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6-2, Han-machi 1-chome
Shibuya-ku, Takyo 151-8543, Japan

Printed in Malaysia
• • • • .;-:-~

U.S.A. (nol applicab!e lo other areas).
.. • • • • • .". • • • .- ... • ... • • • . .
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • -..-:. • .. .. • • •
~ ., " .. .,.:- ..' .
~~ ,:.; .

This equipmenl has beén tesled and found lo eomply wilh the limits for a
Class B digital deviee, pursuant lo Par! 15 01lhe FCC Rules. These limlts are
designed lo provide reasonable protection againsl harmful interferenee in a OOTMATRIXLCD· .,'~ ~'"

residenl!al tnsta.latíon. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
Irequeney energy and, il not installed and used in aecordance with the inslrue-
tions, may cause harmful intelierenee to radio eommunications. However, there
is no guarantee that interferenee will not oceur in a particular inslallalion. II
thís equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or tclev.sion reception,

.. ..... ..• .. ..... .•......• ., • .•.... • ..

which can be determined by tuming the eq uIpment off and on, lhe user ls
eneouraged lo lry to correct lhe interferenee by one or more 01 the following
rneasures: •.c
• • ... • ., : .- :
,'.' : ':

.:. •• ..• •• '•. •• • .... .. • • '. ;;:'.;

.¿~ ti·
• • •
, Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. '

• .. ... ... • • • .. ;.:

,'~I....- 1" ,'.

• .. • • • -'.....- • •
, Inerease the separation between the equipment and reeeiver. .. ;
, cooncct the equipmenl inlo an outlel on a cireuil different from that lo whieh ~
• •
':.' c:1t.:;·.•-~·'I! _ • lO'
',::f ~'i
the reeeiver is eonnected. .:
--. ,

, Consult the dealer or an experienced radiofTV leehnician for help. ."_J i' .
• • •
Caution: Changes or modífieations to tho product oot expressly approved
e-' ..
• • • • • • • • .-e, • ~
• • • • • • • • •. . .. .',-:-~., ",.:-~

• •

by CASIO eould void the user's authorily to operate the produet.
• •
..• ..• • · •. •i-,
.. •

· ·
re E •
.~ :; • .i..~ :-r".i
.'" :; :


Unil 6, 1000 North Circular Road,

London NW2 7JO, U.K. -r' ..,
Please keep your manual and all inlormalion
handy lor fulu re relerenee.

;-." ~.~, ..
@ ·' " ~
Oal!~rij nltt "tlWXllCn,

g I
r I Contents Contents

Handling Precautions ,.•.••,••••.•... , , 6 .. Caleulatians Using Parenthsses ,..: ~ .."'.. ~, :.; :.:; ,. 49

Ré~i~~i~~:i¡.;~..M~i.~.B.~i;~·;~·:::: ::::: :::::: :;:::: ::::::: :::::: ::.:

Percel"itage Caleulations ";" , , 50
Power Supply .. 2~2 ÜnitsofArigulár~ Measúrement .: , : 50
Replacing ths Baek-up Battery r: 9 2"á'Trigoniimet¡:¡c ani:!
JnverseTrigono'melric Fünellons 51
About the Auto Pawer Off Functíorr.. c 10 2-4. LogarUhmie and ExponenliaIFunctions:: :; :51
RESET Operation 11 2-5 Hyperbolie,llnd,lDI(E!~seHyperboli~ ,l:'l;Incllons,.' ;, 52
...:1~6. o.l~erF:unc¡l.i9I'1S ..:.. -:.." r-,••, , ,~:••" .. ;••;.",.,,: ; 53.
Chapter 1 Getting Acquainted , , ; 13
.2-7 .C:9()rr,Jinate converston ,..: ;,.;.- " :; ~..; : , 54
1-1 Keys and Their Functions c.: ; 14 2-8. Permullltionand Combinalion : c " .•.• :.. ;", " 55

~~~~~y~~~~~t~r~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~
2-9 Fractions : : : . -.,.; ;:.:.:.c 56
....... 2~10iÚi:girleer·i~·g·NólaiiciiiCllíéül,~tíoll~..,:,:.: ,..:.· :: : :: 57
Key Operations 16 2-11 Number ot Decilllal Places, Numbarof. Signilicant Digits,
1-2 'Selecting a Mode c c c: , 20 I:xponential Nol.atjon. cateutauons , ,;.; ,::,,, 58
1-3 Basle Set Up , 21 2-12Calculations Using Memory 59
Function Menus : 21 '''''lndependenl'Memary .: ~:.,:.:..::,).. <, ;:.:; ,.;;.::::.: ;.: ,59
Unil 01 Angular Measurement(DRG) Menu : 22 ........Variabie Memones c !."'.:·.:;.. :.:.:.. ,.;.:;.•. ·:.;; :.:,';:'.. ;; ; 59
Display FormatlClear (DSPIClR).Menu :: , e: ,.23
Adjusting the Display Contrasl 25 6¡'apter 3 Difterenüal,QlIádratic DiffE!:renüal; rntégration, and
1~4 Basie Operation ..•. .; . ;; 25 .... . r.cárculations ..: : :: ¡,.. ,~,; .. ;.!;':;;::..:.~.:.;; 61
Inpulting Oalculations , 25 3-1 Differential Calculations : 62
Editing Caleulalians 26 !operiónn a DiflerÉmiial,Calf:"uiatio.i)t~;: ;, ,:\O 63
Answer Fundian ; -: ., 27 . Applications 01 DiflerentiaICªleulatiº(l~ó , : 64
Using Multistatements ,: , , ; , , 28 .3-2 Quadratie DIfferelltial..Calculaticílls , ~ ,'" 65
Multiplieatlan Operations wilhout a Multíplieation Sign : 29 To Perform a Ouadratíc Diflerential Calculation 65
Pertorminq Ccntinuous C'alculations , 29 ···· ..·..ApplicaHons 01 Quadratic DiffereñtiilICalc¡,íátiori§ :.:..::.,66
Using the Heplay: Funetian : , : · ; ; 30 .3-3.. Integration Caleulations :,.;;...;..;;;;.;.::,·.. c.::,;.:;..:;.: : 67
B.uill-in Funotíon (MATH).Menu 30 Ja.Perfarm anlntegralian Calculation' ~ :..: \.·.~, ; 68
Memary 33 ......Applicalions.01Integration .Galculation· , :.;.:..::c,.; , 69
1-5 Using Scientific Conslants : ; : : ; 38 ..3-4 .:<.Calculalions :.; :: 70
1-6 Teehnical Information 41 .. Exampls:<..Galcula1ion.;;.; ;.:.;;..:;., ;.: :;..; ' : 71
Caleulalíon Priority Sequence 41 }; Calculalian Applieatíans :.: :.,.., : ,.;.7)
Staeks 42 ........}; Calculalion 'PrecaUtiG:1S .::.::..: :..'.:..: ::...:..'.:..: :.., :.:: 72
Value Inpul and Oulput Li milatians 43
Input Capaeity , 43 C;hapter4 ·ürrib.e·~s..:.::::..:.~~.~,~ :;:.:.':.:.~:.:.~:;:: ~ 73
Overliow and Errars 43 4·1 Before. Begirming a..C omplex·Number Calculalion 74
Exponential Display 44 4·2 Pertorming:.Complex.NumberCalculalions ; 74
Calculation Execulian Display .45 Aríthmelic.Operations·,.';; ;.': c , :.;;.:.•".,; 74
Whenever you are having prablems .45 Reciprocals•.Square.Rools, ando Sqúares, .:;:: 75
.. Absolute.Value.and Argument ; ':"·,c. ::; .. ;:,: :: :\ 75
Chapter 2 Manual Calculations " 47 Conjugate .camplex:Numbers ;'.:..;;, ::.:,;, ::::..:; 76
2-1 Basie Calculalions 48 Extraction al Realanct:Imaginary-Numberl?arts 76
Arithmelic Caleulatians 48 4-3 Complex Number Caleulation Precaulions 76

2 3

Chapter 5 Recursion Calculations 77 9-5 S~ar~ti¡ng f~r-a'FiI~ NariJe:· :.:: :.::.: :..:::.:::.: '."'i;4
5-1 Befare Beginninga RccutslcnCalculatlon 78 Io Use.Sequential-Search.s;' ::): ~¿.I ..i.,..•.. ':: ....•. .".J,:::::: :::n125
. ····5·2 PerlarmingRecursian Calculation~:: ;.;:...;..~..:;:' ;,:0
Ch~pi~r 6' BASE·N Mode Calculations : ., 83 .••
6-1 Befare Beginning a Biriary, Octal, Decimal; (;ir.' ToEdit'Proqrarn Contente. ' .. : :•.,..: ,..•. "'.'!:'" 127
· ;'L: ,;;..'.:..::::..:..:

. :: :;~!!~~{~~~;~~1~t::.':::,:':.'.':.'·,: . -..';· ·:;·: ;· 'i'j~

HexadecimarCalculation 85
6-2 'Using the BASE-NMade.'" ;.:..;." ::.:: :.;:..~: ;;.L 86
BASE-N ModeNumber System ..": , ::: ,,.: ':; 86
6·3 BASE-N Mode Carculatians ;;;;..;; ;;,..;!:;:·:;.·;::;:;;; L~ 87
· Aríthmelíc Operations· ::, ::.;::...:..:.: .. :;.,..:X.;.~ ..: 87 Proqrarn Oornmand Menu ..; ::.:':."::',.... : :.:::c. :'.:.. :.!;.~: '132'
,.: NegaliveValues·::: .:» :.,,:::::.., :..
_.'.:.::::::.~.:.' 87 vartablelnputCorrimand , c.:.~ : :c.:..;~ 133
· Logical·Operátioris .,..: ;::.:;:.;:.,:..:..:.:.:..:": :.,; ",, 87 Variable Lock Command : :..: : ; :.133
StatisÜcal'Calcúlatlons ,.•,.•~ •..".,'".••:,::.:: ".::..:.. : :
.JurnpCornmands... ,~: •.•: ,,·..., :., ,;;; ,.'., ,,.:.';;.;;..:::;:.: :1134,
Chapter 7 89 Subrou1ines':.:.:::.¡;:: ::..:.:.,¡:,.::., :.¡, .. :.::.' ::,,':.~.:.. ' '.·.•'·137
7·1 Single Variable stattsttcalcaícutanons .i.: 90 Pause Command .:..'•.'.:::::.::., ..:..: ::.;:.,:::.: ;.":.'139
7-2 Calculating a I·Test ValuEl ; ,~.," 93

7-3 Paired Variable'Statislical caícútattons ".:.,.~ ~ ;.:..::::.. 96
· Linear Regressión·.: : :..:..::..: : : : : 96
Other RegressionCalculations .; :..;;;::..::::::..:, ,..: 100
Logarilhmic~Regression.::c.;.: .: :.:.:.:.: ' 100
ExponeritialReqression :: .:..::.:'.\ :::,: .: 102 App)e.'!c1 il', r:•."',.,'., " " , ,•..."'., ,., ,••" ,.,.,." ; 149
· PowerRegression· :.; ::::::.~.. :.;.:..·.,:::.:.:: , 104
Appendix A Error Message Table ;;: ;' Hio
Chapter 8 Forl1l~laStorage ••••••:.: ~:::., ,., 107
Áp'p'endik B 'npu
I ' t' R···· "." .. 'J' ,:,,~, " , ' ; ' ,
", "."':: ,',
8-1. USiQg Formula Memory , ; .; ~ •.;;.; : '108 anges ,.'~ .'.., ,"~ " 1.52
8-2 Comment Text ~ ,;;:.:.•~;;.;.:::.'.':: •.:;.•, 110 Appendix C" ,. Sp~,l¡ific¡;¡.ti~.'ls.: ,~ : ~.,..'...•.' ,',:;~,.: ...~".-;.::.•:'..;:~:.• :~. :~:,'1~?
8-3 Table.Function·: ' ' ,';.:.;;:.:;,:; l\ 110
... 8-4. Solve Function ;,;: ;.,,:;,::.:)..: 112 ,- .- , .
~ - ~,~ : '..,
i- ~.; r•
8-5 Storing Formulas in the Prograrn:Area.;;'.. c;:~:·c 114 ": l

;r ~

Chaptér 9 Programming , ~:;,~:, :;,.,::.:.i 117

9-1 Before Using the Program Area , , .' 118
9~2 5torin9a Program ;..;:;.;:.:.:.. :.>.::..::::::.:: : :;.. :2118
.To Regisler a PrograrhName •.;;:...,.'.':,' : :.:.,,:.: 119
To Specily theProgram ExecutionMode ' ::.:::.;; , 120
Inpulting.Program Contents'.. i:,;:.,.' : :c ;;" 120 '; ,'i.

Running'a:Program..c::::.;:'; :",.;;.:: :: ;':,:·,: : " 121

9-3 Error Messages ,..': ::, ;.::..;;:..'.:.:.:.,.:.;,: : 123
9-4 Counting the t:lumber ofBYtes ..;;;.•;c.:c:..;.c;; 124
· Checking theAmount 01Memory Remaining,..: 124
'. i ~~.

4 5
• 0 _ _ 0'- . . . . .~

I Handling Precautions Ilmportant I ..

Before using the unít torthe lir511lme, be sure toload the balteries fhat come withit
• Your calculator ís made up 01precision to takeit aparto
• - . • ~ > (paga8 and per(orm~h'éR~SET'opeiation (paMH),' .
··Avoid dropping your ealeulator and subjeetingitto strong impaet.
Be sure lo keep physjeal records 01 all importanl datat
'Do not storethe calculatcror leave it in areas ~>ipos~d't<:rhigh temperatures or The lar(¡'e'inemór(cap'áCitiblthé unlt rnakesttpossíble tostorelarge arnounts 01
lÍumidity, or large amounts 01dust: When exposed to 16wterrip·El.rátures. the ealeu- data. You snoulo nota, however, that low battery power or incorrect replacement 01
íator may require more time to display resultsandmaY'e'~enlailto operate. Correet the batteries that power lhe·unij,can9áus.e;the:dat¡¡s.tored in memory to be cor-
· operation will resume oncs.the ealeulatoris brouphtback tonorrnal temperature. rupted or even Jostentirely. Stored data 'can also b'e aHected by strong electrostatic
.. Thedisplay willgo blank and keyswill rioroperatedúring~~leula~io~;.Whenyou
charge o~ strcnp impact.
are operating the keyboard, be sure to wateh the display to maks sure that all your
kéyoperanons are being performed correctly".-: " , ..
-Replacebatteries once é~ery 5 years.reqardlsssof how rnuch the calcutator ís In noeventsháIl-CASIOGompute(Co c' Ud. be Iiabléto :anyonelor·speCialicollat-
.'used duri ng íhat period. Never leave dead batterles in ,!~e baltery compartment. eral, incidental,' orconsequenual darnaqas 'in 'cormecñonwith.orarlslnqout of the
•.They can leak and darnaqe the unít, purchase or use 01these materials: Mdreovér, 'GASIOComputer Oo., lid. shall not
be liable for any claírn 01any kind whatsoever against the use 01these materials by
• Avoid using volatils Iiquids such asthinner or benzlneto c1eanthe unit. Wipe it with any other party. ,
a soft, dry ctoth, or with a eloth that has been dipped ina solution 01water and a
neutral detergent and wrung QUt.
- Th~·Cb,~r~nts.,.¿fthis,~a.~Yfll,a\¡?~~~f,~pt(~8C~~~ngé~ithbÚt:MÚce". . .' i' '
"In no event will the manufacturer andits suppliers be liable toyouor anyother ,,'Nq .pa~t.0l!hJs m.¡¡nual, ,m~y, b,~ .r~~r,9~t¿ce[~ .I~. any 10r'[lwllhout, t,~eewess
person-lar any damages, expenses, lost proiits,'iost savi ngs or a~yóther °damages wríttenconsent 01the,, . '
· arisirig out of lóss 01 data and/or iormulasarising .outot maliunctipn•.repairs, or
battery replacement. The user should preparephystcal recordscfdata to protect
aqainst 'such data loss: .. ' . '. '.. .

•°Neverdispose oi batteries, theliquid crystalpanolrorothercornponents byburn-

ing t h e m . . . . . 'c'''.
'When the "Low baltery!" message appears on the display, replace the rnaínpower
supply battenes as soon as possible. . . . ... ' ~ '. '. '" l..

-Be sure that the powerswítcnísset toOFF whenreplaCíngbatteries:

- II the calculator is expossd to a strong electrostatic charge, its memory contents
may be damaqsd or thekeys may stop working. Insueh a case, perform the AII
Reset operation to clear the memory and restore normal key operation.
- Note that strong vibration or impact during program sxacutíon can cause execution
to stop or can damage the calculator's memory contents.
- Uslng the calculator near a television or radio can cause interference with TV or
radio reception.
• Befare assuming mallunclion of the unit, be sure to carefuJly reread this manual
and ensure that the problem is not due to lnsufficient battery power, programming
or operaticnal errors.

6' 7

I Power Supply • To replaca the main battery

1. Press ~@ffJlo turn lhe calculator off.
:. ..' I i ":;, "_': ~ , , ,'

Power supplied by two CR2032Jithium.batleri!ls: 08El):¡attery· (the rnaín battery) 2. Slide the battary cornpartment cover. in the dírec- -
powers normal operations, while 1he otherbaítery (the back-up banery)provides the ',-.--tion·indicated bythe arrow and removerLe;,
power required to retain .data in memory. ., y,': "
'0<" _ c,
:'1 l :¡! .
The toltowinqmessaqeappcarswhenever main baltery.power getstoo·low:. 3, Remove, screw ®and remove 1he batteryholdar,

-- l." •

4: Remove lhe old battery.

Whenever Ihis message appears, immediately lurn off Ihe calcuiator and repl~~~ 5:' a new baltery with a dry.cloth, and.load it
: ínto the calculator with the p.osilive:!'+.¿side:faclng
the main battervas soon as possible. , up (so you cap see it).
11 you continua lo use Ihe calculator afler the low battery message appears, power
willturn off automalically.Pressing Ihe ~ buttonwíllnct turnpowenback on il the ,6~W¡:¡¡iepressingdown on tha: batterywiththe: bah:'
main baltery istoolow.Also remernber.thateven if,vou don'tusethe cal.culator"a lery holder, rcplace screw 0110' secura .jheJbolder,
low main battery can cause rnemory contente to belost, ,... '.' ,,, . ,in place: .,~, i
11~'p~rtant I ..,', . .."1:
7· press
Replacet~ebá\íery compar.lmen¡.cpver,and th,en. "
to turn on power. . .
; ·Nciima.lIY: yciü shouldnot. remcivebRlh_!~f~aiqbanery a~q :t~eP<¡l2~:YP ~artery
trorn the calcutatorat lhesamellJ1)[:!.:polngsp C¡lnS<¡!us e d,aJa st<¡redlnrnemorYlo
become corruptedor lost entlrely.Ií you dorernóve both'batleries; cc'irrectly reload 'r ~emory conlentsare.n.oHost:W.hE!n'Y9,u,replace.,lhemain,baltery as I?flg,asthe
Ihem and then perform the reset operation described'bn:page 11 oHhisma:iiual. ack-up battery supphes p o w e r . , . , " " : ..".",, -,,' ".'C'
• Replace lhe 'batterles 'al léast ónce'eiiery fjve years regardless of how much you II lhe lig ures on the displa~ appear too light ánd haré! losee'afié~ y~ú lurn on
use lhe catculator during that lime. power,adjust the contrastusmg Ihe procedure described on page 25 01 lhís.rnanual.
• • ., .- ~ : ~ - "":,. j .-
• Remove both battarles from tne calculator il you do not plan lo use it lar a long

A baltery ís loaded in lhe calculalor al the lactory íor testing befare shipmant,
Note that the service lile provided by Ihis lest battery may be shorter than normal. Pracautlons '. ' , " , ". ,," (;
..Always check lo makesureíhatthe mainbattery is.loaded.and supplyingpower
b,:fore rernovinq lhe back-up.batteryfrom the calculator]¡ :theIQwbattery'mes-
• Replacing the Main Battery sage (page 8) appears when you lurn onths calculator, replace.the:main,baltery
first and ,then replace the back-upbattaryv-¿ ,- .' ,'",'.,,; (,,'::""': 1:"",:'
Precautions Do not remove tne main battery-whiJe theback-up ba1teryisnot.l.oadedinthe
• Do nol remove Ihe back-up baUery while the main battery is not loaded in Ihe calculator:' . . .. ,
calculator. Be sure lo turn the calculator off befare replacing balteries. " ' ,
• Be sure to lurn lhe calculator oH befare replacing batleries. Leaving il on will cause " Though the normal lile 01Ihe back-up battery is live years, you.should probably
data slored in memory to be losl. replaceilmoreotten io'order,to make sure you do not lose valuabJe,dala:stored in
• Never try to turn Ihe calcu lator on while the main batlery is not loaded or when il is memory. ::..' ,-'Gi=:: Vi

loaded incorrectly. Doing so will cause data slored in memory lo be lost and will
cause malfunction 01 the calculator. Should lhis happen. remove lhe main baltery
and reload il correctly, and then perlorm the RESET operalion described on page
11 of Ihis manual. .
• Replace lhe main battery at leasl once every live years lo protecl against damage
caused by leaking banery fluid. f' ;~. --

8 9
------------ .

e To rsptacs lhe back-up battery • RESET Operation

1. Press@ill@ffil0 lurn lhe calculator off. r The RESET operation returns lhe caleulator to lts original delault.settings. Remem-
ber that the RESET operatlon also deletes all data stored.ín 'caleuator memory. 1I
2. Slide the baUery compartment cover in thedirec- you need the data in memory. De sure 10 makaa writlenrecord 01 it beforeperform-
lion índicatod by the arrow and remove it. . ing the RESET o p e r a t i o n . . .:.... . ".,.

3. Removescrew @and'remove lile battery holder. eTo resel the e a l c u l a t o r . " , ,",,', '
1. Press ~[[) (RESET) and a RE~ET conñrmatíon messaqe aopearson the dis-
4. Remove the old battery. play. . , . J ' " ' ' ' ,-: ... ,,':':'/' :

5. Wipe off a new battery with dry cloth, and load jt ; ~[ID (RESET) ****.:REf;ET--*:Ü*
into lhe calculator wilh lhe posilive "+':slde lacing
up (so you can s~e it).
·R~s'~t' a11'7"' '
VESf[E~~E 1
6. While pressingdown on íhs.battery wilh thé.bat-
tery holder,' replace screw @losecuielhe holder
inplacEl.,:c· '.
!, , I

7. Replacethe'battElrY eornpartrnéntcover, and then: 2. Press ®J to reset the ealcúlator or Im!Jto abDrtlíie~RESEToperalíon wilhout
press ~ 10 lurn on power. changing anytl1ing. '
.: Memory conlenlsare not lost wnenyoureplace theback-up batteryaslonq as
lhe main battsry supplies power. ' " Y" ****************

Warningl "

Improper use 01 batteries and leaking of battery fluid ~~ ...~~
can statn and darnaga lhe calculator and other nearby
íterns. It canalso createthedangerof tire or personal- . ...
injury. Nole lhe lollowing importanl precautions con- II the figures on the display appear too Iight or too
cerninp battsríes. . r ?7 dark alter you perform the RESET oparatíon, ad- RESETbutlon
• Always make sure that fns'posltlve "+" síde 01a bat- .' "'" just lhe contrast using lhe procedure described on
lery is lacingup (so you cansee it) when you loadit o!>'}
into thecaleulator. " ~~~
page 25 01 this manual.
:! J: ; ;{ If normal operation 01 the calculator is ímpossible
• Never eharge batteries, lake thern apart..or allów
thern to becorneshorted. Neverexpose batteries 10 I
tor sorne reason, you can also start the RESET
operation by using a thin, pointed objeet to press II¿ '"'
direet heat or dispose of lhem by burning. the RESET button on the back 01 the calculator.
This causes the RESET eonlirmation sereen to
appear, so you ean press @) to resel or @ID to
Keep batteríes out of the reaeh 01smali.children. Ifaecidently swallowéd, eonsult aborto
with a physieian irnrnediately.

• About the Auto Power Off Function

Tha calculator switehes power off automatically il you do not perform anykey opera-
tlon lor about 6 minutes. To restore power, press ~.

10 1~
Followingare the originaldefault settingsthat are obtainedby.(esetting the calculator.

n., ,'::Item:' ,. '1'

Default Setling " ;'¡:-:.',I . . /.
- "
COMP'" ", 'D!' 'c
Angle MeasurelJ1ent Degrees [Deg, ~<., ; '_¡í~:t "
Norm Nt?rm1",
. ,. :..:..-::; .,;".;"""¡. ;i':'""': <;' ;, .~.: d:,1
Number System DeCiinaf(o-ec)
Variable Memory ,', ' Cleared
" Answer Meniary (Ans) Clear
Statlslícal Memor)t,['.' Clear
Expressíón Meriióry Clear
Recursian Memary
Program Memory Clear
Input Buffer/AC'Replay- Cloiar

I Important I , ., 1-1 Keys andTheir Functions

If you perform the RESEToperation while the calculator is performing an internal
operation (indicated when power is on but there is nothing on the display), data 1-2 Selecting a Mode
being used by.tha.operatlonwill also be c1eared. Always make sure that there is na 1-3 Baste setUp'
internalOpér~tion belnp perforrnadbefare performing a RESET operation.
1-4 Basic Operation
1-5 UsingScientific Constants
1-6 Techhicallnformation.

.... ~"

• Display Indicators ,'e"
. " ',: ,'.'-;¡ '> .rv ' -~ l' ¡"" l vro, ~'¡ :,-:' <':"::~; -/1, '.{r-:-,·1-" '"1:"':! '~. '~ .','-';1, ¡~:-,: : r r :_(:1' !.I ~_ ",. ' •• ,; ;-,

Iehapler 111111 Gelling Acquainled lndicators appear on thedlsptay lo keep you lntormed about the cúrrentoperational
status of. the calculator.
,;' .,,:: 'C' ,,~':' .'. . .

This chapter gives you a general introducti6n to the various capabilities 01the unit. It J(2X2J+-3X+4; h-5';'6' ,
contains important ínformatíon about the unit, so you should be sure to read it betore
starting operation. j, . 'l-:::~C'/""
y , .•."
'. e·_'''t.r.:,bb~~t6.,f
1·1 Keys and Their Functions
." ...... .. e,.."":,, "-l'~) : '._,. " ;

" e
" "

": ,.". .r: : ,::-1' ',,;; -. ~ 1'_' , -\'-;,'

,'r.'. l. rJIEi!:~ríi!lg: ,..1
... '.'
Indicator 1': ."-,,. f· : .'.~ ~. .. ~.

Appearswheri ~ key is pressed to indicate keys wíll input functions

® marked in orange.
Appears when @!ID key is pressed to indicate keysWillinput letters
® marked in red. -:-:'.-'.:" ~

l!l Degrees selected as the unit 01angular méasurément- ..

. ' ,ID 'Radlans selected as.theunitof.angularrrieasurernent, :" C'i" '.". :' .
., u
·'·'T· m Grads selsctedasthe unít 01angiJlar'meáslJre'menC' .r ' ';::¡~:

Il!I ....-RepL.AV~
~ ,
SD Calculator is in 1he SD Mode.

MOD. 'UeNenO"
I <J.~1'57
I 6.:1-,N.:
.. 1 ~
LR Calculator is in the LR Mode.
Calculator is in the BASE-N Moda.
~,~, ,

FIX Number of decimal places specificali,?nis.jl!~ffl:lct.",.. , " . ¡> I

- .....
SCI Number 01 siqnificant .9i9i!s:spec,i[ica,Jion,is·.ln .e.ffe,c~';n;· ,;-",~.;'Ij ::;~d~':

"ENG Engineering nótatíonjs-lneñect. ~,~:, " ' , I :: e.·eí i ••;:o ~~ i f:' :j(I' ';::1
' .. 'DisplaYEl.dv.~IL!!,\~i[iiE1,di,,\e~resu)t.::._;· ;,.:~·i:~;,

ID ..'. ..: '

~ .. Appears duríng display olalisUqindicatedata above or belowíhe

current scresn.
" ., . -,
.: :'

II1,dicates data runs..C!f!left l?rrigh,tol,!heCurrent,sc~een'- ..

",,':','.-' ' , , . -, 1',
~, ~ "
~ ~ .,

• The K e y b o a r d , , .
Many.oftheunit's keys areused topertorm rnore.than onefunction-Thetunctlons
-rnarked on the keyboard are color coded to help you find the one you needquickly
and easily: .,,:..: 0",' ,.,,'
.. ~hift~,d lunction (orange)-'-" i' [~Alph~íJricti¿~(re~).·'i;-iH
i ¡' - Prirnary fu nction --lE] '. ,

14 15
e Primary Functions _ ,-, ',": . ":,. ~ Exit Key ~, ":; . -l:<::;:'''¡'':~'; .~ ..:~.
:r~\l,~e~rrt~7(~;nclionst~alarepwmally eXE?:9~\r,d\\lhenY¿~~ .pres~!h~;~ey",,)~.n' • Press lhis keyloiquil'afunClion·menu, propramínput display, formula storaqe. .
• Shifted Functions ·¡:.~j:~h.!~,-¡· '~ú -~::U~G;¿ taote íunction.rsolve.íunction. orracursion funclion.':::·\i¡ .' , ', ~ ...; '>",i',C; •
You can execute Ihese lunclions byürst pressing Ihe ~ key, followed by Ihe kéy @mln/out Key .s· ¡ " _ . , ,--",
Ihal is assigned Ihe shiñedíuhctlon youwanno~xecute. ' ·Use this key whenpertorminq 'catculatíons usinq.tormulastoraqe. See !'Formula
eAlpha Functions . Slorage".éJri·pagáJÜ8for detalls.; ., ,','. ..' '1';' ~,>
TB'L. _ , _ -:,',0'-,. ,..: ~ P, :':': -,:-l,,-~'I":' - ,'-o : ; . '
An alpha fu nctlon ls lhe input 01. an alphabetic lelter. Press Ihe @@key, followed by ~ Forll).ula!iloragefupcliqnfTable Key, ',:. : .... c: '... " ,;" ,,":.
lhe key lhat is assigned Ih'e'lelter you want lo input ' • Use lhis key when performing calculations usinq torrniila sfotaqs. See'''Form'uJa
Storage'' on page 108for details. ' ." ,
I Alpha Lock I • Press@Ej) @) lo define Ihe range (variable conditions): lor oneo] Ihe variables
Normally, once you press @@and Ihen a key to input an alphabelic characler, lhe in a formula storapeexpressíon.See HFormuia·Slorage":on.pageí1.0810r detaíls.
keyboard revertsl0 íts primary tunctíons im medialely: II you press @§Jandlhen
@@, lhekeyboard locks in alphainpul unlil you press@@again. , ' . ~,,'," .. lID¡] Solve Key'
:"01 \:; :'::... Ó: I ¡ .}' ~':" 'cUse thiskey.withformu'astoraqe tosolveíora variable usingl\1¡¡wlon's melhocj.
See "Solve Function" on page 112 for detaíls. . ',' ';:~, ,:
-t<ey Operations
m File/Progrim;Commanii Key
• Use Ihis key lorecall a specific file.
..• ,.
,., :
O Moae Key • In tha CQMP,BJ,lSE'N, SD;;andlFlModes;.inpuUhe:followinglo runa p.(ogr§lrii:
"§i!J~'''file na'rrie"'§l'; i,
,.pressihis key lo display.the Main,Menu:Yóllcan'iheninpul a numb~rtrorTl1 lo 8
;C:' ce;
o', , ' : •. . : • _'-:<~':~~\-~ CHli>" _ '". J,.I ,. --, j '/0

"10 seleet amode. See "S~lecling flMo~a:'i,on'~agé~qJerdel~ils;;0' See "Running a Program" on page 121 for delails.

O" Function' Key

la SquareJ~ootl!Vlultistateme!l1 KllY~,· ,i ; ,', . '
• Pressthls-ksy andthen.enter.a value lo oblaiglh squareroot.o].Ihe; yaILle~,. e, _
01, " 'C'

• Press lhis key lo display Ihe functlonrnenu.i- • Presslhis, ~ey;foIlCJ\Vil)g@§)19'Separa,le formulas cr.commands ¡rCpr(lgrammed
ealculatlons or conseculive calculations. The result 01such combinations is known
~g~ Cur~orlReplªY~eY~ .,.. .
as a "multlstatement". For dstaíls, sea page 28.
.... _'." _...... ,c: _ : '
.. -¡
~ , "~o ~ ,¡.... .;:;:
• Use these~ey'sto11].()ve.l]:Ie cyrsor'ón.the displ~)Í, . ..1':; '.c e í '. .i:: .. @ SquaréiOisplay i<ey .... ,e;'"."" " '-
• Alter you press lhe §l key 101l0V(ingJnpL1tql¡¡:calculaliop ,or, a
• Enter va!ue¡¡n9press.jh¡¡'keYIo~gua.rellÍe.value. " .
• Press this key lollowing @ilil lo display results 01 program calculalions and con-
~todisplaylhe calculalionfrom Ihe~rd, or [Elgdisplay ilfro!rthebeginning: You
can Ihen executetaecalcúlationagain, or..edil the'calculatiorrándíhen execute tt.. secutive calcelatlons. '.' ,·i'.
10",.-, '. :.:' '.' . __ ,;",_ "I',;I:~-;'_ '::""~ ;' 'o, '1::~',
See paqe 30 for delails'onlhe Heplay Function: .,: iq;'i:

(§) Common Logarilhm/Anlilogarithm Key ." , '

@ Shift Key . • Press this key and thensnter a valua lo obtaín the common logariítim' onlle valÚe.
• Press lhis ke!yloshiftlhekeybOa'rd arid aócess'the func:tiorismarked inorange. • Press ~ ~ and !hen' enler a val ue to make lhe value an exp0n8Ql.(jI! ñO:.. ·': c:;:,
The (ID indicalor on Ihe display indicales lhal lhe keyboard is shifled. Pressing 0 " [ : " , ' , . "-:,:,-," ,":-":<:" .-:-;1,-'.,,::;- _ ¡;-~'~_'-',' I j:-:~:~, ¡"~I-; h \'-i': _~:'> 22"J":{!'
~ again unshifts lhe keyboard and clears Ihe l]J indicalor Irom Ihe display. lliJ Natural Logarilhm/Exponenlial Key . " . '.": r' 'e .
rn ·LOCK ( ' ! .-, -;-.," ,
• Press Ihis key and Ihen enler a value lo oblain Ihe nalural logarilhm '01the valúe.
@@ Alpha Key , 'c-" • Press @§)~ and lhen enler avalueto make ¡he valuean exponenlol e.' '\
• Press Ihiskeylo:inpul a lettermarkedinredon lhe DDDLiDDD • Press Ihis key following (!!1@'lo'enlerlhe cipen brackel L "
keybOard; : 'í . '''e 000GJJITJm " 1 , _,',: -'-', :' _ ~. ; e, ( ;:,:

• Press Ihis key lollowing@ lo lock Ihe keyboard inlo rn [[][]][[]m m l2SJPower/Root Key .... . '
• Enler a value tor x, press lhis key, and Ihen entefa·valLie,for:í··locoblainx:t'éJ Ihei
alphabelic eharacler input To relum lo normal inpuI,. OD[]][[)CIJQJ
press ~ agáiii.-- . e.' ,o
, ..[:ot~J'D '0 O poweroly. '" ' ; _' , '!',.f ,'~:_ _ _ .,\" _, _ ,~._:~_ .(:::"" '~"c7J1','

• Enler avalue'liJr'~,'press'~~:'and'lherteolerávalue 16r.yto·oblain Ihexlh

ODmmw[[] rool 01 v.
ITJ ITJ [J[] [TI ~ • Press Ih is key lollowing @@lo enter Ihe closed brackel J.
[[] ITJ ITJ ¡¡p¡c¡] O
OJ ImaginaryNumber Input Key

e,. e'i c:;

• Use thls key lo input imaginary number unil i foro a cornplex.nurnber.
tri CornmaJSernicolon-Key
:c;;o,P(ess this keyloinputa'commac ",,"c :,c.:e ',Cc' '
• Press this key inthe BASE-N Modeto.lnputthe hexadacimalvalue Ae.. ,o¡p,ressthis keY,following~;loenler asemicoson: ",i:c: ,c ,..:,
dice :./.I-J , ',', ","< ,.,,~, 0,.: - __ , '_';'. :; .'_:
~ Fraction Key l1m
Memory PIliS'IMemory Mi¡1\ls'/DaÚllnputldearKey'
-Use.this key when.enterinq tractlons and mlxed tractions. Toentcrthetracticn
• Press thls key to add the displayed value to.mernory, ,Note that when.torrnula.ts .
23/45, for example, press 23 @ 45. To enler 2-3/4, press:2c~ c3 ~4. displayad, resu1ts are firsl derived and then stored into memory. ·c_. .c
• Press @ill§l lo display an irnpropar tractíon. e eC c. Ce ee Ce C • Press this key follawing @illto subtract the displayed value·fréirii'memary. c', ' ' .
• Press thískey inlheBASE·N ,Mode lo lnputthenexadeclmal val~e ~,~. • In Ihe SD and LR modes, press thlskey lo input dala, .. ,;i; ..: l' :'
~C'i"'" ;.:;_.: .' •. ',',;"',L;, '.", :'1, .'1', •• ;I~,- :,,,'J\~~";" Ó. <. ~_:_;. _:-'

B Decimal H Sexagesimal Key Cc ¡. Ce': c:', ,o' In tha SDand 12R modes,pressthis key lollowing 00 lo cleardata whlch~hasbeen '
input incorrectly. } . ' (,':':''''
-Press this keY:toenlera.sexagesimal.value: . 'o. A,¡'\[I~ M dlJ'fmY ~_." ::;; ~;, '1:;:· ' l." '."',',- ': ';..'

(degree/miríule/second or hour/minute/second) [[J - 00 ,C:J 10-key Pad

IExample I 78°45'12"'" 78 B 45 B 12 B e . -- • Use these keys to input values from left lo right. Use 810 inpuradecítnalpoint.~
youcan.ínputup lo 10digiI5..'" :,'.,:> " :""'é" :',:ji "".: .- .':
• When pressédfollowing@ill:'adecírriál"basedvalúecan be displayedin'de'greesl o Following:operatioh al lhe 00 key, the.menusmarked.n green:(·ábdve
rnlnutss/ssconds. cc _ c , _.', ' c .
íbese keys are accessed. , . """'.
• Press this key in the BASE-N Mode lo input the ~exadecim~1 valu;C". ~ ~ Interna! Rounding,::r,,·,·' ::.,' i:'-' l"':' c",,,
@!l Sine Key , rl' " ' This key operation rounds the intemal value lo 10 digils. Note thal Ihis also rounds
• Press this key andfnenenterava'úeto obtalntheslnéof tha valuei th.e re.~~~tlhat isproducedby the_AnsflJnQtial1•. !~~!he.fJX 8!1d S911!10.d¡,,~,Jhi9_.k!JY_
• Press §i¡iJ ~ and lhen enter a value lo oblain lhe inverse sine oHhevalue. operatron changes tho mternal value lo the form specltícdfor value display.: ..
• Press this key in the BASE-N fv10de lo input the hexadecimal value D'6~ -- '~§m ~ Memory Expansion . .
~;e,this key operafíonJq.expang ¡~e¡n~1llger. ot xarjaQ!es.f¡o¡n thestí\nr)",rd :?p.=, , .,
'C:~~-IE . . ,,-" . . "

§l Cosine Key e e ee , ,e Ce" . __. c"

• Press lhis key and then enter a value to obtaín the cosíneotíhé value:' c ' ) ; mi Oelete/lnsert Key
• Press ~~ and ihen'eritér avaluetoobta'nthe io.versi¡:cosine.ol:lhe valué.' • Pressthiskey to delato the charact~r at the c:urrent .cursor l.oc~tiód~. .-, J ;
;Pressfhis keyiÍ1the BASE:N Modelo input thehexadeclrnalvalusEis-'!' • Press@illmm lo display the insert cu'rsor("J). You caninsert charactcrs orco;n-:
!Dn"F ~_\ ' ~;':" l ' o:! .Ic'~'~. ,~ ,~~.' J~ : •crnands whilethe tnsertcursorts displayed.
'OFI' .,. _ ,,- _ - _ _ _. '. ,
@ill T a n g e n t ' K e y . c , . • e,' '., .. '.
• Press this key and thsn enter a value lo abtain lhe tangentof lhe value. ~ AIICleár/ON/OFFKey'\
• Press @§J ~ and then enler a oblain Ihe inverse'langent 01lhevalLie. • Press'this key lo switch' powér on.
• Pres~ this key in lhe BASE-N Madetoinpullhe hexádedinalvalueF••:' - • Press ,this key while powér is onlo clear the display.
o Pr~ssc1his key following:~ tó switch power off.
@ Store Key c , c,.,, __ " .,,:' 11 _ w'~'¡¡G.Q¡;~c;.R' __' ¡ ,-~_}.) :: .
• Press this key and then inpul a felter lo slore a calculationresult lo lhe variab!~ I±J El 00 IZJ Arilhmetic OperatorlEngineering Keys
o Use Ihese keys to inpul arithmetic operalors,
sp,ecifiedbyt~e lelt~r_ " ,1 l; >~,.'-" °press El before,in,Outling,a,.value,tp)indicaterlhaUhe value is negalive.
llliJ RecaIlKéy,. . c __ c,." '.'.' c."," • The 00 and IZJ keys have the following operations with the ~ key.
• Press this key and lhen input a lelter lo r~callthe value?ssigned fo.lhe'variabl.e @ill) ~ Engineering Notation Conversion Key
specifie,d.bylhe lelter. " 'c".Cc'" '.~",_"'-".i,,,,>,, ,eo , This canverts the displayed value to exponential natallon in which lhe exponent is a
J'-'-G .'j-. ' •... oc- - , ,; ::-'
positive value Ihal is a multiple af lhree,
[I) Open Parenlhesi.slCube Root Key c :,. i 'c,.' .
• Press lhis key to enler an openpare,nthe.sis in aJoJmula.~" c __ I Examples 11'0'" k (kilo); 10' = M (mega); 10'= G (giga)
• Press@!!i!]0 and then enler a value lo obtain the cube rool ol.lhe value. ~ @ij) Engineeri ng Notation Conversion Key
.1'-1 li _ ~ l.'; :: \_',' .
This converts Ihe dlsplayed value lo exponential notation in which the exponenl is a
ITJ Close'Pare.nthesislRecip~ocal
Key' ," negative value Ihat is a mulliple of threec . .
• Press Ihis key lo enter a Clase parenlhesis in a formula.
,:Enler avalueandclhen press @!!i!] ~ looblai~ ,th\Heciprocal ol'the v,alue. IExamples 110'" = m (milJi); 10" = f1 (micro); 10" "n (nano); 10' 12 " P (pico)

18 19
, z
~ ExponentlP¡ Key ':C' '''-,0';;:, , ' , ' ThEHollowing'tabledescribesthepurpose ofeach rncds,
• Use lhis key when anterinq a rnantlssa and exponent, To'inputZ.56 x 1O....tor , .....

example, ente r 2.56 @J 34. Nole th atthe maxi mu valu e',th arcan be usedto r ". ,;;,~' , ,1
an exponenl is ± 99. Anyvalue outsidethis ranqe.results in a syntaxerror.(Syn ER-
R O R ) . · · - " : ' " " ' - " J " " " ' ' ' ' . ,'-', " ... ' .. ,'

• Press ~lID tounput.the value círc- BASE-N Binary, octal, ceclmalrhexadeclmat.coaverslonsand logic.alop,erali9fls
"'I~Ple'E ' '.. '/_ l' •
:SiÓg'(e:va:ii~í:iIÉi'(standard deviatión)' siatlsñcal' calculations
lB! (-)/Ans1NerISpaceKey
• Press lhis key when enlering a negative value. LR Paired-vartablenreqressiorüstañstlcal c.alQl.íl;:l.ti¿r'!s.......::.....".' .:' .:
• Press~ and then this keyto recallíhernost recent calculation result obtained
using lhe @I key, -
PROG' ·"F¡le'·name·li's~~in~~N;;p'rD~rarTi,'-iDP:,u.Vp~,9gr~~~exe:~tion}~ m~ ~ro·
• Press @@ and lhen this key 10 enter a space, gram are<¡t;:, 'h' C',' .• ' ,,_ ,'0; , . . . . . , e " •••

% ;,r;¡ ':
Recursion calcúlations. ""'. .",r;, J ' :,<.' ,a.. .. ¡'re"; ,.,'
@I Execu.teJpercent, K e y . " '. ':1,
• Press thls key lo obtain lhe result él a calculation.You can press this key foilowing CONT
data input. or alter, a resultisobtained toexecutethe calculation aqain using the RESET
previous resuít, ,~r' '", '" ,.".. :;.
• Press lhis key following @illfor pereentage calculatlons.
. n~ , .~

1·3 Basic Set Up

",'i. -:'l ~ :Fj,,.~ . ;: '.; ,_': •

, This'ssction télls yoll- howtó pertorrnthe oasicsetup requlred by the calculator.

. ,re ·'l·;;"'~' .....' ~ :~ ~ : .C!
Beícreyau perform a caículatí should 'frrst selectthe approprlaternodé!' ,';\-j::; ;'1 :'~\' :J,"!;.\¡--, ¡ ' ',:, ~ ".' ,,~¡ --. i.: .}'"., '.'" .' 'c.,

-Toselectamode:-. " ' ! . - " ,

• Function Menus
1. Press the ~ key todispl¡¡y the iV!ain, Menu. Betore actually usinq tnis calculator to perform should first specify
the correct unit DI angular me,!sW!lf(l~nt. aQdIh¡;¡ di~pl"y;f~mE\t. Todo this..Pwss:the
c.,;,:,, l.éOt1P. ,2.'8A'SE~rl ~ key todisplay tne lunction menu. '-c.
~.'r~ ..;._'. "4 e"L"R"·
.""," .t
IExample 11- Functionmenu:iÍ1 the COMP Mode
c:: a" , .
,c ".

7;CotH .8. RESET . ,( ~ l.MRTH 2.Cm1PLX

3.PROG 4·. Cm~ST
2. Input lhenumber from 1 throuqh B'Ihatcurrespcnds lo themods '.y,ou want to
enler.· .- - ,.. . . . ,)¡. ',-, .. . .... 5.DRG 6.0SP/CLR

IExample 21
t _! :~- ¡ r

3.'PRClG .'4~COt~ST' -
5.0RG '6.0SP/CLR
20 21
¡--'-' The ~t~~~::t~ake-Up'afUnCliOnmenU depend onthe.modethecalculatonis in '
whenyaupress the IfIl¡::nool key, Example function menudisplays are shown the sec.
I Examplel, To specily degreesaslhe detault unilof ansularrpe:a,liU.fem'ent.
~~~:.'! l __)
lians of this manual that desctibe eachmece. ([) (DRG) IJJ (Oeg) [ ID
'Folfowing li a brief<l~s~ripii9nofaIFt~e)fel11,s,tralcanaepe~f !~,aJ~~.flionJT1en~; .,":' h;:: !~;~lJ,- j¡:)O~_~:, :""';l! l~l!"'L";'-; ~_
'Display ,-í0dicator,.for,d~gr,ee~
;'LMATH",;; :' Built'in-FunttiarfMénu (page:30)J?C1 ;;;'_':, -; "1','.""
-.,-, ,. ' : F:or'rscall pf
funotiori cOnlffiand~)jtit:erj[1te(!o~,,~<'iYs 01tl1.e-key !:. c-r. '.1 '. :!~ i_~:¡~"..~
-- 'panel.'.' "-.-- • Display FormatlClear-(DSP/CLR)Menu"
".2~ CO~pLXu ..../:.--CotnPl~x Nqrr1ber_Calcul.ation..Meh~-(pag~ 7~) -,'-' :;",C .o
,- , . , - ..- Fouec~llal cqmmands usad iii'i:o-mplex nUmbercalculiilians, [ID (OSP/CLR)
'i PROG"' :.Prograin Command'Mi;mi (pag~ 132)- " , .-~1-- J
_ , _ Porínsertíonot spectal program cornmand'; , ",'
"4. CONST" .......__, Scientifíc Constanl Menu (paga 38).,-:) ",~
' - - F o t recall 01 scicntiñcconstants. ,.:-.- - . . "
"S.DRO" ; Unitol.Anqular Measurement Menu (page 22)
For specificatíon al the unit of angular measurernent. ¡'-'
"6. DSP/ClR" ...... Display FarmaVClear Menu (paqe' 2.3)- - , , - o , " , '

, For specíñcaticn of the number 01display díqíts and Ior swltch-

"1. Fix" ' Specifies number 01 decimal places ford'isPlay,::,
-,- - " - ,., ~,-ingenginaaríng,nctation.on.and.oñ..Atso usac;t to;speClfy,a_
"2. Sci:' , $pecifiss,number oí significant digits for display,
__ ..,"_" ., marl10ry areaand clearits conle~s, ;'c; _ ' ::',C,:,':
"3. Norm" Specillesrangejor s'iNitchingto exp?nential formal.
"7. STAT"
Statisticaí Calculatlon Manu (page 91)
. r: 'For recall of commands usedín.statístlcal processing.of data.: ::4. En~:' . : ~
, 5. Mel
Displays c'alqdlatioiiresulís ~~i~g e,nglneeringholation
Clears all variables, '-
"8 RESUlTS" ...... Statistical Result Menu (paga 91)'
. For display 01calculation results produced by single-variable or "6. Scl" Clearsstatisticalmamory.
paired-variable statísncat catculanons,
• To specify the number 01 decimal píaces (Flix) ,
IExample I To specify lwo places to the rightol the decimal poínt,
.l.Jnitol Angular Measurerrieílt (DRG)'Me~~' 1
m' (DRG) ~cC---c-~7--C-~~~~~ [ID(DSP/CLR) '-'ce -iox

1. [)e'3 IJJ (Fix) l f J - - : . , , I

You can input a nurnbsr Incicates a nurnber ot decimal places
3. Gr'a
C' t"
from Olo 9, specificatlan Is in elfec!,
.... ,
• Calcu lation results are rounded off lo the numberoí declmalplacss you specify,
• The nurnber of decimai places you speeily remains in eñect until you change the
exponential display ranpe (Norrn) specítlcatlon. -.

"1. Deg" Specifies degrees as lhe defaul!. • To specify the number 01 significan(digits (Sei)
,., Specifies
radians as the detault,
grads as lhe default.
, Example I To specitythree signific:~nt digit,S,
"4. o" Specifies degre(,)s,1or a specmc input value: [ID (OSP/CLR) --1' )" & : i ' , ;,
g" ,
radians-tor'a specifié input value.:
grads lar a specific input valué.
[]] (Sei) qJ ,>,,_ . c ' • '. . ,1 " . '-
. li '. . i ,_o • Youcan input a numberlndlcates a numberof slgnlflcant
from Oto 9, : ,~,:,-,; diqlts specificatlonlaln.eñect.
• The rel~tjarishipbetw,e~nthe angular measu remen! u nits is shown below, .~): .:,:
'-360',:~ 2" radians '= 400 grads • Oalculation results are rounded oH to the nu mber al significant digits you specify,
'- 90', = rrl2 radiB(l5 = 100 grads • Inputting O specilies 10 asthe number 01 significant digils.
• The nu mberof sigriificarit digits you specify rernains' ineffect' uritilyou changa the
,.'; exponential display range (Norm) specilicatiori." " : " ;;'-"j,,"
• Even alter you specify the number of decimal places or the number 01 significant
digits, the calculator continues to use a 15-digil mantissa for internal calculatians,

22 23
Wh.(¡n~ve~ yp~ wantto. round 011 the inlernal valuato rnatchyour speclñcations.: -To clearonly statistícal memories (P, a, R, u, V, W)
press~~. . ,
@) (ScI) @!) ~,:
e',· I '::,-1
'- To specily the exponentialnotation range (Norm 1tNorm' 2)
You cailspedr,nlilhefNomilor'Norm 2 as the exponential notation rancc. ,-;.;'; -.-,,' ',- .
Norm 1 Exponential notation is automatícally used tor valuss less • The aboye operation c'ears the u, v, and W variables used in lhe SO Mode.
than 10" and values 10". or grea\er. ! ¡( :::,-:;: <; .","""; :,:~ ',".~ -
Norm 2 Exponential' notatíonIs áutornattcañy 'usedlbr'values,less
than 10" and values 10" or greatar. • Adjusting the DiSPla~ Co~trast '.
IExample I To specity Norm.. 1. üse'thelollowing¡:iroceduretomake lhe figures onthe display lighter or'ClarkSr., :
• ;r~·. " .: \: '~. I ' . ~- ,. , " '" - "

@) (O"SP/CLR)
@) (~.or":l)q:J . 1. While Ihe Main Menu (page 20) is en the display, press [Z] (CONT).
-, Yaucan Input 1 (Norm j) or 2 (Norm 2}. .~ [TI ( C O N T ) } : ' '"" ;:~:t::+:'tONTRASfH;l
~l'-'-,J ~
- To túrn en'gineering nbtation on and Off (Eng) , I I

~ \~;;{CLR) . ":y ~, ..•. I ec 1, LIGHT

' .. '. I .Óc:» [f]
~: ,'r===_==.,.-"=~_=~.
ni! f ~ ': "1_- ' L ':'(:l1 J.lJ ,
,2. Use @and lElo adJus(Jhe,dlsplay contrast, -, e,,::,,
• ~ rnakes figures lighte'i. - ,, .,.
• IEmakes figures darker.
Symbol Meaning.:, UnU • Yau can hold down aither arrow key lor repeat operation. , ",.
,. .' , '.':":'~'
3. After setting the contrast, press ~ lo th,~~~~!:nMe,nH:
·.. :T '.
tera 1012

G giga 10'
M mega 10' 1-4 Basic Operation
k . kilV' 10' The operatíons described here are fundamental calculatíons thalyo¡;¡:-Med to get
m milli 10-' started with the unit. prograrruníng and statistical calculations are co,,-ered ln their
1< . ).1:': }: own separata sactíons. .,
micro 10-"
n na'ilá ,. 10""
P pico 10-12 .Inpulting Cal~u'l~tihns"
f femlo' ".'10 7" ' .. When vou are ready lo input a calculation, lirst presslEJ to cleaHhe.dí.sp.lay"Next,
input' your calculation formulas exactly as lhey,a(e written, from left to right,and-
• The unil automatical1y salscts lh's'eilgineering symb6i that makks' the '~umeri~ press ~ to obtaín a resull.
' ,. " . , ' -..-;,..' c' ,.-.c"", :''',
value laH within lhe range al 1 to 999. ..... . ;re; ., ,.-

2(5 + 4¡"'(~:X,3);,:,
: -.
-Toclear all.varj~btes(Athroullh Z) 1EJ0ITl@]ff)@)ctJB ,",(r::+4') ' ('4'("]
. cíi(OSP/CLR) . . ITl [!)OO@O?~" i. .... 1 ""':"':_t~'';;¡'i-
m (Mel) @!) I '1. 5
01 The unít uses two types 01 tunctions: Type A functions and Type B funcüons. With
:~: The ?-bove,ap.erillion ~lé~rs~11 standard ,varlables.(A thr(}UghJ~)andany other Type A functíons, yau press the funclion key after you enter a value. With Type B
variables created by memory expansion. functions, you press the lunctian key íirst ano then enter a value.

~- ;,.

Type A functlon -To insert a stap.; :.":J':'I;;.: .,,':'
Example Key Operalion IExample I To change 22 lo sin2 2
Squares: 4' GJ~
Type B function

Example Key Operation

Sine: 2 sin45° rn~GJ[[)

• For detailedexamples 01'1 all.oí the possible caICfllalior~available,seElJhesec~ion

tilled "Calculation Priority Sequsnce'" 01'1 page 41.

-To crearan entlrecalculatlon and start again ! '"" .: .

Pressthe ~ keytoi:l~ár the'error along with Ihe enlire calculátia~. Next, re-input
Isip:2}~ .,n ·1
the calculation frorn the beginning.
• whériyd~ pres¿~¡1mJJaspace isineÍicatedt5ythe ;Ylllbol ",J;'.Tiien~~t(unct';on
. orvatueyou Inputts inse.rt,(J.d atthe 18catiqn 01 "P".-To aborttreil1$~rtfJl~~a'
• Editing Calculatlons ' tion without, il')putting anylhing, @jag¡¡in"arpress
;-.G~' [E] ,~:-:- (~~, (~''-~-'J~ .1.': !]< n ' 2'~ ,\: '<J.
Use the 8]and [Bkeys to movethe cursar to lhe positian you want ta cnanqe, and ~ >,' ::. -. ¡G: ,: ~",
lhen perform ene al ths operatians describedbelow. Attor yau edit thecalc~lation, - To make correc:lions in.the.oriqinal: calculalion ,.
you can sxscute lt by pressing@) • oruse [Btó rnove to the end of ths 'calculation
and input more. lExample'I·· 14 "'Óx 2.3 enieiecl by rilisíaké for14+10x2.3·
@mGJB®(&J[[]8@]@) ~~--~~~~~
- To change a step. ...
I Example I To change cos60 to sin60
.....§] 1]] [[) oPressBJor(B:
>"" ':~'i .::'.! ~rG:J i,J:.>/ j·"r~; '1'1"4"
.,"..... ,,1'.:.1......
." C" ,0
:..::.'.".;;.,.. :";,"'."1
J, '.... . .... ,)
,~~'_l~'-,~':-j.~:;,-r~;,·- (~·~,C'l, .~-;::-:-:- :-.'

,i+~6i':6(1 ." , . l'

Cursor is positioned automáñcaüyat •
thelocationoHhecause 01; the'error. .
Make necessary changes.

!s~~Lg0~, .: GJ~@jm

Ex'ecJte it again.

lf,4-.:.1~d .• ~:,'•. ,., '~'~."1~

-To delete a'step '.;; ,/.;¡n r; ,L'-
'."':!: o,: , ~ :-.. . \" ;;-,' i e'
IExam~le I-"Tohhari gé'3'6 ) x2t~36 x'2
, ¡ (-I-I~:',!

:=~>\0-' .1
@]@(&J(&J[[] . 'C .. ...·_ ••. LL


.'Aríswer Function . ' ¡Ji
Ttl'eunit's Answer Functicn aulomalically stores Ihe l~sMis~ffy6lica¡6ülaled by
'"o ,'.: •..

pressing ~ (unless lhe @)keyoperalion results inanerror). The:re'súli'isstored in

lhe answer memory. .
... ,.--,.,'
- To ~ébali the contsntsof the answer memory
~§J@] l.'
26 27
-To use theconlents of Ihe answer memory in a calcutatíorr:
IExample I 123 + 456 579 = " ",.,
789 -579 = 210
@ lIJ m[]] EEJ @] []J @] ~ ....... 4C'·
1..:,2t+ ,_lb

• Note that the linal result 01 a multistatement is alwayi aisplaY~d;:regardless01

-;', I789-Ans whether it ends with a display result command. :c:. ,:...... ' .. :; ','
• You cannot eonstru~t amultlstatomsnt il}¡ wh,,ich.onE!:sl?tement·dir!'clly uses the
result 01Ihe pre:tiqu.ssla¡ément: - ~-, . ... - _ . - ,
• Ths largest value that 'the answer memory can hold is one with 15 diqlts lar the
rnantissa and 2 digits lor the exponent.
I Example 1·123 x 456: x 5
: Answsr lT1ymorycontenta ~re not cleared when fr;>JJ pr(;lsslhe@k,ey orw~E!nyou In~d
switch powerofl."'~· .... .: " . " : , , ' . .'~. " . , ,"1:;
-Operalionot@LOO, 1lliJ, ~ liB, 'or@lollowedbtavariable nam¡¡(A to Z)
.:aetomatlcálly updates answermerriorycontentswíth the resÚIl'C}Hheoperation. .Multiplicalion Operátlons without a Multiplfcation Sign
- Contents ot answermemory are notaltered when~ o: (o::AtoZ) ís usedto recall
contents 01 variable memory. Also, contents 01 answer memory are not altéred YqU can omit the multípl)eatíon sign (x) in any of the followlnq opeiatidn~jJ
whan variables are input when the vartab'elnputprompt ís.dlsplayed.» . r-, " • Selore the type S functtóns (page 41)
• Whenever an opsration produces an srror, answcr memory retaíns the')pstvalid
result producsd.·· . '. . , ,. ... , ", •. , " ...'. .~:.
I Example l' 2sin30,.JQIOgp,:?f3, 2pol(5, 12), etc.
(;pnstanf~,varieib'lénaines, valué
J' ' '.' ';"".,

~ -~_-~! [(,-, f... i ;-_!". o Bef9re memory names

IExamlilel' 2Jl, 2AS, 3Ans, ete,
• Usíng Multistatements • BelOre <in open'parenlhesis ... '." • lJ "_1

Multistatements are lormed by connecting a number 01 individual staternants tor

sequential executíonYou can use rnultlstatements in rnanüal. cª'l.Culations and in IE;~;riple·13(5. ~~),iA .. 1)(.8':'1 );'~~~:
programmed calculations, Thers are two different ways that you can use lo con neet .•. ~ \;. .,•. " ' j ¡,"~.;":í~ fl'Ji,;-. :,.').L~.':
statsrnents to lorm rnultistaternents. 'j-.,.' ",'; '.:' ,. SI' ::'~~I;
• Cofon,(:) "', • Performing Continuous Calculations "~ ,.,.¡t ".' .
Slatements thatare.connectad with cotons are execuled írom lelt to right, without
stoppinq. The unit Jets you use the result 01one calculation as one 01lhe arguments in the next
• Display Resull Commaml(....) calculatron. When performing such a calculation, the contenta, otthe.Ans.Memory
When sxscunon reaches the end 01 a statement lollowed by a display result com- (which conlains the result 01 t!l.e.last eaJc~latiori pertomiédj are úsed i~tlÍ,e rie~t
rnand, execuíton SIOpS and the result up lo that point appears on the display, You calculatlon. . . .. .. ',-, ' •...,.:: ' ,',.....,:.; -' ,¡",.,.
can resume execution by pressing the @J key. " .:
IExa'~PleI1 +{, ' '-,'
. '. . • -'j.

-ro use multlstaternents 1 ...3 xá=

IExample I 6.9 x 123 =848.7 ¡gjCDG:][]]@J
123 + 3.2 =38.4375
@CDw[]]@OO ". 'O}C123 (C~nt¡nuihg)
@ El m 1Rl.@@!Al @ill11J : ; . , . r'' .,
J~J(KJ G:][]J El'm@h;¡;' 0' 'Jo' I Ans>::3
genlínu[)u~ calculations can also be used with Type A funetions (seo page 41).

28 29
.Using the Replay Function r'i ITJ (MATH)'
Th~ R'eplay Funclion autcmatlcañy stores lhe last catculatíon perlormed i~to replay
rnemory, You can recal! the contents of the replay memory by pressing BJ or lE, II
you press lE, lhe calciJlation 'áppears with lhe cursor al the beginning. Pressing
BJca~ses jhe calculation to appsar with ths cursor al ths end. Youcan rnaks chanqss .: 1 1L el::;

in the'calculation as you wish and lhen execute it again.

IExample I To perform thefollowing two calculations .;~.¡: ir :
4.12.x 6.4= 26.368 ., .<'.,. 'G',",~!-I~
4:12 x'7;1'''; 29.252 .. ,' ':;;·~'.TI'

-lntegriltiOn, :~ifferel)ti,a,I,~,Pfobability ,
The íirst MATH menu prcvídés lools lar inlegrations. differenlials and quadralic dil-
terentíals, ~ (sigma) calculations, permulalions, combinations, tactoríals, and ran-
¡ dorn number generation.

• The maxtmum capacily 01 the replay memory is 127bytes,/lcalculation rernaíns

stored in replay memory until you pertormanolher c~lculati6norc~angemodes,
• The conlehts 01the replay memory are not t:leared when you press lhe gf,key.
so ~,L::.s"; ',"'" -.1 ,-.; i
you can recaU a calcuatíon and execute it even aüsr pertorming the all clsar ope- "l. Jdx" , , Integrati6n(page 67)
ratíon. Note. however. that replay memory contenls are cleared whenever you "2. dldx" , Differenlial.(page 62) j;' '.;; ,!.:~""',.,,,.'
change to another mode or menu ..:- l',: ¡.'; " , ; '. ' ;. "3. d'fdx'" , ,.,.".puadrati9 diHerential (pagl3 65). ;,' i !: i ..· ' ,.. 1
"4. I{" ; : ~ calclilalidh (p'age 70r . . . "
"5. x!" lnput a value and seiect this item lo obtain the factorial otfhe
• Built-in Function (MATH) MenÚ ;';',' 'í':1 " '" • . : , ' , yalue.,., '
"6. Ran#'·'.,....... :.:.cGenerátes.'apseudo randorn number in the range 010 lo 1 (tO
fhe MATH Me-nu can6~u~ed irllh~d)ivIp; SÓ. LR. and a"modes:ll prqvide,syau ,,:;.' ¡decimal ~Iflces),
with built-in scienlific lunctions in additíon lo lhose available by pressing kéys O"n the .7-"Pr;....", :.. perm~li'll<)n
calculator's keyboard, Note that there is a total ottour MATH Menu scrsons.Uss the 8. llCr: .. , :.: .. Comblnation
(fJand ~keys lo scroll between rnenus.
- N umerical calculatlons
The second MATH menu ineludes items for absolute value calcutatlons, integerand
1. t'1ATH 2.CO MPU< fraclion extractíon, and conversion belween rectanqülar:and polar.coordlnates.. , .
- :'"' ,.'; -, ., ~

" ,

;"1. DRG
1:' ~'~D'I-'P';'I"'LR
t,·¡·, ~ '/ _' , 1·.·• Irlb"::'
I 1...
nt• ".',' ~,
5.(Pó'l'(" '·6.Rec.<" ~ ..
~ -U , ,-, ;.; '.: ' ,
(In COMPMode) .: ~'I

30 31

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