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N 23

Yoginis an nd yogis, to ogether wit th the Cabe ella Founda ation, have promoted d World Da ay Realiza tion Day on the 5th h of May, a and recentl ly, national coordinat tors have s similarly be een invited d to join Wo orld Day fo or Inner Peace on 21 1st of Marc ch. Both in nitiatives re elated to ou ur holy cal endar des serve our su upport, ima agination a and respons se in 2014. The owne ership of th hese initiati ives belong g to all thos se who will l do someth hing with i it. The field d is yours t to adequate ely celebra ate the Gift t from Our Mother th hrough thes se opportu unities, and d we sugges st a two sta age approac ch. Firstly, let t us try to experimen nt in 2014 4 and prom mote these two World d Days wor rld wide in n every pos ssible sensi ible way th hrough initi iatives of y your comm munity, in as ssociation with inter ested part ties. Quite simply, we e can at lea ast organiz ze thematic c events or r public pr rograms on n Selfrealiz zation on one hand an nd meditati ion/though htless awar reness/inn ner peace on n the other r hand. The e packaging g, approach h or focus m may be diffe erent but th he reality is s one. At a later r stage, equ uipped wit th the expe erience gained, we could try to o promote these two o World Day ys outside in a more o official man nner. atives by sending you Please document the e results of f your initia ur feedback k to the sec cretariat of f tives: the initiat Contact fo or World Re ealization D Day at: halb bertolli@ho m Secretaria at for World d Day for In nner Peace e at: zargan nenko@gma B. ABOUT T HANDLIN NG DIFFER RENCES In a com mment on a prophec cy made o on Her Ad dvent, Shri i Mataji ob bserved in n Sholapur r (30.1.1982) that a T Third World d War coul ld be avoid ded if the sa ahaja yogis s love each other. We e shall not c comment o on this state ement but p please take e notice. No matter r what the genesis of f difference es in the sa angha migh ht be, we th herefore re epeat that a a good faith h effort at introspect tion and d dialogue is a more promising c course to please p Our r

23rd Comm munication of f the Central Committee

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Mother an nd Guru. On nly our gen nuine conne ection with h the spirit in complet te thoughtl less aware ness will l lead us to u unity that realizes one es own self f in the oth her and is b beyond the e net of dif ferent opi inions. Trying to win a war against bro others and sisters or o ostracizing g the other side is not particular ly sahaj as s we observ ved in our communic cation conc cerning Gre eece. Childr ren of the s same Moth er can do better and avoid a consequent lo oss of credibility. me time, we w are all fu ully aware e that achie eving unity y in the rel ligion creat ted by Shri i At the sam Mataji mu ust be grou unded on ju ustice and d dharmic be ehaviors; it t is not a ba argain with h falsehood d or a comp promise wit th something that is fa alse. Serving ou ur commun nity invites s us all to m move ahead d, conscious s of the sta akes, throug gh the will ingness an nd capacity y to bridge differences s. It is comp pletely feas sible. It is n necessary. The good news is that most of us wish to practice d dharma and d respect th he truth. H Hence there e is certainl ly scope fo or reconciliation in m many cases s if not in all a cases. L Let us try our o best in n 2014, min ndful of our r responsib bility. In an ny case, act tivating the e power of f love is som mething all l yoginis an nd yogis can n relate to. C. A WAY FORWARD DS IN INDI IA? In the ligh ht of the ab bove, the CC expresse ed itself sev veral times s on the go overnance s situation in n India (e.g.. 22nd com mmunication n), which w we consider a country y of particu ular signific cance and a a destinatio on of pilgrim mages. When Shr ri Mataji ins structed th he creation of the CC in 2008, She also said d India shou uld have its s own CC. A As the Nati ional Trust t already ex xisted at th he time, it was fair to o understan nd She had d something g else in m mind and th hus many w wished the creation o of the CC /I India to be e an oppor tunity for national r reconciliatio on between n the Natio onal Trust and the Lif fe Eternal Trust. This s however w was not the e case for r reasons we e shall not d detail here but it is sti till possible e and desir able that a good fai ith effort by b both pa arties, lead ding to a phased rene ewal of the CC/India a membersh hip, could bring sola ace and pe ace to this s very larg ge collectiv ve. A welle established d CC/India w would be a able to prov vide advice e, as required, on such h institution ns as the In nternation al School in Dharam msala, pilgr rimage guid delines or the Health h Centers. T The alterna ative is the e further loss of autho ority and re elevance in n bodies me eant to serve our san ngha and th his, we sug gest, is no ot the cours se we shoul ld prefer.

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Events in India that t disturbed the world d collective in 2013 su uch as in o our school, turmoil in n institution ns or more recently, t the sicknes s of visitor rs in a pilgrimage dest tination, ar re often un derstood as a sympt tom of a co ondition wh here Sahaja does not t flow the w way we can n all recog nize it. We e can get ba ack togethe er into this s flow. Seek king to forge again our r unity will l help more e than conti inued divis sion. In the mea antime the e CC will ke eep in touch h with the existing ins stitutions i if they so d desire but it t shall no lo onger iden ntify the loc cation of in nternationa al pujas in India as lo ong as the s sponsoring g institution ns do not reach a consensus. We e go to puja as to come closer to t the Divine, not to side e in a comp petition bet tween schedules. The International schedule issued b by the CC in n the future e will simpl ly indicate w which international p pujas will ta ake place in n India and d pilgrims w will have to o choose their local de estination in the light of the sche edules pres sented by th he Nationa al Trust and d the Life Et ternal Trus st /CCI. In conclusion, writing about such s matte ers belongs s perhaps to our adv vice and in nformation n function a assigned by y Shri Mata aji but, of co ourse, it does not pret tend to refl lect life in o our sangha, where so many positive initiatives, dyna amic progr rams and beautiful b ex xperiences take place e y. We are co onfident th hat the best t is yet to e emerge out of this gr rand churning, as was s every day the case m millennia ag go. D. PROPO OSED GATHERING AT A SAHASR RARA PUJA A IN CABEL LLA The CC in its mid ter rm welcomes an excha ange with n national co oordinators s, country r representa tives, WF and, frank kly, anyone interested d, to share i its experien nce to this date, invit te feedback k and discuss the advi isable course to take i in the futur re. Exact ti ime and pla ace will be issued at a a later stage e.

23rd Comm munication of f the Central l Committee

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