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Term Time Holidays and Extended Leave

The target percent of attendance is 95%. The school and Education Welfare Service (EWS) will continue to make every attempt to work closely with parents and families to ensure that unauthorised absence is avoided. However, in the case of any parent who fails to respond to personal contact and advice and where there are no medical reasons or other extenuating circumstances for poor attendance the Education Social Worker (ESW) is keen that legal action be instigated in line with the Government's drive to improve school attendance figures.
Initiative 1: Attendance Ted

We continue to announce the weekly attendance percentage for each class at merit assemblies. The children enjoy the opportunity to win Attendance Ted for the week and this serves as a regular reminder of the importance of good attendance.
Initiative 2: 100% Attendance Trophies
These are awarded at the end of the summer term to children who have achieved 100% attendance percentages throughout the school year. In addition to having their name displayed on the large trophy itself, each child receives an individual trophy, engraved with their name, to take home and keep. The classes in two faculties with the best attendance record also receive a trophy.

Initiative 3: Cool Cats / Punctuality Winners

These are awarded to the classes with the best punctuality record each week.

Attendance Weeks
Attendance at Birchfield is extremely important to everyone that works within the school. As part of our ethos, we actively encourage children to come to school on time, every day. One regular feature of our efforts to strive to improve attendance and punctuality is to hold fun Attendance Weeks once every term. We hold special assemblies where we discuss the importance of attendance and how we benefit from coming to school EVERY day on time. During Attendance Weeks children produce work about attendance and take part in exciting competitions. Workshops are held for parents to discuss the importance of attendance. Working alongside attendance officers from the Local Authority and Mrs. Solanki, our Parent Support Advisor, the parents are quizzed about various information with regards to attendance facts and figures. Take a look at the posters on the next page. They outline the amount of learning lost by lateness and absence from school. Youll be surprised at how missing a few minutes of school each day can add up!!!!



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