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Test Plan


Procure to Pay process



Procure to Pay cycle starts with the source selection followed by procurement of goods. It also comprises direct procurement requirements through conversion from demands to purchase orders and confirmation of goods receipt. The incoming materials are then inspected and posted into inventory as part of managing the warehouse. The last activity in this cycle is payment of the suppliers which consists of receiving, entering and checking vendor's invoice for correctness.

External Dependen ies and Spe ial Requirements

Test Dependen ies

Pro!ram Name

Transa tion Name

"D#$% "D&'% ()$*% ""$*% "E**% "E$*% "D$'% "D$+% "E+*% "E+#% "E+,% "E,A% "E-*N% "E-,N% "".E% V/'*N% V/#0% /T$'% /T*-% V/'-N% "I1O% "IRO% "R.R
A eptan e Criteria o2 A.AP De3elopment


Test Plan

" # "$%&

Test Plan
Condition No4 Condition

% " . & 1 3 4 6

'orecast ()P *()P type as +,Purchasing e/ecution Print output of )'0 2mail output of purchase order which is to be released Print output of purchase order only after release Inbound delivery 5 goods receipt Invoice verification

Sr No4 S enarios to 5e tested Pre6requisites Input parameters

Purchase 7rder with )elease 8trategy *9.1$$$:8,- for stock item Purchase 7rder with )elease 8trategy *9.1$$$:8,- and 'reight ;endor for stock item Purchase order for catch weight material

(aterial, ;endor


(aterial, ;endor

(aterial, ;endor

Test Plan


" # "$%&

Test Plan
Step No4 Run Step Input Data Plant "RP ontroller "aterial Date = %$$$ Input Values %$$$ $%$ 433% %#.$4."$%$ > %#.$4."$%% Expe ted Response A tual Response Result

<opy Total 'orecast *(,4$-

'orecast copied to demand management


,isplay Planned independent requirements *(,3.-

"aterial Plant

433% %$$$

Planning 8ingle?item, 8ingle?@evel *(,$.The material should have purchase info record and source list maintained with ()P to determine the vendor during the planning run.

"aterial Plant = %$$$ Pro essin! 7e8 Create Pur Req Deli3er8 s 9edules Create "RP list Plannin! mode S 9edulin! Plannin! date

433% %$$$ N2T<A % . % . % %#.$4."$%$

Purchase requisitions will be created for all the planned independent requirements *%$$$.%4. ?%$$$.%6.with vendor assigned 5 delivery date calculating from vendor schedule maintained for the vendor.*;%<lick on element details and click on the push button Purchase 7rder. The screen navigates to (2"%N 8elect the purchase requisition *%$$$$.$&&- on the document overview and click on adopt. Purchase order no &1$$$$$1.# created


2valuate 8tock )equirements list *(,$&-

"aterial Plant

433% %$$$

<reate purchase order *(2"%N-

Pur !rp Pur 9ase requisition num5er 1R Con2irmation :Header le3el ; ustomer data ta5<


%$$$$.$&& B

!fter this step, the sequence starts from page 3.

Test Plan

" # "$%&

Test Plan
Step No4 Run Step Input Data "aterial Plant = %$$$ Pro essin! 7e8 Create Pur Req Deli3er8 s 9edules Create "RP list Plannin! mode S 9edulin! Plannin! date Input Values Expe ted Response A tual Response Result

Planning 8ingle?item, 8ingle?@evel *(,$.-

431& %$$$ N2T<A % . % . % %".$4."$%$


2valuate 8tock )equirements list *(,$&-

"aterial Plant

431& %$$$

Purchase requisition will be created *%$$$"##3<lick on the push button C)eference to P)eqD in application toolbar generated in planning, then a window with selection screen opens where we select the purchase requisition. 8elect the line item and click on C!doptE,etailsD. 8elect the line item and click on vendor address on the application toolbar. )'0 no 3$$$$$$&"# 5 3$$$$$$&.$ will be created.

<reate )'0 *(2&%- with respect to purchase requisition

Order t8pe RF= date =uote Deadline Pur Or! Pur !rp Deli3er8 date Plant Colle ti3e No "aterial =t8 Vendor "essa!e output

!N %".$4."$%$ %1.$4."$%$ %$$$ $%$ %#.$4."$%$ %$$$ <N$$" 431& %$$ (7)2 ')28A N2:


Print Transmit *(2#!-

Do ument No

3$$$$$$&"# 3$$$$$$&.$

Test Plan


" # "$%&

Test Plan
Net pri e Cli 7 on Item details In2o update Cli 7 on Additional data Planned deli3er8 time &$$ Aeader and item conditions te/t, if any, need to be maintained. Purchase info record 1.$$$$#$#4 will be created

(aintain 0uotation *(2&4-

(aintain 0uotation *(2&4-

Net pri e Cli 7 on Item details In2o update Cli 7 on Additional data Planned deli3er8 time



Aeader and item conditions te/t, if any, need to be maintained. Purchase info record 1.$$$$#$#6 will be created

Price comparison @ist *(2&#-

Pur or! Colle ti3e No

%$$$ <N$$"

8elect the best price *based on !dditional info ?application toolbar- and save the price as market price. 8elect the )'0 which we want to reGect and click on 0uotation *application toolbar-, select the )eGection indicator check bo/ in the line item.*(essage output will be !F8!)eGected 0uotation

Print Transmit *(2#!-

Do ument No


Test Plan

" # "$%&

Test Plan
Step No4 Run Step Input Data Input Values Expe ted Response A tual Response Result

S enario * > Pur 9ase Order ?it9 Release Strate!8 :@'0$$$ASD<

<lick on C,ocument 7verview 7nD *!pplication toolbar- then click on selection variant and request for quotations. 8elect the )'0 no and click on !dopt. <heck and save. <lick on 8ervices for obGect on the title bar, navigate to workflow >9 workflow overview, then click on information in the agent column, *F.!.+ach 8wartley should release the P7Purchase order no &1$$$$$1$# created.

<reate Purchase 7rder *(2"%N- with respect to )'0.

1R Con2irmation *Aeader level ? <ustomer data tab-

Test Plan

" # "$%&

Test Plan
In 2asy !ccess menu, click on 8!P Fusiness Horkplace *!pplication toolbar-. Navigate to Inbo/ ?9 Horkflow, select the title and click on 2/ecute, the screen navigates to (2"#N. 7) The user receives an email and clicking on the mail navigates to (2"#N. )elease effected with release code %% Purchase order changed


)elease purchase order *(2"#N:ser = F.!.+ach 8wartley

Release *Aeader level ? )elease strategy tab-

8tock overview *((F2-

"aterial Plant

431& %$$$

<heck for the stock as on? order stock. 2nter the put away qty in shipment tab. <lick on save. Inbound delivery no %6$$$$&6" is created.


<reate Inbound delivery *;@.%N-

Pur 9ase Order Put a?a8 =t8 Stora!e lo

&1$$$$$1$# %$$ %$4$

Print Transmit *;@41-

Sort order Pro essin! mode In5ound deli3er8 num5er

$% % 7utput ? ,elivery output list


<reate Transfer order *@T$.-

Ware9ouse no Plant In5ound deli3er8 no

I$% %$$$ %6$$$$&6"

Picks up fi/ed bin or ne/t empty bin if fi/ed bin capacity is full. T7 no $$$$$$3%&3 created.

Test Plan

" # "$%&

Test Plan
<onfirm Transfer 7rder *@T%"TO num5er Ware9ouse no $$$$$$3%&3 I$% T7 $$$$$$$3%&3 confirmed

<hange Inbound delivery *;@."N-

In5ound deli3er8 no


<lick on CPost Joods )eceiptD *!pplication tool bar(aterial document no 1$$$$$$.&6 created <heck for the accounting docs created.

Joods )eceipt *(IJ7-

"aterial do no



8tock overview *((F2-

"aterial Plant

431& %$$$

<heck for the stock as unrestricted.


@ogistics Invoice ;erification *(I)7-

In3oi e Date Amount Pur 9ase Order .ase line Date

%&.$4."$%$ &$$$$ &1$$$$$1$# %&.$4."$%$

There will be one line item, material cost. <opy the value in the balance field and paste in the amount field and click on simulate and post. Invoice document number 1%$13$$%#$ is created *blocked for payment-


)elease blocked invoices *()F)-

In3oi e do no


8elect the line item and click on release invoice on application tool bar.

Step No4 Run Step Input Data Input Values Expe ted Response A tual Response Result

S enario - > Pur 9ase Order ?it9 Release Strate!8 :@'0$$$ASD< and Frei!9t Vendor

Test Plan

" # "$%&

Test Plan
<lick on C,ocument 7verview 7nD *!pplication toolbar- then click on selection variant and request for quotations. 8elect the )'0 no and click on !dopt. <heck and save. 8elect the condition ')F% and click on condition detail and enter the freight vendor CT)!N8D. <lick on 8ervices for obGect on the title bar, navigate to workflow >9 workflow overview, then click on information in the agent column, *F.!.+ach 8wartley should release the P7Purchase order no &1$$$$$1%" created.

<reate Purchase 7rder *(2"%N- with respect to )'0.

1R Con2irmation *Aeader level ? <ustomer data tabFR.* *Item level ? <onditions tab-


Test Plan

" # "$%&

Test Plan
In 2asy !ccess menu, click on 8!P Fusiness Horkplace *!pplication toolbar-. Navigate to Inbo/ ?9 Horkflow, select the title and click on 2/ecute, the screen navigates to (2"#N. 7) The user receives an email and clicking on the mail navigates to (2"#N. )elease effected with release code %% Purchase order changed <heck for the stock as on? order stock. 2nter the put away qty in shipment tab. <lick on save. Inbound delivery no %6$$$$&61 is created.


)elease purchase order *(2"#N-

Release *Aeader level > )elease strategy tab-

8tock overview *((F2-

"aterial Plant

431& %$$$


<reate Inbound delivery *;@.%N-

Pur 9ase Order Put a?a8 =t8 Stora!e lo

&1$$$$$1%" %$$ %$4$

Print Transmit *;@41-

Sort order Pro essin! mode In5ound deli3er8 num5er

$% % 7utput ? ,elivery output list


<reate Transfer order *@T$.-

Ware9ouse no Plant In5ound deli3er8 no

I$% %$$$ %6$$$$&61

Picks up fi/ed bin or ne/t empty bin if fi/ed bin capacity is full. T7 no $$$$$$3%&6 created.

Test Plan


" # "$%&

Test Plan
<onfirm Transfer 7rder *@T%"TO num5er Ware9ouse no $$$$$$3%&6 I$% T7 $$$$$$$3%&6 confirmed

<hange Inbound delivery *;@."N-

In5ound deli3er8 no


<lick on CPost Joods )eceiptD *!pplication tool bar(aterial document no 1$$$$$$.1$ created <heck for the accounting docs created.

Joods )eceipt *(IJ7-

"aterial do no



8tock overview *((F2-

"aterial Plant

431& %$$$

<heck for the stock as unrestricted.


@ogistics Invoice ;erification *(I)7-

In3oi e Date Amount Pur 9ase Order .ase line Date

%&.$4."$%$ &%$$$ &1$$$$$1%" %&.$4."$%$

There will be two line items, material cost and freight charges. <opy the value in the balance field and paste in the amount field and click on simulate and post. Invoice document number 1%$13$$%#% is created *blocked for payment-


)elease blocked invoices *()F)-

In3oi e do no


8elect the line item and click on release invoice on application tool bar.


Test Plan


" # "$%&

Test Plan
Step No4 Run Step Input Data Input Values Expe ted Response A tual Response Result

S enario ' > Pur 9ase Order 2or at 9 ?ei!9t material

Vendor Pur Or! Pur !rp Comp ode "aterial =t8 Plant Sto lo Con2 trl *Item level ? confirmations tab1R Con2irmation *Aeader level ? <ustomer data tab3$3 %$$$ $$% %$$$ ##66 % %$$$ %$4$ $$$&

<reate Purchase 7rder *(2"%N-

Purchase order no &1$$$$$1%4 created.


8tock overview *((F2-

"aterial Plant

##66 %$$$

<heck for the stock as on? order stock. 2nter the actual delivery qty in parallel unit of measure. * catch weight tabInbound delivery no %6$$$$&63 is created.


<reate Inbound delivery *;@.%N-

Pur 9ase Order Del =t8 PAo" Stora!e lo

&1$$$$$1%4 6$ %$4$

Print Transmit *;@41-

Sort order Pro essin! mode In5ound deli3er8 num5er

$% % 7utput ? ,elivery output list


Test Plan


" # "$%&

Test Plan
Picks up fi/ed bin or ne/t empty bin if fi/ed bin capacity is full. T7 no $$$$$$3%&# created. T7 $$$$$$$3%&# confirmed

<reate Transfer order *@T$.-

Ware9ouse no Plant In5ound deli3er8 no

I$% %$$$ %6$$$$&63

<onfirm Transfer 7rder *@T%"-

TO num5er Ware9ouse no

$$$$$$3%&# I$%

<hange Inbound delivery *;@."N-

In5ound deli3er8 no


<lick on CPost Joods )eceiptD *!pplication tool bar(aterial document no 1$$$$$$.1% created <heck for the accounting docs created.

Joods )eceipt *(IJ7-

"aterial do no



8tock overview *((F2-

"aterial Plant

431& %$$$

<heck for the stock as unrestricted.


@ogistics Invoice ;erification *(I)7-

In3oi e Date Amount Pur 9ase Order .ase line Date

%1.$4."$%$ "&$ &1$$$$$1%4 %1.$4."$%$

There will be one line item, material cost. <opy the value in the balance field and paste in the amount field and click on simulate and post. Invoice document number 1%$13$$%#" is created *blocked for payment-

Test Plan


" # "$%&

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