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Monitoring Name of Drugs Classification and mechanism of action Indication Adverse Effects Contraindications Nursing responsibilities Parameters

Generic name : Lactulose Brand Name: Duphalac

Dosage : 30 cc Frequency :OD

-Laxative Used to treat Lactulose promotes constipation. peristalsis by producing an osmotic effect in the colon with resultant distention. In hepatic encephalopathy, it reduces absorption of ammonium ions and toxic nitrogenous compounds, resulting in reduced blood ammonia concentrations it also Inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase thus preventing replication insusceptible bacteria

-Nausea - Vomiting - Hypokalemia -Bloating and -Abdominal cramps. Potentially Fatal: Dehydration and hypernatremia on aggressive treatment.

-Contraindicated in patient that require a low lactose diet. Galactosemia deficiency. And also in patient with Intestinal obstruction.

>Assess condition before therapy and reassess regularly thereafter to monitor drugs effectiveness >Monitor pt for any adverse GI reactions, nausea ,vomiting, diarrhea >Assess for adverse Reactions

>monitor I & O >monitor for glucose level in diabetic patient

Name of the Drugs Generic Name: Vitamin K Brand Name: Mephyton Dose: 10mg Frequency: q 6 Route: IV

Classification and Indication Mechanism of Action Blood Coagulation Hypoprothro Modifier mbinemia secondary to An Vitamin K antihemorrhagic malabsorption factor that promotes hepatic formation of active prothrombin

Side Effects


Nursing Responsibilities -Assess patients condition before starting therapy and regularly therefore to monitor drug effectiveness. -Protect the patient with padded side rails, and apply pressure to injection sites and avoid injury from sharps objects. -The nurse observes for melena and assesses stools for blood -Vital signs are monitored regularly -If adverse GI reactions occur, monitor patients hydration -If severe bleeding occurs, dont delay other therapy such as fresh frozen plasma or whole blood

Monitoing Parameters Monitor PT and INR, it may decrease.

CNS: dizziness, seizurelike movements CV: cardiac irregularities, flushing, rapid and weak pulse, transient hypotension after I.V administration Skin: diaphoresis, erythema Other: anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions (usually after rapid I.V administration); cramplike pain; pain; swelling; and hematoma at injection site

Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or any of its components Lifespan: In pregnant women, use cautiously. In breastfeeding women, use cautiously; its unknown if the drug appears in breast milk. In neonates, use cautiously and dont exceed recommended dosage.

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