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Research is a procedure of logical and systematic application of the fundamentals of science to the general and overall questions of a study and scientific technique, which provide precise tools, specific procedures, and technical rather philosophical means for getting and ordering the data prior to their logical analysis and manipulation different type of research designs is available depending upon the nature of research project, availability of manpower and circumstances. According to D. Slesinger and M. Stephenson research may be defined as the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generali!ing to e"tend, correct or verify #nowledge, whether that #nowledge aids in the construction of theory or in the practice of an art$. %hus it is original contribution to the e"isting stoc# of #nowledge of ma#ing for its advancement. PROBLEM DEFINITION &roblem defining is the describing the problem or identifying the problem prevailing in the organi!ation ' find the options for the best optimal solution to solve the problems. Research methodology for the current study was divided into following sections( 4.1 RESEARCH DESIGN Research Design is an arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy on procedure. %he research problem having been formulated in clear)cut term helps the researcher to prepare a research design. %he preparation of such a design facilitates in conducting it in an efficient manner as possible. *t is a blue print for the fulfillment of objectives and answering questions. %his research will be descriptive. Descriptive Research Descriptive research includes surveys, facts, finding and inquiries of different #inds. %he major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it e"ists at present. Descriptive research is that #ind of research where the researcher has no control. over the variables. Reporter can only report what has happened or what is going to happened. +ut these incidents cannot be changed by the researcher. %his research will be descriptive

because it would just study the general attitude of youngsters towards the impact of television advertising without having any control over any of them.

4. SAMPLING DESIGN %he following factors will be decided within the scope of sample design( 4. .1 !"iverse #$ the St%&'( ,niverse of the study means the area or the limits of the study in which it is to be conducted. ,niverse is divided into three categories theoretical universe and accessible universe and target population. The#retica( !"iverse means that part of total population which fulfills our conditions. *t will include all the youngsters worldwide. Accessi)(e !"iverse means that part of the total population which is within our reach. *t will include all the youngsters in *ndia. Tar*et P#p%(ati#" means that part of the accessible universe who actually will answer the query. *t will include the selected youngsters in -alandhar city. 4. . Sa+p(e !"it( Sample unit indicates who is to be surveyed. %he researcher must define the sample unit that will be sampled. *n this study sampling unit will be the youngsters of -alandhar city to be selected according to the convenience and own judgement. 4. ., Sa+p(e Si-e( A sample of minimum respondents will be selected from the different areas of -alandhar city. An effort will be made to select the respondents evenly. %he survey will be carried out on ./ respondents. 4. .4 Sa+p(i"* Tech"i.%e( 0or the purpose of research convenience sampling technique and judgemental sampling technique would be used. 1n the basis of the convenience and own judgement eligible respondents will be selected from the different areas of -alandhar 2ity. 4., DATA COLLECTION AND ANAL/SIS 4.,.1 S#%rces #$ &ata c#((ecti#" %here will be two types of data sources. i0 Sec#"&ar' &ata( Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process. *n this case one is not confronted with the

problems that are usually associated with the collection of original data. Secondary data either is published data or unpublished data. Secondary data is collected from govt. publications, journals, maga!ines, financial records, web sites and annual publications of the company. *n this study secondary source used will be websites, journals and boo#s.


Pri+ar' &ata1

&rimary data are those, which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be original in character. *t is the bac#bone of any study. &rimary data will be collected by conducting surveys through questionnaire. Survey questionnaire will be self)administered and distributed personally. %he respondents will be debriefed for the objectives of the research and will be informed that the questionnaires would be treated confidentially. %he questionnaire will be distributed to ./ respondents. *t will be divided into two sections. Section A will consist of the demographic profile of the respondents and Section + will be consisting of the entire questions to #now about the general attitude of youngsters towards the impact of television advertising. %he questionnaire will comprise of ran# question, close) ended questions and . point li#ert scale question. 4.,. TOOLS OF ANAL/SIS AND PRESENTATION 4.,. 210 T##(s #$ A"a('sis *n the given research tools for analysis will be percentages and summated scores. 4.,. 2 0 T##(s #$ Prese"tati#"

*t means all the tools used to present the data in a meaningful way so that it becomes easily understandable. *n this research data will be represented by figures and charts. +ar graphs and &ie 2harts will be used to present the data.

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