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3. Articolul i ali determinani (The Article and other Determiners) 3.1. Categoria determinrii 3.1.1.

Categoria determinrii a aprut n limba englez, ca i n limba romn, din necesitatea de a indica un element unic (the Danube) sau specific (this man) dintr-o categorie, sau de a denumi o ntreag categorie de elemente de acelai fel (The lion is a strong animal). n limba englez exist mai multe pi de vorbire care pot determina un substantiv: the first two students. Ele formeaz n gramatica structuralist clasa determinanilor, care este subdivizat n predeterminani, determinani propriu-zii i postdeterminani. Aceast terminologie a fost stabilit pe baza categoriei gramaticale pe care o reprezint aceste cuvinte pe lng substantiv (determinarea) i pe baza poziiei pe care o ocup unul fa de altul: Half (predeterminant) the (determinant propriu-zis) second (postdeterminant) chapter. 3.1.2. Determinanii propriu-zii. n calasa determinanilor propriu-zii intr articolul i alte pi de vorbire care pot nlocui articolul naintea unui substantiv: adjectivul demonstrativ (this, that, these, those), adjectivul posesiv (my, your, his etc.), adjectivul nehotrt (each, every, either etc.) i unele adjective interogative (what, which) i negative (no, neither): a book the book no book each book every book either book this book my book what book Determinanii propriu-zii ai substantivului Determinantul Exemple Articolul hotrt Articolul nehotrt Articolul zero the man a tree; an apple men; trees, apples Adjectivul demonstrativ this newspaper, that magazine these articles, those papers Adjectivul posesiv my house; your car; his watch; her dress; its tail; our school; their classroom. Adjectivul interogativ What book do you want ? Which books do you want ? Whose book do you want ? Adjectivul nehotrt Each pupil, every day, either side; some books; any students;

no children; neither student. pag: 098 Articolul ocup un loc central n cadrul determinanilor, neavnd alt funcie dect cea de determinare a substantivului. Ali determinani pot funciona independent de substantivele pe care le preced, ca pronume: I want this/some. What is this ? Pe lng determinanii propriu-zii, substantivele mai pot fi precedate i de alte clase de cuvinte: predeterminani, numerale cardinale i ordinale / cuantificatori (post determinani). Aceste dou clase au fost stabilite pe baza poziiei lor fa de determinani n relaie unul cu altul. 3.1.3. Predeterminanii. Predeterminanii se numesc astfel deaorece ei apar naintea determinanilor: a) all the books both my books half these books b) double the / these amount twice the / these amount three times the / these amount c) ine-third the time three quarters the / these amount Cnd sunt urmai de substantive, predeterminanii pot aprea n trei construcii: all of the children all the children all children both of the teachers both the teachers both teachers Cnd determinanii sunt urmai de pronume, construcia cu of este obigatorie: all of them, both of them, half of it. Predeterminanii all, both i half pot fi folosii i ca pronume: All understood the teachers explanation. Both understood the teachers explanation. Half understood the teachers explanation. n cazul lui all, se folosete determinantul zero n cazul substantivelor numrabile la plural folosite generic: All the pupils went into the classroom. Dar: All soldiers must wear uniforms (generic). pag: 099 All poate fi de asemenea folosit cu articolul zero n expresii ca: all (the) day / morning / night, n special ntr-un context negativ: I havent seen her all day: Ca determinant, all precede: a) substantive (ne)numrabile concrete (rar) sau abstracte la singular, avnd sensul de ntreg, tot: She interrupted him all the time. l ntrerupea tot timpul. He didnt spend all his money. Nu i-a cheltuit toi banii.

He hasnt read all the story. He hasnt read the whole story. b) substantive numrabile la plural, avnd sensul de toi, toate: Where are all your books ? Unde sunt toate cile tale ? All poate fi folosit att ca predeterminant ct i ca pronume nehotrt: Have you drunk all the milk ? Ai ut tot laptele ? Have you seen all ? Ai vzut tot ? All (the) people came in time. All (of them) were punctual. Both. Both nseamn amndoi, amndou, fiind folosit pentru referirea la dou persoane (accentuat): Both children are very quit. Amndoi copiii sunt foarte tcui. Both poate fi folosit att ca predeterminant: Both (of) these features are very important. ct i ca pronume: Both are important. Half. Half (jumtate) este folosit att cu substantive nenumrabile: He didnt say a word half the time he stayed there. ct i ca substantive nenumrabile: Half the students in the student hostel were asleep. Half este folosit ca: - predeterminant: half the book - substantiv: Your half is bigger than mine. - pronume nehotrt: half (of them) left. Numeralele multiplicative (vezi & 4.7.) sunt incluse n clasa predeterminanilor, deoarece ele pot fi ezate naintea determinanilor: twice the amount, double that price. La fel i numeralele fracionare (vezi &4.5.), care pot avea i construcii cu of, n mod similar cu all, both i half: The vegetables boiled in one third (of) the time the meat did. 3.1.4. Postdeterminanii. Ordinalele sunt postdeterminani. Ele urmeaz determinanii n grupul nominal, dar preced cuantificatorii i adjectivele: The first three important events. n clasa ordinalelor intr: a) numeralele ordinale: first, second, third, fourth etc. b) (an)other, next, last. Cuantificatorii urmeaz determinanii i ordinalele i preced adjectivele: The first three important events. Din clasa cuantificatorilor fac parte: a) numeralele cardinale: one, two, three, four, five, etc. pag: 100 b) cuantificatorii, cuvintele care exprim numrul (many, few, several) sau cantitatea (much, little) n mod nedefinit. Cuatificatorii sunt folosii: a) numai cu substantive numrabile: many children a great number of children few children a large number of children several children a good number of children b) numai cu substantive nenumrabile:

much time a great/good deal of money little time a great/good deal of money a little time great/good deal of money much time a large/small quantity/amount of money little time a large/small quantity/amount of money a little time a large/small quantity/amount of money c) cu substantive numrabile sau nenumrabile (n exprimarea familiar): a lot of children/money lots of children/money plenty of children/money Much = mult, mult se folosete mai ales n propoziii interogative i negative: There isnt much sugar left. Nu a rmas mult zahr. n propoziii afirmative se folosete: very much, a lot of, a great deal of, a large (small) amount of, plenty of: There is a lot of sugar in the sugar basin. Este (foarte) mult zahr n zaharni. There is very much sugar in the sugar basin. Este (foarte) mult zahr n zaharni. There is plety of sugar in the sugar basin. Este foarte mult zahr n zaharni. Little nseamn puin, puin, indic o cantitate insuficient, implic o apreciere negativ: She eats little bread. Ea mnnc puin pine (aproape deloc). A little indic o cantitate mic, dar suficienti implic o apreciere pozitiv: I eat a little bread. Mnnc ceva pine. Many = muli, multe se folosete mai ales n propoziii interogative i negative: Did he read many English books ? A citit multe ci englezeti. I have not invited many people to my birthday party. Nam invitat mult lume la ziua mea de natere. n propoziii afirmative se folosete very many, a lot of, a great / large number, lots of: Hes read a lot of English books. Hes read very many English books. Hes read a great number of English books. Hes read lots of English books. Few = puini, puine indic un numr insuficient i implic o apreciere negativ: Few people live to be a hundred. Puini oameni triesc 100 de ani. A few = civa, cteva indic un numr mic, dar suficient i implic o apreciere pozitiv: There are few flowers in the vase. Sunt cteva flori n vaz. Several este folosit pentru mai mult de dou persoane: He read several books on Dacia. El a citit mai multe ci despre Dacia. He read several books on Dacia. El a citit cteva ci despre Dacia.

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