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The utilitarian theory states that actions are right if they are useful or for the greatest happiness

of the greatest number of people. For example : The bombing of Hiroshima, was aimed at ending the world war which had caused untold suffering. The word UTILITARIAN was first used by Jeremy Bentham ( 1748-1832), the English philosopher. This was according to M. Warnock in J.S Mills(1964). According to R.B Ashmore(1987), Bentham introduced a scientific pricnciple to analyse the quantity of pleasures. For example The calculus of pressure or the HEDONIC CALCULUS. He allocated each factor with a value which can be analysed. A value which can be divided into : 1.) Intensity of pleasure 2.) Duration of pleasure 3.) Certainty of pleasure 4.) Prosperity of the experience of pleasure 5.) Fecundity or tendency to be followed by more pleasure 6.) Purity or tendency for an action to produce opposite effect and pain. This will also be considered and the results can be compared to determine the total balance of good and bad. 7.) The calculus is done by multiplying the total balance with the extent or number of people experiencing pleasure or suffering. Factors 1 and 4 are considered in measuring the value of pleasure or suffering of a person Factors 5 and 6 are taken into considering when counting many pleasures. Factor 7 is used when many people are involved

Utilitarianism requires us to choose an action that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people. This good implies happiness and pleasure

However, Benthams Hedonic Calculus contains many weakness and the calculation process is difficult. For example 1.) The intensity of pleasure or pain is subjective matter which is difficult to measure .Each individuals feel differently. 2.) The quality of pleasure or pain experienced by one individual is not the same as that order. Bentham actually categorized 14 kinds of pleasure and 12 kinds of pain. 3.) It is difficult to measure the quantity of pleasure and pain of an individual at different times in different circumstances. Bentham realised this weakness and suggested 32 situations that influence feelings to choose from when calculating and measuring.

After Bentham made his suggestion about the weakness of the Hedonic Calculus, another utilitarian philosopher, John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), made his thoughts known. The utility principle states that an action is good, correct and proper if it encourages maximum pleasure; and it is bad, wrong and ought to be rejected if it does not. Mill also stressed the quality of pleasure, suggesting the better versus worse measurement which involves quality and quantity. Even though Mills measurement is considered more advantageous than Benthams, it also has it weakness. i.e

A special indicator is not given, so that we are forced to make assumptions about the level of pleasure to be measured. Mills also identifies factors to determine high-level pleasure, such as education, intelligence, sensitivity towards others,moral feelings and mental health low- level pleasure such as being uneducated,stupid , egocentric, proud, etc.

Utilitarianism is divided into two types, Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism

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