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Topic Brief Development Co-operation: Building Trade Capacity for Innovation

The Doha Ministerial Round places great emphasis on sustainably financed technical assistance and capacity building programs. Initially focused on Aid for Trade with investments rising from $20.6bn in 2006 to $32.1bn in 2010 by loans, grants, and funds; channeling pooled investments through multinational institutions. WTO must focus on building human, institutional and trade capacity, by incorporating Build Operate Transfer, Value Chain Analysis and use of modern economic models to maximize results. Identification of stakeholders Clear distinction between LDCs, developing and developed countries exist. Stakeholders will be unique for individual nations depending on their economic position, reliance on trade and geopolitical leanings. External Internal Russia, China, US, Recipient Nations France, Turkey & Iran Donor Nations Neighboring States Unions, Associations UNSC, UNOCHA, and Trade Bodies UNHCR, UNHRC & Government and Related bodies related UNO bodies (Central Banks, International Ministry of Trade) Agencies ( Research Centers Aid agencies (Oxfam, Universities ICRC, UNICEF) Rights Groups(HRW, Amnesty, SOHR) Micro finance institutions Points to consider Delegates are supposed to consider these pointers as clues to guide the flow of committee sessions over Aid for Trade initiatives. Aid-for-Trade Initiative/programs Impacts of o trade facilitation programs o strengthening the public sector o developing and strengthening the private sector supply-side and trade-related infrastructure constraints Domestic policies and regulatory reforms South-South co-operation External funding Micro financing

Sources Warwick Commission : Five challenges facing WTO Chapter 3: Making the WTO deliver more for its weaker members Chapter 2: Purpose, boundaries and decision making Global Problems Global Solutions: Public Forum 2009 (Section V, GG,HH,II,JJ) WTO Dispute Settlement

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