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XYZ Client Kenilworth, NJ

Analysis of ETL Tools

System Name: CDW - Scoping v1.0

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1.C%a acte istics of an ETL tool &.'e()i ement *y t%e P o+ect -.ETL Tool Compa ison .

& ,

Characteristics of an ETL Tool

1.Access data from multiple, operational data sources 2.Re-map source data into a common format 3.Standardize data to enable load to conformed, target databases 4.Filter data, convert codes, perform table loo ups, calculate derived values !.Automated slo"l# c$anging dimension support %&#pe ', &#pe '',&#pe '''( ).'ncremental aggregation * computation of aggregates b# t$e +&, tool in one pass of t$e source data -.Support for .nicode * multi-b#te c$aracter sets localized for /apanese and ot$er languages 0.Support grap$ical 1ob se2uencer, re-usable containers, and nesting of sessions 3.4alidate data to c$ec content and range of field values 15.6erform procedural data cleansing functions 11.Support complete development environment, including versioning and run-time debugger 12.,oad cleansed data to t$e target data mart or central 78 13.6roduce audit and operational reports for eac$ data load 14.Automatic generation of centralized 9etadata 1!.Automatic generation of data e:tract programs 1).;ative interfaces to legac# files, relational databases, +R6 sources %e.g.,SA6 R<3 and 6eopleSoft(, e=usiness applications, 8eb log files, '=9 9>-Series, ?9, sources etc. 1-.Support for near real-time clic stream data "are$ousing 10.Support for an enterprise e=usiness environment, including integration at t$e metadata level "it$ =' tools, +R6 applications, @R9 applications, anal#tic applications, corporate portals, etc. 13.6latform independence and scalabilit# to enterprise data "are$ousing applications, directl# e:ecutable in-memor#, multi-t$readed processing for fast and parallel operation. 25.;o re2uirement to generate and compile source code . 21.;o re2uirement for intermediate disc files 22.Support for concurrent processing of multiple source data streams, "it$out "riting procedural code

Characteristics of an ETL Tool (Contd.)

23.Specification of +&, functions using pre-pac aged transformation ob1ects, accessible via an intuitive grap$ical user interface

24.+:tensible transformation ob1ects at a $ig$ level of significance 2!.Abilit# to specif# comple: transformations using onl# built-in transformation ob1ects. &$e goal is to specif# transformations "it$out "riting an# procedural code 2).Automatic generation of central metadata, including source data definitions, transformation ob1ects, target data models, and operational statistics 2-.9etadata e:c$ange arc$itecture t$at supports automatic s#nc$ronization of central metadata "it$ local metadata for multiple end-user =' tools 20.@entral management of distributed +&, engines and metadata using a central console and a global metadata repositor# 23.+nd-user access to central metadata repositor# via a rig$t-mouse clic 35.9etadata e:c$ange A6' compliant "it$ @A9, .9,, and ?9, 31.Support of metadata standards, including A,+ 7= for A,A6 32.Abilit# to sc$edule +&, sessions on time or t$e occurrence of a specified event, including support for command-line sc$eduling using e:ternal sc$eduling programs 33.Abilit# to sc$edule F&6 sessions on time or event 34.'ntegration "it$ data cleansing tools 3!.'mport of complete data models from e:ternal data modeling tools 3).Strong data "are$ouse administration functions 3-.Support for t$e anal#sis of transformations t$at failed to be accepted b# t$e +&, process 30.+:tensive reporting of t$e results of an +&, session, including automatic notification of significant failures of t$e +&, process

Requirement by the Project

1.+ase of .se and 9aintenance 2.Securit# Features and Administrative Functions 3.Sources - Aracle 7atabase, Files, ?9, Files, @obol Files 4.&argets B Aracle !.9ust be able to use Aracle Functions and specificall# 7ate Functions ).9ust be able to ta e advantage of Aracle parallel Arc$itecture -.9ust be able to 6artition 7ata for Reading and 8riting 6urpose 0.9ust be able to Support Aracle +:ternal ,oad iC e S>, ,oad 3.Able to call Aracle Functions and 6rocedures 15.9ust be able to "or "it$ ,oo ups 11.9ust be able to "or "it$ @ontainers 12.Drap$ical 'nterface for 7esign, 7evelopment and 'mplementations 13.9ust $ave a debugger or "a# to debug t$e 9apping<Drap$</obStream, 14.4ersion @ontrolling 1!.,oad of Failure 7ata 1).'ncremental ,oad 1-.'t s$ould be able to "or "it$ .ni @ode multib#te c$aracter localized for different countries %7ata is in different places( 10.Sort, Aggregate, /oin &ransformations %,oo for 'nner, Semi Auter, Auter /oin( 13.9ust be able to "or "it$ Aracle =,A=, @,A= data t#pe 25.9eta 7ata 9anagement - Dlobal 9etadata Repositor# 21.9eta 7ata can be s$ared across t$e enterprise 22.Able to 'mport 9etadata from +r"in or 7esigner 2555

Requirement by the Project (Contd)

23.Able to +:port 9etadata to @ognos 24.9eta 7ata c$ange 'mpact anal#sis 2!.9ust be able to ,og errors 2).Eeeping &rac of Slo"l# @$anging 7imensions %@7@ - @$ange 7ata @apture( 2-.9ust $ave a Se2uence Denerator for 6rimar# Ee# 20.Able to 6erform Audit on ,oad and Failure of 7ata 23.Able to validate data and c$ec content and range of data 35.@an be sc$eduled t$roug$ S$ell scripts or Sc$eduling tools 31.Abilit# to merge data from more t$an one sources in a single 9apping<Drap$</obStream
Feature Ascential Software DataStage XE Informatica PowerCenter Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem' Cognos Decision Stream

Development and Maintenance Process Support 4isual 9etap$or

9ultiple Screens for Fandling development, Sc$eduling and Administrative tas s

Fas different screens for Source import, &arget 'mport, Sc$eduling and Administrative tas s. &$e mappings become comple: "$en number of transformations are added and are eas# to $andle as t$e pro1ect evolves.

D7+ %Drap$ical &"o environment one 7evelopment one for +nvironment( is /ob Sc$eduling present. 't is not ver# intuitive. 't $as man# components eac$ represented b# a s2uare bo:. ;e"er version $as D.' for running t$e grap$s and administrative 1obs.


Ascential Software DataStage XE

Informatica PowerCenter

Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'

Cognos Decision Stream

Development and Maintenance Process Support 9ultiple Sources and &argets

7ataStage ?+ includes unlimited number of $eterogeneous data sources and targets. 9ultiple, unlimited targets can be of mi:ed origin, can $ave multiple destinations and receive data t$roug$ a variet# of loading strategies %bul loader, flat file '<A, direct S>,( in t$e same 1ob.

'nformatica 6o"er@enter $as access to 9ultiple source and &argets. =ut in one mapping it can access data from $eterogeneous source but can not "rite to $eterogeneous targets a limitation "$ic$ "ill be ta e care in ne"er version.

't can read from and &$oug$ it sa#s t$at it "rite to $eterogeneous sourc $eterogeneous $eterogeneous targe sources because of its A"n Aperating s#stem, "$ic$ $as a greater fle:ibilit#.


Ascential Software DataStage XE

Informatica PowerCenter

Ab Initio Cognos GDE Grap!ical Decision Stream Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'

;ative 9ainframe 7ata +:traction

't $as different product 7ataStage ?+<335 t$at generates @A=A, programs t$at run directl# on t$e mainframe, providing native mainframe e:traction, transformation and loading capabilities.

't $as different product call 6o"er @onnect for 9ainframe 7ata. 't accesses 7=2 on mainframe using 7=2 @onnect.

An mainframes, Ab 'nitio +:traction from 9ainframe "ill be b# t$e can read and "rite and use of 3rd 6art# Soft"are. update and delete ro"s in 7=2 databases and records in 4SA9 files directl#. 't can read and "rite an# 94S dataset. Ab 'nitio reads mainframe '9S data. All data t#pes are supported


Ascential Software DataStage XE

Informatica PowerCenter

Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'

Cognos Decision Stream

=uilt-in functions and routines

A lot of =uilt 'n functions and t$e use of Script language li e =asic or S>, to create #our o"n functions.

A lot of =uilt 'n functions and t$e use of Script language li e S2l to create #our o"n functions near about !5 built in components for t$e use to ver# common 1ob in t$e data"are$ouse.

&$ere is lot of built in Ges functions available to do t$e different 1obs including @ompress, 7atabase, 7atasets, 7e partition, F&6, 9iscellaneous, 6artition, Sort, &ransform, and 4alidate.

Advanced transformation support

Script language li e basic available so $ave 9eta 7ata "it$ in t$e tool and can "rite advanced &ransformations

Script ,anguage onl# use of S>, and can call +:ternal 6rocedures for Advanced &ransformations but meta data of t$e transformations is not integrated

Ab 'nitio includes a full @all functions li e @ programming language %called 79,( t$at can e:press if-t$en-else, case, cascading %prioritized( rules, looping, and muc$ more.


Ascential Software Informatica DataStage XE PowerCenter

Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'

Cognos Decision Stream

4ersion @ontrol 7ataStage ?+ includes and @onfiguration a component for 9anagement version control t$at saves t$e $istor# of all t$e data integration development. 't preserves application components suc$ as table definitions, transformation rules, and source<target column mappings "it$in a 2-part numbering sc$eme.

4ersion control implemented on to t$e HfolderH level in 6o"er@enter. 't is not great but it is ta en care in ).5 or -.5 release. @urrentl# 'nformatica users use t$ird part# versioning control applications li e 64@S.

&$e built-in version management &$roug$ Source @ontrol s#stem allo"s users to navigate to old versions of an ob1ect, navigate to t$e version of a grap$ used in a particular run of a 1ob, vie" t$e state of t$e entire repositor# at a particular point in time, and find t$e differences bet"een t"o versions of a grap$, data transformation, or data t#pe definition.

Drap$ical /ob Se2uencer

4er# good tool to visuall# create t$e se2uence of 1obs to be run t$roug$ D.'.

;e"er version ).5 $as ;o till t$e last version. ;e" t$is in 6o"ercenter. version $as it t$at is "$at ' came @urrentl# it is t$roug$ to no" session manager. Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'

7o not Eno"


Ascential Software Informatica DataStage XE PowerCenter

Cognos Decision Stream

+:ternal function support

+:ternal functions are easil# integrated "it$in 7ataStage. 9ore importantl# t$e fle:ibilit# and completeness of t$e tools allo"s t$e developer to sta# inside t$e tool using t$e eas# to use scripting language li e =asic and S>,

Ges, but limited to @I I, /ava, 6,<S>, etc. but most of t$e 1ob and transformation can be ac$ieved "it$ t$e built in functions and transformations. &$ere is no "a# to import meta data from t$e e:ternal function. 't "ill be ta e care in ne"er

@ustom components can be implemented in an# language, including @obol, @, @II, 6erl, /ava, Forte, 6, S>, etc.

Ges for @ li e functions



Ascential Software DataStage XE

Informatica PowerCenter

Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'

Containers Feature (For re use of Business logic)

Meta Data Anal&sis and Management Source sc$ema c$ange management -Drap$ical 'mpact Anal#sis Across &ools

For business logic reuse Ascential Software in t$e form of discrete DataStage XE components, 7ataStage uses t$e concept of @ontainers. @ontainers are independent, s$areable 7ataStage ob1ects t$at can be included in man# 1obs 7evelopers can come toor "it$in t$e same pro1ect, no" all t$e relations$ips multiple pro1ects. 8$en associated "it$ and ob1ect business logic c$anges, b# t$is feature, developers updates are made to t$e can access t$e impact s$ared container. /obs of c$anges across t$e using t$e s$ared environment before t$e @ontainer are updated c$ange actuall# occurs. "it$ t$e ne" information "$en t$e# are recompiled. S$ared @ontainers are useful for building up a librar# of standardized, granular and repetitive data integration tas s suc$ as test data generation, 1ob recover# or slo"l# c$anging dimensions

't $as t$e same concepts for Informatica =usiness logic reuse across PowerCenter t$e pro1ect and mappings "it$ t$e $elp of 9applets.

Ab provides facilities Cognos Ab 'nitio Initio for developing grap$s "it$ Decision Stream GDE Grap!ical t$e connections and use Development of Sub Drap$s. A Enterprise" Abstored Initio subgrap$ can be Co#$%p S&stem' a"a# in a librar# and reused as man# times as desired and used across multiple applications. Ges t$roug$ 6o"erplug. &$e Repositor# eeps ;o 'nformaticaHs 6o"er6lug trac of dependencies and product allo"s eas# t$e relations$ips among comparison bet"een industr# ob1ects stored in it, so #ou leading modeling tools and can assess t$e impact of t$e 'nformatica repositor#. an# c$ange for e:ample it 7ifferences can be is possible to determine $ig$lig$ted and meta-data t$e possible impact of imported. %A ne"er version program c$anges b# "ill $ave t$e features li e, locating t$e parts of an "$en #ou c$ange t$e application t$at depend on source, all t$e connected an ob1ect being c$anged. fields from t$e source till target "ill get automaticall# updated(. 't $as different built in reports for no"ing t$e source to target column relations$ips, t$e sources and targets used in a mapping, t$e mapplets used in t$e mapping. Informatica PowerCenter Informatica PowerCenter Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Ab Initio Development GDE Grap!ical Enterprise" Ab Initio Development Co#$%p S&stem' Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem' 't $as lot man# built in

Feature Feature

Ascential Software DataStage XE Ascential Software DataStage XE

Cognos Decision Stream


7ataStage ?+ permits validation of transforms user connections. Dlobal meta data bro"sing and 9eta data e:ploring, 7ataStage 1obs "ill fail anal#sis and usage immediatel# at run-time, or functions for impact in validation mode, anal#sis, data lineage, and because connections t$e publications and and S>, statements are data subscription of meta c$ec ed9etastage prior to t$roug$ processing +:plorer. an# ro"s. @anvas Annotation &$e users can K"rite notesL or add te:t onto t$e canvas or screen as t$e# create 7ataStage 1obs. .sers can no" add comments, labels or ot$er e:planations to t$e designs.

&$roug$ Scripts and built in function li e isJnumeric, isJspaces etc. &$e database =ro"sing of meta-data can connections are be done t$roug$ validated t$e client for mapping to run.&$e designer tools. 'n addition t$ere is a validates t$e map for "eb-based meta-dataan# s#ntactical error or data reporter distributed "it$ t#pe t$e error before it is read# to be po"ercenter. e:ecuted b# t$e sc$eduler.

components %li e transformation( t$at "ill be Ges Repositor# =ro"ser use in Drap$s to do t$e 'nterface provides users validations li e @ompare access to t$e Repositor# @$ec sum, 4alidate t$roug$ a standard "eb Records etc.&$e D7+ "ill bro"ser. let t$e developer no" of an# error in t$e garp$.

+ver# 9apping and @omponent specific or &ransformation $as 2 t#pe of grap$ specific annotations annotations, a name or are available. ob1ect 7escription and comment bo:. &$e name "ill be displa#ed "$en #ou point t$e mouse to t$e transformations.

6ublication of meta data director#

9eta data information can be publis$ed in ?9, and<or F&9, format complete "it$ $#perlin s for eas# end-user access and navigation.

&$roug$ 8ebzine - 8eb based 9eta 7ata Reporter. 't is a "eb based meta-data reporting tool to facilit# publication of meta-data.

;ot 4er# @lear. =ut t$e specified user can s$o" all or an# of t$eir properties suc$ as business area, sub1ect area, ste"ard group, database, modified b#, created and last modified date.

7o not Eno"


Ascential Software DataStage XE

Informatica PowerCenter

Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'

Cognos Decision Stream

9eta data reuse

7ataStage ?+ uses a publis$ and subscribe mec$anism to distribute standard meta data from a variet# of sources. At$er users can subscribe to meta data publications on a one-time or recurring basis. 8$en meta data c$anges, subscribers are automaticall# notified.

6o"er@enter collects %load( and distributes %unload( meta data bet"een tools using bridges - i.e. import from Aracle 7esigner, +r"in or 6o"er7esigner or e:port to =' tools suc$ as =A, 9icrostrateg# and 'mpromptu. 't is one directional. &$ere is anot$er tool called 9etadata +:c$ange S7E "$ic$ is used for bi directional use of 9eta data from 7esigner &ools or Alap tools and vice versa. 9oreover it can be +:ported and 'mported t$roug$ ?9, Files

't $as "a# of integrating to Ges 7esigner tool and A,A6 tool. 't is not clear t$at $o" t$e reuse of 9etadata is ac$ieved M

7ata ,ineage - 'ntegration of design and event meta data

A "a# to no" from "$at &$roug$ Scripts it is possible &$roug$ Scripts it is sources t$e data $as been possible populated to t$e target "$en #ou $ave more t$an one source to e:tract in a grap$. Ascential Software DataStage XE Informatica PowerCenter Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'



Cognos Decision Stream

'ntegration "it$ +<R modeling tools

9eta data s$aring capabilities "it$ t$e industries leading +<R modeling tools includingN +r"in, 7esigner 2555, 6o"er7esigner, and +<R Studio

9eta data s$aring capabilities "it$ t$e industries leading +<R modeling tools includingN +r"in, 7esigner 2555, 6o"er7esigner etc "it$ t$e $elp of 6o"erplug and 9etdata +:c$ange S7E.

Ab 'nitio $as an +R"in Ges unloader, "$ic$ "ill loo at an +R"in diagram, create dataset and column ob1ects in t$e Ab 'nitio Repositor#, and annotate t$em "it$ comments and descriptive information. =ut "$et$er it can be integrated "it$ +r"in or 72E is a 2uestion remains unans"eredM +ven if it can be integrated $o" it can be done M

'ntegration "it$ =usiness 'ntelligence &ools

8it$ =usiness Ab1ects, =rio, @ognos 'mpromptu, 9icroStrateg#

&$roug$ 6o"er =ridges it $as integration "it$ =rio, @ognos, 9icroStrateg#, =usiness Ab1ects

;ot 4er# @lear. Fo" t$is is doneM

@ognos 6o"erpla# &$roug$ Arc$itect


Ascential Software DataStage XE

Informatica PowerCenter

Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'

Cognos Decision Stream

Performance 6arallelism 't $as advanced parallel processing capabilities "$ic$ enable it effectivel# and efficientl# use t$e capabilities of S96, S96 @lusters and 966 platforms. 'n addition, 7ataStage ?+ efficientl# leverages database parallelism %i.e. 7=2 '+++, Aracle +nterprise +dition "it$ parallel tables(. &$e 6o"er@enter arc$itecture limits t$e product abilit# to perform parallel processing. 8$ile 6o"er@enter can partition a data set and run separate processes, t$e ne"er version $as greater capabilities for Sort, /oin and Aggregate transformations. 't is faster t$an previous versions. 6ipeline bul loading of data, memor# cac$ing.

=ecause of its parallel Fas$ing &ec$ni2ues for arc$itecture a a 966 and Sort</oin and Aggregate t$e concept of partitioning %@omponent, 6ipe and 7ata(, it $as been able to $andle ver# $ig$ volume of data. 't can do parallel and pipeline loading.

;amed 6ipe Support

Abilit# to brea large 1ob Sort, Aggregate into smaller 1ob and t$en &ransformation $as t$e same t$ese smaller 1obs $as t$e facilit#. abilit# to communicate "it$ eac$ ot$er ma ing t$e "$ole process to run faster.

8$en t$e grap$s are 7o not Eno" running on t$e same server t$e# communicate t$roug$ ;amed 6ipe or S$are 9emor#, "$en t$e# are different servers, t$e# communicate t$roug$ net"or . All t$ese is determined b# Ab 'nitio Aperating S#stem Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem' Cognos Decision Stream


Ascential Software DataStage XE

Informatica PowerCenter

S$ared-in 9emor# Fas$ &ables

Allo"s multiple OinstancesO of a 1ob, or even multiple disparate 1obs, running in parallel, to s$are t$e same in-memor# image of a $as$ table and t$us ma e better use of mac$ine resources.

Ges for ,oo ups, /oiners, Aggregates and Sort transformation t$is tec$ni2ue is used to boost t$e performance. 7#namic loo up uses t$is tec$ni2ue too.

&$ere are in-memor# Ges versions of t$e /oin, Sort, and ,oo up components. For d#namic data loo ups, Ab 'nitio include several mec$anisms ,oo up File represents one or multiple serial files or a parallel flat file of data records small enoug$ to be $eld in main memor#, letting a transform function retrieve records muc$ more 2uic l# t$an it could retrieve t$em if t$e# "ere stored on dis .


Ascential Software DataStage XE

Informatica PowerCenter

Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem' .ni: and ;& and 8indo"s 6latforms

Platform Support Fard"are support +:tensibilit# .ni:, ;& and 9ainframe platforms @entral to 7ataStagePs arc$itecture is t$e 7ataStage 6lug-in A6'. &$is allo"s Ascential Soft"are engineering, vars and end-users ali e to code t$eir o"n interfaces to e:ternal databases, processes, and bul loaders. .ni: and ;& platforms onl#

;ot a"are of an# suc$ t$ings Simple mec$anism of Q"rappingP user programs, t$e @oRAperating S#stem delivers t$e ultimate in e:tensibilit#

'ntegrated =ul ,oader

Fave it bundled "it$in t$e Fave it bundled "it$in t$e soft"are and can be soft"are and can be invo ed invo ed "it$in t$e scripts "it$in t$e scripts for Aracle, S#base and S>, Server

Fave features for ,oad and .nload bul data t$roug$ ,oad and .nload @omponent


Ascential Software DataStage XE

Informatica PowerCenter

Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem'

Data (ualit& and Cleansing Abilit# to assess current data 2ualit#

&$e development teams and business users $ave t$e abilit# to audit, monitor and certif# t$e 2ualit# of data at e# points t$roug$out t$e data integration lifec#cle.

7ata cleansing can be ac$ieved b# building t$e rules "it$in t$e logic. Ro"s can be flagged as problem or routed to a problem file<table.

&$is can be ac$ieved t$roug$ 7ata 6rofiler 6roduct "$ic$ sits on t$e top of Ab 'nito @oRAperating s#stem. 't anal#zes t$e grap$ t$e data and stores in t$e metadata repositor#, "$ic$ t$en can be used b# t$e developer to loo at t$e 2ualit# of t$e data. 9ore ever it $as in build components li e c$ec sum, compare records "$ic$ can be incorporated to grap$s to access t$e data 2ualit#. 8it$ &rillium and First ,ogic %Fo" eas# is it, ' do not no" as ' $ave not tried it out(

'ntegrate 3rd part# data cleansing tools

8it$ &rillium and First 8it$ &rillium and First ,ogic ,ogic %Fo" eas# is it, ' do %Fo" eas# is it, ' do not no" not no" as ' $ave not as ' $ave not tried it out( tried it out(

Feature Feature

Ascential Software Ascential Software DataStage XE DataStage XE

Informatica Informatica PowerCenter PowerCenter

P)%D*C+ Ease of *se and Maintenance

Ab Initio Ab Initio GDE Grap!ical GDE Grap!ical Development Development Enterprise" Ab Initio Enterprise" Ab Initio Co#$%p S&stem' Co#$%p S&stem' Ane 6roduct and t$ere are add on products for .ser sa#s&ransfer t$e ne" %but D.' is 9etadata good but $ave no comes "it$ access to e:perience mainframe and ot$er source(

,ew )eleases and Patc!es C%S+ Customer Support and Services

@omponent "ise product, =u# "$at #ou use, but 't $as improved a lot over 7atastage ?+ comes up t$e time $ad a demo of "it$ alll t$e features t$at t$e tool over "e re2uire li t$e e "eb communicating "it$ Fo" muc$ costand is involved 7esigner tools Alap &ools 10 S to 22 S of t$e 6urc$ase @ost price ever# #ear @ost can be spread because of itsa component @an "e $ave dedicated in nature person for our 2uestions to be solvedM 6er @6. 7o not Eno"

@omponent "ise product bu# "$at #ou use %'t $as no" its 4er# eas# to use and o"n A,A6 tools(. Gou $ave 9aintain %A"n +:perience( to bu# t$e products for t$e &ransferring metadata from 7esigner tool and transferring metadata to A,A6 tools

25S of t$e 6urc$ase @ost 7o not Eno" price +ver# #ear @ost can be spread because Ane time cost of its component in nature

Case Studies and Access to Site under Production Environment using t!e E+- tool

't is based on 6er Server 6er 6er @6. and 6er Repositor# %"e can $ave 7eveloper 7o not Eno" 7o not Eno" man# servers pointing to t$e @an "e $ave t$e client Repositor#( and also number and visit t$eir site depends on number of using +&, tool for t$eir Sources and &argets. &$e "are$ousing licensing is done for no of @6.Hs li e 4 @6.Hs or ) @6.Hs etc. Ges Ges Ges

Availabilit& of Manpower Price . Consultanc&' Dood 4er# Dood %,o" 6rice and Fig$ >ualit#(

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