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Why Are Prisons filled with Minorities? As of 2008, the prison population reached 2.3million. 35.4% of that 2.

3 million were so-called African Americans, though they only ma e up only a!out "3.5% of the #.$. population. $o called %ispanics come in third with "&.' % following so-called (hites total 32.'%. )et, the %ispanics only ma e up "*.3% of the #.$. population. %ow can this !e possi!le+ ,n a physical le-el, there has !een a conspiracy to demoni.e the so-called /lac s and %ispanics in America. )ou can0t watch the si1 o0cloc news or tele-ision programs such as 2ops, America0s 3ost (anted, etc., without seeing our people !eing portrayed as low-life criminals. 4t0s also significant to mention the fact that prisons ha-e !ecome a profita!le in-estment due to its free la!or. ,n a spiritual le-el, the /i!le prophesied that this would !e one of the conditions that would !efall the nation of 4srael5 4sa 42522 /ut this is a people ro!!ed and spoiled6 they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses5 they are for a prey, and none deli-ereth6 for a spoil, and none saith, 7estore. 8he 4sraelites according to the /i!le would !e a nation ro!!ed and spoiled. ,f what, one may as + 8he answer is e-ident once we e1amine the current state of the so-called 9egroes and 9ati-e 4ndians of 9orth, 2entral, and $outh America. 8hese people are ro!!ed and spoiled of their heritage, riches, and homeland. 8he ey point in this scripture is that the :ews would !e hid in the prison houses for a prey. 8he ;uestion is who are the predators+ 7e- 25"0 <ear none of those things which thou shalt suffer5 !ehold, the de-il shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may !e tried6 and ye shall ha-e tri!ulation ten days5 !e thou faithful unto death, and 4 will gi-e thee a crown of life. $atan promised to gi-e power to those who !owed down and worshipped him =3att. 458-'>. 8hese are the people who are in control of the prison systems. (e must eep in mind that they would not ha-e the power to do so if our forefathers didn0t turn from the 3ost %igh5 4sa 42524 (ho ga-e :aco! for a spoil, and 4srael to the ro!!ers+ did not the ?,7@, he against whom we ha-e sinned+ for they would not wal in his ways, neither were they o!edient unto his law. 8he 3ost %igh stated that %e would send 2hrist to free the prisoners6 the physical and the spiritual5 4sa 425* 4 the ?,7@ ha-e called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will eep thee, and gi-e thee for a co-enant of the people, for a light of the Aentiles6 4sa 425& 8o open the !lind eyes, to !ring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in dar ness out of the prison house. )ou would thin that a :udeo-2hristian society li e America would !e a country!uilt on these principles. )et, their wor s pro-e that they are of their father the de-il5 4sa "45"2 %ow art thou fallen from hea-en, , ?ucifer, son of the morningB how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst wea en the nationsB C4sa "45"* 8hey that see thee shall narrowly loo upon thee, and consider thee, saying, 4s this the man that made the earth to trem!le, that did sha e ingdoms6 4sa "45"& 8hat made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof6 that opened not the house of his prisoners+ 4n no way are we saying that child molesters, rapist, and murderers, etc. should ha-e the right to freely roam the streets. (hat we are saying is that there should !e an effort to heal these !rothers instead of ma ing a profit off them and throwing away their li-es in the process. .

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