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Burngreave New Deal for Communities Education Theme Focus Group Meeting St Peters Church all!

"#ons Street $%th &pril! '())pm Present* +ohra Choudhr# ,Chair-! .ashida assanali! Sarah Swann! Pra/ash .oss! 0a#ne awle#! Dere/ Mo1am! Trevor Pollard! Stephen Coo/e! Carmelita Duncan! &nnmarie &le1ander! 0a2ui &shmore! "ouise aine! Diane aimeed! &fta3 &hmed! Steph Briddon! 0ulia Shergold! .an4it Cha/rovort#! Ton# Tingle! Pani Poh 5o/e "oh! &nn6Marie Clar/! &hmed Gurnah! &m4ad 0an4ua! "inda 7ingdon! Muhammed 823al! &3di 5assan! 8smail 5ussuf! Mohamad 8ssa(

&genda 8tem Details &ction Points $( 9elcome : 8ntroductions &ll present introduced themselves to the group( ;( &pologies &pologies from< 0ane =>Brien! 0ohn ?incent! Dina Martin! Ton# Carter! .ita Storr! Paul oward! &3dul Shaif! Fiona .ig3#! 0ac/ie Dra#ton( %( Minutes of last meeting &greed as a true record @( Matters &rising None A( Communit# Stud# Support There have 3een a couple of meetings to discuss several issues surrounding this pro4ect! one of which is the structure of the pro4ect! as at the moment there are A different pro4ects running which need to 3e unified into one pro4ect and although progress has 3een made there are still comple1 issues
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to 3e resolved( =ne of the main points is funding! the pro4ect needs to secure match funding andBor alternative funding as BNDfC will not 3e around forever and the pro4ect needs to 3e self6sustaining! therefore a comprehensive proposal needs to 3e put together to secure an# funding which is li/el# to 3e around C@))!)))6CA)))!))) per #ear(There needs to 3e a consensus on a single proposal as to who will appl# for the funding and manage the pro4ect(There are also issues that need resolving 3etween local schools and the Communit# Stud# Support who need to wor/ well together and have a strong relationship(8t was suggested that an agreement on the level of interaction 3etween all concerned was necessar#* perhaps a Service "evel &greement should 3e provided(9e are wor/ing to a ver# tight timescale as % of the pro4ects end in &ugust ;))A and an# new arrangement needs to 3e in place 3# the pro4ects end( 9e need to 3e presenting an outline to Partnership Board mem3ers during &prilBMa#! so that a proposal can 3e completed in time( There were several concerns raised over the issue of match funding such as who will lead on the match funding 3id and as there are no guarantees of match funding! what are the implications if the 3id is turned downD&lso raised was the issue of the relationships 3etween the stud# support groups and the local schools who! it was pointed out have no o3ligation to wor/ with the groups! different schools have different relationships with the stud# support groups! it was said that the "E& need to wor/ with communit# groups and schools to deal with an# issues that ma# arise(& lot of mone# has 3een spent on Education and now match funding needs to 3e sourced around C$ million has 3een committed to schools from BNDfC( There has 3een a great deal of co6 operation 3etween schools and stud# support groups which was echoed 3# the Somali 8T stud# support group who stated that the# had improving relationships and contacts with local schools(8n summar# there has 3een progress! the pro4ect is not perfect! 3ut an# issues that arise are 3eing faced( '(&dult Basic S/ills< 8mproving adult s/ills was a /e# outcome! %%E of Burngreave residents have poor literac# s/ills compared with ;AE of Sheffield residents! the BNDfC>s target is to close this gap 3# #ear $)( The need to address the lac/ of 3asic s/ills is essential as this is connected to emplo#ment prospects(Progress has 3een slow 3ut hopefull# this will pic/ up in the ne1t few months as a meeting is planned for Ma# to refine the strateg#(There are issues to 3e dealt with! such as recruitment and provision of learners as well as the stigma attached to this t#pe of provision( Because of the low level of provision it is difficult to recruit and /eep learners therefore providers are then reluctant to offer their services( owever there is a high outreach capacit# with Ton# Tingle stating that the Communit# "earning Campaign! Education Co6ordinators! BC&T and other agencies need to all pull together to get residents of Burngreave onto training courses(& campaign in 0une! offering a C%) inducement! has 3een proposed for people who complete a literac# or numerac# test! along with a support structure for an#one who fails( .aising the profile of the lac/ of 3asic s/ills in the area is essential! there should 3e different t#pes of 3asic s/ills courses availa3le lin/ed to vocational courses(&ttempts have 3een made at Firshill School to set up similar pro4ects 3ut it has 3een difficult to gather enough people together! part of the pro3lem could 3e the em3arrassment of 3eing recognised as needing 3asic s/ills training(9e need to liaise with other agencies or organisations to use this as a modelBtemplate(8ssues such as the 2ualit# of provision! how the pro4ect is sold must 3e addressed! also there needs to 3e a 3road spectrum of help availa3le along with ma1imum effort in wor/ing with providers( Burngreave has the 3est infrastructure in the cit# which could 3e a ma4or factor in the pro4ects success(8t is important that there is seen to 3e a definite progressionBpathwa# through the courses along with an outcome(People will need to /now what is in the 2ualification! this can 3e dealt with via the advertising of the campaign( there is not enough time to run an# preparation courses although( There ma#3e some information availa3le concerning the content of the tests and this could 3e passed onto groups and individuals(There is a definite need to 3uild up pu3licit# surrounding the 2ualifications and to create a positive image of the campaign! 3ut we must not forget to support those who were not read# to gain the 2ualification( These people can 3e pic/ed up 3# the College and Communit# "earning Campaign(9e shouldn>t underestimate the value of a certificate( F( Burngreave Cele3rates of &dult "earning "earning is fun G 4oin inHThe &dult "earning wee/ runs from ;$6;F Ma#( Burngreave Cele3rates "arning will 3e on Saturda# ;$st Ma# to /ic/ off the wee/( There will 3e two 3ands leaving different venues and touring the area promoting the event! eventuall# meeting up at the s2uare at ?erdon Street( There will 3e recognition for people who have attended classes and have made an effort in the past( =ne of the main aims of the event is to remove the stigma that education is 3oring! there will 3e fun activities 3ut with serious learning involved! people are as/ed to ta/e someone with them to
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support and introduce them to education! #oung people are encouraged to 3ring older relatives(8t was pointed out that there is a need to ma/e sure the Carwood Estate is involved in the event and pu3licise the event in the Carwood area as most of the activities cover the central area of Burngreave(Ton# Tingle to contacti 0ean 9ood of the Carwood tenants association to get her on 3oard(?olunteers are welcome to help on the organising committee(9e need to ma/e sure that peopleBgroups /now that the# will 3e receiving certificates! which will encourage them to attend the event(There will 3e door /noc/ing in the s2uare at ?erdon street to encourage participation in the event! as last #ear not ever#one attended! we need to ma/e this event as successful as possi3le( I( Theme Managers .eport and Jpdates There are 4ust a few things to mention from the report*The Creative Burngreave Event is 3eing held on ;) &pril at the Spectrum Centre from @(%)pm6F(%)pm(There are concerns regarding finances on #ear A spend as the Government has capped spending for all NDC>s! therefore there will 3e no new pro4ects for Education! there are funds availa3le however for the continuation of e1isting pro4ects! although there will need to 3e some savings(Pro4ects need to loo/ at their 3udgets and 3e realistic with regards to an# savings that can 3e made(There is an awa# da# attended 3# the Burngreave New Deal partnership Board! E1ecutive Team and Theme Managers to discuss this matter(Some pro4ects will still under spend and some over spend! there is appro1imatel# a $;E cut in funding this #ear! however it has alwa#s 3een the intention that New Deal generate match funding! something that BNDfC have failed to do! therefore! again there will 3e a stronger emphasis on match funding! there will 3e a report availa3le to the group at the ne1t meeting! if an#one has an# 3urning issues regarding funding the# need to contact their Theme Manager(?estr# all has passed all the conservation tests and is going ahead! the ?estr# all group held a meeting on the $% &pril and there needs to 3e serious discussion and suggestions as to what people want from the ?estr# all and what can in actual fact 3e provided along with! who will 3e funding it and who will 3e managing it(There are ; vacancies availa3le on the Education Theme Strateg# group ,$ local resident and $ voluntar#Bcommunit# representative- there is a need for these posts as if one of the e1isting mem3ers are missing it will not 3e possi3le to hold the meeting(Nominations are welcome( K( Date of ne1t meeting 9e 9ednesda# $$ Ma#! '())pm at St Peters Church! "#ons Street(

From< Pete &3ell To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Ed 9ilson Date< 9ednesda# 6 Ma# @! ;))A I<@' &M Su34ect< .e< Courses for)AB)' Firs ill school &fta3 5ou need to meet with Ed 9ilson to consider the Programme 6 if #ou need courses serviced 3# Castle Staff can #ou let me have details asap as 8 am meeting Frida# to overview the volume of &dult Programme( Pete LLL &fta3 &hmed )AB)%B)A '<)K pm LLL ello Pete! 8 sent #ou an email regarding some new course at the a3ove school as i thought the# came under #ou curriculum area 3ut the email seems to have disappered from m# email 3o1 or it never reached #ou i donMt /now which although i didnMt get a 3ounced email( &n#wa# i need to spea/ to #ou urgentl# to discuss the re2uest from the schoolBNew deal for communities Burngreave( 3asicall# it was a re2uest for a Progression course leading to emplo#ment into &dministration and ealth and Social Care course for &dults possi3l# the GCSE similar to one 3eing run at Castle Centre(

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Could #ou please suggest some times for meeting and in view of the timescale for Choice the meeting ma# have to include 0on Cowle#,new deal BurngreaveB.ashida assanali,Firshill school! #ourself and m#self( .egards &fta3 From< 0ustine 9ain To< &fta3 &hmed Date< 9ednesda# 6 Ma# @! ;))A I<;K &M Su34ect< .e< DPS8 &fta3! 8 thin/ we agreed that #ou would get "#nda .hodes to send the letters out to the students( 9e are now entering the reall# manic time in e1ams so 8 wonMt have time to do them( 8 emailed #ou the list of students names and addresses etc and this includes which papers the# are sitting( 9hen #ou have sorted out the oral schedule please let me have a cop#( Man# than/s 0ustine LLL &fta3 &hmed )%B)AB)A $@<@K<)) LLL i 0ustine! 8 havenMt #et done the schedule 3ut i shall get it read# 3# the end of ne1t wee/( The letter that goes to the students i thin/ has to include specific information ( i shall have to chec/ that as well( &fta3 LLL 0ustine 9ain )@B;KB)A $$<$) &M LLL &fta3! do #ou have an# idea of #our timeta3le for the oral e1ams for DPS8 #et pleaseD Than/s From< Dawn a#wood To< &fta3 &hmed! Gillian Bla/e#! Michael .ichardson CC< &nne &t/ins Date< Tuesda# 6 Ma# %! ;))A %<)' PM Su34ect< .e< Communit# Courses( afta3 h:3(1ls ,;;A;I 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO i &fta3 Jnfortunatel#! not availa3le on 9eds( 8 thin/ it has 3een agreed that we should all loo/ at the programme as it is a rollover 6 and 4ust confirm the details of da#s! time and location( 8 am sure there is little room for movement 3ut 8 thin/ #ou could move things around sites as long as the da# and time sta#s the same( &ttached is a cop# of #our programme lines if #ou wish to update it and send it 3ac/ to me 8 will pass it to Mi/e( Than/s

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From< Dawn a#wood To< &fta3 &hmed! Gillian Bla/e#! Michael .ichardson CC< &nne &t/ins Date< Tuesda# 6 Ma# %! ;))A %<)' PM Su34ect< .e< Communit# Courses( afta3 h:3(1ls ,;;A;I 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO i &fta3 Jnfortunatel#! not availa3le on 9eds( 8 thin/ it has 3een agreed that we should all loo/ at the programme as it is a rollover 6 and 4ust confirm the details of da#s! time and location( 8 am sure there is little room for movement 3ut 8 thin/ #ou could move things around sites as long as the da# and time sta#s the same( &ttached is a cop# of #our programme lines if #ou wish to update it and send it 3ac/ to me 8 will pass it to Mi/e( Than/s

Brightside : Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership Minutes of the Meeting held on $A &pril ;))A at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar# Present< Mohamed &lsahimi ,&ra3 Training : 8nformation CentreTim &rmstrong ,"ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College Mar# Blac/a ,SCC G &dult : Communit# "earning Jnit0o Curtin ,New FuturesEmma a#es ,Communit# North ForumGordon enshaw ,Firth Par/ Communit# &rts CollegeSuPanne Par/in ,C>Mon Ever#3od#Dawn Phillips ,Shiregreen J.C Children : Families Pro4ectBev Pinder ,Firth Par/ Credit JnionShelagh 9augh ,Trade Base-

&pologies< Paul &dams ,SCC G &dult : Communit# "earning Jnit-* 7ate amill ,Firth Par/ : Shiregreen Sure Start-* Ton# arrison ,9E&-* 0o oldawa# ,S&?TE-* Craig omer ,&ctive Brightside : Shiregreen-* "#nn Millard , inde ouse School G Primar# Phase-* "esle# Pearson ,BaS8T Q ESp-* 0enat Shah ,&ra3 Training : 8nformation Centre-

$( Minutes of the last meeting! $$ March ;))A &dult : Communit# "earning &dvisor# Board Tim &rmstrong clarified the note in the Fe3ruar# minutes( &C"&B is not a new group( 8t has cit#6wide responsi3ilit# for the development of adult and communit# learning( Tim is a mem3er and so is 0enat Shah(
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Curriculum Planning B Providers Group =n 3ehalf of Paul &dams! Mar# Blac/a circulated some pages from the B:S""P we36site( ,www(3sllp(org(u/- The we36site now includes a courses listing( There is space in the listing for a 3rief description of each course( Providers were as/ed to produce this and send it to Paul! for inclusion on the site( Ne1t meeting of the Group< Tuesda# $) Ma# ;))A! ;6))pm! at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar# ,following the Childcare etc meeting&dult "earning .eview and &ction Plan Mar# Blac/a reported that she was sending copies of the report to all local councillors( Firth Par/ : Shiregreen Sure Start There are still places left on the organic gardening course( The pro4ect wor/er for the allotment pro4ect is Shirle# 9atson( She can 3e contacted on ;)% K$KK( &T8C ,&ra3 Training : 8nformation CentreCorrection< The following sentence should read R e was unaware of an# other group in Sheffield delivering com3ined ES=" and citiPenship courses>( Mohamed &lsahimi was as/ed whether there were an# leaflets giving details of the construction emplo#ment scheme( There are none at present 3ut Mohamed will consider producing some( .ecruitment to the scheme is on6going( ;( Future courses< Summer Term and &utumn Term Summer Term< Mar# Blac/a urged providersBcourse organisers to inform her! or Paul &dams! a3out an# additional courses! so that the# could 3e added to the list on the we36site( N8n the 8nformation E1change! De3 Pinder suggested that Paul &dams should 3e than/ed and congratulated for his wor/ on the Summer Term courses leaflet( The leaflet had resulted in a num3er of en2uiries a3out courses(O &utumn Term< Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College< "eaflets advertising classes will 3e mailed out 3efore the end of the Summer Term( Classes will start in the second wee/ of the school term( "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College< The adult prospectus will 3e availa3le 3# &dult "earners> 9ee/( There will 3e enrolment da#s on ;@ &ugust and ' Septem3er ;))A! from @6))pm to I6))pm( Decision< S & gloss# R&dult "earning in B:S> 3rochure will 3e produced for the &utumn Term! containing o details of local adult and communit# learning providers o listing of courses which have 3een organised 3# the print deadline S Course listing updates will 3e produced terml#! using the e1isting format S Paul &dams would 3e as/ed to o collect data for the gloss# 3rochure o produce rough costings S & distri3ution networ/ should 3e developed ,for use 3# an#one who needed itDetails of the gloss# 3rochure will 3e discussed at the ne1t Curriculum Planning B Providers Group( Funding will 3e sought from the "earning Pa#s Campaign(
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Paul Deardon ,Communit# North Forum- could help with the costings The print deadline would have to 3e 0ul#! to allow distri3ution in &ugust The deadline for the su3mission of te1t ,including course information- will 3e Frida# % 0une ;))A(

%( &dult "earners 9ee/ event! ;' Ma#! First Start 8nvitation cards for the event have 3een produced and are 3eing distri3uted 3# Communit# North Forum( &ll course organisersBproviders were as/ed to nominate a learner to receive a certificate on 3ehalf of the learning group( ProvidersBorganisers can define a Rlearning group> as the# wish( 8t could 3e one group per centre! or one group per class( Nominations should 3e sent to Tim &rmstrong! at "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College! 3# Frida# ;) Ma#! at the latest( The following in formation will 3e needed< S Name of Centre S Name of each Rlearning group> S Name of learner receiving the certificates on 3ehalf of the learning group S Names of all learners in the group The ne1t meeting of the &dult "earners 9ee/ Planning Group G which is open to all 6 is on ;) &pril ;))A! at %6))pm! at First Start( @( .eport from su36groups Childcare : Pla#wor/ Training Co6ordinating Group Copies of the updated programme for ;))@BA were circulated with a diagrammatic representation of future courses( & similar programme is 3eing planned for ;))AB' 3ut with the addition that learners who have completed the NCFE "evel =ne this #ear will 3e going on the "evel Two( The ne1t meeting of the group is on Tuesda# $) Ma# ;))A( 8CT Training Co6ordinating Group B BaS8T Steering Group The last meeting! on $$ &pril ;))A! was the first 4oint meeting! after the decision to com3ine the two groups( &lthough the meeting did not go ver# smoothl#! mem3ers thought that the new arrangement would wor/ well in future( & ta3le listing 8CT progression routes was circulated( The ne1t meeting of the Group is on 9ednesda# $$ Ma#( Basic S/ills B ES=" & ta3le showing progression route sin Basic S/illsBES=" is 3eing prepared( The ne1t meeting of the Group is on Thursda# ; 0une ;))A( 8t was agreed that 3ecause of the large num3er of meetings! leading to confusionsBclashes over dates! Mar# Blac/a should produce a calendar of meeetings(

A( 8nformation E1change Commmunit# North Forum ,Emma a#es on ;@@ )@)$-

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The "earning Champions scheme is 3ac/ and running( 9or/ers were starting the following Monda#( The# will 3e 3ased at the 0o3Net premises on Bellhouse .oad( ,CNF has ta/en over 0o3Net(- 8nitiall# the "earning Champions will have a 3asic s/ills focus( The# will 3e feeding 3ac/ regularl# to the Partnership! via Emma( 8t was agreed that the "earning Champions scheme should 3e an item on the Ma# agenda( &C"&B G &dult "earners> 9ee/ Group ,Tim &rmstrong on ;'; AFAFTim had 3rought several copies of the &dult "earners 9ee/ leaflet and urged mem3ers to ta/e and distri3ute them( Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church ,Dawn Phillips on ;@' F'A%Dawn gave an update on SJ.C classes< S The Mosaic class is full! with adults and children attending S The Basic Food #giene class had to 3e cancelled 3ecause of poor recruitment S & digital imaging class is 3eing planned! with Paul &dams S Craft wor/shops are planned S There will 3e an information meeting for learners interested in the F%)6; Delivering "earning class! on $@ Septem3er ;))A( Firth Par/ Festival ,Trade Base on ;@% FK)'The Festival is on Sunda# ;' 0une! from $6))pm to '6))pm( There is enough entertainment 3ut more information stalls are needed( The ne1t planning meeting for the Festival G which is open to an#one interested G is on Tuesda# % Ma# ;))A! at '6%)pm! at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar#( Trade Base ,Contact< &ndrea ard# on ;@% FK)'The &llotment Pro4ect is starting( 8t is intended to organise training( Shelagh 9augh en2uired whether an#one /new of an# pots of mone#! which might fund training( Sheffield Futures ,0o Curtin on ;)$ ;I%IThe drop6in service for adults at Star ouse was 3eing re6instated from the 3eginning of Ma#( 8t will 3e availa3le ever# da# from $$6))am to %6))pm( Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College ,Gordon enshaw on ;AF @);FS The Summer Term adult courses leaflet had 3een distri3uted to all parents of children at the College and to parents of children in the primar# school cluster! with a 2uestionnaire on adult learning needs( S The ne1t Famil# "earning Da# is on $@ Ma#( There is space for adultBcommunit# learning organisations to have information stalls( &dult : Communit# "earning Jnit ,Mar# Blac/a on ;'' FA)%Mar# as/ed whether mem3ers thought that there would 3e demand for a deaf awareness course after half6 term! to 3e followed 3# a BS" course from Septem3er( Mem3ers thought that there would 3e a demand( '( Neigh3ourhood .enewal Fund Copies of the E1pressions of 8nterest from the three pro4ects which had not #et received funding ,C>Mon Ever#3od#! inde ouse School and Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church Children and Families Pro4ecthad 3een circulated with the papers for the meeting( There was CF!)') to allocate( Decisions S 8t is proposed that that the remaining CF!)') is allocated to C>Mon Ever#3od#( S C>Mon Ever#3od# is re2uested to tal/ to inde ouse School ,Primar# Phase- a3out using some of the N.F mone# to fund the deliver# of a programme to parents at the school! as this was included in the unsuccessful 3id from inde ouse(
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S The Partnership is willing to act as the local management agent for N.F pro4ects and! in this capacit#! would receive and discuss monitoring reports(

Ne1t meetings<

Thursda# $; Ma# ;))A! from $)6))am to $; noon "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College TT P"E&SE N=TE< T 8S MEET8NG 8S =N & T J.SD&5 M=.N8NGTT Frida# $F 0une ;))A! from $)6))am to $; noon Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church

The ne1t meeting of the Partnership is on Thursda# $; Ma# ;))A $)6))am to $;6)) noon! at "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College P"E&SE N=TE T 8S MEET8NG 8S =N & T J.SD&5 &GEND& $( Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting! $A &pril ;))A ;( &ctive Brightside : Shiregreen ,Craig omer%( &dult "earning Mentors G Communit# North Forum ,Emma a#es@( Gloss# 3rochure R&dult "earning in B:S> ,Paul &damsA( .eports from su36groups '( 8nformation E1change F( Dates of ne1t meetings< Frida# $F 0une ;))A! $)6))am to $; noon Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church Frida# $A 0ul#! $)6))am to $; noon ?enue to 3e confirmed Future dates ,suggestions 3elow-

Brightside and Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership &pologies! additional agenda items and re2uests for directions
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cBo< Mar# Blac/a or Paul &dams! &C" Jnit Sheffield Cit# Council Education ! $@A Croo/esmoor .oad! Sheffield S' %FP Tel(< ,)$$@- ;'' FA)% e6mail< mar#(3lac/aUsheffield(gov(u/ From< Ed 9ilson To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Trevor Pollard Date< Tuesda# 6 &pril ;'! ;))A $)<%) &M Su34ect< .e< New courses at Firshill &fta3! &s far as the courses at Firshill are concerned! m# role in this now is simpl# to approve a new course form if and when one comes through from the Curriculum manager 6 currentl# TrevorH 5ou need to tal/ to Gill and 7ath a3out setting up and staffing these courses( 8f the# are happ# with them ,i(e( the# feel the# can 3e properl# staffed! resourced and monitored-! then the# can recommend to trevor that the courses go on( 8 would li/e to meeet with #ou soon as #our line manager to get an overview of communit# provion and developments in #our area( The BNDfC initiatives would come under this( 8 /now that Trevor has 3een to some of the Edcuation Theme Group meetings with 0on! so ma#3e he need to 3e involved for that 3it( 9hen is a good time for #ou to meetD 8Mll come down to Firvale( 8Mm availa3le this Thursda#! and Tuesda# am! 9ed pm! thurs! and Fri am ne1t wee/( Ed From< Darrell Mood# To< &fta3 &hmed! "#n Sale Date< Monda# 6 &pril ;A! ;))A I<@I PM Su34ect< D+NT$& 8 have now closed this class could #ou tell all involved please &fta3 all the students! "#n Carol &s/e#( There will 3e no class this wee/( Than/s darrell From< Ed 9ilson To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Tuesda# 6 &pril $K! ;))A @<A@ PM Su34ect< .e< Jrdu for N S &fta3! 8 thin/ Trevor has now agreed that we put it on( 8 need a new course form( 8 understand that #ou will go for one unit of the =CN 2ual( 8 should 3e in 9ednesda# pm on ;;@@( Ed LLL &fta3 &hmed $KB@B)A $@<%A<)% LLL
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i Ed! 8Mve tried to reach #ou via telephone #esterda# and toda# regarding the a3ove class( 9e have made a commitment to this and ?irginia have had to reschedule the NursesM time well in advance for them to 3e a3le a From< "#n Sale To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Darrell Mood# Date< Tuesda# 6 &pril $K! ;))A $;<%' PM Su34ect< .e< Nutritiona and Diet E+NT$B Than/s &fta3 "#n LLL &fta3 &hmed )@B$IB)A $<@@ pm LLL i "#n! Not having delt with the paperwor/ 3efore directl# iMm not sure what paper wor/ is re2uired and iMll tal/ to #ou a3out it to sort this out( Please also note that 8 have a Nutrition and Diet starting on 9ed( pm at Firvale and replied to DarrellMs email( Basicall# we have seven people enroled and have had seven positive in2uiries last wee/ for the course and hopefull# should end up with $; students on 9ed( so iMd li/e to go ahead with it( &fta3 LLL "#n Sale )@B$AB)A %<%@ PM LLL i &fta3 8 wonder if #ou could arrange for the paper wor/ to 3e forwarded for E+NT$B! Carol &s/e# would li/e to cla From< V8na#at : .ashida assanaliV WihUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/L To< Gillian Bla/e#! &fta3 &hmed! 4oncowle#U3ndfc(co(u/ Date< Monda# 6 &pril $I! ;))A $)<$K PM Su34ect< Septem3er ;))A programme Mime(I;; ,;)@% 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO &fta3 and 8 met toda# to discuss the shape of provision through Sheffield College from Septem3er at Firs ill : St Catherines( 8 have re2uested the following< St Catherines Tuesda# evening '6Ipm Spanish NCFE "evel $! French NCFE "evel $! Personal Presentation , air : Beaut#-NCFED Firs ill Trio of ealth : Safet#! Food #giene and First &id! priorit# to ealth : Safet# in term $ as not previousl# offered S/ills for "ife Numerac# ,to complement popular English "it course currentl# offered=ffice &dministration NCFED or nearest availa3le course e2uivalent within national 2uals framewor/ ealth : Social Care 6 ?ocational GCSE
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9e will 3e meeting again on Monda# Kth Ma# %(%)pm to finalise the programme( 8f there are an# pro3lems at this point we will come 3ac/ to #ou for support( Best wishes! .ashida

From< VMilad 8smailV Wmilad(ismailUmouchelpar/man(comL To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Monda# 6 &pril $I! ;))A A<%% PM Su34ect< .eferee .EF6F=.MXr3(D=C ,%FIII 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO Mime(I;; ,A@FIK 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO Dear &fta3! &lslamo ali/um 8 thought! 8 do 3etter remind #ou of the reference letterH 8f the Jniversit# of "eeds hasnMt send #ou e6mail to answer 3ac/ as the# did with m# Manager! Could #ou please write a letter on official headed paper! signed and sealed( 8 will , in sha &lah- collect it and post it on Thursda#( Please find enclosed a cop# of m# Manager repla# as an e1ample for their 2uestions Than/ #ou 9aslam &li/um Milad From< VChristopher NattressV Wchristopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Monda# 6 &pril $I! ;))A %<@) PM Su34ect< .E< D8PS8 and CB" Mime(I;; ,AF$I 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO Certainl# School of Business and European Studies 9aterdale Doncaster DN$ %EY 7ind regards Chris Nattress ead of School School of Business and European Studies .oom C$$@! 9aterdale! , ,)$%);- AA%'')

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 12 of 178

66666=riginal Message66666 From< &fta3 &hmed Nmailto<&fta3(&hmedUsheffcol(ac(u/O Sent< $I &pril ;))A $%<@' To< christopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/ Su34ect< .E< D8PS8 and CB" i Chris! Sorr#! could #ou please email #our full address please so i can send #ou a map( &fta3 LLL VChristopher NattressV Wchristopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/L )@B$AB)A $<AF PM LLL No pro3lem( Than/s for letting me /now( ow a3out the following wee/! same time $@()) on Fri ;KthD Chris Nattress ead of School School of Business and European Studies .oom C$$@! 9aterdale! , ,)$%);- AA%'') 66666=riginal Message66666 From< &fta3 &hmed Nmailto<&fta3(&hmedUsheffcol(ac(u/O Sent< $A &pril ;))A $%<A) To< christopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/ Su34ect< .E< D8PS8 and CB" i Chris! M# apologies! since giving #ou possi3le times iMve had to set up a meeting with our director on this ver# same time and the other slots are gone as well so we have to loo/ at some other times( 8Mm availa3le to meet similar times as 8 indicated 3efore wee/ 3eginning ;AB)@B)A( &fta3 LLL VChristopher NattressV Wchristopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/L )@B$AB)A $$<$' &M LLL i &fta3 Shall we sa# $@()) on Frida# ;;ndD Could #ou e6mail some general directions and weMll see #ou there( Than/s again( 7ind regards Chris Nattress ead of School
Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 13 of 178

School of Business and European Studies .oom C$$@! 9aterdale! , ,)$%);- AA%'') 66666=riginal Message66666 From< &fta3 &hmed Nmailto<&fta3(&hmedUsheffcol(ac(u/O Sent< $@ &pril ;))A $;<AA To< christopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/ Su34ect< .e< D8PS8 and CB" i Chris! 8 could meet #ou on Mon pm! 9ed( am or Fri( pm &fta3 LLL VChristopher NattressV Wchristopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/L )@B$@B)A $$<A) &M LLL i &fta3 Further to our telephone conversation! #our assistance in sharing #our e1periences in the deliver# and management of courses leading to 2ualifications in translating and interpreting would 3e much appreciated( &t Doncaster we have an acute need in the area which we are see/ing to serve( &s we are new to this an# guidance will 3e most welcome( Perhaps #ou could suggest some times over the coming wee/s when m#self and m# colleague Nina "oc/#er could visit for a chat( Much o3liged( Chris Nattress ead of School School of Business and European Studies .oom C$$@! 9aterdale! M ,)$%);- AA%'')

This e6mail and an# files that accompan# it are intended onl# for the use of the addresseeBs! and ma# contain information that is privileged! confidential or e1empt from disclosure( 8f the reader is not an intended recipient! an# disclosure! distri3ution or other use of this e6mail is prohi3ited( 8f #ou have received this e6mail in error! please delete it from #our s#stem and notif# the sender immediatel#( &n# views or opinions presented do not necessaril# represent those of the College( Than/ #ou(

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 14 of 178

This e6mail and an# files that accompan# it are intended onl# for the use of the addresseeBs! and ma# contain information that is privileged! confidential or e1empt from disclosure( 8f the reader is not an intended recipient! an# disclosure! distri3ution or other use of this e6mail is prohi3ited( 8f #ou have received this e6mail in error! please delete it from #our s#stem and notif# the sender immediatel#( &n# views or opinions presented do not necessaril# represent those of the College( Than/ #ou(

From< "#n Sale To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Frida# 6 &pril $A! ;))A %<%@ PM Su34ect< Nutritiona and Diet E+NT$B i &fta3 8 wonder if #ou could arrange for the paper wor/ to 3e forwarded for E+NT$B! Carol &s/e# would li/e to claim their certificates( Than/ #ou( "#n

From< VChristopher NattressV Wchristopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed CC< nina(loc/#erUdon(ac(u/ Date< Frida# 6 &pril $A! ;))A $<AF PM Su34ect< .E< D8PS8 and CB" Mime(I;; ,@'$F 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO No pro3lem( Than/s for letting me /now( ow a3out the following wee/! same time $@()) on Fri ;KthD Chris Nattress ead of School School of Business and European Studies .oom C$$@! 9aterdale! , ,)$%);- AA%'') 66666=riginal Message66666 From< &fta3 &hmed Nmailto<&fta3(&hmedUsheffcol(ac(u/O Sent< $A &pril ;))A $%<A) To< christopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/ Su34ect< .E< D8PS8 and CB"
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i Chris! M# apologies! since giving #ou possi3le times iMve had to set up a meeting with our director on this ver# same time and the other slots are gone as well so we have to loo/ at some other times( 8Mm availa3le to meet similar times as 8 indicated 3efore wee/ 3eginning ;AB)@B)A( &fta3 LLL VChristopher NattressV Wchristopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/L )@B$AB)A $$<$' &M LLL i &fta3 Shall we sa# $@()) on Frida# ;;ndD Could #ou e6mail some general directions and weMll see #ou there( Than/s again( 7ind regards Chris Nattress ead of School School of Business and European Studies .oom C$$@! 9aterdale! , ,)$%);- AA%'') 66666=riginal Message66666 From< &fta3 &hmed Nmailto<&fta3(&hmedUsheffcol(ac(u/O Sent< $@ &pril ;))A $;<AA To< christopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/ Su34ect< .e< D8PS8 and CB" i Chris! 8 could meet #ou on Mon pm! 9ed( am or Fri( pm &fta3 LLL VChristopher NattressV Wchristopher(nattressUdon(ac(u/L )@B$@B)A $$<A) &M LLL i &fta3 Further to our telephone conversation! #our assistance in sharing #our e1periences in the deliver# and management of courses leading to 2ualifications in translating and interpreting would 3e much appreciated( &t Doncaster we have an acute need in the area which we are see/ing to serve( &s we are new to this an# guidance will 3e most welcome( Perhaps #ou could suggest some times over the coming wee/s when m#self and m# colleague Nina "oc/#er could visit for a chat(

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 16 of 178

Much o3liged( Chris Nattress ead of School School of Business and European Studies .oom C$$@! 9aterdale! M ,)$%);- AA%'')

This e6mail and an# files that accompan# it are intended onl# for the use of the addresseeBs! and ma# contain information that is privileged! confidential or e1empt from disclosure( 8f the reader is not an intended recipient! an# disclosure! distri3ution or other use of this e6mail is prohi3ited( 8f #ou have received this e6mail in error! please delete it from #our s#stem and notif# the sender immediatel#( &n# views or opinions presented do not necessaril# represent those of the College( Than/ #ou(

From< &nne Jstun To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Thursda# 6 &pril $@! ;))A $;<%I PM Su34ect< .e< Jrdu for health service ello &fta3 8 could meet #ou ne1t Thursda# 6 morning or afternoon at Fir ?ale or "o1le#( 8 am free on Monda# after %(%) and on 9ed after %(%)( Tuesda# is difficult as 8 teach all morning and then in the evening at Castle( 9e need to finalise the programme 3# ;)th &pril for roll6over enrolments so reall# the sooner the 3etterH .egards &NNE LLL &fta3 &hmed $@B)@B)A $)<%%<AA LLL i &nne! For the Jrdu for the N S iMve as/ed Ed to Put accreditation on it ie Jnit $ Ma/ing Contact( M#self and .aPPa2 will support the tutor if she needs an# e1tra support(So 8 hope #ou will support these courses( 9ith the second issues of Firs 8llBSt Catherine we do need to address the issues #ou mention! 3ut feel assured had 8 3een informed of them 8 would have tried m# 3est to resolve them &n#wa# we now have time to ensure that the# in fact donMt arise in the first place so 8 do hope that #ou will reconsider m# re2uest for Firs ill( 9e are under considera3le p=litical pressure as well and Trevor Pollard is 7een that we respond where we can to re2uests for courses and in this case the course was well received( 9e need to 3uild on it( 8 8 would li/e to meet #ou ne1t wee/ if possi3le ( 8Mm free most da#s from ;())pm onwards apart from Tuesda# and Frida#( &fta3
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LLL &nne Jstun )@B$;B)A $<)@ PM LLL i &fta3 8 tried to phone #ou #esterda# in 3etween teachin g 3ut #our line was engaged( 5ou need to go through EdBTrevor now for these courses( The# canMt reall# 4ust go on m# programme as the# are not =CN( .e Firs ill 6 There is certainl# a demand 3ut 8 have had so man# pro3lems there this #ear that 8 reall# feel that unless college puts in proper admin support as St CatherineMs is not one of our centres then 8 am not happ# to go ahead for ne1t #ear( Pro3lems were< Students 4ust turned up on first night unenrolled( Too man# for one class No classroom No adult chairs No cassette pla#er or 3oard No register deliver# or collection Class had to 3e split No admin presence Not a college centre &lso this class was on a Tuesda# eve which is when 8 also teach so 8 have never 3een a3le to get up there in person to tr# and sort things out Than/s &NNE

LLL &fta3 &hmed $$B)@B)A $;<A;<;I LLL i &nne! 9e need to put two urdu 3eginners courses for the a3ove as follows< $( For this term Jrdu 3eginers starting on 9ednesda# ;)th &pril for ten wee/s from ; to @ pm at Pegasus house Glossop .oad ;( &nother Jrdu 3eginners starting on Thursda# 'th octo3er Till Ith Decem3er ;))A ie ten wee/s from $) 6 $; pm at pegasus ouse Glossop .oad(

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Both of these need to 3e college certificate onl# courses and the course should 3e free as the Northern General ospital has alread# paid the course fees into College( 8n fact we need to provide another such course in ;))'H ,Ed 8 hope #ou can do the relevant paper wor/! iMll need the first course code in order to enrol students soon-( %( .ashida assan &li at Firs 8ll primar# school has again as/ed for a Spanish 3egineers and a French 3eginners from Septem3er ;))A( &s #ou /now the Spanish has gone reasona3ll# well and she assures me that there was a late interest in the French and that she will have the num3ers for Septem3er( Could these two courses 3e included in the language programme please( &fta3

From< Tingle Ton# WTon#(TingleUsheffield(gov(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed! Trevor Pollard! Ed 9ilson! Gillian .aistric/! gurnahUhotmail(com! hotswannUl#cos(com! 4oncowle#U3ndfc(co(u/! /d4an4uaU#ahoo(co(u/! dmo1amXcecU#ahoo(co(u/! swatsonUwea(org(u/! rhindleUwea(org(u/! rhUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/! dsth(modestU3catsheffield(org(u/! gurnahUhotmail(co(u/! tim(armstrongUlongle#par/(ac(u/! 7ath(Swinne#Usheffield(gov(u/ Date< Tuesda# 6 &pril $;! ;))A @<AF PM Su34ect< .E< Moving Forward on Basic S/ills in Burngreave Mime(I;; ,F;$$ 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO ello &ll 8Mve now 3oo/ed St PeterMs Church! "#ons Street! for Thursda# ;Ith &pril! ;())pm for the meeting to discuss putting together a programme of Basic S/ills courses in Burngreave from Septem3er( This was the time that suited the ma4orit# of those who responded 6 apologies to an#one who canMt ma/e that time( 8 loo/ forward to seeing #ou on the ;Ith( &ll the 3est Ton# L 66666=riginal Message66666 L From< Tingle Ton# L Sent< )A &pril ;))A $%<%' L To< Tingle Ton#* Swinne# 7ath* Mdmo1amXcecU#ahoo(co(u/M* L Mtim(armstrongUlongle#par/(ac(u/M* Mafta3(ahmedUsheffcol(ac(u/M* L MrhindleUwea(org(u/M* MgurnahUhotmail(co(u/M* L Mdsth(modestU3catsheffield(org(u/M* MrhUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/M* L MswatsonUwea(org(u/M* M/d4an4uaU#ahoo(co(u/M* M4oncowle#U3ndfc(co(u/M* L MhotswannUl#cos(comM* Mtrevor(pollardUsheffcol(ac(u/M* L Med(wilsonUsheffcol(ac(u/M* Mgillian(raistric/Usheffcol(ac(u/M* L MgurnahUhotmail(comM L Su34ect< .E< Moving Forward on Basic S/ills in Burngreave L L From the responses 8Mve had so far! it loo/s li/e the afternoon of L Thursda# ;Ith &pril is 3est for the ma4orit# of people! so can #ou please L pencil this into #our diaries and 8Mll confirm time! venue etc nearer the
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L date( L &ll the 3est L Ton# L L 66666=riginal Message66666 L From< Tingle Ton# L Sent< ;@ March ;))A $'<%I L To< Tingle Ton#* Swinne# 7ath* Mdmo1amXcecU#ahoo(co(u/M* L Mtim(armstrongUlongle#par/(ac(u/M* Mafta3(ahmedUsheffcol(ac(u/M* L MrhindleUwea(org(u/M* MgurnahUhotmail(co(u/M* L Mdsth(modestU3catsheffield(org(u/M* MrhUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/M* L MswatsonUwea(org(u/M* M/d4an4uaU#ahoo(co(u/M* M4oncowle#U3ndfc(co(u/M* L MhotswannUl#cos(comM* Mtrevor(pollardUsheffcol(ac(u/M* L Med(wilsonUsheffcol(ac(u/M* Mgillian(raistric/Usheffcol(ac(u/M L Su34ect< .E< Moving Forward on Basic S/ills in Burngreave L L ello &ll L 8Mm going to have another sta3 at organising this meeting as itMs L proven ver# difficult to get sufficient num3ers of people to commit to the L same times in this wee/ ,ever#3od# was free at different timesH-( L Could #ou let me /now as soon as #ou can if #ouMre free on the L following dates< L Tuesda# ;'th &pril 6 afternoon L 9ednesda# ;Fth 6 afternoon L Thursda# ;Ith 6 all da# L Same as 3efore 6 if #ou could offer as much choice as possi3le! that L would give me more chance to put a meeting together with the widest L representation( L Than/s L Ton# L L 66666=riginal Message66666 L From< Tingle Ton# L Sent< $' March ;))A $%<)A L To< Swinne# 7ath* Mdmo1amXcecU#ahoo(co(u/M* L Mtim(armstrongUlongle#par/(ac(u/M* Mafta3(ahmedUsheffcol(ac(u/M* L MrhindleUwea(org(u/M* MgurnahUhotmail(co(u/M* L Mdsth(modestU3catsheffield(org(u/M* MrhUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/M* L MswatsonUwea(org(u/M* M/d4an4uaU#ahoo(co(u/M* M4oncowle#U3ndfc(co(u/M* L MhotswannUl#cos(comM* Mtrevor(pollardUsheffcol(ac(u/M* L Med(wilsonUsheffcol(ac(u/M L Su34ect< Moving Forward on Basic S/ills in Burngreave L L ello &ll L 5ouMll /now that for some time there have 3een discussions L in various arenas a3out how we can improve 3oth the provision of! and L recruitment to! Basic S/ills courses in Burngreave as part of an overall L approach to regenerating the area( Jnfortunatel#! these discussions have L not led to much action on the ground so far( L &hmed Gurnah! 0on Cowle# and m#self have met on a couple of L occasions specificall# to address this issue! and we feel that a useful L initiative would 3e to 3ring together /e# provider organisations and
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L individuals engaged in adult learning in the area to plan and agree a L programme of Basic S/ills courses which could run in Burngreave from the L &utumn Term( L 9e hope #ou would 3e a3le to ta/e part in such a meeting( 8 L have provisional 3oo/ings for St Peters Church! "#ons Street! for the L dates 3elow( 8t would 3e ver# helpful if #ou could let me /now which of L these dates #ou would 3e a3le to ma/e ,please put all the dates #ouMd 3e L a3le to ma/e! not 4ust one- and 8Mll put a meeting together to suit the L ma4orit#( L Tuesda# $;th &pril after ;())pm L 9ednesda# $%th 6 afternoon L Frida# $Ath 6 all da#( L 8f #ou could get 3ac/ to me over the ne1t few da#s that L would 3e particularl# helpful as 8 will then 3e a3le to confirm a definite L date and get it in peopleMs diaries( 8f #ou want to ring rather than L email! m# num3er is ;''K@IK( L 8 loo/ forward to hearing from #ou( L Ton# L L P(S( 5ouMll find attached a draft Burngreave Basic S/ills L Strateg# which could Mprovide a common framewor/ for providersM( 9e could L also use the meeting to get some initial feed3ac/ on the strateg#( L L WW File< Draft Burngreave Basic S/ills Strateg#6Mar)A(doc L LL L The information in this email is intended for the addressee,s- onl#( 8f #ou are not the addressee! please tell us 3# using the repl# facilit# in #our email software as soon as possi3le( Sheffield Cit# Council cannot accept an# responsi3ilit# for the accurac# or completeness of this message as it has 3een transmitted over a pu3lic networ/( 8f #ou suspect that the message ma# have 3een intercepted or amended please tell us as soon as possi3le(

From< VPrior! 0ames 8V W0(8(PriorUshu(ac(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Tuesda# 6 &pril $;! ;))A @<$% PM Su34ect< .E< .esu3mission of =CN programme ;K;; Translation and8nterpretation Mime(I;; ,%%AA 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO Dear &fta3! Than/ #ou for #our repl#! &t the moment there is not a Translation and 8nterpretation National Programme and the possi3ilit# is small in regards to the future as the su34ect is 2uite specific( .egards

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0ames Prior

66666=riginal Message66666 From< &fta3 &hmed Nmailto<&fta3(&hmedUsheffcol(ac(u/O Sent< $; &pril ;))A $@<)% To< 0(8(PriorUshu(ac(u/ Su34ect< .e< .esu3mission of =CN programme ;K;; Translation and8nterpretation ello 0ames! Currentl# the sheffield College will not 3e su3mitting the programme ;K;; for approval( 8 would li/e to /now if there is a national 2ualification in this area which is on the national framewor/( &fta3 LLL VPrior! 0ames 8V W0(8(PriorUshu(ac(u/L )@B$;B)A $;<$$ PM LLL Dear &fta3! 9e re2uire notification for the re6su3mission of programme ;K;; Translation and 8nterpretation( Please could #ou return the attached form or repl# to this email if resu3mission of the a3ove programme is not re2uired( WW.enewal of approval application form(docLL .egards 0ames Prior =pen College Networ/ South 5or/shire and um3erside )$$@ ;;A ;AI@

This e6mail and an# files that accompan# it are intended onl# for the use of the addresseeBs! and ma# contain information that is privileged! confidential or e1empt from disclosure( 8f the reader is not an intended recipient! an# disclosure! distri3ution or other use of this e6mail is prohi3ited( 8f #ou have received this e6mail in error! please delete it from #our s#stem and notif# the sender immediatel#( &n# views or opinions presented do not necessaril# represent those of the College(

From< VPrior! 0ames 8V W0(8(PriorUshu(ac(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Tuesda# 6 &pril $;! ;))A $;<$$ PM Su34ect< .esu3mission of =CN programme ;K;; Translation and 8nterpretation .enewal of approval application form(doc ,AAI)I 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO Mime(I;; ,FIK@; 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO
Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 22 of 178

Dear &fta3! 9e re2uire notification for the re6su3mission of programme ;K;; Translation and 8nterpretation( Please could #ou return the attached form or repl# to this email if resu3mission of the a3ove programme is not re2uired( WW.enewal of approval application form(docLL .egards 0ames Prior =pen College Networ/ South 5or/shire and um3erside )$$@ ;;A ;AI@

From< Ed 9ilson To< &fta3 &hmed! &nne Jstun CC< Trevor Pollard Date< Monda# 6 &pril $$! ;))A ;<)F PM Su34ect< .e< Jrdu for health service &fta3! &nne Not m# pro3lem now 6 8Mm not Gen Ed manager an# moreH owever! 8 need to 3e clear a3out what NG are pa#ing 6 is it full cost ,i(e( around C$)) per hour- or are the# 4ust pa#ing the fee elementD 8 need to 3e involved in the financial planning 3efore 8 can apporve the courses( Ed LLL &fta3 &hmed $$B@B)A $;<A;<;I LLL i &nne! 9e need to put two urdu 3eginners courses for the a3ove as follows< $( For this term Jrdu 3eginers starting on 9ednesda# ;)th &pril for ten wee/s from ; to @ pm at Pegasus house Glossop .oad ;( &nother Jrdu 3eginners starting on Thursda# 'th octo3er Till Ith Decem3er ;))A ie ten wee/s from $) 6 $; pm at pegasus ouse Glossop .oad( Both of these need to 3e college certificate onl# courses and the course should 3e free as the Northern General ospital has alread# paid the course fees into College( 8n fact we need to provide another such course in ;))'H ,Ed 8 hope #ou can do the relevant paper wor/! iMll need the first course code in order to enrol students soon-( %( .ashida assan &li at Firs 8ll primar# school has again as/ed for a Spanish 3egineers and a French 3eginners from Septem3er ;))A( &s #ou /now the Spanish has gone reasona3ll# well and she assures me that there was a late interest in the French and that she will have the num3ers for Septem3er( Could these two courses 3e included in the language programme please( &fta3
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From< V8na#at : .ashida assanaliV WihUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Gillian Bla/e#! 4oncowle#U3ndfc(co(u/ Date< Frida# 6 &pril I! ;))A @<$) PM Su34ect< Following up on courses for Septem3er ;))A Mime(I;; ,;;%F 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO Dear &fta3! hope #ou have had a good 3rea/( $( 8 would li/e to tal/ to #ou a3out several options which were flagged up at our meeting with 0ill Bla/e# : 0on Cowle#( Can we meet up in the ne1t wee/ sometimeD 5ou can contact me on )FFF% AI%'KK( ;( Can #ou give me a date for a health : safet# course( 8f #ou remem3er we tal/ed a3out the possi3ilit# and #ou were going to contact the tutor and get 3ac/ to meD The summer term would 3e good( %( 8 have onl# got a3out ' names so far for first aid for 3a3ies : toddlers as people need childcare and 8 canMt find an# mone# for this from an# sources at this time of #ear( 8 am hoping to change the venue from Sheffield Jtd to St Catherines or Firs ill and possi3l# a3sor3 the children into another crZche alread# running at Firs ill( 9hat is the minimum num3er needed to run itD @( 9hen do all the tutors come 3ac/ to wor/ after the hols so 8 can start tal/ing to people a3out various coursesD Than/s and hope to hear from #ou soon .ashida

Brightside : Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership Minutes of the Meeting held on $$ March ;))A at Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church Present< Mohamed &lsahimi ,&ra3 Training : 8nformation CentreMar# Blac/a ,SCC G &dult : Communit# "earning Jnit0o Curtin ,New Futures7ate amill ,Firth Par/ : Shiregreen Sure StartEmma a#es ,Communit# North ForumSuPanne Par/in ,C>Mon Ever#3od#0enat Shah ,Communit# North ForumGwen Smithies ,Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church.on Stevenson ,Flower Estate Famil# &ction Q BaS8TEllen Ta#lor ,Firth Par/ &dvice Centre-

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Dawn ?as2ueP ,Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church&pologies< Paul &dams ,SCC G &C"J-* Tim &rmstrong ,"ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College-* Ton# arrison ,9E&-* Gordon enshaw ,Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College-* 0o oldawa# ,S&?TE-* "esle# Pearson ,BaS8T Q ESp-* Bev Pinder ,Firth Par/ Credit Jnion-* Shelagh 9augh ,Trade Base-* Ellie 9ilson ,The Source$( Minutes of the last meeting! $$ Fe3ruar# ;))A Corrections< Names ,p($Gw#n Smithies was corrected to Gwen Smithies Susan Par/in was corrected to SuPanne Par/in &dult : Communit# "earning &dvisor# Board ,&C"&B- ,p(;8t was thought that the minutes might not accuratel# reflect what Tim &rmstrong had meant( 8t was agreed that Tim should 3e as/ed for clarification( Matters arising< Communit# North Forum< Communit# Chest Following Naomi Creed>s departure! 2ueries a3out the Communit# Chest should 3e directed to 0enat Shah( &dult "earning Bursaries Gwen Smithies reported on the good ta/e up of the Bursaries( =ver ;) applications had 3een received( & list of the 3ursaries allocated was circulated( The administrative procedures! which had 3een developed from scratch 3# Dawn Phillips! were comple1 and had ta/en much more time than was originall# envisaged( Dawn had esta3lished a real connection with learners and was providing them with support( .on Stevenson as/ed whether 3ursaries were availa3le for childcare costs and was informed that the# were( There was a 2uestion a3out how learners find out a3out the availa3ilit# of 3ursaries( 8t was thought that pu3licit# a3out the scheme should 3e produced! in addition to mentions in course prospectuses( 8CT Training Co6ordinating Group 8t was confirmed that Gordon enshaw had reported 3ac/ from the group meeting 3ecause it had 3een a poorl# attended meeting and Gordon was one of the two people present who had attended( Curriculum Planning B Providers Group This group had met on $) March ;))A! to start the process of mapping out the course programme for ;))AB'( Courses in 8CT! Childcare : Pla#wor/! Basic S/ills ,including ES="- had 3een planned in outline! using the successful Childcare : Pla#wor/ model( & 2uic/l# produced course listing! with the same format as that used for the Spring Term! would 3e produced for the Summer Term ;))A( Paul &dams is leading on this( & much more e1pansive 3oo/let! similar to the Burngreave "earner! will 3e produced for ;))AB'! with terml# updates( The 3oo/let will include details of providers( Ellen Ta#lor suggested that the Firth Par/ &dvice Centre should 3e considered to 3e a local provider(
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;( &dult "earners 9ee/ events Cele3ration of &dult "earning S Thursda# ;' Ma# ;))A S First Start! Firth Par/ centre S $)6))am to ;6%)pm S Displa# of learners wor/ S E1hi3itionsBstalls G learning proividers etc! in a mar2uee S "ive music from "ongle# Par/ students S Morning wor/shops< o 8CT o Five6& GDa# o 8CT o Nail &rt o Ba3# massage o Q an active session S Presentation of Certificates 3# Paul &shdown! Principal of "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College S Buffet lunch S &fternoon wor/shops S Pu3licit# 3eing handled 3# Sure Start B CNF S Sure Start staff Q "earning Champions to staff the reception &CT8=NS S E1amples of learner>s wor/ for displa# should 3e given to Paul &dams 3# ' Ma# S &ll local groups B providers are invited to nominate one learner from each learning group to receive a certificate on 3ehalf of the group The ne1t meeting of the &"9 Planning Group is on 9ednesda# ;) &pril ;))A! at %6))pm! at First Start( &n#one interested is welcomeH %( &dult : Communit# "earning Jnit &"8 8nspection Mar# Blac/a than/ed all &C"J>s local partners and contract holders for the part the# had pla#ed in the &"8 inspection( The inspectors had 3een ver# impressed 3# the strength of local partnerships! demonstrated at the meeting at the Flower Estate Famil# &ction .esource ouse on ;' 0anuar# ;))A( The inspection report had 4ust 3een pu3lished( Communit# "earning had 3een awarded a Grade ;< Good( &C"J had also 3een awarded a Grade ; for "eadership and Management( @( &dult "earning .eview and &ction Plan! =cto3er ;))@ Copies of the &dult "earning .eview and &ction Plan were circulated( Most of the document had alread# 3een seen 3# Partnership mem3ers( The final version included conte1tual information( Bound copies of the report were circulated( 9or/ on the ne1t plan was due to start in Ma# B 0une ;))A( [

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A( 8nformation E1change Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church ,Dawn ?as2ueP on ;@' F'A%The following courses will 3e delivered at SJ.C< S Certificate in Delivering "earning ,Septem3er ;))AS Basic Food #giene S Mosaic Ma/ing ,Starting Thursda# ;$ &pril! from '6$Apm to I6$Apm(Flower Estate Famil# &ction ,.on Stevenson on ;I$ ;'@AThe Bric/wor/s pro4ect! which aims to provide a communit# par/ for the whole estate! is wor/ing closel# with inde ouse School ,Primar# Phase-( The pro4ect focuses on environmental issues( 8f an# support is needed from Partnership mem3ers! this will 3e re2uested( Firth Par/ : Shiregreen Sure Start ,7ate amill on ;)% K$K'S There are still some places left on the organic gardening course at First Start( 8t will 3e possi3le to tailor the course to the needs of the participants( & pro4ect wor/er has 3een appointed for the allotment pro4ect( S \8mprove #our English] There will 3e a pilot run of this course after Easter( S & Stor#sac/s course with ES=" support will 3e run in the Summer Term( &pplegrove ,SCEDJ- is providing the Stor#sac/s tutor and S&?TE the ES=" tutor( Communit# North Forum ,0enat Shah on ;@% FK)'0enat is standing in for Naomi Creed! who has left Communit# North Forum( owever! 0enat herself will soon 3e leaving CNF to wor/ for &T8C( 0enat is now a mem3er of &C"&B ,Sheffield First for "earning>s &dult and Communit# "erarning &dvisor# Board-( 8f an#one had an issue which the# wished 0enat to raise! could the# let her have the details 3efore the meeting on $F March ;))A( &T8C ,&ra3 Training : 8nformation Centre- ,Mohamed &lsahimi on ;@% ')K%S Cultural &wareness training! with ES=" is starting on $$ &pril >)A( S &ccreditation is 3eing sought for an Entr# "evel Three CitiPenship course S ES=" courses will 3e availa3le at Entr# "evel =ne and Two S Courses will 3e repeated on a continuous c#cle S &T8C will deliver courses to an#one from an# part of the cit# S Travel e1penses will 3e paid and there will 3e some childcare provided 8n response to 2uestions Mohamed said that< S e was unaware of an# other group in Sheffield delivering com3ined and citiPenship courses( S =utreach deliver# might 3e possi3le 3ut has not 3een considered( S &T8C is wor/ing with 7ath Swinne# ,&C"&B ES="BBasic S/ills Co6ordinator- on the curriculum S The Partnership>s Basic S/ills and ES=" Co6ordinating Group should provide a mechanism for co6 ordination B referral S &n#one wanting to en2uire a3out places on the first run of courses should contact Mohamed 3# %$ March ;))A New Futures ,0o Curtin on ;)$ ;I%IThere are a num3er of emplo#ment related initiatives< S & RSpring into 9or/> course has 3een organised 3# 7ate amill( This is 3eing delivered 3# &C"J ,Nicola .o3shaw-( Contact 7ate for more details( S &T8C has an emplo#ment support pro4ect around construction( This is a Cit# Council scheme( 8t is N=T an 8"M scheme and is availa3le to an#one of an# nationalit#! or age and to women and men( Contact Mohamed &lsahimi for more details( S The volunteer training at Firth Par/ &dvice Centre is vocational( There are five 8"M posts coming up at the Centre! which can 3e of varia3le length and with varia3le hours per wee/( The Centre>s practice is to
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recruit people as volunteers and then! if appropriate! to move them on to 8"M posts( Contact Ellen Ta#lor for more details( '( Neigh3ourhood .enewal Fund ,N.F- ;))AB' e1pressions of interest E1pressions of interest had 3een received from seven pro4ects 3efore the meeting and a further e1pression of interest was su3mitted at the meeting( The total cost of the pro4ects su3mitted in advance was appro1imatel# twice the amount of C;A7 which was availa3le( Mar# Blac/a commented that some of the pro4ects would 3e eligi3le for funding from other sources! including the Runderspend> on the ;))@BA N.F( 8t was agreed that the following pro4ects should 3e supported< S Childcare and pla#wor/ courses ,&dult : Communit# "earning Jnit for the PartnershipS ES=" pro4ect ,S&?TE G Sheffield &ssociation for the ?oluntar# Teaching of EnglishS &dult "earning Bursar# Scheme ,Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church for the PartnershipThe main rationale for this decision was that these pro4ects did not have an# alternate sources of funding and would collapse without N.F funding in ;))AB'(( DEC8S8=NS S The following pro4ects will 3e recommended for funding from the N.F ;))AB' allocation< o Childcare : Pla#wor/ Training Pro4ect ,&C"Jo ES=" pro4ect ,S&?TEo &dult "earning Bursar# Scheme ,SJ.CS .e2uests from other pro4ects! which were not agreed and which had not received funding from alternate sources! will 3e re6considered at the &pril meeting of B:S""P( S Copies of the e1pressions of interest from unfunded pro4ects would 3e circulated with the papers for the &pril meeting( Details of all e1pressions of interest and the decisions ta/en are shown on the attached sheet(

Ne1t meetings<

Frida# $A &pril ;))A! from $)6))am to $; noon =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar# ,Communit# North Forum-

Thursda# $; Ma# ;))A! from $)6))am to $; noon ?enue to 3e Confirmed TT P"E&SE N=TE< T 8S MEET8NG 8S =N & T J.SD&5 M=.N8NGTT Brightside : Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership =utcome of decisions on N.F E1pressions of 8nterest! ;))AB' G $$ March ;))A No( =rganisation B Contact Pro4ect &mount in C =utcome $ &C"J for B:S""P Childcare : Pla#wor/ Training Co6ordinating Group,Mar# Blac/a- Provision of childcare and pla#wor/ courses A!))) &greed ; C>mon Ever#3od#,SuPanne Par/in- Two parents groups Q ; dinosaur groups( To 3uild parents> esteem $@!)@) MB to discuss alternative sources of funding B To 3e re6su3mitted to the &pril B:S""P meeting % Firth Par/ &dvice Centre,&nn Griffiths?olunteer Training %!)FA Contract for N.F )@B)A @ inde ouse School Primar# Phase,"#nn Millard- "earning opportunities for parents F!A)) MB to discuss alternative sources of funding B To 3e re6su3mitted to the &pril B:S""P meeting
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A S&?TE,0o oldawa#ES=" ;!K@) &greed ' Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church Children>s and Families Pro4ect for Brightside : Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership,Dawn Phillips&dult "earning Bursar# Scheme $)!))) &greed F Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church Children>s and Families Pro4ect,Gwen Smithies B Dawn ?as2uePTraining pro4ect '!AK% MB to discuss alternative sources of funding B To 3e re6 su3mitted to the &pril B:S""P meeting Su3mitted late< &T8C Contract for N.F )@B)A ES=" pro4ect Mohamed &lsahimi CA$'%

;Kth March ;))A Dear colleague 8 would li/e to ta/e this opportunit# to than/ #ou for supporting Trinit#>s ES=" S/ills for "ife e1aminations* we are delighted that so man# colleges and education providers have chosen to wor/ with Trinit# to deliver these e1citing and important 2ualifications( Trinit# is proud to 3e part of this initiative and we appreciate the hard wor/ and dedication of the professionals who wor/ in this field to help improve English language standards for these particular client groups( 8t has to 3e said! though! that the response to our ES=" S/ills for "ife e1aminations has 3een even 3etter than we had anticipated( =ur e1aminations teams! 3oth here in ead =ffice and our panel of e1aminers around the countr#! has 3een tested almost to their limit! and Trinit# owes each mem3er of these teams a huge de3t of gratitude for ensuring that we have 3een a3le to operate ver# successfull# all our sessions so far( The co6 operation of our centres has also 3een outstanding as we have 3een wor/ing together to develop these new 2ualifications( =ur March session G at the end of the spring term G was ver# 3us#! as man# of #ou will /now( 9e e1pect that our 0une session will 3e even larger as it will 3e the end of the academic #ear( 8n order to ensure that we continue to offer an outstanding level of service to our candidates! we would li/e to as/ all our centres to wor/ with us in the run6up to the 0une e1amination session( &s #ou /now! we choose our e1aminers carefull# and train them to a high standard* we have particularl# aimed to wor/ with e1aminers who are practitioners in ES=" or who have length# e1perience of ES=" in the J7( This naturall# limits the num3ers on our e1amining panel! and we need to ensure that we ma/e the 3est use of our e1aminers> availa3ilit#( The challenge for the 0une session will 3e for us all to wor/ together to 3e certain that we can meet the demand for Trinit# e1ams in as fle1i3le a wa# as possi3le whilst ma/ing ma1imum use of our e1aminers> time( For e1ample! it is normall# 3etter for 3oth Trinit# and our centres if Spea/ing : "istening e1ams are spread out over a period of da#s! rather than 3eing concentrated on 4ust $ da#( 8f #ou are planning to run a 0une session! we would 3e ver# grateful if #ou could contact us 3# phone to tal/ through #our li/el# needs for the session( This will give us a clearer picture of the situation so that we can avoid disappointing an#one nearer the time(

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Please call one of the ead =ffice team on the num3ers 3elow to tal/ through #our potential re2uirements for 0une* this will not commit #ou to actual candidate num3ers 3ut it is the onl# wa# in which we are going to 3e a3le to plan our e1ams effectivel# in colla3oration with #ou( 8f we do not receive a call from #ou! it ma# 3e that we will not 3e a3le to find an# wa# in which to accommodate #our e1am re2uirements for the 0une session as we ma# have alread# allocated all our e1aminers during the pea/ periods( 5ou can call< Clinton .ae Nicola "eah# Brian Cooper );)F I;) '$@) );)F I;) '$A) );)F I;) '$@A

Than/ #ou for #our understanding and commitment to these e1aminations and 8 loo/ forward to wor/ing with #ou to ensure the success of the S/ills for "ife programme( 5ours sincerel#

Clinton .ae Director of "anguage E1aminations Trinit# College "ondon

Burngreave New Deal for Communities ?estr# all 9or/ing Part# 0ohn Mellor! 0ohn ?incent! &fta3 &hmed! Ton# Tingle! 0on Cowle#! 0ac/ie Dra#ton &pologies G Tim &rmstrong! Ed 9ilson $&greed to invite Eleanor Parsons to 4oin the group

;Jpdate aBuilding Can we move the wallsD The group would li/e to see ma1imum fle1i3ilit# on the upper floor( 9hat are the conse2uences of fle1i3le wallsD ?ariet# of uses and users( 3Caf^B.efreshments 9e>ll lose the chance to use a caf^ as a wa# of 3ringing people into the Centre( Could we get a franchise with local operatorsD 8s the 3asement space sufficientD Serving hatch from the /itchen( 0on to raise with archictects cChildcare .eport on developing arrangements with B9.C! Ellesmere Children>s Centre and new Sure StartBChildren>s Centre( Need to retain the possi3ilit# of childcare facilities( Chec/ that =fsted minimum standards are met( Tal/ to architects( d&ction 6 items to raise with architects< i9alls
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Basement space Serving hatch Childcare standards E1hi3itions ?isits

&greed to arrange some visits in the summer( People to ma/e recommendations( 0on to chec/ with N8&CE( @Centre Jsage G first ideas This was a first discussion of these issues which will need to 3e developed over the ne1t #ear or so to ensure we have a programme that meets demands and is delivera3le< aMust 3e multiple usage< iMeetings iiConferences iiiPerformance ivE1hi3itions vDancing vi&frican dance group vii5oga viii- Tea dances i17eep fit 1"unch clu3s 3Training< iNeeds to have as it>s core focus G the development of more vocational training in the area iiNeed to esta3lish what s/ills are re2uired iiiEmplo#a3ilit# s/ills iv8ssue of levels< ma#3e $6% vThe College would li/e to close Ellesmere and develop its provision in the ?estr# hall viNot to 3e simpl# 3asic ES=" vii"in/ with provision at other centres G not predators* lin/ to 0o3net viii- Basic s/ills< ma#3e $A)) adults in the area 3elow GCSE i1"anguages< &ra3ic! urdu! Spanish etc 1&ra3 8nstitute 1iCultural studies 1ii8slamic histor# 1iii- &ccess programmes G Science! health 1iv- Sewing courses c8T facilities< i"earn Direct ii?ocational routes in 8T iiiDesignBtechnolog#Bmusic ivNeed to 3e aware of what is happening at .ed Tape : ills3orough diiiiiiiv8ssues< older people lin/ing to Creative Burngreave and &rts developments ta/ing place do we need to get a performance licence 9omen>s Da#D

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9or/ with< "E& 9E& Sheffield College "ongle# par/ =ther providersD Ne1t Meeting<

9ednesda# $%th &pril! BC&T at K(%)

.:9 G an entertainment led campaign to inspire adults to read more and write 3etter .:9 ,.eading and 9riting< read more! write 3etter- will 3e launched in =cto3er ;))A and forms a % to A #ear campaign( The o34ective is not simpl# to improve 3asic s/ills 3ut to create an interactive and engaging space to learn 3ased around the ever#da# practical e1periences of adult learners( Built around BBC programmes and talent! .:9 will engage audiences> passions! interests and ho33ies! esta3lishing a legac# that will e1tend well 3e#ond the life of the campaign( 9ho is it aimed atD The $; million intermediate readers in the J7( "ife>s doers ;A6A@ #ear olds who left school at $' with limited 2ualifications( The# tend to 3e 3ored 3# reading and writing 3ecause it can 3e a struggle( The# want help with ver# specific areas such as filling in 4o3 applicationsBforms to reading with their children( .:9 will follow % distinct phases* Phase $< raising awareness 6 =cto3er ;))A G Fe3ruar# ;))' Test the Nation and ardspell specials on BBC$ will feature as well as a documentar# from =ne "ife( Discussions underwa# for literac# plotlines in Eastenders! Doctors and Neigh3ours( 9ill also 3e a personal coaching line! a test #our reading level session online plus free magaPines and D?D>s( Phase ;< Engaging passions and interests( G Fe3ruar# ;))' G March ;))F 9ill focus on the interest! activities and driving passions of the target audience with two main thrusts G cele3rities and sport! with a particular focus on men and foot3all Popular pu3lications! magaPines! D?D>s and on6the6ground activities( Phase %< children and parents G ;))F Emphasis on parents to help them read and write with their children with a focus on ages up to K( 9hat we hope to achieve igh6profile programming and trailers over radio and T? will challenge their 3oredom and frustration! draw viewers into the we3site! ta/e advantage of support pu3lishing materials and D?D>s G engage their passions and interests and 3# doing so! inspire and motivate them to read and write more( 9e aim to colla3orate massivel# offline with /e# sta/eholders and partners(

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From< W&ngela(9oodmanc#Usth(nhs(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Tuesda# 6 March ;;! ;))A $;<AF PM Su34ect< Jrdu "anguage Courses 6 Sheffield Teaching ospitals Mime(I;; ,;A$; 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO &fta3 m# name is &ngela and 8 am wor/ing on secondment witrh ?irginia .ichards( =ne of the areas 8 will 3e loo/ing after is the Jrdu language courses hence m# earlier call and this email( For the course starting on ' &pril we onl# have A candidates( 9ould #ou to 3e happ# to run with thisD 9e are reluctant to cancel the ones we have confirmed for fear of losing them 3efore the ne1t course starts( 8f possi3le can #ou confirm the contact details and name of the trainer too so that 8 can send instructions! candidate names and location details for the actual training( 8 am in wor/ toda#! 9ed and Fri if #ou could contact me soon please( Man# than/ From< Christine Saunders To< &fta3 &hmed! &nne &t/ins! Dawn a#wood! Gillian Bla/e# CC< Ed 9ilson Date< Tuesda# 6 March ;;! ;))A $;<%$ PM Su34ect< First &id for Ba3es : Tods i 8Mve spo/en to Barrie Trigg a3out the &SET course for First &id for those caring for Children( can deliver it in $I hours ,the G" is ;)-( e feels we

This means that we can replace the planned deliver# of First &id for Ba3es : Tods for ne1t #ear with the new 2ual 6 one that is on Section KF rather than KI( Emergenc# F& continues as is( owever! certification costs for the &SET course are appro1 C;A per learner and we will 3e charging tuition fees in accordance with college polic# of C%A per learner( This means a total charge per learner of C')( 8 canMt imagine that we will attract the same num3er of learners to the course( &s we must have an average of $A per class 6 8 thin/ we need to remove some of the courses now( 9e have planned $K classes and 8 suggest we reduce down to $; or $@D 9hat do #ou thin/ and which classes shall 8 removeD &ll classes will 3e on Barrie Triggs timeta3le and we will not 3e offering an#thing further via the development programme( 9hatever are removed from Barries tt 8 will use for full time classes in eg Sport( Chris

From< David Gil/s

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To< Dave Gleadall CC< &fta3 &hmed! Dawn a#wood! Gillian Bla/e#! "#nn Thac/wa# Date< Monda# 6 March ;$! ;))A $$<AI &M Su34ect< National Test Promotion in Burngreave Dear &ll! This is partl# for inormation! 3ut also re2uires some action* so here goes< 8 was invited to a meeting with Burngreave fol/ attended 3# Ton# Tingle! &hmed Gurnah and 0on Cowle# to discuss how we might lin/ our National Test promotion into Burngreave( The# were ver# positive a3out the idea and although the# could forsee some issues a3out actual engagement that we shouls go ahead( The outline plan is to< &dvertise the promotion with immedate effect! 3ut with a focus during adult learnerMs wee/( Set up two da#s of practice tests during wee/ 0une $%th with actual tests two wee/s later( _ using CastleMs laptops( 8 need to 3e a3le to communicate 3ac/ to Burngreave as a matter of urgenc#< ` that the promotional incentives will still 3e availa3le in 0une ` who the# should liaise with re6dates and staffing etc ` whether or not we could fund an# local advertising inc inserts in Burngreave messenger or fl#ers( Given that m# time at Castle runs out on Thursda# 8 would appreciate info as 2uic/l# as possi3le( Than/s! David Than/s for meeting on Thursda# $)th March! 8 thought the meeting was ver# helpful and illustrative of what could happen if we are a3le to 3uild on the wor/ 3eing done 3# .ashida ,and others in the area-( These are the main points 8 got from the meeting( N S VPathwa#s into the N SV is a possi3le course( Could 3e lin/ed to First &id and Food #giene to ma/e a real pac/age of stuff( Diane 0ac/son ,;');AIA- at the College has a good /nowledge of the course! and good lin/s into the N S( There is a new V&ccess to the N SV course which would 3e worth finding out a3out and promoting There is a Sheffield College V ealth EducationV da# at Forum ouse on Thursda# ;@th March( ealth and Social Care .os .eidMs course at Castle ,;');)%K- 6 vocational GCSE! $ da# a wee/( 9ould 3e appropriate
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=ffice S/ills N?a $B;< =ffice S/ills and &dmin and Customer care( Potential $;6$% hour a wee/ course! including wor/ placements( "inda FosterMs course ,;')%AFK=ffice and &dministration course! with progression to Medical Secretar# training( &ngela Condon ,;')%AFK- the tutor( .eturn to 9or/ 6 =CN 2ualification But also Communit# Foundation Programme run 3# Sarah 9atson and 0ed Desforges( &imed at $'6$Ks( &3out getting s/ills for wor/( Might 3e transfera3le( 9orth discussing

=ther ?ocational Stuff Getting Bac/ into Emplo#ment! NCFE 2ualification ,ma#3e called VBasic Foundation S/illsVSupporting Families! NCFE "evel $ ,Effective Parenting-! used 3# Sure Start and Famil# Services 6 might 3e a good 2ualification Teaching &ssistantsM course ,NCFEelping in Schools ,9E&Catering! Te1tiles! Personal Services Cit# and guilds te1tile courseD Personal services 6 hair : 3eaut#! refle1olog# etc popular( area that could 3e used as a training 3ase when itMs closedD 8nterpreting and translation Course not li/el# to continue as few people achieve the 2ualification( Disappointing as it is a significant course in the are! lin/ed to real wor/( =verall 9e are loo/ing to see the College running a good programme in the area! 3uilding on the wor/ 3eing done 3# the "earning Campaign and the CECs( 8n particular there is a strong case for new provision at Firs ill( 9e are especiall# /een to see the 3eginning of a range of vocational courses! lin/ed to ES=" and 3asic s/ills provision in the area from Septem3er( 8 assume that &fta3 and .ashida will progress the a3ove( Please let me /now if this is not an accurate note! and /eep each other informed of progress( 0on
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ave we got a hairdressing a 3eaut# salon in the

66666=riginal Message66666 From< 8na#at : .ashida assanali Nmailto<ihUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/O Sent< ;F Fe3ruar# ;))A ;$<;I To< &fta3( &hmed Cc< 0on Cowle#* Dina Martin Su34ect< Courses for ne1t #ear through Sheffield CollegeNScannedO

Dear &fta3! hope #ou had a good half term 3rea/( Sorr# 8 didnMt ma/e the last Education Theme Group meeting! please can #ou let me /now when it would 3e convenient for #ou to meet me to discuss ne1t #earMs programme( 8 would li/e to put on a health : safet# course in Ma#B0une to follow on from the food h#giene and first aid this term( That is the trio most people are loo/ing for( 8s this a possi3ilit#D For Septem3er 8 would li/e to start an administration or office s/ills course at "evel $ followed 3# level ;( 8 have had e1pressions of interest from several people! and would li/e to /now what e2uipment or resources are re2uired to run this in a communit# venue! if an#( 8f this can 3e run vocationall#! such as for wor/ in the N S then so much the 3etter( 8 am tr#ing to arrange to meet with 0ill Bla/e# to discuss this also( &t St Catherines 8Md li/e to /eep the =CN 3eginners Spanish on with an =CN level $ class for those students who get through the 3eginners this summer( 8 am also convinced that 3eginners French would recruit well! 3ased on last #earMs e1perience where at least ten people came to sign up after we had with drawn the course( 8s it possi3le to run at least two sessions ne1t #ear 3efore closing the courseD There seemed to 3e a lot of interest in ca/e decorating and icing ,the course which runs at Ellesmere 6 8 met the tutor recentl#! and she seemed

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happ# to put on a ten wee/ taster-( 8 would 3e happ# to consider $) wee/s or go for the full %) wee/s if that is possi3le( 8Md also li/e to start a class in 3asic s/ills in maths ,lots of people want to do a GCSE in English or in Maths- as the literac# course is ver# popular on Monda# mornings( 8 thin/ that is all for now( 8t would 3e good to meet up ver# soon to get some of these ideas firmed up( "oo/ forward to hearing from #ou( Best wishes! .ashida

Burngreave Basic S/ills Strateg#


8ntroduction Surve#s indicate that nearl# half of the residents in the Burngreave would gain additional 2ualifications if the# attend good 3asic s/ills classes( 8n turn more 2ualifications would help lower unemplo#ment in the area currentl# higher than the cit# average( Thus far! progress has 3een slow 3ecause providers have found it difficult to< S .ecruit students to 3asic s/ills classes S Provide high 2ualit# 3asic s/ills provision S Develop innovative 3asic s/ills provision lin/ed to vocational 2ualifications Partnership Some progress has 3een made( 9ith the help of New Deal for Communities! residents and providers have developed good educational partnerships that are capa3le of addressing these difficulties( There are now strong partnerships 3etween NDfC! schools! the College! communit# and voluntar# organisations! the "ocal Education &uthorit# : the "ocal &uthorit#! the Blac/ Communit# Forum! the 9or/ers Educational &ssociation! Burngreave Communit# "earning Campaign! &dult Education 9or/ing Part#! 0o3Net! 0o3centreplus! the Business Forum! Surestart! and so on( Nevertheless! the# face a huge tas/ 3efore levels of s/ills and 2ualifications ma# 3e improved( This draft paper aims to start the process of developing an elective and effective 3asic s/ills strateg# for the area that would provide a common framewor/ for providers and su3se2uentl# increase s/ills and opportunities for wor/( Tac/ling the Pro3lem of Basic S/ills Preliminar# wor/ done so far suggests the following wa#s forward< S & common framewor/ for action needs to 3e agreed 3# providers in the area S To esta3lish a referral framewor/ involving agencies li/el# to engage with people in need of 3asic s/ills education e(g( a3ove mentioned partners< 6Carr# out initial assessment of newl# referred learners 6Develop a common data 3ase for /e# providers and support agencies 6Maintain a dedicated trac/ing BsupportB guidance s#stem for learners S &n elective strateg# 3# providers< 6Effective recruitmentB attending communit# events e(g( meetings of Tennant &ssociations! Business Forums! ousing : Social Services venues! churches! communit# centres! mos2ues! &rea Panel! etc(
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6Providers to develop relevant 3asic s/ills and vocational lin/ed courses 6Set up 3asic s/ills awareness sessions all round Burngreave through other curriculum areas e(g arts and crafts 68ntensive and targeted summer schools in various curriculum areas e(g health: safet# S &ll the partners to assume a campaigning mode in recruitment and retention of learners &ction Points S Prepare a draft strateg# paper for wider discussion S The College! "E&! 9E&! to wor/ with BC"C : NDfC to plan a 3asic s/ills programme ,mid &prilfor the autumn term S =rganise a seminar ,mid Ma#- to discuss the draft strateg# with providers in the area S =rganise 3asic s/ills awareness sessions for staff in different agencies and how to identif#! discuss sensitivel# and refer potential learners S Campaign on "iterac# : Numerac# 2ualifications asgB3clcpap:rep$AB)%B)A

From< Tingle Ton# WTon#(TingleUsheffield(gov(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed! Trevor Pollard! Ed 9ilson! hotswannUl#cos(com! 4oncowle#U3ndfc(co(u/! /d4an4uaU#ahoo(co(u/! dmo1amXcecU#ahoo(co(u/! swatsonUwea(org(u/! rhindleUwea(org(u/! rhUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/! dsth(modestU3catsheffield(org(u/! gurnahUhotmail(co(u/! tim(armstrongUlongle#par/(ac(u/! 7ath(Swinne#Usheffield(gov(u/ Date< 9ednesda# 6 March $'! ;))A $<)@ PM Su34ect< Moving Forward on Basic S/ills in Burngreave Draft Burngreave Basic S/ills Strateg#6Mar)A(doc ,;%AA; 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO Mime(I;; ,%'F%$ 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO ello &ll 5ouMll /now that for some time there have 3een discussions in various arenas a3out how we can improve 3oth the provision of! and recruitment to! Basic S/ills courses in Burngreave as part of an overall approach to regenerating the area( Jnfortunatel#! these discussions have not led to much action on the ground so far( &hmed Gurnah! 0on Cowle# and m#self have met on a couple of occasions specificall# to address this issue! and we feel that a useful initiative would 3e to 3ring together /e# provider organisations and individuals engaged in adult learning in the area to plan and agree a programme of Basic S/ills courses which could run in Burngreave from the &utumn Term( 9e hope #ou would 3e a3le to ta/e part in such a meeting( 8 have provisional 3oo/ings for St Peters Church! "#ons Street! for the dates 3elow( 8t would 3e ver# helpful if #ou could let me /now which of these dates #ou would 3e a3le to ma/e ,please put all the dates #ouMd 3e a3le to ma/e! not 4ust oneand 8Mll put a meeting together to suit the ma4orit#( Tuesda# $;th &pril after ;())pm 9ednesda# $%th 6 afternoon Frida# $Ath 6 all da#( 8f #ou could get 3ac/ to me over the ne1t few da#s that would 3e particularl# helpful as 8 will then 3e a3le to confirm a definite date and get it in peopleMs diaries( 8f #ou want to ring rather than email! m# num3er
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is ;''K@IK( 8 loo/ forward to hearing from #ou( Ton# P(S( 5ouMll find attached a draft Burngreave Basic S/ills Strateg# which could Mprovide a common framewor/ for providersM( 9e could also use the meeting to get some initial feed3ac/ on the strateg#( WWDraft Burngreave Basic S/ills Strateg#6Mar)A(docLL

Brightside : Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership Providers> Group B Curriculum Planning Meeting Present< Tim &rmstrong ,"ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College-* Mar# Blac/a ,SCC 6 &dult : Communit# "earning Jnit-* 7ate amill ,Firth Par/ : Shiregreen Sure Start-* Emma a#es ,Communit# North Forum-* Gordon enshaw ,Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College$( Summer Term courses and events

Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College S FPC&C is reviewing the courses which it offers( 8n future some of them will 3e funded 3# &C"J( S There is a Famil# "earning Da# on Saturda# $@ Ma# ;))A "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College S There were no new courses other than those in the prospectus ;( Pu3licit# Summer Term ;))A S The course listings for the Summer will 3e similar to the Spring term leaflet S 8t would need to 3e read# 3# $@B$A &pril! if it were to 3e distri3uted with the FPC&C newsletter &CT8=N Emma ! 7ate and Mar#BPaul to ring providers to get details of Summer Term courses( ;))AB' Rprospectus> S There would 3e a #ear6long listing! issued in Septem3er! with terml# updates( S The CNF Digital Media Pro4ect might 3e a3le to help with production S The prospectus will include< o courses listed 3# su34ect! with an inde1 3# venue o 3rief note son course content o details of organisations o venues ,Gordon has a list of venues and Emma thought that CNF might also have a list(&CT8=N

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Tim to as/ 0a#ne Duc/er! "earning Pa#s Campaign! whether there might 3e mone# availa3le to produce a well6designed and handsome 3rochure for ;))AB'( %( Childcare : Pla#wor/ S 8t was agreed to follow! in essence! the #earl# pattern of courses alread# esta3lished S More discussion was needed over the pla#wor/ courses( S There will 3e an NCFE "evel =ne B Two gap course in the Summer Term ;))A! for learners who have 4ust finished NCFE "evel =ne( S & RPla# to learn< learn to pla#> course ma# 3e offered in the Summer term S 8n Septem3er >)A! there will 3e a "evel Two NCFE course for all the learners currentl# completing the "evel =ne Q an# other! suita3l# 2ualified! new learners S The "evel =ne NCFE will also 3e offered in the &utumn Term! with another run during the #ear S There will 3e a further discussion at "ongle# Par/ over the possi3ilit# of moving from NCFE accreditation to the BTEC National Diploma in Earl# 5ears S 7ate has produced a diagrammatic representation of the courses! showing progression routes @( 8CT "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College S Courses at the College will 3e offered in the evening onl# S ECD"< =ne evening a wee/ for a #ear( Three units will 3e offered at "evel =ne and Three Jnits at "evel Two( S M=S ,Microsoft =ffice Specialist- units< on 9ord B E1cel G "evels $B;( Twent# hours at ; hours per wee/( These courses will 3e targeted at learners with some 8CT e1perience( S Tim is e1ploring the possi3ilit# of offering =CN units in PC maintenance Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College S The College had ECD" status S Deliver# would have to 3e in the evening S There was some concern over duplication of provision which would need to 3e discussed 3# Tim and Gordon BaS8T S BaS8T would 3ecome one provider amongst others( 8t would no longer have a virtual monopol# on 8CT deliver#( A( Basic S/ills ,incorporating ES="ES="< S&?TE G current classes S Firth Par/ ,women onl# classes 6 all with on6site crZcheo Entr# $ B Entr# ; ,"ower-< First Start* Tuesda#s $6))m to %6))pm( o Entr# ;< Firth Par/ Methodist Church< Thursda#s $6))pm to %6))pm o Entr# %< Flower Estate Famil# &ction .esource ouse< Tuesda#s K6%)am to $$6%)am S Brightside ,women onl# classes G all with on6site crZcheo Mi1ed "evel< St Margaret>s Church! 0en/in .oad< Monda#s K6$Aam to $$6$Aam o Mi1ed "evel< St Margaret>s Church! 0en/in .oad< Thursda#s $)6))am to $; noon
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"ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College S Tim would wish an#one doing ES=" out in the communit# to view the College as the ne1t step S ES=" classes could 3e offered in the evening ,which could attract men! for whom there is currentl# ver# little provision&T8C S &T8C is currentl# developing its programme S Cultural awareness will 3e incorporated into "evel % ES=" S Entr#! "evel =ne and Two could 3e run at CNF in the training room! funded 3# &C"J Sheffield College S The College is loo/ing at an ES=" strateg# S Sheffield College could 3e held in reserve Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College S The College is attracting ES=" learners to coo/er# courses "iterac#< First Start S 7ath Swinne# is to run a K wee/ pilot on R8mproving #our English> S "earners will do the national test and could feed into the "evel =ne course at the Si1th Form College "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College S The College can offer "evel =ne national tests S The following courses will 3e offered< o Pre6GCSE English o English GCSE Flower Estate Famil# &ction S FEF& offers innovative courses with em3edded literac# s/ills Numerac#< Flower Estate Famil# &ction S FEF& offers innovative courses with em3edded numerac# s/ills "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College S & pre6GCSE maths could 3e offered at the College in the da#time There was some discussion over the advisa3ilit# of staging an open Rda#> with the chance to have a go at the national literac# tests( Tim offered accommodation for this( Mar# agreed to as/ whether 7ath would 3e a3le to provide copies of the test on laptops( ,Could this 3e a stall at the &"9 eventD'( =ther su34ect strands Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College The College would want to offer arts B drams B music activities( The new =CN framewor/! with the new $) hour credits might 3e useful( &pplegrove ,formerl# SCEDJ- would 3e willing to deliver sessions for a minimum of ten learners(

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"ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College The College will 3e offering< S Film Studies S Teaching &ssistant ,"evel TwoS Business B Boo/6/eeping S "anguages ,=CN "evel =neS Fitness instructor S Pu3lic servicesd S Sociolog# GCSE S Ps#cholog# GCSE F( 8nformation! &dvice and Guidance S "#dia Co1 from New Futures will 3e attending ever# session of the RSpring into 9or/> course 3eing organised 3# 7ate S "earners on the course will 3e offered guidance sessions from the 0o3 Centre Q 0o3 Net &CT8=N Mar# agreed to produce a diagrammatic representation of progression route sin 8CT and Basic S/ills ,ES="-(

!rightsi"e # Shiregree$ %ifelo$g %ear$i$g Part$ershi&' (hil")are # Pla*wor+ ,rai$i$g (o-or"i$ati$g -rou&
Childcare & Playwork classes in 2004/5 (amended 15 March 2005) For information contact: Mary Blacka on 266 7503, or Kate Hamill on 243 6079
Theme Core Trainin .utu/$ Pathways / Making choices 2 hour !er "eek # $0 "eek Hel! learner %eci%e "here they "ant to &o, inclu%e confi%ence 'uil%in& ( return to tu%y) *ue %ay 2$ +e! to 7 ,ec 9-$5am to $$-$5am .entre for /ife 0Firth 1ark Metho%i t .hurch2 3n%e!en%ent %eli4ery Sprin S!mmer "C#$ ap co!rse Bri%&in& 'et"een 5.F6 $ an% 2 S!ppor%in &amilies 2 hour !er "eek # $0 "eek :oo% !re!aration for 59; +heffiel% .olle&e

Working with children

5.F6 /e4el 7ne 2 hour !er "eek # $2 "eek *ue %ay 9-$5am to $$$5!m +tart $$ 8an 05 9enue: Fir t +tart /on&ley 1ark 93 Form .olle&e 14 learners: 9 ex Making Choices

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 42 of 178

0Hilary <in% or = >./? e ional taff2 @500AB00K 9 learners completed

Introduction to Playwork (SPRITO)

Playwork ( core ch!nks 7ut of +chool 5et"ork

Core skills

First aid for a ies and children

2 hour !er "eek for 6 "eek +tart Fri%ay 5 5o4em'er 9-$5am to $$-$5am Flo"er 6 tate .ommunity > n 7ut of +chool 5et"ork @604 7 learners completed

Fi4e or ten "eek (High drop-out) Fri%ay 9-$5am to $$$5am +tart $4 8an 05 0' learners2 7ut of +chool 5et"ork +hire&reen ?nite% Ceforme% .hurch 0irst ai" $2 hour = 6 "eek # 2 hour Fir t +tart +tart 2B Fe': Fini h $B >!ril Cunnin& full 0oo" h*gie$e Health 1rotection +er4ice 0+..2 Fully recruite% +tart $7 March: Fini h 24 March

First aid at work

*hree full %ay

0u$ stuff

+hire&reen ?nite% Ceforme% .hurch ,eli4ere% 'y +.6,? $0 "eek *ue %ay $4 +e! to 23 5o4 11 learners completed

(reati1e )oo+er* 2 (oo+er* o$ a bu"get Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College Tuesda# evenings G from 0an )A NTBCO

)orkshops on crea%i*e ac%i*i%ies %o share wi%h children +?C. Mo aic cla S%ory sacks (wi%h $S+, s!ppor%) Firth 1ark /i'rary 8oint %eli4ery +>9*6 ( >!!le&ro4e

Burngreave ?oices Steering Group &genda $Ath March! ;pm 6%(%)pm U Burngreave "i3rar#


9elcome &pologies

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Pro4ect update Feed3ac/ from pro4ect activities Forward planning &=B Date and time of ne1t meeting

Burngreave ?oices Steering Group Meeting $Ith 0anuar# ;))A Burngreave "i3rar# Present< 0ane Machin ,Sheffield "i3rar# Services-! Stuart Crossthwaite ,resident-! &hmed Gurnah ,BC"C-! Ni//# 9ilson ,SGMT&pologies< 7im Streets ,SGMTMi/e Spic/ ,"i3rar# Services$( Matters &rising from Minutes Covered in the agenda( ;( Pro4ect Jpdate 9or/ done so far includes< S Further meetings with residents! groups and pro4ect staff! S Developing 4ointl# with 9E& and Sheffield College local histor# courses! S & famil# histor# fun da# in Decem3er in Burngreave "i3rar# S Developing ideas for a schools resource pac/ and future e1hi3itions %( Feed3ac/ from pro4ect activities ,iDiscussion of the 9E& course< Burngreave Stories( This failed to recruit enough students in 0anuar#( &greed that it might 3e 3etter to target such courses to groups rather than individuals! to advertise them in the Messenger and to see/ funding to run 9E& courses without charging fees to individual students( ,ii9or/ in schools< agreed that the pro4ect needed to find an eas# wa# of meeting its outputs in this categor#< current wor/ has focused on meeting histor# co6ordinators at each school rather than delivering sessions( Jse e1isting materials ,photos- to show the past and possi3l# a video to show the present( @( Future plans
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,iCommunit# curatorship courses< currentl# 3eing developed as a new course to 3e run 3# Sheffield College in &pril ;))A( &greed that this should also 3e targeted at groups! e(g( &hmed suggested the 5emeni communit#< spea/ to &3dul Shaif( ,iiDispla# materials< postcards a good idea( Jse displa# materials from the launch ,& cop# of Mi/e Spic/>s powerpoint presentation to go in the li3rar#-( &lso 2uotes and 3ullet points for general displa#s( ,iiiBC"C Festival of "earning in &dult "earners 9ee/< liase with BC"C to organise a displa# for this event ,;$st Ma#-( ,ivCorner Shop video for new 9eston Par/ Museum displa#s< Stuart has spo/en to the off6licence on Catherine .oad and the# are potentiall# interested 3ut would need more information< we need to sort out specifics re the filming( A( &=B &hmed suggested thin/ing a3out how past wor/* e(g( Chris Searle>s 3oo/ \ erstories] can 3e used 3# the pro4ect( '( Date and time of ne1t meeting Tuesda# $Ath March! ;())pm at Burngreave "i3rar#

From< WC79el3urnUaol(comL To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Monda# 6 March F! ;))A $$<@; &M Su34ect< Moderation ?isit i &fta3 0ust a 3rief message to confirm m# visit tomorrow ,Tuesda#- at $$(%) at Firvale with &ssim and his learners( ope ever#thing is fine 9ith than/s Chris From< V8na#at : .ashida assanaliV WihUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Sunda# 6 March '! ;))A $$<$' PM Su34ect< .E< Courses for ne1t #ear through Sheffield College Mime(I;; ,@;%% 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO ope to see #ou on Thursda# at ;(%)pm at arleston St if 8 donMt see #ou at Education Theme Group first( Best wishes! .ashida

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66666=riginal Message66666 From< &fta3 &hmed Nmailto<&fta3(&hmedUsheffcol(ac(u/O Sent< )@ March ;))A $A<)) To< ihUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/ Su34ect< .e< Courses for ne1t #ear through Sheffield College i .ashida! 8 shall 3e passing these re2uests to relevant managers and hope to progress #our re2uests ( &fta3 LLL V8na#at : .ashida assanaliV WihUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/L );B;FB)A K<;F PM LLL Dear &fta3! hope #ou had a good half term 3rea/( Sorr# 8 didnMt ma/e the last Education Theme Group meeting! please can #ou let me /now when it would 3e convenient for #ou to meet me to discuss ne1t #earMs programme( 8 would li/e to put on a health : safet# course in Ma#B0une to follow on from the food h#giene and first aid this term( That is the trio most people are loo/ing for( 8s this a possi3ilit#D For Septem3er 8 would li/e to start an administration or office s/ills course at "evel $ followed 3# level ;( 8 have had e1pressions of interest from several people! and would li/e to /now what e2uipment or resources are re2uired to run this in a communit# venue! if an#( 8f this can 3e run vocationall#! such as for wor/ in the N S then so much the 3etter( 8 am tr#ing to arrange to meet with 0ill Bla/e# to discuss this also( &t St Catherines 8Md li/e to /eep the =CN 3eginners Spanish on with an =CN level $ class for those students who get through the 3eginners this summer( 8 am also convinced that 3eginners French would recruit well! 3ased on last #earMs e1perience where at least ten people came to sign up after we had with drawn the course( 8s it possi3le to run at least two sessions ne1t #ear 3efore closing the courseD There seemed to 3e a lot of interest in ca/e decorating and icing ,the course which runs at Ellesmere 6 8 met the tutor recentl#! and she seemed happ# to put on a ten wee/ taster-( 8 would 3e happ# to consider $) wee/s or go for the full %) wee/s if that is possi3le(

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8Md also li/e to start a class in 3asic s/ills in maths ,lots of people want to do a GCSE in English or in Maths- as the literac# course is ver# popular on Monda# mornings( 8 thin/ that is all for now( 8t would 3e good to meet up ver# soon to get some of these ideas firmed up( "oo/ forward to hearing from #ou( Best wishes! .ashida

Ever#one can meet at ;(%) on Thursda# $)th March at BNDfC! Speedicut 9or/s! arleston Street ,off Carlisle St East-( See #ou then( =3viousl# /een to loo/ at office s/ills and N S stuff! 3ut also more generall# at vocationall# orientated stuff! particularl# lin/ed to ES=" or 3asic s/ills( 0on 66666=riginal Message66666 From< &fta3 &hmed Nmailto<&fta3(&hmedUsheffcol(ac(u/O Sent< )@ March ;))A $@<AK To< 0on Cowle#* Gillian Bla/e# Cc< rhUhassanali(fsnet(co(u/ Su34ect< .e< Meeting with .ashida i 0on! Ne1t wee/ Thurs pm or Frida# pm( &fta3 LLL V0on Cowle#V W0onCowle#U3ndfc(co(u/L );B;IB)A K<%) &M LLL Dear Gill and &fta3!

Before Ymas we agreed to meet in the new #ear with .ashida to tal/ over in particular the possi3ilit# of doing some wor/ geared towards the N S! 3ut also possi3l# office s/ills(

9e donMt seem to 3e progressing thisH

Please could #ou let me have a couple of times sa# during the
Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 47 of 178

wee/63eginning Fth March and $@th March when we could get togetherD

0on From< W4holdawa#Usavte(org(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed! tim(armstrongUlongle#par/(ac(u/! aticu/U#ahoo(co(u/! goodwillcommunit#centreUhotmail(com! mar#(3lac/aUsheffield(gov(u/ Date< 9ednesda# 6 March ;! ;))A $;<%K PM Su34ect< ES=" Provision i Ever#one &t the last BS""P meeting it was re2uested that we put together a ver# rough ta3le of ES=" provision currentl# availa3le in the area( This will help people to refer learners on to the most appropriate course( 8t will also ena3le us to loo/ at progression routes in the area! at the curriculum planning meeting on the $)th March( Please could #ou email me 3rief details of current or future courses that #ou would li/e included( See #ou soon!

From< Ed 9ilson To< &fta3 &hmed CC< &nne Jstun! Gillian .aistric/! 7athr#n &ustin Date< Tuesda# 6 March $! ;))A $;<%; PM Su34ect< Programme ;))A6)' &fta3! i need to tal/ to #ou urgentl# a3out some aspects of ne1t #ears programme( Particular concerns are< The =wler Broo/ programme( 9e do not seem a3le to enrol students at owler Broo/! or get registers( Should we 3e running these linesD Goodwill Centre 6 similar pro3lems! and poor attendance where we have an# evidence( Should we continue hereD 8nterpretation and Translation( 9eMve alread# agreed not to run D8PS8 ne1t #ear( 9hat a3out the =CN 8nterpretation and Translation classesD as an#3od# loo/ed at alternative 2ualsD 9hat is the status of the =CN su3missionD 9e canMt /eep running this on a section KI 2ual( Ed

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From< V8na#at : .ashida assanaliV WihUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed CC< headteacherUfirshill(sheffield(sch(u/! 4oncowle#U3ndfc(co(u/ Date< Sunda# 6 Fe3ruar# ;F! ;))A K<;F PM Su34ect< Courses for ne1t #ear through Sheffield College Mime(I;; ,%$'% 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO Dear &fta3! hope #ou had a good half term 3rea/( Sorr# 8 didnMt ma/e the last Education Theme Group meeting! please can #ou let me /now when it would 3e convenient for #ou to meet me to discuss ne1t #earMs programme( 8 would li/e to put on a health : safet# course in Ma#B0une to follow on from the food h#giene and first aid this term( That is the trio most people are loo/ing for( 8s this a possi3ilit#D For Septem3er 8 would li/e to start an administration or office s/ills course at "evel $ followed 3# level ;( 8 have had e1pressions of interest from several people! and would li/e to /now what e2uipment or resources are re2uired to run this in a communit# venue! if an#( 8f this can 3e run vocationall#! such as for wor/ in the N S then so much the 3etter( 8 am tr#ing to arrange to meet with 0ill Bla/e# to discuss this also( &t St Catherines 8Md li/e to /eep the =CN 3eginners Spanish on with an =CN level $ class for those students who get through the 3eginners this summer( 8 am also convinced that 3eginners French would recruit well! 3ased on last #earMs e1perience where at least ten people came to sign up after we had with drawn the course( 8s it possi3le to run at least two sessions ne1t #ear 3efore closing the courseD There seemed to 3e a lot of interest in ca/e decorating and icing ,the course which runs at Ellesmere 6 8 met the tutor recentl#! and she seemed happ# to put on a ten wee/ taster-( 8 would 3e happ# to consider $) wee/s or go for the full %) wee/s if that is possi3le( 8Md also li/e to start a class in 3asic s/ills in maths ,lots of people want to do a GCSE in English or in Maths- as the literac# course is ver# popular on Monda# mornings( 8 thin/ that is all for now( 8t would 3e good to meet up ver# soon to get some of these ideas firmed up( "oo/ forward to hearing from #ou( Best wishes! .ashida

From< Trevor Pollard To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Sunda# 6 Fe3ruar# ;F! ;))A ;<%@ PM
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Su34ect< .e< Staff accommodationBtelphone firvale Centre! hello &fta3! m# apologies for not getting 3ac/ to #ou( 9hen is a good time to come and see #ou a3out thisD Trev Trevor Pollard College Director LLL &fta3 &hmed );B;$B)A @<A' PM LLL ello Trevor! =ver the #ears since Communit# Foundation has 3een run at Firvale the staff teaching on it have 3een housed in the reception( =ver the period there has 3een niggl# pro3lems in terms of use of reception telephone!and general noise which the administrators had to put up with( The use of reception telephone was a particular pro3lems as it prevented incoming calls and infact also dela#ed admin( in ma/ing relevant calls( Somehow we have managed to /eep things going 3ut no serious conflict 3ut recentl# there was an incident 3etween a Communit# Foundation Staff and one of the &dmin( wor/ers( M#self! "#nda .hodes and Sarah 9atson met to discuss the issues that arose from this incident( 9e have off course loo/ at wa#s of minimising the conflict( Two things have 3ecome apparent! one that there is shortage of staff space and second that an additional telephone is re2uired in the reception area( =ur suggestions are as follows< $( The reception room is 2uite large and we thin/ it should 3e 3e properl# divided into two sections and of course this will pro3a3l# re2uire preoper partitioning so one half could 3e used for staff room( There is another Esol mem3er of staff who used the room and from time to time some other staff who come to teach the odd session( ;( 9e need a separate telephone for Communit# Foundation staff as there wor/ re2uires considera3le use of the telephone and using the reception telephone isBhas caused pro3lems ofthe &dministrators wor/( &lthough this issue is specific there is lac/ of space at Firvale generall# for students 6 student common room! pra#er room which students have as/ed for which also needs to 3e considered as we progress to improve the environment at Firvale( The Pictures are now up on thew walls and have made a consodera3le improvements to the feel of the centre and we need to continue this( .egards

From< V=mer &3dul2aderV WprinceomerUhotmail(comL To< &fta3 &hmed CC< afta3AFU3tinternet(com Date< Frida# 6 Fe3ruar# ;A! ;))A '<%I PM Su34ect< Contract Mime(I;; ,$%)% 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO &ssalam &lai/um( ow are #ouD 8 need to sit with #ou and sign the contract( &s 8 am reall# in short of mone# as

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From< 0ulie SPur/o To< &fta3 &hmed! &nne &t/ins! Dawn a#wood! Gillian Bla/e# CC< &lan Stewart! Claire Derric/! Peter Bir/ett! Trevor Pollard Date< 9ednesda# 6 Fe3ruar# ;%! ;))A @<;; PM Su34ect< Pu3licit# for ;))A 9e are commencing wor/ on the pu3licit# for enrolment ;))A( The first adverts have gone outH Choices is in the earl# stages of planning and 8 need to wor/ with #ou on the communit# 3ased information( 8t is 2uite clear from the "SC what the priorities are for the coming #ear with emphasis on $' 6$Is! wor/6 3ased learning and S/ills for "ife so 8 guess there will 3e some shift in the programmes we offer( 9e are tr#ing to 4uggle the pages in Choices so we can add an e1tra section which will show courses 3# Communit# Centre( 9e are also hoping to get Choices to print 3# the end of Ma# and have the information on the we3 for &dult "earnersM 9ee/ in Ma# ,a tall order 3ut we can onl# tr#-( For each College the intention is to produce a 3roadsheetB3rochure with relevant communit# programme( To include an# additional information related to #our particular geographical areas plus "CC and National Tests( 9e can onl# produce these with #our involvement so would it 3e possi3le to meet up and discuss further( Claire is leading on this 3ut 8 would li/e to 3e involved in the initial discussions( 8s there a good time for us to meet or do we need to start sharing possi3le datesD regards 0ulie

0ulie SPur/o Pu3licit# Manager The Sheffield College

From< Neil 0ordan To< &fta3 &hmed CC< "#nda .hodes Date< Tuesda# 6 Fe3ruar# ;;! ;))A $$<%$ &M Su34ect< Fwd< .e< Financial Transfer for neigh3ourhood &dmin( &fta3 5ou mentioned a while ago a3out transferring some mone# to "#nda .hodes! have #ou managed to get an# further with thisD Than/s Neil LLL Neil 0ordan )FB)$B)A $%<%K<$; LLL 8 have completed the transfer of CA)) as re2uested 3elow ,reference I%$%-(

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0ade 6 8 have put the CA)) 3udget against %@$)6Staff Travel! 3ut o3viousl# this can 3e spent on other things also( "#nda 6 &fta3 has 3een in touch so a transfer should 3e imminent to #our 3udget( Neil LLL Gillian Bla/e# )@B)$B)A $;<)%<%) LLL Dear Neil Could #ou please transfer CA)) from m# account 6 %A$;$;6 to that of 0ade Bennett for the neigh3ourhood admin wor/ers e1pensesD Please use all the remaining staff travel 3udget %@$)* ;)) from the reprographics section %$A@* $)) from stationar# and computer e2uipment %)$@ and %$A)( This mone# will cover all the "o1le# staff and Sue ?arle# will revert to "#nda .hodes as manager( 8 thin/ this is the simplest wa# of organising the change over( There are over C%)) of outstanding stationar# invoices which will come through on m# 3udget so 8 thin/ the amount should 3e sufficient( Than/s for #our help on this( Cheers Gill

The Sheffield College "o1le# Centre M#er>s Grove "ane Sheffield S' A0" ;$ Fe3(! ;))A Dear Than/ #ou for #our recent note a3out progression onto C"&8T Plus ne1t #ear following #our current New C"&8T course at Fir ?ale( 8 have given #our re2uest serious consideration and loo/ed into the situation once more( =ut of the $% students who enrolled on #our course , D.CT$0- there are onl# A ,%IE- of #ou still attending( opefull# #ou will all achieve the New C"&8T certificate( Even if #ou all then wanted to enrol on the C"&8T Plus course it would not 3e sufficient to give a via3le class( There ma# of course 3e some others who have previousl# achieved the certificate and wish to progress! 3ut there are unli/el# to 3e enough of these people to ena3le us to offer the course at Fir ?ale( 8n previous #ears there has 3een a demand at this time for a level ; Computing course at Fir ?ale 3ut it has not resulted in sufficient num3ers enrolling( For these reasons we are still una3le to offer the C"&8T Plus ,"evel ;- course at Fir ?ale( &t present we hope to offer the C"&8T Plus course at S2uare Mile ills3orough! ills3orough Barrac/s and at the new ills3orough College! "ivese# Street in Sep( ;))A( 8 hope that #ou will 3e a3le to ta/e advantage of these opportunities! although 8 note #our comments regarding famil# and wor/ commitments( 8 wish #ou ever# success in #our current course( 5ours sincerel#!

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0oe Clar/e Curriculum Manager Business! 8T and Science Cc &fta3 &hmed! Elaine Burtoft

From< hilar# windsor To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Monda# 6 Fe3ruar# ;$! ;))A '<$@ PM Su34ect< .e< Firth Par/ i &fta3! 8 mentioned to /aren Se/ula that &ndrea was going to do m# files ans she s#as she will do them tomorrow ilar# LLL &fta3 &hmed );B)IB)A $'<@; PM LLL i illar#! Please send folders to &ndrea 9at/ins at Parson Cross or to me at Firvale centre( There has 3een pro3lems with certificates generall# in the college! so what we tell students who havenMt received theirMs is to contact the relevant centre admin( managers ! so for e1ample it would 3e "inda .hodes at PY or m#self at Firvale and iMll help them sort it out personall#( hope #ouMre /eeping well( .egards &fta3 LLL hilar# windsor );B)%B)A '<A; PM LLL i &fta3 ope all is well 8 am getting concerned a3out the folders for firthpar/ Pathwa#s have #ou had an# 4o# re certificatesD 9hat would #ou li/e me to do with theseD ilar#

From< V9ilson! NicolaV Wnicola(wilsonUsheffieldgalleries(org(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Monda# 6 Fe3ruar# ;$! ;))A @<A$ PM Su34ect< .E< Curatorship course Mime(I;; ,;AKI 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO i &fta3 ave alread# 3oo/ed these rooms( &lso the li3rar# for the information and enrollment da#( Can #ou let me /now when #ou might 3e free to meet with &hmed and Ghassan from BC"C to tal/ a3out how the# can help us with recruitment for the course( 9hat a3out ne1t 9ednesda# pmD Please give me a
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call a3out this ,;F'$K))- 8 should 3e in the office all da# tomorrow( Than/s Ni//# L 66666=riginal Message66666 L From< &fta3 &hmed NSMTP<&fta3(&hmedUsheffcol(ac(u/O L Sent< ;$ Fe3ruar# ;))A $'<;% L To< nicola(wilsonUsheffieldgalleries(org(u/ L Su34ect< Curatorship course L L i Ni//#! L Gill has pro3a3l# 3riefed #ou a3out the progress on this course weMve L made in the College( Can #ou go ahead and provisionall# 3oo/ the L teaching room for Tuesda#Ms as from $$th &pril for $; wee/s( 8f there L are pro3lems with particular dates please let us /now or thin/ a3out L rooms in Burngreave somewhere! "i3rar# if possi3le( L See #ou soon( L &fta3 L L L This e6mail and an# files that accompan# it are intended onl# for the L use of the addresseeBs! and ma# contain information that is L privileged! confidential or e1empt from disclosure( 8f the reader is not L an intended recipient! an# disclosure! distri3ution or other use of this L e6mail is prohi3ited( 8f #ou have received this e6mail in error! please L delete it from #our s#stem and notif# the sender immediatel#( &n# L views or opinions presented do not necessaril# represent those of L the College(

From< Gillian Bla/e# To< &fta3 &hmed! &nne &t/ins! Dawn a#wood Date< Monda# 6 Fe3ruar# ;$! ;))A ;<$I PM Su34ect< air and Beaut# Dear &ll 8 am tr#ing to get some movement on the a3ove programme and struggle with the 2ualification limitations( Mi/e has suggested that we meet at $())pm Spar/s on March Kth to discuss the programme( So far(((((((( The College certificate situation seems dire( 8 thin/ we should argue with Pete &3ell that D A)E is retained as there are no e2uivalent national 2uals( Nail Techni2ues ?TCT 6 Ma# 3e possi3le 3ut it re2uires a properl# vented room , acetone fumes- and hot and cold running water( The students would need @6' 1 %hour assessments at Castle ((((onl# space is a Sat( or D holida#sD olistic Therapies 6 seems hopeless as it is reall# li/e a ftime course and the wor/load is enormous and other issues( .efle1olog# ?TCT 6 .oP and "ouise 9illiams are discussing ( Need proper seating! privac#! warmth! hot and cold running water 6 @hrs 1 ;) wee/s 9ould need to do some at Castle and Castle seems 3oo/ed up (((even on a Sat( Can #ou let me /now if #ou can ma/e the meeting on the KthD
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Cheers Gill

The Sheffield College "o1le# Centre M#er>s Grove "ane Sheffield S' A0" ;$ Fe3(! ;))A Dear Than/ #ou for #our recent note a3out progression onto C"&8T Plus ne1t #ear following #our current New C"&8T course at Fir ?ale( 8 have given #our re2uest serious consideration and loo/ed into the situation once more( =ut of the $% students who enrolled on #our course , D.CT$0- there are onl# A ,%IE- of #ou still attending( opefull# #ou will all achieve the New C"&8T certificate( Even if #ou all then wanted to enrol on the C"&8T Plus course it would not 3e sufficient to give a via3le class( There ma# of course 3e some others who have previousl# achieved the certificate and wish to progress! 3ut there are unli/el# to 3e enough of these people to ena3le us to offer the course at Fir ?ale( 8n ;))%B@ $; people indicated the# wanted a level ; Computing course at Fir ?ale 3ut! of these! @ never started the course and onl# ; ,$FE- completed it( For these reasons we are still una3le to offer the C"&8T Plus ,"evel ;- course at Fir ?ale( &t present we hope to offer the C"&8T Plus course at S2uare Mile ills3orough! ills3orough Barrac/s and at the new ills3orough College! "ivese# Street in Sep( ;))A( 8 hope that #ou will 3e a3le to ta/e advantage of these opportunities! although 8 note #our comments regarding famil# and wor/ commitments( 8 wish #ou ever# success in #our current course( 5ours sincerel#!

0oe Clar/e Curriculum Manager Business! 8T and Science Cc &fta3 &hmed! Elaine Burtoft

From< &ndrea 9at/ins To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Monda# 6 Fe3ruar# ;$! ;))A $)<A) &M Su34ect< .e< translator
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Than/s &fta3 8 have the assignment with me( Should 8 pass it to #ou for the person to loo/ at and give me some idea of the cost ( &ndrea LLL &fta3 &hmed );B;$B)A $)<%A am LLL i &ndrea! how do #ou want to follow this upD &fta3 LLL &ndrea 9at/ins );B$AB)A %<A$ PM LLL Than/s &fta3! The su34ect is childminding( The num3er of wordsD 8 cannot 3e precise 3ut it loo/s li/e the e2uivalent of F6I &@ sides &ndrea LLL &fta3 &hmed );B$@B)A ;<%' pm LLL i &ndrea! There are a num3er of staff who could do it 3ut whether the# would have the time i don!t /now( 9e have two &ra3ic spea/ing staff at Firvale 6 &mal &min and &3dullah &lPou3ie( 9e also have man# good professional interpretersBtranslators on Diploma course at Firvale and an#one could do a good 4o3 3ut of course the# would charge at commercial rates( Please let me /now the su34ect area! num3er of words etc in this assignment and how #ou want to proceed( &fta3 LLL &ndrea 9at/ins );B$@B)A $<$% PM LLL i &fta3! 8 am wondering if #ou can help me( 8 have a studentMs assignment that has 3een written in ara3ic and needs to 3e translated into English( Do #ou /now an#one who would do this for me pleaseD Than/s &ndrea

From< Gregg Bingham To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Thursda# 6 Fe3ruar# $F! ;))A $$<$$ &M Su34ect< .egisters for &vtar Ga/hal

Staff News

i &fta3! 8 understand that &vtar Ga/hal has 3een off sic/ for 2uite a num3er of wee/s( 8 /now that some of his classes have 3een covered( owever! we have not seen the following registers and 8 am wondering whether the classes have 3een closed or whether the# are 3eing covered and mar/ed 3# another lecturer< D?EE;G 6 YBSE)K@I 6 ES=" 9omen Pre6Entr# Monda#s $%<))6$A<%) D?EE;G 6 YBSE)KA; 6 ES=" 9omen Pre6Entr# Thursda#s $%<))6$A<%) D?EE; 6 YBSE)KAI 6 ES=" 9omen E$ 6 9ednesda# K<%)6$;<)) 9ould #ou 3e a3le to let me /now what is happening with these classes please( 8f the# are 3eing mar/ed 3# another lecturer the# need to 3e returned to us at Parson Cross in order to 3e inputted( 8f #ou prefer to ring me m# num3er is ;');A;A(
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Than/s! Gregg

From< 0ustine 9ain To< &fta3 &hmed Date< 9ednesda# 6 Fe3ruar# $'! ;))A $)<)) &M Su34ect< DPS8 6 Jnenrolled students &fta3! the following students who have completed a DPS8 e1amination entr# card are not enrolled( 8 presume the# are supposed to 3e as their cards were in the 3ath that #ou sent to me( 8 have su3mitted these e1am cards to DPS8 3ut could #ou ensure that enrolment is completed please( Mr &li =mar Mr Daner &min Nuhman Mrs Mar#am &r4omand Samir Boune/hla Fatima Saad

From< &ndrea 9at/ins To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Tuesda# 6 Fe3ruar# $A! ;))A %<A$ PM Su34ect< .e< translator Than/s &fta3! The su34ect is childminding( The num3er of wordsD 8 cannot 3e precise 3ut it loo/s li/e the e2uivalent of F6I &@ sides &ndrea LLL &fta3 &hmed );B$@B)A ;<%' pm LLL i &ndrea! There are a num3er of staff who could do it 3ut whether the# would have the time i don!t /now( 9e have two &ra3ic spea/ing staff at Firvale 6 &mal &min and &3dullah &lPou3ie( 9e also have man# good professional interpretersBtranslators on Diploma course at Firvale and an#one could do a good 4o3 3ut of course the# would charge at commercial rates( Please let me /now the su34ect area! num3er of words etc in this assignment and how #ou want to proceed( &fta3 LLL &ndrea 9at/ins );B$@B)A $<$% PM LLL i &fta3! 8 am wondering if #ou can help me( 8 have a studentMs assignment that has 3een written in ara3ic and needs to 3e translated into English( Do #ou /now an#one who would do this for me pleaseD Than/s

Burngreave New Deal for Communities

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?estr# all 9or/ing Part# 0ohn Mellor! 0ohn ?incent! &fta3 &hmed! Ton# Tingle! 0on Cowle#! 0ac/ie Dra#ton &pologies G Tim &rmstrong! Ed 9ilson $&greed to invite Eleanor Parsons to 4oin the group

;Jpdate aBuilding Can we move the wallsD The group would li/e to see ma1imum fle1i3ilit# on the upper floor( 9hat are the conse2uences of fle1i3le wallsD ?ariet# of uses and users( 3Caf^B.efreshments 9e>ll lose the chance to use a caf^ as a wa# of 3ringing people into the Centre( Could we get a franchise with local operatorsD 8s the 3asement space sufficientD Serving hatch from the /itchen( 0on to raise with archictects cChildcare .eport on developing arrangements with B9.C! Ellesmere Children>s Centre and new Sure StartBChildren>s Centre( Need to retain the possi3ilit# of childcare facilities( Chec/ that =fsted minimum standards are met( Tal/ to architects( d&ction 6 items to raise with architects< i9alls iiBasement space iiiServing hatch ivChildcare standards vE1hi3itions %?isits

&greed to arrange some visits in the summer( People to ma/e recommendations( 0on to chec/ with N8&CE( @Centre Jsage G first ideas This was a first discussion of these issues which will need to 3e developed over the ne1t #ear or so to ensure we have a programme that meets demands and is delivera3le< aMust 3e multiple usage< iMeetings iiConferences iiiPerformance ivE1hi3itions vDancing vi&frican dance group vii5oga viii- Tea dances i17eep fit 1"unch clu3s 3Training< iNeeds to have as it>s core focus G the development of more vocational training in the area iiNeed to esta3lish what s/ills are re2uired iiiEmplo#a3ilit# s/ills
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8ssue of levels< ma#3e $6% The College would li/e to close Ellesmere and develop its provision in the ?estr# hall Not to 3e simpl# 3asic ES=" "in/ with provision at other centres G not predators* lin/ to 0o3net Basic s/ills< ma#3e $A)) adults in the area 3elow GCSE "anguages< &ra3ic! urdu! Spanish etc &ra3 8nstitute Cultural studies 8slamic histor# &ccess programmes G Science! health Sewing courses 8T facilities< "earn Direct ?ocational routes in 8T DesignBtechnolog#Bmusic Need to 3e aware of what is happening at .ed Tape : ills3orough 8ssues< older people lin/ing to Creative Burngreave and &rts developments ta/ing place do we need to get a performance licence 9omen>s Da#D 9or/ with< "E& 9E& Sheffield College "ongle# par/ =ther providersD Ne1t Meeting<

9ednesda# 'th &pril! BC&T at K(%) G 3ut ma#3e we should shift to $%th 3ecause of holida#s(

9hat is Creative BurngreaveD Creative Bungreave aims to 3oost the Burngreave area of Sheffield 3# supporting the discover# and en4o#ment of the arts 3# involving local communities in all aspects of the arts through wor/shops! training! performances! artistic residencies and the commissioning or artwor/( Creative Burngreave is a New Deal funded pro4ect! which is managed 3# Sheffield &rts Education( 9hat will Creative Burngreave doD S Support and fund arts and cultural initiatives within Burngreave through the Creative Burngreave Pro4ect Grant(

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S others( S

elp people create Music! &rt! Dance! Drama! Films! Stories and "iterature and share their wor/ with Provide a sustaina3le artist training programmes to support the professional development of artists(

S Build effective colla3orations 3etween developing artists! professional artists! #outh groups! mainstream providers and communit# arts providers to support communit# artists into wor/( ow can 8 get involvedD &s an artiste< access the training on offer and the 3enefits of 3eing part of the Burngreave &rtist Placement &genc#( Mentor< encouraging! guiding and positivel# influencing the career aspirations of upcoming artists( Placement providers< to enhance the e1perience of the artists on the arts training programmes and give them worthwhile e1perience( ?olunteer< Promoting the understanding and en4o#ment of the arts(

&rts Funding Creative Burngreave has funding to support and fund arts and cultural activities within Burngreave through the Creative Burngreave Pro4ect Grant( The total pro4ect grant is C@)!)))( There are three levels to the pro4ect grant< Small scale pro4ects< CA))6C$))) Medium scale pro4ects< C$))) 6 CA))) "arge scale pro4ects< CA))) and a3ove( The deadline for all applications for this #ear is ;Kth &pril ;))A( &rts Training Program The &rts Training Program provides an essential tool/it of 3usiness survival s/ills tailored specificall# for artists( Specificall#! Creative Burngreave see/s to< S 8gnite the imagination and artistic passion of Burngreave people S Direct artists to investigate the world through the creative process S Engage artists at their individual level and ena3le them to grow artisticall# and personall# S Empower people to reach their creative potential &rts Mentoring Program

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The Creative Burngreave Mentoring programme aims to provide a fun! safe and interactive space where artists e1plore arts and ideas with mentors who share an enthusiasm for their art form( Through this program we hope to encourage the< S Development of relationships 3etween mentors and artists! S Develop artists s/ills in their chosen art medium and foster a lifelong appreciation of the arts S Provide artists with an outlet for creative e1pression( &rtist Placement Scheme Creative Burngreave see/s to provide artistes with the opportunit# to gain e1perience! s/ills and /nowledge in the arts and culture industr# and within the Pu3lic Sector( The artistes will 3e offered meaningful and varied wor/ ensuring the# finish their placement with the appropriate e1periences and relevant s/ills and /nowledge( ?olunteering ?olunteers are the life3lood of an# arts organiPation( ?olunteer opportunities are availa3le to an#one interested in promoting the understanding and en4o#ment of the performing arts( ?olunteering gives an opportunit# to meet new people and ma/e new friends with similar interestsH 8 am interested in information regarding the following ,please tic/ relevant 3o1$ &rts Funding ; &rts Training Courses % Mentor @ Burngreave &rtist Placement &genc# A Placement providers ' ?olunteer Please print #our details 3elow< Contact namebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(( &ddressbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Telephone No<bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(( .eturn to< "ungani Si3anda Sheffield &rts Education Sheffield Science : Technolog# Par/ Cooper Buildings &rundel Street Sheffield Cit# S$ ;NS

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Sheffield &rts Education! Sheffield Technolog# Par/! Cooper Building! &rundel Street! Sheffield! S$ ;NS Tel< )$$@ ;;$ $IK$ Fa1< )$$@ ;;$$IF% Dear Creative Burngreave &rtist! Than/ #ou for re2uesting an application pac/ for the Creative Burngreave arts pro4ect grant ;))A G ;))'( Please note that the deadline for all completed application forms is ;Kth &pril ;))A! Apm( &pplication Forms should 3e returned to "ungani Si3anda! Creative Burngreave! Sheffield Technolog# Par/! Cooper Buildings! &rundel Street! Sheffield! S$ ;NS( Please find enclosed in the &pplication Pac/ the documents listed 3elow! we hope that these will help #ou to fill in #our application for arts funding( &pplication Form contents< S S S S Sheffield &rts Education* The ?ision! values and approach to partnership( 9hat is Creative BurngreaveD Creative Burngreave Grant eligi3ilit# Guidelines &pplication Form(

8f #ou need an# further information or support with filling in the application form! we will 3e happ# to help! 4ust contact us at the Creative Burngreave office on )$$@ ;;$ $IK$( Man# than/s! and 3est of luc/( 5ours sincerel#

&l/a Pra3ha/ar Creative Burngreave &rts &dministrator

&PP"8C&T8=N P&C7

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The ?ision! ?alues and &pproach to Partnership Sheffield &rts Education is the agreed E1ecutive Service for the implementation of SheffieldMs &rts Education Strateg#( 8t wor/s in partnership with Cit# Council departments! local and regional groups and organisations( 8t is supported and line managed through Sheffield Cit# Council Education Directorate(

Sheffield &rts Education The Cit# Council and our Partnership Forum approved the proposed ?alues! ?ision and &pproach to Partnership in &pril ;))$( &pproach to Partnership Sheffield &rts Education will provide a unified voice and point of contact for artists! arts and arts education organisations in Sheffield and 3e#ond! and strengthen communication amongst local communities and all levels of government! whilst 3ringing some of the top name artists! teachers and polic# ma/ers to the region( 8t will improve lin/s 3etween formal education! emplo#ment and lifelong learning through the arts( Sheffield &rts Education is a wide partnership formed to support our agreed vision and values for E1cellence in and through the &rts for all( The partnership 3rings together cit# centre and neigh3ourhood organisations! formal and informal education! artists and artist groups! and cit# council directorates( 8t invites support! involvement and contri3utions from individuals and groups su3scri3ing to our ?ision and ?alues( The partnership is non6profit ma/ing* all partnership funds! cit# council grants! income generation and pro4ect funding are ploughed 3ac/ into developing our coherent &rts Education Service for Sheffield( 9e are accounta3le 3oth to Sheffield Cit# Council and the &rts Education Partnership Board( The ?ision For a child! #oung person! a famil#! a communit#! wor/ing people and those see/ing wor/! people with disa3ilities! older learners! a teacher! an artist! Sheffield! the region! the nation and internationall#(

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\=ur vision is that ever# person will develop their learning! their talents and their emplo#ment opportunities to the full! 3oth for themselves and for the regeneration of the cit# and it>s region(] Sheffield Cit# Council Education Directorate ?ision Statement< \9e will encourage creativit# and the e1citement of achievement in and through the arts( 9e will tap into and develop different wa#s of learning to release imaginative! challenging and en4o#a3le e1pression and ma/ing( 9e will heed the feelings and thoughts of all! support cultural diversit# and cohesiveness and incorporate creative contri3utions within a living! fle1i3le and supportive structure underpinned 3# agreed values of respect for ever# person( The evidence of our success will 3e seen in<6 S The aesthetic e1pression of increased respect for our natural! social and 3uilt environments( S Greater status accorded to the arts! 3oth in themselves and as powerful routes to economic! social and personal well63eing! happiness and health( S 8mproved access! inclusion and achievement( =ur vision is to support the regeneration of our cit# and region through shared creativit#(] &rts Education Strateg# Forum! March ;))$ ?alues Statement< =ur wor/ will 3e underpinned 3# respect for ever# person! for creative and artistic integrit#! for innovation! for principles of action and inclusion in practice! for the partnership process 3# which we will meet the needs of the people of Sheffield( 9hat is Creative BurngreaveD Creative Bungreave aims to 3oost the Burngreave area of Sheffield 3# supporting the discover# and en4o#ment of the arts 3# involving local communities in all aspects of the arts through wor/shops! training! performances! artistic residencies and the commissioning or artwor/( Creative Burngreave is a New Deal funded pro4ect! which is managed 3# Sheffield &rts Education( 9hat will Creative Burngreave doD S Support and fund arts and cultural initiatives within Burngreave through the Creative Burngreave Pro4ect Grant( S others( elp people create music! art! dance! drama! films! stories and literature and share their wor/ with

Provide a sustaina3le artist training programmes to support the professional development of artists( S Build effective colla3orations 3etween developing artists! professional artists! #outh groups! mainstream providers and communit# arts providers to support communit# artists into wor/( ow can 8 get involvedD &s an artiste< access the training on offer and the 3enefits of 3eing part of the Burngreave &rtist Placement &genc#( Mentor< encouraging! guiding and positivel# influencing the career aspirations of upcoming artists(

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Placement providers< to enhance the e1perience of the artists on the arts training programmes and give them worthwhile e1perience( ?olunteer< Promoting the understanding and en4o#ment of the arts( &rts Funding Creative Burngreave has funding to support and fund arts and cultural activities within Burngreave through the Creative Burngreave Pro4ect Grant( The total pro4ect grant is C@)!)))( There are three levels to the pro4ect grant< Small scale pro4ects< CA))6C$))) Medium scale pro4ects< C$))) 6 CA))) "arge scale pro4ects< CA))) and a3ove( The deadline for all applications for this #ear is ;Kth &pril ;))A( &rts Training Programme The &rts Training Programme provides an essential tool/it of 3usiness survival s/ills tailored specificall# for artists( Specificall#! Creative Burngreave see/s to< S 8gnite the imagination and artistic passion of Burngreave people S Direct artists to investigate the world through the creative process S Engage artists at their individual level and ena3le them to grow artisticall# and personall# S Empower people to reach their creative potential &rts Mentoring Programme The Creative Burngreave Mentoring programme aims to provide a fun! safe and interactive space where artists e1plore arts and ideas with mentors who share an enthusiasm for their art form( Through this program we hope to encourage the< S Development of relationships 3etween mentors and artists! S Develop artists s/ills in their chosen art medium and foster a lifelong appreciation of the arts S Provide artists with an outlet for creative e1pression( &rtist Placement Scheme Creative Burngreave see/s to provide artistes with the opportunit# to gain e1perience! s/ills and /nowledge in the arts and culture industr# and within the pu3lic sector( The artistes will 3e offered meaningful and varied wor/ ensuring the# finish their placement with the appropriate e1periences and relevant s/ills and /nowledge( 8 am interested in information regarding the following ,please tic/ relevant 3o1$ &rts Funding ; &rts Training Courses % Mentor @ Burngreave &rtist Placement &genc#

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A Placement providers Please print #our details 3elow< Contact namebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(( &ddressbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Telephone No<bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(( .eturn to< "ungani Si3anda Sheffield &rts Education Sheffield Science : Technolog# Par/ Cooper Buildings &rundel Street Sheffield Cit# S$ ;NS

Grant &id Eligi3ilit# Guidelines The Creative Burngreave Grant &id ,CBG&- supports organisations! groups and individuals that re2uire assistance with pro4ects that help to enhance the 2ualit# of arts within the Burngreave area of Sheffield( To 2ualif# for support from CBG&! pro4ects must show how the# will 3enefit from the grant in terms of their own learning( 9e see/ to support art pro4ects for individual artists! groups! organisations! #oung people in schools or in the communit#! older learners! families and disaffected or disengaged #oung people or adults( Thus art pro4ects will 3e encouraged that help to developBenhance the following< S artistic creativit# and innovation of artists! S environment! S health and safet#! S science and technolog#! S ethnic minorit# art development! S local communit# development! S leisure( Through the CBG& we aim to< S ena3le artists to create S meet the artistic needs of the Burngreave communit# S support inclusion! choice and self6motivation S promote access and self6determination S develop networ/s and partnerships =ur assistance ma# 3e provided in the form of funds! materialsBe2uipment! or emplo#eesM time and e1pertise( CBG& Supports<

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CBG& will support pro4ects that reflect the values and vision of Sheffield &rts Education( ,Please see appendi1 one for S&E>s values and vision(Education and "ifelong "earning Education and lifelong learning pro4ects which are not funded 3# local schools! further and higher education( Environment! ealth and Safet# 8ndividuals! groups! organisations or events dealing with issues relating to environment! and health and safet# &rtististic Creativit# Pro4ects which ena3le artists to e1press and e1plore their personal artistic voice( Communit# Development Pro4ects of significant value that contri3ute towards the enhancement of communit# facilities and activities( Pro4ects must demonstrate the a3ilit# to 3e self6supporting in the future and reflect the needs and interests of a wide num3er of citiPens within the Burngreave area for e1ample! the annual Burngreave Festival which ta/es place in &33e#field Par/( "eisure pro4ectsBprogrammes! which help to promote health and fitness and sports for en4o#ment or e1cellence in and through arts( Science and Technolog# organisations! groups! individuals encouraging technologicalBscientificBcreative industries partnerships in areas of interest to Burngreave and targeted specificall# towards promoting cohesive communities within the Burngreave area( Selection Criteria To ensure optimum social return on CBG& pro4ects! we will evaluate re2uests 3ased on the following criteria< Nature of Group or Pro4ect 9e will support and encourage privatel# initiated pro4ects or programmes as well as those that are government funded( Communit#BSocial 8mpact Pro4ects or programmes must show potential 3enefit to the communit# and should win communit# endorsementB3ac/ing( Consideration is given to those pro4ects or programmes seen 3# the communit# and Sheffield &rts Education as worthwhile! and which ma/e the most of communit# resources( Thus we will support pro4ects or programmes which demonstrate a strong relationship to the culturall# diverse groups that ma/e up Burngreave and that encourage new partnerships to develop within the communit#! and which give an opportunit# for artistsBmem3ers of the communit# to use their talents and e1pertise( &pplicant6Contri3uted .esources 9e encourage pro4ects or programmes 3ac/ed 3# the applicantMs own contri3utions and supported 3# multi6 sta/eholder groups( &pplicantMs 8nitiative 9e recognise applicantMs initiative! planning! assessment of communit# need and colla3orations with other organisationsBgroupsBindividuals( .esults6=riented

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9e encourage pro4ects with sound and measura3le o34ectives! a well6planned approach and a high pro3a3ilit# of producing meaningful! positive results( Financial Need 9e consider supporting pro4ects which demonstrate a need for communit# investment 3ased on the applicants understanding of e1isting communit# resources( 9or/ will 3e re2uired to 3e monitored and evaluated( 8n order to retain fle1i3ilit# in managing the amount of #earl# re2uests we receive! and to give as man# artistsBcommunit# groups the opportunit# to 3enefit from the CBG&! one6time contri3utions will 3e favoured over recurring needs( Multi65ear Commitments "ong term! multi6#ear pro4ects will 3e considered 3ased on the 3enefits the# 3ring to the communit# and their capacit# to e1tend and reach a wider audience( NB< =ther criteria! outside of the a3ove! ma# 3e considered 3ased on their individual merit( ow to &ppl# &ll re2uests must 3e made in writing 3# completing the CBG& application form( 9e will onl# accept one application per organisationBgroupBindividual each calendar #ear ,e1ceptions ma# 3e granted at Sheffield &rts EducationMs sole discretion-( The Development =fficer and &rts &dministrator will 3e availa3le to support applicants with their application forms(

Funding &pplication Form 8ntroduction The information that #ou provide in this application form will help the Creative Burngreave Panel decide a3out funding for #our activit#Bpro4ect( Please provide as much information as possi3le( 8f #ou need support in filling in #our application form! contact the Sheffield &rts Education =ffice where the team will 3e happ# to help #ou 6 contact details on page @( DE&D"8NE F=. &"" &PP"8C&T8=NS 8S ;Kth &pril ;))A to 3e returned to "ungani Si3anda! Creative Burngreave! Sheffield Science and Technolog# Par/! Cooper Buildings! &rundel Street! Sheffield S$ ;NS( &pplication form Name of =rganisationB8ndividual Contact Person &ddress TelephoneFa1EmailMo3ile

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8s this application form from< a #oung personBs developing a pro4ectD a professional artistD a communit# group or organisationD a schoolD a mem3er of the communit#D other! please state(

Brief description of the pro4ectD For e1ample what will the activit# 3eD ow much will it costD ,Please include a 3rea/down of the costs( Jse a separate sheet if necessar#-

Please descri3e the aims and o34ectives of the pro4ect! that lin/ to Sheffield &rts Education>s ?alues and ?ision ,enclosed in this pac/-( ,\=ur vision is that ever# person will develop their learning! their talents and their emplo#ment opportunities to the full! 3oth for themselves and for the regeneration of the cit# and its region(]ow will the activit# support #our personal or group developmentD ,9hat will 3e the 3enefits of this pro4ect to #ouBthe groupow will the activit# help support the developments of arts in the Burngreave areaD , ow will #our activit# 3enefit Burngreave-

Pro4ect details ,please note all pro4ects have to 3e completed 3# March %$st ;))'-There is funding availa3le for future #ears( Date of proposed event,s?enue,sProposed num3er of participants &ge range of participants Target audienceD ow will #ou measure the success of this pro4ectD ,Please tic/ relevant 3o1 &udio tape Photograph# ?ideo Te1t =ther! please state Trac/ record of the person who will administer the grant( ,Please state if #ou have had funding 3efore to manage other pro4ects-

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The following information should also 3e included or attached! if applica3le( Brochure of the wor/shop! conference or seminar that gives the schedule! description of events! and registration fees( "etters of support from artists! organisations or groups who are /een to see this pro4ect happen( Mission statement! or goals and o34ectives that lin/ to Sheffield &rts Education>s ?alues and ?ision ,enclosed in pac/-( Board list that indicates the ethnic diversit# of mem3ers( Staff list that indicates the ethnic diversit# of staff( Please include e1amples of previousl# funded pro4ects(

Budget details< 8n what wa# will the funding sought in this application 3e used for #our pro4ectD ,Please descri3e how the funding will 3e usedPlease provide details regarding the promotion of the events( ,Descri3e how #ou will ma/e people aware of #our pro4ect9hich local media will cover this eventD Please indicate all other financial assistance funding this pro4ect( ,&re there an# other organisations who are funding #our pro4ectPlease descri3e other assistance or in6/ind support #ou ma# 3e receiving for the activit#Bpro4ect( ,e(g( space! staff! these are resources #ou do not have to pa# for-

Please let us /now whether #ou need an# supportBguidanceBtraining to complete this form( Things 8 need help with< ( bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ( bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(( For further information or help with #our application form contact< "ungani Si3anda Creative Burngreave Sheffield Technolog# Par/ Cooper Buildings &rundel Street! Sheffield( S$ ;NS( Tel< )$$@ ;;$ $IK$ Fa1< )$$@ ;;$ $IF%
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BJ.NG.E&?E C=MMJN8T5 "E&.N8NG C&MP&8GN Forum ouse! %A Spital ill! Sheffield S@ F"D Tel< )$$@ ;FK @K') Fa1< )$$@ ;FK@K'% Email< anneU3urngreavelearning(org Meeting of Burngreave &dult "earning Providers $%th 0anuar# ;))A at $pm! Firs ill School &ttendance< .ashida assanali ,Communit# Education Coordinator! Firs ill School-! &hmed Gurnah ,BC"C-! &nne Grange ,BC"C-! Mar/ "avender ,Furnival-! .o3 indle ,9E&-! Ni//# 9ilson ,Burngreave ?oices local histor# pro4ect-( $( &pologies< Ton# Tingle ,Sheffield "E&-! Tim &rmstrong ,"ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College-! Norah Brown ,Burngreave &dvocac# Now-! Sue Graville ,=wler Broo/ School-! Sarah Swann ,CEC! Par/wood igh School-! "ouise ill ,Sheffield Futures-! Gwen Smithies ,St 0ames> Church&genda< ;( Minutes of last meeting ,Kth Novem3er ;))@The Burngreave Poetr# Slam ; is 3oo/ed for Saturda# $Kth Fe3ruar# at the Furnival from ;6@pm( 8f #ou want to perform #our poetr# in a rela1ed and en4o#a3le atmosphere! call &nne at BC"C on )$$@ ;FK@K') or .o3 indle on )$$@ ;%;;F$@( The 0anuar# ;))A Burngreave "earner has 3een warml# received( The articles and photos have made it into a much more reada3le pu3lication( 9e want to develop this aspect of the Burngreave "earner and welcome more photos and articles ,or invitations for BC"C to ta/e photos and write articles- from "earning Providers( owever! there is a need to reduce the file siPe of the PDF( &nne is currentl# wor/ing on this( %( Burngreave Cele3rates "earning ;))A $( 8tems to report< The Furnival and ?erdon Street .ecreation Centre are 3oo/ed( 8 have alread# had a couple of meetings with Burngreave Communit# Police Consta3les "eigh6&nn and Paulette : agreed details of parade routes! and 3loc/ing ?erdon Street to traffic( "earning Pa#s have agreed to fund the pu3licit# again( ;( 8tems re2uiring decisions Pu3licit#< 8t was agreed that local learning providers should do more to pu3licise the event e(g( 3# using their own mailing lists and pu3licising the event to their own students( S Those present at the meeting loo/ed at the draft version of the fl#er B poster! currentl# 3eing designed 3# "earning Pa#s> in6house designers( =verall opinion was good( The /e# points were< S The colour scheme is good! 3ut thic/ 3loc/s of colour ma/e it loo/ crowded( The pictures are good! 3ut need to 3e 3igger and more of the focal point(

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S The red 3loc/ of te1t that starts \Burngreave Cele3rates learning] ma/es the page too crowded and should 3e deleted( S Perhaps it should sa# \learning is fun]! rather than \learning is fun and worthwhile]! as this is catchier( S &t the moment! the heading \Burngreave Cele3rates "earning] does not stand out( This needs to 3e more prominent! ma#3e the same siPe as the \festival] heading( The \festival] heading colours need to 3e simplified slightl#( Stalls< Mar/ "avender provisionall# agreed to 3e in charge of co6ordinating stalls on the da#( These will 3e in the s2uare in front of the Furnival or in ?erdon Street .ec( Centre if wet( 8t was agreed that we should as/ stallholders for a donation of C$) to hold stalls< CA to go towards the venue hire costs and CA to go to JN8CEF or =1fam for the Tsunami B Sudan appeals( Food< "aila 9ragg has agreed to run a caf^ from the Furnival for the da# with the participants from her middle6eastern coo/er# course( The# are wor/ing on a coo/er# 3oo/ which ma# also 3e on sale at the festival( =ther food stalls< someone needs to ta/e responsi3ilit# for coordinating other people providing food! including an ice cream van( &ll food stall holders need to have a 3asic h#giene certificate and sign an agreement( 9or/shops< .o3 indle and Ton# Tingle have agreed to 3e in charge of wor/shops and tasters( .o3 is to appl# for funding for the tasters B research funding possi3ilities( Music and dance< 9e need to get some performers from the Furnival =pen Mic sessions to appear at the festival! and we need to as/ "ungani from Creative Burngreave if we can use the P& s#stem again( 8t was agreed to as/ &isha Special 7 to 3e the MC again : also as/ her for her contacts with the 3rea/ dancing group( 9e need the 5emeni 3and from 5E.= to perform again! 7ornelia>s &ra3ic dancers! some more &frican dancers if possi3le! and Greentop Circus performers( 9e also need to sort out performers for the parades if practical( %( Things to do S &nne< Contact Pauline irst from ?erdon .ecreation Centre a3out organising children>s activities : put her on the mailing list for these minutes( S &nne< 9rite to cele3rities : famous people with Sheffield connections! and 3ring the list to the ne1t meeting so that people can add to the list B /now who has 3een invited( Suggestions made at the meeting have 3een added to the list( Councillor Mi/e P#e will still 3e the "ord Ma#or as there will 3e no ma#oral elections this #ear( S "earning Providers< the official N8&CE &dult "earners> 9ee/ awards closing date is on ;Ath 0anuar#( 9e are planning an awards ceremon# at the festival! 3ut #ou need to move fast on getting #our learners nominated for the official awards( Email alwUniace(org(u/ or call )$$' ;)@@;))( S .ashida : other CECs( .ashida agreed to coordinate the activities that the schools are organising for the festival da# and for the rest of &dult "earners> 9ee/( This will also involve Space for Sport and &rts( 8t was agreed that it would 3e a good da# to hold a parents and children>s sports da# on the field 3ehind ?erdon Street .ec( Centre( S &nne B Ghassan B Parven< ma/e sure that all the learning assistants /now a3out the event! feel involved with the event and are given 4o3s to do well in advance( @( Strateg# for colla3orative wor/ing( &fter last #ear! the &dult "earning Providers Group was overta/en 3# the festival( 8ts primar# function of information sharing too/ a 3ac/ seat( owever! this meeting ma# 3e the appropriate forum for learning providers to start wor/ing together more strategicall#( Those present at the meeting agreed to propose that the adult learners group still deals with Burngreave Cele3rates "earning and information sharing! 3ut that another ma4or function should 3e to help implement strategies for Burngreave &dult education! e(g( the ES=" strateg# and the emplo#ment strateg# and the strateg# for gathering information and data( =ne strateg# would 3e discussed per meeting(

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8t was suggested that the &dult "earning Providers Group wor/ed on implementing strateg# in the autumn and wor/ed on planning Burngreave Cele3rates "earning from 0anuar# G Ma#( owever! there were concerns that the &dult "earning Providers group and the &dult "earning wor/ing group essentiall# covered the same issues! although the wor/ing group tends to 3e more strategic( 8t was decided that the roles of the two meeting groups needed clarif#ing at a future date( A( News from "earning providers and sharing information( The Furnival ,Mar/-< 9e are starting to plan more activities at the Furnival e(g( classes! crZches etc( There ma# 3e some new tenants coming into the old shop units at the side of the Furnival( The use of the cellar space is currentl# under review( Firs ill and St Catherine>s Schools ,.ashida-< Most courses have started this wee/( 9e have had lots of referrals through BC"C and the Burngreave "earner( 9e are currentl# running at full capacit# for the 3uildings! so we are negotiating to use the Sheffield Jnited Foot3all Training &cadem#! Firs ill Crescent( Burngreave ?oices istor# Pro4ect ,Ni//#-< The Burngreave Stories course starts on Tuesda# ;Ath 0anuar# in Burngreave "i3rar#( The course is open to ever#one and will focus on oral histor# and stor#telling( '( &n# other 3usiness( &nne has now produced a final report for the pilot phase of BC"C ,March ;))% G Decem3er ;))@-! and a 2uarterl# report for the new phase of the pro4ect ,starting in Septem3er ;))@-( 8f learning providers would li/e a cop# of either report! can the# contact BC"C on )$$@ ;FK@K')! or e6mail &nne< anneU3urngreavelearning(org Ne1t meeting< Thursda# $)th Fe3ruar# at the Sheffield Jnited Training academ# on Firs ill Crescent( The following directions for the centre are from the cit# centre( From Sheffield Central S From the Par/ S2uare rounda3out Sheffield Cit# Centre( S Turn right at the traffic lights ,&'$)K- for "ower Don ?alle#( S Go through the $st set of traffic lights and under the 3ridge( S Turn right at the second set of traffic lights( S Drive for $)) #ards and ta/e the filter road off to the left immediatel# after the &rches( S Continue on up the hill! past the shops and straight on through the traffic lights( S &fter the speed cameras! ta/e the ;nd left onto Minna .oad ,signposted Shirecliffe-( S Go through the $st set of traffic lights and turn right at the ;nd set of lights( 5ou are now on Shirecliffe .oad( S Continue on up the hill( &s the hill levels out turn right S immediatel# 3efore the pelican crossing onto Firshill Crescent( S The &cadem# is ;)) #ards on the left hand side(

From< 0oe Clar/e To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Trevor Pollard Date< Tuesda# 6 0anuar# ;A! ;))A $;<@) PM Su34ect< Prog

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&fta3 in the roll6over programme for )AB' 8 intend rolling over D.CT$0 ,C"&8T "evel $- 3ut not D+C=$C ,C"&8T "evel ;- which has onl# ' active students this #ear and finished with % last #ear( 0oe Clar/e ,4oe(clar/eUsheffcol(ac(u/Sheffield College http<BBwww(sheffcol(ac(u/

From< Gillian .aistric/ To< &fta3 &hmed Date< 9ednesda# 6 0anuar# $K! ;))A $;<$$ PM Su34ect< .e< Esol team meeting &fta36Nic/ and &li will follow up the Burngreave learners and arrange assessments( Diane has hours for 8& at Firvale68 will chec/ that ?al 7nows details of the slot( Gill LLL &fta3 &hmed )$B$@B)A @<AK pm LLL i Gill! & num3er of issues< $(The ES=" meeting on ;$st 0anuar# ne1t wee/ falls on Eid da# when ma4orit# of staff will ta/e a da# off( ;( Four Burngreave learning assistants turned up with $) learners to enrol at Ellesmere 3ut 3ecause of Mahmoods a3sence we couldMnt assess them( the# have A more learners as well( could #ou please as/ Nic/ B&li to assess these students ne1t wee/ and weMll ring them and arrange for them to turn up( %( 9e need a meeting with "inda aPelwood re student enrolement as still there seem to 3e pro3lems at mainsite with our enrolement form not 3eing inputted properl# or lost etc( we need some action to remed# this( 8 have written to "inda on this( @( there are literac#Bnumerac# students also coming for enrolement and again we need a dedicated assesssment slot for that certainl# at Firvale( .egards &fta3

From< Michael .ichardson To< Gillian Bla/e# CC< &nne &t/ins! &fta3 &hmed! Dawn a#wood Date< Monda# 6 0anuar# $F! ;))A ;<%A PM Su34ect< Dear &ll! Dear &ll! 9ell 8 have some good news and 3ad news Good news First &ll the following classes will nun Stoc/s3ridge Ma/e Jp( 9ed $K)) ;$)) Ellesmere facial Man : Facial Mon $%)) $A)) Tue $I%) ;)%) 9ed $%)) $A)) Start Date $KB)$B)A ;@B)$B)A $IB)$B)A

andsworth Grange FM :PED Firvale Ma/e up

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 74 of 178

The class we 4ust carnt cove M#rtle Springs Mi/e airBBeaut# and and nail care 9ed $I%) ;)%)

From< 7aren Se/ula To< Sue "ong CC< &fta3 &hmed Date< Saturda# 6 0anuar# $A! ;))A $)<$% &M Su34ect< .e< Pre6School PracBPathwa#s i Sue! &fta3 seems to thin/ that there ma# 3e more ,3ut it ma# 3e that is through P"& and Chris /nows that no more than ' will attend-( Could Chris discuss it with &fta3 on Monda# when she is there( 8 donMt mind if the decision is one more session to see 3ut m# feeling is do not pro6long if Chris /nows that there are no more prospective students( 7aren LLL Sue "ong $@B)$B)A $K<;;<); LLL 7aren 8 have alread# spo/en to Chris Bower this afternnon and she was ringing around the ' students and sa#ing it will not run She was of the opinion that there are no more students She was fine a3out this Do #ou now want me to as/ her to go again on thursda# Sue LLL 7aren Se/ula )$B$@B)A A<)) PM LLL i &ndreaBSue! can 8 4ust confirm a conversation ,Frida# A())- 8 have had with &fta3< 6 the Pathwa#s course at Firvale can go ahead onl# if there are $$ or more students( &fta3 3elieves more are coming on the $Fth 0an(((so if the num3ers appear Chris can go ahead with the class 6 &fta3 will 3e there to let her /now( 6 the 8PP on Thurs onl# had F and should also 3e closed unless $; or more appear ne1t thurs 6 again &fta3 will 3e at Firvale to discuss it with Chris( 8 have to insist on $; for this Mlonger 2ualM 8 am sorr# to 3e so hard line 3ut the aualit# .eview data for adult Childcare ,short courses- continues to cause concern and the results this #ear will go towards our future inspection( if we have to cancel we would need to amend the Protocol assignment( regards! 7aren

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 75 of 178

C"&SS.==M &SS8ST&NTS $A 0=BS &re #ou aged 3etween $I6'@D ave #ou 3een unemplo#ed for ' months and live in BurngreaveD 9ould #ou li/e a 4o3 wor/ing in a schoolD 9e can offer #ou<6 Emplo#ment for $ #ear 8n schools in Burngreave &rea C$'; wee/l# gross wage %% hours per wee/ G which will include a pac/age of training =n going support and guidance .egister #our interest 3# Tues Ith Fe3ruar# at 0o3net U Burngreave! Spital ill For further details ring SuPanne at Sheffield Futures on< ;)$ ;I@) B ;)$ ;I)% These 4o3s are supported 3# the European Social Fund

From< Maggie Siddall

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 76 of 178

To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Thursda# 6 0anuar# $%! ;))A $<)@ PM Su34ect< Nutrition and Diet &fta3 Please find 3elow names and addresses of people enrolled on the a3ove course( Maggie 7err# Cottage $F The .avine! Sheffield SA )DT "eahann Fletcher $A' Shirehall .oad! Shiregreen Sheffield SA )GP #acinth Forrester! ;)I 9ensle# Street! Sheffield S@ I N .achael Smith %;A Sice# &venue! Sheffield SA )EE +oe Tan/ard $I Tor3a# .oad! Shefield S@ FSN Susan Travis ;) Everingham Crescent! Sheffield SA F" Carol T#e ;)& =1spring Ban/! Sheffield SA IN. 0enn# ?iorel F Penrith Close! Shirecliffe! Sheffield SA IT9 ope this reaches #ou(

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 77 of 178

Spotlight onb(( Firvale Centre The Firvale Centre is open five da#s a wee/ as well as Monda# evenings and caters for the needs of the multlcultural communities in the north6east corridor of the cit#( The enrolments this #ear are well over ')) students in a wide range of classes( ?al o3son! ShanaP MirPa and "eanne Morris! neigh3ourhood administrators wor/ round the cloc/ to provide an e1cellent and high 2ualit# service to students and staff( The centre has a strong team of S/ills for "ife ,English for Spea/ers of =ther "anguages! "iterac# and Numerac#- staff catering for ')E of the student population( Rpresentation of ES=" certificates> &t the end of &utumn term the centre held a ver# successful multifaith cele3ration attended 3# almost ;)) students( 9e were entertained 3# Son Para Todos! a South &merican 3and pla#ing salsa music( The students were also presented with their achievement certificates 3# our new Director!Trevor Pollard( Rpart of the audience for the presentations> The centre shares the 3uilding with 5emeni Economic and Training centre who also run some Sheffield College franchise provision( The provision of languages centre on communit# languages such as &ra3ic and Jrdu including interpretation and translation courses( "ast #ear &ra3ic achieved an impressive K'(%E pass rate at &S level with $F out of ;F students achieving grade &( &t &; the pass rate was KAE( Jrdu has a $))E pass rate for 3oth &S and &;( The Diploma in Pu3lic Service 8nterpreting course accredited 3# 8nstitute for "inguists is onl# availa3le at this centre within the whole of South 5or/shire! in fact we have students coming from as far as uddersfield ,recentl# 8 was contacted 3# a potential student from "ondon who cannot find this course in the area and wanted to enrol on our course ne1t Septem3er-

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 78 of 178

Rthe 3and 6 Son Para Todos> &s well as offering GCSE English and Maths the centre also provides first aid! computing! creative crafts and childcare amongst others( Some courses are provided via Castle centre such as nutrition and diet and ma/e up(

"ast #ear we had a ver# successful Summer programme for S/ills for "ife which we hope to continue this academic #ear( "ast 3ut not least mention should 3e made of the Communit# Foundation Course! which Sarah 9atson has championed for the last four #ears and which has grown to meet the needs of the $'6$K #ear olds who need communit# 3ased support 3efore the# move onto mainstream courses on the mainsites( & 3ig Than/ #ou to Sarah and her team for their hard wor/( &fta3 &hmed

Hillsborough Staff News Issue 3 - Page 79 of 178

Issue 3 5a$uar* 2

-ills.oro! h Si%e /isi% 8 am now in a position to give further information a3out the opportunit# to visit the new college site on the ;Kth 0anuar#( Please see the note from 0ohn Blo1ham 3elow( 8 would urge an#one who has the time! to ta/e advantage of this( The 3uilding is now sufficientl# complete to gain a good idea of its finished state( Please 3ear in mind that this is a wor/ing 3uilding site( 5ou will 3e supplied with hard hats 3ut please wear footwear suita3le for uneven and mudd# conditions underfoot( Staff can visit the new Hillsborough College on Saturday 29th January 2005 between 9:00 and 14:00 !ours will ta"e #lace every half hour fro$ 9:00 !he last tour will start at 1% 00 and each tour will last a##ro&i$ately one hour 'lease note that the site $ust close at 14:00 (nyone interested in these tours should contact John )lo&ha$ to boo" a #lace 'lease state your #referred ti$e 'lease note that *ust turning+u# on the day does not guarantee entry due to strict H,S issues 0ohn1.lo2ham3she&&col1ac1!k %o3le* a$" Parso$ (ross )olleges )losure e1e$t4 8 have 3een approached 3# a num3er of staff who feel that there ought to 3e an event to cele3rate the histor# and su3se2uent closures of the two colleges( Parson Cross opened as a result of the tertiar# reorganisation in $KII( "o1le# has a longer histor# as Stannington College! originall# opened in $K'K( 8 have as/ed Paul Morrell , .EFcVmailto<paul(morrellUsheffcol(ac(u/V M&C.=BJTT=N paul(morrellUsheffcol(ac(u/ e1t ;AAK- to convene a steering group of interested staff at PY and 7aren Cresswell , .EFcVmailto<7aren(cresswellUsheffcol(ac(u/V M&C.=BJTT=N 7aren(cresswellUsheffcol(ac(u/ e1t ;;IF- to do the same at

"o1le#( 8f #ou are interested in 4oining either group! please contact Paul or 7aren( Current thin/ing is to hold separate events sometime towards the end of the summer term and to invite an#one who has an# connection with the histor# of the two institutions(
Teachin and ,earnin 8 would li/e to remind ever#one of the teaching and learning event on the ;Ath 0anuar#( Please see cop# of

m# original note in issue one of staff news( There has onl# 3een a couple of e1pressions of interest so far and 8 would li/e to have a view of attendance to help with domestic arrangements( - discussed the docu$ents fro$ .fsted / Why Colleges Succeed and Why Colleges Fail in the first issue of staff news - also $entioned the #ro#osed $onthly twilight $eetings to debate teaching , learning related issues - can now tell you that the first of these sessions will be on tuesday the 25th January at 0o&ley fro$ 5 + 1#$ - intend to #resent the findings of these two re#orts and relate these to the strategic direction and #lanning for the new college !here is an o#en invitation to these sessions and - would welco$e re#resentation fro$ all functional areas of the college However2 in order for $e to organise refresh$ents and the right si3ed roo$ would a##reciate #rior notice of attendance + #lease confir$ with Ste#hanie 4ould

I$1itatio$ to i$1ite644 8 am conscious that m# role can 3e ver# remote from the student e1perience( 8 would li/e to 3alance this 3# sitting in on teaching sessions( 8 would li/e to R3ecome a student> for a session ever# two wee/s if at all possi3le( owever! this re2uires the cooperation of! and invitation 3# staff( 8 am starting this process 3# visiting communit# foundation class at Fir ?ale this wee/( 8 need to 3e clear that 8 simpl# want to attend a variet# of lessons and m# agenda is onl# to develop a feel for the student e1perience! nothing more( 8 would welcome invitations 3# staff to sit in on their teaching sessions( Please let me /now if #ou can offer me this opportunit#( .$" fi$all*644 aving spent the holida# period in splendid isolation c#cling in Patagonia! it was a shoc/ to come home to the news of the Tsunami disaster( 8n view of this! 8 have arranged to send m# Christmas donation ,see issue two- to the Disasters Emergenc# Committee( Tre*or Pollard

S&otlight o$644
Firvale Centre The Firvale Centre is open five da#s a wee/ as well as Monda# evenings and caters for the needs of the multlcultural communities in the north6east corridor of the cit#( The enrolments this #ear are well over ')) students in a wide range of classes( ?al o3son! ShanaP MirPa and "eanne Morris! neigh3ourhood administrators wor/ round the cloc/ to provide an e1cellent and high 2ualit# service to students and staff( The centre has a strong team of S/ills for "ife ,English for Spea/ers of =ther "anguages! "iterac# and Numerac#- staff catering for ')E of the student population(

Rpresentation of ES=" certificates> &t the end of &utumn term the centre held a ver# successful multifaith cele3ration attended 3# almost ;)) students( 9e were entertained 3# Son Para Todos! a South &merican 3and pla#ing salsa music( The students were also presented with their achievement certificates 3# our new Director!Trevor Pollard(

Rpart of the audience for the presentations> The centre shares the 3uilding with 5emeni Economic and Training centre who also run some Sheffield College franchise provision( The provision of languages centre on communit# languages such as &ra3ic and Jrdu including interpretation and translation courses( "ast #ear &ra3ic achieved an impressive K'(%E pass rate at &S level with $F out of ;F students achieving grade &( &t &; the pass rate was KAE( Jrdu has a $))E pass rate for 3oth &S and &;( The Diploma in Pu3lic Service 8nterpreting course accredited 3# 8nstitute for "inguists is onl# availa3le at this centre within the whole of South 5or/shire! in fact we have students coming from as far as uddersfield(

Rthe 3and 6 Son Para Todos> &s well as offering GCSE English and Maths the centre also provides first aid! computing! creative crafts and childcare amongst others( Some courses are provided via Castle centre such as nutrition and diet and ma/e up(

"ast #ear we had a ver# successful Summer programme for S/ills for "ife which we hope to continue this academic #ear( .ftab .h/e"

Burngreave "anguage Support &genc#

DE?E"=PMENT 9=.7E. %F ours per wee/ G Salar# C$'!))) 6 C$I!))) p(a ,depending on e1perienceF8YED TE.M C=NT.&CT JNT8" M&5 ;))' ,e1tension su34ect to fundingBurngreave "anguage Support &genc# is see/ing to appoint a Development 9or/er to assist local residents in accessing accredited training and 3ecoming interpreters and translators in the Burngreave &rea( To wor/ with communit# mem3ers ena3ling them to access relevant interpreting! translation! 3i6lingual! literac# support and an# other relevant language support courses( For application pac/ contact< 7ate Thompson! &dministration : 8nformation Manager Burngreave Communit# &ction Trust $; Burngreave .oad Sheffield S% KDD Tel< )$$@ ;F;I))I( For informal information contact< Dr Mohammed Mali/ at B"S& on ;F;;I%% Closing date< 9ednesda#! K Fe3ruar# ;))A G @()) pm

From< Claire Derric/ To< &fta3 &hmed! Trevor Pollard Date< Monda# 6 Decem3er ;)! ;))@ $;<A; PM Su34ect< Frames and photos for Fir ?ale 8 have the prices for the frames and prints for Fir ?ale and Ellesmere( =rder to Displa#lin/ %) 1 &; silver gripper frames U C$'(A) each c C@KA

%) 1 &; prints U C$) each c C%)) Plus ?&T "et me /now when the orderMs written and 8Mll forward the dis/ to Displa#lin/( The &% prints can 3e done in6house at Norton colour 3ureau for @)p each 6 a mere C$;( 8f 8 can have the 3udget code for this 8 will forward the 4o3 to Norton for this( &n# 2ueries! let me /now Claire

0irst .i" 7a* Thrs Fri Mon Mon Mon Tues 9ed 9ed Fri Thurs Thurs Mond Thurs

,er/ 223 ,*&e B and Todds Ba3es :todds B and todds Emergenc# Emergenc# F(&( emergenc# F(&( emergenc# B and todds B and Todds Emergenc# F(&( emergenc# B and todds Emergenc# 7ates '($()A $)(;()A 1 ' F($()A6 $$(;()A 1 ' $)B)$B)A 1 ' ;$();B)A $)($()A ;@($()A 1 % $)()$()A ;@($()A 1 % $$B)$B)A 1 % ;AB)$B)A $;B)$B)A 1 % ;FB)$B)A $;B)$B)A 1 ' ;%B);B)A $@($()A ;A(;()A 1 ' ;)()$()A %();()A 1 % ;@B);B)A 1 % $)B)%B)A ;$B);B)A 1' )@B)%B)A %(%()A $F(%()A 1 % 8e$ue M#rtle Springs,&nn &t/insGre#stones Goodwill Poss( $IB)@B)A at Firshill Me#nall Primar# esle# 9ood centre andsworth 9al/le# Parson Y Shirecliffe Primar# Firshill,&ftha3Croo/es moor Tapton sch esle# 9ood DFF&$E EFF&$ EFF&$M (o"e Staff Barrie Barrie D Peter Barrie Barrie Trigg Peter Barrie Trigg Greta ,0ill doesBarrie Barrie Barrie Barrie

,i/e '6%) GK()) K6%)6$;6)) K6%) 6$; K6)) G $$6%) '6%) G K6)) '6%) G K6)) '6%) G K6)) '6%) G K6)) K($A6$$(@A K())6$$(%) K6%) G $$6%) F6)) G K6)) '6%) G K())


Fri 9ed 9ed Tues ,9: ; Tues 9ed 9ed Mon Tues Tues 9ed Thurs 9ed Thurs Mon Tues Tues 9ed 9ed

$;(@A6%($A K6%) G $;6)) F6)) G K6)) '6%) G K6)) ,hree '6%) GK6)) $6)) G %6%) '6%) G K()) F6)) G K6)) '6%) GK6)) $;6%) G%6)) K6%) GK6)) $) 6 $; 6)) K6%) G$;6)) $6)) G %6)) F6)) G K6)) F6)) G K6)) F6)) G K6)) K6%) G$$6%) K6%) G$;6))

Emergenc# Stoc/s3ridge F(&( emergenc# F(&( emergenc# F(&(( emergenc# Band todds B and todds F(&( emergenc# F(&( emergenc# B and todds F(&( emergenc# F(&! emergenc# B and todds B and todds F(a( emergenc# B and todds B and todds B and todds f(a( emergenc#

@(%()A $I(%()A );B)%B)A 1' ;)B)@B)A );B)%B)A 1 % $'B)%B)A $IB)%B)A Y % ;;B)@B)A $;B)@B)A Y % ;'B)@B)A $%B)@B)A 1' $IB)AB)A $%(@()A $I(A()A 1 ' $IB)@B)A 1 % )KB)AB)A $KB)@B)A 1 % )%B)AB)A $KB)@B)A 1 ' ;@B)AB)A ;)B)@B)A 1 % )@B)AB)A ;$B)@B)A 1 % )AB)AB)A ;)B)@B)A 1 ' ;AB)AB)A ;$B)@B)A 1 ' ;'B)AB)A )KB)AB)A 1 % ;%B)AB)A $)B)AB)A 1 ' ;$B)'B)A $)B)AB)A 1 ' ;$B)'B)A $$B)AB)A 1' ;;B)'B)A $$B)AB)A1 % ;AB)'B)A

Malin Bridge primar# Stoc/s3ridge Parson Y Mount Pleasant


Peter Peter Barrie Barrie Trigg Barrie Trigg Barrie

Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant Fullwood comm( centre Tapton School Pea/s Centre Darnall Norton college Tinsle# Ellesmere 9#3ourn Stoc/s3ridge Castle college 9al/le# 9al/le# Bannerdale




Peter Peter

%($;()@ ES=" Staff Meeting Minutes G Fir ?ale Present< 7athr#n &ustin! &fta3 &hmed! &3dul &ssim! Mohamed Dirie! Mahmood ussain! "inda Gam3oa! &Pra Mosharaf! &mer Dahmani! &vtar Ga/al! Claire Derric/! &nd# =atridge(

&pologies< &mal &min! Gill .aistric/( S &greed that a disposa3le cup holder and cups are purchased for attachment ne1t to the water fountain S &greed that a small selection of to#s in a 3o1 3e purchased for children under parental supervision in the Rcomfort Pone> student area near reception for use at lunchtime S &greed that more comforta3le furniture for the area 3e found in the store at Castle S Plants and trellis are 3eing planned 3# orticulture for arrangement at Fir ?ale( S Claire Derric/ 3ought prices and dimensions of clip frames for wall pictures( Photographs were chosen of students ,who had previousl# agreed to have their photographs displa#ed- to 3e framed and displa#ed at Fir ?ale and Ellesmere( Clip frames G &$ C;%! &; C$F! &% C$@ S &greed to purchase %)1&; frames( Claire Derric/ agreed to have pictures reproduced( S &nd# =atridge attended! re2uesting positive &s#lum see/erBrefugee stories! poems! articles! and news for inclusion in a new pu3lication( 8ndividual e1periences were re2uested( Tutors to as/ students( S .efugee wee/ is $Kth6;@th 0une G events are to 3e planned

S The college is to have as ES=" strateg#! which will 3e written 3# &nd# =atridge! Fatma &lioua! Gill .aistric/! Fadilla Ta#lor and 7athr#n &ustin( Burngreave Forum and Shiregreen alread# have ES=" strategies S Cele3ration event

S &mar has designed a poster to 3e circulated at Fir ?ale and Ellesmere S &nd# =atridge has secured C@))! which re2uires an application( 7& to chec/ G. has completed S &mar re2uires forward funding for the caterer to pa# for light refreshments( The Salsa 3and will 3e C;)) S &ssim and Mohamed have collected all certificates to 3e presented to students( S &fta3 to invite senior managersBnorth

From< Ed 9ilson To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Trevor Pollard Date< Monda# 6 Decem3er $%! ;))@ %<)@ PM Su34ect< .e< Fwd< ?estr# all "etterNScannedO

&fta3! Than/s for going( 0ust as 3ac/ground< &nd# and 8 met with 0on Cowle# and 0ohn Clar/ on a couple of occasions( 9e last met earlier this term( 9e discussed possi3le college provision 6 8 thin/ what &nd# suggested included< some Mcommunit# foundtion studiesM t#pe provision some discrete ES=" some voc lin/ed with ES=" 6 not sure what voc areas! 8 thin/ :SC and possi3l# music technolog# were mentioned( Communit# language provision 9e advised against putting on discrete 8CT provision( Ed LLL &fta3 &hmed $%B$;B)@ $@<%)<%) LLL Ed! 8 shall attend this meeting(The ?estr# all is planned to open in Septem3er )' ( This will 3e an opportunit# for the ills3orough College to move to a new location in Burngreave and get out of that horri3le Ellesmere Centre especiaal# as niether the College or the "ea are willing even to paint it (9 need to meet in the new #ear and develop a strateg# for this and no dou3t other managers will need to 3e involved( i will report to o#u( &fta3 LLL Ed 9ilson $;B$%B)@ $;<A@ PM LLL &fta3! 8 canMt go to this meeting( 8t would 3e useful to have a representative there( Can #ou ma/e itD d LLL V0on Cowle#V W4oncowle#U3ndfc(co(u/L FB$;B)@ $'<@%<@$ LLL Please find attached an invitation to the ?estr# all wor/ing part# meeting! and some notes 8 presented to a recent Education Theme Group( 8 hope that #ou will 3e a3le to come( 5ou ma# al/read# have received this in the post( 0on

From< &ndrea 9at/ins To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Christine Saunders! Gillian Bla/e# Date< Monda# 6 Decem3er $%! ;))@ %<)% PM Su34ect< .e< Goodwill Centre

&fta3! 8 thought it was DFF&$5 that did not run due to ramadan #ou said #ou would contact Greta to re6arrange 3ut it has not ta/en place #et( 8s this correctD &ccording to m# records DFF&HG started 'B$)B)@ del*ivered 3# Peter Clar/e! was this cancelledD 8 have the event sheet for DFF&$+ Monda# $)B)$B)A do #ou want me to change thisD 0ill was getting in touch with Greta to deliver this so does she /nowD LLL &fta3 &hmed $%B$;B;))@ $@<;@<@; LLL i Chris! 8Mve spo/en with Seamus after he has visited the centre again and he has identified a num3er of pieces of wor/ which the# have to carr# out to compl# with health and safet#( from m# discussion with =mer iMm also aware that the# have to rewire the whole place as well as carr# out other changes to meet DD& re2uirements( Seamus will 3e sending his report out soon( This means that the centre will 3e out of action for the forseea3le future possi3l# for the whole of ne1t term if not longer( M# suggestions for the two First &id courses are< $( 8 have spo/en with .ashida assan &li at Firs ill school and she is willing to accommodate 3oth the course there as follows( She has in fact officiall# re2uested a First &id course to 3e run there an#wa# in the ne1t turn( ;( The First &id emergenc# DFF&$G which should have run on 9ednesda# evening ! .ashida could accommodate on Thursda#s starting from ;)th 0anuar# K($A6 $$(@A am( This will give us time to inform students enroled on this course if the# wish to move to this slot and .ashida also has $)Q students lined up( This would 3e the 3est solution( 8 3elieve Barr# is a3le to teach on the Thursda# slot at Firs ill( %( .ashida is willing to accommodate The First aid Ba3ies and Toddlers DFF&$+ =n Monda#s ,am or pm- 3ut onl# from $Ith &pril )A( &gain i reccommend that we should dela# the course and move it to Firshill as m# guess is that Goodwill will not 3e read# even around this time( The courses will have to 3e ammended on the planning s#stem as to times and dates( , it is m# understanding that the curriculum managers would do this-3ut if otherwise please let me /now( 8 hope we can run with this( Best wishes and Merr# Christmas &fta3 LLL Christine Saunders $;B$%B)@ K<;; &M LLL i GillB&fta3 8 though we onl# had ; F& courses planned for Goodwill 6 $ too/ place in SeptB=ct! the second was planned for NovBDec 3ut the start date wasBis dela#ed( 8 didnMt thin/ we had an# others planned 6 though am aware one is on the programmeD Chris LLL Gillian Bla/e# $)B$;B;))@ $A<)A<$F LLL Chris and &fta3

8s it possi3le to confirm whether the Goodwill Centre is openD There is a first aid planned for Mon am starting $)B$B)A and we need to /now whether to staff it( Cheers Gill

Education Theme Focus Group Jpdate on progress with ?estr# all $8ncluded with the papers for the Education Theme Focus Group is a .8F to prepare for the funding of 3oth the ?estr# all and Sor3# ouse transformations( This .8F is 3eing presented to all Theme Groups for information and comment! although it is progressed through the Environment Theme( ;The ?estr# all element is of particular interest to the Education Theme Group( This short report updates the Theme on recent progress( %The redevelopment of the ?estr# all as a communit# learning centre was a specific commitment in the BNDfC $)6#ear Deliver# Plan( There has 3een a ?estr# all Trust for a num3er of #ears wor/ing hard to develop plans for the renovation of the all( The wor/ is now 3eing overseen 3# the Transformational Pro4ects Steering Group! and a specific ?estr# all 9or/ing Part# will 3e esta3lished within the Education Theme to oversee the development of the use of the 3uilding( @8t is proposed that the 9or/ing Part# includes< aMem3ers of the Trust 3.epresentatives of the Education Theme Group c.epresentative of Sheffield &rts Education Service d.epresentatives of potential \sta/eholdersBproviders]< eg Sheffield College! 9E&( 8t will 3e convened 3# the BNDfC Education Theme Manager( The first meeting will ta/e place 3efore the end of the #ear( AThe overall plan for the ?estr# all envisages the creation of a communit# learning centre including the following elements< a.etention of a su3stantial hall for events! performance and for use for recreational classes 3The creation of a num3er of classroomBmeeting room spaces that will 3e used largel# for adult education and training! 3ut could also 3e availa3le for other activities and meetings c8T facilities to ena3le classes to ta/e place! "earn Direct to operate from the Centre! and wider wor/shop activities '&n architect was appointed with a 3rief in line with this and to create as much usa3le space within the all as possi3le! hopefull# on three floors( Plans were on displa# at the Multicultural Festival for people to comment on( These have now 3een

developed and are the 3asis of the proposed renovation( The# include the retention of most of the all on the Ground Floor! the opening up of the 3asement with significant 8T training and wor/shop capacit# within it! and the creation of a full additional floor a3ove the all which will ena3le eight classroomBmeeting room spaces( F& Conservation Management Plan has 3een drawn up as the 3asis of an application for planning permission( 8t contains fascinating information on the histor# of the ?estr# all( IThere are two nota3le a3sentees from the plans< aFor crZcheBchildcare provision 3For caf^ facilities There is not an enormous amount of space in the ?estr# all and the proposal is that< cChildcare will 3e provided in colla3oration with the new Children>s Centre 3eing 3uilt on Spital ill! and other e1isting childcare providers in the vicinit# dThere are plent# of eating facilities ver# close to the ?estr# all and we shouldn>t see/ to compete with them 3# providing a caf^ Nevertheless these suggestions do need to 3e firmed up! as the centre won>t 3e successful unless easil# accessi3le childcare and refreshments are availa3le K8t will 3e necessar# to ensure that the ?estr# all has a via3le Business Plan that ena3les it to cover its running costs( 8t is recognised that it will 3e necessar# for BNDfC to fund development and running costs in the initial period( $)Proposals< aThat we support the .8F 39e support the general outline of the proposed use! and welcome the wor/ done so far 3# the architects cThat we esta3lish the 9or/ing Part# and it meets 3efore Christmas 0on Cowle# Education Theme Manager

Monda# 'th Decem3er! ;))@ Dear ?estr# all 9or/ing Part#< 9ednesda# $Ath Decem3er! K(%)am at BC&T Conference .oom! $;6$@ Burngreave .oad( 8 am writing to invite #ou to attend the first meeting of the 9or/ing Part# 3eing esta3lished to oversee the development of the use of the re6fur3ished ?estr# all as a

Communit# "earning Centre( This will 3e held at K(%)am on 9ednesda# $Ath Decem3er in the BC&T Conference .oom! $;6$@ Burngreave .oad( & provisional agenda< $( .eport on developments so far ,see enclosed report to Education Theme Group;( & loo/ at the architect>s plans %( .emit for the wor/ of this group The people 3eing invited to this meeting are< S .epresentatives of the Education Theme Group S People involved with the ?estr# all Trust S Potential Sta/eholders and providers 5ours sincerel#!

0on Cowle# Education Theme Manager Ton# Tingle! 0ohn ?incent! 0ac/ie Dra#ton! 0ohn Mellor! Saleema 8mam! Ed 9ilson! 0ennefer Dennis! .o3 indle! Tim &rmstrong Cc 0ohn Clar/! 0oice .ichards

From< De3orah Pinder To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Monda# 6 Decem3er $%! ;))@ K<@@ &M Su34ect< +a3inulla Burda3ar i &fta3 8 have received another letter from #our student who is most upset that his en2uir# has not 3een settled( DPS8 have advised me that it is our responsi3ilit# to write to the student and inform them when their e1am will 3e ta/ing place! as the student is e1ternal( The# advised that we were provided with he studentMs details on the enrollment listing! which is correct! however on the timeta3le provided 3# #ourselves the studentMs name does not appear( 8 understand that a mem3er of staff within #our department was delegated the tas/ of writing to the student! however as he is e1ternal! he was missed of her list(

Please cold #o contact the student as he is most frustrated and 8 3elieve #ou will 3e in the 3est position to advise him further( Man# than/s De3orah De3orah Pinder The Sheffield College CS=6 Central E1aminations =ffice

From< Gillian Bla/e# To< &fta3 &hmed Date< Frida# 6 Decem3er $)! ;))@ %<@' PM Su34ect< Fwd< Meeting with .ashida at FirshillNScannedO Envelope Dear &fta3 ope #ou are all right( 8 attach a message from 0ohn C( a3out N S pre emplo#ment courses( 8 have done a couple in m# area and am happ# to tal/ a3out it 3ut 8 do not want to go without #ou(8t would 3e up to #ou as to whether #ou can follow up the wor/ and an# courses re2uests and 8 do not want to start something 8 canMt finish( Can #ou let me /now if #ou thin/ the suggested meeting is worthwhile from #our point of viewD 9hen Ymas is over is it possi3le to meet up re the "i3rar#B museums coursesD 8 thin/ Ed( needs to 3e there! donMt #ouD Cheers Gill

Parson Cross ealth : Safet# Committee Mem3ership Trevor PollardSteve Cass#0ohn Blo1ham&fta3 &hmed"#nda umphiresPaul Morrell 0ohn Gunstone"#nda .hodesPenn# Beresford0o 9allerDavid .hodes.ose Slimani Sue ?arle#Seamus Dooris0an Milward0ohn Ba1ter.ep from EstatesElaine Burtoft Cc Date $) Novem3er ;))@ ?enue .oom &$$! .emington Site Present0ohn Ba1ter! 0ohn Blo1ham! Penn# Beresford! 0ohn Gunstone! Dave .hodes! Trevor Pollard! Seamus DoorisChaired 3# Trevor Pollard and notes ta/en 3# 0ohn Ba1ter

&ction $ &pologies9ere received from 0an Milward! Paul Morrell! De33ie Prence! Gar# "evic/ David Battell! 0o 9aller! Sue ?arle#( ; Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on A Ma# ;))@9ere agreed as a true record( % Matters &rising %($ Securit# on SiteSome intrusions still on roofs in evening G police notified( %(; Stress at 9or/More information re2uested on progress for ne1t meeting( @ Fire Drills G da# : evening : communit# centres @($ S .eports on da#time drills on main sites( S Evening a3out to 3e conducted( S No neigh3ourhoods #et done and for some prior discussion was needed with providers(&ction points<Need for fire wardens G agreed to as/ for volunteers with specification that the# were people who spend ma4orit# of time on site as part of their normal wor/ing pattern(auestion was raised a3out alarm failure in drill( 0ohn Gunstone e1plained routine maintenance led to off switch 3eing left off( @(; &dditional priorit# item ,chair>s discretion- G possi3ilit# of visit of mem3ers of safet# committee to view site on first 9ednesda# in Decem3er G $ hour slot G agreed would ta/e opportunit# if availa3le( A First &id G 3o1 chec/sSeveral issues including location of 3o1es 6 issue of filling them regularl# and identification and pu3licit# of names of first aiders! and their availa3ilit#(.eminder that man# of the securit# staff was also first aid 2ualified and their uniform 3adges indicated this( ' Site specific issues '($ & rat spotted on I Novem3er ;))@ outside doors of main reception G reported and action impendingH '(; Disintegrating tile on main route on ground floor in .emington as slip haPard G $) Novem3er ;))@( .egular monthl# paths and route wa# chec/s are in place and this would ensure an# similar deterioration will 3e monitored G 0ohn Gunstone to do this( 0G '(% Chairs in &$$0ohn Ba1ter reported that the meeting chairs in .oom &$$ were in a ver# poor state( 8t was re2uested that these 3e chec/ed and the chairs replaced with a view to ta/ing such new meeting room furniture to ills3orough( 0ohn Gunstone replied that there was a chair register which ena3led chec/ing to occur( 0G '(@ Notice Boards for ealth : Safet#auestions raised a3out visi3le displa# of ealth : Safet# information and minutes of the meetings( File is /ept and agreed( "i3rar# should 3e venue( To chec/ notice 3oard locations and to utilise for minute displa#( 8nformation also to 3e put on M#sheffcol( F ills3orough G visits on @ 0anuar# plus ealth : Safet# F($ 8ssue of a shadow ealth : Safet# Committee and eventual merger of e1isting into one official ealth : Safet# Committee for ills3orough( &greed the Decem3er visit would provide for more discussion to 3egin( F(; Safet#! &ir aualit# and P#lons at ills3oroughN&TF E ,0ohn Ba1terpresented responses to a summar# of a meeting of a su3 group of the Central Safet#

on ;A &ugust ;))@ Committee( These would 3e discussed at Central ealth : Safet# Committee on $I Novem3er ;))@( I &n# =ther Business I($ .amadan and EidN&TF E ,0ohn Ba1ter- raised the issue that the College had failed to show proper consideration for the health of its Muslim students 3# not pu3licising this @6wee/ period of fasting and pra#er( Students were una3le to drin/ or ingest fluids in the hours of da#light and staff should have 3een reminded to 3e sensitive to these students> welfare(This issue has 3een pic/ed up 2uic/er in the North 3ut at the end of the period( 8nformation was now circulating to tutors a3out appropriate action over EM&>s during the Eid cele3ration( This would remove a source of potential confusion and therefore stress for students and staff( I(; ConstitutionSee/ing of Chair! ?ice Chair and Secretar# ,Trevor Pollard has chaired this meeting with 0ohn Ba1ter ta/ing minutes-(0ohn Ba1ter agreed to 3e ?ice Chair( The post of Chair remains unfilled( I(% ?iolence towards staff and a rise in a3senteeism among support staff( JN8S=N ,Dave .hodes- raised this and identified a @%E rise in a3sence among support staff 3etween ;));B;))%(There was concern e1pressed a3out threats and violence e1perienced 3# support staff K Date and Time of Ne1t MeetingThe ne1t meeting will 3e held on K Fe3ruar# ;))A! at @()) pm! in .oom &$$! Parson Cross

From< 7aren Se/ula

To< Maggie Norman CC< &fta3 &hmed Date< Thursda# 6 Decem3er K! ;))@ %<;F PM Su34ect< .e< Ellesmere 6 Counselling i Maggie 6 8 did see the note! sorr# 8 didnMt respond immediatel# as 8 needed the data( Currentl# the group has enrolled $) which ,although it is 3elow the $@ we are recommended to recruit- 8 am happ# to go with as there ma# well 3e more recruits over the ne1t few wee/s and 8 /now &fta3 is /een to encourage the usage of this centre( Can 8 presume that 8 can ta/e #ou from the Castle 9ed evening now ,which 8 had pencilled in incase the Ellesmere did not run-D 7aren LLL Maggie Norman )IB$;B)@ $'<@$<A$ LLL i 7aren 6 hope #ouMre well Not sure if #ou saw m# scratt# note as/ing if #ou thin/ Ellesmere "evel ; ne1t term will runD Than/s for photocop#ing materials Maggie

From< Trevor Pollard To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Ed 9ilson Date< Monda# 6 Decem3er '! ;))@ F<@$ PM Su34ect< .e< Cele3ration event Firvale ello &fta3! 8 would li/e if at all possi3le to support this event( 8Mve spo/en to Ed 9ilson 6 he is in total agreement( owever! an# spend through formal 3udgetar# procedures needs to 3e capa3le of audit( Particularl# as 8 will need to vire into the 3udget head for hospitalit# from elsewhere( Therefore! 8 will need a 3rea/down of costs against suppliers and #our proposals for how C;)) ,we have decided upon this contri3ution- will 3e spent( .emem3er that we will need to achieve this through the purchasing department through official orders( 8 /now this sounds rather pedantic and procedural! 3ut financial accounting needs to 3e clear and a3ove 3oard( 8 canMt simpl# suppl# cash( Please let me /now how #ou want to progress this( 8n the meantime! 8 am loo/ing forward to 4oining in the cele3rations and presenting certificates( Trev Trevor Pollard College Director LLL &fta3 &hmed )%B$;B;))@ $;<)'<;I LLL ello Trevor! .e< Firvale Event The esol team have decided to organise this event on $'th Decem3er from $())pm till @())pm( The main focus is to cele3rate student learning and certificate presentation and secondl# to cele3rate Eid! Christmas and Diwali which have fallen near each other this #ear( 5ou are invited to come and present the student certificates and to en4o# the salsa music(,the certificate presentation will 3e 3etween $ and ; pm-( There will 3e a south american 3and pla#ing music and foos will 3e provided( The guesstimate cost for these and other accessories is around CI))( The as#lum unit hopefull# will contri3ute a 3ul/ of this 3ut 8 have 3een as/ed to approach #ou to as/ whether we can spend C;A) of the mone# from the C$))) 3udget which &nd# Brown has allocated to Firvale( 8f this is not possi3le then 8 would re2uest some contri3ution from the main centres 3udget( &n# amount will help to go towards covering the costs( Than/ 5ou &fta3

From< Gillian Bla/e# To< 7athr#n .eavill! dawn a#/ro#d! valerie ho3son! 0o utchinson! 0udith Temple! Sharon Cousins! Sue ?arle#! shanaP mirPa CC< 0ohn Blo1ham! 0ade Bennett! "#nda .hodes! &fta3 &hmed

Date< Frida# 6 Decem3er %! ;))@ $$<@$ &M Su34ect< Change over of "ine Management Dear &ll &s #ou are aware the &dult and Communit# Jnit has 3een federalised since half term and line management has returned to the Centre &dmin( Managers , 0ade Bennett for "o1le# Centres on ;;;$ and "#nda .hodes for Parson Cross Centres on ;A;$- who wor/ to the Centre =perations Manager ! 0ohn Blo1ham( &t the moment we are passing over #our appraisal records! ris/ management assessments to #our new line managers and #ou ma# 3e contacted around these issues and an# further training needs( From ne1t wee/ therefore! could #ou send #our fle1isheets to the appropriate managerD 8n order to ensure a smooth transition! we are not formall# moving the 3udget over until Ymas( This term orders! travel claims and pett# cash slips will 3e signed 3# the neigh3ourhood coordinators and so continue sending these to us please (This function will move to the Centre &dministrators as from 0an @th( Clearl# the neigh3ourhood coordinators will still have ver# close contact with all staff in terms of service and programme deliver#! health and safet# in centres and so forth( 9e e1pect to 3e part of regular meetings with #ourselves and the Centre &dmin( Managers when this is the focus of discussion( Meanwhile can 8 ta/e this opportunit# to than/ #ou for all #our hard wor/ while part of the &CE unit and 8 do thin/ that we have all 3een a3le to improve the 2ualit#! vi3ranc# and strength of the neigh3ourhood centres ( 8 am sure this improvement will continue under the new arrangements( Best 9ishes Gill Bla/e# Neigh3ourhood Coordinator North 9est

Brightside : Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership &dult and Communit# "earning in Brightside and Shiregreen .eview and &ction Plan =cto3er ;)) Foreword The previous R.eview and &ction Plan> was issued in 0une ;))%( That was a fairl# e1tensive document! which updated the original March ;))) report! ta/ing account of past and proposed changes in the adult learning infrastructure( The core of the last report was the &ction Plan for ;))%B@( This is a 3riefer document which records progress towards the ;))%B@ o34ectives and sets outs o34ectives for ;))@BA(

This report is issued 3# the Brightside and Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership ,B:S""P-! with the support of the Cit# Council>s &dult and Communit# "earning service( B:S""P will ma/e periodic chec/s on progress towards the ;))@BA o34ectives( Progress against the &ction Plan will 3e reviewed in 0ul#B&ugust ;))A( The review and action plan is offered for consultation with local residents and wor/ers( 8f #ou would li/e to comment please write to Mar# Blac/a! Planning and Development =fficer! &dult and Communit# "earning! Sheffield Cit# Council G Education! $@A Croo/esmoor .oad! Sheffield S' %FP! or telephone on ,)$$@- ;'' FA)%( 5ou can also e6mail comments on mar#(3lac/aUsheffield(gov(u/( &dult and Commmunit# "earning in Brightside and Shiregreen< .eview and &ction Plan! =cto3er ;))@ C=NTENTS Page Summar# $( & description of the area ;( ;($ ;(; ;(% "ocal adult learning provision =verview Ma4or local providers Funding sources ;))%B@ I6$% ; %6F $

%( &ction Plan ;))@BA

&nne1e &< Map showing the location of learning centres and venues &nne1e B< Progress towards o34ectives in the ;))%B@ &ction Plan &nne1e C< Ma4or local providers< contact details &nne1e D< Summar# of &C" funded adult learning provision in ;))%B@ SJMM&.5 =verview For adult education in Brightside and Shiregreen! ;))%B@ was a #ear of triumphs ,ma4or and minor- and of disappointments( =verl#ing this! however! is a success

stor#( There are now figures! which appear to indicate! tentativel#! that participation in adult education locall# is increasing( Perhaps the most positive aspect of the last #ear was the growing strength of the Brightside and Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership ,B:S""P- and the willingness of groups and pro4ects to wor/ together( Partnership wor/ is certainl# alive and flourishing( The involvement of B:S""P in decisions on the allocation of Neigh3ourhood "earning in Deprived Communities mone# strengthened the partnership! as it did elsewhere in Sheffield( Man# of the o34ectives in the ;))%B@ &ction Plan re6appear in the ;))@BA Plan( Mostl# this is 3ecause! whilst there has 3een progress! it has 3een slow( 8n addition! some of the o34ectives are! 3# their nature! long6term Summar# of o34ectives in the &ction Plan ;))@BA $( &rea6wide issues S 8mprove provision in areas which have not 3een well catered for! eg 9inco3an/! Rnorth> Shiregreen S Develop additional childcare provision to support learners S Develop a local 3asic s/ills and ES=" strateg# Bcampaign S Develop an &dult "earning Bursar# Scheme S Develop wa#s to capture learners> views on provision S 8mprove collection and dissemination of information on adult learning opportunities S E1tend the e1isting provision of advice and guidance ;( "ocal learning centres B providers B pro4ects S Ensure the continuation of the &dult "earning Champions pro4ect S Secure long term funding for BaS8T S 9or/ with "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College and the Source to develop progression routes and to e2uip local residents to access more formal provision S 8mproving communit# learning venues %( Courses< curriculum and deliver# S Deliver# of a programme of courses which meets local needs! including the construction of progression routes S =ffer more courses leading to 2ualifications locall# S Develop wor/6related training S Ensure that the programmes offered are of the re2uired high 2ualit# The recommendations are detailed in Section %( $( Description of the area

Brightside : Shiregreen is one of twelve Cit# Council corporate areas and includes the smaller communities of Brightside! Firth Par/! Flower! Grimesthorpe! Shiregreen!

Stu33in! and 9inco3an/ The area includes the whole of the former Brightside ward and part of the former Firth Par/ and Nethershire wards( 8t is 3ounded 3# the M$ motorwa# to the east! Barnsle# .oad to the North 9est and Firth Par/ and Fir ?ale to the south( Much of the area is hill# and there are steep gradients! particularl# from the industrial corridor in the Brightside valle#! which form access 3arriers 3etween neigh3ourhoods( This has clear implications for the provision of communit# education( The Firth Par/ district centre forms a natural focal point for financial! retail and administrative services in the area( 8t is also the location for the new First Start 3uilding which will provide a range of services! with the focus on #oung children and families( 8n ;))$ the population of Brightside and Shiregreen was ;K!AA$ in $$!FF% households( This is a #oung population( & greater proportion of residents are now under $F and fewer over ')! than the cit# average( &n estimated AE of the population is from minorit# ethnic 3ac/grounds! with homes concentrated in the south of the area( This population is also #ounger than the cit# average( The 3iggest single minorit# ethnic grouping is of 5emeni origin and there are growing num3ers of people with dual or multi6heritage( =thers are from Pa/istani! Somali and &frican6Cari33ean origin( More recentl#! small 3ut significant num3ers of refugees and as#lum see/ers from a variet# of countries have come to live in the area! particularl# in older private rented accommodation( There are sharp contrasts 3etween income levels within the area( Nevertheless! all three of the former wards fell within the $)E most deprived nationall#( The percentage of households claiming income support has increased 3# more than %E in some neigh3ourhoods! against cit# trends( "evels of famil# povert# are high< A)E of all the area>s children live in households claiming means6tested 3enefits( Educational achievement at $' and sta#ing6on rate for school leavers have 3een among some of the lowest in the cit#( &mongst local adults levels of 3asic s/ills needs are high and 2ualification rates are ver# low( 8n Firth Par/ ward @I(;FE of adults have no formal 2ualifications< the figure for Nethershire is @F($FE and for Brightside @$($KE( ,B# contrast the figure for allam ward is $A(%'E(The area has received a significant amount of regeneration funding recentl#( There are a num3er of su3stantial! new pro4ects! aimed at reducing the level of deprivation( ;( "ocal learning opportunities ;($ =verview During ;))%B@! Brightside and Shiregreen was allocated mone# from the Neigh3ourhood "earning in Deprived Communities fund ,C;F7- and Neigh3ourhood .enewal Fund< &ccess to "earning ,CA$7-! in addition to C;I7 from &dult and Communit# "earning small communit# contracts( This mone# was used to strengthen the infrastructure and diversif# provision(

Since levels of provision have 3egun to rise! wor/ers have attempted to co6ordinate what is on offer and to create progression routes( 8n ;))%B@! the Childcare and Pla#wor/ Training Co6ordinating Group! a su3group of the local lifelong learning partnership! developed a co6ordinated offer of childcareBpla#wor/ training and then planned a programme for ;))@BA! which is designed to create progression routes through to N?a( "earners who progress through the programme should 3e in a good position to access formal courses at "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College in ;))AB'( There have 3een some ma4or developments in the ph#sical adult learning infrastructure< S "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College is now open and launched its first adult education prospectus in Septem3er ;))@ S The First Start 3uilding! which will open ver# shortl#! will provide some accommodation for adult learners &lso causes for cele3ration are the completion of the e1tension at the Flower Estate Famil# &ction .esource ouse and the new training rooms in the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar# and the Goodwill Communit# Centre( &longside these positives! some of the main pla#ersBpro4ects in adult education locall# have had a difficult #ear( ;(; Ma4or local providers The adult learning offer in Brightside and Shiregreen is complicated! as there are a variet# of funding streams and a num3er of organisations which provide limited amounts of training! often on \closed] courses! eg for parents in schools or mem3ers of management committees( The list of organisationsBpro4ects 3elow is confined to the ma4or providers( Contact details for all organisations are given in &nne1e C( Communit#63ased organisations $( BaS8T ,Brightside and Shiregreen 8CT Centres Pro4ect- G 9or/ers Educational &ssociation 8n =cto3er ;))%! BaS8T was handed over 3# Communit# North Forum to the 9or/ers Educational &ssociation ,9E&-( Jntil March ;))@! the 9E& continued to run BaS8T on the same 3asis as 3efore! with the same staff and offering the same range of courses as in the previous #ear( 8n March ;))@ the 3ul/ of the New =pportunities Fund mone# came to an end and the staff team was dis3anded( The 9E& has continued to offer courses at the four centres! though the programme is reduced( 8t is proving difficult to recruit learners without a dedicated staff team( owever! the 9E& has applied for =34ective =ne funding! via Communit# North Forum( This funding will 3u# more dedicated staff time and allow BaS8T to e1pand its learning offer( The 3id is centred on the use of 8CT in active citiPenship( ;( Communit# North Forum

Communit# North Forum ,CNF- has e1perienced a particularl# difficult #ear( owever! the new training rooms in the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar#! have 3een completed( The &dult "earning Champions Pro4ect! which is currentl# managed 3# SPE""! for CNF! has 3een /ept going! though at a fairl# low level of activit#! 3# two successive small grants( The pro4ect has 4ust 3een awarded a further N"DC grant! to gap6fund the pro4ect until anticipated =34ective =ne mone# comes on6stream( The =34ective =ne mone# will allow the pro4ect to develop and will give it some much6needed sta3ilit#( CNF has also entered into a partnership with the Carl Duis3erg Centre to offer 2ualification63earing ES=" classes at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar#( 8t is hoped that CNF will 3e full# engaged in local adult learning in ;))@BA( The post of Training Manager has 4ust 3een advertised( %( Firth Par/ B Shiregreen Sure Start Sure Start has emerged as a strong and committed pla#er in local adult learning( 8n addition to running courses for parentsBcarers! Sure Start is heavil# involved in partnership wor/ing in adult education( 8t has pla#ed a ver# significant role in delivering childcareBpla#wor/ courses( The new First Start 3uilding! in Firth Par/ centre! is due to 3e finished in Novem3er ;))@! when Sure Start will move in( The new 3uilding contains training rooms! which ma# 3e 3oo/ed 3# groups other than Sure Start( Sure Start is also heavil# involved in the allotmentBenvironmental education pro4ect( @( Flower Estate Famil# &ction The long awaited e1tension to the Flower Estate Famil# &ction ,FEF&- .esource ouse was completed in ;))@( The e1tension houses a crZche! office space and a teaching room( The e1isting 8CT teaching room has also 3een enlarged and now accommodates ten computers ,up from si1-( FEF&>s Essential S/ills Pro4ect ,ESphas done some innovative wor/! in 3asic s/ills and financial literac#! including a lot of imaginative em3edded 3asic s/ills wor/( FEF& has applied to Communit# North Forum for a su3stantial amount of =34ective =ne funding to e1pand the wor/ of ESp! including the e1tension of the pro4ect into other areas of Brightside and Shiregreen( A( Goodwill Communit# Centre Q &l &man 9omen>s Group 8n ;))%B@ the Goodwill Communit# Centre and the &l &man 9omen>s Group delivered a significant programme of courses! at their 3ase in Grimesthorpe( The 3asement e1tension which houses an 8CT suite and a further teaching room! in addition to offices has 3een completed( The Centre offers provision in an area in which services are few( The Goodwill Centre is ver# successful in recruiting #oung men onto its courses( '( Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church Children and Families Pro4ect SJ.C Children and Families pro4ect! through its Training Co6ordinator pla#ed a ver# active part in the deliver# of courses! including courses arranged 3# the Childcare and Pla#wor/ Training Co6ordinating Group( The Pro4ect has also pla#ed a su3stantial part in the local "ifelong "earning Partnership( The post of Training Co6ordinator is vacant at present 3ut steps are 3eing made to re6appoint( The Pro4ect will 3e managing the &dult "earning Bursar# scheme for the Partnership( SJ.C has applied for =34ective =ne funding to continue the Pro4ect(

Schools $( Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College ,FPC&C- has 3een designated as the Sheffield pilot for the e1tended schools initiative( & communit# co6ordinator! who will also wor/ with partner primar# schools! has 4ust started wor/( The school alread# holds regular open da#s twice a #ear 6 in Famil# "earning 9ee/ and in &dult "earners 9ee/ 6 which offer a rich arra# of tasters for adults and #oung people( Now that there is an adult learning communit# team in place! it is anticipated that there will 3e su3stantial growth in adultBcommunit# learning provision( ;( inde ouse %6$' School 8n ;))%B@ the %6$' phase hosted some innovative wor/ in em3edded 3asic s/ills! delivered 3# the Essential S/ills Pro4ect( %( Primar# school The primar# schools in the area deliver a range of famil# learning courses( =ther organisations $( "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College The College issued its first adult prospectus in Septem3er ;))@! with the first classes starting in Novem3er( Currentl# the classes are all evening classes 3ut the College is contemplating the deliver# of da#6time classes off site( There was a length# dialogue 3etween communit# representatives and College staff on the nature of the adult offer( This dialogue culminated in a consultation meeting in 0anuar# ;))@! which was attended 3# representatives from Burngreave and Southe# B =wlerton! as well as Brightside and Shiregreen( The College has appointed an &dult and Communit# Education Manager! who is responsi3le for adult provision( ;( S&?TE ,Sheffield &ssociation for the ?oluntar# Teaching of EnglishS&?TE provides home tuition in English as a Second or =ther "anguage ,ES="- for women( 8n addition S&?TE also organises local ES=" classes for women! which are delivered 3# the 9or/ers Educational &ssociation( S&?TE provides training to volunteers who wish to train as home tutors( These courses have 3een held in Brightside : Shiregreen( %( Sheffield Cit# Council &dult and Communit# "earning service The &C" Planning and Development =fficer wor/s! mostl# via the Brightside : Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership! to coordinate local adult education provision and to support the development of the adult learning infrastructure( The officer provides administrative support for the Partnership and its su36groups( &C" funding is also availa3le through the mechanism of communit# contracts! to fund short courses! with the emphasis on first6rung learning( @( Sheffield College Sheffield College has 3een running adult evening classes at Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College for a num3er of #ears( & small programme ran in ;))%B@( The College has also 3een involved in the deliver# of childcare courses! as part of the programme devised 3# the Childcare and Pla#wor/ Training Co6ordinating Group(

A( 9or/ers Educational &ssociation 8n addition to its involvement in BaS8T! the 9E& also offers 8CT courses at Shiregreen Neigh3ourhood Centre and an art class at Stu33in( The 9E& also delivers ES=" classes for S&?TE( ;(% Funding sources ;))%B@ No( Funder .ecipient &mount &ctivit# $ Neigh3ourhood "earning in Deprived Communities,revenueBaS8T ,via Communit# North Forum- C$I7 To supplement e1isting N=F funding! to carr# out generic BaS8T activities ; Neigh3ourhood "earning in Deprived Communities,revenue&dult "earning Champions ,Communit# North Forum- C$)7 To continue the pro4ect! following the end of S.B@ funding % Neigh3ourhood .enewal Fund ?ia &dult : Communit# "earning CA7 Surve# of e1isting provision @ Neigh3ourhood .enewal Fund BaS8T ,via Communit# North ForumC$)7 To supplement e1isting N=F funding! to carr# out generic BaS8T activities A Neigh3ourhood .enewal Fund &dult "earning Champions ,via Communit# North Forum* managed 3# SPE""C$A7 To continue the pro4ect! following the end of N"DC funding ' Neigh3ourhood .enewal Fund Childcare and Pla#wor/ Training Co6 ordinating Group C$A7 To develop and deliver a programme of childcare and pla#wor/ training F( Neigh3ourhood .enewal Fund Firth Par/ &dvice CentreQFirth Par/ : Shiregreen Sure Start C'7,C%7 each?olunteer training I Neigh3ourhood "earning in Deprived Communities,capitalFlower Estate Famil# &ction ,FEF&- C;)7 Complete e1tension! to house additional training capacit# Q crZche at the FEF& .esource ouse K Neigh3ourhood "earning in Deprived Communities,capitalCommunit# North Forum C$@7 Construction of training rooms B offices at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar# $) Sheffield "E& 6 &dult and Communit# "earning communit# contracts ?arious groupsBorganisations,Details in &nne1e D- C;I7 Deliver# of communit# 3ased courses

%( &ction Plan ;))@BA


=34ective Tas/s 9ho will do thisD $( &rea6wide issues

Target dates


$($ 8mprove provision in areas which have not 3een well catered for! eg 9inco3an/! Rnorth> Shiregreen S Prioritise deliver# in Rneglected> areasS .esponding to the findings of the &dult "earning Champions CNF Development 9or/ers! Sure Start Parent 8nvolvement 9or/ers Q &dult "earning Champions 0ul# )AS 8CT course planned in 9inco3an/ 9ash6house $(; Develop additional childcare provision to support learners S Jse of the new First Start provisionS 8ncreasing use of the crZche at FEF&S =ffering &dult "earning 3ursaries Sure Start Q FEF& Q &dult "earning Bursar# group March )A S First Start provision is due to open in Novem3er )@S First Bursaries will 3e allocated in =cto3er )@ $(% Develop a local 3asic s/ills strateg# Bcampaign S Draw up a strateg#S Deliver courses etc in line with the strateg# ES=" B Basic S/ills Strateg# groupDec )@0ul# )A $(@ Develop a local ES=" strateg# S Draw up a strateg#S Deliver courses in line with the strateg# ES=" B Basic S/ills Strateg# group Dec )@ S ES=" Strateg# Group has met twice to wor/ on developing a strateg# $(A Develop an &dult "earning Bursar# Scheme S Develop criteria! procedures etcS &llocate 3ursaries in line with criteria &dult "earning Bursar# group =ct )@&pril )A S Criteria! procedures etc have 3een developedS First allocation of 3ursaries in =ct )@ $(' Develop wa#s to capture learners> views on provision S Develop a strateg# to capture learners> viewsS 8mplement the strateg# B:S""P 0an )A0ul# )A $(' 8mprove collection : dissemination of information on adult learning opportunities S 8ssue paper63ased listings terml#S Esta3lish we363ased up6 to6date listings&C" =fficer Q Sure Start Q CNF Q B:S""P 0ul# )A0an )A S 9e3 domain has 3een allocated $(F &dvice and guidance< e1tension of e1isting provision S See/ funding to e1tend provision B:S""P Q &C" =fficer Q New Futures Mar )A ;( "ocal learning centres B providers ;($ &dult "earning Champions< ensure the continuation of the pro4ect S Secure gap fundingS Secure =$ Funding to consolidate and e1tend the pro4ect CNF =ct )@0an )A S N"DC funding re2uested ;(; BaS8T< secure long term funding S Secure =$ funding to consolidate and e1tend the curriculum offer 9E& 0an )A ;(% 9or/ with "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College to develop progression routes and to e2uip local residents to access more formal provision at the College S Esta3lish progression routes in specific su34ect areas< including childcareBpla#wor/! 8CT! ES="S "iaison with the College to ease learner transfer B:S""P Q "ongle# Par/ 0an )A0ul# )A S Progression route in childcare alread# esta3lished ;(@ 9or/ with the Source to develop progression and to e2uip local residents to access provision at the Source S Esta3lish progression routesS "iaison with the Source to ease transfer The Source Q Sure Start Q B:S""P 0an )A ;(A Developing communit# learning venues across the area S Secure funding to<o Develop 8CT provision at Castledineo .enew electric wiring at Goodwill &C" =fficer Mar )A %( Courses< curriculum and deliver# %($ Courses< deliver# of a programme meeting local needs Q progression routes S 8CTS ealth# living ,including 8CD course-S Environmental

issuesS Creative artsS Basic s/illsS ES="S Financial literac#S .eturn to wor/S ?olunteeringS Childcare B pla#wor/ trainingS Training for tutors B trainers delivered locall#S Provision which targets men S BaS8T Q "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College Q Firth Par/ Communit# &rts CollegeS Sure Start Q &ctive Brightside : ShiregreenS &llotments Pro4ect ,Sure Start- Q others TB&S Firth Par/ Communit# &rts CollegeS Essential S/ills Pro4ectS S&?TE Q Communit# North ForumS Essential S/ills Pro4ectS Communit# North ForumS Sure Start Q Firth Par/ Credit Jnion Q S&?TES B:S""P Childcare : Pla#wor/ Training Co6ordinating GroupS B:S""PS B:S""P 0ul# ;))A S 8CT strateg# group inaugural meeting planned for Novem3er ;))AS 8CD to 3e included in N.F proposalS Bid for =$ funding to develop and e1tend ESpS ES=" BBasic S/ills strateg# group esta3lishedS S&?TE funding to 3e included in N.F proposalS Firth Par/ Credit Jnion funding for volunteer training to 3e included in N.F proposalS Childcare B Pla#wor/ training to 3e included in N.F proposalS Training provisionall# arranged for 0anuar# ;))A %(; =ffer more courses leading to 2ualifications locall# S "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College Q BaS8T Q Childcare : Pla#wor/ Training Co6ordinating Group Q Communit# North Forum 0ul# )A %(% Develop wor/6related training S Deliver preparation for wor/ courses S CNF Q Sure Start Q Childcare : Pla#wor/ Training Co6 ordinating Group Q &C" =fficer 0ul# )AS Childcare Bpla#wor/ programme alread# developed %(@ Ensure that the programmes offered are of the re2uired high 2ualit# S B:S""P Q &C" officer 0ul# )AS Providers 2ualit# control mechanisms e1ist &NNEYE &< Map showing the location of learning centres and venues &NNEYE B< Progress towards o34ectives in the ;))%B@ &ction Plan No( .ecommendation Progress Comment $( &rea6wide issues )() Produce annual &dult "earning &ction Plan! incorporating Basic S/ills Development Plan Partiall# completed<S The ;))@BA &ction Plan forms part of this report(S Basic S/ills Development Plan not completed Development of a Basic S/ills Strateg# is an o34ective in the ;))@BA &ction Plan $($ Set up &dult "earners Forum Not completed<S The &dult "earning Champions did some surve# wor/ amongst learners! on their views on an &dult "earners Forum in &utumn ;))%(S Following this! B:S""P decided to a3andon the idea of an &dult "earners Forum! in favour of more effective wa#s of consulting learners( ,Ma# >)@- Developing wa#s of capturing learners> views is an o34ective in the ;))@BA &ction Plan $(; Co6ordinate the development of communit#63ased adult learning programmes! including the development of progression routes Partiall# completed G considera3le progress<S Childcare B pla#wor/ progression routes constructedS "iaison with "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College on the adult offerS =n6going discussions at B:S""P meetings Developing progression route sis an o34ective in the ;))@BA &ction Plan $(% 8mprove the collection and dissemination of data on adult learning opportunities Partiall# completed G some progress<S Terml# listings of

coursesS Providers list Q developed ,to 3e placed on the B:S""P we36site-S Comprehensive listing of provision produced 3# Sure Start ,&ug )@8ncluded in the ;))@BA &ction Plan $(@ Development of adult guidance points throughout the area Not completed G some progress<S &dditional deliver# of guidance! 4o3 search etc 3# Sure StartS Some guidance sessions funded through "earning Net 8ncluded in the ;))@BA &ction Plan $(A Esta3lish a new "earning Champions Pro4ect Completed<S The pro4ect was re6esta3lished G though on a smaller scale G with N"DC and N.F funding ,=ct )%Consolidation and e1tension of the pro4ect is included in the ;))@BA &ction Plan ;( "ocal learning centres ;($ Develop communit# learning centres across the areaPartiall# completed<S E1tension at FEF& .esource ouseS New training rooms at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar#S New training rooms at the Goodwill Centre Developments at Castledine and the Goodwill Centre included in the ;))@BA &ction Plan ;(; Esta3lish crZche provision to support learners attending centres Completed<S Creche registered at Shiregreen Jnited .eformed ChurchS New crZche at FEF& .esource ouseS First Start crZche due to open in Nov )@&dditional childcare provision appears as an o34ective in the ;))@(A &ction Plan %( Curriculum and deliver# %($ 8mprove communit# 3ased provision in areas that have not 3een well catered for Not completed G limited progress<S 8CT course delivered 3# SPE"" at 9inco3an/ 9ash6house! in response to demand uncovered 3# the "earning Champions &ppears as a target in the ;))@BA &ction Plan %(; =ffer more courses leading to 2ualifications locall# Partiall# completed<S BaS8T offered a range of =CN! C"&8T and ECD" coursesS .ange of 2ualifications now offered 3# "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College &ppears as a target in the ;))@BA &ction Plan %(% Develop local 3asic s/ills campaign Not completed G limited progressS 8nnovative range of 3asic s/ills courses offered 3# Essential S/ills Pro4ectS Basic S/ills to come within the remit of the ES=" Strateg# Group &ppears as a target in the ;))@BA &ction Plan %(@ Developing 8CT s/ills locall# Partiall# completed<S BaS8T delivered an e1tensive programme %(A Developing wor/6related training Partiall# completed<S Courses offered 3# the Childcare : Pla#wor/ Training Co6ordinating GroupS 8CT training &ppears as a target in the ;))@BA &ction Plan %(' Providing opportunities for people to train locall# to teach adults Not completed< &ppears as a target in the ;))@BA &ction Plan %(F 9or/ing with "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College on the adult offer! to ensure progression and complementarit# Completed G 3ut ongoing<S Series of meetings with College staff! culminating in consultation da# in 0an )@S &dult prospectus pu3lished in Septem3er )@ Consolidation of this o34ective appears in the ;))@BA &ction Plan %(I Develop programmes to increase participation 3# men Partiall# completed G little progress<S Courses at the Goodwill Centre recruit a ver# high proportion of men =34ective appears in the ;))@BA &ction Plan

%(K Ensuring programmes meet learner needs Partiall# completed<S 9or/ of the &dult "earning ChampionsS =n6going wor/ of B:S""P Developing wa#s of capturing learners> views is an o34ective in the ;))@BA &ction Plan @( aualit# control @($ Ensuring that the programmes offered to learners are of the re2uired high 2ualit# Partiall# completed G 3ut ongoing<S &C" 2ualit# control mechanismsS ES=" strateg# group &ppears as an o34ective in the ;))@BA &ction Plan

&NNEYE C< Ma4or local providers of adult and communit# learning =rganisation< &dult and Communit# "earning Contact< Mar# Blac/a &ddress< &dult and Communit# "earning Sheffield Cit# Council 6 Education $@A Croo/esmoor .oad Sheffield S' %FP Telephone< ,)$$@- ;'' FA)% E6mail< mar#(3lac/aUsheffield(gov(u/ =rganisation< &l &man 9omen>s Group Contact< Sha3ina Na/huda &ddress< cBo Goodwill Communit# Centre ;F6%$ .otha# .oad Sheffield S@ IDB Telephone< ,)$$@- ;@% %A)A E6mail< sha3ina;)))Uhotmail(com =rganisation< BaS8T ,Brightside : Shiregreen 8CT Centres Pro4ectContact< "aura "ewis B Chris Massarella &ddress< 9or/ers Educational &ssociation The &ttercliffe Centre! %?icarage .oad Sheffield SK %. Telephone< ,)$$@- ;@; %K)' E6mail< cmasserellaUwea(org(u/! llewisUwea(org(u/ =rganisation< Communit# North Forum Contact< Training Co6ordinator &ddress< The =ld "i3rar# Firth Par/ .oad Sheffield SA '9S Telephone< ,)$$@- ;@% FK)' E6mail<

=rganisation< Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College Contact< Gordon enshaw &ddress< Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College Fircroft &venue Sheffield SA )SD Telephone< ,)$$@- ;AF @);F E6mail< ghenshawUfirthpar/(sheffield(sch(u/ =rganisation< Firth Par/ B Shiregreen Sure Start Contact< 7ate amill &ddress< Firth Par/ B Shiregreen Sure Start ;FFa atfield ouse "ane Sheffield SA ' 5 Telephone< ,)$$@- ;@% ')FK E6mail< /atehamillUwwmail(co(u/ =rganisation< Flower Estate Famil# &ction Contact< "esle# Pearson &ddress< FEF& .esource ouse $A% Fo1glove .oad Sheffield SA 'FP Telephone< ,)$$@- ;I$ ;'@A E6mail< lesle#ellenpearsonUl#cos(com =rganisation< Goodwill Communit# Centre Contact< =mer &3dul2ader &ddress< Goodwill Communit# Centre ;F6%$ .otha# .oad Sheffield S@ IDB Telephone< ,)$$@- ;@% %A)A E6mail< goodwillcommunit#centreUhotmail(com =rganisation< inde ouse %6$' School G Primar# Phase Contact< "#nn Millard &ddress< Brac/en .oad Shefffield SA 'F Telephone< ,)$$@- ;'$ I$'@ E6mail< en2uiriesUhindehouse(sheffield(sch(u/ =rganisation< "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College Contact< Tim &rmstrong &ddress< "ongle# Par/ Si1th Form College orninglow .oad Sheffield SA 'SG

Telephone< E6mail<

,)$$@- ;'; AFAF tim(armstrongUlongle#par/(ac(u/

=rganisation< S&?TE ,Sheffield &ssociation for the ?olunar# Teaching of EnglishContact< 0oanne oldawa# &ddress< S&?TE Scotia 9or/s "eadmill .oad Sheffield S$ @SE Telephone< ,)$$@- ;@$ ;F'A E6mail< 4holdawa#Usavte(org(u/ =rganisation< Sheffield College Contact< &fta3 &hmed &ddress< Communit# Development Jnit Sheffield College .oom C;)$ North Side Granville .oad Sheffield S; ;." Telephone< ,)$$@- ;') %';; E6mail< afta3(ahmedUsheffcol(ac(u/ =rganisation< Shiregreen Jnited .eformed Church Children : Families Pro4ect Contact< Dawn Phillips &ddress< Shiregreen J.C ?alentine Crescent Sheffield SA )NY Telephone< ,)$$@- ;@' F'A% E6mail< dawnUshiregreenurc(org(u/ =rganisation< 9or/ers Educational &ssociation Contact< .o3 indle &ddress< AK Parsonage Crescent Sheffield S' ABS Telephone< ,)$$@- ;%; ;F$@ E6mail< rhindleUwea(org(u/

To< &fta3 &hmed! Gillian Bla/e# CC< 7im(StreetsUsheffieldgalleries(org(u/ Date< 9ednesda# 6 Decem3er $! ;))@ @<@@ PM Su34ect< .E< Burngreave course Mime(I;; ,;)@$ 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO

8 Gill and &fta3 8 have spo/en to 7im a3out the wor/ placements we need to include as part of the communit# curatorship course and she will do some finding out for us( & further 2uestion in connection with this< what would constitute a good wor/ placement and is half a da# long enoughD 9e 3oth thought it would 3e good to fi1 a date now ,3efore diaries get filled up as usual- to meet again in 0anuar# so that we can report 3ac/! thin/ a3out an alternative title etc( Could #ou suggest a couple of possi3le dates in the wee/ 3eginning $Fth 0anuar#( 8 have one meeting on $Ith pm 3ut otherwise have empt# spaces in the diar# for that wee/( Please could #ou also 4ust confirm that #ou got this email 6 after the pro3lems with previous emails not reaching #ou! 8 need reassuranceH Best wishes Ni//#

\=ur 3usiness is not to organise classes for those whom! in the circumstances of toda#! it ma# for one reason or another 3e easiest to attract( 8t is to create a demand for education in individuals and 3odies who at the moment ma# 3e unconscious of its importance to them! 3ut who! if a tolera3le societ# is to 3e created! must 3e won to 3elieve in it(] .( ( Tawne# Tawne# was writing in the $K%)s( 9ere he alive toda# then ma#3e he would tal/ in terms of Mfirst stepsM( But he would certainl# not stop there* he would have argued that the tolera3le societ# referred to necessitated ongoing! su3sidised educational opportunities! whether for social purpose ,citiPenship and li3eral education-! to open up career opportunities or simpl# for the love of learning( This is surel# what lifelong learning should mean( Main points in 9E& response to consultation on future of &C" Funding Main points we can ma/e in the overall consultation< $( 9elcome the commitment to adults returning to education with few or no 2ualifications G although not happ# a3out RFirst Steps> as a term( .ather patronising* what a3out Mreturn to learnMD ;( 9elcome the definition of this provision 3eing around provider motivation to allow genuine outreach( %( 9elcome the recognition of learners> multiple aims and concerns in returning to education( @( 9elcome the e1pectation on providers to ma/e sure that a second chance to learn is successful and learners can progress with minimum 3arriers! support and e1tended e1pectations shared 3etween provider and learner( A( 9elcome the introduction of clarit# into &C" provision and the recognition of lifelong learning for its own sa/e( '( 9elcome the understanding that man# learners in this Rstream> see little point in the procedures and e1pectations placed on $'6$K #ear olds in FE and regard that as Rpaperwor/ to satisf# the funders> rather than support to their learning(

F( Concern that the "earning Categor# R"earning for Personal and Communit# Development> is constructed out of what the "SC isn>t seeing as a priorit# and tries to define a negative( 8s Communit# Development not a S/ills Strateg# issueD ow does this fit with other Government priorities G citiPenship! regeneration! etc( ow does it fit with the R"earning &ge>D I( Concern that "i3eral Education is not mentioned or is su3sumed within recreational or leisure provision( Given the withdrawal from this area 3# the Jniversit# sector! is the Government signalling an end to pu3lic commitment to "i3eral Studies within citiPenship esta3lished in $K)FD K( Concern that! although the intention is understanda3le! a separation of funding methodolog# will create a divide that would 3e damaging in &C" provision 3oth in terms of learner perception and e1perience! management priorities and separate M8S s#stems and re6invent the Schedule ;Bnon6Schedule ; divide( $)( Concern that S/ills for 8ndependent "iving is in RFirst Steps> rather than clearl# within FE mainstream as an entitlement to adults who will alwa#s need properl# funded learning opportunities ,in contrast to the RDa# S/ipper>$$( Concern that provider motivation doesn>t appl# to Da# S/ipper and Modern "anguages and the danger of more advantaged adults getting greater su3sid# through over6valuing of e1ternal accreditation( $;( Concern that weightings in proposed funding of "earning for Personal : Communit# Development ta/e no account of costs of dispersed provision G especiall# in rural areas G and could lead to man# communities losing all adult education provision( 0(Mis/in 9E& Tutor =rganiser Sheffield

St&. =ct ;))@ 6a 9E& response The St&. summar# tal/s of the need Vbto ensure that the full range of adult needs is metbV ,P( )$-( owever! there is growing evidence that this is 3ecoming more and more unli/el#! as the focus 3ecomes increasingl# narrowed to the s/ills agenda( Nowhere is there recognition of the importance of a li3eral education to a democratic societ#! and #et surel# this is a hallmar/ of a civilised societ#( There are huge contradictions in the current strateg# of the "SC( For instance the report tal/s of the importance of increasing the participation of older people and of 3lac/ and ethnic minorit# learners( This will not happen 3# going down the s/ills route alone( auite the reverse for older learnersH 8nstead it means offering a 3road range of opportunities! and it means recognising that li3eral education is not a lu1ur#! 3ut is often the wa# in which those who have 3een failed 3# the education s#stem are won 3ac/ to learning! and of how others! the elderl# forinstance! are sustained 3# the en4o#ment of learning( Their health and well6 3eing is greatl# enhanced 3# such activit#( 8t is time to value non6accredited learning! rather than shunning it( 8f we do not then the idea of lifelong learning is a complete non6starter(

Finall#! the strateg# recognises that the voice of learners needs to 3e 3etter represented in terms of polic# and initiatives ,P($)-( 8t is worth reminding the "SC that the 9E& was formed with precisel# this intention* democrac# remains em3edded in the 9E&Ms practice at all levels( The 9E& is currentl# restructuring and this includes creating new! innovative wa#s of including students and partners in the democrac# of the &ssociation( The 9E& would 3e interested in e1ploring this practice further with the "SC( 0ol Mis/in 9E& Tutor =rganiser ,Sheffield- and .egional Education Manager Trish "and Tutor =rganiser ,Barnsle#- and regional Education Manager Burngreave ?oices Kth Novem3er ;))@ Steering Group Meeting Burngreave "i3rar# Present< Madge Dale ,Burngreave "i3rar#-! Stuart Crossthwaite ,resident-! &hmed Gurnah ,BC"C-! Ni//# 9ilson ,SGMT&pologies< 7im Streets ,SGMT$( 9elcome and Pro4ect Jpdate Ever#one was welcomed to the meeting and Ni//# reported on wor/ done so far( This includes< S meeting people in Burngreave ,residents! local groups and pro4ect staff-! S organising 4ointl# with .ashida assanali a Famil# istor# da# in 3oth Firshill and St Catherine>s schools ,see write up in the Novem3er Messenger of thisand S developing plans for activities for the rest of the #ear S attending an oral histor# training course ,along with Stuart;( Feed3ac/ from the =pen Da# This has 3een largel# positive G the hall had a good selection of high 2ualit# displa#s and &hmed said the atmosphere was \not pompous]( Some of the comments from evaluation sheets circulated at the end of the da# were recorded in the handout circulated! which indicated that people li/ed the mi1 of visual images and wanted more of the same in future( 8t was suggested that a cop# of the images from the Picture Sheffield collection should 3e /ept in the li3rar# for future use< it could 3e used for reminiscence wor/( &nother suggestion was that sound clips and transcripts should 3e availa3le for future e1hi3itions and events( These collectivel# could 3e developed into a resource for school use ,along the lines of the SJMES e1hi3itions-( %( Forward planning

Ni//# gave a summar# of plans developed so far( For the rest of ;))@B)A these include S & local histor# course in earl# ;))A ,with 9E& as partners in this-! S Two famil# histor# fun da#s ,one planned for earl# Decem3er and the second for earl# ;))A-! S Meetings with local schools to develop a resource pac/! S Four communit# curating events ,including possi3l# two displa#s 3# local groups in the li3rar# and other activities such as reminiscence sessions! also possi3l# an event lin/ed to 8nternational 9omens Da# in March-( She as/ed for suggestions and ideas or particular topics of interest to develop wor/ around( Stuart mentioned his interest in la3our histor# and also the stor# of migrant la3ourers! 3oth legal and illegal< these could potentiall# 3e researched to provide material for the 3oo/ and the pro4ect we3site( 8t was also suggested that the wor/ Stuart has done on the oral histories of steelwor/ers could 3e included as su34ect matter for the local histor# courses! once the 3oo/ is finished ,in roughl# si1 monthsD-( &nother idea of a theme to pursue for the area was \.adical Burngreave] G researching the stories of events here 3oth in the past and recent! such as the protests in support of 8ra2i as#lum see/ers( &hmed commented that we needed to have a clear idea of what local research had alread# 3een done 3# different groups and individuals! such as the writings of Chris Searle on the 5emeni communit#! with the intention of 3ringing this together in one 3oo/( Ni//# mentioned the meeting organised for ;Ath Novem3er as/ing residents for their views on what new materials are needed in the local histor# section of Burngreave "i3rar#< hopefull# this will #ield information on what has alread# 3een produced( The Corner Shop This is to 3e developed as a theme for an e1hi3ition in 9eston Par/ Museum ne1t #ear ,when it re6opens-! with the focus on Burngreave! showing how the corner shop has changed over the #ears and the role it pla#s in the communit#( Suggestions of local shops to as/ if the# are willing to participate include the off licence on Catherine .oad ,Stuart to sound them out-! .a4a>s on Spital ill and the paper shop( &lso Dur6 Dur and the .ed Sea Stores ,where the# can spea/ Danish G a stor# there-( Madge to contact Eileen to get the customer>s perspective ( This could 3e a ver# topical su34ect! given the recent proposals for the regeneration of the area( @( Ne1t Meeting on Tuesda# $Ith 0anuar# ;))A at ;())pm at Burngreave "i3rar#(

.re *ou i$tereste" i$ be)o/i$g &art of Sheffiel"<s ."ult a$" (o//u$it* %ear$i$g !oar" =.(%.!>?
.(%.! is res&o$sible for "ri1i$g forwar" the ."ult # (o//u$it* %ear$i$g Strateg* for Sheffiel"4 ,o "o this .(%.! $ee"s effe)ti1e re&rese$tatio$ for all areas of Sheffiel"4 !rightsi"e # Shiregree$ is $ot )urre$tl* re&rese$te"4
>./>B i : Inviting nominations from people who have experience of planning and/or delivering adult and community education at local level.

Ce!re entati4e "ill: Be e#!ecte% to atten% 'i-monthly meetin& Be a'le to !eak an% act trate&ically on 'ehalf of the 4ariety of intere t an% nee% of the area, a "ell a the city a a "hole Be e#!ecte% to fee%'ack re&ularly to local !artner hi! 1roce%ure: >nyone intere te% "ill ha4e to a k for en%or ement from the meetin& of the 4ri h%side & Shire reen ,i&elon ,earnin Par%nership5 a% %he +ld #ir%h Park ,i.rary5 on 10 20045 a% 10600am) >nyone "ho i intere te% 'ut cannot come to the meetin& houl% contact Mary Blacka 0266 75032) *here are four !lace a4aila'le on the Boar%) 3f there are more than four nomination , the Boar%, "orkin& "ith 7FF6C, "ill a&ree a !roce for fillin& the 4acancie )

."ult %ear$i$g !ursaries

Do #ou need some financial help to pa# for course fees! learning materials etc G or do #ou /now someone who doesD So/e of the Neighbourhoo" :e$ewal 0u$"@ "ire)te" b* the Part$ershi&@ has bee$ use" to set u& a$ ."ult %ear$i$g !ursar* S)he/e4 -ra$ts are a1ailable for &eo&le o1er 19@ li1i$g or wor+i$g i$ !rightsi"e # Shiregree$4 ,he /o$e* )a$ be use" for a$* )ourse-relate" e3&e$"iture i$)lu"i$g )hil" )are )osts a$" tra$s&ort4 ,he $e3t /eeti$g of the !ursar* Pa$el is o$ 15 7e)e/ber4 .&&li)atio$s will $ee" to be re)ei1e" b* the /or$i$g of the 15th4 I$for/atio$ a$" a&&li)atio$ for/s are a1ailable fro/' 7aw$ Philli&s@ Shiregree$ A$ite" :efor/e" (hur)h@ 8ale$ti$e (res)e$t@ Sheffiel" S5 NB4 ,el4 246 7653 From< Christine Saunders To< Mi/e Schofield! 8ain 0ones CC< &fta3 &hmed! Trevor Pollard Date< Thursda# 6 Novem3er ;A! ;))@ %<)A PM Su34ect< Goodwill centre i Mi/e : 8ain 8 have now spo/en with &fta3( 9e have agreed to transfer courses to Fir ?ale Centre as follows< $( DYCM$G 6 Te1tile! Collage etc 6 to 3e transferred starting Tuesda# %)($$ 6 3ut will 3e ta/ing place $)()) 6 $;()) in room $( Jnfortunatel#! a room was not avail3le for Tuesda# afternoon( Can #ou contact &nne6Marie and see if she is availa3le to start there and at that time ne1t wee/D 8 have arranged for students to get a letter and we will also tr# to contact them 3# phone in advance ;( DYDP$G 6 Drawing : Painting 6 to 3e transferred starting 9ednesda# $($;( 9ill 3e delivered in room @ same da# and time currentl# offered( Can #ou contact

.ichard and let him /now of the change in arrangments( &gain 6 8 will write to all students and contact them 3# phone if possi3le( The centre manager will 3e contacted and informed of the change in location( 8ain 6 can #ou arrange to collect sewing machines 6 if #ouMve not alread# done soD Than/s 6 Chris

Brightside : Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership Notes on a meeting of the ES=" B Basic S/ills Strateg# Group =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar#! $I Novem3er ;))@

Present< Mohamed &lsahimi ,&ra3 Training and 8nformation Centre- G P&.T =F T E MEET8NG Mar# Blac/a ,&dult : Communit# "earning G SCCNaomi Creed ,Communit# North Forum- G P&.T =F T E MEET8NG 0o Shaw ,Carl Duis3erg CDC&pologies< 0o Curtin ,Sheffield Futures-* 7ate amill ,Firth Par/ : Shiregreen Sure Start-* Ton# arrison ,9E&-* Gordon enshaw ,Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College-* "esle# Pearson ,Flower Estate Famil# &ction$( Carl Duis3erg Centre

S CDC is funded to wor/ with as#lum see/ers and refugees S CDC wants to start delivering in communities S From 0anuar# ;))A CDC will 3e delivering an N?a in &dministration! with @ em3edded language units S The possi3ilit# of delivering a Customer Service N?a is under discussion S 8n partnership with the Ethnic Transport Networ/! CDC will 3e delivering an ES=" course with a logistics voca3ular# S CDC is wor/ing with the Emplo#ment Jnit and .e3uild on an ES=" course with a construction voca3ular# &CT8=N Mar# to invite 0o to tal/ to an &C" Planners meeting( ;( Deliver# at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar#

CDC is delivering courses at the =ld "i3rar# from Monda# to Thursda#! with one class in the morning and one in the afternoon( These classes are onl# open to refugees and as#lum see/ers( Classes will continue ne1t term( The women6onl# classes are not well6attended! most pro3a3l# 3ecause of childcare needs( .C&T will provide funding for childcare which will 3e paid to individual learners( 0o is considering halting the women>s classes until the childcare issue is sorted out( %( N"DC capital

&n interactive tapeQCD recorderBpla#er is needed! with around si1 headsets( There was a discussion G to 3e resolved elsewhere G over whether &T8C should 4oin in a CNF 3id! or appl# independentl#( &CT8=N S 0o to let Naomi have an estimate of costs S Mar# to e6mail the N"DC capital guidance and application form to Naomi and Mohamed S Mar# to draft a pro6forma for organisations to su3mit to B:S""P with details of their re2uested N"DC capital 3ids @( .eferral process

& referral process needs to 3e set up across the area ,and across all su34ect areas-! including the &dult "earning Champions( &CT8=N Mar# to as/ the &dult "earning Champions whether the# had received an# re2uests for ES=" classes( A( &T8C

&T8C>s =34ective =ne mone# is limited to the BME communit#( &T8C is see/ing cash to wor/ with mem3ers of other communities( &CT8=N Mar# to send Sue Fellowes ,Sheffield Futures- contact details to Mohamed(

From< Ed 9ilson To< &fta3 &hmed! 7athr#n &ustin Date< 9ednesda# 6 Novem3er ;@! ;))@ ;<;% PM Su34ect< Goodwill ES=" for 9omen &fta3! 7ath This line e1ists on the programme( 8t is D?EE$+! ;(A hours per wee/! with a ;+ and %+ to go with it( There are no events or registers 6 8Mll get timeta3le forms printed and do them m#self if i can( The $+ code will run up to Christmas! which will 3e A wee/s from Nov $I( 8f the students are enrolled 2uic/l#! we should get roll6over enrolment forms for term ;( Ed

From< Seamus Dooris To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Christine Saunders! David Battell Date< 9ednesda# 6 Novem3er ;@! ;))@ $<%' PM Su34ect< Goodwill Centre i &fta3 8 was as/ed to visit the a3ove Centre on ;%B$$B)@( & mem3er of staff had raised concerns regarding health and safet#( The purpose of the visit was to discuss electrical safet# in the sewing class! a plug had 3een removed and the soc/et had come awa# from the wall( 8 visited with Chris Saunders and we discussed a num3er of issues with the centre manager and the "ecturer who delivers the sewing class( 8 did not carr# out a health and safet# inspection( 8 would normall# 3ut 8 have 3een told 3# the Estates there is no hireBcontractual agreement in place! therefore it is difficult to determine where responsi3ilities lie with regard to e2uipment! testing etc( 8n m# opinion the room currentl# used is inappropriate for deliver# of the class! lighting levels were poor ,;A) lu1- A)) would 3e more appropriate for wor/ing with sewing machines( The room where the class is delivered is a thoroughfare to other areas of the centre! there are ceiling tiles missing and the room is in a poor decorative order( There are pro3lems with e2uipment( The College provided some machines 3ut these apparentl# did not all wor/( The machines supplied 3# the centre were defective and have never 3een electricall# tested( There ma# 3e another room which ma# 3e availa3le( 9e as/ed if we could see it 3ut use will first have to considered 3# the Centre Committee(

&fter discussing the issues with Chris! the Centre Manager and the "ecturer it was decided the onl# option was to suspend the Sewing class temporaril#! there 3eing no machines availa3le to run it( Can #ou please liaise with the Estates Manager regarding a formal agreement( 8f classes are to continue can #ou please let me /now and 8 will carr# out a formal health and safet# inspection including insurance documentation 3efore an# agreement is signed( 8f #ou wish to discuss please ring me on E1t ;)F$ .egards Seamus

Meeting Group Name

7ate' 8e$ue' Prese$t ;; Nov ;))@ Parson Cross room &$$ &fta3 &hmed! Gill Bla/e#! 0ohn Blo1ham! "#nda .hodes
+ecretaryD 7ffice
Secretar#>s site address Tel secretar#>s contact no Fa1 secretar#>s contact fa1 Email< secretar#>semailUsheffcol(ac(u/

!ctio 1 2 3 4 .&ologies' 0ade Bennett ;i$utes of the Pre1ious ;eeti$g First meeting ;atters .risi$g $ot )o1ere" o$ the .ge$"a %($ None I$tro"u)tio$ Gill Bla/e# gave a 3rief histor# of &CE G original fragmented state G inspection resulted in a central &CE unit to give it more focus( This unit was intended to 3e reviewed after a period( 9ith the departure of 0ohn Cowle# arguments were put forward 3oth for and against this central unit( The decision was ta/en 3# Directors to dis3and the central unit and give the management of &CE 3ac/ to each college( Gill stated that Maggie Care# had agreed to 3e the first point of contact for calls from all the neigh3ourhood centres( 8t was understood that this would onl# 3e a short term solution and that another mem3er of staff would need to ta/e on this role as soon as possi3le( :es&o$sibilities $ow A($ &dult and Communit# Programme "eaders! together with the Curriculum


8 9


12 13 14

Managers from across the whole college! produce the programme( The Curriculum areas provide staffing( The &dult and Communit# Programme "eaders also plan the Communit# Development Programme G staffed mainl# 3# a Protocol Professional 3udget( 8n addition! the &dult and Communit# Programme "eaders wor/ with the BDJ on direct deliver# of courses( A(; The Centre &dministration Managers will now line manage the Neigh3ourhood &dministrators and their CS=s( This includes sic/ness records! time sheets! holida# sheets! appraisals and ris/ assessments( 0le3iti/e '($ There are some pro3lems with e1cessive fle1itime having 3een accrued 3# some of the neigh3ourhood admin staff( 8t is going to 3e difficult to accommodate this( &ccrual of more than $) hours is against the fle1itime rules( This must not happen in future( &fta3 and Gill will wor/ with "#nda B 0ade to organise the cover arrangements when the N&s ta/e their time off( 8n future! staff should 3e paid for e1tra hours in the summer! not allowed to add this to fle1itime( .&&raisals F($ &ll Gill>s appraisals done e1cept for a new mem3er of staff( None of &fta3>s appraisals are done( "#nda B &fta3 to loo/ at these as a matter of urgenc#( The# must 3e completed 3# Christmas G ,from Director:is+ assess/e$ts I($ &ll neigh3ourhood staff have completed DSE wor/station and lone wor/ing assessments( ;a$ual ha$"li$g K($ Gill stated that there were some ongoing pro3lems relating to the manual handling of large 2uantities of college pu3licit# documents such as Choices! Communit# Choices etc that needed delivering to various locations in the communit#( Those staff who have 3ac/ pro3lems should 3e assessed 3# occupational health and should not do an# manual handling until this has 3een completed( Gill Bla/e# to advise N&s and arrange assessments( ,rai$i$g $)($ Manual handling training will 3e arranged for all neigh3ourhood staff on the afternoon of 0anuar# @th G the ne1t planning and development da#( $)(; Neigh3ourhood staff need EBS &gent training( "#nda .hodes B 0ade Bennet to arrange this( $)(% Gill stated that she had no training 3udget to transfer to "#nda B 0ade( Health a$" Safet* $$($ Follow up action on ealth and Safet# inspections of the Neigh3ourhood Centres will 3e done 3# Gill and &fta3( $$(; Gill B &fta3 to arrange and monitor fire drills at Neigh3ourhood Centres( !u"gets $;($ Budgets to sta# with Gill and &fta3 until Christmas( Gill B &fta3 will then hand over the 3udgets to 0ade and "#nda( 9$rol/e$t $%($ Communit# enrolment dates to 3e discussed at ne1t EPG meeting( Gill will also discuss with Dave Gleadall( Date and Time of Ne1t Meeting $@($ & meeting will 3e held in 0anuar# G date to 3e determined(

%:2 5!e %:25! e ..2-!



5! %:25! e

-!2.. -!2.. -!2.. .ll

NA,:I,ICN # 7I9,
!a)+grou$" to the )ourse This course is aimed at those learners who have little or no nutritional /nowledge( 8t is delivered in ; hour sessions over ten wee/s( The learner will develop an awareness of the need for a 3alanced diet( &fter recording #our current eating trends #ou will review this in the light of information given on the nutritive value of food and how the 3od# utiliPes food( The effects of culture! religion and medical conditions will 3e investigated and discussed(

.t the e$" of the )ourse *ou will be able to &la$ a health* bala$)e" "iet for all the fa/il*4

How will I be taught? Class discussion! handouts! demonstrations! videos( Planning and presenting a health# meal( Evaluating own diet
.ssess/e$t is "o$e b* &ro"u)i$g a &ortfolio of e1i"e$)e a$" &la$$i$g a health* /eal4 Dour tutor will hel& *ou to &ro"u)e *our &ortfolio4

From< Christine Saunders To< Mi/e Schofield! 8ain 0ones CC< &fta3 &hmed! Trevor Pollard Date< Tuesda# 6 Novem3er ;%! ;))@ %<$I PM Su34ect< Goodwill Centre i

Following our conversation #esterda#! 8ain! 8 arranged to meet with Seamus ,Dooris 6 : S officer- to loo/ at health and safet# aspects that #ou raised concern over at Goodwill Centre( =n arrival we entered a room ne1t to reception! and found we were in the room from which the Te1tile! Collage : Em3roider# class was 3eing delivered( This was not the room 8 understood! following m# visit to the centre last #ear! that the class was going to 3e dlivered from( &nne6Marie 6 the tutor 6 was in the room with % sewing machines 6 all of which 8 understood 3elonged to Goodwill centre( No students were in attendance( 8 introduced m#self : Seamus to &nne6Marie and e1plained that we were there following concerns raised a3out : S( 8 as/ed a3out num3er of students who should 3e attending( &nne6Marie e1plained that she had not received a register and had instead /ept a record of students who were attending ,seemed to 3e a3out A6' regular attenders-( 8 also raised the issue of condition of machines and &nne6Marie was certain that the machines had not 3een operational since the course 3egan( &mer &3dul2ader 6 the centre manager 6 arrived( 8 e1plained to =mer wh# Seamus : 8 were there( Between m# contacting Seamus #esterda# and toda#s visit! Seamus had contacted estates( 8t transpires that we do not as #et have a contract to deliver courses at Goodwill centre( &ccording to =mer 6 he and &fta3 complete the contract at the end of the #ear( Seamus is going to discuss the contract issue with Estates( Following clarification of this! he will arrange for a full : S chec/ to ta/e place( 8n the meantime 6 =mer has agreed to contact all students and inform them that the class has 3een temporaril# suspended pending the outcome of the : S chec/( owever 6 given conditionBlac/ of machinesBsuita3ilit# of the room currentl# in use 6 8 suggest we loo/ into the possi3ilit# of transferring the course to Fir ?ale Centre( 8ain 6 can #ou confirm that the machines at Fir ?ale are in a suita3le conditionD 8 will as/ &fta3 if it is possi3le to offer the course at the same timeBda# etc at Fir ?ale( Mi/e 6 are #ou a3le to chase up the registerD Chris

Dear learning providers!

8 enclose this proforma for #ou to outline the support #ou re2uire for learners at #our centre for 0anuar# ;))A until Easter ;))A ,spring term-(

&ppropriate support would 3e< language supports! adult learner support for 3asic s/ills etc(

8 also enclose the wor/ and training programme for our learning assistants( 8f #ou wish to re2uest a particular learning assistant on a regular 3asis or help on a particular da#! please loo/ at the wor/ and training programme( 8f a learning assistant is scheduled for wor/ that da#! we should 3e a3le to accommodate #our needs if #ou get 3ac/ to us 2uic/l#( owever! if the# are scheduled for training that da# ,shaded in gre#-! the# will 3e una3le to assist #ou(

8 have included a list of communit# languages spo/en 3# the learning assistants(

Man# than/s!

&nne BC"C

&nne Grange! Communications =fficer! BC"C! Forum ouse! %A Spital ill! Sheffield S@ F"D Tel< )$$@ ;FK@K') Fa1< )$$@ ;FK@K'% 8ndicative Training : 9or/ Programme G &utumn Term Commencing Septem3er ;))@ Na/e ;o$ .; ;o$ P; ,ues .; ,ues P; Ee" .; Ee" P;
)$ ); )% )@ )A )' &hmed uusain &ras Muhamad Buhaina &l/ildi Coral Sanderson Fatimah 7han Gul Sa4ad Na3i D( 7noc/ing D( 7noc/ing Computing D( 7noc/ing C. &ssistant D( 7noc/ing BC ."B=utreach ."B=utreach BC"C ."BCasewor / Math PY S Start ;6@ Math PY BC S"Boutreach 7urdish( Com ."B=utreach 8T CS Firshill K6$$ S"Boutreach C( ealth Elles Centre BC"C Conne1ions Cert ED 5E:TC D( 7noc/ing Firvale Col
CS 9 PE $6%<%)

,hurs .;
Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Computing Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills


."Boutreach S"Boutreach Computing ."Boutreach =w3roo/ CS D( 7noc/ing

Math F<%)6K<%) 5E.= S"B=utreach Computing Stud# S/ill D( 7noc/ing ."B=utreach

Stu '6

7u ." D(

BC"C . "BC9 Firvale Col CS6 C Coord

5o ." ."


)F )I )K $) $$ $; $% $@ $A $' $F $I $K ;)

0a3een &/3ar 0enifa iggins 7atie Green 7evin Mansoor &hmed Mohmoud &li Munief =3adi Nadeem &/hter Na4ma Parven .e3ecca Cram 5usuf Salem 5ah#a 0ean 9ildgoose &ngelina &3el

C.( &ssistant D( 7noc/ing D( 7noc/ing D( 7noc/ing Med(Compu English PY D( 7noc/ing D( 7noc/ing D( 7noc/ing D( 7noc/ing S"BCasewor/ D( 7noc/ing Furnival ."B=utreach D( 7noc/ing

PMCB&9G Casewor/ Math PY ."B =utreach Med(Compu ;(%) ."BCasewor / English PY -(S9 Math PY PMCBother Ps#cholog# Castle Centre ."BCasewor / S"B=utreach BC&T ."B=utreach S"Boutreach

Firshill CS C( ealth Elles Centre S&e)tru/ CS K<%)6$; D( 7noc/ing D( 7noc/ing ."BCasewor / ."BCasewor / Firvale Sch CS Spectrum CS Flower: B "i3rar# S&e)tru/ CS K<%)6$; Computing Furnival ."B=utreach D( 7noc/ing

BC"C . "BC9 C( ealth Elles Centre ."B=utreach PGCE B5E Firvale Col
CS M PE $6%<%)

BC"C . "BC9 ."Boutreach ."Boutreach 5E:TC cs Med Compu ."Boutreach ."Boutreach ."Boutreach Maths =wler3roo/ CS S"Boutreach Computing D( 7noc/ing S"Boutreach

Stud# S/ill Stud# S/ill Stud# S/ill S"B=utreach MedCompu ;(%) NETT CS S"B=utreach ."BCasewor / Stud# S/ill S"B=utreach ."BCasewor / Computing S"B=utreach Stud# S+ills

Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Comm(S/ills Sprac Ps#cholog# PY Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Comm( S/ills Communit# S/ills Communit# S/ills






."BCasewor / 5C& CS PMCBother ."BCasewor / S"B=utreach Cert Ed 5E:TC Ellesmere CS Mosharof PGCE B5E Elles6CS 9PE6Mos

Co Sp D( D(


En PY D(




BJ.NG.E&?E C=MMJN8T5 "E&.N8NG C&MP&8GN Forum ouse! %A Spital ill! Sheffield S@ F"D Tel< )$$@ ;FK @K') Fa1< )$$@ ;FK@K'% Email< parvenU3urngreavelearning(org "earner Support Proforma "earning Provider ?enue where support is needed : address< Contact Name and Telephone Num3er< T#pe of support needed< ow man# people are neededD Dates and Times support is needed< ow long is the support needed forD

Please return this form to the postal or e6mail address a3ove or fa1 to ,)$$@- ;FK@K'%( Man# than/s! The BC"C =utreach Team &ra3ic Spea/ers< &hmed Gurnah! &hmed ussain! &ras Muhamad Buthaina &l/ildi! Ghassan Dhalai! 5ah#a &lmataru3! 5usuf Salem! .afi2 Saleh! Muief =3adi Jrdu Spea/ers< 0a3een &/3ar! Mansoor &hmed! Na4ma Parveen! Fatimah 7han! Gul Sa4ad Na3i! Nadeem &/hter( Most of these learning assistants also spea/ Pun4a3i( Somali Spea/ers< &hmed ussain! Mohamoud &li( 7urdish Spea/ers< &ras Muhamad French Spea/ers< &ngelina &3el! 0ennifer iggins Portuguese Spea/ers< &ngelina &3el Maltese< 5usuf Salem

From< Trevor Pollard To< "#nda &ldis CC< Gillian Bla/e#! &fta3 &hmed Date< Thursda# 6 Novem3er $$! ;))@ $;<$$ PM Su34ect< .e< College certificate courses! )@6)A ello "#nda! 8 donMt have a solution to this #et 6 8 will discuss with Gill and &fta3 and we will let #ou /now( Trev

Trevor Pollard Planning! aualit# and =perations Manager ills3orough College LLL "#nda &ldis $$B$$B)@ )I<$%am LLL i Ever#one Since the closure of the &CE office can an#one tell me howBwhen 8 will get the information to 3e a3le to process the achievement dataBcertificates for the MCollege CertificateM coursesD 8n )%B)@ 0ustine did the admin collating the 8? evidence re2uired to 3e a3le to produce the certificates and 8 am concerned that now that 0ustineMs role has disappeared there have 3een no discussions to m# /nowledge a3out how this evidence will 3e collated in future and forwarded to this office for processing( "#nda

From< 0ustine 9ain To< &fta3 &hmed Date< 9ednesda# 6 Novem3er $)! ;))@ $<;I PM Su34ect< .e< &CE 8nfo i &fta3! Than/ #ou for the message( 8 am now in Central E1ams as this was reall# the onl# option 8 had( 8Mm not too happ# a3out it 3ut am tr#ing to give it a go! 3ut it all seems mind 3lowing at the momentH &CE stuff is on G drive under &CE( Then within the &CE file there is % categories! one of these is College Certificates! which contains loads of folders relating to College Certificates( There is a categor# called ;))@6;))A which contains #our programme information( "inda has devised a spreadsheet for #our courses which is titled N=.T && Course and PP( There are also folders on there that contain forms for Planning! Protocol Professional etc! these will 3e in 9ord( ope this helps( Ta/e care! hope to see #ou soon(

0ustine 1 LLL &fta3 &hmed $)B$$B)@ $)<AI<@@ LLL ello 0ustine! Sorr# i couldn!t 3e there on Frida# 3ut 3est of luc/ with whereever #ou are and than/s for #our hard wor/ and support over the last so man# #ears( hope to 3ump into #ou in College somewhere( one last in2uir# ! i can now access G drive! where is the &CE stuff locatewd on thatD "ove &fta3 LLL 0ustine 9ain $$B)KB)@ $)<$K &M LLL Dear all! 4ust a 3it of information for #ou( 9hilst 8 was off #esterda# ,Monda#- the phone gu# came into B%)% and disconnected the num3ers %';; and ;'I$( 8 rang switch3oard this morning and spo/e to Sandra and as/ed what has happened to the num3ers 3ecause when #ou ring them the# 4ust ring out! which is o3viousl# not ver# good( &n#wa# the switch3oard have agreed to put a divert on 3oth num3ers to the switch and the# will then 3e a3le to re6divert the calls to the appropriate person( The# have the new telephone num3ers for Dawn ,;$A@-! Gill ,;A$)-! &fta3 ,Firvale- and a temporar# num3er for &nne at Norton ,;%;;-( 8 will let them /now m# new num3er when 8 /now it( &nne 6 #ou will need to /eep them informed of how to contact #ou this wee/ and an# other change of num3ers( 8 /now that the idea was to leave a message on the answerphone 3ut this doesnMt seem to 3e an option now( 8 have disconnected the answerphone and given it to &nne( 8 have archived ; 3o1es of information relating to pro4ects which will 3e stored in one of the wor/shops and eventuall# down at Matilda Street when there is room( There is also a couple of 3o1es relating to Citinet( The &CE 3o1es contain information on the following pro4ects< First Steps 6 Manor and C&stle Pro4ect Connect Pro4ect Mount Pleasant Feasi3ilit# Stud# Non Schedule ; Pro4ect Tooled Jp for Basic S/ills Pro4ect Basic S/ills in the 9or/place Pro4ect 8nternet Pro4ect Basic S7ills Tutor to Support omeless 5ong People Basic S/ills ES=" in "ocal Communities Pro4ect Basic S/ills Trainees "in/ Jp Pro4ect Su3stance Misuse Pro4ect Famil# "earning Contract ;)))6;))$ Famil# "earning Contract ;))$6;)); Famil# "earning Pro4ect ;));6;))% Famil# "earning Pro4ect ;))% 6;;)@

8 dou3t #ou will ever need an# of this information 3ut as it related to pro4ects 8 thought we should retain it( 8 have said to destro# the information in $) #ears timeHH &nne 6 sorr# 3ut 8 had to give Su Mc ale a contact name for the archive materials so 8 gave #our name 6 hope this is =7( Finall#! 8 4ust wanted to sa# than/s to ever#one for the present that #ou gave me on Frida#( 8 have reall# en4o#ed wor/ing with #ou all and as #ou /now! feel ver# sad that it has all come to an end( ope to see #ou all soon( "ove 0ustine

From< 0ustine 9ain To< &fta3 &hmed! &nne &t/ins! Dawn a#wood! Gillian Bla/e# Date< Tuesda# 6 Novem3er K! ;))@ $)<$K &M Su34ect< &CE 8nfo Dear all! 4ust a 3it of information for #ou( 9hilst 8 was off #esterda# ,Monda#- the phone gu# came into B%)% and disconnected the num3ers %';; and ;'I$( 8 rang switch3oard this morning and spo/e to Sandra and as/ed what has happened to the num3ers 3ecause when #ou ring them the# 4ust ring out! which is o3viousl# not ver# good( &n#wa# the switch3oard have agreed to put a divert on 3oth num3ers to the switch and the# will then 3e a3le to re6divert the calls to the appropriate person( The# have the new telephone num3ers for Dawn ,;$A@-! Gill ,;A$)-! &fta3 ,Firvale- and a temporar# num3er for &nne at Norton ,;%;;-( 8 will let them /now m# new num3er when 8 /now it( &nne 6 #ou will need to /eep them informed of how to contact #ou this wee/ and an# other change of num3ers( 8 /now that the idea was to leave a message on the answerphone 3ut this doesnMt seem to 3e an option now( 8 have disconnected the answerphone and given it to &nne( 8 have archived ; 3o1es of information relating to pro4ects which will 3e stored in one of the wor/shops and eventuall# down at Matilda Street when there is room( There is also a couple of 3o1es relating to Citinet( The &CE 3o1es contain information on the following pro4ects< First Steps 6 Manor and C&stle Pro4ect Connect Pro4ect Mount Pleasant Feasi3ilit# Stud# Non Schedule ; Pro4ect Tooled Jp for Basic S/ills Pro4ect Basic S/ills in the 9or/place Pro4ect

8nternet Pro4ect Basic S7ills Tutor to Support omeless 5ong People Basic S/ills ES=" in "ocal Communities Pro4ect Basic S/ills Trainees "in/ Jp Pro4ect Su3stance Misuse Pro4ect Famil# "earning Contract ;)))6;))$ Famil# "earning Contract ;))$6;)); Famil# "earning Pro4ect ;));6;))% Famil# "earning Pro4ect ;))% 6;;)@ 8 dou3t #ou will ever need an# of this information 3ut as it related to pro4ects 8 thought we should retain it( 8 have said to destro# the information in $) #ears timeHH &nne 6 sorr# 3ut 8 had to give Su Mc ale a contact name for the archive materials so 8 gave #our name 6 hope this is =7( Finall#! 8 4ust wanted to sa# than/s to ever#one for the present that #ou gave me on Frida#( 8 have reall# en4o#ed wor/ing with #ou all and as #ou /now! feel ver# sad that it has all come to an end( ope to see #ou all soon( "ove 0ustine

St" #a th eri n es Fa $ i l y %ea rn i n g &ew s

&o'e$ er ())*
It has been a busy month for many families and children at Firs Hill and St. Catherines schools. Thank you to everyone who took part in Family Learning eek in !ctober and made the various events so en"oyable. #ou can see displays of photographs at both schools in the foyer near the school office.

&+W , &+W , &+W , &+W , &+W

From mid $ovember until Christmas% there are several new classes starting% with the emphasis on having fun and learning something creative and community& based as well as useful. #hrist$as #rafts Starting on 'onday ()th $ovember (.** + ,.** pm at St. Catherines for four weeks -()th . //nd $ov% 0th . (,th 1ec2 $umbers are strictly limited as this is a really popular course to learn about and produce 3uality craft items for Christmas and other celebrations. 4articipants will be asked to contribute 5/.** per session for the four weeks of the course. Cr6che provided. To apply for a place please leave your name and telephone number with the school office or contact 7ashida on *888, )9,0::. $ames will be picked from a hat if we have too many. 9$glish %a$guage =9SC%> for /e$ o$l* Starting on Thursday (9th $ovember (/.;) + /.;) pm in the 4arents 7oom at Firs Hill for five weeks with a male tutor% Stefan. If you or someone in your family wants to apply for the right to live in the <= permanently% it is now a re3uirement that they have >ntry Level , or e3uivalent >S!L 3ualifications. This class can provide that level if you attend regularly% so why wait any longer. The women?s classes are very popular% now with a waiting list@ so "oin the men?s class before you miss your chanceA To book your place contact 7ashida on *888, )9,0:: or leave your name and telephone number at the school office. -ags . #ushions Te/tile worksho0s Starting on ednesday (st 1ecember :.() + ((.() am for ten weeks at Firs Hill Sports . Brts area@ learn a variety of teCtile techni3ues such as embroidery% beading% appli3uD and image transfer. #ou will complete the course with at least one bag or cushion you have made and decorated yourself and some people -if you put in eCtra time2 can make severalA If you want to know more or want to sign up for this course please come to our Creative Fun 1ay at Firs Hill school on Sunday /( st $ovember ((.** am onwards% or leave your name and telephone number at the school office or contact 7ashida on *888, )9,0::

;osai) /a+i$g wor+sho&s

Starting in 1ecember /**; on 'ondays -time to be confirmed2 at St. Eames? Church on Scott 7oad@ learn the basics of designing and making mosaics using a variety of materials including tiles% shells and beads. Bgain% you can find out more at the Creative Fun 1ay so why not come along and see for yourself.

What1s the Internet all a out2 Starting Thursday (9th $ovember :.() +((.() am at Firs Hill for five weeks -finishing (0th 1ec2 Bre you a complete beginner who wants to know the basicsF Bre you someone who can use a computer but doesn?t know how to search the webF How do you start using the InternetF How powerful is itF hat about data protectionF How can you safeguard your children?s use of the InternetF This )&week course aims to give both complete beginners and people with eCisting skills more confidence and competence in using the Internet and understanding this amaGing resource. Cr6che provided. To apply for a place leave your name and telephone number with the school office or contact 7ashida on *888, )9,0::

(o//u$it* :esear)h S+ills

Starting 'onday ()th $ovember (*.** am + (/.,* pm at Fir Hale Secondary School for five weeks. This is a great chance to train for work as everyone who completes the course will get *34 weeks 0aid work to carry out a household survey in Fir Hale early in /**). The training is accredited and will be run by Holuntary Bction Sheffield together with the Community >ducation Coordinator at Fir Hale School% Bm"ad Ean"ua. The course is F7>>@ to find out more information and to book your place contact Fir Hale Hision team on /0( *98( #arni'al of %ights Saturday /*th $ovember /.** + ;.** pm at St. Eames Church Lantern&making workshop followed by procession down to >llesmere Ireen for ).** pm. Eoin local schools and the community to celebrate light in the winter months in Jurngreave% hosted by Ireen City Bction. This is a multi&cultural celebration to reflect the festivals of 1iwali and >id and Bdvent.

#reati'e Fun 5ay . +id #ele ration Sunday /(st $ovember ((.** am + ,.** pm at Firs Hill >n"oy another chance to be part of our special family fun days. There will be sports and crafts for children of all ages% as well as a demonstration of new teCtile classes starting in $ovember at Firs Hill and in the Jurngreave area. Information will also be available about a new advocacy pro"ect and how to be active in your local community. Cr6che provided -5(.** contribution please2. e would like to have an >id celebration at the Fun 1ay and we ask e'eryone to ring a s$all food contri ution (snacks6 chaat6 rice6 iscuits6 cakes etc) to hel0 $ake it a success" 7efreshments will be provided by school.

0a/il* 0ootball o$ Satur"a* /or$i$gs

<sually on Saturdays (*.** + ((.,* am at Firs Hill Sports . Brts area% this acti'ity will STOP o'er the winter and you can look forward to more football fun after February Half Term. Thanks to all participants for your support.

S&orts # .rts fa)ilit* at 0irs Hill

1o you have any ideas for the use of this area in the evenings or at weekendsF ould you use the space at these timesF 1o you know what the Sports and Brts area has to offerF Come and share your ideas at a meeting on Tuesday /,rd $ovember at ,.,* pm at Firs Hill school. -urngrea'e %i rary Fa$ily 7istory Fun 5ay Saturday ;th 1ecember (.** + ;.** pm at Jurngreave Library% Spital Hill. >n"oy some arts and crafts with Jurngreave Hoices !ral History 4ro"ect% including a Treasure Hunt% eCploring family history using the library computers and designing your own family crest.

I$ $e3t /o$th<s $ewsletter6

'ore information about new classes neCt year% including accredited Family Learning% Computers% 'aths . >nglish% >S!L% Stress 'anagement% C?mon >verybody -parenting skills2 and <nderstanding your Child?s School. +I5 M8-!R!9 to everyone celebrating at the end of 7amadhan. I hope it has been a peaceful and fulfilling month for you all% and thanks especially to those parents and carers who have continued to support school activities% despite being so busyA

7ashida Hassanali Community >ducation Coordinator

Fi rsh i l l Fa $ i l y %ea rn i n g &ew s

&o'e$ er ())*

It has been a busy month for many families and children at Firs Hill and St. Catherines schools. Thank you to everyone who took part in Family Learning eek in !ctober and made the various events so en"oyable. #ou can see displays of photographs at both schools in the foyer near the school office.

&+W , &+W , &+W , &+W , &+W

From mid $ovember until Christmas% there are several new classes starting% with the emphasis on having fun and learning something creative and community& based as well as useful. #hrist$as #rafts Starting on 'onday ()th $ovember (.** + ,.** pm at St. Catherines for four weeks -()th . //nd $ov% 0th . (,th 1ec2 $umbers are strictly limited as this is a really popular course to learn about and produce 3uality craft items for Christmas and other celebrations. 4articipants will be asked to contribute 5/.** per session for the four weeks of the course. Cr6che provided. To apply for a place leave your name and telephone number with the school office. $ames will be picked from a hat if we have too many. 9$glish %a$guage =9SC%> for /e$ o$l* Starting on Thursday (9th $ovember (/.;) + /.;) pm in the 4arents 7oom at Firs Hill for five weeks with a male tutor% Stefan. If you or someone in your family wants to apply for the right to live in the <= permanently% it is now a re3uirement that they have >ntry Level , or e3uivalent >S!L 3ualifications. This class can provide that level if you attend regularly% so why wait any longer. The women?s classes are very popular% now with a waiting list@ "oin the men?s class before you miss your chanceA To book your place contact 7ashida on *888, )9,0:: or leave your name and telephone number at the school office. -ags . #ushions Te/tile worksho0s Starting on ednesday (st 1ecember :.() + ((.() am for ten weeks at Firs Hill Sports . Brts area@ learn a variety of teCtile techni3ues such as embroidery% beading% appli3uD and image transfer. #ou will complete the course with at least one bag or cushion you have made and decorated yourself and some people -if you put in eCtra time2 can make severalA If you want to know more or want to sign up for this course please come to our Creative Fun 1ay at Firs Hill school on Sunday /(st $ovember ((.** am onwards% or leave your name and telephone number at the school office.

;osai) /a+i$g wor+sho&s

Starting 'onday /:th $ovember -time to be confirmed2 at St. Eames? Church on Scott 7oad@ learn the basics of designing and making mosaics

using a variety of materials including tiles% shells and beads. Bgain% you can find out more at the Creative Fun 1ay or contact Sally on /8) *,,9 at the Iarden 7ooms. What1s the Internet all a out2 Starting Thursday (9th $ovember :.() +((.() am at Firs Hill for five weeks -finishing (0th 1ec2 Bre you a complete beginner who wants to know the basicsF Bre you someone who can use a computer but doesn?t know how to search the webF How do you start using the InternetF How powerful is itF hat about data protectionF How can you safeguard your children?s use of the InternetF This )&week course aims to give both complete beginners and people with eCisting skills more confidence and competence in using the Internet and understanding this amaGing resource. Cr6che provided. To apply for a place leave your name and telephone number with the school office.

(o//u$it* :esear)h S+ills

Starting 'onday ()th $ovember (*.** am + (/.,* pm at Fir Hale Secondary School for five weeks. This is a great chance to train for work as everyone who completes the course will get *34 weeks 0aid work to carry out a household survey in Fir Hale early in /**). The training is accredited and will be run by Holuntary Bction Sheffield together with the Community >ducation Coordinator at Fir Hale School% Bm"ad Ean"ua. The course is F7>>@ to find out more information and to book your place contact Fir Hale Hision team on /0( *98( #arni'al of %ights Saturday /*th $ovember /.** + ;.** pm at St. Eames Church Lantern&making workshop followed by procession down to >llesmere Ireen for ).** pm. Eoin local schools and the community to celebrate light in the winter months in Jurngreave% hosted by Ireen City Bction. This is a multi&cultural celebration to reflect the festivals of 1iwali and >id and Bdvent. #reati'e Fun 5ay . +id #ele ration Sunday /(st $ovember ((.** am + ,.** pm at Firs Hill >n"oy another chance to be part of our special family fun days. There will be sports and crafts for children of all ages% as well as a demonstration of new teCtile classes starting in $ovember at Firs Hill and in the Jurngreave area. Information will also be available about a new advocacy pro"ect and how to be active in your local community. Cr6che provided -5(.** contribution please2.

e would like to have an >id celebration at the Fun 1ay and we ask e'eryone to ring a s$all food contri ution (snacks6 chaat6 rice6 iscuits6 cakes etc) to hel0 $ake it a success" 7efreshments will be provided by school.

0a/il* 0ootball o$ Satur"a* /or$i$gs

<sually on Saturdays (*.** + ((.,* am at Firs Hill Sports . Brts area% this acti'ity will STOP o'er the winter and you can look forward to more football fun after February Half Term. Thanks to all participants for your support.

S&orts # .rts fa)ilit* at 0irs Hill

1o you have any ideas for the use of this area in the evenings or at weekendsF ould you use the space at these timesF 1o you know what the Sports and Brts area has to offerF Come and share your ideas at a meeting on Tuesday /,rd $ovember at ,.,* pm at Firs Hill school.

Safet* i$ .)tio$

Friday (/th $ovember :.,* am + /.** pm at St. Eames Church on Scott 7oad

This one6da# wor/shop will cover practical first aid and tips for emergencies with #oung children( 8deal for parents and carers* crZche provided until $; noon( "unch provided( Please 3oo/ #our place 3# contacting Claire at SureStart on ;FI '@$@
-urngrea'e %i rary Fa$ily 7istory Fun 5ay Saturday ;th 1ecember (.** + ;.** pm at Jurngreave Library% Spital Hill. >n"oy some arts and crafts with Jurngreave Hoices !ral History 4ro"ect% including a Treasure Hunt% eCploring family history using the library computers and designing your own family crest.

I$ $e3t /o$th<s $ewsletter6

'ore information about new classes neCt year% including accredited Family Learning% Computers% 'aths . >nglish% >S!L% Stress 'anagement% C?mon >verybody -parenting skills2 and <nderstanding your Child?s School. +I5 M8-!R!9 to everyone celebrating at the end of 7amadhan. I hope it has been a peaceful and fulfilling month for you all% and thanks especially to those parents and carers who have continued to support school activities% despite being so busyA

7ashida Hassanali Community >ducation Coordinator

iH .ashida as/ed me to send out the info for the rest of this term at St CatherineMs and Firs ill schools( The two newsletters have the same information! 3ut thereMs lots going on( DonMt forget the adult learning providers meeting tomorrow ,Tues Kth Nov- at Forum ouse at %pm( Cheers! &nne BC"C 66666=riginal Message66666 From< 8na#at : .ashida assanali Nmailto<ihUihassanali(fsnet(co(u/O Sent< )I Novem3er ;))@ $;<;; To< 8na#at assanali Su34ect< Firshill : St Catherines Famil# learning news For #our information! attached is the latest newsletter with new classes for Novem3er sent out to parents last wee/( Best wishes! .ashida PS &nne and Michelle! if #ou want to send copies out to &"PG and Childcare strateg# group as part of mem3ers update! please do( Than/s(

elloH The results from "earning Providers for the Burngreave "earner have 3een rather disappointing so far! even though BC"C learning assistants have 3een chasing people for course detailsH 8 thin/ this is 3ecause our deadline of the Ath Novem3er was 4ust too earl# for learning providers to wor/ out what courses the# are running( Please! please! please give me #our course details for the new #ear! as soon as possi3le( 8 have now started to design the Burngreave "earner! 3ut am reall# struggling! as 8 have not got much information( 8f 8 have not got #our information 3# Frida# Novem3er $Kth ,and 8Mm reall# stretching this deadline-! we will not include #our organisation in the 3rochure( 9e want details of courses #ou are running that<

Start in 0anuar# ,or Fe3ruar#! March or &prilDrop in B ongoing courses that people can start at an# time Details of services that #ou provide for learners e(g( childcare! resources! advice : guidance Please do not send me an# details of courses that are full! or that arenMt availa3le to local people( The proforma is enclosed in the 3od# of this e6mail( 5ou do not need to use the proforma if #ou have an e1isting course 3rochure etc( 9e would still li/e photos of people on #our courses 6 please get in touch with us if #ou would li/e BC"C wor/ers to come and ta/e photos of #our learning centre for use in the Burngreave "earner( 9e also still want to hear a3out learners who have overcome 3arriers to learning or have made significant achievements( Please remem3er that the Burngreave "earner provides free advertising for #our courses! and we are ta/ing steps to improve its reada3ilit# so that it is more attractive to mem3ers of the pu3lic( 5ou can give me course information 3# an# means 6 e6mail! phone! fa1! through the post! or #ou could even arrange to see m#self or a BC"C learning assistant in person( Cheers! &nne BC"C &nne Grange! Communications =fficer! Burngreave Communit# "earning Campaign! Forum ouse! %A Spital ill! Sheffield! S@ F"D Tel< ,)$$@- ;FK@K') Fa1< ,)$$@- ;FK@K'% e6mail< anneU3urngreavelearning(org Course information form G for 0anuar# ;))A edition Please use this form to update BC"C with #our latest course information! and send it 3ac/ to the address or e6mail address a3ove( ?enue Details ?enue Name! &ddress and Phone num3ers< Disa3led &ccess 5es No Disa3led Toilet 5es No Childcare Facilities 5es No Bus .outes B Transport details< &dditional 8nformation< Course Details ,please duplicate ta3les if #ou are running more cours Course Title< Course Description<

Start Date< Da# and Time< Num3er of wee/s< Fee< Course Provider<

Ba ic +kill Memo
,o' 0ro/' 7ate' :e' &fta3 &hmed 7athr#n &ustin @B$$B;))@ =wler Broo/ School
,el ;');;F$ 0a3 ;');;)$

6% ha a&ree% "ith you that +hanaE "ill 4i it 7"ler Brook +chool for t"o "eek runnin&, to clear enrolment an% the a%min i ue ) +hena Moore, the tutor, "ill 'e there on:

<e%ne %ay 9)00 - $$)30 Fri%ay 9)00 - $$)30 Fri%ay $)00 = 2)30 6ntry

H,966$F H,966$G H,966$<

6+7/ <omen 62 6+7/ <omen 6$ 6+7/ <omen 1re-

&dult and Communit# Strateg#< 9or/ing Groups Group< aualit# S#stems

"ead< NC"D funded aualit# post Mem3ership< &C" The Sheffield College D "ongle# Par/ "SC &lison Mac/enPie D D

Challenge< To develop a diverse and sustaina3le provider networ/! including organisations in the communit#! voluntar# and faith sector( This should include mainstream funded providers who have the capacit# to deliver high 2ualit# teaching to meet the needs of learners and the re2uirements of e1ternal inspection and audit Critical 8nitiatives &ctions .esponsi3le Milestones .eport to &C"&B $( Esta3lish support and advice s#stems for small providers to facilitate realistic 3usiness planning and an understanding of 2ualit# and management re2uirements needed for core funding(

Meeting Dates<


Meeting Dates<

&dult and Communit# Strateg#< 9or/ing Groups Group< "earning Champions "ead< Spell! NJC& &lan ChapmanB&3i Goodman Mem3ership< &C" Mar# Blac/a SPE"" Enie Bur/e SPE"" &llison Clear D D Challenge< To develop a promotion and outreach strateg# for adult learning that connects with e1isting and potential learners and which has a particular focus on hard to reach individuals and their communities

Critical 8nitiatives &ctions .esponsi3le Milestones .eport to &C"&B $( Development of local learning championsBmentors who can promote learning locall# and support new learners into provision ;( %

Meeting Dates<


Time< &dult and Communit# Strateg#< 9or/ing Groups Group< &dult "earning Campaigns "ead< "SC Mem3ership< Sheffield College "ongle# Par/ SFF" : 9 S J Sheffield Futures "earning Pa#s "earndirect Maggie o#land Dawn a#wood Tim &rmstrong Dee Desgranges Pat 9aistnidge "#dia Co1 0a#ne Duc/er &nn &s/e# Frances .evels Nic/# .eed

Challenge< To develop a promotion and outreach strateg# for adult learning that connects with e1isting and potential learners and which has a particular focus on hard to reach individuals and their communities Critical 8nitiatives &ctions .esponsi3le Milestones .eport to &C"&B $(C#cle of local learning campaigns lin/ing pu3licit# and promotion events to the provision of new learning opportunities

;(Development of &dult "earners 9ee/ and other national campaigns throughout the #ear as focus points of cele3ration and the sharing of good practice %(Development of multi agenc# pu3licit# on an area 3asis and the use of 3oth communit# and cit# wide outlets such as li3raries! colleges centres

Meeting dates<

$$th Novem3er


Central "i3rar#



&dult and Communit# Strateg#< 9or/ing Groups Group< 8nformation! &dvice and Guidance "ead< Sheffield Futures Mem3ership< &C" Sheffield College "ongle# Par/ "SC SFF" : 9 D D D t3c t3c Tim &rmstrong Maggie o#land Dee Desgranges

Challenge< To develop accessi3le! /ite6mar/ed! comprehensive and communit# 3ased independent information! advice and guidance ,8&G- in support of an individual>s choice of learning andBor emplo#ment Critical 8nitiatives &ctions .esponsi3le Milestones .eport to &C"&B $(Provide access for all adults in Sheffield to high 2ualit# information! advice and guidance

;(E1tend the targeting of services to those with 3asic s/ills and other priorit# needs %(8ncrease the demand for learning and s/ills 3# promoting the 3enefit for the individual @(8&G providers supported to wor/ towards national standards A(8&G partners to have representation on Communit# Based "earning Group

Meeting Dates<



."ult a$" (o//u$it* Strateg*' Eor+i$g -rou&s -rou&' 7ata Shari$g %ea"' S00%#E ;e/bershi&' &C" "SC 0a#ne awle# Ni//i .eill# ,Star7ee 7esgra$ges

"SC The Sheffield College D "ongle# Par/ D D

"iana 9ar3ric/ 9E& ?C Train

(halle$ge' ,o "e1elo& a full ra$ge of fle3ible lear$i$g &athwa*s@ with sig$-&oste" routes to a$" through for/al Fualifi)atio$s@ whi)h re)og$ise the 1arie" a$" )o/&le3 &rogressio$ &atter$s of a"ult lear$ers@ "iffere$)es i$ &erso$al )ir)u/sta$)es@ /oti1atio$ a$" barriers to lear$i$g ,o "e1elo& a "i1erse a$" sustai$able &ro1i"er $etwor+@ i$)lu"i$g orga$isatio$s i$ the )o//u$it*@ 1olu$tar* a$" faith se)tor4 ,his shoul" i$)lu"e /ai$strea/ fu$"e" &ro1i"ers who ha1e the )a&a)it* to "eli1er high Fualit* tea)hi$g to /eet the $ee"s of lear$ers a$" the reFuire/e$ts of e3ter$al i$s&e)tio$ a$" au"it ,o "e1elo& &art$ershi& wor+i$g betwee$ strategi) age$)ies@ &ro1i"ers a$" )o//u$ities to &ro"u)e lo)al $eighbourhoo" lear$i$g &la$s whi)h i"e$tif* )lear &riorities for a)tio$ a$" li$+ the "e1elo&/e$t of lo)al lear$i$g i$frastru)ture@ ser1i)es a$" lear$i$g &ro1isio$ to )learl* i"e$tifie" lear$i$g a$" rege$eratio$ $ee"s

(riti)al I$itiati1es $( Esta3lish a Data Sharing group to allow outcomes from mapping activities! learning audits and other research to 3e shared across providers and funding agencies in order to inform their resource allocations and planning( ;( To map and evaluate provision using strategic area review processes! esta3lish gaps and areas of duplication and develop options for change

.)tio$s Decide mem3ership Schedule meeting Esta3lish remit Plan of activit#

:es&o$sible ;ilesto$es :e&ort to .(%.!

Map adult learning facilities to esta3lish scope! 2ualit#! areas of duplication and gaps in deliver# infrastructure Map current adult learning provision ,how

ever funded- to esta3lish a clear and shared understanding of the current adult learning offer! its upta/e and outcomes %( Plan a c#cle of communit# learning audits! which will help to identif# communit# learning needs and feed into local planning processes @(8mplement a communit# consultation strateg#! the outcomes of which will inform polic# and planning at a cit# and neigh3ourhood level

;eeti$g 7ates'



-asic Skills 5e'elo0$ent 5ata Sharing ;uality Syste$s: %ead: &%5# funded a00oint$ent %ead: 7eather S$ith %ead: 5ee 5esgranges

."ult a$" (o//u$it* Strateg*' Eor+i$g -rou&s -rou&' (urri)ulu/ Pathwa*s %ea"' .(% 5a*$e Hawle*

;e/bershi&' The Sheffield College D "ongle# Par/ Tim &rmstrong "SC D D D D D (halle$ge' ,o "e1elo& a full ra$ge of fle3ible lear$i$g &athwa*s@ with sig$&oste" routes to a$" through for/al Fualifi)atio$s@ whi)h re)og$ise the 1arie" a$" )o/&le3 &rogressio$ &atter$s of a"ult lear$ers@ "iffere$)es i$ &erso$al )ir)u/sta$)es@ /oti1atio$ a$" barriers to lear$i$g (riti)al I$itiati1es $( Esta3lish local learning forums at a neigh3ourhoodBarea level in all area of the cit#( Their purpose should 3e to plan provision and ensure that the offer meets local learning needs( This should include learning for wor/ and 3uild in appropriate opportunities for progression( ;(Esta3lish a standard curriculum offer across a num3er of providers! in first steps 8CT! literac#! numerac# and famil# learning( %( Support communities to develop financiall# self6 sustaining learning for leisure provision( @( Develop curriculum networ/s for adult learning providers( .)tio$s :es&o$sible ;ilesto$es :e&ort to .(%.!

A(Esta3lish local deliver# partnerships 3etween communit# organisations! schools! voluntar# and core funded providers to develop and deliver responsive learning provision which offers clear opportunities for progression within and 3etween institutions( ;eeti$g 7ates'



Challenge !ne . 0irst (lass Ph*si)al I$frastru)ture %ead: Tony Tweedy - or nominee2 The Sheffield College F Longley 4ark F Libraries 1avid Issac CLCs Blan 'arshall BCL Eayne Hawley JSF Chris 1ale Learndirect F F F Challenge Two %o)all* .))essible I$for/atio$@ ."1i)e a$" -ui"a$)e@ a$" Stu"e$t su&&ort %ead: Sheffield Futures !ndy Free$an

BCL LSC SFFL. Centre for Full >mployment Sheffield College Longley 4ark F Challenge Three

'aggie Hoyland 1ee 1esgranges 1oug Low F Tim Brmstrong

. Pro/otio$ a$" Cutrea)h Strateg* that ,argets the Har"est to :ea)h

!dult %earner1s #a$0aign %ea"' %S( Learning 4ays "ongle# Par/ The Sheffield College SH< ;aggie Ho*la$" Frances 7evels Eayne 1ucker Tim &rmstrong $icky 7eed 1awn Haywood 4at aistnidge Bnn Bskey Linda 'uscroft Lydia CoC 1ee 1esgranges

Sheffield Futures SFFL .

%ear$i$g (ha/&io$s %ea"' SP9%%@ NA(. BCL S4>LL S4>LL F

.la$ (ha&/a$ 2 .bi -oo"/a$ 'ary Jlacka% >nie Jurke% Bllison Clear

Challenge Four K SiC 0le3ible %ear$i$g Pathwa*s 2 Neighbourhoo" %ear$i$g Pla$s li$+e" to I"e$tifie" %ear$i$g Nee"s %ead: !#% <ayne 7awley The Sheffield College F Longley 4ark Tim Brmstrong LSC F

F 5ata Sharing %ea"' S00% # E BCL LSC LSC The Sheffield College Longley 4ark

7ee 7esgra$ges Eayne Hawley $ikki 7eilly - StB7 2 Eackie F Liana arbrick >B HC Train

-asic Skills 5e'elo0$ent - 1istribution list 2 %ead: The Sheffield #ollege -south2 7eather S$ith ( chair) SFFL . 1ee 1esgranges BCL Eayne Hawley LSC 'andy Crawford + Leigh S4>LL Blan Chapman Bmanda ells >nvironmental Training Charlotte Carter S# 4robation Service 1ave Swindon Libraries Service 1avid Issacs BCL 1iane Haswell Sheffield College - $orth2 >d ilson Sheffield College - Centre2 Lynn Thackaway e / e partnership >laine Taylor Heeley City Farm >liese Finnegan $HS< Ean $ovitsky 'anor&Castle Eenean Jerry =ate 7oberts >mployment <nit - SCC2 Eoan Hughes BCL =ate Swinney S4>LL Lorraine Snape The Learning Community 'elanie Skill S!HB Sarah Hartley Eob Centre 4lus Shamsa Latif Learn 1irect Sue Eackson !pen 1oor Terry 'cHale 1ebbie 1ale HC Train

Challenge Five . 7i1erse a$" Sustai$able Pro1i"er Networ+ %ead: &%#5 funded ;uality 0ost 'ia =# Train BCL Blison 'ackenGie The Sheffield College F Longley 4ark F LSC F

From< VDesgranges Dee ,CEY-V WDee(DesgrangesUsheffield(gov(u/L To< eather Smith! Dawn a#wood! Ton#(Tweed#Usheffield(gov(u/! David(8saacUsheffield(gov(u/! 0a#ne( awle#Usheffield(gov(u/! tim(armstrongUlongle#par/(ac(u/! sue(4ac/sonU/nowledge3aseu/(co(u/! peterUhighgreave(co(u/! mi/ehUoffer(org(u/! 3lac/forumUhotmail(com! mar/allen$@Uhotmail(com! l#nne(maddisonUlsc(gov(u/! maggie(ho#landUlsc(gov(u/! /ateUmaccintraining(forceK(co(u/! 4mis/inUwea(org(u/! 4(r(sandersUshu(ac(u/! 4ohnmitchellU@'asheff(freeserve(co(u/! 4ohn(grim3le#Usheffieldfutures(org(u/! and#(freemanUsheffieldfutures(org(u/! 4(farmerUvas(org(u/! 4enn#Uafcl(ac(u/! craigUafcl(ac(u/! howardUnorpcf(plus(com! angusrUvctrain(org! stepUstep6online(org(u/! alanUspelldirect(org! a3iUnuca(co(u/ Date< Thursda# 6 Novem3er @! ;))@ $$<)A &M Su34ect< 9or/ing groups for the deliver# of the &dult and Communit# Strateg# Strateg# groups diagram(doc ,%;F'I 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO Curriculum Pathwa#s(doc ,;$I';@ 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO Data Sharing(doc ,;;)$') 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO 8&G 9or/ing Group(doc ,;$F')) 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO "earning Campaigns 9or/ing Group(doc ,;$I';@ 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO "earning Champions(doc ,;$')'@ 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO Ph#sical 8nfrastructure 9or/ing Group(doc ,;;)'F; 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO aualit# S#stems(doc ,;$A)@) 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO Mime(I;; ,;$@$$A' 3#tes- NSave &sO

Dear Colleagues Please find the 3eginnings of the wor/ plans for the groups &C"&B determined would 3e needed to deliver the &dult and Communit# Strateg#( Some of these groups! of course are alread# in e1istance(The Critical 8nitiatives have 3een ta/en directl# from the strateg# and allocated to the appropriate group( There ma# 3e more tas/s to addH 9hat 8Md li/e to get to 3efore the ne1t &C"&B meeting on ;Ath Novem3er is a comprehensive mem3ership list for each of the groups! with at least one meeting time attached in order to 3e a3le to collate and circulate to all 3oard mem3ers as it was also agreed that the meetings would 3e open to all if the# wished to attend( 8f the identified leads could do this it would 3e ver# helpful! The ne1t stage will 3e to wor/ up the plans for each group in more detail to determine when reports to &C"&B on progress can 3e realisticall# e1pected(

Best 9ishes WWStrateg# groups diagram(docLL WWCurriculum Pathwa#s(docLL WWData Sharing(docLL WW8&G 9or/ing Group(docLL WW"earning Campaigns 9or/ing Group(docLL WW"earning Champions(docLL WWPh#sical 8nfrastructure 9or/ing Group(docLL WWaualit# S#stems(docLL Dee Dee Desgranges &cting Director Sheffield First for "earning and 9or/ .oom %)FBI Town all Sheffield S$ ; t< ,Q@@- ,)-$$@ ;F% @@'K f< ,Q@@- ,)-$$@ ;F% A)'@ e< dee(desgrangesUsheffield(gov(u/ we3< http<BBwww(sheffieldfirst(net From< 0oe Clar/e To< &fta3 &hmed CC< Elaine Burtoft! Trevor Pollard Date< Thursda# 6 Novem3er @! ;))@ ;<A' PM Su34ect< 8T Classes i &fta3! in the data from Mon $B$$B)@ 8 notice that there are still onl# $$ officiall# enrolled on D.CT$0 although #ou 3elieved there are at least $I( Could #ou as/ the tutor to ensure all those attending are properl# enrolled( &lso! in D+=$C seems to have onl# A enrolled( 8f this is the correct figure of actual enrolments then 8Mll have to review the situation 6 again there ma# 3e more students to 3e enrolled 3ut it needs to 3e done urgentl#(

i 0oe! 8 can confirm that there are $I students definetl# enroled on this course plus there is a waiting list of $$ people and more in2uir# are coming in( 9e could do with another class ma#3e! iMll /eep #ou posted( &fta3 0oe Clar/e ,4oe(clar/eUsheffcol(ac(u/Sheffield College http<BBwww(sheffcol(ac(u/ LLL 0oe Clar/e )KB;@B)@ I<AA &M LLL

Good( 8Mll ensure it sta#s on the programme( Than/s( 0oe Clar/e ,4oe(clar/eUsheffcol(ac(u/Sheffield College http<BBwww(sheffcol(ac(u/ LLL Elaine Burtoft ;@B)KB;))@ )I<@)<@I LLL Dave Gilfillan went to the final enrolment session U Fir ?ale ,last Thursda#- and said that this course had $I people on it so presuma3l# there is a dela# in getting them onto the s#stem( Elaine Burtoft Parson Cross ;A') "o1le# ;;'@ LLL 0oe Clar/e ;%B)KB)@ )I<;@<@$ LLL &t a meeting #esterda# with &nd# it was decided to delete D.CT$0 ,C"&8Twhich was due to start toda# at Fir ?ale( 8 will su3mit the closure form( &fta3 can #ou ensure that the students and staff are informed so that the class does not proceed toda#( 0oe Clar/e ,4oe(clar/eUsheffcol(ac(u/-

C1er1iew of the /ai$ )halle$ges fa)i$g the .(9 A$it

o Competition from ?olBCom Sector G ?C Train* N SJ* Jfi* SCEDJ* CEDr ,.C&T-* "E& et al o .ecruitmentB.etention 6 failure to achieve and /eep planned student num3ers o ealth : Safet# G Securit#B"one 9or/ &ssessments o DD& o 8T< 9hat t#pe of provisionD E2uipmentBSoftwareB.esources o Basic S/illsBES=" o =ver reliance on protocol staff o 8&G G lac/ of o &ccess to Nurser# provision o Fees

(urri)ulu/ .rea :e1iews a$" Pla$s !rief i$tro"u)tio$ to the )urri)ulu/ area'
o o o o &ccess pBt &dditional Support &rts : Craft Basic S/ills o BusinessB&dmin =ffice Technolog# o Catering o Childcare o Counselling

o o o o o o o

Engineering Esol First &id GCSEs air : Beaut# 8T "anguages

:e)og$isi$g a$" res&o$"i$g to the $ee"s of i$"i1i"ual lear$er a$" )usto/ers o .eview of e1isting provision with a 3rief statement of what is currentl# offered o .eview of provision ta/es place cit#wide 3etween CM>sBCT">s and communit# coordinators to plan a programme 4ointl# ie first aid! childcare! counselling! hair : 3eaut#( To meet the needs of the local communit#! government strateg# and the College>s Development plan! to review previous #ears provision! where it has wor/ed where it has not and to plan progression routes o ProGe)te" $ew "e1elo&/e$ts o o o o o o o o o o o Basic s/ills G initial assessments on most courses &dult "evel ; programmes to ensure students progress to "evel % 8ncrease Fresh Start ES=" citiPenship courses Finance Childcare including Teaching &ssistants courses a more coordinated approach to wor/ in the cit# 8dentif# short courses that enhance emplo#a3ilit# Tutor training F%); Cost recover# courses eg violin ma/ing! guitar Communit# wor/ s/ills New provision at 7ing Ecg3ert>s School

o Eith"rawal of &ro1isio$ 8nformation technolog# courses have 3een significantl# reduced Catering and hospitalit# G apart from short vocational courses 9oodwor/ etc due to health and safet# re2uirements "eisureBinterest courses Pla#wor/ due to lac/ of relevant 2ualification even though there is an e1pansion of need due to government summer pla# schemes o ?ideo productionBphotoshop due to lac/ of staff o Possi3le withdrawal from specific communit# venues o o o o o o Sig$ifi)a$t )ha$ges i$ Fuals a$" &rogra//es i$ what wa*s are the* bei$g u&"ate" a$" altere" to /eet )ha$gi$g $ee"s a$" %S( fu$"i$g reFuire/e$ts eg /o1e/e$t fro/ se)tio$ 98 to se)tio$ 96297 o &rt and Design has moved to NCFE o Basic S/ills and ES=" to proposed national tests

o Childcare programme has 3een tidied up to offer clear progression routes and to avoid 2ualifications not on the national framewor/ o "ocall# accredited learning for first step provision for progression and 2ualit# o E6learning guiding students to online GCSE 7e1elo&i$g effe)ti1e &art$ershi&s &arti)ularl* with e/&lo*ers o Summar# of current and planned emplo#er engagement o o o o o o o o o Surestart pro4ects across the cit# "anguage training for local communit# groups and service providers Effective parenting course for local authorit# Basic Food #giene! ealth : Safet#! First &id for Ba3ies and Toddlers for communit# groups 9or/ with local communit# forums to develop strong lin/s and feed into local action planning process Communit# wor/ s/ills professional training for the volBcom centre Basic s/ills in the N S! &iPelewoods! olida# 8nn! Pennine Foods Boo/ /eeping! computerised accounts etc to communit# groups Teacher training for volBcom sector

o Summar# of current and planned school! communit# and universit# engagement o "earning Net G follow up sessions from famil# learning activities o Participate in the local learning forums across the cit# 7e1elo&i$g full* the &ote$tial of staff at the (ollege o Significant training and development issues and training and development plans particularl# 2ualification of teachers o .espond to the needs of the administrative staff in the communit# 3oth personall# and professionall# including EBS and C8S o uman resources changes planned or needed o The ma4orit# of staff who currentl# wor/ on the communit# programme are agenc# staff and a more significant commitment is re2uired of permanent esta3lishment staff( o .ecognition of travel time would help when teaching in the communit# o The need to provide a proper induction for agenc# staff which re2uires a commitment from ctls o Courses need to 3e staffed well in advance o Pa# different rates to attract staff in 3uo#ant areas

o Match the rate competitors are pa#ing to staff Pro/oti$g a lear$i$g ethos i$ Fualit* lear$i$g e$1iro$/e$t o Ph#sical resources including rooms and capital e2uipment( 9hat ph#sical resources are prioritiesD o o o o o o o o o o o DD& underta/ing a review of premises 8CT connectivit# for all administrators Childcare nurser# provision Coffee 3arBlounge area "earning centre and appropriate staffing ,e1ample Connect pro4ect Mount PleasantSecurit# Par/ing "ighting 9hite3oards! = Ps! tape recorders 8CT e2uipment for support of all areas

ealth and Safet# G statement of ris/ assessments e1isting and re2uired o .is/ assessment training for all coordinators and administrative staff within the communit# is currentl# 3eing planned o Personal safet# training has 3een arranged for all administrative in the communit#

:aisi$g Fualit* a$" sta$"ar"s through the &ro/otio$ of e3)elle$)e a$" the raisi$g of the (ollege e3&e)tatio$ of its lear$ers o eadlines from the 2ualit# action plans The &CE Jnit doesn>t get to see the 2ualit# action plans( 9e recognise the need to 3e involved and would recommend that CMBCT">s need to highlight the /e# action points for us to follow through on an# issues relating to communit# classesBactivities( o Targeted areas for ma/ing changes ,% or @Cannot respond 3ecause of point made a3ove( I/&ro1i$g rete$tio$@ a)hie1e/e$t a$" &rogressio$ o eadlines on target areas within #our programme plans

Develop initial assessment for appropriate courses! eg &ccess( Develop a s#stem of 8"P>s for adults on learning programmes( Develop an interview s#stem for su3stantial courses ,eg ' hrs- and ma/e more use of the $KQ application form( Development of short vocational Pathwa#s courses! pre &ccess and "evel $B; courses ,success rate is particularl# poor on a lot of &ccess courses-( Develop =pen Da#s! which could 3e su34ect specific! to ena3le students to receive proper 8&G( Develop s#stems of support for students in communit# centres and loo/ to provide access to student services( "oo/ at widening out the roll6over enrolment procedures to other curriculum areas ,languages and counselling particularl# good G need to use this as an e1ample for other areas to follow( o &ddressing E2ualit# gaps Success of $KQ students! disadvantaged and those from ethnic minorit# 3ac/grounds could 3e improved 3# some or all of the following< 8mproving access to support services .etention and &chievement =fficers for $KQ &ccess to stud# s/illsBlearning centres in communit# centres Soft learning outcomes G recognititon given to students who don>t want a 2ualification 3ut attend and complete a course for their own satisfaction Ma/e centres more welcoming G fa3ric of some 3uildings not accepta3le

,he Pla$$e" Progra//e 9ill include planned num3ers! retention and achievement rates( ,Programme to put on EBSHea"li$e ,argets ,as+s 24441 To enrol an agreed num3er of studentsBtrainees in the following areas< 19H !asi) S+ills ;(@(; To achieve agreed success rates for short and long 2ualifications and in ;(@(% To achieve emplo#er engagement targets ;(@(@ To achieve agreed targets for improving professional 2ualifications for teachers! lecturers and trainers ;(@(A To achieve agreed efficienc# targets< staffing utilisation room utilisation average group siPe ;(@(A To operate within an agreed 3udget ;easure/e$t2(o//e$tar*

:is+ .$al*sis &n anal#sis of /e# operation ris/s! wor/ing to the format used in the Strategic Plan ;))%B)' Num3er .is/ "i/elihood 8mpact Total .is/ .ating ' ' ' '

$ ; % @

8ncreased competition from other providers unsuita3le and inappropriate accommodation "oss of section KI provision =ver reliance of protocol

% % % %

; ; ; ;

A ' F I K

staff Brea/down in relations with /e# partners Failure to achieve planned student num3ers Failure to retain students as per planned targets "oss of su3stantial 8CT communit# programme Non compliance of DD& and ealth : Safet# issues

; % % % %

; $ $ $ $

@ % % % %

,he .)tio$ Pla$ To develop a local college &ction Plan which addresses< o 7e# local college issues eg relating to S&.s! 8nspection outcomes! verification! surve#s learner num3ers! success rates! emplo#er engagement! staff 2ualifications and efficienc# o 7e# Sheffield College &ction plans eg ealth and Safet#! .ace and E2ualit#! Development Plan

Ehat Eh* aualit# .eview Process To 3ecome more involved in curriculum 2ualit# review process and to loo/ at developing a communit# centre 3ased approach alongside the college process To respond to local and national demand for targeted 3asic s/ills provision particularl# with disadvantaged groups of people! with parents through famil# learning activities and school 3ased provision =n a cost 3enefit 3asis review what is in it for us eg with Spell! Sprac and others &ll centres and courses need to have ris/ assessments carried out to meet health and safet# regulations The team realises it cannot do ever#thing across the cit#( Therefore need to wor/ with local forums and learning net to set priorities and targets and create criteria for this provision 9or/ alongside the Jnit to avoid duplication and provide 8&G to ena3le progression Need to develop a relevant curriculum for adults to access at the appropriate level to improve success rates and progression to level % ie using unitisation To 3ecome more integrated into the da# to da# wor/ings of the college to achieve a full and accurate definition and measurement of the siPe! financial issues and trends to review and evaluate the communit# programme 8nvestigate wa#s in which we could deliver courses under a different funding methodolog# "oo/ at wa#s of delivering a more fle1i3le curriculum to meet the changing needs of the communit# ie wor/shops( &lso the introduction of more 3asic s/ills and ES=" through 8T Ehe$

Contri3ute to the development of adult 3asic s/ills in the college .eview our partnerships Jnderta/e ris/ assessments .eview of communit# development programme 9or/ with Franchise Jnit 9or/ with Curriculum teams to develop more level $:; vocational pathwa#s courses Develop a more 3usiness li/e approach to the wor/ carried out 3# the &dult Communit# Jnit Cost .ecover#D 8CT provision

Strengthen our strategic partnership with the "E& and Sheffield First for "earning .eview and improve the 2ualit# of the accommodation we use

This will ensure that our 4oint adult and communit# learning resources will wor/ together in a more colla3orative focussed manner Move towards the flagship idea of communit# centres identified in the Colleges Development Plan and also in the "earning Net partnership with the "E&

From< &nne &t/ins To< &fta3 &hmed! Dawn a#wood! Gillian Bla/e# Date< Thursda# 6 Novem3er @! ;))@ $<AF PM Su34ect< &CE &ction Plan =verviewofthemainchallengesfacingthe&CEJnitX$(doc ,AIII) 3#tesNSave &sO Dear all

N?iewO N=penO

Gill as/ed for this and 8 thought it would 3e useful for all of us to have as a 3asis for plansBdiscussions in our centres(

Famil# "earning Proposal for use of funds Total amount 666 %') appro1 hours staff time ,CK!))) in total-( $( &dult and Communit# 9e3site Development and Design G ;IA hours ,this is 3ased on PP time-( 8f we use 9end# Ma#es then these hours would 3e reduced 3ut 8 thin/ the development of this we3site would 3e a mi1 of 9end#>s time and pro3a3l# 0ason .uffell in Mar/eting( The purpose would 3e to develop a section of the Sheffcol we3site specificall# with information on progression( The we3site should 3e friendl# and image intensive and include an on6line form for more information and to 3oo/ into an open da# ,lin/ed to ; 3elow- andBor Basic S/ills guidance interviewBinitial assessment( The we3site should also include< d d "ocation of local centres English and maths opps

Finance and student support opps

.e2uest for info pac/ ,to 3e developedD&s part of the course plan in famil# learning and other courses! all students could have a session on accessing and using the we3site( This helps get around the impossi3ilit# of visiting ever# class for follow up visits( =utputs S The we3site up and running S Num3er of Rhits> on we3site and filling of on6line forms S Evaluation of use in famil# learning classes S Progression trac/ing G to 3e done 3# individuals attending further courses or 3# classes that are put on following on from an# famil# learning activities( ;( =pen Da#s G % events G North! Central! South for Communit#BFamil# "earning classes to visit a College site( ;A hours each c FA hours Purpose of these events is to help students familiarise themselves with location* have tour of facilities* tal/ from student services on opportunities availa3le* have option of 3asic s/ills assessment if wanted* loo/ at the adult and communit# we3siteH Some hospitalit# and pu3licit# funding would 3e needed( Tutor availa3le 6 ilar# 9indsor =utputs S S S &ttendance form 8nitial assessment .egistered interest in further classes

&nne &t/ins @ Novem3er )@ From< &nne &t/ins To< enr# ui CC< Dawn a#wood! &fta3 &hmed! Gillian Bla/e# Date< Thursda# 6 Novem3er @! ;))@ $<AA PM Su34ect< ello enr# Famil#"earning(doc ,;%AA; 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO ello enr# &ttached is the proposal for spending the CK!))) on famil# learning(

Get 3ac/ to me if there are an# pro3lems( &nne From< Trevor Pollard To< &fta3 &hmed Date< 9ednesda# 6 Novem3er %! ;))@ %<)' PM Su34ect< .e< meeting than/s &fta3! 8Mll get 3ac/ to #ou as soon as 8 return 6 meeting with Gill and #ourself is also critical 3ut need to tal/ to #ou first 6 for no other reason than the fact that 8 met with Gill last wee/( Trev Trevor Pollard Planning! aualit# and =perations Manager ills3orough College LLL &fta3 &hmed $$B)%B)@ $;<)' PM LLL ello Trevor! 5es! the 3est time for me are Monda# and 9ednesda# an#time K6A( So soon as #ou get 3ac/ we can arrange this( 8 also thin/ that we also need a meeting 3etween #ourself and m#self and 0ill Bla/e# to develop some processes for our wor/ in the College! otherwise as is alread# happening we will 3ecome ver# unpopular in the communit#( &fat3

LLL Trevor Pollard $)B%)B)@ $)<%; &M LLL ello &fta3! 8Mm awa# on an inspection ne1t wee/ 3ut 8Mm conscious of the fact that we should meet asap after that( 9hen are the 3est times for me to come down to Fir ?aleD Trev Trevor Pollard Planning! aualit# and =perations Manager ills3orough College From< Craig &caster To< &fta3 &hmed

Date< 9ednesda# 6 Novem3er %! ;))@ $<); PM Su34ect< .e< ShanaP MirPa ello &fta3! Than/ #ou for this response( 8 would agree that it would have 3een courtes# for #ou to have 3een made aware of this concern directl#! and 8 regret 8 have 3een the one to raise this( =nce 8 3ecame aware there was an issue! 8 did feel 8 needed to let #ou /now of these concerns( 5our e1planation is clear and e1plains full# the reasons for earl# closure at Ellsmere( Do #ou feel it necessar# for me to Mfeed 3ac/M to 7athr#nD 8 will ta/e #our lead on this matter( Than/s again( Craig &caster Personnel =fficer Parson Cross : "o1le# Colleges ,)$$@- ;') ;A;% LLL &fta3 &hmed )%B$$B)@ $;<@'<$F LLL ello Craig! 8 would li/e to correct one issue which has 3een raised! the Firvale centre has never 3een 3een closed as earl# as %(%)pm as seem to have 3een reported to #ou and this need to 3e corrected( 5es the Ellesmere centre has 3een closing earl# as %(%)pm someda#s and i!m aware of this and there is no issuse or pro3lem there at all( "et me e1plain< $(ShanaP MirPa has wor/ed man# overtime hours which sha has 3een wor/ing off with m# agreement( ;( The pro3lem created with a particular mem3er of staff has never raised with me 3# 7athr#n &ustin as 8 would have wor/ed to resolve it( 8t is simpl# 3ad practice to not give an#one a chance to resolve the concerns and pass them on ( %( 8 have spo/en with ShanaP she will ma/e the centre open till @())pm so that this particular mem3er of staff can complete his activities( e is i thin/ protocol professional staff and is onl# contracted to deliver classs from $())pm to %(%)pm( @( The other real reason for Ellesmere centre closing earl# is the issue of safet# and lone wor/ing polic#( ShanaP is left on her own at Ellesmere after %(%) when all classes finish( The fact that man# incidents of harassment and muggings have ta/en place outside the centre and also recentl# an attempted 3rea/ in to College part of the 3iuilding, which has 3een reported to Police and College Estates 6Dave Battel-( 8t due to this reason also that ShanaP closes earl# and comes on those occassions to Firvale centre to support the wor/ers there( she also does some evening wor/ as well an#wa# and of course has to factor those in(

&n#how i hope #ou are more clear a3out a3out situation( 8f #ou need an# further information please let me /now( &fta3 LLL Craig &caster $)B;FB)@ ;<;$ PM LLL i &fta3! 8 have had a num3er of conversations with 7athr#n &ustin a3out a mem3er of her staff( =ne thing that has arisen from the conversations! which is a concern! is the suggestion that the Firvale and Ellsmere Centres have 3een closing earl# at %(%)pm some da#s( 8 appreciate this is a delicate issue 3ut 8 thought it would to 3e fair to #ou to raise this with #ou! in case #ou werenMt aware of this( &s ShanaP is emplo#ed for %F hours a wee/! she should 3e wor/ing to at least @ oMcloc/! if not later depending on what time in the morning she starts( &s e1plained! 8 4ust wanted #ou to 3e aware of some concerns shared with me and 8Md welcome the chance to discuss this further if #ou thin/ it necessar#( Than/ #ou(

Craig &caster Personnel =fficer Parson Cross : "o1le# Colleges ,)$$@- ;') ;A;% From< VMohmmed Mali/V Wmali/U3lsa(org(u/L To< afta3AFU3tinternet(com CC< &fta3 &hmed Date< Tuesda# 6 Novem3er ;! ;))@ ;<A$ PM Su34ect< 8nvoices for pa#ment i &fta3! oppe #ou will 3e fine( Could #ou please chec/ with #our college if there are an# outstanding invoices to 3e paid 3# B"S&( 8f there are an#! please as/ them to send us as soon as possi3le so that we can pa# them immediatel# Than/s Muhammad Mali/ ,DrManager! B"S& U $; Burngreave .oad! Sheffield S% KDD

t< )$$@ ;F; ;I%% ,direct-! )$$@ ;F; I))I fa1< )$$@ ;F; II)) e(mail< mali/U3lsa(org(u/ we3site< www(3lsa(org(u/ From< Christine Saunders To< &ndrea 9at/ins CC< &fta3 &hmed Date< Monda# 6 Novem3er $! ;))@ $<AF PM Su34ect< First &id at Goodwill i &ndrea : &fta3 =mer &3dul2ader has 4ust 3een in touch 6 manager at Goodwill centre 6 a3out the First &id class due to start ne1t Monda# ,I($$-( e is as/ing if we can start on ;;($$ then ;K($$ : '($;( &ccording to the staffing schedule G Sproson is due to teach the class( Can #ou as/ Greta if she is a3le to deliver then &ndreaD Chris From< Christine Saunders To< &fta3 &hmed! &ndrea 9at/ins Date< Monda# 6 Novem3er $! ;))@ K<AI &M Su34ect< Fwd< First aid course i &ndrea : &fta3 8 have 4ust opened this e6mail from &lan Biggin 6 not sure what dela#ed &lan in contacting me 6 3ut 6 are we a3le to dela# the start date of this courseD &nddrea 6 can #ou contact whoever is scheduled to teach it and &fta3 6 can #ou identif# an alternative start dateD &s the course is due to start 9ednesda# 6 we need to act 2uic/l# Chris Chris LLL &lan Biggin ;KB$)B;))@ $A<;A<)@ LLL ello Chris 8 too/ a call for #ou on Frida# Ath ,8 was dut# managering using #our office- from =mer &3dul2ader( e sa#s there is a pro3lem with the first aid course scheduled for %rd Novem3er in that it coincides with .amadan and attendance would 3e e1tremel# low( Can it 3e postponed for ;B% wee/s( is contact details are

tel )FII$@I@%%I or princeomerUhotmail(com &lan

From< VMohmmed Mali/V Wmali/U3lsa(org(u/L To< assimA;Uhotmail(com! afta3AFU3tinternet(com CC< &fta3 &hmed Date< 9ednesda# 6 =cto3er ;F! ;))@ %<%I PM Su34ect< Feed3ac/ and Supervision of trainees

Dear &fta3 and &sim! &s #ou are aware that during the process of admissions! our Development 9or/er has regularl# 3een visiting B"S& trainees in Firvale and Elesmere centres ,at different timeson ever# Tuesda# and Saturda#! respectivel#( 9hen the classes are now running smoothl#! do #ou still want her to continue supervising and visiting the trainees regularl# in the classes D 8n case she is still re2uired to 3e in or outside the the classes on ever# Tuesda# and Saturda#! please let me have a suita3le timeschedule! when she should 3e there and how she should superviseD &lternativel#! we can arrange this supervision in our office! if so re2uired( This will help to save time and avoid distur3ance in the classes( 8 shall appreciate! if #ou will give me some feed3ac/ a3out the new classes and the supervsion provided 3# B"S& development 9or/er( ope to hear from #ou separatel#( Than/s Muhammad Mali/ ,DrManager! B"S& U $; Burngreave .oad! Sheffield S% KDD t< )$$@ ;F; ;I%% ,direct-! )$$@ ;F; I))I fa1< )$$@ ;F; II)) e(mail< mali/U3lsa(org(u/ we3site< www(3lsa(org(u/ From< Craig &caster To< &fta3 &hmed Date< 9ednesda# 6 =cto3er ;F! ;))@ ;<;$ PM Su34ect< ShanaP MirPa i &fta3!

8 have had a num3er of conversations with 7athr#n &ustin a3out a mem3er of her staff( =ne thing that has arisen from the conversations! which is a concern! is the suggestion that the Firvale and Ellsmere Centres have 3een closing earl# at %(%)pm some da#s( 8 appreciate this is a delicate issue 3ut 8 thought it would to 3e fair to #ou to raise this with #ou! in case #ou werenMt aware of this( &s ShanaP is emplo#ed for %F hours a wee/! she should 3e wor/ing to at least @ oMcloc/! if not later depending on what time in the morning she starts( &s e1plained! 8 4ust wanted #ou to 3e aware of some concerns shared with me and 8Md welcome the chance to discuss this further if #ou thin/ it necessar#( Than/ #ou(

Craig &caster Personnel =fficer Parson Cross : "o1le# Colleges ,)$$@- ;') ;A;%

Brightside : Shiregreen "ifelong "earning Partnership Notes on a meeting of the ES=" B Basic S/ills Strateg# Group =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar#! ;; Septem3er ;))@ Present< Mohamed &lsahimi ,&ra3 Training : 8nformation CentreMar# Blac/a ,&dult : Communit# "earning G &C"Gordon enshaw ,Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College0oanne oldawa# ,Sheffield &ssociation for the ?oluntar# Teaching of English7ath Swinne# ,&dult : Communit# "earning G &C"-

&pologies< &fta3 &hmed ,Sheffield College-* 7ate amill ,Firth Par/ : Shiregren Sure Start-* 0o Shaw ,Carl Duis3erg CDC-* Barr# 9ood ,&dult "earning Champions 6CNF-


Notes of the preliminar# meeting on ;K 0une ;))@

C=..ECT8=N< =n p(; the comment a3out provision developing into social gatherings and a communit# caf^ was made 3# 0o Shaw not 0o oldawa#( &T8C Mohamed &lsahimi reported that there was no ES=" provision in the &T8C 3id to =34ective =ne( &T8C>s role is advocac# related to getting proper training which will 3enefit clients( The focus is on emplo#ment and ES=" is addressed as part of this( &T8C can also offer programmes of cultural awareness training! in British culture for new residents and on minorit# cultures for e1isting residents( &T8C has written to local communit# groups offering training on on minorit# cultures( aualit# issues 7ath Swinne# e1plained the current situation in relation to 2ualifications for ES=" tutors( The new S/ills for "ife re2uirements had not #et come through( The &C" service was interviewing all tutors( Tutors need 2ualifications and e1perience , though this e1perience could 3e as volunteers-( There is a pro3lem with communit# tutors who are e1perienced ES=" tutors 3ut do not have appropriate 2ualifications( 8t is important not to discourage e1isting tutors( 9e are in a period of change which is creating difficult situations( owever! it must 3e recogniPed that not ever#3od# can teach ES="( Tutors will need< S Cert ED or PGCE S ES=" "evel @ =r! e1perience of teaching ES=" and wor/ing towards the 2ualifications( The deadline for completion of the 2ualifications is ;)$)! for ES=" and 3asic s/ills( New tutors will need a "evel @ 2ualification now( &CT8=N 7ath to o3tain and circulate a sheet giving details of re2uired tutor 2ualifications( 7ath said that the aim was to put on 2ualit# provision! not to discourage e1isting provision(

Funding possi3ilities S&?TE>s re2uest for C%!I;) from the Neigh3ourhood .enewal Fund was supported 3# Brightside : Shiregreen ""P and will 3e incorporated in the N.F Pro4ect Proposal document! which Mar# Blac/a was writing( ;( Jpdate on deliver#

S&?TE S There are $)B$$ home tutors wor/ing in the area( S =nl# one came to the latest training course( S S&?TE is now offering to pa# childcare costs! rather than provide childcare( S There was a new class starting the ne1t Monda# S .eferrals are still coming in at the same rate Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College There are no ES=" classes in schools( Gordon mentioned the Famil# "earning Da# at the school on $' =cto3er ;))@! from $)6 ))am to %6))pm( &ll local organisations were invited to have stalls at the event( %( Developments at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar#

&t the 0ul# meeting it had 3een anticipated that ES=" classes! delivered 3# the Carl Duis3erg Centre would start shortl#( owever! this had not happened 3ecause there were insufficient suita3l# 2ualified learners in the right categories( Carl Duis3erg>s funding appears to 3e limited to deliver# to refugees and as#lum see/ers onl#( Carl Duis3erg was interviewing again and it was hoped that classes would start shortl#( NClasses have now started(O Communit# North Forum is passing on ES=" referrals to &T8C( Mohamed &lsahimi e1plained that there were a num3er of individuals who came to &T8C for training who had an individual action plan which involved ES="( Mohamed thought that individuals wanted courses in the localit# and were not willing or a3le to travel( &T8C had information a3out some potential learners and their re2uirements in terms of level( The &dult "earning Champions also had some information a3out possi3le ES=" learners( S &C" could 3e accredited as an ES=" deliver# ,Trinit# - centre S The ome =ffice rules are changing( From ;I 0ul# ;))@! "evel Three ES=" will 3e re2uired S 7ath Swinne# thought that "evel =ne "iterac# might 3e easier to achieve than "evel Three literac# S ome =ffice rules are not #et clear

S Sheffield allam Jniversit# accepts Basic S/ills "evel Two "iterac# as evidence of competenc# in English DEC8S8=NS S 7ath Swinne# would pursue the issue of re2uired 2ualifications S Ton# arrison would also pursue this! within the 9E& S 8f the 2ualifications chec/ was =7! a "evel =ne Basic S/ills G "iterac# course would 3e delivered at the =ld "i3rar# S N& "evel Three literac#! with citiPenship would 3e delivered at the =ld "i3rar#O Mohamed thought that there would 3e via3le num3ers( S&?TE From 0anuar# ;))A S&?TE will 3e splitting the courses! with clear levels in each( S&?TE>s referrals come from the ousing Directorate! GPs! Sheffield College! health visitors! Sure Start etc( Schools S There is no da#6time space for adult classes at Firth Par/ Communit# &rts College S &n# classes run at primar# schools! eg artle# Broo/! Bec/! would have to 3e held with unregistered crZches ES=" in B:S! from Septem3er ;))@ &ctivit# =rganisations Status Notes First steps ome tutoring S&?TE &lread# 3eing delivered G continuing in Septem3er $)B$$ home tutors! wor/ing with learners and a further @BA doing the training( There are ;A people waiting for home tutors( 8nitial classes ,non accreditedClasses at<S Firth Par/ Methodist ChurchS St Margarets! Brightside ,twice per wee/S&?TE B 9E& &lread# 3eing delivered G continuing in Septem3er S $@ on the register! with an average of F attending ever# wee/S There is a long waiting list for this class Classes at<S Flower Estate Famil# &ctionS First Start S&?TE B9E& S Postponed to 0an )AS %6wee/ taster at Firth Par/ Methodist &ccredited courses Classes at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar# Carl Duis3erg Centre Commenced =cto3er )A Funded via mainstream G to 3e e1plored 3# CDC


Basic s/ills

8t was agreed that 3asic s/ills should 3e added to the remit of the group(

7ath e1plained her idea of a Boo/ Clu3 for those who do not usuall# read 3oo/s( The reading age of the 3oo/s would 3e a3out $;( The 3oo/ clu3 would 3e lin/ed via a we36 site with other similar clu3s across Sheffield( Basic S/ills is worse off than ES=" in the area( There are no 3asic s/ills courses! apart form those run 3# the Essential S/ills Pro4ect ,Flower Estate-( ESp>s =34ective =ne 3id was for rolling out ESp activit# across the whole area( 7ath Swinne# offered to run a course for tutors on teaching reading( S S Can the &dult "earning Champions give regular reports on demand for coursesD &T8C is a3le to deliver cultural awareness training to local groups

Mar# Blac/a reported that the =34ective =ne 3id for BaS8T was 3ased on the e1tension of its curriculum offer to cover citiPenship and e6learning( DEC8S8=NS S To widen the remit of the group to include 3asic s/ills

Ne1t meeting< Thursda# $I Novem3er! ;6))pm to @6))pm =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar# From< Blac/a Mar# WMar#(Blac/aUsheffield(gov(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed! vwilliamsUamathus(co(u/! tharrisonUwea(org(u/! swatsonUwea(org(u/! rhindleUwea(org(u/! tim(armstrongUlongle#par/(ac(u/! 7ath(Swinne#Usheffield(gov(u/! sha3ina;)))Uhotmail(com! goodwillcommunit#centreUhotmail(com! cnfrasUhotmail(com! aticu/U#ahoo(co(u/! lesle#ellenpearsonUl#cos(com! /atehamillUwwmail(co(u/! 4osephine(shawUcdcsheffield(co(u/! 4holdawa#Usavte(org(u/! ghenshawUfirthpar/(sheffield(sch(u/ Date< Monda# 6 =cto3er ;A! ;))@ $<); PM Su34ect< Brightside : Shiregreen 6 ES=" 6 Basic S/ills ES=" strat mtg 6 ;; Sep )@(doc ,@F$)@ 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO Mime(I;; ,'IAF' 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO ello &ll Notes of the ES=" B Basic S/ills Strateg# meeting are attached( Sorr# that it has ta/en me so long to complete these 6 lots of things got in the wa#(

The ne1t meeting is on Thursda# $I Novem3er ;))@! from ;6))pm to @6))pm! at the =ld Firth Par/ "i3rar#! Firth Par/ .oad( 8 will send a reminder Q agenda nearer the time( Cheers Mar# WWES=" strat mtg 6 ;; Sep )@(docLL The information in this email is confidential( The contents ma# not 3e disclosed or used 3# an#one other than the addressee( 8f #ou are not the addressee! please tell us 3# using the repl# facilit# in #our email software as soon as possi3le( Sheffield Cit# Council cannot accept an# responsi3ilit# for the accurac# or completeness of this message as it has 3een transmitted over a pu3lic networ/( 8f #ou suspect that the message ma# have 3een intercepted or amended please tell us as soon as possi3le( Than/ #ou for #our cooperation( Mar# Blac/a! &rea Planning : Development =fficer! &dult and Communit# "earning Jnit! Sheffield Cit# Council! $@A Croo/esmoor .oad! Sheffield S' %FP Tel( )$$@ ;'' I)FA ,direct line)$$@ ;'' FA)% ,general office num3er-

From< V9ilson! NicolaV Wnicola(wilsonUsheffieldgalleries(org(u/L To< &fta3 &hmed! opheliaclar/eU3ndfc(co(u/! 4aneanthon#U3ndfc(co(u/! BwrcF;U3tconnect(com! lhUhassanali(fsnet(co(u/! .hindleUwea(org(u/! gurnahUhotmail(com! Blac/forumUhotmail(com! 4(dennisUsheffieldartsed(org(u/! en2uiriesUgreencit#action(co(u/! Mali/U3lsa(org(u/! Ton#(tingleUsheffield(gov(u/! michael(spic/Usheffield(gov(u/! 7im(StreetsUsheffieldgalleries(org(u/ Date< Frida# 6 =cto3er ;;! ;))@ @<)I PM Su34ect< Burngreave ?oices Steering Group SG agenda K($$()@(doc ,$KK'I 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO SG Minutes ;I(K()@(doc ,;A)II 3#tes- N?iewO N=penO NSave &sO Mime(I;; ,'AF)@ 3#tes- N?iewO NSave &sO Dear &ll Please find attached the minutes from the last Burngreave ?oices Steering gp meeting and an agenda for the ne1t one on Kth Novem3er! ;())pm at Burngreave "i3rar#( The focus for this meeting will 3e on planning future activities

for the pro4ect so #our input would 3e greatl# appreciated 6 please can #ou let me /now if #ou are una3le to come( Than/s Ni//# WWSG agenda K($$()@(docLL WWSG Minutes ;I(K()@(docLL Ni//# 9ilson Burngreave ?oices Pro4ect =fficer Burngreave "i3rar# $FK Spital ill Sheffield S@ F"F Tel< )$$@ ;F' $K)) Fa1< )$$@ ;FK AI)@ Mo3ile< )FK'F ';IAFI e6mail< nicola(wilsonUsheffield(galleries(org(u/ Wmailto<nicola(wilsonUsheffield(galleries(org(u/L we36site< www(sheffieldgalleries(org(u/ Burngreave ?oices ;Ith Septem3er ;))@ Steering Group Meeting Burngreave "i3rar# Present< Mi/e Spic/ ,"ocal Studies "i3rar#-! Madge Dale ,Burngreave "i3rar#-! 7im Streets ,SGMT-! Ni//# 9ilson ,SGMT&pologies< 0ane Machin ,"i3rar#-! &hmed Gurnah ,BC"C-! Mohammed Mali/ ,B"S&$( 9elcome and Pro4ect Jpdate Ni//# introduced herself and updated those present on wor/ done so far( This has focused on the two main tas/s of meeting people in Burngreave ,residents! local groups and pro4ect staff- and preparing for the launch( She also reported on the choice of a new name for the pro4ect< \Burngreave ?oices G Cele3rating our Stories]( This was decided after a length# discussion with SGMT staff of man# other possi3ilties and can 3e shortened! when needed! to \Burngreave ?oices]( ;( Pro4ect "aunch

Preparations for this are well under wa#( The da# will have an emphasis on visitors having fun! with displa#s! stalls and wor/shops ,local histor#! creative writing! a memor# cloth and digital photograph#-( There will also 3e children>s arts and crafts activities! a steel 3and and lunch! followed 3# short speeches in the afternoon from the "ord Ma#or! a BNDfC representative ,#et to 3e confirmed- and several communit# mem3ers( Mi/e will provide a powerpoint presentation of images of Burngreave from the Picture Sheffield collection( e offered to put these on a CD to 3e /ept for use 3# the pro4ect at future events( ,9e need to thin/ a3out la#out in relation to soc/ets in the room as several activites will need one-( Ni//# as/ed for guidance on the most relevant points to 3ring out in her speech( These are to include< the long term and tangi3le impact of the pro4ect! the emphasis on cele3ration and the partnership 3etween SGMT! "i3rar# Services and other organisations! and the lin/s to Blac/ istor# Month( 8t was agreed that SGMT should 3ring a couple of displa# cases ,same as the ones used at the Multicultural Festival- and that these could 3e placed in the li3rar# after the launch! along with the photographic displa#! for the rest of the month( These will 3e in the main room and entrance of the li3rar#(

%( "in/ing with =ther Events Famil# "earning 9ee/ Ni//# has made contact with .ashida assanali and has planned some 4oint activities for Famil# "earning 9ee/ in Firs ill and St Catherine>s 0 : 8 schools( &lso suggested was lin/ing with the Mother : Toddler groups and with li3rar# activities( Madge as/ed that Ni//# give a 3riefing to all li3rar# staff on the launch activities and displa#( 8t was agreed that the seminar proposed for Novem3er should 3e postponed until the new #ear( This was to 3e aimed at wor/ers and could include a review of the pro4ect( @( Feed3ac/ from Ciara Canning>s research The following points were noted from Ciara>s report< 6 the need for a focus on tangi3le outcomes! 6 the need to 3e inclusive and ma/e the pro4ect open to ever#one in the area! 6 the importance of social aspects of events and activities< people came 3ecause the# wanted to en4o# themselves! 6 for pu3licit# word of mouth is 3est 3ut man# different methods should 3e used to get round all the different groups! 6 Personal invitations are important! 6 don>t rel# on a meeting format to draw people in< this was clearl# a 3ig turn6off to man# people! 6 multicultural events which 3ring people together are ver# much appreciated(

The final report from Ciara>s research can 3e 3orrowed in CD format if an#one wants to read the whole thing( A( Forward Planning Themes and ideas for the pro4ect to focus on< 6 Childhood 6 Shopping ,fits in with the plans for 9eston Par/ Museum displa#s G Firs ill istor# Group have made a map of Spital hill shops in the $K@)>s6 School da#s 6 Buildings that have 3een /noc/ed down 6 Moving to Burnggreave< different e1periences among the diverse cultures( '( Pu3licit# for activities and events \9hat>s on G Sheffield Diar#] in the Star is a good place to advertise events for Saturda#s( Mi/e as/ed for ;A) words a3out the pro4ect 3# DecB0an to go in the \Sheffield istor# .eporter] < Ni//# to provide( To note< Sheffield istor# Fair is on Fth Ma# ;))A at the Town all F( Ne1t Meeting on Tuesda# Kth Novem3er at ;())pm at Burngreave "i3rar#(

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