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Book Review Guide

1. Explain why you chose this book? Please be as specific as you can.

Ok, I picked this book because it caught my attention and made me very curious, I also have to admit that I like the police cases (for example, investigations of crime).
2. Would you have liked to read something different? If so, what type of book would you have like to have read? Please explain.

3. Where and when did you read this book? How long did it take you to finish? 4. In what ways can you connect with this book? Give specific information. 5. Choose three sentences or phrases that grabbed your attention. Write the sentences including the page and explain with details why you chose each one. 6. Make a list of facts you learned from the story 7. List the main characters and describe them 8. Make a list of at least 50 new words you learned in the book. Write their parts of speech (Adjective, Noun, Verb, Adverb) from the dictionary and their meaning. 9. What problem or problems does one of the characters have, and how does he or she solve it or them? How would you have solved the same problem(s)? 10. Choose one character from the story you would like to be friends with and explain why. 11. How did the main character feel throughout the book? Give evidences of this. 12. Did you identify with any of the characters? Which one and why? If not, why not? 13. Did anyone in the book do something you did not like? Explain. 14. Did anyone in the book do something you liked? Explain. 15. What happened at the end? Did the ending satisfy your expectations? 16. Write another ending for the book. Explain your changes. 17. Write three events from the book as they happened. 18. What confused you in this book? Explain.

19. What questions would you like to ask the author of the book? Why? 20. Finally, write a question about the book and answer it.

Libro Gua para la evaluacin 1 . Explica por qu elegiste este libro? Por favor sea lo ms especfico posible .

Ok, yo escog este libro porque me llam mucho la atencin y me dio mucha curiosidad, adems tengo que reconocer que me gustan los casos policiales (por ejemplo: investigaciones de crimenes).
2 . Te hubiera gustado leer algo diferente? Si es as , qu tipo de libro le ha gustado leer? Por favor, explique . 3 . Dnde y cuando usted ley este libro? Cunto tiempo le tom para terminar ? 4 . De qu manera se puede conectar con este libro? Dar informacin especfica. 5 . Elija tres oraciones o frases que " tom " su atencin. Escribe las frases incluyendo la pgina y explicar con detalles por qu elegiste cada una. 6 . Haga una lista de los hechos que ha aprendido de la historia 7 . Enumerar los principales personajes y describirlos 8 . Haga una lista de por lo menos 50 palabras nuevas que ha aprendido en el libro. Escriba las partes de la oracin (Adjective, nombre, verbo , adverbio ) del diccionario y su significado. 9 . Qu problema o problemas hace uno de los personajes tienen , y cmo lo hace l o ella resolverlo o ellos? Cmo habras resuelto el mismo problema ( s ) ? 10 . Elija uno de los personajes de la historia que le gustara ser amigo de y explicar por qu. 11 . Cmo surgi el personaje principal se siente en todo el libro ? Dar evidencias de esto. 12 . Te identificas con alguno de los personajes? Cul y por qu? Si no , por qu no ? 13 . Alguien en el libro hace algo que no te gust ? Explique . 14 . Alguien en el libro hace algo que te gustaba ? Explique . 15 . Qu pas al final? El final satisface sus expectativas? 16 . Escribe otro final para el libro. Explicar los cambios.

17 . Escribe tres eventos del libro tal y como sucedieron . 18 . Lo que confunde en este libro? Explique . 19 . Qu preguntas le gustara preguntarle al autor del libro? Por qu? 20 . Por ltimo , escribir una pregunta sobre el libro y responder a ella.

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