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René Bendit:

PhD, psychologist and sociologist; free consultant and former senior researcher at the German Youth
Institute (DJI) and responsible for international research co-operation (retired since 2008).
1994 - 2009: Professor and coordinator of the “Youth Programme) at the Latin American Faculty of
Social Sciences (FLACSO), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lecturer at the Free University Berlin (until
2006) and at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2005; 2006 and 2009). Lecturer at the Ludwig
Maximilian University Munich (2007 - 2009).

Coordinator of the International Network of Youth Researchers (INYR) (2008 - 2009)

Main issues of interest and topics of Expertise:

Comparative analysis on life conditions of young people and youth transitions in European modern
and post-modern societies. Youth transitions into adult life and processes of social inclusion,
disadvantage and vulnerability of young people in a globalised world. Theoretical and empirical work
on young migrants and ethnic minority groups in Germany and other EU- member states; youth and
youth policies in Europe and Latin America. Methods of comparative quantitative and qualitative
youth research (trans-national and cross-cultural research)

Selected research projects:

Participant of several European comparative research projects like: “Youth and Housing in Germany
and Europe” (1998-1999); TSER- Project: “Misleading trajectories? An Evaluation of the Unintended
Effects of Labour Market Integration Policies for Young Adults in Europe” (4th framework
programme of the European Commission) (2000 -2001); “Study on the State of Young People and
Youth Policy in Europe” (IARD- Study, 2000-2001);”Youth Policy and Participation. Potentials of
Participation and Informal Learning for the Transition of Young People to the Labour Market. A
Comparison in Ten European Regions” (5th Framework Programme of the European Commission, Key
Action “Improving the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base”). Chair of the scientific advisory board of
the project (2001-2004). Research project: “Families and Transitions in Europe” (5th Framework
Programme of the European Commission Key Action “Improving the Socio-Economic Knowledge
Base”). “Youth-Actor of Social Change (Up2Youth)”. (6th Framework Programme of the European
Commission) (2006 – 2009).

Relevant publications since 2000:

Bendit, René/ Erler, Wolfgang/Nieborg, Sima/ Schäfer, H. (Hrsg..)(2000): Kinder und

Jugendkriminalität. Strategien der Prävention und intervention in Deutschland und den Niederlanden.
Beiträge aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Praxis. Leske + Budrich. Opladen
Bendit, René(2000): Adolescencia y Participación. Una Visión Panorámica en los Países de la
Unión Europea. Anuario de Psicología, vol. 31, n° 2, 33-57. Universidad de Barcelona
Bendit, René(2001): Participación social y política de los jóvenes en países de la Unión
Europea. En: Balardini, Sergio (comp.) (2001): La Participación Social y Política de los Jóvenes en el
Horizonte del Nuevo Siglo. Ediciones CLACSO- ColecciónGrupos de Trabajo de CLACSO, Buenos
Aires, pp. 19-57
Bendit, René (2001): Youth Policies in Europe. En: IARD (Eds.): Study on the state of young
people and youth policy in Europe. (Final reports, vol. 1: Executive summary and comparative report.
Milan, Brussels
Red EGRIS (European Group for Integrated Social research) (2000): Trayectorias encauzadas
o no encauzadas?. En: Propuesta Educativa, Año 10, N° 23 – Diciembre de 2000, p. 43 – 64
(FLACSO- Ediciones Novedades Educativas)
European Group for Integrated Social Research (EGRIS)(2001): Misleading Trajectories:
Transition Dilemmas of Young Adults in Europe. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Vol. 4, N° 1, 101-118
Bendit, René/ Hein. Kerstin (2002): Migrant Youth in Germany. In: Walther, A./ Stauber, B.
et al (eds.): Misleading Trajectories. Integration Policies for Young Adults in Europe?. Leske +
Budrich. Opladen 2002, S.94-115, September 2002
Bendit, René(2002): Propuestas para una educación en América Latina. En: Hünermann,
Peter/ Pérez Varela, Víctor/ Neuser, Heinz (eds.): Formar, Educar, Aprender. Promoción humana
integral en una cultura global. Grupo Editorial TEMAS. Buenos Aires, p. 405 - 410
Richter, Ingo/ Bendit, René(2002): Tendencias internacionales en las políticas educativas. En:
Hünermann, Peter/ Pérez Varela, Víctor/ Neuser, Heinz (eds.): Formar, Educar, Aprender. Promoción
humana integral en una cultura global. Grupo Editorial TEMAS. Buenos Aires, p. 131 – 146
Biggart, A./Bendit, R./Cairns, D./Hein, K./Mörch, S. (2002): Families and Transitions
in Europe: State of the Art Report (EU- Projekt:HPSE-CT2001-00079). In: University of
Ulster, Dept. of Social Sciences. September 2002
Bendit, R./ Stokes, D.(2003): ´Disadvantage´: transition policies between social construction
and the needs of vulnerable youth. In: López-Blasco, A./ Mc Neish, W. and Walther, A.(eds.): Young
People and Contradictions of Inclusion. Towards Integrated Transition Policies in Europe. The Policy
Press, University of Bristol, pp. 261-281
Biggart, A./Cairns, D./Pais, J./Pappámikail, L./Bendit, R. and Hein, K. (2003): Families and
Transitions in Europe: Survey Report of Young Adults in Education and Training Institutions.
University of Ulster, Dept. of Social Sciences (EU- Projekt:HPSE-CT2001-00079). June 2003
Bendit, R./ Hein, K.: Jugendliche in Europa auf dem Weg in die Selbstständigkeit. In: Deutsches
Jugendinstitut (Hrsg.): DJI Bulletin 63. Sommer 2003, S.4-7
Bendit, R./ Stokes, D.(2003): ´Disadvantage´: transition policies between social construction
and the needs of vulnerable youth. In: López-Blasco, A./ Mc Neish, W. and Walther, A.(eds.): Young
People and Contradictions of Inclusion. Towards Integrated Transition Policies in Europe. The Policy
Press, University of Bristol, pp. 261-281
Biggart, A./Cairns, D./Pais, J./Pappámikail, L./Bendit, R. and Hein, K. (2003): Families and
Transitions in Europe: Survey Report of Young Adults in Education and Training Institutions.
University of Ulster, Dept. of Social Sciences (EU- Projekt: HPSE-CT2001-00079). June
Bendit, R./ Mauger, G./v. Wolffersdorff, Chr. (hrsg.) (1993): Jugend und Gesellschaft.
Deutsch-französische Forschungsperspektiven. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden
Mauger, G./Bendit, R./ v. Wolffersdorff, Chr. (Eds.) (2004): Jeunesse et Societés. Perspectives
de la recherche en France et en Alemagne. Armand Colin. Paris
Bendit, R.(2004): Jugend in Europa. Theoretische Konzepte- Entwicklungen- Probleme. In:
Frölich, M./ Haag, F./Nagel, H. et al.(Eds.): Interkulturalität in europäischer Perspektive. Jugendliche
aus Migrantenfamilien und ihre Integrationschancen. Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt a.M., p. 11-48
Bendit, R.(2004): Jugend in Europa. Theoretische Konzepte- Entwicklungen- Probleme. In:
Frölich, M./ Haag, F./Nagel, H. et al.(Eds.): Interkulturalität in europäischer Perspektive. Jugendliche
aus Migrantenfamilien und ihre Integrationschancen. Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt a.M., p. 11-48
Bendit, René (2004): La modernización de la juventud y modelos de políticas de juventud en
Europa: Análisis comparativo de políticas nacionales de juventud en los Estados miembros de la
Unión Europea. En: CINDE – Programa Presidencial Colombia Jóen – Centro de Estudios Avanzados
en Ninez y Juventud CINDE – Universidad de Manizales – GTZ – UNICEF (Eds.): Construcción de
Políticas de Juventud. Análisis y Perspectivas
Bendit, René/ Hein, Kerstin/ Biggart, Andy (2004): Delayed and negotiated autonomy.
Domestic emancipation of young Europeans. En: DISKURS 3/2004, p. 76 – 85
Bendit, René (2006): Migration – ein steiniger Weg? Jugendliche als Akteure zwischen Politik
und eigenen Wünschen. En: DJI – Bulletin, 76, 3/2006, p. 21- 23
Bendit, René (2006): Youth Sociology and Comparative Analysis in the European Union
Member States. In: PAPERS, 79, 2006. Revista de Sociología, Departamento de Sociología
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona ( NúmeroMonografico), p. 49 – 76
Bendit, René (2007): Integration and Transition Policies for Young Migrants and Ethnic
Minoriry Groups in Germany. En: Krauß, E. Jürgen/ Möller,Michael/ Münchmeier, Richard (Eds.):
Soziale Arbeit zwischen Ökonomisierung und Selbstbestimmung. Kasseler Personalschriften, Band 4.
Universität Kassel (University of Kassel)
Bendit, René (2007): Joventut i politiques de joventut a Europa. Analisis comparativa de
politiques nacionals de joventut als estats membres de la UE. En: Diputació Barcelona (Ed.) : Joventut
i polítiques de jovbentut. 25 aportacions. Barcelona. Col lecció_ Documents de Treball, p. 23 - 40
Bendit, René/ Marbach, Jan (2008): Jugend und Jugendpolitik in den Ländern der EU. En:
Bingel, Gabriele/ Nordmann, Anja/ Münchmeier, Richard (eds.): Die Gesellschaft und ihre Jugend.
Strukturbedingungen jugendlicher Lebenslagen. Verlag Barbara Budrich. Opladen & Farmington
Hills, p. 153 – 169
Bendit, René (2008): Integrationsstrategien für junge MigrantInnen und Angehörige
ethnischer Minderheiten in den EU - Mitgliedstaaten. En: Bingel, Gabriele/ Nordmann, Anja/
Münchmeier, Richard (eds.): Die Gesellschaft und ihre Jugend. Strukturbedingungen jugendlicher
Lebenslagen. Verlag Barbara Budrich. Opladen & Farmington Hills, p. 211 – 221

Bendit, René/ Hahn, Marina/ Miranda, Ana (Comp.) (2008): Los Jóvenes y el futuro. Procesos
de inclusión social y patrones de vulnerabilidad en un mundo globalizado. Ed. Prometeo, Buenos
Bendit, René/ Hahn, Marina/ Miranda, Ana (2008): Creciendo en un contexto de cambio y
globalización. En: Los Jóvenes y el futuro. Procesos de inclusión social y patrones de vulnerabilidad
en un mundo globalizado. Ed. Prometeo, Buenos Aires, p. 13 – 30
Bendit, René &, Hahn- Bleibtreu, Marina (Eds.) (2008): Youth Transitions. Processes of
social inclusion and patterns of vulnerability in a globalised world. Barbara Budrich Publishers.
Opladen & Farmington Hills
Bendit, René (2008): Growing Up in the Context of Globalization and Social Change: Present
and Future of Youth Challenges for Youth Research and Youth Policies. En: Bendit, René/ Hahn-
Bleibtreu, Marina (Eds.) (2008): Youth Transitions. Processes of social inclusion and patterns of
vulnerability in a globalised world. Barbara Budrich Publishers. Opladen & Farmington Hills, p. 27-
Bendit, René (2008): Approche comparative des professionnels de jeunesse en Europe, étude
de L´IARD. En: Annie Oberti – Institu national de la jeunesse et de l´education populaire (ed.):
Professionnels de jeunesse et d´éducation non formelle. Colloques, travaux & séminaires. Actes du
colloque a Marly le Roi, le 29, 30 novembre et 1er. décembre 2006, p. 44-53
Bendit, René (2008): Looking to the future: Some New Perspectives for Youth Research and
Knowledge Based Youth Policy. En: Bendit, René/ Hahn- Bleibtreu, Marina (Eds.) (2008): Youth
Transitions. Processes of social inclusion and patterns of vulnerability in a globalised world. Barbara
Budrich Publishers. Opladen & Farmington Hills, p.359 - 371

Plug, W./ Kieley, E./Hein, K./Ferreira, V./Bendit, R./du Bois- Reymond/ Machado Pais, J.:
Modernised Transitions and Disadvantage Policies: Netherlands, Portugal, Ireland and Migrant Youth
in Germany. In: Walther, A./ Stauber, B. et al (eds.): Misleading Trajectories. Integration Policies for
Young Adults in Europe? (an EGRIS Publication). Leske + Budrich. Opladen 2002, S.94-115
Wallace, Claire & Bendit, René (2009): Youth Policies in Europe. Towards a
classification of different tendencies in youth policies in the European Union. In: Journal of
Social Policy, June 2009

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