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EE 338 Microprocessor Interfacing Technologies The 8051 Microcontroller I.

Scott Mackenzie 2nd Edition

1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1." 1.& Introduction to Microcontrollers Introduction Terminology The Central Processing Unit Semiconductor Memory: R M and R!M The #uses: ddress$ %ata and Control In'ut( !ut'ut %e)ices 1.&.1 Mass Storage %e)ices 1.&.2 *uman Inter+ace %e)ices 1.&.3 Control(Monitor %e)ices Programs: #ig and Small Micros$ Minis and Main+rames Micro'rocessors )s. Microcontrollers 1...1 *ard/are rchitecture 1...2 ''lications 1...3 Instruction Set 0eatures 2e/ Conce'ts 3ains and 4osses: %esign 56am'le

Spring 2011

1., 1.1..

1.11 1.11 Pro7lem 2

Hardware Summary 2.1 MCS8"1 0amily !)er)ie/


2.3 2.4


2., 2.2.. Pro7lems 3 3.1 3.2

!nce around the Pins 2.2.1 Port 1 2.2.2 Port 1 2.2.3 Prot 2 2.2.4 Prot 3 2.2." PS52 9Program Store 5na7le: 2.2.& 45 9 ddress latch 5na7le: 2.2., 5 956ternal ccess 2.2.RST 9Reset: 2.2.. !n8chi' !scillator In'uts 2.2.11 Po/er Connections I(! Port Structure Memory !rgani;ation 2.4.1 3eneral Pur'ose R M 2.4.2 #it8addressa7le R M 2.4.3 Register #an<s 2." S'ecial 0unction Registers 2.".1 Program Status =ord 2.".2 # Register 2.".3 Stac< Pointer 2.".4 %ata Pointer 2."." Port Registers 2.".& Time Registers 2."., Serial Prot Registers 2.".Interru't Registers 2.".. Po/er Control Registers 56ternal Memory 2.&.1 ccessing 56ternal Code Memory 2.&.2 ccessing 56ternal %ata Memory 2.&.3 ddress %ecoding 2.&.4 !)erla''ing the 56ternal Code and %ata S'aces -132("1"2 5nhancements Reset !'eration Summary

Instruction Set Summary Introduction ddressing Modes 3.2.1 Register ddressing 3.2.2 %irect ddressing 3.3.3 Indirect ddressing 3.3.4 Immediate ddressing 3.2." Relati)e ddressing 3.2.& 7solute ddressing 3.2., 4ong ddressing 3.2.Inde6ed ddressing Instruction Ty'es 3.3.1 rithmetic Instructions


3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3." Pro7lems 4

4ogical Instructions %ata Trans+er Instructions #oolean Instructions Program #ranching Instructions

Timer Operation 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Introduction Timer Mode Register 9TM!%: Timer Control Register 9TC!2: Timer Modes and the !)er+lo/ 0lag 138#it Timer Mode 9Mode 1: 4.4.1 1&8#it Timer Mode 9Mode 1: 4.4.2 -8#it uto8Reload Mode 9Mode 2: 4.4.3 S'lit Timer Mode 9Mode 3: Cloc<ing Sources 4.".1 Inter)al Timing 4.".2 5)ent Counting Starting$ Sto''ing $ and Controlling the Timers Initiali;ing and ccessing Timer Register 4.,.1 Reading a Timer >!n the 0ly? Short Inter)als and 4ong Inter)als -1"2 Timer 4...1 uto Reload Mode 4...2 Ca'ture Mode #aud Rate 3eneration Summery

4." 4.& 4., 4.4.. 4.11 4.11 Pro7lems 5 ".1 ".2 ".3

Serial Prot Operation Introduction Serial Port Control Register Modes o+ !'eration ".3.1 -8#it Shi+t Register 9Mode 1: ".3.2 -8#it U RT /ith @aria7le #aud Rate 9Mode i: ".3.3 .8#it U RT /ith 0i6ed #aud Rate 9Mode 2: ".3.4 .8#it U RT /ith @aria7le #aud Rate 9Mode 3: Initiali;ation and ccessing Serial ".4.1 Recei)er 0ina7le ".4.2 The .th %ata #it ".4.3 dding a Parity #it ".4.4 Interru't 0lags Multi'rocessor Communications Serial Port #aud Rates ".&.1 Using Timer I as the #aud Rate Cloc< Summary


"." ".& "., Pro7lem 6 &.1 &.2

Interrupts Introduction ssem7ler !'eration &.2.1 Pass !ne &.2.2 Interru't Priority &.2.3 Polling SeAuence &.3 Processing Interru'ts &.3.1 Interru't @ectors &.4 Program %esign Using interru'ts &.4.1 Small interru't Ser)ice Routines &.4.2 4arge Interru't Ser)ice Routines &." Serial Port Interru'ts &.& 56ternal Interru'ts &., Interru't Timings &.Summary Pro7lems 10 %esign and Inter+ace 56am'les 11.1 Introduction 11.2 The S#C 8"1 11.3 *e6adecimal Bey'ad Inter+ace 11.4 Inter+ace to Multi'le ,8Segment 45%s 11." 4ouds'ea<er inter+ace 11.& 2on8@olatile R M Inter+ace 11., In'ut(!ut'ut 56'ansion 11.nalog out'ut 11.. nalog In'ut 11.11 Summary Pro7lem

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