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'ntroduction to CRM

$bjective So(t)are Re*uirements +ard)are Re*uirements

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely-implemented strategy for managing a company s interactions with c!stomers" clients and sales prospects# It in$ol$es !sing technology to organi%e" a!tomate" and synchroni%e &!siness processes 'principally sales acti$ities" &!t also those for mar(eting" c!stomer ser$ice" and technical s!pport# The o$erall goals are to find" attract" and win new clients" n!rt!re and retain those the company already has" entice former clients &ac( into the fold" and red!ce the costs of mar(eting and client ser$ice# C!stomer relationship management descri&es a company-wide &!siness strategy incl!ding c!stomer-interface departments as well as other departments#

The three phases in which CRM s!pport the relationship &etween a &!siness and its c!stomers are to)

*c+!ire) CRM can help a &!siness ac+!ire new c!stomers thro!gh contact management" selling" and f!lfillment# ,nhance) we&-ena&led CRM com&ined with c!stomer ser$ice tools offers c!stomers ser$ice from a team of sales and ser$ice specialists" which offers c!stomers the con$enience of one-stop shopping# Retain) CRM software and data&ases ena&le a &!siness to identify and reward its loyal c!stomers and f!rther de$elop its targeted mar(eting and relationship mar(eting initiati$es#

"ene(its o( CRM
The !se of a CRM system will confer se$eral ad$antages to a company)

-!ality and efficiency .ecreased costs .ecision s!pport ,nterprise agility

$bjective! To de$elop a office a!tomation software for the Tractor sales / ser$ices which is capa&le of handling Stoc( management" P!rchase Order 0ist" material list and &illing system#

,ser Creation Module 1# ,ach !ser has his own profile" login id and password# 2# *ccess permit ion mod!le sho!ld &e implemented# 3# 0ogging sho!ld &e maintained##4date5 time !ser acti$ity s!ch as deletion6 -dmin privileges Module 1# *dmin is responsi&le Creating 7sers of the System# 2# 8andle all the details of the company# 3# Pro$ision for Changing the Password# Stoc. Management/ 1# Category of Prod!cts4$iew9add9!pdate9delete6 2# S!& category managements 3# Company Management# :# Threshold le$el for category of prod!cts ;# Prod!ct Management 4$iew9add9!pdate9delete6 the prod!ct sho!ld &e added to partic!lar category4price sho!ld &e more than one# One is c!stomer other is retail64Taging for prod!ct for +!ic( search6# <# *$aila&le stoc( report depending !pon category" detail report s in e=cel " word " pdf format with pre defined header along with the date#

'nventor# Management/ 1# Pricing report of all prod!ct depending !pon the company# 2# Segregating materials on serial n!m&ers# 3# Category wise " company wise" name wise prod!ct :# P!rchase order details ;# *lerts if it is repeated if stoc( a$aila&le

"illing Module

1# >ill has to generated with !ni+!e &ill n!m&er# 2# Printing option for the &ill generated# 3# In$oice generation#

Reports o( Compan# 0etails/ 1# 2# 3# :# ;# <# ?# *dmin and !ser s log details# Sales report# P!rchase report# Stoc( report# C!stomer report# Prod!ct pricing report# *cco!nts report#

@# &1tensive Search! System has !ni+!e (eyword &ased search engine" which allow !ser to search any thing from entire data&ase" It helps !ser when he not s!re where to search# A# Pro$iding printing option in Bord",=cel and P.C format#

.C. for *dmin

.C. for 7ser

+-R02-R& SP&C'F'C-T'$%!
Processor R*M 8ard .is( Interface ) ) ) ) P,NTI7M ID ;12M> 2EF> of a$aila&le hard dis( space 8igh Speed 0*N Connection

S$FT2-R& SP&C'F'C-T'$%!
Platform Operating System .ata&ase ) ) ) P8P BIN.OBS Operating System 42EEE" GP6 Mys+l#

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