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HINDUSTAN UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI EEE Department 2 Marks Questions and Answers




2 Marks

1% De&ine a 'oi(er and distin)uis* 'etween &ire tu'e 'oi(er and water tu'e 'oi(er

Boiler is equipment used to convert water into steam under high pressure with the help of heat. It is otherwise called as steam generator and works at a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure. In fire tu e oiler! the water

surrounds the tu es through which the hot gases are passed. In water tu e oiler the hot gases surround the tu es through which the water is passed. In fire tu e oiler the output is low. In water tu e oiler the output is high. 2% +ow does &usi'(e p(u) work is a 'oi(er, "usi le plug is a device fi#ed at the surface of the oiler close to the fine cham er. This device is made up of a gun metal which has low melting point than the metal of the oiler shell. $nder normal working conditions of the cotroller the water in the oiler will e at the safe level and fusi le plug will e immersed is the water. %hen the controller fails the water lend comes down and due to

overheating of oilers the fusi le plug melts the steam in the oiler flows to the fine cham er and puts&off the fine. Thus a ma'or e#plosion of oiler and its

accessories is prevented ( fusi le plug. 3% Distin)uis* 'etween (i&t and es-a(ator Elevators or lifts are generall( provided for multi&store(ed uildings. )ifts are the onl( mode of transport which are moving trul( vertical

Escalators are otherwise known as powered steps Escalators are ver( useful to carr( more num er of people etween one floor to the other at an( instant. $suall( escalators are operated continuousl(. .% /*at is a 'u&&er and 'umper in (i&t termino(o)ies, Bu&&er0 $ This is placed at the pit to a sor the shock of either the ca or the counterweight when it lands on it. *il uffer and spring uffer are generall( wed e#tensivel(. Bumper0 $ This is a device which works similar to uffer and replaces uffer if required. 5% /rite at (east t*ree spe-ia( &eatures re1uired at (i&ts and es-a(ators &or p*2si-a((2 *andi-apped and e(der(2 persons% +, )ifts should e at the entrance level and should have sufficient space atleast to a dimension of +.+ # +-m allowing maneuvering and turning of a wheel chair ., Internal lift control uttons should e at a height etween /00mm and from the floor. 1, Buttons should e easil( operated light touch t(pe with visual and tactile indication of floor selection. 63 /*at is a *o(d 'a-k in a -on4e2or, A hold ack is a mechanical device which allows the pullet to matte in onl( one direction. This is used when the elt is moved is an inclined position and during this t(pe of movement whenever the power fails the load in the elt tends to move it is the reverse direction if the hold ack is not provided.

5% List t*e di&&erent t2pes o& 4i'rators% There are several t(pes of vi rations availa le for compacting the connect. The( are 2i, Internal vi rator 23eedle vi rator, 2ii, "ormwork vi rator 2E#ternal vi rator, 2iii, Ta le vi rator 6% /*at is a 'at-* mi7er, /*at are its t2pes, The atch mi#er is used mostl( commonl( for ordinar( uildings. The atch mi#ers are of the following three t(pes 2i, Tilting mi#ers 2ii, 3on&tilting mi#ers 2iii, 4eversing mi#ers 8% !tate 9(emin):s (e&t *and ru(e "leming5s left hand rule states that if the left hand is held in a wa( that the forefinger! middle finger and the thum are at right angles and if the fore finger represents the direction of magnetic field and the middle finger represents the direction of current! then the thum represents the direction of motion of

conductor under the influence of the force e#perienced.

1;% /*at is e(e-troma)neti- indu-tion, According to this principle! whenever a conductor cuts a magnetic flu#! an emf is induced in the conductor causing a current to flow through it when the circuit is closed. The direction of emf is given ( "lemings right handrule. 11% Di&&eren-e 'etween a motor and a )enerator% Motor0 A motor is a machine which converts electrical energ( in to mechanical energ(. %hen a motor works with a Director current 2D.6, suppl(! it is termed as D.6.7otor. enerator0 A 8enerator is a machine which converts mechanical energ( in to electrical energ(. %hen it produces a direct current is called D.6. 8enerator. 12% /*at is t*e di&&eren-e 'etween A%C and D%C, D%C Motor and A%C Motor0 %hen a motor works with a Direct current 2D6, suppl(! it is termed as D6 motor! when a motor works with Alternate current 2A6, suppl( it is termed as A6 motor. AC enerator and AC )enerator0 %hen a generator produces a direct current is called D6 generator. %hen Alternating current is produced from a generator! it is called alternator 2or, A6 generator.

13% /*at do 2ou mean '2 Es-a(ators, Escalators are used to carr( more num er of people etween one floor to the other at an( instant. 1.% Mention at(east two ad4anta)es o& *2dro e(e-tri- power p(ant% +. %ater is a cheap and renewa le source of energ( where as the fuel used in other plants is e#pensive and e#hausti le. .. There is no air pollution! radiation ha9ard! ash disposal pro lem. 1. 6ost of maintenance is less. 15% E7p(ain t*e -on-ept o& &(ow o& wind on eart* "low of wind is the effect of solar heat. The energ( form the sun heats up the earth surface. As the earth rotates a out its own a#is and also revolves around the surface of the earth is su 'ected to alternate heating and cooling. This change is temperature results is change in pressure and thus wind starts flowing from higher pressure 9one to low pressure 9one. Thus the earth atmosphere is a

marvelous solar driven heat engine that can generate a out +0 million 7% of power. 16% /*at is a 4i'rator, :i rator is an electric device used to compact the concrete ( e#pelling the entrapped air.

15% /*at are t*e -(assi&i-ation o& 4i'rator, +. Internal vi rator 2needle vi rator, .. "ormwork vi rator 2E#ternal vi rator, 1. Ta le vi rator ;. Platform vi rator -. <urface vi rator =. :i rator( 4oller 16% /*at is a -on4e2or, 6onve(or are used to transfer the materials from one place to the other over a short distance 18% /*at is a -on-rete mi7er, 6oncrete mi#er is a machine used to mi# the ingredients of concrete so as to prepare a fresh mi#ture of concrete. 2;% /*at are t*e t2pes o& -on-rete mi7ers, +. 6ontinuous mi#ers .. Batch mi#ers or Drum mi#ers

<art$B +. %hat are the various accessories used in Boilers> E#plain in detail with necessar( sketches .. 6ompare of contrast a 6ochran oiler with a %ilco# oiler 1. %rite short notes on?& +, )ift of Escalators ., 6onve(ors 1, :i rators of concrete mi#ers

;. 8ive an account on construction of working of A.6. of D.6 8enerators -. E#plain in detail a out construction of working of @(droelectric power plants =. %rite short notes on? +, 8as of electrical ., Air A Electricit(

Unit$2 2 Marks 1% Di&&erentiate 'etween -ondu-tan-e and e7isten-e Condu-tan-e0 It is the propert( of an( su stance that allows the flow of current in it. It is measured in mho "esistan-e0$ 4esistance is the propert( of an( su stance that opposes the flow of current in it. It is denoted ( the s(m ol B B and is measured in ohms. 2% De&ine power )i4e its units Power is defined as the rate at which the work is done. It is denoted ( the letter Cp5 and is measured in Cwatts5. 3% Quote some e7amp(es &or t*e sour-es o& AC supp(2 and DC supp(2% <ource of A6 suppl(?& An A.6 generator <ource of D6 suppl(? Batteries! D6 generators .% Draw t*e -ir-uit s2m'o(s &or t*e &o((owin) +. )amp 1. 6eiling fan )amp 6eiling "an & & .. <ingle tu e tight ;. Three pin socket

5% /rite t*e !I units &or t*e &o((owin) e(e-tri-a( 1uantities +. 6urrent densit( 1. Potential drop Ans0$ 6urrent densit( Electric flu# Potential drop <usceptance & Ampere / met & 6oulom 26, & :olt 2:, & 7ho 2) , .. Electric flu# ;. <usceptance

6% Mention an2 two (o-ations in a residentia( 'ui(din) w*ere two wa2 swit-* is &re1uent(2 used +. )ights at ed rooms .. )ights at staircases 5% Di&&erentiate 'etween pu(( swit-* and pus* swit-* <u(( swit-*0$ The pull switches work with the strong mechanical action. It is

usuall( operated ( a single pull oth for *3 and *"". This switch is installed on the ceiling and a chord is made to hang from the top for operating it. <us* Button swit-*0 This switch is used for calling ells and u99ers. It consists of a single lade with the insulated cover which is pushed for ath C*35 and C*""5 alternativel(.

6% De&ine E(e-tri-it2 It is defined as the flow of electrons in an( conductor 8% /*at is t*e ro(e o& &use in an e(e-tri-a( insta((ation, The function of a fuse is to protect the electrical appliances from heav( current. Thus whenever a high voltage is passed through a fuse wire it

automaticall( melts and reaks the circuits. "use is alwa(s provided in live wires and not on neutral and earth. 1;% De&ine eartin) in an e(e-tri-a( wirin) Earthing is connecting the electrical appliances to the ground so that an( unforeseen current such as leakages! faults etc is immediatel( discharged to the earth. The pursose of earthing is to ensure all parts of the s(stem other than live parts are at earth potential at all times 2or, the purpose is to avoid electric shock to human od(. 11% Mention at (east two wirin) s2stems t*at are -ommon(2 adopted% i, <eries circuit connection ii, Parallel circuit connection 12% /*at is t*e prin-ip(e on w*i-* t*e trans&ormer works% The Principle is D7utual Induction PrincipleE Accourding to this! whenever a current carr(ing conductor is wounded 2primar(, on one side of a laminated core

an emf is induced on the conductor wounded 2secondar(, on the other side of the laminated core provided the secondar( coils lies within the magnetic field of the primar(. 13% De&ine -ondu-tan-e0$ It is the reciprocal of resistance of it is measured in mho
1.% /rite at (east two app(i-ations o& a trans&ormer= >rans&ormers are used in=

i, Transmission and distri ution of electric power! ii, 4adio! Television and Telephone circuits iii, <tep up and step down requirements iv, 7easuring current using current transformer and measuring voltage using voltage transformer 2v, <pecial application like furnace transformers and welding transformers. 15% De&ine swit-*)ear <witchgear refers to a suita le com ination cassem l( of switching of devices for use in connection with generation! transmission! distri ution and conversion of electrical energ(. 16% De&ine ma)neti- &(u70$ It is defined as the amount of magnetic field produced ( a magnetic source.

15% /*at are t*e two t2pes o& e(e-tri-a( supp(2 +. Direct current 2D6, suppl( .. Alternating current 2A6, suppl( 16% /*at are t*e t2pes o& iorn -(ad swit-*, +. Dou le pole iron clad switch 2DPI6, .. Triple pole iron clad switch 2TPI6, 1. Triple pole iron clad switch with neutral link 2TP3I6, 18% /*at is a &use, "use is provided at man( places in electrical installations! especiall( along with main switch and at distri ution fuse oard. 2;% /*at do 2ou mean '2 eart*in), Earthing is connecting the electrical appliances to the ground so that an( unforeseen current such as leakages! faults etc are immediatel( discharged to the earth.

<art$B +. )ist the various protective devices used in electrical installation of e#plain each one in detail. .. %h( is earthing important for an( uilding> Draw neat sketches for various t(pes of earthing of e#plain in detail 1. %hat are the various wiring s(stems adopted in a uilding> E#plain in detail ;. Draw a neat sketch of la(out of electrical feltings in a residential flat A E#plain -. 8ive an account on Transformer of its applications =. %hat are the various features that have to e ensured in locating> <u station in a uilding as per 3B6>

Unit$3 2 Marks 1% De&ine (are (east its t2pes

Bright light which interferes with visual perception is called glare. A right area in the field of vision reduces the a ilit( to perceive visual information needed for task performance. T(pes?& +. Discomfort glare .. Disa ilit( glare 1. Direct glare ;. Indirect glare 2% /*at are t*e draw'a-ks o& -orpus-u(ar t*eor2, 6orpuscular theor( failed to e#plain partial reflection! partial refraction and other phenomena such as interference! diffraction and polari9ation. 3% /*at is Ca(orimetr2, 6alorimetr( is the science of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or ph(sical changes. 6alorimetr( involves the use of calorimeter. The word

calorimetr( from latin word calor meaning heat. T(pes?& +. Direct calorimetr( .. Indirect 6alorimetr(

;% /*at is t*e &re1uen-2 and wa4e(en)t* o& 9M wa4es, The frequenc( of an "7 radio wave is a out +007@F G +00 #+0 @9. This means a out that the wavelength is a out 1m long. 5% De&ine t*e re(ations*ip 'etween &re1uen-2 and wa4e(en)t*% The higher the frequenc(! lesser will e the wavelength and relationship etween frequenc( and wavelength is given (!
+ Where Wavelength


6% Di&&erentiate 'etween U# radiation and I" radiation% U# radiation +. $: radiation has wavelength slightl( less than those of violet light .. 1. It is emitted ( the sun and also ( other o 'ects at high temperature. These radiation helps to keep the od( health( ut e#cessive amounts can cause damage to the skin and e(es and can e used to kill harmful acteria on kitchens and hospitals It can e felt as heat radiation from the sun and from other heated odies It is made use of radiant heating devices for detecting patterns of heat emesis ions for seeing in dark for communication links. I" radiation I4 radiation has wavelength slightl( grater than those of red light

5% /*at is a so-ia( an)(e, +ow is it measured, It is defined as the angle su tended at the centre of the sphere etween the lines 'oining the opposite edges of a segment of a sphere with the centre. It is denoted ( Cw5. 6onsider an area CA5 which is a segment of a sphere of radices B B . )et C65 e the centre point of the sphere which is 'oined to ever( point on the edges of area! A. 3ow he solid angle w su tended ( this area at the centre of the sphere is given (.


6% /*at is M%+%!%C%<, If the average of the candle power is taken over a hemisphere instead of a sphere like in 7.<.6.P then it is called as mean hemispherical candle power which is a reviated as 7.@.<.6.P
7.@.<.6.P G flux emitted in a hemisphere .

8% De&ine in4erse s1uare (aw &or i((umination The illumination of a surface is inversel( proportional to the square of the distance of the surface from the source.
E + . r

1;% Distin)uis* 'etween -o(our temperature and -o(our renderin) Co(our temperature +. The colour temperature of a lamp descri es how the light appears when human e(e looks directl( at the illuminated ul . .. It is measured ( a unit called kelvin2H, 1. The scale that starts at a 9ero 2&+.I1 degrees 6, ;. A theoreticall( perfect radiator called a lack od( is used as the standard of comparison. It is measured ( colour rendering inde#. The scale has value from 0 to +000 percent. This a ilit( is measured ( comparing the appearance of o 'ects under the light source with their appearance under a reference source such as da(light. Co(our renderin) 6olour rendering descri es how a light source makes the colour of an o 'ect appear to human e(es.

11% /*at is -a((ed as spe-trum, %henever a eam of light passes through a prism it get dispersed into its component colours of all wavelengths called spectrum which include wavelengths of visi le light.

12% E7p(ain *ow t*e propa)ation o& (i)*t is per-ei4ed, 7odern theor( proposes that light has a dual character. <ometimes it ehaves like a particle or corpuscle. "or e#ample when light energ( comes from sun! there are two model of transportation. 2i, This energ( ma( e carried ( small material particles travelling with finite velocit(! and each particle possesses kinetic energ( G 7:. and no material medium is required for propagation of these particles. This is the asic form of 3ewton5s corpuscular theor(. 2ii, The second mode of transportation ma( e considered that the light energ( moves ( wave motion where the actual matter does not travel. This process requires some intervening medium for transfer of energ(. This interpretation was further supplemented ( wave theor( of light given ( @u(gens. 13% Distin)uis* 'etween down (i)*ters and up(i)*ters Down (i)*ters0$ Down lighters cast distinct pools of light onto the surface Up (i)*ters0$ $p lighters throw light onto ceiling where it ounces off to create a soft eight the( work est in rooms where ceiling is painted white or a light shade. The( are also perfect for stud( or home office as the light going upwards avoids glare. elow.

1.% Di&&erentiate 'etween additi4e -o(our and su'tra-ti4e -o(our% Additi4e -o(our +. If coloured lights are added together then the( will produce other colours .. %hen the three primar( additive colours are com ined in equal proportions the( add to produce white light 1. Eg?& 4ed J 8reen G Kellow 8reen J Blue G c(an 4ed J lue G 7agenta 4ed J 8reen J Blue G %hite ;. The( are used for stage lighting! colour television and in colour printing The( are widel( used for paint pigments! colour photographs and colour printing. 6(an su tracts 4ed These pairs are 7agenta su tracts 8reen formed as (ellow su tracts Blue complementar( colours %hen the three primar( su tractive colours are com ined in equal propotions the( su tract components of white light to produce darkness. !u'tra-ti4e -o(our If colours are su tracted from white light then other colours will e produced.

15% /*at is a 4isua( task, :isual tasks are the tasks 2work, that are carried out with the help of vision. 16% /*at are t*e &a-tors a&&e-tin) 4isua( tasks, +. <i9e! .. )uminance! 1. 6ontrast! ;. 8lare

15% /*at is )(are, Bright light which interferes with visual perception is called glare.

16% /*at are t*e two t2pes o& 4isua( tasks, i, Paper ased tasks ii, 6omputer ased tasks 18% /*at are t*e modern t*eor2 o& (i)*t, +. 6orpuscular theor( .. %are theor( 1. Electromagnetic theor( ;. Luantum Theor( 2;% /*at are t*e t2pes o& )(are +. Discomfort glare .. Disa ilit( glare 1. Direct glare ;. Indirect glare <A"> $ B +. i, <tate and e#plain the factors affecting visual tasks ii, %rite short notes on s(nthesis of light .. 8ive a detailed account of modern theor( of light and colour

1. %rite short notes on i, <(nthesis of colour ii, Illumination iii, $tili9ation and depreciation factor ;. E#plain in detail a out artificial light source. -. %rite in detail a out lighting requirements in various uilding t(pes. =. %hat are the special features to e considered in lighting for ph(sicall(! handicapped and elderl( people.

Unit$. 2 marks
1% De&ine >*ermod2nami-s, The term Thermod(namics stem from 8reekwords. Therme means heat and d(namics means power. The term of thermod(namics is a ranch of science that deals the stud( of heat which is in motion. 2% Distin)uis* 'etween (atent *eat o& &usion and (atent *eat o& e4aporation, (atent *eat o& &usion (atent *eat o& e4aporation

i, )atent heat of fusion is defined as the i, The latent heat of evaporation 2or, amount of heat required to convert unit vapori9ation is defined as the amount of mass of the su stance from solid to heat required to convert unit mass of the liquid at its melting point without an( liquid into its vapour state at the same rise in temperature. temperature.

ii, "or e#ample water e#ists as ice at ii, "or e#ample the water which is in 0 c.

when it starts melting it is liquid form starts evaporating 2converts ut the ice to steam, at +00oc. After reaching

converted in to water

temperature 20 c, is maintained for +00oc more the water is heated more the some amount of time till all the ice steam is generated without the change melts totall(. in temperature.

3% De&ine re&ri)eration w*at is t*e prin-ip(e re&ri)eration, 4efrigeration is defined as the process of cooling and maintaining a temperature well elow that of the surrounding atmospheric temperature. <rin-ip(e o& re&ri)eration The principle of refrigeration is governed ( the second law of

thermod(nanics which states that heat cannot flow from a cold od( to a hot od( unless an e#ternal force acts on it. "igure representation given elow
Cold Bod( 4e frigerator Hot Bod(
@ eat H eat

.% /rite at (east two ad4anta)es o& &an -oi( s2stems% +. The s(stem can accommodate upto +00M outside air capa ilit(. .. Fones can e individuall( controlled. 5% De&ine -oo(in) towers, The cooling towers in an air conditioning s(stem is the means ( which the heat from the condenser of the refrigeration s(stem is re'ected to the atmosphere. 6ooling towers are used for controlling the temperature of water usuall( in ig plants of a ove +00 tons capacit(. 6% /*2 is air -onditionin) in *ospita( more si)ni&i-ant, Air conditioning in hospitals assume greater significance. In man( cases proper air conditioning can e a factor in the therap( of the patient and insome instances part of the ma'or treatment.

5% /rite at (east two pre-autions to pre4ent &ire -aused AC s2stem, Escape routes like staircase common corridors! lift lo used as return air passage. <ome dampers should height. The air handling unit room should not com usti le materials. 6% /rite at(east t*ree desi)n -onsideration on water pipin), i, The material used for pipes are generall( steel with welded or flanged 'oints as other materials are more prone to corrosion. ii, iii, The water velocit( in the pipe are normall( in the range of +m/s to 1m/s. 7ain headers in the plant room are designed fro ver( low velocit( around + m/s. 8% +ow is -*i((ed water p(ant di&&erent &rom ot*er s2stem, 6hilled water plant is a centrall( located plant which has several quantifia le advantage over decentrali9ed equipment. This is suita le for The e used for storage of an( e provided fro uildings with more than .;m ies etc should not e

organi9ation 2or, institutions having several uildings across the campus.

advantage of having centrali9ed water plant over individual units in each uilding includes improved efficienc(! a ilit( to c(cle easil( etween alternate energ(

resources reduced maintenance and long term capital cost reduction.

1;% De&ine -oo(in) (oads, Buildings are uilt to provide a safe and comforta le internal environment despite variations in e#ternal conditions. The e#tent to which the desired interior conditions can e economicall( maintained is one important measure of success of a uilding design. <ince the control of inside conditions is usuall( to the active heating and cooling s(stem the( have to e designed ased on the proper ovalution of the thermal characteristics of the surroundings. 11% Di&&erentiate 'etween -ondenser and e4aporation Condenser E4aporator

The condenser is attached to one out of It is the component which is actuall( two leads 2pipes, fi#ed to the fitted at the cooling portiong of the refrigerator 2free9er, cooling device. ecause is actual compressor. It is $ shaped

12% /*at are t*e 4arious modes o& *eat trans&er, It can happen in three forms +. 6onduction .. 6onvection 1. 4adiation 13% /*at is a !tarter, <tarters are used to esta lish the starting circuit for starting the motor. 1.% /*at are t*e t2pes o& starter +. 6urrent starting rela( .. @ot wire starting rela( 1. :oltage starting rela( ;. <olid state starting rela(.

15% /*at do 2ou mean '2 air *and(in) units, Air heading units are the equipments that deals with the hot and cold air which air used to condition the air inside a room. 16% /*at are t*e two t2pes o& air *and(in) units +. <ingle duct units .. Dou le or dual duct units 15% /*at do 2ou mean '2 *2droni- s2stem, Piping s(stems for water A pumps for inducing the flow of water is called h(dronic s(stems. 16% /*at do 2ou mean '2 &ar -oi( s2stems, It is an air conditioning s(stem used in uildings. 18% /*at are t*e two 'asi- pipin) arran)ements t*at are wide(2 pra-ti-ed, +. Direct return plan .. 4eversed return plan 2;% /*at are t*e -(assi&i-ation o& a -oo(in) towers, +. 3atural draft atmospheric spra( tower. .. 3atural draft deck t(pe tower. 1. "orced draft cooling tower. ;. Induced draft cooling tower.

<A">$B +. Define temperature. E#plain in detail it measurements. .. E#plain he construction and working of a refrigerator. 1. 8ive a detailed account on electric motors and starters. ;. %rite short notes on a, Air handling units , 6ooling towers. c, Packaged air conditioners. -. %rite short notes on a,%indow air conditioner , 6hilled water plant c, "an coil s(stems. =. 8ive an account on air conditioning s(stems suita le for various t(pes of uildings.

UNI> 5 2 Marks 1% List t*e si)ni&i-ant to7i- )ases t*at are produ-ed durin) &ire a, 6ar on mono#ide , 6ar on dio#ide c, @(drogen sulphide d, 3itrogen dio#ide 2% i4e at (east two re-ommendations o& NBC wit* respe-t to &ire sa&et2% +. A uilding or portion of the uilding ma( e occupied onl( if all means of e#it and fire protection measures are in place and continuousl( maintained for the occupied part of the uilding. .. )ifts and escalators should not e considered as fire e#it. 3% +ow -an 'e tim'er made &ire resistant, The structural elements made of tim er ignite and rapidl( destro(ed in case of fire. The use of tim er cannot e totall( avoided as a construction

material! the surface of the tim er is coated with paints and / or certain chemicals such as a ammonium phosphate! ammonium sulphate! ora#!

oric acid! 9inc chloride etc to make if fire resistant. 7ore over it acts as the fuel to the fire.

.% Des-ri'e t*e 1ua(it2 o& -on-rete wit* respe-t o& &ire resistan-e% This material is a ad conductor of heat and ti si an effective

material for fire resisting construction. The concrete offers a much higher resistance to a fire than an( other material. The actual ehaviour of

concrete in case of a fire depends on the qualit( of cement and t(pe of aggregate forming the concrete and in case of reinforced and prestressed structures is also depends on the position of steel in concrete. 5% List at (east t*ree &ire es-ape e(ements in 'ui(din)s +. A separate fire life should e provided for use of fire ridge in the event of fire. .. Ever( tall uilding should have a minimum of . staircases. 1. The lifts and escalators should not e considered as e#its. 6% /rite at (east t*ree spe-ia( desi)n -onsiderations to 'e -onsidered &or p*2si-a((2 *andi-apped and e(der(2 peop(e wit* respe-t to &ire sa&et2% +. "lashing lights can e activated simultaneousl( with an audi le alarm s(stem to alert persons with hearing impairments. .. *ld age and disa led person need to e included in all fire drills. 1. "lashing lights vi rating eds or varia le velocit( fans can alert deaf and lind people.

5% /*at is smoke dete-tor,

i4e e7amp(e

It is a device that5s detects smoke commercial! industrial and mass residential devices issue a signal to a fire alarm s(stem while household detectors! known as smoke alarms! generall( issue a local audi le and/or visual alarm from the detector itself. E#ample ? optical smoke detector. 6% /*at are t*e 4arious &ire a(arm s2stems, The fire alarm s(stems are of two t(pes a, Automatic Alarm <(stems , 7anual Alarm <(stems. 8% E7p(ain t*e si)ni&i-an-e o& &ire (i)*tin)% Emergenc( lighting should e powered from a source independent of that suppl( the normal lighting. Escape lighting should e capa le of indicating clearl( and

unam iguousl( the escape routes. 1;% Distin)uis* 'etween dr2 riser and wet riser /et riser Dr2 riser

+. It is also called wet h(drant riser It is also called dr( h(drant riser which which is installed in ma#imum height =0m. uilding of is installed in a uilding with the height in the range of +N&;0m.

.. It is almost similar to dr( riser e#cept It is not changed with pressuri9ed that the riser is alwa(s charged with suppl( of water. pressuri9ed suppl( of water

11% De&ine sprink(er *ead In the automatic sprinklers the heat actuated devices known as the sprinkler heads are fitted at regular usuall( 1m along the pipes. 12% List t*e 4arious t2pes o& sprink(er *eads t*at are -ommon(2 used a, "usi le link , 6hemical @ead c, 8lass Bul d, *pen <prinkle @eads 2De ug <(stem, 13% List t*e 4arious t2pes o& sprink(er s2stems Three t(pes of sprinkler s(stem +. 4esidential sprinkler s(stem .. Domestic sprinkler s(stem 1. 6ommercial sprinkler s(stem 1.% List t*e 4arious stru-tures w*ere automati- sprink(er s2stems are -ommon(2 insta((ed% +. @igh rise uildings .. 7ulti stra(ed uildings 1. <hopping malls ;. Theatres

15% /*at are t*e 4arious pre-autions to 'e taken in t*e arran)ement o& automati- sprink(er s2stem, +. The pipes should e fitted on the ceiling of the room at a height not more than ; meters. .. In order to make the s(stem more effective! the arrangement should e made to cause an automatic alarm in case of a fire. 16% /*at do 2ou mean '2 a (o''2, )o ( is an open area inside the entrance of a pu lic uilding. 15% /*at is a dr2 riser, It is an arrangement of fire fighting within the uilding ( means of vertical rising mains not less than +00mm internal diameter with landing valves on each floor which is dr( ut is capa le of eing charged with water usuall( ( pumping from fire service appliances. 16% /*at is a wet riser, The riser is alwa(s charged with pressuri9ed suppl( of water. 18% /*at are t*e stru-tura( e(ements t*at s*ou(d 'e )i4en due -onsiderations &or desi)n, +. %alls A 6olumn .. "loors A roofs 1. %all openings ;. Building fire escape element staircase. 2;% /*at is a 4isi'(e smoke dete-tor, A source of light is directed at a receiving photocell. In case of fire! smoke scatters the light and an alarm is triggered.

<art$B +. Descri e in detail a out the causes and effects of fire. .. )ist out the various recommendations of 3ational Building code with respect to fire safet(. 1. Descri e the characteristics of materials and technolog( of construction with respect to fire safet(. ;. %rite short notes on "ire lifts and lo ies

A6 s(stem and means of fire escape <pecial features for ph(sicall( handicapped and elderl( people with respect to fire safet(. -. %rite short notes on "ire alarm s(stems <moke Detector "ire lightings %ater storage and pumps =. 8ive an account on automatic sprinkler s(stems.

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