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The Salem Lamplighter

February, 2014 Vol. I No. 2 E-Mail: Website: (314) 921-5507

ALIEN INVADERS Many science fiction movies have been made which portray aliens from outer space coming to earth. Some stories tell of creatures that are curious about planet earth and its inhabitants. Other stories depict creatures that are out to destroy the planet, or deplete the planet of its natural resources. In our modern world there is much interest in the possibility of aliens from another world. Did you know the Bible speaks of aliens? Yes, aliens that belong to a world other than this one. Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul. Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation (1Peter 2:11-12 NASB). Okay, this verse is obviously not about aliens from outer space. The point is, when we receive Christ we become citizens of the Kingdom of God. We are no longer of this world. When we embrace our identity as citizens of Gods Kingdom, we glorify God. As we have completed our first study series of the year, which focused on the truth that we were created to reflect the glory of God, our minds and hearts are prepared to engage the next study series. The second study series of 2014 is entitled You Are By the time you read this article the study series will be beginning. The purpose of this series is to remind us of who we are in Christ. We need to be continually reminded of our identity in Christ because the enemy continually attempts to deceive us. The enemy wants us to embrace his standards of value and success. He wants us to measure our potential and set our goals based on his standards. However, Christ wants us to know the truth. Christ wants us to view ourselves through His eyes. I pray that we all grow in our faith by believing we are who God says we are. The Kings servant Pastor Chuck Missions Carmen Hook and Carl Barrow We continue our Shoe Box Ministry in 2014. Please check the list of items needed for each month on the bulletin board. January items were small tablets and pencils. We had quite a few pencils left over from 2013; however we are very shy on small tablets. If one of the items listed is difficult to find, just purchase a different months item. In 2013 we filled 33 shoe boxes which was very generous of the Salem congregation and we hope to fill even more boxes in 2014. Youth Cody Hudspeth A year ago I commented on a quote by Benjamin Franklin regarding about change. The quote states When you are finished changing, youre finished. Reflecting upon that point I see the truth behind such a statement. Change by many is not accepted with comfort. Change is something new, something different, something that is uncertain. But the fear of unchanging should be as feared as change. When we find ourselves at a point when we stop learning and growing and accepting change, especially within our Christian life, we put ourselves in danger of hindering the Lord s work within us. Now I am not just speaking about physical change, I am speaking of spiritual matters. No matter how long you have been a Christian you should never develop a mindset of complacency. I am reminded of the church of Laodicea. God speaks of them as Luke warm water. They were neither hot nor were they cold and dead. Laodicea became a complacent church that stopped changing spiritually and physically. As we know the story God spoke of how He would spew them from His mouth for there was no good in such a state of mind. We should strive to discover positive changes that we can make to strengthen and grow our relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as looking for changes we can make to reach out to people within our neighborhoods and city. One of the worst places that a Christian can get stuck is when they find themselves content at where they are and refuse to change for God. Constantly be growing and changing for the Lord! Remember When you are finished changing, youre finished. Upcoming Events Summer Camp: Deposit of $50 due March 2nd.

Sunday School Dr. Olusola Orebiyi By now the realization of our New Year`s resolutions is becoming obvious, and the challenges of attaining them are becoming evident. We may consequently deem the dreams to be unattainable, and decide to abandon the projects entirely. In some cases the baby-steps being taken, are yielding amazing results. However, I pray that your decision to grow spiritually, will not take a roller-coaster ride. The important step that will be advantageous to take, is to align every thought and choice we make with the Word of GOD. King David reminded us, that we cleanse our way, by taking heed to the Word of GOD- Psalm 119:9. Our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST assured us, that HIS Word will give us Life. In John 6:63 HE stated " It is the Spirit who gives Life: the flesh profits nothing. The Words that I speak to you are Spirit and they are Life". Accordingly, make a decision to join us in regular Sunday Bible Study Fellowship at 9:30 AM, to grow in the Spirit and enjoy the Life JESUS CHRIST has available to each one of us, as we grow in HIS Word and learn how to apply it in our daily lives. Also invite your relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers and associates to join us, in the Sunday Bible Study Fellowship. It is the best investment you can make. We will have a Pre-Valentine Concert on February 8th, 2014, given by The Final Authority Musical Group from 6 PM to 8 PM. This will be preceded by a Potluck Dinner from 5PM-6PM. A Love Offering will be taken at the end of the Concert. Also our Winter Bible Study will be on February 21st, and 22nd, 2014. The Sunday School Teachers and Co-workers will hold their Monthly Prayer Meeting, on February 16th, 2014, at 9 AM, in the Pastor`s Office. Childrens Ministry Diane Pine I want to say thank you to everyone who came out for our "Family Game Night" in January. There were 17 in attendance. It was a great time of fun and fellowship on such a cold evening. I am excited to have Alex Payne join me in teaching our Children's Sunday School Class. Attendance is up and we are having fun teaching the kids about Jesus! Here are some dates to put on your calendar: April 13th, Palm Sunday, we will have our annual Easter Egg Hunt. At the beginning of March we will start collecting small individually wrapped candy to fill the eggs. July 14th-18th, we will be having Vacation Bible School in the evenings. Please make plans to join us, and of course it is never too early to start praying for us as God puts our team together to reach children for Christ. On August 9th, we will have our back to school carnival. May God bless us all this year as we learn how to be disciples for Christ.

1 Mark Berry 2 Jerry Gustin 4 Matt Stuart 21 Modupe Orebiyi 22 Nola Pattengill 23 Pat Bassett 24 Sue Rea 26 Todd Bosworth 28 Lisa Rogerson

Final Authority Saturday, February 8th 5 PM Potluck 6-8 PM Concert

1 Kerry and Cheryl Shanika 10 Dwoyne and KaNisha DeJean 24 Russ and Carol Stuart

Winter Bible Study With Dr. Curtis McClain Director of Christian Studies---Missouri Baptist University 6 8 PM Friday, February 21st 9 AM - Noon Saturday, February 22nd

204 Years of Salem Baptist Church! Loving, Growing, Helping

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