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Eric Riediger

Lazy Lava
Grade 5, Cluster 2: Properties of and Changes in Substances 5-2-01: Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of properties of, and changes in, substances.(density, liquid, volume, mass, physical change, dissolves) 5-2-02: dentify characteristics and properties that allo! substances to be distinguished from one another. 5-2-09: nvestigate to determine ho! characteristics and properties of substances may change !hen they interact !ith one other. Commentar 1! Preparation"#aterials" # glass $ars 'ater )egetable oil*canola oil %alt (about & spoon full) (ood coloring +ut a light behind the $ar so the students can see better

2! Safet considerations" this is a relatively safe e,periment !hich involves nothing hot or to,ic. -ust be careful not to spill the $ar because the food coloring and*or oil may stain your clothes, countertop or anything else it comes into contact !ith. $! %ntroduce e&periment" . have three liquids here and !e are going to see !hat happens !hen !e put them all together in the $ar. /hen !e are going to add salt to the $ar0. 1s2 three students to come up to add the oil, food coloring and salt. '! (emonstration" +our the !ater into the glass $ar until it is about half full. Prediction- 1s2 students !hat they thin2 !ill happen !hen the oil is poured into the glass $ar !ith the !ater. )*uilibrium in students: Students +ill probabl thin, that the +ater and oil +ill mi&- .he might thin, that the +ill mi& because the are both li*uids- #ost of their e&perience +ith li*uids has sho+n them that li*uids mi& +ith each other /e& mil, and +ater or mil, and chocolate sauce3ave a student pour the oil into the $ar so the total volume of the $ar is about 4 full. (ise*uilibrium in Students: 01h don2t the +ater and oil mi&30 5on6t ans!er the question at this time. 7ontinue !ith the e,periment. 1s2 one of the students to add a couple drops of food coloring to the $ar (it !ill ta2e a fe! seconds for the food coloring to color the !ater).

Predictions- 'hat do you thin2 !ill happen !hen the salt is added to the $ar8 )*uilibrium in Students: 4nl t+o things can happen5 the salt +ill sta on"in the oil or it +ill sin, to the bottom of the +ater1s2 a student to add a couple spoons of salt to the $ar (ise*uilibrium in Students: 61h does the salt sin, to the bottom and then float bac, to the top30 1s2 the students if anybody thought that the salt !ould sin2 and then float bac2 to the top. f anybody ans!ers 9yes6, then as2 them !hy they thought that. :ou can as2 the students !hat !ould happen if !e added something other than salt. 5! )&planation /+or,ing to+ards e*uilibrium!5ra! a diagram of the $ar !ith the oil and !ater in it. .'hat happens !hen you mi, oil and !ater80 .'hy don6t oil and !ater mi,80 ntroduce the term density. .'hat is density80 'rite students6 ans!ers on the board 1fter the students have run out of ideas !rite the informal definition on the board. Informal definition" 'hen t!o things ta2e up the same amount of space but one !eighs more than the other !e say that ob$ect is denser. (e, !ater is denser than oil) E,plain that ; litre of !ater is heavier than ; litre of oil therefore !ater is denser. 1s2 students !here they have come across density in their lives. 'rite their ans!ers on the board. 'hy did the salt sin2 to the bottom of the $ar8 f they have some trouble ans!ering this question as2 them !hat happens to salt !hen you put it in !ater8 1fter listening to their ans!ers use the second $ar that is filled half full !ith !ater and as2 a student to drop a spoon full of salt in to it. /he students !ill see that the salt sin2s to the bottom but does not float bac2 to the top. 1s2 them !hat the difference is bet!een the t!o $ars. /hey !ill hopefully ans!er oil and food coloring.

E,plain that the salt mi,es !ith the oil and ma2es it heavier than the !ater. /he salt*oil ball sin2s to the bottom of the $ar. /he salt then gets dissolved in the !ater and then all that is left is the oil. %ince the oil is less dense than the !ater it floats bac2 to the top. 7! 8a9 8a:a ;cti:it < 3opefully this !ill allo! the students to see the idea a little more clearly. Let some 2ids be !ater, some oil and some salt. f you have a school !ith soccer pinnies*$erseys, borro! them and the blue ones can be !ater, the yellow oil and the white for the salt. 3ave the !aters and the oils stand at opposite ends of the room. E,plain to the students that the oils are at the top of the $ar and the !aters are on the bottom. /he teacher then ta2es t!o salts and directs them to the oil /he salts then drag the oil to the !aters. /he !aters then grab the salts from the oil /he oil then gets pulled bac2 to the rest of his .oil friends0. <! =loom2s .a&onom 1! >no+ledge" 'hat is the definition of density in your o!n !ords8 2! Comprehension" E,plain using your o!n !ords !hat happened in the e,periment. 'hy did the oil stay above the !ater8 'hat happened !hen the salt !as added and !hy8 $! ;pplication" 'hat !ould happen if an oil tan2er spilled open into the ocean (salt !ater)8 'hat !ould happen if an oil tan2er spilled into a fresh !ater la2e. '! ;nal sis: 5ra! at least three diagrams about the e,periment and ho! things changed. Label the diagram and e,plain !hat happened in each diagram. 5! S nthesis" 'rite do!n three e,amples of density that you have come across in your life. 7! ):aluation" 'hat do you thin2 is the best !ay to clean up an oil spill !ith your current 2no!ledge about density8 3o! !ould you clean up an oil spill if !ater and oil had the same density8 ?! @esources http"**!!!*=pgermann*5iscEvent*5ensity*Lava>Lamp*lava>lamp.html

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