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The term data refers to groups of information that represent the qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable or set of variables. Data plural of !datum!" #hi$h is seldom used% are t&pi$all& the results of measurements and $an be the basis of graphs" images" or observations of a set of variables. Data are often vie#ed as the lo#est level of abstra$tion from #hi$h information and 'no#ledge are derived. Raw data refers to a $olle$tion of numbers" $hara$ters" images or other outputs from devi$es that $olle$t information to $onvert ph&si$al quantities into s&mbols that are unpro$essed. The terms information and 'no#ledge are frequentl& used for overlapping $on$epts. The main differen$e is in the level of abstra$tion being $onsidered. Data is the lo#est level of abstra$tion" information is the ne(t level" and finall&" 'no#ledge is the highest level among all three. Data on its o#n $arries no meaning. In order for data to be$ome information" it must be interpreted and ta'e on a meaning. For e(ample" the height of )t. Everest is generall& $onsidered as !data!" a boo' on )t. Everest geologi$al $hara$teristi$s ma& be $onsidered as !information!" and a report $ontaining pra$ti$al information on the best #a& to rea$h )t. Everest*s pea' ma& be $onsidered as !'no#ledge!. Information as a $on$ept bears a diversit& of meanings" from ever&da& usage to te$hni$al settings. +enerall& spea'ing" the $on$ept of information is $losel& related to notions of $onstraint" $ommuni$ation" $ontrol" data" form" instru$tion" 'no#ledge" meaning" mental stimulus" pattern" per$eption" and representation. ,e&non-Davies uses the $on$ept of a sign to distinguish bet#een data and information. data are s&mbols #hile information o$$urs #hen s&mbols are used to refer to something.

It is people and $omputers #ho $olle$t data and impose patterns on it. These patterns are seen as information #hi$h $an used to enhan$e 'no#ledge. These patterns $an be interpreted as truth" and are authori/ed as aestheti$ and ethi$al $riteria. Events that leave behind per$eivable ph&si$al or virtual remains $an be tra$ed ba$' through data. )ar's are no longer $onsidered data on$e the lin' bet#een the mar' and observation is bro'en. Raw data refers to a $olle$tion of numbers" $hara$ters" images or other outputs from devi$es to $onvert ph&si$al quantities into s&mbols that are unpro$essed. 0u$h data is t&pi$all& further pro$essed b& a human or input into a $omputer" stored and pro$essed there" or transmitted output% to another human or $omputer possibl& through a data $able%. Raw data is a relative term. data pro$essing $ommonl& o$$urs b& stages" and the !pro$essed data! from one stage ma& be $onsidered the !ra# data! of the ne(t. 1hat is statisti$2 0tatisti$s is defined as a group of method #hi$h is are $olle$ting" anal&/ing" presenting and interpreting data in order to ma'e de$isions. There are t#o t&pes of statisti$s #hi$h is des$riptive statisti$s and inferential statisti$s. There is Des$riptive 0tatisti$s" a $olle$tion of methods for organi/ing" displa&ing and presenting data b& using tables" graphs" and summar& measures. Ne(t is Inferential 0tatisti$s" a $olle$tion of methods that use sample results to $ome out #ith de$isions or predi$tions about population.

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