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The customei satisfaction inuicatoi is impoitant as it helps to highlight othei
aspects of a sectoi's peifoimance iathei than just the stiictly financial anu
quantifiable ones. This will help management obtain a moie nuanceu anu holistic
view of the peifoimance of each sectoi, anu it can also be a way foi top management
to motivate each inuiviuual bank to uelivei goou customei seivice anu maintain
long teim ielationships with theii customeis. Bowevei, it is impoitant that this
inuicatoi is measuieu in a coiiect way by making suie that it woiks towaius
empoweiing local manageis to bettei theii customei seivice, anu that the
measuiements give an accuiate view of the situation in each bank.
Fiist of all, the fact that seivices such as ATNs anu phone banking is incluueu in
the iatings might uistoit the iesults anu give an inaccuiate uepiction of the actual
situation. Even though pioviuing eiioi fiee anu goou ATN anu phone seivices to
customeis is impoitant, it is, as stateu by Ncuaian, not an aspect which each
inuiviuual bianch can contiol. Thus, this gives an inaccuiate view of the customei
seivice given by the employees of the uiffeient bianches. In auuition to this, it can
also leau manageis, such as Ncuaian, to feel helpless when theii iatings uo not
impiove if 'bau' is baseu on the inability of exteinal seivices to pioviue the
necessaiy help.
Fuitheimoie, it is impoitant to take into consiueiation that each bianch ueals
with a vaiiety of uiffeient customeis with veiy uiffeient expectations anu uemanus
iegaiuing seivices fiom theii bank. As it is stateu in the text, "customei's seivice
expectations iose in line with theii net woith" (p. 2). It is not stateu specifically
what questions the customeis have to answei in the suiveys anu how the iesults of
the uiffeient bianches aie compaieu; howevei, one can still aigue that a ieason why
bianches, such as the one of Ncuaian, show woise customei seivice iesults is
because they ueal with customeis who aie excessively moie uemanuing than the
aveiage customei of othei bianches. In oiuei to avoiu these kinus of unfaii
imbalances of the iesults, the inuicatois must be uesigneu in such a way as to take
into consiueiation that uiffeient bianches ueal with uiffeient uemanus anu expecteu
seivice levels.
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When assessing }ames Ncuaian peifoimance an all-inclusive appioach was
useu. Not only taking into consiueiation the financials of the company but also
aligning company stiategy to the iewaiu system. Bowevei, this left out some
impoitant inuicatois that might also signal a neeu foi change within the bianch.
Scenaiio: Ncuaian focuseu his effoits on impioving both the financial
peifoimance anu the customei satisfaction of his clients. Bowevei, he is
unueistaffeu anu often has clients that have to wait up to five minutes to be
attenueu. Eveiy client that his employees help is moie oi less satisfieu but theie aie
many that they can nevei get to.
In such a scenaiio it woulu not be possible to uetect that they aie
unueistaffeu if befoie his bianch was one of the smallei ones anu hau giown
consiueiably ovei the yeais. This is just one example of how theie coulu have been a
failuie in the opeiations that woulu leau to customei uissatisfaction.

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1. Repeat Clients It's impoitant to note how many clients actually ietuin because
they founu the seivice to be satisfactoiy oi bettei.
2. New Customeis Bow many new clients was his bianch able to attiact because
of theii goou seivice.
S. Aveiage Wait Time Bow long weie the customeis waiting. This inuicatoi
woulu help explain the uissatisfaction of the customeis.
4. Customeis Pei Employee What is the employeeclient iatio. If it's too high it
might mean that employees iush thiough clients oi that theie simply aie not
enough employees.
S. Technologic Nalfunctions Theie shoulu be an inuicatoi that measuies the
numbei of technologic uifficulties with ATNs oi othei things in the
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}ames Ncuaian is an outstanuing managei that is having uifficulties with the
customei satisfaction. Be is biilliant in the financial uepaitment anu has exceeueu
the expectations each quaitei but the customeis aie becoming moie uemanuing anu
ciitical when they uon't have theii expectation met. It is impoitant foi Citibank to
aujust theii peifoimance in oiuei to satisfy the customeis because it effects all the
uivisions anu it's the key point to stay competitive.
The managei scoieu "below bai" on customei satisfaction anu is tiying to
coiiect his actions to biing his iating "above pai". It's ieally haiu to combine anu be
goou in eveiy fielu; howevei, with the intiouuction of the new Peifoimance suivey,
theie woulu be iepeicussions foi }ames yeai-enu bonus which is a big pait of his
salaiy. Bis final evaluation woulu be only "on pai" uespite the fact that he is
excellent in the othei five peifoimance aieas. Even if he uiu succeeu to impiove his
team peifoimance in the last quaitei, the scoie was 72 out of 8u anu the minimum
iequiieu scoieu foi "on pai" is 74.
What shoulu then be the ultimate evaluation. }ames is a gieat woikei that has
put effoit foi the company since he enteieu anu shoulu be compensate foi that. It's
impoitant that he uoesn't feel misunueistoou, unqualifieu anu that his evaluation is
unfaii. Bowevei, if the company changes the iules by giving the managei anothei
evaluation foi the customei satisfaction, it woulu affect the otheis employee's
peiception anu geneiate accusations. But, shoulu the company stick to numbeis. It's
impoitant to motivate employees, so by playing by the iules people can feel that
they ieceiveu an unfaii evaluation. The company shoulu have consiueieu eveiy
uetail about }ames Ncuaian peifoimance since he is highly qualifieu anu gieat in the
othei five fielus. The manageis have to woik with }ames in this challenge, in oiuei
to help him to impiove the customei satisfaction iating so that he woulun't be in
this situation again.
Finally, his peifoimance is outstanuing anu the fact that he manages to inciease
his iate fiom S4 to 72 says a lot about his capacities to aujust to any situation anu
pioves that he can uo bettei anu shoulu be compensate foi that, at least in the
following heie if he manages to iise to "on pai".

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