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<td>Extreme Music Conference at BB&amp;T Center,United States</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1/19/2014</td> <td>Israel Houghton</td> <td>"Berrien Springs</td> <td>MI"</td> <td>Howard Performing Arts Center,United States</td> </tr> <tr class="tg-even"> <td>2/1/2014</td> <td>Israel Houghton</td> <td>Georgetown</td> <td>Guyana National Stadium</td> <td>Guyana</td> </tr> </table> <a href="" class="more float_r"><span>&gt;&gt;</span> View All</a> </div> <div class="cleaner"></div>
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<div class="cbox_last"> <div class="cbox_3b"> <h4>LATEST NEWS</h4> <div class="news_box"> <em>TYPHOON HAIYAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE</em> <p>Typhoon Haiyan, considered one of the strongest tropical storms ever, made landfall in the Philippines early </p> <a href="news1.html" class="more float_r"><span>&gt;&gt;</span> Read the Rest...</a> </div> </div> <div class="cbox_3b"> <h4>ITUNES LP</h4> <a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="images/home.jpg"></a> </div> <div class="news_box"> <h4>Sign up</h4>

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<a href="contact1.html"> <h6>Click here to sign up and hence get access to our resources</h6></a> </div> <div class="cleaner"></div> </div> </div> <!-- end of main --> </div> <!-- end of main wrapper --> <div id="templatemo_footer_wrapper"> <div id="templatemo_footer"> Copyright Alisha Thakur <div class="cleaner"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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</div> <!-- end of templatemo_menu --> </div><!-- end of header --> </div><!-- end of header wrapper --> <div id="templatemo_main_wrapper"> <div id="templatemo_main"><span class="templatemo_main_b templatemo_main_bl"></span><span class="templatemo_main_b templatemo_main_br"></span> <div class="cbox_fw"> <div class="cbox_w320 divider_v float_l"> <img src="images/side-ad1.jpg" > <br><br> <h3> Special Thanks to:</h3> <img src="images/news1.jpg" ><br> <img src="images/news2.jpg" ><br> <img src="images/new3.jpg" > </div> <div class="cbox_w550 float_r"> <h3>Typhoon Haiyan Emergency Response</h3> <div class="tma_box"> <p>Typhoon Haiyan, considered one of the strongest tropical storms ever, made landfall in the Philippines early November 8 and caused catastrophic damage. World Visions teams are responding with emergency relief supplies for children and families in desperate need.</p><br>
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<a href=" =dn&item=2639566&go=item&section=10339&"><img src="images/TyphoonHaiyan.jpg" alt="image" class="image_frame " /></a><br><br> <p>Typhoon Haiyan, reported by media outlets as possibly the strongest tropical cyclone in recorded history, made landfall last week in Samar, central Philippines.World Vision is launching an emergency response to help affected vulnerable children and families. </p> <h3>The Impact has been Tremendous</h3> <p>As many as 2,500 people are feared dead, and an estimated 800,000 are displaced after Typhoon Haiyan left a wake of utter destruction last weekend.The impact has been tremendous. Its reported to be the biggest typhoon of the year, and it is, said Gjeff Lamigo, World Vision communications manager in Manila.About 9.5 million people were affected, reports the UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Haiyan wreaked havoc on the countrys telecommunications, agriculture, and transportation infrastructure, delaying recovery and relief efforts.</p> <h3>Help Now</h3> <p>Please prayExternal Link for children, families, and communities affected by this terrible storm, and pray for those working to assist survivors who are in desperate need. <a href=" =dn&item=2639566&go=item&section=10339&">Make a one-time donation to World Visions Philippines Disaster Response Fund.</a> Your contribution will help us deliver life-saving assistance in the aftermath of sudden-onset emergencies in the Philippines, including Typhoon Haiyan</p>
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