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113 useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Visual Studio 2010.



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Visual Studio 2010 Shortcuts

Uploaded by ProNotion, updated on 4/23/2013 by WasimKhan Platform: Windows/ English Table of Contents: 1. Manage Visual Studio 2. Bookmarks 3. Code Editor 4. Coding 5. Build and Debug 6. Tool Windows 1. Manage Visual Studio Ctrl + s Ctrl + Shift + s Ctrl + Shift + n Ctrl + o Ctrl + Shift + o Ctrl + Shift + a Esc Ctrl + p Shift + Alt + Enter Ctrl + f4 Ctrl + f6 / Ctrl + Shift + f6 Ctrl + Tab , then Arrow keys S ave current file S ave all files Create n ew project O pen file O pen project A dd item to project Close menu or dialog P rint Toggle full screen mode Close current tab Go to next / go to previous window Press and hold Ctrl + Tab , then using arrow keys gives a small task manager with all open files and views up 2. Bookmarks For keystrokes with two keys such as Ctrl + k + k , keep holding the Ctrl key until releasing the last key. Ctrl + k + k Ctrl + k + n Ctrl + k + p Ctrl + Shift + k + n Ctrl + Shift + k + p Ctrl + k + w Esc Ctrl + k + h Ctrl + K + L Ctrl + \ + t Toogle boo k mark Goto n ext bookmark Goto p revious bookmark Goto n ext bookmark in folder Goto p revious bookmark in folder Put focus on bookmark w indow Leave bookmark window and focus on editor Toggle code s h ortcut at current line* Clear all bookmarks Show Task List (including code shortcuts) PDF Print Hide all Show all

*if somebody figures out additional shortut keys on how to use code shortcuts, please edit this page and add. up 3. Code Editor Find, Replace, and Goto Ctrl + f f3 / Shift + f3 Ctrl + h Shift + f12 1/4

F ind and replace dialog box Find next / find previous Display Replace options on the quick tab

113 useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Visual Studio 2010.


Shift + f12 Ctrl + Shift + f Alt + F3 , s Ctrl + F3 / Ctrl + Shift + f3 Alt + F12 Ctrl + d Ctrl + i / Ctrl + Shift + i Shift + Alt + f12 Ctrl + , Ctrl + g Ctrl + ] Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste Ctrl + x , Ctrl+ c , Ctrl+ v Ctrl + Shift + v Ctrl + z Ctrl + y Select Text Shift + Arrow Keys Ctrl + Shift + End / Ctrl + Shift + Home Ctrl + Shift + ] Shift + End / Shift + Home Shift + Page Down / Shift + Page Up Ctrl + w Esc Ctrl + Shift + Page Down / Page Up

Find all references for selected symbol Find in files Stop current find in files operation Find next / find previous in selected text Find symbol Put cursor in fin d /command box of the toolbar. Use ctrl + / in Visual C# I ncremental search / reverse incremental search Quick find symbol Display Navigate-To dialog box G oto line number Go to matching brace in source file

Cut, copy, paste Pastes an item from the Clipboard ring Undo Redo (or Shift + Alt + Backspace , or Ctrl + Shift + Z )

Extend selection one character/one line Extend selection to end / to beginning of document Extend selection to nexst brace Extend selection to end / to beginning of line Extends selection down one page / up one page Select current w ord Cancel Selection Moves cursor and extend selection to the last line / first line in view.

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow right / arrow left Extend selection one word to the right / one word to the left Ctrl + a Select A ll up 4. Coding Collapse Items Ctrl + m + m Ctrl + m + h Ctrl + m + o Ctrl + m + a Ctrl + m + x Ctrl + m , ctrl + t Edit Code Ctrl + l Ctrl + Shift + l Ctrl + Delete Ctrl + Backspace Ctrl + Enter Ctrl + Shift + Enter Ctrl + Shift + u Ctrl + u Ctrl + k + c

Collapse / un-collapse current preset area (e.g. method) Collpase / h ide current selection Collapse declaration bodies Collapse a ll Uncollapse all Collapse H t ml tag

De l ete current line or selection of lines to and add to clipboard De l ete current line or selection of lines Delete word to right of cursor Delete word to left of cursor Enter blank line above cursor Enter blank line below cursor Make u ppercase Make lowercase (reverse u percase) C omment selected text

113 useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Visual Studio 2010.


Ctrl + k + u Ctrl + k + \ Ctrl + k + d Ctrl + k + f Ctrl + Shift + space Ctrl + Shift + 8 Ctrl + k + d Ctrl + k + f Ctrl + Shift + t Ctrl + t Shift + Alt + t IntelliSense and Code Helper Ctrl + Space Ctrl + Shift + Space Ctrl + f12 f12 Ctrl + j

U ncomment selected text Remove white space and tabs in selection or around current cursor position Format document to code formatting settings Format selection to code formatting settings Display parameter required for selected method Visualize w hitespace (or press Ctrl + r , then Ctrl + w ) Format document to code formatting settings Format selection to code formatting settings T ranspose word to right of cursor; makes b=a out of a=b if cursor was in front of a T ranspose character left and right of cursor; cursor between ab would make ba T ranspose line: Move line below cursor up and current line down.

Autocomplete word from completion list (or alt + right arrow ) Show parameter info Display symbol definition Display symbol declaration Open IntelliSense completion list up

5. Build and Debug f7 Ctrl + Alt + f7 Ctrl +break Ctrl + \ + e f9 Ctrl + b f5 f11 f10 Shift + f11 Ctrl + f10 Ctrl + Alt + q Ctrl + Shift + f10 Alt + * (on numeric keyboard) Ctrl + Alt + e Ctrl + f11 Shift + f5 Ctrl + f5 Ctrl + Alt + p Ctrl + Alt +break Build solution (or Ctrl + shift + b ) Rebuild solution Cancel build process Show e rror list Toggle breakpoint Insert new function b reakpoint Start debugging Debug / step into Debug / step over Debug / step out Debug / run to cursor Show Q uickwatch window Set current statement to be the next executed Show nexst statement Show E xception dialog box Toggle between disassembly and user code view Stop Debugging Bypass debugger Show attach to p rocess window Break all executing threads up 6. Tool Windows Ctrl + / Ctrl + k + b Alt + f11 Ctrl + k + w Ctrl + Alt + k Put cursor in the find/command box in toolbar Open code snippet manager window Open macro IDE window Open bookmark window Open call hierarchy window


113 useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Visual Studio 2010.


Ctrl + Shift + c Ctrl + Alt + a Ctrl + Shift + o Ctrl + Shift + e Ctrl + Alt + s Ctrl + Shift + l Shift + Esc

Open c lass view window Open Command window Open O utput window Open R e source view window Open S erver explorer window Open So l ution explorer window Close Find & Replace Window up

Shortcuts published under Creative Common License where possible. Website: Copyright 2006-2013. Terms of Use


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