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Bhaava means emotion, state of mind. Bhaavanaa Imagination. From various dictionaries:

bhava coming info existence , birth , production , origin , arising or produced from , being in , relating to ; becoming , turning into (comp.); being, state of being, existence, life; worldly existence, the world Bhava i.e. Shiva and his wife. meanings of "bhava" !.(at the end of comp.) arising or produced from !.being;".birth;#.source;$.worldly existence;%.the world;&.well'being;(.excellence;).name of Shiva; Bhaava. becoming, being, existing, occurring, appearance; turning or transition into. meanings of "bhaava" !.being;".becoming;#.state;$.manner;%.ran*;&.true condition or state; (.innate property;).inclination or disposition of mind;+.feeling;!,.love;!!.purport;!".meaning; !#.resolution;!$.the heart;!%.existing thing;!&.a being;!(.abstract meditation;!).conduct;!+.gesture;",.birth;"!.the world;"".the womb;"#.will;
This world is Bhava Sagar (Ocean of Becoming), and hence the other !oddess Taaraa is called Bhavaani ("form of #aarvati, wife of lord Shiva) She who $ecomes ever%thing and to save us from this world of $ecoming, she ta&es the form of Bhava Taarini (Ta&es us safel% from this ocean of constant $ecoming) . "nd hence the Bhavaa is su'erim'osed on (aashi. In )eastern "strolog% it is called as houses. The first house is the house which rises on the *astern +ori,on %ou will see a 'articular (aashi ("ssuming %ou &now, how to identif% the star constituting the (aashi) rising ("scending or clim$ing) Su''ose the rising sign is -hanu, it is . /agnaa or "scendant a&ara will $e the Second Bhaava 0um$ha will $e the Third Bhaava eena will $e the Forth Bhaava "nd so on 1 The houses are counted ,odiacall%.





+ere if we ta&e the (aashis to $e Static as'ect of the ,odiac, the Bhaavas are the -%namic as'ects of the ,odiac. The first house is the (ising (aashi, The forth house is the %et to (ise and is $elow the hori,on. In fact it is right $elow the feet. ((e'resents midnight) The Seventh +ouse is the (aashi which is setting in the west, 2ust going $elow the hori,on. ((e'resents Sunset) The Tenth +ouse is the to'most ((e'resents noon) The first house is a&in to esha, the fourth a&in to 0ar&a, the seventh house is a&in to Tula and the tenth house is a&in to a&ara. 3ow ta&e the 4th to 5th from each of these houses li&e 6st 4th 5th 7nd 8th 69th :rd ;th 66th <th =th 67th These houses are in the harmon% firstl% $ecause the% re'resents the same Tatwaa. The 4th from an% house is its future. The 5th from an% house is its 'ast. These are the Tri&ona (Trines) The 6 < ; 69 houses from an% house are the 'illars of the sector. These are the 0endra (S>uares) For e?am'le, the first house re'resents the sense of $eing ness the @I " A feeling in an% horosco'e for the native (Bata&a). (The 3ative or Bata&a means the 'erson whose horosco'e is $eing read $% the B%otisha.)

The 4th house will re'resent the future sense of @IA "nd 5th house will re'resent the 'ast sense of @IA The first and the other two houses will re'resent the same tatwaas. The <th from the 6st $elongs to the same motive force, Stira, Chara or -wi2$haava and hence co.o'erate with each other. /i&e the e?am'le given in the (aashi /esson where the cars were moving in their 'articular lane as 'er the s'eed limit. The first house re'resents the self. Dour characteristics, %our nature etc. this re'resents %our -harmaa That which %ou hold. The forth house is the lowest 'oint where @IA sense will $e at the lowest. Totall% forgetting the @IA sense is o&shaa or The /i$eration. The ;th house is the o''osite of the 6st house re'resenting %our interactions with the outside world. (This house is the doorwa% to the world) in other words, it is intercourse with the world hence this is 0amaa. (-esires) The 69th house is the to'most house (-irectl% over head). This re'resents, 'innacle of @IA. Feeling this is "rthaa. The trines from each of these four houses form the Tri&onaas (Trines) of the 'articular 'urusharthaa. The four #urusharthaas are -harmaa, "rthaa, 0aama, "a%aanas or aims of life. -harmaa This re'resents the 'ersonEs $elief s%stems. *ver% 'erson holds in him F her some $elief s%stem which is said to define him F her for the societ%. " 'erson is $orn into a $elief s%stem $% $irth in a famil% 'rofessing it (first Bhaava). The 'erson goes to a certain 'lace for worshi' (ninth house). The 'erson holds some $oo& or words as sacred (fifth house). "rthaa The 'erson has to define to the world at large. This @Tr%ing to define himselfA to the world is done through s'eech, food (second house), )or& ethics, hard la$or, and the a$ilit% to control the 'eo'le (si?th house). *arn mone%, wor& hard and achieve 'ower (tenth house). 0aama *ver% 'erson has legitimate or otherwise desires, which can $e fulfilled as 'er the norms of the societ%. #ersonal interactions i.e. 'erson to 'erson (third house), Business interactions i.e. $u%ing . Selling, 'artnershi', negotiations (seventh house) Social interactions i.e. Friends etc (eleventh house). o&shaa o&shaa. "nd are called the

This is the end 'oint of all human e?istence @FreedomA. Freedom from the feeling @IA "s in the others wom$ or /a' (fourth house). "s in sic&ness or death (eighth house) "s in slee' or /i$eration (twelfth house) "s we have seen that there is a s%nchronicit% (as in (aashis having same motive force) as well as em'ath% (as in (aashis having same elements) Therefore in traditional B%otisha, the house is a full (aaashi. I.e. su''ose the degree of the sign rising on the hori,on is 6= degrees, the whole (aashi of Tula will $e treated as the first house. The second house will $e Grischi&a, the third will $e -hanu, the forth will $e a&ara, the fifth will $e 0um$ha and so on1 unli&e )estern "strolog%. There are house divisions also in B%otish $ut it will $e discussed later. The Lords of Raashis: The /ords of these (aashis will $e the /ords of these Bhaavas. /i&e Tula rising will $e lagna and so the /ord of the 6st Bhaava or /agnadhi'ati will $e Shu&ra. The /ord of the 7nd Bhaava will $e 0etu F ars $ecause the% are the Co H /ords of the Grishchi&a. The lord of the : rd Bhaava will $e !uru as he is the /ord of -hanu, which falls in the :rd house and so on. So we have learnt that each $haava has certain significations, each rules some com'artment of life of an individual, each falls in a certain (aashi, each has a lord ruling it. *ach Bhaava also has a 'lanet (!raha) who $ecomes its significator. )e will deal in detail with all these as'ects in detail in the ne?t 'osts in this lesson. Question by a student w r t the Tatwaas and the !urushaartha I can understand the following. Iodiacal 0endra . Chara rasi . /orded $% Brahma . (a2o !una . Creation Iodiacal #ana'ara . Sthira rasi . /orded $% Shiva . Tamasi& !una .-estruction Iodiacal "'o&lima . -wis$ava rasi . /orded $% Gishnu . Satwi& !una .#rotection But I cannot understand the following and correlate. -harma tri&ona . "r. /e. Sg. . "gni tatwa "rtha tri&ona . Tr. Gi. C'. . #rithwi tatwa 0ama tri&ona . !e. /i. ">. . Ga%u tatwa o&sh tri&ona . Cn. Sc. #i. . Bala tatwa I cannot correlate, how "gni tatwa re'resents -harma tri&ona and other tatwa also. Can %ou 'lease e?'lain the correlation $etween the Tatwa and the Tri&onaJ KL "3S)*( BD #T.S"3B"D ("T+ The tri&ona are mentioned for the 3atural Iodiac and it is necessar% to stud% OT+*( 3"TM(* FI(ST "S S+* IS T+* (*"/ S+"0TI (#ower) /*"-I3! TO B+""!"G"3 (!od). 3ow, Start with sunrise when the Sun is in the first house. "ries is the first house of nature and the dharma tri&ona would $e the fire signs...and so on. Fire which is the 'h%sical re'resentative of "gni Tatwa is the remover of all sins and evils 2ust li&e the

'urit% of dharma removing the wea&nesses and sins of the 'ast. Bha&taNs li&e #rahalada and Srima Sarada devi (wFo (ama&rishna #aramhamsa) can sit inside a $urning '%re and recite O 3" O B+"!"G"T* G"SM-*G"D". Gasu refers to the light or the 'urest form of agni tatwa. (The reference is to Bu'iter the greatest and re'resentative of !od in "gni (asi). 3ow, come to midda% when the Sun is in the tenth house and the natural sign is Ca'ricorn. The focus is on wor& and 0arma Doga. The signs are earth% and materiall% focused forming the "rtha Tri&ona. It is here that most men fall and their 0arma Doga gets diverted to self gratification instead of 3ish&aama &arma (wor& without the desire for fruit). Bu'iter is in de$ilit%. The great Bha&taNs li&e !a2endra (0ing of the ele'hants) sing 0/** +(IS+I0*S+"D" 3" "+ and ensure that Bhagavan comes riding the Bird !aruda and removes them from sin that can cause such a terri$le fall. "t sunset, the Sun is in the seventh house and the ;th house of nature is /i$ra. This is the $egining of desire that ultimatel% culminates in se? etc. The native, having finished wor&ing, dreams of meeting s'ouse etc and fulfills desires related to social and 'ersonal matters. The "ir% signs can ma&e the mind travel to great de'ths and the imagination is vivid as the desires will de'end on what the mind has got wind of. !reat Bha&ta li&e 3arada uni (who was touched $% the arrow of 0ama devata) will sing +"(* 0(IS+3" and will save themselves from these tormenting desires. "t midnight, all slee' and the trines to the $ed is the <th house called Bala tri&ona. The Sun is in the <th house and the water element is ver% strong. The 'enultimate slee' s%m$olises o&sha and Bu'iter in these signs shows Bhagawan as slee'ing on a $ed or reclining on a couch. The Bha&taNs li&e ahala&shmi and Shiva sing O 3" O 3"("D"3"D" and attain o&sha. "%ana refers to the direction of ones life and we &now that O(3I3! S+O)S T+* -"D. So, the 'ra%erF'oo2a we do in the morning is vital to directing our efforts and 'ath of life. This is done with the !a%atri antraNs. aharishiNs who aim for o&sha stand in a river with water in their hands, B"/" tatwa 'redominates in the Brahma uhurta as the% recite the ga%atri. +old water in cu''ed hands and offer this to Bhagavan as %ou recite the !a%atri mantra, then the o&sha a%ana is o$tained. If %ou hold a $urning lam' as a sign of offering while reciting the !a%atri, then -harma tri&ona re activated and the sins are washed awa%, ignorance goes and the light of &nowledge comes. Offering incense indicates the 'rithvi tatwa and the 'erson $ecomes a 0arma Dogi while the offering of food fulfills all desires. Those who aim for 'erfection in all the four a%ana will hold a lotus or other flower as an offering and recite the !a%atri. In this manner the a%ana should $e understood with reference to the Tatwa. The 67 +ouses of Iodiac. From B#+S This article was com'iled $% Sarat Chander one of the foremost student of #t. San2a% (ath, $ased on the teachings of #t. (ath. It was given to me long $ac&, which I am 'utting here, with m% own additions, for the $enefit of the B%otish *nthusiasts. First +ouse deham rO'amca 2PQnam ca varnam caiva $alQ$alam su&ham duh&ham sva$hQvaPca lagna$hQvQnnirR&sha%et ..7..

deham . $od%S rO'am. loo&sS ca. as well asS 2PQnam . &nowledge F intelligenceS ca. as well asS varnam a''earanceS caiva. caTeva and alsoS $alQ$alam strengths and vigourS su&ham duh&ham . $liss and unha''inessS sva$hQvaPca. natureS lagna$hQvQn. from /agna BhavaS nirR&sha%et. 2udge aharishi sa%s to aitre%a that the 'h%si>ue, a''earance, intellect (also the $rain), the com'le?ion of the $od%, strength and vigour, wea&ness, ha''iness, grief and the inner nature of the 'erson is to $e determined from the /agna or "scendant or the 6st $hava. The 6st house, &nown as the /agna or "scendant, alwa%s rises in the *ast at the time of $irth. Sur%a, $eing the naisargi&a atma&ara&a, $ecomes a ver% vital graha for the 6st house and his strength and 'lacement is to $e rec&oned carefull%. " strong and well 'laced /agna lord will $estow long and >ualitative life. The 6st house is the fountainhead of the entire life of the native. The 6st indicates the $irth of the 'erson and how and in what form and 'h%si>ue !od has wanted himFher to $e $orn. Thus the 6st $hava and the lord of the 6st $hava, who is also called the N/agneshN are ver% $asics and im'ortant to the reading of the chart. *ach of the 67 houses of the chart has its significance and each of the significance is closel% lin&ed to the 6st house i.e., $irth. "s 'er the &ala'urusha, the 6st $hava is indicative of $rain, which is &nown for intelligence, we can safel% conclude that Brihas'ati, who re'resents !od, is seated on the head of man and the 'lace is &nown as NBrahma'eethaN or the seat of Brihas'ati. It is Brihas'ati who &nows and sees all as it is he who has the su'reme intelligence and this su'reme intelligence is !od. +ence !uru is &nown as the one re'resenting !od in the chart. Thus, his 'lacement $ecomes vitall% im'ortant to anal%,e the intelligence and &nowledge, dis'osition and the general well $eing of the 'erson. If the lord of the 6st $hava is either 'laced in or as'ects or has an%thing to do with the :rd, 4th and 8th houses, the native of the chart %earns for &nowledge . he is alwa%s in >uest for &nowledge . and he is called a U-heemantahU. In other words, the native is said to 'ossess U-heemantah DogaU. )hile, the reverse is true onl% in the case where the lord of the 4th $hava is either 'laced or as'ects the 6st $hava. Second +ouse dhanadhQn%am &utum$QmVca mrt%u2Qlamamitra&am dhQturatnQdi&am sarvam dhanasthQnQnnirR&sha%et ..:.. dhana. wealthS dhQn%am. grains and cerealsS &utum$Qm. famil%S ca. as well asS mrt%u2Qlam.death tra'S mitra&am. S dhQturatnQdi&am. 'recious metals and gemsS sarvam. all dhanasthQnQn.'laces of wealth, such as $an& or treasure $o? etcS nirR&sha%et. 2udge )ealth, food (grains and cereals)S nature of food consumed (>uantit% and >ualit%)S )ealthS famil% (0ula)S famil% deit% (0ula -evata)S stored wealth (Sanchita -hana) which could $e valued in terms of mone% at an% 'oint of timeS granar%S treasur%S storage housesS godownsS teethS li'sS mouthS s'eechS e%esS gold and assets and all 'ro'ert%S " good famil% is a sound re>uirement of a 'erson. Being $orn in a 'articular famil% has a 'articular relevance. *ach famil% follows and worshi's a certain deit% as its famil% deit%,

which ha''ens to $e the guiding deit% of the famil%. These are to $e rec&oned from the 7nd house. The 7nd house is a vital house of the chart. It actuall% sustains the lagna or ascendant. It is the house of /ord Gishnu, the 'reserver, the sustainer of life. It is he who ta&es care of the 'eo'le and it is he who 'rovides for food etc. )ithout food and the wealth to $u% the food, life cannot $e sustained. To achieve the o$2ective of the $irth of the atma, food is ver% essential to sustain the $od% in which the atma has ta&en refuge. So the 7nd would indicate the >uantit% and >ualit% of food that is consumed $% the 'erson. )hen we sa% wealth, we are actuall% tal&ing of the sustaining 'ower . the 'ower to $u% us food and good things in life and in times of dire needs. So we are tal&ing of Nsanchita dhanaN meaning stored wealth. "n% stored wealth which is li>uidata$le for 'urchase of food and essentials at the time of need. Such stored wealth includes, stored foodgrains and granaries, gold, 'recious metals and gems etc., or an% such thing which is readil% converti$le into mone%. The 7nd house is also &nown as the mara&a . death inflicting. "fflictions to the 7nd could lead to loss of wealth and shree%am which leads to lac& of food and ever%thing that is needed for sustenance. Im'ro'er inta&e of food or lac& of food sets in disease which signifies the death of the lagan or the 'erson. Third +ouse vi&ramam $hrt%a$hrQtrQdi co'adeVa'ra%Qna&am 'itrorvai maranam vi2Po duVci&%Qcca nirR&sha%et ..<.. vi&ramam. Courage and GalourS $hrt%a$hrQtrQdi. $rothers and sistersS co'adeVa. caTu'adesham. also adviceS 'ra%Qna&am. 2ourne%S 'itrorvai maranam. death of fatherS vi2Po . &nowledgeF intelligence, duVci&%Qcca . JJ, nirR&sha%et. 2udge The :rd house indicates armsS strength of the arms (#ara&rama $ala)S courageS $rothers and sisters (Co.$orns)S short 2ourne%s (as a child wal&s with the hel' of his arms)S longevit%S intelligenceS creativit%S a'titude for wor& and the t%'e of wor& done (an evil graha in the third would indicate wor& in the armed forcesF#olice or connected to it $ased on the graha wherein Sur%a heads the 'lacement in indicating the ran& and honour and t%'e of service rendered)S S&ills for wor& etc. The strength of the arms is called N'ara&ram$alN. The :rd house indicates how an in what manner will a 'erson use the strength of the arms. )hether it will $e in the right direction and for the right 'ur'ose or not can $e gauged from the rasi, rasi lord and the graha(s) in the :rd $hava. The :rd $hava, along with the 8th, 69th and 66th $havas, is a NM'acha%aN (meaning growing) $hava. Since it is a u'acha%a, the activities of this house is totall% controlla$le $% the 'erson. It is not $e%ond the control of man that he cannot change the fate or what is 're.destined. Thus, we can see that &arma and all activities related to the &arma are in the u'acha%a $havas and are totall% controlla$le $% man. " 'erson with a strong :rd house ma% $e good at sword fighting and would have ver% good 'ara&ram$al, $ut it is u'to him to choose whether to fight at all or not. Thus his &arma is in his hands.

The :rd house is also the 66th from the 4th house, which indicates the gains from &nowledge. This im'lies in what manner will the 'erson utili,e the &nowledge he 'ossesses. )hether it would $e 'ut to gainful use or not can $e deduced from here. :rd +ouse also indicates what would $e 'redominantl% held in the hand: Saturn . Bow and "rrow Sur%a . !un, Sword angal . S'ear, Trisul, Sul !uru . Tulsi mala or Ba' mala Su&ra . Flowers, 'aint $rush (an%thing $eautiful) Budh .#en

Fourth +ouse vQhanQn%atha $andhOmVca mQtrsau&h%Qdi&Qn%a'i nidhi &shetram grham cQ'i caturthQt 'aricinta%et ..4.. The <th $hava indicates mother, motherland, relatives, 'ro'ert%, vehicles and other conve%ances, 'eace of mind, 'ros'erit% of self, heart, formal education, general ha''iness, home and ha''iness. The <th house, along with the 6st, ;th and 69th houses, is one of the four >uadrants or angles and it ha''ens to $e one of the 'illars of a 'ersonNs chart. The first is the lagna or $irth, while the ;th is the descendent of the lagna where the 'erson comes down to the $asics of desire. The 69th is the s&%, where one clim$s according to &arma, while <th is the nadir . N'atalN . where one finds himself after the fall from the s&% (&arma). Thus, the >uadrants are ver% im'ortant houses of the horosco'e. The <th is a ver% vital house inasmuch as it deals with oneNs mother and general ha''iness of life. The child, in its initial %ears of life, is full% under the 'rotective cover of the mother. It is mother who understands ever%thing related to the child. It is she who 'rovides her child food, shelter, and succor to life. The child also loo&s for the mother whenever it feels hungr% or insecure. )hen man falls from the heights of glor% (the 69th . &arma$hava) no$od% e?ce't his mother who still wishes the ver% $est for him and 'rovides him the succor. The mother 'rotects even unrul% and sinful children. Such is the $lind, un$iased and true love of mother for the child. /ord 0rishna has therefore rightl% called U atru$hava -evtaU meaning the mother . child relationshi' to $e a relationshi' $etween the individual and !od. Therefore, the <th $hava, in the form of motherNs love and relationshi', esta$lishes the love for !od. It is the /ord who hel's us at the wea&est time li&e the mother who hel's the child when it is most vulnera$le. Sri "di Shan&ara has, therefore, said that, motherNs $lessing was of vital im'ortance for the attainment of mo&sha. +e said: U!atistvam gatistvam tvame&a $havaniU. It is the $lessings of mother that actuall% 'rovides one the s'eed (gati) in the direction and desire for setting out on the 'ath for s'iritualism. It is also $ecause mother (also !od) is the one who 'rovides Nashra%aN . shelter . to the 'erson that we see the ac>uisition of landed 'ro'ert% and house(s) $oth in the native land and elsewhere, including foreign lands, from the <th house. #lacement of the lord of <th in =th would indicate ac>uisition of 'ro'ert% in other 'laces, while its 'lacement in 67th would mean ac>uisition of 'ro'ert% in foreign lands.

It also indicates an%thing that is im$i$ed or received from the mother. The first language that we s'ea& . our mother tongue isS the 'lace where we are $orn . motherlandS the love for our culture and motherland is also to $e seen from the <th house. "n% inimical or 'a'a graha in the <th affects to that e?tent the s%m$oli,ation of the <th house. The <th also rules the heart. "fter all, love . true love . is 'ossi$le onl% if there is a heart (conscious mind) to do so. True is nothing $ut 'ursuit of the loved one with heart and soul. "n% $enevolence or arrogance of the 'ersonNs heart, whether a 'erson is good or $ad at heart, is to $e seen from the strength and 'lacement of the <th house, its lord and other grahas in it. #lacement of (ahu could give a hardFstout heart. It could also indicate heart diseaseFafflictions to heart de'ending on its 'lacement etc., while 'lacement of a $enefic li&e Genus could indicate 'assionate love and a ver% &ind mother. Thus, afflictions to the heart, $oth 'h%sical and emotional, are to $e seen from the <th house. Thus, the <th also $ecomes the house of ha''iness and grief. 3o afflictions or good 'lacements could give a general sense of attainment of ha''iness and less emotional strains. This esta$lishes a clear connection $etween the heart (<th) and the mind (6st). The general sense of ha''iness 'revails onl% when the desires are fulfilled. The <th house also deals with formal education. It indicates the e?tent and t%'e of formal education that one would get in life. It indicates the school, college or institution, the length till which one will have formal education. )hile 'resence of (ahu in the <th will also indicate general defiance in studies and distur$ances to mother etc., it would also indicate an inclination and even good control over foreign languages . something which is uncommon to the native. "ll modes of conve%ances, of course . with the sam$andha of Genus who is the naisargi&a &ara&a for vehiclesFconve%ances, is to $e studied and 'redicted from the <th hosue. )hile 'resence or as'ect of Genus on the <th would mean attainment and en2o%ment of material 'leasures of all good things of life, 'resence of as'ect of grahas li&e (ahu, 0etu, Sani would mean denial or destruction of the 'leasures of the world resulting in lac& of general ha''iness. Thus we ma% sa% that the results indicated $% an% graha in the <th fructif% fast, while that of those in the 6st or ;th will $e felt onl% in the later 'art of life. The general sense of ha''iness to an individual comes onl% when the ac>uisitions are self. made. Though we &now the need and im'ortance of &arma (69th) we still tend to run after the comforts for self. It is when we achieve these comforts in the world of ma%a that we feel satisfied. It is this 'roud sense of satisfaction on having achieved something material that gives ha''iness to ever%$od%. Fifth +ouse %antramantrau tathQ vid%Qm $uddheVcaiva 'ra$andha&am 'utrarQ2%Q'a$hrQmVQdRn 'aV%et 'utrQla%Qd $udhah ..8.. %antramantrau. %antras and mantrasS tathQ . andS vid%Qm . learningF &nowledgeS $uddheVcaiva . also intelligenceS 'ra$andha&am. com'ositionS 'utra. 'rogen%F sonS rQ2%Q. &ingdomF stateS Q'a$hrQmVQdRn. corru'tionF falling down from 'lace of honourS 'aV%et . seeS 'utrQla%Qd . fifth houseF the 'lace of sonS $udhah . o$serve The 4th house indicates &nowledge, the &nowledge of mantras and %antras (amulets etc., used in s'iritualism), children (sons), 'lanning, status or authorit% received from the

government (or ro%alt%) and other 'laces, fall of 'osition or status etc., . In general, the house of future. )e are aware that the 6st, the 4th and the 5th form the -harma Tri&ona. )e are also aware of Brihas'atiNs influence on the 4th house as he is the &ara&a for children (to $e seen from the 4th), for &nowledge (dhi sha&ti and he is also the !uru . teacher) and a su'reme $enefic for the well $eing of the 'erson during his life time. Therefore, Brihas'atiNs influence on the 4th is to $e rec&oned with great care and his is to $e 'ro'itiated for general well $eing and gain of &nowledge and good things in lifeS and more so when there is an% affliction to the 4th, 'articularl% that of (ahu. Children are the ho'e for the future of 'arents and also the generation. "s 'arents gam$leFs'eculate our future $% wa% loo&ing for assistance and achievements from our children in our later %ears. Therefore, the 4th not onl% $ecomes the house of future of the 'erson $ut also the house to loo& for s'eculative a$ilities and name and fame to $e gained in future. It is the =th from the 69th (&arma $hava) and the 69th from the =th house ($ased on the NBhavat$havamN 'rinci'le). +ence the s'eculative a$ilities is to $e seen from the 4th house as it $ecomes the &arma$hava for the =th house which is &nown for gam$ling activities (or unearned wealth). 4th is the house that sustains the <th $eing 7nd from it. Thus, we ma% derive the general well $eing of the heart from the 4th. It 'rovides life and succor to the heart $% wa% of love. /ove is the 'rime essence of well $eing. )hen de'rived of it, it not onl% wrec&s the heart emotionall%, $ut also 'h%sicall%. B% virtue of $eing in the 7nd from the <th $hava (formal &nowledge) and also $ecause it is an activit% related to Brihas'ati the significator of dhi sha&ti without which one never accom'lishes an%thing, the 4th house gains im'ortance $% wa% of $oth formal and informal education. Intelligence to com'rehend an%thing and 'utting it to effective use is ver% im'ortant for a meaningful living. Since it is the !uru (teacher) who confers the &nowledge of NmantraN, tantra and N%antraN vid%a, it $ecomes the most im'ortant house to loo& for the &nowledge of the same and also the res'ect and o$edience one would have towards the 'rece'tors (gurus and teachers). Thus, an% affliction to the 4th would reflect the negatives of the house in terms of &nowledge and intelligence of the 'erson, as also the res'ect and o$edience for guruFteacher. One of the negative as'ects of an afflicted 4th house would also indicate the s'eculative action that one would 'erform in the case of gam$ling (as it is the 69th from the =th house . Bhavat. $havam 'rinci'le). The 4th house also ha''ens to $e the 66th from the ;th (house of marriage). +ence the rec&oning of gains from marriage is estimated from the 4th house. The 'lacement of different 'lanets in 4th are as follows: ............................................................................................. Sun Indicates anger during child $irth, struggle in the middle life, living in loneliness, love for father. oon /ove for mother, love for motherland ars /ove for co.$orn(s), &nowledge of tactics of war, love or ade't in arms, martial arts, s'orts and an%thing where aggression is re>uired. "lso indicates a good coo&. 0nowledge of

surger%. It could also indicate ceasarian child $irth (during such times +anuman #oo2a is suggested and N#itavastraN . %ellow cloth is 'laced near the 'lace of $irth to 'acif% the effects of 0u2a), $ut Bu'iterNs 'resence would sto' ceasarian and will allow a normal $irth. ercur% Ger% intelligent, love for &nowledge and intelligence, love for children, accom'lished in accounting and trade and commerce. Bu'iter /ove for son, fond of su'reme &nowledge including vedic &nowledge, fond of teaching, learned in law and could $e a 2udge, ver% divine. Genus /ove for daughter, fond of worldl% 'leasures, love for conve%ances, love for travel, love for $eautiful things. Saturn /ove for stale things, lethargic and la,%, fond of slee'ing, 'rocrastinating and slow moving. (ahu Brilliant 'lanning, shad%antra (dece'tive 'lanning), lac& of (es'ect for gurus ('rece'tors), love for all &inds of 'leasures. 0etu /ac& of 'lanning, headless activit%, denial of what is loved. The numeric num$ers and the num$er of children re'resented $% the grahas are as follows: Sur%a . 6 one child Chandra . 7 two children Brihas'ati . : three children (ahu . < four children Budh . 4 five children Shu&ra . 8 si? children 0etu . ; seven children Shani . = eight children angal . 5 nine children Si?th +ouse mQtulQnta&aVan&QnQm VatrOmVcaiva vranQdi&Qn sa'atnRmQtaram cQ'i shashtha$hQvQnnirR&sha%et ..;.. mQtula. maternal uncleS anta&a. endF deathS Van&QnQm. dou$ts and mistustS VatrOm. enemiesS caiva. and alsoS vrana. in2uriesF ulcerF tumorS adi&Qn. etc.S sa'atnRmQtaram. ste'.motherS cQ'i . and alsoS shashtha$hQvQnnirR&sha%et . 2udge from si?th $hava. The 8th house indicates maternal uncle, dou$ts a$out death, enemies, ulcers, ste' mother, 'unishment etc.

The 8th $hava, along with the :rd, 69th and 66th is a NM'acha%aN. It is the house of service (wor&). 8th is also the house of 'unishment, de'ending on whether the wor& 'erformed is good or $ad, as 'er the 'rinci'le . UTanau Tanah -anda +araU (8th and 66th (Tanau Tanah means 8th to 8th) are the houses of 'unishment and reward), wherein N-andaN means 'unishment and N+araN means gaining victor%. The /ord gains victor% over the 'erson $% showing him the rewards. +owever, the amount of 'unishment and reward to $e meted out to a 'erson is 'urel% the &nowledge of !od as it is onl% he who can determine it. The 8th is the :rd from <th, which is the house of mother. +ence maternal uncles are seen from the 8th house. 8th is the house of enemies. The strength and wea&ness of the enem% is to $e seen from here. It is considered alwa%s good to have a wea& or de$ilitated 8th lord as it indicates that the enem% is wea& and could $e won over. +owever, to defeat the enem% the 'erson would re>uire a strong ;th house. The 8th is also the house of service. This determines whether the 'erson would $e a N&arma%ogiN or not. It also determines whether the 'erson would render service or would run a $usiness and in what manner and circumstances. To determine the &arma of the 8th house it is im'ortant to stud% the 69th from it i.e., the :rd house (Bhavat$havam 'rinci'le) which determines the &arma of the service rendered $% the 'erson. UShramdanU (rendering service in terms of 'h%sical la$our in tem'les or 'laces of worshi' and worshi' to UShaniU . the lord for la$our) will rectif% afflictions to the 8th house. The 8th also ha''ens to $e the 7nd from the 4th house, which is the house of children. It, thus, sustains the life of the child. The food ha$its and t%'e of food eaten $% the child can $e estimated from the 8th house. The 8th house indicates servants too. It also indicates whether the 'erson himself will do his wor& or will get done from the servants. *ven the faithfulnessFmoralit% of the servants could $e determined from the 8th house. Seventh +ouse 2Q%Qmadhva'ra%Qnam ca vQni2%am nashtavR&shanam maranam ca svadehas%a 2Q%Q$hQvQnnirR&sha%et ..=.. 2Q%Q. wifeS madhva'ra%Qnam. follower of madhavaS ca. alsoS vQni2%am . $usinessS nashta. destructionS vW&PaXam. loo& at, see, ins'ectS maranam. deathS ca. andS svadehas%a. $od% of selfS 2Q%Q$hQvQnnirR&sha%et . 2udge from the Ba%a (;th) $hava. "fter the 6st house (/agnaF"scendant), the ;th house or Sa'tam Bhava is the second most im'ortant house. One . $ecause it is the e?act o''osite of the 6st ("scendant), hence it should $e the descendant of the nativeNs /agna, which indicates the 0ama (desire) of the nativeS and two . it is a strong controller for the <th (Su&hasthan) and 69th (0armasthan) houses ($eing a 'ada to the two houses on the 'rinci'le of Bhavat Bhavam). ;th is a ver% vital house of the chart in man% as'ects. It indicates the inner desires, carnal desires, o$2ective of life, character, value s%stems of life etc. ;th, $eing the house that indicates the 'rivate 'arts, is also ver% im'ortant to determine the se?Fgender of the native.

+ence it is also &nown as the N0alatraN meaning that which indicates the se? and se?ual instincts of the 'erson. ;th is a ver% im'ortant house also $ecause it 'rovides the a$ilit% to $ring forth new life in the form of 'rogen% . it gives form to a new atma that develo's as the child. The organs ('rivate 'arts) are $asicall% used for 'rocreative activit%. The general well $eing of a 'erson could $e determined on how good or $ad the ;th house is and what effects it has on the <th and 69th houses of the 'erson. Thus, ;th is the Nnaisargi&aN $hava of /ord Shiva who is the /ord for N0al%anamN meaning well $eing (/ord Brahma is for N"%uN meaning lifeFlongevit% while aha Gishnu is for N-hanamN for sustenance). "s the ;th deals with inner desires and 'rocreation, it shows re$irth. It is also the =th house (longevit%Fdela%) for the 67th house (mo&shFemanci'ation). It could $e &nown from this $hava whether, when, where and wh% will an individual $e re$orn. In fact, there is a 'ractice of 're'aring U rit%u 0undlisU which is 're'ared at the time of death and the ;th $hava of this chart would indicate e?actl% the nature, wh%, when and where a$out the re$irth. " N'a'aN graha in the ;th would indicate N#unar2anmaN (re$irth). YM'a%a: #ra%er to /ord Shiva will hel' in cleaning the dosha of 'a'a graha.Z +ow is the ;th related to the <th (Su&hasthan) (the $hava for 'eace of mind, desires etc.)J NIchhaN (desireF0ama) is the ultimate source of all 'ro$lems. If one had no desires, e?ce't attaining !od, there would not $e sco'e for an% sorrow. It is onl% the desire to achieve something, to latch on to something, an emotional attachment to something that causes the sorrow when it is either not attained or is lost. 3ow, desire for something is love or &ama. The 'urit% or im'urit% of desire determines the >uantum of sorrow. -esire to attain !od is, 'erha's, the 'urest form of loveF&ama. "gain, 0ama can $e for different 'ur'oses and with different gradesFdegrees of intensit%. -esire for wife (coha$iting with one woman . as 'ractised and e?am'le set $% /ord (ama), children, home and their well $eing is a genuine and 'ro'er desire and to sustain them one needs mone%. +ence the need for a 2o$F0arma and hence the sorrow when %ou fall short of resources for meeting those needs. +ere comes the relativit% $etween the ;th, <th and the 69th. But, if the same love were to turn into lust (carnal desire . an animal instinct for se?) then the desire is im'ro'er. The higher such im'ro'er and uncontrolled desires the more the sorrows that one e?'eriences. ;th is also the house that indicates the overcoming of enemies or $eing van>uished $% them. 3ow, when does a 'erson have enemiesJ Onl% a 'erson who has something which others do not, or, when some$od% desires to attain something which others too are aiming, does one create and have enemies. +owever, if a 'erson were sim'l% desirous of attaining !od, he is not going to have enemies. It is onl% materialistic thingsFworldl% things, which attract enemies. " $eggar is most li&el% not to have enemies, while a rich man is $ound to have more enemies $ecause what a $eggar doesnNt have a rich man has. +ere comes the relation $etween the 8th and the ;th $hava. The 8th indicates enemies and the ;th indicates van>uishing enemies or $eing van>uished $% them. " wea& 8th /ord and a strong ;th $hava is sure to van>uish the enemies, while in the converse the native is defeated. ;th $hava of the naisargi&a $ha cha&ra is NGani2 sthanaN meaning the house of trade and commerce. )hat is the aim $ehind the &armaJ If it is to earn mone%, then the second from the &arma house (69th house) i.e., the 66th house and its trines come into focus. "nd of these, the ;th ha''ens to $e the 69th from the naisargi&a 69th $hava of the chart which indicates the &arma to $e 'erformed and the actual desire for the 'erformance of the &arma

(to earn mone% for sustenance). Thus, the ;th also $ecomes the house of $usiness and $eing the naisargi&a house for N)ifeF"rdhangniN it also $ecomes the $hava for determining the com'ati$ilit% with 'artners in $usiness. Therefore, the ;th is trul% reflective of the inner self of the 'erson. It is reflective of the N"%anaN of the 'erson. "n ina''ro'riate lordshi'F'lacementFrasi of the ;th $hava indicates the e?tent to which a 'erson $ears a character, dis'osition in life, whether the 'erson will $e re$orn or will attain mo&sha. "n% affliction to the ;th would $e detrimental to the develo'ment of the 'erson as a good social $eing. +ence the ;th is a ver% vital $hava which holds the &e% to success or failure of life. Thus, to determine the strengths and results of nativeNs chart, the ;th, ;th /ord and is -ara'ada (";) 'lacement $ecome ver% significant and im'ortant. ars in the ;th Indicates 0u2a -osha (this is due to the anger of -eva (ishi 3arad . M'a%a: #ra%er to +anuman2i is the sole remed%). The 'lacement of ars in ;th indicates war or NDudhN in life (as ma% $e seen from /ord (amaNs life) which means a life full of struggles with fre>uent se'aration from wife. This could mean a se'aration, incom'ati$le natures, angr% natureFhot constitution of the wifeF$usiness 'artner, disharmon% in marital life . which means a generall% tense and strained 'ersonal life. +owever, the 'ositive signs of have ars in the ;th would mean that the 'erson is ver% strong 'h%sicall% and also mentall% as it as'ects the 6st ("scendantF/agna), which is also $ecause struggles actuall% strengthen the 'erson mentall% and 'h%sicall%. Genus in the ;th This would indicate love for all $eautiful things, strong desire for se? ($eing the natural 0alatra&ara&a i.e., the significator for se?), $eautiful wifeF'artner, desire for material lu?uries of life, a ro$ust 'h%si>ue with se?ual a''eal, attractive $od% etc. Saturn in ;th This would indicate the dirt% side of se? and other li&ings, a dela%ed marriage, s'ouseF'artner $eing older than self, this would also mean that the s'ouse could $e older in thoughts, dis'osition, age etc., se'aration, disharmon%. The desire for se? could even $e a carnal desire (as it gains -ig$ala in the ;th) without an% discretion for caste, creed and levels. Bu'iter in ;th Bu'iter, the -evaguru, is considered the $est 'lacement in the ;th. " !uru, and that too a -evaguru, could never do an%thing wrong. +ence he indicates the $est for the overall well $eing of the 'erson, 'articularl% in a femaleNs chart where he indicates a$solute chastit%. +e should indicate the chaste desires of the 'erson. Sun in the ;th Sun, &ing of all grahas, would mean that the s'ouseF'artner is ver% dominating in nature, ver% regalFauthoritative in dis'osition, angr%Fhot nature, reddish com'le?ion, strong in 'h%si>ue and mental nature, a $urning and never ending desire for se? and all things rich and ro%al. oon in the ;th

oon, >ueen of all grahas, would thus indicate $eaut%, cool dis'osition, strong mind, charming, regal taste, s'lendorous mannerisms and dressing, urge for good and clean se?, white com'le?ioned wife, good acumen to trade, gulli$le etc. (ahu in the ;th Being a demon, will indicate dia$olical nature, carnal (se?)desires, ruthlessness in all as'ects of life, dirt% thoughts, filth% se?, involvement in 'rostitution, gam$ling and the li&es. +owever, a controlled (ahu could also give the $etter things of life and material fulfilment. #ro'itiating /ord Shiva with water ((udra$hishe&) to control and calm the heated and 'assionate desires or have controlled se? is the $est M'a%a for (ahu, while . the mantra: U+ari Om Tat SatU . Sat%anarana antra is hel'ful to 2ust cut off the effects of (ahu i.e., no desires at all). 0etu in the ;th Being the dismem$ered $od% of the demon (ahu, it would indicate a sic&l% s'ouse. Being the natural significator for o&sha, it would indicate that the 'artnerFs'ouse will $e a s'iritual 'erson. It could also indicate a nagging 'artner. "n afflicted 'lacement could mean sic&ness, unstead% mind, general destruction i.e., the 'assion of 0etu leads to self. destruction as /ord Shiva destro%ed 0amadeva. (The ;th house, is also the house of 0amadeva . hence the desires. -estruction of desires (i.e., 0amadeva) eventuall% leads to mo&sha). ;th /ord in the 8th $hava would mean the s'ouse turning an enem% where the faithfulness or fidelit% is to $e dou$ted. This could $e redeemed onl% with a strong and $enevolent Bu'iter in the chart. ;th /ord in the 5th would mean that that $hag%a (fortune) of the 'erson will turn for the good after marriage. Since ;th indicates re$irth and the 67th $hava indicates o&shaFslee', ;th is a naisargi&a enem% of the 67th (;th $hava is =th from the 67th $hava) as, to attain the desires one has to remain awa&e and $e attached to the desire for its reali,ation. 3on.reali,ation of the desire would eventuall% lead to re$irth for its fulfilment. The longevit% of the first marriage ( 6) is to $e seen from the 7nd house to the ;th (i.e., the =th $hava of the chart . the 'rinci'le of 7nd $eing the mara&a) as it is the sustaining house for the ;th. The ;th from the house of first marriage ( 6) (i.e., 7nd $hava of the chart) would indicate the 'ossi$ilit% of the second ( 7) marriage and the longevit% of this marriage is to $e determined from the 7nd house to this $hava ( 7) (i.e., the :rd $hava of the chart). The ;th from 7 would indicate the :rd marriage ( :) and the 7nd $hava from : would indicate its longevit%. Su$se>uent marriages, usuall% till the <th, are to $e seen so on and so forth. Such a s%ndrome normall% sto's with the fourth marriage when the effect of oon (in the form of mother or comes in as a natural o$stacle. +owever, these are to $e rec&oned $% the B%otish after careful o$servation of the customs and 'ractices of different communities and 'ersons. 3ormall%, this 'henomena of multi'le marriages is most 'ossi$le in 'eo'le and communities where worshi' on Frida%s is 'ractised 'redominantl% as the% would im$i$e more of Genusian effects. M#"#"-" M'a'ada, also &nown as !auna'ada, is the N"rudhaN of the 67th $hava of the chart (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as 6.7).

(!auna . means one who follows ["nuchara . that which follows . Slo&a 7 of Cha'ter :9. B#+S\ . "ccordingl%, the N"rudhaN of the $hava that follows (67th) the /agna is, thus, the !auna'ada or M'a'ada.) This 'ada determines the inner natureFattitude of the native towards the s'ouse. The NSam$andhaN or relationshi' of the lord of M'a'ada vis.].vis the /agna lord, $% wa% of 'lacement, will determine whether the native would marr% at all or not. If the lord of M'a'ada goes to the 67th (the house for sacrificeFT%aga) therefrom, it indicates a sure sign of denial of marriage. This would also indicate the dela%s, if an%, and the reasons for such dela% in marriage. 3ow, how do we see the Nsam$andhaN of the lord of M'a'ada with the lord of /agnaJ The rasiFsign occu'ied $% the lord of the /agna is called N#a&a /agnaN. The #a&a /agna signifies the whims and fancies of the native. )hile the natal /agna determines what is good or $ad for the $od%, #a&a /agna signifies what a 'erson li&es or disli&es. Thus, a 'a'a graha occu'%ing the /agna will not signif% clearl% the li&es and disli&es of the 'erson as the #a&a /agna would. Therefore, the relationshi' $etween a graha and the lord of the /agnaF#a&a /agna should $e studied carefull% to determine the li&es and disli&es, whims and fancies etc., of a 'erson. )hen the sam$andha of a graha is not good with the lord of /agnaF#a&a /agna, the graha tends to re2ect its significations. This determines the fact that a certain 'lacement of a graha, though it signifies certain naisargi& >ualities, loses such >ualities in terms of its relationshi' with the lord of the /agnaF#a&a /agna. This has to $e studied carefull% to determine whether the 'erson would marr% or not, what the 'erson will li&e or disli&e, what the 'erson will ada't or renounce etc. For e?am'le, mere occu'ation of /agna $% Shani . a naisargi&a significator of alcohol and negative things . will not determine the 'ersons li&ing for alcohol or negative as'ects as his 'a&a lagna would, while the converse is true in the case of $enefics. (3ote: +owever, Brihas'ati Y0ara&a for NBeevaN and -hi Sha&ti which is the most im'ortant >ualit% of manZ is the naisargi& &ara&a for #a&a /agna.) Since M'a'ada determines the natureFattitude of the 'erson towards the s'ouse who is a lifelong 'artner, it is ver% im'ortant that the signFrasi of the M'a'ada is aus'icious. It is the aus'iciousness of the rasi that determines the 'urit% of nature of the native and how the 'erson would treat the s'ouse. "n% affliction to the rasi, or if the rasi is inaus'icious, to that e?tent the nativeNs attitude towards the s'ouse is affected. This would mean that the com'ati$ilit%, fidelit%, affection etc., which form the $asics of good s'ousal relationshi', either $ecome >uestiona$le or it is totall% a$sent de'ending on the inaus'iciousness or affliction of the sign. Thus, the lord of !auna'ada $ecomes ver% im'ortant in determining the s'ouse (famil% etc.,), s'ousal attitude of the 'erson, and ha''inessFsorrow from s'ouse. "n e?alted lord of M'a'ada will $ring to the native a s'ouse from a no$le famil%, while in the case of a de$ilitated lord of M'a'ada the reverse holds true meaning there$% that the s'ouse will $e from a famil% $elow the status of the native. Following are the significations in the case of the lord of M'a'ada $eing con2oined with:

6. Sur%a . the s'ouse would $e from a famil% en2o%ing 'olitical 'ower, or from a higher caste meaning change in caste (as Sun re'resents tem'les . a 'lace where 'eo'le of higher learningFcaste liveFwor&)S 7. oon . the s'ouse could $e from a wealth% famil%, or a famil% with immense 'o'ularit%. artian >ualities li&e #olice,

:. ars . the s'ouse could $e from a famil% lin&ed with the ilitar%, 0shatri%a families etc.

<. ercur% . the s'ouse could $e from a famil% involved in dealing with writingF$oo&s, or in accounting 'rofessions, or in trade. 4. Bu'iter . the s'ouse would $e from a $rahmin famil%, or from a learned famil%, or from a 2udicial famil%. 8. Genus . the s'ouse could $e from a famil% with a 'oetic and romantic touch, artistic flair, involved with cattle (li&e dair%ing), dealing in clothes or cosmetics, or an%thing that is lin&ed with $eaut%. ;. Saturn . the s'ouse would $e from a lower famil%, or lower caste, or from a famil% engaged in menial 2o$s such as factor% wor&ers etc. =. (ahu . the s'ouse would $e from a famil% involved in gam$ling and other such related activities, or from a foreign land. 5. 0etu . the s'ouse could $elong to an ascetic famil%, or a famil% that is detached from normal stream of societ%. "s we &now the 'rinci'le that it is alwa%s the 7nd $hava that sustains the 'revious $hava, determining the effects of the 7nd $hava from M'a'ada $ecomes im'ortant in determining the sustenance of the marriage. "n% afflictions or inaus'iciousness of the 7nd $hava from the M'a'ada will indicate the length of marriage i.e., how long the marriage would last and when it $rea&s what will $e the reasons that determine such a $rea&. From this we get an im'ortant 'rinci'le:. The nature of sign in the 7nd $hava from M'a'ada is im'ortant in determining the real cause of $rea& in marriage (which could $e in the form of death (under various circumstances), legal or illegal se'aration, se'aration due to other ordinar% or e?traordinar% circumstances etc.,). The following graha 'lacementsFrasi in the 7nd $hava from M'a'ada indicate the $road causes for $rea& in marriage: 6. If the 7nd from M'a'ada ha''ens to locate a $enefic, or it is as'ected $% or con2unct with a $enefic, then the native en2o%s good results (from wife) . YB#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ; to 67Z. 7. If the 7nd from M'a'ada ha''ens to locate a 'a'a graha, andFor it is occu'ied or as'ected $% or con2unct with a graha in de$ilitation (either in rasiFnavamsa), then the destruction of wifeFmarital ha''iness is $ound to ha''en. YB#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ; to 67Z.

:. If the 7nd from M'a'ada ha''ens to locate an e?alted graha (either in rasi or navamsa) or should receive as'ect $% an% such graha, then the 'erson should have man% wives. The same is also a''lica$le in the case of ithun (>ualit% of co'ulation and man% com'anions) $eing the 7nd from M'a'ada. *ven Taurus (owned $% Shu&ra) is &nown to give 'luralit% of marriage. YB#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ; to 67Z. <. If the 7nd from M'a'ada ha''ens to $e occu'ied $% its own lord or if the said lord is in his other house (in the case of dual ownershi'), then the death of wife will $e at an advanced age. YB#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ; to 67Z. 4. If the graha, which is a constant indicator of wife (either the ;th lord or Su&ra) is in own house, the loss of wife will $e onl% at an advanced stage. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as 6: to 64). 8. If the lord of 7nd from M'a'ada is 7nd from the /agna (natal ascendant) and is with a 'a'a graha, then the marriage could $rea& due to the nativeNs thieving ha$its. ;. Shani and (ahu in 7nd from M'a'ada . loss of wife through death and calumn% (slander). (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&a . 68). If the said 7nd ha''ens to $e ShaniNs own house ( a&ar or 0um$h) the wife will have disease in legsS and, if (ahu too 2oins ShaniNs own house in 7nd, the wife is sure to $e lame. Shani, (ahu and Sur%a in the said 7nd will cause distress to $ones (Sur%a rules $ones). =. ercur% in 7nd from M'a'ada will cause ver$al warfare (Budh rules s'eech) with wife. *ven e?cess s'eech (unwanted s'eech) can damage the marriage. The marriage could $rea& due to e?tra.marital relationshi's, as Budh rules ithun and ithun signifies such relationshi's. Budh also signifies dealing with $oo&s and writing. Indulgence in $oo&s and writing could lead to a $rea& in marriage. Budh and 0etu in 7nd from M'a'ada causes $rea&age of $ones. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&a . 6=). Budh and (ahu in 7nd from M'a'ada will give a stout $od% to the wife. (Slo&as 65.77). If angal and Shani occu'% such a 7nd house that ha''ens to $e owned $% Budh, the wife then suffers from nasal disorders. (Slo&as 65.77). Budh and angal in the 7nd from M'a'ada will cause dental disorders to the wife. (Slo&as 65.77). +owever, Budh in 7nd from M'a'ada in wifeNs horosco'e will indicate a strong (a2%og for the hus$and. This too could $e a cause of $rea& in marriage.) 5. Shu&ra in 7nd from M'a'ada could signif% $rea& in marriage due to li$idinous activities. (isha$h $eing such a 7nd house indicates man% wives or 'luralit% of marriage, which could also $e a cause for $rea& in marriage. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ;.67). Shu&ra and 0etu in 7nd from M'a'ada will cause disorder of $lood, leucorrhoea. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9: Slo&a 6;). 69. oon in 7nd from M'a'ada would signif% $rea& in marriage (or death) due to 'ro$lems in the l%m'hatic fluids that would damage the 'h%sical health of the wife. "s oon rules mind, it could also indicate emotional 'ro$lems leading to $rea& in marriage. If Shani afflicts such 'lacement of the oon, it is sure to cause severe de'ressions for the wife. 66. Sur%a in 7nd from M'a'ada would cause deathFse'aration due to high fevers, $one disorders. 67. Brihas'ati in the 7nd from M'a'ada would cause $rea& due to child $irthFchildlessness, lac& of intelligence, e?cess weight etc. Bu'iter and (ahu in such a 7nd house will cause dental 'ro$lemsS while !uru and Shani in such a 7nd house will cause trou$le in e%esFears of the wife. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9: Slo&as 65.77).

6:. If angal ha''ens to $e in 7nd from M'a'ada, it could cause se'aration from wife through sudden accidents in com$ination with 0ethu for certainS $lood disordersS death in fightsS death due to arms and ammunitionsS se'aration due to fier% tem'eramentS anger and infle?i$ilit% and egoS and other artian >ualities. +owever, all these are to $e studied from the natal ascendant, /agna #ada ("rudha of /agna), the ;th from M'a'ada and the lords thereof. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9: Slo&as 77 ^ 7:.4). (M'a%a for dela%ed marriage: Fasting on the da%s of the lord . can consume onl% mil& and some fruits.) +owever, to clear the general afflictions to the ;th $hava and also the &idne%, 'ra%er to /ord Shiva is the &e%. Chanting the aha rit%un2e%a antra 66 times with mil& held in the hand and consuming that mil& immediatel% thereafter hel's in removing all 'oison (to?icit%) from the $od%. This not onl% 'urifies the mind (thought) $ut also cleanses the &idne%, which is signified $% the ;th $hava. Y aharshi "ttri is $elieved to cleansed the $od% of /ord Shiva off all the 'oison that he consumed during Sagar anthana $% 'lacing oon on his (ShivaNs) head. +ence mil& (signified $% oon) is $elieved to cure the afflictions of this house (ruled $% Shiva) with the chanting of aha rit%un2e%a antraZ. *ighth +ouse Q%u ranam ri'um cQ'i durgam mrtadhanam tathQ gat%anu&Qdi&am sarvam 'aV%edrandhrQdvica&shanah ..5.. Q%u. ageF longevit%S ranam . $attles and warsS ri'um . wea&nessesS cQ'i . and alsoS durgam . difficult situationS mrtadhanam . wealth of the deadF legac%F inheritenceS tathQ . and gat%anu&Qdi&am . things that have ha''enesS sarvam .ever%thingS 'aV%ed. seeS randhrQt. randhra $havaF =th houseS vica&shanah. o$serve fromF e?'erience from, $eing conscious of The length of oneNs life is to $e seen from the =th house. " strong =th house, lord of the =th and lord of the lagna who is also well 'laced determine the life of the 'erson. There are four t%'es of aa%us . (6) -irgaa%u (long life . $e%ond ;4 %ears)S (7) adh%aa%u (middle life . :7 to ;4 %ears)S and (:) "l'aa%u (short life . 79 to :7 %ears)S while the fourth t%'e is &nown as Balarishta (child death . 9 to 65 %ears). In normal 'arlance, a longlife or dirgaa%u is considered good as it generall% indicates the satisfaction of having lived the life as one gets enough time to accom'lish the desires. The strengths of the =th house and its lord, lagna and its lord and their 'lacementsS as also the 69th house and 69th lord (as it is the :rd house from the =th) are to $e considered 'ro'erl% $efore 'ronouncing the longevit% of the 'erson. Since the =th is indicative of the longevit%, it is also intimatel% connected with the $attlefield and enemies. " stronger enem% is $ound to &ill in the $attle while a wea&er enem% is li&el% to $e won over. " 'ro'er stud% of the =th house and the (udramsa can indicate the timing of war, the length of war and its victor% or defeat. Since =th is also an indicator of forts and fortresses, one will come to learn their strengths and wea&nesses, rise and fall of the forts (&ingdoms and &ings).

)e &now that the lord of =th is also called rogesh (lord of long.term disease). " 'ro'er and detailed stud% of the =th could indicate the t%'e of disease that one would die of and the length of time that one will suffer during the inimical 'eriod of the =th house and its lord. The 'lacement of the lord of =th will also indicate the 'lace where e?actl% in the 'h%sical $od% would one get affected $% disease, the t%'e and duration of such disease and its cure or otherwise. "ll this would de'end on the 'lacement of grahas in the =th, 'lacement and strength of lord of =th and lord of lagna. It would $e ver% interesting to note the relation $etween the ;th and =th house in terms of longevit%. )hile the =th indicates longevit%, the ;th ($eing the 67th to =th) indicates loss to the longevit%. " strong ;th indicating strongFover indulgence in se? causes loss of longevit%. /oss of semen, which is vitalit%, cuts short the length of life. Thus the ;th, which is o''osite to celi$ac%, affects ver% much the longevit% of life. " strong Genusian activit% is thus an enem% of the longevit%. =th is also the house of insurance. rutadhanam, meaning, the accruals in the form of legacies and

It is also &nown as the house of unearned wealth, which also includes gam$ling. )hile the activit% of gam$ling itself is seen from the =th house, the &arma (the act of s'eculation) for gam$ling is seen from the 4th house (it is the 69th from the =th . Bhat$havam 'rinci'le). Thus, the =th, along with the 8th and 67th houses is called the NdushtstanaN meaning the malefic houses $ecause of their a$ilit% to either create or ma&e enemies and 'rovide detachment and loss. The oon in =th is 'articularl% undesira$le as it is called U"shtama Chandra arana 0ara&aU meaning the oon in the =th wields death.inflicting 'owers to the signFhouse it owns. (ulers are &nown to $e &illed, wars are &nown to $e lost, 'ersons are &nown to lose their lives when the oon is 'laced in the =th. 3inth +ouse $hQg%am V%Qlam ca dharmam ca $hrQtr'atn%Qdi&QmstathQ tRrtha%QtrQdi&am sarvam dharmasthQnQnnirR&sha%et ..69.. $hQg%am. fortuneS V%Qlam ca. andS dharmam . 'ath of righteousness, duties and o$ligationsS ca. alsoS $hrQtr'atn%Qdi&QmstathQ . also the wife of the $rotherS tRrtha%QtrQdi&am . 'ilgrimages etc.S sarvam . ever%thingS dharmasthQnQnnirR&sha%et . 2udge from the dharma sthana (5th house) The 5th $hava signifies father, dharma, guru, 'ast &arma, $hag%a, long 2ourne%s, thighs, ($rotherNs wife), 2ourne%s to hol% 'laces etc. )h% is the 5th house the significator of father and dharmaJ From the 'rinci'le of trines, we &now that /ord Brahma resides in the 6st $hava, while /ord Shiva resides in the 4th and /ord Gishnu in the 5th $hava. )hile the 6st $hava signifies Na%uN ($irth) and the 4th signifies 'ros'erit%, the 5th indicates NdharmaN since /ord Gishnu resides in it. It is he who fi?es the dharma of the 'erson and gives according to what he deserves.

The 5th house of the naisargi& rasi cha&ra is -hanur (Sagittarius) which is a fier% sign and its lord is -evaguru Brihas'ati (Bu'iter). The fier% nature of -hanur is $ecause of its agni tatwa, which means energ% in the form of light. This agni is called the NBrihat "gniN or the light of enlightenment and it acts on the dhi sha&ti (head) without with one will never $e a$le to attain enlightenmentF&nowledge. This energ% is re'resented $% Brihas'ati as we &now that he is the significator of dhi sha&ti. It is $ecause of the reason that /ord GishnuNs will in determining the creation of the 'erson, his dharma, his $hag%a etc., is seen from this house of Brihas'ati, that Bu'iter is seen as re'resenting !od (BhagavateFBhagam) in the horosco'e. Brihas'ati is said to re'resent !od in the horosco'e $ecause he 'ossesses all the >ualities li&e shantam ('eace), shu$hala&shanam (good loo&sFdis'osition), da%a (merc%) etc., that !od 'ossesses. But how is Brihas'ati connected with the $irth of the individualJ Bu'iter re'resents !od and he is the sustainer of life (2eeva) while Sur%a is the giver of life. Therefore, there should $e some graha re'resenting and acting as !od to create life. It is Sur%a, in the form of father who acts as !od to create life. !od fi?es our $irth on the $asis of our 'ast &arma $ut he cannot ta&e $irth on earth to create ever% individual $eing. The 2o$ of creation is thus the res'onsi$ilit% of the father when he, at that moment of creation, acts as !od. The re'resentation of !od in 'h%sical form $% the father is the reason wh% the 5th house is associated with father. +ow is father res'onsi$le for $irthJ The atma that is to ta&e $irth resides in the $od% of the father in a 'lace called U ooladharacha&raU. The ooladharacha&ra is actuall% the end of the s'inal chord in our $od%. In the fetal stage, the $a$% in the wom$ of the mother develo's with a tail, which is actuall% the e?tension of the s'inal chord, which graduall% recedes, with the growth of the fetus. In the Bhagwad !ita, /ord 0rishna has e?'lained how the atma comes to reside in this cha&ra of the father. It is in the form of rain that the atma comes down on the earth and through the soil, it enters the trees and gets into the fruits through the sa' of the tree. The atma, then finds its wa% to the father when such a fruit which $ears the atma to $e $orn is consumed $% him. Through the $lood stream it reaches the mooladharacha&ra where it resides till such time fi?ed $% !od for its $irth. The deit% of ooladharacha&ra is /ord aha !ana'thi as he is the deit% of 0etu. )e &now that 0etu rules the tail. It is the initial tail that graduall% recedes to $ecome the end of the s'ine and is &nown as ooladharacha&ra. Thus, 0etu $ecomes the im'ortant graha to $e studied to see the 'rocreative as'ects of the father. Therefore, 0etu is &nown to e?'and the famil% in terms of num$ers and is also s%m$olicall% re'resented $% a %ellow s>uare, which is the s%m$ol of 0etu ('rocreation). Since Sur%a is the giver of life and is the naisargi& atma&ara& (who also re'resents father), it is e?alted in "ries in the "shwin na&shatra, which is a na&shatra of 0etu. Thus, we see the connection of how and wh% Sun is e?alted in "ries. Thus, we come to see the relationshi' $etween father and !od. Therefore, the 'h%sical 'resenceFform of father is seen from the 5th house. Besides, the other im'ortant of role of father in a 'ersonNs life is to teach the child the idealsF'rinci'les of life. The first ideolog%F'rinci'le, otherwise &nown as dharma, is learnt from the house i.e., from the father. Then comes the role of the teacher . !uru. " good guru teaches good things to the child. !ood &nowledge is ver% im'ortant for the 'ro'er u'$ringing of the child. It is good &nowledge and good 'rinci'les im$i$ed $% the child $oth in the famil% and from the !uru, that stand good in the life of a 'erson. It &ee's him 'rinci'led in life. "nd good 'rinci'les

inculcate good and strong disci'line. Therefore, the 5th house $ecomes a ver% im'ortant chart in the life of a 'erson. "n% deviation fromFdesertion of dharma leads to the destruction of the self finall%. )hen dharma ('rinci'le) is affected, the 66th house (la$hasthana) therefrom, which is the ;th house indicating wife, is first affected. Su$se>uentl% leading to affect the 4th (the house of children . $ecause the wifeNs 'rinci'les (;th) is affected) and the :rd is affected as the 'ra&ram$al of the native is used to shield the famil% (wife and children). "nd when the :rd is affected, the /agna too is affected $ecause it is the individual who is adding on to his sins ('aa'a). 3ow, when is the dharma affectedJ It gets affected in a $id to earn more (la$ha . 66th house). Bad 'rinci'les ado'ted to increase the income in la$hasthan (66th) no dou$t increases the income, $ut it also increases the sins to that e?tent affecting the 5th house, which sets of a chain reaction to the other houses (66th therefrom). This is derived from the U andoo&a -ashaU ( andoo&a dasha means frog 2um's on ever% third house. This is seen in the (udramsa chart and is seen for devining wars, victories, defeats etc.). Thus, the 5th $hava is also for disci'line. It indicates NBa'aN which disci'lines the 'ersonNs life. Strong 5th house will indicate a strong sense of disci'line and, hence, strong 'rinci'les. This will reflect the e?tent to which the 'erson will o$serve disci'line in life and o$edience towards his father and !uru. (" strong 5th and the Sun 'laced in <th or =th from /agna indicates the 'erson to $e ver% o$edient to father.) The 5th house also reflects the 'ast &arma of the 'erson. It is the good deeds in oneNs life that determine the >ualit% of life one would lead in the ne?t $irth. The 'h%sical $od% of a 'erson 'erishes with time, $ut the atma carries with it the &arma accumulated $% the 'erson. It is according to this &arma that one gets the share (Bhag%a . derived from $haga or $hagam, meaning the share from fatherF!od) of the material things in the world. +ence, the 5th house is also called the house of NBhag%aN . meaning, what one would en2o% as hisFher share of things in the world as decided $% !od. Since the 5th signifies the thighs of the 'erson, it also indicates long distance 2ourne%s. )hile stud%ing long distance 2ourne%s, it is ver% im'ortant to stud% the UBala'atha sahamU (Bala . meaning waterS 'atham . meaning crossingS and saham . meaning 'oint) to rec&on whether the 'erson will cross large $odies of water (oceans etc.,) and also U#aradesa sahamU (#aradesa . meaning foreignS and saham . meaning 'oint) to rec&on whether the 'erson will have residence in foreign land. +owever, the sam$andha of Shu&ra is also to $e rec&oned as he is the significator of vehicles (means of conve%ance), while 0etu, the mo&sha&ara&a, will indicate astral travels (travel of the atma $% detachment from the 'h%sical self . which is normall% attained onl% $% Sadhus after strong ta'as%a. 0etu hel's attain this $% wa% of detaching the mind from the 'h%sical self.). 5th $hava $eing the house of the /ord, it also indicates tem'les and other 'laces of worshi' (strong influence of Sur%a on 5th will indicate construction of tem'les, while affliction from (ahu will indicate destructionFdesecration of religious 'laces). 5th $hava also indicates the wife of the %ounger $rother and also the wifeNs %ounger sister. "nother as'ect that could $e seen from the 5th house is NrenunciationN and its timing is to $e derived from its N-rig -ashaN (-rig . is the 'ower to see). The s'iritual guru of the 'erson is to $e seen from the NGimsamsaN (-.79) chart of the 'erson. It is the s'iritual guru who can hel' and guide the 'erson during tr%ing times and 'ut himFher on the right 'ath.

Thus, we ma% see that the 5th house is a ver% im'ortant house of the horosco'e of a 'erson. It reflects the 'rinci'les and ideals of the 'erson and to what e?tent will heFshe follow it in life. Thus, a good and strong 5th house would mean a strongl% 'rinci'led life and o''osite would hold true in case of afflictions of the 5th. Connection $etween the lords of the 5th and 69th $havas will indicate U-harma&armadi'ati DogaU which will mean that the 'erson will use the 'rinci'les (whatever ac>uired from famil% and from guru) in 'erforming &arma (2o$). +ence, it ma% safel% $e assumed that 'rescri$ing a stoneFgem of the 5th lord would $e immensel% $eneficial to the 'erson at all times with the e?ce'tion $eing the case where the 5th lord is also the lord of the 8th house (the house of enemies). "lso, Bu'iter $eing the lord of the 5th of the natural ,odiac, chanting the mantra UOm !urave 3amahaU will strengthen the 5th house, while chanting the mantra UOm Sat !urave 3amahaU will 'acif% himFher and also strengthen the 'erson s'irituall%.

Tenth +ouse rQ2%am cQ&QVamvrttim ca mQnam caiva 'itustathQ 'ravQsas%a rnas%Q'i v%omasthQnQnnirR&shanam ..66.. rQ2%am . ro%alt%F &ingsh2i'F authorit%S ca. andS Q&QVamvrttim . am$itionS ca. andS mQnam . re'utationF fameS caiva. and alsoS 'ituh. fatherS tathQ . andS 'ravQsas%a . living in foreign land, immigrationS rnas%Q'i . also de$tsS v%omasthQnQt. the house of s&%F etherF a&ashaS nirR&shanam. 2udge from (o%alt%Fauthorit% ((a2%am)S 'lace and 'rofessionFlivelihoodFhonourS gains from fatherS living in foreign lands and de$ts are to $e understood from the 69th house so sa%s the standard te?t (B#+S). The 69th house is the most im'ortant >uadrantF&endra of a chart. It is one of the 'rinci'le 'illars of the life of the 'erson as it de'icts the &armaFaction of the individual. This shows the &armic direction in oneEs life. It is to $e seen along with the 5th house which shows the dharma of the 'erson. "n% connection $etween the 5th and 69th house will show the inter. lin& $etween the dharmi& (religious) and &armic (action) levels of the native. The 69th house of the natural ,odiac is Ca'ricorn ( a&ar) owned $% Saturn (Sani). Our aharishis were such great seers that what astronomical science is 'roving toda% regarding the gradual drift or 'recession of the solar s%stem towards the constellation Ca'ricorn, was reali,ed and noted $% them man% thousands of %ears ago. The four >uadrantsF&endras ("ries ( esh)S Cancer (0ar&)S /i$ra (Thula) and Ca'ricorn ( a&ar)) of the natural ,odiac re'resent the four %uga as follows: 6. 7. :. <. "ries ( esh) . 6st house . Sat%ug Cancer (0ar&) . <th house . Treta%ug /i$ra (Thula) . ;th house . -wa'ar%ug Ca'ricorn ( a&ar) . 69 thouse . 0ali%ug

"B+IBIT 3"0S+T(" 69T+ +OMS* "3- T+* (*/*G"3C* I3 0"/IDM! Gedic (+indu) astrolog% is $ased on the lunar movement and is, therefore, centred around the movement of oon (re'resenting 0rishna Gishnu avatar). The horosco'e is, therefore, $ased on the 'rinci'le movement of oon. The fi?ation of oon decides the fi?ation of other 'lanets in the chart. oon ta&es 7; and 6F:rd da%s to traverse the ,odiac from ,ero degrees Cancer (0ar&) and return to ,ero degrees Cancer. This would mean that there should $e 7; _ asterismsF3a&shatras. +owever, we have 7; visi$le asterismsF3a&shatras from "shwini to (ohini and the 6F:rd invisi$le na&shatra. The 6F:rd 'art of the invisi$le na&shatra was referred to +ari ( aha Gishnu) and this was found to $e a''ro?imatel% 69 degrees (all other stars rule 6:degrees and 79 minutes of a signFconstellation). "s Ca'ricorn ( a&ar) is the constellation that is the a$ode of aha Gishnu in &ali%ug, this invisi$le (inter.Calar%) na&shatra named @"B+IBIT 3"0S+T("A was fi?ed in the a&ar rasi. This is the rasi and star towards which the entire solar s%stem is &nown to $e heading and this movement of the solar s%stem is &nown is `'recessionE. This is the na&shatra used to ad2ust the motion of oon. This na&shatra is most 'owerful during the noon (67 noon) when aha Gishnu is &nown to $e on the move to ensure dharma and all good wor&s can safel% $e underta&en during this 'eriod. Since this is in Ca'ricorn the 69th house of the natural ,odiac, the significanceFim'ortance of the 69th house in ever% individuals chart $ecomes ver% im'ortant and central to a 'ersonEs >ualit% of life and action. " strong 69th house determines whether a 'erson will $ecome a &arma%ogi or not. 0arma is actionFla$our and 'erform &arma one e?'ends energ%. Therefore, the first significator of the 69th house $ecomes Saturn (Sani) as he uses u' a great deal of energ% to do a wor&. Besides, Saturn is the 'lanet who &ee's the account of all $ad &armas of a 'erson and 'unishes a 'erson according to the deeds of the 'erson. Thus, Saturn is also &nown as a `0armic 'lanetE. Besides the individual &arma, Saturn also &ee's an account of the `#itri (inaE (de$ts of father and forefathers). Therefore, the first action of a 'erson $orn on this earth should $e to wi'e awa% the `'itri rinaE. /ord 0rishna sa%s in Bhagwad !ita that $lessed are those who die without an% de$ts `'itri rinaE in 'articular. To wi'e awa% all accumulated de$ts and to 'erform wor& one needs energ% and this energ% comes from the 'lanet ars ( angal). ars, thus, $ecomes the 7nd im'ortant 'lanet so far as the 69th house is concerned. "s a matter of fact, this one of the 'rime reasons wh% ars e?alts and also attains dig$al in the 69th house. ars is re'resented $% /ord +anuman who is a s%m$ol of su'reme strength and energ%. (egular 'ra%ers to /ord +anuman will thus remove all artian afflictions and hel' 'erform right &arma. )here does all the energ% of ars come fromJ Sun (Sur%a) (3ara%an) is the onl% source from where ars draws the strengthFenerg%. Sun is therefore another chief 'lanet for the activities of the 69th house. Sun also gains dig$al along with ars in the 69th house. It is, therefore, ver% im'ortant that all &armaFactivit% is 'erformed during the da% when there is natural sun light. #erformance of an% &armaFactivit% either good or $ad re>uires intelligence (-hi sha&ti). Thus, Bu'iter, the chief significator of `-hi Sha&tiE $ecomes the :rd im'ortant 'lanet for the 69th house. (egular chanting of `Brihas'ati !a%atriE hel's strengthen Bu'iter, which eventuall% strengthens the intelligence of the 'erson and also hel's the 'erson 'erform onl% right and good &arma.

One of the most im'ortant as'ects of doing an% &armaFaction, is the $asic desire to do so. This desire for doing a &arma comes from the 'lanet ercur% (Budh). Therefore, ercur% $ecomes a ver% im'ortant 'lanet for the 69th house. " wea& and afflicted ercur% could ruin the life of a 'erson due to lac& of desire to 'erform an% &armaFactivit%. The 'ositive sides a'art, the following are the negative sides of the a$ove 'lanets in the 69th house when the% are either too strong or wea&Fafflicted: 6. Sun K short term goals over shadow the long termFactual goals of the 'erson. Therefore, the a%ana (direction) of the 'erson is lost. 7. Saturn K there is too much of hard wor& with minimum of returns or ver% little achievement. :. ars K there is ver% high energ% level and there is too much driveF'assion in an%thingFwor& underta&en $% the 'erson. <. Bu'iter K there is sim'l% too much &nowledge and, therefore, lac& of focus $ecause of the $road $ase of &nowledge. This as'ect can, however, $e controlled $% strengthening Saturn (the lord of Bu'iterEs de$ilit%) the 'rimar% level of control. The secondar% level of control is $% strengthening oon (the lord of Bu'iterEs e?altation). Saturn Bu'iter con2unction causes `Brahma DogaE. The different as'ects of &armaFactivit% are: (a) Creation ($) #reservationS and (c) -estruction The 'lanet occu'%ing the 69th house signifies the &armaFactivit% that would $e 'erformed $% the individual. Sun in the 69th will signifies the creation. It re'resents a &ing or to' 'ositions in the government. It is $hagwan (am who decides who will $e the &ing. Thus, Sun in the 69th will give (a2%oga while its affliction will give the o''osite `#ravra2%a %ogaE, meaning renunciation. Sun as'ected $% Saturn will cause dela% or loss of the (a2%oga. oon in the 69th signifies 'reservation. The sustenance of the (a2%og de'ends on the will of 0rishna ( oon). " wea& or afflicted oon will render an oscillating (a2%og. To sustain such a wea& or oscillating ra2%og, it is im'ortant to strengthen ars (the lord of oonEs de$ilit%) at the 'rimar% level, and Genus (the lord of oonEs e?altation) at the secondar% level. The 67 +ouses of Iodiac. From B#+S This article was com'iled $% Sarat Chander one of the foremost student of #t. San2a% (ath, $ased on the teachings of #t. (ath. It was given to me long $ac&, which I am 'utting here, with m% own additions, for the $enefit of the B%otish *nthusiasts. First +ouse deham rO'amca 2PQnam ca varnam caiva $alQ$alam su&ham duh&ham sva$hQvaPca lagna$hQvQnnirR&sha%et ..7..

deham . $od%S rO'am. loo&sS ca. as well asS 2PQnam . &nowledge F intelligenceS ca. as well asS varnam a''earanceS caiva. caTeva and alsoS $alQ$alam strengths and vigourS su&ham duh&ham . $liss and unha''inessS sva$hQvaPca. natureS lagna$hQvQn. from /agna BhavaS nirR&sha%et. 2udge aharishi sa%s to aitre%a that the 'h%si>ue, a''earance, intellect (also the $rain), the com'le?ion of the $od%, strength and vigour, wea&ness, ha''iness, grief and the inner nature of the 'erson is to $e determined from the /agna or "scendant or the 6st $hava. The 6st house, &nown as the /agna or "scendant, alwa%s rises in the *ast at the time of $irth. Sur%a, $eing the naisargi&a atma&ara&a, $ecomes a ver% vital graha for the 6st house and his strength and 'lacement is to $e rec&oned carefull%. " strong and well 'laced /agna lord will $estow long and >ualitative life. The 6st house is the fountainhead of the entire life of the native. The 6st indicates the $irth of the 'erson and how and in what form and 'h%si>ue !od has wanted himFher to $e $orn. Thus the 6st $hava and the lord of the 6st $hava, who is also called the N/agneshN are ver% $asics and im'ortant to the reading of the chart. *ach of the 67 houses of the chart has its significance and each of the significance is closel% lin&ed to the 6st house i.e., $irth. "s 'er the &ala'urusha, the 6st $hava is indicative of $rain, which is &nown for intelligence, we can safel% conclude that Brihas'ati, who re'resents !od, is seated on the head of man and the 'lace is &nown as NBrahma'eethaN or the seat of Brihas'ati. It is Brihas'ati who &nows and sees all as it is he who has the su'reme intelligence and this su'reme intelligence is !od. +ence !uru is &nown as the one re'resenting !od in the chart. Thus, his 'lacement $ecomes vitall% im'ortant to anal%,e the intelligence and &nowledge, dis'osition and the general well $eing of the 'erson. If the lord of the 6st $hava is either 'laced in or as'ects or has an%thing to do with the :rd, 4th and 8th houses, the native of the chart %earns for &nowledge . he is alwa%s in >uest for &nowledge . and he is called a U-heemantahU. In other words, the native is said to 'ossess U-heemantah DogaU. )hile, the reverse is true onl% in the case where the lord of the 4th $hava is either 'laced or as'ects the 6st $hava. Second +ouse dhanadhQn%am &utum$QmVca mrt%u2Qlamamitra&am dhQturatnQdi&am sarvam dhanasthQnQnnirR&sha%et ..:.. dhana. wealthS dhQn%am. grains and cerealsS &utum$Qm. famil%S ca. as well asS mrt%u2Qlam.death tra'S mitra&am. S dhQturatnQdi&am. 'recious metals and gemsS sarvam. all dhanasthQnQn.'laces of wealth, such as $an& or treasure $o? etcS nirR&sha%et. 2udge )ealth, food (grains and cereals)S nature of food consumed (>uantit% and >ualit%)S )ealthS famil% (0ula)S famil% deit% (0ula -evata)S stored wealth (Sanchita -hana) which could $e valued in terms of mone% at an% 'oint of timeS granar%S treasur%S storage housesS godownsS teethS li'sS mouthS s'eechS e%esS gold and assets and all 'ro'ert%S " good famil% is a sound re>uirement of a 'erson. Being $orn in a 'articular famil% has a 'articular relevance. *ach famil% follows and worshi's a certain deit% as its famil% deit%,

which ha''ens to $e the guiding deit% of the famil%. These are to $e rec&oned from the 7nd house. The 7nd house is a vital house of the chart. It actuall% sustains the lagna or ascendant. It is the house of /ord Gishnu, the 'reserver, the sustainer of life. It is he who ta&es care of the 'eo'le and it is he who 'rovides for food etc. )ithout food and the wealth to $u% the food, life cannot $e sustained. To achieve the o$2ective of the $irth of the atma, food is ver% essential to sustain the $od% in which the atma has ta&en refuge. So the 7nd would indicate the >uantit% and >ualit% of food that is consumed $% the 'erson. )hen we sa% wealth, we are actuall% tal&ing of the sustaining 'ower . the 'ower to $u% us food and good things in life and in times of dire needs. So we are tal&ing of Nsanchita dhanaN meaning stored wealth. "n% stored wealth which is li>uidata$le for 'urchase of food and essentials at the time of need. Such stored wealth includes, stored foodgrains and granaries, gold, 'recious metals and gems etc., or an% such thing which is readil% converti$le into mone%. The 7nd house is also &nown as the mara&a . death inflicting. "fflictions to the 7nd could lead to loss of wealth and shree%am which leads to lac& of food and ever%thing that is needed for sustenance. Im'ro'er inta&e of food or lac& of food sets in disease which signifies the death of the lagan or the 'erson. Third +ouse vi&ramam $hrt%a$hrQtrQdi co'adeVa'ra%Qna&am 'itrorvai maranam vi2Po duVci&%Qcca nirR&sha%et ..<.. vi&ramam. Courage and GalourS $hrt%a$hrQtrQdi. $rothers and sistersS co'adeVa. caTu'adesham. also adviceS 'ra%Qna&am. 2ourne%S 'itrorvai maranam. death of fatherS vi2Po . &nowledgeF intelligence, duVci&%Qcca . JJ, nirR&sha%et. 2udge The :rd house indicates armsS strength of the arms (#ara&rama $ala)S courageS $rothers and sisters (Co.$orns)S short 2ourne%s (as a child wal&s with the hel' of his arms)S longevit%S intelligenceS creativit%S a'titude for wor& and the t%'e of wor& done (an evil graha in the third would indicate wor& in the armed forcesF#olice or connected to it $ased on the graha wherein Sur%a heads the 'lacement in indicating the ran& and honour and t%'e of service rendered)S S&ills for wor& etc. The strength of the arms is called N'ara&ram$alN. The :rd house indicates how an in what manner will a 'erson use the strength of the arms. )hether it will $e in the right direction and for the right 'ur'ose or not can $e gauged from the rasi, rasi lord and the graha(s) in the :rd $hava. The :rd $hava, along with the 8th, 69th and 66th $havas, is a NM'acha%aN (meaning growing) $hava. Since it is a u'acha%a, the activities of this house is totall% controlla$le $% the 'erson. It is not $e%ond the control of man that he cannot change the fate or what is 're.destined. Thus, we can see that &arma and all activities related to the &arma are in the u'acha%a $havas and are totall% controlla$le $% man. " 'erson with a strong :rd house ma% $e good at sword fighting and would have ver% good 'ara&ram$al, $ut it is u'to him to choose whether to fight at all or not. Thus his &arma is in his hands.

The :rd house is also the 66th from the 4th house, which indicates the gains from &nowledge. This im'lies in what manner will the 'erson utili,e the &nowledge he 'ossesses. )hether it would $e 'ut to gainful use or not can $e deduced from here. :rd +ouse also indicates what would $e 'redominantl% held in the hand: Saturn . Bow and "rrow Sur%a . !un, Sword angal . S'ear, Trisul, Sul !uru . Tulsi mala or Ba' mala Su&ra . Flowers, 'aint $rush (an%thing $eautiful) Budh .#en

Fourth +ouse vQhanQn%atha $andhOmVca mQtrsau&h%Qdi&Qn%a'i nidhi &shetram grham cQ'i caturthQt 'aricinta%et ..4.. The <th $hava indicates mother, motherland, relatives, 'ro'ert%, vehicles and other conve%ances, 'eace of mind, 'ros'erit% of self, heart, formal education, general ha''iness, home and ha''iness. The <th house, along with the 6st, ;th and 69th houses, is one of the four >uadrants or angles and it ha''ens to $e one of the 'illars of a 'ersonNs chart. The first is the lagna or $irth, while the ;th is the descendent of the lagna where the 'erson comes down to the $asics of desire. The 69th is the s&%, where one clim$s according to &arma, while <th is the nadir . N'atalN . where one finds himself after the fall from the s&% (&arma). Thus, the >uadrants are ver% im'ortant houses of the horosco'e. The <th is a ver% vital house inasmuch as it deals with oneNs mother and general ha''iness of life. The child, in its initial %ears of life, is full% under the 'rotective cover of the mother. It is mother who understands ever%thing related to the child. It is she who 'rovides her child food, shelter, and succor to life. The child also loo&s for the mother whenever it feels hungr% or insecure. )hen man falls from the heights of glor% (the 69th . &arma$hava) no$od% e?ce't his mother who still wishes the ver% $est for him and 'rovides him the succor. The mother 'rotects even unrul% and sinful children. Such is the $lind, un$iased and true love of mother for the child. /ord 0rishna has therefore rightl% called U atru$hava -evtaU meaning the mother . child relationshi' to $e a relationshi' $etween the individual and !od. Therefore, the <th $hava, in the form of motherNs love and relationshi', esta$lishes the love for !od. It is the /ord who hel's us at the wea&est time li&e the mother who hel's the child when it is most vulnera$le. Sri "di Shan&ara has, therefore, said that, motherNs $lessing was of vital im'ortance for the attainment of mo&sha. +e said: U!atistvam gatistvam tvame&a $havaniU. It is the $lessings of mother that actuall% 'rovides one the s'eed (gati) in the direction and desire for setting out on the 'ath for s'iritualism. It is also $ecause mother (also !od) is the one who 'rovides Nashra%aN . shelter . to the 'erson that we see the ac>uisition of landed 'ro'ert% and house(s) $oth in the native land and elsewhere, including foreign lands, from the <th house. #lacement of the lord of <th in =th would indicate ac>uisition of 'ro'ert% in other 'laces, while its 'lacement in 67th would mean ac>uisition of 'ro'ert% in foreign lands.

It also indicates an%thing that is im$i$ed or received from the mother. The first language that we s'ea& . our mother tongue isS the 'lace where we are $orn . motherlandS the love for our culture and motherland is also to $e seen from the <th house. "n% inimical or 'a'a graha in the <th affects to that e?tent the s%m$oli,ation of the <th house. The <th also rules the heart. "fter all, love . true love . is 'ossi$le onl% if there is a heart (conscious mind) to do so. True is nothing $ut 'ursuit of the loved one with heart and soul. "n% $enevolence or arrogance of the 'ersonNs heart, whether a 'erson is good or $ad at heart, is to $e seen from the strength and 'lacement of the <th house, its lord and other grahas in it. #lacement of (ahu could give a hardFstout heart. It could also indicate heart diseaseFafflictions to heart de'ending on its 'lacement etc., while 'lacement of a $enefic li&e Genus could indicate 'assionate love and a ver% &ind mother. Thus, afflictions to the heart, $oth 'h%sical and emotional, are to $e seen from the <th house. Thus, the <th also $ecomes the house of ha''iness and grief. 3o afflictions or good 'lacements could give a general sense of attainment of ha''iness and less emotional strains. This esta$lishes a clear connection $etween the heart (<th) and the mind (6st). The general sense of ha''iness 'revails onl% when the desires are fulfilled. The <th house also deals with formal education. It indicates the e?tent and t%'e of formal education that one would get in life. It indicates the school, college or institution, the length till which one will have formal education. )hile 'resence of (ahu in the <th will also indicate general defiance in studies and distur$ances to mother etc., it would also indicate an inclination and even good control over foreign languages . something which is uncommon to the native. "ll modes of conve%ances, of course . with the sam$andha of Genus who is the naisargi&a &ara&a for vehiclesFconve%ances, is to $e studied and 'redicted from the <th hosue. )hile 'resence or as'ect of Genus on the <th would mean attainment and en2o%ment of material 'leasures of all good things of life, 'resence of as'ect of grahas li&e (ahu, 0etu, Sani would mean denial or destruction of the 'leasures of the world resulting in lac& of general ha''iness. Thus we ma% sa% that the results indicated $% an% graha in the <th fructif% fast, while that of those in the 6st or ;th will $e felt onl% in the later 'art of life. The general sense of ha''iness to an individual comes onl% when the ac>uisitions are self. made. Though we &now the need and im'ortance of &arma (69th) we still tend to run after the comforts for self. It is when we achieve these comforts in the world of ma%a that we feel satisfied. It is this 'roud sense of satisfaction on having achieved something material that gives ha''iness to ever%$od%. Fifth +ouse %antramantrau tathQ vid%Qm $uddheVcaiva 'ra$andha&am 'utrarQ2%Q'a$hrQmVQdRn 'aV%et 'utrQla%Qd $udhah ..8.. %antramantrau. %antras and mantrasS tathQ . andS vid%Qm . learningF &nowledgeS $uddheVcaiva . also intelligenceS 'ra$andha&am. com'ositionS 'utra. 'rogen%F sonS rQ2%Q. &ingdomF stateS Q'a$hrQmVQdRn. corru'tionF falling down from 'lace of honourS 'aV%et . seeS 'utrQla%Qd . fifth houseF the 'lace of sonS $udhah . o$serve The 4th house indicates &nowledge, the &nowledge of mantras and %antras (amulets etc., used in s'iritualism), children (sons), 'lanning, status or authorit% received from the

government (or ro%alt%) and other 'laces, fall of 'osition or status etc., . In general, the house of future. )e are aware that the 6st, the 4th and the 5th form the -harma Tri&ona. )e are also aware of Brihas'atiNs influence on the 4th house as he is the &ara&a for children (to $e seen from the 4th), for &nowledge (dhi sha&ti and he is also the !uru . teacher) and a su'reme $enefic for the well $eing of the 'erson during his life time. Therefore, Brihas'atiNs influence on the 4th is to $e rec&oned with great care and his is to $e 'ro'itiated for general well $eing and gain of &nowledge and good things in lifeS and more so when there is an% affliction to the 4th, 'articularl% that of (ahu. Children are the ho'e for the future of 'arents and also the generation. "s 'arents gam$leFs'eculate our future $% wa% loo&ing for assistance and achievements from our children in our later %ears. Therefore, the 4th not onl% $ecomes the house of future of the 'erson $ut also the house to loo& for s'eculative a$ilities and name and fame to $e gained in future. It is the =th from the 69th (&arma $hava) and the 69th from the =th house ($ased on the NBhavat$havamN 'rinci'le). +ence the s'eculative a$ilities is to $e seen from the 4th house as it $ecomes the &arma$hava for the =th house which is &nown for gam$ling activities (or unearned wealth). 4th is the house that sustains the <th $eing 7nd from it. Thus, we ma% derive the general well $eing of the heart from the 4th. It 'rovides life and succor to the heart $% wa% of love. /ove is the 'rime essence of well $eing. )hen de'rived of it, it not onl% wrec&s the heart emotionall%, $ut also 'h%sicall%. B% virtue of $eing in the 7nd from the <th $hava (formal &nowledge) and also $ecause it is an activit% related to Brihas'ati the significator of dhi sha&ti without which one never accom'lishes an%thing, the 4th house gains im'ortance $% wa% of $oth formal and informal education. Intelligence to com'rehend an%thing and 'utting it to effective use is ver% im'ortant for a meaningful living. Since it is the !uru (teacher) who confers the &nowledge of NmantraN, tantra and N%antraN vid%a, it $ecomes the most im'ortant house to loo& for the &nowledge of the same and also the res'ect and o$edience one would have towards the 'rece'tors (gurus and teachers). Thus, an% affliction to the 4th would reflect the negatives of the house in terms of &nowledge and intelligence of the 'erson, as also the res'ect and o$edience for guruFteacher. One of the negative as'ects of an afflicted 4th house would also indicate the s'eculative action that one would 'erform in the case of gam$ling (as it is the 69th from the =th house . Bhavat. $havam 'rinci'le). The 4th house also ha''ens to $e the 66th from the ;th (house of marriage). +ence the rec&oning of gains from marriage is estimated from the 4th house. The 'lacement of different 'lanets in 4th are as follows: ............................................................................................. Sun Indicates anger during child $irth, struggle in the middle life, living in loneliness, love for father. oon /ove for mother, love for motherland ars /ove for co.$orn(s), &nowledge of tactics of war, love or ade't in arms, martial arts, s'orts and an%thing where aggression is re>uired. "lso indicates a good coo&. 0nowledge of

surger%. It could also indicate ceasarian child $irth (during such times +anuman #oo2a is suggested and N#itavastraN . %ellow cloth is 'laced near the 'lace of $irth to 'acif% the effects of 0u2a), $ut Bu'iterNs 'resence would sto' ceasarian and will allow a normal $irth. ercur% Ger% intelligent, love for &nowledge and intelligence, love for children, accom'lished in accounting and trade and commerce. Bu'iter /ove for son, fond of su'reme &nowledge including vedic &nowledge, fond of teaching, learned in law and could $e a 2udge, ver% divine. Genus /ove for daughter, fond of worldl% 'leasures, love for conve%ances, love for travel, love for $eautiful things. Saturn /ove for stale things, lethargic and la,%, fond of slee'ing, 'rocrastinating and slow moving. (ahu Brilliant 'lanning, shad%antra (dece'tive 'lanning), lac& of (es'ect for gurus ('rece'tors), love for all &inds of 'leasures. 0etu /ac& of 'lanning, headless activit%, denial of what is loved. The numeric num$ers and the num$er of children re'resented $% the grahas are as follows: Sur%a . 6 one child Chandra . 7 two children Brihas'ati . : three children (ahu . < four children Budh . 4 five children Shu&ra . 8 si? children 0etu . ; seven children Shani . = eight children angal . 5 nine children Si?th +ouse mQtulQnta&aVan&QnQm VatrOmVcaiva vranQdi&Qn sa'atnRmQtaram cQ'i shashtha$hQvQnnirR&sha%et ..;.. mQtula. maternal uncleS anta&a. endF deathS Van&QnQm. dou$ts and mistustS VatrOm. enemiesS caiva. and alsoS vrana. in2uriesF ulcerF tumorS adi&Qn. etc.S sa'atnRmQtaram. ste'.motherS cQ'i . and alsoS shashtha$hQvQnnirR&sha%et . 2udge from si?th $hava. The 8th house indicates maternal uncle, dou$ts a$out death, enemies, ulcers, ste' mother, 'unishment etc.

The 8th $hava, along with the :rd, 69th and 66th is a NM'acha%aN. It is the house of service (wor&). 8th is also the house of 'unishment, de'ending on whether the wor& 'erformed is good or $ad, as 'er the 'rinci'le . UTanau Tanah -anda +araU (8th and 66th (Tanau Tanah means 8th to 8th) are the houses of 'unishment and reward), wherein N-andaN means 'unishment and N+araN means gaining victor%. The /ord gains victor% over the 'erson $% showing him the rewards. +owever, the amount of 'unishment and reward to $e meted out to a 'erson is 'urel% the &nowledge of !od as it is onl% he who can determine it. The 8th is the :rd from <th, which is the house of mother. +ence maternal uncles are seen from the 8th house. 8th is the house of enemies. The strength and wea&ness of the enem% is to $e seen from here. It is considered alwa%s good to have a wea& or de$ilitated 8th lord as it indicates that the enem% is wea& and could $e won over. +owever, to defeat the enem% the 'erson would re>uire a strong ;th house. The 8th is also the house of service. This determines whether the 'erson would $e a N&arma%ogiN or not. It also determines whether the 'erson would render service or would run a $usiness and in what manner and circumstances. To determine the &arma of the 8th house it is im'ortant to stud% the 69th from it i.e., the :rd house (Bhavat$havam 'rinci'le) which determines the &arma of the service rendered $% the 'erson. UShramdanU (rendering service in terms of 'h%sical la$our in tem'les or 'laces of worshi' and worshi' to UShaniU . the lord for la$our) will rectif% afflictions to the 8th house. The 8th also ha''ens to $e the 7nd from the 4th house, which is the house of children. It, thus, sustains the life of the child. The food ha$its and t%'e of food eaten $% the child can $e estimated from the 8th house. The 8th house indicates servants too. It also indicates whether the 'erson himself will do his wor& or will get done from the servants. *ven the faithfulnessFmoralit% of the servants could $e determined from the 8th house. Seventh +ouse 2Q%Qmadhva'ra%Qnam ca vQni2%am nashtavR&shanam maranam ca svadehas%a 2Q%Q$hQvQnnirR&sha%et ..=.. 2Q%Q. wifeS madhva'ra%Qnam. follower of madhavaS ca. alsoS vQni2%am . $usinessS nashta. destructionS vW&PaXam. loo& at, see, ins'ectS maranam. deathS ca. andS svadehas%a. $od% of selfS 2Q%Q$hQvQnnirR&sha%et . 2udge from the Ba%a (;th) $hava. "fter the 6st house (/agnaF"scendant), the ;th house or Sa'tam Bhava is the second most im'ortant house. One . $ecause it is the e?act o''osite of the 6st ("scendant), hence it should $e the descendant of the nativeNs /agna, which indicates the 0ama (desire) of the nativeS and two . it is a strong controller for the <th (Su&hasthan) and 69th (0armasthan) houses ($eing a 'ada to the two houses on the 'rinci'le of Bhavat Bhavam). ;th is a ver% vital house of the chart in man% as'ects. It indicates the inner desires, carnal desires, o$2ective of life, character, value s%stems of life etc. ;th, $eing the house that indicates the 'rivate 'arts, is also ver% im'ortant to determine the se?Fgender of the native.

+ence it is also &nown as the N0alatraN meaning that which indicates the se? and se?ual instincts of the 'erson. ;th is a ver% im'ortant house also $ecause it 'rovides the a$ilit% to $ring forth new life in the form of 'rogen% . it gives form to a new atma that develo's as the child. The organs ('rivate 'arts) are $asicall% used for 'rocreative activit%. The general well $eing of a 'erson could $e determined on how good or $ad the ;th house is and what effects it has on the <th and 69th houses of the 'erson. Thus, ;th is the Nnaisargi&aN $hava of /ord Shiva who is the /ord for N0al%anamN meaning well $eing (/ord Brahma is for N"%uN meaning lifeFlongevit% while aha Gishnu is for N-hanamN for sustenance). "s the ;th deals with inner desires and 'rocreation, it shows re$irth. It is also the =th house (longevit%Fdela%) for the 67th house (mo&shFemanci'ation). It could $e &nown from this $hava whether, when, where and wh% will an individual $e re$orn. In fact, there is a 'ractice of 're'aring U rit%u 0undlisU which is 're'ared at the time of death and the ;th $hava of this chart would indicate e?actl% the nature, wh%, when and where a$out the re$irth. " N'a'aN graha in the ;th would indicate N#unar2anmaN (re$irth). YM'a%a: #ra%er to /ord Shiva will hel' in cleaning the dosha of 'a'a graha.Z +ow is the ;th related to the <th (Su&hasthan) (the $hava for 'eace of mind, desires etc.)J NIchhaN (desireF0ama) is the ultimate source of all 'ro$lems. If one had no desires, e?ce't attaining !od, there would not $e sco'e for an% sorrow. It is onl% the desire to achieve something, to latch on to something, an emotional attachment to something that causes the sorrow when it is either not attained or is lost. 3ow, desire for something is love or &ama. The 'urit% or im'urit% of desire determines the >uantum of sorrow. -esire to attain !od is, 'erha's, the 'urest form of loveF&ama. "gain, 0ama can $e for different 'ur'oses and with different gradesFdegrees of intensit%. -esire for wife (coha$iting with one woman . as 'ractised and e?am'le set $% /ord (ama), children, home and their well $eing is a genuine and 'ro'er desire and to sustain them one needs mone%. +ence the need for a 2o$F0arma and hence the sorrow when %ou fall short of resources for meeting those needs. +ere comes the relativit% $etween the ;th, <th and the 69th. But, if the same love were to turn into lust (carnal desire . an animal instinct for se?) then the desire is im'ro'er. The higher such im'ro'er and uncontrolled desires the more the sorrows that one e?'eriences. ;th is also the house that indicates the overcoming of enemies or $eing van>uished $% them. 3ow, when does a 'erson have enemiesJ Onl% a 'erson who has something which others do not, or, when some$od% desires to attain something which others too are aiming, does one create and have enemies. +owever, if a 'erson were sim'l% desirous of attaining !od, he is not going to have enemies. It is onl% materialistic thingsFworldl% things, which attract enemies. " $eggar is most li&el% not to have enemies, while a rich man is $ound to have more enemies $ecause what a $eggar doesnNt have a rich man has. +ere comes the relation $etween the 8th and the ;th $hava. The 8th indicates enemies and the ;th indicates van>uishing enemies or $eing van>uished $% them. " wea& 8th /ord and a strong ;th $hava is sure to van>uish the enemies, while in the converse the native is defeated. ;th $hava of the naisargi&a $ha cha&ra is NGani2 sthanaN meaning the house of trade and commerce. )hat is the aim $ehind the &armaJ If it is to earn mone%, then the second from the &arma house (69th house) i.e., the 66th house and its trines come into focus. "nd of these, the ;th ha''ens to $e the 69th from the naisargi&a 69th $hava of the chart which indicates the &arma to $e 'erformed and the actual desire for the 'erformance of the &arma

(to earn mone% for sustenance). Thus, the ;th also $ecomes the house of $usiness and $eing the naisargi&a house for N)ifeF"rdhangniN it also $ecomes the $hava for determining the com'ati$ilit% with 'artners in $usiness. Therefore, the ;th is trul% reflective of the inner self of the 'erson. It is reflective of the N"%anaN of the 'erson. "n ina''ro'riate lordshi'F'lacementFrasi of the ;th $hava indicates the e?tent to which a 'erson $ears a character, dis'osition in life, whether the 'erson will $e re$orn or will attain mo&sha. "n% affliction to the ;th would $e detrimental to the develo'ment of the 'erson as a good social $eing. +ence the ;th is a ver% vital $hava which holds the &e% to success or failure of life. Thus, to determine the strengths and results of nativeNs chart, the ;th, ;th /ord and is -ara'ada (";) 'lacement $ecome ver% significant and im'ortant. ars in the ;th Indicates 0u2a -osha (this is due to the anger of -eva (ishi 3arad . M'a%a: #ra%er to +anuman2i is the sole remed%). The 'lacement of ars in ;th indicates war or NDudhN in life (as ma% $e seen from /ord (amaNs life) which means a life full of struggles with fre>uent se'aration from wife. This could mean a se'aration, incom'ati$le natures, angr% natureFhot constitution of the wifeF$usiness 'artner, disharmon% in marital life . which means a generall% tense and strained 'ersonal life. +owever, the 'ositive signs of have ars in the ;th would mean that the 'erson is ver% strong 'h%sicall% and also mentall% as it as'ects the 6st ("scendantF/agna), which is also $ecause struggles actuall% strengthen the 'erson mentall% and 'h%sicall%. Genus in the ;th This would indicate love for all $eautiful things, strong desire for se? ($eing the natural 0alatra&ara&a i.e., the significator for se?), $eautiful wifeF'artner, desire for material lu?uries of life, a ro$ust 'h%si>ue with se?ual a''eal, attractive $od% etc. Saturn in ;th This would indicate the dirt% side of se? and other li&ings, a dela%ed marriage, s'ouseF'artner $eing older than self, this would also mean that the s'ouse could $e older in thoughts, dis'osition, age etc., se'aration, disharmon%. The desire for se? could even $e a carnal desire (as it gains -ig$ala in the ;th) without an% discretion for caste, creed and levels. Bu'iter in ;th Bu'iter, the -evaguru, is considered the $est 'lacement in the ;th. " !uru, and that too a -evaguru, could never do an%thing wrong. +ence he indicates the $est for the overall well $eing of the 'erson, 'articularl% in a femaleNs chart where he indicates a$solute chastit%. +e should indicate the chaste desires of the 'erson. Sun in the ;th Sun, &ing of all grahas, would mean that the s'ouseF'artner is ver% dominating in nature, ver% regalFauthoritative in dis'osition, angr%Fhot nature, reddish com'le?ion, strong in 'h%si>ue and mental nature, a $urning and never ending desire for se? and all things rich and ro%al. oon in the ;th

oon, >ueen of all grahas, would thus indicate $eaut%, cool dis'osition, strong mind, charming, regal taste, s'lendorous mannerisms and dressing, urge for good and clean se?, white com'le?ioned wife, good acumen to trade, gulli$le etc. (ahu in the ;th Being a demon, will indicate dia$olical nature, carnal (se?)desires, ruthlessness in all as'ects of life, dirt% thoughts, filth% se?, involvement in 'rostitution, gam$ling and the li&es. +owever, a controlled (ahu could also give the $etter things of life and material fulfilment. #ro'itiating /ord Shiva with water ((udra$hishe&) to control and calm the heated and 'assionate desires or have controlled se? is the $est M'a%a for (ahu, while . the mantra: U+ari Om Tat SatU . Sat%anarana antra is hel'ful to 2ust cut off the effects of (ahu i.e., no desires at all). 0etu in the ;th Being the dismem$ered $od% of the demon (ahu, it would indicate a sic&l% s'ouse. Being the natural significator for o&sha, it would indicate that the 'artnerFs'ouse will $e a s'iritual 'erson. It could also indicate a nagging 'artner. "n afflicted 'lacement could mean sic&ness, unstead% mind, general destruction i.e., the 'assion of 0etu leads to self. destruction as /ord Shiva destro%ed 0amadeva. (The ;th house, is also the house of 0amadeva . hence the desires. -estruction of desires (i.e., 0amadeva) eventuall% leads to mo&sha). ;th /ord in the 8th $hava would mean the s'ouse turning an enem% where the faithfulness or fidelit% is to $e dou$ted. This could $e redeemed onl% with a strong and $enevolent Bu'iter in the chart. ;th /ord in the 5th would mean that that $hag%a (fortune) of the 'erson will turn for the good after marriage. Since ;th indicates re$irth and the 67th $hava indicates o&shaFslee', ;th is a naisargi&a enem% of the 67th (;th $hava is =th from the 67th $hava) as, to attain the desires one has to remain awa&e and $e attached to the desire for its reali,ation. 3on.reali,ation of the desire would eventuall% lead to re$irth for its fulfilment. The longevit% of the first marriage ( 6) is to $e seen from the 7nd house to the ;th (i.e., the =th $hava of the chart . the 'rinci'le of 7nd $eing the mara&a) as it is the sustaining house for the ;th. The ;th from the house of first marriage ( 6) (i.e., 7nd $hava of the chart) would indicate the 'ossi$ilit% of the second ( 7) marriage and the longevit% of this marriage is to $e determined from the 7nd house to this $hava ( 7) (i.e., the :rd $hava of the chart). The ;th from 7 would indicate the :rd marriage ( :) and the 7nd $hava from : would indicate its longevit%. Su$se>uent marriages, usuall% till the <th, are to $e seen so on and so forth. Such a s%ndrome normall% sto's with the fourth marriage when the effect of oon (in the form of mother or comes in as a natural o$stacle. +owever, these are to $e rec&oned $% the B%otish after careful o$servation of the customs and 'ractices of different communities and 'ersons. 3ormall%, this 'henomena of multi'le marriages is most 'ossi$le in 'eo'le and communities where worshi' on Frida%s is 'ractised 'redominantl% as the% would im$i$e more of Genusian effects. M#"#"-" M'a'ada, also &nown as !auna'ada, is the N"rudhaN of the 67th $hava of the chart (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as 6.7).

(!auna . means one who follows ["nuchara . that which follows . Slo&a 7 of Cha'ter :9. B#+S\ . "ccordingl%, the N"rudhaN of the $hava that follows (67th) the /agna is, thus, the !auna'ada or M'a'ada.) This 'ada determines the inner natureFattitude of the native towards the s'ouse. The NSam$andhaN or relationshi' of the lord of M'a'ada vis.].vis the /agna lord, $% wa% of 'lacement, will determine whether the native would marr% at all or not. If the lord of M'a'ada goes to the 67th (the house for sacrificeFT%aga) therefrom, it indicates a sure sign of denial of marriage. This would also indicate the dela%s, if an%, and the reasons for such dela% in marriage. 3ow, how do we see the Nsam$andhaN of the lord of M'a'ada with the lord of /agnaJ The rasiFsign occu'ied $% the lord of the /agna is called N#a&a /agnaN. The #a&a /agna signifies the whims and fancies of the native. )hile the natal /agna determines what is good or $ad for the $od%, #a&a /agna signifies what a 'erson li&es or disli&es. Thus, a 'a'a graha occu'%ing the /agna will not signif% clearl% the li&es and disli&es of the 'erson as the #a&a /agna would. Therefore, the relationshi' $etween a graha and the lord of the /agnaF#a&a /agna should $e studied carefull% to determine the li&es and disli&es, whims and fancies etc., of a 'erson. )hen the sam$andha of a graha is not good with the lord of /agnaF#a&a /agna, the graha tends to re2ect its significations. This determines the fact that a certain 'lacement of a graha, though it signifies certain naisargi& >ualities, loses such >ualities in terms of its relationshi' with the lord of the /agnaF#a&a /agna. This has to $e studied carefull% to determine whether the 'erson would marr% or not, what the 'erson will li&e or disli&e, what the 'erson will ada't or renounce etc. For e?am'le, mere occu'ation of /agna $% Shani . a naisargi&a significator of alcohol and negative things . will not determine the 'ersons li&ing for alcohol or negative as'ects as his 'a&a lagna would, while the converse is true in the case of $enefics. (3ote: +owever, Brihas'ati Y0ara&a for NBeevaN and -hi Sha&ti which is the most im'ortant >ualit% of manZ is the naisargi& &ara&a for #a&a /agna.) Since M'a'ada determines the natureFattitude of the 'erson towards the s'ouse who is a lifelong 'artner, it is ver% im'ortant that the signFrasi of the M'a'ada is aus'icious. It is the aus'iciousness of the rasi that determines the 'urit% of nature of the native and how the 'erson would treat the s'ouse. "n% affliction to the rasi, or if the rasi is inaus'icious, to that e?tent the nativeNs attitude towards the s'ouse is affected. This would mean that the com'ati$ilit%, fidelit%, affection etc., which form the $asics of good s'ousal relationshi', either $ecome >uestiona$le or it is totall% a$sent de'ending on the inaus'iciousness or affliction of the sign. Thus, the lord of !auna'ada $ecomes ver% im'ortant in determining the s'ouse (famil% etc.,), s'ousal attitude of the 'erson, and ha''inessFsorrow from s'ouse. "n e?alted lord of M'a'ada will $ring to the native a s'ouse from a no$le famil%, while in the case of a de$ilitated lord of M'a'ada the reverse holds true meaning there$% that the s'ouse will $e from a famil% $elow the status of the native. Following are the significations in the case of the lord of M'a'ada $eing con2oined with:

6. Sur%a . the s'ouse would $e from a famil% en2o%ing 'olitical 'ower, or from a higher caste meaning change in caste (as Sun re'resents tem'les . a 'lace where 'eo'le of higher learningFcaste liveFwor&)S 7. oon . the s'ouse could $e from a wealth% famil%, or a famil% with immense 'o'ularit%. artian >ualities li&e #olice,

:. ars . the s'ouse could $e from a famil% lin&ed with the ilitar%, 0shatri%a families etc.

<. ercur% . the s'ouse could $e from a famil% involved in dealing with writingF$oo&s, or in accounting 'rofessions, or in trade. 4. Bu'iter . the s'ouse would $e from a $rahmin famil%, or from a learned famil%, or from a 2udicial famil%. 8. Genus . the s'ouse could $e from a famil% with a 'oetic and romantic touch, artistic flair, involved with cattle (li&e dair%ing), dealing in clothes or cosmetics, or an%thing that is lin&ed with $eaut%. ;. Saturn . the s'ouse would $e from a lower famil%, or lower caste, or from a famil% engaged in menial 2o$s such as factor% wor&ers etc. =. (ahu . the s'ouse would $e from a famil% involved in gam$ling and other such related activities, or from a foreign land. 5. 0etu . the s'ouse could $elong to an ascetic famil%, or a famil% that is detached from normal stream of societ%. "s we &now the 'rinci'le that it is alwa%s the 7nd $hava that sustains the 'revious $hava, determining the effects of the 7nd $hava from M'a'ada $ecomes im'ortant in determining the sustenance of the marriage. "n% afflictions or inaus'iciousness of the 7nd $hava from the M'a'ada will indicate the length of marriage i.e., how long the marriage would last and when it $rea&s what will $e the reasons that determine such a $rea&. From this we get an im'ortant 'rinci'le:. The nature of sign in the 7nd $hava from M'a'ada is im'ortant in determining the real cause of $rea& in marriage (which could $e in the form of death (under various circumstances), legal or illegal se'aration, se'aration due to other ordinar% or e?traordinar% circumstances etc.,). The following graha 'lacementsFrasi in the 7nd $hava from M'a'ada indicate the $road causes for $rea& in marriage: 6. If the 7nd from M'a'ada ha''ens to locate a $enefic, or it is as'ected $% or con2unct with a $enefic, then the native en2o%s good results (from wife) . YB#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ; to 67Z. 7. If the 7nd from M'a'ada ha''ens to locate a 'a'a graha, andFor it is occu'ied or as'ected $% or con2unct with a graha in de$ilitation (either in rasiFnavamsa), then the destruction of wifeFmarital ha''iness is $ound to ha''en. YB#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ; to 67Z.

:. If the 7nd from M'a'ada ha''ens to locate an e?alted graha (either in rasi or navamsa) or should receive as'ect $% an% such graha, then the 'erson should have man% wives. The same is also a''lica$le in the case of ithun (>ualit% of co'ulation and man% com'anions) $eing the 7nd from M'a'ada. *ven Taurus (owned $% Shu&ra) is &nown to give 'luralit% of marriage. YB#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ; to 67Z. <. If the 7nd from M'a'ada ha''ens to $e occu'ied $% its own lord or if the said lord is in his other house (in the case of dual ownershi'), then the death of wife will $e at an advanced age. YB#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ; to 67Z. 4. If the graha, which is a constant indicator of wife (either the ;th lord or Su&ra) is in own house, the loss of wife will $e onl% at an advanced stage. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as 6: to 64). 8. If the lord of 7nd from M'a'ada is 7nd from the /agna (natal ascendant) and is with a 'a'a graha, then the marriage could $rea& due to the nativeNs thieving ha$its. ;. Shani and (ahu in 7nd from M'a'ada . loss of wife through death and calumn% (slander). (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&a . 68). If the said 7nd ha''ens to $e ShaniNs own house ( a&ar or 0um$h) the wife will have disease in legsS and, if (ahu too 2oins ShaniNs own house in 7nd, the wife is sure to $e lame. Shani, (ahu and Sur%a in the said 7nd will cause distress to $ones (Sur%a rules $ones). =. ercur% in 7nd from M'a'ada will cause ver$al warfare (Budh rules s'eech) with wife. *ven e?cess s'eech (unwanted s'eech) can damage the marriage. The marriage could $rea& due to e?tra.marital relationshi's, as Budh rules ithun and ithun signifies such relationshi's. Budh also signifies dealing with $oo&s and writing. Indulgence in $oo&s and writing could lead to a $rea& in marriage. Budh and 0etu in 7nd from M'a'ada causes $rea&age of $ones. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&a . 6=). Budh and (ahu in 7nd from M'a'ada will give a stout $od% to the wife. (Slo&as 65.77). If angal and Shani occu'% such a 7nd house that ha''ens to $e owned $% Budh, the wife then suffers from nasal disorders. (Slo&as 65.77). Budh and angal in the 7nd from M'a'ada will cause dental disorders to the wife. (Slo&as 65.77). +owever, Budh in 7nd from M'a'ada in wifeNs horosco'e will indicate a strong (a2%og for the hus$and. This too could $e a cause of $rea& in marriage.) 5. Shu&ra in 7nd from M'a'ada could signif% $rea& in marriage due to li$idinous activities. (isha$h $eing such a 7nd house indicates man% wives or 'luralit% of marriage, which could also $e a cause for $rea& in marriage. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9 . Slo&as ;.67). Shu&ra and 0etu in 7nd from M'a'ada will cause disorder of $lood, leucorrhoea. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9: Slo&a 6;). 69. oon in 7nd from M'a'ada would signif% $rea& in marriage (or death) due to 'ro$lems in the l%m'hatic fluids that would damage the 'h%sical health of the wife. "s oon rules mind, it could also indicate emotional 'ro$lems leading to $rea& in marriage. If Shani afflicts such 'lacement of the oon, it is sure to cause severe de'ressions for the wife. 66. Sur%a in 7nd from M'a'ada would cause deathFse'aration due to high fevers, $one disorders. 67. Brihas'ati in the 7nd from M'a'ada would cause $rea& due to child $irthFchildlessness, lac& of intelligence, e?cess weight etc. Bu'iter and (ahu in such a 7nd house will cause dental 'ro$lemsS while !uru and Shani in such a 7nd house will cause trou$le in e%esFears of the wife. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9: Slo&as 65.77).

6:. If angal ha''ens to $e in 7nd from M'a'ada, it could cause se'aration from wife through sudden accidents in com$ination with 0ethu for certainS $lood disordersS death in fightsS death due to arms and ammunitionsS se'aration due to fier% tem'eramentS anger and infle?i$ilit% and egoS and other artian >ualities. +owever, all these are to $e studied from the natal ascendant, /agna #ada ("rudha of /agna), the ;th from M'a'ada and the lords thereof. (B#+S: Cha'ter :9: Slo&as 77 ^ 7:.4). (M'a%a for dela%ed marriage: Fasting on the da%s of the lord . can consume onl% mil& and some fruits.) +owever, to clear the general afflictions to the ;th $hava and also the &idne%, 'ra%er to /ord Shiva is the &e%. Chanting the aha rit%un2e%a antra 66 times with mil& held in the hand and consuming that mil& immediatel% thereafter hel's in removing all 'oison (to?icit%) from the $od%. This not onl% 'urifies the mind (thought) $ut also cleanses the &idne%, which is signified $% the ;th $hava. Y aharshi "ttri is $elieved to cleansed the $od% of /ord Shiva off all the 'oison that he consumed during Sagar anthana $% 'lacing oon on his (ShivaNs) head. +ence mil& (signified $% oon) is $elieved to cure the afflictions of this house (ruled $% Shiva) with the chanting of aha rit%un2e%a antraZ. *ighth +ouse Q%u ranam ri'um cQ'i durgam mrtadhanam tathQ gat%anu&Qdi&am sarvam 'aV%edrandhrQdvica&shanah ..5.. Q%u. ageF longevit%S ranam . $attles and warsS ri'um . wea&nessesS cQ'i . and alsoS durgam . difficult situationS mrtadhanam . wealth of the deadF legac%F inheritenceS tathQ . and gat%anu&Qdi&am . things that have ha''enesS sarvam .ever%thingS 'aV%ed. seeS randhrQt. randhra $havaF =th houseS vica&shanah. o$serve fromF e?'erience from, $eing conscious of The length of oneNs life is to $e seen from the =th house. " strong =th house, lord of the =th and lord of the lagna who is also well 'laced determine the life of the 'erson. There are four t%'es of aa%us . (6) -irgaa%u (long life . $e%ond ;4 %ears)S (7) adh%aa%u (middle life . :7 to ;4 %ears)S and (:) "l'aa%u (short life . 79 to :7 %ears)S while the fourth t%'e is &nown as Balarishta (child death . 9 to 65 %ears). In normal 'arlance, a longlife or dirgaa%u is considered good as it generall% indicates the satisfaction of having lived the life as one gets enough time to accom'lish the desires. The strengths of the =th house and its lord, lagna and its lord and their 'lacementsS as also the 69th house and 69th lord (as it is the :rd house from the =th) are to $e considered 'ro'erl% $efore 'ronouncing the longevit% of the 'erson. Since the =th is indicative of the longevit%, it is also intimatel% connected with the $attlefield and enemies. " stronger enem% is $ound to &ill in the $attle while a wea&er enem% is li&el% to $e won over. " 'ro'er stud% of the =th house and the (udramsa can indicate the timing of war, the length of war and its victor% or defeat. Since =th is also an indicator of forts and fortresses, one will come to learn their strengths and wea&nesses, rise and fall of the forts (&ingdoms and &ings).

)e &now that the lord of =th is also called rogesh (lord of long.term disease). " 'ro'er and detailed stud% of the =th could indicate the t%'e of disease that one would die of and the length of time that one will suffer during the inimical 'eriod of the =th house and its lord. The 'lacement of the lord of =th will also indicate the 'lace where e?actl% in the 'h%sical $od% would one get affected $% disease, the t%'e and duration of such disease and its cure or otherwise. "ll this would de'end on the 'lacement of grahas in the =th, 'lacement and strength of lord of =th and lord of lagna. It would $e ver% interesting to note the relation $etween the ;th and =th house in terms of longevit%. )hile the =th indicates longevit%, the ;th ($eing the 67th to =th) indicates loss to the longevit%. " strong ;th indicating strongFover indulgence in se? causes loss of longevit%. /oss of semen, which is vitalit%, cuts short the length of life. Thus the ;th, which is o''osite to celi$ac%, affects ver% much the longevit% of life. " strong Genusian activit% is thus an enem% of the longevit%. =th is also the house of insurance. rutadhanam, meaning, the accruals in the form of legacies and

It is also &nown as the house of unearned wealth, which also includes gam$ling. )hile the activit% of gam$ling itself is seen from the =th house, the &arma (the act of s'eculation) for gam$ling is seen from the 4th house (it is the 69th from the =th . Bhat$havam 'rinci'le). Thus, the =th, along with the 8th and 67th houses is called the NdushtstanaN meaning the malefic houses $ecause of their a$ilit% to either create or ma&e enemies and 'rovide detachment and loss. The oon in =th is 'articularl% undesira$le as it is called U"shtama Chandra arana 0ara&aU meaning the oon in the =th wields death.inflicting 'owers to the signFhouse it owns. (ulers are &nown to $e &illed, wars are &nown to $e lost, 'ersons are &nown to lose their lives when the oon is 'laced in the =th. 3inth +ouse $hQg%am V%Qlam ca dharmam ca $hrQtr'atn%Qdi&QmstathQ tRrtha%QtrQdi&am sarvam dharmasthQnQnnirR&sha%et ..69.. $hQg%am. fortuneS V%Qlam ca. andS dharmam . 'ath of righteousness, duties and o$ligationsS ca. alsoS $hrQtr'atn%Qdi&QmstathQ . also the wife of the $rotherS tRrtha%QtrQdi&am . 'ilgrimages etc.S sarvam . ever%thingS dharmasthQnQnnirR&sha%et . 2udge from the dharma sthana (5th house) The 5th $hava signifies father, dharma, guru, 'ast &arma, $hag%a, long 2ourne%s, thighs, ($rotherNs wife), 2ourne%s to hol% 'laces etc. )h% is the 5th house the significator of father and dharmaJ From the 'rinci'le of trines, we &now that /ord Brahma resides in the 6st $hava, while /ord Shiva resides in the 4th and /ord Gishnu in the 5th $hava. )hile the 6st $hava signifies Na%uN ($irth) and the 4th signifies 'ros'erit%, the 5th indicates NdharmaN since /ord Gishnu resides in it. It is he who fi?es the dharma of the 'erson and gives according to what he deserves.

The 5th house of the naisargi& rasi cha&ra is -hanur (Sagittarius) which is a fier% sign and its lord is -evaguru Brihas'ati (Bu'iter). The fier% nature of -hanur is $ecause of its agni tatwa, which means energ% in the form of light. This agni is called the NBrihat "gniN or the light of enlightenment and it acts on the dhi sha&ti (head) without with one will never $e a$le to attain enlightenmentF&nowledge. This energ% is re'resented $% Brihas'ati as we &now that he is the significator of dhi sha&ti. It is $ecause of the reason that /ord GishnuNs will in determining the creation of the 'erson, his dharma, his $hag%a etc., is seen from this house of Brihas'ati, that Bu'iter is seen as re'resenting !od (BhagavateFBhagam) in the horosco'e. Brihas'ati is said to re'resent !od in the horosco'e $ecause he 'ossesses all the >ualities li&e shantam ('eace), shu$hala&shanam (good loo&sFdis'osition), da%a (merc%) etc., that !od 'ossesses. But how is Brihas'ati connected with the $irth of the individualJ Bu'iter re'resents !od and he is the sustainer of life (2eeva) while Sur%a is the giver of life. Therefore, there should $e some graha re'resenting and acting as !od to create life. It is Sur%a, in the form of father who acts as !od to create life. !od fi?es our $irth on the $asis of our 'ast &arma $ut he cannot ta&e $irth on earth to create ever% individual $eing. The 2o$ of creation is thus the res'onsi$ilit% of the father when he, at that moment of creation, acts as !od. The re'resentation of !od in 'h%sical form $% the father is the reason wh% the 5th house is associated with father. +ow is father res'onsi$le for $irthJ The atma that is to ta&e $irth resides in the $od% of the father in a 'lace called U ooladharacha&raU. The ooladharacha&ra is actuall% the end of the s'inal chord in our $od%. In the fetal stage, the $a$% in the wom$ of the mother develo's with a tail, which is actuall% the e?tension of the s'inal chord, which graduall% recedes, with the growth of the fetus. In the Bhagwad !ita, /ord 0rishna has e?'lained how the atma comes to reside in this cha&ra of the father. It is in the form of rain that the atma comes down on the earth and through the soil, it enters the trees and gets into the fruits through the sa' of the tree. The atma, then finds its wa% to the father when such a fruit which $ears the atma to $e $orn is consumed $% him. Through the $lood stream it reaches the mooladharacha&ra where it resides till such time fi?ed $% !od for its $irth. The deit% of ooladharacha&ra is /ord aha !ana'thi as he is the deit% of 0etu. )e &now that 0etu rules the tail. It is the initial tail that graduall% recedes to $ecome the end of the s'ine and is &nown as ooladharacha&ra. Thus, 0etu $ecomes the im'ortant graha to $e studied to see the 'rocreative as'ects of the father. Therefore, 0etu is &nown to e?'and the famil% in terms of num$ers and is also s%m$olicall% re'resented $% a %ellow s>uare, which is the s%m$ol of 0etu ('rocreation). Since Sur%a is the giver of life and is the naisargi& atma&ara& (who also re'resents father), it is e?alted in "ries in the "shwin na&shatra, which is a na&shatra of 0etu. Thus, we see the connection of how and wh% Sun is e?alted in "ries. Thus, we come to see the relationshi' $etween father and !od. Therefore, the 'h%sical 'resenceFform of father is seen from the 5th house. Besides, the other im'ortant of role of father in a 'ersonNs life is to teach the child the idealsF'rinci'les of life. The first ideolog%F'rinci'le, otherwise &nown as dharma, is learnt from the house i.e., from the father. Then comes the role of the teacher . !uru. " good guru teaches good things to the child. !ood &nowledge is ver% im'ortant for the 'ro'er u'$ringing of the child. It is good &nowledge and good 'rinci'les im$i$ed $% the child $oth in the famil% and from the !uru, that stand good in the life of a 'erson. It &ee's him 'rinci'led in life. "nd good 'rinci'les

inculcate good and strong disci'line. Therefore, the 5th house $ecomes a ver% im'ortant chart in the life of a 'erson. "n% deviation fromFdesertion of dharma leads to the destruction of the self finall%. )hen dharma ('rinci'le) is affected, the 66th house (la$hasthana) therefrom, which is the ;th house indicating wife, is first affected. Su$se>uentl% leading to affect the 4th (the house of children . $ecause the wifeNs 'rinci'les (;th) is affected) and the :rd is affected as the 'ra&ram$al of the native is used to shield the famil% (wife and children). "nd when the :rd is affected, the /agna too is affected $ecause it is the individual who is adding on to his sins ('aa'a). 3ow, when is the dharma affectedJ It gets affected in a $id to earn more (la$ha . 66th house). Bad 'rinci'les ado'ted to increase the income in la$hasthan (66th) no dou$t increases the income, $ut it also increases the sins to that e?tent affecting the 5th house, which sets of a chain reaction to the other houses (66th therefrom). This is derived from the U andoo&a -ashaU ( andoo&a dasha means frog 2um's on ever% third house. This is seen in the (udramsa chart and is seen for devining wars, victories, defeats etc.). Thus, the 5th $hava is also for disci'line. It indicates NBa'aN which disci'lines the 'ersonNs life. Strong 5th house will indicate a strong sense of disci'line and, hence, strong 'rinci'les. This will reflect the e?tent to which the 'erson will o$serve disci'line in life and o$edience towards his father and !uru. (" strong 5th and the Sun 'laced in <th or =th from /agna indicates the 'erson to $e ver% o$edient to father.) The 5th house also reflects the 'ast &arma of the 'erson. It is the good deeds in oneNs life that determine the >ualit% of life one would lead in the ne?t $irth. The 'h%sical $od% of a 'erson 'erishes with time, $ut the atma carries with it the &arma accumulated $% the 'erson. It is according to this &arma that one gets the share (Bhag%a . derived from $haga or $hagam, meaning the share from fatherF!od) of the material things in the world. +ence, the 5th house is also called the house of NBhag%aN . meaning, what one would en2o% as hisFher share of things in the world as decided $% !od. Since the 5th signifies the thighs of the 'erson, it also indicates long distance 2ourne%s. )hile stud%ing long distance 2ourne%s, it is ver% im'ortant to stud% the UBala'atha sahamU (Bala . meaning waterS 'atham . meaning crossingS and saham . meaning 'oint) to rec&on whether the 'erson will cross large $odies of water (oceans etc.,) and also U#aradesa sahamU (#aradesa . meaning foreignS and saham . meaning 'oint) to rec&on whether the 'erson will have residence in foreign land. +owever, the sam$andha of Shu&ra is also to $e rec&oned as he is the significator of vehicles (means of conve%ance), while 0etu, the mo&sha&ara&a, will indicate astral travels (travel of the atma $% detachment from the 'h%sical self . which is normall% attained onl% $% Sadhus after strong ta'as%a. 0etu hel's attain this $% wa% of detaching the mind from the 'h%sical self.). 5th $hava $eing the house of the /ord, it also indicates tem'les and other 'laces of worshi' (strong influence of Sur%a on 5th will indicate construction of tem'les, while affliction from (ahu will indicate destructionFdesecration of religious 'laces). 5th $hava also indicates the wife of the %ounger $rother and also the wifeNs %ounger sister. "nother as'ect that could $e seen from the 5th house is NrenunciationN and its timing is to $e derived from its N-rig -ashaN (-rig . is the 'ower to see). The s'iritual guru of the 'erson is to $e seen from the NGimsamsaN (-.79) chart of the 'erson. It is the s'iritual guru who can hel' and guide the 'erson during tr%ing times and 'ut himFher on the right 'ath.

Thus, we ma% see that the 5th house is a ver% im'ortant house of the horosco'e of a 'erson. It reflects the 'rinci'les and ideals of the 'erson and to what e?tent will heFshe follow it in life. Thus, a good and strong 5th house would mean a strongl% 'rinci'led life and o''osite would hold true in case of afflictions of the 5th. Connection $etween the lords of the 5th and 69th $havas will indicate U-harma&armadi'ati DogaU which will mean that the 'erson will use the 'rinci'les (whatever ac>uired from famil% and from guru) in 'erforming &arma (2o$). +ence, it ma% safel% $e assumed that 'rescri$ing a stoneFgem of the 5th lord would $e immensel% $eneficial to the 'erson at all times with the e?ce'tion $eing the case where the 5th lord is also the lord of the 8th house (the house of enemies). "lso, Bu'iter $eing the lord of the 5th of the natural ,odiac, chanting the mantra UOm !urave 3amahaU will strengthen the 5th house, while chanting the mantra UOm Sat !urave 3amahaU will 'acif% himFher and also strengthen the 'erson s'irituall%.

Tenth +ouse rQ2%am cQ&QVamvrttim ca mQnam caiva 'itustathQ 'ravQsas%a rnas%Q'i v%omasthQnQnnirR&shanam ..66.. rQ2%am . ro%alt%F &ingsh2i'F authorit%S ca. andS Q&QVamvrttim . am$itionS ca. andS mQnam . re'utationF fameS caiva. and alsoS 'ituh. fatherS tathQ . andS 'ravQsas%a . living in foreign land, immigrationS rnas%Q'i . also de$tsS v%omasthQnQt. the house of s&%F etherF a&ashaS nirR&shanam. 2udge from (o%alt%Fauthorit% ((a2%am)S 'lace and 'rofessionFlivelihoodFhonourS gains from fatherS living in foreign lands and de$ts are to $e understood from the 69th house so sa%s the standard te?t (B#+S). The 69th house is the most im'ortant >uadrantF&endra of a chart. It is one of the 'rinci'le 'illars of the life of the 'erson as it de'icts the &armaFaction of the individual. This shows the &armic direction in oneEs life. It is to $e seen along with the 5th house which shows the dharma of the 'erson. "n% connection $etween the 5th and 69th house will show the inter. lin& $etween the dharmi& (religious) and &armic (action) levels of the native. The 69th house of the natural ,odiac is Ca'ricorn ( a&ar) owned $% Saturn (Sani). Our aharishis were such great seers that what astronomical science is 'roving toda% regarding the gradual drift or 'recession of the solar s%stem towards the constellation Ca'ricorn, was reali,ed and noted $% them man% thousands of %ears ago. The four >uadrantsF&endras ("ries ( esh)S Cancer (0ar&)S /i$ra (Thula) and Ca'ricorn ( a&ar)) of the natural ,odiac re'resent the four %uga as follows: 6. 7. :. <. "ries ( esh) . 6st house . Sat%ug Cancer (0ar&) . <th house . Treta%ug /i$ra (Thula) . ;th house . -wa'ar%ug Ca'ricorn ( a&ar) . 69 thouse . 0ali%ug

"B+IBIT 3"0S+T(" 69T+ +OMS* "3- T+* (*/*G"3C* I3 0"/IDM! Gedic (+indu) astrolog% is $ased on the lunar movement and is, therefore, centred around the movement of oon (re'resenting 0rishna Gishnu avatar). The horosco'e is, therefore, $ased on the 'rinci'le movement of oon. The fi?ation of oon decides the fi?ation of other 'lanets in the chart. oon ta&es 7; and 6F:rd da%s to traverse the ,odiac from ,ero degrees Cancer (0ar&) and return to ,ero degrees Cancer. This would mean that there should $e 7; _ asterismsF3a&shatras. +owever, we have 7; visi$le asterismsF3a&shatras from "shwini to (ohini and the 6F:rd invisi$le na&shatra. The 6F:rd 'art of the invisi$le na&shatra was referred to +ari ( aha Gishnu) and this was found to $e a''ro?imatel% 69 degrees (all other stars rule 6:degrees and 79 minutes of a signFconstellation). "s Ca'ricorn ( a&ar) is the constellation that is the a$ode of aha Gishnu in &ali%ug, this invisi$le (inter.Calar%) na&shatra named @"B+IBIT 3"0S+T("A was fi?ed in the a&ar rasi. This is the rasi and star towards which the entire solar s%stem is &nown to $e heading and this movement of the solar s%stem is &nown is `'recessionE. This is the na&shatra used to ad2ust the motion of oon. This na&shatra is most 'owerful during the noon (67 noon) when aha Gishnu is &nown to $e on the move to ensure dharma and all good wor&s can safel% $e underta&en during this 'eriod. Since this is in Ca'ricorn the 69th house of the natural ,odiac, the significanceFim'ortance of the 69th house in ever% individuals chart $ecomes ver% im'ortant and central to a 'ersonEs >ualit% of life and action. " strong 69th house determines whether a 'erson will $ecome a &arma%ogi or not. 0arma is actionFla$our and 'erform &arma one e?'ends energ%. Therefore, the first significator of the 69th house $ecomes Saturn (Sani) as he uses u' a great deal of energ% to do a wor&. Besides, Saturn is the 'lanet who &ee's the account of all $ad &armas of a 'erson and 'unishes a 'erson according to the deeds of the 'erson. Thus, Saturn is also &nown as a `0armic 'lanetE. Besides the individual &arma, Saturn also &ee's an account of the `#itri (inaE (de$ts of father and forefathers). Therefore, the first action of a 'erson $orn on this earth should $e to wi'e awa% the `'itri rinaE. /ord 0rishna sa%s in Bhagwad !ita that $lessed are those who die without an% de$ts `'itri rinaE in 'articular. To wi'e awa% all accumulated de$ts and to 'erform wor& one needs energ% and this energ% comes from the 'lanet ars ( angal). ars, thus, $ecomes the 7nd im'ortant 'lanet so far as the 69th house is concerned. "s a matter of fact, this one of the 'rime reasons wh% ars e?alts and also attains dig$al in the 69th house. ars is re'resented $% /ord +anuman who is a s%m$ol of su'reme strength and energ%. (egular 'ra%ers to /ord +anuman will thus remove all artian afflictions and hel' 'erform right &arma. )here does all the energ% of ars come fromJ Sun (Sur%a) (3ara%an) is the onl% source from where ars draws the strengthFenerg%. Sun is therefore another chief 'lanet for the activities of the 69th house. Sun also gains dig$al along with ars in the 69th house. It is, therefore, ver% im'ortant that all &armaFactivit% is 'erformed during the da% when there is natural sun light. #erformance of an% &armaFactivit% either good or $ad re>uires intelligence (-hi sha&ti). Thus, Bu'iter, the chief significator of `-hi Sha&tiE $ecomes the :rd im'ortant 'lanet for the 69th house. (egular chanting of `Brihas'ati !a%atriE hel's strengthen Bu'iter, which eventuall% strengthens the intelligence of the 'erson and also hel's the 'erson 'erform onl% right and good &arma.

One of the most im'ortant as'ects of doing an% &armaFaction, is the $asic desire to do so. This desire for doing a &arma comes from the 'lanet ercur% (Budh). Therefore, ercur% $ecomes a ver% im'ortant 'lanet for the 69th house. " wea& and afflicted ercur% could ruin the life of a 'erson due to lac& of desire to 'erform an% &armaFactivit%. The 'ositive sides a'art, the following are the negative sides of the a$ove 'lanets in the 69th house when the% are either too strong or wea&Fafflicted: 6. Sun K short term goals over shadow the long termFactual goals of the 'erson. Therefore, the a%ana (direction) of the 'erson is lost. 7. Saturn K there is too much of hard wor& with minimum of returns or ver% little achievement. :. ars K there is ver% high energ% level and there is too much driveF'assion in an%thingFwor& underta&en $% the 'erson. <. Bu'iter K there is sim'l% too much &nowledge and, therefore, lac& of focus $ecause of the $road $ase of &nowledge. This as'ect can, however, $e controlled $% strengthening Saturn (the lord of Bu'iterEs de$ilit%) the 'rimar% level of control. The secondar% level of control is $% strengthening oon (the lord of Bu'iterEs e?altation). Saturn Bu'iter con2unction causes `Brahma DogaE. The different as'ects of &armaFactivit% are: (a) Creation ($) #reservationS and (c) -estruction The 'lanet occu'%ing the 69th house signifies the &armaFactivit% that would $e 'erformed $% the individual. Sun in the 69th will signifies the creation. It re'resents a &ing or to' 'ositions in the government. It is $hagwan (am who decides who will $e the &ing. Thus, Sun in the 69th will give (a2%oga while its affliction will give the o''osite `#ravra2%a %ogaE, meaning renunciation. Sun as'ected $% Saturn will cause dela% or loss of the (a2%oga. oon in the 69th signifies 'reservation. The sustenance of the (a2%og de'ends on the will of 0rishna ( oon). " wea& or afflicted oon will render an oscillating (a2%og. To sustain such a wea& or oscillating ra2%og, it is im'ortant to strengthen ars (the lord of oonEs de$ilit%) at the 'rimar% level, and Genus (the lord of oonEs e?altation) at the secondar% level. The eleventh house is the house of gains and is &nown as /a$ha Bhava. The gains though mainl% seen in terms of monetar% gains, in general this house signif% the gain of all o$2ectives and desires. It is interesting to note that the third house is the house of desires and counted in the anti.,odiacal direction, the :rd house shows the fulfilment of desires. This the wh% aharishi Baimini sa%s that this is the house of +ara or destruction of desires. This is the last of the four u'acha%as (:F8F69F66) and $eing a u'acha%a, 'lanets 'laced here cause growth of the lagna or the self. "lmost all 'lanets give aus'isicious results while 'laced in this house as the% shall hel' in gaining different o$2ectives of the life. +owever, it must $e remem$ered that all 'lanets have their own wa% to fulfil their goalsS malefics would

do this in their own malefic wa% and $enefics would do this in a $enefic wa%. #rimaril% the 'lanets 'laced in this house, shows gain in the life of the native, related to the significations of the 'lanets so 'laced. So unless, 'lanets are $adl% 'laced (de$ilitated, in inimical sign) or afflicted ('laced withF as'ected $% malefics), good results can $e 'ronounced, without much afterthought. From the "rgala 'ers'ective, the 'lanets 'laced in this house shall have dhanargala on the 69th house of &arma'halaS su&hargala on the =th house of aa%u and la$hargala on the /agna $hava. Thus the 'lanets in this house can activel% influence the significance on the 69th, =th and the /agna. T+* SM3 Favoura$le !loriousS /ong lifeS )iseS "ttain high statusS #owerfulS )ealth%F *ndowed with lu?uries and good vehiclesS Committed to his wordsS Successful in venturesS Gisionar%S Income from government (grace of ruler)S T+* OO3 Favoura$le /ong lifeS Blessed with childrenS +ighl% learnedF !reat thin&erS +el'ful natureS GirtuousS )ealth% without much effortS FamousS !ood friends and attendantsS !loriousS GalourousS +onoura$leS Favoura$le for daughtersS *?'ertise in trade related activities Mnfavoura$le Mnsuccessful in efforts "(S Favoura$le: #ros'erousS GalorousS Con>uer enemiesS Involved in manifold activitiesS 0ing (association with 66th lord)S "ssociation with influencial 'eo'leS #ros'erit% of elder si$lingsS )ealth%S +a''%S GirtuousS Blessed with childrenS iserS !ain wealth from $oth good and $ad wa%s Mnfavoura$le: Trou$le to ChildrenS -estruction of wealth *(CM(D Favoura$le long.livedS /earnedF IntelligentS True to his wordsS )ealth%F Financial gainsS +a''%S #ossess o$edient servantsS Fond of lu?ur%S FamousS *?'ertise in Trade and CommerceS !ood in writing and handicrafts Mnfavoura$le Suffer loss of wealth on account of sinful deeds BM#IT*( Favoura$le /ong livedS /earnedS *normous gainsF#ros'erous (more so if oon is con2oined)F )ealth%F !ain wealth due to 'atronage of the rulerF govt.S )ides'read re'utationS !ood luc&F FortunateS FearlessS Few childrenS an% conve%ancesS *ndowed with servantsS 3o$leS Charita$leS #ossess articles of gold ^ silverS Inclined towards earning from righteous means onl% Mnfavoura$le 3ot much education (eighth from fourth house)

G*3MS Favoura$le +andsomeS /earnedS *?tremel% wealth% ^ high financial gainsS Owner of landed 'ro'ert%S 0ind heartedS *n2o% conve%ancesS /over of truthS GirtuousS FortunateS *arning through rightful meansS #ros'erit%S #assionate (fond of com'an% of women)S *n2o% all comforts of lifeS )ell.$ehavedS Famous Mnfavoura$le *?tremel% 'assionateS !ain of wealth though >uestiona$le meansS )ith 8thF=thF67th lord and wea&. no financial gainsS )anderer S"TM(3 Favoura$le /ong.livedS +ealth%S *?tremel% wealth% (however face o$stacles in earning them)F *ndowed with comforts of all &indsS Sta$le mindedS *ndowed with landed 'ro'ert%S !race of ruler F govt.S aha.$hag%a %ogaF e?tremel% fortunate (own houseF e?altation)S Courageous Mnfavoura$le /oss of wealth in trade etc.S Trou$le to elder $rother I3T(O-MCTIO3 Tenth house is the 0arma $hava or the house of action. This holds the &e% to the status, 'ositions, re'utation, fame and ever%thing that we get as result of our action in this world. Since all 'lanets govern one or other area of action, all of them give good results in this house, unless afflicted. This is the third u'acha%as after the third and the si?th house and hence the 'lanets in this house indicate growth of the /agna or the self. +owever, the growth is given $% the 'lanets in their own wa% $ased on the natural characteristics of the 'lanets. #lanets in tenth house have dhanargala on the ninth house, su&hargala on the seventh house and la$hargala on the twelfth house. Thus the significations of these three houses Seventh, 3inth and the twelfth are significantl% influenced $% the 'lanets 'laced in the tenth house. T+* SM3 Favoura$le +a''%S #owerfulS Blessed with childrenS Conve%anceS Bestowed with all comfortsS Success in 'rofession and all endeavoursS 3o$leS "ttain high 'osition and statusS Famous at far and wideS !race of the &ingS Successful in 'olitical o$2ectives (more a''lica$le in dasamsa) Mnfavoura$le entall% worriedS Trou$le to mother T+* OO3 Favoura$le +igh academic attainmentsS BrilliantS #iousS FamousS 0ind heartedS GirtuousS Successful in all endeavorsS GalorousS Charita$leS )ealth%S Successful in his effortsS !ain wealth due to grace of the ruler Mnfavoura$le Illicit relationshi' with a widowS O$staclesS Indulge in sinful deedsS /oss of re'utation

"(S Favoura$le Strong $od%S "dmired $% 'eo'leS (es'ectedS FamousS Brothers will $e long.lived (If the lord of the tenth is strong the)S FortunateS #ros'erousS Interest in meditationS -evoted to his 'rece'torS Successful in his underta&ingS Financiall% )ell.offS 0ing or +eir a''arent (association with 5thF 69th lord)S !ood conve%ances (association with Bu'iter)S "ssociation with ruler classS #osses landS +a''%S #owerfulS Charita$leS Galorous (li&e a lion)S Mncon>uera$leS *fficient in his wor&S (ise high in life (even from a hum$le origin)S Blessed with childrenS !loriousS Brilliant intellect. Mnfavoura$le O$structions in the 'rofessional career and other activitiesS sinful deedsS Cruel. entalit% of a thiefS Indulge in

*(CM(D Favoura$le *ngaged in virtuous deedsF aus'icious ceremoniesS #atientS )ide s'read re'utationS IntelligentS !reat thin&erF wiseF &nowledgea$leS *ngaged in meritorious deedsS #erform religious ritesS +onoured $% the stateS "c>uire wealth% through man% sourcesS Blessed with childrenS )ealth% and &ind.heartedS Successful in his effortsS /oved $% 'eo'leS Inherit 'aternal 'ro'ert%S If highl% fortified, then the native would $e good oratorS well versed in trade and commerce and attain high 'osition. Mnfavoura$le (onl% if afflicted) *%e trou$lesS Stu'idS Indulge in sinful deedsS Bad conduct BM#IT*( Favoura$le #erform righteous deedsS S'irituall% inclinedS "$leS )ides'read re'utationS (es'ected $% massesS Stud% Srimat Bhaagavat !itaS )ealth%S !race of rulerF !ovt.S !ood conductS Successful in all effortsS Comforts of conve%ancesS +eadshi'F +old administrative 'ositionS +a''iness from children, fatherS /oves disci'line and orderS )iseS Charita$leS +onoura$le Mnfavoura$le *vil deeds (69th lord afflicted)S Financial distressS Mnha''iness with regards to children ('laced in 8th from the &ara&a Bhava) G*3MS Favoura$le !loriousS )ealth%S IntelligentS GirtuousS +a''iness from friendsS (es'ectedS "ttain high status and 'ositionS FamousS *ngaged in religious wor&S Interested in wor&s related to cosmetics or $eaut% 'roducts or $uilding homesS gain in the com'an% of women Mnfavoura$le -ifficulties and o$stacles in underta&ing S"TM(3 Favoura$le Successful in underta&ing ($enefic influences)S +a''%S #owerfulS 0ingF head of a villageS inisterF BudgeS )ealth%S FamousS CourageousS Interested in "griculture Mnfavoura$le

O$stacles in careerS to father

iserl%S Bilious constitutionS "fflicted. indulge in sinful deedsS Trou$les < comments /in&s to this 'ost

#osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 5:6= "

"nal%sis of Bhava aIII. #lanets in the 3inth +ouse I3T(O-MCTIO3 3inth house is 'rimaril% &nown as the -harma $hava or the house of righteousness. This house is ver% im'ortant for righteous actions of a native. If $enefics are 'laced in this house, then the 'erson is righteous, virtuous, engaged in charita$le activities and fortunate. alefics, e?cluding Sun in the ninth house can ma&e the native irreligious and involved in sinful activities. Saturn in the ninth can cause of fall of dharma and such natives are usuall% attracted $% different dharmas com'ared to their own. It is also the house of father and hence 'resence of an% malefics can harm the health of the fatherS more so if the malefic is wea&l% 'laced and afflicted. +owever, for 'ro'er anal%sis to the fatherEs health the strength of the ninth lord and the &ara&a is also seen. This is also the secondar% house of worshi' $eing the fifth from the fifth house and the 'lanets 'laced here shall also ma&e give inclination towards worshi' of different deities signified $% the 'lanets. From the argala 'ers'ective, 'lanets in the ninth house has dhanargala on the eighth houseS Su&hargala on the si?th house and the la$hargala on the eleventh house. +ence the significations of these three houses si?thS eighth and eleventh are significantl% affected $% the 'lanets in the ninth house. T+* SM3 Favoura$le (eligeousS #hilantro'icS (es'ected for his virtuous deedsS (es'ect Brahmins ^ scholarsS )ealth%S *ndowed with childrenS *ndowed with all ha''iness and Fortunate. Mnfavoura$le #roudS Stra% from the 'ath of righteousnessS Trou$le to fatherS Inimical toward mother ^ $rother. T+* OO3 Favoura$le +ighl% learnedS Charita$leS Constructs cattle sheds, 'onds for 'u$lic utilitiesS #ros'erous childrenS /ong life to fatherS )ealth%S *ndowed with friends ^ (elationsS *ngaged in meritorious deedsS (eligiousS -evoted to elders and 'arentsS IntelligentS +a''%S #assionate. "ttract mem$ers of o''osite se?S Fortunate from his %oung ageS Courageous and (es'ected $% learned. Mnfavoura$le )ea& constitutionS Sic&l% "(S Favoura$le 0ingNs favouriteS )ealth%S FortunateS !loriousS #hilanthro'icF generousS )orshi''er of !anesh F +anuman

Mnfavoura$le *arl% loss of fatherS Mnfortunate (no 'ros'erit%)S Illicit relationshi' with the wife of his 'rece'torS Cause sorrow and 'ain to othersS eanS GiolentS IrreligiousS Commit sinful actionsS CruelS Mnsuccessful in his effortsS -evoid of ha''iness from $rothersS +ated $% 'eo'le *(CM(D Favoura$le Interested in s'iritual disci'linesS (eligious mindedS Charita$leF 'hilanthro'icS *ndowed with man% childrenS IntelligentS )iseS *?tremel% learnedS Girtuous, hum$le ^ amica$leS /earned in Gedas and ShastrasS Fond of musicS #atientS Full of glor%S FortunateS /ong.lived fatherS )ell culturedS Interested in meditationS *ndowed with wealth and ha''inessS Of good conductS OratorS #roficient in his wor&S #erform religious ritesS Bring re'utation to his famil%S -estro% those who indulge in sinful deedsS )orshi''er of Gishnu. If associated with Bu'iter engaged in the religious studies and if associated with Genus, engaged in various art forms. BM#IT*( Favoura$le (eligious ^ Charita$leS Interested in meditationS #iousS )ealth%S /ong lived fatherS (ighteousS (es'ectedS +onoura$leS #rotect othersS -evoutS #hiloso'hicalS Blessed with childrenS inisterF "dvisorF BudgeS 0nowledgea$le in shastrasS )orshi' famil% godsS /earnedS +andsomeS *ndowed with leadershi' >ualitiesS Own 'alatial mansionS -evotee of BrahminsS /oved $% near and dearS *ndowed with man% childrenS FamousS TruthfulS /i&e 2usticeS Travel to foreign landS ConservativeF traditionalS Strict on the 'rinci'lesS Fortunate G*3MS Favoura$le Strong $od%S (eligious mindedS Inclined towards meditationS #erform religious ritesS *n2o% all comfortsS Blessed $% childrenS /ong lived fatherS +ighl% 'ros'erousS -evoutS #hiloso'hicalS !race of &ingF govtS +a''iness from $rothers, wife, children and friendsS )ealth%S !enerousS -evoted to service of gods, guru and guestsS Inclined towards mone% lending $usinessS /ive a comforta$le ^ ha''% lifeS Fortunate Mnfavoura$le )orries related to s'ouseS Mrinar% trou$les S"TM(3 Favoura$le (Onl% under $enefic influences) Belief in %oga shastras and renunciationS -etachedS (eligiousS Faith in traditionF TraditionalS Involve in re'air of religious institutionS Build cattle sheds, ghats etc.S #hiloso'hical Mnfavoura$le SinfulS MnfortunateS #oorS ChildlessS /oss of father (wea& ^ afflicted SaturnS wea& andFor afflicted ninth lord)S IrreligiousS *vil mindedS eagre wealthS Mnha''%S Cause trou$les to $rothers and othersS Cruel minded #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 5:68 " 9 comments /in&s to this 'ost

"nal%sis of Bhava aII. #lanets in the *ighth +ouse

I3T(O-MCTIO3 *ighth house shows the sum total of all our 'ast &arma, for which we have ta&en $irth in this world. The $irth in this world is due to all the sins and mista&es we have done in the 'ast lifeF lives and hence this house signif% the wea&nesses which ma&e us $ind to this illusor% world. Once all the &armas are redeemed, there is no need of sta%ing an% longer in this world and hence, this house also $ecomes the houses of longevit%. "lmost all shastras sa% that there should not $e an% malefics in the eighth house, otherwise the longevit% of the native is severel% curtailed. +owever, malefic such 'laced is either e?alted or own house, then the longevit% is not much affected. "long with the longevit% of the native, this house also rule the longevit% of relationshi's or marital ties. alefics 'laced here can affect the marital harmon% and longevit% of the marriage. "mong malefics, arsEs 'lacement is the worst 'lacement and it goes $% the name of 0u2a dosa. This cause e?treme trou$les in marriage and the s'ouse might suffer death (if ars is $adl% 'laced) or $ad health. #lanets in the eighth house generall% e?'ress their negative >ualities. Though shastras classif% 'lanets as $enefics and malefics, all 'lanets are ca'a$le of giving good or $ad results $ased on whether their negative or 'ositive >ualities are e?'ressed. The 'ositive >ualities are dis'la%ed when a 'lanet is well 'laced in e?altation or mulatri&ona or own house or friends house and the negative >ualities are dis'la%ed when a 'lanet is de$ilitated or in enemies house. This must $e &e't in mind while anal%sing a $hava and it is s'ecificall% a''lica$le to eight house as this house is the house of our wea&nesses. *ven if a malefic is 'laced here, it must $e ver% strong, for favoura$le results, otherwise, the results can $e e?tremel% trou$lesome. From the argala 'ers'ective, the 'lanets in the eighth house shall have dhanargala on the ;th house, su&hargala on the fifth house and la$hargala on the ninth house. Thus the significations of houses 4th, ;th and 5th are significantl% influenced $% the 'lanets in the eighth house. The 'lacement of oon in the eighth is condemned $% most classics. This 'osition of oon goes $% the name of chandrastama. For such 'ositions of oon, the native suffers with regards to the functional and natural significations of oon. "s moon govern the 'h%sical $od% and mind and its resistance to diseases etc., such 'osition of oon can cause chronic illnesses and also mental trou$les such as de'ression etc. "mong all the 'lanets the 'lacement of ercur% in the eighth house is accorded high regards $% all shastras. ercur% is treated as grandson $% the &ara&a of the eighth houseS Saturn and ercur% rarel% give $ad results if 'laced in eighth house, unless heavil% afflicted. Such 'osition of ercur% gives good health, long lifeS &nowledge of occultS virtuous and gain wealth with his own effort. T+* SM3 Favoura$le FamousS Sudden gains (from lotteries or s'eculation or inheritence)S Committed to his words Mnfavoura$le "ngr%S -efective e%e sightS )ea& constitutionF +ealth trou$lesS +ead In2ur%S /oss of )ealthS Se'aration from &ith ^ &insS Few childrenS -evoid of ha''inessS -isease of "nusS Suffer from +eadache ^ Fever

T+* OO3 Favoura$le /ong life (onl% under $enefic influences) Mnfavoua$le Fic&le mindedF (estlessF suffer 's%chological trou$lesS )ea& constitution and easil% affected $% dieasesS Face adversitiesS Fear from enemies and -anger from water% 'lacesS Short life (more so if moon is afflicted and the eighth lord is also wea& and afflicted) "(S Favoura$le (onl% under $enefic influences) +a''% married life, !ood health and / Mnfavoura$le *%e diseases F -efective e%e sight (BS, BB)S Short life (unless the eighth lord is strong)S "fflicted $od%F Suffer due to $lood related diseasesS Critical to othersS Sic&l%S InfamousS Suffer 'overt%S Mgl%S Se?ual 'erversionsS SorrowfulS *arl% death of fatherS Mrinar% diseasesS Consum'tion (T.B.)S Few childrenS Suffer rheumatism and shooting 'ainsS Mnsuccessful in his effortsS 3o su''ort from othersS "dversities in lifeS -evoid of marital ha''iness (this one of the conditions of 0u2a dosa) *(CM(D Favoura$le /ong livedS Owner of a large area of landS an% childrenS (es'ect and honour in man% wa%s and will get wide s'read fame and re'utationS )idel% &nown for his >ualitiesS "uthorit% to award 'unishment (2udge, magistrate etc)S )ide s'read re'utationS Su''orter of his famil%S GirtuousS FamousS !loriousS #owerfulS "c>uire wealth $% favour of the &ing or $% doing $usinessS *n2o% the com'an% of women BM#IT*( Favoura$le /ong livedS Free from diseasesS Saintl% 'ersonS /earnedS )ell versed in Gedas ^ shastras Mnfavoura$le )ill not live in 'aternal houseS /oose moralsS Short livedS SinfulS Illicit relationshi'sS Suffer 'overt% ^ earn his livelihood $% serving others G*3MS Mnfavoura$le +a''%S /ong life (Genus rules over rt%un2a%a mantra)S wealth%, long.livedS owner of landsS Saravali sa%s that such natives will $e endowed with all &inds of comforts, ver% wealth%, li&e a &ing and ha''%, which is also su''orted $% Chamat&ar chintamani, which adds en2o%ment of conve%ances to the list. Favoura$le Trou$le to motherS Short life (more so if afflicted)S Sic&l%S +ave a devoted wife $ut he will $e discontentedS BaseS +arsh s'eechS Tormented $% de$t S"TM(3 Favoura$le /ong life (also de'endent on the strength of the =th lord)

Mnfavoura$leIntimac% with low caste womenS *arn $% serving othersS -efective e%e sightS /imited num$er of issuesS MncleanS Suffer from 'iles and other diseases of anusS Suffer 'overt%S Cruel mindedS -evoid of good foodS Mnsuccessful in venturesS /oss of wealthS -evoid of com'an% of friendsS Sic&l%S *vil minded #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 5:67 " 6 comments /in&s to this 'ost

Saturda%, Se'tem$er 9<, 799< "nal%sis of Bhava aI. #lanets in the Seventh +ouse I3T(O-MCTIO3 The seventh house is 'rimaril% seen for relationshi's and marital as'ects of a native and secondaril% for $usiness and trade. #resence of malefics or affliction otherwise to this house cause marital disharmon%, trou$le to s'ouseEs health. Since this house is o''osition to the /agna, 'lanets 'laced here significantl% affect the /agna $% as'ect. If the 'lanets 'laced here is friend to the /agna lord, then the /agna (self) gains from the significations of the ;th house, however, if inimical to the /agna lord, then the native suffer due to the significations of the 'lanets 'laced in the seventh. Since an% relationshi's is an emotional $ond, 'redominant with water elements, an% fier% 'lanetEs (Sun, ars) 'lacement in this house can cause trou$le in the marital life and the relationshi' $ond of the native as fire is inimical to the water element. #lacement of water% 'lanets such as oon and Genus ma&es the native highl% emotional regarding relationshi' with the o''osite se? and the% tend to $e more 'assionate and li&e to have com'an% with man% 'artners. If these 'lanets are afflicted, then this might cause 'erversions. ars and ercur% gets into arana &ara&a avastha since, ars is a $achelor and hence a$hors marriage or an% relationshi' with the o''osite se?. For ercur%, he is still an undevelo'ed se?uall% and thus in the house of relationshi', ercur% feels e?tremel% uncomforta$le. +owever, not $oth give similar results while 'laced in the ;th house. ars is more deadl% as it cause the 0u2a -osa and ma&es marriage a difficult 'ath to tread. +owever, though ercur% is not as $ad as ars, it ma&es the native suffer from im'otenc% and not a$le to co'e u' se?uall% with the 'artner. In addition, ars and ercur%Es functional and natural signification suffer significantl% while the% are 'laced in the ;th house. T+* SM3 Favoura$le )itt%S Successful in trade and $usiness Mnfavoura$le /ate arriageS arital disharmon%S #assionateS ImmoralS Trou$le to wifeF an% wivesS BaldS 3o res'ect for o''osite se?S )andererS eat eaterS Mrninar% trou$lesS Suffer due to litigationS )rath of governmentS /oss in $usiness. T+* OO3 Favoura$le !ood loo&ingS )ell $ehavedF good mannersS Soft s'o&enS #assionate. Fond of womenEs com'an%S !race of rulerF govt.S +a''iness from wifeF arital harmon%S !ains from foreign trade ^ $usiness

Mnfavoura$le #overt%S IllnessesS *%e defectsS Suffer fear of waterS *nvious of othersS wea& constitution (suffer man% diseases due to this)S !reed% "(S Mnfavoura$le Ill healthS /oss of s'ouseF Ill health to s'ouse (due to &u2a dosa)S O$stacles in getting marriedS ove awa% from homeS Se?ual intimac% with women of loose characterS Se?ual 'erversions (association with ercur%F Saturn)S Fond of li>uorS Se?ual intercourse with women in enses (association with 0etu)S )ithout 'otenc%S Full of vanit%S +umiliation at the hand of o''osite se?S ImmoralS Mnha''%S Trou$ledS Suffer 'overt% and trou$led $% enemies ^ diseases. *(CM(D Favoura$le +andsomeS )ealth%S *n2o% ha''iness from motherS #ossess conve%ancesS (eligiousl% inclinedS Broad.mindedS arried to a good naturedS wealth%S intelligent wife (more a''lica$le in 3avamsa)S #ossess &nowledge of law and rules of own countr%S )iseS )ell dressedS !loriousS arried to a wealth% wifeS (es'ectedS /ess virile Mnfavoura$le *at non.vegetarian foodS /oss of hus$and (in female horosco'e)S Suffer from /e'ros%. BM#IT*( Favoura$le +ighl% educatedS )orriedS Financial gainsS Chaste, learned and devoted wifeS "ttached to his wifeS !ain wealth from wifeS *?cel his father in >ualitiesF ore generous than his fatherS Blessed with childrenS OratorS #oeticS +ead of villageS /earned in shastrasF Famous for his learningS +ighl% intelligentS #owerfulS +andsome Mnfavoura$le (onl% on affliction) Illicit relationshi' with other women G*3MS Favoura$le +andsomeF have a charismatic 'ersonalit%S #assionateS Surrounded $% womenS )ealth%S Surrounded $% lu?uriesS )ealth from in.lawsS Influential due to wifeS *?'ert in various art formsS +a''% married lifeS Fond of 'romoting controversies and >uarrelsS #ossess conve%ancesS *fficient in wor&S Mnfavoura$le +%'er se?edS +ave e?tra marital affairsS Believe in material en2o%mentS /oss of wifeF (emarriageS -evoid of children S"TM(3 Favoura$le !ood friendsS Sta$le wealthS Sta$le minded wifeS Sta$le marital lifeS !ain from the trade of Iron and etal Mnfavoura$le -ela%s in arriageS The s'ouse would $e significantl% older than the e?'ected age F /ean $odied wife (more a''lica$le in 3avamsa)S "ffliction to $od%S Involve in 'rostitutionS SorrowfulS Se?ual intimac% outside marriageF Intimation with women of >uestiona$le

characterF Intimation with man% women (own sign e?altation)F +omose?ualit% (associate with ars)F Mn.natural se? (associate with Genus)F Suffer humiliation in the hands of womenS #oorS Mnha''%S )ander aimlessl%S Sic&l%S Suffer loss of wifeS #oorS Mgl%S SinfulS /oose moralsS Sic&ness to $oth the native and the s'ouse #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at <:99 # : comments /in&s to this 'ost

"nal%sis of Bhava a. #lanets in the Si?th +ouse I3T(O-MCTIO3 Si?th house is commonl% called the "ri $hava or the $hava of enemies and it is also an M'acha%a. Being an u'acha%a, the 'lanets 'laced in this house 'romotes the significations of the /agna $hava and hel' in its growth. It is usuall% said the the $est 'lace for the alefics are the u'acha%as. +owever, their 'lacement in the si?th house is tric&% since, this 'osition on one hand gives valour and the 'ower to con>uer enemies, on the other, it gives trou$le from the enemies. +owever if the lagna lord is stronger than the si?th lord, then the native wins over the enemies and otherwise if the si?th lord is stronger. The &ind of enemies can $e seen from the natural significations of the 'lanet who is 'laced in the si?th house. For e?am'le, if Sun is 'laced in the si?th there shall $e enemit% with influencial 'ersons and 'ersons from the govt. This might also show the 'redominant characteristic on the enemies. The $enefics 'laced in this house ma&es the 'erson free from enemies and if there is enemit%, the native con>uers his enemies without much effort. This is also the house of diseases. The diseases caused in this $hava is more 'athogenic than 'h%siological. If a 'lanet is wea&l% 'laced in this $hava then the native suffers diseases in the 'h%siological s%stem ruled $% the 'lanet. The 'h%siological s%stem ruled $% different 'lanets are as follows: Sun . S&eletal s%tem oon . Circulator% s%stem ars . uscular s%stem ercur% . 3ervous s%stem including s&ins Bu'iter . -igestive s%stem Genus . (e'roductive s%stem Saturn . *?cretor% s%stem "long with the s%stems governed $% different 'lanets, the% also govern other $od% 'arts, which needs to $e studied to understand different diseases a 'erson would $e suffering with. Mnderstanding diseases are an essential 'art of medical astrolog% and shall $e ta&en u' in another article. Si?th house is also the house of maternal uncles and in whole it re'resents the motherEs famil%. If malefics are 'laced here as well as afflicted, then the nativeEs maternal uncles might suffer. If a $enefic is 'laced in the si?th, its natural significance suffers with the e?'ense of the house itself (the house gains with the 'lacement of a $enefic). Thus is oon is 'laced in the si?th the 'erson suffers with lac& of mental felicit% and involved in man% unlawful activities if afflicted too. Similarl% if Genus is so 'lace, the significations such as relationshi', marital harmon% etc., suffer heavil% and if Bu'iter is so 'laced, the 'erson suffers due to e?cessive eating (the% would li&e to eat, $ut man% things would $e 'rohi$ited $% the doctor). If

ercur% is so 'laced, then the 'erson gets into trou$le due to communication and he is trou$led $% his &iths ^ &ins. Genus is 'laced in arana 0ara&a "vastha ( 0") in this house and the natural as well as functional significations of Genus significantl% suffer while it is 'laced here. #lanets in si?th have argala on the 4th, =th and the :rd house. +ence 'lanets in this how singnificantl% affect the significations of the mentioned houses. T+* SM3 Favoura$le #owerful ($ut can $e over'owered $% his enemies)S Successful in endeavoursS !loriousS FamousS )ealth%S #assionate Mnfavoura$le Billious tem'eramentS Suffering to diseasesS "cidic Trou$les OO3 Favoura$le Con>uer enemies (onl% if strong) Mnfavoura$le #oorS Sic&l% F wea& constitutionS Stomach ailmentsS Stu'idit%S Suffer in enem% handsS /ow se?ual vigourS /ow life force. /a,% and /ethargicS /ower longevit%S CruelS "ngr%S Sinful deeds, wor&ing against the laws (govt.)S Sic&l% in childhood. "(S Favoura$le FamousS Successful in his underta&ingsS GalorousS -efeat his enemiesS Blessed with childrenS )ealth%S !lorious li&e a &ingS +ighl% 'assionateS +andsomeS Stout $odied and /eader in his communit% Mnfavoura$le (heumatismS /e'ros% (association with ercur%)S Suffer h%'eracidit%S Trou$les to maternal uncle and S'endthriftS Trou$les in /itigations. *(CM(D Favoura$le (es'ectedF favour $% the rulerF govt.S "uthorS Free from enemiesS Gictorious in the $attlefieldS Free from diseasesS *arn wealth with his own efforts. Mnfavoura$le /e'ros% (association with ars and 8th lord)S (heumatism ^ shooting 'ains (affliction $% Saturn or 3odes)S Trou$led $% enemiesF *nemies in his communit%S /a,%S +arsh s'eechS BelligerentS "rgumentative and gets angr% often in argumentsS O$stacles in achieving success in educational 'ursuitsS Show%S #roudS Fond of creating controversiesS (estless BM#IT*( Favoura$le aternal uncleS +eart or e%e diseasesS Bone related

Con>uer enemiesF Free from enemiesS #rogression of lineageS Free from diseases, CleverS Interest in antra recitation (house of s'eech, 7nd, from the house of mantra, 4th)S FamousS (e'utation through s'ouse Mnfavoura$le ar&s of wound on the $od%S (heumatismS Suffering from cough and coldS "cidit%S Sic&ness to motherS /a,%S Trou$led $% enemiesS Falling sic& due to e?cessive eating. G*3MS Favoura$le -evoid of enemies Mnfavoura$le -angerous and scheming enemies (affliction)S Suffer 'overt%S Mnha''%S (elationshi' with man% womenF -isli&ed $% womenS Inimical toward wifeS -istressedS eanS Mnsuccessful in effortsS -e'rived of ha''iness from father or guruS -ullS Trou$le in $egetting children S"TM(3 Favoura$le #owerfulS Gan>uish his enemies and diseases (however, trou$led $% them)S Travel far and wide (association of ars) Mnfavoura$le BelligerentS Financial distressS /ittle learningS Trou$les to legsF Suffer rheumatic 'ains, Suffer loss of longevit% (if Saturn is eighth lord)S *at a lotS )ealth%S #roudS #assionateS CourageousS *vil mindedS Suffer earl% loss of maternal uncle #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at ::4< # 9 comments /in&s to this 'ost

"nal%sis of Bhava Ia. #lanets in the Fifth +ouse I3T(O-MCTIO3 The fifth house is 'redominantl% &nown as Suta Bhava or the house of 'rogen%. Since children reflects the future in an%oneEs life, this house is also called the house governing the future. If this house is under affliction, then there shall $e trou$les in 'rocreation and also the future of the native is ruined. This also the house of chitta, or the inner harmon%. "ffliction to this house cause the 'erson inherentl% restless and 'ossess lesser emotional >uotient. Since this is the house of 'rogen%, which is the reflection of the native himself, this house is also &nown for an% &ind of creative im'ulses and ver% im'ortant for innovation and geniuses. "mong other things, this is the house of 'ower and authorit% and also re'resent disci'les or su$ordinates, on which the 'ower is weilded. #lanets well 'laced in this house confer 'ower and authorit% to the native, while if wea&l% 'laced, can cause trou$les related to these areas. Fifth house is also the house of worshi' and mantra. #lanets 'laced in this house reflect the nativeEs affiliation towards different forms of divinit%. If a male 'lanet is 'laced here, the conce'tion of divinit% for the native is masculine and 'owerful, whereas female 'lanets shows that for the native, the divinit% is feminine and 'rotective. Bu'iter confers the

conce'tion of nirguna $rahman and ma&e the native worshi' formless form of the Brahaman. From the argala 'ers'ective, 'lanets in the fifth house shall have dhanargala on the <th house, su&hargala on the 7nd house and la$hargala on the ;th house. +ence the significations of the 4th house such as children, &nowledge, authorit% etc, significantl% im'act the significations of the 7nd, <th and ;th house. T+* SM3 Favoura$le -evoted to ShivaS Shar' Intellect and )ise Mnfavoura$le Trou$le to first childF ChildlessS -evoid of wealthS Mse intelligence in sinful deedS )andererS Stomach ailment (such as acidit%) and Short lived. T+* OO3 Favoura$le #rogen%Es well $eingS ore female offs'ringS +ighl% intelligentS Fic&le mindedF Changea$leS )orshi''er of otherS TimidS )iseS !loriousS TruthfulF Sattvi& mindS S&illful in handling mone%F financesS #hilantro'icS eritoriousS (a2a%ogi. 3ot attached to material surrounding, even if have a$undanceS Councellor F "dvisorS +ave good friendsS Serve the rulerF &ing (govt. servant) "(S Mnfavoura$le Suffer 'overt%S Mnha''%F worriedS 3o childrenF /oss of childrenF a$ortionsS ImmoralS )ic&edF eanF Sinful (association with eighth lord)F Mncontrolla$leS Mnsta$le mindS )rath of the rulerFgovt.S Suffer from cuts or woundsS /iar (li&e to sa% foul against others in his a$sence and create controversies)S ShrewdS Trou$les from enemiesS ental disorderS /ac& of IntelligenceS Trou$les in educationS Bac&$iterS Tormented $% hungerS Suffer h%'eracidit%S In female horosco'e this indicate terri$le la$our 'ain Favoura$le +ave children (onl% under $enefic influences)S !overnmental 'ositions of high statusS Intelligent and anal%tical mindedS Courageous *(CM(D Favoura$le otherEs well $eingS an% children $ut get them late in lifeS #ossess children (onl% under $enefic influences)S +ighl% intelligentS Soft s'o&enS )iseS /earned in antra Shastra and +%'notismS inisterF advisorS +a''%S !loriousS )ell educatedS +old 'osition of authorit%S S&ilful in Trade and s'eculation Mnfavoura$le /oss of childrenF Inclined towards ado'tionS Sinful BM#IT*( Favoura$le +ighl% intelligentS )iseF /earnedS #ossess $road e%esS !ood conversationalistF !ood oratorS *ndowed with illustrious childrenS !loriousS Feed othersS !ood in 'olitics (ra2aniti shastra)F

Favour $% &ingF govt.S 0nowledgea$le in /awF !ood advisorF BudgeS #ros'erousS TolerantS Fond of lu?uriesS "uthor with fruitful imaginationS )ealth from children Mnfavoura$le /oss of childrenF -ifficulties in $egetting children (in Ca'ricorn, ">uarius or Cancer)S Suffer loss of wealth due to wrath of rulerS /oss of memor%S -evoid of wisdom G*3MS Favoura$le )iseS IntelligentS *ducatedS *ndowed with 'oetic s&illsS Clever ministerF advisorF 2udgeS /ong lived grandmotherS (es'ectedS +onoured $% govtS )ell versed in worldl% affairsS +ave children $ut devoid of ha''iness from themS Conve%ancesS )ealth%S +ardwor&ingS Successful in s'eculation Mnfavoura$le /ac&s courageF Cowerdice S"TM(3 Favoura$le Birth of children (more daughters)S "ffairs with man% womenS #hiloso'herS *ndowed with the s&ill of use machines Mnfavoura$le ChildlessF "do't a daughter (under $enefic influences)S )ea& constitutionS *?tremel% 'oorS *ngaged in inferior tradesS *vil mindedF +eartlessS -evoid of intelligenceS -evoid of learningF Trou$les in educationS -evoid wealth and ha''inessS )anders aimlessl%S Mnsta$le mindS Suffer gastritis #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at ::<8 # 9 comments /in&s to this 'ost

)ednesda%, Se'tem$er 96, 799< "nal%sis of Bhava GIII. #lanets in the Fourth +ouse I3T(O-MCTIO3 Fourth is the house of ha''iness and shastras define this as su&ha sthana. Since all of us are in the search of ha''iness in life, this house shows what motivates all our actions. Being a &endra, it has strong $earing on our activities. )e all &now that the 0endras are the houses of Gishnu and hence shows our actions, and the 0onas are the houses of /a&shmi and shows the results we get for those actions. alefics 'laced here ma&es the 'erson unha''% at his native 'laceF home and ma&es him leave home F native 'lace and go to foreign land to settle down. )here as $enefics ma&es the 'erson en2o% ha''iness at his home or native land. "long with ha''iness, fourth house is also seen for immova$le 'ro'erties such as /and, house etc. and also conve%ance. #lanets 'laced in dignit% and under $enefic influences $estow the native these things and man% more lu?uries. )hereas an% affliction to this house ma&e the native devoid of ha''iness from these things. This house is also seen for otherEs health. This house must $e under $enefic influences for other to $e free from an% trou$les. Otherwise, trou$les can $e 'redicted to other.

This house rules the heart. "ffliction to this house can cause heart trou$les. +owever, one must loo& for affliction to the 0ara&a Sun as well, $efore 'ronouncing the results. From the "rgala 'ers'ective, this house has dhanargala on the :rd house, la$hargala on the 8th house and su&hargaloa on the /agna. +ence 'lanets in this house influences the 'ros'erit% of the si$lings (:rd)S service F enemies (8th) or the health of the native (lagna). T+* SM3 Favoura$le Socia$leS Soft heartedS Fond of vocal F instrumental music Mnfavoura$le /ac& of +a''inessS Trou$led mindF (estlessS -evoid of friends or relationsF Trou$led $% friends or relationsS /oss of 'aternal 'ro'ert%S -evoid of wealthS -evoid of conve%anceS /ive awa% from his homeS Trou$les to otherS +eart trou$le T+* OO3 Favoura$le +a''%F SatisfiedS Fond of lu?uriesS #assionate. Fond of womenEs com'an%S SacrificingS +ave good friends ^ relativesS "ttain high status and 'ositionF hold leadershi' 'osition in his communit%S !ood re'utationF li&ed and loved $% 'eo'leS +ave good house, conve%ancesS Trade on waters (river or ocean) Mnfavoura$le Trou$le to mother and Childhood trou$les "(S Favoura$le (onl% under $enefic influences) !ood healthS Own conve%ances ^ landed 'ro'ert%S clothes $% the favour of the &ingF ruler.

other will $e long.livedS !ets land and

Mnfavoura$le (estlessS "dversities in the famil%S -omestic distur$ances (&u2a dosa)S *arl% death of fatherS +ealth trou$les to motherF /oss of mother (if highl% afflicted)S -evoid of landF homeS /ive in dila'idated houseS Suffer 'overt%S Inimical relations with &ith and &insF -evoid of friendsS /ive awa% from his native 'laceS -evoid of Conve%ances and land *(CM(D Favoura$le Soft s'o&enS "ctive doing something all the timeS #atientS Broad e%esS +a''iness from 'arentsS /earnedS +a''%S FlattererS )ealth%S Own lands and Conve%ancesS Own good clothesS )iseS *n2o% com'an% of friendsS Fond of various art forms Mnfavoura$le (onl% if afflicted) -evoid of land and conve%ancesS Bitterness in relationsS -eceitfulF "c>uire wealth $% >uestiona$le meansS -e'rived of ancestral 'ro'ert% BM#IT*( Favoura$le +a''%F ContentedS )iseS +ighl% intelligentS !ood conductF Clean heartedS Own land ^ good houseS Own conve%ancesS !ood health to motherS !ood friendsS +a''iness from children ^ wifeS )ealth%S *ndowed with lu?uriesS Con>uer enemiesS Ta&e 'art in religious ceremoniesS "m$itiousS !race from rulersF govt.S (e'uted in his communit%

Mnfavoura$le 3ot contendedS -evoid of land and conve%ancesS Suffer loss of motherS Bitterness with relations G*3MS Favoura$le +andsomeS IntelligentS +a''%F +a''iness from $rothersS !ood natureF Forgiving natureS *n2o% conve%ancesS !ood health to motherF /oo&s after his motherS *n2o% landed 'ro'ert% ^ houseS #ossess good ornaments, dresses etcS /eader in his communit%S !et man% gifts from followers Mnfavoura$le -evoid of land and conve%anceS -istress to motherS Illicit relationshi' with other womenS S"TM(3 Favoura$le (onl% if Saturn is strong and under $enefic influences) +a''iness from motherS #o'ular in his communit%S +old leadershi' 'ositions Mnfavoura$le /a,%S -evoid of 'aternal 'ro'ertiesS Bad characterS !ets into $ad com'an%S /oss of motherF Bad health to motherF trou$les motherS /ac& of ha''inessS Trou$ledS Sic&l% in childhoodS -evoid of material ha''iness (from houseS conve%ance etc.)S -omestic trou$lesS /oves Isolation #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 4:7= # 6 comments /in&s to this 'ost

Tuesda%, "ugust :6, 799< "nal%sis of Bhava GII. #lanets in the Third +ouse I3T(O-MCTIO3 Third house is a u'acha%a or a house of growth. "n% 'lanets in this house as rec&oned from the /agna, cause the growth of the /agna $hava. +owever, the wa%s in which a 'lanet shall hel' in growth of the /agna shall $e de'endent on their own nature. Being the $hava of courage, malefics in this $hava gives courage, their affliction can cause lac& of si$lings or trou$le to si$lings. Benefics in such 'lace ma% cause lac& of courage or cowerdice, $ut is good for the health and affairs of si$lings. This is also the house of s&ills and de?terit%. #lanets in this house ma&e the 'erson s&illful in the areas ruled $% the 'lanets. Thus 'lanets li&e oon or Genus can ma&e a 'erson artist, however the genius and creativit% is onl% ruled $% the fifth house. Being the ;th house from the 5th house, 'lanets in this $hava also as'ect the ninth house of fortune. +ence, alefics 'laced here give trou$les with fortune, more so if afflicted and $enefics give rise in fortune. Being the 5th house from ;th house of relationshi', it shows the dharma in the relationshi's and hence it also the house of moralit%. "ffliction to this house also ma&es a 'erson low in moralit% and 'rinci'les. From the "rgala 'ers'ective, 'lanets in the :rd house shall have dharnargala on the 7nd house, la$hargala on the 4th house and su&hargala on the 67th house. Thus courage and

initiative activel% influences the wealth one accumulates, the &nowledge one gathers and the e?'enditure one involves in. If $enefics or the &ar&a or the friends of the &ara&a of 7ndF 4thF 67th are 'laced in the :rd house, the significations of these houses shall enhance, otherwise suffer due to significations of :rd house. T+* SM3 Favoura$le GalorousS FamousS )ealth%S +a''%S +ave a good and eventful lifeS IntelligentS !enerousS !ood to friendsS Forgiving natureS #atientS -evoid of illnessesS +andsomeS /i&ed $% womenS (es'ectedS +onoura$leS Con>uer enemiesS !o to 'ilgrimagesS #hilantro'icS GirtuousS *ndowed with material comfortsS FortunateS ">uire comforts due to grace of rulerS #ros'erit% of $rotherS growth of famil%. Mnfavoura$le -evoid of si$lingsS Cruel -eedS Inimical towards his relationsS *ar trou$lesS -estruction of famil% T+* OO3 Favoura$le #ros'erit% and well $eing of $rothersS more sistersS +ealth%S Strong ^ CourageousS (eligiousS !ood in /iteratureS *n2o%s material 'leasuresS -e'endent on friendsS -e'endent on relations ^ FriendsS Fond of Traveling Mnfavoura$le Suffer (heumatismS "utocraticF Cruel and iser

"(S Favoura$le Financial gainsS Brothers long lived ( ars under $enefic influences)S #atienceS GalorousF CourageousS Mncon>uera$leS !enerousS eritoriousS +onoured $% the rulerF govt.S +a''%S Inde'endentF self.confidentS +ealth% and FamousS Self made 'erson Mnfavoura$le 3o %ounger si$lingsS )ife of >uestiona$le characterS "ssociation with 'rostitutes (association with nodes)S Inimical to si$lings or /oss of %ounger si$lingsS -evoid of good living 'laceS Suffer tu$erculosis F consum'tion *(CM(D Favoura$le an% si$lingsS +a''%S #osses landed 'ro'ert%S "c>uire wealthS +igh moralsS Inde'endentS !ood naturedS GirtuousS TolerantS /ong life (when third lord is strong)S /ong life to $rothersS Inclination towards trade and $usinessS CourageousS CleverS -etached from worldl% affairsS -e'endence of %ounger si$lings on the native. Mnfavoura$le Suffering in lifeS Suffer throat diseasesS Timidit% (wea& third lord)S Consummate rogueS -evoid of friendsS Mnsta$le mind BM#IT*( Favoura$le: Big famil%S an% si$lingsS (eligiousS S -etest materialismF $elief in sim'le livingS CleverS -eterminedS Fond of TravellingS Brothers achieve high 'ositionS Fortunate $ut cannot earn as much as he desiresS !et national honour or recognition

Mnfavoura$le: Sting%F iserS Im'atientS IdioticS Suffer 'overt%S Suffer from "cidit% F InflammationS SinfulS alicious natureS +umiliated in 'u$licS -ominated $% wifeS MngratefulS 3ot a friend of an%$od%S )orriedS -evoid of courage G*3MS Favoura$le TolerantS an% si$lings (mostl% sisters)S -eterminedS )ealth% and +a''% Mnfavoura$le )ea&er constitutionS iserS 3ot li&ed $% 'eo'leS -evoid of ha''iness F wealthS )ife dominates over the nativeS -evoid of courageS -evoid of enthusiasmS /ess fortunateS "ttracted towards womenS /ose morals and involve in lowl% actsS Mnha''% regarding childrenS -e'endent on others S"TM(3 Favoura$le an% si$lingsS IntelligentS CourageousF !reat strengthS -eterminationS 3atural leaderS +olding administrative 'ositionsS !enerous (even treat his enemies well)S #atientF 'ersistentS +a''% married lifeS Charita$leS "m$itiousS !ood orator Mnfavoura$le /oss of $rothersF Mnha''% on account of $rothersS *arn $% >uestiona$le meansS /a,%S Mnha''%S eanS -evoid of gratitude towards othersS Face man% o$stacles in lifeS Suffer ear trou$lesS suffer due to rheumatism (vata) #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 69:69 # 9 comments /in&s to this 'ost

Sunda%, "ugust 75, 799< "nal%sis of Bhava GI. #lanets in the Second +ouse I3T(O-MCTIO3 The 7nd house is 'rimaril% for "ccumilated wealth (&ara&a Bu'iter)S accumulated wealth (&ara&a oon) and "''lication of &nowledge (since this is tenth from fifth house)S S'eech (&ara&a ercur%)S *%es (&ara&a Sun) or Face (0ara&a Sun) alefics 'laced in this house adversel% affect these significations. Chec&ing the argala 'ers'ective, 'lanets 'laced in the 7nd house would have argala on the /agna $hava (dharnargala)S Fourth house (/a$hargala) and *leventh house (su&hargala). alefics 'laced in this house affect the significations of these houses adversel%, while $enefics 'laced in second house, enhance the said houses. SM3: Favoura$le +ealth%S Immensel% )ealth%S ">uire wealth due to the grace of rulerF govt.S /earned in shastrasS )iseS !ood e%e sightS !ood re'utationF fame Mnfavoura$le *goistisS -evoid of wealthS /oss of wealth due to wrath of !overnmentS -iseases in FaceF outhS *%e diseasesS /ac& of IntelligenceS -evoid of &nowledge of shastrasS Ill healthS

-omestic disharmon% (conflict with &ith and &ins on account of s'ouse)S Stammer (association with ercur% and the 7nd lord is wea&)S Trou$le to Children. T+* OO3 Favoura$le +andsomeS !loriousS )ealth%S Com'lacentS 0nowlegea$leS /arge famil%S "ttached to the famil%S Soft s'o&enS *ndowed with material comforts. Mnfavoura$le S'eech trou$lesS #assionateS Stu'id and Mneducated. "(S Favoura$le !ain wealthS )ell educatedS !ood e%e sight and -efeat his enemies. Mnfavoura$le /ac& of educationS *%e trou$les such as cataract, defective e%esight or night $lindnessS *at stale foodS Mgl% faceS S'eech defectsS In com'an% of mean 'eo'leS Stu'id and iser. *(CM(D Favoura$le an% childrenS Tal&ativeS *ducatedS )ell versed in shastrasS -eterminedS ContentedS )ealth%S GirtuousS -istinction in academic 'ursuitsS Financial gainsS #roficient in athematics (as'ected $% Bu'iter)S #oeticS IntelligentS Soft s'o&enS Fond of good food and drin&sS FamousS +ighl% moralS OratorS !enerousS Fond of lu?urious livingS Mnfavoura$le MneducatedS Suffer from wind% trou$lesS BM#IT*( Favoura$le +andsomeS IntelligentS *lo>uentS Sweet tonguedS Soothsa%er ()hatever he sa%s comes true)S #ros'erousS )ealth%S Fond of good foodS Fond of lu?uriesS Charita$leS Fond of 'oetr%S )ell versed in administrative matters Mnfavoura$le -ifficulties in educationS +ave thieving inclinationS /iar and vulgar s'eechS -run&ardS ImmoralS -estro%er of famil%S (elations with otherEs wivesS ChildlessS Tal&ativeS -ifficulties in accumulate wealth G*3MS Favoura$le "ttractive e%esS )ealth%S #ros'erous famil%S !et good foodS +um$le natureS 0ind heartedS +el'ful to othersS *lo>uentF sweet tonguedF +um$le in s'eechS )ealth%S #oeticS *n2o% good foodF drin&sS !loriousS *n2o% lu?uriesS *n2o% com'an% of womenS IntelligentS +andsomeF decentl% dressed Mnfavoura$le *%e trou$les (lord wea&F afflicted)S 3ight $lindness (associate with oon)

S"TM(3 Favoura$le In charge of a religious institutionS *arn in foreign land F$ecomes wealth% in foreign land Mnfavoura$le Suffer 'overt%F -e'rived of wealth $% the &ingS (emarriageS #ossess no landsS Suffer e%e trou$lesS Suffer diseases in faceS Mgl% in a''earanceS +arsh s'eechS -etaches himself from the famil% to move to foreign land ("+M (ahu is inimical to the 0ara&a of the house Bu'iter (wealth) or Famil% and $eing a malefic can cause distress in these areas. Favoura$le: Financiall% successful in the $usiness related to fish, meat or restaurantS +arsh tongueF shoc&ing s'eechS -i'lomatic s'eech. Mnfavoura$le: Thieving ha$itsS /ow sinful deeds 0*TM Favoura$le: The native is inclined towards arts and literatureS Sweet tongued Mnfavoura$le: Trou$les to e%es and throat #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 67::8 # 69 comments /in&s to this 'ost

"nal%sis of a Bhava G. #lanets in First house I3T(O-MCTIO3 This section shall enumerate the different effects of all the 'lanets in different houses. The effects of all the 'lanets shall $e divided into two distinct categories namel% the favoura$le effect, the unfavoura$le effects: " 'lanet gives favoura$le results if it is 'laced with strength vi,., 'lacement in e?altation, oola tri&ona, own house or natural friendEs house if is under the influence of natural $enefics Bu'iter, ercur%, Genus or oon. " 'lanet gives unfavoura$le results if it is wea& $% 'lacement vi,., 'lacement in de$ilitation or enemies house. if it is under the influence of natural malefics Saturn, (ahu, ars, Sun or 0etu. The relations signified $% a house suffer, if the house is 'laced with malefics (afflicted) and the lord of the house is wea&l% 'laced as well. If $enefic as'ects such house, the suffering is either nullified or minimised to great e?tent. The influence on the lord of the the $hava also shows the effect on the nativeEs mental ma&eu' towards relations signified $% that house. Thus if the :rd lord is afflicted, the the native might not go well with $rothers. The different relations governed $% the houses are:

/agna. Self Second. Famil% as a whole Third. Si$lings in general and %ounger si$lings in 'articular Fourth. other Fifth. ChildrenS Secret friends Si?th. *nemies, maternal uncles Seventh. S'ouse *ighth. 3inth. Father Tenth. *leventh. Friends, #aternal uncle Twelfth. Secret enemies The natural $enefics (Bu'iter, ercur%, oon ^ Genus) are good for the health and longivit% of the relations and natural malefics (Saturn, ars, Sun, (ahu ^ 0etu) cause health trou$les and reduction in longevit% and health. In the the third house malefics give lesser si$lings and in the fifth house it gives difficulties in $irth of children and also lesser in num$ers. T+* /"!3" /agna is 'rimaril% a &endra $hava and secondaril% a tri&ona $hava and hence #arashara sa%s that this $hava is s'ecificall% aus'icious of all natives. If there is affliction to this $hava, the whole horosco'e is affected. alefics 'laced here can harm the $hava, however since this is a &endra $hava, if those malefics ( ars or Saturn) are 'laced in own house or e?altation, the% constitute two maha'urusha %oga namel% (ucha&a and Sasa aha'urusha %oga. )hen such maha'urusha %oga occurs, the 'lanet doesnot harm the $hava and instead 'romote the $hava. The influence of the 'lanets on the 'h%sical features and nature, while 'laced on the /agna can $e seen from the characteristics of the 'lanets, which are as follows: b Sun o +as hone%.coloured, golden Brown or Tawn% e%es (madhu 'ingala dr&) o +as S>arish Face (Chaturasrah) o +as $ilious teme'erament ('itta 'ra&rti) o Is intelligent (-himan) o +as limited hair (#uman al'a&a) b o o o o o o o b o o o o o b oon Is e?tremel% wind% and 'hlegmatic ($ahu vata &a'ha) Is /earned (#ragn%a) +as round face (Brtta) +as good loo&ing e%es (Su$ha -r&) +as sweet s'eech ( adhu va&%a) Fic&le.minded (Chanchal) Is /asciviousF eager to associate with o''osite se? ( adana "turah) ars +as fierce and $ e%es (&ruraF ra&tetasana) Mnstead% or wavering (cha'ala) +as $ilious tem'erament ('itta 'ra&rti) Is angr% (0rodhi) +as thin waist and 'h%si>ue (0rsah adh%a Tanu) ercur%

o o o o o b o o o o o b o o o o o o o b o o o o o o o b o o o o o o o

Is admira$le (va'ush) Is s'lendid and $eautiful (Strestha) +as $eautiful s&inF s&in without $lemishes (shlishtva&) Is fond of humor (has%a ruchi) +e has a mi? of all the three humours, i.e., $ilious, 'hlegmatic and wind% Bu'iter +as a $ig $od% (Brhat !atra) +as Tawn% hair and e%es (#ingala murdha2e&sane) Is 'hlegmatic (&a'ha 'ra&rti) Is Intelligent (-himan) Is e?'ert in all Shastras (Sarva shastra visharada) Genus Is charming (su&hi &anta) S'lendorous 'h%si>ue (va'usshreshta) +as $eautiful e%es (sulochana) Is 'oetic (&av%a &arta) Is *?ceedingl% 'hlegmatic (0a'ha adhi&%a) Is also wind% ("nilaatma) +as curl% hair (va&ra murdha2a) Saturn is +as an emaciated and long 'h%si>ue (0rsha -irgha Tanu) +as tawn% e%es (#ingala -rsti) Is of wind% in tem'erament (anilaatma&ah) +as 'rotruding teeth (sthula danta) Is la,% (alasa) Is /ame (#angu) +as coarse hair over the $od% (&hara roma) 3odes (ahu has smo&% a''earance (-humra a&ara) +as $luish $od% (3ila tanu) +e resides in forests (Ganastha) +e is horrif%ing (Bha%an&arah) +e is of wind% tem'erament (vata 'ra&rti) +e is intelligent (-himan) 0etu is a&in to (ahu

3ote: Terms inside the closed $rac&ets are the sans&rit term ta&en from B#+S. Since the /agna signif% the self and the 'ersonalit% of the native, the influence of different 'lanets shall influence the 'ersonalit% of the native too. If more 'lanets are 'laced in the /agna (or as'ect it), the 'erson would $e $road minded as he would $e having the attitude F 'ersonalit% traits $estowed $% all 'lanets. an% shastras sa% that such 'eo'le will $e a &ing, which in modern conte?t mean an a$le leader or a natural leader. This is a arana 0ara&a Sthana for Saturn and hence the natural significations of Saturn such as longevit% gets severel% affected. +owever, if the% also constitute the aha'urusha %oga, the effect undergo transformation and the arana 0ara&a avastha is cancelled. The different 0ara&as for this $havas are:

Sun . SoulS +ealth and Gitalit% oon . Bod% Bu'iter . Intelligence Saturn . +air The effect of different 'lanets on /agna is $ased on their interaction with these different &ara&as. If the% are friends to the 0ara&a, the% shall enhance the significations of the &ara&aS otherwise the% shall affect it adversel%. +owever, it needs to $e em'hasised again that strong 'lanets (e?altation, own, friendl% houses) tend to give less malefic results than the wea&er ones. It is also to $e noted that each 'lanet is a &ara&a for other houses too. If it is 'laced in a dusthana (8thF =thF 67th) from the concerned house (&ar%a $hava), then the native is unfortunate related to the affairs to that house. For e?am'le if Saturn is 'laced in the /agna, it can curtail longevit% since, it is the &ara&a of eighth house (longevit%) and if 'laced in the /agna, it would $e 'laced in si?th house from the eighth, which ha''ens to $e a dusthana from the &ar%a $hava. Similarl% ars is the 0ara&a for enemies and if 'laced in the /agna, would $e in the eighth (dusthana) from the si?th house, causing damage to the si?th house. Thus, this 'osition of ars, causes suffering to the enemies in the hands of the native (/agna. self). One more ver% im'ortant thing to consider is the conce't of argala. #lanets in the /agna would have argala on the 67th house, :rd house and the 69th house. alefics in the /agna would have the argala on the 66th house too. Thus the 'lanets in the /agna shall effect the influences of these four houses also. If $enefics are 'laced in /agna, then it enhances, e?'enses on good cause, 'ros'erit% of the si$lings, enhacement of re'utation and fame and also income from desira$le sources. alefics 'laced in the /agna gives >uite o''osite results. T+* SM3 Favoura$le effects /ess +air on head ($aldish)F #rominent foreheadS -ignifiedS Sattvi& 3aturedS !ood healthS IntelligentS /earnedS 0nowledgea$leS )iseS "m$itiousS InitiativeS 3atural leadershi' >ualitiesS Commanding natureS Bilious Tem'eramentS +ot tem'eredS FierceS /ess s'o&enS GalourousS Self contendedS FamousS )ealth%S "c>uire territor% (/eo)S Father of daughters (Girgo) Mnfavoura$le effects /ethargic ('redominance of tamasi& guna)S O$stinateS Cruel +eartedS /ac& the forgiving attitudeS )andererS #roudS Fluctuating wealthS -evoid of /earningS -evoid of authorit%S -evoid of 'rogen%S BlindS Su$servient to )omen (#isces)S Suffer from $oilsS -iseases in the +eadS *%e defectsF diseasesF trou$lesF *%e Inflammation or Cataract of e%esF 3ight $lindness (/eo)S (Cancer)S +eart disease (Ca'ricorn)S /ose his wifeF Mngrateful (Girgo). T+* OO3 Favoura$le +andsomeS +a''%S Strong $uiltS )ell versed in shastrasS )iseS IntelligentS Clever converstationalist and )ealth% Mnfavoura$le (wea& in 'a&sha $ala along with other wea&nesses) Fic&le mindedS (estlessnessS )ea& constitutionS -eaf and ute "(S Favoura$le

+ealth%S Strong constitutionS Stout $od%S Big navelS (eddish handsS GalorousS )ealth%S +ot tem'eredS +onoured $% the rulerF govt.S /ong lifeS Fond of sight seeing Mnfavoura$le (arel% get 'eace of mindS ar&s of wounds or $oilsS Suffer man% diseases during childhoodS Stealing ha$itS Stu'idS CruelS "ngr% tem'eramentS Mnsta$le mindS Suffer from ental trou$lesS )ic&ed dis'ositionS Short lifeS Few childrenS Mgl% a''earanceS (heumatismS *%e diseasesS "ccidentsS In2uries to /im$S /oss of wifeF Trou$le to wifeS Face evil conse>uences for his actions *(CM(D Favoura$le !entleS *ducatedS *arl% marriageS -evout listener of the recitation of religious scri'turesS /i&e to travel to man% 'lacesS Travel to 'ilgrimagesS Inclined towards antras and TantrasS +ave the 'ower to free 'eo'le from the influence of evil s'iritsS Soft s'o&enS ForgivingS 0ind heartedS !ain of wealthS -istinction in academic 'ursuitsS !ood healthS !olden lustre on the s&inS Interested in "strolog%S +a''iness from $rothersS (eligious mindedS #roficienc% in "rtsS #oetr%, /iterature, /ogic, athematics and use of armsS Stout $od%F +andsomeS 0nowledge of own countr%S )ell versed in shastrasS Sweet and tactful conversationalistS /ong.lifeS -estro%s the "rishta (evil effect on longevit%) caused $% other 'lanets in the horosco'e and !ood 'h%sician, #ros'erit% of childrenS The% usuall% donEt suffer from an% diseases. +owever, if the% contact an% disease, it will $e ver% com'licated. Mnfavoura$le Suffer from s&in diseases, $ilious trou$les and 2aundiceS -efective lim$S "ntagonistic towards gentlemenS Suffer from e%e diseasesS Inimical relations with his $rothers and will $e deceitfulS +e will $e de'rived of the comforts of $ed (se?ual 'leasures) and will $e a devotee of evil !odsS Suffer the loss of sight in his left e%e (association with Saturn)S *?'enditure on undesira$le 'ersons. BM#IT*( Favoura$le -ignified a''earanceF +andsomeS !ood naturedF amica$leS !ood s'ea&erS /earnedS )ell versed in shastrasS 0nowledge of GedasS an% childrenF +a''iness from childrenS +a''%S /ong livedS #erform religious deedsS /ong livedS FearlessS TolerantS (es'ectedS GirtuousS Charita$leS #hilanthro'icS !o to 'ilgrimagesS FamousS *n2o% lu?uries and material 'leasures Mnfavoura$le Indulge in sinful deedsS Mnsta$le mindS edium s'an of lifeS ChildlessS MngratefulS Full of false vanit%S Forsa&e his near and dearS /i&e travellingS Inimical towards othersS isera$le Bata&a #ari2ata sa%s in this res'ect . If a 'owerful Bu'iter in his full ra%s is 'osited in a &endra (6,<,;,69), he alone wards off all aristhas 2ust as a sincere 'ra%er to !od ahadev destro%s all sins of the devotee G*3MS Favoura$le +andsomeF charmingF attractiveS Soft.s'o&enS /ong livedS #roficient in athematicsS /earned in shastrasS /oved $% his wifeS Fond of ornaments, good dresses ^ $eaut%S /i&ed $% o''osite se?S )ealth%. Mnfavoura$le

Thieving inclinationS CheatS Suffer rheumatic F 'hlegmatic diseasesS Trou$les in generative organsS Two wives (Genus own 8thF=thF67th)S Fluctuating fortuneS +ard hearted (lac& of com'assion). S"TM(3 Mnfavoura$le (heumatismS Bilious com'laintsS endicant (as'ected $% oon)S #oorS Sic&l%S MncleanS Suffering from diseases in childhoodS Indistinct s'eechS /a,% F /ethargicS !reed%S SorrowfulS 3arrow mindedS Con>uer enemies. The native is alwa%s dissatisfied, greed%, endowed with $road vision (the% canEt see minute details) and over am$itious. The% are usuall% 2ealous of othersE im'rovement and as a result suffer lac& of 'eace of mind. +owever, if 'laced in own house or e?alted or when 'laced in #isces or Sagittarius, the native is gets name and fame. Favoura$le (onl% if in own house or in e?altation) /eader of his communit%S +igh status ^ 'osition ("+M Favoura$le Con>uer enemiesS Successful in his endeavours with othersE hel'. (ahu is /eo, Cancer or "ries /agna is s'ecificall% $eneficial. Mnfavoura$le #h%sical trou$les and Trou$les in married life. 0*TM Favoura$le !ood s'ea&erS Successful in education (the deit% of 0etu is !anesha, who is the giver of the siddhis) Mnfavoura$le /eanS /ac&s 'h%sical felicit%S arital disharmon% 9 comments /in&s to this 'ost

#osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 67::9 #

"nal%sis of a Bhava IG. !eneric *ffect of #lanets Favoura$le and unfavoura$le effects of 'lanets 6. Benefics gives unfavoura$le results related to its significations when 'laced in the :rd, 8th or =th or 67th houses. 7. alefics give facoura$le results related to its significations when 'laced in the :rd, 8th or 66th houses. :. #lanet gives unfavoura$le results when i. #laced in -e$ilitation ii. Con2oined withF as'ected $% malefics iii. Con2oined withF as'ected $% enemies iv. #laced in (asi Sandhi or !andanta v. #laced in inimical sign vi. +emmed $etween malefics (#a'a&artari) <. #lanets give favoura$le results when

i. #laced in e?altation ii. #laced in friends house iii. Con2oined with F as'ected $% Benefics iv. Con2oined withF as'ected $% Friends v. +emmed $etween $enefics (su$ha &artari) 4. #lanets 'laced in Bhava adh%a is ca'a$le of giving full results whereas the result of a 'lanet 'laced in $hava sandhi would $e fee$le. (esults of #lanets: Sun: Mnfavoura$le 'osition: )rath of ruler, lord Shiva, fatherS -iseases in +eart, stomach, e%esS trou$les to $onesS diseases caused $% #ittaS Fear from cuadru'eds and fireS -estuction of co''er utensilsS -ecline of 'ersonal influences on others Favoura$le 'ositions: Sattvi& 3atureS Blessings of lord Shiva, father and rulersS "c>uisition of co''er utensilsS Increase of wealth through 2ourne%s and $% trade in woolen goods, grass, gold, leather and medicines. oon: Mnfavoura$le 'osition: cueenEs angerS dissatisfaction of the mother or her illnessS diseases caused $% vata, 'itta and im'ure $loodS enmit% with su'eriors or relativesS wrath of a -urgaS loss of cro'sS -anger to lifeS ill fame Favoura$le 'osition: Satisfaction to motherS !ain of mone% $% trading in ghee, sugar, clothesS Income $% chanting mantras or $% $reeding cattle, $% marine traffic and $% dealing with diamonds, through the hel' of women and $% increase of cro's and increase of fame and riches ars: Mnfavoura$le 'osition: isunderstanding with $rothers, /oss of landed 'ro'ert% and goldS Fear from fire, thieves and enemiesS )rath of god Su$rahman%a and trou$le from militar% 'ersonnelS "ilments arising out of im'ure $lood, fever, e%e diseasesS /oss of utensilsS Cuts and wounds caused in the $od% $% wea'ons Favoura$le: "c>uision of landed 'ro'ert%, gold, wea'onsS Favour of commander in chiefS !race of lord Su$rahman%aS #rofit from loss of enemiesS #rofit from $rothers and &ings ercur%: Mnfavoura$le 'osition: )rath of lord GishnuS Suffering from the heir.a''arentS Suffering due to a$usive languagesS Trou$le from theives. Favoura$le: "c>uisition of horses, gold, landS Increase in friendsS "c>uisition of wealth with the hel' of Brahmins and good advisorsS Income from scul'tural s&ills and ar$itration wor&S Increase of FameS #erformance of religious deedsS *arning $% writing or mathematicsS !race of lord Gishnu Bu'iter: Mnfavoura$le 'osition: *ar trou$lesS Sic&ness to childrenS )rath of gods and $rahminsS *nmit% with wic&ed 'eo'le Favoura$le: Increase of clarit% of mindS !ain from religious 'ractices, through 'ersons well versed in recitation of Gedas and through favour of rulersS "c>uisition of gold, horses and ele'hantsS Blessings of gods and $rahmins

Genus: Mnfavoura$le 'osition: Sic&ness to wife or other female relationsS -estruction of clothesS -ecrease in general 'ros'erit%S Sorrow caused $% loveS +atred towards government servantsS "ssociation with low $orn 'eo'leS -eath of cattlesS /oss of silverware Favoura$le 'osition: !ain of silver utensilsS Fine clothesS OrnamentsS -iamondsS Mnderground treasuresS arriageS gain of mone%S Increase of taste for musicS "ccess to cattle and good food Saturn: Mnfavoura$le 'osition: -iseases caused $% vitiation of wind and 'hlegmS IgnoranceS Tendenc% to stealS Irrita$ilit%S CalamitiesS /a,%nessS #h%sical and ental de$ilit%S Suffering due to sarcastic attitude of s'ouse, children and servantsS -islocation of lim$sS Bealous%. Favoura$le 'osition: (eduction of sorrowS "ssociation with old womenS Increase in servants and iron goodsS +eadshi' of a townS "c>uisition of $uffalows 3odes: The effects of (ahu are similar to the lord of the rasi occu'ied $% him and of Saturn. Similarl% the effects of 0etu are similar to the lord of the rasi occu'ied $% him and of


!eneral Inaus'icious effects: -eathS Serious diseasesS -anger to near and dear onesS -estruction of houseS Fall from 'ositionS )rath of the rulersS Mn'o'ularit%S /ossS )aste of mone% and landS Theft of 'ro'ert%S -ishonourS Ill fame !eneral aus'icious effects: !ood healthS (o%al favourS !ain of mone%S Friendshi' or increase in friendsS Success in all underta&ingS ental 'eaceS *levation to high 'ositionS #o'ularit%S FameS Birth of children. #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 67:7= # 9 comments /in&s to this 'ost

"nal%sis of a Bhava III. !eneric effect of 'lanets in houses /agna: alefics: Failure, diseases in head, sorrows, dishonour, dis'lacement, loss of mone%, 'ains all over the $od%, discomfort in all wa%s Benefics: !eneral comfort, success, good health, financial 'ros'erit%, fame, 'romotions to higher 'ositions Second house: alefics: /oss of ancestral 'ro'ert%, diseases in the face, sic&ness for the famil% mem$ers, diseases in right e%e, scandals, loss of utensils. Benefics: Increase in famil% wealth, gains of utensils, famil% amit% and ha''iness Third +ouse: alefics: isunderstanding with friends and 'eo'le who hel' them, isfortunes to $rothers, diseases in chest, nec& and right earS mental affliction, $ad conduct or cowerdice.

Benefic: !ood conduct, courage, ha''iness to $rothers, increase in hel' from others and good health Fourth +ouse: alefics: -istress to mother and maternal relations, loss of cattle, $eds, cots, landed 'ro'ert% and vehicles, heart trou$le, general miser% and discomfort due to im'ure water. Benefic: Gehicles, lands, cattle, $eds and general 'ros'erit% and health Fifth house: alefics: IllnessF death F danger to children, leaving of sanchita &arma, mental unrest, irrita$le tem'erament, illness to nativeEs advisors Benefics: Birth of children, good health, 'eace of mind, influence and increase of good deeds Si?th house: alefics: Occurance of wounds or ulcer in the organ ruled $% the 8th sign, fear from theives and enemies, trou$le in waist and navelS o$stacles in underta&ingsS ailment signified $% the occu'%ing 'lanet Benefics: *nemies would $e van>uished, diseases will disa''ear and new ones do not s'rout out Seventh house: alefics: Sic&ness or death or se'aration from the life.'artner, distur$ances in 2ourne%S urninar% trou$lesS fire ha,ard in s'ouseEs house Benefics: arriage, recover% of lost wealth, en2o%ment and ha''iness, safe return of relations gone to the foreign land, $uilding of a good house. *ighth house: alefics: Illness to servants, o$stacles in all wor&, diseases in anus, >uarrels with all, loss of wealth due to theivesF rulers or enemiesS loss of a''etiteS diseases, $ad name Benefics: Freedom from diseases, courage, longevit%, facilities to ac>uire new houses, $uilding mutts etc. 3inth house: alefics: Illness to elders, father, grandchildrenS ill luc&S divine wrathS disinclination to the acts of charit%S gradual decline of hard earned meritS ruin of oneEs 'ower of 'enanceS hard heartedness Benefics: Blessings from elders and 'arentsS mental ha''inessS godEs graceS increase of fortune, inclination to do good actsS increase of ta'asS 'hilantro'%S ha''iness from grand. children Tenth house: alefics: Failures in effortsS loss of re'utationS loss of res'ectS ruin to assistantsS $rea&s in 'rofessionS diseases in anc&leS e?ile

Benefics: Contruction of wa%side innsS new roadsS council hallsS tem'lesS success in all attem'tsS increase in re'utationS increase in influenceS rise in 'rofessionS ac>uisition of assistants *leventh house: alefics: Illness to elder $rother and sons, ailment in the left ear and legsS gain of articles as indicated $% the 'lanet Benefics: (eduction of griefS accom'lishment of desired o$2ects, gain of fresh sources of wealth and material o$2ects signified $% the 'lanet Twelfth house: alefics: S>uandering of mone%S fall from 'ositionS trou$les in the feetS trou$le to the left e%eS falls due to carelessness and sinful actions Benefics: +eav% e?'enditure for good 'ur'osesS gradual termination of sinful actionsS recover% from illnesses #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 67:74 # 9 comments /in&s to this 'ost

"nal%sis of a Bhava II. !eneral "nal%sis The following section is ta&en from #rasna argam

#ostures Gs. 0endras (Msed in (emedies) The /agna, the <th, the ;th and the 69th signif% the 'ostures )a&ing (Cha&ramana), /%ingF Slee'ing (Sa%ana), Sitting (M'aveshat), Standing (Sthiti) res'ectivel%. *?ternal and Internal Bhavas Bhavas can $e considered to have two significations, vi,., *?ternal and Internal. The e?ternal ones are as mentioned $efore, whereas the internal ones are given $% Garahamihira in Brhat Bata&a. This difference is ver% im'ortant in the horosco'e anal%sis. One must &now that there are two as'ects of significations of each houseS one of which shows various e?'ect of our own self , whereas the the other as'ect is more related to the environment we are in and also the relations we are with1 Strengths ^ )ea&nesses of Bhava The Bhavas which are associated with or as'ected $% their lords or $enefics (Bu'iter, ercur%, Genus, oon) are said to thrive well. Those con2oined with or as'ected $% malefics suffer annihilation. (78) The Bhavas which have $enefics in the 7nd, ;th and the 67th or <th and 69th from them are considered favora$le. (7;) The $enefic nature of Bhavas is destro%ed $% their connection with the lords of si?th, eighth and twefth or with the natural enemies of their lords. If the $hava, or its lord or the &ara&a is wea&, then also the $hava suffers (7=) The association of a $hava or its lord with si?th, eighth or twelfth or their lords cause suffering to the $hava. The association can $e of following wa%:

The dusthana lords are 'laced in the $hava or as'ect the $hava The dusthana lords are con2oined with or as'ect the $hava lords The $hava lords occu'% the dusthanas " $hava should $e considered wea& under the following circumstances The said $hava, its lord or its &ara&a is wea& The $hava is hemmed $etween malefics The $hava is as'ected $% malefics The $hava is as'ected $% the enemies of their lords Benefics do not associateF as'ect them 3atural malefics are 'laced in the <th, =th, 67th or 4th or 5th Out of all the afflictions, if the two or three of them are 'resent, the $hava suffers annihilation Significator (0ara&a): If the different &ara&as are strong, then events attri$uted to them will $e 'redominantl% seen. If wea&, then these shall e?ist onl% in name. )ith regard to Saturn, if he is strong, miseries and diseases decreases, however, if wea&, it is felt in a$undance The lords of the 5th and other favoura$le houses, though the% ma% $e malefics, nourish their $hava. This 'oint has $een em'hasised $% Garahamihira in the verse /agnath #uthre. Benefics if strong contri$ute good full%, malefics if wea& give their evil in full (:<) " 'lanet ca'a$le of giving rise of $oth good and inaus'icious results, confer good results when it is strong and the the evil results when it is wea& (:;) " favoura$le 'lanet if ca'a$le of conferring aus'icious results full%, moderatel% according as the navamsa it occu'ies is vargottama, own or friendl% or inimical. Similarl% a malefic 'lanet is ca'a$le of giving inaus'icious results full%, moderatel% or fee$l% according to the navamsa it occu'ies is inimical, own, friendl% or vargottama (:=) If the lord and the &ara&a of a $hava are strong and occu'% favoura$le houses, then the indications of the $hava will $e full% e?'erienced. On the contrar% if the% are wea& and occu'% the 8thF =th or 67th, the results of that $hava will $e negetive or fee$le (:5) If the lord and &ara&a are strong $ut occu'% an unfavoura$le 'osition, then though the effects of the $hava ma% $e seen, the native will not en2o% them. On the contrar%, if the lord and the 0ara&a are wea&, $ut occu'% favoura$le 'ositions, the effect will $e e?'erienced $% the native, however it would $e fee$le (<9) If the two, the lord and &ara&a of a $hava, if one is strong and the other is wea&, then the influence should $e considered to $e mi?ed in nature (<6) If the lord of a $hava occu'ies a favoura$le 'osition from the Bhava itself, then the effects of the Bhava will $e full, however onl% if the% are 'laced in favoura$le 'osition from the /agna, then the native shall have good e?'erience (<7) Such $havas as have an% relationshi's with the /agna or its lord such as as'ect, association, &endra dis'osition etc. shall $e surel% e?'erienced. Benefics in the :rd, 8th, =th and 67th $ecome unfavoura$le. alefics in the :rd, 8th or 66th $ecome favoura$le. The most im'ortant of all these houses is /agna. The 4th and 5th

houses are e>uall% im'ortant. It is these three $havas that $enefics show their greatest good and malefics their worst evil. (<<) alefics in the si?th house confer all significations governed $% the 'lanet such as co''er, lead etc., however the $hava i.e., the 8th house suffers. The results could $e rise in enemit% and diseases. (<4) The good and $ad significations ascri$ed to different 'lanets should $e used when descri$ing the effects of dashas. (<;) #lanets give rise to favoura$le or unfavoura$le results $ased on whether the% occu'% Ishta or "nishta $havas. On the $asis of Samgnadh%a%a, the various effects should $e inferred. )hen Bhavas are ruined: )hen the lord of the =th from a certain $hava or saturn transits the $hava and at the same time, the dasa F antar of the 8th, =th or 67th o'erates, the $hava under consideration suffers. Similarl% diseases signified in the various 'arts of the $od% as signified $% the $hava concerned can $e 'redicted. #osted $% Sara2it #oddar at 67:77 # 9 comments /in&s to this 'ost

"nal%sis of a Bhava I. Significations of +ouses I3T(O-MCTIO3 "nal%sis of $havas is the first ste' to $e ta&en in inter'retation of the horosco'e. Though man% things have $een written on this so far, there are man% inconsistencies in the $oo&s written $% various authors. These inconsistencies tend to discourage an% new students of B%otisha. Thus this article strives to 'resent the su$2ect in a ver% s%stematic manner and ho'es that the B%otish enthusiasts and the $eginners would gain su$stantiall% from this. The article is divided into various sections starting from the significations of BhavasS !eneral strengths and wea&nesses of $havaS !eneric effect of Benefics and malefics in the $havas and the s'ecific effect of all the 'lanets in the different $havas. I however admit that this article is no wa% com'rehensive and leaves enough room for im'rovement. I shall modif%F add sections to this as and when time 'ermits.

SI!3IFIC"TIO3S OF +OMS*S(from #rasna argam) 3ote: The terms inside the $rac&ets are the sans&rit terms used in the classic. /agna: *?cellenceF Su'erior goodness of $eaut%F *?treme S&illnessF ClevernessF Self Confidence (Sauthavam)S The state of $eingF *?istenceF #erseverenceF StandingF Sta% at a 'lace (Sthiti)S Self. de'endenceF Sound StateF +ealthF *aseF ComfortF ContentmentF Satisfaction (Svasth%a)S )elfareF )el$eingF DashaF Fame (Shre%a)S Gictor%F SuccessF "cheivement (Ba%o) Second +ouse: Famil%, )ealth (Gitta), S'eech (Gani), (ight *%e (-a&shina Cha&shu), all forms of 0nowledge (Gid%ascha Gividha)

Third +ouse: #atience (-hair%a), Gitalit% and #otenc% (Gir%a), )rong thoughts (-ur$uddhi)S Si$lings (Sahodara)S Galour (#ara&rama)S (ight *ar (-a&sha 0arna)S "ssistanceF hel'F following (Saha%a) Fourth +ouse: other ( ata)S Sacrifice (Suhut)S SisterEs child (Bhagineau)S /anded #ro'ert% (0shetram)S Su&ham (+a''iness)S Gehicles and Carriages (Gahanam+sanam)S graceF $eaut%F charmF amour (/alit%a)S (estingF slee'ing (Sha%anam)S growth and 'ros'erit% (Griddhi)S Cattle (#asu)S Birth houseF $irth 'lace (Banma !riha) Fifth house: )isdom (#ragna)S "$ilities (#rati$ha), Intelligence ( edha)S "$ilit% to discern (Give&a Sha&ti)S !ood deeds of 'ast life (#uratana #un%am)S %stical h%mns ( antra)S "dvisorF isnister ("mat%a)S Children (Tanu2a)S ental SatisfactionF Cheerfulness (Saumans%a) Si?th house: Thief F Smuggler (Tas&ar)S *nemiesF +ostile 'ersons ("raati)S Im'edimentF O$stacleF Interru'tion (Gighna)S )oundsF In2uries (G%aadha)S +arm to $od% (Tanu 0shati)S -eath ( arana) $% *nemies ("ri) or )ea'ons (Shastra) Seventh +ouse: arriage (Givaha)S "mourF se?ual instincts F #assionF ( adana)S Bhar%a (S'ouse)S association with other relations (Bhartr Samagama)S BedF Slee'ing 'lace (Sa%%a)S )ifeEs dwelling 'lace (Sthri sadma)S /ost things (3astartha)S Coitus ( aithuna) *ighth +ouse: -estructionFcessation of ever%thing (Sarva'ranasa)S isfortuneF -anger (Gi'ad)S -efameF loss of re'ute ("'avad)S Cause and #lace of -eath ( aranas%a +etu'radesha)S Servants (-aas)S *?ternal housesF house e?ternal to the living 'lace ( athadi&am Geshma)S Chronic diseases (!adaa)S -angerF O$stacles (Gighna) 3inth +ouse: /uc& (Bhag%a)S -ut%F (ighteousness (-harma)S 0indnessF *m'ath% (-a%a)S !ood deed (#un%a)S FatherF !uardian (Taat)S !rand children (Sutatma2a)S -onationF Charit% (-aana)S )orshi' (M'asana)S !ood conduct and amica$le dis'osition (Sushil)S TeacherF #rece'tor (!uru) Tenth +ouse: (eligious Shrines (-evala%a)S Townshi's (3agar)S Council (Sa$ha)S +ouses $esides the road ( argala%a)S ServantsF attendants (-aas)S "ll "ctivities (Sarva&arma)S Follow OrderF Command ("agnaalam$ana) *leventh +ouse: Fulfillment of all desires (Sarva$histaagama)S *lder Brother (B%estha Bhrata)S )ife (Ba%a) of Own Son (3i2a.atma2a) or -aughter in /awS /eft *ar (Gam&arna)S !ainF #rofit (/a$ha) Twelfth +ouse: SinF *vil (#aa'a)S /ossF *?'enses (G%a%a)S Fall (#atana)S *manci'ation (3ira%a)S /eft *%e ($a&am)S /ossFdis.a''earence of 'osition (Sthana Bhramsa)S /oss of /im$s F #h%sical in2uriesF -e'ressionF Sorrow (Gi&ala)

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