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Association of Cultural Offices in Philippine Educational Institutions, Inc.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-2015 GLORIFE SAMODIO President Cultural Arts Dire t!r" DLS# ROBERT FREDERIC$ %A&DE' (R) *i e President Dire t!r" Arts and Cultural A++airs " LP# *IRGILIO CASTILLO (R) Se retar, %ead" O++i e !+ Culture and Arts" DLS-CSB LIL& (ARATA Asst) Se retar, %ead" Cultural A++airs Se ti!n Pa-antasan n. Lun.s!d n. Muntinlu/a DA'TE SA#0#ILLO Treasurer Dire t!r" O++i e +!r Student A ti1ities" MIT 'ESTOR RAOET (R) Audit!r %ead"Cultural A++airs MARTI' LOPE2 Pu3li Relati!ns O++i er E4e uti1e Dire t!r" President5s C!--ittee !n Culture" FE# C%IEDEL SA' DIEGO Asst) Pu3li Relati!ns O++i er Dire t!r" Cultural Arts O++i e La Salle #ni1ersit,-O6a-i6

November 4, 2013 Dear Cultural Affairs/ Student Affairs colleague, Greetings of eace! "#e Association of Cultural $ffices of %#ili ine &ducational 'nstitutions, 'nc( )AC$%&', 'nc(* is a national organi+ation of cultural officers of academic institutions, dedicated to t#e ursuit of e,cellence in t#e romotion of culture among students in t#e %#ili ines( 't aims to be a otent instrument t#roug# -#ic# cultural artistic rograms in cam us can be en#anced and cultural officers can develo and im rove t#eir com etencies( .or t#e ast t#ree /ears, -e #ave #osted t#ree successful national conferences( .or 2014, -e are leased to inform /ou t#at -e #ave alread/ laid out our AC$%&' 4t# National Conference and t#e 0 t# De 1a Salle 2niversit/ Arts Congress -it# t#e t#eme3 41'nang 5ali6asan3 5alinangan ara sa 5a aligiran on .eb( 078, 2014 in t#e 2niversit/ of t#e Cordilleras, Saint 1ouis 2niversit/ and 9etania :etreat ;ouse( AC$%&' and D1S2 #ave <oined forces for t#is ambitious ro<ect of #osting t#e event in 9aguio Cit/( "#is t-o7da/ conference -#ic# aims to enlig#ten cultural officers and student artists in t#e issues and concerns of t#e ractice in t#e lig#t of 5712 and t#e alignment of t#e educational s/stem to t#e AS&AN in 201=, and rovide o ortunities to learn t#e Cordillera culture t#roug#, music, dances, arts and crafts( "#e target 6e/note s ea6er is >r( 9en Cabrera( .or t#e lenar/ s eec#es, Dr( Antonio Contreras, >r( 5idlat "a#imi6, and >s( >alou ?acob( .or t#e learning sessions, -e are targeting Dr( 'sagani Cru+, >s( Alice %anares and local cultural -or6ers( "#e rates are as follo-s3 :&G21A: &A:1@ 9':D )b/ ?an( =, 2014* Students )-/ 27da/ %3,000 %2,=00 accommodation* A Students)-/o accommodation* %1,=00 %1,000 Adults )-/ 27da/ accommodation* A %4,000 %3,=00 Adults )-/o accommodation7 2 %3,=00 %3,000 da/s* Adults )-/o accommodation7 1 da/* %2,000 %1,=00 AAccommodations at 9etania :etreat ;ouse( "#e fees include t#e cost of conference 6it, meals and ot#er incidental e, enses( 9oard and lodging s#all be s#ouldered b/ t#e artici ant if s/#e doesnBt -is# to be in rescribed accommodation( "#e Association ma/ e,tend assistance to t#e artici ant in finding accommodations in nearb/ #otels( .or advance a/ments, /ou ma/ address t#e c#ec6 to Association of Cultural Offices of Philippine Educational Institutions, Inc. and de osit to account number )CA* 4C=418400018, %#ili ine National 9an672nited Nations 9ranc#, fa, t#e mac#ine validated de osit sli at =2474C11 local 002 or email to glorife(samodioDdlsu(edu( # and resent a du licate co / of t#e mac#ine validated de osit sli on t#e da/ of t#e conference(
"#e re7registration s#eets are attac#ed in t#is letter( "#e rogramme of activities and ot#er mec#anics, De &D and C;&D endorsement -ill follo- in a later date( Ee -ould also li6e to invite /ou to become an AC$%&' member(

.or confirmation and inFuiries about members#i and t#e conference, /ou ma/ contact me at glorife(samodioDdlsu(edu( # or =2474C11 local 002 or 030 ( "#an6 /ou ver/ muc#( See /ou all in >anila( .or t#e ursuit of e,cellence in culture and arts education,

GLORIFE SAMODIO ACOPEI President & Director, Culture and Arts Office, DLSU

Association of Cultural Offices in Philippine Educational Institutions, Inc.

"AME OF I"S!I!#!IO" $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ADDRESS OF I"S!I!#!IO" $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CO"!AC! "#M&ER $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FA' "#M&ER$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PRESIDE"!)(EAD$

"AME OF SC(OOL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

"AME OF DIREC!OR OF C#L!#RAL AFFAIRS$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "AME OF PAR!ICIPA"!)S DESIG"A!IO")ORGA"I*A!IO" E+ail Address , Contact Details

"O!E $ -indl. FA' this to /01 1233 local 450 or 464 or e +ail to to7ether 9ith .our deposit slip on or :efore Dec.3/,0536. For in;uiries, .ou can te<t or call =5>05? >0@1300.

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