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Janet Anderson HEE 233 Group Presentation

Abstinence Only VS. Comprehensive Sex Education

Group Members: 1. Chell Terwilliger 2. Tyler Bowen 3. Janet Anderson

Goal: Objectives:

In or! students o the e e"ti#eness and di eren"es $etween a$stinen"e only and "o!prehensi#e se% edu"ation and what is the $est approa"h or your "lassroo!. A ter this presentation& students in HEE 233 will then $e a$le to' 1( )now an a""urate de inition o $oth a$stinen"e only se% edu"ation and "o!prehensi#e se% edu"ation. 2( *u!!ari+e the e e"ti#eness o a$stinen"e only and "o!prehensi#e se% edu"ation $ased upon the in or!ation gi#en during "lass. 3( ,e"ogni+e two things a tea"her needs to $e aware o when tea"hing se% edu"ation& regardless o tea"hing style.

Overvie : In this a"ti#ity we will show the "lass the pros and "ons $etween tea"hing a a$stinen"e only and a "o!prehensi#e se% edu"ation "lass as well as the e e"ti#eness o ea"h approa"h. -e will edu"ate the "lass on the well .nown "ontro#ersy surrounding ea"h approa"h and help the! to de#elop s.ills to $e a$le to approa"h a "ontro#ersial topi" that is so i!portant or students to learn "orre"tly and stay in or!ed.

!ime 3 /in


0is"uss "lass e%perien"es with high s"hool se% edu"ation "lasses. Tal. a$out whether students elt their se% edu"ation "lasses were e e"ti#e. 1ind the purpose o se% edu"ation "lasses in s"hools instead o at ho!e. 0e ine a$stinen"e only se% edu"ation and "o!prehensi#e se% edu"ation. Co!pare and "ontrast positi#e and negati#es o ea"h approa"h. Pro#ide e#iden"e $ased resour"es on the e e"ti#eness o ea"h approa"h. 2et students .now the $est approa"h or in or!ing parents on "urri"ulu! when presenting se% edu"ation.

12 /in 2e"ture

$esources% $e&erences and Materials: Kirby, Douglas B. The Impact of Abstinence and Comprehensive e! and TD"#I$ %ducation &rograms on Adolescent e!ual Behavior.' Sexuality Research and Social Policy ( )*++,-. /,0*1. &rint. Kohler, &amela K., 2isa %. 3anhart, and 4illiam %. 2afferty. Abstinence05nly and Comprehensve e! %ducation and the Initiation of e!ual Activity and Teen &regnancy.' Journal of Adolescent Health 6* )*++,-. 76607(/. &rint &age, 8andy 3., and Tana . &age. Promoting Health and Emotional Well-Being in Your Classroom udbury. 9ones : Bartlett, *+//. &rint. antelli, 9ohn, 3ary A. 5tt, 3aureen 2yon, 9ennifer 8ogers, Daniel ummers, and 8ebecca chleifer. Abstinence and abstinence0only education. A revie; of <. . policies and programs.' Journal of Adolescent Health 7, )*++=-. 1*0,/. &rint

Analysis on group presentation-

Chelle& Tyler and I all 3oined or"es to !a.e the $est presentation possi$le. -e !et three ti!es to dis"uss how we wanted to present to the "lass and whi"h dire"tion to ta.e it in. Chelle !ade the 4$ones5 o the power point and did resear"h $e"ause she wanted good re eren"es and proo o what we were presenting. *he did a great 3o$ so we had relia$le sour"es. Tyler helped polish the power point and $rainstor!ed "lassroo! dis"ussion and was the !ain go to guy i we had 6uestions ro! the "lass. He was assigned to $e a$le to .eep the presentation running s!oothly and stay on tas. to "o#er all the !aterial. I !ade the handout or our "lass with in or!ation we all "a!e up with and "olle"ted the "ondo!s to hand out and ound i!ages or our power point so it wasn7t too dry. -e all "ontri$uted and wor.ed great together. This was a un e%perien"e& I en3oy group wor. and presenting topi"s I ind interesting and i!portant to others. 8ur only "hallenge was we had another wee. $e ore our presentation was due 9oops:

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