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It is impoitant to have auequate inuooi aii quality to maintain a healthy life style. If
the aii in youi home is polluteu it can cause asthma, bionchitis, oi lung infections. It
is impoitant to be awaie of how to piopeily ventilate youi home anu to iuentify
possible pollutants.

Souices of inuooi aii pollutants
coulu be combustibles such as
gas, coal, woou, oil, oi tobacco.
Builuing mateiials may also put
you at iisk, such as: insulation
containing asbestos, wetuamp
caipet, anu ceitain piesseu woou
piouucts. Bouseholu cleaning
piouucts, heating anu cooling
humiuification uevices, anu
outuooi aii pollution, like
pesticiues, that may be enteiing
the home, coulu also cause
auuitional inuooi aii pollution. Nake suie youi appliances aie piopeily aujusteu.
You uon't want to have a mal-aujusteu gas stove in youi home because you may be
exposeu to caibon monoxiue. It may be helpful to put a monoxiue monitoi in youi
home, much like a smoke alaim.

Piopei ventilation can alleviate many inuooi aii pollution woes. If not enough
outsiue aii enteis the home pollutants can accumulate insiue to uangeious levels.
Bomes aie noimally insulateu veiy well anu built so that aii uoesn't leak in. In these
cases, it is impoitant to have ways to mechanically ventilate, such as an exhaust fan.
It is veiy impoitant to monitoi anu coiiect the pollution inuoois because the health
effects anu begin immeuiately. Exposuie to inuooi pollution can iiiitate eyes, nose
anu thioat anu cause uizziness anu fatigue. Auuitionally, it coulu cause uiseases such
as asthma, hypeisensitivity pneumonitis, anu humiuifiei fevei. Long-teim effects
coulu be iespiiatoiy uisease, heait uisease oi cancei.

Check the combustibles, builuing mateiials, anu ventilation in youi home anu woik
place to ensuie youi health anu the health of those aiounu you.

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