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Works of Wonders By: Jenny T.


Have you ever hate the idea of going inside the library? The dislike had worked for me too,years back. With the grace of youth and lenient mind, a library has appeared to me as a great horror house for those who find books less attractive and a comfort home for the book geeks. Somehow as a student, it strikes me simply as a grand structural design for a school to look like what a school should be-a must icon for education and learning. I have considered that upon facing my educational endeavour, I have google and internet search engines at my beck and call, so why put myself into a misery of entering a suffocating wall to wall line of books? Library just sounds unnecessary and vain. This was how I let myself meet library for the first time then. For, is it not stupidity if I believe on first impressions and not let myself hitch a breath, reconsider and get to know library intimately?

So many people might view a library just as how I viewed it the first time. Over the years, its essence, importance and value has been taken for granted over great change and convenience, the two forces of indulgence men bend with in this fast-paced era. With mans mind power and technological energy, something inevitably fades and something conversely blooms. In some way, what has definitely faded in this era is the knowing that a library has more substance and clout. Things, ways, processes, and every other thing eventually would evolve and so do the library. In fact, libraries over the world have adapted and ridden with technology development the same as man but it never loses an ounce of its account, its content, and its body. The books present on the wooden shelves ten, twenty or as many years ago may turn brown and dog-eared after the cycles of time and the shelves themselves might have turned into polished metal cabinets, still the books would subsist. With those books are the history of the years and the culture of a life that had been to earth. Books that when pick up from a shelf, could bring a reader of new time to his beginning, to fresher memories of the past before him that had moulded him as himself. It is a simple act that begins with picking up but could end into a quantum leap of difference. A library gives everyone a record of continuity despite gradual developments and changes. Through its active valuable books of all age we are freely given a picture on how human society has developed. This sense of preservation is a beauty no electronic innovations could compete. Reading the works of the famous William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, the speeches of the dead heroes and presidents, even reading the discoveries of the great scientists Isaac Newton, Galileo, Aristotle, the biographies of all artists and all anecdotes of the centuries on internet may sounds fun but nothing can exudes the emotion of pride in actually holding a work of art in your hands, feeling and smoothing the pages, devouring the prints and most of all feeling the authors presence in telling you the story. Besides, the internet can only provide us with what it had been programmed into,-just not enough and as much a library can give like, the outdated resources for instance. This experience with the help of library is pure bliss and satisfaction.

A library is worth than our single glance. It works more than what we credit it for. In its heart lie the books that show us all the touches of life- preserved but active. It continues to live on from the past, live on in the present, and it will live on until it meets the future and the end of time.

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