in= out and in out parameters1 BE(I/ &ny multiple SML statementU E/DU To call stored procedures? CallableStatement csmt N con+ prepareCall-IVcall procedure name-R=R1YI1U csmt+ register#ut,arameter-column no+ = data type1U csmt+ setInt-column no+ = column name1 csmt+ e*ecute-1U 27+ ,(at !s ser/letL Ser$lets are modules that e*tend re6uestEresponse oriented ser$ers= such as ja$a enabled :eb ser$ers+ >or e*ample= a ser$let might be responsible for ta9ing data in an ATML order entry form and applying the business logic used to update a companyDs order database+ 34+ ,(at are t(e classes an+ !nterfaces for ser/letsL There are t:o pac9ages in ser$lets and they are ja$a*+ ser$let and 3"+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween an a00let an+ a ser/letL a1 Ser$lets are to ser$ers :hat applets are to bro:sers+ b1 &pplets must ha$e graphical user interfaces :hereas ser$lets ha$e no graphical user interfaces+ 3!+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween +oPost an+ +o*et %et(o+sL a1 do(et-1 method is used to get information= :hile do,ost-1 method is used for posting information+ b1 do(et-1 re6uests canDt send large amount of information and is limited to !'4 !BB characters+ Ao:e$er= do,ost-1re6uests passes all of its data= of unlimited length+ c1 & do(et-1 re6uest is appended to the re6uest 08L in a 6uery string and this allo:s the e*change is $isible to the client= :hereas a do,ost-1 re6uest passes directly o$er the soc9et connection as part of its ATT, re6uest body and the e*change are in$isible to the client+ 3%+ ,(at !s t(e l!fe c-cle of a ser/letL Each Ser$let has the same life cycle? a1 & ser$er loads and initiali<es the ser$let by init -1 method+ b1 The ser$let handles <ero or more clientDs re6uests through ser$ice-1 method+ c1 The ser$er remo$es the ser$let through destroy-1 method+ 3'+ ,(o !s loa+!ng t(e !n!t$' %et(o+ of ser/letL Web ser$er Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "%"

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

3B+ ,(at are t(e +!fferent ser/ers a/a!la&le for +e/elo0!ng an+ +e0lo-!ng Ser/letsL a1 .a$a Web Ser$er b1 .8un g1 &pache Ser$er h1 /etscape Information Ser$er i1 Web Logic 3)+ 1ow %an- wa-s can we trac2 cl!ent an+ w(at are t(e-L The ser$let &,I pro$ides t:o :ays to trac9 client state and they are? a1 0sing Session trac9ing and b1 0sing Coo9ies+ 32+ ,(at !s sess!on trac2!ng an+ (ow +o -o) trac2 a )ser sess!on !n ser/letsL Session trac9ing is a mechanism that ser$lets use to maintain state about a series re6uests from the same user across some period of time+ The methods used for session trac9ing are? a1 0ser &uthentication occurs :hen a :eb ser$er restricts access to some of its resources to only those clients that log in using a recogni<ed username and pass:ord+ b1 Aidden form fields fields are added to an ATML form that are not displayed in the clientDs bro:ser+ When the form containing the fields is submitted= the fields are sent bac9 to the ser$er+ c1 08L re:riting e$ery 08L that the user clic9s on is dynamically modified or re:ritten to include e*tra information+ The e*tra information can be in the form of e*tra path information= added parameters or some custom= ser$er specific 08L change+ d1 Coo9ies a bit of information that is sent by a :eb ser$er to a bro:ser and :hich can later be read bac9 from that bro:ser+ e1 AttpSession places a limit on the number of sessions that can e*ist in memory+ This limit is set in the session+ ma*residents property+ 33+ ,(at !s Ser/er7S!+e Incl)+es $SSI'L Ser$er Side Includes allo:s embedding ser$lets :ithin ATML pages using a special ser$let tag+ In many ser$lets that support ser$lets= a page can be processed by the ser$er to include output from ser$lets at certain points inside the ATML page+ This is accomplished using a special internal SSI/CL0DE= :hich processes the ser$let tags+ SSI/CL0DE ser$let :ill be in$o9ed :hene$er a file :ith an+ shtml e*tension is re6uested+ So ATML files that include ser$er side includes must be stored :ith an + shtml e*tension+ 37+ ,(at are coo2!es an+ (ow w!ll -o) )se t(e%L Coo9ies are a mechanism that a ser$let uses to ha$e a client hold a small amount of state information associated :ith the user+ a1 Create a coo9ie :ith the Coo9ie constructor? public Coo9ie-String name= String $alue1 b1 & ser$let can send a coo9ie to the client by passing a Coo9ie object to the addCoo9ie-1 method of AttpSer$let8esponse? public $oid AttpSer$let8esponse+ addCoo9ie-Coo9ie coo9ie1 c1 & ser$let retrie$es coo9ies by calling the getCoo9ies-1 method of AttpSer$let8e6uest? public Coo9ieW X AttpSer$let8e6uest+ getCoo9ie-1+ 74+ Is !t 0oss!&le to co%%)n!cate fro% an a00let to ser/let an+ (ow %an- wa-s an+ (owL Les= there are three :ays to communicate from an applet to ser$let and they are? a1 ATT, Communication-Te*t based and object based1 b1 Soc9et Communication c1 8MI Communication 7"+ ,(at !s connect!on 0ool!ngL With ser$lets= opening a database connection is a major bottlenec9 because :e are creating and tearing do:n a ne: connection for e$ery page re6uest and the time ta9en to create connection :ill be more+ Creating a connection pool is an ideal approach for a complicated ser$let+ With a connection pool= :e can duplicate only the resources :e need to duplicate rather than the entire ser$let+ & connection pool can also intelligently manage the si<e of the pool and ma9e sure each connection remains $alid+ & number of connection pool pac9ages are currently a$ailable+ Some li9e DbConnectionBro9er are freely a$ailable from .a$a E*change Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "%!

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

Wor9s by creating an object that dispenses connections and connection Ids on re6uest+ The Connection,ool class maintains a Aastable= using Connection objects as 9eys and Boolean $alues as stored $alues+ The Boolean $alue indicates :hether a connection is in use or not+ & program calls getConnection-1 method of the Connection,ool for getting Connection object it can useU it calls returnConnection-1 to gi$e the connection bac9 to the pool+ 7!+ ,(- s(o)l+ we go for !nterser/let co%%)n!cat!onL Ser$lets running together in the same ser$er communicate :ith each other in se$eral :ays+ The three major reasons to use interser$let communication are? a1 Direct ser$let manipulation allo:s to gain access to the other currently loaded ser$lets and perform certain tas9s -through the Ser$letConte*t object1 b1 Ser$let reuse allo:s the ser$let to reuse the public methods of another ser$let+ c1 Ser$let collaboration re6uires to communicate :ith each other by sharing specific information -through method in$ocation1 7%+ Is !t 0oss!&le to call ser/let w!t( 0ara%eters !n t(e URLL Les+ Lou can call a ser$let :ith parameters in the synta* as -R,aram" N *** \\ m! N yyy1+ 7'+ ,(at !s Ser/let c(a!n!ngL Ser$let chaining is a techni6ue in :hich t:o or more ser$lets can cooperate in ser$icing a single re6uest+ In ser$let chaining= one ser$letDs output is piped to the ne*t ser$letDs input+ This process continues until the last ser$let is reached+ Its output is then sent bac9 to the client+ 7B+ 1ow +o ser/lets (an+le %)lt!0le s!%)ltaneo)s re?)estsL The ser$er has multiple threads that are a$ailable to handle re6uests+ When a re6uest comes in= it is assigned to a thread= :hich calls a ser$ice method -for e*ample? do(et-1= do,ost-1 and ser$ice-11 of the ser$let+ >or this reason= a single ser$let object can ha$e its ser$ice methods called by many threads at once+ 7)+ ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween TCPMIP an+ UDPL TC,EI, is a t:o :ay communication bet:een the client and the ser$er and it is a reliable and there is a confirmation regarding reaching the message to the destination+ It is li9e a phone call+ 0D, is a one :ay communication only bet:een the client and the ser$er and it is not a reliable and there is no confirmation regarding reaching the message to the destination+ It is li9e a postal mail+ 72+ ,(at !s Inet a++ressL E$ery computer connected to a net:or9 has an I, address+ &n I, address is a number that uni6uely identifies each computer on the /et+ &n I, address is a %! bit number+ 73+ ,(at !s Do%a!n Na%!ng Ser/!ce$DNS'L It is $ery difficult to remember a set of numbers-I, address1 to connect to the Internet+ The Domain /aming Ser$ice-D/S1 is used to o$ercome this problem+ It maps one particular I, address to a string of characters+ >or e*ample= :::+ mascom+ com implies com is the domain name reser$ed for 0S commercial sites= moscom is the name of the company and ::: is the name of the specific computer= :hich is mascomDs ser$er+ 77+ ,(at !s URLL 08L stands for 0niform 8esource Locator and it points to resource files on the Internet+ 08L has four components? http?EE:::+ address+ com?34Einde*+html= :here http protocol name= address I, address or host name= 34 port number and inde*+html file path+ "44+ ,(at !s R#I an+ ste0s !n/ol/e+ !n +e/elo0!ng an R#I o&9ectL 8emote Method In$ocation -8MI1 allo:s ja$a object that e*ecutes on one machine and to in$o9e the method of a .a$a object to e*ecute on another machine+ The steps in$ol$ed Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "%%

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

in de$eloping an 8MI object are? a1 Define the interfaces b1 Implementing these interfaces c1 Compile the interfaces and their implementations :ith the ja$a compiler d1 Compile the ser$er implementation :ith 8MI compiler e1 8un the 8MI registry f1 8un the application "4"+ ,(at !s R#I arc(!tect)reL 8MI architecture consists of four layers and each layer performs specific functions? a1 &pplication layer contains the actual object definition+ b1 ,ro*y layer consists of stub and s9eleton+ c1 8emote 8eference layer gets the stream of bytes from the transport layer and sends it to the pro*y layer+ d1 Transportation layer responsible for handling the actual machine to machine communication+ "4!+ w(at !s Un!castRe%oteO&9ectL &ll remote objects must e*tend 0nicast8emote#bject= :hich pro$ides functionality that is needed to ma9e objects a$ailable from remote machines+ "4%+ E:0la!n t(e %et(o+s5 re&!n+$' an+ loo2)0$' !n Na%!ng classL rebind-1 of the /aming class-found in ja$a+ rmi1 is used to update the 8MI registry on the ser$er machine+ /aming+ rebind-I&ddSe$erI= &ddSer$erImpl1U loo9up-1 of the /aming class accepts one argument= the rmi 08L and returns a reference to an object of type &ddSer$erImpl+ "4'+ ,(at !s a Ja/a BeanL & .a$a Bean is a soft:are component that has been designed to be reusable in a $ariety of different en$ironments+ "4B+ ,(at !s a Jar f!leL .ar file allo:s to efficiently deploying a set of classes and their associated resources+ The elements in a jar file are compressed= :hich ma9es do:nloading a .ar file much faster than separately do:nloading se$eral uncompressed files+ The pac9age ja$a+ util+ <ip contains classes that read and :rite jar files+ "4)+ ,(at !s BD;L BDG= Bean De$elopment Git is a tool that enables to create= configure and connect a set of set of Beans and it can be used to test Beans :ithout :riting a code+ "42+ ,(at !s JSPL .S, is a dynamic scripting capability for :eb pages that allo:s .a$a as :ell as a fe: special tags to be embedded into a :eb file -ATMLECML= etc1+ The suffi* traditionally ends :ith +jsp to indicate to the :eb ser$er that the file is a .S, files+ .S, is a ser$er side technology you canDt do any client side $alidation :ith it+ The ad$antages are? a1 The .S, assists in ma9ing the ATML more functional+ Ser$lets on the other hand allo: outputting of ATML but it is a tedious process+ b1 It is easy to ma9e a change and then let the .S, capability of the :eb ser$er you are using deal :ith compiling it into a ser$let and running it+ "43+ ,(at are JSP scr!0t!ng ele%entsL .S, scripting elements lets to insert .a$a code into the ser$let that :ill be generated from the current .S, page+ There are three forms? a1 E*pressions of the form JQN e*pression QK that are e$aluated and inserted into the output= b1 Scriptlets of the formthat are inserted into the ser$letDs ser$ice method= and c1 Declarations of the form JQZ Code QKthat are inserted into the body of the ser$let class= outside of any e*isting methods+ "47+ ,(at are JSP D!rect!/esL & .S, directi$e affects the o$erall structure of the ser$let class+ It usually has the follo:ing form?JQa directi$e attributeNI$alueI QK Ao:e$er= you can also combine multiple attribute settings for a single directi$e= as follo:s?JQa directi$e attribute"NI$alue"d attribute !NI$alue!d + + + attribute/ NI$alue/I QK There are t:o main types of directi$e? page= :hich lets to do things li9e Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "%'

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

import classes= customi<e the ser$let superclass= and the li9eU and include= :hich lets to insert a file into the ser$let class at the time the .S, file is translated into a ser$let ""4+ ,(at are Pre+ef!ne+ /ar!a&les or !%0l!c!t o&9ectsL To simplify code in .S, e*pressions and scriptlets= :e can use eight automatically defined $ariables= sometimes called implicit objects+ They are re6uest= response= out= session= application= config= pageConte*t= and page+ """+ ,(at are JSP ACTIONSL .S, actions use constructs in CML synta* to control the beha$ior of the ser$let engine+ Lou can dynamically insert a file= reuse .a$aBeans components= for:ard the user to another page= or generate ATML for the .a$a plugin+ &$ailable actions include? jsp?include Include a file at the time the page is re6uested+ jsp?useBean >ind or instantiate a .a$aBean+ jsp?set,roperty Set the property of a .a$aBean+ jsp?get,roperty Insert the property of a .a$aBean into the output+ jsp?for:ard >or:ard the re6uester to a ne:page+ .sp? plugin (enerate bro:ser specific code that ma9es an #B.ECT or EMBED ""!+ 1ow +o -o) 0ass +ata $!ncl)+!ng Ja/aBeans' to a JSP fro% a ser/letL -"1 8e6uest Lifetime? 0sing this techni6ue to pass beans= a re6uest dispatcher -using either HincludeI or for:ardI1 can be called+ This bean :ill disappear after processing this re6uest has been completed+ Ser$let? re6uest+ set&ttribute-ItheBeanI= myBean1U 8e6uestDispatcher rd N getSer$letConte*t-1+ get8e6uestDispatcher-Ithepage+ jspI1U rd+ for:ard-re6uest= response1U .S, ,&(E?Jjsp? useBean idNItheBeanI scopeNIre6uestI classNI+ + + + + I EK-!1 Session Lifetime? 0sing this techni6ue to pass beans that are rele$ant to a particular session -such as in indi$idual user login1 o$er a number of re6uests+ This bean :ill disappear :hen the session is in$alidated or it times out= or :hen you remo$e it+ Ser$let? AttpSession session N re6uest+ getSession-true1U session+ put5alue-ItheBeanI= myBean1U E^ Lou can do a re6uest dispatcher here= or just let the bean be $isible on the ne*t re6uest ^E .S, ,age?Jjsp?useBean idNItheBeanI scopeNIsessionI classNI+ + + I EK %1 &pplication Lifetime? 0sing this techni6ue to pass beans that are rele$ant to all ser$lets and .S, pages in a particular app= for all users+ >or e*ample= I use this to ma9e a .DBC connection pool object a$ailable to the $arious ser$lets and .S, pages in my apps+ This bean :ill disappear :hen the ser$let engine is shut do:n= or :hen you remo$e it+ Ser$let? (etSer$letConte*t-1+ set&ttribute-ItheBeanI= myBean1U .S, ,&(E?Jjsp?useBean idNItheBeanI scopeNIapplicationI classNI+ + + I EK ""%+ 1ow can I set a coo2!e !n JSPL response+ setAeader-ISet Coo9ieI= Hcoo9ie stringI1U To gi$e the response object to a bean= :rite a method set8esponse -AttpSer$let8esponse response1 to the bean= and in jsp file?JQ bean+ set8esponse -response1U QK ""'+ 1ow can I +elete a coo2!e w!t( JSPL Say that I ha$e a coo9ie called Hfoo= I that I set a :hile ago ` I :ant it to go a:ay+ I simply? JQ Coo9ie 9illCoo9ie N ne: Coo9ie-IfooI= null1U GillCoo9ie+ set,ath-IEI1U 9illCoo9ie+ setMa*&ge-41U response+ addCoo9ie-9illCoo9ie1U QK ""B+ 1ow are Ser/lets an+ JSP Pages relate+L .S, pages are focused around ATML -or CML1 :ith .a$a codes and .S, tags inside them+ When a :eb ser$er that has .S, support is as9ed for a .S, page= it chec9s to see if it has already compiled the page into a ser$let+ Thus= .S, pages become ser$lets and are transformed into pure .a$a and then compiled= loaded into the ser$er and e*ecuted+ Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "%B

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Serlets ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween a00l!cat!on ser/er an+ we& ser/erL &n :eb ser$er is responsible for handling Attp8e6uests :hereas appliation ser$er is responsible for handling business logics+ app ser$er has inbuilt features li9e load balancing= clusters= caches and resource ` connection pooling etc+ 0sing application ser$er :e can de$elop reusable components+ &pplication ser$er is a super set of :eb ser$er+ :eb ser$er is used for e*ecuting .S, and ser$lets+ application ser$er is used for e*ecuting E.B related components

D!fference &etween t(row an+ t(rows 3 thro: to e*plicitly thro: an e*ception thro:s means that e*ception :ill be handled by the called method+ .. D!fference &etween 1as(Ta&le an+ (as(#a0 L 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Both pro$ide 9ey $alue access to data+ The Aashtable is one of the original collection classes in .a$a+ AashMap is part of the ne: Collections >rame:or9= added :ith .a$a != $"+!+ The 9ey difference bet:een the t:o is that access to the Aashtable is synchroni<ed on the table :hile access to the AashMap isnTt+ Lou can add it= but it isnTt there by default+ &nother difference is that iterator in the AashMap is fail safe :hile the enumerator for the Aashtable isnTt+ If you change the map :hile iterating= youTll 9no:+ &nd= a third difference is that AashMap permits null $alues in it= :hile Aashtable doesnTt+ >or ne: code=:e can use AashMap. ".,(at !s t(e +!ffrence &etween Arra-5Vector5Arr-L!st5L!n2e+L!st an+ 1as(Ta&le w!t( 1as(#a0 w!t( e:a%0le an+ s!t)at!onL #nce u create an array -of any type1 u canTt change the array si<e at dynamically+ it is not synchroni<ed+ 0 can $ie: a 5ector as a dynamic array+ 0 can resi<e the $ector at runtime+ u can addEremo$e element in a $ector at runtime+ it is synchroni<ed+ &n &rrayList is a class :hich implements the List interface+ This again is resi<able and u ha$ all the functionalities of a list+ it is not synchroni<ed+ /ote ? u can ha$ duplicates in &rrayList+ & Lin9edList is an implementation of the calssical TCT lin9ed list+ 0 can get= remo$e or insert elements+ AashTable is basically a 9ey $alue pair collection+ Gey has to be uni6ue+ 0 can do get and put+ AashMap is implementation of Map interface+ 0 can ha$ null 9ey or null $alue+ 0se :hen u re6uire constant time performance.

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H.,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween ser/let > C*IL 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 >or each ATT, re6uest= C(I :ill start a ne: process+ :hereas in ser$let= init-1 method :ill be called= only :hen first ATT, re6uest came+ for subse6uent re6uest an thread is created+ J.,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween t(e Serl/et s!ngle t(rea+e+ %o+el an+ %)lt! t(rea+e+ %o+elL 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Typically= a ser$let class is instantiated the first time it is in$o9ed+ The same instance :ill be used o$er se$eral client re6uests= so all members that are declared in that ser$let are shared accross clients+ That is :hat is meant by multi threaded model= multiple clients that access the same instance+ There are situations :here you :ant to protect your ser$let member $ariables from being modified by different clients+ In this case= you can ha$e your ser$let implement the mar9er interface SingleThreadModel+ E$ery time a client ma9es a re6uest to a ser$let that implements this interface= the engine :ill create a ne: instance of the ser$let+ >or performance reasons= the engine can also maintain a instance pool= handing out instances as they are needed+ #r it could also seriali<e client re6uests= e*ecuting one after another+ =. 1ow to rea+ en/!ron%ent /ar!a&les fro% a Ser/letL A3Ser$letConfig+get,arameter-String param[name1 N3 ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween an Interface an+ an A&stract classL A3 &n &bstract class declares ha$e at least one instance method that is declared abstract :hich :ill be implemented by the subclasses+ &n abstract class can ha$e instance methods that implement a default beha$ior+ &n Interface can only declare constants and instance methods= but cannot implement default beha$ior. &ll memeber $ariable of an interface is Opublic static finalO N3 ,(at !s t(e 0)r0ose of gar&age collect!on !n Ja/a5 an+ w(en !s !t )se+L A? The purpose of garbage collection is to identify and discard objects that are no longer needed by a program so that their resources can be reclaimed and reused+ & .a$a object is subject to garbage collection :hen it becomes unreachable to the program in :hich it is used+ N3 Descr!&e s-nc(ron!4at!on !n res0ect to %)lt!t(rea+!ng. A3 With respect to multithreading= synchroni<ation is the capability to control the access of multiple threads to shared resources+ Without synchoni<ation= it is possible for one thread to modify a shared $ariable :hile another thread is in the process of using or updating same shared $ariable+ This usually leads to significant errors+

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A3 The thread could be implemented by using runnable interface or by inheriting from the Thread class+ The former is more ad$antageous= Tcause :hen you are going for multiple inheritance++the only interface can help+ N3 ,(at are 0ass &- reference an+ 0ass&- /al)eL A? ,ass By 8eference means the passing the address itself rather than passing the $alue+ ,assby 5alue means passing a copy of the $alue to be 0asse+. N3 ,(at !s 1as(#a0 an+ #a0L A? Map is Interface and Aashmap is class that implements that+ N3 D!fference &etween 1as(#a0 an+ 1as(Ta&leL A3 The AashMap class is roughly e6ui$alent to Aashtable= e*cept that it is unsynchroni<ed and permits nulls+ -AashMap allo:s null $alues as 9ey and $alue :hereas Aashtable doesnt allo:1+ AashMap does not guarantee that the order of the map :ill remain constant o$er time+ AashMap is non synchroni<ed and Aashtable is synchroni<ed+ N3 D!fference &etween Vector an+ Arra-L!stL A3 5ector is synchroni<ed :hereas arraylist is not+ N3 D!fference &etween Sw!ng an+ AwtL A3 &WT are hea$y :eight componenets+ S:ings are light :eight components+ Aence s:ing :or9s faster than &WT+ N3 ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween a constr)ctor an+ a %et(o+L A? & constructor is a member function of a class that is used to create objects of that class+ It has the same name as the class itself= has no return type= and is in$o9ed using the ne: operator+ & method is an ordinary member function of a class+ It has its o:n name= a return type -:hich may be $oid1= and is in$o9ed using the dot operator+ N3 ,(at !s an IteratorsL A3 Some of the collection classes pro$ide tra$ersal of their contents $ia a ja$a+util+Iterator interface+ This interface allo:s you to :al9 a collection of objects= operating on each object in turn+ 8emember :hen using Iterators that they contain a snapshot of the collection at the time the Iterator :as obtainedU generally it is not ad$isable to modify the collection itself :hile tra$ersing an Iterator. Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "%3

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N3 ,(at !s an a&stract classL A3 &bstract class must be e*tendedEsubclassed -to be useful1+ It ser$es as a template+ & class that is abstract may not be instantiated -ie= you may not call its constructor1= abstract class may contain static data+ &ny class :ith an abstract method is automatically abstract itself= and must be declared as such+ & class may be declared abstract e$en if it has no abstract methods+ This pre$ents it from being instantiated+ N3 ,(at !s stat!c !n 9a/aL A3 Static means one per class= not one for each object no matter ho: many instance of a class might e*ist+ This means that you can use them :ithout creating an instance of a class+Static methods are implicitly final= because o$erriding is done based on the type of the object= and static methods are attached to a class= not an object+ & static method in a superclass can be shado:ed by another static method in a subclass= as long as the original method :as not declared final+ Ao:e$er= you canTt o$erride a static method :ith a nonstatic method+ In other :ords= you canTt change a static method into an instance method in a subclass+ N3 ,(at !s f!nalL A3 & final class canTt be e*tended ie+= final class may not be subclassed+ & final method canTt be o$erridden :hen its class is inherited+ Lou canTt change $alue of a final $ariable -is a constant1+ N3 ,(at !f t(e %a!n %et(o+ !s +eclare+ as 0r!/ateL A3 The program compiles properly but at runtime it :ill gi$e OMain method not public+O message. N3 ,(at !f t(e stat!c %o+!f!er !s re%o/e+ fro% t(e s!gnat)re of t(e %a!n %et(o+L A? ,rogram compiles+ But at runtime thro:s an error O/oSuchMethodErrorO+ N3 ,(at !f I wr!te stat!c 0)&l!c /o!+ !nstea+ of 0)&l!c stat!c /o!+L A3 ,rogram compiles and runs properly+ N3 ,(at !f I +o not 0ro/!+e t(e Str!ng arra- as t(e arg)%ent to t(e %et(o+L A? ,rogram compiles but thro:s a runtime error O/oSuchMethodErrorO+

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N3 ,(at !s t(e f!rst arg)%ent of t(e Str!ng arra- !n %a!n %et(o+L A3 The String array is empty+ It does not ha$e any element+ This is unli9e CECFF :here the first element by default is the program name+ N3 If I +o not 0ro/!+e an- arg)%ents on t(e co%%an+ l!ne5 t(en t(e Str!ng arra- of #a!n %et(o+ w!ll &e e%0t- of n)llL A3 It is empty+ But not null. N3 1ow can one 0ro/e t(at t(e arra- !s not n)ll &)t e%0t-L A3 ,rint args+length+ It :ill print 4+ That means it is empty+ But if it :ould ha$e been null then it :ould ha$e thro:n a /ull,ointerE*ception on attempting to print args+length+ N3 ,(at en/!ron%ent /ar!a&les +o I nee+ to set on %- %ac(!ne !n or+er to &e a&le to r)n Ja/a 0rogra%sL A3 CL&SS,&TA and ,&TA are the t:o $ariables. N3 Can an a00l!cat!on (a/e %)lt!0le classes (a/!ng %a!n %et(o+L A3 Les it is possible+ While starting the application :e mention the class name to be run+ The .5M :ill loo9 for the Main method only in the class :hose name you ha$e mentioned+ Aence there is not conflict amongst the multiple classes ha$ing main method+ N3 Can I (a/e %)lt!0le %a!n %et(o+s !n t(e sa%e classL A3 /o the program fails to compile+ The compiler says that the main method is already defined in the class+ N3 Do I nee+ to !%0ort 9a/a.lang 0ac2age an- t!%eL ,(- L A3 /o+ It is by default loaded internally by the .5M+ N3 Can I !%0ort sa%e 0ac2ageMclass tw!ceL ,!ll t(e JV# loa+ t(e 0ac2age tw!ce at r)nt!%eL A? #ne can import the same pac9age or same class multiple times+ /either compiler nor .5M complains abt it+ &nd the .5M :ill internally load the class only once no matter ho: many times you import the same class+

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N3 ,(at are C(ec2e+ an+ UnC(ec2e+ E:ce0t!onL A3 & chec9ed e*ception is some subclass of E*ception -or E*ception itself1= e*cluding class 8untimeE*ception and its subclasses+ Ma9ing an e*ception chec9ed forces client programmers to deal :ith the possibility that the e*ception :ill be thro:n+ eg= I#E*ception thro:n by ja$a+io+>ileInputStreamTs read-1 methode 0nchec9ed e*ceptions are 8untimeE*ception and any of its subclasses+ Class Error and its subclasses also are unchec9ed+ With an unchec9ed e*ception= ho:e$er= the compiler doesnTt force client programmers either to catch the e*ception or declare it in a thro:s clause+ In fact= client programmers may not e$en 9no: that the e*ception could be thro:n+ eg= StringInde*#ut#fBoundsE*ception thro:n by StringTs char&t-1 methode Chec9ed e*ceptions must be caught at compile time+ 8untime e*ceptions do not need to be+ Errors often cannot be+ N3 ,(at !s O/err!+!ngL A3 When a class defines a method using the same name= return type= and arguments as a method in its superclass= the method in the class o$errides the method in the superclass+ When the method is in$o9ed for an object of the class= it is the ne: definition of the method that is called= and not the method definition from superclass+ Methods may be o$erridden to be more public= not more pri$ate+ N3 ,(at are +!fferent t-0es of !nner classesL A? /ested top le$el classes= Member classes= Local classes= &nonymous classes Neste+ to07le/el classes If you declare a class :ithin a class and specify the static modifier= the compiler treats the class just li9e any other top le$el class+ &ny class outside the declaring class accesses the nested class :ith the declaring class name acting similarly to a pac9age+ eg= outer+inner+ Top le$el inner classes implicitly ha$e access only to static $ariables+There can also be inner interfaces+ &ll of these are of the nested top le$el $ariety+ #e%&er classes Member inner classes are just li9e other member methods and member $ariables and access to the member class is restricted= just li9e methods and $ariables+ This means a public member class acts similarly to a nested top le$el class+ The primary difference bet:een member classes and nested top le$el classes is that member classes ha$e access to the specific instance of the enclosing class+ Local classes 7 Local classes are li9e local $ariables= specific to a bloc9 of code+ Their $isibility is only :ithin the bloc9 of their declaration+ In order for the class to be useful beyond the declaration bloc9= it :ould need to implement a more publicly a$ailable interface+Because local classes are not members= the modifiers public= protected= pri$ate= and static are not usable+

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Anon-%o)s classes 7 &nonymous inner classes e*tend local inner classes one le$el further+ &s anonymous classes ha$e no name= you cannot 0ro/!+e a constr)ctor. N3 ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween +eclar!ng a /ar!a&le an+ +ef!n!ng a /ar!a&leL A3 In declaration :e just mention the type of the $ariable and itTs name+ We do not initiali<e it+ But defining means declaration F initiali<ation+ e+g String sU is just a declaration :hile String s N ne: String -OabcdO1U #r String s N OabcdOU are both definitions. N3 ,(at !s t(e +efa)lt /al)e of an o&9ect reference +eclare+ as an !nstance /ar!a&leL A? null unless :e define it e*plicitly. N3 ,(at t-0e of 0ara%eter 0ass!ng +oes Ja/a s)00ortL A3 .a$a supports both pass by $alue as :ell as pass by reference. N3 Pr!%!t!/e +ata t-0es are 0asse+ &- reference or 0ass &- /al)eL A3 ,rimiti$e data types are passed by $alue+ N3 O&9ects are 0asse+ &- /al)e or &- referenceL A3 #bjects are al:ays passed by reference+ Thus any modifications done to an object inside the called method :ill al:ays reflect in the caller method+ N3 ,(at !s ser!al!4at!onL A? Seriali<ation is a mechanism by :hich you can sa$e the state of an object by con$erting it to a byte stream+ N3 ,(!c( %et(o+s of Ser!al!4a&le !nterface s(o)l+ I !%0le%entL A3 T(e ser!al!4a&le !nterface !s an e%0t- !nterface5 !t +oes not conta!n an- %et(o+s. So we +o not !%0le%ent an- %et(o+s. N3 ,(at !s t(e co%%on )sage of ser!al!4at!onL A? Whene$er an object is to be sent o$er the net:or9= objects need to be seriali<ed+ Moreo$er if the state of an object is to be sa$ed= objects need to be serila<ed. N3 ,(at !s E:ternal!4a&le !nterfaceL A3 E*ternali<able is an interface :hich contains t:o methods readE*ternal and :riteE*ternal+ These methods gi$e you a control o$er the seriali<ation mechanism+ Thus if your class Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "'!

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implements this interface= you can customi<e the seriali<ation process by implementing these methods. N3 ,(at (a00ens to t(e o&9ect references !ncl)+e+ !n t(e o&9ectL A3 The seriali<ation mechanism generates an object graph for seriali<ation+ Thus it determines :hether the included object references are seriali<able or not+ This is a recursi$e process+ Thus :hen an object is seriali<ed= all the included objects are also seriali<ed along:ith the original object+ N3 ,(at one s(o)l+ ta2e care of w(!le ser!al!4!ng t(e o&9ectL A3 #ne should ma9e sure that all the included objects are also seriali<able+ If any of the objects is not seriali<able then it thro:s a /otSeriali<ableE*ception. N3 ,(at (a00ens to t(e stat!c f!el+s of a class +)r!ng ser!al!4at!onL Are t(ese f!el+s ser!al!4e+ as a 0art of eac( ser!al!4e+ o&9ectL A3 Les the static fields do get seriali<ed+ If the static field is an object then it must ha$e implemented Seriali<able interface+ The static fields are seriali<ed as a part of e$ery object+ But the commonness of the static fields across all the instances is maintained e$en after seriali<ation. N3 Does Ja/a 0ro/!+e an- constr)ct to f!n+ o)t t(e s!4e of an o&9ectL A3 /o there is not si<eof operator in .a$a+ So there is not direct :ay to determine the si<e of an object directly in .a$a+ W 8ecei$ed from Sandesh SadhaleX T#, N3 ,(at are wra00er classesL A3 .a$a pro$ides speciali<ed classes corresponding to each of the primiti$e data types+ These are called :rapper classes+ They are e+g+ Integer= Character= Double etc+ N3 ,(- +o we nee+ wra00er classesL A3 It is sometimes easier to deal :ith primiti$es as objects+ Moreo$er most of the collection classes store objects and not primiti$e data types+ &nd also the :rapper classes pro$ide many utility methods also+ Because of these resons :e need :rapper classes+ &nd since :e create instances of these classes :e can store them in any of the collection classes and pass them around as a collection+ &lso :e can pass them around as method parameters :here a method e*pects an object+

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A3 Chec9ed e*ception are those :hich the .a$a compiler forces you to catch+ e+g+ I#E*ception are chec9ed E*ceptions+ N3 ,(at are r)nt!%e e:ce0t!onsL &? 8untime e*ceptions are those e*ceptions that are thro:n at runtime because of either :rong input data or because of :rong business logic etc+ These are not chec9ed by the compiler at compile time+ N3 ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween error an+ an e:ce0t!onL A3 &n error is an irreco$erable condition occurring at runtime+ Such as #ut#fMemory error+ These .5M errors and you can not repair them at runtime+ While e*ceptions are conditions that occur because of bad input etc+ e+g+ >ile/ot>oundE*ception :ill be thro:n if the specified file does not e*ist+ #r a /ull,ointerE*ception :ill ta9e place if you try using a null reference+ In most of the cases it is possible to reco$er from an e*ception -probably by gi$ing user a feedbac9 for entering proper $alues etc+1+ N3 1ow to create c)sto% e:ce0t!onsL A3 Lour class should e*tend class E*ception= or some more specific type thereof. N3 ,(at (a00ens to an )n(an+le+ e:ce0t!onL A3 #ne can not do anytihng in this scenarion+ Because .a$a does not allo: multiple inheritance and does not pro$ide any e*ception interface as :ell+ N3 1ow +oes an e:ce0t!on 0er%eate t(ro)g( t(e co+eL A3 &n unhandled e*ception mo$es up the method stac9 in search of a matching When an e*ception is thro:n from a code :hich is :rapped in a try bloc9 follo:ed by one or more catch bloc9s= a search is made for matching catch bloc9+ If a matching type is found then that bloc9 :ill be in$o9ed+ If a matching type is not found then the e*ception mo$es up the method stac9 and reaches the caller method+ Same procedure is repeated if the caller method is included in a try catch bloc9+ This process continues until a catch bloc9 handling the appropriate type of e*ception is found+ If it does not find such a bloc9 then finally the program terminates+ N3 ,(at are t(e +!fferent wa-s to (an+le e:ce0t!onsL A3 There are t:o :ays to handle e*ceptions= "+ By :rapping the desired code in a try bloc9 follo:ed by a catch bloc9 to catch the e*ceptions+ and Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "''

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!+ List the desired e*ceptions in the thro:s clause of the method and let the caller of the method hadle those e*ceptions+ .. 1ow can -o) ac(!e/e #)lt!0le In(er!tance !n Ja/aL .a$aTs interface mechanism can be used to implement multiple inheritance= :ith one important difference from cFF :ay of doing MI? the inherited interfaces must be abstract+ This ob$iates the need to choose bet:een different implementations= as :ith interfaces there are no implementations+ H. Searc(!ng a Str!ng String string N OaStringOU EE >irst occurrence+ int inde* N string+inde*#f-TST1U EE " EE Last occurrence+ inde* N string+lastInde*#f-TiT1U EE ' EE /ot found+ inde* N string+lastInde*#f-T<T1U EE " J. Connect!ng to a Data&ase an+ Str!ngs 1an+l!ng Constructing a String If you are constructing a string :ith se$eral appends= it may be more efficient to construct it using a StringBuffer and then con$ert it to an immutable String object+ StringBuffer buf N ne: StringBuffer-OInitial Te*tO1U EE Modify int inde* N "U buf+insert-inde*= OabcO1U buf+append-OdefO1U EE Con$ert to string String s N buf+toString-1U (etting a Substring from a String int start N "U int end N 'U String substr N OaStringO+substring-start= end1U EE Str =. ,(at !s a trans!ent /ar!a&leL & transient $ariable is a $ariable that may not be seriali<ed+ If you donTt :ant some field not to be seriali<ed= you can mar9 that field transient or static+ @. ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween Ser!al!4al&le an+ E:ternal!4a&le !nterfaceL When you use Seriali<able interface= your class is seriali<ed automatically by default+ But you can o$erride :rite#bject-1 and read#bject-1t:o methods to control more comple* object seraili<ation process+ When you use E*ternali<able interface= you ha$e a complete control o$er your classTs seriali<ation process+ Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "'B

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C. 1ow %an- %et(o+s !n t(e E:ternal!4a&le !nterfaceL There are t:o methods in the E*ternali<able interface+ Lou ha$e to implement these t:o methods in order to ma9e your class e*ternali<able+ These t:o methods are readE*ternal-1 and :riteE*ternal-1+ K. 1ow %an- %et(o+s !n t(e Ser!al!4a&le !nterfaceL There is no method in the Seriali<able interface+ The Seriali<able interface acts as a mar9er= telling the object seriali<ation tools that your class is seriali<able+ . 1ow to %a2e a class or a &ean ser!al!4a&leL By implementing either the ja$a+io+Seriali<able interface= or the ja$a+io+E*ternali<able interface+ &s long as one class in a classTs inheritance hierarchy implements Seriali<able or E*ternali<able= that class is seriali<able+ .A. ,(at !s t(e ser!al!4at!onL The seriali<ation is a 9ind of mechanism that ma9es a class or a bean persistence by ha$ing its properties or fields and state information sa$ed and restored to and from storage+ ... ,(at are s-nc(ron!4e+ %et(o+s an+ s-nc(ron!4e+ state%entsL Synchroni<ed methods are methods that are used to control access to an object+ & thread only e*ecutes a synchroni<ed method after it has ac6uired the loc9 for the methodTs object or class+ Synchroni<ed statements are similar to synchroni<ed methods+ & synchroni<ed statement can only be e*ecuted after a thread has ac6uired the loc9 for the object or class referenced in the synchroni<ed statement+ .". ,(at !s s-nc(ron!4at!on an+ w(- !s !t !%0ortantL With respect to multithreading= synchroni<ation is the capability to control the access of multiple threads to shared resources+ Without synchroni<ation= it is possible for one thread to modify a shared object :hile another thread is in the process of using or updating that objectTs $alue+ This often causes dirty data and leads to significant errors+ .H. ,(at !s t(e 0)r0ose of f!nal!4at!onL The purpose of finali<ation is to gi$e an unreachable object the opportunity to perform any cleanup processing before the object is garbage collected+ .J. ,(at classes of e:ce0t!ons %a- &e ca)g(t &- a catc( cla)seL & catch clause can catch any e*ception that may be assigned to the Thro:able type+ This includes the Error and E*ception types+

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WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

.=. ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween t(e Rea+erM,r!ter class (!erarc(- an+ t(e In0)tStrea%MO)t0)tStrea% class (!erarc(-L The 8eaderEWriter class hierarchy is character oriented= and the InputStreamE#utputStream class hierarchy is byte oriented+ .@. ,(at (a00ens w(en a t(rea+ cannot ac?)!re a loc2 on an o&9ectL If a thread attempts to e*ecute a synchroni<ed method or synchroni<ed statement and is unable to ac6uire an objectTs loc9= it enters the :aiting state until the loc9 becomes a$ailable+ .C. ,(at restr!ct!ons are 0lace+ on %et(o+ o/err!+!ngL #$erridden methods must ha$e the same name= argument list= and return type+ The o$erriding method may not limit the access of the method it o$errides+ The o$erriding method may not thro: any e*ceptions that may not be thro:n by the o$erridden method+ .K. ,(at restr!ct!ons are 0lace+ on %et(o+ o/erloa+!ngL T:o methods may not ha$e the same name and argument list but different return types+ . . 1ow +oes %)lt!t(rea+!ng ta2e 0lace on a co%0)ter w!t( a s!ngle CPUL Ja/a Inter/!ew N)est!ons ; Subscribe to >8EE ` E*clusi$e career resources at The operating systemTs tas9 scheduler allocates e*ecution time to multiple tas9s+ By 6uic9ly s:itching bet:een e*ecuting tas9s= it creates the impression that tas9s e*ecute se6uentially+ "A. 1ow !s !t 0oss!&le for two Str!ng o&9ects w!t( !+ent!cal /al)es not to &e e?)al )n+er t(e OO o0eratorL The NN operator compares t:o objects to determine if they are the same object in memory+ It is possible for t:o String objects to ha$e the same $alue= but located indifferent areas of memory+ ".. 1ow are t(!s$' an+ s)0er$' )se+ w!t( constr)ctorsL this-1 is used to in$o9e a constructor of the same class+ super-1 is used to in$o9e a superclass constructor+ "". ,(at class allows -o) to rea+ o&9ects +!rectl- fro% a strea%L The #bjectInputStream class supports the reading of objects from input streams+ "H. ,(at !s t(e Reso)rceB)n+le classL The 8esourceBundle class is used to store locale specific resources that can be loaded by a program to tailor the programTs appearance to the particular locale in :hich it is being run+ "J. ,(at !nterface %)st an o&9ect !%0le%ent &efore !t can &e wr!tten to a strea% as an o&9ectL &n object must implement the Seriali<able or E*ternali<able interface before it can be :ritten to a stream as an object+ "=. ,(at !s Ser!al!4at!on an+ +eser!al!4at!onL Seriali<ation is the process of :riting the state of an object to a byte stream+ Deseriali<ation is the process of restoring these objects+ Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "'2

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

"@. ,(at are t(e O&9ect an+ Class classes )se+ forL The #bject class is the highest le$el class in the .a$a class hierarchy+ The Class class is used to represent the classes and interfaces that are loaded by a .a$a program+ "C. Can -o) wr!te Ja/a co+e for +eclarat!on of %)lt!0le !n(er!tance !n Ja/a L Class C e*tends & implements B V Y "K. ,(at +o -o) %ean &- %)lt!0le !n(er!tance !n CPP L Ja/a Inter/!ew N)est!ons Multiple inheritance is a feature in CFF by :hich one class can be of different types+ Say class teaching&ssistant is inherited from t:o classes say teacher and Student+ " . ,r!te t(e Ja/a co+e to +eclare an- constant $sa- gra/!tat!onal constant' an+ to get !ts /al)e. Class &BC V static final float (8&5IT&TI#/&L[C#/ST&/T N 7+3U public $oid getConstant-1 V system+out+println-O(ra$itational[Constant? O F (8&5IT&TI#/&L[C#/ST&/T1U Y Y HA. ,(at are t(e +!sa+/antages of )s!ng t(rea+sL DeadLoc9+ H.. *!/en two ta&les St)+ent$SID5 Na%e5 Co)rse' an+ Le/el$SID5 le/el' wr!te t(e SNL state%ent to get t(e na%e an+ SID of t(e st)+ent w(o are ta2!ng co)rse O H an+ at fres(%an le/el. SELECT Student+name= Student+SID >8#M Student= Le$el WAE8E Student+SID N Le$el+SID &/D Le$el+Le$el N OfreshmanO &/D Student+Course N %U H". ,(at +o -o) %ean &- /!rt)al %et(o+sL $irtual methods are used to use the polymorhism feature in CFF+ Say class & is inherited from class B+ If :e declare say fuction f-1 as $irtual in class B and o$erride the same function in class & then at runtime appropriate method of the class :ill be called depending upon the type of the object+ HH. ,(at +o -o) %ean &- stat!c %et(o+sL By using the static method there is no need creating an object of that class to use that method+ We can directly call that method on that class+ >or e*ample= say class & has static function f-1= then :e can call f-1 function as &+f-1+ There is no need of creating an object of class &+ Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "'3

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

HJ. ,(at +o %ean &- 0ol-%or0(!s%5 !n(er!tance5 enca0s)lat!onL Pol-%or(!s%? is a feature of ##,l that at run time depending upon the type of object the appropriate method is called+ In(er!tance? is a feature of ##,L that represents the Ois aO relationship bet:een different objects-classes1+ Say in real life a manager is a employee+ So in ##,L manger class is inherited from the employee class+ Enca0s)lat!on? is a feature of ##,L that is used to hide the information+ H=. ,(at are t(e a+/antages of OOPLL #bject oriented programming languages directly represent the real life objects+ The features of ##,L as inhreitance= polymorphism= encapsulation ma9es it po:erful+ H@. 1ow %an- %et(o+s +o ) !%0le%ent !f !%0le%ent t(e Ser!al!4a&le InterfaceL The Seriali<able interface is just a Omar9erO interface= :ith no methods of its o:n to implement+ HC. Are t(ere an- ot(er Q%ar2erQ !nterfacesL ja$a+rmi+8emote ja$a+util+E$entListener HK. ,(at !s t(e +!fference &etween !nstanceof an+ !sInstanceL instanceof is used to chec9 to see if an object can be cast into a specified type :ithout thro:ing a cast class e*ception+ isInstance-1 determines if the specified object is assignment compatible :ith the object represented by this Class+ This method is the dynamic e6ui$alent of the .a$a language instanceof operator+ The method returns true if the specified #bject argument is nonnull and can be cast to the reference type represented by this Class object :ithout raising a ClassCastE*ception+ It returns false other:ise+ H . w(- +o -o) create !nterfaces5 an+ w(en #UST -o) )se oneL Lou :ould create interfaces :hen you ha$e t:o or more functionalities tal9ing to each other+ Doing it this :ay help you in creating a protocol bet:een the parties in$ol$ed+ JA. ,(atQs t(e +!fference &etween t(e OO o0erator an+ t(e e?)als$' %et(o+L ,(at test +oes O&9ect.e?)als$' )se5 an+ w(-L The NN operator :ould be used= in an object sense= to see if the t:o objects :ere actually the same object+ This operator loo9s at the actually memory address to see if it actually the same object+ The e6uals-1 method is used to compare the $alues of the object respecti$ely+ This is used in a higher le$el to see if the object $alues are e6ual+ #f course the the e6uals-1 method :ould be o$erloaded in a meaningful :ay for :hate$er object that you Balaji Institute of Technology and Science "'7

WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

:ere :or9ing :ith+ Y J". *!/en a te:t f!le5 !n0)t.t:t5 0ro/!+e t(e state%ent re?)!re+ to o0en t(!s f!le w!t( t(e a00ro0r!ate IMO strea% to &e a&le to rea+ an+ 0rocess t(!s f!le. JH. Na%e fo)r %et(o+s e/er- Ja/a class w!ll (a/e. public String toString-1U public #bject clone-1U public boolean e6uals-1U public int hashCode-1U JJ. ,(at +oes t(e Ra&stractR 2e-wor+ %ean !n front of a %et(o+L A classL &bstract 9ey:ord declares either a method or a class+ If a method has a abstract 9ey:ord in front of it= it is called abstract method+&bstract method has no body+ It has only arguments and return type+ &bstract methods act as placeholder methods that are implemented in the subclasses+ &bstract classes canTt be instantiated+If a class is declared as abstract=no objects of that class can be created+If a class contains any abstract method it must be declared as abstract+ J=. Does Ja/a (a/e +estr)ctorsL /o garbage collector does the job :or9ing in the bac9ground J@. Are constr)ctors !n(er!te+L Can a s)&class call t(e 0arentQs class constr)ctorL ,(enL Lou cannot inherit a constructor+ That is= you cannot create a instance of a subclass using a constructor of one of itTs superclasses+ #ne of the main reasons is because you probably donTt :ant to o$eride the superclasses constructor= :hich :ould be possible if they :ere inherited+ By gi$ing the de$eloper the ability to o$erride a superclasses constructor you :ould erode the encapsulation abilities of the language+ J . Does Ja/a (a/e RgotoRL /o =A. ,(at +oes t(e Rf!nalR 2e-wor+ %ean !n front of a /ar!a&leL A %et(o+L A classL >I/&L for a $ariable ? $alue is constant >I/&L for a method ? cannot be o$erridden >I/&L for a class ? cannot be deri$ed +

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


WT Lab Manual

Departmrnt of Computer Science and Engineering

Reference Boo2s
"+ Web ,rogramming= building Internet applications= Chris Bates !nd edition= WILEL Dreamtech !+ The complete 8eference .a$a ! >ifth Edition by ,atric9 /aughton and Aerbert Schildt+ TMA %+ .a$a Ser$er ,ages ;Aans Bergsten= S,D #D8eilly '+ Internet and World Wide Web ; Ao: to program by Dietel and /ieto ,AIE,earson Education &sia+ B+ .a9arta Struts Coo9boo9= Bill Siggel9o:= S , D #D8eilly+

Balaji Institute of Technology and Science


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