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designed by Irina Poludnenko


SIZES Small (Medium, Large, XL, 2X, 3X) MATERIALS 6 (7, 8, 9, 10, 11) balls Tahki Yarns MARINA, 100% cotton (1.75oz/50g; 55yds/50m) in color #05 coral One pair size 10 (6.5mm) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE Stitch markers Yarn needle KNITTED MEASUREMENTS Bust 36 (40, 44, 48, 52, 56)/91.5 (101.5, 112, 122, 132, 142) cm Length 22 (23, 23, 25, 25, 26)/56 (58.5, 58.5, 63.5, 63.5, 66) cm GAUGES 11 sts and 16 rows = 4/10 cm in Mesh stitch 13 sts and 20 rows = 4/10 cm in St st TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGES SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS Double yo: Wrap yarn around needle twice. K2tog: Knit 2 together (dec) Knit 2 sts tog through the front loops. Ssk: Slip, slip, knit (dec) Slip 2 sts, one at a time KNITWISE to right-hand needle, return the sts to left-hand needle in the turned position and knit them together through the back loops. PATTERN STITCHES Stockinette stitch (St st) Knit on RS, purl on WS. Mesh Stitch (multiple of 6 sts) Row 1 (RS) *K1, k2tog, double yo, ssk, k1; rep from *. Row 2 Purl, working (k1, p1) in each double yo. Repeat Rows 1-2 for Mesh st.

2013 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.

NOTE: YOKE is worked from side to opposite side. Stitches for Front and Back are picked up along edges of YOKE and worked to lower edge. YOKE Cast on 44 (50, 50, 56, 56, 62) sts. Work in St st for 6 rows, end with a WS row. Row 1 (RS) K1, beg with Row 1, work in Mesh st to last st, k1. Keeping first and last st in St st, work in Mesh st until piece measures 4 (5, 6, 6, 7, 8) from beg, end with a WS row. Shape Neck Dividing Row (RS) Work 19 (22, 22, 25, 25, 28) sts, k3, join second ball of yarn and k3, work to end of row 22 (25, 25, 28, 28, 31) sts rem each side. Working both sides at same time with separate balls of yarn and keeping 3 sts at each Neck edge in Garter st, work until piece measures 10 (10, 10, 11, 11, 11) from Dividing Row, end with a WS row. Joining Row (RS) Work across all sts with same ball of yarn. Cut second ball of yarn. Work until piece measures 17 (19, 21, 23, 25, 27) from beg, end with a WS row. Change to St st and work for 6 rows. Bind off. Front and Back (both alike) With RS facing, pick up and knit 62 (68, 74, 80, 86, 92) sts evenly spaced along one side edge of YOKE for Front. Row 1 (RS) K1, beg with Row 1, work in Mesh st to last st, k1.

Keeping first and last st in St st, work in Mesh st until piece measures 5 (5, 5, 5, 6, 6) from beg, end with a WS row, end with a WS row. Dec Row (RS) K2, *k2tog, double yo, ssk, k2tog; rep from * to last 6 sts, k2tog, double yo, ssk, k2 53 (58, 63, 68, 73, 78) sts rem. Purl 1 row, working (k1, p1) in each double yo. Next Row Purl 1 row, working (k1, p1) in each double yo. Change to St st and work until piece measures 14 (14, 14, 15, 15, 15) from pick- up row. Bind off. Rep on other side edge of YOKE for Back. FINISHING Block piece to measurements. Sew side seams. Weave in ends. ABBREVIATIONS beg begin(ning) cm centimeter dec decrease(d)(ing)(s) k knit mm millimeters p purl rem remain(ed)(ing)(s) rep repeat(ed)(s)(ing) RS right side st(s) stitch(es) tog together WS wrong side yo yarn over

5 (5, 5, 5, 6, 6)" 6 (6, 5, 6, 5, 5)" 3"

16 (17, 19, 21, 22, 24)"

18 (20, 22, 24, 26, 28)"




16 (18, 18, 20, 20, 22)"

14 (14, 14, 15, 15, 15)"

2013 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.

4 (5, 6, 6, 7, 8)"

10 (10, 10, 11, 11, 11)"

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