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subj Domanda RispostaA 050 How does the height of the tropopause normally vary with latitude in the It decreases from south to north. northern hemisphere ? 050 What, approximately, is the average height of the tropopause over the ! "m equator ? 050 In which layer is most of the atmospheric humidity concentrated ? %roposphere. 050 't () #0, the air temperature is *+5,-.%he air density at this level is. /reater than the density of the I&' at () #0. 050 5etween mean sea level and a height of 60 "m, the lowest temperature in *5!.5,the I-'7 &tandard 'tmosphere 8I&'9 is. 050 1nder what condition does pressure altitude have the same value as 't standard temperature. density altitude ? 050 In the troposphere the decrease of pressure per 00 m increase in height is smaller at higher levels than at lower levels. 050 Which () corresponds with the 600 h;a pressure level ? () +=0. 050 What is the approximate vertical interval which is equal to a pressure change of h;a at an altitude of 5500 m ? 050 In order to calculate 3(0 from 34H, which of the following must 2e "nown ? 050 What is the dry adia2atic lapse rate ? 050 ' layer is conditionally unsta2le if the air 5 m 850 (%9. 0levation of the airfield. +.0,-> 000 (% RispostaB RispostaC It remains constant from north to south. It increases from south to north. # "m %ropopause. )ess than the density of the I&' at () #0. *6:+,'t sea level when the temperature is 0,-. remains constant at all levels. () +00. # m 86: (%9. %emperature at the airfield. 6.0,-> 000 (% is sta2le for saturated air and unsta2le for dry air. Higher than the starting temperature. "m &tratosphere. 0qual to the density of the I&' at () #0. *$$.:,When the altimeter has no position error. RispostaD It remains constant throughout the year. $0 "m &tratopause. 1na2le to 2e determined without "nowing the 34H. * 00,Check

When the altimeter setting is 0 +.6 h;a. is greater at higher levels than at lower levels. is in the order of 6: h;a near <&). () 00. +6 m 8 05 (%9. () 50. !$ m 86 0 (%9.

0levation of the airfield and the temperature at 0levation and the temperature at the <&). airfield. .5,-> 000 (% +.5,-> 000 (% 2ecomes sta2le 2y lifting it. )ower than the starting temperature. is unsta2le for saturated air as well as for dry air. It depends upon the 3(0.

is unsta2le for saturated air and sta2le for dry air. 050 ' parcel of unsaturated air is lifted to ?ust 2elow the condensation level %he same as the starting temperature. and then returned to its original level. What is the final temperature of the parcel of air? 050 What is the effect of a strong low level inversion ? It promotes vertical wind shear. 050 %he temperature at () $0 is * 6,-. What will the temperature 2e at () 0 if the I-'7 standard lapse rate is applied ? 050 If atmospheric conditions exist such that the temperature is I&' @ 0,in the lower troposphere up to #000 (%, what is the actual layer thic"ness 2etween () !0 and () 60? 050 Which of the following is a common cause of ground or surface temperature inversion ? 050 't a certain position, the temperature on the +00 h;a chart is *$#,-A according to the &ignificant Weather -hart, the tropopause is at () ++0. What is the most li"ely temperature at () +50 ? 050 %he 0, isotherm is forecast to 2e at () 50. 't what () would you expect a temperature of *!, -? 050 What positions are connected 2y iso2ars on the surface weather chart? 050 ' vertical spacing of 000 (% is the standard required separation 2etween two (). 1nder conditions of cold air advection 8I&' * 5,-9, what would the true vertical separation 2e? 050 't which pressure and temperature conditions may you safely assume that the minimum usa2le flight level at least lies at the same height, as the minimum safe altitude? 050 What is the main cause for the formation of a polar front ?et stream? *!,-. !6$0 (%.

It promotes extensive vertical movement It prevents vertical wind shear. of air. * #,-. *=,-. !000 (%. 5=00 (%.

It results in good visual conditions near the surface. * 5,-. 5:!0 (%.

%errestrial radiation on a clear night with no or very light winds. *5$,-.

Warm air 2eing lifted rapidly aloft, in the vicinity of mountainous terrain. *50,-.

%he movement of colder air under warm air, or the movement of warm air over cold air. *5!,5,-.

Heating of the air 2y su2sidence *5#,-.

() #0

() 60

() 00


;ositions with the same air pressure at a ;ositions with the same temperature at a ;ositions with the same wind velocity at a given level given level given level )ess than 000 (% It remains 000 (% <ore than 000 (%

;ositions with the same relative pressure heights Without 34H information, it can not 2e determined

050 Which ?et stream is connected with a surface front system? 050 't approximately what flight level is the su2tropical ?et stream found?

't a temperature greater than or equal to In a cold low pressure region that of the I&' and where the 34H is greater than or equal to 0 +.65 h;a %he north*south horiBontal temperature %he pressure difference, close to the gradient at the polar front ground, 2etween a high over the 'Bores and a low over Iceland %he polar front ?et stream %he easterly ?et stream () $00 () 600

't a temperature less than or equal to that of In a very cold area with a 34H of the I&' and where the 34H is less than 0 5 h;a 0 +.65 h;a %he varied elevations of the tropopause in the &trong winds in the upper polar front region atmosphere %he su2tropical ?et stream () +00 %he equatorial ?et stream () 500

subj Domanda 050 ' parcel of moist 2ut not saturated air rises due to adia2atic effects. Which of the following changes ? 050 In which of the following changes of state is latent heat released ? 050 How are high level condensation trails formed that are to 2e found occasionally 2ehind ?et aircraft ? RispostaA Celative humidity /as to liquid %hrough water vapour released during fuel com2ustion RispostaB '2solute humidity &olid to liquid RispostaC <ixing ratio &olid to gas RispostaD &pecific humidity )iquid to gas Check

050 What is the 2oundary layer 2etween troposphere and stratosphere called? %ropopause. 050 Which constant pressure altitude chart is standard for ()50? 050 'n outside air temperature of *+5,- is measured while cruising at () 600. What is the temperature deviation from the I&' at this level? 050 -onvective activity over land in mid*latitudes is greatest in 050 Which of the following is a possi2le consequence of su2sidence? 050 %he polar front is the 2oundary 2etween. 050 What does dewpoint mean? #50 h;a. 0,- colder than I&'. summer in the afternoon. 'n inversion over a large area with haBe, mist. polar air and tropical air. %he temperature to which a mass of air must 2e cooled in order to reach saturation. Catio 2etween the actual mixing ratio and the saturation mixing ratio D 00 It increases with increasing water vapour.

%hrough a decrease in pressure, and the 7nly through un2urnt fuel in the exhaust gases In conditions of low humidity, associated adia2atic drop in temperature through the particles of soot at the wing tips while flying through contained in the exhaust gases relatively warm 2ut humid air Ionosphere. &tratosphere. 'tmosphere. :00 h;a. 0,- warmer than I&'. winter during the night and early morning. -5*clouds and thunderstorms over a large area. arctic air and polar air. %he temperature at which ice melts. 500 h;a. 5,- warmer than I&'. summer during the night and early morning. Wide spread 4& and '& clouds and intense precipitation. arctic air and tropical air. %he freeBing level 8danger of icing9. +00 h;a. 5,- colder than I&'. winter in the afternoon. -lear air tur2ulence at higher altitudes . maritime polar air and continental polar air. %he temperature at which the relative humidity and saturation vapour pressure are the same. Catio 2etween water vapour 8g9 and air 8"g9 D 00 It is only influenced 2y temperature.

050 Which of the following is the definition of relative humidity ? 050 %he relative humidity of a sample air mass is 50E. How is the relative humidity of this air mass influenced 2y changes of the amount of water vapour in it? 050 Celative humidity

Catio 2etween air temperature and dewpoint temperature D 00 It is not influenced 2y changing water vapour.

Catio 2etween water vapour pressure and atmospheric pressure D 00 It decreases with increasing water vapour.

changes when water vapour is added, is not affected when air is ascending or is not affected 2y temperature changes of the even though the temperature remains descending. air. constant. 050 How, if at all, is the relative humidity of an unsaturated air mass It decreases with increasing temperature. It is not influenced 2y temperature It increases with increasing temperature. influenced 2y temperature changes? changes. 050 How does relative humidity and the dewpoint in an unsaturated air mass When temperature increases, the relative When temperature increases, the relative When temperature decreases, the relative change with varying temperature? humidity decreases, and the dewpoint humidity increases, and the dewpoint humidity decreases, and the dewpoint remains constant. decreases. increases. 050 When a given mass of air descends, what effect will it have on relative It decreases. It increases. It remains constant. humidity? 050 Furing the late afternoon an air temperature of @ 6,- and a dew point of It must decrease to @5,-. It must decrease 2y 5,-. It must decrease to @!,-. @5,- were measured. What temperature change must at least occur during the night in order to induce saturation? 050 Which of the following changes of state is "nown as su2limation 8in &olid direct to vapour &olid direct to liquid )iquid direct to solid meteorology9? 050 -louds, fog or dew will always 2e formed when. water vapour condenses. water vapour is present. relative humidity reaches =#E. 050 Which of the following are favoura2le conditions for the formation of freeBing rain? 050 Which form of precipitation from clouds containing only water is most li"ely to fall in mid*latitudes? 050 Which of the following Bones is most li"ely to encounter little or no precipitation? 050 Which of the following is a cause of stratus forming over flat land? 050 Which of the following processes within a layer of air may lead to the Warm air aloft from which rain is falling Water droplets falling from cold air aloft -old air aloft from which hail is falling into into air with a temperature 2elow 0,-. with a temperature 2elow 0,- into air air that is warm. with a temperature a2ove 0,-. FriBBle. <oderate rain with large drops. Heavy rain with large drops. %he north side of the alps with a prevailing (oehn from the south. Cadiation during the night from the earth surface in moderate wind. -onvection. %he north side of the alps with a prevailing (oehn from the north. 1nsta2le air. Cadiation. (rontal Bones. -onvection during the day. &u2sidence.

does not change when water vapour is added provided the temperature of the air remains constant. It is only influenced 2y the amount of water vapour. When temperature decreases, the relative humidity and the dewpoint remain constant. It increases up to 00E, then remains sta2le. It must decrease to @:,-.

)iquid direct to vapour temperature and dew point are nearly equal. 'n isothermal layer aloft with a temperature ?ust a2ove 0,- through which rain is falling. Hail. 7cclusions. %he release of latent heat. (rontal lifting within sta2le layers.

subj Domanda 2uilding of -1 and -5 clouds? 050 What are the characteristics of cumuliform clouds? RispostaA )arge water droplets, insta2ility, tur2ulence, showers and mainly clear ice. -1, -5. '&, '-. +. Ice crystals. :000 * 5000 (% a2ove the terrain. RispostaB &mall water droplets, sta2ility, no tur2ulence and extensive areas of rain. &%, -&. &-, 4& . &upercooled water droplets. 00 * 500 (% a2ove the terrain. RispostaC RispostaD Check )arge water droplets, sta2ility, no tur2ulence, &mall water droplets, insta2ility, showers and mainly rime ice. tur2ulence, extensive areas of rain and rime ice. &-, 4&. -I, &-. -I, --. 6. Water droplets. 500 * :000 (% a2ove the terrain. -&, &%. $. Water vapour. 5000 * 65000 (% a2ove the terrain.

050 Which of the following types of clouds are evidence of unsta2le air conditions? 050 Which of the following clouds are classified as medium level clouds in temperate regions ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050* = $'9 Which one of the displayed cloud forms is representative of altocumulus castellanus? 050 What is the main composition of clouds classified as Ghigh level cloudsG? 050 ' plain in Western 0urope with an average elevation of 500 m 8 !00 (%9 a2ove sea level is covered with a uniform '- layer of cloud during the summer months. 't what height a2ove the ground is the 2ase of this cloud to 2e expected? 050 Which of the following clouds may extend into more than one layer? 050 Which one of the following types of cloud is most li"ely to produce heavy precipitation ? 050 What characteristics will the surface winds have in an area where the iso2ars on the weather map are very close together? 050 Which forces are 2alanced with geostrophic winds? 050 How does moderate tur2ulence affect an aircraft?

4im2ostratus. 4&. &trong and flowing across the iso2ars.

&tratus. -&.

'ltocumulus. &-. &trong and flowing parallel to the iso2ars. ;ressure gradient force, -oriolis force, centrifugal force. )arge, a2rupt changes in altitude or attitude occur 2ut the aircraft may only 2e out of control momentarily. &evere.

-irrus. &%. <oderate and flowing parallel to the iso2ars. ;ressure gradient force, centrifugal force, friction force. -ontinued flight in this environment will result in structural damage.

050 Which degree of aircraft tur2ulence is determined 2y the following I-'7 description? G%here may 2e moderate changes in aircraft attitude and>or altitude 2ut the aircraft remains in positive control at all times. 1sually, small variations in air speed. -hanges in accelerometer readings of 0.5 to .0 g at the aircraftIs centre of gravity. 7ccupants feel strain against seat 2elts. )oose o2?ects move a2out. (ood service and wal"ing are difficult.G 050 (or an aircraft what are the meteorological dangers associated with a Fust and poor visi2ility. Harmattan wind? 050 What is the strong relatively cold "ata2atic wind, 2lowing down the 5ora. northern 'driatic coast, mainly during the winter and spring called? 050 In a land* and sea*2reeBe circulation the land*2reeBe 2lows. during the night and is wea"er than the sea*2reeBe. 050 ' high pressure area 8slac" pressure gradient9 covers part of the &ea to land. <editerranean &ea and coastal region during the summer. What surface wind direction is li"ely at an airport at the coast on a sunny afternoon? 050 ' mountain 2reeBe 8"ata2atic wind9 2lows down the slope during the night. 050 /enerally northern hemisphere winds at 5000 (%>'/) are south* westerly while most of the surface winds are southerly. What is the primary reason of difference 2etween these two wind directions? 050 (riction 2etween the air and the ground results in the northern hemisphere in. 050 Whilst flying at () #0 on the northern hemisphere an aircraft experiences right drift. What effect, if any, will this have on the aircraftIs true altitude ? 050 What is the most li"ely temperature at the tropical tropopause? (riction 2etween the wind and the surface. 2ac"ing of the wind and decrease of wind speed at the surface. It decreases

Hery wea" 2ut gusty and flowing across the iso2ars. ;ressure gradient force, -oriolis force. (riction force, pressure gradient force, -oriolis force. -hanges in altitude or attitude occur 2ut Capid and somewhat rhythmic the aircraft remains in positive control at 2umpiness is experienced without all times. apprecia2le changes in altitude or attitude. <oderate. )ight.


%hunderstorms. /hi2li. during the day and is stronger than the sea*2reeBe. )and to sea.

&and up to () 50. <istral. during the day and is wea"er than the sea* 2reeBe. Haria2le.

Hail. &cirocco. during the night and is stronger than the sea*2reeBe. ;arallel to the coastline.

up the slope during the day. ' strong pressure gradient at higher altitudes. veering of the wind and decrease of wind speed at the surface. It increases.

down the slope during the day. &tronger -oriolis force at the surface.

up the slope during the night. %he influence of warm air at the lower altitude. veering of the wind and increase of wind speed at the surface. Without "nowing the pressure change this question cannot 2e answered. *65,-.

2ac"ing of the wind and increase of wind speed at the surface. It remains constant.




subj Domanda 050 Which weather condition lowers true altitude as compared to pressure altitude to a position where flight over mountains could 2e dangerous? 050 In the southern hemisphere what wind effect would you expect when flying from a high pressure area towards a low pressure area at () 00? 050 What degree of tur2ulence, if any, is li"ely to 2e encountered while flying through a cold front in the summer over -entral 0urope at () 00? 050 Jou are flying at 6 500 (%>'/), the wind is #0,, and intend to land at an airport, at sea level directly 2elow. (rom approximately which direction would you expect the surface wind 8mid*latitude, northern hemisphere9? 050 What are the typical differences with regard to the temperature and humidity 2etween an air mass with its origin in the 'Bores and an air mass with its origin over northern Cussia ? 050 Where is the source of tropical continental air that affects 0urope in summer? 050 Where does polar continental air originate? 050 In which air mass are extremely low temperatures encountered? 050 With what type of clouds are showers most li"ely associated? 050 't what time of day, or night, is radiation fog most li"ely to occur? 050 What is the average vertical extent of radiation fog? 050 Which of the following weather conditions favour the formation of radiation fog? 050 What type of fronts are most li"ely to 2e present during the winter in -entral 0urope when temperatures close to the ground are 2elow 0,-, and freeBing rain starts to fall? 050 Which of the following conditions are you most li"ely to encounter when approaching an active warm front at medium to low level ? RispostaA -old low. Wind from the right. &evere tur2ulence in -5 cloud. RispostaB Warm depression. Wind from the left. <oderate tur2ulence in 4& cloud. RispostaC -old high. %ailwind with no drift. )ight tur2ulence in -5 cloud. Warm high. Headwind with no drift. )ight tur2ulence in &% cloud. RispostaD Check





%he air of the 'Bores is warmer and %he 4orth*Cussian air is colder and more humid than the 4orth*Cussian air. more humid than the air of the 'Bores. %he southern 5al"an region and the 4ear 0ast. &i2erian landmass. ;olar continental air. -umulonim2us. &hortly after sunrise. 500 (%. &outhern Italy. ;olar ice cap. ;olar maritime air. &tratocumulus. 't sunset. 6 000 (%.

%he air of the 'Bores is warmer and dryer than %he 4orth*Cussian air is warmer and the 4orth*Cussian air. dryer than the air of the 'Bores. &outhern (rance. %he region of 'Bores. %ropical continental air. 4im2ostratus. )ate evening. 5 000 (%. )ight wind, extensive cloud, moist air. High level cold fronts. %he 'Bores region. %he region of the 5ritish Isles. 'rctic maritime air. &tratus. &hortly after midnight. 0 000 (%. &trong wind, little or no cloud, moist air. -old fronts.

)ight wind, little or no cloud, moist air. )ight wind, extensive cloud, dry air. Warm fronts, warm occlusions. -old occlusions.

)ow cloud 2ase and poor visi2ility.

&evere thunderstorms at low altitude.

0xtreme tur2ulence and severe lightning stri"ing the ground. ' strong downdraught.

050 Furing a cross*country flight at () 50, you o2serve the following Fecreasing temperatures. sequence of clouds. 4im2ostratus, 'ltostratus, -irrostratus, -irrus. Which of the following are you most li"ely to encounter ? 050 What cloud formation is most li"ely to occur at low levels when a warm 4im2ostratus. air mass overrides a cold air mass? 050 %he approximate inclined plane of a warm front is. > 50 050 What type of low pressure area is associated with a surface front? 050 In which approximate direction does the centre of a non*occluded frontal depression move? 050 Where is the coldest air to 2e found, in an occlusion with cold front characteristics? 050 What type of front > occlusion usually moves the fastest? 050 7ver -entral 0urope what type of cloud cover is typical of the warm sector of a depression during winter? 050 What weather conditions are prevalent during the summer, over the 4orth &ea, approximately +00 "m 2ehind a quic"ly moving cold front? 050 What is the surface visi2ility most li"ely to 2e, in a warm sector of tropical maritime air, during a summer afternoon in western 0urope ? 050 Which one of the following statements regarding the intertropical convergence Bone 8I%-K9 is correct? ;olar front low. In the direction of the warm sector iso2ars. 5ehind the front. -old front. &%. -loud cover mostly scattered, isolated showers. <oderate 8several "m9.

&trong, gusty winds.

High cloud 2ase, good surface visi2ility, and isolated thunderstorms. Increasing temperatures.

-umulus. >50 ' cold air pool. In the direction of the iso2ars ahead of the warm front. 'head of the front. Warm front. -I, -&. 'dvection fog. Hery poor 8less than "m9.

'ltostratus. >+00 ' low on lee side of a mountain. In the direction of the sharpest pressure increase. 't the surface position of the front. -old occlusion. (air weather -1. Cain covering a large area, # octas 4&. /ood 8greater than 0 "m9.

-umulonim2us. >500 Heat low. In the direction of the iso2ars 2ehind the cold front. 't the ?unction of the occlusion. Warm occlusion. -1, -5. # octas -&, '& without precipitation. Hery good 8greater than 50 "m9. %he I%-K does not change its position during the course of the

(requent and widespread thunderstorms %hunderstorms seldom occur within the %he I%-K is always associated with a strong are to 2e expected within the area of the area of the I%-K. ?et stream.

subj Domanda I%-K. 0, * :,4. RispostaA +, * #,&. RispostaB #, * 6,&. RispostaC year. :, * 6,4. RispostaD Check 050 In which of the following 2ands of latitude is the intertropical convergence Bone most li"ely to 2e encountered in Lanuary, 2etween Fa"ar and Cio de Laneiro? 050 What weather conditions are indications of the summer monsoon in %hunderstorms, showers of heavy rain. India? 050 'fter passing at right angles through a very active cold front in the ' veering in the wind direction. direction of the cold air, what will you encounter at () 50, in the northern hemisphere immediately after a mar"ed change in temperature? 050 When are the rainy seasons in equatorial 'frica? <arch to <ay and 7cto2er to 4ovem2er. 050 Which of the following 2est descri2es the intertropical convergence Bone %he Bone where the trade winds of the ? northern hemisphere meet those of the southern hemisphere. 050 What is the li"ely trac" for a hurricane in the -ari22ean area? West in the earlier stages and later turning north east. 050 Furing which seasons are hurricanes most li"ely to appear in the &ummer and autumn. northern hemisphere? 050 What is encountered during the summer, over land, in the centre of a &howers and thunderstorms. cold air pool? 050 How do you recogniBe a cold air pool? 's a low pressure area aloft 8e.g. on the 500 h;a chart9. 050 What is the correct term for the descending air flow in a large high pressure area? 050 What surface weather is associated with a stationary high pressure region over land in the winter? 050 In temperate latitudes what weather conditions may 2e expected over land during the summer in the centre of a stationary high pressure Bone ? 050 't what time of the year, are the paths of north 'tlantic lows moving from west to east generally at their most southerly position? 050 What is the relationship 2etween visi2ility and CHC in homogeneous fog? 050 %he wind indicator for a weather o2servation receives the measured value from an anemometer. Where is this instrument placed? 050 Jou are flying with an outside air temperature of * 6,- and a %'& of 650 "t at () 50 through # o"tas 4&. What type and degree of icing is most pro2a2le? 050 Jou intend to carry out a H(C flight over the 'lps, on a fine and hot summer day. What is the 2est time of day to conduct this flight? 050 't what time of the year are tornadoes most li"ely to occur in 4orth 'merica? 050 In -entral 0urope when is the greatest li"elihood for thunderstorms due to warm updrafts? 050 Furing which stage of thunderstorm development are rotor winds characteriBed 2y roll clouds most li"ely to occur ? 050 Where is a squall line to 2e expected? 050 What are squall lines? 050 Which weather phenomena are typical for the northern side of the 'lps with strong winds from the south 8(oehn9? 050 What weather is prevalent in easterly waves? &u2sidence. ' tendency for fog and low &%. -alm winds, haBe. Winter. %he visi2ility generally is less than the CHC. 7n a mast !* 0 m a2ove the runway. In clouds pushed up against the mountains, moderate to severe mixed ice. <orning. &pring, summer. <id * afternoon. <ature stage. In front of an active cold front. 5ands of intensive thunderstorms. /ood visi2ility, tur2ulence. %hunderstorms and rain.

&tratus clouds and driBBle. ' 2ac"ing in the wind direction.

&andstorms. 'n increase in tailwind.

(og. ' decrease in tailwind.

Fecem2er to (e2ruary and Luly to 7cto2er. %he Bone where the Harmattan meets the north*easterly trade winds over 'frica. 0ast then south. Winter. &trong westerly winds.

<arch to <ay and 'ugust to 7cto2er. %he Bone where cold fronts form in the tropics. West deep into the 1&'. Winter and spring. (ine weather -1.

'pril to Luly and Fecem2er to (e2ruary. %he Bone where the west winds meet the su2tropical high pressure 2elt. West in the earlier stages and later turning south east. 'll seasons. &"y clear 8&M-9.

's a high pressure area aloft 8e.g. on the ' cold air pool may only 2e recogniBed on the ' cold air pool may only 2e 500 h;a chart9. surface chart as a low pressure area. recogniBed on the surface chart as a high pressure area. -onvergence. 'dvection. -onvection. %hunderstorms. %&, &H. &ummer. %he visi2ility generally is greater than the CHC. m a2ove the runway. 4& with continuous rain. -5, %&. &pring. %he possi2ility of snow showers. 4&. 'utumn. %here is no specific relationship 2etween the two. 7n the roof of the weather station. 7ver flat terrain, moderate hoar frost.

%he visi2ility generally is the same as the CHC. -lose to the station a2out 6 m a2ove the ground. In clouds pushed up against the 7ver flat terrain, away from fronts, moderate mountains, moderate to severe clear ice. to severe mixed ice. <id*day. &ummer, autumn. 'round midnight. -umulus stage. 5ehind a cold front. 1nusual intensive cold fronts. -ontinuous precipitation, severe tur2ulence. -ontinuous rain. 'fternoon. 'utumn, winter. 0arly morning. Fissipating stage. In front of a cold front occlusion at higher levels. %he surface weather associated with upper air troughs. Fecrease in temperature, moderate to severe icing. -lear s"ies.

0arly evening. Winter. )ate morning. -umulus stage and mature stage. 't the surface position of a warm front. %he paths of tropical revolving storms. Icing, huge mass of clouds. (rontal weather.

subj Domanda 050 What winds and air mass characteristics are mainly associated with the winter monsoon in the monsoon regions of the Indian su2*continent? 050 What is the meaning of the expression G(0WG? 050 When is the CHC reported at most airports? RispostaA 4orth*easterly winds 2ringing dry and haBy air. * 6 o"tas. RispostaB &outh*westerly winds carrying warm and humid air. + * $ o"tas. RispostaC 4orth*westerly winds 2ringing dry and haBy air. 5 * : o"tas. When the CHC decreases 2elow 6500 m. RispostaD Check &outh*easterly winds carrying warm and humid air. # o"tas.

When the visi2ility decreases 2elow When the visi2ility decreases 2elow 500 m. 6000 m. 050 How is the direction and speed of upper winds descri2ed in forecasts ? %he direction is relative to true north %he direction is relative to magnetic and the speed is in "nots. north and the speed is in "nots. 050 What positions are connected 2y contour lines on a weather chart? ;ositions with the same height in a chart ;ositions with the same thic"ness of constant pressure. 2etween two constant pressure levels. 050 In which meteorological forecast chart is information a2out -'% regions &ignificant Weather -hart. 6$ hour surface forecast. found? 050 7n which of the following aviation weather charts can a pilot most &ignificant weather chart. Wind > temperature chart. easily find a ?etstream? 050 What is the 2est approximation for the wind speed at flight level 650? 5y interpolation of the wind information 5y simple interpolation of wind availa2le from the 500 and +00 h;a information availa2le from the 500 and charts, while also considering the +00 h;a charts. maximum wind information found on the &ignificant Weather -hart. 050 Why are indications a2out the height of the tropopause not essential for %he tropopause is generally well a2ove %he meteorological services are una2le flight documentation in the tropics? the flight level actually flown. to provide such a chart. 050 In the %'( for Fehli, during the summer, for the time of your landing !0 minutes. you note. %0<;7 %&. What is the maximum time this deterioration in weather can last in anyone instance ? 050 How are well separated -5 clouds descri2ed on the &ignificant Weather 7-4) -5. -hart? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6055' rev. 60.0 .600+9 %he cold front num2er 6 is indicated 2y. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*605!'9 7f the four radio soundings, 6 select the one that indicates ground fog. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*605#'9 What does the sym2ol indicate %he centre of a tropopause GhighG, on a &ignificant Weather -hart? where the tropopause is at () $00. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*605='9 Which typical weather 1niform pressure pattern. situation is shown on the weather chart ? 8&pacing of the iso2ars. 5 h;a9 050 8(or this question use annex 050*60!0'9 Which one of the trac"s %rac" F*' 8dashed lines9 is represented 2y the cross*section shown on the left ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*60! '9 Which cross*section of air + mass and cloud presentation is applica2le to the straight line '*5? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*60!$'9 'ssuming the usual direction ;osition + of movement, where will this polar frontal wave have moved to 8after a certain time9? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*60!5'9 What is the classification of the %ropical maritime. air mass affecting position G3G ? 050 Which of the following cloud types can pro?ect up into the stratosphere? -umulonim2us 050 Which one of the following statements applies to the tropopause? It separates the troposphere from the stratosphere 050 What process in an air mass leads to the creation of wide spread 4& and )ifting '& cloud coverage? 050 Which of the following cloud is classified as low level cloud ? &% 050 In which of the following conditions is moderate to severe airframe icing In 4im2ostratus cloud most li"ely to 2e encountered? 60 minutes.

When the CHC decreases 2elow 6000 m. %he direction is relative to magnetic north and %he direction is relative to true north the speed is in miles per hour. and the speed is in miles per hour. ;ositions with the same air density. ;ositions with the same wind velocity. 500 h;a chart. +00 h;a chart. &urface chart. 1pper air chart.

5y reading wind direction and speed from the 5y reading wind direction and speed 500 h;a chart. from the +00 h;a chart.

%he temperatures of the tropical tropopause are always very low and therefore not important. 0 minutes.

%he tropopause is always at the same height. 60 minutes.

0<5F -5. num2er

(C3 -5. num2er + +

I&7) -5. num2er $ $ %he lower limit of the tropopause. Warm south wind condition 8(oehn9. %rac" 5*$ ;osition $

%he centre of a high pressure area at $00 %he upper limit of significant weather at () h;a. $00. -utting wind. West wind condition. %rac" -*' %rac" 5*' 6 ;osition ;osition 6

;olar maritime. -irrostratus It is, 2y definition, an isothermal layer &in"ing -& 5elow the freeBing level in clear air

;olar continental. 'ltocumulus It indicates a strong temperature lapse rate -onvection process '& In clear air a2ove the freeBing level

%ropical continental. 'ltostratus It is, 2y definition, a temperature inversion Cadiation -Within cloud of any type

subj Domanda 050 What flying conditions are normally encountered when flying in cirrus clouds? 050 Which of the following is most li"ely to lead to the dissipation of radiation fog ? RispostaA RispostaB 'verage horiBontal visi2ility more than 'verage horiBontal visi2ility less than 000 mA nil icing. 500 mA nil icing. ' mar"ed increase in wind velocity near ' mar"ed decrease in wind velocity the ground close to the ground Warm air moving over cold water &now falls through a layer where temperatures are a2ove 0,4& Cegion of 5ritish Isles 'head of a cold front in the winter -old air overrides a warm air mass RispostaC RispostaD Check 'verage horiBontal visi2ility less than 500 mA 'verage horiBontal visi2ility more light to moderate icing. than 000 mA light to moderate rime ice. /round cooling caused 2y radiation during the ' 2uild up of a high pressure area night resulting in adia2atic warming associated with a sin"ing air mass %he sea is warmed 2y strong radiation from %he coastal region of the sea cools at the sun night %hrough melting of snow grains %hrough melting of ice crystals -& 5altic &ea 5ehind a warm front in the summer -old air undercuts a warm air mass )ight to moderate continuous rain -old air slides over a warm air mass &"y clear %he air mass ahead of the front is drier than the air mass 2ehind the front 'utumn and winter 'cross the front towards the north Irregular fluctuations Insta2ility 4 coast '5lac" &ea 'head of a cold front in the summer Warm air undercuts a cold air mass FriBBle Warm air pushes under a cold air mass &% with driBBle %he warmer air mass is ahead of the original warm front Winter and spring 'cross the front towards the south 'pproximately constant pressure Fivergence at higher levels 40 coast (oehn conditions in the &panish ;yrenees 't the latitudes of 'lgeria 4W monsoon and &W trade winds 4

050 Which of the following conditions is most li"ely to lead to the formation -old air moving over warm water of steam fog 8arctic smo"e9? 050 How does freeBing rain develop? Cain falls through a layer where temperatures are 2elow 0,050 What type of cloud can produce hail showers? -5 050 In which of the following regions does polar maritime air originate ? 050 In which of the following situations can freeBing rain 2e encountered ? 050 How do air masses move at a warm front ? 0ast of /reenland 'head of a warm front in the winter Warm air overrides a cold air mass

050 What type of precipitation would you expect at an active unsta2le cold &howers associated with thunderstorms (reeBing rain front? 050 What is the relative movement of the two air masses along a cold front ? -old air pushes under a warm air mass Warm air pushes over a cold air mass 050 What cloud cover is typical for a wide warm sector of a polar front depression over -entral 0urope in the summer ? 050 Which of the following descri2es a warm occlusion? (air weather -1 %he coldest air mass is ahead of the original warm front &ummer 'long the front towards the east ' rise in pressure &in"ing air &0 coast ' mar"ed advance of cold air in &outh 'merica In the vicinity of Fa"ar 5M4 -1 and -5 %he air mass 2ehind the front is more unsta2le than the air mass ahead of the front Winter 'long the front towards the west ' drop in pressure Cising air W coast

050 When do cold occlusions occur most frequently in 0urope? 050 In which main direction does a polar front depression move? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6+##' rev. 60.0 .600+9 What change in pressure, will occur at point ', during the next hour? 050 What is the most li"ely cause of a lac" of clouds at higher levels in a stationary high? 050 7n which coast of 4orth 'merica, is the danger of tropical revolving storms the greatest? 050 What is characteristic of the pamperos?

050 Where, during a flight from <arseille to Fa"ar, in Luly, may the I%-K 2e encountered? 050 Which wind systems converge on the I%-K, when it lies at the equator? &0 trade winds and 40 trade winds 050 (rom which direction do the trade winds 2low, in the southern hemisphere? 050 What weather conditions in the region of the 'lps would you expect with (oehn from south? 050 1nder which conditions would you expect the heaviest clear ice accretion to occur in a -5? 050 -lear ice forms on an aircraft 2y the freeBing of. 050 What weather conditions would you expect at a squall line? 050 What is the approximate maximum diameter of a the area affected 2y damaging winds at the surface caused 2y a micro2urst ? 050 In general, the visi2ility during rainfall compared to during driBBle is &0

Mata2atic winds in the 'tlas <ountains ' mar"ed advance of cold arctic air in 4orth 'merica 4ear the -anary Islands 't the latitudes of /i2raltar &W monsoon and 4W monsoon 40 &W monsoon and 4W trade winds &W

-louds, on the southern sides of passes Heavy clear air tur2ulence on the in the 'lps southern side of the 'lps 5etween *6,- and * 5,5etween *60,- and *+0,large supercooled water drops %hunderstorms $ "m greater water vapour -ontinuous heavy rain $00 m the same

&trong north winds on the southern side of the Heavy airframe icing conditions on 'lps the northern side of the 'lps -lose to the freeBing level 5etween *+0,- and *$0,small supercooled water drops (og 60 "m less snow &trong whirlwinds reaching up to higher levels 50 "m in rain * 2elow "m, in driBBle * more than 6 "m

subj Domanda 050 Which weather chart gives information a2out icing ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6$6 ' rev. 60.0 .600+9 Which of the following sym2ols represents a squall line? 050 What is a trend forecast? 050 What does the expression G5ro"en 85M49G mean? 050 What does the a22reviation GnosigG mean? 050 In which weather report would you expect to find information a2out icing conditions on the runway? 050 In which of the following #50 1%- <0%'C reports, is the pro2a2ility of fog formation, in the coming night, the highest? 050 Which of the following extracts of weather reports could 2e, in accordance with the regulations, a22reviated to G-'H7MG? 8<&' a2ove ground. )&K5 0000 (%, )&KH #000 (%, )&// 6000 (%, )(&5 !000 (%9 050 Which of the following weather reports could 2e, in accordance with the regulations, a22reviated to G-'H7MG? 8<&' a2ove ground. )&K5 0000 (%, )&KH #000 (%, )&// 6000 (%, )(&5 !000 (%9 050 Within a short interval, several flight crews report that they have experienced strong clear air tur2ulence in a certain airspace. What is the consequence of these reports? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6$+6'9 't which airport, is the following weather development ta"ing place? %'( 0!0!00K 0!0: ! 6500!M% #000 5M46$0 50-</ 0: 0 7H-600 50-</ 0 + 6+0 0M% #000 7H- 00 50-</ + ! 6+0 $M% !000 C' &-%0+0 7H-050 N 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6$++'9 What weather conditions are expected at ;aris airport 8)(;79 around 0550 1%-? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6$=+'9 7ver <adrid, what intensity of tur2ulence and icing is forecast at () 600 ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6$=!'9 Which airport, at 600 1%-, has the lowest pro2a2ility of precipitation? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*650+'9 7ver ;aris at what height would you expect to find the tropopause according to the map? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*650$'9 What is the optimum flight level 2etween Come and ;aris according to the significant weather chart? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6505'9 (light Kurich to Come, 0%F !00 1%-, 0%' #00 1%-. 't what flight level would you first expect to encounter clear air tur2ulence on the clim2 out from Kurich? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*650!'9 What is the approximate height of the tropopause 2etween Meflavi" and Helsin"i? 050 (light from 5ordeaux to 'msterdam, 0%' 6 00 1%-. What lowest cloud 2ase is forecast for arrival at 'msterdam? %'( 0H'< 6# 500K 6# !0 $0 0M% !000 *C' &-%065 50-</ ! # 60 5/65M% &-%00# 5M40 + %0<;7 #6+ +000 C' 5M4005 7H-0 0 50-</ 6+0 65060M% #000 4&W 5M4060 N 050 8(or this question use annex 050*650='9 Jou are flying from <unich to 'msterdam. Which of the following flight levels would you choose in order to avoid tur2ulence and icing? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*65 0'9 In what height range and at what intensity could you encounter tur2ulence in -'% area n,6? RispostaA &ignificant weather chart &ym2ol ' landing forecast appended to <0%'C>&;0-I, valid for 6 hours 5*: 0ights of the s"y is cloud covered 4o significant changes <0%'C RispostaB 500 h;a chart &ym2ol 6 :00 h;a chart &ym2ol + RispostaC &urface chart &ym2ol $ ' routine report 4il significant cloud cover 4ot signed 2y the meteorologist %'( 00000M% ==== &-%+00 6 >0 3 0+6 47&I/ N )(&5 00000M% =000 &-%0#0 66> 5 3 066 47&I/ N RispostaD Check

'n aerodrome forecast valid for = hours ' route forecast valid for 6$ hours +*$ 0ights of the s"y is cloud covered 4o report received &I/<0% +*5 0ights of the s"y is cloud covered 4o weather related pro2lems /'(7C HC506M% 6500 HK &-% 60 $><0# 3 0+5 47&I/ N )&K5 +000$M% ==== &-%0=0 0>0= 3 00! 47&I/ N

HC50 M% #000 &-%650 > 0 3 06# 6600$M% !000 *C' &-%0 6 7H-0+0 50-</ +000 5C N :> $ 3 00= 47&I/ N )&// 6600+M% ==== &-% 60 )&KH 6!06$/56M% ==== 5M40!0 5M46#0 0=>0# 3 06! 50-</ 5000 :> $ 3 0 6 C0%& %0<;7 5000 5C N %&C' N )&K5 6#0 6M% ==== 7H- 00 !> 6 3 0 6 50-</ 5000*C'N %he competent aviation weather office will issue a &I/<0% 0FF) )(&5 6$00#M% ==== &-%050 #> 3 0 : C0C' 47&I/ N %he airspace in question, will 2e temporarily closed )(;7

)&KH HC506M% =000 5M40#0 6 > $ 3 066 )&// 6600!M% ==== 5M40=0 47&I/ N :> 5 3 00# C0C' 47&I/ N %he competent aviation weather office will issue a &;0-I )7WW %he competent aviation weather office will issue a storm warning )0<F

6+0 $M% +000 @C' &-%00# 7H-065 6!0 6M% ==== &-%065 &-%0$0 $>0= 66060/+!M% 500 %&/C &-%00$ 5M400: 6000$M% #000 &-% 0 &-%650 5> + 3 00$ 47&I/ N 3 0 # %0<;7 5000 &HC' N 5M4065-5 #> + 3 00= 50-</ 4&W N 66>0# 3 0 ! 47&I/ N <oderate tur2ulence, moderate icing <oderate tur2ulence, light icing &evere tur2ulence, moderate icing &evere tur2ulence, severe icing )&KH () +00 () 660 0&&' () ++0 () +$0 04(5 () 50 () !0 0(HM () 6#0 () +!0

() 660

() !0

() +60

() $0

() +60 500 (%

() +50 650 (%

() +00 500 m

() +!0 #00 (%

() 6!0

() +60

() #0

() $0

(rom () 660 to () $00, moderate

(rom () 6$0 to () +:0, light

(rom 2elow () +0 to () 6:0, light

(rom () 650 to () +60, moderate

subj Domanda 050 8(or this question use annex 050*65 '9 't what flight level is the ?et stream core that is situated over northern &candinavia ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*65 6'9 't which position could you encounter thunderstorms, and what is the maximum height of the -5 clouds? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*65 +'9 't what approximate flight level is the tropopause over (ran"furt? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6566'9 &elect from the map the wind for the route Kurich * )ondon at () 6#0. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*656='9 %he temperature at () ++0 overhead )ondon will 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050*65+='9 %he front la2elled GKG is a. RispostaA () 6#0 ;osition 5, () 6:0. () ++0 ;osition ', () 600. RispostaB () +!0 ;osition -, () 600. RispostaC () +00 ;osition F, () 6=0. RispostaD Check

() ++0 660>!0 *$5,Warm front

() +00 650>#0 *+=,-old front 0quatorial ?et stream -ontinuous moderate rain

() +50 0$0>!0 *++,Warm occlusion ;olar front ?et stream )ight driBBle and fog

() 6$0 !0>=0 *5:,-old occlusion 'rctic ?et stream <oderate snow showers

050 8(or this question use annex 050*65$ '9 What name is given to the ?et &u2*tropical ?et stream stream lying over 4orth 'frica 859 ? 050 (light )is2on to 5ordeaux, 0%' #00 1%-. What type of precipitation Heavy rain showers is forecast on the approach to 5ordeaux ? %'( )(5F 6# $00K 6# 56$ 6!0 5M% ==== &HC' 5M4060 %0<;7 !60 6!060/+0M% #000 @&HC' 5M40 5-5 ;C75+0 %&C' N 050 (light )is2on to 5ordeaux, 0%' #00 1%-. 't 0%' 5ordeaux what is # "m the lowest quoted visi2ility forecast ? %'( )(5F 6# $00K 6# 56$ 6!0 5M% ==== &HC' 5M4060 %0<;7 !60 6!060/+0M% #000 @&HC' 5M40 5-5 ;C75+0 %&C' N 050 8(or this question use annex 050*65$5'9 What wind is forecast at () 6 0>$0 +=0 over ;aris ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*65$:'9 What is the average * =,temperature at () !0 2etween 7slo and ;aris ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*65$#'9 What is the temperature I&' * +,deviation in degrees -elsius, from the I-'7 &tandard 'tmosphere overhead (ran"furt ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*65$='9 What is the speed of the front 5 "t located over (rance ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6550'9 (light <unich to )ondon. 660, > 60 "t What is the direction and maximum speed of the ?et stream affecting the route 2etween <unich and )ondon ? 050 (light from 5ordeaux to 'msterdam, 0%' 6 00 1%-. 't 0%' 60, > 5 "t gusts 65 "t 'msterdam what surface wind is forecast ? %'( 0H'< 6# 500K 6# !0 $0 0M% !000 *C' &-%065 50-</ ! # 60 5/65M% &-%00# 5M40 + %0<;7 #6+ +000 C' 5M4005 7H-0 0 50-</ 6+0 65060M% #000 4&W 5M4060 N 050 (light from 5ordeaux to 'msterdam, 0%' 6 00 1%-. What is the + "m minimum visi2ility forecast for 0%' 'msterdam ? %'( 0H'< 6# 500K 6# !0 $0 0M% !000 *C' &-%065 50-</ ! # 60 5/65M% &-%00# 5M40 + %0<;7 #6+ +000 C' 5M4005 7H-0 0 50-</ 6+0 65060M% #000 4&W 5M4060 N 050 8(or this question use annex 050*655$'9 (light &hannon to )ondon. Individual cumulonim2us What amount and type of cloud is forecast for the eastern sector of the route 2etween &hannon and )ondon at () 660 ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*6555'9 7ver 'msterdam, what amount <ainly 5 to # o"tas of stratiform cloud and general type of cloud would you expect at () !0 ? in layers 050 8(or this question use annex 050*655!'9 %o what extent is <unich 5 to # o"tas covered 2y clouds ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*655#'9 What 7'% would you expect *6$,at () 600 over /eneva ?

# 4<

0 4<

0 or more "m

6$0>60 *6+,I&' *6,-

0+0>$0 * 5,I&' @ +,-

=0>$0 *65,I&' @6,-

65 "t 050, > 60 "m>h

0 "t 050, > 60 "t

+0 "t 6+0, > 60 m>sec

$0, > 0 "t

+00, > 5 "t maximum wind 65 "t

650, > 60 "t

5 "m

5 4<

! "m

7vercast nim2o layered cumulonim2us &cattered towering cumulus

&cattered castellanus

$ o"tas 2ro"en cumulus to $ o"tas *60,-

Isolated cumulonim2us only 5 to : o"tas * !,-

5 to : o"tas towering cumuliform cloud and with moderate tur2ulence + to 5 o"tas *6#,-

subj Domanda 050 't what degree of icing can I-'7Is G4o change of course and altitude necessaryG recommendation 2e followed? 050 When will the surface wind in a <0%'C record a gust factor ? RispostaA )ight When gusts are at least 0 "nots a2ove the mean wind speed + <oderate When gusts are at least 5 "nots a2ove the mean wind speed RispostaB &evere With gusts of at least 65 "nots 6 %o measure wind currents on the ground %o help provide $*day forecasts Water vapour #50 h;a +00 h;a 600 h;a +00 h;a +00 h;a 500 h;a :00 h;a #50 h;a num2er 6 num2er $ -ol Cidge of high pressure -ol Cidge of high pressure &ym2ol 6 06 0 (%. (og 500 h;a 600 h;a :00 h;a 500 h;a #50 h;a :00 h;a 500 h;a +00 h;a num2er + num2er Cidge of high pressure Fepression %rough of low pressure 'nticyclone &ym2ol + =:=0 (%. RispostaC 0xtreme With gusts of at least +5 "nots $ %o locate precipitation Bones 'ny cloud +00 h;a :00 h;a 500 h;a :00 h;a :00 h;a #50 h;a +00 h;a 500 h;a num2er $ num2er 6 Fepression %rough of low pressure Fepression %rough of low pressure &ym2ol $ $ 0 (%. RispostaD Check

050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+ ='9 7f the four radio soundings, select the one that indicates low stratus. 050 What are the images of satellites provided daily 2y the Weather &ervice %o locate fronts in areas with few used for? o2servation stations 050 Which of the following causes echoes on meteorological radar screens? Hail 050 Which constant pressure altitude chart is standard for () 00? 050 Which constant pressure altitude chart is standard for () #0? 050 Which constant pressure altitude chart is standard for () +00? 050 Which constant pressure altitude chart is standard for () +=0? 050 If you are planning a flight at () :0, which of these upper wind and temperature charts would 2e nearest your flight level ? 050 If you are planning a flight at () 6=0, which of these upper wind and temperature charts would 2e nearest your flight level ? 050 When planning a flight at () !0, which upper wind and temperature chart would 2e nearest your flight level ? 050 When planning a flight at () 0, which upper wind and temperature chart would 2e nearest your flight level ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$++ ' rev. 60.0 .600+9 ' convergence line is indicated 2y. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$++6' rev 60.0 .600+9 %he warm sector is indicated 2y. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+++'9 Which of the following 2est descri2es Kone '? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$++$'9 Which of the following 2est descri2es Kone 5? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$++5'9 Which of the following 2est descri2es Kone -? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$++!'9 Which of the following 2est descri2es Kone F? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$++:' rev. 60.0 .600+9 'ccording to I-'7, which sym2ol indicates severe icing ? 050 %he 34H of an airport at sea level is =#+ h;a and the temperature deviation from I&' is * 5,- 2elow () 00. What is the true altitude of () 00? 050 What information is required to convert a minimum safe altitude into a lowest usa2le flight level? :00 h;a 500 h;a +00 h;a 600 h;a 500 h;a +00 h;a #50 h;a :00 h;a num2er num2er + %rough of low pressure -ol Cidge of high pressure Fepression &ym2ol #5=0 (%.

050 What is the relationship, if any, 2etween 3(0 and 34H at an airport situated 50 (% 2elow sea level? 050 Jou plan a flight over a mountain range at a true altitude of 5000 !6+0 (%. (%>'<&). %he air is on an average 5,- colder than I&', the pressure at sea level is 00+ h;a. What approximate indication should the altimeter 8setting 0 +.6 h;a9 read? 050 Furing a flight at () 00 from <arseille 834H 0 6 h;a9 to ;alma de the air at <arseille is warmer than that <allorca 834H 0 5 h;a9, an aircraft remains at a constant true altitude. at ;alma de <allorca. %he reason for this is that.

)owest value of 34H and the highest negative temperature deviation from I&'. 3(0 is greater than 34H.

Highest value of 34H and the highest negative temperature deviation from I&'. 3(0 is smaller than 34H. 5!=0 (%.

Highest value of 34H and the highest positive )owest value of 34H and the lowest temperature deviation from I&' negative temperature deviation from I&' 3(0 equals 34H. 4o clear relationship exists. $+:0 (%. +#+0 (%.

the altimeters are erroneous, and need to the air at <arseille is colder than that at ;alma one of the two 34H values may 2e 2e tested. de <allorca. incorrect.

subj Domanda 050 'n aircraft lands at an airport 8airport elevation 6$0 (%, 34H 00# h;a9. %he altimeter is set to 0 + h;a. %he altimeter will indicate. 050 't what time of the year are typhoons most li"ely to occur over the southern islands of Lapan? 050 What units are used to report vertical wind shear? 050 Which of the following weather reports is a warning of conditions that could 2e potentially haBardous to aircraft in flight ? 050 In which of the following circumstances is a &I/<0% issued ? 050 'fter landing at an aerodrome 8aerodrome elevation : 5 (%9, the altimeter indicates an altitude of + 0 (%. %he altimeter is set to the pressure value of 0 + h;a. What is the 34H at this aerodrome? 050 Jou intend to overfly a mountain range. %he recommended minimum flight altitude is, according to the aviation chart, 5000 (%>'<&). %he air mass that you will fly through is on average 5,- warmer than the standard atmosphere. %he altimeter is set to 34H 8 06+ h;a9. 't what altimeter reading will you effectively 2e at the recommended minimum flight altitude? 050 Jou are flying at () +0, and your true altitude is 6000 (%. What is the temperature deviation from that of the standard atmosphere at () +0 834H 0 +,6 h;a9 ? 050 Cime ice forms through the freeBing onto aircraft surfaces of 050 How does a pilot react to heavy freeBing rain at 6000 (%>'/), when he is una2le to deice, nor land? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*+0 :'9 What name is given to the ?et stream lying across India 8'9 ? 050 'n aircraft is flying through the polar front ?et stream from south to north, 2eneath the core. How would the 7'% change, in the northern hemisphere, during this portion of the flight? 050 What is the average height of the arctic ?et stream core? RispostaA +:5 (%. Luly to 4ovem2er. "t> 00 (%. &I/<0%. &evere mountain waves. 06# h;a. 600 (%. &eptem2er to Lanuary. "t. '%I&. RispostaB 05 (%. Lanuary to <ay. m> 00 (%. &;0-I. RispostaC 6#0 (%. <ay to Luly. m>sec. %'(. ' sudden change in the weather conditions contained in the <0%'C. ==# h;a. RispostaD Check

(og or a thunderstorm at an aerodrome. -lear ice on the runways of an aerodrome. 0 5 h;a. 0 + h;a.

$ 00 (%.

+#+0 (%.

$+:0 (%.

5=00 (%.

I&' *60,-

I&' @>*0,-

I&' @60,-

I&' @ 6,-

small supercooled water drops. He turns 2ac" 2efore the aircraft loses manoeuvra2ility. 0quatorial ?et stream. It decreases.

large supercooled water drops. He descends to the warm air layer 2elow. ;olar front ?et stream. It increases.

water vapour. He ascends to the cold air layer a2ove. 'rctic ?et stream. It first increases, then decreases.

snow. He continues to fly at the same altitude. &u2*tropical ?et stream. It remains constant.

60000 (% .

+0000 (%. > %he polar night ?et stream. 60000 (%. It increases.

$0000 (%. > 0 %he equatorial ?et stream. $0000 (%. It stays the same.

50000 (%. > 000 %he arctic ?et stream. 50000 (%. It decreases and then increases.

050 What is the approximate ratio 2etween height and width for a ?et stream > 00 cross section? 050 Which ?et stream 2lows all year round, over the northern hemisphere? %he su2tropical ?et stream. 050 What is the average height of the ?et core within a polar front ?et stream? +0000 (%. 050 'n aircraft is flying from south to north, a2ove the polar front ?et stream, at () $00 in the southern hemisphere. What change, if any, in temperature will 2e experienced ? 050 ' wind speed of +50 "t within a ?et stream core should 2e world*wide regarded as. 050 Foes the following report ma"e sense? <0%'C )&KH #6+60K HC506M% 5000 <I(/ 06>06 3 0 5 47&I/ It decreases.

possi2le 2ut a very rare phenomenon.

not possi2le.

a common occurrence.

not unusual in polar regions. %he report is not possi2le, 2ecause, with a temperature of 6,- and a dew point of 6,- there must 2e uniform fog. =00 m.

%he report is possi2le, 2ecause shallow %he report would never 2e seen, 2ecause %he report is nonsense, 2ecause it is fog is defined as a thin layer of fog shallow fog is not reported when the impossi2le to o2serve a visi2ility of 5 "m if 2elow eye level. visi2ility is more than 6 "m. shallow fog is reported. %he CHC is un"nown, 2ecause the G47&I/G does not refer to CHC. Hisi2ility $00 m, CHC for runway ! 000 m with no distinct tendency, dew point *6,-, freeBing fog. +00 m. :00 m.

050 Jou receive the following <0%'C. )&// 60:50K 00000M% 0+00 C05>0:004 (/ HH00 <06><06 3 0 $ 47&I/ N What will 2e the CHC at 0=00 1%-? 050 Which of the four answers is a correct interpretation of data from the following <0%'C ? )&KH 050#60K !00+M% 0$00 C $>; 500 C !> 000 (K(/ HH00+ <06><06 3 06! 50-</ 6000 5C N

050 'n aircraft over Western 0urope is crossing a ?et stream 6500 (% 2elow from the right its core at right angles. While crossing, the outside temperature is

CHC for runway ! 000 m with no CHC for runway $ 500 m, visi2ility $00 m, distinct tendency, visi2ility increasing in 34H 06! h;a, wind !0, at + "t. the next 6 hours to 6000 m, vertical visi2ility +00 m, temperature *6,-. from the left. tailwind.

Hisi2ility 000 m, CHC $00 m, freeBing level at +00 m, varia2le winds, temperature 6,-. headwind.

subj Domanda increasing. %he prevailing wind is 050 8(or this question use annex 050*+0+0'9 %o which aerodrome is the following %'( most applica2le ? %'( 6+0=00K 6+ 0 = 6$0 $M% !000 &-%0+0 5M4 00 %0<;7 + 65060/+#M% 6500 @%&C' &-%00# 5M4065-5 50-</ + 5 6#0 6M% ==== &-%065 %0<;7 5 : 5000 &HC' 5M4060 50-</ : = 6:00#M% ==== &-%0+0 050 What name is given to the low level wind system 2etween the su2tropical high pressure 2elt and the equatorial trough of low pressure 8I%-K9 ? 050 In which Bone of a polar front ?et stream is the strongest -'% to 2e expected ? 050 What is the minimum speed for a wind to 2e classified as a ?et stream? RispostaA )7WW )(;/ RispostaB )0<F RispostaC 0M-H RispostaD Check

%rade winds.


Westerly winds.


7n the polar air side of the core. !0 "t.

7n the tropical air side of the core. 50 "t. With a cold front.

0xactly in the centre of the core. :0 "t. With a I%-K.

'2out 6000 (% a2ove the core. 00 "t. With an easterly wave.

050 ' wind sounding in the region of a polar front ?et stream gives the With a warm front. following wind profile 84orthern hemisphere9. =00h;a 660>60"t #00h;a 660>65"t :00h;a 6+0>+5"t 500h;a 6!0>!0"t $00h;a 6#0>#5"t +00h;a +00> 00"t 650h;a + 0> 60"t 600h;a + 0>#0"t Which system is the ?et stream associated with? 050 Where is the most dangerous Bone in a tropical revolving storm? In the wall of clouds around the eye. 050 In the weather 2riefing room during the pre*flight phase of a passenger flight from Kurich to Come, you examine the following weather reports of pressing importance at the time. 0I&4 &I/<0% 6 H')IF $0#00> $ 00 0I44* &H'4474 (IC )7- &0H %1C5 (-&% 5)W ()050 & 7( 45+ WM4 )I<< &I/<0% 6 H')IF $0=00> $ 500 )I<<* <I)'47 1IC <7F %7 &0H -'% (-&% ()650>$+0 &%4C 4- 0/%% &I/<0% H')IF $0#00> $ 600 0/C5* )74F74 (IC>1IC 0<5F %& (-&% 5%4 456 '4F 45$ 0 7( 0006 %7; ()+00 <7H 0 WM4 Which decision is correct? 050 In the month of 'ugust you prepare a flight 8cruising level () +:09 from 5om2ay 8 =,4 * :+,09 to 5ang"o" 8 +,4 * 00,09. What wind conditions can you expect? 050 What is the most significant difference 2etween an equatorial ?et stream and all the other ?et streams ? 050 Which of the following types of ?et streams can 2e o2served all year round? 050 %ropical revolving storms do not occur in the southeast ;acific and the south 'tlantic 2ecause 050 Cefer to the following %'( extract. 50-</ #6 6000 5C 5M400$ 50-</ 6 6$ 0500 (/ HH00 What visi2ility is forecast for 6$00 1%-? 050 Cefer to the following %'( extract. 50-</ #6 6000 5C 5M400$ 50-</ 6 6$ 0500 (/ HH00 What does the a22reviation GHH00 G mean? 050 What is the main energy source of a tropical revolving storm?

'nywhere in the eye.

In the centre of the eye. 7wing to these reports and ta"ing into account the presence of heavy thunderstorms at planned () + 0 you select a higher flight level 8() +:09.

'2out !00 "m away from the eye. Jou cancel the flight since the expected dangerous weather conditions along the route would demand too much of the passengers.

5ecause of the expected tur2ulence you Jou show no further interest in these select a flight level 2elow () 650. reports, since they do not concern the route to 2e flown.


)ight winds diagonal to the route.


&trong northerly winds.

Wind direction. &u2tropical ?et stream > polar front ?et stream. of the low water temperature. 500 m.

Hertical dimension. 0quatorial ?et stream > polar front ?et stream. there is no coriolis force present. 6000 m.

HoriBontal dimension. 'rctic ?et stream > su2tropical ?et stream. of the strong southeast wind. 5etween 500 m and 6000 m.

Wind speed. 0quatorial ?et stream > arctic ?et stream. the southeast trade winds cross over into the northern hemisphere. 5etween 0 m and 000 m.

Hertical visi2ility 00 (%.

CHC less than 00 m.

CHC greater than 00 m.

Hertical visi2ility 00 m.

)atent heat released from condensing water vapour. '- castellanus. thermal triggering. (rontal thunderstorms.

050 Which of the following meteorological phenomenon indicates upper level insta2ility which may lead to thunderstorm development ? 050 Isolated thunderstorms of a local nature are generally caused 2y 050 Which thunderstorms move forward the fastest? 050 What does the term <0%'C signify?

%emperature difference 2etween equatorial low pressure trough and su2tropical high pressure 2elt. '- lenticularis. frontal lifting 8warm front9.

-old air advancing from temperate latitudes.

%he equatorial ?et stream.

Halo. frontal lifting 8cold front9.

Ced cirrus. frontal occlusion. 7rographic thunderstorms. ' <0%'C is a landing forecast added to the actual weather report as a 2rief prognostic report.

%hunderstorms formed 2y lifting %hermal thunderstorms. processes. ' <0%'C signifies the actual weather ' <0%'C is a warning of dangerous ' <0%'C is a flight forecast, issued 2y the report at an aerodrome and is generally meteorological conditions within a (IC. meteorological station several times daily. issued in half*hourly intervals.

subj Domanda 050 How long from the time of o2servation is a %C04F in a <0%'C valid? 6 hours. 050 ' Bone of strong convection currents is encountered during a flight. In spite of moderate gust you decide to continue the flight. What are your precautionary measures? 050 't which altitude, at temperate latitudes, may hail 2e expected in connection with a -5? 050 What is a down2urst? RispostaA = hours. Increase the speed > try to clim2 a2ove the Bone of convective currents if aircraft performance parameters allow. (rom the ground up to a2out () 600. RispostaB hour. RispostaC +0 minutes. RispostaD Check Fecrease the speed > try to clim2 a2ove the Bone of convective currents if aircraft performance parameters allow. (rom the ground up to a maximum of () $50. ' concentrated downdraft with high speeds and a lower temperature than the surrounding air. 050 What is a &;0-I? ' special aerodrome weather report, issued when a significant change of the weather conditions have 2een o2served. 050 Cefer to the following %'( extract. 50-</ #6 6000 5C 5M400$ %he new conditions are achieved 50-</ 6 6$ 0500 (/ HH00 What does the G50-</G data indicate 2etween #00 and 6 00 1%for the # to 6 hour time frame? 050 Cefer to the following %'( extract. 50-</ #6 6000 5C 5M400$ 5 * : o"tas, ceiling $00 (%. 50-</ 6 6$ 0500 (/ HH00 What does the a22reviation G5M400$G mean? 050 Cefer to the following %'( extractA 50-</ #6 6000 5C 5M400$ ;ro2a2ility of +0E. ;C75+0 %0<;7 6 6$ 0500 (/ HH00 What does the a22reviation G;C75+0G mean? 050 Where, as a general rule, is the core of the polar front ?et stream to 2e In the tropical air mass. found? 050 How long does a typical micro2urst last? to 5 minutes. 050 Jou cross a ?et stream in horiBontal flight at approximately right angles. %his phenomenon is a2solutely normal While crossing, in spite of a strong wind of 60 "t, you notice the as you are crossing the ?et core. temperature 2arely changes. Which of the following statements is correct ? 050 %he Hurricane season is mainly from Luly until 4ovem2er. 050 In which month does the humid monsoon in India start? 050 't a2out what geographical latitude as average is assumed for the Bone of prevailing westerlies? 050 Furing Luly flights from 5ang"o" 8 +,4 * 00,09 to Marachi 865,4 * !:,09 experience an average tailwind component of 66 "t. In Lanuary the same flights, also operating at () +:0, have an average headwind of 50 "t. What is the reason for this difference? 050 What ?et streams are li"ely to 2e crossed during a flight from &toc"holm to Cio de Laneiro 86+,&9 at () +50 in Luly ? 050 While crossing a ?et stream at right angles in Western 0urope 8+000 (% 2elow its core9 and 7'% is decreasing, what would 2e the prevailing wind? 050 What is normally the most effective measure to reduce or avoid -'% effects? 050 Which area of a polar front ?et stream in the northern hemisphere has the highest pro2a2ility of tur2ulence? 050 'tmospheric soundings give the following temperature profile. +000 (% @ 5,- !000 (% @#,- 0000 (% @ ,- $000 (% *!,- #000 (% * $,6$000 (% *6!,- 't which of the following flight levels is the ris" for aircraft icing, in cloud, greatest? 050 7n the approach, the surface temperature is given as *5,-. %he freeBing level is at +000 (%>'/). 't $000 (%>'/), there is a solid cloud layer In Lune. 50,4. Fecrease the speed > try to descend 2elow the Increase the speed > try to descend Bone of convective currents. 2elow the Bone of convective currents. (rom the ground up to a2out () 00. (rom the 2ase of the clouds up to a2out () 600. ' concentrated downdraft with high 'n extremely strong wind gust in a tropical ' small low pressure system where speeds and a higher temperature than the revolving storm. the wind circulates with very high surrounding air. speeds. ' routine aerodrome weather report ' warning of meteorological dangers at an 'n aerodrome forecast issued every issued every + hours. aerodrome, issued only when required. = hours. ' quic" change to new conditions 2etween #00 and =00 1%-. * $ o"tas, ceiling $00 (%. <any short term changes in the original weather. $ * # o"tas, ceiling $00 m. <any long term changes in the original weather. * $ o"tas, ceiling $00 m.

-onditions will last for at least +0 minutes. In the polar air mass. )ess than minute.

%he cloud ceiling should lift to +000 (%.

-hange expected in less than +0 minutes. Lust 2elow the cold*air tropopause. '2out +0 minutes. %his phenomenon does not surprise you at all, since normally no large temperature differences are possi2le at these heights. 'pril until Luly. In <arch. #0,4.

Lust a2ove the warm*air tropopause. to 6 hours. &ince the result of such readings seems impossi2le, you will have the instruments tested after landing. Lanuary until 'pril. In Fecem2er. +0,4.

Jou assume the front associated with the ?et stream to 2e very wea" with practically no temperature difference 2etween the two air masses. 7cto2er until Lanuary. In 7cto2er. 0,4.

%he wind components correspond to the %he flights during the summer seasonal change of the regional wind encountered, 2y chance, very unusual, system. favoura2le conditions. ' polar front ?et stream followed 2y one ' su2tropical ?et stream followed 2y a or two su2tropical ?et streams. polar front ?et stream. -rosswind from the left -rosswind from the right

%he flights in Lanuary encountered, 2y chance, %he flights happen to 2e in the area very unusual, adverse wind conditions. of the polar front ?et stream.

' polar front ?et stream followed 2y a 7ne su2tropical ?et stream. su2tropical ?et stream and later, a second polar front ?et stream. ' headwind. ' tailwind.

-hange of flight level.

-hange of course.

Increase of speed. In the core of the ?et stream. () #0

Fecrease of speed. '2ove the core in the 2oundary 2etween warm and cold air. () 660

)oo"ing downstream, the area to the left )oo"ing downstream, the area to the of the core. right of the core. () 50 () #0

Jes, 2etween ground level and +000 (%>'/).

Jes, 2ut only 2etween +000 and $000 (%>'/).

4o, flights clear of cloud experience no icing. 4o, a2solutely no icing will occur.

subj Domanda from which rain is falling. 'ccording to the weather 2riefing, the clouds are due to an inversion caused 2y warm air sliding up and over an inclined front. Would you expect icing? 050 In an air mass with no clouds the surface temperature is 5,- and the sta2le temperature at 000 m>'/) is +,-. %his layer of air is. 050 Half the mass of the atmosphere is found in the first 5 "m 050 %he thic"ness of the troposphere varies with 050 In the lower part of the stratosphere the temperature latitude is almost constant RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

unsta2le + "m longitude decreases with altitude

a layer of heavy tur2ulence # "m rotation of the earth increases with altitude

conditionally unsta2le "m the wind

increases at first and decreases afterward 050 How are the air masses distri2uted in a cold occlusion ? %he coldest air mass 2ehind and the less %he coldest air in front of and the less %he coldest air in front of and the warm air %he coldest air 2ehind and the warm cold air in front of the occlusionA the cold air is 2ehind the occlusionA the 2ehind the occlusionA the less cold air is a2ove air in front of the occlusionA the less warm air mass is a2ove ground level. warm air mass is a2ove ground level. ground level. cold air mass is a2ove ground level. 050 If a saturated air mass descends down a slope its temperature increases at a lower rate than in dry air, as the same rate as if the air mass were dry. a lower rate than in dry air, as condensation a higher rate than in dry air, as it evaporation a2sor2s heat. gives out heat. gives up latent evaporation heat. 050 What characteriBes a stationary front ? %he surface wind usually has its %he surface wind usually has its %he warm air moves at approximately half the %he weather conditions that it direction parallel to the front direction perpendicular to the front speed of the cold air originates is a com2ination 2etween those of an intense cold front and those of a warm and very active front 050 %he most li"ely reason for radiation fog to dissipate or 2ecome low increasing surface wind speed. an increasingly sta2le atmosphere. surface cooling. a low level temperature inversion. stratus is. 050 %he geostrophic wind is greater than the gradient wind around a low centrifugal force opposes the pressure centrifugal force is added to the pressure coriolis force is added to the pressure gradient coriolis force opposes to the pressure system 2ecause the gradient gradient centrifugal force 050 %he geostrophic wind is less than the gradient wind around an centrifugal force is added to the pressure centrifugal force opposes the pressure effect of coriolis is added to friction coriolis effect opposes the centrifugal anticyclone 2ecause the gradient gradient force 050 'n aircraft is flying in the southern hemisphere at low altitude 8less than (rom the left and slightly on the nose (rom the right and slightly on the nose (rom the right and slightly on the tail (rom the left and slightly on the tail 6000 feet9 and going directly away from a centre of low pressure. What direction, relative to the aircraft, does the wind come from ? 050 What is the difference 2etween radiation fog and advection fog ? Cadiation fog forms due to surface Cadiation fog forms only on the ground, Cadiation fog forms due to night cooling and Cadiation fog is formed 2y surface cooling at night in a light wind. advection fog only on the sea. advection fog due to daytime cooling. cooling in a calm wind. 'dvection 'dvection fog forms when warm humid fog is formed 2y evaporation over air flows over a cold surface. the sea. 050 (rontal depressions can 2e assumed to move in the direction of the 6000 in the warm sector in front of the warm front 2ehind the cold front at the apex of the wave feet wind 050 What types of cloud will you meet flying towards a warm front ? 't some #00 "m -&, later '&, and at 0xtensive areas of fog. 't some 00 "m 't some 500 "m '&, later -& and at some #0 't some 500 "m from the front, some +00 "m 4& until the front from the front 4& 2egin "m 2efore the front -5 groups of -5, later at some 650 "m thic"ening '& 050 ' frontal depression passes through the airport. What form of -ontinuous rain or snow during ! hours -ontinuous rain or snow while the &howers during some 6 hours until the warm Cain or snow during a2out 6 hours precipitation do you expect ? until the warm front arrives. %he frontal wave passes for a period of some front arrives. FriBBle in the warm sector until the warm front arrives. Within precipitation stops for several hours 6$ hours. within 6 hours. Cain or snow on the passage the warm sector the rain increases. within the warm sector. 7n the arrival of of the cold front. Improvement on the passage of the the cold front, showers within a couple cold front. of hours. 050 What characteristic is associated with a temperature inversion ? &ta2ility Insta2ility -lear ice 'rea of active storms 050 What pressure is defined as 3(0? 050 In the lower layers of the atmosphere due to friction the wind changes direction towards the low pressure area 2ecause. 050 %he most frequent wind direction in a valley caused 2y thermal effects is toward the. 050 %he iso2ars drawn on a surface weather chart represent lines of equal pressure 050 What conditions are most li"ely to lead to the formation of hill fog? %he pressure at field elevation wind speed decreases and therefore coriolis force decreases mountain during daylight hours. reduced to sea level Humid sta2le air mass, wind 2lowing towards the hills. %he pressure of the altimeter the pressure gradient increases mountain at night. at flight level %he pressure reduced to sea level using actual %he pressure reduced to sea level temperatures using I&' temperatures tur2ulence is formed and pressure increases tur2ulence is formed and pressure decreases valley during daylight hours. valley during daylight as much as at night. at height of o2servatory at a determined density altitude ;recipitation which is lifted 2y the action of moderate winds stri"ing the

High relative humidity and an unsta2le -lear s"ies, calm or light winds, with air mass relatively low humidity

subj Domanda RispostaA 6 E oxygen, :# E nitrogen, and the rest other gasses Fecreases 'ltocumulus lenticularis RispostaB 0 E oxygen, #= E nitrogen, and the rest other gasses Increases &tratocumulus 050 What is the approximate composition of the dry air 2y volume in the troposphere ? 050 How does temperature vary with increasing altitude in the I-'7 standard atmosphere 2elow the tropopause? 050 Which cloud type may indicate the presence of severe tur2ulence ? RispostaD Check range ## E oxygen, = E nitrogen, and the rest other 50 E oxygen, $0 E nitrogen, and the gasses rest other gasses 't first it increases and higher up it decreases Cemains constant -irrocumulus 4im2ostratus 'ir temperature lower than standard. <oist unsta2le air at mountain top and wind of less than 5 "nots 2lowing across the mountain ridge. <aintain () 6:0 RispostaC

050 Which of the following conditions would cause the altimeter to indicate 'ir temperature higher than standard a lower altitude than that actually flown ? 050 Which of the following conditions are most favoura2le to the formation &ta2le air at mountain top altitude and a of mountain waves ? wind at least 60 "nots 2lowing across the mountain ridge. 050 'n aircraft is approaching a cold front from the warm air mass side at Fescending () 6:0 and experiencing moderate to severe tur2ulence. ' ?et stream is forecast to 2e at () + 0. %he shortest way to get out of this tur2ulence is 2y. 050 %he ?etstream and associated clear air tur2ulence can sometimes 2e long strea"s of cirrus clouds. visually identified in flight 2y 050 Furing the winter months in mid*latitudes in the northern hemisphere, south and speed increases the polar front ?et stream moves toward the 050 What causes surface winds to flow across the iso2ars at an angle rather &urface friction than parallel to the iso2ars ? 050 Which type of fog is li"ely to form when air having temperature of 5,- 'dvection fog and dew point of 6,- 2lows at 0 "nots over a sea surface having temperatures of 5,- ? 050 In addition to a lifting action, what are two other requirements necessary 1nsta2le conditions and high moisture for thunderstorm formation ? content 050 If you have to fly through a warm front when freeBing level is at 0000 6000 feet feet in the warm air and at 6000 feet in the cold air, at which altitude is the pro2a2ility of freeBing rain the lowest ? 050 (rom the following %'( you can assume that visi2ility at 6055K in not less than ,5 "m 2ut could 2e in 5irmingham 80/559 will 2e. 0/55 6! 000K 6! # 6 6#0 5/65M% excess of 0 "m. ==== &-%065 %0<;7 #66 6=0 #/+5M% 5000 &HC'&4 5M40 0-5 ;C75+0 %0<;7 #6 500 %&/C 5M400#-5 50-</ 666$ 6!0 0M% 050 What prevents air from flowing directly from high*pressure areas to low* -oriolis force pressure areas ? 050 &elect the true statement concerning iso2ars and wind flow patterns When the iso2ars are close together, the around high* and low*pressure systems that are shown on a surface pressure gradient force is greater and weather chart. wind velocities are stronger. 050 What type of fog is most li"ely to form over flat land during a clear Cadiation. night, with calm or light wind conditions ? 050 In which environment is aircraft structural ice most li"ely to have the (reeBing rain. highest rate of accretion ? 050 %he presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence that freeBing rain occurs at a higher altitude 050 -ontinuous updraughts occur in a thunderstorm during the 050 %hunderstorms reach their greatest intensity during the 050 %he most dangerous form of airframe icing is 050 %he degree of clear air tur2ulence experienced 2y an aircraft is proportional to the 050 In an intense trough of low pressure over Iceland during wintertime the initial stage. mature stage. clear ice.

'tmospheric pressure lower than ;ressure altitude the same as indicated standard altitude. 1nsta2le air at mountain top altitude and 0ither sta2le or unsta2le air at mountain top a wind at least 60 "nots 2lowing across and a wind of at least +0 "nots 2lowing the mountain ridge. parallel to the mountain ridge. -lim2ing %urn right

dust or haBe at high level north and speed decreases -oriolis force Cadiation fog

a constant outside air temperature south and speed decreases /reater density of the air at the surface &team fog

a high*pressure centre at high level north and speed increases /reater atmospheric pressure at the surface (rontal fog

&ta2le conditions and high moisture content =000 feet

&ta2le conditions and low atmospheric pressure 5000 feet

1nsta2le conditions and high atmospheric pressure +000 feet

a maximum 5 "m.

a minimum of ,5 "m and a maximum of 5 "m.

more than 0 "m

&urface friction

Mata2atic force

%he pressure gradient force When the iso2ars are far apart, crest of standing waves may 2e mar"ed 2y stationary lenticular clouds. 7rographic. &now. a warm front has passed period in which precipitation is falling. period in which precipitation is not falling. rime ice. intensity of the solar radiation strong wind associated with an

&urface winds flow perpendicular to the Iso2ars connect contour lines of equal iso2ars. temperature. 'dvection. -irrus clouds. a cold front has passed mature stage. cumulus stage. hoar frost. &team. &tratus clouds. there are thunderstorms in the area dissipating stage. dissipating stage. dry ice. sta2ility of the air strong wind with su2sidence at low levels

intensity of vertical and horiBontal wind height of the aircraft shear strong wind shear, convection and snow light wind, good visi2ility and a high

subj Domanda weather li"ely to 2e experienced is. 050 Which layer of the atmosphere contains more than =0 per cent of all water vapour? 050 %he temperature at () #0 is @!,-. What will the temperature 2e at () +0 if the I-'7 standard lapse rate is applied ? 050 %he temperature at () 0 is *5,-. What will the temperature 2e at () 50 if the I-'7 standard lapse rate is applied ? 050 %he temperature at () !0 is *66,-. What will the temperature 2e at () =0 if the I-'7 standard lapse rate is applied ? 050 ' temperature of @ 5,- is recorded at an altitude of 500 metres a2ove sea level. If the vertical temperature gradient is that of a standard atmosphere, what will the temperature 2e at the summit of a mountain, 6500 metres a2ove sea level? 050 How would you characterise an air temperature of * 5,- at the :00 h;a level over western 0urope? 050 How would you characterise an air temperature of *+0,- at the +00 h;a level over western 0urope? 050 How would you characterise an air temperature of *55,- at the 600 h;a level over western 0urope? 050 What is the technical term for an increase in temperature with altitude? 050 %he station pressure used in surface weather charts is 050 Which () corresponds with the +00 h;a pressure level ? 050 Which () corresponds with the 500 h;a pressure level ? 050 Which () corresponds with the :00 h;a pressure level ? 050 Which () corresponds with the #50 h;a pressure level ? RispostaA showers %roposphere *$,@:,*#,@6,RispostaB cloud ceiling )ower stratosphere *!,@+,*$,@$,RispostaC 1pper stratosphere 0,0,0,0,RispostaD almost clear s"y 7Bone layer @6,*+,@$,*6,Check

)ow High Within @>*5,- of I&' Inversion 3(( () +00 () #0 () 00 () 50

High Within @>*5,- of I&' High &u2sidence 3(0 () +=0 () !0 () #0 () 00 0 ! h;a

Within @>*5,- of I&' )ow )ow 'dia2atic 34H () 00 () 00 () +00 () +00 )ess than 0 ! h;a

60,- 2elow standard Hery low Hery high 'dvection 340 () 50 () +=0 () +=0 () +=0 It is not possi2le to give a definitive answer It is not possi2le to give a definitive answer It is not possi2le to give a definitive answer )ess than 066 h;a It is not possi2le to give a definitive answer It is not possi2le to give a definitive answer It is not possi2le to give a definitive answer 0 0 h;a 0+5 h;a 005 h;a

050 %he 3(( at an airfield located $00 metres a2ove sea level is 0 ! h;a. <ore than 0 ! h;a %he air temperature is 0,- higher than a standard atmosphere. What is the 34H? 050 %he 3(( at an airfield located $00 metres a2ove sea level is 0 ! h;a. )ess than 0 ! h;a %he air temperature is 0,- lower than a standard atmosphere. What is the 34H? 050 %he 34H at an airfield located 600 metres a2ove sea level is 00= h;a. <ore than 00= h;a %he air temperature is 0,- lower than a standard atmosphere. What is the 3((? 050 %he 34H at an airfield located 600 metres a2ove sea level is 066 h;a. It is not possi2le to give a definitive %he air temperature is not availa2le. What is the 3((? answer 050 %he 34H at an airfield located 0 metres a2ove sea level is 066 h;a. 066 h;a %he air temperature is not availa2le. What is the 3((? 050 %he 34H at an airfield in -alifornia located != metres 2elow sea level is <ore than 0 # h;a 0 # h;a. %he air temperature is 0,- higher than a standard atmosphere. What is the 3((? 050 %he 3(( at an airfield in -alifornia located != metres 2elow sea level is <ore than 0+0 h;a 0+0 h;a. %he air temperature is 0,- lower than a standard atmosphere. What is the 34H? 050 If the 3(0 at )ocarno 8600 metres a2ove sea level9 is =#0 h;a, what is 005 h;a the approximate 34H ? 050 If the 3(0 at )ocarno 8600 metres a2ove sea level9 is 000 h;a, what is 065 h;a the approximate 34H? 050 If the 34H at )ocarno 8600 metres a2ove sea level9 is 0 5 h;a, what is ==0 h;a the approximate 3(0?

<ore than 0 ! h;a

0 ! h;a

00= h;a

)ess than 00= h;a

<ore than 066 h;a )ess than 066 h;a )ess than 0 # h;a

066 h;a <ore than 066 h;a 0 # h;a

)ess than 0+0 h;a

0+0 h;a

000 h;a =#5 h;a ==5 h;a

0 5 h;a ==0 h;a 000 h;a

subj Domanda 050 If the 34H at )ocarno 8600 metres a2ove sea level9 is 065 h;a, what is the approximate 3(0? 050 If you are flying at () +00 in an air mass that is 5,- warmer than a standard atmosphere, what is the outside temperature li"ely to 2e? 050 If you are flying at () 00 in an air mass that is 0,- warmer than a standard atmosphere, what is the outside temperature li"ely to 2e? 050 If you are flying at () 60 and the outside temperature is *6,-, at what altitude will the GfreeBing levelG 2e? 050 'n aircraft flying at () 00 from <arseille 834H 0 6 h;a9 to ;alma de <allorca 834H 00! h;a9 experiences no change to true altitude. %he reason for this is that. 050 Furing a flight over the sea at () 00 from <arseille 834H 0 6 h;a9 to ;alma de <allorca 834H 0 6 h;a9, the true altitude is constantly increasing. What action, if any, should 2e ta"en ? 050 Furing a flight over the sea at () 00 from <arseille 834H 0 ! h;a9 to ;alma de <allorca 834H 0 ! h;a9, the true altitude is constantly decreasing. What is the pro2a2le reason for this ? 050 Furing a flight over the sea at () +5, the true altitude is +500 feetA local 34H is 0 = h;a. What information, if any, can 2e gained a2out the air mass in which the aircraft is flying? 050 'n aircraft is flying over the sea at () =0A the true altitude is = 00 feetA local 34H is un"nown. What assumption, if any, can 2e made a2out the air mass in which the aircraft is flying ? 050 'n aircraft is flying over the sea at () 60, with a true altitude of 6000 feetA local 34H is 0 + h;a. What assumption, if any, can 2e made a2out the air mass in which the aircraft is flying ? 050 'n aircraft is flying over the sea at () 00, with a true altitude of 0000 feetA local 34H is 00+ h;a. What assumption, if any, can 2e made a2out the air mass in which the aircraft is flying ? 050 'n aircraft is flying over the 'lps on a very cold winterIs day. %he regional 34H is 0 + h;a. Furing the flight, you circle around a mountain at an altitude of its summit. What reading will the aneroid altimeter give, compared to the elevation of the summit? 050 'n aircraft is flying over the 'lps on a warm summerIs day. %he weather is fine, and there is a high pressure system in the area. Furing the flight, a mountain is passed at an altitude of its summit. What reading will the aneroid altimeter give, compared to the summitIs elevation? 050 'n aircraft is descending to land under I(C. If the local 34H is 00= h;a, what will happen to the altitude reading when the altimeter is reset at the transition level ? 050 Furing the clim2 after ta"e*off, the altimeter setting is ad?usted at the transition altitude. If the local 34H is 06+ h;a, what will happen to the altimeter reading during the resetting procedure ? 050 Furing the clim2 after ta"e*off, the altimeter setting is ad?usted at the transition altitude. If the local 34H is =!! h;a, what will happen to the altimeter reading during the resetting procedure? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$6$!'9 'n aircraft is flying from ;oint ' to ;oint 5 on the upper level contour chart. %he altimeter setting is 0 +.6 h;a. Which of these statements is correct? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$6$:'9 'n aircraft is flying from ;oint ' to ;oint 5 on the upper level contour chart. %he altimeter setting is 0 +.6 h;a. Which of these statements is correct? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$6$#'9 'n aircraft is flying from ;oint ' to ;oint 5 on the upper level contour chart. %he altimeter setting is 0 +.6 h;a. Which of these statements is correct? RispostaA 000 h;a *+0,@5,() 0 ==5 h;a *$5,@ 5,() +0 the air at ;alma de <allorca is colder than that at <arseille RispostaB 005 h;a *!0,* 0,() 50 the altimeters are erroneous, and need to 2e tested RispostaC 065 h;a * 5,* 5,() =0 one of the two 34H values may 2e incorrect -ompensate 2y heading further to the left %he air at ;alma de <allorca is warmer than that at <arseille %here is insufficient information to ma"e any assumption Its average temperature is the same as I&' %here is insufficient information to come to any conclusion %here is insufficient information to come to any conclusion %here is insufficient information to come to a conclusion RispostaD Check

the air at ;alma de <allorca is warmer than that at <arseille

4one, the reason for the change is that Have your altimeter chec"ed, 2ecause Cechec" the 34H 2ecause one of the 34H the air around ;alma is warmer than the its readings are o2viously wrong values must 2e wrong air around <arseille %he air at <arseille is warmer than that 7ne of the 34H values must 2e wrong %he altimeter is faulty at ;alma de <allorca It is colder than I&' Its average temperature is the same as I&' It is colder than I&' It is warmer than I&'

%here is insufficient information to ma"e any assumption Its average temperature is the same as I&' It is warmer than I&'

It is warmer than I&'

It is colder than I&'

It is warmer than I&'

Its average temperature is a2out I&'

It is colder than I&'

' higher altitude than the elevation of the summit

' lower altitude than the elevation of the summit

%he same altitude as the elevation of the summit

' lower altitude than the elevation of the summit

' higher altitude than the elevation of the summit

%he same altitude as the elevation of the summit

%here is insufficient information to come to a conclusion

It will decrease

It will increase

It will remain the same

It will not 2e affected

It will decrease

It will increase

It will remain the same

It is not possi2le to give a definitive answer It is not possi2le to give a definitive answer Wind speed at ;aris is higher than at 5 Wind speed at ' and at 5 is the same

It will increase

It will decrease

It will remain the same

%he true altitude will 2e higher at ' than %he true altitude will 2e higher at 5 than Wind speed at ' is higher than at 5 at 5 at ' %he true altitude will 2e higher at ' than %he true altitude will 2e higher at 5 than Wind speed at ' is higher than at 5 at 5 at ' %he true altitude will 2e higher at 5 than %he true altitude will 2e higher at ' than Wind speed at <adrid is higher than at ' at ' at 5

Wind speed at 5 is higher than at '

subj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$6$='9 'n aircraft is flying from ;oint %he true altitude will 2e higher at 5 than %he true altitude will 2e higher at ' than Wind speed at ' and at 5 is the same ' to ;oint 5 on the upper level contour chart. %he altimeter setting is at ' at 5 0 +.6 h;a. Which of these statements is correct? 050 Jou are flying at () 600. 7utside air temperature is *$0,-, and the =+$0 feet 60!!0 feet 6 :$0 feet pressure at sea level is 0++ h;a. What is the true altitude? 050 Jou are flying at () !0. 7utside air temperature is *6:,-, and the 50=0 feet 5!+0 feet !+:0 feet pressure at sea level is 00+ h;a. What is the true altitude? 050 Jou are planning to fly across a mountain range. %he chart recommends 560 feet 66 0 feet 650 feet a minimum altitude of 6000 feet a2ove mean sea level. %he air mass you will 2e flying through is an average 0,- warmer than I&'. Jour altimeter is set to 06+ h;a 834H of a near2y airport at nearly sea level9. What altitude will the altimeter show when you have reached the recommended minimum altitude? 050 'n aircraft lands at an airport 8airport elevation 5$0 (%, 34H ==+ h;a9 0#0 (% :00 (% +#0 (% with the altimeter set to 0 + h;a. What will it indicate ? 050 'fter landing at an aerodrome 834H ==+ h;a9 it is noticed that the !!0 feet. 600 feet. :$0 feet. altimeter is still set to 0 +,6 h;a and that it reads 600 feet. What is the elevation of the aerodrome a2ove mean sea level ? 050 What is the approximate speed of a 65*"not wind, expressed in $5 "m>h +5 "m>h 55 "m>h "ilometres per hour? 050 What is the approximate speed of a =0 "m>h wind, expressed in "nots? 50 "t 55 "t !0 "t 050 What is the approximate speed of a $0*"not wind, expressed in m>sec? 050 What is the wind speed given in a <0%'C report 2ased on? 050 Where are you li"ely to find the strongest winds close to the ground? 60 m>sec %he average speed of the previous 0 minutes In the transition Bone 2etween two air masses In front. 5 m>sec %he average speed of the previous +0 minutes 't the centre of a low*pressure system 65 m>sec %he strongest gust in the previous hour 't the centre of a high*pressure system RispostaD Wind speed at 5 is higher than at ' Check

#6!0 feet != 0 feet :=0 feet

0 (% 66#0 feet.

!0 "m>h :0 "t +0 m>sec %he actual speed at the time of recording Where there is little variation in pressure over a large area during the winter months %o the right.

050 'n aircraft flying in the southern hemisphere at 6000 feet, has to turn to the right in order to allow for drift. In which direction, relative to the aircraft, is the centre of low pressure ? 050 5etween which latitudes are you most li"ely to find the su2tropical high* pressure 2elt ? 050 5etween which latitudes are you most li"ely to find the region of travelling low pressure systems during summer? 050 Where, in central 0urope, are the highest wind speeds to 2e found ?


%o the left.

65, * +5,. $5, * :0, Lust 2elow the tropopause

0, * 5,. 65, * $5, 't a2out 5500 metres altitude !060M%

+5, * 55,. 5, * 65, -lose to the ground 65065M%

55, * :5,. 0, * 5, In the stratosphere 660 0M%

050 If ;aris reports a wind of =0 5M% on the <0%'C, what wind velocity 660+0M% would you expect to encounter at a height of 6000 feet a2ove the ground ? 050 If ;aris reports a wind of 0#0 0M% on the <0%'C, what wind velocity 060M% would you expect to encounter at a height of 6000 feet a2ove the ground ? 050 If ;aris reports a wind of !060M% on the <0%'C, what wind velocity =0$0M% would you expect to encounter at a height of 6000 feet a2ove the ground? 050 If ;aris reports a wind of +00 6M% on the <0%'C, what wind velocity ++065M% would you expect to encounter at a height of 6000 feet a2ove the ground ? 050 Which of the following is true of a land 2reeBe? It 2lows from land to water 050 'n aircraft is approaching under visual flight rules an airfield whose -rosswind from the right runway is parallel to the coast. When downwind over the sea, the airfield is on the right. What wind effect should 2e anticipated on final approach and landing during a sunny afternoon?

0#0 5M%





:0 5M%




It 2lows from water to land -rosswind from the left

It 2lows 2y day %ailwind

It 2lows only at noon Headwind

subj Domanda RispostaA 050 'n aircraft is approaching under visual flight rules an airfield 8northern -rosswind from the left hemisphere9 whose runway is parallel to the coast. When downwind over the sea, the airfield is on the left. What wind effect should 2e anticipated on final approach and landing during a sunny afternoon ? 050 Which of the following statements is true of the dew point of an air It can only 2e equal to, or lower, than mass? the temperature of the air mass 050 Which types of clouds are typical evidence of sta2le air conditions? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$6:+'9 Which one of the displayed cloud forms is representative of altocumulus lenticularis? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$6:$'9 Which one of the displayed cloud forms is representative of a cumulonim2us capillatus? 050 Which of the following types of cloud can extend over the low, medium and high cloud levels ? 050 ' plain in Western 0urope with an average height of 500 m 8 !00 (%9 a2ove sea level is covered with a uniform &- layer of cloud during the summer months. 't what height a2ove the ground is the 2ase of this cloud to 2e expected? 050 ' plain in Western 0urope with an average height of 500 m 8 !00 (%9 a2ove sea level is covered with a uniform -- layer of cloud during the summer months. 't what height a2ove the ground is the 2ase of this cloud to 2e expected? 050 Which of the following cloud types is found at high levels? 050 Which of the following cloud types is a medium level cloud ? 050 Which of the following is most li"ely to lead to the formation of radiation fog? 050 With which of the following types of cloud is G@C'G precipitation most commonly associated? 050 With what type of cloud is G/CG precipitation most commonly associated? 050 With what type of cloud is GFKG precipitation most commonly associated? 050 Which of the following cloud types is least li"ely to produce precipitation ? 050 With what type of cloud is heavy precipitation unli"ely during the summer months ? 050 With what type of cloud is G@%&C'G precipitation most commonly associated? 050 Cead this description. G'fter such a fine day, the ring around the moon was a 2ad sign yesterday evening for the weather today. 'nd, sure enough, it is pouring down outside. %he clouds are ma"ing an oppressively low ceiling of uniform greyA 2ut at least it has 2ecome a little 2it warmer.G Which of these weather phenomena is 2eing descri2ed? 050 What will 2e the effect on the reading of an altimeter of an aircraft par"ed on the ground during the period following the passage of an active cold front ? 050 What will 2e the effect on the reading of an altimeter of an aircraft par"ed on the ground shortly 2efore an active cold front passes? 050 What will 2e the effect on the reading of an altimeter of an aircraft par"ed on the ground as an active cold front is passing? 050 Which of the following is typical for the passage of a cold front in the summer ? &%, '& 6 $ -5 500 * :000 (% a2ove ground RispostaB -rosswind from the right RispostaC %ailwind Headwind RispostaD Check

It can 2e higher than the temperature of It can 2e used together with the air pressure to It can 2e used to estimate the air the air mass estimate the air massIs relative humidity massIs relative humidity even if the air temperature is un"nown -1, -5 4&, -1 -5, -+ + '00 * 500 (% a2ove ground $ 6 &% :000 * 5000 (% a2ove ground -I 5000 * 65000 (% a2ove ground

5000 * +5000 (% a2ove the terrain

:000 * 5000 (% a2ove the terrain

500 * :000 (% a2ove the terrain

00 * 500 (% a2ove the terrain

-I '& Heat loss from the ground on clear nights 4& -5 &% -I &-, '& -5 ' warm front

&-& Fry, warm air passing over warm ground ''& -5 '& -5, &% '& ' 2liBBard

'& &% %he passage of fronts &&% --5 4&, -&Weather at the 2ac" of a cold front

-1 &-old air passing over warm ground &% --1 4& '&, 4& 4& ' cold front

It will have decreased.

It will remain unchanged.

It will have increased.

It will show a small increase or decrease. It will fluctuate up and down 2y a2out @>* 50 feet. It will fluctuate up and down 2y a2out @>* 50 feet. Capid increase in temperature once the front has passed

It will 2e increasing. It will first increase then decrease. <ainly towering clouds

It will remain unchanged. It will remain unchanged. <ainly layered clouds

It will 2e decreasing. It will first decrease then increase. Capid drop in pressure once the front has passed

subj Domanda 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$6=:'9 0xamining the pictures, on which one of the trac"s 8dashed lines9 is this cross*section to 2e expected? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$6=#' rev. 60.0 .600+9 'ssuming the usual direction of movement, to which position will the polar frontal wave have moved ? 050 In a situation with a wea" pressure gradient and no thunderstorms around, what will the indication of the aneroid altimeter of an aircraft par"ed on the ground do over a period of a2out ten minutes? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+05'9 1nder the weather conditions depicted, which of the following statements is li"ely to apply? 050 In which of these temperature 2ands is ice most li"ely to form on the aircraftIs surface? 050 Which of the following statements is true regarding moderate to severe airframe icing? 050 Which of the following statements is true regarding moderate to severe airframe icing? 050 In which of these cloud types can icing 2e virtually ruled out? 050 In which of these cloud types can icing 2e virtually ruled out? 050 Which of the following conditions is most li"ely to cause airframe icing ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+ $' rev. 60.0 .600+9 -ontinuous freeBing rain is o2served at an airfield. Which of the four diagrams is most li"ely to reflect temperatures a2ove the airfield concerned? 050 't what degree of icing should I-'7Is G-hange of course and>or altitude desira2leG recommendation 2e followed? 050 't what degree of icing should I-'7Is G-hange course and>or altitude immediatelyG instruction 2e followed? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$++#' rev. 60.0 .600+9 'ccording to I-'7, which sym2ol indicates a tropical revolving storm? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$++=' rev. 60.0 .600+9 'ccording to I-'7, which sym2ol indicates danger to an aircraft flying according to instrument flight rules 8I(C9? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+$0' rev. 60.0 . 00+9 'ccording to I-'7, which sym2ol indicates danger to an aircraft flying according to instrument flight rules 8I(C9 ? 050 What does the term &I/<0% signify? RispostaA %rac" 5*F %rac" 5*RispostaB %rac" '*F RispostaC %rac" '*0 RispostaD Check

;osition +

;osition $


;osition 6

'pparently nothing, 2ecause any changes would 2e small. %hunderstorms may occur in the summer months over -entral 0urope. 0,- to * 0,-

Increase rapidly.

&how strong fluctuations.

Fecrease rapidly.

&evere gradient wind li"ely over -entral <oderate to strong (oehn in the 'lps. 0urope. @ 0,- to 0,*60,- to *+5,It may occur in the uppermost levels of a cumulonim2us capillatus formation It is unli"ely to occur in nim2ostratus cloud

Cadiation fog is unli"ely in -entral 0urope in the winter. *+5,- to *50,It always occurs in altostratus cloud It may occur in the uppermost levels of a cumulonim2us capillatus formation -1 4& ;0 Fiagram

It is li"ely to occur in nim2ostratus It will occur in clear*s"y conditions cloud It will not occur in clear*s"y conditions It always occurs in altostratus cloud

-I -& @(KC' Fiagram $

&'& /C Fiagram +

4& &&H&4 Fiagram 6

<oderate &evere &ym2ol $ &ym2ol 6

)ight )ight &ym2ol + &ym2ol $

&evere <oderate &ym2ol 6 &ym2ol

0xtreme 0xtreme &ym2ol &ym2ol +

&ym2ol +

&ym2ol $


&ym2ol 6

' &I/<0% is a warning of dangerous meteorological conditions

' &I/<0% is a flight forecast, issued 2y the meteorological station several times daily It is the actual weather report at an aerodrome and is generally issued at half*hourly intervals 5-(/ H' &' <I(/

050 What does the term %C04F signify?

It is a landing forecast added to the actual weather report &4 @&H&4 FK @(KC'

050 Which of the following phenomena should 2e descri2ed as precipitation at the time they are o2served? 050 Which of the following phenomena should 2e descri2ed as precipitation at the time they are o2served? 050 Which of the following phenomena should 2e descri2ed as precipitation at the time they are o2served? 050 Which of the following meteorological phenomena can rapidly change the 2ra"ing action of a runway?

' &I/<0% is a 2rief landing forecast added to ' &I/<0% is an actual weather the actual weather report report at an aerodrome and is generally issued at half*hourly intervals It is a warning of dangerous meteorological It is a flight forecast, issued 2y the conditions meteorological station several times daily (K(/ HK 5C %& (/ <I(/ &3 HK

subj Domanda 050 Which of the following phenomena can produce a ris" of aquaplaning? 050 Which of these four <0%'C reports suggests that a thunderstorm is li"ely in the next few hours? 050 In which of the following <0%'C reports, is the pro2a2ility of fog formation in the coming night the highest? 050 Which of these statements 2est descri2es the weather most li"ely to 2e experienced at 500 1%-? %'( )&KH 6 600K 6 +66 660 #/+5M% ==== &-%0 6 5M40+0 50-</ + 5 65065/$5M% %0<;7 :60 $000 @&HC' 5M4065%-1 50-</ 6066 650 5M% %D #> 5K %4 $>6 K N 050 %'( )&KH 650!00K 650: ! 00000M% 0 00 (/ HH00 50-</ 0# 0 0#00 HH006 50-</ 0 6 6+005M% 6500 5C 5M4005 %0<;7 + ! !000 &-%00: N Which of these statements 2est descri2es the weather that can 2e expected at 600 1%-? 050 Which of the following weather reports could 2e, in accordance with the regulations, a22reviated to G-'H7MG? 050 Which of the following weather reports could 2e, in accordance with the regulations, a22reviated to G-'H7MG? 050 Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the <0%'C ? 65060/+#M% 600 @%&/C 5M400! 5M40 5-5 6+> # 3 0 ! 50-</ 4&W N 050 Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the <0%'C ? 00000M% 0600 C $>0#001 C !>; 5001 (K(/ HH00 m0+>m0+ 3 066 50-</ 0#00 N RispostaA @C' (/ RispostaB 5-(/ 60 +50K +$00+M% 0#00 &4 HH006 <06><0$ 3 0 $ 47&I/ N RispostaC &' RispostaD Check 60 +50K 6 005M% ==== &-%0$0-5 60 +50K !00$M% #000 &-% 0 &-% 00 6!> # 3 0 ! %0<;7 7H-660 06><06 3 00# 47&I/ N 6$0 #/+0M% %& N 60 #50K 500+M% !000 &-% 60 05>0$ 60 #50K 6 00+M% #000 &-%650 3 0+6 50-</ !00 5C N 6>m0# 3 06# 47&I/ N Hisi2ility 0 "ilometres or more, ceiling Hisi2ility $000 metres, gusts up to 65 +000 feet, wind 650,, temperature #,-. "nots, temperature #,-. 60 +50K 0$0 6M% +000 5C 7H-0 6 0$>0+ 3 066 50-</ !000 N 60 #50K 0!0 #/+0M% 5000*C' 7H-0 0 60 #50K 650 0M% $000 C' 0$>0 3 06$ 47&I/ N 5M40 6 7H-0+0 6> 0 3 00! %0<;7 500 N Hisi2ility 0 "ilometres or more, ceiling 600 &evere rainshowers, visi2ility $000 feet, gusts up to $5 "nots. metres, temperature 5,-, gusts up to +5 "nots.

Hisi2ility 6,5 "ilometres, mist, cloud 2ase 500 feet, wind speed 5 "nots

Hisi2ility #00 metres, fog, wind from 6+0,, cloud 2ase 500 feet

Hisi2ility #00 metres, fog, vertical visi2ility 600 feet, calm

Hisi2ility ! "ilometres, cloud 2ase 500 feet, wind speed 5 "nots

500+M% ==== 5M4 00 :> 3 06$ 47&I/ N 6:0 =/+:M% ==== 5M4050 #> $ 3 0 ! 47&I/ N /usts of +# "nots, thunderstorm with heavy hail, dew point #,-

6$00=M% !000 C' &-%0 0 7H-0+0 6> 3 00: %0<;7 $000 N +$00$M% :000 <I(/ &-%6!0 0=>0# 3 06= 50-</ !00 N <ean wind speed 60*+# "nots, visi2ility 600 metres, temperature 6+,-

6=0 0M% ==== &-%0$5%-1 !> 6 3 0 5 C0&HC' 47&I/ N 00000M% 0 00 (/ HH00 > 3 065 50-</ 0500 N 5ro"en, cloud 2ase !00 feet and 500 feet, temperature #,-

0$0 6/6!M% ==== 5M40+0 >0: 3 06$ 47&I/ N 6!0 6M% #000 &HC' 5M4065 !> 6 3 0 # 47&I/ N Wind 650,, thunderstorm with moderate hail, 34H 0 ! h;a

CHC for runway $ #00 metres, vertical visi2ility 00 feet, calm, visi2ility improving to #00 metres in the next 6 hours 050 Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the &I/<0% ? <oderate to severe clear air tur2ulence )&'& &I/<0% 6 H')IF 0+0:00>0+ 00 )&KH* &WI%K0C)'4F to 2e expected north of the 'lps. (IC>1IC <7F %7 &0H -'% (-&% 4 7( ');& 5%4 () 6!0>+#0 Intensity increasing. Fanger Bone &%4C I4%&( 2etween () 6!0 and () +#0 050 Which of the following statements is an interpretation of the &I/<0% ? %hunderstorms must 2e expected in the )/// &I/<0% + H')IF 6 $60> 6 #60 )/'%* '%HI4'I (IC western part of the 'thens (IC. %he 0<5F %& 75& '4F (-&% I4 W ;'C% <7H 0 4thunderstorm Bone is moving east. Intensity is constant 050 -ompare the following %'( and H7)<0% reports for 4ice. %'( %hat the weather at 4ice is clearly more 6$0!00K 6$0: ! HC506M% -'H7M N 0=60K +0 6M% #000 volatile than the %'( could have &-%0$0-5 5M4 00 60> # 3 0 5 %0<;7 %& N What can 2e predicted earlier in the morning concluded from the differences 2etween the two reports ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+!6'9 't which airport is the 0I44 following weather development ta"ing place? %'( 6+ 600K 6+ +66 6$0 $/+6M% $000 @%&C' &-%005 5M40 5 5M4060-5 50-</ $ ! 6=0 6M% ==== 5M40+0%-1 &-% 00 %0<;7 ! = #000 &HC' 5M4065%-1 50-</ =66 6:0 6M% ==== &-%0+0 7H-660 N 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+!+'9 Which of the following 6 006M% 5000 5C &-%0$0 6=> ! weather conditions would 2e expected at 'thens 'irport 8)/'%9 at 3 06! 47&I/ N around $50 1%-? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+!$'9 Which airport is most li"ely to )&KH have radiation fog in the coming night? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+!5'9 &elect from the map the 6+0> 0 average wind for the route Kurich * Come at () 0. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+!!'9 &elect from the map the *=,average temperature for the route Kurich * Come at () 0. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+!:'9 )oo" at the chart. 'ssuming a () !0

Hisi2ility 600 metres, CHC for runway Hisi2ility 600 feet, CHC for runway ! more Hisi2ility for runway $ #00 metres, ! 500 metres, temperature *+,-, than 500 metres, vertical visi2ility 00 feet, fog with hoar frost, CHC for runway vertical visi2ility 00 metres fog with hoar frost ! more than 500 metres Kone of moderate to severe tur2ulence &evere tur2ulence o2served 2elow () 6!0 moving towards the area north of the north of the 'lps. ;ilots advised to cross this 'lps. Intensity increasing. ;ilots advised area a2ove () +#0 to cross this area a2ove () 6!0 %hunderstorms have formed in the 'thens 'irport is closed due to thunderstorms. eastern part of the 'thens (IC and are %he thunderstorm Bone should 2e east of slowly moving west 'thens 2y #60 1%%hat the weather conditions at 0=60 were actually predicted in the %'( %hat the weather in 4ice after 0=60 is also li"ely to 2e as predicted in the %'( <oderate to severe clear air tur2ulence of constant intensity to 2e expected north of the 'lps %he thunderstorms in the 'thens (IC are increasing in intensity, 2ut are stationary a2ove the western part of the 'thens (IC %hat the H7)<0% spea"er has got his locations mixed up, 2ecause there is no way the latest H7)<0% report could 2e so different from the %'( 0M-H



!006M% 0600 C++)>0!004 (/ HH00 6!0 $M% #000 5M40=0 :> 6 3 00= 6> 6 3 0+ 50-</ 0#00 N 50-</ $000 C' N 04/< 600>+0 * 6,() 60 0M-H 0$0> 0 *!,() $0

6+0 #/+5M% ==== &-%0+5 0>0$ 30=## 47&I/ N 0&&' 650>60 @5,() 60

subj Domanda RispostaA normal vertical temperature gradient, at what altitude will the freeBing level a2ove &hannon 2e found? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+!#' rev. 0. .60069 &elect from the 6+0>$0 map the average wind for the route (ran"furt * Come at () :0. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+!=' rev. 0. .60069 'ssuming a () 00 normal vertical temperature gradient, at what altitude will the freeBing level a2ove %unis 2e found? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+:0' rev. 0. .60069 What is the $,- colder than I&' mean temperature deviation from I&' for the route (ran"furt * Come at () #0? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+: ' rev. 0. .60069 &elect from the 6$0>$0 map the average wind for the route 'thens * /eneva at () !0. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+:6' rev. 0. .60069 &elect from the * $,map the average temperature for the route 'thens * /eneva at () 50. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+:+' rev. 0. .60069 What is the #,- colder than I&' deviation of the temperature at () $0 a2ove -openhagen compared to I&'? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+:$'9 &elect from the map the 6+0>60 average wind for the route Kurich * Ham2urg at () 6$0. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+:5'9 &elect from the map the *++,average temperature for the route Kurich * )is2oa at () 600. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+:!' rev. 0. .60069 &elect from the +!0>#0 map the average wind for the route &hannon * )is2oa at () 6=0. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+::' rev. 0. .60069 &elect from the *$:,map the average temperature for the route /eneva *&toc"holm at () 6!0. 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+:#'9 7n which of the following Ham2urg * 7slo routes can you expect icing to occur, on the 2asis of the chart? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+:='9 )oo"ing at the chart, at what () +!0 altitude a2ove (ran"furt would you expect the tropopause to 2e located? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+#0'9 If you are flying from Kurich Isolated thunderstorms to )ondon at () 6$0, what conditions can you expect at cruising altitude? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+#$'9 Ludging 2y the chart, what =0 "t wind speeds can you expect at () + 0 a2ove )ondon ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+#5'9 Ludging 2y the chart, on which Kurich * 'thens of these routes can you expect to encounter moderate -'% at () +00? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+#!'9 If you are flying from Kurich -onstantly in the stratosphere to &hannon at () +$0, where will your cruising altitude 2e? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+#:'9 Which of these statements is )ocal snow and severe aircraft icing can true? 2e expected over /ermany 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+##'9 7n which of these routes would you not need to worry a2out icing at () :0? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+#='9 %his chart shows the weather situation at 0!00 1%- on <ay 6+. Which of the following reports reflects weather development at /eneva 'irport? )ondon * &toc"holm RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

600>50 () 60

050>$0 () #0

0+0>+5 () 6!0

$,- warmer than I&'

0,- colder than I&'

0,- warmer than I&'

6 0>65 *6 ,$,- warmer than I&'

6!0>$0 * ,-

050>+5 *6:,6,- colder than I&'

#,- warmer than I&'

060>60 *+0,0+0>:0 *5 ,-

600> 5 *$ ,=0>:5 *55,-

6!0>65 *$=,+$0>=0 *!+,-

Come * (ran"furt () $ 0 (light largely in cloudA no tur2ulence

%unis * Come () ++0 ;rolonged severe tur2ulence and icing throughout the flight $0 "t Kurich * &toc"holm

-openhagen * Helsin"i () +=0 -'% for the first half of the flight

+00 "t )ondon * Kurich -onstantly in the troposphere

0 "m>h <adrid * 5ordeaux In the stratosphere for part of time %ur2ulence is li"ely to 2e encountered at () $00 over <alaga 8)0</9 Kurich * 'thens %'( )&// 6+0!00K 6+0: ! HC50+M% !000 &-%060 50-</ 0# 6+005M% ==== &-%065%-1 ;C75 $0 %0<;7 6 ! +$0 6/+0M% +000 %&C' 5M4060-5 N &torm clouds due to warm air came close to and graBed the station

(irst in the troposphere and later in the stratosphere (reeBing level a2ove )ondon 80/))9 is %he front to the east of ;aris 8)(;79 is higher than () 0!5 moving south <adrid * Hienna %'( )&// 6+0!00K 6+0: ! 050 $M% 5000 5C 7H-0 5 50-</ 0# 0 #000 5M40 # 50-</ 0 + 050 5/+0M% ==== &-%065 N ;aris * )is2on %'( )&// 6+0!00K 6+0: ! 6!0 6M% ==== &-%0+0 5M40#0 %0<;7 0 + 65060/+5M% +000 %&C' 5M40+0-5 50-</ + ! HC506M% +000 5-(/ &-% 00 N ' trough line passed the station early in the morning and a warm front during late afternoon

%'( )&// 6+0!00K 6+0: ! 6+0 !M% #000 *C' 5M40+0 7H-0:0 50-</ 0# 0 5000 C' 5M4060 7H-050 %0<;7 0 6 +000 @C' 5M40 0 7H-0+0 50-</ 6 5 650 $M% #000 &-%0+0 5M40=0 N 050 In Kurich during a summer day the following weather o2servations were ' warm front passed the station early in ta"en. !0$50K 6+0 5M% +000 @C' &-%00# &-%060 7H-0+0 +> 6 the morning and a cold front during late 3 0 0 47&I/ N !0!50K 6500#M% !000 &-%0$0 5M40=0 #> $ afternoon 3 0 0 C0C' 47&I/ N !0#50K 6500!M% #000 &-%0$0 &-% 00

' cold front passed the station early in the morning and a warm front during late afternoon

subj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB => 5 3 00= 47&I/ N ! 050K 6$00#M% ==== &-%0$0 &-% 00 6 > 5 3 00# 47&I/ N ! 650K 6+0 6M% -'H7M 6+> ! 3 005 47&I/ N ! $50K 6+0 !M% ==== &-%0$0 5M40=0 6$> : 3 00+ 50-</ 65060/$0M% %& N ! !50K 6$0 #/+5M% +000 @%&C' &-%00! 5M40 5-5 #> ! 3 006 47&I/ N ! #50K 6#0 6M% ==== &-%0+0 &-% 00 +> 3 005 47&I/ N What do you conclude 2ased on these o2servations? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+= '9 Which typical weather Westerly waves 1niform pressure pattern situation is shown 2y the design for the area of -entral 0urope ? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+=6'9 Which typical weather High pressure Warm southerly wind situation is shown 2y the design for northern Italy? 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$+=+'9 %he attached chart shows %'( )&KH 0 500K 0 !0 %'( )&KH 0 500K 0 !0 iso2ars and fronts at 600 1%- on 7cto2er 0. Which of the following HC506M% #000 &-%6#0 50-</ ! # 05060/+5M% #000 5M40 5 %0<;7 reports reflects weather development at Kurich 'irport 8)&KH9 ? 00000M% +500 <I(/ 50-</ #60 :60 050 #M% 0+00 @&H&4 HH006 N 500 5-(/ 50-</ 6066 0 00 (/ HH00 N 050 Jou have 2een flying for some time in dense layered cloud. %he outside &evere airframe icing is unli"ely under &evere airframe icing is quite li"ely air temperature is *65,-. Which of the following statements is true? these conditions under these conditions 050 %hunderstorms in exceptional circumstances can occur in a warm front if the warm air is convectively unsta2le. 050 )ow level wind shear is li"ely to 2e greatest 050 7n an aerodrome, when a warm front is approaching 050 %he intertropical convergence Bone 8I%-K9 particularly affects at the top of a mar"ed surface*2ased inversion. 3(0 and 34H decrease. the cold air is convectively unsta2le. at the condensation level when there is no night radiation. 3(0 and 34H increase. RispostaC RispostaD Check

cold air pool Westerly wind %'( )&KH 0 500K 0 !0 6+0 6M% !000 C' 5M40 6 7H-0+0 %0<;7 606+ 66065/$0M% !00 @&4C' 5M400+ 7H-0 5 N If you do not have weather radar on 2oard there is no need to worry, as -5 is unli"ely to form in such cloud the cold air is convectively sta2le.

0asterly waves 0asterly wind %'( )&KH 0 500K 0 !0 +600#M% ==== &-%0+0%-1 %0<;7 660 +6060/+6M% +000 %&C' 5M4060-5 N In a dense layered cloud icing is unli"ely also at an outside air temperature of *5,the warm air is convectively sta2le.

at the condensation level when there is strong at the top of the friction layer. surface friction. 3(0 increases and 34H decreases. 3(0 decreases and 34H increases.

western 'frica 2etween 0,4 and 60,4 western 'frica, at a latitude of 65,4 in the 'tlantic ocean, 2etween latitudes 0,4 and western 'frica, where it is situated and the northern coasts of the 'ra2ian Luly. +0,4, depending on the time of year. 2etween the 0,4 and +0,4 sea in Luly. parallels, depending on the time of the year. 050 'n occlusion is called a warm occlusion when the cold air at the rear of the occlusion is less cold ahead of the surface position of the at the rear of the occlusion is colder than the at the rear of the occlusion is colder than the cold air ahead, with the warm occlusion is only at a higher altitude. cold air ahead. than the cold air ahead, with the air at a higher altitude. warm air at a higher altitude. 050 %he region of the glo2e where the greatest num2er of tropical revolving the north*west ;acific, affecting Lapan, the -ari22ean sea, affecting the West the south*western Indian ocean, affecting the northern Indian ocean, affecting storms occur is %aiwan, Morea and the -hinese Indies, <exico and the south*east <adagascar, <auritius and the island of India, &ri )an"a and 5angladesh. coastline. coastline of the 1&'. COunion. 050 #># stratus 2ase 600 (%>'/) is o2served at sunrise at an aerodrome in Winter. 7H-, 2ase 500 (%>'/)A Winter. clear s"yA summer. 5M4 -5, Winter. 5M4, 2ase 6500 (%>'/)A summer. Winter. &-%, 2ase +000 (%>'/)A the north of (ranceA the 34H is 06# h;a and there is a varia2le wind of summer. &-%, 2ase +000 (%>'/). 2ase 500 (%>'/). 5M4, 2ase +500 (%>'/). summer. 7H-, 2ase 500 (%>'/). + "t. What change in these clouds is li"ely at 600 1%- in summer and winter? 050 What is the lowest visi2ility forecast at 0%' Kurich $+0 1%- ? )&KH ! "m. ! 4<. $ "m. 0 "m. 6!0=00K 6! 0 = 600 #/+0M% ==== *C' &-%050 5M40#0 %0<;7 6 5 6+0 6M% !000 *FK 5M40 5 5M40+0 50-</ 5 # 6+060/+5M% $000 C' 7H-0 0N 050 What is the lowest cloud 2ase forecast at 0%' Kurich 600 1%- ? 500 (%. 000 (%. 500 m. 5000 (%. )&KH 0!0=00K 0! 0 = 600 #/+0M% ==== *C' &-%050 5M40#0 %0<;7 + 6+0 6M% !000 *FK 5M40 5 5M40+0 50-</ 5 # 6+060/+5M% $000 C' 7H-0 0N 050 %he following weather message 0FF< 6$ 600K 6$ +66 HC50+M% = hour %'(. 6$ hour %'(. &;0-I. <0%'C. 500 5C 7H-00$ 50-</ 5 : 00000M% 0500 (/ HH006 %0<;7 6066 0$00 (/ HH00 is a. 050 In <0%'C messages, the pressure group represents the 34H rounded down to the nearest h;a. 3(0 rounded to the nearest h;a. 34H rounded up to the nearest h;a. 3(0 rounded down to the nearest h;a. 050 'n altimeter ad?usted to 0 + h;a indicates an altitude of +!00 (%. +00! (%. 6=66 (%. $6:# (%. $ =$ (%. &hould this altimeter 2e ad?usted to the local 34H value of == h;a, the altitude indicated would 2e

subj Domanda 050 In /eneva, the local 34H is ==$ h;a. %he elevation of /eneva is $ (%. %he 3(0 ad?ustment in /eneva is 050 'n aircraft is flying at () #0. %he local 34H is 000 h;a. 'fter the second altimeter has 2een ad?usted to the local 34H, the reading will 2e approximately 050 %he 2arometric compensator of an altimeter is loc"ed on reference 0 +.6 h;a. %he aircraft has to land on a point with an elevation of 6=0 feet where the 34H is 06+ h;a. %he reading on the altimeter on the ground will 2e. 050 ' micro2urst phenomenon can arise in the 050 While approaching your destination aerodrome you receive the following message. CHC runway 6+. $00m %his information indicates the 050 What is the meaning of the a22reviation G&-%G ? 050 'n air2orne weather radar installation ma"es it possi2le to detect the location of RispostaA =$6 h;a. :!50 (%. =!: h;a. #!00 (%. RispostaB =! h;a. #+50 (%. RispostaC =$# h;a. #000 (%. RispostaD Check

60 (%.


* 0 (%.

5!0 (%.

downdraught of a cumulonim2us at the updraught of a cumulonim2us at the mature stage. mature stage. length of runway which a pilot in an visi2ility on runway 6+. aircraft on the ground would see, on the threshold of runway 6+. + * $ o"tas * 6 o"tas Bones of precipitation, particularly all clouds liquid*state precipitation, and also their intensity +$ 000 (% += 000 (%

downdraught of a cumulonim2us at the formation stage. portion of runway which a pilot on the threshold of any of the runways would see, with runway 6+ in service. 5 * : o"tas

updraught of a cumulonim2us at the growth stage. minimum visi2ility at this aerodrome, with runway 6+ 2eing the one in service. * $ o"tas

cumulonim2us, 2ut provided that cloud of this stratocumulus and its vertical type is accompanied 2y falls of hail development +0 000 (% #000 (% at '?accio and =000 (% at -alvi +6 000 (% 000 (% at '?accio and 6000 (% at -alvi

050 %he upper wind and temperature chart of 650 h;a corresponds, in a standard atmosphere, to a2out 050 <arseille Information gives you the following meteorological 000 (% at '?accio and =000 (% at 000 (% at '?accio and 500 (% at -alvi information for '?accio and -alvi for !00 1%-. '?accio. wind +!0,>6 -alvi "t, visi2ility 6000 m, rain, 5M4 stratocumulus at 000 (%, 7Haltostratus at #000 (%, 34H 06+ h;a. -alvi. wind 0$0,>6 "t, visi2ility +000 m, mist, (0W stratus at 500 (%, &-% stratocumulus at 6000 (%, 7H- altostratus at =000 (%, 34H 06+ h;a. %he ceilings are therefore. 050 0xtensive cloud and precipitation is often associated with a non frontal surface convergence and upper level surface convergence and upper level thermal depression 2ecause of. divergence causing widespread ascent of divergence causing widespread descent air in the depression of air in the depression 050 %he equatorial easterly ?et is a ?et stream that occurs. only in the summer of the northern only in the winter of the northern hemisphere at approx. $5 000 (% hemisphere at approx. +0 000 (% 050 'll pilots encountering -lear 'ir %ur2ulence are requested to report it. moderate light Jou experience -'% which causes passengers and crew to feel definite strain against their seat 2elt or shoulders straps. 1nsecured o2?ects are dislodged. (ood service and wal"ing are difficult. %his intensity of -'% should 2e reported as 050 /oing from the equator to the north pole, the altitude of the tropopause decreases and its temperature increases increases and its temperature increases 050 8(or this question use annex 050*$:65'9 -onsidering the route indicated 40 wind affecting north*west 'frica from )is2on to (reetown, the Harmattan is a during 4ovem2er to 'pril reducing visi2ility in rising dust. 050 %he troposphere is the part of the atmosphere 2elow the tropopause 050 %he tropopause is a level at which temperature ceases to fall with increasing height 050 %he tropopause is lower over the 4orth ;ole than over the equator 050 %he temperature at 0000 (% in the I-'7 &tandard 'tmosphere is. *5,050 What of the following is the most important constituent in the atmosphere from a weather stand*point ? 050 %he average height of the tropopause at 50,4 is a2out 050 %he height and the temperature of the tropopause are respectively in the order of Water vapour "m ! "m and *:5,- over the equator &W monsoonal wind causing extensive areas of advection fog along the West 'frican coast south of 5,4. part of the atmosphere a2ove the stratosphere water vapour content is greatest in summer than winter in moderate latitudes 0,4itrogen # "m # "m and *$0,- over the equator

surface divergence and upper level surface divergence and upper level convergence causing widespread descent of air convergence causing widespread in the depression ascent of air in the depression during the whole year in the southern during the whole year in the northern hemisphere hemisphere severe extreme

increases and its temperature decreases warm southerly dust*2earing wind affecting the coast of 4orth 'frica. 2oundary 2etween the mesosphere and thermosphere pressure remains constant south of the equator than north of it *60,7xygen $ "m # "m and * :5,- over the poles

decreases and its temperature decreases localised depression giving squally winds. 2oundary 2etween the stratosphere and the mesosphere vertical currents are strongest over the equator than over the &outh ;ole *+5,Hydrogen ! "m ! "m and *$0,- over the poles

subj Domanda 050 'n inversion is a layer of air in which the temperature 050 'n isothermal layer is a layer of air in which the temperature 050 'n inversion is a layer of air which is 050 %he environmental lapse rate in an actual atmosphere 050 %he dry adia2atic lapse rate has a value of 050 %he dry adia2atic lapse rate 050 'n air mass is called sta2le when RispostaA increases with height remains constant with height a2solutely sta2le varies with time ,-> 00m has a constant fixed value RispostaB remains constant with height increases with height a2solutely unsta2le has a fixed value of ,-> 00m 6,-> 000(% is greater in summer than in winter RispostaC decreases with height less than ,-> 00m decreases with height at a constant rate conditionally unsta2le has a fixed value of 0.!5,-> 00m 0.!5,-> 00m RispostaD decreases with height more than ,-> 00m increases with height at a constant rate conditionally sta2le has a fixed value of 6,-> 000 (% 0.5,-> 00m Check

is greater during the night than during the day has a varia2le value the pressure in a given area is constant the environmental lapse rate is high, with little vertical motion of air currents 0.!,- per 00m

the vertical motion of rising air tends to the temperature in a given air mass 2ecome wea"er and disappears decreases rapidly with height ,- per 00m 't <&) temperature is 5,- and the decrease in temperature with height is ,- per 00m pressure at <&) in the standard atmosphere 34H is always lower than 3(0 34H can not 2e 0 +.65 h;a Bero while landing

050 In the I-'7 &tandard 'tmosphere the decrease in temperature with 0.!5,- per 00m height 2elow "m is 050 Which statement is correct regarding the I-'7 &tandard 'tmosphere ? 't <&) temperature is 5,- and pressure is 0 +.65h;a 050 34H is defined as 050 Which of the following statements is true ? 050 Which statement is true ? 3(0 reduced to <&) using the values of the standard atmosphere 34H can 2e equal to 3(0

0.5,- per 00m

't <&) temperature is 0,- and the decrease 't <&) pressure is 0 +.65 h;a and in temperature with height is ,- per 00m the decrease of temperature with height is ,- per 00m pressure at <&) in the actual atmosphere 3(0 reduced to <&) using the values of the actual atmosphere 34H is always higher than 3(0 34H is always equal to 3(0 34H is lower than 0 +.65 h;a at any time 34H can 2e 0 +.65 h;a only for a station at <&) elevation while landing only if conditions are Bero while landing only if conditions as in the I-'7 &tandard 'tmosphere are as in the I-'7 &tandard 'tmosphere the same as su2sidence the same as convection vertically upwards motion of air the same as convection

34H can 2e lower as well as higher than 0 +.65 h;a 050 When the su2scale is set to the 34H of an airfield the pressure altimeter elevation while landing indicates 050 'dvection is. 050 &u2sidence is. 050 %he radiation of the sun heats 050 %he diurnal variation in temperature is largest when 050 Cising air cools 2ecause 050 ' layer can 2e 050 In a layer of air the decrease in temperature per 00 metres increase in height is more than ,-. %his layer can 2e descri2ed as 2eing 050 Which statement is true for a conditionally unsta2le layer? 050 %he sta2ility in a layer is increasing if 050 Which of the following statements concerning the lifting of a parcel of air is correct ? 050 When in the upper part of a layer warm air is advected the horiBontal motion of air vertically downwards motion of air

vertical motion of air horiBontal motion of air

the surface of the earth, which heats the the air in the troposphere directly air in the troposphere the s"y is clear and the wind is wea" the s"y is clear and the wind is strong it expands sta2le for unsaturated air and unsta2le for saturated air a2solutely unsta2le

the water vapour in the air of the troposphere the air in the troposphere only directly if no clouds are present the s"y is overcast and the wind is wea" the s"y is overcast and the wind is strong surrounding air is cooler at higher levels it 2ecomes more moist it contracts sta2le for saturated air and unsta2le for unsta2le for unsaturated air and neutral for unsaturated air saturated air a2solutely sta2le conditionally unsta2le unsta2le for unsaturated air and conditionally unsta2le conditionally sta2le %he wet adia2atic lapse rate is 0.!5,-> 00m cold and dry air is advected in the upper part &aturated parcels always cool at a rate of 0.!5,- per 00m wind speed will always decrease with increasing height in the northern hemisphere decreases if the air is cooled whilst maintaining the vapour pressure constant can not 2e equal to the air temperature

%he environmental lapse rate is less than %he environmental lapse rate is less than %he layer is unsta2le for unsaturated air ,-> 00m 0.!5,-> 00m warm air is advected in the upper part warm air is advected in the lower part warm and moist air is advected in the lower and cold air in the lower part and cold air in the upper part part 1nsaturated parcels cool more rapidly 1nsaturated parcels cool less rapidly 1nsaturated parcels cool at a rate of 0.!5,than saturated parcels than saturated parcels per 00m sta2ility increases in the layer sta2ility decreases in the layer wind will 2ac" with increasing height in the northern hemisphere increases if the air is cooled whilst maintaining the vapour pressure constant can 2e equal to the air temperature is higher in warm air than in cool air is higher in cool air than in warm air

050 Celative humidity

050 %he dewpoint temperature

is always lower than the air temperature is always higher than the air temperature

subj Domanda 050 Celative humidity depends on 050 %he dewpoint temperature 050 When water evaporates into unsaturated air 050 ' moist 2ut unsaturated parcel of air 2ecomes saturated 2y RispostaA moisture content and temperature of the air can 2e reached 2y cooling the air whilst "eeping pressure constant heat is a2sor2ed lifting the parcel to a higher level RispostaB RispostaC moisture content and pressure of the air moisture content of the air only can 2e reached 2y lowering the pressure can not 2e equal to the air temperature whilst "eeping temperature constant heat is released relative humidity is not changed lowering the parcel to a lower level moving the parcel to an area with lower pressure and equal temperature lowering the pressure, "eeping temperature constant cirro*type clouds a small particle of water at a temperature 2elow *50,stratiform clouds with severe tur2ulence sta2ility of the air in summer during the day only high level clouds a decrease in temperature only ice crystals the presence of warm air aloft is heated 2y expansion RispostaD temperature of the air only can not 2e lower than the air temperature relative humidity is decreased moving the parcel to an area with higher pressure and equal temperature compressing it adia2atically clouds containing only ice crystals a water droplet that has 2een froBen during its descent convective clouds with moderate tur2ulence dewpoint in mid*latitudes only convective clouds a decrease in pressure ice crystals and water droplets 2ut never supercooled water droplets poor surface visi2ility loses water vapour Check

050 ' sample of moist 2ut unsaturated air may 2ecome saturated 2y 050 ;recipitation in the form of showers occurs from 050 ' super*cooled droplet is

expanding it adia2atically convective clouds

raising the temperature stratified clouds a water droplet that is mainly froBen convective clouds with little or no tur2ulence relative humidity in sta2le atmosphere low level clouds convection only water droplets the presence of a low level inversion reaches warmer layers

a droplet still in liquid state at a temperature 2elow 0,050 &teady precipitation, in contrast to showery precipitation falls from stratiform clouds with little or no tur2ulence 050 %he maximum amount of water vapour that the air can contain depends air temperature on the 050 -onvective clouds are formed in unsta2le atmosphere 050 'ltostratus clouds are classified as 050 %he most effective way to dissipate cloud is 2y 050 ' cumulonim2us cloud at mid*latitudes in summer contains 050 &trongly developed cumulus clouds are an indication of 050 'reas of sin"ing air are generally cloudless 2ecause as air sin"s it 050 %he main factor which contri2utes to the formation of very low clouds ahead of a warm front is the 050 -louds, classified as 2eing low level are considered to have 2ases from 050 Which of the following are medium level clouds ? 050 In an unsta2le layer there are cumuliform clouds. %he vertical extent of these clouds depends on the 050 Which of the following phenomena are formed when a moist, sta2le layer of air is forced to rise against a mountain range ? 050 %he height of the lifting condensation level is determined 2y 050 -umulus clouds are an indication for medium level clouds su2sidence ice crystals, water droplets and supercooled water droplets insta2ility in the atmosphere is heated 2y compression

saturation of the cold air 2y rain falling saturation of the warm air 2y rain falling reduction of outgoing radiation due to clouds warm air moving over a cold surface into it and evaporating into it and evaporating the surface to !500 (% 000 to 6000 (% 500 to 000 (% 00 to 600 (% 'ltostratus and altocumulus thic"ness of the unsta2le layer &tratified clouds -irrocumulus and cirrostratus wind direction Inversions -umulonim2us air pressure at the surface &howers and thunderstorms wind and dewpoint at the surface the approach of a cold front 4im2ostratus 'll convective clouds pressure at different levels 'reas of severe tur2ulence wet adia2atic lapse rate and dewpoint at the surface the approach of a warm front -irrostratus

temperature and dewpoint at the surface temperature at surface and air pressure up and downdrafts sta2ility 'ltostratus

050 What type of cloud is 2eing descri2ed ? ' generally grey cloud layer &tratus with fairly uniform 2ase and uniform appearance, which may give driBBle or snow grains. When the sun is visi2le through the cloud, the outline is clearly discerni2le. &ometimes it appears in the form of ragged patches. 050 %he presence of altocumulus castellanus indicates insta2ility in the middle troposphere 050 %he presence of altocumulus lenticularis is an indication of the presence of mountain waves

strong convection at low height ris" of orographic thunderstorms

sta2ility in the higher troposphere development of thermal lows

su2sidence in a large part of the troposphere presence of valley winds from the land in daytime and from the water at night further the iso2ars will 2e apart and the higher the temperature

050 When otherwise calm and clear conditions exist a station on the shore of from the water in daytime and from the continually from land to water continually from water to the land a large 2ody of water will experience wind land at night 050 %he greater the pressure gradient the closer the iso2ars and the stronger the further the iso2ars will 2e apart and the closer the iso2ars and the lower the wind wea"er the wind temperatures

subj Domanda 050 When iso2ars, for an area in the mid*latitudes on a weather map, are close together, the wind is most li"ely to 2e 050 In the northern hemisphere a pilot flying at 000 (%>'/) directly towards the centre of a low pressure area, will find the wind 2lowing from 050 In the northern hemisphere the wind at the surface 2lows RispostaA strong left and 2ehind RispostaB 2lowing perpendicular to the iso2ars right and 2ehind RispostaC changing direction rapidly RispostaD light Check

a2out $5 degrees to the right of directly ahead directly ahead

counter*cloc"wise around, and toward the centre of, a low pressure area horiBontal pressure differences 2ac"s and decreases warm "ata2atic wind

from a low pressure area to a high pressure area the rotation of the earth veers and increases cold "ata2atic wind

cloc"wise around, and away from the centre of, a low pressure area friction 2etween the air and the ground 2ac"s and increases warm ana2atic wind 2lowing at night in mid*latitudes and early morning only in winter stratified clouds can 2e dissolved

050 Wind is caused 2y 050 Furing a descent from 6000 (% a2ove the surface to the surface 8no frontal passage, northern hemisphere9, the wind normally 050 %he (oehn wind is a 050 %he sea 2reeBe is a wind from the sea 050 )ow level vertical wind shear can 2e expected during the night 050 In an area of converging air 050 Jou are flying from east to west in the northern hemisphere at the 500 h;a pressure surface. Which of the following statements is correct? 050 /eostrophic wind is the wind when iso2ars are 050 (air weather cumulus often is an indication of 050 What relationship exists 2etween the wind at +000 feet and the surface wind?

counter*cloc"wise around, and away from the centre of, a high pressure area. the movements of fronts veers and decreases cold ana2atic wind occurring only in mid*latitudes and in daytime and early morning only in summer clouds can not 2e formed If you have a tail wind you are losing altitude curved lines and friction is involved. a high ris" of thunderstorms %he surface wind is veered compared to the wind at +000 feet and is usually wea"er. the friction of the air with the earthIs surface gives the airflow a diversion perpendicular to the gradient force. higher if curvature is cyclonic

occurring only in the lower layers of the that reaches up to the tropopause in atmosphere in daytime daytime in association with radiation inversions in unsta2le atmospheres clouds can 2e formed convective clouds can 2e dissolved

If the wind is from the north you are If the wind is from the south you are If you have a head wind you are gaining gaining altitude gaining altitude altitude straight lines and no friction is involved. curved lines and no friction is involved straight lines and friction is involved. tur2ulence at and 2elow the cloud level poor visi2ility at surface %hey have the same direction, 2ut the surface wind is wea"er, caused 2y friction contour lines are lines that connect points with the same wind speed in the upper air always higher rising pressure and li"ely formation of clouds earthIs rotation, geographic latitude, centripetal force at night up from the valley 2ac"s in the friction layer and veers a2ove the friction layer friction wind speed, roughness of surface, temperature surface wind speed tends to 2e highest at night very cold wind with 2lowing snow smooth flying conditions 2elow the cloud level %hey are practically the same, except when eddies exist, caused 2y o2stacles

%he wind at +000 feet is parallel to the isohypses and the surface wind direction is across the iso2ars toward the low pressure and the surface wind is wea"er. 050 %he wind tends to follow the contour lines 8isohypses9 a2ove the friction the coriolis force tends to 2alance with layer 2ecause the horiBontal pressure gradient force 050 %he wind speed in a system with curved iso2ars compared to a system with straight iso2ars is 8other conditions 2eing the same9 050 Fivergence in the upper air results, near the surface, in 050 %he geostrophic wind depends on 050 In a mountain*valley wind circulation, the mountain wind 2lows higher if curvature is anticyclonic falling pressure and li"ely formation of clouds density, earthIs rotation, geographic latitude at night down from the mountains

the coriolis force acts perpendicular on a line that connects high and low pressure system always lower

rising pressure and li"ely dissipation of clouds falling pressure and li"ely dissipation of clouds geographic latitude, centripetal force, height centripetal force, height, pressure gradient during the day down from the mountains during the day up from the valley veers in the friction layer and 2ac"s a2ove the 2ac"s in the friction layer and 2ac"s friction layer a2ove the friction layer horiBontal temperature gradients roughness of surface, temperature, local time angle 2etween iso2ars and surface wind direction tends to 2e greatest in the early afternoon downslope wind that occurs particularly at night as air cools along mountain slopes sine of latitude <istral slope of pressure surfaces temperature, local time, environmental lapse rate wind tends to 2ac" from early morning until early afternoon warm ana2atic wind up the slopes of snowfields or glaciers density of the air 5ora

050 'head of a warm front 8northern hemisphere9 the wind direction changes veers in the friction layer and veers from the surface up to the tropopause. %he effect of this change is that a2ove the friction layer the wind 050 %he difference 2etween geostrophic wind and gradient wind is caused 2y curvature of iso2ars 050 %he vertical extent of the friction layer depends primarily on 050 Furing periods of prolonged clear s"ies associated with anticyclonic conditions, the 050 %he -hinoo" is a sta2ility, wind speed, roughness of surface surface wind speed tends to 2e highest during the early afternoon warm and dry wind that forms as air descends on the leeward side of the Coc"y <ountains horiBontal pressure gradient (oehn

050 %he geostrophic wind speed is directly proportional to the 050 ' strong, dry and warm downslope wind, produced 2y prior enforced

curvature of iso2ars &cirocco

subj Domanda ascent of air over hills or mountains is "nown as a 050 ' dry, sand* and dust*laden 4orth 0asterly wind that 2lows in winter over large parts of 4orth West 'frica is "nown as a 050 /eostrophic wind 050 In a low pressure system the convergence at the surface is caused 2y 050 'n o2server on the northern hemisphere is under influence of the wind system of a depression, which is moving from West to 0ast. %he centre of the depression passes to the &outh of the o2server. (or this o2server the wind direction is 050 When the temperature and dew point are less than one degree apart the weather conditions are most li"ely to 2e 050 %he morning following a clear, calm night when the temperature has dropped to the dewpoint, is li"ely to produce 050 'dvection fog can 2e formed when 050 &teaming fog 8arctic sea smo"e9 occurs in air 050 (rontal fog is most li"ely to occur 050 Hisi2ility is reduced 2y haBe when 050 (reeBing fog exists if fog droplets 050 Cunway Hisual Cange 8CHC9 is 050 Which of the following circumstances most favour the development of radiation fog? 050 In a warm front occlusion RispostaA Harmattan is perpendicular to the horiBontal pressure gradient force frictional forces continuously 2ac"ing &cirocco RispostaB ;ampero RispostaC Mhamsin veers with height if cold air is advected in the northern hemisphere the curvature of the iso2ars initially veering, then 2ac"ing RispostaD Check

is directly proportional to the density of always increases with increasing height the air centripetal forces the in2alance of the horiBontal gradient force and the -oriolis force continuously veering initially 2ac"ing, then veering

fog or low cloud radiation fog warm moist air flows over a colder surface with cold mass properties in advance of a warm front dust particles are trapped 2elow an inversion are supercooled usually 2etter than visi2ility <oist air over land during clear night with little wind the warm air is lifted

clear and cool a cold front cold moist air flows over a warmer surface with warm mass properties in rear of a warm front a light driBBle falls are froBen

high scattered clouds advection fog warm moist air flows over a warmer surface that is a2solutely sta2le in summer in the early morning a cold front ?ust passed are freeBing very rapidly

unlimited visi2ility good clear weather cold moist air flows over warmer water that is sta2le in winter in the early morning small water droplets are present freeBe when temperature falls 2elow Bero measured with ceilometers alongside the runway 'dvection of very cold air over much warmer sea the cold air is lifted sea*2reeBe front

reported when visi2ility is less than reported in 'IC<0% and <0%'C 6000m Warm moist air at the windward side of <aritime tropical air flowing over cold sea a mountain the warm front overta"es the cold front the warm front 2ecomes a front aloft cold front trade wind front

050 %he first clouds are thin, wispy cirrus, followed 2y sheets of cirrus and warm front cirrostratus, and altostratus. %he sun is o2scured as the altostratus thic"ens and driBBle or rain 2egins to fall. %he cloud 2ase is lowering as 4im2ostratus arrives. %hese phenomena descri2e the approach of a 050 If the pressure surfaces 2ulge upwards in all levels then the pressure warm high system is a 050 ' cold pool is usually most evident in the circulation and temperature fields of the middle troposphere and may show little or no sign on a surface chart

cold low develops usually in winter when very unsta2le maritime polar or maritime arctic air currents stream southwards along the eastern side of an extensive ridge of high pressure, in association with occluded systems friction inversion

cold high normally disappears at night and occurs almost exclusively in summer

warm low occurs frequently in winter to the south of the 'lps when this region is under the influence of cold north* westerly airstream

050 %he sta2le layer at some height in the low troposphere of an older high pressure area in the mid*latitudes is called 050 ' 2loc"ing anticyclone in the northern hemisphere is

su2sidence inversion a warm anticyclone>quasi stationary>situated 2etween 50,4 and :0,4 &eptem2er, 7cto2er, 4ovem2er %here are frequent occurrences of -5

radiation inversion

trade wind inversion a cold anticyclone>steering depressions>situated over &candinavia (e2ruary, <arch, 'pril

quasi stationary>situated 2etween 50,4 situated 2etween 50,4 and :0,4>a cold and :0,4>a cold anticyclone anticyclone>steering depressions Luly, 'ugust, &eptem2er Fecem2er, Lanuary, (e2ruary

050 %he transition from &W to 40 monsoon in India occurs in 050 Which of the following statements concerning the intertropical convergence Bone is true? 050 'n easterly wave is a

It lies totally in the northern hemisphere in Luly and totally in the southern hemisphere in Lanuary wave in a trade wind 2elt, moving from wave*li"e distur2ance in the monsoon east to west, with severe convective regime of India, moving from east to activity in rear of its trough west, with severe convective activity

It does not change its position over the oceans It is an area of low pressure and low during the year relative humidity small scale wave distur2ance in the tropics, moving from east to west, with severe convective activity ahead of its trough distur2ance in the higher levels associated with the equatorial easterly ?et, moving from east to

subj RispostaD Check west, with severe convective activity in rear of its trough 050 %he prevailing surface wind in the area of the west coast of 'frica north &W monsoon in summer and 40 &W monsoon in winter and 40 40 tradewind in summer and &0 tradewind in 40 monsoon in winter and &0 of the equator 8gulf of /uinea9 is a tradewind in winter monsoon in summer winter tradewind in summer 050 What information is given on a &ignificant Weather -hart? %he significant weather forecast for the %he significant weather that is o2served %he significant weather in a period + hours %he significant weather forecast for a time given on the chart at the time given on the chart 2efore and + hours after the time given on the period ! hours after the time given chart on the chart 050 %he most dangerous low level wind shears are encountered when strong ground inversions are in areas with layered clouds and wind during any period when wind speed is greater near valleys and at the windward side present and near thunderstorms speeds higher than +5 "t than +5 "t and near valleys of mountains. 050 Hertical wind shear is a change of horiBontal wind direction a change of vertical wind speed with a change of horiBontal wind direction and>or a horiBontal shear of vertical wind and>or speed with height horiBontal distance speed with horiBontal distance 050 %he most haBardous type of cloud that may 2e encountered on a cross cumulonim2us stratocumulus cumulus cirrus country flight is 050 Furing the life cycle of a thunderstorm, which stage is characteriBed Fissipating stage Initial stage <ature stage %ornado stage predominantly 2y downdrafts? 050 What feature is normally associated with the initial stage of a -ontinuous updraft Coll cloud (requent lightning Cain or hail at the surface thunderstorm? 050 )arge hail stones are typically associated with severe only occur in thunderstorms of mid* are entirely composed of clear ice only occur in frontal thunderstorms thunderstorms latitudes 050 Which of the statements is true concerning squall lines ? (or severe squall lines a &I/<0% is &evere squall lines only occur in the (or severe squall lines a %'( is issued &evere squall lines always move issued tropics from northwest to southeast 050 ' gust front is formed 2y the cold air outflow from a normally encountered directly 2elow a characteriBed 2y heavy lightning another name for a cold front thunderstorm thunderstorm 050 In which of the following areas is the highest frequency of %ropical ;olar &u2tropical %emperate thunderstorms encountered ? 050 ' micro2urst with its damaging winds at the surface has a diameter up to $ "m has a life time of more than +0 minutes is always associated with thunderstorms occurs only in tropical areas 050 %hunderstorms can occur on a warm front if the warm air is moist and the environmental lapse rate exceeds the saturated adia2atic lapse rate -umulonim2us 00 to 50 metres <ature stage cold air is moist and the environmental lapse rate is less than the dry adia2atic lapse rate -umulus mediocris only a few metres -umulus stage strong downdraughts in the polar ?et stream, associated with ?et strea"s +0*$0 minutes and $ "m clouds 2ut not in precipitation slowly and do not spread out small and at a temperature 2elow freeBing in winter only in high clouds small and at a temperature ?ust 2elow freeBing added 6,,warm air is moist and the environmental lapse rate is less than the saturated adia2atic lapse rate &tratus a2out 6 to ! "m Fissipating stage gusts associated with a well developed 5ora cold air is moist and the environmental lapse rate exceeds the saturated adia2atic lapse rate 4im2ostratus in the order of 0 "m In all stages strong "ata2atic winds in mountainous areas and accompanied 2y heavy precipitation 5* 0 minutes and 6 "m clouds 2ut not in fog rapidly and spread out at a temperature 2elow *!0,only in winter at high altitude of any siBe at temperatures 2elow *+5,-. added 2ut the result is an overall loss 0.5,0.+5,Domanda RispostaA RispostaB ahead of its trough RispostaC

050 With which type of cloud are tornadoes associated ? 050 %he diameter of a typical tornado is 050 In which stage of the life cycle of a single thunderstorm cell occur 2oth up* and downdrafts simultaneously? 050 (allstrea"s or virga are

water or ice particles falling out of a cloud that evaporate 2efore reaching the ground 050 't the surface the lifetime of a typical micro2urst and the diameter of the *5 minutes and $ "m area affected 2y damaging winds are in the order of 050 &upercooled droplets can occur in clouds, fog and precipitation 050 Furing the formation of rime ice in flight, water droplets freeBe 050 &upercooled droplets are always 050 &upercooled droplets can 2e encountered 050 -lear ice is formed when supercooled droplets are 050 Furing an adia2atic process heat is rapidly and do not spread out at a temperature 2elow freeBing at any time of the year large and at a temperature ?ust 2elow freeBing neither added nor lost

5* 5 minutes and # "m precipitation 2ut not in clouds slowly and spread out large and at a temperature 2elow freeBing only in winter a2ove 0000 (% small and freeBe rapidly lost 0.!5,.5,-

050 %he decrease in temperature, per 00 metres, in an unsaturated rising ,parcel of air is 050 %he decrease in temperature, per 00 metres, in a saturated rising parcel 0.!,of air at lower level of the atmosphere is approximately

subj Domanda 050 %he following temperatures have 2een o2served over a station at 600 1%-. 'ssume the station is at <&). Height in feet. %emperature in degrees -. 60000.* 6 #000.* !000.* 0 $000.* 0 6000.*! 0000.*6 #000. @6 !000. @! $000. @ 6 6000. @ 5 surface@ 5. Which of the following statements is correct ? 050 In unsta2le air, surface visi2ility is most li"ely to 2e restricted 2y 050 ' vertical temperature profile indicates the possi2ility of severe icing when the temperature profile 050 ' pilot is warned of severe icing at certain flight levels 2y information supplied in 050 (reeBing precipitation occurs 050 In the vicinity of industrial areas, smo"e is most li"ely to affect surface visi2ility when 050 %he rate of cooling of ascending saturated air is less than the rate of cooling of ascending unsaturated air 2ecause. 050 If the surface temperature is 5,- , then the temperature at 0000 (% in a current of ascending unsaturated air is. 050 'n inversion is 050 In still air the temperature decreases at an average of .6,- per 00 m increase in altitude. %his temperature change is called. 050 (reeBing fog consists of 050 -lear ice is dangerous 2ecause it 050 Hoar frost forms on an aircraft as a result of 050 'n air mass is unsta2le when 050 'n air mass is sta2le when RispostaA 'ssuming that the <&) pressure is 0 +.65 h;a the true altitude of an aircraft would actually 2e higher than the indicated altitude. showers of rain or snow intersects the 0,- isotherm twice &W- and &I/<0% mainly in the form of freeBing rain or freeBing driBBle there is a low level inversion RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check %he height of the freeBing level over the %he temperature at 0000 (% is in agreement %he layer 2etween !000 and #000 station is approximately 6000 (%. with the temperature in the I-'7 &tandard (% is a2solutely unsta2le 'tmosphere.



low stratus indicates temperatures a2ove +,%'( and &I/<0%

coincides with a dry adia2atic lapse rate indicates temperatures 2elow *$0,%'( and <0%'C only in the precipitation of a cold front the surface wind is strong and gusty <0%'C and &I/<0% only in the precipitation of a warm front

heat is released during the condensation moist air is heavier than dry air process * 5,0,an increase of temperature with height environmental lapse rate supercooled water droplets is heavy and is difficult to remove from the aircraft surfaces water vapour turning directly into ice crystals on the aircraft surface an ascending parcel of air continues to rise to a considera2le height. the vertical motion of a rising parcel of air tends to 2ecome wea"er and disappears. during the early afternoon nocturnal radiation supercooled water droplets spreading during the freeBing process 0nvironmental lapse rate an increase of pressure with height saturated adia2atic lapse rate froBen water droplets is translucent and only forms at the leading edges freeBing rain stri"ing the aircraft temperature and humidity are not constant temperature in a given area drops off very rapidly with height immediately after sunset the passage of cold front water vapour freeBing to the aircraft &urface temperature hoar frost %emperature at the airfield %hey intensify rapidly after landfall

mainly in the form of freeBing hail or freeBing snow cumulus clouds have developed in the a rapid moving cold front has ?ust afternoon passed the area water vapour doesnIt cool as rapidly as dry air water vapour a2sor2s the incoming heat from the sun 5,*5,a decrease of pressure with height dry adia2atic lapse rate froBen minute snow fla"es is not translucent and forms at the leading edges droplets forming on the aircraft and then freeBing pressure shows a mar"ed variation over a given horiBontal area pressure is constant a decrease of temperature with height normal lapse rate ice crystals spreads out and contains many air particles small super*cooled droplets stri"ing the aircraft temperature increases with height the lapse rate is ,- per 00 m

050 7n a clear summer day, tur2ulence caused 2y solar heating is most pronounced 050 ' significant inversion at low height is a characteristic of 050 -lear ice forms as a result of

during early morning hours 2efore sunrise advection fog ice pellets splattering on the aircraft Fry adia2atic lapse rate rime ice

a2out midmorning cumulus clouds supercooled droplets freeBing on impact ;ressure at the surface cloudy ice

050 (rom which of the following pieces of information can the sta2ility of the atmosphere 2e derived? 050 %he type of icing that occurs in dense clouds with large supercooled clear ice drops that have a temperature of *5,- is most li"ely to 2e 050 In order to reduce 3(0 to 34H, which of the following item8s9 must 2e 0levation of the airfield "nown ? 050 Which statement is true for hurricanes in the 4orth 'tlantic? (rom the earthIs surface up to the tropopause the core is warmer than its surroundings 050 'ssume that an aircraft is flying in the northern hemisphere at the 500 If in this pressure surface the wind h;a pressure surface on a heading of 6:0 degrees. Which of the comes from the direction +!0 degrees, following statements is correct? then true altitude is increasing 050 Which of the following statements concerning ?et streams is correct? In the northern hemisphere 2oth westerly and easterly ?et streams occur

0levation of the airfield and the temperature at 0levation of the airfield and the <&) temperature at the airfield %he diameter is 50*500 m %heir greatest frequency of occurrence is in winter If in this pressure surface the wind comes from the direction 6:0 degrees, then true altitude is increasing In the southern hemisphere no ?et streams occur If in this pressure surface the wind comes from the direction 0=0 degrees, then true altitude is increasing In the southern hemisphere only easterly ?et streams occur

If in this pressure surface the wind comes from the direction #0 degrees, then true altitude is increasing In the northern hemisphere only westerly ?et streams occur

subj Domanda RispostaA 050 1nder which of the following conditions is the most severe -'% li"ely ' curved ?et stream near a deep trough to 2e experienced ? 050 'n aircraft is flying at () #0 in the northern hemisphere with a It decreases crosswind from the left. Which of the following is correct concerning its true altitude ? 050 ' layer is a2solutely unsta2le if the temperature decrease with height is more than ,- per 00m 050 ' layer in which the temperature remains constant with height is 050 ' layer in which the temperature increases with height is 050 ' layer in which the temperature decreases with ,- per 00m increasing altitude is 050 If in a 00 m thic" layer the temperature at the 2ottom of the layer is 0,- and at the top of the layer is #,- then this layer is 050 'n inversion is 050 5elow a low level inversion visi2ility is often 050 '2ove and 2elow a low level inversion the wind is li"ely to 050 Which of the following is true concerning an aircraft that is flying at () #0 in the northern hemisphere, where wind is geostrophic and the true altitude remains constant ? 050 Which of the following statements concerning the core of a polar front ?et stream is correct ? a2solutely sta2le a2solutely sta2le neutral for dry air a2solutely unsta2le an a2solutely sta2le layer moderate or poor 2ecause there is no vertical exchange change significantly in speed and direction %here is no cross wind RispostaB RispostaC ' ?et stream, with great spacing 2etween ' westerly ?et stream at low latitudes in the the isotherms summer It increases It remains constant RispostaD Check ' straight ?et stream near a low pressure area Without "nowing temperatures at () #0 this question can not 2e answered. less than 0.!5,- per 00m conditionally unsta2le neutral conditionally unsta2le neutral

2etween ,- per 00m and 0.!5,- per 00m unsta2le a2solutely unsta2le a2solutely sta2le a2solutely sta2le a conditionally unsta2le layer very good at night change in speed 2ut not in direction %here is a cross wind from the left

0.!5,- per 00m neutral conditionally unsta2le a2solutely unsta2le conditionally unsta2le an unsta2le layer

050 7n a particular day part of a polar front ?et stream runs from north to south in the northern hemisphere. %his means that

2elow the core of the ?et the horiBontal a2ove the core of the ?et the temperature gradient runs from north to south horiBontal temperature gradient runs from north to south 050 'n isohypse of the 500 h;a pressure surface is la2elled with the num2er topography is 556 decameters a2ove pressure is 556 h;a topography is 556 meters a2ove <&) pressure altimeter will overread 2y 556. %his means that for all points on the isohypse the <&) 556 (% 050 Which of the following statements concerning trade winds is correct? %hey occur only in the lower part of the %hey reach up to the tropopause and are %hey reach up to the tropopause and are more %hey occur only in the lower part of troposphere and more pronounced over more pronounced over the continents pronounced over the oceans the troposphere and are more the oceans pronounced over the continents 050 In the central part of the 'tlantic 7cean 2etween 0,4 and 60,4 the 40 trade winds 40 monsoon in winter and &W &0 trade winds &W winds throughout the whole year prevailing winds are monsoon in summer 050 'long the West coast of India the prevailing winds are the &W monsoon in Luly and a 40 monsoon &W monsoon in Luly and a &0 monsoon 40 monsoon in Luly and a &W monsoon in &0 monsoon in Luly and a &W in Lanuary in Lanuary Lanuary monsoon in Lanuary 050 7n the West coast of India it can 2e said in general that the wind 2lows for six month from the 4orth 0ast and for six month from the 4orth West and the whole year from the 4orth 0ast the whole year from the &outh 0ast for six month from the &outh West for six month from the &outh 0ast 050 %he validity of a %'( is stated in the %'( 6 hours 2etween ! and = hours = hours from the time of issue 050 '%I& information contains 050 If -'H7M is reported then 050 Cunway visual range can 2e reported in 050 &I/<0% information is issued as a warning for significant weather to 050 %he wind direction in a <0%'C is measured relative to 050 ' &;0-I is meteorological and operational information no low drifting snow is present a <0%'C all aircraft true north an aviation special weather report only meteorological information no clouds are present a %'( light aircraft only magnetic north an aviation routine weather report operational information and if necessary meteorological information low level wind shear has not 2een reported a &I/<0% H(C operations only the 0*meridian a warning for special weather phenomena only operational information any -5Is have a 2ase a2ove 5000 (% 2oth a %'( and a <0%'C heavy aircraft only grid north a forecast for special weather phenomena

It lies at a height where there is no horiBontal temperature gradientA the slope of the pressure surfaces at the height of the core is at its maximum the polar air is 2elow and to the east of the core of the ?et

It and its surface pro?ection lie in the warm air

a layer that can 2e either sta2le or unsta2le very good in the early morning moderate or poor due to heavy snow showers. change in direction 2ut not in speed experience little or no change in speed and direction %here is a cross wind from the right Without "nowing temperature at () #0 this question can not 2e answered It lies in the warm airA its pressure surfaces are It lies in the cold airA the wind horiBontal at the height of the core reverses direction at the height of the core

the polar air is on the eastern side and a2ove the core of the ?et

subj Domanda RispostaA 050 7n the 0uropean continent <0%'Cs of main airports are compiled and 0.5 hour distri2uted with intervals of 050 %he CHC, as reported in a <0%'C, is always the value representative of the touchdown Bone 050 %he cloud 2ase, reported in the <0%'C, is the height a2ove airfield level 050 %he 34H is equal to the 3(0 if the elevation N 0 RispostaB hour average value of the '*, 5* and -* position mean sea level % actual N % standard 3(0 N 000 h;a, elevation N 600 (% 8+!!m9 the outside air temperature is standard for that height 0 (% 6 hours highest value of the '*, 5* and -*position RispostaC + hours RispostaD Check

lowest value of the '*, 5* and -* position the pressure altitude of the o2servation station the highest terrain within a radius of at the time of o2servation # "m from the o2servation station % actual P % standard % actual Q % standard 3(0 N 00+ h;a, elevation N 600 (% 8+!!m9 3(0 N ==5 h;a, elevation N 600 (% 8+!!m9 the air pressure is 0 +.65 h;a at the surface the indicated altitude is equal to the pressure altitude <ore than 0 (%, 2ut less than $000 (% $000 (%

050 Which of the following conditions gives the highest value of the 34H? 3(0 N ==5 h;a, elevation N !00 (% 8$##m9 050 %he pressure altitude is equal to the true altitude if standard atmospheric conditions occur 050 Jou must ma"e an emergency landing at sea. %he 34H of a field on a near2y island with an elevation of $000 (% is 065 h;a and the temperature is *60,-. What is your pressure altimeter reading when landing if 065 h;a is set in the su2scale? 050 %he troposphere )ess than 0 (%

has a greater vertical extent a2ove the equator than a2ove the poles 050 What values are used for the forecasted wind at higher levels? Firection relative to true north and speed in "nots 050 ' wide 2ody ta"es off on a clear night in Fhahran, &audi 'ra2ia. &hortly a very strong temperature inversion after ta"e off the aircraftIs rate of clim2 drops to Bero. %his can 2e due to 050 /iven the following <0%'C. 0FF< 650#50K ++005M% 6000 Hisi2ility is reduced 2y water droplets C6!C>; 5004 C6!)> 5004 5C &-%006 7H-00+ 05>05 3 065 47&I/ Which of the following statements is correct ? 050 (light visi2ility from the coc"pit during approach in a tropical downpour tens of metres can decrease to minimal 050 In what h;a range is an upper weather chart for () +$0 situated? +00 * 600 h;a 050 Iso2ars on a surface chart are lines of equal 050 %he 5ora is a 3((

contains all oxygen of the stratosphere

is the separation layer 2etween the stratosphere and atmosphere Firection relative to magnetic north and Firection relative to magnetic north and speed speed in "nots in "m>h sand>dust in the engines very pronounced downdrafts %here is a distinct change in CHC o2served a2out 600 metres $00 * +00 h;a 3(0 Cunway 6!C and runway 6!) have the same CHC a2out 500 metres 500 * $00 h;a 340

reaches the same height at all latitudes Firection relative to grid north and speed in "m>h low relative humidity CHC on runway 6!C is increasing

a2out 000 metres !00 * 500 h;a 34H

cold cata2atic wind with the possi2ility squally warm cata2atic wind which of violent gusts occurs mainly in summer 2etween 0 and 5 "t Lust a2ove the cap cloud

050 %he range of wind speed in which radiation fog is most li"ely to form is. 2elow 5 "t 050 When severe mountain waves are present, where would the area of most severe tur2ulence 2e located? 050 Which of the following quantities remains unchanged if unsaturated air is lifted until it reaches the lifting condensation level? 050 Which of the following statements a2out lightnings and lightning stri"es is correct? 050 Which of the following statements is correct? 050 Which of the following statements is correct? In the rotor Bone <ixing ratio

cold cata2atic wind with gusts associated with cold cata2atic wind always a maritime air mass associated with clouds and heavy showers 2etween 5 and 0 "t a2ove 5 "t 7n the windward side of the mountain range <aximum vapour pressure Lust 2elow the tropopause <aximum mixing ratio

Fifference 2etween temperature and dewpoint temperature %he aircraft is temporarily part of the &pherical lightnings often penetrate into lightning tra?ectory aircraft 'irframe icing can occur in clear air HaBe is a reduction of visi2ility due to the presence of water vapour 't the equator horiBontal motions do not %he -oriolis force is inversely induce any horiBontal -oriolis force proportional to the sine of latitude

050 Which of the following statements is correct?

050 Which statement is correct for micro2ursts ? 050 Which statement is correct for the southern hemisphere?

(/ is reported only when visi2ility is reduced 2y water droplets or ice crystals to less than 000 m %he diameter of the affected area on the surface does not exceed $ "m In the friction layer the wind 2ac"s with increasing height

HK is reported only when visi2ility is reduced to 6000 m or less %hey only develop 2elow convective clouds with heavy rain %he ?et streams are 0asterly

)ightning stri"es always cause heavy damage -ompasses and electronics are always affected <ountain waves are always accompanied 2y '2ove the tropopause no tur2ulence rotor clouds occurs %he -oriolis force is directed in the same In gradient wind the -oriolis force is sense at all latitudes in 2alance with the horiBontal pressure gradient force and the frictional force H- denotes not at the aerodrome 2ut not When 5C is reported then the within # nm visi2ility is more than 000 m 2ut less than #000 m %hey occur in the tropics only %heir downdraft is warmer than the surroundings %he wind veers at the passage of a cold front If the wind veers with increasing height then warm air is advected

subj Domanda 050 With the development of a thunderstorm, at what stage will there 2e only updraughts of air? 050 Furing the winter an aircraft is par"ed overnight prior to an early morning departure. %he crew notice a slight glistening on top of the wings. %he wings loo" clear though. %he pilot should, under these conditions, appreciate that. 050 %he length, width and height of a typical mid*latitude ?et stream are respectively 050 Furing periods of undistur2ed radiation weather, overland, the RispostaA Initial stage the aircraft should 2e sprayed with de* icing with fluid of the correct type <ature stage there is no ris" of ice accretion RispostaB 'nvil stage the aircraft will ta"e off within the normal runway length RispostaC RispostaD Fissipating stage nothing particular will happen during ta"e*off Check

000 nautical miles, 50 nautical miles, 000 nautical miles, 50 nautical miles, 000 nautical miles, 5000 to #000 feet, +0000 #000 feet +0000 feet feet surface wind speed tends to 2e highest surface wind speed tends to 2e highest angle 2etween iso2ars and surface wind during the mid afternoon at night direction tends to 2e greatest in the mid afternoon 050 ' parcel of unsaturated air is forced to rise through an isothermal layer. decreases ,- per 00 m remains constant decreases 0.!5,- per 00 m &o long as it remains unsaturated, the temperature of the parcel 050 ' cumulus congestus is a cumulus that is of great vertical extent a remnant of a -5 a cumulus with little vertical development 050 Which statement is correct concerning a mountain ridge where a mar"ed Cagged altocumulus lenticularis is an %here are always rotor clouds mountain wave has 2een reported ? indication for the presence of moderate>severe tur2ulence at the level of these clouds 050 Jou are flying at () +$0 8650 h;a9 on the northern hemisphere. %he increase decrease wind is geostrophic and there is a cross wind from the right all the time. Jour true altitude will 050 If the 3(0, 34H and 3(( of an airport have the same value, the airport must 2e at <&) the conditions must 2e as in the I&' 050 Which statement is correct for an a2solutely unsta2le atmosphere? 050 &tratus formed 2y tur2ulence will occur when

600 nautical miles, 5 nautical miles, #000 feet wind tends to 2ac" from early morning until early afternoon

2ecomes equal to the temperature of the isothermal layer a cumulus that only occurs in association with the I%-K %he atmosphere is unsta2le at the level of the %he axis of a rotor is horiBontal and mountain tops perpendicular to the mountains

050 %he passage of a warm front can 2e associated with areas of fog. %he types of fog ?ust in advance and ?ust after the passage are respectively 050 %he maximum vapour pressure over a flat supercooled water surface and greater over the water surface the maximum vapour pressure over a flat ice surface of the same temperature are compared. %he maximum vapour pressure is 050 ' stationary o2server in the northern hemisphere is situated in front of a 2ac"s depression. %he centre of the depression passes from west to east and south of the o2server. (or this o2server the wind 050 Which of the following statements is correct? %he 5ergeron*(indeisen process is mainly 2ased on the difference of maximum vapour pressure over water and over ice of the same temperature 050 %he pressure system indicated when, in a vertical cross section, the cold high pressure area lower situated pressure surfaces 2ulge upward and the higher situated pressure surfaces 2ulge downward is a 050 'fter a sunny day, followed 2y a long clear night, you ta"e*off from an ' sudden strong increase in wind speed airfield at mid*latitudes in the northern hemisphere an hour 2efore and strong veering of the wind a short sunrise. %he field is not situated close to the coast. %hough the pressure time after ta"e*off gradient is rather large, the easterly surface wind is wea". What do you expect? 050 In mature -2Is the pro2a2ility of severe icing, according to 0,- to *6+,meteorological rules, is greatest in the following temperature range. 050 -onvective weather phenomena include thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes, wind gusts, heavy showers, lightning stri"es

decrease, only if the pressure at the surface is increase, only if the temperature at decreasing on your route your flight level is rising on your route the airport must 2e at <&) and the conditions the 0 +.65 h;a level must 2e at must 2e as in the I&' <&) visi2ility is good 2etween showers the environmental lapse rate is less than clouds are mainly of the stratiform type the dry adia2atic lapse rate is more ,- > 00 m than ,- > 00 m in the friction layer mixing occurs 2y the wind speed is less than 0 "t and the the wind speed is greater than 0 "t and the a2solute insta2ility exists at low level tur2ulence and the condensation level is air is heated 2y the earthIs surface condensation level is situated ?ust a2ove the situated 2elow the top of the tur2ulent tur2ulent layer layer frontal fog and advection fog advection fog and radiation fog arctic smo"e and frontal fog advection fog and steaming fog smaller over the water surface equal over 2oth surfaces the same over 2oth surfaces if the air pressure is the same initially 2ac"s, then veers


initially veers, then 2ac"s

%he principle of the 5ergeron*(indeisen 't mid*latitudes the coalescense process is process is mainly 2ased on the usually the initial process in the formation of difference in siBe of the cloud elements precipitation cold low pressure area warm low pressure area

In the tropics stratiform precipitation does not occur

warm high pressure area

' large 2ut gradual increase in wind speed and large 2ut gradual veering of the wind up to a height of 5000 (%

' little increase in wind speed and little ' squally wind up to great heights veering of the wind up to a height of 5000 (%

@5,- to 0,thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, haBe, wind gusts, advection fog

*6+,- to *$0,heavy showers, lightning stri"es, hail, mist, squalls, light rain over a large area

*$0,- to *!0,hail, lightning stri"es, wind lulls, squalls, stratocumulus, low level wind maximum

subj Domanda 050 What is a favoura2le synoptic situation for the development of a &cirocco? 050 Which type of fog can 47% 2e formed over water? 050 %he sta2ility in a layer increases 2y advection of 050 7ver which areas can tropical cyclones occur ? RispostaA RispostaB )ow pressure area in the western part of High pressure area over Italy the <editerranean sea Cadiation fog 'dvection fog cold air in the lower part warm air in the lower part RispostaC 0xtension of the 'Bores high pressure area over the 'lps 'rctic smo"e dry air in the upper part RispostaD High pressure area in the western part of the <editerranean sea (rontal fog moist air in the lower part -ari22ean &ea, Indian 7cean at 60,&, ;acific 7cean at 6,4 %hey move with a speed of at least !0 "t only occur in winter +00 6M% ==== &-%0+0 &-%600 60> ! 3 065 50-</ $000 5CN Check

-ari22ean &ea, /ulf of 5engal, Indian 7cean east of <adagascar 050 Which statement a2out hurricanes in the 4orth 'tlantic is correct? %heir eye can 2e well o2served 2y weather satellites 050 -old air pools are most evident in the temperature and wind fields of the upper levels 050 Furing the approach of 5om2ay 8 =,4 * :+,0 9 on the west coast of 650 $M% $500 &HC' &-%0 5 India, you are listening to the '%I& on 5 Luly at 0:00 )%. Which of the 5M4065-5 65>6$ 3 00! 47&I/N following reports is most li"ely ? 050 Which statement concerning the tropopause is correct? %he layer ?ust a2ove the tropopause is a2solutely sta2le

India, 'ra2ic &ea, 'tlantic 7cean at 6,& 'ustralia, /ulf of 5engal, 'tlantic 7cean at 60,& %hey intensify after landfall %hey move towards the equator can easily 2e recogniBed on synoptic only occur at mid*latitudes surface charts 050 +M% +500 <I(/ &-%00+ 5M4005 06005M% -'H7M 6$>0= 3 0+0 47&I/N => $ 3 0 6 50-</ #000N '2ove the tropopause no clear air tur2ulence occurs

050 What is the temperature at 60.000 (% in the I-'7 &tandard 'tmosphere? 050 (rontal fog can 2e formed 2y 050 Which type of air mass never occurs over central 0urope ? 050 With all other quantities 2eing constant, the density of the atmosphere increases with increasing 050 (or a given airfield the 3(0 is =#0 h;a and the 34H is 000 h;a. %he approximate elevation of the airfield is 050 In which of the following situations is an aircraft most suscepti2le to icing ? 050 Which of the following cloud types are most li"ely to produce light to moderate icing when they are not su2?ect to orographic lifting and consist of supercooled cloud droplets? 050 ' winter day in northern 0urope with a thic" layer of stratocumulus clouds and temperature close to Bero degrees - at ground level, you can expect. 050 Which one of the following statements concerning the formation of aircraft icing is most correct ?

*65,condensation of air saturated 2y evaporation of precipitation 0quatorial air air pressure !0 metres

* 5,condensation of air saturated 2y adia2atic cooling 'rctic air relative humidity !00 metres

In the I-'7 standard atmosphere the %he temperature at the tropopause is tropopause lies lower over the ;oles than over approximately *#0,- over the ;oles the equator and approximately *$0,- over the equator *60,*+0,cooling at night ;olar air sta2ility 5$0 metres evaporation of moisture at the surface %ropical air temperature 60 metres

)evel flight 2elow a rain producing (lying in dense cirrus clouds. cloud when 7'% is 2elow Bero degrees -. 'ltocumulus and altostratus. &tratocumulus and cirrostratus

)evel flight in snowfall 2elow a nim2ostratus (lying in heavy driBBle. layer. &tratus and cumulonim2us 'ltostratus and cirrocumulus

' high pro2a2ility for icing in clouds. &evere icing may occur in the upper part due to accumulation of large droplets. ' cloud consisting of 2oth supercooled water droplets and ice crystals produces aircraft icing 050 Which of the following factors have the greatest effect on the formation -loud temperature and droplet siBe of the various types of ice on an aircraft ? 050 Hoar frost is most li"ely to form when ta"ing off from an airfield with a significant ground inversion 8s"y clear9. 050 %wo aircraft, one with a sharp wing profile 8&9, and the other with a 'ircraft & experiences more icing than thic" profile 8%9, are flying through the same cloud with same true %. airspeed. %he cloud consists of small supercooled droplets. Which of the following statements is most correct concerning ice accretion ? 050 While descending through a cloud cover at high level, a small amount of Cime ice. a white and rough powderli"e contamination is detected along the leading edge of the wing. %his contamination is called. 050 ' small supercooled cloud droplet that collides with an airfoil will most freeBe immediately and create rime ice. li"ely 050 What is the name of the northerly, cold and strong wind, that sometimes <istral.

Fecreasing visi2ility due to snowfall Ceduced visi2ility and light icing in clouds 2elow cloud 2ase, 2ut only light icing in clouds. /reatest ris" of icing conditions is Cis" for icing increases when cloud experienced in cirrus clouds. temperature decreases well 2elow minus 6 degrees -. 'ircraft speed and siBe of cloud droplets 'ircraft speed and curvature of the airfoil flying inside convective clouds. 'ircraft % experiences more icing than &. flying inside stratiform clouds.

%ur2ulence due to a strong inversion, 2ut no icing 2ecause clouds consist of ice crystals ;ro2a2ility of icing increases when dry snow starts to fall from a cloud. Celative humidity inside the cloud flying in supercooled driBBle.

'ircraft & and % experience the same amount 4either of the aircraft accumulate ice of icing due to the small siBe of droplets.

-lear ice.

<ixed ice.


freeBe immediately and create clear ice. travel 2ac" over the wing, creating rime ice. (oehn. 5ora.

travel 2ac" over the wing, creating clear ice. %yphoon.

subj Domanda 2lows over a certain part of 0urope? 050 What are the characteristics of the 5ora ? RispostaA RispostaB It is a very cold wind that 2lows mainly in winter from a north*westerly direction in the <editerranean the low pressure activity of the sea east of -anada is higher in winter. It reaches its maximum southerly position of 5, & in Lanuary &outh*east trade wind. RispostaC It is a warm and moist, south*westerly wind experienced in the eastern <editerranean, that usually carries precipitation. the strong winds of the north 'tlantic in winter are favoura2le for the development of lows. It oscillates during the year 2etween 0 degrees 4orth and 0 degrees &outh. Indian, maritime tropical air mass. RispostaD It is a dry and hot southerly wind experienced in the &ahara desert, that often carries dust. converging air currents are of greater intensity in winter. It oscillates during the year 2etween the 0quator and 0 degrees 4orth. Winter monsoon. %hroughout the year to the south of the 'Borian high. &howers of rain or hail occur throughout the yearA the frequency is highest in Lanuary. %a"e*off is not possi2le under these conditions. Check It is a cold and very strong wind that 2lows mainly in winter from a ta2leland downwards to the 'driatic 050 %he reason for the fact, that the atmospheric pressure of a polar front the temperature contrasts 2etween arctic depression is normally lower in winter than in summer is that and equatorial areas are much greater in winter. 050 Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the It reaches its maximum northerly movement of the I%-K in the region of West 'frica? position of 5, * 60, 4 in Luly 050 What is the name of the wind or air mass which gives to the main part of &outh*west monsoon. India its greatest proportion of precipitation? 050 When and where is an easterly ?et stream li"ely to 2e encountered ? In summer from south*east 'sia extending over southern India to central 'frica. 050 What is the type, intensity and seasonal variation of precipitation in the Cainshowers, hail showers and equatorial region ? thunderstorms occur the whole year, 2ut frequency is highest during two periods. 'pril*<ay and 7cto2er*4ovem2er. 050 ' flight is to depart from an airport with runways 0= and 6:. &urface Fepart on runway 0= with a tailwind. wind is 6:0>05A an inversion is reported at +00 feet with tur2ulence and wind shear. %he wind ?ust a2ove the inversion is 0=0>+0. What is the safest departure procedure ? 050 %he tur2ulence which occurs at high flight levels 8a2ove () 6509 is %he tur2ulence is a small scale one and mainly of the type -lear 'ir %ur2ulence. In what way can moderate to can cause damage. %he manoeuvring of severe -lear 'ir %ur2ulence affect an aircraft, the flight and the the aircraft will 2e made more difficult passengers? or even impossi2le. (or the passengers the flight will 2e unpleasant.

In winter along the Cussian coast facing In summer from the <iddle 0ast extending the 'rctic ocean. over the southern part of the <editerranean to southern &pain. Warm fronts are common with ;recipitation is generally in the form of continuous rain. %he frequency is the showers 2ut continuous rain occurs also. %he same throughout the year greatest intensity is in Luly. Fepart runway 6: with maximum throttle during the passage through the inversion. %he tur2ulence is a large scale one 8waving9 so that the aircraft will 2e difficult to manoeuvre. %he passengers will feel some discomfort. Fepart runway 6: with as steep an ascent as possi2le.

%he tur2ulence can 2e resem2led with the %he tur2ulence is wave li"e which roughness of a washing*2oard 8small scale9 ma"es the flight unpleasant for the and will not have influence on the aircraft and passengers 2ut the manoeuvring will its solidity, 2ut will ma"e flight a little more not 2e affected essentially. difficult. %he passengers will seldom notice anything of this tur2ulence. 050 'ircraft struc" 2y lightning may sometimes get considera2le damage and 'ircraft made 2y composite material 'n aircraft made 2y metal has a certain 'n aircraft has in the atmosphere the same 'ircraft made 2y composite material at least temporarily the manoeuvring of the aircraft will 2e made more may get severe damage, the crew may capacity to attract a lightning, 2ut the qualities as a G(aradays cageG, which means canIt conduct a lightning and will difficult. Which one of the following statements is correct? 2e 2linded and temporarily lose the lightning will follow the surface and that struc" of lightning seldom occurs. 5ut if it therefore very seldom 2e struc". hearing. therefore no damage will 2e caused. happens, the result will 2e an occasional engine failure. %he crew may get a shoc". 050 Furing summer an anticyclone covers the 5ritish Isles giving mainly 2ecome southerly to south*westerly and 2ac" to 4W and strengthen 2y mid* increase from the north 2y mid*morning veer to easterly 2efore 2ecoming clear s"ies. 't 0!00 1%- a south coast airfield in &outhern 0ngland increase in velocity 2y afternoon afternoon 2ecoming calm towards evening calm 2y the afternoon reports a surface wind of +50>0!. %he coastline at the airfield perimeter is aligned in an east>west direction. Furing the next twelve hours the surface wind is li"ely to 050 Furing summer, a wea" pressure gradient covers a coastal airfield in easterly to south*easterly and increase in easterly and then westerly 2y afternoon westerly and increase in velocity 2y afternoon westerly and then southerly 2y 0astern 0ngland resulting in mainly clear s"ies. %he surface wind at velocity 2y afternoon evening dawn was calm. If the alignment of the coastline in the vicinity of the airfield is predominantly north>south, the surface wind is li"ely to 2ecome 050 %he core of the polar front ?et stream is usually located in the tropical air 2elow the tropopause polar air a2ove the tropopause polar air 2elow the tropopause tropical air a2ove the tropical tropopause 050 <aximum wind speeds associated with su2tropical ?et streams are tropical air 2elow the tropopause tropical air a2ove the tropopause polar air a2ove the tropopause polar air 2elow the tropopause usually located in the 050 't which time, if any, are polar front ?et streams over the &outh ;acific Luly Lanuary %here is no annual variation 7cto2er usually strongest? 050 Which of the following statements concerning the variation in wind %he average westerly component is %he average westerly component %he average westerly component remains the %he average westerly component is speed 2etween summer and winter on the 4orth 'tlantic 2etween () greater in the winter than in the summer. remains the same 2ut the axis of greatest same 2ut the altitude of greatest wind speed greater in the summer than in the +00 and () $00 is most correct? %he latitude of the axis of greatest speeds moves south in winter reduces in winter winter. %he latitude of the axis of seasonal wind speed is further south in greatest wind speed is also further winter than in summer north in summer than in winter

subj Domanda RispostaA 050 In summer in the northern hemisphere the maximum wind speeds 2elow the tropopause at a2out 600 h;a associated with su2*tropical ?et streams are usually located 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:+#'9 -onsidering the sector Come Westerly ?et streams in excess of :0 "t to 65,4 on the route indicated, what mean upper winds may 2e expected at () +00 during winter? 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:+='9 -onsidering the sector from light easterlies 0,4 to 4airo2i of the route indicated, during Lanuary the upper winds at the +00 h;a level are most li"ely to 2e 050 %he term ;C75 as used in a %'( message, indicates the pro2a2ility in +0 or $0 percentage, of phenomena descri2ed during a specific period. %he numerical values immediately following the term ;C75, are. 050 Isotachs are lines ?oining equal wind speeds 050 %he visi2ility transmitted in a <0%'C is RispostaB a2ove the tropopause at a2out 00 h;a Haria2le easterlies RispostaC 2elow the tropopause at a2out +00 h;a )ight westerlies RispostaD a2ove the tropopause at a2out 650 h;a 0asterlies at $0 "t Check

easterly ?et streams in excess of :0 "t

westerlies in excess of !0 "t

westerlies at $0 "t

60 or +0

65 or +5

+5 or 50

sea*level pressures

horiBontal wind speed gradients given 2y transmissometer when the visi2ility is 2elow 500 metres. slightly a2ove @+,-.

wind speed lapse rates measured 2y an o2server counting the num2er of lights visi2le on the runway. significantly a2ove @+,-.

050 'round ;aris on Lanuary +rd at #00 1%-, the surface temperature, under shelter, is @+,-. %he s"y is covered 2y # o"tas of stratus. 34H is 0++ h;a. If the s"y is covered all night, the minimum temperature of the night of Lanuary +rd to Lanuary $th should 2e 050 7n a clear s"y, continental ground surface, wind calm, the minimum half an hour after sunrise temperature is reached approximately 050 'n isohypse 8contour9 indicates the true altitude of a pressure level 050 In relation to the total weight of the atmosphere, the weight of the 50E atmosphere 2etween mean sea level and a height of 5500 m is 050 -onsidering the 4orth 'tlantic area north of !0,4 during winter, the 6= 000 (% mean height of the tropopause is approximately 050 -onsidering the 4orth 'tlantic at latitude 50,4 during winter, the mean + 000 (% height of the tropopause is approximately 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:00'9 -onsidering the 4orth 5 000 (% 'tlantic route from the 'Bores to 5ermuda, the mean height of the tropical tropopause during summer is approximately 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:0 '9 -onsidering the route 5! 000 (% indicated from Cecife to Fa"ar the mean height of the tropopause during Lanuary is approximately 050 Which is true of the temperature at the tropopause? It is higher in polar regions than in equatorial regions 050 %he value of the saturated adia2atic lapse rate is closest to that of the dry cirrus adia2atic lapse rate in 050 '2solute insta2ility is said to exist whenever the environmental lapse exceeds the dry adia2atic lapse rate rate 050 '2solute insta2ility in the atmosphere will occur when the greater than 2oth saturated adia2atic environmental lapse rate is lapse rate and dry adia2atic lapse rate

the lowest o2served in a +!0, scan from the maximum determined 2y a the meteorological station. meteorologist in a +!0, scan at the horiBon. slightly 2elow @+,-. significantly 2elow 0,-.

half an hour 2efore sunrise is the longest slope line of a frontal surface E 5! 000 (% 6+ 000 (% += 000 (%

at the moment the sun rises

one hour 2efore sunrise

is the limit 2etween two air masses of different indicates the altitude of the Bero temperature degree isotherm 65E ==E +: 000 (% $+ 000 (% ++ 000 (% 60 000 (% 5$ 000 (% !0 000 (%

$+ 000 (%

+! 000 (%

6= 000 (%

It is higher in equatorial regions than in It is highest in mid*latitudes polar regions freeBing fog stratus is less than the dry adia2atic lapse rate is less than the saturated adia2atic lapse rate

%here is no significant difference with change of latitude cumulus

is 2etween the dry and saturated adia2atic lapse rate less than saturated adia2atic lapse rate less than 2oth saturated adia2atic lapse rate greater than saturated adia2atic lapse and dry adia2atic lapse rate rate 2ut less than dry adia2atic lapse rate 050 (or 2oth saturated and unsaturated air insta2ility will occur when the environmental lapse rate is greater than environmental lapse rate is greater than environmental lapse rate is less than 2oth dry dry adia2atic lapse rate is less than 2oth dry adia2atic lapse rate and saturated adia2atic lapse rate 2ut less adia2atic lapse rate and saturated adia2atic saturated adia2atic lapse rate 2ut saturated adia2atic lapse rate than dry adia2atic lapse rate lapse rate greater than environmental lapse rate 050 In the lower levels of the atmosphere when the environmental lapse rate conditionally unsta2le sta2le unsta2le a2solutely unsta2le is greater than saturated adia2atic lapse rate 2ut less than dry adia2atic lapse rate * the air mass is descri2ed as 2eing 050 &urface*2ased temperature inversions are common during cloud*free nights in winter when the cloud*free days in summer when the cloudy days in summer when the ground is cloudy days in winter when the ground is dry ground is dry wet ground is wet 050 'n aircraft maintains a constant indicated altitude of 5500 (% from ' ! $! (% !:=! (% $#5$ (% :$$! (% 8 050 (%>'<&) * 34H =!# h;a9 to 5 8!50 (%>'<&) * 34H 0 !

subj Domanda RispostaA h;a9. 'ssuming that the altimeter su2scale setting remains unchanged at =!# h;a, the height of the aircraft a2ove the surface at 5 will 2e 050 'n aircraft maintains a constant indicated altitude of $500 (% from ' $$#5 (% 8+!0 (%>'<&) * 34H =#! h;a9 to 5 8!=0 (%>'<&) * 34H 0 h;a9. 'ssuming that the altimeter su2*scale setting remains unchanged at =#! h;a, the height of the aircraft a2ove the surface at 5 will 2e 050 'n aircraft maintains a constant indicated altitude of :500 (% from ' $#6$ (% 86:0 (%>'<&) * 34H 06 h;a9 to 5 8 !50 (%>'<&) * 34H =#+ h;a9. 'ssuming that the altimeter su2*scale setting remains unchanged at 06 h;a, the height of the aircraft a2ove the surface at 5 will 2e 050 'n aircraft flying at () $5 87'% !,-9 o2tains a reading of #!0 (% on 0+0 its radio altimeter when flying over ground +0=0 (% a2ove mean sea level. What is the value of the 34H, to the nearest h;a, at that point? 050 (or a similar pressure gradient, the geostrophic wind speed will 2e greater at +0,4 than at !0,4 050 (or the same pressure gradient at !0,4, 50,4 and $0,4 the speed of the greatest at $0,4 geostrophic wind will 2e 050 1nder anticyclone conditions in the northern hemisphere, with curved greater than the geostrophic wind iso2ars the speed of the gradient wind is 050 In which of the following areas do surface high pressure systems usually 'Bores, &0 1&', &W 0urope predominate over the 4orth 'tlantic region 2etween +0,4 and !5,4 and the ad?oining land areas during the northern summer? 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:60'9 'ssuming a generalised Bonal su2tropical high pressure systems system of world climatic and wind circulation, Bone GxG is an area of 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:6 '9 'ssuming a generalised Bonal w system of world wind circulation, the &0 trade winds are applica2le to Bone 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:66'9 'ssuming a generalised Bonal su2tropical high pressure systems system of world climatic and wind circulation, Bone GtG is an area of 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:6+'9 'ssuming a generalised Bonal s and y system of world wind circulation the travelling low pressure systems are applica2le to Bone 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:6$'9 -onsidering <el2ourne 8-9 in su2tropical high pressure, with the Luly, the weather is predominantly influenced 2y the Bone of occasional passage of fronts originating in the ad?acent Bone of westerly waves 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:65'9 'ssuming a generalised Bonal travelling low pressure systems system of world climatic and wind circulation, Bone GyG is an area of 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:6!'9 'ssuming a generalised Bonal u system of world wind circulation, the 40 trade winds are applica2le to Bone 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:6:'9 'ssuming a generalised Bonal 40 trade winds system of world climatic and wind circulation, Bone GuG is in area of 050 In the northern hemisphere the gradient wind of a cyclonic pressure +$0>60 distri2ution is +50>6$, over the sea the surface wind would approximate 050 In the northern hemisphere with an anticyclonic pressure system the 0$5> 6 geostrophic wind at 6000 (% over the sea is 0!0> 5. 't the same position the surface wind is most li"ely to 2e 050 In relation to the polar front ?et stream, the greatest rate of wind shear is close to the core on the polar side most li"ely to occur 050 %he conditions most favoura2le to the formation of mountain waves are wind direction approximately at right angles to the mountain range * wind speed +0 "t and steadily increasing with height * an inversion ?ust a2ove the crest RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

+ +5 (%

$# 5 (%

5 :5 (%

!60$ (%

!#:! (%

!$:$ (%


0 +


greater at !0,4 than at +0,4 the same at all latitudes less than the geostrophic wind /reenland, 'Bores, 40 -anada

the same at all latitudes north or south of 5, greatest at !0,4 the same as the thermal component Iceland, &W 1&', 'Bores

equivalent to gradient wind R thermal component least at 50,4 proportional only to the -oriolis force /reenland, &W 0urope, 40 -anada

travelling low pressure systems t

40 trade winds u

the intertropical convergence Bone 8I%-K9 v

&0 trade winds t only

travelling low pressure systems t and x

40 trade winds u and w

'ntarctic high pressure due to the distur2ed temperate low pressure, 2ringing an equatorial low pressure due to the a2sence of any protective land mass almost continuous succession of fronts proximity of the intertropical 2etween south 'ustralia and 'ntarctica resulting in strong winds, low cloud and rain convergence Bone over central 'ustralia 40 trade winds &0 trade winds su2tropical high pressure systems t v w

travelling depressions 0+0>60 0!0> 6

&W trade winds +$0>6# 0!0> #

su2tropical high pressure 0+0>6# 0:5> 6

well 2elow the core wind direction parallel to the general alignment of the mountain range * wind speed increasing with height * intense surface heating

on the tropical side of the core wind speed less than 5 "t and wind direction at right angles to mountains * intense radiation cooling at night particularly at the higher levels

5000 (% or more a2ove the core wind direction parallel to the mountain range * wind speed increasing with height * extensive isothermal layer 2etween mountain

subj Domanda RispostaA level with less sta2le air a2ove and 2elow insolation resulting in the lifting of the condensation level a mild moist airstream flows over snow covered ground and the wind speed is less than 0 "t ' mild moist airstream flowing over colder surfaces with the wind speed less than 5 "t It can appear suddenly 2y day or 2y night ;recipitation may 2e snow, sleet or rain. Icing is pro2a2le and may range 2etween light and severe. %ur2ulence is rarely more than moderate. ;olar <aritime %ropical <aritime %ropical <aritime and sta2le ;olar -ontinental %ropical -ontinental RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD crests and the tropopause adia2atic cooling due to su2sidence Check

050 ' layer of stratus is most li"ely to 2e dispersed 2y 050 'dvection fog is most li"ely to form when

a2sorption of solar radiation in the stratus layer cold air is forced over higher ground and further adia2atic cooling occurs

the release of latent heat due to precipitation

050 Which of the following sets of conditions are most li"ely to lead to the formation of advection fog? 050 Which is true of advection fog? 050 %he following statements deal with precipitation, tur2ulence and icing. &elect the list containing the most li"ely alternatives for 4& cloud.

cold maritime air flows over a warmer surface warm maritime air flows over a and the wind speed is greater than 5 "t relatively warmer surface and the wind speed is greater than 5 "t -lear s"ies at night over an inland ' mild moist airstream flowing over colder -old maritime air flowing over a marshy area surfaces with a wind in excess of +0 "t warmer land surface at a speed greater than 5 "t It develops slowly and clears fast It forms when unsta2le air is adia2atically It usually forms 2y night and clears cooled 2y day ;recipitation may 2e snow, sleet or rain. ;recipitation is frequently in the form of hail. ;recipitation and icing are usually Icing and tur2ulence are frequently Icing and tur2ulence are frequently severe. nil. %ur2ulence is rarely more than severe. moderate. %ropical -ontinental %ropical -ontinental ;olar <aritime and unsta2le ;olar <aritime ;olar <aritime ;olar -ontinental ;olar <aritime ;olar <aritime and sta2le %ropical -ontinental ;olar -ontinental 7H- &advection fog Iceland to 4orway 40 -anada to Iceland '& -5 '& +5 &% %ropical <aritime ;olar -ontinental %ropical -ontinental and unsta2le %ropical <aritime %ropical <aritime little or no cloud * haBy continuous driBBle and hill fog 40 -anada to ;ortugal /reenland to &pain -5 -& -5 6F -& radiation fog, low stratus, driBBle, no medium or upper cloud, light wind small amounts of -1 with generally good visi2ility 4& I<- in 4& with ris" of light icing

050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:$#'9 %he air mass affecting position G'G is most li"ely to 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:$='9 %he air mass affecting position G-G is most li"ely to 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:50'9 %he air mass affecting position G&G is most li"ely to 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:5 '9 %he air mass affecting position G;G is most li"ely to 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:56'9 %he air mass affecting position GCG is most li"ely to 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:5$'9 %he weather most li"ely to 2e experienced at position G&G is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:55'9 %he weather most li"ely to 2e experienced at position G'G is 050 -onsidering the 4orth 'tlantic 2etween +0,4 and !5,4, the mean position of the polar front during winter extends from 050 -onsidering the 4orth 'tlantic region 2etween +0,4 and !5,4, the mean position of the polar front during summer extends from 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:5#'9 %he cloud most li"ely to 2e experienced in square 0 is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:5='9 %he cloud type most applica2le to square 6F is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:!0'9 %he cloud type most applica2le to square +- is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:!6'9 %he occurrence of freeBing rain at () !0 is most li"ely in square 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:!+'9 Furing summer, the cloud type most applica2le to square 6' is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:!5'9 %he weather most li"ely to 2e experienced at position ' is

frequent heavy showers of rain or snow morning fog lifting to low stratus snow showers * gale force wind (lorida to &W 0ngland 4ewfoundland to 4 &cotland -I '& 4& +-5 clear s"ies * radiation fog forming overnight 4ewfoundland to Iceland (lorida to &W 0ngland -& -1 '6' '-

mainly overcast with stratus or clear s"ies, good visi2ility in light winds cumulus, cumulonim2us clouds, heavy rain or stratocumulus and driBBle, medium to snow showers, medium to strong winds strong winds 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:!!'9 %he weather most li"ely to 2e overcast with driBBle and orographie fog scattered thunderstorms and good increasing '& and 4& with moderate to heavy experienced at position G&G is visi2ility rain 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:!#'9 %he cloud type most &-& '& applica2le to most of square +5 is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:!='9 What flight conditions are H<- a2ove layers of &% and &-, H<- 2elow an overcast of '& and -&, I<- in layers of '& and isolated -5 ris" of most li"ely to 2e experienced in square 65 2y an aircraft at () 60? generally sta2le conditions generally smooth air severe tur2ulence and icing

subj Domanda 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0::0'9 (or an aircraft ma"ing an approach to an airfield located in square +5, the most li"ely weather conditions are 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:: '9 (or an aircraft ma"ing an approach to an airfield located in square +5, away from the vicinity of the fronts, the most li"ely weather conditions in winter are. 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0::6'9 %he weather most li"ely to 2e experienced near to position G'G is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0::+'9 %he weather most li"ely to 2e experienced at position G5G is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0::$'9 %he weather most li"ely to 2e experienced at position G5G is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0::5'9 %he weather most li"ely to 2e experienced on the coast near position G3G is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:::'9 %he cloud type most applica2le to square 0 is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0::#'9 %he cloud type most applica2le to square 6- is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0::='9 %he cloud type most applica2le to square 65 is 050 What is signified if an occlusion is descri2ed as GcoldG? RispostaA low cloud, mist RispostaB moderate continuous rain RispostaC showers of rain and hail RispostaD scattered '- 2ase 6000 (%, good visi2ility prolonged periods of heavy rain and hail clear s"ies * radiation fog at night Check

poor visi2ility in mist and driBBle

scattered &- and -1, good visi2ility

generally overcast, moderate continuous rain and ris" of low level wind shear overcast layer cloud * rain later poor visi2ility in anticyclonic circulation

frequent showers of rain and snow, good advection fog and driBBle visi2ility outside precipitation frequent showers of rain or snow advection fog and driBBle frequent showers of rain or snow, good scattered stratocumulus with good visi2ility outside showers visi2ility showery with generally good visi2ility mainly overcast with poor visi2ility -& '& -5 -5 -& -&

early morning fog lifting to low stratus later mainly overcast with stratus or stratocumulus, clear s"ies, moderate wind, good driBBle visi2ility thundery showers particularly at night mainly clear s"ies with fog developing overnight 4& &-5 &% %he air ahead of the associated warm front is colder than the air 2ehind the associated cold front &i2eria -1 &7n meeting the warm front, the cold front moves up the warm frontal surface 'Bores

050 &elect the answer which you consider will complete correctly the following statement in relation to the main pressure systems affecting the 4orth 'tlantic region 2etween +0,4 and !5,4. Furing winter the predominant mean low pressure system at the surface is usually centred over 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:#$'9 %he pressure system at position GFG is a 050 -onsidering the 4orth 'tlantic region 2etween +0,4 and !5,4 and the ad?acent land areas during mid*summer, the predominant pressure systems are 050 -onsidering the 4orth 'tlantic region 2etween +0,4 and !5,4 together with the ad?acent land areas during winter, the normal disposition of the main anticyclones at the surface is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:##'9 %he arrows la2elled GrG represent the mean trac"s of tropical revolving storms which occur mainly from 050 Which is true of a secondary depression in the northern hemisphere?

%he air ahead of the associated warm It derives from a polar depression front is less cold than the air 2ehind the associated cold front Iceland > /reenland 1&'

col 'Bores high and wea" low over 40 -anada 'Bores, &i2eria

secondary low &candinavian high and 'Bores high

trough of low pressure

ridge of high pressure

wea" low over 40 -anada and &candinavian 'Bores low and Icelandic high high 40 -anada, Iceland /reenland, I2erian peninsula

&i2eria, Iceland, -anaries

Fecem2er to 'pril and are called cyclones

Fecem2er to 'pril and are called tornadoes It tends to move round the primary in an anticyclonic sense 5ecause they are areas in which there is a strong progressive wind shear with increase of height Fecem2er to 'pril and are called cyclones Fecem2er to 'pril and are called hurricanes Lanuary to <arch and are called willy* willies <ay to Luly

Lune to 7cto2er and are called typhoons

Lune to 7cto2er and are called hurricanes It tends to maintain its position relative to the primary 5ecause the gulf formation of the coastlines triggers a strong rotary circulation Fecem2er to 'pril and are called typhoons Lune to 7cto2er and are called hurricanes Fecem2er to 'pril and are called tornadoes 4ot experienced at Farwin

It tends to move round the primary in a cyclonic sense 050 Why do tropical revolving storms tend to develop mostly in the western 5ecause there is a maximum of parts of the tropical oceans? humidity as a result of the trade winds long sea passage 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:= '9 %he arrows la2elled GsG <ay to 4ovem2er and are called represent the mean trac"s of tropical revolving storms which occur cyclones mainly from 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:=6'9 %he arrows la2elled GtG Lune to 7cto2er and are called cyclones represents the mean trac"s of tropical revolving storms which occur mainly from 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:=+'9 %he arrows la2elled GuG Luly to 7cto2er and are called typhoons represent the trac"s of tropical revolving storms which occur mainly from 050 When, if at all, is a tropical revolving storm most li"ely to affect Farwin, Fecem2er to 'pril

It rapidly closes on, and merges with the primary 5ecause there is a maximal temperature difference 2etween land mass and sea <ay to 4ovem2er and are called hurricanes

Lune to 7cto2er and are called tornadoes

<ay to Luly and are called cyclones

'ugust to 7cto2er

subj Domanda RispostaA on the central north coast of 'ustralia? 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:=5'9 -onsidering that portion of a su2tropical westerly ?et stream, the route indicated from +0,0 to 50,0, the upper winds in Lanuary a2ove maximum speed exceeding =0 "t () +00 are most li"ely to 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:=!'9 Which is true of 4airo2i %here are two wet seasons 8Menya9? 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:=:'9 %he dotted line designated GKG represents the 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:=#'9 %he dotted line la2elled GJG represents the mean position of the intertropical convergence Bone 8I%-K9 during Luly RispostaB a westerly polar front ?et stream, maximum speed exceeding =0 "t RispostaC varia2le in direction and less than +0 "t RispostaD light easterlies Check

'part from the wet season8s9 it is cloud %here is one wet season and rain free mean position of the intertropical convergence Bone 8I%-K9 during Lanuary axis of the su2tropical ?et stream during Lanuary northerly limit of the su2 tropical ?et stream during Luly

In Luly it is frequently affected 2y clear s"ies and northerly winds from 4orth 'frica northerly limit of the &0 trade winds during Lanuary

mean position of the intertropical convergence Bone 8I%-K9 during Lanuary 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0:=='9 What weather conditions are Wet and thundery due to the proximity most li"ely to affect an approach to Fa"ar during Luly? of the intertropical convergence Bone 8I%-K9 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#00'9 Weather conditions at &W monsoon 5om2ay during early Luly are mainly influenced 2y the 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#0 '9 Weather conditions at 40 monsoon 5om2ay during Lanuary are mainly influenced 2y the 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#0+'9 %he weather most li"ely to 2e fine and warm at first * '- castellanus experienced at position GCG is and -5 in late afternoon with thunderstorms 050 Which one of the following local winds is a (oehn wind? -hinoo" 050 Ice accretion to the airframe is li"ely to 2e most haBardous at temperatures 050 %he formation of clear ice on the leading edges of an aircraft is most li"ely to 2e caused 2y the 050 What intensity and type of airframe icing is most li"ely to occur when flying at () :0 in '& with the outside air temperature at *60,-? 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0# 0'9 In which squares are conditions most li"ely to cause the occurrence of low level wind shear? 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0# '9 (or an aircraft ma"ing an approach to an airfield which is not situated near high ground, in the vicinity of the active front in square + 5, a potential haBard exists in the form of 050 'ssuming that an initial GtriggerG force is present, the conditions most li"ely to result in the formation of thunderstorms are 050 Which one of the following can provide the initial lifting leading to air mass thunderstorms? 050 HaBardous hailstones, reaching the ground, are most li"ely to 2e experienced 2elow -5 clouds situated 050 7f what does lenticular cloud provide evidence? 050 Which of the following statements is true with regard to mountain waves? 2etween 0,- and *6+,- in large -1 relatively slow freeBing of large supercooled water droplets )ight * rime + ' and + low level wind shear

mean position of the intertropical convergence axis of the equatorial ?et stream Bone 8I%-K9 during Luly during Luly Ceduced visi2ility due to the rising sand of the Harmattan high incidence of tropical revolving storms originating in the ;ersian gulf &0 monsoon

Fry and clear due to the influence of the /enerally clear s"ies * 4W trade winds 'Bores high pressure system 40 monsoon and the proximity of the I%-K &W monsoon passage of frontal system generated in the south Indian ocean 4W monsoon

early morning fog lifting to low stratus increasing amounts of '& and 4& * heavy rain overcast with driBBle and hill fog

&cirocco 2etween 0,- and * :,- in '& instantaneous freeBing of small supercooled water droplets &evere * clear + ' and + 5 radiation fog

Harmattan 2etween 0,- and * :,- in &% instantaneous freeBing of large supercooled water droplets and snow crystals <oderate * hoar frost + 5 and + rotor streaming

5ora 2elow *$0,- in -5 relatively slow freeBing of small supercooled water droplets and ice crystals <oderate * clear + 5 and + F clear air tur2ulence 8-'%9

high relative humidity and insta2ility throughout a deep layer 'dvection of cold air over a warm sea in continental interiors in middle latitudes <ountain waves

high surface temperature, low dew point rapid orographic cooling of cloud containing and high dry adia2atic lapse rate ice crystals <ountain waves over the sea near the equator Let streams 'dvection of warm air over a cold sea in continental interiors near the equator &tratospheric inversions %he a2sence of cloud over high ground indicates the a2sence of mountain waves

intense surface heating, anticyclonic pressure system and relatively high freeBing level )ow level wind shear over the sea in middle latitudes 'reas of high level clear air tur2ulence (light with tailwind toward high ground is li"ely to 2e more haBardous than flight with headwind toward high ground 2etween the troughs of the waves particularly +0 4< to 50 4< downwind and close to the tropopause

050 In a mountainous area, the most haBardous flying conditions associated with standing waves are li"ely to 2e experienced

(light with headwind toward high <ountain waves are not experienced ground is li"ely to 2e more haBardous 2eyond 00 miles downwind from than flight with tailwind toward high initiating high ground, regardless of the ground height of the ground in the vicinity of the GrollG cloud or rotor on the windward side of the mountain Bone 2eneath the first wave on the ?ust a2ove the GcapG cloud leeward side

?ust a2ove the lenticular cloud on the windward side

subj Domanda RispostaA RispostaB 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0# ='9 %he front at the 2ottom of the an occlusion on the surface a warm front diagram, south of position -, is 050 %he temperature at the surface is given as @ 5,- and at $000 (% it is sta2le conditionally unsta2le @=,-, the state of this layer is said to 2e. 050 &urface temperature inversions are frequently generated 2y terrestrial radiation on a calm clear night an unsta2le air mass causing convection currents and mixing of the atmosphere at lower levels 050 %he I-'7 &tandard 'tmosphere 8I&'9 assumes that temperature will ,=#,- per 000 (% up to +!0=0 (% ,=#,- per 000 (% up to +!0=0 (% and reduce at the rate of after which it remains constant to !5! : will then rise at 0,+,- per 000 (% up to (% !5! : (% when it will remain constant 050 'n aircraft maintains a constant indicated altitude of !500 (% from ' $!65 (% !5 5 (% 8!00 (%>'<&) * 34H 0 6 h;a9 to 5 8=+0 (%>'<&) * 34H =:: h;a9. 'ssuming that the altimeter su2scale setting remains unchanged at 0 6 h;a, the height of the aircraft a2ove the surface at 5 will 2e 050 (or the same horiBontal distance 2etween ad?acent iso2ars the gradient 50,4 with a cyclonic circulation 50,4 in an anticyclone wind speed will 2e least at. 050 When compared to the geostrophic wind in the northern hemisphere, 2ac" and decrease 2ac" and increase surface friction will cause the surface wind to 050 &ea 2reeBes are most li"ely to occur when slac" pressure gradient and clear s"ies a strong pressure gradient, relatively result in relatively high land high sea temperatures and overcast temperatures conditions persist 050 (rom summer to winter the polar front ?et stream over the 4orth 'tlantic towards the south and the speed towards the north and the speed moves increases increases 050 Where is the pro?ection of the polar front ?et on the surface stream most 50 to 600 4< 2ehind the cold front and 1p to 00 4< either side of the cold li"ely to 2e found in relation to the cold and warm fronts of a +00 to $50 4< ahead of the warm front front and up to 600 4< either side of depression? the warm front 050 %he most li"ely place to encounter clear air tur2ulence associated with a close to the core on the side facing the well 2elow the core ?et stream is polar air 050 In addition to a sta2le layer of air over a su2stantial mountain range, the wind speed excess of 60 "t at the surface steep dry adia2atic lapse rate, wind conditions most favoura2le to the development of standing waves are and increasing with height, wind speed increasing and changing direction direction perpendicular to the general rapidly with increase in height direction of the range 050 Few point is defined as the temperature to which moist air must the lowest temperature at which 2e cooled to 2ecome saturated at a given evaporation will occur for a given pressure pressure 050 %he process 2y which water vapour is transformed directly into ice is "nown as 050 When visi2ility is reduced 2y water droplets to less than 000 metres it is classified as 050 'n unsta2le air mass will normally 2e characterised 2y 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#+='9 %he air mass at position GDG is most li"ely to 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#$6'9 %he air mass type indicated 2y arrow num2er $ is designated 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#$+'9 %he air mass affecting position GCG is most li"ely to 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#$$'9 (or an aircraft at () #0, ahead of the front in square 6F, the expected flight conditions are 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#$5'9 (or an aircraft at () $0, approaching the front 8square +-9 from the direction of square +F a potential haBard exists 2efore reaching the front in the form of su2limation fog cumuliform cloud and good visi2ility except in precipitation %ropical <aritime %ropical <aritime ;olar <aritime supercooling dust fog stratiform cloud ;olar <aritime ;olar -ontinental ;olar -ontinental RispostaC an occlusion a2ove the surface a2solutely unsta2le RispostaD a cold front unsta2le Check

gusting winds increasing surface friction compression causing the release of during the day with consequent mixing at the latent heat in a layer of stratiform lower levels cloud 6,- per 000 (% up to !5! : (% after which it 6,- per 000 (% up to +!0=0 (% and will remain constant to 0$=#: (% will then increase at 0,+,- per 000 (% up to !5! : (% 5555 (% 5665 (%

+0,4 with a cyclonic circulation veer and decrease

+0,4 in an anticyclone veer and increase

a strong pressure gradient, relatively high sea a slac" pressure gradient, relatively temperatures and clear s"ies at night exist high sea temperatures and overcast conditions persist towards the south and the speed decreases towards the north and the speed decreases 1p to 600 4< either side of the cold front and +00 to $50 4< 2ehind the cold front up to 600 4< either side of the warm front and 50 to 600 4< ahead of the warm front on the tropical side of the core 5000 feet or more a2ove the core conditional insta2ility, wind speed constant significant moisture loss due to from a direction parallel to the mountain range precipitation, rapid lowering of the tropopause in the area of the mountain range the lowest temperature to which air must 2e the temperature 2elow which the cooled in order to reduce the relative humidity change of state in a given volume of air will result in the a2sorption of latent heat supersaturation radiation cooling haBe mist

continuous light rain from medium level layer poor visi2ility due to haBe at the cloud lower levels ;olar -ontinental %ropical -ontinental ;olar <aritime %ropical -ontinental I<- in cumuliform cloud, moderate tur2ulence with a ris" of rime icing severe tur2ulence and wind shear %ropical -ontinental %ropical <aritime high -I and -& type cloud, light tur2ulence and poor visi2ility severe downdrafts from su2siding air

2elow '& type cloud, generally smooth overcast s"ies, moderate to heavy air with light precipitation tur2ulence with the possi2ility of thunderstorms clear ice accretion to the airframe severe tur2ulence associated with -5

subj Domanda 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#$:'9 What conditions are most li"ely to prevail at an aerodrome located in square +5? 050 (or an airfield located in the 5ritish Isles, the passage of a warm front will usually 2e indicated 2y 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#$='9 When front G/G passes position G%G the surface wind should 050 ' trough of low pressure on a surface synoptic chart is an area of 050 Which is true of a typical non frontal thermal depression? 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#5$'9 %he typical weather conditions affecting the Farwin area during Luly are 050 ' (oehn wind occurs on the RispostaA ! * # o"tas &- and &%, visi2ility moderate to poor in driBBle rise in temperature, rise in dew point temperature, wind veers and decreases veer and increase convergence and widespread ascent It forms over land in summer RispostaB 5ro"en -1 2ase 6000 (%, visi2ility more than 5 "m, occasional showers of rain or snow a fall in temperature, rise in dew point temperature, wind 2ac"ing and decreasing veer and decrease divergence and su2sidence It forms over the ocean in summer RispostaC <ainly overcast at #000 (%, visi2ility less than 5 "m in continuous moderate rain rapid improvement in visi2ility, pressure falling rapidly, wind veering and increasing 2ac" and increase divergence and widespread ascent It forms over the ocean in winter RispostaD Check Intermittent thunderstorms otherwise generally clear s"ies with good visi2ility rise in temperature, rapid rise in pressure, wind 2ac"s and 2ecomes gusty 2ac" and decrease convergence and su2sidence It forms over land in winter mainly clear s"ies * advection fog drifting inland with the typical 40 wind leeward side of a mountain range and is caused 2y the condensation level 2eing lower on the leeward side than on the windward side )ight opaque rime and light clear ice

dry season * mainly &0 winds * visi2ility 40 monsoon * continuous heavy rain reduced 2y dust and haBe 2ut little thunderstorm activity

4W monsoon * very wet * proximity of the intertropical convergence Bone causes widespread thunderstorm activity leeward side of a mountain range and is windward side of a mountain range and windward side of a mountain range and is caused 2y significant moisture loss 2y is caused 2y surface heating caused 2y surface cooling and reverse air flow precipitation from cloud )ight or moderate hoar frost <oderate opaque rime 4il ice

050 What intensity and type of airframe icing is most li"ely to occur when aircraft descend rapidly from () +60 8temp. *$5,-9 to () !0 in warm, moist clear air? 050 %hunderstorms are often preceded 2y. 050 Which of the following sets of conditions are most favoura2le to the development of thunderstorms?

'ltocumulus -astellanus



'ltocumulus )enticularis 0nvironmental lapse rate less than dry adia2atic lapse rate with freeBing level 2elow the cloud 2ase, high relative humidity and strong surface winds 2ac" and decrease 2ac"ed and decreased *: 6#0,>:0 "t 6:0,>$5 "t a cold front moving south cold occlusion -alm

0nvironmental lapse rate greater than 0xtensive isothermal layer, ice particles 0nvironmental lapse rate less than saturated saturated adia2atic lapse rate through a and water droplets must exist ?ust 2elow adia2atic lapse rate with dew point 2elow 0,great vertical extent, high relative the freeBing level and orographic lifting and considera2le surface heating humidity and an initial lifting process veer and remain more or less at the same veer and increase speed veered and increased veered and decreased @5 6:0,>=5 "t 0=0,>$5 "t a quasi*stationary front cold front @+ +60,>$0 "t 0!0,>$5 "t an active warm front moving north warm front Haria2le>05 "t 2ac" and remain more or less at the same speed 2ac"ed and increased *5 6$0,>=0 "t 0:0,>+0 "t an active occlusion moving south warm occlusion Haria2le> 5 to 65 "t

050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#:0'9 (rom indications shown on the chart, when front G&G passes position GHG the surface wind should 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#:6'9 5y the time the front GKG has passed point G3G the surface wind will have 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#:+'9 %he temperature deviation from I&' 8to the nearest ,-9 overhead -harleston at () +$0 is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#:$'9 't $0,4 :0,W, the forecast wind is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#:5'9 't $0,4 60,W, the forecast wind at () +=0 is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#:!'9 %he front located from 0,W to 0,0 is most li"ely to 2e 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#:='9 %he front la2elled G0G is a

050 What surface wind is forecast for 6600 1%- ? 0FF( 6:6600K 6#0!6$ 6!0,> 0 "t HC505M% $000 5C &-%005 7H-0 + 50-</ + $ =000 &HC' 7H-0 5 ;C75$0 %0<;7 $ ! HC5 5/65M% !00 %&C' 7H-0 0-5 50-</ ! # 6!0 0M% 5M40+0 50-</ 6 66 -'H7M 050 What is the lowest cloud 2ase that can 2e expected from the forecast for 000 feet 500 1%- ? M-H& 6#0$+0K 6#0!0! HC505M% $000 5C &-%005 7H-0 + ;C75$0 &HC' 50-</ + $ =000 &HC' 7H-0 5 ;C75$0 %0<;7 $ ! HC5 5/65M% !00 %&C' 7H-0 0-5 50-</ ! # 6!0 0M% 5M40+0 50-</ 6 66 -'H7M. 050 What visi2ility is most li"ely to 2e experienced at $00 1%- ? 0FF( =000 metres 6:6600K 6#0!6$ HC505M% $000 5C &-%005 7H-0 + 50-</ + $ =000 &HC' 7H-0 5 ;C75$0 %0<;7 $ ! HC5 5/65M% !00 %&C' 7H-0 0-5 50-</ ! # 6!0 0M% 5M40+0 50-</ 6 66

+000 feet

+00 feet

500 feet

$000 metres

000 metres

!00 metres

subj Domanda RispostaA +000 feet RispostaB 500 feet RispostaC 500 feet RispostaD Check -'H7M 050 What is the lowest possi2le cloud 2ase forecast for 6+00 1%-? 0FF( 5000 feet 6:6600K 6#0!6$ HC505M% $000 5C &-%005 7H-0 + 50-</ + $ =000 &HC' 7H-0 5 ;C75$0 %0<;7 $ ! HC5 5/65M% !00 %&C' 7H-0 0-5 50-</ ! # 6!0 0M% 5M40+0 50-</ 6 66 -'H7M 050 What type of precipitation might occur at :00 1%-? <ML; !0$+0K Heavy rain showers !0!0! +!0 0M% ==== (0W065 50-</ + 5 $060/+$M% (0W0 5-5 &-%065 ;C75+0 %0<;7 :60 !000 @&HC' &-%0 0 5M40 5-5 50-</ 666$ +$0 0M% (0W065N 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#= '9 -onsidering the route *50,2etween Halencia and -harleston at () +$0, the forecast mean temperature is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#=6'9 (or +00 1%- select a =0 0M% !000 C' 5M40 ! 7H-0=0 <0%'C which you consider to 2e most appropriate to position G%G. 0#>0! 3 00$N 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#=!'9 What is the average wind 6#0>+0 forecast for () +00 2etween 0din2urgh and <adrid? 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0#=:'9 What is the average *6,temperature difference from I&' at () +00 2etween 0din2urgh and <adrid? 050 What is the lowest forecast visi2ility that can 2e expected during an 0 "ilometres or more approach into <adrid at 6+00 1%- ? %'( )0<F 6# 600K 6# # 6 +005M% -'H7M %0<;7 #6 #000 &-%060 &-%0+0 50-</ 6 6+ 6 005M% ==== &-%0 5 5M40#0 ;C75$0 %0<;7 6+0! !000 &-%00# 050 What is the most li"ely forecast lowest cloud 2ase that can 2e expected 500 feet during an approach to <adrid into 6+00 1%- ? %'( )0<F 6# 600K 6# # 6 +005M% -'H7M %0<;7 #6 #000 &-%060 &-%0+0 50-</ 6 6+ 6 005M% ==== &-%0 5 5M40#0 ;C75$0 %0<;7 6+0! !000 &-%00# 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0=00'9 %he average forecast wind for 6:0>50 the leg from <adrid to Fhahran at () +=0 is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0=0 '9 What is the average * ,temperature difference from I&' at () +=0 2etween <adrid and Fhahran? 050 What is the lowest visi2ility that may 2e expected during an approach $ "m into Fhahran at 0%' 0!00 1%- ? %'( 70FC 6#0000K 6#0 0 HC50#M% -'H7M 50-</ 0 0+ :000 %0<;7 0$ 0 6#0 $/6$M% $000 &'N 050 What is the lowest visi2ility forecast for 5ang"o" at 0%' $00 1%- ? 5 "m %'( H%5F 6: #00K 6#006$ HC505M% 600 5C %0<;7 0006 $000 50-</ 0605 ==== &-%0 5 5M4 00 %0<;7 # 0$0 0/60M% 5000 %&C' &-%00= 5M40 $ 5M40 #-5 50-</ 606$ !000N 050 What is the height of the lowest cloud forecast for 5ang"o" at 0%' $00 =00 feet 1%- ? %'( H%5F 6: #00K 6#006$ HC505M% 600 5C %0<;7 0006 $000 50-</ 0605 ==== &-%0 5 5M4 00 %0<;7 # 0$0 0/60M% 5000 %&C' &-%00= 5M40 $ 5M40 #-5 50-</ 606$ !000N 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0= !'9 (light from )is2on 8);;%9 to 0,Mingston 8<ML;9 't $0,4 60,W, the temperature deviation from I&' at () +=0 is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0= #'9 (light from )is2on 8);;%9 to *55,Mingston 8<ML;9 -onsidering the route segment 2etween !0,W and :0,W, at () +=0 the forecast mean temperature is 050 What surface wind is forecast for 0%' :00 1%- at Mingston? <ML; $0, > 60 "t gusts +$ "t !0$+0K !0!0! +!0 0M% ==== (0W065-5 50-</ + 5

)ight driBBle

-ontinuous moderate rain

Intermittent light rain




6$060M% 5000 C' 5M4 00 3 006N +00>$5 @ 6,-

> 0

#0 5M% ==== &-%060 0+>0 3 000N 6$0>65 @6,-

6:0+0M% #000 &-%060 0:>0+ 3 00$N #0>60 * 6,-

#000 metres

!000 metres

/reater than 0 "ilometres

6000 feet

+000 feet

#00 feet

6:0>+0 @5,-

+60>:0 *5,-

+ 0>50 @6,-

0 "m or more

: "m

$000 yards

600 metres

! "m

0 "m or more

600 feet

$00 feet

#00 feet






*! ,-

+!0, > 0 "t

+$0, > 0 "t

$0, > 6: "t

subj Domanda $060/+$M% (0W0 5-5 &-%065 ;C75+0 %0<;7 :60 !000 @&HC' &-%0 0 5M40 5-5 50-</ 6+0 +$0 0M% (0W065N 050 What is the lowest pro2a2le cloud 2ase forecast for 0%' :00 1%- at Mingston ? %'( <ML; !0000K !0!0! +!0 0M% ==== (0W065 50-</ + 5 $060/+$M% (0W0 5-5 &-%065 ;C75+0 %0<;7 560 !000 @&HC' &-%0 0 5M40 5-5 50-</ 6+0 +$0 0M% (0W065N 050 What is the lowest cloud 2ase forecast for arrival at /eneva 80%' 600 1%-9? %'( )&// 060=00K 06 0 = #00:M% ==== &-%060 5M4 00 50-</ $ #000 C' &-%0 0 7H-060 ;C75+0 %0<;7 0 # HC5 0/65M% %&C' &-%005 5M40 5-5N 050 What is the lowest visi2ility forecast for approach into /eneva 80%' 600 1%-9? %'( )&// 060=00K 06 0 = #00:M% ==== &-%060 5M4 00 50-</ $ #000 C' &-%0 0 7H-060 ;C75+0 %0<;7 0 # HC5 0/65M% %&C' &-%005 5M40 5-5N 050 What type of meteorological haBard to safe flight is most li"ely to 2e experienced during the final approach to /eneva 80%' 600 1%-9 ? %'( )&// 060=00K 06 0 = #00:M% ==== &-%060 5M4 00 50-</ $ #000 C' &-%0 0 7H-060 ;C75+0 %0<;7 0 # HC5 0/65M% %&C' &-%005 5M40 5-5N 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0=+$'9 %he mean wind that may 2e expected to affect the route segment from the coast of &0 0ngland to /eneva at () 6:0 is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0=+5'9 %he mean temperature that may 2e expected to affect that segment of the route from the coast of &0 0ngland to /eneva at () 6:0 is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* 0=+!'9 't () +00 2etween /eneva and %unis, what mean wind would 2e most li"ely? 050 5efore landing, an altimeter set to 3(0 indicates RispostaA RispostaB RispostaC RispostaD Check

000 (%

000 m

500 (%

500 m

500 (%

500 m

000 (%

000 m

# "m

# 4<

! 4<

0 "m

)ow level wind shear

Coll cloud associated with standing waves

Cadiation fog

'na2atic winds













050 8(or this question use annex 050* #$='9 In appendix are shown four sections of the :00 h;a wind chart. %he diagram representing most accurately the wind direction and speed is 050 7n the &ignificant Weather -hart, we see the following indications. 00 &-% -1 ***** 0!0 %he forecast charts for () 050 and () 00 2oth indicate a wind from +60,> 5 "t. In flight at () 055 over an area of plains 8flat country9 during the validity period of the &ignificant Weather -hart, we o2serve moderate tur2ulence. %his tur2ulence is caused 2y 050 Celative humidity at a given temperature is the relation 2etween 050 In mid*latitudes, the tops of -umulus are often limited 2y 050 Which of the following phenomena is least li"ely to lead to the formation of a -umulonim2us with thunderstorm ? 050 (rom what type of cloud does driBBle fall ? 050 %he lowest cloud type o2served in &tratus fractus, and there is moderate continuous rain. %he area of the system in which you are at this moment is 050 (or a H(C aircraft, the conditions in which it could encounter severe airframe icing are. 050 %he most dangerous icing conditions are encountered in

in standard atmosphere, the height of the the flight level. aircraft a2ove the official airport elevation. 0+0,>+0 "t 8diagram '9 6 0,>+0 "t 8diagram 59

the aircraftIs altitude a2ove the mean sea level. the height of the aircraftIs wheels a2ove the runway. 0+0,>+0 "t 8diagram -9 6 0,>+0 "t 8diagram F9

the insta2ility of the air mass 2etween the surface and the top of -umulus clouds.

system waves.

a wind shear.

the surface radiation.

actual water vapour content and saturated water vapour content a temperature inversion /round radiation &tratus.

water vapour weight and dry air weight water vapour weight and humid air volume a layer of unsta2le air -onvection 'ltostratus a radiation inversion -onvergence -umulus the warm sector

dew point and air temperature the tropopause 7rographic lift -irrostratus. the high pressure area

the main 2ody of the warm or cold front, 2ehind the cold front or of the occlusion flight into freeBing rain, resulting in clear ice formation supercooled precipitation.

flight into supercooled rain, resulting in flight into an area outside of clouds where the flight 2etween two cloud layers, rime ice formation temperature is 2elow 0,-, resulting in rime ice without precipitation, resulting in formation clear ice formation icy clouds at high levels. unsta2le clouds at medium levels. Bones where the air temperature is 2elow * 5,-.

subj Domanda 050 <ountain waves should 2e expected RispostaA RispostaB on the downwind side of the mountain when insta2ility is high chain 050 When a front has to cross a chain of mountains, its activity strengthens GupwindG of the mountains. decreases when it reaches the mountains. 050 7n a &ignificant Weather -hart, we see the following for the area where we will pro2a2ly have to divert around we will 2e in solid clouds and a H(C*flight will ta"e place. 00 5M4 -1 &- SSS 06+ If the flight is some cumulus tops. consequently a H(C flight is not planned at () #5, we can estimate that possi2le. 050 8(or this question use annex 050* #:+' 9 'ccording to the extract of $0, 0, the surface iso2ar map, the surface wind direction over the sea is approximately 050 %he %'( weather messages are airport forecasts hourly or semi*hourly weather o2servations 050 In a <0%'C message, 5C and HK mean respectively. 5C N mist HK N haBe 5C N fog HK N haBe 050 %he temperature lapse rate of the standard atmosphere in the troposphere *6,-> 000 (% is. 050 ' wind of 60 "nots corresponds to an approximate speed of 0 m>sec 050 Jou are flying in the northern hemisphere at 6000 (% over a flat country from your right area. 'n anticyclone is ahead of you and a depression is 2ehind you. %he wind affecting you, will 2e 050 When flying at 5000 feet in the northern hemisphere over plains 8flat a head wind. country9 with an anticyclone on the left and a depression on the right, the wind will 2e 050 When fog is reported, the visi2ility is 2elow "m 050 What type of clouds are associated with rain showers ? 050 What type of clouds are associated with snow showers ? *+,-> 000 (% $0 m>sec from your left RispostaC directly over the mountain chain is not distur2ed 2y the mountains. we will fly a2ove a solid cloud cover. RispostaD on the upwind side of the mountain chain ceases immediately. we will fly ?ust 2elow the cloud 2ase where the cloud cover is 2etween 5 and : o"tas. 660, Check

+ 0,

special weather o2servations 5C N mist HK N smo"e *!,5,-> 000 (% 0 "m>h from ahead

landing forecasts of the GtrendG type 5C N mist HK N widespread dust *6,5,-> 000 (% 50 "m>h from 2ehind

from the left.

from the right.

a tail wind.

0.# "m

.5 "m 'ltostratus and stratus. 'ltostratus and stratus warm front. the cold air 2ehind is lifted 2y the warm air -lear ice rime ice 6

+ "m 4im2ostratus. 4im2ostratus cold front. the cold air ahead is lifted &mooth icing granular frost + Wind from 6+0, magnetic at 0 miles per hour at 500 feet '/)

%owering cumulus and cumulonim2us. %owering cumulus and altostratus. -umulus and cumulonim2us -umulus and altostratus cold occlusion. the cold air 2ehind is colder than the cold air ahead Cime ice hoar frost

050 8(or this question use annex 050* #=:' 9 %he diagram of the system in warm occlusion. annex represents a 050 'n occlusion has the characteristics of a warm front when. the cold air 2ehind is warmer than the cold air ahead 050 'fter a prolonged H<- descent in very cold air, you penetrate a humid Hoar frost air mass. What type of icing will you encounter? 050 'n aircraft flies into supercooled rain in an area with a temperature clear ice 2elow 0,-. %he type of icing it will most li"ely encounter is 050 8(or this question use annex 050* =0:' 9 7n a &ignificant Weather $ -hart, hail is represented 2y sym2ol 050 In a <0%'C message, the wind group is 6+0 0<;&. %his means. Wind from 6+0, true at 60 "nots 050 Cefer to the following %'( message. )(xx #0#00K #0= # 66060M% !000 &-%0 5 &-%0#0 50-</ 6 $ 6$065M% 6000 C' 5M400= 7H-0:0N 't $00 1%-, the lowest cloud 2ase will 2e 050 In the mid*latitudes the stratosphere extends on an average from at =00 feet '/)

Wind from 6+0, true at 0 miles per hour 2etween =00 and 500 feet '<&)

Wind from 6+0, magnetic at 60 "nots 2etween =00 and 500 feet '/)

to 50 "m

0 to


50 to #5 "m cirrus. 'ltocumulus castellanus

#5 to more than 600 "m cumulus mediocris. &tratocumulus

050 't the top of orographic waves, in mountainous regions, the cloud most altocumulus lenticularis. cirrostratus. li"ely to 2e encountered is 050 '2out ten identical clouds are in the s"y, well isolated from one another, towering -umulus 2ro"en -umulus humilis dense, with well defined contours, developing vertically in a cauliflower shape. %he side of these clouds lit 2y the sun is 2right white. %heir 2ase, relatively dar", is essentially horiBontal and at () +0, and their tops at () 50. %hese clouds are 050 %he formation of morning fog 2efore sunrise is possi2le if air temperature and dew point are equal the wind is strong or close to one another

the s"y is overcast

the tur2ulence in the lower layers is moderate

subj Domanda 050 'n air mass acquires its 2asic properties RispostaA RispostaB 2y stagnation of the air for a long period 2y the influence of ?et streams of time over areas having particular characteristics 6 00 1%++0 1%RispostaC 2y widespread thunderstorms RispostaD Check in the westerlies of the mid*latitudes

050 8(or this question use annex 050* =+ ' 9 't )yon 8)()J, 4$5$5 0005009, at 600 1%-, the s"y is overcast with &tratocumulus and 'ltostratus and it is raining. 1sing the &W- in appendix, valid at 600 1%-, we can estimate a weather improvement for )yon at around 050 -louds in patches, sheets or grey or whitish layers made up of elements &tratocumulus. resem2ling large pe22les or rollers, together or not, and always clear of the ground are. 050 In the weather pattern 2ehind a cold front, the visi2ility outside good and the precipitation is showers. precipitation is 050 ' <0%'C message is valid at the time of o2servation

0+00 1%- the following day

6 5 1%-




good and the precipitation is steady rain. low and the precipitation is showers. for 6 hours for the hour following the o2servation

low and the precipitation is steady rain. for = hours

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