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Ultimate Yoga The Technology of the 2012 Transformation Michael Raduga www.obe4u.

com Translated by Peter range

!uy hard co"y of this e#boo$ on$ %or disability& The Phase is your new life without any borders 'eminars in (alifornia) *Y and around the world& htt"&

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'u"er"owers Made .ccessible (ha"ter 2 /ntering the ut#of#!ody 'tate (ha"ter 0 Managing the ut#of#!ody /1"erience (ha"ter 4 Practical .""lications (ha"ter 2 The /1"eriences of !eginners

-n (losing

3ear friend) you may be somewhat sur"rised to see 4-n (losing4 here instead of 4-ntroduction4. This is no mis"rint. The lines of this boo$ will close out the life you ha5e led thus far. You ha5e in front of you a ga"#closing) cutting#edge and conscious#awareness raising technology that will allow you to com"lete your transformation into the new era. -ts moderni6ed) secular a""roach to these ancient technologies brings conscious awareness outside of the "hysical world within e5eryone7s reach. The difficultly of the tas$ ahead consists of nothing more than "erforming s"ecific actions that will show you the e1istence of another world) one more lucid and realistic than the one you e1"erience while in your "hysical body. This tas$ is made difficult by the fact that many would ne5er ha5e come to belie5e in this "henomenon) one that turns u"side down our understanding of conscious awareness and our "lane of e1istence) had they not first e1"erienced it for themsel5es. Than$s to the de5elo"ment of sim"le technical instruments) the "ractice of freeing one7s conscious awareness from the body o"ens u" the widest#"ossible hori6ons and is the most "romising "ersonal de5elo"ment technology in e1istence. - say this for the sim"le reason there is nothing more useful and "ro5ocati5e out there. This is the long#awaited ne1t ste" in human e5olutionary de5elo"ment. The e1"losi5e "ro"agation of this "ractice will also be the trigger for the 2012 transformation. /1"eriencing this "henomenon can be com"ared only with being born into another body) into another life. .nd that7s e1actly how it is. 'o if this world has dealt you a life situation beyond your control) you can be born again there and li5e only through willful acts and the "ower of your conscious awareness. .fter 8ust one 5isit there in the new world) you7ll understand how gray your former life was) how "ale were its hues) and meager its "ossibilities. .nd you7ll feel how that low) in5isible glass#ceiling you75e been li5ing under all your life disa""ears) that one you75e always "rayed didn7t e1ist and tried to wish away. !ut now it will truly be bro$en and you7ll feel an incredible lightness of being from $nowing that your world has become thousands of times richer and wider) and that you75e left the confines of that little cubbyhole that you used to call e1istence. -t7s 9uite "ossible that you7ll be one of the first in your circle of friends to ha5e made this transformation into the new era. :owe5er) the world will gradually

catch u" with you) and life will become far easier and more interesting for all. %riend) - ha5e good news for you& abstractions of the abo5e $ind will ma$e no further a""earance in this boo$. -7ll be gi5ing you 8ust a bit of introductory bac$ground information) and then nothing but s"ecific techni9ues that you can ta$e action with. -t only remains for you to "erform them se5eral times in order to once and for all brea$ the chains of that sla5e#li$e "erce"tion of the world # a ca"ti5ity you are in but can7t recogni6e as such) as you ha5e nothing to com"are it to. ;ho has ne5er tasted sweet) $nows not what is bitter. <ust gi5e it se5eral tries) and your conscious awareness will obtain true sensory e1"erience in a world that is new and has been thus far concealed from you. .nd that7s 8ust the beginning. =et7s get to it. Michael Raduga %ounder of the 'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el March 1>) 2010

(ha"ter 1 'u"er"owers Made .ccessible

%riend) - cannot wait to immediately start with s"ecific technical e1ercises that you will need to "erform in order to se"arate the conscious awareness from the body) and thus become a member of the new ci5ili6ation. :owe5er) it is im"erati5e that - first halt here in order to bring you u" to s"eed and brief you on the to"ic at hand) as well as on who - am) and why - hold authority on this sub8ect. - will also be gi5ing you some "re"aratory ad5ice) ensuring that your a""roach is correct and your e1"eriences therefore more successful. Thus) "ractical e1"erience will start a bit later on) and nothing will get in the way of it. :owe5er) first try to de5ote your attention to getting a handle on this "henomenon) a "henomenon that will allow you to literally ha5e a "resence in two worlds.

Ultimate Yoga and the 2012 Transformation

The Yoga of (onscious .wareness :istorical artifacts dating bac$ to the -ndus ?alley (i5ili6ation @0000#1A00 !(/B indicate that the main goal of yoga was raising one7s le5el of conscious awareness. The body has always been one of the au1iliary tools for achie5ing this goal. *o matter which branch of ancient /astern (i5ili6ations you study) a single su"reme "ractice always lies at the heart) one either loc$ed behind se5en seals or necessitating decades of "re"aration. -ts goal is to release the conscious awareness from the confines of the "hysical body. -t is sometimes referred to as the eighth and highest le5el of yoga # the state of samadhi) or dream yoga. ;hy did ancient "eo"les "ursue it) and why do modern high#le5el yogis "ractice still "ractice itC -t may be shoc$ing to learn) but they belie5e this "ractice to be a way to train for... the "rocess of dying. They belie5e that before another senseless reincarnation after "hysical death) we find oursel5es in a s"ecial intermediate state # sid9ai bardo. :owe5er) we are usually unable to maintain conscious awareness during it) and this is the main reason why we find oursel5es on /arth once again in a new incarnation. Thus) if o5er the course of a lifetime one "ractices consciously se"arating the mind from the body while still "reser5ing full awareness of one7s surroundings) this will facilitate control of the "rocess after death and finally sto" the cycle of rebirth) allowing one to reunite with the uni5erse. 3o not be afraid) my friend) it7s not all that scary. ;e li5e in the modern world) with modern world5iews and modern technologies. :onestly) - do not "ersonally $now what awaits beyond death or if) as ancient yoga maintained) this "ractice actually relates to it. !ut - do $now how to do it without getting bogged down by theories or su"erstition) both ancient and modern. Years of a""renticeshi" are no longer a "rere9uisite. *either is being de5outly religious. 'e"arating conscious awareness from the body is now only a matter of techni9ue. .nd the im"ortant thing is not only that you will soon find yourself outside of your own body) but also that it turns out that all of this has incredible "ractical im"lications for the modern "erson. %irst) ta$e it from here that you75e ne5er e1"erienced anything this incredible thus far in your life) nor will anything match it again in the future. 'econd) this is a way to tra5el to any corner of the Uni5erse or meet with any "erson) including those who ha5e "assed on. Third) this is a way to obtain information. %ourth) this o"ens u" incredible "ossibilities for self#healing. %ifth) this is a way for the disabled) including those who are bedridden) to brea$ down all barriers. They can now do e5erythingD .nd e5erything briefly listed abo5e is merely an insignificant "ortion of what we are about to discuss in detail. Remember) this is not ma$e#belie5e) re5erie) or some flight of fancy. There is a good reason why ancient "eo"les associated this "henomenon with the moments before and after death. There was no other way to thin$ of it # that7s how s"ectacular in nature it is. -t7s not from some tric$ of the imagination that otherwise tough guys immediately try to get out of there) nearly wetting their "ants in terror) enough though 8ust before they had only dreamed about ha5ing the e1"erience @ob5iously not 9uite understanding beforehand what they were getting intoB. ne out of two e1"erience terror during their first e1"eriences) as it wrec$s long#held 5iews on what life is) and the instinct of self#"reser5ation $ic$s in.

%urthermore) you75e surely heard of near#death e1"eriences on the o"erating tableC %lying out of the body) seeing the hos"ital ward) and then a tunnel... dear friend) this is 8ust what we7re tal$ing about) but without the ensuing death # and as a deliberate achie5ement. !y the way) it was not only the ancient yogis who too$ interest in this "ractice. -n its modern form) it7s also the same thing as what is $nown as 4out#of#body tra5el4) 4astral "ro8ection4) and) e5en to some degree) 4lucid dreaming4. !ut no need to indulge in such delirium or idle tal$. May history forgi5e me) may you forgi5e me) my friend) but - will be using the modern terms 4"hase4 and "hase state4) which unite all of those dissociati5e "henomena into a single whole) including all of the ancient conce"ts as well. ;e7ll deal with terminology a bit later on) but you should understand that ha5e no other choice on this matter. .s we7re tal$ing about a new e"och in human de5elo"ment) about a transformation to a new le5el of e1istence) we re9uire modern conce"ts ada"ted for a wide s"ectrum of social strata) a5oiding the stereoty"es and su"erstitions that ha5e dogged those used u" until this "oint. !ut most significantly) it is of no im"ortance here whether you are a dyed#in#the#wool materialist or an orthodo1 esoteric. -t7s u" to you) not me) to decide how to e1"lain the "henomenon to yourself and how it relates to your world. You may belie5e that the soul lea5es the body. You may thin$ that it7s all a su"er#realistic hallucination. That7s not im"ortant here. ;hat7s im"ortant is that you get the hang of it as soon as "ossible. .nd the techni9ue#based technologies that you will ac9uire in this boo$ ha5e been so finely honed and tested on thousands of my students that no matter what you may or may not belie5e) you will e1"erience your conscious awareness lea5ing the "hysical body. Practical e1"erience # in the end) it7s what unites us all. -t7s the decisi5e factor. You 8ust gi5e it a try. The 2012 /5olution. /ntering the /"och of a *ew (i5ili6ation The goal of this boo$ is not sim"ly to gi5e certain indi5iduals a new "ractice for their re"ertoire. The goal of this boo$ is to o"en the eyes of e5eryone who reads it to the reality that the world is many times broader than it may seem. %riend) we7re tal$ing about you. You are able to do much more than you thin$. nce you understand this and e1"erience this) your world will change. You7ll become different. There will be a fundamental change in how you relate to the world. -7m not afraid to say it& you7ll be born anew. Your life will become ha""ier and richer in e5ery res"ect. *ow let7s imagine what it will be li$e when there will be many "eo"le li$e you. .nd then more. .nd e5en more. The world#wide "ro"agation of the "ractice of "hase states will hail a singular re5olution in human consciousness. ;e7re not only tal$ing about the maddeningly#5ast "ractical a""lications. ;e7re not only tal$ing about how incredible this e1"erience is in and of itself. To a greater e1tent) we7re tal$ing about the e5olution of thought and human consciousness. -t will be no laughing matter when each of us comes to understand that there is a world of normal "hysical reality) with its own rules and limitations) and yet also there is another world) with com"letely different rules) limitless and offering incredible "ossibilities. .nd) it7s accessible each and e5ery day) and it can be used to obtain e5erything that is lac$ing in the here and nowD ;hen e5eryone) not 8ust you and -) come to $now this) life will become easier) more "leasant) and much more interesting. *ot a bad dream) is itC 'tart with yourself and the world will become li$e that) friend. That will be the e5olution # the transformation of conscious awareness to another le5el of "erce"tion) and e5en beingD ;e75e become so accustomed to sim"ly tal$ing and dreaming about it) but here it is) right in front of us. <ust ta$e it and learn it. *ot only that) the e5olution itself) at least as far as it concerns the "ro"agation of "hase states) is a totally inesca"able e5ent. ;ith our culture and mode of e1istence) it7s as if we ha5e occu"ied a single

basin in an endless 5alley) built a di$e around it) and li5ed 9uietly thereafter. !ut a stream of endless de5elo"ment has started to fill the entire s"ace of our isolated basin. .nd the moment has come when the water has sim"ly gushed o5er the side of the di$e and into that immense e1"anse beyond it. That e1"anse is the "hase) which has only one limitation # your desire. .nd we cannot but be swe"t u" into it. ;e75e sim"ly no other frontier for de5elo"ment. .s ama6ing as it may be) inde"endent "ractice) which is dealt with by the boo$ that you are holding in your hands) is but the first lin$ in a more global de5elo"ment. (onscious awareness will be followed into the "hase by technologies. They will master this "henomenon and the world will behold the a""earance of the Mindnet # the 5ery Matri1 itself. The foundation is already laid # the "hase s"ace) and the 5ery e1istence of the "henomenon. -n fact) you can already "lug yourself into there) and already e1"erience the incredible future. 4;here has the "hase been all this timeC4 # you as$. 4;hy ha5e "eo"le not been interested in this "henomenon) if e5en under its many different namesC4 The answer is sim"le. -t has been obscure to the a5erage "erson) and the rele5ant techni9ue#based technologies ha5e not been a5ailable until now. The stranglehold of occult terminology has been a barrier to the "henomenon reaching the general "ublic. The a""roach that you will find in this boo$ is so uni5ersal that it will bring those 5ery occultists to the table with absolute materialists. -t now no longer matters which world#5iew you "rofess. .ll that matters is "ractical e1"erience) which) unli$e theory) is indis"utable. .nd this "ractice is li$e the magic that we all sto""ed belie5ing in when we grew u". !ut the magic is real. :ere it is. .ll who ha5e e1"erienced the "hase state in its dee"ened form unambiguously assert that it has been the most "owerful e1"erience in their li5es. There7s nothing to com"are it to. You don7t ha5e to wal$ far to find it) my friend. Ta$e me for e1am"le. 3o you $now why -75e de5oted my whole life to this "henomenon after ha5ing encountered it in a totally accidental way while still an adolescentC !ecause - sim"ly recogni6ed that this is the most incredible thing that there is. 'im"ly "ut) -75e ne5er encountered nor e1"erienced anything more interesting or e1traordinary in my life. *othing else is so emotionally meaningful or offers so many incredible o""ortunities in the "ractical realm. !elie5e me) -75e no desire to ma$e a fool of myself. - only engage in what brings me "leasure and satisfaction. .nd -75e ne5er encountered anything better or more intense than this in all my life. You7ll soon understand what -7m tal$ing about... :umanity e1"ects the ne1t scheduled end of the world in 2012. ;e75e sim"ly got a habit of doing so. . characteristic of human thought. There hasn7t been a year o5er the last century for which somebody somewhere hasn7t "redicted the end of the world. !ut now there are far more reasons than e5er to do so. :a5ing monitored the s"eed at which a secular a""roach to the "ractice of se"arating the conscious awareness from the body is becoming wides"read) - can "recisely state that this 5ery "henomenon will be the cause of the end of the old e"och and the start of a new era of human e1istence. There are se5eral reasons for this) all of them difficult e5en for a stubborn materialist to dis"ute @in fact) - am a stubborn materialist myselfB. %irst of all) that 5ery same secular) technical) and "ragmatic a""roach to this long#$nown "henomenon has "ut it within reach both intellectually and in "ractice for absolutely each and e5ery "erson. *aturally) esoterics ha5e always been interested in it. !ut now more "eo"le are becoming interested in it who not only do not belie5e in Eod) but who e5en do not es"ecially belie5e in the e1istence of the soul. This is e5en though beforehand they considered all of this to be nonsense) and labeled "eo"le who indulged in it as crac$"ots. !ut something beneficial is to be found for e5eryone in the "henomenon. .ll of these factors combined ma$e the "hase7s "ro"agation on a "lanetary scale merely a 9uestion of time. .nd a short "eriod of time at that. The brea$through is due right for 2012.

The second reason is that in addition to its global "ro"agation) this "henomenon brings with it a "rinci"ally new form of e1istence. ;e75e gotten used to li5ing in 8ust one flat world. .nd it now turns out that that flat world is 8ust a small cross#section of what we are ca"able of e1"eriencing) and the most limited one at that. This is not the ty"e of em"ty con8ecture that - myself cannot stand. This is real) and) most im"ortantly) within the reach of each and e5ery "ractitioner) as "ro5en by countless ordinary "eo"le. *ow e5eryone will $now the world in a com"letely different way. /5eryone will li5e in two worlds # something we could only ha5e dreamed of earlier. .nd once this ha""ens for e5eryone) it will be a re5olutionarily new e"och of e1istence) re5erberating on all the hy"ostases of the "hysical and "arallel world. 3ear friend) it would be "ossible to discuss at great length why the to"ic of transformation to a new le5el of e1istence in 2012 is directly tied to the "ractice of the "hase. !ut that would be su"erfluous. -n a short amount of time) you will not only understand the "hase) but also ta$e the ste" yourself into the new era. Perha"s that ste" is a bit une1"ected) as e5eryone thin$s that this lea" will ha""en by itself. .s it turns out) howe5er) it7s necessary to "ut in some effort. ;ell that7s reality. f course) it7s u" to you to decide whether or not to remain in the old world) or become a member of the new ci5ili6ation. :owe5er) - must say that - cannot imagine how you would be able to resist such a tem"tation. ;e75e all been waiting for this all of our li5es. -t only remains to ta$e that ste" forward. The Terms 4Phase4 and 4Phase 'tate4 %riend) so that you do get confused later and angry with me for introducing a new word) -7d li$e to bring your attention to se5eral factors that ha5e brought me to introduce it& .n Umbrella Term 4The "hase4 is not yet another name for a long#$nown "henomenon) as many mista$enly belie5e. The issue at hand is that the "henomenon itself has too many names) each of which im"lies different things # e.g. astral tra5el) out#of#body e1"eriences) lucid dreaming) and still a number of less well#$nown terms. -n my o"inion) these "henomena all ha5e much in common) and their di5ision into different categories has become more and more contested into the 21st century) as the "ro"agation of the "ractice reaches a global scale. /arlier) it was still "ossible to di5ide these "henomena into different things) as e5erything was only theoretical. !ut now) anyone with "ersonal e1"erience can easily confirm that the "ro"erties of the s"ace entered during all of these e1"eriences are identical. .s the abo5e statement may stri$e some as contro5ersial @es"ecially as the "ersonal e1"eriences referred to were not introducedB) we will not "ause to treat the issue in detail. /ither way) any state in which you are com"letely self#aware) but at the same time conscious that you are outside of your "hysical body is the "hase. Meanwhile) you don7t feel your real body) but the "ercei5ed body finds itself in a world as "al"ably real as that of wa$ing life. .s we can see) this definition fits all of the hitherto $nown terms. 'tereoty"es f course) my friend) - could ha5e chosen one of the e1isting terms) colored its definition with my 5iews) and mo5ed on in that fashion. !ut what would ha5e been the result) gi5en that all of the $nown terms ha5e long been occu"ied by esoteric circles who ha5e ascribed them far from sim"le or "ositi5e connotationsC Mention 4astral "ro8ection4 to a "asserby on the street) and he7ll tell you to see$ hel". Mention 4out#of#body e1"eriences4) and he7ll say you75e been reading too much science#fiction.

Mention a 4lucid dream4) and he7ll say) 4well) yeah) a dream # what7s lucid about one and why would you want it to beC4 !ut the "henomenon has not the slightest relationshi" to dreaming) neither in substance nor in 9uality. Mention 4the "hase4) and he7ll as$) 4;hat7s thatC4 .nd this is where you tell him in clear and "ragmatic terms what e1actly the "henomenon7s about. Peo"le don7t ha5e "reconcei5ed notions or stereoty"es regarding this term. This term has not been corru"ted by strange "eo"le with strange 5iews on life. .nd since we7re already tal$ing about the mass "ro"agation of the "ractice of the "hase) such an untainted term is needed. /1"erience shows that if the "henomenon is "resented) for e1am"le) as 4astral "ro8ection4) then less than 10F of the "o"ulation will show interest. -t7s a similar situation with the other terms. Yet if the "henomenon is "resented as 4the "hase4) then u" to G0F of "eo"le start to become interested. .nd so) this is the a""roach that will enable humanity transition to another le5el of de5elo"ment) after ha5ing made this "ractice an e5eryday e5ent. This would not ha5e been "ossible using the old terminology. The .mbiguity of lder Terms *ot only are the older terms saddled with stereoty"es in the "ublic imagination) but one and the same older term can be understood by different "eo"le to mean different things. %or e1am"le) if we are s"ea$ing about a "henomenon where you e1"erience hy"er#realistic sensations when tra5eling through an incredibly 5i5id world) then the term 4astral "ro8ection4 does not nearly always con5ey what we meanD -n most cases) 4astral "ro8ection4 means sim"ly an imagined 8ourney made while in a rela1ed state) something li$e 5isuali6ation or mental imagery. :ow is 8ust this one term to co5er two things that don7t e5en begin to con5ergeC ne needs to studied hard and learnt how to be done. .s for sim"le 5isuali6ation or guided imagery) one 8ust need lie down and ta$e off... The (haracter of the /1"erience -75e s"o$en more than once about the com"lete realism of the e1"erience) and re"eatedly em"hasi6ed that as"ect because it7s the most im"ortant characteristic of the "hase e1"erience. -t7s worth "aying es"ecially close attention to this) as most "eo"le mista$enly assume that sensations in the "hase are not 5i5id) and often assume it to be something li$e a normal dream. 'uch assum"tions are e5idently wrong and fertile ground for erroneous beliefs) which in turn influence how the general "ublic "ercei5es the whole to"ic. -n this section of the boo$) - will describe all the minute details of how might one might feel while in the "hase. .ll misconce"tions about the nature of the "henomenon arising among "eo"le who une1"ectedly e1"erience a se"aration of the mind from the body are mainly due to the com"lete realism of the e1"erience) down to the minutest detail. -f you une1"ectedly start suddenly le5itating into the air and find yourself ho5ering under the ceiling) and it7s the first time that it has ha""ened to you) then you are bound to be con5inced that it7s your real body that is flying) and not all some "hantom e1"erience. .nd once you loo$ down to see for yourself the undisturbed "osition of your "hysical body) you will be in no doubt that your mind has really se"arated from your body) and it may seem to you that death is coming for you at that 5ery moment) causing you to become morbidly afraid. .nd so) the most im"ortant feature here is the com"lete lac$ of a connection to the real body and all of its sensations. ;hile in the "hase) you can only con8ecture as to the e1istence of a "hysical body lying somewhere on the bed. You don7t feel which side it7s lying on) how the arms and legs are "ositioned) or whether the lights are on or off. Moreo5er) you don7t ha5e any feel for your body7s s"atial orientation. :owe5er) there7s no need to worry about the "ossibility of any harm coming to your body when in such

a state. That would be im"ossible. -t is also mista$en to belie5e that the realism of the e1"erience consists only in the realism of the 5isual imagery # e5en though sight is the most im"ortant of the senses. 3uring e5eryday life) we obtain G0 to H0 "ercent of information about the world around us through the eyes. /5en during con5ersation) we use our eyes to decode the real meaning being "ut across) ta$ing in the non5erbal gestures that contain 40F of the information being con5eyed. ;e often do this at the subconscious le5el without reali6ing it) which is why many are sur"rised by the statistics. The sense of sight "lays an e9ually significant role in the "hase. -t7s the most im"ortant and 5i5id "art of the e1"erience. The 5isual imagery is so realistic that it7s im"ossible to grow accustomed to) and it initially leads to e1traordinary ra"ture) and e5en to fren6y or shoc$. -75e had thousands of e1"eriences) but still often 8ust 5isually ta$e in what7s going on around me) often unable to belie5e my eyes. -t7s worth mentioning u" front that all of the sensations of the "hase e1"erience are not only li$e those in the "hysical world) but are to a certain degree e5en more realistic in terms of sensory "erce"tion. .t any rate) this is what is to be e1"ected if we consider the "henomenon from a scientific "oint of 5iew) as it turns out that all of the "hase sensations are generated directly in the brain corte1) without ha5ing to tra5el the relati5ely long "ath along the ner5es from the sensory rece"tors) a "rocess that somewhat distorts reality during our day#to#day li5es. -t can be said that sensations in the "hase are e5en more 5i5id than their wa$ing life counter"arts. They are more distinct and more intense) and can thus deli5er e1traordinary satisfaction) and this ma$es it "ossible to e1"erience some e5ents 9uite 5i5idly # es"ecially when it comes to "leasure) or e5en real "ain. This a""lies e9ually to all of the fi5e senses. (onsidering the abo5e) the sense of sight alone can bring com"lete satisfaction in the "hase. The im"ortance of this for the blind cannot be o5erem"hasi6ed. *ot only is the 5i5idness of the imagery stri$ing) but so is its fine detail. This is not some com"uter game in which ob8ects become bo1y u"on close ins"ection) and literally "i1elated. There you can ta$e any ob8ect) bring it u" to your eyes) and see e5ery detail) e5en those im"ossible to bring into focus in the real world. -t may seem fantastic) but it7s "ossible to go u" to any boo$shelf) "ic$ u" any boo$) and start reading it) or) for that matter) ta$e a loo$ at the s$in cells of your own hand. -t7s wonderful to e1"erience the fabulous range of 5isible colors) including hues we can7t e5en dream of during wa$ing life. There7s no limit to the focal range of 5ision there # this is confirmed each and e5ery time. .nd you) my friend) will e1"erience this many times o5er. The sensation of mo5ement is 5ery im"ortant for those who want to "ractice the "hase) as it is one of the most effecti5e as"ects of what can be accom"lished there. -ndeed) where else can you get ready to 8um" from a thirty#story building without a "arachute and in doing so e1"erience real une1"ected fear # and then o5ercome that fear and do it anywayC That7s how real the e1"erience is. /ach time you wal$ in the "hase) fly in it) or fall in it) e5erything is e1actly as it would be in the "hysical world... .s is customarily said) man would li$e to learn to fly almost more than anything else in the world. *one of us are immune to this age#old desire) and are always delighted when we are able to fly in our dreams. .nd in the "hase) this e1"erience is many times more realistic... 'o there7s no reason to be sur"rised that sim"ly mo5ing through the air brings satisfaction) es"ecially as the laws of gra5ity im"ose no limitation there. You can fly at the s"eed of light) switch directions in the blin$ of an eye) and e1"erience the E#force # all of which are "ractically im"ossible in real life. ;e shouldn7t o5erloo$ the sense of taste in our discussion of the realism of sensations in the "hase. %or "eo"le $ee"ing bland diets due to financial or health reasons) this "art of the cha"ter will be of great im"ortance. - can s"ea$ to this from my own e1"erience& - ha5e e1"erienced hunger due to both of the abo5e#mentioned reasons. - $now 9uite well from childhood what the difference is between tasty and tasteless food) as well as a com"lete lac$ of either. That7s why the ability to satisfy food cra5ings in the

"hase is still a big deal for me. f course) it7s more of a "sychological cra5ing. :ow wonderful it is to en8oy tasty food at least once in a while when on a dietD ;ith e1"erience) you can learn to ma$e u" a menu with any ingredients that your heart desires. -n the "hase) all sensations are both "ossible and realistically e1"erienced) e5en those that cannot be had in reality. The sensation of "ain is no e1ce"tion. :owe5er) "ain is an undesirable e1"erience for most. -t arises only u"on a "ractitioner7s carelessness or ine1"erience) as all sensations are controllable in the "hase. Tactile sensations and feelings of "leasure deser5e s"ecial mention. %or some) they may be the most im"ortant as"ects of the "hase e1"erience. .s a case in "oint) if you decide to touch a tree in the "hase) you will feel all of the te1ture of its bar$) its tem"erature) and its solidity. The sensation another "erson7s touch is also 9uite con5incing ... /5en more) you can indulge in any "leasure with all of its accom"anying sensations) which will in turn lead to their logical end. Moreo5er) such sensations can be e5en more "owerful than in real life) often many times more so. Moreo5er) the choice of "artners is yours) and limited only by your desire... My intention is only to show you that all sensations in the "hase are 8ust the same as their real#life counter"arts) and e5en more intense. .nd that only concerns sensations that you7re used to e1"eriencing in the real world. Meanwhile) a 5ast number of other sensations are "ossible. %or e1am"le) ha5e you e5er thought of how a dragonfly feels its own wings and controls themC The *ature of the Phenomenon Perha"s) dear friend) - will disa""oint you now # - am not going to go into detail here regarding the nature of this "henomenon. Inow whyC -7m not 9uite sure what it is. My com"etency lies in how to master the "hase) as well as how to control it and use it) but - ha5e nothing but my own "ersonal 5iews on the nature of the "henomenon itself. - could gi5e 5oice to my o"inions) were it not for one thing& my 5iews ha5e been turned inside#out at least once. Perha"s they will change again in the future. - do $now that when there is little "ractical e1"erience on the table) there7s nothing left to do but discuss theories. That7s why there are a mass of authors out there who are at a "rimiti5e le5el in their own "ersonal "ractice) and yet de5ote H0F of their boo$s to wa1ing "hiloso"hic about what the "henomenon is. -7m not going to do that. '"ace is at a "remium in this boo$. There is no room for discussing theories any further. There are se5eral fundamental "oints of 5iew) and o5er the course of the boo$) you7ll learn which cam" - belong to # though this has not the slightest im"ortance. *o matter what anyone may or may not thin$ about the "henomenon) there7s one thing that brings e5eryone to the table& the "ractice of it. The uni9ue thing about the "hase consists of 8ust that& it brings both true#belie5er mystics and hard#core materialists together under its roof) including those who do not e5en belie5e in the human soul. -sn7t that something that we ha5e only been able to dream of u" until nowC .nd so what are the most#wides"read 5iews on the "henomenonC The most ancient 5iew) often correlated with the conce"t of an 4astral "lane4) is that the soul tra5els through some "arallel world) a s"irit world. . more modern 5iew that is associated more with the term 4out#of#body tra5el4 is that the souls e1its the body into the day#to#day world of reality. !y the way) you will sim"ly ha5e no doubt that you are in the "hase when you e1"erience it for the first time. This is the most accurate descri"tion of the sensation of the e1"erience) which is why - myself use that term as often as not. Meanwhile) the "oint of 5iew that is gaining the most currency is that this is a hy"er#realistic state of mind) a $ind of dissociati5e e1"erience. That is) des"ite the miraculous realism and com"le1ity of the construct world that you find yourself in) it is all only in your head and goes no further than that. -t

should also be mentioned that most "eo"le doubt all of these e1"lanations. -n "ractice) it a""ears that most "eo"le ascribe different "hase e1"eriences to different "henomena) based on one factor or another. :owe5er) no matter what the term) the "ro"erties of the worlds e1"erienced are always the same # belie5e me) my friend. ;hate5er the nature of this state) it e1ists) is accessible to all) and has "ractical a""lications # and all this is encom"assed by the term 4"hase4. /ither way) friend) under no circumstances ma$e the same mista$e that - and thousands of others made& drawing conclusions from "ersonal con8ecture) boo$s) or what other "eo"le say. 3raw conclusions about the nature of the "henomenon only on the basis of your own "ractical e1"erience. This is the one and only authority worth "lacing faith in. You shouldn7t e5en belie5e a single word - write. This boo$ is for reference only. Reality is what you confirm in "ractice) are able to re"licate) and 5erify through e1"eriment. .nd only that. -f you do not ha5e "ractical e1"erience) and ha5e merely heard or read a lot about the "henomenon) then - ha5e something un"leasant to tell you& almost e5erything that you thin$ about it has no bearing on reality. You $now) - often meet "eo"le along my life "ath that try to "ro5e that -7m wrong about something. They 5ehemently try to "ro5e something to me # a "erson who has de5oted his whole life since childhood to the "henomenon) who has had thousands u"on thousands of e1"eriences with it) who has conducted scores of e1"eriments) and $nows a whole army of "ractitioners) as well as taught it to a countless number of students. !ut when - as$ them where they got all of their information from and how e1tensi5e their "ersonal e1"erience is) it nearly always turns out that they got e5erything from some boo$s) and ha5e yet to ha5e an e1"erience themsel5es. dd) isn7t itC .ccessibility and Ty"es of Techni9ues .nd here - ha5e good news to raise your s"irits& this "henomenon is within e5eryone7s reach. Yes) it7s easier for some and more difficult for others. !ut it can be achie5ed by each and e5ery "erson) without e1ce"tion. -t is sim"ly necessary to "erform the right techni9ues at the right moment. - didn7t "ut accessibility in the same section as ty"es of techni9ues on a whim. The "oint is that the use of the wrong techni9ues at the wrong time has made this "henomenon such a rarity that many don7t e5en belie5e in it. To "ut it roughly) "eo"le ha5e been trying to get into the ne1t#door room by banging their head against the wall. %or some "eo"le that wall was "a"er thin) and some had foreheads of steel) but the 5ast ma8ority ha5e been wasting their time and energy. .nd all the while) they could ha5e sim"ly o"ened the unloc$ed door and 8ust gone inside... -t is mainly the $nowledge itself that such a door e1ists that has unbound those age#old shac$les on this "ractice and made it $nown worldwide. :owe5er) -7d li$e to state u"front what this boo$ will be dealing with& autonomous techni9ues # that is no e1ternal influences will be discussed. '"ecial de5ices) "ills) and wor$ in "airs # not to mention "eyote) magic#mushrooms or drugs # are all out the window. - belie5e that growth occurs only when you do e5erything yourself. Moreo5er) no matter what the "roducers of all $inds of bee"ing de5ices may try to hard#sell) -75e ne5er met a single serious "ractitioner who would use such e1ternal de5ices. ;hile chemical substances may allow one to e1"erience 5aguely similar sensations) as a rule they offer no control o5er the e1"erience. Moreo5er) they7re sim"ly bad for you. .nd so) friend) what will we be discussingC ;e7ll be in5estigating the three "rimary ty"es of "hase entrance techni9ues& indirect techni9ues) becoming conscious while dreaming) and direct techni9ues. -ndirect techni9ues are actions "erformed while wa$ing u") immediately u"on gaining consciousness. -t doesn7t matter how long you75e sle"t before em"loying them) be it an hour) all night) or fi5e minutes.

The most im"ortant thing is that you75e already wo$en u" and immediately started doing cycles of indirect techni9ues. These are the easiest techni9ues and the ones that are most li$ely to wor$. This is that 5ery door to the other room. Many associate dream conscious with a com"letely different "ractice) but actually it7s still entering the "hase) albeit not through the conscious state) but through the "rocess of dreaming. The mechanism at wor$ is that while slee"ing) you suddenly clearly understand that e5erything going around you is merely a dream) and your conscious awareness becomes the same as it is now& fully and lucidly aware. These indirect techni9ues may not be the most controllable) but they are accessible and easy to em"loy. Meanwhile) reliance on direct techni9ues is e1actly what made the "henomenon inaccessible for such a long time. Peo"le ha5e sim"ly been banging their heads against the wall by trying to e1it the body using direct techni9ues. 3irect techni9ues are based on entering the "hase from full wa$efulness) and not from interru"ting the "rocess of falling aslee". That is) a "ractitioner lies down and immediately starts "erforming actions in order to enter the "hase. -t is ill#ad5ised for no5ices to start from such techni9ues # it7s a road to s"ending tons of time and effort without achie5ing anything. .nd if anything is achie5ed) it is achie5ed rarely) only once e5ery cou"le of months. These techni9ues need be a""roached only after ha5ing mastered the indirect techni9ues. %riend) when - said that "eo"le ha5e long been trying to enter a neighboring room by banging their heads against a wall) - had 8ust these direct techni9ues in mind. (ase 'tudies %ebruary 2001 - awo$e at night and thought of the "hase. That thought e5o$ed strong e1citation bordering on fear) than$s to which - fell right into the "hase. - began e1"erimenting with 5ibrations) but was still afraid to se"arate. The 5ibrations gradually became so "owerful that they sim"ly threw me out of my body. .fter ha5ing o5ercome my fear with great difficulty) - then floated about the room. .s my sight returned) night turned to day. - then came bac$ down and stood on the floor) e1tremely frightened by the realness of e5erything going on. :owe5er) there was a table at the window of the room that shouldn7t ha5e been there. !ut - didn7t e5en sto" to thin$ about that) as - was ne5ertheless still in shoc$ o5er what was going on. (oncentrating on the situation at hand) - noticed a glass with some $ind of li9uid in it on the table. - got the idea of testing out how real the sense of taste would be. 'till totally sur"rised by the realness of e5erything) went u" to the table) "ic$ed u" the glass) and held it u" to my eyes in order to get a better loo$ at it. then hesitantly brought it to my li"s) and too$ a si". My EodD - didn7t e1"ect it to be that realistic. -t was a glass of tomato 8uice. - could feel its te1ture with my li"s) tongue) and "alate. !y the time it hit my throat) - was already sa5oring the taste. - felt the cold from the glass on my hands and li"s # e5erything was indistinguishable from real life. Relishing both the taste of the 8uice and my trium"h in entering the "hase) - 9uietly thought about the new frontiers o"ening u" before me while 9uenching my thirst. :owe5er) - com"letely forgot about the need for concentration) and had a foul. - was in a great mood all the ne1t day after ha5ing disco5ered this e1"erience.

. (ommon 'tory

%riend) if you are only interested in "ractical e1"erience) then you may confidently s$i" this section of the boo$. -n it) - would li$e to briefly touch u"on how all of this started with me. %irst of all) - would li$e state that had any of this not ha""ened to me) - would ne5er ha5e belie5ed "eo"le who say that they fly out of their bodies. Inowing this about myself ma$es me 5ery understanding of those who are s$e"tical about this to"ic. -7d be hard "ressed to say that - was es"ecially interested in magic or mysticism as a child) but U% s and e1tra#sensory "erce"tion had always been one of my fa5orite to"ics. .ll of this would ha5e been banal had e5erything not cardinally changed on one autumn night. - was 12 years old. - sim"ly went to bed and wo$e u" in the middle of the night) but those were to be the last moments of life as - had $nown it thus far. /5erything changed from those seconds on) and something came into my life that was to become the rudder of my entire future e1istence. - didn7t immediately notice the strangeness of the situation. -t seemed li$e a normal awa$ening) though - felt unusually alert for such a late hour and such an abru"t rousing. - first tried to turn o5er here) and then scratch myself there) but to no effect. - was unable to mo5e a muscle) and lay as motionlessly as a roc$ or a log. The reali6ation that - was in a state of "aralysis e5o$ed a wa5e of "hysically "al"able terror) en5elo"ing and de5ouring all of my being) thought) and desire. - subse9uently learned that this "henomenon is not all that uncommon and that it is referred by terms li$e slee" "aralysis) stu"or) and slee" catale"sy. .ccording to statistical studies that - ha5e "erformed) one "erson in about three or four has encountered this state at least once in their lifetime. (onduct a sur5ey among your friends on this to"ic and you7ll easily confirm this fact. Perha"s you75e e1"erienced slee" "aralysis yourself. This "henomenon is relati5ely well studied by science and is nothing out of the ordinary) though you wouldn7t say so when e1"eriencing it. ;hat ha""ens is that during R/M slee") when we ha5e dreams) the brain bloc$s signals going to the "hysical body. therwise) we might go into con5ulsions or throw "unches in bed when dreaming that we are fighting off 5icious dogs. !ut it sometimes ha""ens that the conscious awareness wa$es u" before this mechanism is turned off # and then anything can ha""en to the "oor slumberer. !ut let7s return now to that night and my "ersonal e1"erience. 'cared to death) - at first started to try to toss and turn anyway) but soon reali6ed that - had no chance of getting my body to mo5e. - couldn7t e5en mo5e my litter finger. nly my eyes o"ened and closed. %ear caused by the strange e1"erience only mounted) and then - finally "ut two and two together and thought that - had figured out what was ha""ening. .s funny as it seems now) - came to the conclusion that - was going to be abducted by aliens. ;hat else was - to thin$) as - belie5ed in U% s) daydreamed about alien abduction all of the time) and read about it 5oraciously. .nd that7s nearly always how it starts. .s soon as - thought about being abducted by aliens) my sus"icions were immediately confirmed # my body started to lift gently into the air abo5e the bed. The fear was indescribable. - tele"athically as$ed the in5isible creatures to "ost"one my abduction) and they let me bac$ down. - didn7t ha5e a chance to catch a breath before an un$nown force lifted me bac$ u" into the air while still in that "araly6ed state. This time) the mo5ement was far steadier and ta$ing me somewhere. - at first found myself in the center of my room) and then was thrown towards the window. To my ama6ement) - didn7t brea$ the

glass) but went right through it. This was a com"lete sur"rise) as - had been sure that - was actually "hysically le5itating. Pay close attention to that fact) my friend) to hel" you reali6e how realistic these e1"eriences are. :a5ing flown outside my window) and seeing the brilliant stars in the s$y) - had already come to terms with the ine5itable) and thus decided to try to calm down. :owe5er) e5erything ended right there at that 5ery moment # and - abru"tly found myself once again in my own bed. You7ll soon learn the correlation between how rela1ed you are to the length of your stay in the "hase. .fter telling "eo"le my story) many told me that it had all merely been a dream. .s if - hadn7t had dreams before. - had ne5er had any such dream before or since. - could call what ha""ened a dream 8ust as well as you could lie awa$e on your bed and then "roclaim that you had until then been dreaming that you were lying in bed. This was reality. That was the beginning. f course) - remained con5inced o5er the ne1t two years that - had been abducted by a U% ) and that e1traterrestrials had sim"ly erased my memory of what had ha""ened after - flew out the window. - wouldn7t ha5e been lying if - said that. .t first glance) that7s 8ust how it was) if - was to belie5e my eyes. .fter all) we belie5e our eyes more than anything else) don7t we friendC -f you fall into the "hase state s"ontaneously and are unable to control it) then whate5er you subconsciously e1"ect more than anything else) or are afraid of most of all) will ha""en to you. That7s why) when a "erson hasn7t notice that he7s fallen into the "hase) most of the time he will sim"ly wander about his home) going through his daily routine. This is because he thin$s that he has sim"ly wo$en u" for the day. :owe5er) it7s a far different affair when he immediately understands that something strange is going on with him. =et7s consider what would ha""en with a "erson who has often read that U% s abduct "eo"le at night in similar situations) and constantly daydreamed about the "henomenon. This "rocess would then start to occur as realistically in sensory terms as if it were actually ha""ening) and at times e5en more realistically than it would in reality itself. .nd that7s how my U% hobby "layed such a strange tric$ on me) one that changed my entire life. .nd what would ha5e ha""ened if - had thought that - was dyingC .nd if - were de5outly religiousC There "robably would ha5e been a light at the end of a tunnel) or the (reator would ha5e a""eared to me. This often ha""ens to "eo"le. :ow they then inter"ret the e1"erience is another issue... . "erson who had this ha""en once) and who belie5ed his own eyes would be hard#"ressed to deny that e5erything occurred e1actly as he remembered it. Unfortunately) the "hase is not the "lace to a""roach occurrences in such a way) no matter how realistic they may seem. %riend) - ha5e more good news for you& if you75e read all of the "receding "ages) and now close this boo$ and ne5er o"en it again) there7s still about a 00F chance that you will ne5ertheless ha5e an out#of# body e1"erience o5er the course of the ne1t month) or at ma1imum two months... -t is not mandatory to com"lete the homewor$ doled out in these ty"es of boo$s. They "rogram you for such e1"eriences 8ust by reading them. My 'cientific Research and !oo$s *ot to worry) my friendD 'tress and shoc$ are not ine5itable features of a "hase state e1"erience. Thus) your first entry into a dee" "hase does not necessary ha5e to be accom"anied by all of the discomfort that it brought me. That first occurrence) which une9ui5ocally showed me that life is not as dull and gray as it had already

been starting to seem for me) would ha5e been 8ust a brief res"ite from day#to#day humdrum had it ne5er recurred. ;hile after the first e1"erience - could not slee" for a long time) and indeed feared going to bed for a long time) afterwards e5erything occurred again in a much milder form. This ease was due to the absence of those "utati5e aliens. - sim"ly awo$e in that 5ery same stu"or. - already $new that - could sim"ly get u" and le5itate in some "hantom body) but - was still afraid to do so. - gradually started trying each time to get u" and go 8ust a little further into the "rocess than the time before. 'uch a strategy increasingly lessened the feeling of fear) which had ceased to "redominate. was subse9uently struc$ by the fact that - was doing e5erything myself) e5en if not in a 5ery controlled way. -f at first little green men were su""osedly yan$ing me out of my body) then now there wasn7t e5en a trace of them. -t turned out that this was some $ind of s$ill that could be de5elo"ed. f course) being interested in e1tra#sensory "erce"tion @/'PB) - couldn7t esca"e the thought that this ability to control the e1"erience could ha5e a direct im"lication for "hysic "owers. Moreo5er) this "henomenon is one most interesting sub8ects in that field. .nd most im"ortantly # this was reality) and not merely a stubborn attem"t to belie5e in something barely tangible and ambiguous. Unsur"risingly) started to immerse myself in all of the a5ailable literature in an attem"t to find useful information. .fter all) e5erything can be found in boo$s and they contain nothing but the truth # right) friendC -t7s enough to say that - was 9uite 9uic$ly able to discard all of the literature that - could get my hands on. The reason was that with each wee$) - was becoming more and more familiar with the new e1"erience in "ractice) and was easily able to 5erify whether the statements made and facts cited in boo$s were accurate. -t turned out that 5ery little in those boo$s was based on reality) and that they were mostly filled with long "assed#down hearsay. There was no sense in starting off from those 4wor$s4. - had to find my own way. The understanding that only - myself could find answers to each of my 9uestions ser5ed as an im"etus for self#de5elo"ment) an im"etus that many are lac$ing) es"ecially those who try to ma$e absolute authorities out of some authors. Understanding this) - always ad5ise "eo"le to a""roach this to"ic as s$e"tically as - did. - began to literally storm this incredible state all on my own. - li5ed and breathed it) and nothing else) from the age of 1> to 20. - was already out on my own) and nobody could get in my way. - naturally become somewhat antisocial) but conducted so many e1"eriments each day that their results made such sacrifice on my end worth it. Moreo5er) this was sim"ly the most interesting thing in the world for me. That hands#on charge brought many 5aluable results. %irst) - gradually caught on to how to enter this strange stage deliberately) and not 8ust s"ontaneously. 'econd) - came to the reali6ation that no aliens had abducted me. 'o) dear friend) there is no reason to worry for my well#being. Third) - began to understand the "ro"erties of the s"ace that - had arri5ed in. -t is of no small im"ortance that - de5elo"ed a theoretical framewor$ during this time& wor$ing out the techni9ues for maintaining this state) the necessity of dee"ening it) interacting with the "hase s"ace) translocation and finding ob8ects in it) and much more. To that end) - was able to classify all of the technicalities that had so far been lac$ing for anyone wishing to ha5e a structured "ractice. The "ractical side of things deser5ed s"ecial attention. -t was that 5ery as"ect that con5inced me to throw out all of the boo$s - had found. %or e1am"le) the boo$s described how it was "ossible to fly u" to somebody while in this state and in8ure him in a way that would lea5e a bruise in real#life. Eod $nows how many des"erate attem"ts - made to try to 5erify this. 'ure) on the other side you can find someone you $now and suc$er#"unch him) but he won7t remember this when he7s awa$e) and no bruises or e5en red mar$s will a""ear on his s$in. You $now) friend) - am the author of o5er a do6en boo$s) all of them "retty thic$) and - can tell you that only my conscious) and nothing else) attests to the

5eracity of their contents. /5en if someone writes something with a clear conscious) he can still be mista$en) and you might read his wor$ as if it were the Eod#gi5en truth. That7s why - $ee" telling you not to "ay attention to theories. The only way to $now the world is to e1"erience it. .fter some time) - built se5eral fundamental ad5antages into my techni9ues. ne of them is that through hands#on e1"erience) - was able to 4grind out4 a long list of "ractical uses for this "henomenon. They can be used by any "erson entering the "hase for the first time) regardless of his world5iew. =oo$ing bac$ now) -7m not sur"rised that - wrote my first boo$ on this to"ic at the age of 20. Though it may ha5e been a bit fol$sy) a lot of "eo"le li$ed it) and no#one guessed at the age of its author. !ut most im"ortantly) the techni9ues described in it did indeed hel" "eo"le to obtain a new body) one beyond the confines of the "hysical world. Then followed more boo$s on 5arious "ractical as"ects of the "hase. The 10th boo$) 4. Practical Euideboo$4) is the best so far # being on the drier) academic side) it resembles more of a "hysics te1tboo$ than a "ersonal de5elo"ment course. -ts one shortcoming is that it is difficult to read if you are not already u" to s"eed) a ga" filled in by the boo$ that you are holding in your hands. -t7s a symbiosis of interesting e1"lanatory te1t and material from that te1tboo$. The 'chool and -ts (ourses /5en before writing my first boo$) that is u" through the age of 20) - tried teaching the "hase to "eo"le. !ut - ne5er thought that - would come to get seriously in5ol5ed in it. ;hen my first boo$ was "ublished) - instantly obtained a large number of fans and followers) some of whom flooded me with re9uests for "ersonal instruction. - was literally stal$ed to that end. ften those followers were se5eral times older than - was) hardly sus"ecting that they yearned to learn from a youth. That7s why - decided not to deal with gi5ing lessons for a long time. Moreo5er) "eo"le harbor many "reconcei5ed notions and stereoty"es) which is why my outside accom"lishments in the world of s"orts went against me for 9uite a while. The "ros"ect of a s"ortsman7s intellect does not e5o$e confidence or res"ect. - must admit that - more than once came to the conclusion that such a 5iew is founded while "artici"ating in the s"orts world. :owe5er) the desire to be in to" "hysical sha"e can also be seen as indicator of a "erson7s all#around le5el of "ersonal de5elo"ment and maturity. .nd so) your body should be fit for anything) both here and in the "hase world) and also loo$ great. To "ut it sim"ly) se5eral years bac$ - still had my own long#held 5iews on life) and the "ractice of the "hase was my life7s crowning achie5ement. !ut then e5erything changed 9uite suddenly. ne day) too$ a loo$ at my mail and my attention was grabbed by the fact that the issue of whether or not - ga5e lessons came in nearly e5ery day from all corners of the "lanet. .nd so) at the age of 24 - decided to try and hold my first lessons) ta$ing res"onsibility for the outcome u"on myself. - must add that - was among the first to start concentrating on results) rather than interesting con5ersation on such an enchanting "henomenon. - started out by running two#month courses. H0F of the students entered the "hase at least once o5er the course of two months) and some e5en managed to get really good at it. (onsidering that some do not belie5e in this "henomenon at all) and that some are accustomed to belie5ing that learning something li$e this ta$es years) this seemed to me to be 9uite a substantial result) and ins"ired me e5en more. This "ro5ed that the techni9ue#based technologies - had de5elo"ed while still a teenager wor$ed not only on me) but on e5eryoneD -t was one thing to $now that "eo"le were learning from the boo$s) and 9uite another to see their success with my own eyes. -n addition) it was 5ery rewarding to share in the 8oy of "u"ils who had achie5ed what they could ha5e only dreamed of before& the ability to tra5el to another world) whate5er be its nature.

The effecti5eness of the courses gradually increased) and my lessons became 5ery "o"ular after about half a year. The Moscow seminars too$ "lace once a month) but enrollment would fill#u" after only two to three wee$s) as there were many "eo"le interested in attending # "eo"le who had heard that it was "ossible to obtain real e1"erience) and in a sufficiently short "eriod of time at that. Things would start to get really interesting two years later. - came to the reali6ation that teaching "eo"le was a great basis for conducting scientific research. - obtained an incredible amount of information. 3uring the seminars) - ran constant e1"eriments with techni9ues in search of the best ones. .s a result) the lessons ha5e ta$en on the form of three#day seminars) during which u" to G0F of "artici"ants enter the "haseD %riend) that was no mis"rint or mar$eting "itch. There are masses of witnesses. 'uch results sent me into shoc$. They were more than - had e5er dreamed of) and - had ne5er thought that anything li$e that was "ossible. .s strange as it may sound) if only half of the grou" enter the "hase after 8ust two days) - begin to worry. -t became the norm that half of the grou" would come in on the day after the first lesson and re"ort that they had flown out of their bodies from one to se5eral times) rolled out of them) or become conscious while dreaming. Meanwhile) the ma8ority of those "eo"le initially belie5ed that the entire underta$ing was com"lete fantasy and that there was no such thing as out#of#body tra5elD -t7s sim"le& if you are not successful) it means that you are doing something wrong. This is the fundamental rule that allows such results to be achie5ed. 3on7t worry) friend) it7s not necessary at all for you to go to my 'chool in order to ha5e access to the best techni9ues and technologies. They7re all in this boo$. 'im"ly attenti5ely com"lete what is "roscribed in the cha"ters on techni9ues. (ase 'tudies 3ecember 200G - wo$e u" during a daytime na". ;hile still in a drowsy state) - tried to roll out of my body and fly u" into the air) but nothing ha""ened. :owe5er) - felt that - was in a state 5ery close to that of the "hase. tried forced falling aslee") and then felt la"ses of consciousness) during which images flic$ered before my eyes. . few seconds later) - decided to try se"arating from my body again. Meanwhile) - $new that if that didn7t wor$) - could switch to obser5ing images) as they were already there. :owe5er) that turned out not to be necessary) as - was easily able to sim"ly get u" out of my body. My 5ision immediately came to me. - was 9uic$ly able to ma$e the state that - was in e1tremely realistic by "al"ating and "eering at ob8ects around me. - also managed to 9uic$ly "al"ate my body) all the while creating and am"lifying 5ibrations in order to cement myself in a dee" "hase. ;hile - had a clearly#formulated "lan of action regarding studying the "hase) - had already re#thrashed its details se5eral times that wee$. .t that moment) - really 8ust wanted to use the "hase for my own "ersonal en8oyment) and do something - was loo$ing forward to for a while. .t one of my seminars about a wee$ before) - had told my students about how it was "ossible to go for a wal$ among dinosaurs. . desire to do so now burned within me) as - had not done anything of the sort for a long time. 'o - scra""ed my "re5ious "lan of action) closed my eyes) and concentrated my attention on the Tyrannosaurus re1. - then felt the sensation of mo5ement. The translocation too$ longer than usual. This was normal for such a situation) because it was sim"ly "sychologically difficult to belie5e one would see dinosaurs) e5en though - had succeeded in doing so many times before. The rational brain

tends to ha5e difficulties with things li$e encountering dinosaurs. - ne5ertheless managed to get myself together and concentrate my attention. Then) - landed on something soft. -t was a "atch of moss in the forest. - began to scrutini6e the moss and "al"ate it with my hands. ?ision almost immediately came to me) and became incredibly shar". - crouched on all fours and stared for a while at e5erything right in front of me # mainly small twigs of 5arious sha"es and decayed lea5es. There were also all $inds of insects crawling around. - then focused my attention on my own feelings and "erce"tions. - was still wearing the same t#shirt and shorts that - had fallen aslee" in. My body itself seemed unusually "ale. :owe5er) - was most sur"rised at how hard it was to breathe. *ot only was the air saturated with indescribably#re"ugnant odors) it also turned out to be 9uite hot and humid. Trying to breathe in only through my nose made me di66y. Meanwhile) the air was so hot that breathing in through my mouth hurt my throat. -n the end) decided to breathe in through my mouth) and was able to banish the "ain. - turned my attention to my surroundings. There was forest all around. ?ery little sun made it through the cano"y. The trees were 5ery tall) and had long straight trun$s. There were "lants all around that loo$ed li$e ferns) but they were nearly my height. - had found myself in a small clearing without trees. The whole "lace was filled with sounds that were unnatural for a forest. -nstead of birds chir"ing) heard whistling and croa$ing. - heard roaring from time to time coming from somewhere in the distance. - $e"t hearing crac$ling and then something crashing to the ground. - could hear a lot of rustling and dull thuds coming from somewhere behind the bushes about thirty yards away from me. immediately understood that that7s where my ob8ecti5e was. !y the time - decided to head for my dinosaur) - was already itching from constant attac$s by e1otic insects of all colors and si6es) both terrestrial and airborne. ;hile heading for the target) - all the while scrutini6ed my arms and the lea5es that - had ri""ed off with my hands. - intentionally made right for the tree trun$s ahead. - $e"t s"ecial tabs on the hy"er#realism of the e1"erience) as this was the most im"ortant factor here. The 5ibrations didn7t die down one bit) as - constantly $e"t them going right from the start. - went u" to the bushes and cautiously "eered through them. There was a stream flan$ed by a muddy ban$) from which an enormous "atch of horsetail shot u". My ob8ecti5e was wading right in the middle of the stream) - almost shouted out in ecstasy at the sight of it. - $e"t 9uiet only out of a desire to not attract its attention. That could ha5e ruined e5erything. - tried to a5oid drawing its attention not so much because - was somewhat afraid) but more out of a desire to sim"ly watch this magnificent creature from the side) and feast my eyes on its beauty. - had already seen a T. re1 at least fi5e times before) but this one was much larger than all of the "re5ious ones. /5en the the color of its s$in was different # slightly dar$er and with fewer s"ots. %or some reason) this one seemed to be a female. The giant "aused at some "oint) a""arently reacting to me. - immediately returned my attention to "eering at the lea5es and the insects on them) so as not to interfere in the situation with the dinosaur) and also remain in a dee" "hase. - was 9uite afraid that this "hase might not be sufficient for more sensations # and so instead of stic$ing it out) - 9uic$ly ran u" behind the T. re1. -t immediately turned in my direction) but - concentrated as much as - could on the thought that it would see me as a friend and not a foe. Ris$ing the "hase) - e5en sto""ed in order to "rogram the situation. -ts huge head loo$ed at me for se5eral more seconds) and then calmly bent down. -t seems that it had a 5ictim there. - ran u" to its massi5e tail. - 9uic$ly "eered at it u" close) and then mo5ed to its face. - was meanwhile in a "anic o5er the "hase and its de"th) and so made great effort to am"lify the 5ibrations - was feeling. .lso) - "etted the re"tile the whole time) for now mo5ing my hands down its side) and ste""ing into the

cool water u" to my an$les. /5erything was already so e1traordinary) and - didn7t want to be e8ected into reality by ma$ing a stu"id mo5e. %ear of the monster had already com"letely subsided) but started to grow a little concerned o5er the great de"th of this "hase. The unwholesome idea of staying there fore5er suddenly came o5er me. :owe5er) the instinct of self#"reser5ation $e"t me to my senses. Pulling u" the re"tile7s massi5e and muscular frame) - got u" to the front of it. - had not seen tyrannosauruses u" so close that often before) so - was a bit amused by how hel"lessness its forearms a""eared) almost li$e "uny unwebbed fli""ers @ Tyrannosauruses only ha5e two clawed limbsB. They are generally considered to be 5estigial) but this re"tile was clearly using them to hel" itself to the carcass of another big li6ard) holding it u". -n turn) the "rey seemed to be 9uite ugly and bony. -ts innards were hanging out of the large 8aws of the dining re"tile. - s9uatted down 8ust a yard away from the dinosaur7s mu66le and watched the scene. -t didn7t "ay me any attention) e5en when - grabbed the gnarled leg of its 5ictim @it loo$ed li$e a chic$en#leg) but a hundred times largerB) and threw it aside. The T. Re1) still ignoring me) raised its head and went straight for the delicacy. -ts mo5ement seemed to re9uire a lot of effort) and all the muscles of its haunches sim"ly "ushed forward when e1erted. could see that the beast was incredibly strong. .fter going halfway towards its "ri6e and scanning its surroundings) the li6ard turned again to the carcass. -t began to go at it again. - had already made u" my mind to feed him by hand) but then some $ind of alarm went off. Juic$ly reali6ing that it was coming from outside the window in the "hysical world) - immediately dun$ed my head underwater in order to get rid of that sound by "rogramming the 9ualities of the s"ace around. -t was indeed 9uieter underwater) but the alarm was still audible. ;hile obser5ing the "ebbles at the bottom of the clear water) - "lugged my ears with my fingers. The sound became e5en 9uieter. /m"loying the straining the brain techni9ue made the 5ibrations still stronger) creating a noise that - began to listen in to. The alarm sound went away. - surfaced) too$ my fingers out of my ears) and then it occurred to me that it could ha5e been a car alarm. 4.nd what if that was from my carC4 # - thought. (ursing all earthly matters) - recalled my body in order to return bac$ into it. .nd it was only 8ust u"on feeling the "hysical body that - remembered that my car had already been at the mechanic7s for se5eral days now... - heard the alarm again) but it wasn7t coming from my car. .nd so) there was no "oint in cutting the "hase e1"erience short. - tried to get bac$ into the "hase once again) but the wail of the alarm did not sto") and so all of my attem"ts to return to the "hase were in 5ain. /1tremely -m"ortant .d5ice

rder of .ctions to Ta$e .nd so) friend) you75e decided to change your world) and come to $now its true e1"anse and "ossibilities. To that end) you7ll need to $now the order of actions to ta$e. =et me state u"front that -7m not "ro"osing anything difficult or laborious. /5erything is sim"le enough) es"ecially when done correctly and e1actly. %irst) you should try to lea5e your body with your conscious awareness using indirect techni9ues. (oncentrate all of your initial efforts on reading their descri"tions and attem"t them again and again until they wor$. 3o not try direct techni9ues under any circumstances.

'econd) as soon as you are able to lea5e your body) immediately learn the techni9ues for dee"ening and maintaining the "hase. You will only need to ma$e se5eral attem"ts before you ha5e mastered these them. Third) u"on ha5ing learned to dee"en and stay in the "hase) master the techni9ues for translocation and finding ob8ects. This may ta$e a little more time to learn than dee"ening or maintaining the "hase. %ourth) after ha5ing mastered all of the necessary s$ills) you can then create and im"lement a "ersonal "lan of action for yourself that ta$es the "ractical a""lications of the "henomenon into account. %ifth) once "hase entry becomes stable and occurs at least twice a wee$) you can also occasionally try direct techni9ues. !ut don7t do them in a way that o5erla"s with indirect techni9ues # that is) don7t "erform both direct and indirect techni9ues on the same day. f course) this "roscribed order of actions to be ta$en is aimed at achie5ing total mastery) which is "ossible only u"on consistent "ractice and a""lication of the "henomenon. Meanwhile) the emotional satisfaction will come much sooner. -f you ha5e ne5er had a "hase e1"erience before) then e5en a first) clumsy e1"erience will become a starting "oint on your road to de5elo"ment) and stri$e at the core of your conscious awareness. The !iggest Mista$e -f you 5eer off the "ath - ha5e shown you) you7ll be either com"letely de"ri5ing yourself of a rewarding e1"erience) or at least ma$ing such an e1"erience a 5ery rare e5ent. - often ha5e to fight with one 5ery strange as"ect of human "sychology& the desire to do things in one7s own way in a field that one $nows nothing about. -75e done nearly e5erything - can& -75e tested and described e5erything e1actly) you can be 9uite sure that it will wor$. !ut then -7ll go to tal$ with another "ractitioner) and it suddenly turns out that nothing is wor$ing for him. .t least) that7s what he says. !ut once he starts to tell you what he did and how he did it) you immediately hear that he did e1actly what you75e told him do6ens of times not to do. -t turns out that he7s done e5erything bac$wards. .nd if ste"s were ta$en in the right direction) then e5erything was done half#way) the wrong way) or no way) and the most fundamental elements were gi5en no more than a "assing try. f course) it doesn7t always turn out li$e that. -t only does when someone is ha5ing "roblems with his "ractice. -f there are no "roblems) that means that he7s doing e5erything 8ust as he was told. .nd so) friend) - beg you to follow all of the instructions e1actly. You7re guaranteed to get a result. The more correctly you "erform the techni9ues) the 9uic$er the results will come. 'ome "eo"le get results during their first attem"ts. !ut let7s ta$e a loo$ at the most common mista$e. -75e already mentioned more than once here that one7s "ractice should start only from the indirect techni9ues) that is techni9ues "erformed u"on awa$ening. -75e taught this "henomenon to thousands of "eo"le "ersonally) and to a countless number through my boo$s. -7m not saying that that7s where you need to start 8ust to ha5e something to say. -ndirect techni9ues are sim"ly the easiest and most effecti5e ones. %or some reason) e5ery second student will get some irresistible urge to buc$ my arguments and start from the hardest techni9ues& the direct ones) which are "erformed without accom"anying slee". They usually tell me that direct techni9ues deli5er more controllability. Yes) they do. .nd therein lies the "roblem. That7s e1actly why no5ices are unsuccessful with them) because beginners try to control them. -n the section on direct techni9ues) you7ll learn how they need to be "erformed in the o""osite way # it is necessary to deliberately gi5e u" control o5er them and your conscious awareness for a certain "eriod of time. .nd this is much more difficult than awa$ening and then entering the "hase

within a few moments. !ased on outward a""earances) direct techni9ues seem "referable) which in and of itself draws "eo"le to them. :owe5er) indirect techni9ues need to be mastered first before trying anything else. %riend) such a desire will surely arise within you as well. !ut $ee" one thing in mind& indirect techni9ues wor$ for e5eryone) while direct techni9ues are fraught with difficulty) e5en for those with much e1"erience) let alone for a no5ice who has yet to learn the "henomenon from the inside out. 'tarting from direct techni9ues is the same as wal$ing into a weight#room for the first time in your life and trying to bench#"ress 200 "ounds. *o sane "erson would e5en thin$ about doing that. -t7s sim"ly unrealistic. -t7s first necessary to train for a certain "eriod of time) which re9uires starting out from light weights. -f the bench#"ress is a clear analogy) then direct techni9ues are a 5ery near e9ui5alent to those 400 "ounds # lifting them would ob5iously be "ossible only after s"ending months wor$ing out) and re9uire an incredible amount of strength. Yet the "hase can be yours in literally a cou"le of days... Yes) some "eo"le do ha5e a "redis"osition for direct techni9ues) es"ecially women. !ut whene5er tal$ about such "redis"osition) almost e5eryone thin$s that -7m tal$ing about them. You can forget about it. %irst learn what $ind of "henomenon this is by "erforming s"ecific actions u"on awa$ening) and then # and only then # start e1"eriments with direct techni9ues. ;hat7s more) a lot of "eo"le may thin$ that if they try both direct and indirect techni9ues simultaneously) then they will get) for e1am"le) guaranteed "ractice u"on awa$ening) and sure "ractice with direct techni9ues before falling aslee". -7m afraid -7ll ha5e to disa""oint you) and e5en warn you. You are not a bottomless well of energy and strength. -f you75e been e1hausting yourself with direct techni9ues all e5ening) then you7ll ha5e no energy or strength left to do anything correctly or effecti5ely u"on awa$ening. !ased on my substantial obser5ational data) - can categorically state that such an a""roach decreases the "robability of ha5ing a successful e1"erience by 20 to G0 "ercent. The situation is e5en more ridiculous when a "erson attem"ting direct techni9ues has already suffered a fiasco with indirect techni9ues due to ma$ing mista$es) after ha5ing wor$ed on them for say se5eral wee$s. - would li$e to em"hasi6e that such a fiasco is "ossible only in the face of ma8or mista$es and misunderstandings. .nd so) ha5ing tri""ed u" o5er what is easiest) the unfortunate "ractitioner decides to mo5e on to direct techni9ues # the hardest ones. ;here7s the logicC !eing unable to do the easiest things) do you thin$ that you will suddenly be able to do the hardest thingsC *ow reallyC -t7s 8ust the other way aroundD -f you are still unable to ta$e your conscious awareness out of your body u"on awa$ening) then the one thing you ha5e left to consider is becoming conscious while dreaming # but don7t e5en thin$ about direct techni9ues. .nd so don7t fiddle around) "ut all of your effort from the beginning into actions "erformed u"on awa$ening # into the uni5ersal indirect techni9ues. @'adly) e5en after this being em"hasi6ed so much) a significant "ro"ortion of readers will ne5ertheless throw these warnings out the window and begin to torture themsel5es with direct techni9ues...B -ncom"lete Performance of the Techni9ues .nother wides"read "roblem is incom"lete "erformance of the techni9ues. *o less than A2F of "ractitioners who are learning using my techni9ues suffer from this. -t7s interesting to note that A2F of them do so deliberately. %riend) you7ll see later on that you need not "erform su"erhuman feats in order to achie5e the "hase state. .s far as the indirect techni9ues are concerned) you 8ust need "erform a sim"le algorithm of actions u"on awa$ening. <ust com"lete e5erything that you are re9uired to do in full. .nd "erform e5erything 8ust as it is described.

=et7s obser5e a few e1am"les of incom"lete "erformance of the techni9ues. ;e7ll start with cycles of indirect techni9ues # the one uni5ersal "hase entrance techni9ue#based technology. -t entails the com"letion) u"on awa$ening) of no less than 4 cycles of techni9ues for a total of H#12 seconds each) until a techni9ue wor$s. %or some reason) many thin$ that the "roscribed minimum of 4 cycles does not a""ly to them. .nd so they do 1 or 2 cycles.... =i$e the time at one of my seminars when two men of about the same age sat ne1t to each#other) both in the neighborhood of 42 years old. This was the second session) and they s"o$e about what they had been doing) and how things were going for them. The first man said that he had started by doing 2 cycles during one attem"t) but then seeing as nothing was wor$ing) he decided to sto" right there) e5en though - had said the "re5ious afternoon to do 4 cycles. - had re"eated it again and again... The second gentleman had also started by doing two cycles and nothing wor$ed for him either. !ut he then started to do a third cycle) 8ust li$e - had said to do. Then) one of the techni9ues wor$ed li$e a charm during the fourth cycle) and he was able to lea5e his body. :owe5er) if he had done e5erything li$e his neighbor in the classroom) then nothing would ha5e ha""ened for him either... - ha5e introduced this e1am"le only because - remember it 9uite well) as two "eo"le sitting ne1t to one another shar"ly contrasted in their a""roach to what they were told to do. Peo"le also 5ery often forget when "erforming indirect techni9ues to first try to se"arate) and only then do cycles. ;ith direct techni9ues) "eo"le also tend to forget about the free#floating state of mind) though without it there7s no "oint in e1"ecting anything) as - always "oint out early on. 'ometimes incom"lete "erformance of techni9ues ha""ens not because of a "erson7s "sychology) but out of an inability to com"lete a tas$. %or e1am"le) with indirect techni9ues) it7s 5ery im"ortant to awa$en without mo5ing. Many are sim"ly unable to $ee" themsel5es from mo5ing. :owe5er) achie5ing this only re9uires "ractice. *ot only that) but many also forget that if they wa$e u" to their body mo5ing) then they should ne5ertheless still ma$e an attem"t at se"aration. 'ure) their odds are lower than usual) but are still 9uite high. !y and far) we could go on fore5er about the different ways in which "eo"le fail to fully "erform techni9ues. - only wanted to tell you) friend) to try to fully im"lement all of the techni9ues. /ach sentence and e5ery word in the sections on techni9ues has been 5etted by years of classroom instruction and has much more weight than a cursory glance would im"ly. You see) in ta$ing this boo$ into your hands) you may mista$enly assume it be yet another wor$ on some#odd occult or esoteric "ractice) in which e5erything is 5aguely described and the ma8ority of details are literally left u" to the reader. 3o not ta$e such an a""roach to this boo$ under any circumstances. /5erything here is already well $nown) there7s no reason to shroud this "ractice in a cloud of secrecy. You ha5e clear instructions right here in front of you. <ust follow them. (onfidence .t nearly e5ery seminar - get to en8oy a different student telling the same funny story. . bewildered student attends the second or third session and relates his e1"erience& the usual story is that he abru"tly wa$es u" in the morning) in a fully conscious state) and starts to try to se"arate from his body. .nd nothing ha""ens. :e then tries to em"loy the techni9ues. 'till nothing ha""ens. -n a bout of frustration) he then thin$s to hec$ with e5erything) gi5es u") and decides to go bac$ to slee". Then) he gradually starts to reali6e that his body is lying in a different "osition than when he wo$e u". %or e1am"le) he wo$e u" lying on his bac$ and "erformed the techni9ues in that "osition. !ut a minute later) it turns out that he7s lying on his stomachD .ll the while he has sure as day not mo5ed at all "hysically. ;hat does all this meanC %riend) if you7re going to doubt whether or not any of this will wor$ for you) then e5en when you are in the "hase) you may sim"ly be unable to get out of bed) which is what needs

to be done in such a situation. .ny doubt will $ee" you in your body) and "eg you to it. .nd 8ust the o""osite) in most cases) es"ecially when it comes to indirect techni9ues) it is sufficient to sim"ly be confident and com"letely certain that you7re going to get with it and 8ust do itD -7m not trying to "sych you u") and -7m not e1aggerating. That7s e1actly how it is. 'ometimes it is enough sim"ly to want it) to belie5e in it) and to act. 5er the course of se5eral months) - conducted a study at each seminar on the effect of confidence on effecti5eness. -t turned out that H0F of those who get results do e5erything confidently) $nowing that they will be successful in either the current attem"t or a following one. -t also turned out that H0F of those who were still unable to achie5e anything were ma$ing their attem"ts without confidence) without belief in themsel5es or in their ability to enter the "hase. 3raw your own conclusions) my friend. -n this boo$) you7ll read about a large number of e1"eriences) not only those of my own) but also those of other "ractitioners. This should bolster your confidence so that you7ll go on and do it. 3etermination -t may ha5e seemed funny to you to com"are such a "owerful "ractice to weight lifting) but s"ort has more in common with it than first meets the eye. :ere7s another e1am"le& in soccer) the best forward will demonstrate two im"ortant 9ualities more than any other& wanting to score) and setting his sights on the goal. ;hen you ma$e attem"ts to e1it the body) your actions should be 5ery similar in a""roach. ;hat - ha5e in mind) friend) are situations when you can7t 8ust rest on your laurels) but ha5e to $ee" "ushing on further and harder. You need to reali6e that success lies in your hands) and not in what somebody else does for you. You need to firmly channel all of your efforts) aiming them only at a single goal # the "haseD This means that you should use each and e5ery fa5orable o""ortunity when "racticing) ta$ing ad5antage of it to achie5e more and more success. %or e1am"le) if something suddenly starts to wor$ when "erforming indirect techni9ues) you should "ursue it through to the end) trying to sei6e e5ery chance you get. The abo5e seems ob5ious enough) but many ne5ertheless sto" at the critical moment and try to watch what ha""ens ne1t) or switch to another techni9ue) not sei6ing the o""ortunity at hand. You should ne5er allow this to ha""en. You can7t 8ust bounce bac$ and forth. You ha5e to march straight ahead. Moti5ation -f you ha5e already encountered the out#of#body "henomenon @the "haseB in your life) then you already $now how great it is and you hardly need any more moti5ation than the desire to do it again. !ut if you do not ha5e any e1"erience) then you) my friend) must first either try to understand the incredible essence of the "henomenon) or read in detail about its "ractical side. The fact is that if you are going to do this 8ust because it7s something new to try and then see what ha""ens) it7s "ossible that you won7t get any results. You ha5e to really want it. ;hen this desire inside you becomes dee" and intense) your results will be much) much better. Moreo5er) it will often ha""en s"ontaneously without any intention on your "art # that7s how strong the "ower of desire and intention isD Time and /ffecti5eness

%riend) you might be 9uite sur"rised to hear this) but - always caution "eo"le who say enthusiastically that this is all so wonderful that they would be willing to s"end at least a month on ha5ing their first e1"erience) or e5en u" to si1 months to a year on 8ust trying to e1"erience it once. - then caution them) as with the right actions you need only ma$e se5eral attem"ts) all of which you can do in one day... Yes) this is not as easy as a imagining or "icturing something) swallowing a "ill) or smo$ing do"e. :ere) ma$ing attem"ts and "erforming techni9ues are necessary. 'ometimes) a lot of attem"ts. !ut) ha5ing done e5erything right) you7ll get results 9uic$ly enough. <ust remember one sim"le thing& if you do indirect techni9ues e5ery day o5er the course of a wee$ and still get no results # then you7re doing something wrong. -t is also necessary to read more in#de"th about the techni9ues and try to figure out what your mista$es are. !elie5e me) e5en after you are already able to enter the "hase) you will still ma$e a large number of mista$es. n a5erage) a no5ice will ma$e A to 10 ty"ical mista$es during each of his initial attem"ts... 'o study the techni9ues carefully) and analy6e each one of your actions. .ll in all) obtaining results using indirect techni9ues normally re9uires about 2 attem"ts) and u" to 20 attem"ts when serious errors are being made. ;hen it comes to dream consciousness) it can ta$e from 1 to 20 days to get results. -f you ha5e mastered the indirect techni9ues) then direct techni9ues @those "erformed without first falling aslee"B will begin to wor$ after another 2 to 00 attem"ts. :owe5er) the direct techni9ues may be much harder to "ull off. They may turn out to be im"racticable if you do not understand the essence of the free#floating state of mind. The main thing is to ma$e regular attem"ts. -t is only a 9uestion of ma$ing attem"ts and the 9uality of your attem"ts. ;here there are attem"ts) there are results. -t7s that sim"le) and always has been. %inding a :a""y Medium between the Practice and /5eryday =ife - am often as$ed the same 9uestion o5er and o5er again& seeing as the "hase world is so wonderful and offers such fantastic "ossibilities) does the desire e5er occur to remain there) or 8ust neglect real lifeC always answer in the same way& your "ractice itself will not be so wonderful if there are "roblems in your life # each of these two worlds enriches the otherK when things are going well both here and there) the effect is increased many times o5er. .nd that7s truly the case. ;hether you li$e it or not) you will still ha5e to deal with real life. You s"end a large "art of your life thereK it7s not worth messing u". %ew "eo"le $now that such words are not mere "hiloso"hi6ing. They7re e1"erience s"ea$ing. -ndeed) at one time) while still a youth who had 8ust encountered the "henomenon of the "hase for the first time) got carried away. My day#to#day life fell a"art in a real way) in e5ery "ossible as"ect. .nd the more it fell a"art) the less - wanted to return there. (om"ounding "roblems unbalanced my life and this had a strong effect on my general well#being. .t one critical moment not e5en the "hase could redeem me) and so - transformed my life. - began to "ay attention to the "hysical world) and to my welfare in it) by a""lying the "ower of the "hase itself to that end... Eradually) - became successful) both here and there. .nd these two worlds genuinely started to enrich each other) ma$ing me doubly # no) thrice ha""ier. :a5ing gone on and li5ed through all this myself) - would now first of all entreat you) my friend) to a""roach this "henomenon in the same way. 3o so and ha""iness is yours. You must be a master at out# of#body) you must be beautiful) you must be healthy and agile in your "hysical body) you must be successful in your own endea5ors. :a""iness is in your hands. .nd it is multifaceted. There is no sense in "olishing only one facet of this diamond. .nd do not forget that the "hase can hel" you in all of this. Ta$e a brief loo$ at the "ractical side of the "henomenon and you7ll understand this immediately. (ase 'tudies

.ugust 200G - wo$e u" at about G&00 am and too$ a cold shower) but was still unable to get into wor$ mode. decided to go bac$ to slee". Ei5en that this would be a good time ma$e attem"ts to enter the "hase) decided to try ma$e a go of it. :owe5er) - wasn7t in the mood to try anything but "hantom wiggling. *ot really e1"ecting anything to come of it) - half#heartedly and monotonously tried to 4roc$ the boat4 with one hand. That hand) in turn) 9uic$ly yielded and started mo5ing) though initially with little am"litude. .lready ha5ing "ractically fallen aslee") - noticed that the am"litude had increased dramatically and my hand began to literally sli" out of my body. - decided to monitor the situation more closely) and was able to mo5e my forearm further and further to each side. .t some "oint) - was able to trace a full circle with it. -t then occurred to me that there had been a mar$ed change in my sense of bodily "erce"tion. 'omething clearly started to occur. - tried to roll out. That did not wor$) but 5ibrations arose u"on attem"ting it. This ser5ed as a signal to try more acti5ely to roll out. - tried again # and it wor$ed. Eranted) there was some difficulty and sluggishness in5ol5ed) but it wor$ed. - rolled out off the bed) but the state was unstable& there were no distinct sensations) and - was drawn bac$ into my body. - began erratically "al"ating e5erything. The "ull on my body gradually disa""eared) and after 2 to 10 seconds my sight started to return. - used it to dee"en by "eering. That "ro5ed to be the decisi5e factor. The "hase became hy"er#real. - remembered right then and there what needed to be tried in this "hase) and - began from the most im"ortant item # e1"erimenting with translocation. - had wanted to chec$ once again how difficult it was to translocate in s"ace using the door techni9ue. %irst) - closed the door. - focused my attention on there being an auditorium behind it in which - was to gi5e a lecture. - o"ened the door) wal$ed into the auditorium) and closed the door once again behind me. - then focused my attention on the other side of the door being the weight#room of the gym that - go to. - o"ened the door) and loo$ed in to the weight# room. Then) - shut the door and o"ened it again # the weight#room was still there. - went into it and closed the door behind me. - then focused on dee" outer#s"ace being behind the door. - o"ened the door) which led into the hallway that would ha5e been there if - were really in the weight#room. closed the door and concentrated e5en harder on outer#s"ace being behind it. - started to o"en the door) but something seemed to be holding it bac$ from the other side. - had to use force to get the door to budge. .fter that) it o"ened all the way easily. .t that "oint) - noticed that the "hase s"ace began to blur. :owe5er) - managed to concentrate and restore its realism by straining the brain. !ehind the door was dee" outer#s"ace. - stood at the entrance to the weight room) and literally a ste" in front of me was endless e1"anse without beginning or end. - could breathe freely. .n icy draft came in through the door. /1"eriments ha5e shown that unless one is sim"ly going from one room into another) translocating using doors is one of the more difficult methods. 'uch difficulty is "robably only due to the internal "sychological bloc$s that "eo"le ha5e. ;hile standing and analy6ing what was ha""ening) - was suc$ed into a stencil. The only thing that - could do at that 5ery moment was grab at the door handle) which - did almost automatically. - then felt myself lying in my body. :owe5er) my hand was clearly still gras"ing the door handle. began mo5ing the "hantom hand on e5ery "lane) and soon felt that - would be able to se"arate. - easily rolled out and found myself in my room. - 9uic$ly brought the state to a le5el of hy"errealism through "eering inters"ersed with "al"ation. Reali6ing that - had already achie5ed my "rimary ob8ecti5es) - ga5e in to a desire to meet with a girl

whom - had not seen for a while) but still had feelings for. - went to the bathroom door) and o"ened it without a shred of doubt that she would be on the other side. .nd that7s 8ust how it ha""ened. - o"ened the door and saw behind her the interior of my old a"artment where she used to 5isit me. - had of course ho"ed to ha5e seen her na$ed in the bathtub) but this scenario was not bad at all. 'he was sitting on the couch and loo$ing out the window. - felt that she understood that - was close#by. - went u" and sat down on the floor ne1t to her. - cuddled u" to and started being affectionate with her. Than$s to the hy"er#realism of the e1"erience) the sensations were incredibly intense and ama6ing. 'im"ly stro$ing her s$irt and 8ac$et was a stunning e1"erience) as it once was in reality. -t was e1tremely "leasant to feel her soft and warm body under her clothes) "antyhose) and $nee#high stoc$ings. nce - brought my hand to her head and began ta$ing her hair away from her face) she turned toward me and smiled. .fter seeing the ga6e of those same 5ery eyes and that same smile) there was nothing could do in res"onse but smile. - continued to mo5e my hands o5er her face) head) and body in order to maintain the "hase. :er eyes were sad) her smile seemed to be amid tears. !ut all the while) her e1"ression was more o"en and sincere than it had e5er been in reality. 'he also started to smooth my face and hands. 'he then came to as$ me how - was doing and what had been u" to. Understanding that such communication was only a formality of secondary im"ortance in the "hase) - answered only in monosyllables) all the while en8oying the fact that - was ne1t to her) could feel her touch) see her eyes) and hear her "ainfully familiar 5oice. 'ur"risingly) - was not o5erwhelmed by the unbridled se1ual instincts that usually arise when contacting the o""osite se1 in "hase. .fter s"ending some more time with her) - decided that it was time to bring the meeting to a close) as could see her another time. !efore me still remained the tas$ of entering and e1iting my body multi"le times. Practicing that s$ill had been a "art of my "reliminary "lan of action. - intentionally returned to my body and immediately began trying to e1it it. - was easily able to roll out. - returned bac$ to my body) and then rolled out of it again. :owe5er) my connection to reality greatly increased after that last return) and it too$ a fair amount of effort to literally fly out of my body. - would also ha5e to em"loy the techni9ue of forced falling aslee". :a5ing found myself floating once again in the center of the room) - clearly understood that there was no "oint in returning bac$ again to the body. ;ithout e5en bothering to strengthen the "hase through dee"ening) - ne5ertheless intentionally rushed bac$ to my body in order to disco5er the limit of my own ca"abilities) and further refine my s$ill at e1iting the body. (aught in a stencil) - was at first barely able to mo5e) but then - was sei6ed by a wa5e of awa$ening. - switched to forced falling aslee") and then on to obser5ing images when forced slee" did not wor$. *o images a""eared. - again began to try to di5ide) but then arose the feeling of ha5ing fully awa$ened. - started trying to mo5e my hands down along my body and bac$. Phantom mo5ement arose after se5eral seconds) and my consciousness immediately submerged dee"ly) sin$ing away from the outside world. - focused e5en more on mo5ement) and it occurred e5en further. - started to try to get u". - was able to) but 5ery sluggishly. My body seemed to be se5eral times hea5ier than it really was. .ny rela1ation on my "art immediately nailed me bac$ to the stencil. .t some "oint - managed to com"letely se"arate) and found myself ne1t to the bed. - tried chaotically to use all a5ailable dee"ening techni9ues) but nothing hel"ed) and - was returned to my body. - was done for that session.

(ha"ter 2 /ntering the ut#of#!ody 'tate

*ow) the teachings of Ultimate Yoga. The time has come to learn what it is in "ractice. The time has come to "ut an end to idle tal$) and to "roceed to o"en the doors to a "arallel world. nce again) dear friend) - would li$e to note that all of the information in this boo$ concerning techni9ues is not merely some rough descri"tion of hy"othetical e1ercises) but constitutes s"ecific instructions that must be fulfilled to the letter. This es"ecially a""lies to this "art of the boo$. 3o not re"roach the techni9ues or 9uestion the author7s com"etence if you ha5e been doing e5erything ha"ha6ardly or un"edantically. You will be hardly li$ely to achie5e anything in that way. -f it is written here that something needs to be done) it means 8ust that # there7s no way around it. -f it is written that you shouldn7t do something) then don7t do it # such an admonition is not meant as a literary de5ice) but is for your own good) no matter how it may come off. Moreo5er) e5erything is described in a way meant to be ta$en at face 5alue. There is no need to read between the lines. Please $ee" in mind that the author didn7t 8ust ma$e all of this u" two months ago. :e "erfected it o5er ten years on thousands of "eo"le) and $nows e1actly what you need and don7t need to do. -ndirect Techni9ues

The (once"t of -ndirect Techni9ues Eenuine "ractice of "hase entrance is best begun with the easiest) most accessible methods& indirect techni9ues) which are conscious actions "erformed u"on awa$ening from slee". 'ome critics incorrectly assume that indirect techni9ues are not ideal) and "refer to start with direct techni9ues. :owe5er) doing so "ro5ides no guarantee for success and results in a large amount of wasted time and effort. 'tarting "ractice with indirect techni9ues guarantees entrance into the "hase.

. s"ecific uni5ersal techni9ue that suits e5ery "ractitioner is a myth since indi5iduals differ widely in "ersonality) "sychology) and learning s"eed. :owe5er) there is a relati5ely easy uni5ersal algorithm) or "rocedure) that accounts for the characteristics of each "erson and allows for the most rational) effecti5e way to attain the initial "hase entrances. This algorithm encom"asses cyclic "racticing of the indirect techni9ues co5ered in this cha"ter. ;ithout e1ce"tion) these techni9ues # des"ite their 5arying degrees of difficulty # are suitable for e5ery "ractitioner who wishes to e1"erience the "hase. Results can be e1"ected immediately following the first few attem"tsK howe5er) to achie5e measurable results) an a5erage of fi5e daily) conscious attem"ts must be made. Ma$ing more than fi5e attem"ts o5er the course of a day is fine) too. There is nothing difficult to understand about "erforming the techni9ues since they are clearly laid out and based on real internal "rocesses. -n order to ensure that oneLs efforts are most fruitful and "roducti5e) we are going to indi5idually e1amine each ste" and "rinci"le behind the actions in great detail. =et us start from a descri"tion of the techni9ues themsel5es) which will actually a""ly "ractically 8ust as much to direct techni9ues as to indirect techni9uesK as they only differ in character and length of a""lication. There are "lenty of techni9ues) so after "racticing all of the indirect techni9ues "resented in this cha"ter) a "ractitioner should be able to choose three or four of the most straightforward) indi5idually effecti5e methods. 'e"aration techni9ues will be e1amined later. They are com"letely different from usual techni9ues) which only bring one into the "hase) but do not necessarily themsel5es lead to se"aration from the body. -t is often also necessary to $now how to sto" "ercei5ing oneLs "hysical body after em"loying these techni9ues. -t is necessary to understand when to em"loy these techni9ues) and the im"ortance of wa$ing from slee" without o"ening the eyes or mo5ing the body. .ttem"ting to enter the "hase immediately u"on awa$ening must be learned and "racticed to mastery since it constitutes the main barrier to successful "ractice. .fter e1amining the "eri"heral information surrounding indirect techni9ues) the cycles of indirect techni9ues will be e1amined) including what there are) how they wor$) and how they are best used. 'uccessful "hase entrance is the direct result of "erforming these cycles. :owe5er) there are e1ce"tions) and it is not com"letely necessary to "roceed with these cycles if one7s own mind somehow hints what e1actly one should start from) which we will also e1amine se"arately. -ndirect techni9ues will definitely wor$ if "racticed consistently and as described. -n the ma8ority of cases) ma$ing se5eral concentrated attem"ts u"on awa$ening without mo5ement is sufficient enough to "roduce results. -t may ta$e a lot of time and effort to achie5e "hase entrance) so "ractitioners who set goals and wor$ diligently will be "resented with a crown of success. .ttem"ts are im"ortant in large measure not only for the final result) but also for the "rocess itself. 3uring "ractice) the "ractitioner inde"endently learns and sol5es issues that may not ha5e been understood in the guideboo$. ther times) the "ractitioner will encounter situations that ha5e ne5er been described at all. -tLs im"ossible to "re"are a student for e5ery "ossible scenario) so as a "ractitioner mo5es dee"er into "ractice) a uni9ue) indi5idual "ers"ecti5e and "ortfolio of e1"eriences de5elo"s) which will certainly "ro5e useful in the future. Until then) diligent "ractice of the information "resented in this boo$ will ready a "ractitioner for that "ersonal frontier. .ctions in "ractice re9uire strict attention. 'tudy the techni9ues and selects those that wor$ best. 'et the goal of consistent) conscious wa$ing without mo5ement. Ma$e an ob8ecti5e of "erforming cycles of indirect techni9ues while wa$ing u") day in and day out. ;ith such a clear course of action) the "ractitioner should ne5er defocus his attention or dissi"ate his energy on other related actions) li$e) for

e1am"le) on direct techni9ues for entering the "hase. -f the indirect techni9ues do not wor$ in the course of se5eral days) continue trying. The latest results occur in a matter of wee$s) not months or years) li$e some sources maintain. Eoals are meant to be stubbornly "ursued) ste"#by#ste") firmly) and diligently. -f no results occur after 10 to 20 days) it is better to cease "ractice for a wee$ and ta$e a rest) and then return with a fresh resol5e to master the "ractice. -nterestingly enough) it is e1actly during such a brea$ that s"ontaneous entrances into the "hase through the most di5erse methods occur. -f success is still elusi5e e5en after 1 to 2 months of trying) then a thorough analysis of the regimen should be conducted to root out any ob5ious mista$es or deficiencies. -f o5ercoming them "ro5es difficult or im"ossible) switching o5er to direct techni9ues is not recommended since they "ro5e much more difficult than indirect techni9ues. -nstead) techni9ues for entering the "hase through conscious dreaming should be "racticed. -t is also not worth s$i""ing o5er "roblematic areas and trying to ma$e u" for mista$es by e1"ending e5en more effort. %or e1am"le) ignoring the "recondition of awa$ening without mo5ing will "ro5e fruitless. !y"assing this re9uirement wor$s for 5ery few "eo"le. %acing e5ery "roblem head#on and wor$ing hard to brea$ through will be richly rewarded with an unforgettable) treasured e1"eriences. The !est Time to Practice The best way to im"lement indirect techni9ues is by the deferred method. The aim of the method is to interru"t a slee" cycle during its final stage and then disru"t it again after falling bac$ to slee") which ma$es slee" light during the rest of the slee" cycle. 'lee" accom"anied by fre9uent interru"tions can be "ut to "roducti5e uses. %or e1am"le) if a "ractitioner @letLs call him <ac$B goes to slee" at midnight) then <ac$ should set an alarm for > oLcloc$ in the morning. U"on awa$ening) <ac$ should engage in some sort of "hysical acti5ity) li$e going to the bathroom) getting a drin$ of water) or reading a few "ages of this boo$. .fterward) <ac$ should go bac$ to bed thin$ing about how) within the ne1t two to four hours) he will wa$e u" multi"le times and ma$e an attem"t to enter the "hase during each awa$ening. -f <ac$ goes to bed earlier) then his alarm cloc$ should be set bac$ by that amount of time) since si1 hours of initial slee" is the o"timal length of time. -f <ac$ slee"s less than si1 hours) then the second half of his nightLs slee" will be too dee". -f <ac$ slee"s longer than si1 hours) then there will be little time remaining for attem"ts) or <ac$ may not e5en be able to fall aslee". -f a "ractitioner naturally wa$es u" in a forceful manner) it will be difficult to regain slee". Thus) it will not be necessary for the "ractitioner to get out of bed with the aid of an alarm. The "ractitioner should attem"t to go right bac$ to slee". *aturally) the deferred method is most a""licable in cases where it is "ossible to slee" as long as a "ractitioner desires) without ha5ing to wa$e u" early. *ot e5eryone en8oys such lu1ury on a daily basis) but nearly e5eryone has days off when time may be set aside to "ractice the deferred method. The second most effecti5e time to "ractice indirect techni9ues is after awa$ening from a daytime na". nce again) this ty"e of slee" will be light and short) which "ro5ides the body needed rest while allowing memory and intention to be $e"t intact through the moment of awa$ening. .gain) not e5eryone has the lu1ury of ta$ing daytime na"s) but if such a chance arises) then it would be 5ery beneficial to ta$e ad5antage of the o""ortunity. .nother most effecti5e window of time for entering the "hase is ordinary morning awa$ening. This

generally occurs during light slumber following a full nightLs slee". *ighttime awa$enings are the least effecti5e times for "hase e1"erimentation because the brain still re9uires a lot of dee" slee" at this time. .wa$ening at night) the mind is 9uite wea$ and hardly ca"able of any effort. /5en if some results are obser5ed) awa$ening often ends with 9uic$ly falling bac$ aslee". This is not to say that normal "ractice of the "hase cannot occur at nightK it 8ust wonLt be as effecti5e as at other times. The nighttime o"tion is best for those who lac$ an o""ortunity to use other windows of time for "racticing the "hase. Understand that we awa$en at night e5ery H0 minutes) which is why a minimum of four awa$enings is almost guaranteed when slee"ing) e5en for 8ust si1 hours. ;hen the "ractitioner $nows about this and stri5es to sei6e those moments) with time he will actually sei6e them and ta$e ad5antage of them. (onscious .wa$ening (onscious awa$ening is wa$ing u" with a "articular thought in mindK ideally) a thought about indirect techni9ues. -n order to start using indirect techni9ues u"on awa$ening) it is not sufficient to ha5e a cursory $nowledge of the techni9ues to be used when wa$ing. 3ue to the "eculiarities of the human mind and its habits) it is not always easy when wa$ing to recall any "articular moti5e or idea. The goal of conscious awa$ening is to "ractice instant action without being idle after wa$ing u". The reasons why "eo"le are unable to remember "racticing the "hase u"on awa$ening are& not being in the habit of immediately doing anything u"on awa$ening) a desire to slee" longer) a desire to go to the bathroom) being thirsty) a desire to suddenly start sol5ing day#to#day "roblems) and so on. (onscious awa$ening with the intent of attem"ting an indirect techni9ue should be a "ractitionerLs "rimary goal) which should be "ursued at e5ery cost. The s"eed at which the "hase is learned and e1"erienced de"ends on this. There are se5eral effecti5e tric$s to learning conscious awa$ening& -ntention u"on falling aslee"& This is the 5ery im"ortant to successfully achie5ing conscious awa$ening. . 5ery clear scientific fact has been "ro5en by somnologists @scientists who study slee"B& u"on awa$ening) "eo"le usually thin$ about what they had been thin$ing about before falling aslee". This "henomenon is easy to obser5e if the slee"er is e1"erience a serious life "roblemK they fall aslee" with the "roblem and wa$e with it. 'o) in a case li$e this) if difficulties at the front of the mind are re"laced with a desire to "ractice the "hase) this will "roduce the desired effect. -t is not necessary to thin$ solely about conscious awa$ening while falling aslee". -t is sufficient to sim"ly affirm the intention clearly and distinctly) e5en state the intention out loud. Practicing these ty"es of conscious actions while entering slee" will do much to "romote the success of indirect techni9ues u"on awa$ening. Eeneral intent& The more clearly a "ractitioner concentrates on the im"ortance and necessity of wa$ing u" and immediately remembering to "ractice the techni9ues) the more solid the intent will become) and the more li$ely the "rocess will fulfill its role and actually lead to results. (reating moti5ation& The greater the desire to enter into the "hase to accom"lish a goal there) the 9uic$er successful conscious awa$ening is achie5ed. Moti5ation is be created by a great desire to do or e1"erience something in the "hase. -n general) "re5ious 5isits to the "hase are great moti5ation) but an uninitiated "erson does not $now it and will need something to which they can relate. %or some) this could be a childhood dream of flying to Mars) for others it could be the o""ortunity to see a lo5ed one who has "assed away) for another it could be the chance to obtain s"ecific information) or influence the course of a "hysical illness) and so forth.

The best moment for conscious awa$ening is while e1iting a dream. This is the most effecti5e and "roducti5e time to attem"t se"aration or "erforming the techni9ues. .t this moment) "hysical awareness of the body is at a minimum. .wareness at the 5ery end of a dream often occurs after nightmares) "ainful e1"eriences in the dream) falling dreams M any dream that causes a sudden awa$ening. ;ith time) one should de5elo" a refle1 that enables one to "erform "lanned actions at the moment of awa$ening) but when consciousness itself has not yet had time to return. This ty"e of refle1 is highly beneficial to sei6ing the most fruitful of o""ortunities to enter the "hase. .wa$ening ;ithout Mo5ing .longside remembering the "hase immediately u"on wa$ing) another im"ortant re9uirement is awa$ening without mo5ing) which is difficult since many "eo"le wa$e u" and mo5e. U"on awa$ening) scratching) stretching) o"ening the eyes) and listening to real sounds should be a5oided. .ny real mo5ement or "erce"tion will 5ery 9uic$ly disintegrate the intermediate state and introduce reality) the acti5ation of the mind and its connection to the sensory organs. .t first) awa$ening without mo5ing seems difficult or e5en im"ossible. :owe5er) it has been "ro5en that this is remedied for through acti5e attem"ts and the desire to achie5e set goals. Peo"le often claim that they cannot awa$en without mo5ing) that itLs an im"ossible e1"erience. :owe5er) after se5eral attem"ts) it will ha""en) and it will occur more and more fre9uently with "ractice. Thus) if there is difficulty in awa$ening without mo5ement) do not des"air) 8ust $ee" trying. 'ooner or later) the body will yield to the "ractice) and e5erything will ha""en smoothly. .wa$ening without mo5ing is 5ery im"ortant because) for the ma8ority of "eo"le) e1"eriments with the "hase are not "ossible e1ce"t in the first wa$ing moments where wa$ing without mo5ing sets the stage for successful indirect techni9ue cycles. ften) a "ractitioner will ma$e 10 unsuccessful attem"ts and mo5e while awa$ening. nce the "ractitioner learns to consistently wa$e calmly and gradually) success 9uic$ly follows. :owe5er) if an awa$ening is conscious) but with mo5ement) that does not mean that the "ractitioner cannot immediately ma$e an attem"t to fall into the "hase. .ny o""ortunity to "ractice while wa$ing should not be wasted. -t must only be $e"t in mind that one must first neutrali6e the effects of the mo5ement in order to once again fall into an intermediate state. -n the case of mo5ement) it is e1tremely hel"ful to begin "ractice with forced falling aslee". =istening in also wor$s well) as does obser5ing images. .wa$ening without mo5ement) des"ite all its im"ortance) is not a goal in and of itself) and also not worth suffering o5er. ;hen awa$ening) if there is great discomfort) something itches) a need to swallow arises) or any manner of natural refle1) it is better to deal with it and then act according to "ractices recommended when mo5ement u"on awa$ening ha""ens. *ot all mo5ements u"on awa$ening are real and) if only for this reason alone) when mo5ement occurs) indirect techni9ues should follow. 'e"aration Techni9ues =et us begin with a totally shoc$ing fact& during one#third of successful indirect entries into the "hase) it is not necessary to "erform any s"ecific "hase entry techni9ues) as se"aration techni9ues are immediately successfulN (on5ersely) an incorrect understanding of se"aration techni9ues may lead to

undesirable conse9uences. -t is "ossible for a "ractitioner to enter the "hase state and be unable to se"arate from the body. Therefore) it is 5ery im"ortant to understand how se"aration techni9ues wor$ since they are often a $ey to success. .t times a "ractitioner may only need to thin$ about se"aration and it ha""ens. This is a rarity) which e1"lains the e1istence of a whole series of au1iliary techni9ues. The most im"ortant se"aration techni9ues are rolling out) getting u") climbing out) and le5itation. Rolling out ;hile awa$ening) attem"t to roll o5er to the edge of the bed or the wall without using any muscles. 3onLt worry about falling out of bed) hitting the wall) or be concerned with the details of how this techni9ue should feel. <ust roll. Eetting u" U"on awa$ening) attem"t to get out of bed without "hysical e1ertion. This should be "erformed in a way that is most comfortable for the "ractitioner. (limbing out ;hile awa$ening) try to climb out of the body without using any muscles. This techni9ue generally comes to mind when a "artial se"aration has been achie5ed through the use of other techni9ues) or one "art of the body has com"letely se"arated. =e5itation U"on awa$ening) attem"t to le5itate u"ward) "arallel to the bed. ;hile attem"ting to le5itate) do not wonder how it should be accom"lishedK e5eryone intuiti5ely $nows how to le5itate from their e1"eriences in dreams. 'e"aration techni9ues are united by a singular idea& nothing should be imagined) mo5ement should be attem"ted without the use of "hysical muscles. The techni9ues "roduce the same sensations of mo5ement felt in real life. -f nothing ha""ens immediately after trying) then the techni9ue is not going to wor$) though it may deli5er results at a later time. . "ractitioner will instantly be able to recogni6e if the techni9ue has wor$ed. :owe5er) "eo"le are often un"re"ared for the realness of the sensations and thin$ that they are ma$ing a "hysical mo5ement instead of reali6ing that a "art or all of the body has se"arated. .fter this unfortunate failure) careful analysis hel"s to understand what ha""ened and "lan for a successful retry. -f se"aration was incom"lete or too$ "lace with some difficulty) this is a signal that the techni9ue is being "erformed correctly. 'trength and aggressi5e effort are re9uired from this "oint to achie5e com"lete se"aration. %or e1am"le) if some mo5ement began and then sto""ed after ha5ing made some "rogress) then one should go bac$ and mo5e e5en harder once again in the same direction. -n order to "ractice se"aration techni9ues) lie down with the eyes closed and attem"t all of them o5er the course of se5eral minutes. 'e"aration has li$ely been accom"lished if no muscles twitch or strain

and a sensation of mo5ement occurs. There will be a strong) almost "hysically "al"able internal effort to "erform a mo5ement. *aturally) no "hysical mo5ement actually occurs and the "ractitioner remains "rone and immobileK howe5er) at the right moment) these actions will lead to an easy entrance into the "hase. Primary Techni9ues The techni9ues described below are the sim"le com"onents of indirect techni9ue cycles. -m"lementing each techni9ueLs descri"tion is far from effecti5e. f the list gi5en below) it behoo5es the indi5idual "ractitioner to choose the most com"rehensible and interesting techni9ues) then acti5ely study and a""ly the instructions for use. Phantom ;iggling @Mo5ementB -mmediately after wa$ing from slee") remain motionless) eyes closed. Try to wiggle a "art of the body for 0 to 2 seconds) but without using any muscles. -f nothing mo5es during the attem"t) try a different techni9ue. -f a sensation of wiggling occurs) e5en in the slightest) continue to em"loy the techni9ue) stri5ing to increase the range of mo5ement as much as "ossible. This techni9ue should be "erformed 5ery aggressi5ely) not "assi5ely. .s soon as the range of mo5ement nears or e1ceeds four inches # which may ta$e 8ust se5eral seconds # the following situations may arise& one momentarily finds oneself somehow in the "hase) or the wiggled "art of the body begins to mo5e freely. The occurrence of mo5ement during "ractice of this techni9ue allows the "ractitioner to transition to a se"aration techni9ue and attem"t to lea5e the body. ;hile "racticing "hantom wiggling) strong 5ibrations may occur) amid which se"aration may be attem"ted. 'ounds also often arise) allowing the o""ortunity to "ractice listening in) which can lead to "hase entrance. The "hantom wiggling techni9ue is not meant to "roduce an imagined mo5ement by a "hantom body. The "oint of the techni9ue is to attem"t the mo5ement of a "hysical body "art without using muscular action. That is) the focus should rest u"on an internal intention of mo5ement without "hysical action. ;hen the sensation occurs) it differs little from its real counter"art and is often accom"anied by hea5iness and resistance. Eenerally) there is 5ery little range of mo5ement at first) but with concentrated effort the range of mo5ement noticeably increases. -t does not matter which "art of the body is used to e1ercise "hantom mo5ement. -t may be the whole body or 8ust one finger. *either is the s"eed of the mo5ement im"ortant. -ncreased range of "ercei5ed mo5ement is the aim of the techni9ue. To train the techni9ue of "hantom wiggling) rela1 a hand for se5eral minutes while lying down) eyes closed. Then) aggressi5ely en5ision the following hand mo5ements) without mo5ing any muscles) for two to three minutes each& rotating) u"#down) left#right) e1tending the fingers and drawing the fingers together) clenching and unclenching a fist. *o sensations will occur at first. Eradually) the sensation of muscular action will become so a""arent that the "ercei5ed mo5ement will be indistinguishable from real mo5ement. 3uring the first training attem"ts) "ractitioners are often tem"ted to o"en their eyes to see if actual mo5ement is occurring M thatLs how real the sensation feels. bser5ing -mages

-mmediately after wa$ing from slee") remain motionless) eyes closed. bser5e the blan$ s"ace behind the eyes for 0 to 2 seconds and try to locate recogni6able "ictures) images) or symbols. -f nothing a""ears during this e1ercise) the techni9ue should be substituted. -f something a""ears) continue to "assi5ely obser5e the images. Meanwhile) the images will become increasingly realistic) literally en5elo"ing the "ractitioner. 3o not aggressi5ely e1amine the details of the image) or it will 5anish or change. The image should be e1"erienced as a "anorama) ta$ing e5erything in. bser5e the images as long as the 9uality and realism increases. 3oing so yields two "ossible results& the "ractitioner becomes "art of the surroundings) and has achie5ed the "hase) or the image becomes borderline or absolutely realistic) and se"aration from the "hysical body is "ossible. To train the use of this techni9ue) lie down in the dar$) eyes closed) and obser5e the blac$ness for se5eral minutes) identifying any s"ecific images that may arise from sim"le s"ots or floaters) and then gradually transition to whole "ictures) scenes) or scenarios. ;ith "ractice) this techni9ue is 5ery easy and straightforward. . common mista$e made during "ractice of this techni9ue is when the "ractitioner aggressi5ely attem"ts to con8ure images 5ersus "assi5ely obser5ing what is naturally "resented. Rotation -mmediately after wa$ing from slee") remain motionless) eyes closed. -magine the "hysical body is rotating along an a1is for 2 to 10 seconds. -f no unusual sensations occur) try another techni9ue. -f 5ibrations occur during rotation or the mo5ement suddenly feels realistic) then continue the rotation techni9ue as long as there is "rogress in the sensationLs de5elo"ment. There are se5eral "ossible outcomes when rotation is "racticed. The imagined rotation is re"laced by a 5ery real sensation of rotating along an imagined a1is. ;hen this occurs) a "ractitioner may easily lea5e the body. The other outcome is the sudden "resence of strong 5ibrations or loud sounds) amid which se"aration from the body is "ossible. 3uring rotation) se"aration has been $nown to s"ontaneously occur and the "ractitioner enters the "hase. To "ractice rotation) imagine re5ol5ing around the head#to#foot a1is for se5eral minutes while lying down) eyes closed. -t is not necessary to focus on the 5isual effects of rotation or minute sensations in the body. The $ey factor is the 5estibular sensation that arises from internal rotation. .s a rule) many "ractitioners e1"erience difficulty "erforming full rotation. ne "erson may be limited to H0 degrees of mo5ement where another e1"eriences 1G0 degrees. ;ith consistent) correct "ractice) full 0>0 degree rotation will occur. =istening in -mmediately after wa$ing from slee") remain motionless) eyes closed. Try to listen to noise in your head. 3o this for 0 to 2 seconds without mo5ing and without o"ening the eyes. -f nothing ha""ens during this "eriod of time) switch to another techni9ue. -f any sounds li$e bu66ing) humming) ra5ing) hissing) whistling) tin$ling) or melodies occur) listen attenti5ely. ;ith results) the sound will increase in 5olume. =isten in as long as there is some dynamism in the 5olume of the sound. ;hen the sound sto"s) or the noise becomes loud enough) a se"aration techni9ue may be attem"ted. 'ometimes) the noise itself throws one into the "hase while listening. .t a certain stage) sounds may be e1tremely loud and ha5e e5en been described as com"arable to the roar of a 8et#engine. The action of listening in consists of acti5ely and attenti5ely e1"loring a sound) the whole of its tonality and range) and how it reacts to the listener.

There is an o"tional techni9ue $nown as forced listening in) where it is sim"ly necessary to strongly want to hear noise) and meanwhile ma$e intuiti5e internal efforts) which) as a rule) are correct. Performed correctly) forced sounds will intensify the same way as those "ercei5ed with the standard listening in techni9ue. -n order to "ractice listening in) lie down in a silent "lace) eyes closed) and listen for sounds originating in the head. These attem"ts are usually crowned with success within se5eral minutes of trying) and one starts to hear that noise that absolutely e5eryone has within. ne sim"ly has to $now how to tune in to it. %orced %alling .slee" -mmediately after wa$ing from slee") remain motionless) eyes closed. Picture a swift) com"ulsory fall into slee" for 2 to 10 seconds) and then return to wa$efulness) followed by an aggressi5e attem"t at se"arating from the "hysical body. Eenerally) after "erforming this techni9ue) the "ractitionerLs state of mind 9uic$ly transitions between different states of brain. 'trong 5ibrations often occur when emerging from this O"seudo#slee"P) where the li$elihood of se"aration from the body is increased) accom"anied the o""ortunity to "ractice other techni9ues. Resist actually falling aslee" during this e1ercise. -n essence) forced falling aslee" is a tric$ on the mind designed to ta$e ad5antage of the brainLs refle1i5e res"onses to actions that immediately induce semi#conscious states that allow easy entrance into the "hase. /m"loying it is es"ecially effecti5e u"on an e1tremely alert awa$ening) or after a mo5ement is unintentionally made u"on awa$ening. %orced slee" is 9uite sim"le. -t re9uires a cessation of internal dialogue) shifting mental focus away from e1ternal stimuli) and a strong desire for a 9uic$ reentrance to the slee"ing state followed by renewed wa$efulness after se5eral seconds. -n order to understand how this is done) it is sufficient to recall how one had urgently made oneself fall aslee" before) or how one had fallen aslee" after ha5ing been e1hausted) or after a long "eriod of slee" de"ri5ation. . common mista$e in "ractice occurs when "eo"le fall aslee" after attem"ting the techni9ue) forgetting the necessary desire to 9uic$ly return to consciousness. 'training the !rain -mmediately after wa$ing from slee") remain motionless) eyes closed. Ma$e 2 to 0 s9uee6es straining the brain. This is $nown as straining the brain. -f nothing ha""ens) try another techni9ue. -f 5ibrations occur during this e1ercise) try to mo5e the 5ibrations around the body and am"lify them by continuing to strain the brain. The stronger the 5ibrations) the higher the "robability that a se"aration techni9ue may be a""lied. '"ontaneous se"aration may occur. ;hile straining the brain) a "ractitioner may e1"erience the sounds necessary for transitioning to a listening in techni9ue. The 5ibrations that arise from straining the brain are 5ery stri$ing. -f there is any doubt as to whether the 5ibrations ha""ened) then most li$ely a "ractitioner did not e1"erience them. The 5ibrations may be described as an intense) "ainless electrical current mo5ing through or gri""ing the body. .t times) the sensation of a total numbing of the body is e1"erienced. To "ractice straining the brain) lie down) eyes closed) and attem"t to strain the brain. 3o not thin$ about the fact that actually s9uee6ing the brain is im"ossible. The imagined straining should be s"asmodic) rhythmic. Practitioners may strain the entire brain or s"ecific "arts of it. 3uring the "rocess) a sensation of "ressure or e5en real strain arises in the brain. ;ith H2F of "ractitioners) this strain usually occurs

within the first few minutes of e1ercise. This techni9ue should be committed to memory when training so that it may be instantly recalled and "racticed u"on awa$ening from slee". Practitioners often ma$e the mista$e of unintentionally straining their facial and nec$ muscles instead of straining the interior of their heads. This error should be a5oided at all costs) lest it become a habit that frustrates genuine "ractice. 'electing the Right Techni9ues The ne1t ste" to mastering indirect techni9ues is choosing the right techni9ues that suit indi5idual "redis"ositions. There is no "oint in going for one techni9ue or another only because they loo$ interesting and because someone wrote a lot or s"o$e a lot about them. The choice should be based strictly u"on what suits an indi5idual "ractitioner. ut of all of the enumerated "rimary indirect techni9ues) "ractically only straining the brain wor$s easily and 9uic$ly for H2F of "ractitioners. .ll other techni9ues wor$ immediately for only about 22F to 20F of "ractitioners during initial training. :owe5er) after se5eral training sessions) each techni9ue yields results for A2F of engaged "ractitioners. ne way or another) e5ery "ractitioner should identify a certain set of techni9ues that wor$s best. . set should consist of no less than two techni9ues. *on#wor$ing techni9ues should not be discarded wholesale by the indi5idual because they afford an o""ortunity to achie5e success through new) "re5iously unres"onsi5e e1"eriences. To ensure the correct selection of techni9ues) each should be se"arately "racticed o5er a "eriod of at least three days. To this end) one should e1"eriment with each of the "rimary techni9ues for 2 to 10 minutes before falling aslee") or e5en during the day. -t is good to choose at least one secondary techni9ue "ractice. This regimen allows a "recise determination of the techni9ues that will yield the best results for the "ractitioner. 3uring the "rocess of selecting "ersonali6ed techni9ues) a "ractitioner learns and retains the techni9ues in an intimate) "ersonal way) which "ositi5ely affects how techni9ues are used during critical moments. Remember that "riorities and goals change with time) and that a techni9ue that fell flat during initial attem"ts may une1"ectedly "ro5e 5aluable later on. !e fle1ible. *o set of techni9ues should be car5ed in stone. -n fact) the set may change se5eral times o5er the first few wee$s as the "ractitioner disco5ers what "roduces the best indi5idual results. (ycles of -ndirect Techni9ues 1. Testing 'e"aration Techni9ues within 2 'econds . third of successful attem"ts with indirect techni9ues yield immediate success u"on the attem"t of a se"aration techni9ue due to the fact that the first seconds after wa$ing u" are the most useful for entering the "hase. The less time that has ela"sed after awa$ening) the better. (on5ersely) if one lies down e1"ecting something to ha""en) chances 9uic$ly dissi"ate. Thus) u"on awa$ening) "referably without first mo5ing) a "ractitioner should immediately try 5arious se"aration techni9ues) li$e rolling out) getting u") or le5itation. -f a techni9ue suddenly started to yield results for a""ro1imately for 2 seconds) then se"aration from the body should be attem"ted. 'ometimes inertia) difficulty) or a barrier will arise during a se"aration attem"t. *o attention should be gi5en to these "roblems. -nstead) resol5e to se"arate # decidedly and aggressi5ely climb out of the body. Iee" in mind that trying to immediately se"arate u"on awa$ening is a s$ill of the utmost im"ortanceK

one that is worth honing from the 5ery beginning) ne5er forgotten. 2. The (ycle of -ndirect Techni9ues to Use if ne is Unable to 'e"arate The "ractitioner should already ha5e chosen a minimum of two "rimary techni9ues that suit a "ractical re"ertoire. :ere is where the techni9ues are "ut into action. -n order to gi5e a s"ecific e1am"le) we will e1amine the use of three s"ecific techni9ues) which should be re"laced with a tested and chosen set of techni9ues. The following o"erational techni9ues ha5e been used as e1am"les& obser5ing images) "hantom wiggling) and listening in. .fter an unsuccessful attem"t at se"arating) the "ractitioner immediately starts obser5ing the 5oid behind the eyes. -f images begin to a""ear within 0 to 2 seconds) obser5ation should continue without scrutini6ing the images in detail) or the image will e5a"orate. .s a result of this action) the image will 9uic$ly become more and more realistic and colorful) engulfing the "ractitioner. -f e5erything comes together correctly) a sudden translocation into the "icture will occur) or) when the "icture becomes 5ery realistic) attem"t to se"arate from the body. -f nothing ha""ens after 0 to 2 seconds) then the "ractitioner should transition to the techni9ue of "hantom wiggling. %or 0 to 2 seconds) the "ractitioner 9uic$ly searches the entire body for a "art that can be wiggled. r) the entire "eriod of time is s"ent in an attem"t to wiggle a s"ecific body "art& a finger) hand) or leg. -f the desired effect occurs) then the "ractitioner should continue with the techni9ue and achie5e the ma1imum "ossible range of mo5ement. 3uring this "rocess) a number of things can ha""en) including s"ontaneous se"aration) a successful se"aration attem"t) free mo5ement of the wiggled "art) or the "resence of sound or 5ibrations. .ll of these e5ents are of great ad5antage. -f nothing wiggles o5er the course of 0 to 2 seconds) then the "ractitioner should mo5e on to listening in. The "ractitioner should try to detect an internal sound. -f the sound is there) listen and try to am"lify it. .s a result) the noise may grow into a roar and s"ontaneous se"aration will occur) se"arating through the use of a techni9ue will be "ossible) or 5ibrations will occur. -f no noise occurs o5er the course of 0 to 2 seconds) then the entire cycle should be re"eated. -t is beneficial to e1amine the reason behind the use of a set of three indirect techni9ues. This is moti5ated by the fact that the body often reacts to techni9ues in 5ery "eculiar ways. ;ith one "erson) a techni9ue may wor$ one day and not wor$ on another day) which is why if only one techni9ue is used) e5en a 5ery good techni9ue that wor$s often) a "ractitioner can miss out on a lot of different e1"erience through the lac$ of 5ariety in "ractice. Thus) a "ractical re"ertoire should consist of se5eral techni9ues. 0. Re"eating the (ycle of -ndirect Techni9ues -f the first cycle of 0 techni9ues does not yield any clear results) this does not mean that all is lost. /5en if the techni9ues do not wor$) they still draw the "ractitioner closer to the "hase state and it is sim"ly necessary to continue using the techni9ues by again obser5ing "ictures) "hantom wiggling) and listening in M and re"eating this "rocess at least three times. :a5ing "erformed one cycle of techni9ues) one can easily go on to doing a second cycle) a third one) a fourth one) and so on. -t is 9uite "robable that during one of these cycles) a techni9ue will suddenly "ro5e itself) e5en though it had not been wor$ing at all 8ust a few seconds beforehand. . serious "ractitioner should commit to a minimum of 4 cycles. The "roblem lies in the fact that it is "sychologically difficult to do something that has shown itself not to wor$) and one may gi5e u" ta$ing further action) e5en though one could be at the cus" of falling into the "hase.

4. %alling .slee" with the Possibility of Trying .gain -f a "ractitioner is unable to enter the "hase after "erforming cycles and attem"ts to se"arate) or e5en if e5erything wor$ed out) it is still better to go bac$ to slee" to facilitate subse9uent attem"ts. .gain) it is 5ery im"ortant to go to slee" with a clearly defined intention of actually "erforming the cycles u"on awa$ening. 'uch intention 5astly increases the "robability that the ne1t attem"t will occur soon. /5en if only a few attem"ts are made accom"anied by decided and concentrated effort) then the four ste"s described in the algorithm will undoubtedly "roduce entrance into the "hase. -n order to more effecti5ely use the system of indirect cycles) it is necessary to discuss what to do if one techni9ue wor$s and "rogress ceases during the cycle and "hase entry does not occur. %irst) understand that if a techni9ue has begun to wor$) only lac$ of e1"erience and s$ill will "re5ent the "hase. 'econd) barriers are o5ercome by tem"orarily switching to other techni9ues. =et us su""ose that noise arising when listening in grows louder and louder and then "ea$s in 5olume. -t would surely be beneficial to switch to forced falling aslee" or obser5ing images for se5eral seconds) and then return to listening in. The sound may then become much louder and "ro5ide an o""ortunity to "roceed with the techni9ue. 'ometimes) it ma$es sense to brea$ off se5eral times into 5arious techni9ues and then return to the "rimary techni9ue that yielded some results. -t is often "ossible to simultaneously "erform two or e5en three techni9ues and e1"erience no negati5e effect to results. -t is also normal and natural to s$i" around from techni9ue to techni9ue) de5iating from a s"ecific "lan of action. 3uring initial attem"ts at using cycles of indirect techni9ues) the "roblem of confusion during a critical moment may arise) when a no5ice "ractitioner suddenly forgets e1actly what to do and how to do it. This is normal) and the solution is to immediately do whate5er comes to mind. Results can be achie5ed in this manner. ;hen a "ractitioner is more rela1ed about the "ractice) such "roblems will no longer occur. :ints from the Mind ?aried cycles of indirect techni9ues is an almost mandatory "recondition for getting the best result. There are some e1ce"tions. 'ometimes) through indirect indicators) a "ractitioner may be inclined to begin with certain techni9ues) regardless of what had been "lanned. These are a sort of hint from the body and the ability to use such cues "lays an e1tremely im"ortant role in the use of indirect techni9ues because they enable a "ractitioner to substantially increase the effecti5eness of "ractice. :int *o. 1& -mages -f the "ractitioner becomes aware u"on awa$ening that some images) "ictures) or remnants from dreams are before him) then he should immediately "roceed to the techni9ue of obser5ing images) with all of the results that arise from it. -f this does not lead to anything) then cycling with a set of techni9ues should begin.

:int *o. 2& *oises -f the "ractitioner reali6es u"on awa$ening that he hears an internal noise) roaring) ringing) whistling) and so forth) then he should immediately begin from the techni9ue of listening in. -f this has no effect) then cycles of indirect techni9ues ought to commence. :int *o. 0& ?ibrations -f a "ractitioner feels 5ibrations throughout the body while awa$ening) they should be am"lified through the use of straining the brain or straining the body without using muscles. ;hen the 5ibrations reach their "ea$) the "ractitioner can try to se"arate. -f nothing ha""ens after se5eral attem"ts) indirect techni9ue cycles should start. :int *o. 4& *umbness -f a "ractitioner wa$es to numbness in a body "art) "hantom wiggling of that "art should be attem"ted. -f no result is achie5ed after se5eral attem"ts) cycling should be tried. f course) it is better to refrain from techni9ues if the numbness is 5ery intense and causes substantial discomfort. .ggression and Passi5ity 3uring the "ractice of indirect techni9ues) including techni9ue cycles) unsuccessful attem"ts may result in falling aslee" or becoming com"letely awa$e. These results indicate a deficiency or e1cess of aggression. -f a "ractitioner usually falls aslee" while attem"ting to enter the "hase) then more aggressi5e action is needed while "erforming indirect techni9ues. -f) on the other hand) most attem"ts end in a full and alert awa$ening) then aggression should be curbed and techni9ues should be conducted more slowly and in a more rela1ed manner. !alance between "assi5ity and aggression is im"erati5eK the "hase state is easily attained by those "ractitioners who find a stable medium between "assi5ity and aggression. The issue of aggression re9uires a closer e1amination. Juite often) attem"ts at indirect techni9ues are made leisurely) without desire or real effort) to Ochec$ them off the listP. Results more easily reali6ed if the "ractitioner "ossesses an aggressi5e desire to enter the "hase. More often than not) "ractitioners lac$ aggressi5e desire) instead of ha5ing too much of it. Thus) each effort re9uires a distinct want to succeed. (ase 'tudies <anuary 2010 - wo$e u" sometime at about H am) and my first thought was that - had wo$en u" too alertly to do anything with the "hase. .s always) - forced myself to still try to do something. The awa$ening was so alert that it was somewhat difficult to con5ince myself to this end. The situation was aggra5ated by "hysical mo5ement # - was lying down uncomfortably on my stomach. - immediately "erformed forced falling aslee" for a few seconds) causing me to feel a shar" "lunge in my mental state) as if - were retreating dee" into myself. - tried to se"arate right then) but nothing ha""ened& neither le5itation) nor rolling out) nor getting u". - started "erforming one of my fa5orite

techni9ues& "hantom wiggling. *o mo5ement arose. . few seconds later) - tried 5isuali6ing my hands. Then obser5ing images. There was no result) but - noted that my hearing was fading out& - already couldn7t clearly hear sounds coming from outside the window or the room. That definitely meant something. - again tried "hantom wiggling) but nothing ha""ened after se5eral seconds of trying. - decided to do 5isuali6ation of the hands together with forced falling aslee". - started wa5ing my hands in front of my face) and then rubbing may "alms together) trying to distinguish all this 5isually. Meanwhile) - feel into a dee"er state) leading my conscious awareness into the 5oid. -t was right then that - noticed that - sensed my hands to be less under the "illow) and more in front of my face. nce my conscious awareness got distracted by this) e5erything sto""ed right then and there. - again began to fade out) and then tried to feel and see my hands in front of me. ;ith my remaining remnants of awareness) - began to notice that my hands7 "resence in front of my face was increasingly "al"able) and - e5en began to be able to ma$e them out 5isually. .s soon as - reali6ed that - could see them) reacti5ated my conscious awareness) and started trying to discern the hands as clearly as "ossible. .nd after a cou"le of seconds) they became as clearly 5isible as they would be in reality. *ow - could feel them 100F) and e5en forgot about where they were lying in reality. *ot more than 00 seconds had ela"sed so far from the moment of initial awa$ening. .fter that) - 8ust got u" off the bed) 9uic$ly mentally running o5er my "lan of action. !ut then) the tele"hone lying on the floor ne1t to the bed une1"ectedly started ringing. - "ic$ed it u") and could feel not only its "hysical features) but e5en how it 5ibrated out the ring#tone. My colleague from wor$ flashed on the caller -3. - wondered what he would say to me in the "hase) and so - "ressed the button to ta$e the call. To my sur"rise) the "hone $e"t on ringing. - became confused. - again "ressed the button to ta$e the call) but to no end. - reali6ed that the "hone was "robably also ringing in reality. .s soon as that reali6ation hit me) - was instantly bac$ in my body. The "hone was really ringing. .nd indeed) it was my colleague from wor$ calling. The 9uestion remains as to why that sound didn7t immediately $noc$ me out of the "hase. Perha"s because the "hase s"ace was o5erla""ing the real world in a com"letely logical way.

You can find more information on the indirect techni9ues in the boo$) 4'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el. . Practical Euideboo$.4 -n it you will find a large 9uantity of interesting techni9ues) diagrams) charts) and detailed descri"tions. 3irect Techni9ues

3irect techni9ues for entering into an out#of#body e1"erience are used without the "rere9uisite of slee"K by "erforming s"ecific actions while lying down with the eyes closed. The ad5antage of direct techni9ues is that) in theory) they can be "erformed at any moment. :owe5er) a large drawbac$ e1ists in the length of time it ta$es to master the techni9ues. nly 20F of "ractitioners achie5e success after ma$ing daily attem"ts o5er a "eriod of 0 to > wee$s. %or some) an entire year may "ass before results

are reali6ed. The difficulty in achie5ing results with direct techni9ues is not a "roblem of inaccessibility) but the natural "sychological characteristics of the indi5idual. *ot e5eryone is able to clearly understand the s"ecific nuances in5ol5ed) which is why some will continually ma$e mista$es. Many "ractitioners stri5e to master direct techni9ues right away because they a""ear to be the most con5enient) straightforward) and concrete techni9ues. :owe5er) it is a gra5e mista$e to begin attem"ting and mastering "hase entrance from this le5el. -n H0F of cases where no5ices begin their training with direct techni9ues) failure is guaranteed. Moreo5er) a 5ast amount of time) effort) and emotion will be wasted. .s a result) com"lete disillusionment with the entire sub8ect of "hase e1"eriences is "ossible. 3irect techni9ues should only be "racticed after mastery of the easiest indirect techni9ues or how to become conscious when dreaming. -n any case) difficulties will not wear one down afterwards) as it will be e1ceedingly clear from one7s own e1"erience that the "hase is not a figment of the imagination. .lso) an ad5anced $nowledge of indirect techni9ues will ma$e it considerably easier to achie5e direct entry into the "hase. Juality of the "hase e1"erience is not de"endent u"on the chosen entrance techni9ue. 3irect techni9ues do not necessarily "ro5ide a dee"er) more lasting "hase o5er indirect techni9ues. 3irect techni9ues are better suited for some "ractitioners and not others) but this ban only be said for a minority of the "racticing "o"ulation. Meanwhile) indirect techni9ues are accessible to absolutely e5eryone all of the time. !ody Position ;ith indirect techni9ues body "osition isnLt im"ortant since conscious awa$ening regardless of body "osition is the goal. :owe5er) the "osition of the body is crucial while "racticing direct techni9ues. There is not an e1act body "osition that each "ractitioner should assume since) once again) indi5idual characteristics and instincts differ widely. There are s"ecific rules that allow one to select the right "osition) based on indirect indicators. -f a "ractitioner e1"eriences difficulty falling aslee" and is constantly awa$e while "erforming direct techni9ues) then the most comfortable "osition for the indi5idual should be used. -f slee" comes 9uite easily to a "ractitioner) a less natural "osition should be ta$en. -f a "ractitioner e1"eriences fewer ga"s in consciousness when the techni9ues are "erformed and has a harder time falling aslee") a more comfortable a "osition should be used. 3e"ending on the situation) there are many "ossible "ositions& lying down on the bac$) on the stomach) on the side) or e5en in a half#reclined "osition. -t is "ossible that a "ractitioner will ha5e to change "ositions from one attem"t to another) introducing ad8ustments related to a free#floating state of mind.

The %ree#%loating 'tate of Mind There are almost infinite descri"tions of direct entry techni9ues offered in literature) stories) on the -nternet) and at seminars. 'ometimes) one descri"tion fundamentally differs from another. -n the ma8ority of cases) howe5er) common threads e1ist that unite almost e5ery descri"tion of a "articular

techni9ue& short la"ses in consciousness) memory ga"s) and drifting in and out of slee") all of which are hallmar$s of the free#floating state of mind. .fter any of these "henomena occur) all manner of unusual "re#"hase or "hase sensations arise. =a"ses in consciousness may last for seconds) se5eral minutes) or more than an hour. They may range from a sim"le loss of consciousness to entrance into a full#fledged dream. They may be singular and rare) or may occur se5eral times o5er the course of a minute. ;hate5er a la"se entails) the mind attains a mode of o"erating that is ideal for "hase e1"erimentation) "ro5ided the "ractitioner is able to refrain from dee" slee" and 9uic$ly return to a conscious) wa$ing state. *ot e5ery la"se of consciousness leads to the "hase. The la"se must ha5e sufficient de"th to be effecti5e. Thus) with e5ery unsuccessful la"se) another dee"er la"se should be incurred. ;hen "erforming the 5ariations of the techni9ues) a "ractitioner can begin to 5acillate between full alertness and com"lete aslee") coming to) and then nodding off again. To a5oid falling aslee" re9uires a strong desire to return to wa$efulness. This is accom"lished by a strong resol5e on the "art of the "ractitioner) e5en if) while "erforming a direct techni9ue) drifting in and out of slee" occurs. The "ractitioner must firmly assert that at the moment consciousness ta"ers off) awa$ening will immediately occur. n the other hand) if la"ses do not occur) and are re"laced by com"lete alertness) the following tric$s of the trade may hel"& full concentration on mental actions or) con5ersely) musing and daydreaming in "arallel with the techni9ue being used. /ntering the "hase with a free#floating state of mind most often occurs as the result of three $ey factors. %irst) one techni9ue or another may begin to wor$ well during a la"se. 'econd) nearness to the "hase may une1"ectedly manifest itself through sounds or 5ibration after a la"se. 3uring this) transitioning to techni9ues that corres"ond to the abo5e sym"toms @listening in) straining the brainB may be a""lied. Third) when e1iting a la"se) it is sometimes easy to se"arate or 9uic$ly find a wor$ing techni9ue by "aying attention to initial indicators. (ase 'tudies <anuary 200H nce - got into bed) - found myself in the mood to try entering the "hase using a direct techni9ue. .fter ha5ing laid down for a bit and some end#of#the#day reflection) which calmed and rela1ed me to some e1tent) - began to concentrate my attention on imagined rotation along my head#to#toe a1is. - was unable to rotate more than halfway for the first minute. !ut then - was able to rotate all the way around) and it got easier and easier with each minute. - rotated in one direction) and then another. - "eriodically la"sed into slee" and shallow dreaming. - did not e5en try to attem"t se"aration when surfacing) because - did not feel any "hase sym"toms. .t one "oint) conscious awareness san$ into unconscious for a longer "eriod of time than before @- almost com"letely fell aslee"B. ;hen - came to) the rotation was somewhat sluggish. - intensified the rotation) which then s"un me around li$e an electric motor& my whole body was abu66 with 5ibrations) e5en though the rotation was still imaginary) and not as "erce"tually real as usual. - also heard noise. -t became clear that if - was not already in the "hase) then - was close to it) and so - tried to roll out for the first time. -t wor$ed li$e a charm. :owe5er) - did not fall onto the floor) but floated an inch or two abo5e it) as it seemed to me. ;asting no time) - abru"tly stood u" in the middle of the room. - couldn7t see the room around me) but

clearly understood that - was in it. - 9uic$ly began to "al"ate the floor) closet) bed linen) my own torso) and so on. n the whole) - could immediately tell that the "hase was dee") e5en though - couldn7t see. did e5erything more out of habit) and in order to ensure a long and confident "hase. Moreo5er) the la"se in consciousness was recent) and it would be necessary to fully regain consciousness before going into action) otherwise - might easily drift out of the "hase. .fter 2 to 10 seconds of "al"ation) my 5ision returned. .s soon as it did) - stared at my hands) "eering at all the lines on my "alms and fingers. The "hase became not only real in terms of "erce"tion # it became hy"er#real. .t that moment) - 9uic$ly defined my goals& to obtain information about "hase training) and to conduct an e1"eriment on the connection between the body "ercei5ed in the "hase and the "hysical body left behind on the bed. - didn7t initially recall what else had - wanted to do) but figured that -7d remember the other tas$s while com"leting the first two. .ll that thought on my "lan of action did not ta$e more than two seconds. - then closed my eyes and concentrated on finding a wise old man. - abru"tly flew off) and 9uic$ly enough found myself in a hut) entering as if staggering in after flying through the wall. The wise man sat facing away from me) so 9uic$ly wal$ed around to face him) and then as$ed him how - could im"ro5e my teaching methodology at seminars. - e1"ected that he would once again "ro"ose certain tric$s#of#the#trade and s"ecial techni9ues. -nstead) he une1"ectedly said that it was worth wor$ing more acti5ely on the emotional factor and es"ecially moti5ation) as many sim"ly do not ma$e the necessary effort) mainly because they don7t understand what awaits them and how interesting it is. /5en though their techni9ue should be corrected) there7s not "oint in doing so when they aren7t always moti5ated and do not "erform the techni9ues thoroughly. :a5ing obtained what - needed and ha5ing set its analysis aside for later) - too$ ad5antage of the o""ortunity and as$ed a 9uestion concerning my "ersonal relationshi"s with "eo"le that - care about in my life. :owe5er) the res"onse caused me to fade out) and my mind wandered for a cou"le of moments) which was enough for e5erything to become blurred. Reali6ing that directly em"loying maintaining techni9ues would be useless at this "oint) - 8ust tried to maintain the "hase by grabbing the sage7s beard. - ended u" in my body) but with my hand still holding his beard) which - strongly clutched in my hand in order to am"lify the flow of sensations as much as "ossible. Rubbing my hand with the beard) - was able to almost effortlessly get out of bed. .fter "al"ating the nearby s"ace with my free hand and reali6ing that the state was stable enough) - began trying to scrutini6e the hand with the beard) holding it close to my eyes. My 5ision started to return) and within se5eral seconds - was already able to see the s"ace and my hand itself 9uite clearly. -n it lay a thic$ clum" of gray hair. This made me laugh. - tried not to get distracted) and was able to contain myself. Then) - began to study the connection between the body that is 5isible on the bed from the "hase) and the real "hysical one. Perha"s the "hase s"ace itself came to my aid) because it was "recisely at that time that - saw my body indeed lying on the bed. - had been en8oying this sight less and less fre9uently) though at the beginning of my "ractice - e1"erienced it with nearly e5ery e1it from the body. ;atching myself from the outside was once again not 5ery "leasant) something 8ostled me inside and aroused mi1ed feelings. This was "erha"s because the "erson - was loo$ing at did not e1actly corres"ond to how - e1"erience myself to be. - began to touch his feet) stomach) and head. (ontrary to old wi5es7 tales) this did not cause any getting "ulled into a stencil # this "rocess dee"ened and maintained my "hase) as it was a ty"e of sensory am"lification. .t some "oint) touching and e1amining the face) - all too clearly reali6ed that it was me. /5erything faded for a moment) and - e5en felt someone7s hands on my face. !ut - was then able to go bac$ to what - was doing) and continued on with the same clarity of "ur"ose. - wra""ed u" the e1"eriment. :ere it dawned on me that - could not remember what else - had wanted to do. Juite disa""ointed) -

now had to go on with doing the first thing that "o""ed into my head) so as not to waste the rest of the "hase as a result of my "oor memory. The other day - had been watching a documentary about dee"#sea creatures) and - now had a strong desire to go somewhere into the dee" and see something similar with my own eyes. - too$ my hand off the face of that body remaining on the bed) closed my eyes) and concentrated on the dee" blue sea. .t first) - sim"ly went on a flight) and then - began to feel increased resistance from the s"ace around me) some $ind of hea5y 5iscosity. Meanwhile) the deafening noise hammering my ears during the flight became muted and muffled. .ll this somewhat distracted me from focusing on my goals. - concentrated e5en harder. 'ensations of cold and "ain struc$ my ears. My whole body felt com"ressed. Unable to mo5e) - reali6ed that - was underwater and holding my breath. 3es"ite being 8ustifiably afraid to do so) - o"ened my mouth) breathing water into my lungs. -t was 9uite an unusual sensation. - began to "eer into the dar$ness before my eyes) and was gradually able to start ma$ing out sha"es. $new that should the laws of "hysics a""ly) - wouldn7t be able to see at this de"th. - ne5ertheless still ho"ed for my sight to come bac$ to me. -f not) - was at least ready to create a "owerful flashlight. The dar$ness ga5e way to tones of blac$ and gray. - began to discern an illuminated seabed. There was 5isibility through about fifty yards from the ocean floor) and nothing but com"lete dar$ness abo5e that. .n unusual "icture was a""earing before me) amid the e5en more unusual sensations of my body being crushed by the water "ressure. .s soon as - started "eering at something) - tried to "ush forward) barely able to mo5e my limbs. Iic$ing was 9uite difficult) but this allowed for sensory am"lification and thus hel"ed to maintain the "hase. .fter a few seconds) - s"otted a bright s"ot through the grayness mo5ing along the seabed and towards me. . few seconds later) - reali6ed that this was some fairly large creature. -t 9uic$ly swam alongside me. - could now see that this was a s9uid of incredible si6e. -t7s torso was already beside me) while its tentacles still stretched far away. -t ga5e the im"ression of being some $ind of e1traterrestrial creature. -t began to circle around me) a "erson now dumbfounded by the e1"erience and the realism accom"anying it. /5erything gradually faded out) and - don7t remember anything after that.

.ll information on direct techni9ues is a5ailable only in 4'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el. . Practical Euideboo$)4 as such information is su"erfluous for no5ices. These are the most difficult techni9ues. !ecoming (onscious ;hile 3reaming

The techni9ues for "hase entrance 5ia becoming conscious while dreaming are based on reaching consciousness and self#awareness during a dream) which) regardless of dream 9uality) can be transitioned into a fully reali6ed "hase e1"erience. (ontrary to "o"ular o"inion) ha5ing an out#of#body e1"erience through dreaming differs little from other techni9uesK the "rimary results of which may be

"ersistently categori6ed as dissociati5e e1"eriences& being fully conscious while remo5ed from the "erce"tion of a "hysical body. The realism of a "hase induced through becoming conscious in a dream does not differ from "hases entered using other techni9ues) and) when dee"ened) the "hase offers more 5i5id and lucid e1"eriences than those of e5eryday life. -f a "ractitioner becomes aware of a dream while in it @usually accom"anied by a clear reali6ation that it is) O8ust a dreamPB) then the "hase is e1"erienced from that moment forward. !eginners often confuse the notion of becoming conscious while dreaming with induced dreaming. .n induced dream is the dream of a s"ecific to"ic) "ro5o$ed on demandK this does not "resu""ose consciousness. Moreo5er) not all "ractitioners clearly understand what it means to be fully conscious while dreaming. (onsciousness while dreaming is always "resent to some e1tent) but it is necessary to be as conscious as one would be in a wa$eful state. .wareness is not "ossible as long as the "lot of the dream continues. ;hen full understanding occurs that e5erything around is 8ust a dream) a "erson dro"s the dream and starts doing only what he wants to do at that 5ery moment. .nd after awa$ening) he should not thin$ that what ha""ened was absurd or une1"lainable. 3uring the "rocess of becoming conscious in a dream) a "ractitionerLs actions must be com"letely subordinated to the desire to e1"erience a 9uality "hase. This is why) u"on becoming conscious in a dream) "roceeding to techni9ues related to dee"ening and maintaining is crucial. Techni9ues for becoming conscious in a dream differ 5ery much in nature from other techni9ues) and there are good reasons why these methods are differentiated from other "ractices) li$e so#called astral "ro8ection or out#of#body e1"erience @ !/B. :owe5er) their characteristics differ 5ery little in terms of results. The techni9ue#related "eculiarities rest in the fact that s"ecific actions are not re9uired to "roduce immediate) concrete results. .ll techni9ue#related elements are "erformed outside of when consciousness while dreaming occurs. This is because it is im"ossible to ta$e some action if you are not conscious and do not reali6e that you are dreaming. .ll efforts are directed at ma$ing that 5ery reali6ation somehow occur. Many stri5e to achie5e consciousness during each dream o5er the course of an entire nightK howe5er) this is rarely "ossible due to "hysiological barriers. There is a good reason that slee" and dreams are an im"ortant "art of a human life. There is an im"ortant need to switch off not only body) but also consciousness) so that it may unconsciously sift and "rocess the 5ast 5olume of information obtained in e5eryday life. The timeframe for achie5ing conscious dreaming is 5ery difficult to estimate due to the nature of re9uired actions. -ntensity and intention definitely e1ert hea5y influence. . "ractitioner may become conscious in a dream when first la"sing into slee") regardless of when it occurs. r) with regular attem"ts) this could ha""en in two wee$s to a month. *e5ertheless) these techni9ues "romise a much higher li$elihood of success than direct methods) and can be com"ared with indirect techni9ues # inferior to the latter only in terms of the s"eed at which results are achie5ed and the amount of effort re9uired. ;hile indirect techni9ues yield ma1imum results in light of a full nightLs rest) the amount of time s"ent in bed is not a significant factor to achie5ing dream consciousness. Therefore) this techni9ue is sure to guarantee entry into the "hase) es"ecially if difficulty has been encountered while "racticing other techni9ues. Techni9ues used to attain dream consciousness should not be combined with other ty"es of techni9ues. -t is better to focus on one thing at a time. -nterestingly) when a techni9ue is "racticed on a regular basis) there is nearly a 100F guarantee that dream consciousness will s"ontaneously occur.

Techni9ues for !ecoming (onscious in a 3ream -ntention -ntention is crucial to the success of any techni9ue. ;ith regard to dream consciousness) its significance is multi"lied. The creation of intention is ine1tricably lin$ed to the creation of internal as"iration) which has re5erberations in both conscious and unconscious states. -n reality) an ele5ated degree of intention o"erates as a "owerful method of mental "rogramming. This techni9ue is "erformed before falling aslee" by affirming a strong desire to become conscious while dreaming. %or best results) alongside a strong) clearly defined intention) thin$ through what actions will be ta$en when dream consciousness is achie5ed. (reating an .nchor 'ince dream consciousness is not lin$ed to s"ecific actions that ta$e "lace within a dream and sensory "erce"tion continues to o"erate in the dream state) it is "ossible to de5elo" and use an artificially conditioned refle1 to achie5e consciousness. The essence of this techni9ue is to train the consciousness to uniformly react to certain stimuli that occur while being awa$e and when dreaming) establishing a habit of s"ecific res"onse e5ery time a certain situation occurs. %or e1am"le) while awa$e) a "ractitioner may as$) O.m - dreamingCP e5ery time they see an anchor. .n anchor is any ob8ect that is often encountered while awa$e and while dreaming. /1am"les of anchors include a "ractitionerLs own hands) red ob8ects) or running water. ;hen first using this techni9ue) a "ractitioner will be unable to 9uestion whether a dream is in "rogress e5ery time a "re# established anchor is encountered. :owe5er) with training and a strong desire this techni9ue 9uic$ly "roduces results. 5er time) subconscious 9uestioning of the "ractitionerLs state becomes habit) ha""ening while awa$e and dreaming. The end result is dream consciousness. -t is im"ortant to note that one needs not only to sim"ly as$ this 9uestion) but that it is also im"ortant to answer it mindfully) trying to isolate oneself from surrounding e5ents in order to be able to answer it in an as ob8ecti5e and un"redetermined way as "ossible. %ailing to answer ob8ecti5ely will always result in a negati5e res"onse @noB) and dream consciousness will not be achie5ed. (ase 'tudies <une 2001 - suddenly became aware that - was in a dream. - felt 8oy and satisfaction. The "ositi5e emotions were so "lentiful that) ha5ing become aware of my "resence in a world outside of reality) - tried to share my emotions with "assersby. - didn7t e5en care that there was no "oint in doing this. -t should be noted that - did not ha5e to return to my body in order to dee"en the state and se"arate once again) as is normally to be done) as there was an immediate and aty"ical realism to my surroundings. -t was that 5ery realism that had led me to become aware that - was dreaming in the first "lace. - was in a 5ery interesting "lace& there was no s$y # instead of it there was a low) large blue dome) which distributed a strange light across the entire s"aceK the scenery all about recalled a corner of "aradise& there were a lot of fountains) streams) and numerous architectural curiosities of un$nown

"ur"ose. There were flora and fauna e5erywhere& all the streams were teeming with myriad ty"es of fish) all the trees were ali5e with the chir"ing of floc$s of e1otic birds @from sim"le green "arrots to those of fantastic a""earanceB. There was so much to ta$e in all around. ;here5er one loo$ed) there were beautiful flowers and trees of all different sha"esK many "eo"le milled about on all $inds of business) "aying not the slightest degree of attention to me) and there were many ob8ects with unfamiliar ob8ects around. .ll was distinguished by a rich dis"lay of life in all its manifestations. /5erywhere was crowded) "eo"led) and there was "ractically no free "lace to stand. /5erything literally teemed. :owe5er) there was room enough to mo5e about. - was sei6ed by intense emotion arising from such an uncommon) and) most im"ortantly) realistic and 5i5id landsca"e. /5erything could be ta$en in 5isually) and in minute detail. There was a lot of e5erything around to obser5e) - did so with relish. -n other words) "erformed the techni9ue of concentration) - didn7t e5en ha5e to thin$ about "rocedures for maintaining. - didn7t feel at all li$e carrying out my "re5iously "lanned tas$s. - didn7t need anything else but to en8oy the sim"le "leasure of obser5ing this little corner of "aradise. - felt li$e a stranger in a strange world) and was 5ery ha""y to ha5e landed in such a "lace) and been able to e1"erience it firsthand. %or this) was sincerely grateful for the "hase. 'omething li$e this would ne5er ha5e ha""ened in real life. The thought occasionally came to me that this was not sim"ly my inner world) but actually some real one. :owe5er) the laws according to which it o"erated went against this. The only thing that could ha5e startled me was the realness of the situation. My inner world could not acce"t such things) as - had already grown accustomed to thin$ing about reality in a different way o5er the course of my life. My "resence in this "aradise was threatened by the "ossibility of my conscious awareness chec$ing out) and me subse9uently falling aslee". - started to become 9uite worried about this) and so had to "erform some acti5e e1ercises in order to $ee" my awareness from submerging. ;ithout thin$ing twice) - decided to start tal$ing with "eo"le there) because this was always one of the most interesting things to do. Unfortunately) e5eryone "resent there was unfamiliar with me from reality. !ut that did not bother me too much) because an interesting scene started to de5elo" before my eyes. The two men started singing some songs) before that they had been 9uietly sitting on a bench and en8oying some un$nown li9uid from wines$ins. %rom the tone of their 5oice and their a""earance) one could easily guess at the alcoholic ins"iration for their 5ocal concert. .fter singing the refrains of some well#$nown songs) they graduated to obscene limeric$s and 8o$es. That7s when it got really interesting. - e1"ected them to recite only things that - already $new) but to my total sur"rise) this was not to be the case. - stood there and listened 5ery carefully to e5erything. /5en though the limeric$s were funny) was more shoc$ed than amused) as - had ne5er heard any of them before. This meant that at that moment) my brain was literally com"osing 9uite high 9uality stuff on the fly) without any inter5ention in the "rocess on my "art. Perha"s - had once been unwittingly e1"osed to e5erything that - heard in that world) and sim"ly not "aid attention to it) and now it was coming bac$ to me in this form. Then) - suddenly got the idea that - should en8oy myself in a more acti5e and unusual way. .fter all) one ought li5e in the moment...

=i$ewise) all information on entering the "hase through becoming conscious while dreaming is only a5ailable in 4'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el. . Practical Euideboo$4) as such information is nonessential for those starting out on their "ath.

(ha"ter 0 Managing the ut#of#!ody /1"erience

Perha"s) dear friend) you won7t be ready for this) but merely lea5ing your body with your conscious mind alone is not sufficient for learning Ultimate Yoga. -t is only the first ste". You will reali6e this after your first "hase e1"eriences) es"ecially if they turn out to be brief) 5ague) or com"letely uncontrollable. -t is first necessary to bring the state to a dee" le5el. Then) it is necessary to always remember about techni9ues for maintaining the "hase. .nd you need be always able to handle the "hase s"ace) as it comes with its own rules and laws. Meanwhile) entering into it with your own o"inions and "re8udices is not only sim"ly foolish) but also as$ing for a situation fraught with many "roblems. 'o carefully study the following material) as it will be as 5itally im"ortant on your "ath to mastery as the techni9ues for se"arating the conscious mind from the body.

3ee"ening and Maintaining

The conce"t of dee"ening 3ee"ening refers to techni9ues that induce realistic "erce"tion and awareness in the "hase state. The "hase is not an e1act) fi1ed state where a "ractitioner is "resent or not. -t is a realm of states characteri6ed by a transition from the usual "erce"tion of the "hysical body to a com"lete alienation from it) while maintaining consciousness and reality of "erce"tion) albeit in a different frame of s"ace. 3ee"ening techni9ues sol5e the "roblem of diminished or absent sensory "erce"tion in the "hase.

'ensory e1"eriences within a fully reali6ed "hase e1"erience are as realistic as those in e5eryday reality. -n almost one#half of all cases) "ractitioners obser5e that reality#based surroundings "ale in com"arison to 5ibrant detail and color of the "hase s"ace. To this end) after entering the "hase) a "ractitioner must "erform dee"ening techni9ues to enhance and solidify the degree and 9uality of "hase reality. %ull s"atial "erce"tion in the "hase only occurs after dee"ening techni9ues ha5e been a""lied. There would be no "oint to remaining in the "hase without dee"ening. 3ee"ening is also related to the length of time a "ractitioner may remain in the "hase. -f an action is ta$en without a dee") realistic "hase) the e1"erience will always be se5eral times shorter in duration than a "hase where dee"ening techni9ues had been a""lied. The "ro"erties of the "hase s"ace 5ery much de"end on its de"th. ;hen surroundings are blurry and unclear) the stability of ob8ects is 5ery wea$. There is a direct correlation between the realism of a "hase and a "ractitionerLs le5el of awareness) so it is e1tremely im"ortant to ensure a dee" "hase in order to "romote ma1imum awareness. 'ensory am"lification The more a "hase is e1"erienced by the sensory faculties) the dee"er and longer the "hase will be. 'ensory am"lification in the "hase is the most effecti5e dee"ening techni9ue "recisely because it allows the acti5ation of "rimary internal sensations during the transition from reality to the "hase. .ll dee"ening techni9ues should be "racticed with a high le5el of aggression) with no "auses) only continuous) deliberate action. -f techni9ues are "racticed in a calm) rela1ed manner) then dee"ening attem"ts will most often result in falling aslee" or returning to the body. Pal"ation is the first dee"ening techni9ue that should be recalled when entering the "hase. ?ision may be absent at the beginning of a "hase e1"erience) but the sensation of occu"ying a defined s"ace is almost always "resent. -n the case of a com"letely absent sense of sight) only tactile# $inesthetic "erce"tion is "ossible. That is) mo5ement throughout a s"ace and the touching ob8ects there is the only o"tion when 5ision is absent. The sense of touch "lays a $ey role in the "erce"tion of e5eryday reality. .ccordingly) if the sense of touch is acti5ely used in the "hase s"ace) it is only natural that the "hase will dee"en and reach its ma1imum "otential. Pal"ation is "erformed by fleetingly touching anything that may be found in the immediate surroundings. This should be done by 9uic$ly but carefully "ercei5ing the feel of surfaces and sha"es. :ands should not remain on a "articular "lace for more than one second) remaining constantly in motion to locate new ob8ects. The goal of "al"ation is to touch and also to learn something about encountered ob8ects or sha"es. %or e1am"le) if one feels a mug) one may touch it not only from the outside) but also from the inside. nce a "ractitioner has rolled out of the body) the bed may be touchedK the "hysical body lying in bed may be touched) as well as the floor) the car"et) nearby walls) or a bedside table. .nother "al"ation techni9ue is "erformed by rubbing the "alms against each other as if trying to warm them on a cold day. !lowing on the "alms also "roduces sensations that will hel" dee"en the "hase. 'ince tactile "erce"tion of the world is not limited to the "alms) the hands should be mo5ed o5er the entire body while in the "hase to e1cite and fully acti5ate the sense of touch.

.s soon as "al"ation begins) the feeling that the "hase is dee"ening and becoming fi1ed soon follows. Usually) it ta$es fi5e to 10 seconds of "al"ation e1ercises to reach the ma1imum le5el of dee"ening. .fter "erforming this techni9ue) the "seudo#"hysical sensations will be indistinguishable from those of e5eryday reality. -f 5ision is absent on "hase entry) it 9uic$ly emerges during "al"ation. Peering is the "rimary technical 5ariation of sensory am"lification. :owe5er) it is not always initially accessible since it re9uires 5ision) which may begin as absent in the "hase. nce 5ision a""ears or has been created using s"ecial techni9ues @see (ha"ter GB) "eering may begin. The effecti5eness of this techni9ue originates in the fact that 5ision is the humanLs "rimary instrument of "erce"tion. Therefore) by e1citing 5ision to its ma1imum "otential within the "hase) it is "ossible to attain a fully immersi5e "hase state that is com"letely a"art from normal reality. Peering should be done at a distance of four to si1 inches from ob8ects within the "hase. . "ractitioner should glance o5er the minute details of ob8ects and surfaces to bring definition to the "hase s"ace while increasing the 9uality of 5ision. ;hen loo$ing at hands) the lines of the "alm or the fingernail and cuticles should be e1amined. -f obser5ing a wall) study the te1ture of its wall"a"er. ;hen loo$ing at a mug) one should loo$ carefully at its handle) the cur5e of its rim) or any inscri"tions. .ttention should not remain on one area of an ob8ect for more than half a second. .cti5e obser5ation should constantly mo5e to new ob8ects and their minute details) a""roaching ob8ects or "ic$ing them u" to draw them nearer. -tLs best when ob8ects near one anotherK otherwise) too much time is s"ent mo5ing around. Peering brings 9uic$ and clear results. Usually) if 5ision is blurry and there is a yearning to return into the "hysical body) with 8ust 0#10 seconds of "eering all of this will be gone without a trace. .fter "eering) 5ision ad8usts as 9uic$ly and clearly as if a camera lens was correctly installed in front of the eyes) ca"turing the image in the shar"est of focus. 'imultaneous "eering and "al"ation "ro5ide the ma1imum "ossible dee"ening effect in the "hase. This method of sensory am"lification engages the two most im"ortant "erce"ti5e) thus the effect is twice greater than when the two actions are se"arately "erformed. -f 5ision is "resent in the "hase) simultaneous "eering and "al"ation is an absolute necessity because it facilitates good "hase de"th in the 9uic$est and sim"lest manner. The combination of "al"ation and "eering must not only be "erformed simultaneously) but also u"on the same ob8ects. %or e1am"le) while a "ractitioner may loo$ at the hands and simultaneously rub them against each otherK or while loo$ing at a coffee mug) all of its "arts may be obser5ed and touched at the same. -t is necessary to maintain dynamism of action) remembering that feelings should be e1"erienced not half#heartedly) remembering that full concentration on sensory am"lification is an e1cellent means to a dee") 9uality "hase. The general conce"t of maintaining Phase maintenance or OmaintainingP refers to techni9ues that allow a "ractitioner to remain in the "hase for the ma1imum amount of time "ossible. ;ithout $nowledge of OmaintainingP techni9ues) the duration of the "hase will be se5eral times shorter than it could otherwise be. Phase maintenance consists of three "rimary "rinci"les& resisting a return to the wa$eful state @$nown as a foulB) resisting falling aslee") and resisting a false e1it from the "hase. .s a rule) the first two "roblems @return to a wa$eful state) or falling aslee"B are often encountered by beginners) but the third difficulty @false e1itB manifests at later stages of "ractice. There are s"ecific solutions for the three "roblems described in addition to general rules that a""ly to

any "hase e1"erience. 'tudying these rules should be gi5en 8ust as high a "riority as studying the s"ecific solutions) since only some of them) when a""lied se"arately) may hel" one to remain in the "hase se5eral times longer than usual. ;ith "erfect $nowledge of all the techni9ues for maintaining) a "hase may last two to four minutes) which doesnLt sound li$e an e1tended duration) but really is. . "articularity of the "hase s"ace is that achie5ing something and mo5ing around in it ta$es a minimum amount of time) mere seconds. Thus) so much can be done during 0 minutes in the "hase that one literally needs a list) so as not to waste any time. Perce"tion of time 5aries from "ractitioner to "ractitioner. *o5ices es"ecially "ercei5e a real minute as more li$e fi5e to 10 minutes in the "hase. This is determined by the "articularities of indi5idual "sychology) state of mind) and the ty"e of e5ents that occur in the "hase. -n order to understand how long a "hase really lasted) one does not need to try using a sto"watch in the real world. -t is better to count how many actions too$ "lace in it and how much time each of them could ha5e ta$en. The result will differ from oneLs first rough estimate se5eral times o5er. The ma1imum duration the "hase 5aries de"ends hea5ily on the ability to a""ly "hase maintenance techni9ues. 'ome "ractitioners ha5e difficulty brea$ing the two#minute barrier while some find it easy to remain in the "hase for 10 minutes or longer. -t is "hysically im"ossible to remain in the "hase fore5er because e5en a 20#minute "hase is unheard of. Techni9ues and rules against returning to the body (onstant 'ensory .m"lification The same sensory am"lification described in the cha"ter on dee"ening @(ha"ter >B also a""lies to OmaintainingP. -n essence) ha5ing achie5ed the necessary de"th of "hase) one should not sto" to acti5ely agitate his or her "erce"tion but should $ee" on doing this all the while) albeit not as acti5ely as during dee"ening. The idea is that during the entire duration of the "hase) all action should be focused on e1"eriencing the ma1imum "ossible amount of tactile#$inesthetic and 5isual "erce"tions. This entails constantly touching and e1amining e5erything in minute detail. %or e1am"le) if "assing by a boo$case) touch and e1amine some of the boo$s in it) including their "ages and corners. Tactile obser5ation should be "erformed on e5ery encountered ob8ect. Pal"ation may be a""lied se"arately as a bac$ground sensation. This is done in order not to o5erload the sense of sight. The hands should be touching something all the time) or better still) rubbing each other. .s#*eeded 'ensory .m"lification .""lying the as#needed sensory am"lification techni9ue is no different than constant sensory am"lification. -t is used only when a foul @a return to a wa$eful stateB is imminent or when "hase 5ision starts to blur and fade. %or e1am"le) while tra5eling in the "hase e5erything may start to blur) signaling a wea$ening of the "hase. .t this moment) the "ractitioner should touch e5ery a5ailable ob8ectK obser5e e5erything in fine detail. .s soon as returns to a clear and realistic state) actions may be continued without needing to "erform am"lification.

%orced %alling .slee" .s soon as indicators of a foul a""ear) immediately lie down on the floor and attem"t forced falling aslee"K the same as the "hase entry techni9ue. .fter successfully "erforming the techni9ue @0#10sec.B ) a "ractitioner may get u" and continue to tra5el through the "hase since the "erce"tion of reality and its de"th will most li$ely be restored. Resist actually fall aslee". :oo$ing onto the "hase .nother interesting method of OmaintainingP is hoo$ing onto the "hase. -n the e5ent of an im"ending foul) grab onto an ob8ect in the "hase acti5ely "al"ate or s9uee6e it. /5en if a return to the body occurs during this techni9ue) the hands will continue to hold the "hase ob8ect and the "hysical hands will not be "ercei5ed. !eginning with these "hantom feelings in the hands) se"aration from the body is "ossible. .ny nearby ob8ect may be hoo$ed& the leg of a chair) a drin$ing glass) a door$nob) a stone) or a stic$. -f there is nothing to grab hold of) clas" the hands together or bite down on a li" or the tongue. Techni9ues and rules for resisting falling aslee" (onstant Understanding of the Possibility of %alling .slee" Most of the time) falling aslee" while in the "hase can be o5ercome by a constant awareness that slee" is "ossible and detrimental to a continued "hase. . "ractitioner must always consider the "robability of falling aslee" and actions must be carefully analy6ed to ensure that they are based on real desires and not on "arado1ical notions) which are common to dreams. Periodic .nalysis of .wareness Periodically as$ing the 9uestion) O.m - dreamingCP while in the "hase hel"s a""raise situations and the 9uality of the actions being "erformed at any moment. -f e5erything meets the standards of full "hase awareness) actions may be continued. .s$ed on a regular basis) this 9uestion becomes habit) automatically used while transitioning to the "hase state. -f you $ee" as$ing this 9uestion regularly) sooner or later it will arise automatically at the moment when you are actually transitioning into a dream. This will then hel" one to wa$e u") after which it is "ossible to continue to remain in a full# fledged "hase.. The fre9uency of the 9uestion should be based on a "ractitionerLs ability to consistently remain in the "hase. -f a "hase usually lasts fi5e to 10 minutes or more) it is not necessary to as$ the 9uestion more than once e5ery 2 minutesK otherwise) this 9uestion has to be as$ed fre9uently) literally once a minute) or 8ust a little less often. There is another im"ortant rule related to resisting falling aslee"& no "ractitioner should engage or "artici"ate in s"ontaneous e5ents occurring in the "hase. /5ents that are not "lanned or deliberate lead to a high "robability of being immersed in the side action) which results in a loss of concentrated awareness. Techni9ue against an unrecogni6ed "hase

'ince the cessation of the "hase e1"erience may be simulated and no different in terms of "erce"tion from a real e1it) differences between the "hysical world and the "hase world must be acti5ely discerned. -n other words) a "ractitioner must $now how to determine whether a genuine "hase e1it has occurred. .t "resent) only one e1"eriment is $nown to guarantee an accurate result. The "hase s"ace cannot withstand "rolonged close 5isual attention to the minute details of ob8ects. ;ithin se5eral seconds of acute e1amination) sha"es begin to distort) ob8ects change color) "roduce smo$e) melt) or mor"h in other ways. .fter e1iting the "hase) loo$ at a small ob8ect from a distance of four to si1 inches) and remain focused on it for 10 seconds. -f the ob8ect does not change) a "ractitioner can be assured that the surroundings are reality. -f an ob8ect is somehow distorted or as$ew) a "ractitioner $nows that the "hase is intact. The sim"lest o"tion is to loo$ at the ti" of the finger since it is always close at hand. -t is also "ossible to ta$e a boo$ and e1amine its te1t. Te1t in the "hase will either blur or a""ear as al"habetical gibberish) or full of incom"rehensible symbols. Eeneral rules for maintaining The "ractitioner should not loo$ into the distance. -f faraway ob8ects are obser5ed for a long "eriod of time) a foul may occur) or one may be translocated towards these ob8ects. -n order to loo$ at distant ob8ects without "roblems) a "ractitioner has to em"loy techni9ues for maintaining. (onstant acti5ity. Under no circumstances should a "ractitioner remain "assi5e and calm in the "hase. The more actions "erformed) the longer the "hase is. The fewer actions M the shorter the "hase. -t is enough to "ause for thought) and e5erything sto"s. Plan of action. There should be a clear "lan of action consisting of at least 2 tas$s to be carried out in the "hase at the earliest o""ortunity. . "ractitioner must try to re#enter the "hase after e1"eriencing a foul. .lways remember that a ty"ical "hase e1"erience consists of se5eral re"eated entries and e1its. /ssentially) in most cases it is "ossible to re#enter the "hase through the use of se"aration or "hase state creation techni9ues immediately after returning to the body. (ase 'tudies ."ril 2002 .fter another awa$ening) - decided to try to enter the "hase. /5en though there were no sym"toms of the "hase being close) - was immediately able to roll out. 'ur"rised at how easy it had been to roll out) began to dee"en by "al"ation& first - ran my hand along the length of the bed) and then started "atting down ob8ects near it. The sensations gradually became increasingly real. !ut still - could not see. 'o) decided to continue with "al"ation) ho"ing that 5ision would come by itself) as it always had before in such cases. .fter ta$ing se5eral footste"s about the a"artment) 5ision came bac$ to me somewhat blurrily. - was easily able to dee"en it by concentrating on my hands. -nstead of doing anything "roducti5e li$e conducting research) - decided to ha5e some fun. To start with) - s$yroc$eted through the a"artments abo5e mine) e1"eriencing the unforgettable feeling of flying through concrete floors. - then re"eated the motion in the o""osite direction) all the way down to the ground floor. - could see how my neighbors had decorated their homes through that flight u" and down

the a"artment com"le1. There was a great tem"tation to cause ha5oc in the a"artment on the first floor) but - was e5en more interested in flying. 'o) - blasted off headlong at an angle u" through the wall and out into the o"en air. - flew about 20 yards out and ho5ered o5er the a"artment com"le17s "layground. -n order to stay in the "hase) - would loo$ at my hands from time to time) and only then ta$e in the landsca"e in between doing so. My heart lea"ed at the height. - could feel wafts of air coming from birds flying by. This all ga5e me a real high. .t one "oint - faded somewhat and almost lost the "hase) but managed to create 5ibrations through straining the brain. - was long able to maintain the "hase after that by controlling the 5ibrations) without ha5ing to resort to concentration. - then came u" with a brilliant idea # - decided to try to test myself in the role of a fighter "ilot. -t was not easy to concentrate on this goal. - 9uic$ly "ic$ed u" s"eed) and yawed to the side. The higher the s"eed - flew at) the louder the screaming in my ears. - felt the maddening 5elocity and E#force with e5ery cell in my body. f course) - could ha5e chosen to feel only the mo5ement itself) but deliberately tuned in to the sensation of all the aerodynamic effects. .ir whistled by with increasing warmth as it flowed around me. -t was only with difficulty that - o5ercame instinctual fear that - had brought in with me from the real world. (louds whi66ed by abo5e) and below me were homes) forests) and "eo"le # e5erything was so real that - had to really "onder what was going on) and what to ma$e of it...

You can find more information on techni9ues for maintaining and dee"ening the "hase in the boo$ 4'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el. . Practical Euideboo$4. Translocation and %inding b8ects

Techni9ues for translocation Translocation with (losed /yes This is one of the easiest techni9ues. To use this techni9ue) the "ractitioner sim"ly needs to shut the eyes and ha5e an intense desire that) when the eyes are ne1t o"ened) the re9uired location will be reached. -n order to considerably increase the effecti5eness of this techni9ue) it would be useful to imagine) at the moment you close your eyes) that you ha5e already reached the desired location. Translocation must occur then) and it has to ha""en without the flight sensations that occur during tele"ortation with closed eyes. Translocation must occur right then) and it has to ha""en without the flight that occurs in tele"ortation with closed eyes) which must be a5oided. Translocation through Tele"ortation This is one of the sim"lest and most accessible techni9ues that beginners should use right away. To a""ly it) shut the eyes @if 5ision is "resentB) and then concentrate attention on a thought#form or image of a location elsewhere in the "hase. .t this moment) there will be a string sensation of swift flight and within two to 10 seconds) the destination will be reached. The success of this techni9ue de"ends on a strong concentration u"on a single goal& the desired location. Practice must be "erformed 5ery clearly) confidently) aggressi5ely) and without distractions.

.ny unrelated thoughts ha5e a "rofoundly negati5e influence on the "erformance of this techni9ue. They unnecessarily "rolong the flight) cause a foul) or result in arri5ing at an undesired location. Translocation through a 3oor -n order to use this techni9ue) a""roach any door with the strong belief that it leads to the re9uired location. .fter o"ening the door) the "ractitioner will see and be able to ste" into the destination. -f the door was originally o"en) it must be com"letely shut before a""lying the techni9ue. . drawbac$ to this techni9ue is that its "ractice always re9uires a door. -f there is no door) users of this translocation techni9ue should create one using an ob8ect finding techni9ue. Translocation during 'e"aration The sim"lest way to translocate is to do so while se"arating from the body. /m"loying this techni9ue is e1tremely sim"le and 5ery con5enient. -t may be combined with almost any se"aration techni9ue and is "erformed by focusing on the image and feel of a desired location during the initial stages of e1iting the body. -t is e5en better to imagine that "hase entry will occur and se"aration will com"lete in a chosen location. . drawbac$ of this techni9ue is that se"aration occurs only in the beginning of the "hase e1"erience and) therefore) can only be used once. ther o"tions should be considered after the first translocation. b8ect finding techni9ues Techni9ue of Translocation .ll translocation techni9ues are also a""licable to ob8ect finding techni9ues since the use of both techni9ues re9uires altering the surrounding the s"ace. -nstead of concentrating on a location) the "ractitioner is to focus on the s"ecific detail of a s"ace that is to be found or changed. .s a result) finding the necessary ob8ect @"ro5ided this techni9ue has been masteredB is guaranteed) but maintaining the original location where the action begins is not guaranteed. -f the goal is to find an ob8ect while remaining in the "resent location) use the s"eciali6ed techni9ues described later on& techni9ues that change only a "ortion of the "hase s"ace. %inding by (alling a *ame This techni9ue is only used to find li5ing ob8ects. The "ractitioner must call a "erson or an animal by name to cause the animate "hase resident to enter or a""ear nearby. The call should be loud) nearly a shout) otherwise it will not always wor$. Eenerally) it is often enough to "ronounce a name se5eral times to achie5e results. -f the desired animate ob8ect does not ha5e a name or the "ractitioner does not $now it) then any name or general summoning will do) li$e) O(ome hereDP This should be done while mentally focusing on a clear image of the desired "erson or animal. %inding by Turning .round

-n order to use this techni9ue) the "ractitioner must concentrate and imagine that the re9uired ob8ect is located somewhere behind his bac$) and after turning around he will actually see it there) e5en if it was not there 8ust a moment earlier. This wor$s best if the "ractitioner) "rior to turning around) did not 5iew the "lace where the ob8ect is e1"ected to a""ear. %inding .round a (orner ;hen a""roaching any corner) concentrate and imagine the re9uired ob8ect is 8ust around the corner. Then) after turning the corner) the ob8ect will be found. .nything that limits s"ace 5isibility may be regarded as a corner. This does not ha5e to be the corner of a house or another ty"e of buildingK it could be the corner of a wardrobe) the corner of a truc$) etc. The drawbac$ of this techni9ue is that it re9uires the a5ailability of a sufficiently large corner that bloc$s the 5iew of anything around the other side of it. %inding in the :and This techni9ue is) in essence) only a""licable to finding ob8ects that can fit in or be held by the hand. To "erform this techni9ue) concentrate on the idea that the ob8ect is already in hand. .t that moment) the "ractitioner must not loo$ at it. 'oon after beginning to concentrate on this idea) the "ractitioner will at first feel a slight sensation of the ob8ect lying in his hand) followed by a full sensation and a""earance of the desired ob8ect. (ase 'tudies <anuary 2004 My body was still 5ery tired) e5en though - had already been able to slee" for se5eral hours that night. .s soon as - lay down) - almost immediately felt 5ibrations occurring) but was not rela1ed enough to bring them u" to full force. .t the moment) the best way to rela1 and enter the "hase seemed to me to be through 4trans#awa$ening4 @the free#floating state of mindB. - turned out to be right) as after the fifth or si1th time - felt intense 5ibrations en5elo"ing me from all sides. -n this case) there was no need to am"lify the 5ibrations or dee"en the "hase) as my body was tired) and it would create a most dee" state all on its own in order to more 9uic$ly restore its 5ital energies. - 8ust lay for some time and obser5ed the changes occurring within me. :owe5er) - could not remain idle for long) lest - unintentionally fall aslee". - s"ent some time on fi1ing my secondary attention on a5oiding falling aslee" and in5oluntary e1it from the "hase. - rolled out. .s usual) - rolled out of the bed as if for real) but not hitting the floor. -nstead) - ho5ered abo5e the floor as if - had fallen on a one#foot high in5isible air mattress. - ha5e rolled out hundreds of times) but - always e1"erience doubt in the bac$ of my mind that - am actually falling out of bed in reality. . multitude of ideas flashed through my mind on how to use this "osition. - immediately formulated an a""ro1imate "lan of action) which included those senseless things that - sa5e for a rainy day. :owe5er) - first decided for the um"teenth time to obser5e outer s"ace scenes. - too$ u" my goal& the (osmos. :ere - was immediately "ic$ed u" by a mysterious force that whis$ed me away at brea$nec$ s"eed. My 5ision 9uic$ly came bac$ to me) and - found myself floating in an un$nown "art of the (osmos. - don7t $now how true#to#life the sensations were) as - ha5e ne5er been in outer s"ace. *onetheless) - "robably

e1"erienced it 8ust li$e it would be in real life. 'ight was the "redominate sense here) - sto""ed "aying attention to the other four. Ta$ing in the gala1y within my field of 5iew brought fantastic "leasure. The unusualness in the 5isual "erce"tion consisted in the uncommon way that my eyes had to focus) as we rarely use our eyes in that way in real life. Ta$ing in the gala1y re9uired my eyes to fully uncross and loo$ at the sight in "arallel. The gala1y seemed as if it were ali5e) and - said to myself that this was "robably the most beautiful thing that - had e5er seen. :owe5er) - couldn7t stay there for long) as there was nothing to concentrate my sense of sight on) because the ob8ects were 5ery far away. - returned to the 5oid) and) sus"ended in a static "osition) created strong 5ibrations. %or a while) - sim"ly en8oyed this uncommon sensation. -t was interesting to obser5e the characteristics of this "henomenon. ;hen - raised my arms and brought my "alms towards my face) - felt strong) warm wind streaming from them to my face. *oise filled my ears. ;hen "al"ated my head with my hands) it seemed as if - was touching my un"rotected brain) but there was no "ain. - en8oyed this state for some time) "lunging in some un$nown direction. .fter a short flight) - was e8ected bac$ into my room at home. This time e5erything in it corres"onded 100F to reality) enough though - had not set myself that goal. *othing interested me in the room) and so - wal$ed through my bedroom door into the other rooms) with e5erything as in real life. - didn7t ha5e to loo$ long for ad5enture) as - found my mother and brother in the other room) both of whom - had not seen for a while. - s"o$e with them about anything that came to mind) 8ust for the sa$e of hearing their 5oices and getting a chance to loo$ at them. This was a real gift for me. !ut - faded out a bit) and was only able with great difficulty to regain control o5er the state through the infamous techni9ue of falling head#first ...

You can find more information on techni9ues for translocating and finding ob8ects in the boo$) 4'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el. . Practical Euideboo$.4 Primary s$ills

/mergency Return -n and of itself) returning to the body is almost always un"roblematicK remembering and thin$ing about the body often suffices and within moments the "ractitioner is returned to the body from whate5er location in the "hase. .dmittedly) it is ad5isable during this ty"e of situation to shut the eyes and abstain from touching anything. .s a rule) when these actions are "erformed) sim"ly standing u" in the "hysical world is all that is re9uired to com"lete a returnK howe5er) this is not always sim"ly achie5ed. 'ometimes after reentering the body) the "ractitioner suddenly reali6es that "hysical functionality has ceased due to the onset of slee" "aralysis) or the sensation that the body has been switched off. 3uring slee" "aralysis) it is im"ossible to scream) call for hel") or e5en mo5e a finger. -n the ma8ority of cases) it is also im"ossible to o"en the eyes. This is where it gets interesting. Peo"le in the "hysical world are accustomed to an im"ortant rule& if you wish to achie5e something) then do it) and do it as acti5ely as "ossible. This rule) though good) is not always a""licable to certain conditions lin$ed to the "hase) and a""lies least of all to e1iting the

"hase. 'ometimes e1treme effort ma$es it "ossible to brea$ through slee" "aralysis and resume mo5ement) though most of these efforts tend to e1acerbate immobility. 3ue to the unusual nature of a negati5e situation following a deliberate) fear#induced return to the body) the de"th of the "hase may greatly increase because of the bodyLs natural) "rotecti5e inhibition of functions originating in the cerebral corte1K this results in e5en greater agitation) greater fear. The "aralysis grows stronger. This is a 5icious circle that leads to un"leasant feelings and emotions) which may e5a"orate any desire to "ractice the "hase. -gnorance of correct "rocedures has led to the wides"read o"inion that such ad5erse situations may ma$e it im"ossible to come bac$ from the "hase at all. These o"inions su""ose that it is) therefore) dangerous to get in5ol5ed with the "ractice. :owe5er) the solution to this "roblem rests in 5ery sim"le actions and "rocedures that can "re5ent a large number of negati5e e1"eriences& (om"lete Rela1ation -n the section on dee"ening and maintaining) it was noted that the more acti5e a "ractitioner is while in the "hase) the better. (on5ersely) if there is less acti5ity) the 9uality of the "hase declines) allowing for an easy e1it. Thus) in order to lea5e the "hase) the "ractitioner only needs to com"letely rela1 and ignore any "ercei5ed sensations) actions) or thoughts. . "ractitioner may also recite a "rayer) mantra) or rhyme) since that hel"s the consciousness to be distracted from the situation more 9uic$ly. f course) one needs to calm down and try to get rid of the fear) which in and of itself is ca"able of $ee"ing such a state going. Periodically) the "ractitioner should try to mo5e a finger in order to chec$ whether attem"ts at rela1ation ha5e had an effect. (oncentration on Possible Mo5ements The "hysiology of slee" "aralysis) the "hase state) and dreams are such that when the "ractitioner is in one of these states) some actions are always associated with mo5ements made in the real body. This is true when mo5ing the eyeballs) the tongue) or while breathing. -f the "ractitioner concentrates attention on these "rocesses) it is "ossible counteract inhibitions to "hysical mo5ementK as a result) a slee"# "araly6ed "ractitioner will become able to mo5e in reality. (reation of ?ision ?ision is often a5ailable at the 5ery beginning of a "hase) es"ecially when the "ractitioner uses image obser5ation and 5isuali6ation techni9ues to enter. 'ometimes 5ision a""ears within the first few seconds. ther times) it manifests during the dee"ening "rocess. :owe5er) there are cases where 5ision is not a5ailable and must be created 9uic$ly) at any cost. ?ision may arri5e as soon as it is thought about) but if this does not occur) a s"ecial techni9ue is necessary. To create 5ision) a "ractitioner needs to bring the hands four to si1 inches in front of the eyes and try to detect them through the grayness or dar$ness. Peering aggressi5ely and attenti5ely at the minute details of the "alms will cause them to a""ear) much li$e they are being de5elo"ed on Polaroid film. .fter se5eral seconds) 5ision will become clear) and along with the "alms) the surroundings will also become 5isible.

Under no circumstances should the "hysical eyelids be o"ened. ?ision will a""ear on its own and will not differ from that of reality and the "hysical sensation of o"ened eyes will emerge. -t is "ossible to shut the eyes in the "hase an infinite number of times) e5en without ha5ing o"ened them at all) since the latter is not needed for creating 5ision. The "hysical eyelids may be o"en only while e1"eriencing a 5ery dee" "hase. -n a shallow "hase) o"ening the eyes will cause a return to wa$efulness. (ontact ;ith =i5ing b8ects Two "roblems may surface while con5ersing with animate ob8ects in the "hase& silence or a return to the body. -n 5iew of the fact that many "hase a""lications are based on contact with "eo"le for one "ur"ose or another) it is necessary to understand how to correctly manage contact with li5ing ob8ects. -n order to a5oid a foul @e8ection from the "hase into realityB) the elementary rules of OmaintainingP must be obser5ed. .cti5ely obser5ing the facial features or clothing of a "erson you want to communicate with. ;hile communicating) the "ractitioner should constantly rub the hands together or maintain strong 5ibrations by straining the brain. Remember to "erform the techni9ues to a5oid becoming absorbed in communication. . more com"le1 "roblem is o5ercoming the communicati5e unres"onsi5eness of ob8ects in the "hase. -n many cases) the s"eech of an ob8ect is bloc$ed by the internal stress of the "ractitioner. 'ometimes the "roblem stems from an e1"ectation that an ob8ect will not be able to communicate in the "hase. -t is im"ortant to treat the ob8ects in a calm manner. There is no use trying to shout or beat the ob8ect to force communication. n the contrary) it is much more effecti5e to treat the ob8ect gently) without a""lying "ressure. 3o not "eer at an ob8ectLs mouth) e1"ecting sounds to emerge. -t is better to loo$ elsewhereK ta$ing a "assi5e interest in communication generally yields the best results. .s a rule) the first time that communication with a li5ing ob8ect is successful) future attem"ts go unhindered. (ommunication methods in the "hase are should be no different than those used in ordinary life& tal$ing) facial e1"ressions) gesturing with the hands) body language. Tele"athy is not necessary. Moral 'tandards in the Phase %rom the 5ery beginning) it should be understood that the moral com"ass of "hase s"ace has nothing in common with the "ro"erties and laws in the "hysical world that "romulgate reality. The "hase s"ace seemingly imitates the "hysical world with all its "ro"erties and functions only because we are used to "ercei5ing it and are not e1"ecting anything else. Moral "rinci"les and rules a""ly only to the "lace where these ha5e been. -t does not ma$e sense to follow the same rules while in the "hase. The "ractitioner should not refrain from certain actions in the "hase because some would be unacce"table) im"ro"er) or bad in the real world. These are merely beha5ioral "atterns that are unfounded in the world of the "hase) where e5erything o"erates on the basis of entirely different laws. The only moral rules that might e1ist in the "hase are those that the "ractitioner establishes. -f desired) com"lete) unhindered freedom may be e1"erienced. (ase 'tudies May 2001

Right after dinner) - decided to enter the "hase using the direct method. To that end) - started im"lementing the dotting techni9ue @concentrating my attention on different "arts of the bodyB. :owe5er) - encountered difficulties during rela1ation& - could not sto" my mind from getting distracted with other thoughts. nly with great difficulty was - able to concentrate on the tas$. - $e"t to rela1ation. Then) - once again em"loyed dotting for about 20 minutes) but nothing wor$ed. :owe5er) wea$ 5ibrations arose from time to time. Meanwhile) - became more and more slee"y. .t one "oint my conscious awareness chec$ed out) but then 9uic$ly came bac$ @this didn7t seem to last more than a minute) which was confirmed by my alarm#cloc$ u"on returning to the bodyB under the influence of my "reliminary intention not to fall aslee". - then began to feel alert and was en5elo"ed by 5ibrations) which occurred on their own in amid the transition between "hysiological states. - was easily able to am"lify the 5ibrations. Then - rolled out. :owe5er) the 5ibrations began to die down) and - was returned bac$ to my body. tried to se"arate again by climbing out. - was able to do this des"ite great difficulty. - was now sus"ended in an indeterminate s"ace of 5ague sensation. ;hile se"arating) - felt a strong feeling of discomfort that nearly "ersuaded me to cut the attem"t short. :owe5er) - $new that that this sometimes ha""ens and always occurs before "lunging into a more stable "hase. -n order to dee"en this "hase) decided to em"loy le5itation. -t succeeded) and - deri5ed real "leasure from this "rocess. %or some reason) the le5itation did not lead me into the dee"est "hase) and so - began to fall head#first in order to further dee"en it. The mo5ement and dee"ening brought a feeling of slight uneasiness that bordered on fear) but - was able to $ee" it under control from the outset. - soon reali6ed that - was in the dee"est state that - had e5er been in. This increased my an1iety. %or the sa$e of e1"eriment) - $e"t going dee"er and dee"er. began to ha5e thoughts about the im"ossibility of returning to the body from such de"ths. My 5ision faded in and out) because - was made uncomfortable only by my feelings) and not by what - could see around. nce my 5ision came to me) what - saw cannot be described in words. That7s how uncommon) indescribable) and realistic it was. -t was as if - were seeing with some other organ of sight) one far more ad5anced than the human eye. - couldn7t feel my body @neither my real or "hantom oneB. %or the first time in my life) - "hysically felt my thoughts& when - started thin$ing about something) begin to automatically mo5e through s"ace. Meanwhile) - could clearly tell that my thoughts were causing this mo5ement. My brains were somehow being wrac$ed by thought. @this was the first time had e5er had this e1"erience) and so - can7t say how realistic it was) or if it could actually be e1"erienced in a normal state. *onetheless) the sensation was 9uite realisticB. Reali6ing how dee" - was in the "hase) - decided to get out of there) as - was afraid for my life. .s it is easy to su""ose) this was) to "ut it lightly) not easy. - began to feel fear. - was com"letely unable to enter my body or get control of it. nce was finally able to feel it) it felt li$e someone else7s. (ontrary to my e1"ectations) e5en concentrating on my big toe did not hel". -nstead of getting me out of that state) rela1ation dee"ened it. Then) - got com"letely lost& what normally hel"ed wasn7t wor$ing) and there were no other effecti5e methods to em"loy. .fter long des"erate attem"ts) - finally managed to enter my body. This only ha""ened than$s to attem"ts to mo5e any body "art - could) in addition to concentrating on breathing. You can find more information on "rimary s$ills in the boo$) 4'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el. . Practical Euideboo$.4

(ha"ter 4 Practical .""lications

%or many) the "ractical a""lications of the "hase are the main moti5ation for learning the techni9ue# based technologies described in this boo$. :owe5er) the sheer incredibleness of the e1"erience is moti5ation enough for those who ha5e already entered the "hase. %or many) the immense "ractical a""lications of the "hase are merely an afterthought. -n and of itself) it is the most ama6ing thing there is. :owe5er) there is no way for the uninitiated to $now this. .nd so) for those whose moti5ation for e1"loring the "henomenon lies in its "ractical side) an effort has been made to e1hausti5ely treat e5erything connected with it. This will all be es"ecially useful to those who already $now how to ta$e their consciousness awareness beyond the confines of their body. The issue at hand is that few "eo"le understand the true scale of the "ractical a""lications of the "henomenon. That is mainly why many often s"end their ama6ing e1"eriences on unim"ortant things) or try in 5ain to attain from them what is only "ossible in theory) and that which no one has e5er "ro5en in "ractice. /5erything described below can ser5e as a real) "ro5en foundation for one7s "ractice. /5erything here) no matter how fantastic the nature of some sections) is accessible to each and all) regardless of ideology. /ncounters Q Tra5el

Tra5el (an anything else allow one to a""ear in any "lace one can thin$ ofC (an anything else allow one to meet with anybody one wants) regardless of whether or not they e5er e1istedC .nd all this without getting out of bed) instantaneously) in all reality of e1"erience and without any harm at all to one7s health. -t7s hard to dis"ute that nothing but the "hase can offer all of the abo5e. .nd only the "hase

allows one to a""ear in any situation one desires without e5en getting off the couch. 3esire is the only thing needed. ne can be sure that in 5isiting any "lace) the e1"erience will be totally realistic) e5en if the "ractitioner has ne5er been there before. ;hen 5isiting familiar "laces) the e1"erience is com"letely indistinguishable from reality. .nd most im"ortantly) as e5erything is totally realistic) the "ractitioner is able to e1"erience the same feelings that he would feel when actually "resent in that "lace # be it ra"ture at the height of Mount /5erest or the cold and blinding brightness of the *orth Pole. 'ome may ha5e dreamt all of their li5es about tra5eling into outer s"ace. There7s nothing easier. The section on translocation techni9ues describes in detail how to go to absolutely any "lace in the uni5erse. *o matter how remote the "lace the "ractitioner desires to 5isit) there are no limitations of any $ind. :ow often ha5e "eo"le yearned at "ictures of gala1ies and stars) but ne5er e5en imagined that they could behold such beauty with their own eyes from as close u" as they wishC This "ractitioner also had ne5er e5en fathomed as such) but long ago changed his o"inion. :e has often en8oyed the inconcei5able "leasure of obser5ing all $inds of dee"#s"ace ob8ects and cosmic e5ents. -t truly awesD Perha"s the reader lac$s the money or time off wor$ to finally see the Ereat Pyramids of /gy"t with his own eyesC 3o not many dream of one day ma$ing it to the to" of the Pyramid of (heo"s or sitting ato" the '"hin1C -t7s surely a common daydream. *ow the "ractitioner of the "hase can dream about anything he wants) and not fret about it ne5er ha""ening. *ow nothing can "re5ent him from reali6ing any dream) no matter how cra6y or im"ossible it may seem. .nd seeing the "yramids is no trouble at all. 'urely) there are much more interesting e1"eriences that are inaccessible in the "hysical world. . "anorama of any ty"e can be relished in the "hase) starting from the usual 5iew of a mountain range and finishing with the landsca"e of a Martian dawn and sunrise. Perha"s some ha5e been li5ing in a cold northern country for all of their li5es) but only now can sunbathe on the beach of a tiny island in the -ndian cean. nce again) all of this "resents no "roblem at all. :owe5er) the student must first learn some s$ills) which are not that difficult. Perha"s the student has been interested in history all of his life) and is tantali6ed by the e5ents of bygone daysC ;ell) it would then of course be interesting to see medie5al Paris) ancient Rome) or (onstantino"le. 'ome may be interested in finding themsel5es at Plymouth (olony or on the Mayflower with those "ilgrims who would go on to found the future su"er"ower of the United 'tates of .merica. *o "roblem at all) as time does not e1ist in the "hase. -t7s a normal thing for different times and cultures to intermingle in it. -t is "ossible to 5isit not only the "ast) but also the future. Meanwhile) such a tri" can bring truly useful information. Many ha5e seen the mo5ie 77<urassic Par$77) in which many "eo"le7s long#cherished dream of seeing li5ing dinosaurs was brought to life by well#done s"ecial effects. The sheer realism of the film allows one to momentarily forget that it7s 8ust a mo5ie. Meanwhile) in the "hase it is "ossible not only to encounter mastodons and "terodactyls) as well as get a good loo$ at them. Under certain settings) one may e5en "et or feed them by hand. ne "articular "ractitioner decided to engage in out#of#body tra5el 8ust because of that "ossibility. .nd he was not disa""ointed after ha5ing encountered actual li5e dinosaurs) something he could only fantasi6e about before. .nd this is not 8ust a game for teenagers com"letely ta$en u" with the o""ortunities offered by the "hase) but is e9ually for adults and e5en the elderly. /ncounters f course) dreams of no smaller scale can be reali6ed in the "hase by encountering 5arious "eo"le. .nd it is not necessary to ha5e e5er seen them face#to#face before. -t7s really "ossible to find any "erson if at

least something of their e1istence is $nown) e5en when it7s only a name. This o"ens u" fantastic o""ortunities. The "ractitioner can meet with absolutely any historical figure. There are no restrictions. They are all accessible there) starting from (onfucius) Iing Tut -) (leo"atra) *a"oleon) and so on. 'uch o""ortunities will be es"ecially interesting for the ardent fans and admirers of famous figures in the world of cinema) s"orts or music. -t is sufficient to sim"ly mention the name /l5is Presley here. /5en though he has long been gone) nobody will e5er be able to count the number of his fans around the globe. :e is still "o"ular) and one of those most fre9uently summoned during sRances) many of which are held for the s"ecific "ur"ose of contacting him. The "hase allows anyone to meet him. .n encounter with him there is 8ust as it would be in reality. Many /l5is fans can7t e5en dream of this) but it is "ossible. ne may meet with anyone one desires # not only with famous celebrities) but also with relati5es and other close ones) both li5ing and dead. -n the end) anyone who is im"ortant to the "ractitioner can be found. There is only one restriction here. -t is difficult to e5en call it a restriction) because it is often unlimited) es"ecially for creati5e "eo"le. -t is desire. The "hase has no other limits. -f one7s desires do not "ro5ide fertile ground) then e5eryone ne5ertheless has dreams. -t7s time to get about ma$ing them come true. .ll things are now "ossible. .t this stage in the de5elo"ment of human ci5ili6ation) few things can com"are with the "hase at any le5el. *o com"uters or medications are able to bring so many "ositi5e results. (reati5e 3e5elo"ment 'urely) any creati5e "erson reading this boo$ has had ideas occur more than once regarding the broad "ossibilities of using this "henomenon for artistic and cultural "ur"oses. .nd indeed) it is difficult to imagine any limitations in this field. -n addition to there being no boundaries from a technical stand"oint) there are also no limits regarding the ty"e of creati5e out"ut. The artist) the musician) the scul"tor) and the designer will all be able to a""ly the "ractice of the "hase to their "ur"oses. Moreo5er) the "hase can be a""lied in two basic and im"ortant areas& first) in modeling creati5e out"ut) and secondly) as a way to a boundless source of new sensations) feelings and e1"eriences that ins"ire the artist to new heights of imagination and creati5ity. %or the latter) the e1"eriences offered by the "ractice of the "hase are sufficient in and of themsel5es. They indeed allow one to gain access to the gushing fountain of ins"iration that is the human imagination. This is to say nothing regarding searching for what is to become the sub8ect of a "iece of art in reality. The idea of em"loying the "hase to model creati5e out"ut is ob5ious) as absolutely e5erything may be created in this state. The artist may create a landsca"e that he is only 8ust "re"aring to "aint) or has already "artially s$etched out. This gi5es him an o""ortunity to assess the result in ad5ance) and introduce any changes as necessary. r he may re5iew all of the landsca"es that he intends to "aint) and then choose the most "romising one to start wor$ on. r) he can simultaneously e1amine all the landsca"es that he has e5er seen) as the "hase s"ace easily re"roduces them for him in fine detail. This "ossibility offered by the "hase is 9uite useful for the musician) as it allows him to create musical scores of any com"le1ity) including those ma$ing use of an orchestra or chorus) whose members can led be easily and freely) without worrying about how difficult it is to do this or that) and without ha5ing to a5oid o5er#straining those musicians who must com"ly to his e5ery demand. .lso) he does not ha5e to worry about whether the orchestra) for e1am"le) will able to immediately "lay the notes 8ust as he wants) because the out"ut will always com"ly with his wishes. *aturally) to this end the student must first master how to control the "hase) but is that really an obstacleC

. scul"tor or an architect can easily create anything in the "hase and re5iew it in e5ery detail) and thus ha5e an ad5ance o""ortunity to unco5er any wea$ as"ects of his design. There7s no "oint in describing how artists of e5ery medium can ma$e use of the "ro"erties of the "hase) because such "eo"le can figure out those uses for themsel5es. Undoubtedly) an artist wor$ing in any medium can find something there for himself. -t must also be em"hasi6ed that wor$s of art created in the "hase state won7t disa""ear anywhere. That is) there is no need to worry about recasting wor$s of art already created in "re5ious "hase e1"eriences. They are "reser5ed there fore5er) and can always be found there again. -n other words) any and all information can be stored with "erfect fidelity. The only thing a creati5e "erson may ha5e to worry about is how) in the real world) to re"roduce those wonderful master"ieces that he creates so easily in the "hase. The fact is that the "hase s"ace is much more "owerful than our wa$ing conscious awareness # that is) our ca"abilities are much reduced during wa$ing life. :owe5er) there will always be a chance to go bac$ into the "hase and wor$ out the details. -n essence) e5erything is limited only by our "rimiti5e memory) which is often unable to recall such large amounts of information during wa$ing life. /5en this "ractitioner) a "erson far from ha5ing any musical talent) was able in the "hase to easily create truly brilliant musical scores in different genres) and "laying them ga5e him such indescribable "leasure that in the end he could only mourn that he didn7t ha5e the s$ills or ability re"roduce them in the real world. '"orts -n many s"heres of human acti5ity) s$ill at com"le1 "hysical mo5ements is 9uite im"ortant # sometimes e5erything can de"end on it. Meanwhile) motor s$ills are the most im"ortant factor in the ma8ority of s"orts) from martial arts of any $ind to fencing) gymnastics) weightlifting) figure s$ating) and so on. -n many ways) "laying these s"orts de"ends on learning to "erform certain mo5es automatically. .nd so) gymnasts "erform somersaults or some other feat do6ens of times o5er the course of a training session) and bo1ers de5ote half of their wor$outs for months on end to "racticing one and the same "unch. %or such "eo"le) there is one additional ty"e of mo5ement training that may be "erformed in the "hase. The "otential for such training in the "hase may not initially be ob5ious) but mo5ement in the "hase sets off the same brain acti5ity as it does in wa$efulness) only ner5e im"ulses are not sent to the muscles. .ccordingly) any mo5ement that has been well "racticed in the "hase will remain e9ually well "racticed in the real world. This "henomenon allows the training routine to be su""lemented) or e5en substituted when in8ured or unable to train for any reason. f course) one will ne5er become an lym"ic cham"ion by training e1clusi5ely in the "hase) but doing so is still e1tremely effecti5e. -t turns out that "ractitioners of /ast .sian martial arts are es"ecially drawn to the "hase. Thus) many $arate enthusiasts either "erfect techni9ues while in the "hase) or simulate going u" against stronger ri5als. /5en more interestingly) some find world#renowned masters for "ersonal instruction. /s"ecially "o"ular "hase trainers are 'te5en 'eagal) <ac$ie (han and) of course) !ruce =ee. '"ort in the "hase can be combined with the techni9ue for obtaining information) which is described in this boo$. The student can use that 5ery techni9ue to find out e1actly how to train) and which technologies and o""ortunities can be ta$en ad5antage of in order to im"ro5e and become more successful at a gi5en s"ort. This assumes) of course) that the student "lays s"orts) something always recommended.

. *ew =ife for Persons with 3isabilities %or most "eo"le) the "ractice of the "hase is) in the end) a form of entertainment) or at best a method for "ersonal#de5elo"ment. !ut for "eo"le with disabilities) it can ta$e on 9uite different and sim"ly re5olutionary significance. %or those with disabilities) the "hase s"ace is sometimes the only "lace where they can feel not only fully able#bodied) but also much freer and e5en en8oy greater "ossibilities than "ersons without disabilities do in their day#to#day li5es. %or e1am"le) a "erson who has lost his sight will see again in the "hase) and better than someone with 20#20 5ision does in the real world. Meanwhile) wheelchair users can not only wal$ and run) but also fly. Those who ha5e lost their hearing will ac9uire the ability to once again hear the murmur of a babbling broo$) or the song of birds chir"ing in the morning. .nd this is only the most general descri"tion of the o""ortunities offered by the "hase. -n fact) for a "erson with disabilities) the "ractice of the "hase is an o""ortunity to disco5er a new world for oneself # a world incom"arable to anything else # a world found amid those sim"le things that the able#bodied do not e5en notice) but are utterly im"ortant @for e1am"le) sim"ly wal$ing or sim"ly seeingB. %or those in difficult life situations) it may be the only way to obtain emotionally fulfilling e1"eriences. There are some nuances here that should be discussed before mo5ing on. %irst) if someone has been blind from birth) there is no guarantee that he will ac9uire sight to the same degree as someone with "erfect 5ision. :owe5er) this 9uestion has not been studied in com"lete de"th) and so such "eo"le sim"ly need to "ractice on their own) trying to see anyway in "hase) as this is theoretically "ossible. .lso) in some cases) disabilities may ad5ersely affect one7s "ractice of "hase states. %or e1am"le) it may be harder for a blind "erson to catch the intermediate state between slee" and wa$efulness due to the fact that full awa$ening may occur for him without his eyes o"ening @as is usually the case with the sightedB) but instead to the "erce"tion of surrounding sounds. :owe5er) this is not necessarily a "roblem) as the blind ha5e many other s$ills ad5antageous to the "ractice that the sighted lac$... -n any case) this area of the "ractical a""lications of the "hase state re9uires further study. -t deser5es serious attention as an effecti5e tool for "ersons with disabilities) and as a 5ery uni9ue tool in terms of the e1"eriences it offers. - ha5e been carrying out s"ecial "ro8ects in this field for many years now and "ro5ide "ro#bono instruction for "ersons with disabilities. ne of my life goals is to create a large#scale international organi6ation that will deal only with disseminating information and gi5ing instruction for "ersons with disabilities. Those !oring (om"uter Eames Man$ind has in5ented many forms of entertainment) and always assigned it high "riority. Many "sychologists belie5e that all human action is ultimately dri5en by a desire for "leasure. -n many ways) this is 8ust what entertainment brings) and thus why it is so im"ortant. -t allows one to "artially forget about life7s difficulties and immerse oneself in intriguing sensations of the most di5erse $inds. 'ome "eo"le "refer tra5eling) some going to the mo5ies or sim"ly watching T? at home) some li$e to "lay soccer or window sho") etc. -n the field of entertainment) man$ind has achie5ed a le5el of so"histication un$nown to any other s"ecies on the "lanet. *o#one will argue that com"uter games occu"y one of the most im"ortant "laces in the field of entertainment and recreation for most young men. The digital world has truly won o5er the in9uisiti5e male mind with the 5ariety and 5ersatility it offers. -t ser5es u" an infinite number of things that ha5e no right to e1ist in reality. The "layer can become anyone he wants) from infantryman to the .lmighty

:imself. -t is a truly "owerful means of relief from the grayness of reality. !ut is it really a sanctuary of endless "ossibility as it now standsC -s the com"uter world really so ca"ti5ating) or does it 8ust seem so out of an inability to com"are it to anything elseC ;hen in the middle of "laying a com"uter game) can the sensation of mo5ement) or any sense of change in s"atial "osition really be e1"eriencedC (an one actually touch anything in the com"uter worldC *othing but the $eyboard or mouse. -nteraction with ob8ects is merely simulated. -s there a single "erson who has been able to deri5e the sensation of taste from food located in the 5irtual worldC Most "eo"le belie5e that it is im"ossible to e1"erience the sensation of taste in any way other than actually eating food. This is far from the truth. Perha"s 5irtual) digital worlds are not as great as they seemC .ll of com"uter reality consists only of staring at a small) flat screen and "ushing buttons. The only real sensory stimuli in5ol5e sound) and to some e1tent) the sense of sight. Meanwhile) all of the other senses # touch) smell) and taste # are fully "resent in the humdrum of e5eryday life. -n the end) "laying com"uter games is nothing more than "eering through a narrow slit into an interesting digital dimension) all the while remaining fully in the e5eryday world. Meanwhile) in terms of the 5ariety and 5i5idness of sensations offered) tra5el in the "hase s"ace is far su"erior to not only 5irtual reality) but e5en to the "hysical world. -n the "hase) one may eat delicious food) shoot wea"ons) ta$e any girl on a date) or go for a s"ace wal$. .ll the while) e5erything will be indistinguishable from reality. utside of the "hysical body) one may e1"erience not only e5ery familiar sensation) but also those that day#to#day life will ne5er offer. %or e1am"le) it7s "ossible to feel what it7s li$e to be an insect) fly around in outer s"ace) "ass through a wall) transform something) etc. *o wonder that many "eo"le consider being in the "hase world to be an o""ortunity to more fully en8oy their e1istence. ne may say that this "astime com"etes not only with the com"uter world) but also with real life. -n order to understand how much more realistically things are e1"erienced in the "hase than in the com"uter world) it7s sufficient to consider the reactions of "eo"le who ha5e e1"erienced the same things in both worlds. .fter ha5ing been out#of#body for the first time) e5en a "rofessional gamer with a great deal of e1"erience will long be unable to calm down afterwards& that7s how much it astounds the human mind. /5en a mind used to all sorts of entertainment can be stunned. .t the beginning stages of their "ractice) "eo"le are generally 9uite ta$en emotionally by any entrance into that "arallel world. (onsidering all of the abo5e) it is hard to deny the "ossibility of the "ractice of the "hase becoming a mass "henomenon) including as an alternati5e to com"uter games. -n any case) it may become an entirely new means of entertainment) and able to com"ete with all of the "o"ular and well#$nown ones on the mar$et. .t the same time) it7s not difficult to imagine that under certain conditions the "hase might s"ar$ a full#fledged re5olution in the entertainment industry. ;hile it7s one thing to stare at a flat monitor screen and wade into some 5irtual world offering a minimal amount of sensation) it7s an entirely different affair to enter a more com"lete) intelligent) and endless reality with all of one7s being) the e1"erience of which is often no less real than that of our day#to#day li5es. -t re9uires absolutely no e9ui"ment or s"ecial de5ices) there7s no need to s"end any money. .t the same time) it7s more accessible) more com"rehensi5e) and more interesting than the 5irtual com"uter world. Moreo5er) the "ractice of the "hase brings about "owerful "ersonal growth. f course) it cannot be claimed that the "ractice of the "hase will be able to fully re"lace the "ersonal com"uter. *onetheless) com"uter#based entertainment may be re"laced in most as"ects. btaining and "rocessing information in the "hase will be treated se"arately. 3es"ite all this) "eo"le far from always turn to com"uters in their search for new and out#of#the#ordinary e1"eriences. Unfortunately) they often

turn to drugs. That world might bring some out#of#the#ordinary e1"eriences) but it7s clear from the outside loo$ing in that it also brings multi"le "roblems and a lot of un"leasantness. n that note) the "ractice of the "hase is the ideal field for see$ing out those new sensations and e1"eriences. The ne and nly ;ay to Meet with the 3eceased !y using the technologies for finding ob8ects in the "hase) one will be able to meet with any "erson) whether still li5ing or not. -n "ractice) this "ractical a""lication of the "hase is mainly used to meet with deceased relati5es) and not) for e1am"le) famous historical figures # the reasons why would be a to"ic for another discussion. *aturally) nothing brings greater sorrow than death. !oth one7s own death in the future and that of lo5ed ones in the "resent. This is natural) since no one has managed to esca"e biological death as of yet. Peo"le are used to the idea of losing lo5ed ones fore5er) and any idea of continuing to communicate with them is often dismissed as silly) "arado1ical) and fantastic. 'ome belie5e in the resurrection of the dead or that souls are sometimes able to 5isit from beyond the gra5e. *e5ertheless) due to the absence of any s"ecific techni9ues that would ma$e this accessible to e5eryone) there is nothing but s$e"ticism among the masses on this issue. !ut is it all so ho"elessC -s e5eryone7s belief that the loss occurs fore5er correctC .nd) if there is a s"ecific method for achie5ing contact with a deceased "erson) then how to relate it to e5erything else in this lifeC *o#one is yet able to say e1actly what $ind of "henomenon the "hase is) or what it7s true nature is. !ut one thing is $nown& it can be a""lied to many s"heres of human e1istence) including to meeting with the deceased. This is "ossible) tested) and there are ste"#by#ste" technical instructions for doing so. -rres"ecti5e of whether you7re a materialist or "ragmatist) it can be said without e1aggeration that humanity loses a lot by not "aying attention to the 5ery real o""ortunity offered by the "hase. :owe5er) this is the only truly real o""ortunity to consciously and directly contact a deceased "erson) whether "ersonally familiar or not # something that is often strongly yearned for) but has long seemed im"ossible. .nd e5eryone can e1"erience this for himself. . student who a""lies the s$ills learned in this boo$ will soon be able to once again meet with those whom he had ne5er ho"ed to see again for the rest of his days. -s there anything com"arable to thisC Moreo5er) a "erson met in the "hase will be 8ust as real in terms of sensory "erce"tion as he would be if encountered in the day#to#day world. 'uch "eo"le can be touched. ne may con5erse with them) and hear the timbre of their 5oice. %amily members can be hugged. /5en their habitual "erfume will be recogni6ed... This is not imagination) nor some faint "icture # this can be e5en more 5i5id than the world in front of you right now. f course) the meta"hysical nature of "eo"le encountered there is a discussion for another day. %or some) it7s the actual souls of the de"arted. 'ome may not belie5e in the soul as such. Peo"le in the "hysical world loo$ at the same things and see them differently. 'hould that situation be any sim"ler in the "haseC f course not. -t is mainly for that reason that there7s no "oint at all in getting held u" on this. The im"ortant thing is that this can be done. .nd e5en more im"ortantly) there is no other way to do it. The algorithm @"rocedureB is sim"le& entering the "hase) dee"ening) finding ob8ects. .nd then 8ust be bra5e enough... The !eha5ior of the 3eceased in the Phase Technically s"ea$ing) besides fear) there are no hard#to#surmount obstacles to meeting with the deceased in the "hase. Meanwhile) they e1hibit se5eral basic ty"es of beha5ior) each of which will be treated se"arately. ;hate5er theory on the nature of the "hase is closest to you) whate5er the true

9ualities of the "hase) there are nonetheless se5eral characteristic ty"es of beha5ior e1hibited by deceased sub8ects in the "hase. .ll strangeness of beha5ior and character in "ersons encountered nearly almost always occurs within the first few seconds of communicating with them) although not rare are situations where abru"t changes begin to occur only after some time. These changes ta$e "lace in the "sychology of the sub8ect) and in the nature of communication with him. 'uch brea$downs most often occur in cases when one is still unable to control the "hase well) and still commits a 5ariety of errors. nce one has solid "ractical e1"erience under one7s belt) and has ac9uired the ability to confidently use the techni9ues for controlling the "hase) such situations become the e1ce"tion rather than the rule. Thus) the "ossible ty"es of beha5ior to be encountered are& !eha5ing as if 3eceased This ty"e of beha5ior cannot be described in "recise detail) but it inherently includes the sub8ect understanding that he was once ali5e) but no longer is. Moreo5er) the sub8ect7s "hysical features and abilities may not corres"ond to those of his in the "hysical world) as there are no internal limitations in the "hase. This is the most fre9uent beha5ior e1hibited by a deceased "erson to be encountered in the "hase. Perha"s it is the most desirable ty"e of beha5ior) as it creates the most true#to#life situation. -n fact) the most com"lete communication occurs when the sub8ect e1hibits this ty"e of beha5ior) as it is a true continuation of the communication that once occurred in the "hysical world. That is) there is no interru"tion to the logical flow of communication) nor any resulting silence on certain issues. ne a""roaching the situation from the "ers"ecti5e of life after death should always stri5e to achie5e e1actly this ty"e of beha5ior in the sub8ect. :ow does one interact with a deceased "erson in a "hase who reali6es that he is deadC There7s no need to s"end too much time on this 9uestion. -t is better to act in accordance with the conte1t of the situation) trying not to offend or bring u" anything "ainful that could e5o$e negati5e emotions. ne ought tal$ about e5erything as it actually is. !eha5ing as if 'till .li5e . "erson encountered in the "hase who is already deceased may ha5e all of the e1ternal traits and ways of beha5ing that the "ractitioner grew accustomed to while the sub8ect was still among the li5ing. This includes e5erything from how the sub8ect dressed to his con5ersational style. 'uch a "erson may beha5e as if he were still ali5e u" through the "resent moment) and as if the "ractitioner had sim"ly run into him on the street in e5eryday life. That is) he might not notice or reali6e the situation) as his breathing and heartbeat will be that of a li5ing "erson. More often than not) in this situation the sub8ect will not "ossess any s"ecial $nowledge or ability to control the "hase s"ace) and all his actions will be no different from those of his in the "hysical world) and go5erned by its laws # those laws of nature and "hysics that do not a""ly in the "hase. %aced with the sub8ect acting as if he were still ali5e) the "ractitioner may still be 9uite satisfied with the encounter. .lternati5ely) the "ractitioner may wish that the sub8ect were fully aware of the situation. The fact is) if the sub8ect were aware of his situation) this could ha5e a serious affect on his attitude towards e5erything going on around him) creating unnecessary "roblems) and unnecessary an1iety for

him. -f for any reason such beha5ior is not to the "ractitioner7s li$ing) he could once again em"loy the techni9ues for achie5ing contact) "lacing increased attention on the sub8ect not ha5ing the same attitude again towards his surroundings. =i$ewise) the "ractitioner could 8ust tell him about his death) but this is fraught with e5o$ing a whole slew of negati5e forms of beha5ior. !y and large) the "hase "ractitioner can reasonably tal$ with such "sychological ty"es as if the encounter were something occurring during the sub8ect7s lifetime. -t is "rimarily in this case that beha5ior will be the most a""ro"riate and acce"table for both the "ractitioner and the sub8ect. Tearfulness and 'elf#Pity -n this case) the deceased "erson beha5es in the "hase as if he regrets what had ha""ened to him in the "hysical world and brought about his current situation. This is e1"ressed in constant com"laints) tears) and a reminiscing about what had ha""ened. This $ind of beha5ior is most often seen in those cases when little time has "assed since the sub8ect7s death. %or some) such beha5ior will be normal and not re9uire further action. :owe5er) if this does not suit the "ractitioner) as loo$ing at e5erything in this way may be un"leasant) then the best solution would be to try to con5ince the sub8ect that nothing terrible has ha""ened) and that e5erything is fine) as all is as it should be. -t is also ad5isable to offer consolations befitting such a situation. Perha"s the sub8ect will be able to collect himself 9uite 9uic$ly. This is better than re#summoning the "erson all o5er again. (or"se 'yndrome This is the most undesirable of all "ossible scenarios) and one should use all a5ailable means to try to a5oid it. . "ractitioner inad5ertently coming across a deceased "erson in this form may sim"ly ne5er want to re"eat the e1"erience again. :owe5er) such incidents are caused e1clusi5ely by incorrect im"lementation of techni9ues. (or"se syndrome in a deceased "erson in the "hase means e1actly what the name im"lies. .fter "erforming the techni9ue for achie5ing contact) the "ractitioner finds himself face#to#face with a cor"se. This e1"erience is most terrible if the sub8ect died in an accident from serious in8uries. (or"se syndrome can be classified into two main ty"es. The first one) ordinary cor"se syndrome) includes when a "erson is in an immobili6ed state) "erha"s in a coffin. The second one) li5ing cor"se syndrome) includes when the sub8ect a""ears to be dead @"ostmortem li5idity) a cold body) no "ulse) no breathing) or e5en auto"sy stitchesB) but can nonetheless mo5e about normally and communicate. -mmediately u"on "erforming the techni9ue for achie5ing contact and reali6ing that 8ust such a situation has occurred) the "ractitioner is ad5ised to e1it the situation immediately) as it could ha5e 5ery unfortunate conse9uences. :owe5er) it should not be assumed that all further attem"ts to interact with the deceased in the "hase will bring the same result. 'uch a""rehension may be dis"elled by achie5ing contact once again) e5en right away) without first returning to reality. -f the "ractitioner ne5ertheless decides to continue interacting with a sub8ect who a""ears as a cor"se) then he must do so as carefully as "ossible) trying not to focus his attention on the sub8ect7s condition. -t should be noted that all of these reser5ations mainly relate to meetings with deceased relati5es. 'ome "ractitioners are $nown to deliberately see$ out cor"ses there) 8ust out of curiosity. There7s no "oint in s"eculating as to whether or not this is right. /ither way) such a "ossibility e1its and may be useful for those struggling with a fear of the dead.

.ggression This "sychological trait encountered in a deceased "erson in a "hase is characteri6ed by aggression caused by a wide 5ariety of reasons. -t may be e1"ressed in attem"ts by the sub8ect to "hysically harm) $ill) se5erely frighten) or threaten. /ach of these beha5iors may ta$e on a wide 5ariety of forms # the "hase s"ace ser5es as 5ery fertile soil in this regard) due to its unrestricted "ro"erties. The causes for this $ind of beha5ior may be 9uite 5aried. -n no case should it be considered normal) and there is no reason to try to grow accustomed to it. The most im"ortant thing when ha5ing come in contact with this "sychological ty"e of beha5ior in a sub8ect is to a5oid "hysically affecting him. -t must be $e"t in mind that no matter what "hysical contact occurs) it may ha5e an effect on subse9uent interactions. Therefore) one should always sto" the communication if it turns out that something is wrong. This a""lies all the more so if a relati5e is in5ol5edK it is "sychologically difficult enough to suffer a family member7s death) let alone a subse9uent "hysical altercation with him. -f the sub8ect acti5ely attac$s the "ractitioner) the latter should immediately em"loy the translocation techni9ue in order to e1it the situation. -t is also "ossible to immediately try to re#summon the "erson being contacted. Unwillingness to (ommunicate -n this case) the deceased "erson starts to beha5e in a 5ery aloof manner and without desire to be drawn into con5ersation. -t should be immediately "ointed out that that such beha5ior in the "hase is not only the "rerogati5e of the deceased. This "roblem is often encountered in almost e5ery ty"e of contact with animate ob8ects in the "hase. This is es"ecially true at the beginning stages of one7s "ractice. This is clearly demonstrated in "ractice when) for e1am"le) a deceased fa5orite aunt is a""roached in 8oyful disbelief by a "ractitioner # but she then a5oids the "ractitioner7s eyes) and acts as if it is the first time that she has seen him in her life. ;hen the "ractitioner tries to as$ a 9uestion or e1"lain something to her) he doesn7t get the ty"ical reaction of a li5e "erson. There will often be only silence in res"onse. 'uch sub8ects will also often loo$ the other away. This "roblem is resol5ed by better de5elo"ing communication s$ills regarding animate ob8ects in the "hase. .lso) sim"ly bringing one7s "ractice of the "hase to a decent le5el often hel"s) as this reduces such bum"s in the road to a minimum. .cting =i$e a 'tranger This refers to when the sub8ect beha5es ade9uately in terms of communication and interaction) but ne5ertheless shows no sign that he e5er $new the "ractitioner. Meanwhile) this "erson may be e1actly the same as the "ractitioner is used to seeing him) with the same character traits and "hysi9ue. :e may $now his name) but e5erything else) es"ecially the life history he describes) may not ha5e anything to do with reality. -t is safe to assume that this lac$ of a true#to#life memory in a deceased "erson will "resent no obstacle to communication for some "ractitioners. =ac$ of true#to#life recall in a deceased sub8ect is truly not all that im"ortant when com"ared to the 8oy of finally seeing a lo5ed one again. . "ractitioner reunited with a lo5ed one would hardly thin$ that their encounter were unsuccessful if the deceased acted li$e a stranger) and would hardly see it necessary to ta$e correcti5e action) as this ty"e of communication allows the "ractitioner to once again see those same eyes) hear that same 5oice) and so on. Perha"s those encountered do not need to remember what ha""ened to them or $now where they areC

Maybe it7s best to let them li5e in their re5erie) seeing the whole situation in a com"letely different lightC 3oes one really need to go through all of the ordeals that may arise after they reali6e their situationC That7s why) before im"lementing measures to achie5e more true#to#life contact) one ought thin$ long and hard about the wisdom of doing so. ne should interact as naturally as "ossible with a "erson lac$ing memory of the "ast) as this is 8ust what the situation calls for. -t should be $e"t in mind that brining u" what ha""ened in the "ast might e5o$e negati5e reactions in the sub8ect) which is why sometimes it ma$es sense to introduce oneself to him and tal$ to him as if for the first time. (om"lete -nade9uacy -n some cases) the beha5ior of the deceased in the "hase may resemble that of a deranged "erson) e1hibiting the most di5erse manifestations of neuroticism) ranging from inability to com"rehend the situation to inarticulate s"eech. The sub8ect may also be fairly aggressi5e. -t7s worth noting once again that) es"ecially in the early stages of one7s "ractice) the beha5ior of the deceased in the "hase can greatly de"end on how they "assed away. -t also de"ends on how s"ecifically in5ol5ed the "ractitioner was with all of the e5ents in5ol5ed in the "rocess @funerals) for e1am"leB. Therefore) if the deceased dis"layed some sym"toms of delirium before "assing on) this could 5ery easily be reflected in the "hase s"ace. -f that ha""ens) it is naturally unli$ely that the situation could be resol5ed in a "ositi5e manner by trying to restore the sub8ect7s inade9uate beha5ior to normalcy. The techni9ues for re#achie5ing contact should be immediately em"loyed. .fterwards) the strange beha5ior is unli$ely to reoccur. (ase 'tudies ctober 200> 3on7t watch the morning news and eat at the same time. - 5omited all today7s brea$fast into the toilet after watching the news re"ort that someone - $new) far from a "assing ac9uaintance) had been brutally $illed that night. :e had he tried to call me a cou"le of wee$s before) but - hadn7t been in the mood to accom"any him on another one of his drin$ing bouts. %or my own "eace of mind) - decided to somehow try to ma$e amends. - lay down. ;ith great difficulty) - calmed down and began to focus my attention on "hantom wiggling with my arm. *o wiggling occurred at first) but once it came) it started 9uic$ly increasing in am"litude. . short la"se in consciousness occurred after about 10 minutes) and - was able to easily get u" out of bed. - didn7t need to dee"en. .fter closing my eyes) - immediately focused my attention on the image of my friend. Then) something "ic$ed me u" and mo5ed me in an un$nown direction. .fter se5eral seconds) was literally thrown into the $itchen of his a"artment. .s usual) he sat in a chair at a table cluttered with cognac. :e didn7t "ay any attention to me. :e didn7t loo$ good) with many bruises and cuts on his face and arms. .lthough there was almost no blood) it was all awful to loo$ at due to the hy"er#realism) and - began to feel nauseated again. ;hen - came closer) he turned to me and sobbed... - tried to as$ him what had ha""ened) because they didn7t say e1actly what had occurred on the news. -t turned out that his lifestyle lay at the cause of it all. :e started shouting that he wanted to li5e) and that he would no longer act li$e that if he could only li5e again. - a"ologi6ed for not ha5ing "ic$ed u" the "hone. -

loo$ed at him for the last time. .nd) acting against my beliefs) - returned to my body. !y e5ening) his e1"lanation of what had ha""ened was confirmed. .s for his beha5ior and e1ternal a""earance) they were understandably triggered by my still raw emotions. - thin$ that if - meet him in se5eral months) he7ll loo$ and act differently. btaining -nformation

-t is now necessary to de5ote se5eral "ages to theory. This is one of those 5ery rare cases where theory will be useful for the "ractitioner. To begin with) obtaining $nowledge from the "hase state im"lies access to certain informational resources. The difficulty lies in the fact that the nature of these resources remains relati5ely un$nown) as there is no clear data on them. :owe5er) many ha5e considered this 9uestion before. 'ome confidently maintain that the whole matter has to do with certain fields of information that become accessible in the "hase. !esides its fantastic nature) there is nothing to note about this statement) as the sheer 5olume of obtainable information com"els one to belie5e that anything is "ossible regarding the "ractice itself. Meanwhile) there are adherents to the notion that the collecti5e unconscious is accountable for e5erything here) a theory that is not 5ery far off from those regarding fields of information. To almost the same category belong the mythical 4.$ashic Records4 and other teachings concerning 4(osmic =ibraries4. The list could go on and on. Moreo5er) among of the occult "oints of 5iew) a most natural theory is the one that the information obtained in the "hase comes from some $ind of e1traterrestrial beings. -t7s 5ery easy to come to that conclusion when using the animate ob8ects techni9ue for obtaining information) which will be treated later on. :owe5er) it is necessary to maintain some sobriety of thought and draw conclusions based solely on "ractical e1"erience) rather than on boo$s) theories) or "ersonal im"ressions. ;hat wor$s in "ractice is the only measure of truth. /ither way) it is im"ossible to ignore the most mundane e1"lanation for this "henomenon) which states that it is a hy"er#realistic dissociati5e state of mind. -n this case) the brain itself would ser5e as the source of information) with the subconscious mind ta$ing center stage. Most modern "ractitioners subscribe to this "articular theory) es"ecially as it offers the most intelligible and integrated e1"lanations. -t can be illustrated by the following e1am"le) which su""oses that the "hase state is nothing but an e1tremely unusual state of mind and that all "erce"tions in it are nothing more than an unusually realistic inter"lay of mental "rocesses. -n this e1am"le) a "ractitioner decides to translocate to a forest. To that end) he em"loys the closed eyes techni9ue) resulting in a forest a""earing in front of him within se5eral seconds. ;hat would ha""en if he wanted to find out what $ind of forest it was) what it was com"osed of) and how it got thereC (onsider& in only a matter of seconds) the human mind will create a hy"er#realistic s"ace) not inferior to reality itself) consisting of millions of blades of grass) lea5es) hundreds of trees) and a multitude of sounds. /ach blade of grass consists of something) and is not a mere string of "i1els. -t is "ossible to

ta$e u" each blade se"arately) "ull one u" from the ground) or e5en e1amine its ca"illary system. /ach leaf com"rises 5eins) "lant tissue) and "ul". The bar$ of e5ery tree has its own uni9ue "attern. .ll of this) it turns out) was able to be generated by some resource in the brain) and within seconds at that. -t may be difficult to belie5e that the brain is ca"able of all this) considering that it often fails in the sim"lest tas$s of e5eryday life... .nd now wind blows through the forest) and millions of lea5es and blades of grass sway in a wa5e#li$e motion) obeying the mathematical model of air mass motion. 'o it turns out that some resource within us is able not only to generate millions of details in the correct order in only a matter of seconds) but also to indi5idually mani"ulate each of those details. /5en if the "hase were only a state of mind) that would not mean that a source of information was absent) as the brain wields enormous com"utational resources) the ca"acity of which is "ractically im"ossible to fathom. -t is doubtful that a single com"uter is ca"able of all this) e5en the most modern model. The conclusion may be drawn that a "ractitioner has the ability to get in contact with this resource while in the "hase. ;hat remains to be learned is how e1actly to do this. .ssuming that the "hase s"ace) its formation) and control of it are handled by the subconscious mind) then it would follow that the "ractitioner might contact the subconscious mind while in the "hase state. -t is totally "ossible that during e5eryday wa$ing life) the subconscious mind sends out informational signals based on the com"utations "erformed by its 5ast resource. Most sim"ly fail to hear or otherwise "ercei5e such signals. This ha""ens because most are accustomed to ta$ing in information through s"eech) but the subconscious would hardly ma$e use of such a wea$ instrument as human language to communicate information. nly the "hase allows one to consciously communicate with the subconscious. -f all "hase ob8ects are created and controlled by the subconscious mind) it follows that those 5ery ob8ects can be used as inter"reters. This would mean that when s"ea$ing with someone in the "hase) e5en though the sub8ect being s"o$en with uses familiar language) he himself and his $nowledge are meanwhile being controlled by the subconscious at that 5ery moment. *e5ertheless) any e1"lanation regarding the nature of the ability to obtain information in the "hase can hardly be considered "ro5en or authoritati5e. .ll of the abo5e is no more than theory. -t is "ossible that totally different resources are at "lay here. !ut all that is not so im"ortant. ;hat7s most im"ortant is that it7s $nown e1actly how information may be obtained in the "hase. Methods for btaining -nformation There are only three basic techni9ues for obtaining information in the "hase) each one of them being 9uite different in nature from the others. They are the animate ob8ects techni9ue) the inanimate ob8ects techni9ue) and the e"isode techni9ue. There are of course se5eral other techni9ues) but it is hardly worth going into them) as these three techni9ues "ro5ide e5erything any "ractitioner could need when trying to accom"lish any goal. The .nimate b8ects Techni9ue %or this techni9ue for obtaining information) it is necessary to find a "erson in the "hase @using the techni9ues for finding ob8ectsB and obtain the needed information from him @by means of sim"le 9uestionsB. -f the information to be obtained relates to any "articular "erson) then that 5ery "erson needs to be found in the "hase. -f the information is not tied to any s"ecific "erson) then one may create a uni5ersal source of information) which ought to be associated with wisdom and $nowledge. %or

e1am"le) this could be a hermit or a sage) a healer $nown in real life) and so on. The ad5antage of this techni9ue lies in the fact that it is easy to as$ follow#u" 9uestions) and 8ust as easy to 5erify the information obtained. The downside to this techni9ue is that it may be difficult for many to communicate with animate ob8ects in the "hase due to their reluctance to tal$) in addition to more general "roblems with maintaining the "hase. :owe5er) this "roblem is easily sol5ed with e1"erience. -n "ractice) this wor$s as follows& The "ractitioner has entered a dee" "hase) and has decided to learn something about a colleague at wor$. To this end) the "ractitioner should use the techni9ue for finding ob8ects) and find that 5ery colleague. The "ractitioner is then able to lea5e his bedroom with the thought that his colleague is on the other side of the door) and that she will surely be there as long as he has no doubt in this. .fter finding her u"on o"ening the bedroom door) he should literally "ic$ her brains about e5erything that he7s interested in finding out. :e doesn7t need to use tele"athy or anything of the sort. -t7s enough to sim"ly as$ her about what he wants to $now. The sub8ect will immediately begin to tell all) and in an understandable language. *o images) 5isions) guesses) or anything sub8ecti5e will come from her. The con5ersation will ta$e "lace 8ust as if it occurred in e5eryday life. 3uring the con5ersation) the "ractitioner may as$ additional follow#u" 9uestions. !eginners should $ee" in mind that they will ha5e 5ery little time to hold the entire con5ersation @due to difficulties with maintaining the "haseB) and should therefore stri5e to be concise and as$ for concise answers until the "oint when they are returned bac$ to the "hysical world. The -nanimate b8ects Techni9ue -n this case) information is obtained from the "hase using the techni9ues for finding ob8ects) which include any inanimate sources of information& inscri"tions) boo$s) news"a"ers) etc. ;hen finding an ob8ect) it is im"ortant to focus not only on the fact that the ob8ect is needed) but on the fact that it will contain or con5ey the desired information. ne may find a radio or tele5ision and tune into broadcasts on the to"ic of interest) changing channels or fre9uencies as need be. The "ractitioner may e5en use a com"uter in the "hase to ma$e use of search engines or browse its file#folders in the certainty that one of them will ha5e the needed data. This e1am"le is ob5iously a sym"tom of the influence of modern technologies on the human mind) but no harm in that. . downside of this techni9ue is that significant difficulties arise when one has an additional or follow# u" 9uestion. .s a rule) it will then be necessary to re#summon the source of information. :owe5er) if the "ractitioner is currently ha5ing "roblems in dealing with animate ob8ects) this techni9ue may be a good tem"orary alternati5e. -n "ractice) e5erything may go as follows& ha5ing entered into a dee") stable "hase) the "ractitioner focuses his attention on the fact that there will be a boo$ on the boo$case @or better yet # a leafletB that "ro5ides the answer to his 9uestion in a concise and yet com"rehensi5e way. .fter going to the boo$shelf) the "ractitioner should 9uic$ly scan it for the needed ob8ect) which will more than li$ely be there. .fter that) it only remains to read the contents of the boo$ or leaflet. -f the "iece of writing being sought on the boo$shelf is not to be found) or does not contain the right information) then the entire "rocedure for finding an ob8ect can be "erformed all o5er again. The /"isode Techni9ue This techni9ue differs substantially from the "re5ious ones. :ere) one does not need to find anything. The "ractitioner sim"ly mo5es about on his own in search of the answer to a 9uestion 5e1ing him. -n

some situations) this is a much easier way to find an answer. -n terms of techni9ues) it is necessary to sim"ly em"loy the techni9ue of tele"ortation with closed eyes) focusing one7s attention on the "lace or ob8ect about which something s"ecific needs to be learned. The "ractitioner will afterwards find himself in a "lace where he can obser5e the answer to his 9uestion with his own eyes. This method is better suited for those cases when one needs to $now the e1act e5ents of a situation @obser5e them first#handB) find a lost ob8ect or a lost "erson) etc. -n general) the "ractitioner himself may decide whether it7s better to find out something from a "erson) by reading about it) or by seeing it first#hand. The techni9ue is illustrated by the following e1am"le. . "ractitioner has lost his wallet and cannot find it) no matter how hard he searches. 3etermined to use the "hase to his aid) he enters into it) dee"ens it) and with closed eyes focuses his attention on the thought#form of the wallet and where he "ossibly mis"laced it @no s"ecifics # 8ust the thought formB. .fter these ste"s) the "ractitioner is led through a dar$ s"ace) and then soon thrown into a "lace where he can see for himself where e1actly he dro""ed or left behind his wallet. *aturally) the translocation techni9ues are to be em"loyed here) which may "resent an additional barrier to the use of the e"isode techni9ue for those with little e1"erience. ?erifying -nformation :owe5er) friend) the techni9ues for obtaining information are only a "art of the entire "rocess) as their results can be unreliable. There are only theories as to why ob8ects sometimes tell the truth) but also sometimes lie) e5en while loo$ing the "ractitioner straight in the eye. 'ome belie5e that not all information is accessible. thers belie5e that certain information may be off#limits for a gi5en "ractitioner. %rom the materialist "oint of 5iew) the e1"lanation lies in the instability of the "ro"erties of ob8ects) which are distorted under the influence of conscious and unconscious thought. This will be treated later on. -n any case) it should be clearly understood that not e5erything learned in the "hase is true. There are se5eral techni9ues for counteracting this) or at least "rotecting oneself from incorrect information. %ollow#U" Juestions The essence of this techni9ue for 5erifying information is sim"le& in the "hase) one tries to get a sim"le confirmation of the information from the ob8ect by as$ing follow#u" 9uestions that either confirm or contradict the information obtained. -n other words) the "ractitioner may unashamedly re9uest an entire slew of e1"lanations to ensure that the information is credible. %or e1am"le) a "ractitioner may as$ an animate ob8ect in the "hase whether he is unwittingly suffering from any diseases. =et7s su""ose that the ob8ect answers that there is a malignant tumor in the intestines that is gradually metastasi6ing. The "ractitioner should not "anic in such a situation) because it may be a false alarm. :e should sim"ly as$ for some additional facts that would "ro5e that such a situation has de5elo"ed. %or e1am"le) he could as$ for an indication of the sym"toms. =inguistic Tric$s of the Trade .ny information obtained in the "hase can "artially confirmed using 9uic$ 5erbal formulas. To be "recise) they hel" not so much to confirm information as to understand the inclination of an ob8ect to tell the truth) which is of "aramount im"ortance here. There are se5eral such tric$s. ne of them is sim"ly to ta$e a 9uestion that has already been as$ed and

answered) and "ose it again. This may come as a sur"rise) but the second answer may totally contradict the first one. -n that case) of course) one ought be cautious regarding not only the original answer) but also the ob8ect itself. -t7s generally better to find a new ob8ect and then start e5erything o5er once again. .nother tric$ is to re"hrase the same 9uestion. -t may turn out that one and the same 9uestion) albeit re"hrased) yields a com"letely different answer. Real#=ife ?erification (onsidering that information obtained in the "hase may ha5e 9uite a "rofound effect on future life e5ents) it is ad5isable to 5erify such information in the real world. The more im"ortant the information obtained) the more actionable it is) all the more effort that needs to be made to confirm it in reality using traditional methods # before one ta$es action on the information. This would seem natural) but many "eo"le ignore this a""roach) forgetting about their own "owers of reason and mista$enly trusting information obtained from the "hase) without ha5ing the e1"erience to ta$e the "ro"er a""roach to the informational resource a5ailable in the "hase. The Main 3ifficulty The ability to obtain undistorted information from the "hase is considered to be a masterful s$ill of nearly the highest order. 'o where do "roblems occurC .s has already been noted) obtaining information is not anything difficult from a technical "oint of 5iew # it suffices to get into the "hase and find something out from ob8ects or the "hase s"ace. Problems occur on a com"letely different "lane) one that is much more difficult for "eo"le to control # the "lane of thought) mood) and belief # both the su"erficial and dee"#founded 5ariety. ne of the most e1citing and interesting tas$s of ongoing modern research is the study of how the "hase s"ace) its "ro"erties) and functions de"end on the internal mental bac$ground of the "ractitioner. This tas$ is made "articularly clear by the following e1am"le. This e1am"le will assume that the "hase s"ace is controlled by the subconscious mind. -t will also assume that a "ractitioner has gotten into the "hase using an indirect techni9ue and has rolled out of his body while in his bedroom. -t turns out that the subconscious was able to generate the entire room along with millions of minute details with e1act "recision in a matter of seconds) "erha"s in a mere fraction of a second. Unimaginable is the amount of com"utation that had to occur in order to so 9uic$ly generate e5erything) u" to e5ery thread in the curtains and e5ery dot of in$ on the wall"a"er) without 5iolating any laws of "hysics. -t7s difficult to e5en fathom. *e1t) the "ractitioner decides to "erform a well#$nown test with a calculator. To this end) he needs to find that com"utational tool and "unch in the numbers to be crunched. :e will then 5erify the calculator7s answer in the real world. .nd so) he uses the techni9ue of finding and finds a calculator. :e finds the real thing) and not 8ust a mere re"resentation of it. This ob8ect) des"ite its si6e) is 9uite com"licated # yet the "hase creates it with singular accuracy and "recision. .ll of its lines) buttons) and cur5es are generated # all much more accurately than could e5er be drawn. Moreo5er) this calculator can e5en be ta$en a"art) and its internal com"onents may be e1amined. /5erything here is generated in only an instant. !ut then the trouble starts. The "ractitioner multi"lies 04 by AH and gets some odd result) e.g.& .P042!) 2H2A404A... etc. That is) the result is anything but the correct "roduct # 2>G>. . "arado1ical situation now arises& the subconscious mind generates a s"ace around the "ractitioner) accurate to an im"ossible degree and u" to the minutest detail. :owe5er) this 5ery same subconscious mind is unable to multi"ly two#digit numbers together) a sim"le math "roblem that the "ractitioner

himself can sol5e within se5eral seconds. 3oesn7t this situation seem strangeC .ctually) not at all. The "hase s"ace and its com"uting resources are not at issue here. %or the "hase) this calculation is not difficult at all # it7s 9uite easy) as would be instantly multi"lying hundred#digit numbers together. This is really a mere trifle for the resource that the "ractitioner has at his dis"osal) e5en if he himself has difficulties with multi"lication tables. The cru1 of the "roblem lies in the mind of the "ractitioner when he is "erforming this gi5en test. :e may sim"ly lac$ confidence @and this doubt will be reflected in the resultB. -n addition) there may be a mass of other thoughts and feelings going through his head) which may bring all of his efforts to naught. %or some reason) it sometimes seems that a similar "henomenon "ertains not only to the "hase) but also to the e5eryday "hysical world... . 9uite similar situation arises with the techni9ue of translocation in the "hase with eyes closed. -t is enough to thin$ of something e1traneous) enough to ha5e some doubt in the outcome of the flight) and that flight will then ta$e much longer) or e5en e8ect one into a different "lace) or sim"ly return one bac$ to the "hysical body. The 5ery same mechanisms and systems are at "lay when obtaining information. ;hile with tele"ortation it7s enough to translocate se5eral times in order to understand the essence the answer sought) or to feel it) more "rotracted "roblems may de5elo" with obtaining information. ne of the "ro5en "ro"erties of the "hase state is that its stability and steadiness are directly "ro"ortional to those of the "erson e1"eriencing the sensations it offers. %or this reason) the e1ternal characteristics of ob8ects tend to be 5ery stable and unchanging. %or e1am"le) one cannot "ut one7s arm through a wall when in a dee" "hase. !ut at the same time) the "ro"erties and in5isible functions of those same ob8ects can be 5ery unstable and sensiti5e to any mental disturbance. That is why it is difficult to instantly e5a"orate water or turn it into blue bric$ while in the "hase) but water can easily be turned into 5od$a # a transubstantiation accom"anied by change not only in taste and smell) but e5en in "ro"erties which affect the mind of a "erson who drin$s it. .fter all) water and 5od$a ha5e the same outward a""earance) but only differ in terms of "ro"erties. .nd 8ust as well) an ob8ect created in the "hase for the "ur"ose of obtaining information is e1tremely de"endent on the internal state of the "ractitioner. . "olluted mind muffles 8ust what the "ractitioner wants to learn) and bloc$s what "hase ob8ects could easily con5ey to him. %or that 5ery reason) a "ractitioner desiring to obtain information in the "hase should remember one im"ortant thing& one must be not only e1ternally) but also internally as indifferent as "ossible to the information one obtains. -n "arallel with this) it is necessary to ha5e full and com"lete confidence that e5erything will wor$. therwise) the ob8ect will 5acillate between what one wants to hear and what one is afraid to hear) instead of a sim"le transmission of information occurring. This "roblem is o5ercome in large measure through "ractice) but there are some tric$s that facilitate this tas$. The sim"lest of these is as follows& the "ractitioner as$s the ob8ect his 9uestion neither "oint#blan$ nor right away) but une1"ectedly during con5ersation on a side to"ic. This a""roach sim"ly allows the "ractitioner to rela1 and remain indifferent to what is ha""ening) if at least for a short while. This ought to be noted well) and then "racticed if the techni9ue is needed. ;ho might this a""ly toC The techni9ue is needed by anyone who would a""reciate learning additional information about lo5ed ones) one7s 8ob) or future. (ase 'tudies March 200H

- had "ut a lot of wor$ into the boo$ the day before) wra""ing u" a three#day session. My brain was still 5ery tired) and would need more than the "re5ious night7s slee" to recu"erate. .fter wor$ing another hour from G to H am) - fell aslee". - wo$e u" around dinnertime) ate) and was once again unable to resist falling aslee". .fter about another hour or two of slee") - wo$e u" motionlessly to "artial conscious awareness after a 5i5id dream. - reali6ed that my mind was clear and rela1ed enough to try to enter the "hase. Moreo5er) - had an intense desire to do so. - tried se"arating # and nothing. began obser5ing images. .t first they were 9uite dull. - could ma$e out a forest landsca"e somewhere in the distance. -t 9uic$ly became more and more realistic) and seemed to be suc$ing me in. :owe5er) didn7t feel li$e waiting for it to "ull me in) and so - tried once again to roll out. - was only able to ma$e se5eral degrees of mo5ement) and then - was stuc$ again. - returned to my body) and once again rushed to force myself to roll out. - was able to mo5e significantly farther) but was still stuc$. - returned again) and e5en more forcefully started rolling out) this time meeting no resistance. - felt the "hase to be fairly wea$. /5en dee"ening techni9ues hardly hel"ed. - had no 5ision) and the sensations had less than 20F the stability of those of real life. - was nearly "ulled bac$ into my body. tried "al"ation on the ob8ects in my room with double effort) and meanwhile ran around in order to obtain more sensations. -t too$ effort) but the situation started to stabili6e. nce - could feel that - was stably in the "hase) - "ut my hands to my eyes and aggressi5ely tried to see through the dar$ness. 'ight 9uic$ly came) and - could see the whole room no less 5i5idly than in real life. 'ince the "hase still seemed unstable to me and destined to be short#li5ed) - decided to "ut aside my "lan of action and instead "ractice s$ills that - had not used in a while. %irst) - went u" to the wall and started to forcefully $noc$ on it with my $nuc$les. - immediately felt shar" and un"leasant "ain. concentrated my attention) and the "ain 9uic$ly subsided. - $noc$ed e5en harder. There was no "ain. "unched the wall se5eral times with all my strength) brea$ing the surface of the drywall and lea5ing a dent. There was no "ain at all. - then loo$ed at my sli""er lying ne1t to the bed) and tried to mo5e it 8ust by loo$ing at it. .fter some hesitation) the sli""er started to mo5e a bit) though reluctantly. - noticed that the realism of the s"ace around me sagged somewhat and e5erything seemed to fade a bit # afterwards) the sli""er bent to my e5ery will. - mo5ed it across the floor and made it mo5e through the air. - finally dashed it against the window) shattering it. . cold draft blew in. - then tele$inetically fli""ed the bed o5er and installed it on the ceiling) all by staring at it. - then focused my attention on the light#bulb of the lam") trying to turn it on by force of will. The light bulb flic$ered on) and then off. - increased the de"th of the "hase to a hy"er#realistic state through "eering and "al"ation) and then tried illuminating the light#bulb again. This "ro5ed to be more difficult. -t didn7t "articularly want to obey my will. !ut after a few seconds) it gently reddened) and then lit u". - finished my "hase s$ills training session by concentrating on the bed) willing it to catch fire. -t immediately started smoldering. Then) small tongues of fire eru"ted here and there. ;ithin a few seconds) the whole bed was on fire) filling the room with a sul"huric smell and a lot of smo$e. Rubbing my hands together in order to dee"en the state) - went u" to the bro$en window) startled that the "hase had lasted so long) as it had initially been so unstable. - decided to use the last moments of it to ta$e off into outer#s"ace in one of those ultrafast machines featured in the mo5e 4'tar ;ars4. focused my attention on the idea) closed my eyes in antici"ation) and immediately felt myself mo5ing. gradually felt the sensation that - wasn7t standing) but sitting on and sin$ing into a comfortable chair that had 8ust a""eared. - now felt that - was dressed in some $ind of s"acesuit) and holding a "ilot7s 8oystic$ in my glo5ed hands. .s soon as - focused my attention on that tactile sensation and had already decided to bring bac$ my sight) a horribly loud sound started blaring. . force of titanic

"ro"ortions "ulled me from the chair and coc$"it that - was in) its safety restraints nearly tearing me a"art. The shoc$ forced my eyes o"en. %ortunately) my eyes did not o"en to the "hysical world. !ut unfortunately) - saw that - was a""roaching a huge s"aceshi" at high s"eed) with s"ar$s flying about all around me. There was already nothing that - could do. .fter another second) there was nothing but dar$ness) and - was weightless. ?e1ed at the interru"tion of such an interesting ad5enture) - totally forgot to em"loy further techni9ues) and soon reali6ed that - was lying in bed) and could feel daylight through my eyelids. - figured that it was time to get u" and continue writing the boo$. ;ithout attem"ting to get bac$ into the "hase) - went to the bathroom to wash u") meanwhile reflecting on what had ha""ened. - loo$ed in the mirror) and did not immediately reali6e what was ha""ening& - had huge beer#belly. .t first - was in shoc$) because - had de5oted so much energy to getting rid of this 4tro"hy4 that - got from 4bul$ing u"4 and hea5y weight training. Ta$ing the belly in my hands) - s9uee6ed and rolled the layers of fat. - then reali6ed that - had ne5er had a belly li$e this before. .nd then came the e"i"hany # - was still in the "haseD ne can only imagine my relief ... - decided right then and there to im"lement my "lan of action. - had already decided to first deal with the structure of the boo$. - was tormented by doubts regarding the classification of "ractitioner e1"eriences) and their distribution throughout the te1tboo$. My original "lan had been to consult my subconscious mind through the medium of a wise man. :owe5er) then - remembered that my com"uter had the file o"en and was mere ste"s from the bathroom. 'o - went u" to it) all the while concentrating on how - would see the boo$7s table of contents dis"layed and showing the best way to structure it. bent o5er the com"uter) and o"ened the current file. - 9uic$ly scrolled to the table of contents) which matched that of the current 5ersion in real life. This disa""ointed me somewhat. - scrolled down to the a""endi1) which - still felt to be somewhat aw$ward and bul$y. To my sur"rise) - noticed that some sections were missing. - reali6ed that e5erything was somewhat smoothed out) and that those missing sections did not contain any useful or necessary information) e5en though they had seemed 9uite necessary before. 'ur"rised that the "hase had not ended yet) - decided to ne5ertheless still try to tal$ with the wise man about the boo$. - closed my eyes and then focused on the wise man. - 9uic$ly found myself in a forest ne1t to an ancient dolmen. The familiar wise man was sitting on one of the stone bloc$s. Juic$ly bringing the "hase to ma1imum realism by scrutini6ing) "al"ating) and blowing on my hands) a""roached him and as$ed whether - had correctly structured the boo$. ;ith a $ind of a cunning s9uint and 5oice not ty"ical of him) the wise man answered that it was necessary to list the "ractitioner e1"eriences in al"habetical order) and that there was no "oint in di5iding u" the boo$ into sections. didn7t immediately get the 8o$e) and hesitated for a moment) trying to find a logical e1"lanation for his re"ly. - suddenly found myself thin$ing that - was lying in my body) and right then all of my bodily sensations came bac$ 100 "ercent. - started trying to once again se"arate and im"lement the techni9ues) meanwhile analy6ing what - was doing. - found my efforts to be stu"id) and so there was no chance that - would se"arate.

:ealing neself and thers

The time has come to e1amine methods for healing in the "hase. .s has already been noted many times) the "hase state allows one to influence the organism) and there are a multitude of ways to do this. 3es"ite all of the effort de5oted to this field) it remains far from well understood. ne of the most im"ortant achie5ements of the 'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el is ha5ing determined the easiest and most accessible techni9ues) and then systemati6ing them according to fundamental actionable "rinci"les. -t so ha""ens that it was first to study this "ossibility in detail and conduct in#de"th e1"eriments on it. -ts boo$ on this sub8ect was the first in "rint) and remains the only one de5oted e1clusi5ely to this to"ic. *e5ertheless) the most im"ortant "rinci"les of that wor$ will be re"eated here. .fter learning all of the "ossible techni9ues and their 5ariations) the student should be able to choose se5eral of the ones that come most naturally. :owe5er) the student should not trust his own reasoning in ma$ing a choice of techni9ue. ;hat wor$s for him in "ractice # that is) what brings him results # is the most im"ortant factor in selecting the method to em"loy. 'ome techni9ues may initially sound 5ery tem"ting) but then turn out to be 9uite difficult to "erform. thers may seem closer to one7s abilities) but it may turn out in "ractice that totally different techni9ues are more interesting) more accessible) and easier to "erform. -n order to achie5e ma1imum effect) it ma$es sense to use e5ery techni9ue "ossible for influencing the organism. -n other words) it7s worth acting u"on a "roblem from all directions) using e5ery "ossible a""roach. 'uch an a""roach yields the greatest effect) because in case one techni9ue doesn7t wor$) another one might be effecti5e. n the whole) such a multifaceted a""roach yields the most reliable and stable results. Particular attention ought be "aid to the comments below regarding the accessibility of self#treatment techni9ues for beginners. f course) the instructions for the techni9ues) while 9uite s"ecific) are not uncom"romisable iron rules. /5erything described hereinunder should ser5e as a $ind of foundation or tem"late from which to s"ring off with one7s own "ersonal e1"erience. Perha"s the "ractitioner will be able to build u"on them) or come u" with "ersonal ad8ustments. btaining -nformation .ctions The essence of this techni9ue is to obtain useful information in the "hase that can be a""lied to self# healing. The information obtained may "ertain not only to actions to be im"lemented in real life) but also to actions to be "erformed directly while in the "hase. -t7s "ossible to learn how to hel" another "erson) or learn what that other "erson needs to do to in order to o5ercome his illness. %or e1am"le) if the "ractitioner has some illness or other health#"roblem) he can learn in the "hase which medicines would ha5e the best effect in the "hysical world) or which actions ta$en in the "hase could hel" him to reco5er from his illness or affliction. The rele5ant techni9ues for obtaining information in the "hase were described in a "re5ious section of this boo$. Thera"eutic -ndications The thera"eutic indications are endless. .s the techni9ue concerns obtaining information and $nowledge) it can be used for any self#healing case) no matter what its gra5ity or 5ariety) and no matter whether the intent is to heal in reality or while in the "hase.

/1am"le %or e1am"le) a "ractitioner has hurt his leg while at wor$. There7s a bad "ainful bruise) and it7s ta$ing a long time to heal. .nd so the 9uestion arises as to how to get the bruise to start healing faster and become less "ainful. The "ractitioner enters the "hase and em"loys the techni9ue for obtaining information through animate ob8ects) and to that end summons a surgeon. :e briefly describes the "roblem and as$s for ad5ice. The surgeon recommends that the "ractitioner first go for a short run in the "hase in order to get rid of the "ain or sim"ly sto" feeling it) and then) before returning to reality) smear some cooling#agent onto the bruise and in8ect a large dose of no5ocaine into it. The "hase surgeon might also ad5ise him to a""ly a com"ress using ingredients that he had ne5er e5en thought of) or ta$e a s"ecific medicine. The result is that all of the abo5e is im"lemented both in the "hase and in reality) achie5ing a result commensurate with the 9uality of those actions. /ffecti5eness /ffecti5eness @in this conte1t& the accuracy of $nowledge obtained through the "haseB is highly de"endent on one7s le5el of mastery # that is) on the ability of the "ractitioner himself to obtain information from the "hase. %or a no5ice) no more than 20 to 40 "ercent of ad5ice obtained may be accurate) but with e1"erience that number may reach A0 or e5en 100 "ercent. (onsidering this) it is 5ital to use the techni9ues for 5erifying obtained information. 3ifficulties The main difficulty with this ty"e of healing using the "hase lies in the fact that the "ractitioner must "osses an additional s$ill& the ability to obtain correct information from the "hase and) by corollary) the ability to 5erify that information. -t7s usually necessary to sim"ly enter the "hase) dee"en it) and then "erform the actions one "lanned to do) all the while maintaining the "hase. !ut in this case) e5erything is much more difficult. The 5ery accuracy of $nowledge obtained is highly de"endent on how im"artial the "ractitioner is to the information he is recei5ing) and how confident he is that he will be able to obtain accurate information. :e should not ma$e the source of information feel "ressured to say what he wants to hear. !y doing so) the "ractitioner would cho$e off the flow of accurate information. -t7s hard for the a5erage "erson to 4turn#off4 habits li$e this without serious training) as e5eryone is accustomed to contem"lating something in the bac$ of one7s mind) or ha5ing some desired outcome for a con5ersation. .ccessibility f course) obtaining information in the "hase for the "ur"ose of healing is one of the most difficult "rocesses of all) and so the no5ice is better off shying away from it if he doesn7t ha5e a "ressing need to go through with the "rocess. Unli$e many other methods for healing through the "hase) it is necessary here to master the se"arate and difficult techni9ue of obtaining information. Ta$ing Medicines .ctions

Most "eo"le are aware of the so#called "lacebo effect that occurs when sugar#"ills administered instead of real "harmaceuticals wor$ 8ust as well as drugs about one 9uarter of the time. -n the "hase) this feat can be "ulled off much more im"ressi5ely and with much greater effecti5eness) as not only may any "ill @or other dosage formB be generated) but its effects can also be felt immediately. The "hysical body sim"ly has no other choice when it is gi5en a "ill with ascribed "ro"erties. .ll of this forces the "hysical body to react to the e5ents ta$ing "lace in the "hase and recreate the effect in e5ery "ossible way in the "ractitioner7s real#life organism. This is a great method. The "hysical body is totally fooled) and forced to wor$ in a one way or another) sol5e a s"ecific "roblem) or com"lete a certain tas$. The $ey to understanding how this occurs lies in the following fact& the "hysical body reacts to all e1"eriences in the "hase state as if they were actually occurring in reality) and attem"ts to "hysically ada"t to "hase e5ents by trying to create the needed and hitherto insufficient effect. This is made clear by the following sim"le lab e1"eriment& when obser5ing a "ractitioner who is running while in the "hase) changes in breathing "atterns are recorded) as is increased heart#rate) ele5ated blood#"ressure) and e5en blood rushing to the legs. .nd these are only e1ternal indicators. .long with them come the same internal endocrine secretions that would occur if the "ractitioner were actually running a race. These internal "rocesses can be understood through the following e1am"le& ta$ing a shot of 5od$a in the "hase. ne not only smells and tastes the 5od$a) but also instantly feels the corres"onding effect of ha5ing a shot) which may "artially linger on after ha5ing returned to the wa$ing state. !ut the 5od$a may ha5e no influence if the "ractitioner focuses on it ha5ing the same "ro"erties as water. That is) the 5od$a itself can thus lose its natural "ro"erties. .nd so) when ta$ing medicine in the "hase) one ought try right then and there to feel its effect) and as intensely as "ossible. The "rocedure for self#healing in the "hase through ta$ing medicine is as follows& the "ractitioner must find @using the techni9ues for finding ob8ectsB s"ecific medicines or create them) and then ta$e them in the usual way) acti5ely trying right then and there to immediately feel the corres"onding effect. -f it is not "ossible to feel the "rimary effect of a medicine) then the most strongly associated side effects ought be felt. The medicine or healing substance itself may ta$e any form& tablets) "ills) drin$able infusions) balsams) "otions) etc. ;hen a "erson ta$es these substances in the "hase) the body will begin to re"roduce their effect and associated sensations. -n addition) a corres"onding reaction will occur at the le5el of internal bodily functions # the same effect that the medicinal substance was to ha5e brought about. This is all 9uite sim"le. f substantial significance is the ability to create one7s own remedies with the desired set of healing "ro"erties. %or e1am"le) one can create and ta$e a "ill that has been "rogrammed with the finding ob8ects techni9ue to simultaneously treat two or more diseases) e5en if no such drug e1ists in the "hysical world. Meanwhile) it is worth noting the regularity with which in5ented substances are less effecti5e than e1isting or well#$nown ones # this "henomenon is due to "ractitioners ha5ing "sychological bloc$s. f course) in most cases it is not enough to ta$e a single dose of a medicine while in the "hase. Therefore) it7s a good idea to go on a $ind of treatment regime) ta$ing doses at regular inter5als) 8ust as if with a real "harmaceutical "rescri"tion. -n some com"licated situations) it is necessary to ta$e medicine regularly in the "hase o5er one7s whole life # 8ust as in the "hysical world. -t is worth mentioning one im"ortant item on the sub8ect of dosage& it is in fact "ossible to still obtain a desired effect without ta$ing any medicine in the "hase. :owe5er) it is difficult for a "ractitioner to ma$e his organism wor$ in the desired way without a su""orting anchor. The medicines themsel5es are what greatly facilitate the acti5ation of the desired self#healing "rogram by acting as anchors. .s it turns out) the dosage amount does not ha5e any im"ortance at all. :owe5er) it7s better to follow

established norms at the beginning of one7s "ractice) as this acti5ates subconscious "rogramming correlating 9uantity with 9uality. *onetheless) an o5erdose may ha5e ad5erse effects. nce a "ractitioner learns to inde"endently re"roduce the effect of medicines on his body) it will be "ossible to use "re"arations in minute amounts. There is a good e1ercise that allows one to learn how to control the "ro"erties of substances) no matter what 9uantity of them is ta$en. To do this in the "hase) no matter how ridiculous it may sound in the conte1t of self#healing) one ta$es a shot of 5od$a. -f) after ta$ing a single shot of 5od$a) one can feel the same effect as that of drin$ing an entire glass @or e5en a whole bottleB) then one is able to create the desired effect regardless of 9uantity. This method can be used to de5elo" the s$ill of multi"lying "otency in the "hase) though better to "ractice with something other than hard li9uor. ;hen choosing among 5arious medicines) the 9uestion may arise as to whether or not the side effects that many of them ha5e will also occur in the "hase. -t can be confidently stated that the incidence of side effects is reduced here by 20 to 100 "ercent) because as far as the subconscious mind is concerned) any medicine should heal first and foremost. Meanwhile) the body may not be "rogrammed to "roduce side effects. Ei5en this situation) it is better not to use medicines whose side effects are well $nown) as in that case side effects may not only arise) but also be dominant when certain techni9ue#related mista$es are made. That is) the medicine may do more to cause harm than to heal in the "hase. Thera"eutic -ndications Thera"eutic indications for ta$ing any medicine in the "hase $now "ractically no limits. .s with obtaining information) the "hase can be em"loyed towards accom"lishing any ob8ecti5e or tac$ling any illness. /1am"le 'u""ose a "ractitioner catches a bad cold) resulting in the sym"toms of headache) runny nose) cough) and fe5er. :e enters a dee" stage) and) using the techni9ue for finding ob8ects) finds on the nightstand a bo1 of well#ad5ertised cold relief medicine) the $ind that is dissol5ed into a glass of water. :e then goes into the $itchen and dro"s a tablet into a glass of water) which starts fi66ing and dissol5ing. .s soon as the tablet dissol5es) he drin$s down the entire glass) trying at the same time to immediately feel its effect& warmth courses through his body) a certain feeling of well#being arises) his tem"erature goes down) "ost#nasal dri" eases) and so on. .fter returning to the "hysical world) the "ractitioner either immediately feels better) or the relief comes gradually from that "oint on. The "rocedure is then carried out se5eral times o5er the course of the ne1t se5eral days. The "ractitioner may then se"arately im"lement a "re5entati5e course of treatment) ma$ing future colds milder and much less fre9uent. f course) the techni9ue for finding ob8ects can be em"loyed towards a 5ariety of ends. %or e1am"le) you may find a glass with a cold#relief tablet already dissol5ed into it) and thus sa5e time. /ffecti5eness %or the no5ice) the effecti5eness of ta$ing medicine in the "hase as a means for healing ranges from a""ro1imately 20 to A0 "ercent. That is to say) in the ma8ority of cases there is a clear and stable effect. (onsidering that "ills) for e1am"le) are rarely this effecti5e in real life) it turns out that in many cases this is the best of all a5ailable ways to heal oneself. %or e1"erienced "ractitioners) effecti5eness reaches H0 to 100 "ercent. -t is necessary at times to ad8ust the regularity with which medicines are ta$en while

in the "hase) as dosage increments are often crucial to o"timi6ing the effect. 3ifficulties There are no substantial difficulties with ta$ing medicine in the "hase. Re9uired here are the basic s$ills of finding ob8ects and the ability to re"roduce medicine7s effect when ta$ing it # this is accom"lished by sim"ly dee"ening one7s desire for this to ha""en. -f this is not achie5ed on the first try) then it will wor$ by the second or third attem"t. .ccessibility Medicines are the basic means of influencing the organism while in the "hase state. .s this techni9ue is both accessible and easy to master) e5en for no5ices) one should add it to one7s re"ertoire right away and try to achie5e results from the 5ery first attem"ts. This is es"ecially true) in 5iew of the techni9ue7s high le5el of effecti5eness. 3irect -nfluence .ctions 3irect influence on the organism while in the "hase is attributed to the effect of the body reacting at all le5els to the im"act of "hase e1"eriences) as was described in the section regarding the techni9ue of ta$ing medicines. That is) when something is done to the organism while in the "hase) the effect is immediately felt there) and) at the same time) there is a real effect on the body in the "hysical world) 8ust as if e5erything were ha""ening in real life. The main difference with techni9ues for direct influence is that the "roblem is a""roached not through an intermediary @medicineB) but is instead tac$led directly. This is essentially a more thorough method) but also a more difficult one. -n "ractice) it wor$s li$e this& a "erson goes into the "hase state and begins to directly influence the sic$ organ or organism using all means at his dis"osal # both those that e1ist in the "hysical world and those that do not. Moreo5er) he can influence the body sim"ly at the le5el of "erce"tion) without e1ternal contact. The 5ery "erce"tion of direct influence is the $ey factor here. ;ithout it) there7s no real "oint to a""lying the techni9ue # nota bene. There are many o"tions for directly influencing the organism as a whole or influencing its indi5idual "arts& heating) cooling) releasing energy) numbing) massaging) administering in8ections) smearing ointments) radiation treatment # in general) e5erything that is "ossible or im"ossible in real life. This "rocess re9uires both ta$ing the initiati5e and a creati5e a""roach. ne may influence either the entire organism as a whole) or any se"arate "art of it while in the "hase. %or e1am"le) one can easily warm u" the entire body) heat u" only the brain) or e5en massage it) as incredible as that may sound. Though this may stri$e some as unbelie5ably strange) one may actually "ut one7s hand through the body while in the "hase) feel any organ) and influence or affect it as necessary. 3oing this feels so realistic that "eo"le are often long unable to bring themsel5es to attem"t it) if only out of the fright that stri$es them when they feel their own hand "assing through their own body and touching their internal organs. %or e1am"le) if a "erson wants to ha5e an affect on the li5er) he will be able not only to hold it with his left hand) but also to directly feel the li5er itself) as well as the sensation of holding it. This may be "articularly frightening when acting on the heart or the brain. The "hase is the only "lace where one may do all this. .nd this is truly more than 8ust an incredible e1"erience that lea5es an emotional im"ression lasting one7s entire life. 'ignificantly) one can affect not

only a disease) but also its sym"toms. !y alle5iating and eliminating sym"toms) one will li$ewise influence their source. This is es"ecially im"ortant when the source of the sym"toms themsel5es is not well understood. f course) as with most other techni9ues for influencing the body while in the "hase) a single direct treatment is often not enough. .s a rule) the "rocedure should be "erformed se5eral times by entering the "hase for se5eral days in a row) or e5en im"lementing a treatment regime. /ither way) all this de"ends on a "ractitioner7s le5el of s$ill in em"loying the techni9ue. -t goes without saying that an e1"erienced "ractitioner need "erform far fewer "rocedures than a no5ice. Thera"eutic -ndications 3irectly influencing the organism is easiest when it comes to a "roblem whose locali6ation is $nown. -t is 5ery difficult to directly influence an im"erce"tible illness of an un$nown nature that e1hibits few sym"toms. /1am"le The e1am"le of an in8ured leg will now be ta$en u" again. The "ractitioner enters a dee" "hase and immediately begins mani"ulating the leg in e5ery way "ossible. %irst) he concentrates on his leg not hurting and being already healed) and tries to circulate internally#generated thera"eutic heat and 5ibrations about it. The healing effect must be felt immediately. -f there is time left) the "ractitioner uses the techni9ue for finding ob8ects to summon a syringe loaded with "ain$illers and fast#acting bruise#treating medication. :e in8ects the entire does into his leg) trying to immediately feel the effect of the "re"aration. This comes easily& the "ractitioner feels numbness and "leasant sensations emanating from the shot. -f "ossible) he finally rubs in a s"ecially created ointment onto his leg) further accelerating the healing "rocess. ;hen the "ractitioner returns from the "hase) he is li$ely to immediately feel that his leg hurts a lot less) and that it will soon begin to reco5er. *e5ertheless it7s best to "erform the same "rocedure se5eral times. .nother e1am"le& $idney stones. The "ractitioner enters into a dee" "hase) and for se5eral minutes tries to 4blast4 the $idneys with warm 5ibrations that dissol5e the stones. To do this) he first tries to sim"ly feel his $idneys) and then in5o$es the necessary "rocesses in them by force of a strong desire to do so. .fterwards) he sli"s his hands into his abdomen) holds one $idney in each hand) and starts massaging them in such a way as to dissol5e the stones in them. Then) he carefully sli"s his fingers into his $idneys) and uses them to rub the stones into a harmless "owder. %or ma1imum effect) the "ractitioner should carry out this "rocedure regularly and consistently on this "roblem) as it is not one that is 9uic$ly resol5ed. /ffecti5eness -n most cases) the techni9ue of direct influence is a 5ery effecti5e means of treatment. This is es"ecially true when the "roblem is "al"able and ob5ious. /ffecti5eness can reach >0 to G0 "ercent e5en for a no5ice) to say nothing of what more e1"erienced "ractitioners can achie5e. 3ifficulties 3irectly influencing the organism while in the "hase in5ol5es no substantial difficulties. -t is only necessary to feel the effect of such influence) which is easy to do when desire is strong enough) e5en

without "rior training. There remains the minor "roblem of fear arising when hands are inserted into the body) a "hobia that tends to be difficult to o5ercome. :owe5er) the fear often becomes surmountable when one7s goal is serious enough. 'ometimes curiosity alone is not enough to bring oneself to ha6ard the 5enture. .ccessibility 3irectly influencing an illness or health "roblem is sufficiently easy in the "hase) in addition to being 9uite effecti5e. Therefore) e5en beginners are encouraged to use this techni9ue from their 5ery first attem"ts and ne5er forget about it) e5en after ha5ing mastered other techni9ues for healing themsel5es while in "hase states. This techni9ue is one of the fundamentals. Programming .ctions The effecti5eness auto#training) self#"rogramming and self#hy"nosis ha5e been long established. They ha5e been "ro5en to bring results e5en when "erformed while awa$e. The dee"er the trance state that they are im"lemented in) the more effecti5e they are. %rom this "ers"ecti5e) the idea cannot but occur of also using similar techni9ues to heal through the "hase) as the "hase state is the dee"est hy"notic trance state that can be achie5ed consciously and inde"endently. Moreo5er) the usual trance state in which self#hy"nosis is "erformed does not e5en begin to com"are with the "hase in terms of substance or effecti5eness. Therefore) self#"rogramming is many times more effecti5e in the "hase than in any other state. This is) for all effecti5e "ur"oses) a new era of de5elo"ment for these $inds of technologies. Programming in "hase consists of creating self#fulfilling subconscious resolutions. 'ince a "erson in the "hase is in the dee"est of all "ossible altered states of consciousness) this is the most effecti5e "lace for such "rogramming. Ei5en the fact that much human illness is "sychosomatic in nature) and yet still causes real suffering) "rogramming techni9ues em"loyed in the "hase can destroy such 4diseases4 at the root. -n "ractice) one gets into the "hase and introduces a resolution directly at the subconscious le5el to remedy a s"ecific health "roblem. There are se5eral 5ariations of this action in the "hase. %irst) one sim"ly can firmly state one7s resolution aloud regarding remedying a "roblem or regarding one7s well# being. 'econd) "rogramming can also be effected wordlessly) at the le5el of s"eechless understanding and intention. This second 5ariation is much more difficult than 5erbal suggestion) so it is better for the no5ice to shy away from it. The duration of one attem"t should not ta$e u" an entire "hase) as what matters here is not the length of an attem"t) but it7s 9uality. ;hat7s im"ortant is that the "rogramming occurs in the subcorte1 at the dee"est and most meaningful le5el) e5en if it lasts for only 10 to 12 seconds. 3on7t assume that se5eral words "ronounced half#heartedly will do all of the wor$ on their own) as if this were the same thing as casting a s"ell. These words need to be e1"erienced and felt at all le5els of "erce"tion and consciousness awareness. ;hen "rogramming your subconscious) it is 5ery im"ortant to note that 5erbal formulas should not contain negations. %or e1am"le) one should not say) 4- do not ha5e insomnia.4 -nstead) it is much better to affirm) 4- slee" dee"ly and soundly) - fall aslee" 9uic$ly.4 .s with other techni9ues for self#healing in the "hase) acting on a "roblem 8ust once is often not enough when "rogramming. -t is better to introduce resolutions se5eral times on different days. 'ometimes it7s ad5isable to im"lement an entire treatment regime.

Thera"eutic -ndications Programming for self#healing in the "hase can be a""lied to almost any disease or ailment) but it wor$s best of all for "roblems of "ersonal "sychology or general well#being. %or e1am"le) one may use it to im"ro5e o5erall wor$ing ca"acity) alle5iate fatigue and an1iety) increase stamina) im"ro5e o5erall health) bolster the immune system) and much more. /1am"le . "ractitioner has an illness that is at a serious stage and accom"anied by fatigue as well as irritated mood) but has no "ossibility of ta$ing sic$#lea5e to get better) as he needs go to wor$ e5ery day. .nd so) he enters a dee" "hase and begins to say aloud the following words& 4 nce - e1it the "hase) within a day - will feel buoyant) healthy) and acti5e. - will be in a good mood and ha5e ideal o5erall well#being. - am healthy. - am acti5e. - am ha""y. - ha5e boundless energy) and - am full of 5itality.4 Meanwhile) he does not merely utter these words) but also tries to feel them) to e1"erience them. f course) it7s better for him to initiate further "rocedures to treat the disease itself before e1iting the "hase. -n any case) re"eating such an affirmation almost immediately after returning to reality may also bring solid results. /ffecti5eness The effecti5eness of "rogramming for self#healing through the "hase is not 5ery high) as most "eo"le are unable to feel the self#"rogrammed resolutions fully and dee"ly. /ffecti5eness for beginners is somewhere within the bounds of 00 and 20 "ercent. /ffecti5eness increases with "ractice. -nterestingly) a single session is often enough for e1"erienced "ractitioners # unli$e the case with other methods for self#healing through the "hase. 3ifficulties The main difficulty arising when using "rogramming techni9ues occurs with being able to sincerely feel the resolution being made. This can be an insurmountable obstacle for many due to their "sychological ma$eu" or difficulties in understanding what is going on. -t is also necessary to ma$e se"arate note of the fact that the "rocess of "rogramming may e8ect a "ractitioner from the "hase) as it tends to be rela1ing. Thus) it is im"ortant not to forget to em"loy some of the techni9ues for maintaining the "hase while "rogramming. %or e1am"le) one might constantly rub the hands together) scrutini6e something u"#close) or $ee" 5ibrations going the whole time. .ccessibility (onsidering li$elihood of effecti5eness and technical difficulties) self#healing in the "hase through "rogramming is often not 5ery accessible for beginners. Therefore) unless there is some s"ecific goal that can only be sol5ed only in this way) it is better to use other techni9ues. Psychological -m"act .ctions ;hene5er it is necessary to sol5e "roblems related to "sychological or "sychosomatic illnesses) using

the "hase for "sychological im"act is the most effecti5e) clear) and "ro5en way to influence the organism. -t7s not for nothing that science has documented its effecti5eness in studies on lucid dreaming. The o"erational "rinci"les of this techni9ue are sim"le& #The "hysical body ada"ts to e5ents e1"erienced in the "haseK #Re#e1"eriencing negati5e e5ents of the "ast erases the im"ression made by them at the "hysiological le5elK -t would ser5e well to start by noting that "racticing the "hase) e5en outside the conte1t of self#healing) in and of itself has a "owerful) "ositi5e) and fa5orable effect that will manifest itself in any indi5idual "ursuing it. The "oint is that once someone has e1"erienced the "hase and reali6ed the true e1"anse and endlessness of the world7s hori6ons) he or she begins to relate to real life in a different way. :e becomes more o"en) has fewer issues with himself and the world) and more sociable. Moreo5er) "ractical mastery of the "hase builds inner centeredness # though it7s real wor$. Practicing the "hase cannot but ha5e a beneficial effect on the indi5idual) as it is a real form of self#actuali6ation in and of itself. -t is both authentic and lasting self#actuali6ation # unli$e other "ractices that 5erge on delusion and con8ecture. Thera"eutic -ndications The following ty"es of "roblems may be acted u"on with the hel" of "sychological im"act in the "hase& mental illnesses and other "roblems @including "hobias) fears) com"le1es) indecision) de"ression) social an1iety) and much moreB. This techni9ue for self#healing in the "hase is ill suited for conditions that are not of a "sychological nature. The e1ce"tions to that rule are illnesses caused by factors of a "sychosomatic nature @according to some re"orts) u" to 20F of all diseases fall into this category) but such distinctions are difficult to categori6e on a case#by#case basisB. /1am"le . "erson is afraid to tra5el by air"lane @aero"hobiaB. To sol5e this "roblem) the "erson should enter a dee" "hase) and) by em"loying the techni9ue of translocation) find himself in an air"lane going through rough turbulence. 3es"ite the fact that all this is not really ha""ening in the "hysical world) the fear e1"erienced will be G0 to 120 "ercent that of a similar real#life situation) as the realism of the "hase state is e1tremely ele5ated. There is "ractically no difference between sensations e1"erienced in the "hase and those of real life. :owe5er) there is no actual threat to life and limb in the "hase # the "ractitioner understands this subconsciously) and tries to stay in the air"lane as long as "ossible) getting used to its swaying) sha$ing) and sudden di"s. nly a cou"le of such ri5eting simulations are usually enough to at least ta$e any "hobia out of the forefront of one7s mind and sto" it from causing further distress) if not indeed banish it. The ne1t e1am"le to be considered is a scenario where a "erson had a 5ery stressful e1"erience while still a child& the death of a fa5orite "u""y in front of his eyes. -n such cases) an age#old method wor$s 9uite well # communicating with the geist of the de"arted @this also wor$s with human beingsB. This is 9uite a sure method) es"ecially considering that there is nothing difficult about it from a technical "oint of 5iew. ne need only enter a dee" "hase and a""ly the techni9ue for finding ob8ects. The e1act same "u""y remembered from childhood will a""ear. -t will also lic$ one7s face) "lay) bar$) and loo$ at its owner with loyal eyes) wagging its little tail all the while. The "ractitioner will be able to once again "ic$ it u") "et it) touch its fur) and feel its weight and warmth. The "u""y will be 8ust the same as if

encountered in real life. /5en when it "layfully ni"s at the hand) the owner will feel it. The first such meeting will naturally cause some sadness and tears) but from then on) once one reali6es that one can continue to meet with this "et in "hase) sadness will 9uic$ly recede to the bac$ground @as will all "sychosomatic com"lications caused by the death of the belo5ed animalB. The "ractitioner will begin to feel that the "u""y is really ali5e. .fter all) "erce"tion arises from sensory in"ut) and not deducti5e reasoning. /ffecti5eness The instruments for "sychological im"act in the "hase are 9uite effecti5e. .s "sychology is being discussed) it is difficult to com"are the effecti5eness of this techni9ue with other methods of treatment. *onetheless) e5en for beginners the rate of success reaches 100F during the 5ery first a""lications. That7s something that really stands out. 3ifficulties .s it is the "syche and the mind that are being im"acted by these techni9ues for self#healing) a certain amount of internal effort is necessary to achie5e results. %or e1am"le) if a "erson is trying to o5ercome claustro"hobia) then real fear will arise when he finds himself in enclosed s"aces while in the "hase. :e will still ha5e to confront his "hobia on his own. The "hase here only "ro5ides a s"ringboard for wor$ing on oneself. -t should ne5er be assumed that the incredible effecti5eness of this method comes out of thin air) without effort on the "art of the "ractitioner. .ccessibility 'elf#healing in the "hase using the techni9ue of "sychological im"act is readily accessible to beginners) starting from their first "hase entrances. This is because it does not re9uire any s"ecial s$ills e1ce"t the ability to translocate) and so this course can be ta$en right from the outset. :ealing thers -n addition to self#healing) the "hase state of the mind also "ro5ides some "ossibilities for ha5ing an influence on the health of others. .ll "ossible 5ariations will be considered here) including theoretical ones. -t7s not news that most "eo"le are firstly interested not in self#healing) but in hel"ing others. This is understandable) as "erha"s they ha5e lo5ed ones who are for whate5er reason unable to use the "hase) or are e1tremely negati5ely "re8udiced against such things. Perha"s the reader of this boo$ is a "rofessional who treats diseases in non#traditional ways) or is a no5ice healer himself. -t is well to first em"hasi6e that only one of the wide 5ariety of theoretical ways to ha5e an influence on another "erson in the "hase is "ro5en and absolutely "racticable) and it is techni9ues for obtaining information. ;hile the effects of all the other techni9ues on the "ractitioner himself are beyond doubt and ha5e been "ro5en e1"erimentally) their influence on other "eo"le remains theoretical # as of yet) no one has been able to "ro5e remote influence on another "erson in a controlled e1"eriment. %or e1am"le) if you find a friend in the "hase and gi5e him some medicine) the effect of that medicine on him will remain theoretical. -t is im"ortant to reali6e that trying to em"loy anything but the techni9ue for obtaining information

ris$s time and energy being s"ent in 5ain. 'ome certainly will claim to ha5e "ro5en that it is "ossible to ha5e a direct affect on another "erson through the "hase. :owe5er) only what each and e5ery "erson can accom"lish # literally from the first time # will be discussed here. ;hate5er the case may be) it can be definiti5ely stated here that either influencing another "erson remotely is im"ossible) as few ha5e re"orted results) or it sim"ly remains unclear how to do it. /ither way) in embar$ing u"on such hitherto un"ro5en e1"eriments) one does so at one7s own ris$ and "eril. -f remote influence through the "hase ne5ertheless shows itself to be wor$ing) then it is already the "ractitioner himself who will ha5e to $now what needs to be added so that the im"act on the other "erson brings stable results. ne7s theoretical 5iew on the nature of the "hase "henomenon will "lay an enormous role in one7s choice of a course of action. The materialist will not ha5e any way of hel"ing another "erson besides obtaining information. The occultist is hardly li$ely to encounter barriers to his "ractice. This is a choice for each "erson to ma$e. -t should be understood that e5en if other techni9ues allow some influence on others) the results are clearly far from stable # as many will doubt the results due to a lac$ of em"irical e5idence) and not out of their own 5iews or theories. That 5ery lac$ of em"irical e5idence forbears a definiti5e statement here. 'cientific e1"eriments ha5e deli5ered no confirmation to date. f course) if one wishes to hel" another "erson) there is another "ro5en way to do so besides obtaining information& con5incing him to "ractice the "hase and em"loy the a""ro"riate techni9ues for self# healing himself. %rom a "ragmatic "oint of 5iew on the "henomenon) this is a much surer way than trying to influence another "erson from the "hase. The techni9ue of obtaining information will be of hel" for the "ractitioner who has decided to heal another "erson. This techni9ue is described in detail in this boo$) along with how to use it. The only difference is that information must be sought on a "articular "erson) and not on oneself. The "ractitioner may learn not only how to "ro5ide treatment in real#life) but also how to obtain a com"rehensi5e diagnosis. -t wor$s li$e this& using the techni9ue for obtaining information) one finds a s"ecialist who will hel" deal with the "roblem that one7s ac9uaintance is e1"eriencing. ne then s"ea$s with this doctor about how to hel" him) about what can be done in reality) and so on... The "hase doctor7s "rescri"tions and+or ad5ice are then relayed to the "erson for whom they were obtained. .lternati5ely) the entire "hase e1"erience is related to the "erson in need. %rom a materialist "oint of 5iew) it is necessary to note the fact that far from e5eryone can be hel"ed using the "hase. ;ithout going into detailed e1"lanations) it will sim"ly be stated that the more one $nows about a "erson) the more one will be able to find out about him in the "hase. /5en if one has only seen the "erson7s "icture) it is "ossible that one will nonetheless find out something about him) and be able to hel" him in some way. !ut if one $nows this "erson "ersonally) then the amount of information obtained about him through the "hase will increase drastically. . "ractitioner should at least tal$ for a short while with a "erson before attem"ting to obtain information in the "hase about his health) or treatment methods best suited to his condition. Theoretical ;ays to :eal thers The following methods ha5e in no way been "ro5en to wor$ in "ractice. ne may e1"eriment with them at one7s own "ersonal discretion. Moreo5er) if a "ractitioner intends to hel" "eo"le in these ways) he should ne5er under any circumstances "romise to sol5e all of their "roblems) because they should not forgo more traditional methods of treatment. . student ought be sensible and realistic in e5aluating his ca"abilities) es"ecially if he is only 8ust starting out with his "ractice) and most of his 5iews are based on borrowed theories) rather than on "ersonal e1"erience.

.lso) all of these techni9ues re9uire the ability to find ob8ects. To better understand the essence of techni9ues for treating other "eo"le) it is best to learn them by "racticing on oneself. This cha"ter will only briefly describe ada"ting some techni9ues for wor$ with others. .lmost e5eryone as$s the 9uestion) 4;ho are these sub8ects that we are to find in the "hase and healC4 This 9uestion arises for one sim"le reason& there are no clear common definitions regarding the nature of the "henomenon itself that would allow one to s"ea$ confidently on its "articulars. Many "eo"le @u" to 22F of the world "o"ulationB still do not $now that the /arth re5ol5es around the sun) rather than 5ice 5ersa. 'o it7s 9uite a transition from there to the "henomenon at hand... U"on disco5ering who or what these "hase sub8ects and ob8ects were) the e1"lanation for the nature of the "henomenon itself would at last be at hand. %or the materialist) "eo"le in the "hase) no matter what their e1ternal realism or belie5ability of beha5ior) would be merely simulated clones that ha5e no relation to "eo"le or ob8ects in the real world. %or the esoteric) the "erson or ob8ect in the "hase would be the soul of a real "erson. 'o it7s the same as usual& each "erson sees the world in accordance with his assum"tions and $nowledge. !ut caution is always ad5ised in such matters) as "eo"le all too easily succumb to the "ower of "itfalls of 5arious $inds) some of which they cannot esca"e for the rest of their li5es. Ta$ing Medicines .da"ting this techni9ue to treating another "erson means that that "erson must first be found in the "hase @using the techni9ue of findingB. -t is then necessary to administer a""ro"riate medication de"ending on the nature of the health "roblems. Possibilities include not only "harmacy drugs) but also any "ossible fol$ remedies. %or e1am"le) if the other "erson has "rolonged headaches) then he should be gi5en "owerful "ain$illers to swallow) as well as other drugs that stri$e at the headache7s cause @if $nownB. 3irect -nfluence ;ith direct im"act on another "erson) after first finding him in the "hase) it is necessary to wor$ directly and fi1edly on the "roblematic organs) or on his general condition. To this end) one may use official "rescri"tions or fol$ remedies) 5arious $inds of massages) as well as anything else that comes to mind. %or e1am"le) a "atient has bad sunburn. -n addition to all the other o"tions for treatment) one might run one7s hand o5er his damaged s$in) thus restoring it @this comes easilyB) gi5e him in8ections to accelerate the healing) or use ointments) and so on. Programming .fter ha5ing found someone in the "hase) one sim"ly loo$s him in the eye and im"resses u"on him that he does not ha5e a "articular "roblem) that it will "ass 9uic$ly) that he is healthy) 5igorous) ha""y) etc. Perha"s a "ractitioner7s friend is chronically fatigued. -n that case) after finding him in a "hase) the "ractitioner needs to con5ince him that he is full of energy) acti5e) has boundless energy) strong moti5ation) is more goal#determined than e5er) and so on. .ll this must be said right to his face with a firm 5oice. There will ho"efully be an immediately change to his countenance) thus confirming the instant effect. ne may also obtain 5erbal confirmation from him that the "rogramming is wor$ing. Psychological -m"act

-n ada"ting this healing techni9ue to wor$ with another "erson) one need first find that sub8ect) and then immerse him in the necessary feelings and e1"eriences. %or e1am"le) a "erson is afraid of dogs. 'o) the "ractitioner finds him using the techni9ues for finding ob8ects) and then "laces him in a situation where there are many dogs and they all are friendly to him) nu66ling u" to one another) and "laying. (on5ersely) the "ractitioner could "lace him in a situation where there are dogs beha5ing 5ery aggressi5ely) threatening to bite. :owe5er) the aim here is to ensure that the "erson being hel"ed doesn7t get ner5ous) but instead coolly beats off the dogs without e1"eriencing fear. -t might not be that easy) but the "ractitioner should try to change the attitude of the other "erson to the "roblem. -t is also worth noting that this techni9ue can be a""lied in the most "ragmatic way "ossible # as$ing the "erson with health "roblems to ta$e u" the "ractice of the "hase himself. 'im"ly ha5ing the "hase itself in one7s life has an indelibly "ositi5e effect) not to mention the "ossibilities for self#healing that come with it. Practicing the "hase is one of the most interesting e1"eriences one will e5er encounter. (ase 'tudies March 2002 .fter one of many morning awa$enings) - hadn7t mo5ed at all "hysically) and immediately began trying to se"arate from the body. - reali6ed after a cou"le of seconds of trying that se"aration would not ha""en right then) and so - "eered into the 5oid before my eyes) trying to discern any images. There weren7t any) and so after a few seconds - started with "hantom wiggling) which manifested itself somewhat in the feet& both feet inched u" somewhat) and them came bac$ down. Meanwhile) my ears were filled with a soft noise) and there was a slight 4bu664 in my body. - tried to increase the am"litude of the motion for 2 to 10 seconds) but was still unable to achie5e anything. -n order to o5ercome this barrier of some sorts) - decided to switch to the techni9ue of obser5ing images for some time) and then continue with "hantom wiggling. :owe5er) the images came on so strong that - reali6ed that - could s$i" "hantom wiggling) as it would be much easier to sim"ly use the images. !efore my mind7s eye a""eared a ri5er) and behind it a stee" hill wooded with tall trees. - began to "eer into it) trying to ta$e in the whole "icture. -t immediately became shar"er and shar"er. reali6ed after 2 to 4 seconds that - was 5iewing the "icture 8ust as if from a window in real life. .s soon as that reali6ation came) - rolled out of my body and into the room. - 9uic$ly got to my feet and started "al"ating and trying to see. My 5ision returned at once. The "hase was sufficiently dee" that - could see e5erything as clearly as in reality. Meanwhile) using the dee"ening techni9ues led to e5erything becoming much more 5isually intense and colorful than - was accustomed to in real life. This startled me a bit. The thought of returning to the body e5en flashed through my mind) but - was able to o5ercome it) and immediately concentrated on the goals that - had set& treating high blood "ressure) conducting an e1"eriment on the 5iscosity of fluids) and some items of fun to im"ro5e my mood. - o"ened the door of my wardrobe) which in reality contained a bo1 of medicines. - loo$ed for the drug that was to hel" me lower my blood "ressure or at least ma$e it easier to deal with my condition. 3el5ing into the "ac$age) - too$ out the 5arious tubes of ointments) "ac$ages) and s"ray#cans) "eering at them in order to maintain the "hase. - also tried to figure out what the medicines were) and whether or not - needed them. -t too$ some time) as for 12 to 20 seconds - couldn7t find anything worthwhile. Then - suddenly "ulled out some blue bottle with "ills. n it was written) 4=ifeMi1 # =ife without :y"ertension. .ll the best

"roducts in one4. This was 5ery close to what - was loo$ing for) so - immediately too$ two tablets) chewed them) and swallowed. They were awfully bitter and distasteful. .t one "oint) that bitter taste e5en made me forget that - was in the "hase and that - definitely needed to do something to $ee" it from being o5er. -nstead of letting that ha""en) - bent down and co5ered my face with my hands. 'uddenly) a strange wa5e of unusual sensations coursed through my body. My head and entire face started to fill u" with blood) causing swelling in my li"s) nose) chee$s) and eyelids. -t goes without saying that this was an un"leasant sensation. -t was more than unusual. This was es"ecially true of the sensations - felt inside my head. -t was as if it were heating u" and e1"anding. - figured at that "oint that - had done something wrong. .s soon as - thought that) - felt as if a balloon filled with cold water had burst in my head. :ere the heat turned to cold) and my head and body 4decom"ressed4 bac$ down to si6e. - felt an uncommon lightness and freshness inside. - had the sensation of ha5ing ta""ed a new reser5e of strength and life# energy. -n order to not ha5e to search for that blue bottle again) - set it on the right corner of the lower shelf. .fterwards) - decided to cement the effect by "erforming a "hysical e1ercise that had always caused "ain in my head due to heightened blood "ressure. - ran into the hallway and sat on the floor) with my bac$ against one wall and feet towards the other. - "ushed off with my legs while "ressing my bac$ against this wall) thus simulating bearing a "hysical load. .ll the while) - tried to "eer at all around me) concentrating on my "osition. The wall wouldn7t gi5e) and - had to ma$e :erculean efforts to somehow straighten my legs. - bent my legs bac$ again) and then returned to trying to straighten them out. - had "hysically e1erted myself more than once in the "hase) which had always been accom"anied by increased blood "ressure in the head. This was often "ainful) and the discomfort would e5en last throughout the morning after awa$ening. This time) my head felt easy and light. - 8ust concentrated on the "hysical effort) and not on how hard this e1ercise was to "erform. -n addition) - tried to deliberately relie5e my head of that hea5iness and "ressure) trying to create subconscious "rogramming for the "hysical world. -n addition to all of the abo5e) - did my best to gi5e myself hy"notic suggestions. That done) - mo5ed on to the ne1t items in my "lan of action....

(ha"ter 2 The /1"eriences of !eginners

3ear friend) ha5ing thousands of out#of#body e1"erience testimonies on file) - would li$e to share some of them with you. .lmost none of them are e1am"les of the "ractice at its best) as - would li$e to show you what $ind of mista$es "eo"le ma$e when starting out on their "ath. This will sa5e you from ma$ing similar misste"s. Perha"s - was too hard on the "ractitioners in my analysis) and as$ too much of no5ices. .t least they had some success) be it 9uantitati5e if not 9ualitati5e. That7s already an achie5ement. !ut aren7t we tal$ing about serious thingsC .lways e1amine your e1"eriences critically and meticulously) loo$ing for any "ossible mista$es. That is the main secret to "erfection. .nd loo$ for the mista$es in yourself) and not someone else.

1 $sana Ryabo5a) Moscow. 'tudent. - seemed to me that my dee" morning slumber had been interru"ted by the discomfort and mild "ain of numbness in my left arm) which my head had been lying on while - sle"t. The desire arose within me to get rid of that discomfort. - mo5ed my numb arm in front of me and o"ened my eyes. !ut - couldn7t see the "hysical arm in front of me) e5en though - clearly felt it there and could curl and uncurl my fi5e fingers and bend the arm at the elbow. This all made me somewhat confused. - clearly understood that something li$e this could not ha""en in the normal "hysical world. - decided that this was a 5ery realistic dream) and that in order to wa$e u") - would sim"ly need to close my eyes and strain my brain with the desire to awa$en. That thought was followed by action. - o"ened my eyes shortly thereafter) thin$ing that - had finally wo$en u". !efore me was the daily reality that - always obser5e u"on awa$ening& a large window through which sunlight "ours onto my bed in the center of the room) a des$ and chair) a boo$case of academic literature) and a wardrobe with clothing in it. <ust li$e always. - decided to s"end this wee$day#off @had a lot of days off that wee$B getting calm) easy rest. - sat u" -ndian#style in bed with my elbows on my $nees. - s9uinted) en8oying the rays of May sun massaging my face. -t was warm) and the air was fresh. .nd - felt a sense of "eace "our through my body li$e a sort of unearthly sweet nectar. - turned to loo$ around. .nd suddenly) that state of rela1ation abru"tly changed into cold and shi5ering) the sense of "eace transformed into terrible fear # my body was lying behind meD Panic. - glanced at those hands in front of me that - could feel but not see. They were lying "eacefully on the bed alongside my body. - touched them and felt their 5el5ety s$in) yet not feeling the sensation with my "hysical hands. - tried to return to my body. - lay down into it) closed my eyes) straining in an attem"t to wa$e u". - o"ened my eyes and got u") but the body was still lying there. %ear) otherworldly mortal fear. Tears. Per"le1ity. -ncom"rehension. The 9uestion) 4what ne1tC4 .nd all around me was that bright and sunny day. - became more and more afraid. The desire to lea5e that state grew e1"onentially. .ll of my attem"ts to return to my body brought no result. %rightened and scared) - sat on the bed li$e a figurine. 'uddenly) out of the silence) - heard ste"s in the room. !ut - couldn7t see anybody. The fear grew worse and worse. - began to scream at that in5isible man wandering in my room) bidding him to stay away from me. - then as$ed the 9uestion) 4;ho is he and what does he want here) and why can7t - see himC4 - got an answer& 43on7t be afraid) this is all normal4. :e a""eared a moment later) standing beside my bed.

:e was about > feet tall and a little o5er 00 years old) with a stoc$y muscular "hysi9ue. :is hair was dirty#blond and cut short) his eyes were gray#blue. :e was wearing only a blac$ bathing suit. .round his nec$ was a thic$ gold chain. :e began to e1"lain something to me about a certain city) calling it a transfer "oint. Then he said that many go through such a state and that it was a normal thing. :e too$ my hand and said) 4let7s go.4 . moment later) we found oursel5es on some sort of old#town street. The house that we stood in front of had a blue rectangle on its corner with the name of the street and house number. - was easily able to read e5erything) and was sur"rised at what - saw. ;e stood almost na$ed in the middle of the street) but "assersby "aid us no attention. - reali6ed that they didn7t see us. - didn7t sto" loo$ing around) shoc$ed and scared by what was ha""ening. My head was filled with what was at the time a terrible 9uestion& how to returnC The young man abru"tly ran towards the corner of the house in front of us. /ntering through its wall) he said that it was time for him to return) as his friend was due to arri5e. :e disa""eared. - stood in same "lace for some time) watching "eo"le "ass me by. - didn7t $now how to get bac$ to my room) because the "lace from which we entered the street turned out to be a wall. ;hat a bad brea$) how was - to go through the wallC - closed my eyes thought about my room) and recited) 4whate5er will be) will be)4 ste""ed forward) and found myself on my bed. 'wee"ing my eyes o5er the room) - disco5ered that nothing had changed in it. The sun shone into it 8ust as it had before. !reathing in a sigh of relief and closing my eyes in great ho"e that - would wa$e u") rushed to o"en them. To my horror) - instead found a table with medical instruments on my bed. ;a5es of fear swe"t o5er my body with renewed intensity. - gul"ed that - would not ma$e it through if they "ut me under the $nife. - closed my eyes once again) and started to "ray. The fear gradually receded) calmed down..... and finally wo$e u". The first thing that - did was to ma$e sure that the table with the medical instruments was not there. - 8um"ed u" and started $noc$ing on the dresser) the wall) and on the window in order to ma$e sure that it really was all o5er. Mista$es& 1.U"on awa$ening) one should immediately try to se"arate. 2.*o dee"ening was "erformed immediately u"on e1iting the body. 0.Eoing along with an un"lanned storyline. 4.=ac$ of maintaining techni9ues. 2.=ac$ of a "re"re"ared "lan of action. >.-ntentional return. A.Unrecogni6ed false awa$ening. G.*o attem"t to se"arate again or em"loy indirect techni9ues. (omments& The errors are hy"othetical) as the young lady did not intend to ha5e this e1"erience at all) and it was her first one e5er. -t should be noted that an uncommonly large number of ad5entures for one7s first time befell her& in5isible arms) unrecogni6ed se"aration) a stranger) tra5el) and false awa$ening... .nd all this occurring amid a bac$dro" of terror. :er case clearly demonstrates once again how incredibly realistic the "hase e1"erience is. Peo"le often cannot e5en distinguish it from reality. ne cannot ignore the fact that "rayer ser5ed to hel" bring the negati5e e1"erience to an end. The $ey factor is) of course) not the "rayer itself) but the calming effect that it brings. .ny $ind of rela1ation or turning one7s thoughts inward allows one to bring a "hase to a halt. -t should also be stated that des"ite the whole nightmare) this e1"erience moti5ated the young woman to become a 5ery ad5anced "ractitioner) as it

ser5ed to "i9ue her interest. 2 Ma1im 'h5ets) Moscow) 'tudent - went to bed with the intention of entering the "hase while dreaming or u"on awa$ening in the morning. - wo$e u" at about >&00 am) and decided to try the method of 5isuali6ation) as "hantom wiggling had not wor$ed o5er the "ast 2 days. ?ague images gradually created a scene in front of me) which - then found myself "artici"ating in. - felt myself se"arating from my body) and rolled out of it. o"ened my eyes. 'ome guy grabbed me by the shoulder and said) 4You75e left your body) be cool.4 told him that - was ready. :e turned me around) and - saw my body... My body was lying on its bac$ with o"en eyes) e5en though - had started 5isuali6ing while lying on my stomach. *ot assigning any "articular significance to this) - decided to dee"en right away. - s9uatted down and began to 9uic$ly "al"ate the floor and the walls with the "alms of my hands. - then loo$ed at my inde1 finger) and could discern the lines in the s$in. %iguring that this was all wonderful) - went to the $itchen in order to fly. :owe5er) - remembered that it was best for no5ices not to attem"t this. returned to my bedroom door and "ictured there being a sunny beach behind it. - o"ened the door and immediately wo$e u" lying on my bac$... This was my first e1"erience. 3es"ite my attem"ts to dee"en and my confidence in what - was doing) the realism of "erce"tion was li$e that of a normal dream @reali6ed this once - wo$e u" in bedB. -t seemed to me that it was a dream in which - finally did things that - had thought many times before of doing. Then again) there was no sur"rise or shoc$) nor any of the li$e. Mista$es& 1.U"on awa$ening) one should immediately try to se"arate. 2. ne can7t try 8ust one techni9ue when em"loying indirect techni9ues. 0.Eoing along with an un"lanned storyline. 4.*o dee"ening was "erformed immediately u"on e1iting the body. 2.;hen dee"ening) it is necessary to "ay more attention to "eering once 5ision has been established. >.-nsufficient dee"ening. A.=ac$ of a "re"re"ared "lan of action. G.-nsufficient concentration when "erforming the techni9ue of translocation through a door. H.=ac$ of maintaining techni9ues. 10.*o attem"t to se"arate again or em"loy indirect techni9ues. (omments& -t7s 9uite a ty"ical situation when someone is unable to figure out how much his e1"erience corres"onds to the "hase as a conse9uence of not a""lying dee"ening to the necessary e1tent. This usually occurs with beginners who ha5e ne5er encountered a full#fledged "hase before) and still don7t understand what it7s all about. 3ee"ening should be "erformed until the degree of realism reaches that of day#to#day life. -t7s "ossible that this was not achie5ed due to the small amount of attention "aid to "eering from a short distance. -t may be assumed that when the "ractitioner saw the lines on the s$in of

the ti" of his finger) this was that le5el of realism that was otherwise lac$ing. -t was only necessary to continue this action. 0 leg Iudrin) Moscow) Manager - wo$e u". -t was still dar$) - answered 4nature7s call4) and - loo$ed at my watch& 4&12 am. - got into bed and lay on my left side) closed my eyes) and... -t felt li$e something was shining into my eyes. reali6ed that that was im"ossible& it was 4&12 am) and - was the only one awa$e. There was no#one else in the room besides my wife. Meanwhile) the light steadily intensified. - e1"erienced some slight fear) mi1ed together with curiosity # what would ha""en ne1tC .nd then the light became brighter and brighter) - felt - was in danger. !ut at the same time) an instinct to in5estigate too$ the u""er hand. $new that something unusual was ha""ening) but $new that all this was im"ossible # a bright light of an un$nown nature "iercing my eyes through closed eyelidsD Then) the idea occurred on its own that they were coming to chec$ on me. .nd after that # -7== E .== T:/ ;.YD The ne1t moment) - found myself in a small) rectangular room with subdued light. There were ledges along the wall that you could sit on @- figured they were benchesB. ne wall had round "ortholes of about three feet wide. - loo$ed through them and reali6ed that - was in dee" outer#s"ace. There was an im"ressi5e construction outside the room that - was in. ;hat - saw there could not e1ist in e5en the most fantastic en5ironments on /arth. -t was a lattice construction) but the elements had no logical structure and ga5e the a""earance of a beehi5e. -t seemed to be a dual tube construction of such colossal "ro"ortions that the diameter of only one of those tubes could be com"ared to the diameter of a stadium. !ustling and scurrying around the structure were small s"acecraft) which a""eared to be doing some $ind of wor$. 4-t7s a doc$ing "ortal4 # sounded the answer in my head. - turned around) and in the far corner of the room sat a beautiful young woman dressed com"letely in /arthling fashion) wearing a s$irt and 8ac$et. 'trange as it may be) she loo$ed li$e a famous "o" singer) although the similarity was incom"lete. This woman was much more interesting than that artist. - shall formulate the one 9uestion dogging me at the time as follows& O;hat is the em"tiness that the !uddhist masters s"ea$ ofCP - framed that 9uestion to the good#loo$ing "erson in the room with me. %or some reason) - didn7t come u" with the idea of doing something else... !esides) -7m married. !ut my 9uestion was heard) and the answer followed ... ;hat - then e1"erienced has no "arallels in e5eryday life. Moreo5er) those feelings cannot be e1"ressed in words # human language sim"ly lac$s the ability to communicate such conce"ts) but -7ll try. -t was as if - were turned inside#out. /5erything outside of me turned out to be inside of me) including the starts) gala1ies) and other worlds # in short) the entire material Uni5erse. .nd this .== was colla"sed to such small "ro"ortions that it all could ha5e fit into the eye of a needle. .nd -) being outside this material uni5erse) was loo$ing at it simultaneously from all sides) e5en though - do not ha5e hundreds of millions of eyes. - was one large field encom"assing the s"ace around this com"ressed uni5erse) and able to ta$e it all in at once 5isuallyD - myself was endless) - had no boundaries in s"ace or time. .ll around was stillness) and - myself was this stillness. (ontem"lating this uni5erse brought the reali6ation that through effort) - could turn into * T:-*E*/''. *e1t thought # but then there would be nothing to do the contem"latingC Then) - became li$e a funnel collecting in from the "erimeters of my uni5erse) whirling inside it)

"ulling all in dee"er and dee"er) until - lay on the bed as - had been after ha5ing 4answered nature7s call4. This 5ision mo5ed me so much that - already couldn7t slee") - 8ust wanted to run outside and 8um" for 8oy and delight. - wanted to tell e5eryone about my e1"erience) and sim"ly share it # but - reali6ed would be ta$en for a schi6o"hrenic. .nd that7s more or less how - li5ed from that "oint on) often recalling that 5i5id e1"erience) and treasuring it in the de"ths of my soul. - dreamt nearly e5ery day about ha5ing a similar e1"erience again # until - disco5ered the indirect techni9ues. Mista$es& 1./1cessi5ely acti5e thought and analysis for using a direct techni9ue. 2.=ac$ of effort to se"arate when there were already indications of the "hase. 0.*o dee"ening was "erformed immediately u"on e1iting the body. 4.=ac$ of maintaining techni9ues. 2.*o attem"t to se"arate again or em"loy indirect techni9ues. (omments& f course) most of the mista$es should be considered relati5e) as the "ractitioner achie5ed what he wanted. -n that res"ect he was com"letely successful. :e was luc$y. :e could ha5e still been in the "hase when lying in his body again after the e1"erience. 3oing what he did will surely be insufficient for achie5ing regular e1"eriences. :is testimony also demonstrates an e1am"le of obtaining information. -t is also im"ortant to note that the "ractitioner did not reflect too much about where he was and what was going on around him. -nstead) he coolly "ursued his goal. :e e5en sacrificed the o""ortunity to "ay more attention to the young lady) which can be 9uite difficult to forgo when in the "hase. 4 .rtem .ra$chee5) Moscow) (om"uter Programmer. - did indirect techni9ues. ;hile "eering at images) - caught sight of the same dream e"isode that - had been watching until - first wo$e u". The "icture was 5ery realistic. -t seemed to me that - could change e5erything in this dream. - tried to get out of my body) and immediately flew through my head right into that dream. - landed at the door of the home that - grew u" in. - then found myself at a window on the second floor. :a5ing remembered about the dee"ening techni9ues) - 9uic$ly began to scrutini6e the window itself. My attention then shifted) and - "eered out through the window. /5erything was in its "lace) li$e in real life. 'ome man a""roached the door. - don7t $now why) but - was sure that - needed to watch what he was u" to. - instincti5ely too$ off from the second floor window) going right through the glass. lowered to the le5el of the ground floor. The man wal$ed in through the front door. - followed him) flew in through the door) and began to "ursue him. - then remembered that - had a "lan for the "hase. .t "recisely that moment) the "hase s"ace began to fade and disa""ear. - reali6ed that - should a""ly the maintaining techni9ues) but did not manage to do so in time. ;ithin a moment) - wo$e u" to myself lying in bed. My body tem"erature went u". My breathing and heartbeat became more fre9uent. . second attem"t to se"arate was of no use.

Mista$es& 1.Eoing along with an un"lanned storyline. 2.-nsufficient dee"ening. 0.*o maintaining techni9ues. 4.%orgetting the "re5iously "re"ared "lan of action. (omments& 3escribed here is a ty"ical situation that nearly all no5ices encounter& forget your "lan of action) or don7t ha5e one in the first "lace) and find yourself in5ol5ed in an un"lanned or senseless storyline. :owe5er) one can not but a""laud that the "ractitioner did not commit that many mista$es) e5en though the e1"erience was 9uite short. The fact of insufficient dee"ening was confirmed by the easy mo5ement through the glass of the window. -n a dee" "hase) ob8ects e5en ac9uire somewhat hy"ertro"hied solidity) abo5e and beyond their e5eryday density. 2 .rtem Minga6o5) Ulyano5s$) 'tudent. -7m H0F sure that this was the "hase @if - had more e1"erience) - would be 100F sure either way # the human mind has a tendency to negate e5erything to some degreeB. This was the day after my first e1"erience. - lay on the couch and tried to directly e1it. /5erything was going along well when my consciousness suddenly 4chec$ed out4 for a moment. ;hen - returned) - reali6ed that - was lying on the bed and felt a "hantom body. - tried rolling out to the side) which wor$ed) albeit with some difficulty. :ere - began to "al"ate the bed and myself @- did e5erything a bit hurriedlyB. - couldn7t see yet. decided that - could dee"en and - do5e head#first into the floor @that is) more e1actly) into the 5oidB. flew down a little bit) and found myself in my neighbor7s a"artment below. - then flew bac$ u" to my own a"artment and stood on the floor. Trying to restore 5ision) - o"ened my eyes. -t felt li$e trying to o"en the eyes after a long "eriod of slee" de"ri5ation) my eyelids were hea5y and yielded grudgingly. loo$ed around& - was standing in my room) it was sunny outside. - decided to try to fly @well) - lo5e flyingB. - was able to fly u" to the ceiling) but immediately began to gently fall bac$ down) being "ulled bac$wards. U"on touching down on the floor) - bounced bac$ u". This was com"arable to when a balloon falls and hits the floor) s"rings bac$ u") falls again) and then bounces u" again. - was only able to remain standing on the floor after re"eating this "rocess se5eral times. 'uddenly it became difficult to breathe) and - tried to go bac$ to my body) but was somehow unable to. .t first "anic arouse) but then - reali6ed that gi5ing in to the fear would do me no good) and that - would ha5e to stic$ it out. !ut as soon as - calmed down and rela1ed) - had a foul. .ll of the abo5e sensations lasted for about a minute. Mista$es& 1.3ee"ening by falling head#first is best em"loyed only if the "ractitioner is in a dar$ sha"eless s"ace. 2.-nsufficient dee"ening. 0./stablishing 5ision by o"ening the eyes. 4.Eoing along with an un"lanned storyline. 2.=ac$ of maintaining techni9ues.

>.=ac$ of a "re"re"ared "lan of action. A.-ntentional return. G.*o attem"t to se"arate again or em"loy indirect techni9ues. (omments& This e1"erience was rather "oor. That7s the main reason why the "ractitioner had doubts about identifying it as a "hase e1"erience. n one hand) the difficult direct techni9ue wor$ed. n the other hand) only the "ractitioner7s minimal e1"erience at the time when he had the "hase allows one to forgi5e the many ty"ical mista$es committed. > 3mitry !olot$o5) Moscow) =awyer. The following all occurred after - wo$e u") and then began to do6e off again. - lay on my side and was beginning to fall aslee") when - saw some fu66y images from a "re5ious dream. My body began to fill with hea5iness) - "ractically sto""ed feeling it. Mild 5ibrations arose. - immediately remembered about the "hase) and 8ust rela1ed... -magine my sur"rise when - felt that - was se"arating. My heartbeat abru"tly increased during the "rocess. - se"arated) and found myself sus"ended in the air @- still couldn7t see yetB. 'o - started flailing my arms and legs) s"inning in the dar$ness) trying to fly as far away as "ossible from my body. - came u" against something solid @the ceiling) - thin$B. My legs then swung down to the left) and - assumed a 5ertical "osition. - started rubbing my hands) trying to see them. My 5ision gradually came to me. - finally saw my own hands. They were smaller than in reality) and seemed to ha5e a green hue to them. Then - re5iewed the situation& - was in my old a"artment) but the furniture was chaotically arranged. began to "al"ate and scrutini6e e5erything. My 5ision was incredibly shar") much clearer than in reality @-75e become 9uite nearsighted o5er the last two yearsB. 'trangely enough) - felt as if my eyes were closed) but that - could ne5ertheless see. - then was somehow able to turn off my 5ision. - do5e into the floor. - flew down for some time. Then) - sto""ed and turned my 5ision bac$ on. - was in outer s"ace) and saw totally strange "lanets. !ecause -7m afraid of heights) - turned off my 5ision again and wished to find myself in another "lace) one where -7d ha5e something solid to stand on. .fter a few moments) felt - was standing on something. - turned my 5ision bac$ on. - was in the desert. 'trange animals were gra6ing) there were "igeons e5erywhere) and "o$er chi"s scattered all o5er the sand. %or some reason) figured - was near =os ?egas. - wal$ed around a bit. nce - started loo$ing around) my field of 5ision began narrowing. .s soon as there was nothing but a small "ee"#hole of 5ision left) - began rubbing my hands together and loo$ing at them. My 5ision returned after se5eral seconds. Then) a "igeon ran u" to me with the clear intention of biting my leg. - began running away) $ic$ing u" sand at the bird. That7s when it all ended. - found myself bac$ in my body) and o"ened my eyes. Mista$es& 1.U"on awa$ening) one should immediately try to se"arate. 2.=ac$ of effort to se"arate when there were already indications of the "hase. 0.Techni9ues that were wor$ing were abandoned twice. 4..n almost com"lete lac$ of maintaining techni9ues.

2.=ac$ of a "re"re"ared "lan of action. >.*o attem"t to se"arate again or em"loy indirect techni9ues. (omments& nce again) these are the ty"ical mista$es that no5ices ma$e. To a large e1tent) the "hase occurred here by accident. The "ractitioner "robably lay for some time while in the "hase and failed to do anything "ractical) until se"aration from the body ha""ened all on its own. !ut what if he were not so luc$yC Many "eo"le7s "ractice suffers due to such missed o""ortunities. -t7s more im"ortant to "ay attention to what7s going on around you than to meticulously "erform techni9ues. . careful reading re5eals that first there were images) then 5ibrations) then s"ontaneous se"aration u"on rela1ation similar to forced falling aslee". Meanwhile) the "hase could ha5e been entered right when the images arose) let alone the 5ibrations. -t is not necessary to "erform the techni9ues so scru"ulously when they7re already wor$ing on their own. This e1"erience) while not that bad) was most negati5ely affected by the absence of a "lan of action) thus becoming ha"ha6ard and aimless. A Roman) Rosto5#on#3on) ;ebmaster. My first time entering the "hase. - dreamt that - was hurrying somewhere) and constantly thin$ing about something. .t a certain wonderful moment) - hit u"on the idea that - was dreaming) and decided to try to e1it. - lay on the ground and began to e1it) imagining how - was se"arating from the body. 3uring the transition) - nearly was thrown out of the "hase due to tension and fear. - was nonetheless successful. - saw myself at a doorway after ha5ing crawled through a wall. -t was li$e coming out of a bog. The sensation of se"arating was 5ery 5i5id. - suddenly noticed a "erson there. :e hel"ed me to get com"letely out. :e introduced himself) and started telling me some "articulars about the world that - had landed in @- don7t recall well what he said) as - was loo$ing around the whole time and couldn7t tear my eyes off my surroundings # - was s"ellboundB. -n the end) - became worried about my body) and decided that it was time to return bac$. Returning was li$e a nightmare. There were 5oices) sounds) and strange sensations. - had the feeling that time had stood still... - was so ha""y u"on wa$ing u" that - couldn7t slee" for the rest of the night. Mista$es& 1.*o dee"ening immediately u"on entering the "hase. 2.-llogical beha5ior # an attem"t to enter the "hase when already in the "hase. 0.Eoing along with an un"lanned storyline. 4.*o maintaining techni9ues. 2.=ac$ of a "re"re"ared "lan of action. >.-ntentional return. A.*o attem"t to se"arate again or em"loy indirect techni9ues. (omments& . comedic case) forgi5able only because he didn7t really $now anything in#de"th about the "ractice yet) and this was his first e1"erience. (omedic as the "ractitioner) ha5ing entered the "hase through dream#

consciousness) tried to enter the "hase... from the "haseD - ha5e included his e1"erience only because it illustrates this 9uite wides"read error. -f you become conscious while in a dream) then your actions should not differ from those of when you ha5e already entered the "hase using a direct or indirect techni9ue. -t is necessary to immediately "erform dee"ening) and then im"lement one7s "lan of action) all the while not forgetting to dee"en. G Yan E5o6de5) Moscow) Psychologist. ;hen im"lementing the counting techni9ue) - thought about "ar$s) and an image of a "hotogra"h of an autumn "ar$ a""eared before me. - tried to bring the image to life) as if - were mo5ing the details of it. -nside) - felt that - was in a state suitable for trying to enter the "hase) and was able to di5e into the "icture u"on my first attem"t. - now found myself in that autumn "ar$) it was 5ery beautiful. -n an effort to dee"en) - started to "al"ate e5erything around me& lea5es) the bar$ on the trees) and my own hands. The state stabili6ed) and - went for a wal$ around the wonderful "ar$. -t was full of birds singing and cris" lea5es. .s "re5iously "lanned) - decided to "lay it by ear. The first thing that came to mind was the 9uestion of how my future home would loo$) something that - had been thin$ing a lot about. - concentrated) and trans"orted to that home using the method of closed eyes. - found myself near a 5ery beautiful house. - had ne5er e5en daydreamed about so beautiful a house in real life. - wal$ed towards it) rubbing my hands together all the way in order to dee"en the state. nce got closer) the home began to change and ta$e different forms at a s"eed commensurate with the thoughts in my head. Then) wal$ing around the house for some time) "eering at and touching the furniture) - had the thought that the house somehow reminded me of a beautiful hotel) and then the house turned into a hotel. -t stood before me li$e one of those huge beach#side tourist resorts in /gy"t. - entered the enormous hotel. -t was full of guests. - wal$ed among them) tal$ing with some) and touching at others out of curiosity. Then - went into the restaurant) and saw there a 5ariety of dishes. sam"led some of them. Then) - went out for a wal$ inside the hotel) continuing to tal$ to "eo"le encountered along the way. -nternally) - had been as$ing myself about the near future in real life) and trying to figure out who or what could tell me about it. My wife .le1andria a""eared) and we started to wonder together about our near future) as we were 9uite interested to $now about it. My wife7s double beha5ed e1actly li$e my s"ouse in real life) with the same character traits. .le1andria "ro"osed that we try to en8oy oursel5es) and thin$ of something to do by the sea. %or e1am"le) we could go down the great water#slide at the hotel7s water "ar$. ;e went u" to the highest water slide) which was so high u" that - became short of breath. - reali6ed that going down such an enormous water slide would be good for maintaining and stabili6ing the "hase state. -t absolutely wasn7t clear why there wasn7t a swimming "ool at the end to land in. - figured that it "erha"s wasn7t such a good idea to slide down) as we were 9uite high u". !ut .le1andria went first) and -) li$e a real gentleman) slid down after her. !ut then) as - had guessed) the slide ended 20 yards from the ground. .t the bottom was as"halt. There was no time left to concentrate and imagine that there

would be a swimming "ool at the end of the slide. - flew right onto the as"halt. 110F Realism. ;hile was still flying) - figured that the landing would be 9uite "ainful. - landed with a thud right on my feet. The "ain ran u" my entire body) es"ecially my shins and $nees. nce the reali6ation came that - had modeled that "ain before my descent merely by thin$ing about it) the "ain immediately 5anished. Then .le1andria decided to ha5e more fun # she was already in a "ainfully "layful mood. 'he found some $ind of amusement#cannon that would shoot us 9uite far into the sea. 'he again decided to go first) and - went right after her. -t shot us 000#400 yards out from the shore. ;hile - was flying behind .le1andria) - became 9uite afraid. ;hy so far out into the seaC ;ould we be able to swim bac$ to shoreC - often mentally com"are the "hase s"ace to the real world) and can state that they are often indistinguishable from each other. This is es"ecially true of a 5ery realistic "hase when you as$ yourself the 9uestion) 4.nd e1actly where am - right nowC4 .t such moments) the only thing that hel"s is a dee" analysis of the situation and thin$ing about the body) but doing so ris$s fouls occurring. 'he went first into the water) and - after her. 3ue to the height and s"eed from which - fell) - do5e 9uite dee"ly into the water. - felt li$e - was suffocating. - could not breathe underwater) and started loo$ing for .le1andria. - s"otted her courageously swimming down in the ocean de"ths. - came to my senses) and started concentrating on breathing underwater. - was successful) but the weight and de"th of the water unner5ed me. - swam down to catch u" with .le1andria. ;e swam dee"er and dee"er) o5ercoming the water "ressure with difficulty. ;e went down to 1200 feet below sea#le5el. -m"ressed by what - saw) - was at loss for thoughts) as the e5ents ta$ing "lace were com"letely indistinguishable from reality. ;e swam e5en dee"er) and something caught our eye. ;e swam u" closer) and saw something li$e a ca5e in the coral reef. ;hen we went down a little dee"er) the seabed was clearly 5isible. ;e s"otted a tunnel that led into a ca5e) and swam towards it. .le1andria seemed to ha5e already $nown the way. - followed behind her) not 9uite understanding where we were going) but trusting her com"letely. ;e swam into the ca5e) and surfaced inside the "ool of water inside it into an air#filled s"ace. The chamber had windows li$e those of an a9uarium. ne could watch all $inds of beautiful fish swimming right "ast this sea#ca5e. ;e were greeted by four women in the ca5e) who a""eared to ha5e been waiting for us. They sat us down ne1t to each#other. They loo$ed li$e 8ournalists and anchorwomen. - sto""ed mo5ing once - sat down) and started to fade out. - began to focus on issues concerning our future) forgetting to maintain the "hase. - started as$ing them my 9uestions once the newscast started. Then) - accidentally thought about my body) and a foul occurred. - ne5ertheless obtained a lot of 5isual information) which - later distilled into e5ents and images. Two wee$s later) - went on 5acation to a big hotel in the real world) where - saw the same images that were described abo5e and occurred in this "hase. f course) the corres"ondence was not 100)F but the o5erall "icture of the situation com"letely coincided in terms of meaning and significance. Mista$es& 1.Eoing along with an un"lanned storyline. 2.=ac$ of a "re"re"ared "lan of action. 0./1cessi5e thin$ing

4.*o attem"t to se"arate again or em"loy indirect techni9ues. (omments& This e1"erience) of course) can not be called amateurish. -t continually e1hibits an understanding of all the most im"ortant as"ects of the "ractice of the "hase& dee"ening) maintaining) and "ractical a""lication. 'o why did the "ractitioner sim"ly go along with the e5ents) all the while $nowing e1actly what was going onC This 9uestion arises only in those who ha5e ne5er been in the "hase. .t first) it may seem that a""lying the "hase to real#life goals is most im"ortant. !ut in actuality) the e1"erience is so rich) realistic) and interesting in and of itself that one often desires nothing else from it. ne sim"ly en8oys it. H 3mitry Plotni$) Moscow) /ngineer. Returning from a night out) we wandered into a sho" called 4The Magic 'tone4. ;e bought a druse "iece @small crystals encrusted on the surface of a roc$ or mineral) in our case) amethystsB. .ccording to my girlfriend) the roc$ hel"s one to 4tune in to one7s dreams4. To that end) one sim"ly needed to "ut the "iece on the headstand of one7s bed) and 8ust go to slee". That7s 8ust what we did. ;e had to get u" really early the ne1t morning @at about 2 amB in order to ma$e it for an e1cursion. .s it were) we didn7t ha5e time to waste) but - ne5ertheless made an attem"t to 4tune in4 to my dreams. - feel aslee" at some "oint) but continued on to dream that - was lying on the bed and trying to tune#in for an e1it from the body. .t that 5ery moment) - felt a light tingling in my bac$) a $ind of life energy. - e5en tried to facilitate the sensation) thin$ing) 4great) it7s coming) so actD4. -t intensified) and now felt li$e wa5es going u" and down my s"ine. . characteristic sensation) long forgotten) went through my body. The sensation could not be considered "leasurable in any way) and that7s when - thought to myself) 4now remember why - had sto""ed intentionally trying to enter the "hase.4 :owe5er) it was already too late to turn bac$. .t some moment - was lifted u") barely ha5ing time to loo$ bac$ at the couch. - soon found myself in a s"acious room. -t was so large that the only thing that - could see clearly was the wall ne1t to me. There were also some "eo"le in the room. They all wanted something from me and $e"t coming u" to me with stu"id "rete1ts. - $e"t telling them to 4bu66 off4) and tried to dri5e them away. - had only one thought in my head& 4-75e got to find my girlfriend4. - tried as hard as - could to remember where we had fallen aslee") but my memory $e"t failing me. 3ifferent characters constantly distracted me the whole time) one of them was es"ecially "ersistent. .t one "oint) he e5en insisted that - hel" him to o"en his bottle of wine with a cor$screw. - decided to hel" him) and once - had o"ened the bottle) - thought& 4;hy notC -75e ne5er tried out wine in "hase)4 and "ut the bottle right to my li"s. The wine tasted really funny) more li$e watered#down blac$berry 8am with "ieces of fruit floating around. The unfinished bottle somehow was no longer in my hands) and - continued trying to get out of that room. The only thing - could find to dee"en with was the wall of a strange construction made of wooden "lan$s. -t was whitewashed with what seemed to be an oil#based "aint @more than anything else) it reminded me of an outhouseB. - was about to "o$e my head in when an asserti5e ty"e warned that) 4... it7s a "ortal from which unin5ited guests are able to crash in...4 *ot eager myself to climb in there) contented myself with ta$ing off a small dar$ mirror from the outer wall. - "layed around a bit with my reflection @which did not always want to follow when - mo5ed my headB) but those characters milling about stuc$ to me li$e glue. - then decided to ha5e some fun) and began loo$ing into the mirror together with those com"anions) in "air with one at a time. :owe5er) their reflection was 9uite different

from their outward a""earance. - got 9uic$ly bored with this game) and told e5erybody to go away again. - finally decided to get out of that building) concentrating on where the "lace at which we were slee"ing might be. - abru"tly o"ened a door) but was disa""ointed. There was an unfamiliar outdoor scene on the other side. -t seemed to be 8ust before dawn outside) the dar$est hour. 'ingle cars went down the street. - began to "eer at the cars "ar$ed at the curb. They had 9uite a funny#loo$ing a""earance. 'uddenly) a car swer5ed off the street and towards me. -t dro5e u" to me) and - could see an interesting#loo$ing woman sitting behind the wheel. 'he was wearing mostly green. ;e tal$ed) and - couldn7t get "ast the idea that she was s"ea$ing 4boo$ishly4) as if 9uoting the lines from a character in 1Hth century literature. - told her) 4*ow you7re saying all that and so on...4 'he loo$ed at me) and noticed her strange eyes. 'he had green ladybugs instead of ordinary "u"ils. - reali6ed that - was beginning to return to reality. - wo$e u". - reali6ed that - was lying on my bac$ with my arms at my sides) and holding my girlfriend7s hand in mine. - tried to remember how - had managed to fall aslee" li$e that) but couldn7t. remembered that - had fallen aslee" in a different "ose. - began to reconstruct the memory of the lucid dream) and reali6ed that something didn7t ma$e sense. My memory insisted that in addition to a lucid dream) - had also simultaneously had a normal dream about the same home that - had left in the end. -n that dream) - had long scrutini6ed the house from the outside) ama6ed at its great si6e and tall outer columns. The house belonged to my girlfriend in the dream) but - didn7t understand how 4such an u"town girl4 li$e her @she li5ed in such an e1"ensi5e houseB could be with a 4downtown man4 li$e me. -n that dream) - wal$ed into the house) saw my girlfriend) and saw how she and her guests were drin$ing cham"agne and ha5ing a good time. - had felt uncomfortable in such a high#tic$et situation. - lay in the dar$ and tried to reconcile these two contradictory facts. My girlfriend suddenly wo$e u") and began to relate her e1"erience.... Mista$es& 1.U"on awa$ening) one should immediately try to se"arate. 2.=ac$ of controlled se"aration. 0.*o dee"ening was "erformed immediately u"on e1iting the body. 4.Eoing along with an un"lanned storyline. 2.*o maintaining techni9ues. >.-nsufficient concentration when "erforming the techni9ue of translocation through a door. A.*o attem"t to se"arate again or em"loy indirect techni9ues. (omments& ;hile this e1"erience is 9uite interesting) and loaded with a number of curious e5ents) its main feature belongs to an entirely different "lane. !elie5e it or not) that 4stone charm4 actually wor$ed. %irst) $now the "ractitioner "ersonally) and $now that he didn7t ha5e any substanti5e e1"eriences until he bought that roc$. 'econd) - $now him through that 5ery girlfriend of his whom he loo$ed for in the "hase) but couldn7t find. 'he is one of my most successful "u"ils. !ut that7s not what7s im"ortant here # what7s im"ortant is that she was ha5ing her 5ery own "hase e1"erience at the same time that her boyfriend was. This is one of those 5ery rare cases in which two "eo"le in literally the same "lace enter the "hase at "ractically the same moment. The ne1t e1"erience belongs to that significant other.

10 *ade6hda Maslo5a) Moscow) 3esigner. ;e were already a bit stressed out on the night that it ha""ened) because we had to wa$e u" 5ery early the ne1t day in order to go on an e1cursion. ;e were afraid that we7d o5erslee". - had wo$en u" se5eral times o5er the course of the night) and finally decided to use the nocturnal awa$enings to enter the "hase. - successfully 4e1ited the body4) and stood u" on the "ull#out bed. - was in the same room that - had fallen aslee" in) but disco5ered that there were two mirrors on the wall that weren7t there in real life. Peering into one of the mirrors) - noticed that - wasn7t wearing the same clothes that - had fallen aslee" in. - then recalled my 4idee fi1e4 # to whis$ my boyfriend into my own "hase e1"erience. - went o5er to the couch he was slee"ing on) "ulled him u" by the arm) and too$ him u" to the mirror. - was then thin$ing) 4'o maybe he7ll see himself in the mirror and become conscious while in my "haseC4 ;e stood in front of the mirror) and - saw our reflections diffusing. - figured that - had been unsuccessful once again) and so - let let him go. !ut - resol5ed to crawl into the mirror myself in order to translocate. - got u" onto the table) "ut my hand into the mirror) and started mo5ing in head#first. suddenly reali6ed that the mirror was 4closed4 # that there was nothing but dar$ness and a wall behind it) and thus - wouldn7t be able to translocate anywhere. - then o"ted to em"loy the techni9ue of 4rotation4. - started turning and imagining a fa5orite birch#tree forest from one of my tra5els in the "hase. - really wanted to go there again. - turned and turned) but could not enter into the forest) e5en thought it was 5i5idly flashing before my eyes. - was unable to come to a halt in time. -n the end) - landed in my mother7s a"artment. There was a toy stuffed rabbit lying on the floor. - too$ it by the hand) figuring that if - started to lose the "hase) would fiddle with it in order to stay in. Then) - saw another mirror on the wall) and decided to ha5e a loo$ at my reflection. - loo$ed) but the reflection was not of me) but of some blurred creature) li$e a ghost. - e5en became somewhat frightened. That fear returned me bac$ to the body @or so - thought while still in the "haseB) with the stuffed animal still in my hands. - found myself bac$ on my bed) but - didn7t gi5e u" there. - decided to try another way to get my boyfriend to 8oin me in the "hase @after all) it gets lonely wal$ing around all alone thereDB. - grabbed his hands and started sliding out of bed. ;e actually fell off the bed) but did not land on the floor. -t was as if we had fallen from a cliff) and were sus"ended in air. /5en though it was dar$ in the room that we were slee"ing in) there was daylight all around us during our fall. /5erything was really bright) much brighter than in the e1"erience that - had 8ust had. - was sure that - had been successful in "ulling him into the "hase with meD !ut then - saw that the arms holding me were clearly not his. - lowered my eyes) and saw that - was embracing another manD :e loo$ed somewhat li$e my boyfriend) but his face was more aged and a bit different) while his hair was longer and gathered in a "onytail. - "ush him away and as$ed) 4;ho are youC4 .nd he res"onded) 4;ell) -75e already told you my name. r maybe you7re 8ust seeing the futureC4 - calmed down a bit and told him) 4- need a dress) - don7t want to run around half na$ed.4 :e re"lied) 4'o let7s go buy one4. - turned around) and saw a sho". ;e went in # actually) we ho5ered in about a foot off the ground. ;e were greeted by a mulatto sho"$ee"er) he showed me all the dresses hanging on the rac$. - was in ecstasyD - ste""ed towards the rac$... and instantly found myself bac$ in my bodyD ;hat a shame) not to ha5e been able to wear those cute dresses at least in the "haseD Mista$es&

1.*o dee"ening was "erformed immediately u"on e1iting the body. 2.-nsufficient concentration when "erforming the techni9ue of translocation through a door. 0.Eoing along with an un"lanned storyline. 4.*o attem"t to se"arate again or em"loy indirect techni9ues. (omments& The reader will certainly be interested to learn that *ade6hda and 3mitry subse9uently married. f course) - do not "ersonally belie5e that the druse wor$ed its magic. - belie5e that their belief that it would wor$ was the decisi5e factor. The druse ser5ed as an anchor for a $ind of mental "rogramming. %or some reason) it is 9uite difficult for "eo"le to clearly e1"ress their intentions. They 5ery often need something "hysical to embody their desire and will. The most im"ortant s$ill in this life is to learn how to e1"ress one7s intention as effecti5ely as in the case of the druse) but without the e1ternal ob8ects and actions. ;hoe5er learns this will disco5er not only the "hase) but also all of the other treasures that life on earth has to gi5e...

.! UT T:/ .UT: R Michael Raduga is a leading world e1"ert on the study of "hase states of mind @out#of#body tra5el) lucid dreaming) astral "ro8ectionB) the founder of the international 'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el) the author of more than a do6en boo$s) and the creator of an enormous number of techni9ues and technologies for mastering the "hase. Michael Raduga can be reached by e#mail at obe4u, You can also use the techni9ues for finding ob8ects in the "hase to interact with him) learn new su""lementary techni9ues) and learn from your own mista$es. Michael Raduga would also be ha""y to become your steady guide and assistant in the "hase) should the need arise.

T:/ '(:

= % UT# %#! 3Y TR.?/=

Michael RadugaLs 'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el conducts training seminars in many countries around the world. The coursewor$ allows students to master the "hase "henomenon and hone their s$ills at tra5eling in the "hase. -nformation on e1isting branches and seminar schedules are a5ailable on the website ;e also welcome "otential "artners interested in organi6ing 'chool of ut#

of#!ody Tra5el branches and seminars. .ll corres"ondence regarding seminars) "artnershi"s) and "ro"osals related to the translation of this boo$ may be handled by e#mail at obe4u, .

!R-/% E= ''.RY % T/RM' .*3 3/%-*-T- *' ut#of#!ody e1"erience @ !/B) lucid dreaming @=3B) astral M a number of terms united by the "hase that refer to the state in which a "erson) while being fully conscious) reali6es consciousness outside the normal range of "hysical "erce"tion. -ndirect techni9ues M entry into the "hase within fi5e minutes of awa$ening from slee" of any duration # "ro5ided there has been minimal "hysical mo5ement. 3irect techni9ues M entry into the "hase without any "rior slee") after e1cessi5e "hysical mo5ement u"on awa$ening) or ha5ing been awa$e for at least fi5e minutes. 3ream (onsciousness M entry into the "hase through becoming consciously aware while a dream e"isode is ha""ening. 3issociation M se"arationK in this case) a scientific term describing e1"eriences in the "hase. 'lee" "aralysis M a stu"orK the com"lete immobili6ation that often occurs when falling aslee") awa$ening) and entering or e1iting the "hase. 'tencil M the real "hysical body that is no longer "ercei5ed while in the "hase. 3ee"ening the "hase M methods for ma$ing the "hase as realistic as "ossible by stabili6ing the surrounding s"ace. Maintaining the "hase M methods for maintaining the "hase state by "re5enting a la"se into slee") a return to reality) or an imagined return to reality. R/M M ra"id eye mo5ement slee" @R/M "haseBK a slee" "hase that is characteri6ed by increased brain acti5ity that is accom"anied by ra"id eye mo5ement and dreaming. %oul M an inad5ertent termination of the "hase through a s"ontaneous return to e5eryday reality. (ycles of indirect techni9ues ## the easiest way to enter the "hase) em"loyed by ra"idly alternating certain techni9ues u"on awa$ening from slee" until one of them wor$s.


= % UT# %#! 3Y#TR.?/= I

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This guideboo$ is the result of ten years of e1tremely acti5e "ersonal "ractice and study of the out#of# body "henomenon@the "haseB) cou"led with ha5ing successfully taught it to thousands of "eo"le. $now all of the obstacles and "roblems that are usually run into when getting to $now this "henomenon) and ha5e tried to "rotect future "ractitioners from them in this boo$. This guideboo$ was not created for those who "refer light) em"ty reading. -t is for those who would li$e to learn something. -t contains no s"eculations or stories) only dry) hard facts and techni9ues in combination with a com"letely "ragmatic a""roach and clear "rocedures for action. They ha5e all been successfully 5erified by a 5ast number of "ractitioners that often had no "rior e1"erience. -n order to achie5e the same result) it is only necessary to read through each section thoroughly and com"lete the assignments. The boo$ is beneficial not only for beginners) but also for those who already $now what it feels li$e to ha5e an out#of#body encounter and ha5e a certain amount of e1"erience) as this guideboo$ is de5oted not only to entering the state) but also e9ually dedicated to controlling it. (ontrary to "o"ular o"inion) there is nothing difficult about this "henomenon if one tries to attain it with regular and right effort. n a5erage) results are reached in less than a wee$ if attem"ts are made e5ery day. More often than not) the techni9ues wor$ in literally a cou"le of attem"ts. Michael Raduga %ounder of the 'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el Table of (ontents& Part /ntering the ut#of#!ody 'tate (ha"ter 1. Eeneral !ac$ground (ha"ter 2. -ndirect Techni9ues (ha"ter 0. 3irect Techni9ues (ha"ter 4. !ecoming (onscious ;hile 3reaming (ha"ter 2. *on#autonomous Methods Part -Managing the ut#of#!ody /1"erience (ha"ter >. 3ee"ening (ha"ter A. Maintaining (ha"ter G. Primary '$ills (ha"ter H. Translocation and %inding b8ects (ha"ter 10. .""lication Part ---

.u1iliary -nformation (ha"ter 11 Useful Ti"s (ha"ter 12. PractitionersL /1"eriences (ha"ter 10. Putting a %ace on the Phenomenon (ha"ter 14. %inal Test .""endi1


= % UT# %#! 3Y#TR.?/= --

P/R' *.= /SP/R-/*(/' This boo$ is the freestanding su""lement to The 'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el - M . Practical Euideboo$. -t is intended to gi5e a first#hand demonstration of the out#of#body e1"erience in "ractice) while bringing attention to correct actions and mista$es made when out#of#body. @!uy on www.obe4u.comB -tLs one thing to $now which techni9ues can be used to control and lea5e the "erce"tion of the body) but another thing to actually $now how to use those techni9ues. -tLs one thing to read descri"tions of a single indi5idualLs e1"eriences) but another to learn about how a large number of other "ractitioners regard the techni9ues and feel about them. *ot e5eryone is able to figure out what e1actly to do and how to do it without reading this boo$. Techni9ue#related theory and real e1"erience are essentially two different things. The "ower inherent in this collection of "ersonal "ractitioner e1"eriences is such that e5en if you ne5er intend to try out the techni9ues described in it) you are "ractically guaranteed to ne5ertheless encounter this "henomenon) as it will enter your subconscious mind as a $ind of "rogramming that will sooner or later acti5ate at the right moment. This collection is all the more beneficial for those who would li$e to recei5e real guidance in their e1"lorations. .ll of the fundamental mista$es that "ractitioners are "rone to ma$e are described and analy6ed here. :a5ing read the boo$) the "ractitioner will be armed with $nowledge of the most distilled and 5erified $ind. -n "re"aration for this boo$) the "ersonal e1"eriences of hundreds of "ractitioners were collected at seminars) through the website) and by mail. :owe5er) only the most demonstrati5e descri"tions were chosen for inclusion. Thus) the selected descri"tions are in5aluable not only for those who ha5e 8ust started out on their 8ourney with the most e1traordinary "ractice of out#of#body tra5el) but also for those who already ha5e substantial e1"erience with it. - would li$e to e1"ress my gratitude to all those who assisted me in "utting together this one#of#a#$ind com"ilation. You ha5e made a contribution to this field of study and it only remains for me to wish you further success) which will show that my commentary on your e1"eriences was right on. Michael Raduga %ounder of the 'chool of ut#of#!ody Tra5el

Table of (ontents& Part 1 =ea5ing the Perce"tion of the !ody Part -ut#of#!ody /1"eriments Part --The /1"eriences of ;ell#Inown .uthors Part -? 3emonstrati5e (ase 'tudies .""endi1

!uy hard co"y of this e#boo$ on$ %or disability& The Phase is your new life without any borders 'eminars in (alifornia) *Y and around the world& htt"&

Pro"osals regarding translating and "ublishing this boo$ and other wor$s of M.Raduga may be sent to obe4u,

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