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About The Program The objective of the program is to develop high-potential individuals for leadership roles in the areas of corporate banking, transaction services (Cash, Trade and Securities), sales and trading, risk management, operations and technology and financial control. anagement !ssociates e"hibit strong leadership skills, fle"ibility and innovative thinking that #ill help them face the e"citing challenges of #orking for a po#erful and diverse financial services institution. !t Citi, #e have a team-oriented approach that emphasi$es kno#ledge sharing and collaboration. anagement !ssociates entering the %rogram #ill not only ac&uire advanced financial and technical kno#ledge, but also the leadership and interpersonal skills that #ill allo# them to ma"imi$e their potential early and to define their o#n career. The %rogram is '( - ') months in duration and includes a combination of classroom and on-thejob training, job assignments, and formal mentoring. Training & Deve o!ment anagement !ssociates attend a regional core developmental program that takes place in Shanghai or anila. *t is a +-#eek intensive program that offers a comprehensive foundation of all corporate and investment banking products through a combination of classroom training, group projects and presentations. ,ou #ill be e"posed to the best-in-class product modules to gain essential kno#ledge and skills as you embark on your career at Citi. The si"-#eek core training covers-.asic industry skills and kno#ledge /inancial statements and accounting 0isk Corporate .anking and Transaction Services products *nvestment .anking and Capital arkets %roducts

"hat ha!!en# a$ter the !rogram en%#& The anagement !ssociates program concludes in a job placement.

"ho 'e are oo(ing $or& 1e asked our anagement !ssociate %rogram recruiters to describe #hat makes a good candidate and #hat specific skills they are looking for 2ndergraduate 3 asters 3 .! degree Strong academic performance 4eadership potential Strong planning, project management and &uantitative skills

0esults-oriented, #ith strong initiative and integrity /le"ibility, adaptability and resilience to #ork in a challenging environment 5lobal mindset Commitment to a career in financial services



1 - What we look for Technical graduates are assessed across all four criteria listed belo#. 7nly capacity, achievement, and relationship competencies are assessed for commercial graduates. Ca!a,it-- ,ou8ll need to bring the intellectual, analytical and creative ability to learn &uickly, identify issues, make judgements and propose solutions A,hievement- 1e8ll e"pect plenty of enthusiasm, resilience and confidence - you8ll be someone #ho can al#ays get things done Re ation#hi! #(i #- ,ou should have the character and ability to #ork effectively #ith others in a diverse team Te,hni,a #(i #- 2nderstanding and approaching technical issues coupled #ith an enthusiasm for technical challenge. *n addition, please note that some countries3regions may have additional local re&uirements. 2 - Apply ,ou can apply using Shell8s online application system. !fter creating your profile, you #ill be re&uired to complete three pre-registration &uestions to assess eligibility for 5raduate opportunities. The ne"t step is to select the opportunity you #ish to apply for, and then complete the application form, attaching your C93resume. 7nce you have submitted the application form and C93resume there #ill be a short &uestionnaire to complete. 1hen Shell has received your completed form and &uestionnaire, your application #ill then be available for consideration. 1e8ll confirm that #e have received your details #ithin ): hours of submission. P ea#e note that She .nor an- o$ the organi#ation# that re,ruit on our beha $/ never a#( $or an- mone- or !a-ment# $rom a!! i,ant#0 at an- !oint in the re,ruitment !ro,e##1 A in%ivi%ua # 'ho are #u,,e##$u in gaining an o$$er o$ em! o-ment $rom She 0 'hether %ire,t - or in%ire,t -0 are a 'a-# re2uire% to go through a $orma re,ruitment !ro,e##1 3 - The Interview 1e8ll let you kno# #hether you8ll be invited to the intervie# stage appro"imately t#o #eeks after receiving your completed application. The intervie# #ill take place either face-to-face or over the telephone. 1e8ll be assessing ho# you perform against the criteria listed above. !t the end of the intervie#, you8ll have the chance to

ask us some &uestions of your o#n - about the role, the culture, #ork environment or any other area of interest to you. This is an opportunity for you to tell us more about your achievements, the challenges you8ve faced and ho# you8ve demonstrated the &ualities #e8re looking for.;graduate3ho#;to;apply3graduates;ho#;to;apply;(+'<(<<+.html= 4>?3leftnavs3$$$;lhn@;A;<.html


"hat i# It& To help us create, develop, improve, market, sell and support the variety of professional products for financial markets #e are constantly searching for talented, ambitious and motivated individuals to join the 0euters .usiness 5raduate %rogramme (.5%). The .5% currently targets graduates from Burope, iddle Bast, !frica and !sia, attracting graduates of over (< different nationalities. *t is predominantly a general business programme, but #e also #elcome candidates #ith a technology background. The programme provides managed, accelerated career development #hich allo#s the participants to get a breadth and depth of e"perience early in their careers. The objectives of the programme are /or the graduates to gain an in-depth kno#ledge of the clients, markets and products #hich serve those marketsC e"perience of dealing #ith clients in a number of different rolesC e"posure to and understanding of internet and e-commerce businessC international and cultural diversityC e"perience of marketing, strategic planning and project management. The graduates are e"pected to make a significant contribution at all stages of the programme /or 0euters to recruit and develop an international group of high calibre graduates #ho demonstrate leadership potential and can make an impact in a fast-changing business #orld and facilitate change early in their careers

)o' ong The programme lasts appro"imately (.D - @ years. Typically, during the programme graduates #ould spend time in three different functions for periods ranging from + to '( months in t#o to three different locations. !ppro"imately ': months is spent in customer-facing roles. E3am! e# o$ ! a,ement# 4#t A##ignment5 + months in 0euters Service Centre. This assignment provides a rapid entry point for learning about the clients, markets and products. Euring this period, graduates study both for the internal certification programmes in markets and products and for a professional &ualification, such as *S !, S/E, !C* &ualifications, industry recognised &ualifications covering the fi"ed income, securities and derivatives, foreign e"change markets. 6n% A##ignment5 ! front-line client-facing role for a further '( months, typically in sales or account management roles in various locations. These roles span the full spectrum of 0euters

activities in the financial markets from major clients re&uiring close partnerships to retail ebusiness models. 7r% A##ignment5 The final stage of the programme, to complement the e"perience gained in the front-line, usually takes place in one of the central departments or divisions, in areas such as marketing, planning, product or project management although some graduates continue in direct client facing roles. !n assignment in the *nnovation Team is also possible. Training Eevelopment is achieved by ac&uiring skills and taking responsibilities Fon the jobG, interspersed #ith formal development, covering both operational and behavioural skills. 5raduates receive regular feedback during the programme and are e"pected to achieve high standards throughout. A$ter the !rogramme !t the end of the programme, subject to individual aptitudes, graduates should have the skills and e"perience to pursue a number of career paths, including operational front-line positions in account management, global accounts, marketing, product management, more strategic planning and project management roles. 0oles are not predetermined, they #ill vary from case to case in terms of responsibility, location, level and package. Programme Re2uirement#5 5ood interpersonal and communication skills Consistent achievement of high academic results /luency in Bnglish and ideally at least one more language #ould be an advantage. /or China graduates, andarin is essential and for Hapan graduates I Hapanese %roven record of #eb-literacy, understanding of technology and facility in using and understanding computers Jeen interest in financial services sector %reference is given to asters Eegrees in business-related subjects, business administration, economics, computer sciences3*T, entrepreneurship Curiosity to learn, innovation and creativity, good analytical skills, ability and #illingness to operate internationally, to #ork effectively #ith people from many different cultures are essential

Bntry to the programme is t#ice a year in !pril and 7ctober. http-33about.reuters.com3careers3graduate3graduateprogrammes3inde".asp"

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