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Dan Mirahorian Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved h !"//###.$%&'()%h*)(%&.)*/

C%) +% ,-( .. H. B% +/, M.D $+ ('0-&% % ()+ % 1+$+)(( 2%)% *3h+,%)( (H*# * ('!)*1+ 4*-) /(5h #( h*- 5,%//+/) (&3+!+ 3- !%,'%)+% . L% %3+%/ % 3%,+ /+ )+2+)% /( A,$*-/ H-6,+4 (& 3%) +% /% 7A) % $+ % 1+$+% / Th+ A) *2 S++(&5 789:. R-5%3(-&+% ,% !*!*%)+,+ /+'( + /( h%'( + /+ 2%3+ !)(& !%,'%)+% 5,*0(,*) *3-,%)( !+ (&/!() 3- )($(3%)+% !)(1()(( /!)+ 3+) /( 3*0*)%)+% !)(1()(( !+ +6!() 3- 3*0*)%)+% !%,'+,*). M+ *$% E,'%& $+ (&$-3 (+ % )%&/+( h(!&* (3+ 2*,*/+/ + !%,'%)+%. In Vijnana Bhairava(VB pal!area este indi"ata drept "ale de tre#ire sa$ de tre"ere pe vederea dire"ta (des"hiderea "el$i de%al treilea o"hi este de &apt o tehni"a de redire"tionare a &l$'$l$i atentiei si energiei de la o"hii &i#i"i la o"hii "orp$l$i energeti" s$(til ) VB;<. Dh%)%&% 9= S- )%/Sh,*>% &? @A A (&5+-B( *3h(( -C*) ) Atingand deli"at glo(ii o"$lari% "a pe $n &$lg* linistea dintre ei se des"hide in ini!a si de a"olo patr$nde intreg$l "os!os+ (,-. vol+ 4%1/0 0 1e o"hi atingere "a &$lg$l* $2$rin3a dintre ei se des"hide 4n ini!a ta 2i a"olo p5tr$nde "os!os$l+ (,4. p+ 1000 0 Atingand glo(ii o"hilor "a o pan5* str5l$"irea dintre ei se des"hide 4n ini!5 2i a"olo p5tr$nde in "os!os (,6. s$tra 1- 0 7o$"hing eye(alls as a &eather* lightness (et8een the! opens into heart and there per!eates the "os!os+ 097o$"hant telle $ne pl$!e les glo(es o"$laires* la l$!i:re entre e$' s;<pano$it dans le "oe$r et l=* p<n:tre le "os!os+90 7o""ando gli o""hi "o!e $na pi$!a* la leggere##a tra di loro si apre nel "$ore e l= per!ea il "os!o+ 1+$+ ( +6!,(3% (% VB;< >'pli"atia VB/0 $tili#ea#a "o!entari$l l$i ?sho la Vijnana Bhairava 7antra ( Vigyan Bhairav 7antra intit$lat ) Cartea se"retelor 0 @e livre des se"rets 07he BooA o& Be"rets Calea (do"trinaC tehnologiaC tantra de a""es la regi!$l$i dire"t , int$itivC divinC nond$alistC hologra&i" de &$n"3ionare ( "on2tien35C (hairava a""esi(il in $r!a "entr5rii in "orp$l "on2tien3ei (vijnana ? a(ordare "onte!poran5 a "elor 112 !odalit53i de "entrare (dharana de tre#ire (tre"ere la regi!$l dire"t de &$n"3ionare sa$ de eli(erare ( din "on2tien3a peri&eri"5C realitatea se"$nd5 des"rise 4n VB % Vijnana Bhairava 7antra ( Vigyan Bhairav 7antra (& )-* &*-D )%$-3+)+ $+ M()%h*)(%& VB 8 V(E&%&% Bh%()%1% T%& )% ( V(54%& Bh%()%1 T%& )%):, +/ + * 3%) + % !)('( $(2+)( + ( ,-)( $+ ,% $(2+)(B(( 3+)3+ D *)(, )%$-3D *)( C( 3*'+& % *)( 3%)+ %- %0*)$% -* " %1ra"ti"i de "entrare) 112 !od$ri de a des"hide $2a invi#i(il5 a "on2tiin3ei 0Centering 1ra"ti"es) 112 8ays to open the invisi(le door o& "ons"io$sness (1a$l Reps*1/DE ,D. %Dis"ri!inarea realitatii $lti!e0 @a Dis"ri!ination de la R<alit< $lti!e ( @ilian Bil($rn*1/F1 ,10. %Vijnana(hairava* ori Con2tiin3a Divin5 % Gn te#a$r al "elor 112 tip$ri de !odalit53i de aliniere (yoga 0 Vijnana(hairava* or Divine Cons"io$sness % A 7reas$ry o& 112 7ypes o& yoga (Haideva Bingh*1/E/ ,11. %7ehni"i (dharanas pentr$ a""esarea "on2tiin3ei li!inale07e"hniI$es po$r l;entr<e dans la Cons"ien"e @i!inaire07e"hniI$es &or >ntering @i!inal Cons"io$sness (D!itri Be!enov* 2010 + ,14. %Man$al pentr$ reali#are de sine% 112 pra"ti"i spirit$ale di&erite pentr$ intrarea in starea trans"edentala a "onstiintei 0 7he Man$al &or Bel& Reali#ation% 112 di&&erent spirit$al pra"ti"es &or entering in the trans"endental state o& "ons"io$sness ( B8a!i @aAsh!anjoo* 2012 ,12. %Calea (do"trinaC tehnologiaC tantra de a""es la regi!$l$i dire"t , int$itiv (sattarAa divinC nond$alistC hologra&i" de &$n"3ionare ( "on2tien3aC (hairava a""esi(il in $r!a "entrarii in "orp$l "onstientei (vijnana % 112 !odalitati (dharana de tre#ire (tre"ere la regi!$l dire"t de &$n"tionare sa$ de eli(erare ( din "onstienta peri&eri"aC realitatea se"$nda (Mirahorian* 2012 R+F-'% /A0/ )%3 " A"east5 l$"rare este $n "o!entari$ al l$i ?sho* intit$lat 9Cartea se"retelor 0 @e livre des se"rets 07he BooA o& Be"rets9 ,1.* la te't$l VB , Vijnana Bhairava 7antra ( Vigyan Bhairav 7antra .* "are "$prinde e'p$nerea "elor 112 !etode ( dharana de "entrare0 tre#ire0 de(lo"are0 intrare in regi!$l divin0dire"t0hologra&i"0 nond$alist de &$n"3ionare+ In a"est te't se a&l5 "one'i$ni intre !etodele de tre#ire ( eli(erare din realitatea se"$nd5 &olosite de "ivili#a3iile "are ne%a$ pre"edat ( M$* Atlant5* Gig$r5 2i "are a$ &ost rel$ate 2i $tili#ate in di&erite tradi3ii spirit$ale* sha!ani"e 2i religioase ( taoiste* #en* ($ddhiste* s$&i* egiptene* hind$se* "re2tine* o"$lte* nah$atl %pop$lari#ate de Carlos Castaneda in "ar3ile sale 2i !ai re"ent "a !ijloa"e psiho%terape$ti"e (2tiin3a 2i tehnologia transei + T+6 -, %3+/ +( ,-3)D)( +/ + ('!D)B( (& @ /+3B(-&(" 9. Dh%)%&% VB ,se"3i$ne "are "$prinde trad$"erea "apitolelor "$ n$!5r i!par din "o!entari$l l$i ?sho ,1.* dedi"at !odalit53ilor de "entrare (dharana din VB % Vijnana Bhairava 7antra

( Vigyan Bhairav 7antra C a"east5 se"3i$ne este $n in"ep$t de "ore"t$r5 al variantei in l(+ engle#5 ,1.* d$p5 varianta a$dio a dis"$rs$l$i l$i ?sho 2i a variantelor de trad$"ere in l(+ &ran"e#5 ,2. 2i in l(+ ro!Jn5 ,-.*,4.C te't$l in l(+ engle#5,1. poate &i des"5r"at de la adresele indi"ate in (i(liogra&ie .+ G. I& )+0%)( VB , se"3i$ne de r5sp$ns$ri la intre(5ri* de#volt5ri 2i e'pli"a3ii s$pli!entare pentr$ Dharana VB* "are "$prinde toate "apitolele "$ n$!5r par din "o!entari$l l$i ?sho,1. . @. L(/ % Dh%)%&% VB , se"3i$ne in "are s$nt pre#entate en$n3$rile "elor 112 !etode de "entrare ( dharana in di&erite variante de trad$"ere indi"ate in (i(liogra&ie . N* % DM" D+/!)+ - (,(F%)+% +)*&% % % +)'+&-,-( TANTRA /( '* (1-, (&,*3-()(( /%,+ 3VB ?sho &olose2te &or!$l5ri de gen$l 9tantra #i"e0 sp$ne0"onsider59 * iar a"est l$"r$ n$ repre#int5 o e'pri!are "on&or!5 "$ realitatea* din !o!ent "e ter!en$l tantra ( "arte* tratat* "ale* 2tiin35 * tehni"5* 3es5t$r5 este in ?""ident sinoni! doar "$ 9se'$alitatea9+ A"easta in3elegere a ter!en$l$i 9tantra9 este &als5 2i pt te'tele "are se re&er5 doar la !edi"in5 , de pilda te't$l de (a#a al !edi"inii ti(etane* pe "are%l st$dia#a toti !edi"ii* se n$!este 9Cele patr$ tantra9 si a &ost predat de ins$si B$ddha0 7he (asi" te't o& 7i(etan Medi"ine is "alled the 9Ko$r 7antras9 and 8as ta$ght (y B$ddha hi!sel&+ All 7i(etan physi"ians st$dy it. sa$ pt te'tele "are se re&er5 n$!ai la tehnologia navelor spatiale si interdi!ensionale(vi!ana ,Vi!ana 7antra* "$nos"$ta si s$( n$!ele de Vai!aniAa Bhastra.+ Gtili#area ter!en$l$i 9tantra9 n$ are j$sti&i"are ni"i in "a#$l VB% Vigyana Bhairava 7antra ( Vijnana Bhairava 7antra ( Bi(liogra&ie * "are este $n te't al shivais!$l$i nond$alist din Lash!ir* in "are s$nt e'p$se "ele 112 !etode de tre#ire sa$ de eli(erare din realitatea se"$nd5 9+ In ti!p$l le"t$rii ter!en$l$i 97antra9* a"esta tre($ie in3eles drept o pres"$rtare pentr$ VB% Vigyana Bhairava 7antra ( Vijnana Bhairava 7antra * o "arte a 9shivais!$l nond$alist din Lash!ir9 in "are ne intalni! "$ 9B7IIM7A 7R>NIRII9( 2tiinta trans"ederii sa$ a eli(er5rii din !inte* "a realitate separat5 + C$vJnt$l 9tantra9* "o!p$s din do$5 "$vinte sansArite) tanoti (e'tindere si trayati (eli(erare * este derivat din r5d5"ina ver(al5 9tan9 (a e'tinde* a prel$ngi + Ast&el* "$vant$l 9tantra9 poate 4nse!na o do"trin5 sa$ 2tiin35 * 4n "are $nele 4nv535t$ri s$nt "ontin$ate sa$ de#voltate+ A in3elege ter!en$l sansArit 9tantra9 drept se'$alitate este o eroare &iind"5 se!ni&i"a3ia sa este ) &ir* "ontin$itate* $r#eal5* te't$r5* 3es5t$r5* s$""esi$ne* do"trin5* tratat* te't "are e'p$ne a"east5 do"trin5 sa$ "ale* tehni"5* stiin35+ Be!ni&i"a3ia de 9tratat9* 9stiinta9* tehni"5 sa$ tehnologie * atri($it5 ter!en$l$i sansArit 9tantra9* o intalni! in te'tele dedi"ate !edi"inii* energiilor s$(tile (prana* A$ndalini * "entrelor energeti"e s$(tile ("haAra ori "onstr$"tiei navelor spatiale si interdi!ensionale n$!ite 9vi!ana9+ , o(serva3i "5 n$ &oloses" 9sans"rit9 sa$ 9"as!ir9 "a in l(+ &ran"e#a* "i &or!a de transliterare o&i"ial5 a li!(ii sansArite ( adi"5 9 sansArit9* 9Lash!ir9 .+ A(hinavag$pta a pre"i#at dest$l de dire"t lipsa de identitate dintre tantra si se'$alitate at$n"i "and a a&ir!at) 9Da"a tantra ( te'tele din traditia shivaita nond$alista din Lash!ir ar &i av$t "eva de%a &a"e "$ se'$alitatea* at$n"i !5gar$l ("$r$l !e$ !i%ar &i &ost !aestr$ 909I& 7antra 8o$ld have so!ething to do 8ith se'$ality* then !y donAey (ass 8o$ld (e !y !aster 90O Bi le tantris!e avait I$elI$e "hose = voir ave" la se'$alit<* alors !on Jne("$l serait !on !a4tre+ P

E6!,(3% (% VB;< $% % $+ O/h* "

;< A (&5+-B( *3h(( -C*). S- )% +/ +" P+ *3h( % (&5+)+ 3% 2-,5-,, -C-)(&B% $(& )+ +( /+ $+/3h($+ H& (&('% % C( %3*,* !D )-&$+ 3*/'*/-,. 7he s$tra is) 7?GCQIMR >S>BA@@B AB A K>A7Q>R* @IRQ7M>BB B>7T>>M 7Q>M ?1>MB IM7? Q>AR7 AMD 7Q>R> 1>RM>A7>B 7Q> C?BM?B+ Inainte de a intra 4n tehni"5* "Jteva re!ar"i introd$"tive "$ privire la ea+ 1ri!a* "eva "e tre($ie 4n3eles despre o"hi* deoare"e 4ntreaga tehni"5 se (a#ea#5 pe o"hi+ 1ri!$l l$"r$) ori"e e2ti* ori"e pari a &i din e'terior* este &als* dar n$ po3i 4n2ela prin o"hi+ M$ 43i po3i "rea o"hi &al2i+ P*B( 3)+% -& 3h(! 2%,/I &- HB( !*B( 2%,/(2(3% *3h(( + MG AI BGB C?M7R?@ >ste i!posi(il U da"5 n$ devii $n !aestr$ per&e"t* ase!eni l$i R$rdjie&& + D%3D &- $+1(( -& / D!J& !+)2+3 %, - -)*) +&+)5((,*) %,+* n$ 43i po3i &alsi&i"a o"hii+ Mi"i$n o! o(i2n$it n$ poate &a"e asta+ M$ 43i po3i &alsi&i"a o"hii+ Be&ore entering the te"hniI$e* so!e introd$"tory re!arAs a(o$t it+ Kirst* so!ething has to (e $nderstood a(o$t the eye* (e"a$se the 8hole te"hniI$e depends on it+ 7he &irst thing) 8hatsoever yo$ are* 8hatsoever yo$ appear &ro! 8itho$t* is &alse* ($t yo$ "annot de"eive yo$r eyes+ So$ "annot "reate &alse eyes+ So$ "an "reate a &alse &a"eC yo$ "annot &alsi&y yo$r eyes+ 7hat is i!possi(le %% $nless yo$ (e"o!e a per&e"t !aster

liAe a R$rdjie&&+ Gnless yo$ (e"o!e a per&e"t !aster o& all yo$r energies* yo$ "annot &alsi&y yo$r eyes+ Mo ordinary h$!an (eing "an do that+ So$ "annot &alsi&y yo$r eyes+ De a"eea* da"5 "ineva prive2te 4n o"hii t5i* prive2te &i' 4n o"hii t5i* te si!3i jignit* "5"i 4n"ear"5 s5 si!t5 adev5r$l+ Vi* din"olo de $n an$!it p$n"t* n$ po3i &a"e ni!i" U o"hii t5i vor ar5ta adev5rat$l sine+ Chiar 2i 4n ti!p "e vor(e2ti* "ontin$i s5 evi3i o"hii+ Da"5 n$ e2ti 4ndr5gostit de "ineva* da"5 "ineva n$ este gata s5 &ie sin"er "$ tine* n$ po3i privi &i'+ >'ist5 o li!it5+ 7hat;s 8hy i& so!eone looAs in yo$r eyes* stares in yo$r eyes* yo$ &eel o&&ended* (e"a$se he is trying to &ind the real thing+ And at that point yo$ "annot do anything %% yo$r eyes 8ill reveal the tr$e sel&+ Bo it is not good !anners to stare in any(ody;s eyes+ >ven 8hile talAing yo$ go on avoiding the eyes+ Gnless yo$ are in love 8ith so!eone* $nless so!eone is ready to (e tr$e 8ith yo$* yo$ "annot stare+ 7here is a li!it+ 1sihologii a$ o(servat "5 li!ita este de trei#e"i de se"$nde+ 1o3i privi &i' $n str5in ti!p de trei#e"i de se"$nde* n$ !ai !$lt+ D%3D !)(1+C ( '%( '-, , %( H&3+!- /D $+1(( %5)+/(1, C( 3+,D,%, /+ 1% /('B( ('+$(% &+,(&(C ( . P*B( !)(1( 2(6 $(& )--& !-&3 H&$+!D) % , !+& )- 3D % -&3( &('+&( &- +/ + 3*&C (+& . Da"5 e2ti la o distan35 de trei#e"i de !etri dep5rtare* pot "ontin$a s5 te prives" &i'* dar* da"5 e2ti doar la o j$!5tate de !etr$ distan35* devine i!posi(il+ 1sy"hologists have o(served that thirty se"onds is the li!it+ Tith a stranger yo$ "an stare &or thirty se"onds* not !ore+ I& yo$ stare !ore* yo$ have started (eing aggressive* and the other 8ill i!!ediately start to &eel $neasy+ So$ "an stare &ro! a &ar%a8ay point* (e"a$se then no one is a8are+ I& yo$ are a h$ndred &eet a8ay I "an go on staring at yo$* ($t i& yo$ are j$st t8o &eet a8ay it (e"o!es i!possi(le+ Intr%$n tren aglo!erat* 4ntr%$n li&t aglo!erat* stJnd jos sa$ 4n pi"ioare &oarte aproape $n$l de "el5lalt* n$ ne privi! ni"iodat5 4n o"hi+ 1$te! atinge tr$p$l U n$ deranjea#5 &oarte !$lt U* dar n$ ne privi! ni"iodat5 4n o"hi* pentr$ "5 ar &i prea !$lt* prea aproape 2i a! p5tr$nde 4n o!$l adev5rat+ 1ri!$l l$"r$ "are tre($ie 3in$t !inte) *3h(( &- %- !+)/*&%,( % + W >R?. E( /-& &% -)D !-)D. M$ a$ personalitate+ In a "ro8ded train* or in a "ro8ded elevator* sitting or standing j$st "lose together* yo$ never looA at ea"h other;s eyes+ So$ "an to$"h the (ody %% that is not so o&&ensive %% ($t yo$ never looA into ea"h other;s eyes (e"a$se that 8ill (e too !$"h* too near* and yo$ 8ill penetrate the real !an+ 7he &irst thing to re!e!(er) eyes have no personality+ 7hey are p$re nat$re+ 7hey have no personality+ Al doilea l$"r$ "are tre($ie 3in$t !inte) te !i2ti 4n l$!e aproape 4n 4ntregi!e prin inter!edi$l o"hilorC ei sp$n opt#e"i la s$t5+ 1sihologii "are a$ st$diat o"hii sp$n "5 *! F+3( ,% /- D $(& 3*& %3 -, 3- ,-'+% +/ + !)(& (& +)'+$(-, *3h(,*). ?pt#e"i la s$t5 din via3a ta se !i2"5 prin inter!edi$l o"hilor+ 7he se"ond thing to re!e!(er) yo$ !ove into the 8orld al!ost only thro$gh the eyesC they say eighty per"ent+ 7hose 8ho have (een 8orAing 8ith eyes* the psy"hologists* they say that eighty per"ent o& "onta"t 8ith the 8orld is thro$gh the eyes+ >ighty per"ent o& yo$r li&e !oves o$t thro$gh the eyes+ De a"eea* de &ie"are dat5 "Jnd ve#i $n or(* si!3i !il5+ M$ si!3i atJta !il5 2i "o!pasi$ne "Jnd ve#i $n o! s$rd* dar "Jnd ve#i $n o! or(* si!3i $(& )-*$% D '(,D C( 3*'!%/(-&+. D+ 3+K L $+*%)+3+ +/ + *! F+3( ,% /- D '*) . U& *' /-)$ &- +/ + % J $+ '*) . Chiar da"5 pi"ioarele tale s$nt t5iate 2i !Jinile tale s$nt t5iate* n$ vei &i atJt de p$3in vi$* dar $n &+1DFD *) +/ + *! F+3( ,% /- D H&3h(/I tr5ie2te doar do$5#e"i la s$t5+ 7hat;s 8hy 8henever yo$ see a (lind !an* yo$ &eel pity+ So$ never &eel so !$"h pity and sy!pathy 8hen yo$ see a dea& !an* ($t 8hen yo$ see a (lind !an* s$ddenly yo$ &eel sy!pathy and "o!passion+ ThyX %% (e"a$se he is eighty per"ent non%alive+ A dea& !an is not so non%alive+ >ven i& yo$r &eet are "$t and yo$r hands are "$t* yo$ 8ill not (e so $nalive* ($t a (lind !an is eighty per"ent "losedC he lives only t8enty per"ent+ 1rin o"hi* opt#e"i la s$t5 din energia ta iese 4n a&ar5+ 7e !i2ti 4n l$!e prin inter!edi$l o"hilor+ A2a "5* at$n"i 3J&$ *0*/+C (* pri!$l l$"r$ s$nt o"hii+ Mai tJr#i$ 2i alte p5r3i ale tr$p$l$i vor &i a&e"tateC $%) *3h(( /-& !)('(( 3%)+ HC( !(+)$ +&+)5(%. 7hro$gh yo$r eyes eighty per"ent o& yo$r energy !oves o$t+ So$ are !oving into the 8orld thro$gh the eyes+ Bo 8hen yo$ get tired* the &irst thing is the eyes+ @ater on* other parts o& the (ody 8ill (e a&&e"tedC the eyes 8ill (e the &irst to (e drained o& energy+

D%3D HB( !*B( )+1(5*)% *3h((, HB( !*B( )+1(5*)% H& )+5-, )-!, $+*%)+3+ +( /-& *! F+3( ,% /- D $(& +&+)5(% %. Da"5 43i po3i revigora o"hii* te%ai revigorat pe tine+ I& yo$ "an re&resh yo$r eyes* yo$ "an re&resh yo$r 8hole (ody* (e"a$se they are eighty per"ent o& yo$r energy+ I& yo$ "an revitali#e yo$r eyes* yo$ have revitali#ed yo$rsel&+ Intr%o a!(ian35 nat$ral5* n$ te si!3i ni"iodat5 la &el de o(osit "a 4ntr%$n ora2 nenat$ral* deoare"e* H& )--& '+$(- &% -)%,, *3h(( D( /-& h)D&(B( H& '*$ 3*&/ %& . Verdea3a* at!os&era proasp5t5 U tot$l 43i rela'ea#5 o"hii 2i 4i hr5ne2te+ Intr%$n ora2 !odern* tot$l 43i e'ploatea#5 o"hii 2i ni!i" n$ 4i hr5ne2te+ AC% 3D '- D- + H& )--& /% H&$+!D) % /%- !+ 3-,'+% -&-( $+%, -&$+ H& '+$(- &- +6(/ D &('(3 %) (2(3(%,, -&$+ * -, +/ + &% -)%,, C( 1+( 1+$+% -& (! $(2+)( $+ *3h(. Btr5l$"irea* "alitatea vor &i di&erite U proaspe3i* de ani!al* p5tr$n#5tori* vii* dansJnd+ In a nat$ral s$rro$nding yo$ never &eel as tired as yo$ &eel in an $nnat$ral "ity* (e"a$se in a nat$ral s$rro$nding yo$r eyes are "ontin$o$sly &ed+ 7he greenery* the &resh at!osphere %% everything rela'es yo$r eyes and &eeds the!+ In a !odern "ity everything e'ploits yo$r eyes and nothing &eeds the!+ Bo !ove to a re!ote village* or to a hilltop 8here nothing arti&i"ial is in the !ilie$* 8here everything is nat$ral* and yo$ 8ill see a di&&erent type o& eyes+ 7he t8inAling* the I$ality* 8ill (e di&&erent %% &resh* ani!al%liAe* penetrating* alive* dan"ing+ I& )--& *)%C '*$+)&, *3h(( /-& '*)B(I )D(+/3 $*%) ,% '(&('-'. N- C (- 3+ +/ + /D)0D *%)+%. N- C (- 3+ +/ + !)*/!+B('+%. ?"hii n$ s$nt "on2tien3i de vreo via35 "e "$rge prin eiC s$nt doar e'ploata3i+ ?pt#e"i la s$t5 din energia ta se !i2"5 prin o"hi* a2a "5 tre($ie s5 &ii per&e"t "on2tient 2i tre($ie s5 4nve3i o art5 despre a"east5 !i2"are* a"east5 energie 2i despre posi(ilitatea o"hilor+ In a !odern "ity* eyes are deadC j$st living on the !ini!$!+ 7hey don;t Ano8 8hat &estivity is+ 7hey don;t Ano8 8hat &reshness is+ 7he eyes are $na8are o& any li&e &lo8ing thro$gh the!C they are j$st (eing e'ploited+ >ighty per"ent o& yo$r energy !oves &ro! yo$r eyes* so yo$ have to (e per&e"tly a8are* and yo$ have to learn an art a(o$t this !ove!ent* this energy* and the possi(ility o& the eyes+ In India a! n$!it *'-, *)0 !)%E&%-3h%>/h- L *3h( H&B+,+! U dintr%$n !otiv an$!e* deoare"e &ie"are 4ntJ!plare ne&eri"it5 poate &i trans&or!at5 4ntr% * '%)+ *!*) -&( % ++ ?pt#e"i la s$t5 din energie se !i2"5 prin o"hi* iar "Jnd o persoan5 este oar(5* este opt#e"i la s$t5 non%vieC opt#e"i la s$t5 din "onta"t$l s5$ "$ l$!ea este pierd$t+ >l este &oarte s5ra" 4n "eea "e prive2te l$!ea e'terioar5* dar* da"5 poate &olosi a"east5 oport$nitate U a"east5 oport$nitate de a &i or( U* at$n"i 42i poate &olosi "ele opt#e"i de pro"ente din energia sa pentr$ l$!ea sa interioar5C a"ei opt#e"i la s$t5 pe "are n$ 4i po3i &olosi 4n !od nor!al* da"5 n$ 2tii arta+ A2a "5 opt#e"i la s$t5 din energia l$i este "$ el* este $n re#ervor* 2i energia "are se !i2"5 4n !od nor!al 4n a&ar5* se poate !i2"a 4n5$ntr$+ D%3D C (+ 3-' /D H( !+)'( D /D /+ '(C + H& (& +)(*), 1% $+1+&( -& *3h( H&B+,+! . In India 8e have (een "alling (lind !en 1RAHMA%CQALBQG %% 8isdo!%eye %% &or a parti"$lar reason* (e"a$se every !is&ort$ne "an (e trans&or!ed into a great opport$nity+ >ighty per"ent o& the energy !oves thro$gh the eyes* and 8hen a person is (lind* he is eighty per"ent not aliveC 8ith the 8orld eighty per"ent o& his "onta"t is lost+ Qe is very poor as &ar as the 8orld 8itho$t is "on"erned* ($t i& he "an $se this opport$nity %% this opport$nity o& (eing (lind %% then he "an $se this eighty per"ent o& his energy &or his inner 8orldC this eighty per"ent that yo$ "annot $se ordinarily $nless yo$ Ano8 the art+ Bo eighty per"ent o& his energy is 8ith hi!* it is a reservoir* and the energy that nor!ally !oves o$t "an !ove 8ithin+ I& he Ano8s ho8 to allo8 it to !ove 8ithin* he 8ill (e"o!e a 8isdo!%eye+ N* % DM" 1ra"ti"a in int$neri" total MantaA Chia* Milarepa Gn nev5#5tor n$ este $n prajna%"haAsh$* $n o"hi 4n3elept* doar &iind or(* 4ns5 poate deveni+ N- %)+ *3h( *0(C&-(B(, $%) !*% + *0B(&+ *3h(( H&B+,+!3(-&(( + 1osi(ilitatea este a"olo+ @%a! n$!it prajna%"haAsh$ doar pentr$ a%l &a"e "on2tient "5 n$ ar tre($i s5 4i par5 r5$ "5 n$ are o"hi+ 1oate "rea $n o"hi interior* 2i opt#e"i la s$t5 din energia sa este "$ el* "eea "e n$ se 4ntJ!pl5 "$ "ei "are a$ o"hi+ >l o poate !i2"a+ ? poate &olosi+ A (lind !an is not a 1RAHMA%CQALBQG* a 8isdo!%eye* j$st (y (eing (lind* ($t he "an (e+ Qe doesn;t have ordinary eyes* ($t he "an get the eyes o& 8isdo!+ 7he possi(ility is there+ Te na!ed hi! 1RAHMA%CQALBQG j$st to !aAe hi! a8are that he sho$ld not (e sorry that he doesn;t have eyes+ Qe "an "reate an inner eye* and eighty per"ent o& energy

is 8ith hi! 8hi"h is not 8ith those 8ho have eyes+ Qe "an !ove it+ Qe "an $se it+ Ch(%) $%3D *'-, *)0 &- +/ + 3*&C (+& , $+1(&+ '%( ,(&(C ( $+3J (&+. D+1(&+ '%( )+,%6% . P%)+ % 2( H'!D3% 3- /(&+I &- &+'-,B-'( . A"esta n$ va &i "a#$l "$ $n o! s$rd+ >l va &i !ai nelini2tit de"Jt tine 2i va deveni vi"lean+ Dar -& *' *)0 &- +/ + &(3(*$% D 1(3,+%&, &(3(*$% D &+,(&(C ( , &(3(*$% D 3%,3-,% I +/ + H&3)+FD *), 3- * 3)+$(&BD !)*2-&$D H& +6(/ +&BD. >ven i& the (lind !an is not a8are* he (e"o!es !ore silent than yo$ are+ Qe (e"o!es !ore rela'ed+ @ooA at a (lind !an+ Qe is !ore silent+ Qis &a"e is !ore rela'ed+ Qe see!s to (e at ease 8ith hi!sel&C no dis"ontent+ 7his 8ill not (e the "ase 8ith a dea& !an+ Qe 8ill (e !ore restless than yo$* and he 8ill (e"o!e "$nning+ B$t a (lind !an is never "$nning* never restless* never "al"$lativeC (asi"ally tr$sting* in a deep &aith 8ith e'isten"e+ De "e se 4ntJ!pl5 astaX U deoare"e energia* "ele opt#e"i de pro"ente de energie* "hiar da"5 el n$ 2tie ni!i" despre ele* se !i2"5 4n interior+ Devin o "$rgere "onstant5* o "as"ad5+ Ch(%) (&3*&C (+& , %3+%/ D 3%/3%$D 3*& (&-D /D 3%$D !+ (&('% /%. A"eea2i energie "are iese "ontin$5 s5 "ad5 pe ini!a sa U asta s"hi!(5 "alitatea &iin3ei l$i+ In India anti"5* o!$l or( era &oarte respe"tat U respe"t$l pentr$ el era deose(it de !are+ Din a"est respe"t pro&$nd* l%a! n$!it prajna%"haAsh$* o"hi$l 4n3elept+ Thy does this happenX %% (e"a$se the eighty per"ent o& energy* even i& he doesn;t Ano8 anything a(o$t it* is !oving 8ithin+ It (e"o!es a "onstant &all* j$st liAe a 8ater&all+ >ven $na8are* it goes on &alling on his heart+ 7he sa!e energy that !oves o$t* goes on &alling on his heart %% that "hanges the I$ality o& his (eing+ In an"ient India the (lind !an 8as very !$"h respe"ted %% very !$"h respe"ted+ In deep respe"t 8e "alled hi! 1RAHMACQALBQG* 8isdo!%eye+ A3+,%C( ,-3)- !*B( /D H, 2%3( C( 3- *3h(( D(, (%) %3+%/ D +h&(3D -)'D)+C + *3'%( %/ %" /D %E- + +&+)5(% 3+ (+/+ %2%)D /D 3-)5D H&%!*( H& (& +)(*)-, D-, H& 3+& )-, (&('(( %,+. Da"5 va "5dea pe "entr$, + 1+( /('B( (&3)+$(0(, $+ -C*)+ Bi!3i "5 4ntreg$l tr$p a devenit o pan5C "a 2i "$! gravita3ia n$ ar avea a(sol$t ni"i$n e&e"t as$pra sa+ Vi i!ediat e2ti "one"tat "$ "ea !ai pro&$nd5 s$rs5 a &iin3ei tale* "are te )+1( %,(F+%FD. 7he sa!e yo$ "an do 8ith yo$r eyes* and this te"hniI$e is &or that) to help yo$r energy 8hi"h !oves o$t to &all (a"A $pon yo$rsel&* $pon yo$r o8n heart "enter+ I& it &alls on the heart* yo$ (e"o!e as light as possi(le+ So$ &eel as i& the 8hole (ody has (e"o!e a &eatherC as i& gravitation has a(sol$tely no e&&e"t on it+ And i!!ediately yo$ are "onne"ted 8ith the deepest so$r"e o& yo$r (eing* 8hi"h revitali#es yo$+ 1entr$ VB* /*'&-, !)*2-&$ + )+1( %,(F+%FD &- $% *)( D /*'&-,-(, 3( $*%) $% *)( D +&+)5(+( 3%)+ &- /+ '(C3D H& %2%)D, /+ '(C3D H& (& +)(*). Da"5 2tii se"ret$l* at$n"i "eea "e &a"e $n o! o(i2n$it 4n 2ase ore sa$ opt ore de so!n t$ po3i &a"e 4n "Jteva !in$te+ Ceea "e $n o! o(i2n$it &a"e 4n opt ore* 4n realitate n$ &a"e+ Yi per!ite nat$rii s5 &a"5 "eva 2i n$ este "on2tient despre "e este vor(a+ Yn so!n se petre"e $n pro"es !isterios+ U&-, $(& )+ ,-3)-)(,+ +/+&B(%,+ +/ + %3+,% 3D +&+)5(% % &- (+/+ H& +6 +)(*)I /+ $-3+ ,% (&('D, C( %/ % + )+1( %,(F+%FD. Kor VB* deep sleep revitali#es yo$ not (e"a$se o& sleep* ($t j$st (e"a$se the energy 8hi"h 8as !oving o$t* !oves in+ I& yo$ Ano8 the se"ret* then 8hat an ordinary !an is doing in si' ho$rs or eight ho$rs sleep* yo$ "an do 8ithin !in$tes+ That an ordinary !an is doing in eight ho$rs* really he is not doing+ Qe is allo8ing nat$re to do so!ething* and he is not a8are o& 8hat it is+ A !ysterio$s pro"ess is happening in yo$r sleep+ ?ne o& the (asi" things is that yo$r energy is not !oving o$tC it goes on &alling on yo$r heart* and that revitali#es yo$+

7e s"al#i 4ntr%o (aie adJn"5 de energie proprie+ In"5 "eva despre a"east5 energie "e se !i2"5+ P*% + %B( *0/+)1% 3D * !+)/*%&D $*'(&%& D + !)(1+C + H& * $+%-&% 2(6 H& *3h(. C(&+1% $*'(&% !)(1+C + H& E*/. B"lavii* servitorii sa$ ori"ine este in&erior "$iva n$ va privi ni"iodat5 &i' 4n o"hii s$perior$l$i+ Dar s$periorii pot privi &i'+ Regii pot privi &i'* dar* stJnd 4n &a3a $n$i rege* stJnd 4n pre#en3a $n$i rege* n$ ai voie s5 prive2ti &i'+ Ar &i o o&ens5+ 7re($ie s5 prive2ti 4n jos+

So$ are in a deep (ath 8ith yo$r o8n energy+ Bo!ething !ore a(o$t this !oving energy+ So$ !ight have o(served that 8henever there is a do!inant !an* he al8ays stares in yo$r eyes+ Thenever there is a do!inated !an* he looAs do8n+ Blaves* servants* or anyone 8ho is in&erior to so!eone* 8ill never stare in the eyes o& the s$perior+ B$t the s$perior "an stare+ Lings "an stare* ($t standing (e&ore a Aing* standing in the a$dien"e o& the Aing* yo$ are not s$pposed to stare+ 7hat 8o$ld (e an o&&en"e+ So$ have to looA do8n+ I& )+%,( % +, 3- *3h(( D( /+ '(C3D C( +&+)5(% %. P*% + $+1+&( * 1(*,+&BD /-0 (,D. Vi n$ doar la o!* "i "hiar 2i la ani!ale+ CJnd se 4ntJlnes" doi str5ini* "Jnd se 4ntJlnes" do$5 ani!ale* se prives" &i' 4n o"hi doar pentr$ a j$de"a "ine va &i s$perior$l 2i "ine va l$a rol$l in&erior$l$i+ Vi* odat5 "e $n ani!al prive2te 4n jos* ierarhia a &ost sta(ilit5+ M$ se vor l$ptaC tot$l s%a ter!inat+ B%a sta(ilit "ine este s$perior$l+ Really* 8ith yo$r eyes yo$r energy !oves+ It "an (e"o!e a s$(tle violen"e+ And not only in !an* even in ani!als+ Then t8o strangers !eet* t8o ani!als !eet* they stare ea"h other in the eye j$st to j$dge 8ho is going to (e the s$perior and 8ho is going to taAe the role o& the in&erior+ And on"e one ani!al looAs do8n* the thing is de"ided+ 7hen they 8ill not &ightC the thing is over+ It is no8 taAen &or granted 8ho is s$perior+ N* % DM" IM7A@MIR>A CG GRBG@ Chiar 2i "opiii joa"5 $n jo" "$ o"hii) jo"$l de a privi &i' $n$l 4n o"hii "el$ilalt* 2i "el "are 42i !$t5 privirea este 4n&rJnt+ Vi a$ dreptate+ CJ&$ $*( 3*!(( /+ !)(1+/3 2(6 H& *3h(, !)('-, 3%)+ /+ /(' + &+!,D3- , $+1(&+ %5( % C( !)(1+C + H& %, D !%) +, !+& )- % +1( % !)(1()+% 3+,-(,%, , +/ + H&2)J& . Cel "are "ontin$5 s5 priveas"5 &i' este !ai p$terni"+ Da"5 o"hii t5i pot 4n&rJnge o"hii "el$ilalt* este o indi"a3ie s$(til5 "5 t$ e2ti !ai p$terni" de"Jt "el5lalt+ >ven "hildren play the ga!e o& staring into ea"h other;s eyes* and 8hoever looAs a8ay is de&eated+ And they are right+ Then t8o "hildren stare into ea"h other;s eyes* 8hosoever (e"o!es &irst $n"o!&orta(le and starts &idgeting and starts looAing a8ay and avoiding the looA o& the other* is de&eated+ 7he one 8ho goes on staring is stronger+ I& yo$r eyes "an de&eat the other;s eyes* it is a s$(tle indi"ation that yo$ are stronger than the other+ 1e s"en5* "Jnd "ineva vine s5 vor(eas"5 sa$ s5 interprete#e* 4n"epe s5 se tea!5* apare $n !are tre!$r+ Chiar 2i a"eia "are s$nt de !$lt 4n a"east5 pro&esie* ve"hi a"toriZ "hiar 2i pe ei* "Jnd vin pe s"en5* 4i "$prinde o tea!5* deoare"e s$nt privi3i &i' de atJ3ia o"hiC atJt de !$lt5 energie agresiv5+ >ste atJt de !$lt5 energie de la !iile de oa!eni "are 4i prives" &i'* 4n"Jt 4n"ep dintr%odat5 s5 tre!$re 4n adJn"$l lor+ Yi "$prinde o tea!5+ ? energie s$(til5 "$rge prin o"hi* o energie &oarte s$(til5+ Cea !ai s$(til5* "ea !ai ra&inat5 dintre &or3ele &i#i"e "$rge prin o"hi+ Iar "alitatea energiei te s"hi!(5+ ?n the stage 8hen so!eone "o!es to speaA or to a"t* he (e"o!es very a&raid* a great tre!(ling happens+ >ven 8ith those 8ho are long in the pro&ession* old a"tors+++ even 8hen they "o!e on the stage a &ear grips the!* (e"a$se so !any eyes are staringC there is so !$"h aggressive energy+ 7here is so !$"h energy &ro! the tho$sands o& people staring at the! that they s$ddenly start tre!(ling deep do8n+ A &ear grips the!+ A s$(tle energy is &lo8ing thro$gh the eyes* a very s$(tle energy+ 7he s$(tlest* the !ost re&ined o& physi"al &or"es* is &lo8ing thro$gh the eyes+ And the I$ality o& the energy "hanges 8ith yo$+ D(& *3h(( ,-( B-$$h% 3-)5+ -& %, (! $+ +&+)5(+. Din o"hii l$i Qitler* $n "$ tot$l alt tip+ Da"5 prive2ti o"hii l$i B$ddha* ei te a""ept5* te 4ntJ!pin5* devin o $25+ Da"5 prive2ti o"hii l$i Qitler* ei te resping* te "onda!n5* te 4!ping* te ar$n"5 4n a&ar5+ 1entr$ Qitler* o"hii s5i s$nt ase!enea $nor ar!eC pentr$ B-$$h%, *3h(( /D( /-& 3*'!%/(-&+. Calitatea o"hilor se s"hi!(5+ Mai devre!e sa$ !ai tJr#i$* tre($ie s5 aj$nge! s5 !5s$r5! energia o"hilor* 2i at$n"i n$ va !ai &i nevoie s5 2ti! !$lte despre o!+ Doar energia o"hilor 2i "alitatea a"esteia vor ar5ta "e &el de o! se as"$nde 4n spatele lor+ Mai devre!e sa$ !ai tJr#i$* asta va &i posi(il+ Kro! the eyes o& a B$ddha a di&&erent type o& energy is &lo8ing+ Kro! the eyes o& a Qitler a totally di&&erent type+ I& yo$ looA at B$ddha;s eyes* they a""ept yo$* they 8el"o!e yo$* they (e"o!e a door+ I& yo$ looA at Qitler;s eyes* they reje"t yo$* they "onde!n yo$* they p$sh yo$ a8ay* they thro8 yo$ a8ay+ Kor Qitler* his eyes are liAe 8eaponsC &or B$ddha* his eyes are "o!passion+ 7he I$ality o& the eyes "hanges+ Booner or later 8e !$st "o!e to !eas$re the eyeenergy* and then there 8ill (e no need to Ano8 !$"h a(o$t the !an+ H$st the eye%energy

and its I$ality 8ill sho8 8hat type o& !an is hidden (ehind+ Booner or later that 8ill (e possi(le+ A"east5 s$tra* a"east5 tehni"5) P+ *3h( % (&5+)+ 3% 2-,5-,, -C-)(&B% $(& )+ +( /+ $+/3h($+ H& (&('% % C( %3*,* !D )-&$+ 3*/'*/-,. 7his s$tra* this te"hniI$e)7o$"hing eye(alls as a &eather* lightness (et8een the! opens into heart and there per!eates the "os!os+ 1e o"hi atingere "a &$lg$lZ Kolose2te%3i a!(ele pal!e* p$ne%le pe o"hi 2i per!ite%le pal!elor s5 ating5 glo(ii o"$lari U dar ase!enea $nei pene* &5r5 ni"io presi$ne+ Da"5 ape2i* pier#i 4ntreaga idee* rate#i 4ntreaga tehni"5+ 7o$"hing eye(alls as a &eather+++ Gse (oth yo$r pal!s* p$t the! on yo$r eyes* and allo8 the pal!s to to$"h the eye(alls %% ($t j$st liAe a &eather* 8ith no press$re+ I& yo$ press yo$ !iss the point* yo$ !iss the 8hole te"hniI$e+ M$ ap5saC doar atinge pre"$! o pan5+ Va tre($i s5 e'erse#i* "5"i la 4n"ep$t vei ap5sa+ P-&+ $(& 3+ H& 3+ '%( !-B(&D !)+/(-&+, !J&D 3J&$ $*%) % (&5(, 2D)D &(3(* !)+/(-&+ L !%,'+,+ %,+ $*%) % (&5 5,*0(( *3-,%)(. Don;t pressC j$st to$"h liAe a &eather+ So$ 8ill have to adj$st* (e"a$se in the (eginning yo$ 8ill (e pressing+ 1$t less and less press$re $ntil yo$ are j$st to$"hing 8ith no press$re at all %% j$st yo$r pal!s to$"h the eye(alls+ 1002 Doar o atingere* doar o 4ntJlnire* &5r5 ni"io presi$ne* pentr$ "5* da"5 presi$nea este a"olo* tehni"a n$ va &$n"3iona+ De"i U "a &$lg$l+ De "eX 1entr$ "5 -& %3 !*% + 2%3+ ,-3)-)( !+ 3%)+ /%0(% &- ,+ !*% + 2%3+. Da"5 ape2i* "alitatea s%a s"hi!(at U e2ti agresiv+ Iar energia "are "$rge prin o"hi este &oarte deli"at5) o !i"5 presi$ne 2i 4n"epe s5 se l$pte* 2i re#isten3a este "reat5+ Da"5 ape2i* at$n"i energia "e "$rge prin o"hi va op$ne re#isten35* va l$ptaC de"i va re#$lta o l$pt5+ H$st a to$"h* j$st a !eeting 8ith no press$re* (e"a$se i& the press$re is there* then the te"hniI$e 8ill not &$n"tion+ Bo %% @IL> A K>A7Q>R+ ThyX Be"a$se a needle "an do so!ething 8hi"h a s8ord "annot do+ I& yo$ press* the I$ality has "hanged %% yo$ are aggressive+ And the energy that is &lo8ing thro$gh the eyes is very s$(tle) a s!all press$re and it starts &ighting and a resistan"e is "reated+ I& yo$ press* then the energy that is &lo8ing thro$gh the eyes 8ill start a resistan"e* a &ightC a str$ggle 8ill ens$e+ A2a "5 n$ ap5saC o presi$ne "Jt de !i"5 este 4ndeaj$ns pentr$ "a energia o"hi$l$i s5 riposte#e+ >ste &oarte s$(til5* este &oarte deli"at5+ M$ ap5saC doar pal!a ta atinge ase!enea $nei pene* "a 2i "$! n$ ar atinge+ Atinge "a 2i "$! n$ ar atinge* &5r5 ni"io presi$neC doar o atingere* $n senti!ent s$(til "5 pal!a atinge glo($l o"$lar* asta este tot+ Bo don;t pressC even a slight press$re is eno$gh &or the eye%energy to j$dge+ It is very s$(tle* it is very deli"ate+ Don;t press %% liAe a &eather* j$st yo$r pal! is to$"hing* as i& not to$"hing+ 7o$"hing as i& not to$"hing* no press$reC j$st a to$"h* a slight &eeling that the pal! is to$"hing the eye(all* that;s all+ C+ /+ 1% H& J'!,%K CJ&$ $*%) % (&5(, 2D)D &(3(* !)+/(-&+, +&+)5(% H&3+!+ /D /+ '(C + H& (& +)(*). D%3D %!+C(, +&+)5(% H&3+!+ /D ,-! + 3- 'J&%, 3- !%,'% C( (+/+ H& +6 +)(*). D*%) * % (&5+)+, C( +&+)5(% H&3+!+ /D /+ '(C + H& (& +)(*). UC% +/ + H&3h(/DI !-) C( /('!,-, -C% +/ + H&3h(/D C( +&+)5(% 3%$+ H&%!*(. I& '*'+& -, H& 3%)+ +&+)5(% 3%$+ H&%!*(, /('B( * -C-)(&BD, * ,(!/D $+ 5)+- % + 3+ HB( 3-!)(&$+ H& )+5-, 3h(!, H& )+5-, 3%!. E&+)5(% 3+ '+)5+ H&%!*( + 2%3+ -C*). That 8ill happenX Then yo$ si!ply to$"h 8itho$t any press$re* the energy starts !oving 8ithin+ I& yo$ press* it starts &ighting 8ith the hand* 8ith the pal!* and !oves o$t+ H$st a to$"h and the energy starts !oving 8ithin+ 7he door is "losedC si!ply the door is "losed and the energy &alls (a"A+ 7he !o!ent energy &alls (a"A* yo$ 8ill &eel a lightness "o!ing all over yo$r &a"e* yo$r head+ 7his energy !oving (a"A !aAes yo$ light+ M( 3h(%) H& )+ %3+C ( $*( *3h( +/ + %, )+(,+% *3h(, *3h(-, H&B+,+!3(-&(( (3-&*%/ +)(( $()+3 +), !)%E&%-3h%>/h-. Ch(%) H& )+ %3+C ( $*( *3h( /+ %2,D %, )+(,+% *3h(. D+ %3++% * !+)/*%&D /+ /(' + -C*%)D, !,- (&$, 3% C( 3-' &- %) +6(/ % 5)%1( %B(+.

Vi* de la al treilea o"hi* energia "ade* pe ini!5+ >ste $n pro"es &i#i") pi"5t$r5 "$ pi"5t$r5* "ade 2i t$ vei si!3i intrJnd 4n ini!a ta $n senti!ent &oarte $2or+ B5t5ile ini!ii vor 4n"etini* respira3ia va 4n"etini+ Intreg$l t5$ tr$p se va si!3i rela'at+ And j$st (et8een these t8o eyes is the third eye* the 8isdo!%eye* the 1RAHMA%CQALBQG+ H$st (et8een these t8o eyes is the third eye+ 7he energy &alling (a"A &ro! the eyes hits the third eye+ 7hat;s 8hy one &eels light* levitating* as i& there is no gravitation+ And &ro! the third eye the energy &alls on the heart+ It is a physi"al pro"ess) j$st drip* drip* it drops* and yo$ 8ill &eel a very light &eeling entering in yo$r heart+ 7he heart(eats 8ill slo8 do8n* the (reathing 8ill slo8 do8n+ So$r 8hole (ody 8ill &eel rela'ed+ Chiar 2i da"5 n$ intri 4n !edita3ie pro&$nd5* asta te va aj$ta din p$n"t de vedere &i#i"+ In ori"e !o!ent al #ilei* rela'ea#5%te pe $n s"a$n sa$ da"5 n$ ai ni"i$n s"a$n U doar stJnd 4n tren U* 4n"hide o"hii* destinde%3i 4ntreg$l tr$p 2i apoi p$ne%3i a!(ele pal!e pe o"hi+ >ven i& yo$ are not entering deep !editation* this 8ill help yo$ physi"ally+ Any ti!e in the day* rela' on a "hair %% or i& yo$ don;t have any "hair* 8hen j$st sitting in a train %% "lose yo$r eyes* &eel a rela'ed (eing in the 8hole o& yo$r (ody* and then p$t (oth yo$r pal!s on yo$r eyes+ Dar n$ ap5sa U a"esta este l$"r$l &oarte i!portant+ Doar atinge pre"$! o pan5+ CJ&$ % (&5( C( &- %!+C(, 5J&$-)(,+ %,+ /+ 1*) *!)( ('+$(% . I& )-* '(& + )+,%6% D, 5J&$-)(,+ &- /+ !* '(C3%I H&5h+%BD. E,+ %- &+1*(+ $+ 2)+&+F(+ C( 2+0)D, %- &+1*(+ $+ +&/(-&+ !+& )- % /+ '(C3%. 7r5ies" prin tensi$ne+ CJnd o"hii s$nt lini2ti3i* rela'a3i* iar energia se !i2"5 4napoi* gJnd$rile se opres"+ Vei si!3i $n senti!ent de e$&orie* iar a"esta se va adJn"i 4n &ie"are #i+ B$t don;t press %% that;s the very signi&i"ant thing+ H$st to$"h liAe a &eather+ Then yo$ to$"h and don;t press* yo$r tho$ghts 8ill stop i!!ediately+ In a rela'ed !ind tho$ghts "annot !oveC they get &ro#en+ 7hey need &ren#y and &ever* they need tension to !ove+ 7hey live thro$gh tension+ Then the eyes are silent* rela'ed* and the energy is !oving (a"A8ards* tho$ghts 8ill stop+ So$ 8ill &eel a "ertain I$ality o& e$phoria* and that 8ill deepen daily+ A2a "5 &5%o de !$lte ori 4ntr%o #i+ Chiar 2i pentr$ o "lip5* atingerea va &i ($n5+ ?ri de "Jte ori o"hii 43i s$nt e'ten$a3i* stor2i de energie* ep$i#a3i U d$p5 "e "ite2ti* ve#i $n &il!* te $i3i la televi#or U* doar 4n"hide o"hii 2i atinge+ I!ediat va ap5rea e&e"t$l+ Dar* da"5 vrei s5 o &a"i 4n !edita3ie* at$n"i &5%o ti!p de "el p$3in patr$#e"i de !in$te+ Vi toat5 ideea este s5 n$ ape2i+ Deoare"e este $2or s5 ai o atingere de pan5 pentr$ $n sing$r !o!entC este di&i"il pentr$ patr$#e"i de !in$te+ De !$lte ori vei $ita 2i vei 4n"epe s5 ape2i+ Bo do it !any ti!es in the day+ >ven &or a single !o!ent* to$"hing 8ill (e good+ Thenever yo$r eyes &eel e'ha$sted* dry o& energy* e'ploited %% a&ter reading* seeing a &il!* or 8at"hing 7V %% 8henever yo$ &eel it* j$st "lose the eyes and to$"h+ I!!ediately there 8ill (e the e&&e"t+ B$t i& yo$ 8ant to !aAe it a !editation* then do it &or at least &orty !in$tes+ And the 8hole thing is not to press+ Be"a$se it is easy &or a single !o!ent to have a &eather%liAe to$"hC it is di&&i"$lt &or &orty !in$tes+ Many ti!es yo$ 8ill &orget and yo$ 8ill start pressing+ M$ ap5sa+ 7i!p de patr$#e"i de !in$te* r5!Ji "on2tient "5 !Jinile tale n$ a$ ni"io gre$tateC ele doar ating+ Contin$5 s5 &ii "on2tient "5 n$ ape2i* doar atingi+ Asta va deveni o "on2tienti#are pro&$nd5* ase!enea respira3iei+ A2a "$! B$ddha sp$ne s5 respiri per&e"t "on2tient* la &el se va 4ntJ!pla 2i "$ atingerea* deoare"e )+0-(+ /D 2(( 3*&C (+& '+)+- 3D &- %!+C(. Don;t press+ Kor &orty !in$tes* j$st re!ain a8are that yo$r hands have no 8eightC they are j$st to$"hing+ Ro on (eing a8are that yo$ are not pressing* only to$"hing+ 7his 8ill (e"o!e a deep a8areness* j$st liAe (reathing+ As B$ddha says to (reathe 8ith &$ll a8areness* the sa!e 8ill happen 8ith to$"hing* (e"a$se yo$ have to (e "onstantly !ind&$l that yo$ are not pressing+ MJna ta ar tre($i s5 &ie o pan5* $n l$"r$ lipsit de gre$tate* atingere $2oar5+ Mintea ta va &i total a"olo* alert5* lJng5 o"hi* iar energia va "$rge "onstant+ @a 4n"ep$t doar va pi"$ra* 4n stropi+ So$r hand sho$ld j$st (e a &eather* a 8eightless thing* si!ply to$"hing+ So$r !ind 8ill (e totally there* alert* near the eyes* and the energy 8ill (e &lo8ing "onstantly+ In the (eginning it 8ill (e j$st dropping in drops+

In "Jteva l$ni* vei si!3i "5 a devenit ase!enea $n$i rJ$* iar 4ntr%$n an* vei si!3i "5 a devenit $n &l$vi$+ Vi "Jnd se 4ntJ!pl5 U pe o"hi atingere "a &$lg$l* $2$rin3a dintre ei U* "Jnd atingi* vei si!3i $2$rin35* pierderea gre$t53ii+ Tithin !onths yo$ 8ill &eel it has (e"o!e a river%liAe thing* and 8ithin a year yo$ 8ill &eel it has (e"o!e a &lood+ And 8hen it happens %% 7?GCQIMR >S>BA@@B AB A K>A7Q>R* @IRQ7M>BB B>7T>>M 7Q>M %% 8hen yo$ to$"h yo$ 8ill &eel lightness+ ? po3i si!3i "hiar a"$!+ I!ediat* 4n !o!ent$l 4n "are atingi* apare o $2$rin35+ Vi a"ea $2$rin35 dintre ei se des"hide 4n ini!a taC a"ea $2$rin35 p5tr$nde* se des"hide 4n ini!5+ In ini!5* doar "e este $2or* lipsit de gre$tate* poate intraC ni!i" gre$ n$ poate intra+ Doar l$"r$ri &oarte $2oare i se pot 4ntJ!pla ini!ii+ So$ "an &eel it right no8+ I!!ediately* the !o!ent yo$ to$"h* a lightness "o!es+ And that @IRQ7M>BB B>7T>>M 7Q>M ?1>MB IM7? 7Q> Q>AR7C that lightness penetrates* opens into the heart+ In the heart* only lightness "an enterC nothing heavy "an enter+ ?nly very light things "an happen to the heart+ A"east5 $2$rin35 dintre "ei doi o"hi va 4n"epe s5 "ad5 4n ini!5* iar ini!a se va des"hide pentr$ a o pri!i U 2i a"olo p5tr$nde "os!os$l+ Vi* pe !5s$r5 "e energia "e "ade devine $n pJrJ$ 2i apoi $n rJ$ 2i apoi $n &l$vi$* t$ vei &i "$r53at total* 4ndep5rtat+ M$ vei si!3i "5 e2ti+ 7his lightness (et8een the t8o eyes 8ill start dropping into the heart* and the heart 8ill open to re"eive it %% AMD 7Q>R> 1>RM>A7>B 7Q> C?BM?B+ And as the &alling energy (e"o!es a strea! and then a river and then a &lood* yo$ 8ill (e 8ashed "o!pletely* 8ashed a8ay+ So$ 8ill not &eel that yo$ are+

V+( /('B( $*%) 3D +/ + 3*/'*/-,. I&/!()J&$, +6!()J&$, 1+( /('B( 3D %( $+1+&( 3*/'*/-,. C*/'*/-, (& )D C( 3*/'*/-, (+/+. >ntitatea "are ai &ost 4ntotdea$na* ego%$l n$ va &i a"olo+ So$ 8ill &eel si!ply the "os!os is+ Breathing in* (reathing o$t* yo$ 8ill &eel yo$ have (e"o!e the "os!os+ 7he "os!os "o!es in and the "os!os goes o$t+ 7he entity that yo$ have al8ays (een* the ego* 8ill not (e there+ A"east5 tehni"5 este &oarte si!pl5* n$ pre#int5 ni"i$n peri"ol* a2a "5 p$te3i e'peri!enta "$ ea a2a "$! vre3i+ Dar* pentr$ "5 este atJt de $2oar5* s%ar p$tea s5 n$ re$2i3i+ Intreaga idee depinde de atingerea &5r5 presi$ne* a2a "5 va tre($i s5 4nv53a3i asta+ In"er"a3i+ Intr%o s5pt5!Jn5* se va 4ntJ!pla+ Intr%o ($n5 #i* deodat5* la o atingere &5r5 ni"io presi$ne* ve3i /('B( ('+$(% 3++% 3+ /!-& L * -C-)(&BD C( * $+/3h($+)+ H& (&('D C( 3+1% 3+ 3*0*%)D $(& 3%! H& (&('D. 7his te"hniI$e is very si!ple* 8itho$t any danger* so yo$ "an e'peri!ent 8ith it as yo$ liAe+ B$t (e"a$se it is so easy* yo$ !ay not (e a(le to do it+ 7he 8hole thing depends on to$"h 8itho$t press$re* so yo$ 8ill have to learn it+ 7ry it+ Tithin a 8eeA it 8ill happen+ B$ddenly so!e day 8hen yo$ are j$st to$"hing 8ith no press$re* i!!ediately yo$ 8ill &eel 8hat I a! saying %% a lightness and an opening in the heart* and so!ething dropping &ro! the head into the heart+

BIBLIOGRAFIE 9. Qo8 to i!prove yo$r sight 8itho$t glasses BA7>B M>7Q?D K?R IM1R?VIMR >S>BIRQ7 TI7Q?G7 R@ABB>B 7he C$re o& I!per&e"t Bight (y 7reat!ent Titho$t Rlasses* (y T+ Q+ BA7>B* C>M7RA@ KI[A7I?M 1GB@IBQIMR C?+ M>T S?RL CI7S*Copyright* 1/20 1R>BB ?K 7Q?B+ B+ BR??LB* IMC+M>T S?RL http)00888+i%see+org0per&e"t\sight0 http)00en+8iAipedia+org08iAi0Bates\!ethod http)00888+"entral%&i'ation+"o!0li(rary+php 1er&e"t Bight Titho$t Rlasses (y Dr Bates THE ART OF SEEING 04 ALDOUS HUXLEN C,%)>+, I)#(& O C*. L $. ,TORONTO , F()/ !-0,(/h+$ 9;=@

B(0,(*5)%2(+ VB 9. Bh%5#%& Sh)++ R%E&++/h (O/h*), 7he BooA o& Be"rets+ Dis"o$rses on 9Vigyana Bhairava 7antra9 ( Vijnana Bhairava 7antra * 1oona) Rajneesh Ko$ndation* 1/E4 http)00888+living8orAshop+net0o(%(ooAo&se"%"o!p+ht!l 1DK &or!at Co!plete >nglish te't http)00888+living8orAshop+net01DK%&iles0(ooAo&these"rets\"o!p+pd& A$dio !p-;s U Dis"o$rses "o!plete &ro! 7he BooA o& Be"rets (B?B http)00888+living8orAshop+net0o(%(ooAo&se"1+ht!l Vigyan Bhairav 7antra ) An introd$"tion (y ?sho http)00888+!editationiseasy+"o!0!Corner0te"hniI$es0Vigyan\(hairav\tantra0introd$"tion+ht! Inde' o& 112 Meditation te"hniI$es o& Vigyan Bhairav 7antra http)00888+!editationiseasy+"o!0!Corner0te"hniI$es0Vigyan\(hairav\tantra0Meditation\te"hni I$es\inde'+ht! http)00en+8iAipedia+org08iAi0Vigyan\Bhairav\7antra http)00888+osho8orld+"o!0dis"o$rses0a$dio\eng+aspX"atWAll Vigyan Bhairav 7antra Vol 1 01%40 http)00888+osho8orld+"o!0dis"o$rses0a$dio\eng+aspXal($!\idW-6 Vigyan Bhairav 7antra Vol 2 01%40 http)00888+osho8orld+"o!0dis"o$rses0a$dio\eng+aspXal($!\idW-/ G. Bh%5#%& Sh)++ R%E&++/h (O/h* )* 9@e livre des se"rets9 par* >ditions Al(in Mi"hel B+A+* 1/6-* trad$sa din l(+ engle#a de B8a!i Bhantideva et Martine Titnit#er @. O/h*, Vijnana Bhairava 7antra* Cartea se"reta esentiala a "aii tantri"e* >dit$ra RAM* 1//E trad$"ere reali#ata de Borin Voinea ( adaptarea te't$l$i Angela Mayer si Mari$s 1etre C 7itl$ original) 9@e livre des se"rets9 (par Bhag8an Bhree Rajneesh* >ditions Al(in Mi"hel B+A+* 1/6- * =. O/h* * Cartea se"retelor% o a(ordare "onte!poran5 a "elor 112 !edita3ii des"rise 4n Vigyan Bhairav 7antraC >dit$ra 1ro%>dit$ra* Cole"3ia ?sho* o"to!(rie 2011* trad$"5tor) @a$ra Liv$C Ali"e Qa3eganC7itl$ original) 7he BooA o& Be"rets (Rajnesh Ko$ndation* 1oona* India*1/E4 +12/F pagini C http)00888+e$s$nt+ro0"arte%Cartea%se"retelor]22D10 P. P%-, R+!/, N4*5+& S+&F%>(* Nen Klesh* Nen Bones) A Colle"tion o& Nen and 1re%Nen Tritings* 7$rtle 1$(lishing* 1/DE* 1/6D* 1//6C Do$(leday* 1/6/C (Centering* a 4*000 year%old tea"hing &ro! India that so!e "onsider to (e the roots o& Nen http)00888+spirit$al%learning+"o!0"entering%reps+ht!l http)00888+isalovearagon+"o!08ritings0shiva%yoga+ht!l Q. P%-, R+!/, N4*5+& S+&F%>(* @e Nen en "hair et en os+ 7e'tes rasse!(l<s par 1a$l Reps+ 7rad$it de l;anglais par C+ Mallerin et 1+%A+ D$jat+ Che# Al(in Mi"hel % >spa"es li(res* 1//1ages 161%1/E) ;@;atteinte d$ "entre;+ Il s;agit pratiI$e!ent d;$ne !<ditation g$id<e* pas = pas+ >n voi"i I$elI$es e'traits) http)00888+e'%pre!ie+org0papers%&r0(i(lio%&r+ht! http)00shivadevi+(logspot+"o!0 A. P%-, R+!/, N4*5+& S+&F%>( , 9<9 !*1+/ ()( Z+& * 7rad$"ere de @ivi$ Rad$+ >dit$r5) Con"ept 1$(lishing* Cole"tia) Cogito* B$"$re2ti*1//2* IBBM) /E-%/DF64%0%6+ R. P%-, R+!/, N4*5+& S+&F%>(, Nen % "ele !ai &r$!oase s"rieri* trad$"ere din l(+ engle#5 de Dana @igia Ilin* B$"$re2ti ) Q$!anitas* 200/+ 1/6 p+ http)00888+e$s$nt+ro0"arte%Nen%%%"ele%!ai%&r$!oase%s"rieri]1FD40 ;. @a adresa de !ai jos se atri($ie eronat "al$gar$l$i Nen n$!it C+M+ Chen s"rierea $nor pre"epte pentr$ intelegerea starilor spirit$ale in"er"ate de dis"ipolii "e pra"ti"a "onte!plarea ( vedeti di&erenta intre "onte!platie* !editatie si "on"entrare in "apitol$l 10 In te't$l de !ai s$s se &oloseste "$loarea al(astr$ pt a"este pre"epte* "are s$nt trad$"eri ale Vijnana BhairavaC http)00&or$!+ioanistrate+ro0sho8thread+phpX40/%>soteri"0page-6 9<. L(,(%& S(,0-)& * @e Vijnana Bhairava 7antra* te'te trad$it et "o!!ent< par @ilian Bil($rn Dire"tri"e de re"her"he a$ CMRB* >dite$r College de Kran"e* 1$(li"ations de l^Instit$t de Civilisation Indienne* serie in 6* &as"i"$le 1D* 1aris* 1/F1* >ditions >+ de Bo""ard* 1/6-+ 99. J%($+1% S(&5h (B8a!i @aAsh!ana Hoo;s dis"iple U Vijnana Bhairava or Divine Cons"io$sness* A 7reas$ry o& 112 7ypes o& yoga* BansArit te't 8ith >nglish 7ranslation* >'pository Mote* Introd$"tion and Rlossary o& te"hni"al 7er!s 1rinted in India* Motilal Banarsidass* 1E- pages Kirst >dition) Delhi* 1/E/ Reprint) Delhi* 1/61* 1//1* 1//-* 1//6* 1///* 2001* 200-* 200F http)00888+a(hidhar!a+r$0A0Bi!vol0Indyi#!0Cad'y0Haideva_20Bingh00004+pd&

http)00!andhataglo(al+"o!08p%"ontent0"$sto!0arti"les0Vijnana(hairava+pd& http)00888+s"ri(d+"o!0do"0/1/440000Vijnana(hairava 9G. S#%'( L%>/h'%&E*** Vijnana Bhairava 7antra* 7he Man$al &or Bel& Reali#ation revealed (y B8a!i @aAsh!ajooC introd$"tion (y Hohn Q$ghesC 112 di&&erent spirit$al pra"ti"es &or entering in the trans"endental state o& "ons"io$snessC Kirst India (7hird Revised M$nshira! Manoharlal 1$(lishers* >dition* 2011* 2012C http)00888+s"ri(d+"o!0do"01041-E2640Vijnana%Bhairava%7antra%B8a!i%@aAsh!anjoo http)00$niversalshaiva&ello8ship+org0$s&0vijnana\(hairava0+ht!l S#%'( L%>/h'%& J*** Vijnana Bhairava) 7he 1ra"ti"e o& Centring A8areness (y Co!!entary By) B8a!i @aAsh!an Hoo* 1aper(a"A (>dition) 2002 * Indi"a BooAs IBBM 616FDF/-D/* 1ages) 222 http)00888+s"ri(d+"o!0do"0/D41F1060B8a!i%@aAsh!an%Hoo%Vijnana%Bhairava%7he%1ra"ti"e%o&% Centering%A8areness 9@. S#%'( S%)%/#% ( S% 4%/%&5%&%&$% U Bri Vijnana Bhairava 7antra) 7he As"ent* Soga 1$(li"ations 7r$st) Bihar B"hool o& Soga* India* 200-* 9So$ do not have to (ring the light &ro! o$tside+TorA hard and p$ri&y yo$rsel&)the light 8ill $n&old &ro! 8ithin+9 9=. D'( )( S+'+&*1* Vijnana(hairava or 7e"hniI$es &or >ntering @i!inal Cons"io$sness * BattarAa 1$(li"ations* 2010 * 1/6 pagini , 7his (ooA gives 112 re"ipes &or attaining spe"ial* li!inal state o& "ons"io$sness+ It is a translation o& an an"ient te't %Vijnana Bhairava. 7he%1ratya(hijna%Qridaya%o&%Lshe!araja%Interpretation%and%pra"ti"al%notes%(y%D!itri%Be!enov http)00888+s"ri(d+"o!0do"0F--6/E0/07he%1ratya(hijna%Qridaya%o&%Lshe!araja%Interpretation% and%pra"ti"al%notes%(y%D!itri%Be!enov

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